1 minute read
The words are all here they have been written before only the sequence has changed So the meaning therefore.
Cookie cutter magazines and media are predictable, or so unpredictable and random that audiences are left uninspired or over inspired. Awesome content can’t be churned up at will, no more than a song can be written to ensure that it goes to the top of the billboards. We want contributions that someone has passion about. Something they feel is compelling, God inspired, maybe what they consider their greatest work to that point in their life, or a story that they think no one else would understand.. sometimes they are the most inspiring.
People are searching everywhere to fill a void… an emptiness that can’t be described. What do you have to say, write or share with someone who needs the light you have been given.

Music Kingdom Radio LLC 570-807-1080 5677 Route 115 #563 Blakeslee, PA. 18610 info@musickingdomradio.com FB@MusicKingdomRadio TW@MusicKingdomRadio musickingdomradio.com