Wedding Album of CRS & HNS

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I Peggy Bradley, Jeanne Flanman, Mary, The Bride, Bobbie Stevens, Marty Getty, Mimi Mory, Margaret Plunkett

II Plunkie, Jeanne, Peggy, The Bride, Mary, Mimi, Bobsie Forbes Rockwell, Jerry Green, Rod Brown, Bill Brown, The Groom, Dave Thompson, Brad Cochrane, Bill Rockwell

III Going Into Church

IV The Gallery

V Leaving the Church

VI Greeting the Families

VII Greeting the Families

VIII The Receiving Line

IX The Receiving Line

X The Receiving Line

XI The Receiving Line

XII The Bridesmaids and Aunt Kate

XIII Marty, Plunkie, and Bill Brown

XIV Jeanne signing the book

XV Guy Maynard, Peggy and Brad Cochran

XVI Jeanne

XVII Rod, George, and Jerry

XVIII Anne Sutton and Forbes at the Punch bowl

XIX Mr. Sutton, Eddie Brememson, and Brad

XX Jerry, Dave and Rod

XXI Mother and Father

XXII Their Six Children

XXIII The whole family – minus George

XXIV Forbes and Ursula Rockwell with daughter Gail

XXV [XXIV] The Bride and Uncle Tom

XXVI [XXV] Mother and Frank Paddock

XXVII [XXVI] Uncle Will and Aunt Katherine

XXVIII [XXVII] Cousin Dorothy and Aunt Florence, Ruth and Bobby

XXIX [XXVIII] Martha Leland, Mrs. Leland, Miss Appleton and Uncle Nat

XXX [XXIX] Dot Stevens and Everett Smith

XXXI [XXX] Horace and Charlie Coburn

XXXII [XXXI] Mrs. Howe, Dot Stevens, and Liz Russell

XXXIII [XXXII] Abbot Stevens

XXXIV [XXXIII] Aunt Kate, Dot Stevens, Cousin Edith

XXXV [XXXIV] Liz Russell and Jerry

XXXVI [XXXV] Ames Stevens, Jim Dow, Charlie Arnold and Bob Saltonstall

XXXVII [XXXVI] Cutting the Cake

XXXVIII [XXXVII] Catching the Bouquet


XXXX [XXXIX] The Tired Usher

XXXXI [XXXX] Mr. and Mrs. Horace Nathaniel Stevens Jr

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