3 minute read
Why the Bible Matters
Have you ever wondered why there are so many unpopular Bible verses? We tend to hear the common, “happy” Bible verses often. Even those who are not Christians and have never read the Bible can often recognize them.
We are quick to jump on verses like Jeremiah 29:11 or declare “the Bible says not to judge!” at anyone who confronts sin in our lives.
It’s easy and unfortunately common for us to take a few verses or a Biblical concept out of context and use it to bolster our own feelings and desires. But the purpose of the Bible is not to justify our wants or promise that everything in this life will be exactly what we want it to be.
The purpose is actually exactly the opposite. The Bible must reveal to us our sin and brokenness. It must show us that we are unable to fix ourselves, that this life will be hard. The Bible must teach us these things in order to prepare us for what comes next.
Although this life is often hard, it is fleeting. Here today and gone tomorrow. Our entire life is gone in the blink of an eye. But what we do with these fleeting years on this earth will determine what happens in the never-ending years, decades, millenia that follow.
It is for this reason that we NEED the Bible—the WHOLE Bible, not just the fluffy snippets. We need wisdom from The Lord. We need TRUTH as God delivered it to us. We need more than sunny verses printed on bumper stickers; we need more than out of context commands.
We need the living, breathing active word of God. And the amazing thing is, we have it available to us. It is literally at our fingertips. Many homes have a Bible somewhere in them, Bibles are free at secondhand shops, they are stuffed into dressers in hotel rooms, a click away on Bible-apps or google. But have you ever taken the time to read the Bible? Have you ever sat down with this book and prayed for wisdom to discern The Lord’s word and then read deeply? Have you studied it in context, intending to understand how and why it was written? For so many the answer is no.
It takes time. It’s tedious. Some parts are very hard. Some parts make you question everything. But that is what it is meant to do. The Bible is meant to change us. To show us the truth about us and the truth about The Lord. And when those truths are followed through to the gospel—it is the most beautiful story of grace and redemption that could ever be conceived.
And it’s at our fingertips!!
What if it’s all true? What if the Bible is the authoritative word of the one who created you? What if it does show you the way to spend this brief life well? What if it gives you the answer of how you can come before God and be accepted—justified, despite your sin against a perfect and Holy God?
Wouldn’t that at the very least be worth reading and studying?
I didn’t get it for a long time. Deep down I thought it was just another book. A boring book of rules and laws I didn’t want to follow. But the Lord changed my heart and by His grace I now love my Bible and the deep, life-giving truth it carries.
Read it for yourself. Let The Lord stir your heart and bring things to the surface. Ask Him for guidance and help in understanding. Trust Him to lead you in truth and transform your thoughts to reflect His.