HT A 2011

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M aj & M rs Con nell, Pitmenzi e, Glassart Glen,

by Auch te rmuchty, Fife, KY14 7HT. E Mai l:

pitmenzie l@bt Tel: 0 1337 828783


Kathy Dewhurst, Blackmoss Farm Cottage,

Ellll ri dge Lane, Ch ipping, Preston, Lancash ire.

PR 32NY. E Mail: KL5dew

01772785 895/077 34846807 Li ndsay Wals h, Jenkin son s Barn, Thorn ley,

Long ridge, Preston, Lancs, PR3 2TA. E Mail:

lindsaywa Tel: 07900204585


Ch ris to pher Grant, Birks Cottag e Farm,

Heddo n Birks, East Heddon on th e Wall,

Northumberland, NE15 OH F. E Mai l:

flil lyki ttedout@hot ma Te l: 01 91

26 71610/077 871 24413

Li anne Parkin, 11 Loweswa ter Crescent,

Grangefield, Stockto n on Tees, Tees id e, TS18

4PY. EMail: Ilanne.parkin Tel:

0164289 5 109

Ch ri stin e Bassett, Arunde l Hou se, Cem e ary Road, Glossop, SK13 70G. EM ail: chr istine. Tel: 01457867600 WEST: Tina Dando, 25 Orc hard Clos , Kewstoke Weston super Ma re, Somerset, BS2 2 9Xl' E . •­ t in astal k@tal Tel: 0 1934 418765 Julie Chuter Nicholas, Larkshall Cottage Midway, Stoke St M ichael, Radstock. 6-" 3 = THAMES VALLEY:

Wendy Shearman, 3 River Vi ew, Flack:.e

Heath, High Wycom be, Bu ck s, HP1 09:'- ::

stuartshearman @btcon nec Te •

523 124


Catriona Carnegi e, 23 2 Ugg Mere C0_'- - - ,­

Ramsey Heights, Hun ti ngdon, Ca ::0 - :.: - - :

Email: ta li sk r_highland _ponies ~ : a- -: ,- •

Tel: 0778632 1658

Jo Fyso n, 24 Reynards Road , \ 'e.' 1­ AL6 9TP. j.fyson @ b t openworld .c:;~ ­ 714492 (Herts)


Aliso n Payne, 32 Well hou se Lane, Penis ton e,

Sheffield, S36 8ER. E Mail: ali sonpayne909@ Tel: 0122 6 370026

Abi gail Chamber lain, 1 Cedar Roc hford, Essex, SS4 3QL . E ' ." "

bt in tern Tel: 01 702 25E<=

Aman da Hart, 31 Westfield Avenu e, Thu rsto ne,

Sheffie ld, S36 9RL EMa il: ha rtsi ka@btin tern et.

corn Tel: 07897 257166


Ca thy Ives, 4 Ston epar Cr~s:i"" ~

As hbll rton, Devo n, TQ 13 - ":: of ~ ca thyjiv es@hotnlai

CENTRAL: (now incol porating West Midland~)

Helen Best, Gatesblay, Sytc ham p ton , Stourp or t,

Wo rcs, DY 13 9TA. EMa il: m

Tel 01905 62 11 22/07809 100 772

Jo Jeffs, 2 Colu mbian Crescen t, Burntwood,

Staffs, WS7 2BD. EMail : tan gos@nt lwo

Te l: 015436 75396


Laura Drake, 3 The Clu st ers, Wood Lane,

Pl easeley Va le, Mansfie ld, Nottingham, NGl 9

SR U. E Mail lauradra ke1 @hotmai Tel:

01 623 741241

2 Hig hland Time s · Autumn 2011



Di nt y Steans, Brownbreac -

Ashbllrnha m, Battle Ea,: 5_,~. -

EMa il: tony.bro .... nbreaj -=0::­

Tel : 014 24 893922


Margaret Harfield " ;:-"- ~;:-- -

Carms, SA 197·.v ~ • °a ~

corn Tel:0155-Z: =: ::


Donna Harle; ~:.;:-; ~ Carills 5':" g - . : - ;:- -- : ­


HPEC Officials 2011 Life President:

Penny Smith, Nashend Stud, Lower

Nashend Farm, Bisley, Stroud, Glos, GL6


Chair Person:

Jackie Muggleton, Wynchwood, The

Street, Alderton, Nr Chippenham, Wilts,

SN14 6NL. EMail: Jackie_muggleton@ Tel: 01666840218

Vice Chair:

Catriona Carnegie, 232 Ugg Mere Court

Road, Ramsey Heights, Huntingdon,

Cambs, PE26 2RS Email: talisker_

07786 321658


Caroline Harwood, 1 White Horse

Cottages, Frampton Mansell,

Stroud, Glos, GL6 8HU E mail:

Tel: 07801 839613


Rosemary Smith, 16 Dovehouse Close,

Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambs,

PE29 2DY Email: rosemarysnotes@ Tel: 01480350127


Helen Boden, The Barn, Melior Hall

Farm, Church Road, Melior, Stockport,

Cheshire, SK6 5CG. Email: helen. Tel: 0161


Stallion Glenmuir Buzzard of Holm edow n Stud

CONTENTS 4 A message from the Chair 5-7 Heading South for Highlands 8-11 From Trekker to Treccer 12-17 Into Battle on a H ig hland 18 Trailtrow Eriskay 足 Ambassador Bursary 2010 19 Making a fuss of our ponies 20-23 Holmedown Stud, Wendy Bridges in Conversation with Highland Times 24-27 The Royal Highland Show 2011 28-29 Welsh Camp 31 -33 From the Archive 34-36 Being an Area Coord inator - the inside story 37-38 First Steps towards Endurance

Aut um n 20 11 . Hig hl and Times 3

a message

from the Chair

•••••••••• ••••••• Well, it has been a busy year; full of lots of HPEC events. A wide array of activities from shows t o rides, camps and stud vi sits have been enjoyed by members and friend s. Notably the Thames area he ld its first show in June and the new South West area has enjoyed a stud visit and social with a showing rally planned for the near future. In addition established favourites like the beach barbeque at Kewstoke, the Pennine area shows and Anglia's areas rides and socials, North Ea st and Welsh camps have been enjoyed. Other areas are po ised for action with Central hop ing to tour a leather works this au tumn and a ride organi sed for next sp ri ng. Our new web site has been designed to share HPEC news and let all members know about future events. It is early days for us in learni ng how to manage the syste m but we hope to see the web site showcase the wide variety of activities happening across the count ry. Members will also be able to down load electronic versions of past newsletters and Highland Tim es and membership renewal forms which we hope w ill be useful . Many thanks t o everyone who contributed photos - and new photos and news are always we lcome. We have engaged the services of the wonderful Wayne to look after th e site and support us when thing s get co nfu sing! Wayne w ill support our Web -ma ster Jackie Henderson and other com mittee mem bers in keeping the site fresh and up to date. 4 Highland Times· Au tumn 201 1

As you will see I have been busy wit h my ponies and I hope my account of w hat I did in my gap year wi ll show that with enough time, determination and supportive friends there is no limit to what one short fat middle aged woman and a highland pony can get up tol But most im portantly the fr iend s that helped me achieve my goa ls were friends I had met from the HPEC. Thi s is my last contrib ution to t he High land Times as chairperson. I wou ld li ke to thank Rebecca O'Rourke and Olivia Streatfei ld­ James for their work on this issue and the many HPEC members w ho have written such varied and interestin g artic les for us to enjoy. On a personal note I would also like to thank all the lovely HPEC members who I have met through the club especially Rose ma ry Smith our wonderful secretary, Ca rollnE Harwood who was a brill iant treasurer -": Catriona Carneg ie, Vice-Cha irpersor. .~:r Kate well and hope she enj o. s r~r 7'~: 2:: Chairperson, I know tha t she " (: ~ : __:e her you thful enth usia sm he- ;' e- _ -""': and her love of hig hlaro C- r :5 - : " ;: ' ;:' = and with those three ingrnl er:: ' r ", willco ntinueto valte " e-~e'5. :; "I:" ::'E their enthusias .


Head"ng South · · · · · · ·

for-Hi~ hlands • • • • • • • • • • My husband and I decided that we would brea k our journey from North Yorkshire to holiday in Fra nce w ith a vi sit to the Southern Hig hland Pony Show, held at th e East of England Showground on August 21st. We awoke to a grey dam p morning and headed off ea rly 50 as not to miss a single cl ass. The show field was already filled with a selection of lovely highla nds. We qui ckly bought a pro gra mme from the already busy secretary and got our bea rings as the first class sta rted. This was the geldi ng 5 years and over in-hand clas s won by the lovely Nashend Lord Avon, second Carlung Kilbride and third, Strath-

Mags Milsom, North Yorkshire more Jura. Helen Whi te shou ld have been in the class with her pony Rignell Scapa but due to an unfortun ate encounter with a Shi re horse was sti ll suf­ feri ng th e effects of a broken leg . I took th e advan tag e to chat to w ith her as I was strugg li ng to put faces to names - a common problem these days when we get to know each other actual ly on line before meeting up. She helped me out with a few before heading off to help the Show Secretary. Rosemary Arnol d with Stillmea dow Ptarmi­ gan, a sma rt yellow dun, were also in this class

And rew Pott er and Conway Harris


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