The Trivedi Way Of Stress Management Stress Management is all about taking charge of your emotions, thoughts, schedule and also the way you deal with problems and routine. Sometimes people don’t even know that they are stressed out. So it’s better to take some time out of your busy schedule to see what really causes stress and how you can evade it. If it is job related then you should learn how to say “no” by knowing your limits and sticking to them. Handling more functions whether in your personal or professional life is going to be a crisis situation which is going to lead to stress. So in the first place, it is better to avoid inviting stress rather than manage the same later. Today stress has become a major health concern. The causes for the same may be many like job pressure, financial problems, health issues, relationship problems, lack of good sleep, poor nutrition, lot of exposure to media etc. Most of them are due to work pressures where people are not able to meet their deadlines or noncompatibility between spouses or could even be issues relating to health of children. It is always better to know the psychological symptoms of stress like irritability, nervousness, anger or helplessness. The physical symptoms are headache, fatigue, dizziness, stomach upset, muscle tension or RSI. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi is well known for introducing The Trivedi Effect®. He has that healing power of transmitting energy through his thoughts and brings about complete transformation in the quality of life of an individual. Though there are allopathic treatments for all the above treatments which can give relief to an individual temporarily, they cannot address the root cause of the problem which still persists. The energy transmissions by Mr. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi have a transformational change that has led to improved sense of well being. The results being better sleep, good interpersonal relationships, improved self confidence, holistic health, abundance in all areas of life and happiness in true sense. Once you connect with your inner self and strive to understand your problems from the crux, there will be nothing called stress that can interfere in your life and perturb the balance of mind and body achieved. This will be the best stress management therapy indeed! Connect To Trivedi Effect: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Pintrest | Linkedin To Know more Log