Perfecting a healthy soul through trivedi effect

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Perfecting A Healthy Soul Through Trivedi Effect The soul is the source of energy of all living beings. It directs them towards a purpose during their lifetime and helps them do and achieve things that they dream of doing. It uses the talents that they are disposed with since birth by the Universal Intelligence. The soul rests inside the body that we are blessed with. A sizeable portion of scientists and spiritual practitioners agree with the fact that the soul is limitless energy bound by living bodies. It is shapeless, formless and like matter cannot be created or destroyed. In humans it assumes a new form each time the body dies and regenerates. The power of a healthy soul has enabled human beings to achieve great tasks that have furthered the standard of living of mankind. A healthy soul is one which is not tormented or disturbed by any negative emotions. It is relaxed and always rests in a serene environment where its powers are put to best use. To nurture a healthy soul it is essential to nurture a healthy mind. The mind body connection is what enables the growth of a healthy soul. Eating the right kind of food will help in nourishing the soul with right choice of thoughts and deeds. It is essential to resort to mind control techniques and mind training arts that will improve the ability to focus and achieve results that are not otherwise possible. There are various habits and practices one can approach to train a health soul. The first step will be to abstain from abuse of any material like drug, junk food, alcohol, etc. which not only destroys the health of a body but can also deteriorate the thoughts and spiritual health of a person. It is essential to mingle a lot with nature where one can be free of stress and find harmony. The time spent in nature will help in revisiting the trodden path and help the soul rejuvenate good memories. Such pleasant experience can be experienced only by those who can appreciate the value of living a healthy life with contentment and fulfillment of purpose. In addition to proper eating and living, it is also essential to engage in social and humane activities that will help the soul to strengthen its mind body connection. The overall health of the body and the soul will by default be mended if one can maintain a good health mind and body wise. Spiritual therapies and prayer sessions also aid improving the spiritual health of a soul tremendously. Mahendra Trivedi's special prayers nourish and train a healthy soul. Trivedi Foundation is a non-profit organization that holds as its objective to help vast numbers of people from cultivating and maintaining a healthy soul amidst all the distractions of modern life.

The Author is associated with Mahendra Trivedi and has written many articles on personality disorder, depression, stress, anxiety, lack of confidence and sleep disorders etc. Visit to know more!

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