How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety With The Help Of Guruji Trivedi Blessings Stress is a common factor in the modern fast paced world and sometimes this stress can get out of hand and take the form of anxiety. Normally people suffer anxiety before and exam or interview or a public speech. Such anxiety is normal and even good because it helps you to focus on the task at hand. However, if you start getting anxiety attacks in normal situations when they should not happen, then they can start hampering your life and if you have severe anxiety then life can become really difficult not just for you but also for the people around you. Stress and anxiety should never be taken lightly and should be dealt with at the earliest in order to reduce their impact on your life. Of course if a person gets an outlet for stress and is able to find an emotional anchor, then the problem may not reach the point of becoming anxiety disorder. However, in today’s world it is difficult to find such emotional anchors. There are few if any outlets for the stress that a person faces in everyday life. Many individuals live lonely and isolated lives where they are unable to release their stress and anxiety. Such people try to beat stress with superficial methods like movies, pubs and nightclubs. Some people who are unable to cope may even turn to alcohol and drugs. However, these methods only give a person the illusion of relief from stress whereas they actually work at increasing the stress levels.
This is the reason that you require some divine force like guruji Trivedi blessings in order to deal with such problems. Many people who are unaware of the availability of these blessings try to cope with the problem with the help of modern methods like psychotherapy. However, this method usually acts only on the superficial conscious mind of the person whereas the root cause of the problem of stress and anxiety is buried deep within the subconscious mind. The blessings of a spiritual master like Mahendra Trivedi can reach these deep recesses of the sub conscious mind and alter the thought and belief pattern which are causing the ailment. Trivedi guruji has created an energy transmission system which can impact the human being on an energy level. It has been proved by scientific methods such as Kirlian
photography that there is an electromagnetic field of energy known as aura around the human body and the body of all living beings. Any physical or mental ailments manifest first in this aura and then permeate to the physical level. Also our surroundings and environment affect the health of this aura to a great extent. This is the reason, that people who have had negative experiences of major importance since childhood will have a depressed and weak aura. Such a weak aura is more prone to cause malfunctioning in the physical and mental systems and to problems like stress and anxiety. The energy transmissions given during Trivedi master wellness programs and on other occasions are able to remove these negative blockages in the aura and hence remove the cause of the physical and mental ailments. These transmissions also work on the energy centers of the body known as chakras and remove the imbalances and blockages in them.
About Author The Writer is associated with the trivedi effect and has written many articles on disorders such as stress and anxiety, depression, lack of sleep and lack of confidence etc.
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