Auf Geht's!

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Lektion 1 - Auf Geht's!

What will I be able to say and do at the end of this unit? You will be able to...  ask for someone's name and give your own name  ask for someone's age and give your own age  ask how someone is feeling and state how you feel  express basic arithmetic functions (+, -, x, /, = )  recite the German alphabet  spell your name  write German words that are spelled for you  understand general teacher directions  express general classroom requests  point out people and objects (das ist, das sind)

What new vocabulary does this unit cover?  Expressions to meet and greet  Counting from 0 - 20  Classroom objects

What new structures will I learn? You will understand the grammar terms...  subject pronoun  verb  conjugation  singular and plural  definite/indefinite article You will know...  how to conjugate the verbs heißen and sein in the singular  how to form questions in German  howto use the word kein

Will I learn anything new about German culture? You will learn about... Inhalt Page 1

Will I learn anything new about German culture?

You will learn about...  German-speaking countries and their capitals  the German handshake  the importance of the "formal address"  how Germans count using their fingers  how some German numbers are written differently  German classrooms and teachers  the custom of the Schultüte You will...  learn a German counting rhyme  make your own Schultüte

How about cognates, idioms and other peculiarities? You will understand...  the connection between German and English  the terms cognate, false cognate, idiom  the importance of cognates, false cognates, and idioms in learning German

Inhalt Page 2

1.1 - Bist du neu hier?

I. Lies den Comic Strip mit deinem Partner. (Read the comic strip with your partner.) a. Lies was du siehst. (Read what you see.) b. Und jetzt mit deinem Namen. (And now with your name.)

II. Beantworte die Fragen! (Read and answer the questions!) a. Wie heißt das Mädchen? b. Wie heißt der Junge? c. Wie alt ist das Mädchen? d. Wie alt ist der Junge? III. Beantworte die Fragen! (Read and answer the questions!) a. Wie heißt du? b. Wie geht's dir? c. Wie alt bist du? d. Bist du neu hier? Übungen Page 1

d. Bist du neu hier? IV. Projekt - Bist du neu hier? Schreib ein Rollenspiel wie im Comic. Verwende neue Vokabeln. (Write a role play similar to the comic strip. Use new vocabulary.) IV. Rubrik Expectation

Fully Met - 3

Somewhat Met - 2

Not Met - 1


Use new vocabulary and structures.

All different structures are applied correctly.

Content and Delivery

Make a dialgue. Memorize and role-play the dialogue.

Dialogue flows Some unnatural or naturally. awkward exchanges. Natural delivery with some problems with memorization or role-play.

Nobody would ever talk this way. Not memorized and/or unnatural delivery.

Pronunciation Speak up, enunciate, and pronounce correctly.

Clear, near native presentation.

Communication was not possible due to problems with volume, enunciation, and/or pronunciation.


Active and Not always an active positive in all participant or controlling stages of the and argumentative. project.

Be a team player: participate, cooperate, motivate.

Ăœbungen Page 2

Missing structures or small mistakes in application.

Some problems with volume, enunciation, or pronunciation.

Missing structures and errors in application.

What group?

1.2 - Das Alphabet Practice your alphabet: 1. Listen to the sound files. 2. Repeat after, speak, or sing along. 3. Try it without the sound files.

6a DasAlphabet

6b DasABCLied

Ăœbungen Page 1

A. Ergänze die Lücke mit dem Wort: (Fill in the blank with the correct word:) Dialog 1: Guten Tag, Frau Lanze, Wie geht‘s _______________?


Danke, gut, Sabine. Und _________?

Dialog 2: Wie heißt _________?


______ heiße Karl. Und _________?

______ heiße Sabine.

Dialog 3: Wie heißen ___________?


______ heiße Herr Rothrock. Und ______?

______ heiße Karl. Wie geht‘s _______________?


Sehr gut, danke! Wie alt bist ________?

______ bin 11 Jahre alt.

Dialog 4: 

Wie alt bist _______? o

________ bin 12 Jahre alt. Und ______?

_________ auch!

B. Was passt zusammen? Zeichne eine Linie. (What fits together? Draw a line.)






C. Beantworte die Fragen. (Answer the questions.)

1. Wie heiĂ&#x;t du? _______________________________________________ 2. Wie alt bist du? _____________________________________________ 3. Wie geht’s dir? ______________________________________________ 4. Wie alt ist Peter? (11)__________________________________________ 5. Wie alt ist Sabine? (11) _________________________________________ 6. Bist du neu hier? Ja, ___________________________________________

D. Was war die Frage? (What was the question?) 1. _________________________________, Frau Lanze? – Danke, gut. 2. _________________________________. – Ich heiße Herr Himburg. 3. _________________________________. – Sie ist elf Jahre alt. 4. _________________________________. – Sabine geht’s gut. (Extra schwer!)

E. Wer bist du? (Who are you?) Introduce yourself to the class. Say hello, say that you are new, state your name, age, and state of well-being. Close by saying good-bye. Post your introduction on your blog. Tag: deutsch6 ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

1.5 - Sprechen How well can you express yourself? • Listen to each sound file and respond in the blank provided. • Once you have practiced and don't have to think about your answers any more, import the file into Audacity and record your answers. • Listen to yourself. How do you sound? • Save the file in your German folder. Hallo! Wie geht's dir? 4b Q&A1-1

Länder und Hauptstädte: 4c Q&A1-2



Übungen Page 1

4a Fragen1-1

Beantworte die Fragen: (Answer the questions): Wie heißt du?

Ich heiße _____________________________________.

Wie alt bist du?

Ich bin ___________________ Jahre alt.

Und jetzt frag deine Klassenkameraden nach ihrem Namen und Alter. (And now ask

your classmates for their names and age.)

Wie heißt du?

Wie alt bist du?



Arm Finger Hand Wind Auto Minute Ball Sand Knie Hammer





Arm Finger Hand Wind Auto Minute Ball Sand Knie Hammer

Deutsch Storch Fisch Schimpanse Telefon Glas Musik Doktor Park Sekunde rar


Can you generalize?



Pfeife reif: ripe.

pipe ripe





Käse aktiv

cheese active





Dieb dann

thief then






When I see a … in German, it may change to a … in English.

Kognaten im Deutschen und im Englischen Wie heißt das deutsche Wort? pf, ff, und f  p 1. Apfel 2. Pfeffer 3. Pfennig 4. helfen 5. Bischof z, tz, s, ss, und ß  t 1. Wasser 2. sitzen 3. Fuss 4. besser 5. Katze ch und  k 1. Buch 2. machen 3. Milch 4. nackt 5. wecken k  k, hartes c oder ch 1. Kaliko 2. Kapitän 3. Kammer 4. Keller 5. kommen sch  ch, sh, oder s 1. scharf 2. Scheck 3. scheu 4. Schleim 5. Schwein

z  softes c 1. Zirkus 2. produzieren 3. Medizin 4. zylindrisch 5. denunzieren d, t  th 1. Ding 2. Durst 3. Tausend 4. Bad 5. danken td 1. Garten 2. trinken 3. tunken 4. unter 5. Bett b  b, f, v 1. Kalb 2. Weib 3. Weber 4. halb 5. Rabe -ig, -lich, -isch und -ität  -(l)y, -al, -ic, oder -ful 1. sonnig 2. romantisch 3. mütterlich 4. musikalisch 5. hoffentlich


































woman, wife

















1 A 5 4


2 C B

D 3

Wie heißen die Länder?

Wie heißen die Hauptstädte?

A _____________________________

1 ______________________________

B _____________________________

2 _____________________________

C _____________________________

3 _____________________________

D _____________________________

4 _____________________________

E _____________________________

5 _____________________________

A. Wie heißen die deutschsprachigen Länder? (What are the names of the German

speaking countries?)

1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

B. Wie heißen die Hauptstädte? (What are the names of the capitals?) 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

C. Beschrifte die Karte mit den L채ndern. (Label the map with the countries.)

A. Wie alt sind sie? (How old are they?)



2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________ B. Wie viel macht das? (How much does this equal?)

C. Wie viele siehst du? (How many do you see?)

= ________________ Bleistifte

= __________________ Bonbons

= _______________ Mädchen

= _______________ Katzen

= ______________ Hunde

1.10 - Mein Klassenzimmer

I. Was ist in dem Cartoon? Mach eine Liste. (What do you see in the cartoon? Make a list, grouping like


ein ______ zwei ________ II. Was siehst du nicht in dem Cartoon? Schreib fünf Gegenstände. (What do you not see in the

cartoon? Write down five itmes.) kein __________

III. Projekt - Unser Klassenzimmer. Entwirf dein eigenes Klassenzimmer mit einem Partner. Beschrifte dein Klassenzimmer mit mindestens 25 neuen Vokabeln (mit der, die, das und Plural falls notwendig). Präsentiere dein Klassenzimmer (Das ist unser Klassenzimmer. Das ist ein... ). Du und dein Partner teilen alle Aufgaben gleichmäßig (Design your own classroom with a partner. Label your classroom with

at least 25 new vocabulary words. Include the der, die, das and plurals where necessary. Present your classroom to the class. Say: "Das ist unser Klassenzimmer. Das ist ein..." You and your partner share all tasks equally.) Expectation

Fully Met - 3

Somewhat Met - 2

Not Met - 1


Draw a colorful classroom and title it "Unser Klassenzimmer".

Paper is not torn or wrinkled. Drawings are neat and carefully colored.

Paper, drawing, or coloring is lacking neatness.


Label items with new

At least 25

Not enough vocabulary Less than 20 vocabulary words

Übungen Page 1

Paper, drawing, and/or coloring are sloppy.


Label items with new vocabulary and structures.

At least 25 vocabulary words are applied and spelled correctly.

Not enough vocabulary Less than 20 vocabulary words words or mistakes and/or many errors with with spelling or spelling or structures. structures.

Delivery and Present your classroom. Pronunciation "Das ist unser Klassenzimmer. Das ist ein..." point out all of your items. Practice!

Natural delivery. Clear, near native presentation.

Problems reading or some problems with volume, enunciation, or pronunciation.

Presentation was choppy due to problems with volume, enunciation, and/or pronunciation. No evidence of prior practice.


Active and positive in all stages of the project.

Not always an active participant or controlling and argumentative.

What group?

Be a team player: participate, cooperate, motivate.

Ăœbungen Page 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

A. Was ist das? Schreib das Wort mit dem unbestimmten Artikel. (What is

this? Write the word with the indefinite article.)









B. Ist das…? Nein, das ist kein… Das ist ein…

1. Ist das eine Wand? ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________

2. Ist das ein Stuhl? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________

3. Ist das ein Schrank? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________

4. Ist das ein Bleistift?_____________________________________ _____________________________________________________

5. Ist das ein Papier? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 6. Ist das ein Kuli? ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

7. Ist das ein Stuhl? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________

8. Ist das ein Marker? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________

9. Ist das ein Lehrer? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________

10. Ist das eine T端r? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________

1.14 - Lehrerausdrücke Hören How well can you understand? • Open your vocabulary list and follow along as you listen to the sound file. Follow the command with actual movements and/or gestures. • Once you have practiced and feel sure that you understand all commands, put your vocabulary list away.

15c Lehreraus...

Übungen Page 1

Auf Geht’S! Auf geht’s!

Let’s go!

Grüß Gott! Guten Tag! Guten Morgen! Hallo!

Greetings to you! Good day! Good morning! Hello!

Auf Wiedersehen! Bis morgen! Bis bald! Tschüs!

Good‐bye! Until tomorrow! (See you tomorrow!) Until soon! (See you soon!) Bye! How are you called? What’s your name? (friends, family, and children, familiar) How are you called? What’s your name? (adults, not family, formal) And you? (what is your name? familiar/formal) I am called… (My name is…)


Wie heißt du? Wie heißen Sie? Und du/Sie? Ich heiße… Wie geht’s dir/Ihnen?


How are you (familiar/formal) doing? And you? How are you? (familiar/formal) thank you

gut sehr gut schlecht Es geht!

good, well very bad, badly I’m ok!

Wie alt bist du? Wie alt sind Sie?

Ich bin… Jahre alt. auch Land, ä‐er (n) Hauptstadt, ä‐e (f)

How old are you? And you? (how old are you? familiar/formal) I am… years old. also country capital

von Zahl, ‐en (f) null eins

of number zero one

zwei drei vier fünf

two three four five

Und dir/Ihnen?

Zahlen 0‐20

Länder und Hauptst ädte

Und du/Sie?

Im Klassenzimmer

sechs sieben acht

six seven eight

neun zehn elf zwölf

nine ten eleven twelve

dreizehn vierzehn fünfzehn sechzehn

thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

siebzehn achtzehn neunzehn zwanzig

seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

plus minus mal durch

plus minus multiplied by divided by

ist wie viel? Lehrer, ‐ (m) Schüler, ‐ (m)

equals, is how much? teacher student

Tisch, ‐e (m) Stuhl, ü‐e (m) Wischer, ‐ (m) Papierkorb, ö‐e (m)

table chair board eraser waste basket

Schrank, ä‐e (m) Computer, ‐ (m) Drucker, ‐ (m) Kugelschreiber, ‐ /der Kuli, ‐s (m)

cabinet, wardrobe computer printer pen

Bleistift, ‐e (m) Radiergummi, ‐s (m) Spitzer, ‐ (m) Hefter, ‐ (m)

pencil pencil eraser pencil sharpener stapler

Locher, ‐ (m) Ordner, ‐ (m) Lehrerin, ‐nen (f) Schülerin, ‐nen (f)

hole punch binder female teacher female student


Wand, ä‐e (f) Tür, ‐en (f) Tafel, ‐n (f)

wall door board

Uhr, ‐en (f) Landkarte, (f)‐n Flagge, ‐n (f) Schere, ‐n (f)

clock map flag scissors

Schultasche, ‐n (f) Hausaufgabe, ‐n (f) Klassenzimmer, ‐ (n) Fenster, ‐ (n)

book bag homework classroom window

Regal, ‐e (n) Buch, ü‐er (n) Heft, ‐e (n) Papier, ‐e (n)

shelf, bookcase book notebook paper

Lineal, ‐e (n) Bild, ‐er (n) Blatt, ä‐er (n) Schließfach, ä‐er (n)

ruler picture sheet, leaf locker

was ja nein bitte

what yes no please

Darf ich bitte… … zur Toilette gehen? …meinen Bleistift spitzen? … zur Krankenschwester gehen?

May I please… … go to the restroom? … sharpen my pencil? … go to the nurse?

… meinen Computer holen? … Wasser trinken gehen? … zu meinem Schließfach gehen? Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?

… get my computer? … go get some water? … go to my locker? How do you say this in German?

Wie schreibt man das? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich habe nicht verstanden. Tut mir leid!

How do you spell this? I don’t know it. I didn’t understand. I am sorry!

Ich bin zu spät! Wiederholen Sie bitte! Darf ich bitte Englisch sprechen? Mein Computer ist kaputt.

I am too late! Please repeat what you said! May I please speak English? My computer is broken.


Ich habe meine Hausaufgabe vergessen. Steh auf!

Get up!

Setz dich! Nimm ein Blatt Papier heraus! Mach das Buch auf/zu! Mach den Computer an/aus!

Sit down! Take out a piece of paper! Open/close the book! Turn the computer on/off!

Schreib! Lies! Sprich nicht! Heb die Hand!

Write! Read! Don’t talk! Raise your hand!

Pack ein! Wiederhole! Geh an die Tafel! Mach das Licht an/aus!

Pack up! Repeat! Go to the board! Turn the light on/off!

Hör zu!


I forgot my homework.

Was sagen sie? (What are they saying?)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Elise: ___________________________? Kurt: ____________________ Kurt. ____________?




Frau Krüger:

__________________________ Frau Krüger.



Frau Krüger: _____________________? Elise:

________________________ Elise.


Was ist das? (What is this?)

1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

Wie heißt das Land? Wie heißt die Hauptstadt? (What is the country’s name?

What is its capital?)

3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________ 6. ___________________________

7. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________

9. ___________________________ 10. ___________________________

Was ist das auf Deutsch? (What is this in German?)





2 sixteen 6 six 7 fourteen 8 three 9 fifteen 11 two 13 nine 14 eighteen 16 seven 18 five

1 eight 3 nineteen 4 seventeen 5 ten 8 thirteen 10 one 11 twenty 12 four 13 zero 15 twelve 17 eleven

Was ist das auf Deutsch? (What is this in German?)

1. _______________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. ________________________________________

5. _________________________________________

6. __________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________

11. ________________________________________________

12. ________________________________________________

13. _________________________________________________

14. ________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________

16. _____________________________________________________

17. ______________________________________________________

18. ____________________________________________________


20. ____________________________________________________

Was ist das auf Deutsch? (What is this in German?)

1. ______________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________

11, ________________________________________________

12, ________________________________________________

13, ________________________________________________

14. ________________________________________________

15. _______________________________________________

16. _______________________________________________

17. _______________________________________________

Waagrecht: 3 5 9 13 14 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

homework student clock classroom door printer pencil eraser window ruler female teacher paper hole punch table sheet, leaf binder shelf, bookcase notebook

Senkrecht: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 20 21 22 23 24 26

pen locker waste basket board stapler pencil cabinet, wardrobe map pencil sharpener female student picture book bag board eraser wall teacher flag book scissors chair

Darf ich bitte zur Toilette gehen?

Darf ich bitte meinen Bleistift spitzen?

Darf ich bitte zur Krankenschwester gehen?

Darf ich bitte meinen Computer holen?

Darf ich bitte Wasser trinken gehen?

Ich bin zu sp채t!

Wiederholen Sie bitte!

Darf ich bitte Englisch sprechen?

Mein Computer ist kaputt.

Ich habe meine Hausaufgabe vergessen.

Steh auf!

Setz dich!

Nimm ein Blatt Papier heraus!

Mach das Buch auf!

Mach das Buch zu!



Sprich nicht!

Heb die Hand!

Pack ein!

Geh an die Tafel!

Mach das Licht an!

Mach das Licht aus!

Hรถr zu!

1.1 - Personalpronomen (Subject Pronouns) Watch the video, then fill in the English equivalent for the following subject pronouns:

ich du

Sie er


Grammatik Page 1

1.2 - Konjugationen (Conjugations) Watch the video, then answer these questions: 1. What is a verb (Verb)?

2. What is an infinitive (Infinitiv)?

3. What is a conjugation (Konjugation)?

4. Fill in the chart below with the correct conjugation of the verb "to be": I you he she 5. What does "sein" mean?

6. Fill in the chart below with the correct conjugation of the verb "sein": ich du Sie er sie

Grammatik Page 1

1.3 - heißen Watch the video, then answer these questions: 1. How does heißen translate into English?

2. Conjugate heißen: ich du Sie er sie 3. What general patterns should you remember when conjugating verbs? Which ones were also true for the verb sein?

Grammatik Page 1

1.4 - Fragen (Questions)

Watch the video, the answer these questions:

1. How do you form questions in German - always? Give an example.

2. Make questions out of the following statementsand translate them into English:


auf Englisch

Markus ist elf Jahre alt. Du bist zehn. Er heiĂ&#x;t Matthias. 3. Now ask for peoples' names and ages and translate the questions into English: Frage Ask the new student in class for her name. Ask the new student in class for his age. Ask me for my name. Ask me for my age.

Grammatik Page 1

auf Englisch

1.5 - Die Artikel (The articles) Watch the video, then answer the following questions: 1. What does it mean to say that a noun has a gender in German?

2. What are the three genders? Complete the words below: m________ f_______ n______ How about if there is more than one? p_____

3. Fill in the chart below with equivalent of the word the: m f n pl 4. Fill in the chart below with equivalent of the word a: m f n pl Grammatik Page 1

What is an easy way to remember these? What happens in the plural? 5. Let's play ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS: rock

der Stein


das Papier


die Schere



I won!

Ich hab' gewonnen!

Grammatik Page 2

1.6 - das Watch the video, then answer the following questions: 1. What does das mean? Give all three explanations.

2. How do you say this in German? Englisch


the book this is these are What is this?

Grammatik Page 1

1.7 - kein Watch the video, then answer the following questions: 1. What is the English equivalent of kein?

2. kein has two different forms. What are they and when do you use which? How does this confirm previous patterns you learned?

Grammatik Page 1

1.1 - Der Handschlag Germans often greet each other with a handshake. Beware of giving the "dead fish" handshake. Too often, judgement will be upon you as a spineless person with little character. Grab the hand and look the other person in the eye. This will let the other person know that you can be trusted. You will also shake hands upon departing. In our society, it is often only the men who shake hands, while women are greeted with a hug or simply a smile. This is not so in Germany. Offer your hand to the lady first. That's polite. And never forget that being polite is quite important in formal settings.

Kultur Page 1

1.2 - Formalit채ten Germans are more formal in their address of acquaintances and strangers. Generally, only friends and people who have offered to be on a first name basis to each other will address each other by first name. This formality is also expressed in the way Germans say "you". There is a familiar form, "du", and a formal form "Sie". Notice that the "Sie" is capitalized, emphasizing the respect for the other person even more. When you are, what we would call on a "first name basis" with a person, you would use "du" as the word for "you". We call this "duzen". Generally, you can say "du" to every child, all of your family members, and adult friends that have allowed you to say "du". Young adults (20's) will most likely also address each other with "du" when they realize that they are about the same age. All others you will appropriately and politely address with "Sie". We call this "siezen". If two adults get to know each other better and become friends, one may offer the other to say "du", a request generally accepted by the other. And here are the rules: If there is a noticeable difference in age, the older can offer the "du" to the younger. If it is a man and a woman, the woman can offer the "du". This is also true if the woman is younger than the man.

Can you imagine what impact these rules have? What status do adults/children/women have?

Kultur Page 1

1.3 - Ich und du IchUndDu

Now that you have learned the words for "I" and "you", let's learn a little counting rhyme: Ich und du, M端ller's Kuh,

M端ller's Esel, der bist du.

And this is what it means in English: I (me) and you, Miller's cow, Miller's donkey, that is you.

Kultur Page 1

1.4 - Die Zahlen und zählen When you use your fingers to count in Germany, procede as follows: 1 - Thumb (No, they are not telling you that you are ok.) 2 - Index finger and thumb (No, they are not calling you a loser!) 3 - Middle, index fingers and thumb 4 - Ring, middle, index fingers and thumb 5 - All fingers

If you count "2" with the index and middle finger, a German is likely going to interpret this as you saying "peace" to him.

When you write German numbers, be aware that Germans write their 1s and 7s differently. Look:

A German may not recognize a "l" as a one, but rather think it's an "l". When using decimal points and commas to mark thousands, Germans use the period and the comma in a reverse manner:

â‚Ź3,50 - This is 3 Euros and 50 Cents 1.000 - This is the number one thousand.

Kultur Page 1

1.5 - Die Schult端te

German children often do not enter school until first grade. What we call Kindergarten in the United States is actually a pre-school/daycare in Germany. The grade level "Kindergarten" does not exist, though some children will attend a "Vorschule" when they turn five.

For the first day of school (first grade), students are given large decorated cardboard cones (Schult端te = school cone). In the days prior to the start of school, parents, family, and neighbors who are aware of the impending first day, will bring little gifts to fill the cone. These gifts include fancy pencils, rulers, erasers, etc., candy, or sometimes even money. All children bring their "Schult端te" on the first day of school and the class gathers in the school yard for their first day picture with their school cones. You will have an opportunity to make your own miniature "Schult端te" in class.

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1.6 - Deutsche Lehrer

As we already heard, Germans pay much attention to formalities. The relationship between German teachers and their students is much more formal than the relationship between teachers and students in the United States.

German teachers don't have their own classrooms unlike many of their American peers. Classes usually stay together in cohorts. They have their own classroom and the groups move up in the grade levels with the same students. There is usually a five minute break between classes which allows the teacher to go from one room to another. When the teacher enters, students respond to his entering by standing up, being quiet, and responding to the teachers greeting. I think this is a neat way of acknowledging each other's presence. What do you think?

Kultur Page 1

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