The Benefit Derived By Bipolar Disorder Patients From The Trivedi Effect! The occurrences of psychiatric ailments in modern society are increasing at an alarming rate. Some of these problems may be linked to experiences that a person has in life like anxiety, depression, or panic disorder. However, there are other psychiatric ailments that are neurobiological in nature. These ailments are caused by the inability of the brain to function in a normal manner and the reasons for the occurrence of these ailments may also be genetic. Bipolar disorder is one such neurobiological ailment which is can be defined as the inability of the brain to regulate the mood of the person. Such a person usually experiences violent mood swings which range between extreme mania and severe depression. Some patients of this ailment may also experience psychotic symptoms like hallucinations, delusions etc. Often normal people fail to understand the moods of the person who is suffering from this bipolar disorder. This is a real problem and these patients cannot snap out of their bad mood just like you cannot snap out of high blood sugar in diabetes. The entire being of a patient of this ailment is thrown out of kilter and he or she experiences difficulty in accomplishing the normal and regular tasks of daily life. Psychiatric ailments are often misunderstood although the awareness about them is slowly increasing.
Modern science does attempt to cure this problem with the help of medicines like mood stabilizers. However, often these medicines are unsuccessful and they also cause harmful side effects. This is the reason that many patients of bipolar disorder and their families are looking for alternative methods like the Trivedi effect in order to overcome the problems presented by this ailment. This method of energy transmissions is very potent in creating an overall change in the living being on a cellular level. The method has been created by Mahendra Trivedi and is practiced by other healers working with him. The best part is that Trivedi research has proved that these energy transmissions are able to correct many physical and mental problems which modern medicine is unable to treat. Many people with psychiatric ailments have benefited a lot by opting for this method of energy
transmissions practiced by healers like Dahryn Trivedi who is working under the guidance of Mahendra Trivedi. The energy transmissions are able to act on the functioning of the brain of the patients of bipolar disorder and root out the malfunction. The brain begins to function in a more normal manner and if the patient is not completely relieved of the ailment then there is at least a very major improvement in his or her condition. There are many reviews on Trivedi Effect websites, which prove this fact. Since this disorder is a psychiatric one people may argue that the change in the condition of the patients could merely be a placebo effect, but Trivedi research has successfully proved otherwise. This is because even plants and animals have benefited from these energy transmissions in various independent scientific experiments.
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