Yum Yum Basket Standards Manual

Page 1


TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 Brand Message 03 Logo 04 09 10 12

Primary Mark Wordmark Specif ications Inappropriate Use

15 Identity System 16 Color 19 Graphic Elements 22 Typography

25 Business System 26 27 30 32

Overview Business Card Letterhead Envelope


Yum Yum Basket is the only store of its kind in the San Luis Obispo area: it is a family-owned specialty grocer that sells Asian kitchen ingredients and supplies. As such, it has a unique role in which it spreads Asian culture through the good it sells. Yum Yum Basket’s goal is to provide the SLO community with everything needed for traditional, authentic Asian cuisine. This name Yum Yum Basket alludes to not only its products, but also an Asian cultural experience. Asian countries value good flavor, and each has their own word or phrase to express “yum” or “yummy.” The word “basket” references a sense of abundance of goods as well as alludes to traditional open-air Asian markets common in most Eastern Asian countries. This name solution is fun and promises a delicious and authentic Asian experience,


which helps attract the market’s secondary audience of college students. Finally, the name Yum Yum Basket is in English, making it open to all types of Asian culture rather than favoring a single country. The primary mark incorporates an eggplant motif. An eggplant is a flavorful vegetable used in all types of Asian cuisine, and its inclusion in the mark immediately gives Yum Yum Basket an exotic, traditional, and cultural appeal. The eggplant’s rich purple hue has been incorporated into the color palette, making the logo vibrant and inviting. The typeface solution deviates from the misrespresented, cliché solutions of other Asian businesses, making it stand out as something different and genuine rather than tacky and corporate.




full color The primary mark, rendered in full color, consists of the eggplant symbol with the wordmark directly to the right. This mark is preferred for representing the market and should be used as frequently as possible when the logo is required.


single color A single color version of the primary mark, shown above in 100% black, can be used in applications that would be otherwise difficult to show in full color. This includes stamps, screenprinting, and embroidery. The single color mark may either be in black or eggplant purple.

Logo | Primary mark


grayscale The grayscale mark can be used in news and print applications, or in other situations when full color is not available, but different opacities of a single color are. Note the specific grays for each element.


50% Black 80% Black

0% Black

80% Black

50% Black

Logo | Primary mark


reversed-out This mark is a variant of the single-color logo, except the foreground is rendered in white on a single-color background. This version may also be used in applications like stamps and screenprinting, but it will be most useful in situations that require a dark background and when there would not be enough contrast using the single-color logo.



wordmark usage The wordmark is simply the primary mark without the eggplant symbol. It can be used when the full logo becomes unreadable at a small size as well as in cases where the eggplant graphic is not desired, for example, when the design already uses the eggplant symbol elsewhere. The wordmark may be used in full color, single color, or reveresed-out.

Logo | Wordmark





minimum size For legibility reasons, the smallest acceptable size for the primary logo is three-quarters of an inch (0.75") wide. If a situation arises when the logo needs to be smaller, then the wordmark should be used. The smallest the wordmark can be is nine-sixteenths of an inch (0.5625") wide.


clear space To make the logo stand out, it must always have ample clear space around it. In the primary mark, the clear space shall be defined by the height of the ‘m’ of the logotype on the east, west, and south faces. On the north face, the clear space will be defined by half of the ‘m’ height measured from the tip of the eggplant symbol. In the wordmark, the clear space is an ‘m’ height on all sides.

Logo | Size Specifications


INAPPROPRIATE USE relationship of elements The eggplant graphic element shall not be placed anywhere but to the left of the wordmark.

relative sizes Do not scale any individual element of the logo differently than as defined.

color Do not change any color used in the primary mark.


distortion Do not warp, stretch, or distort the logo in any way.

yum yum


typeface The logo and wordmark shall never be used in any different typeface other than its original custom type.

stroke No stroke shall ever be applied to the logo.

Logo | Inappropriate Use


gradient Do not apply a gradient to the logo.

rotation Do not rotate or flip the logo or any individual element.

placement on a background Do not place the logo on a background that will obscure the mark in any way. If necessary, use the reversed-out primary mark.




COLOR Eggplant Purple C 60 M 90 Y 30 K 20 Pantone Medium Purple C HEX #52148F Lilac C 30 M 70 Y 10 K 0 Pantone 252 C HEX #B34DE6 Forest Green C 85 M 40 Y 80 K 0 Pantone 7484 C HEX #1B6B24


primary color palette The three colors used in the full-color mark are remniscient of an eggplant. They are vibrant yet organic, which perfectly go along with the feel of Yum Yum Basket. The text for “Yum Yum” should always be Eggplant Purple, and “Basket” is Lilac. Display text and headers should also be colored Eggplant Purple.

Tawny Orange C 30 M 75 Y 75 K 0 Pantone 7524 C HEX #B34040

Ocean Blue C 90 M 70 Y 10 K 30 Pantone 654 C HEX #1236A1

Aqua C 40 M 0 Y 30 K 0 Pantone 351 C HEX #B3FF99

Pale Blue C 20 M 15 Y 5 K 0 Pantone 537 C HEX #CCD9F2

Dark Gray C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 80 Pantone 446 C HEX #333333

secondary color palette These colors are not in the primary mark, but they are recommended to complement the logo in design applications such as the business system and website. Aqua makes an ideal background, and Dark Gray & Tawny Orange may be used for secondary or body text. These colors are also used in the secondary graphic elements. (Continued on next page) Identity System | Color



Peach C 0 M 40 Y 50 K 5 Pantone 163 C HEX #B34040

Soy Brown C 50 M 70 Y 80 K 70 Pantone Black 4C HEX #26170F

Olive Green C 75 M 60 Y 100 K 0 Pantone 574 C HEX #406600

Tan C 35 M 60 Y 80 K 20 Pantone 4635 C HEX #855229

Coral C 0 M 60 Y 65 K 10 Pantone 7416 C HEX #E65C50

Kiko Red C 15 M 100 Y 90 K 10 Pantone 186 C HEX #C30017


eggplant The main graphic element is the eggplant, which is featured in the primary mark. The eggplant may be isolated and applied for a variety of purposes. While the eggplant may not be altered in the logo, in isolation it may be rotated or flipped, and a 20 percent transparency may be applied for a background element.

Identity System | Graphic Elements


secondary elements There are five illustrated elements in addition to the primary eggplant: a peach, a fish, a shrimp, a peach, a soy sauce bottle, and a simplified Asian bamboo basket. The basket is used on the website in the place of a ‘cart’ on other online retailers. The four food elements may be used in collateral applications such as in business cards or on price signs.


pattern and line rule The eggplant and four secondary food items can be arranged into a pattern, which can be used for applications like gift cards or tissue paper. A 1 pt line rule in aqua may be used for separating text or as a decorative element (as used in this manual), and a solid block of aqua can be used to separate space.

Identity System | Graphic Elements


TYPOGRAPHY Quicksand (Light) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Quicksand (Book) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Quicksand (Bold) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

quicksand Quicksand is the main sans serif typeface in the Yum Yum Basket identity system. It may be used for display purposes, headers, and in any application in which a sans serif is preferred. This is a web-safe font that is used in the navigation system.


Baskerville (Regular)

Baskerville (Bold)

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUV WXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Baskerville (Italic)

Baskerville (Bold Italic)

A BC DE F GHI JK L M NOPQR ST U V W XYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrst uvwxyz 0123456789

A BCDEFGHIJK L M NOPQR STU V W X Y Z abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Baskerville (Semibold) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Baskerville (Semibold Italic) A BCDEFGHIJK L MNOPQRST U V WX YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

baskerville Baskerville is the identity system’s only serif typeface used to complement both the logo and Quicksand. It may be used in any instance where a serif font is desired over a sans serif. The return address of Yum Yum Basket is in Baskerville Semibold.



Helvetica Neue (Regular)

Helvetica Neue (Bold)

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

Helvetica Neue (Italic)

Helvetica Neue (Bold Italic)

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV WX YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123 4 5678 9

helvetica neue Helvetica Neue is an anonymous sans serif typeface which serves as the body text for the letterhead. Since there is only one application for this typeface, only the above four styles are recommended for use.




OVERVIEW 1255 Monterey, Ste. C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.544.8599 | yumyumslo.com

James Song owner | mana ger jsong@yumyumslo.com 805.544.8599 1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 yumyumsl o.com



James Song owner | mana ger jsong@yumyumslo.com 805.544.8599 1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401




Business System | Business Card




James Song


Baskerville Semibold, White on Aqua, 15pt/16pt, 10pt tracking 3"

owner | mana ger


jsong@yumyumslo.com 805.544.8599

0.3125" 0.625"




Quicksand Book, White on Aqua, 9pt/14pt, 0pt tracking


0.5" 0.4375" Baskerville Semibold, Tawny Orange, 8pt/10pt, 0pt tracking

1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401



0.25" 0.6875"


Quicksand Book, White on Aqua, 10pt, 0pt tracking



Business System | Business Card


LETTERHEAD 1255 Monterey, Ste. C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.544.8599 | yumyumslo.com

Eggplant symbol, 5.375" 20% opacity








1" 0.5"

1255 Monterey, Ste. C, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.544.8599 | yumyumslo.com



0.75" 3


Baskerville Regular, Tawny Orange, 9pt, 10pt tracking


Baskerville Semibold, Tawny Orange, 9pt/12pt, 10pt tracking


Helvetica Neue Regular, Black, 9pt/13pt, 0pt tracking

Business System | Letterhead



1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 yumyumsl o.com






0.3" 0.125"


1255 Monterey, Ste. C San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 yumyumslo.com



Baskerville Regular, Tawny Orange, 9pt/11pt, 10pt tracking


Baskerville Semibold, Tawny Orange, 9pt/11pt, 10pt tracking

1 2

Business System | Envelope


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