Nervous Breakdowns And The Trivedi Effect® Nervous breakdown refers to a psychiatric disorder that manifests primarily as depression, stress or anxiety that lasts for a small time period which occurs suddenly and unexpectedly. It is not a clinical and scientific term but is a colloquial term for a period of mental illness that is so severe, that it affects the individual’s ability to perform his daily routines. Health experts today refer to nervous breakdown as a “modern mental health crisis.” A nervous breakdown happens when severe stress, traumatic incidents or relationships induce mental disorders and overwhelms a person’s ability to lead a normal life. By escaping from their daily routine and responsibilities, the persons mind is unknowingly trying to regroup and gain temporary relief from the stress.
Some common symptoms of nervous disorders are :
- Extreme mood swings
- Panic attacks
- Depression - Anxiety
- Hallucinations
- Dizziness
- Exhaustion
- Bowel problems
- Irregular heart beat
- Social withdrawal
- Paranoia
- Sleep disorders
- Can’t think properly
Some of the common causes of a nervous breakdown are: -
- Break up in relationship
- Traumatic events
- Severe work related stress and anxiety
- Insomnia
- Panic attacks
The recovery methods for nervous breakdown include:
- Counseling.
- Hypnosis therapy.
- Psychotherapy
- Medication using Anti-depressants and Anti-psychotics
- Using mood stabilizers
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi Guruji has helped many sufferers of nervous breakdown overcome the dark and desperate phases of their life. He uses The Trivedi Effect速 to relieve people of their physical, mental and emotional troubles and issues in life. It involves transmission of energy to individuals through the process of thoughts by Mahendra Trivedi. This energy gradually has the ability to eliminate the root causes of ill health and sickness in human body and helps in gaining relief from many a problem. Connetc With Trivedi Guruji: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Youtube | Pintrest
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