Yuting Pan_ADR_Final

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Title: Bio sustainable community Subtitle: A new living module for Dege · China Research question: How can we create an appropriate integrated dwelling module to reach the requirement of sustainable development in remote undeveloped area?

This project explores the significance of sustainable urban planning in remote un-

villages as the site of my project. First of all, because of the mountainous geographi-

developed mountainous areas and provides appropriate solutions. The objective of this project is to turn the risks which may arise in the process of urbanisation in the target site into opportunities and reach a risks control and opportunities to create, and then achieve the sustainable urban development. The core method of this design is chains reaction. Urban developing process is a chains reaction, the relationship between risks and opportunities in the process is highly closed. But based on different choices, the result might have huge difference. So what kind of risks and opportunity shall I meet in planning of remote undeveloped areas? And how should I choose to achive my goal of sustainable development in those places?

cal feature, these villages do not have enough agriculture land which cause involving a food shortages. Besides, these villages are far away from the central town and short of the urban supply and drainage facilities, so it’s not available to use gas energy for daily cooking, heating, and water is pumped from underground then discharged to river directly. The second reason is that eco urban planning, or sustainable urban development is the current trend of urban planning, but this concept is not common in China and it is not a part of Chinese Government policy. Therefore, this design is intended to provide a more scientific and more sustainable development model to Dege, and solve the urban problems that hinder it developing. I want to abandon the Chinese-style instant gratification of the development and focus on long-term and longer-lasting city building. Through the introduction of urban agriculture and idea of hybrid to solve the food problem, energy problem, and improve the land value of the mountainous area and lay the foundation for further development.

This project is located in the A’Ba mountain area of Sichuan Province, China called Dege town that includes five undeveloped villages. This area is on the list of the Chinese Government’s project called ‘new socialist countryside’ construction, which aims to develop the rural areas in China. There are two reasons that I choose these


Content 3.Introduction 5.Undeveloped areas research 7.Case study 11.Site context 19.Risk and opportunity 47.scenario Iteration one: spread type Iteration two: integrated type Terrace moduel Cave moduel Iteration three: integrated type+

99.Direction 100.Bibliography


Introduction In project A, I focused on the relationship between the risks and opportunities in process of planning. The goal of project A is to find the forms of urban elements which can fully utilized the advantages of local resources in Dege through the cycle of problems analysis, finding solutions and choosing solution based on the feedback. For my understanding, the key point of urban planning is actually the utilization and conversion of land resources. The function of every piece of land in the city needs to be defined as well as the changes of it with the urban development in the planning process. In this project, the main contradiction of the land resources is from geographical restrictions: mountainous terrain leads to scarcity of land resources. With the continuous development of the city, the existing land will not be able to meet the expansion of the urban population. Is it only by encroachment on arable land and forest? Therefore, in project B, I would like to balance the contradictions of the living area and the surrounding environment through the creation of an integrated dwelling pattern which is suitable for the residence in Dege region whilst to achieve sustainable urban development requirements. If considers the urban planning process as assembling Lego, the project A task is to select the most common, and most appropriate module. Project B is how to assemble these modules reasonably together to complete the final model.



Global GDP per capita GDP of undeveloped areas is under the US$2,999

Overview of the entire world economic indicators, the high GDP per capita regional are concentration in the Western and Central Europe, North America , Oceania and Japan. Meanwhile, the low GDP per capita countries located in most part of Africa, East Asia and South American. By comparing the two groups of countries, we can easily find that in the high GDPP countries with advanced technology and productivity, decided that their national economic are not simply based on agriculture, but the financial industry, electronics industry and the trade of fuel resources. The Undeveloped areas are essentially the agriculture-based countries and regions. But the first notes of environmental issues are the developed countries which found the environment begin to punish them when they promote the economic interest by damaging the natural environment. In the American, Europe and Japan, more than 50 eco-towns are planned and approached by half in recently decades. What is ecotown? Simply to say is the city should be planned with the environment factors, and to find a healthy sustainable development model between the risk and opportunity. Its specific performance will be the green living environment, green energy and green economy.


Chinese GDP per capita Chinese undeveloped areas is under US$1,500

GDP of Sichuan province per capita Sichuan province undeveloped areas is under US$1,500

Then we focus on China, as a No. 2 national ranking in the global GDP, but the GDPP is No.100 away. This is no doubt that there are some other reasons as the population factor, but the Chinese domestic GDPP maps can be seen that such a situation is reason by the serious imbalance of economic development. Chinese's high GDP mainly attached to the coastal areas of the real estate industry and the Northwest areas which produce and output the oil, steel and coal. There are huge economic deficiencies in the Chinese vast west and southwest areas. Unfortunately, even a decades before, the government put forward the western development strategy, but it is only the opportunities to transform and upgrade the large or medium cities, while neglecting the broader rural remote areas.

Sichuan, the core city of western and southwest China is the economic center of the entire region. Serious imbalance of economic development still appears in here, especial in western mountainous areas, almost of village there stay in the bottom. Chinese Government used to develop one region by using the method of transfer outer fund to the target place to rise the real estate and industry which means they are not consider the question of how the undeveloped areas find a sustainable way to develop by itself.


Whitehorse village

White Horse Village, two decades ago, was still a beautiful village with handsome hill, the kind of peak that floats in the middle ground of a classical Chinese painting, with terraced fields, magnificent strands of bamboo and farmhouses clustered on its lower slopes. But in 2010, with the demolition engineers and excavators moved into this place, the hundreds years old farm cottage and cultivated paddy fields are all disappeared, instead of city and residential areas in reinforced concrete soil. The small humanity yards turned to much cold residential tower. Otherwise, the promised community facilities: education, healthcare are not to be implementation.







Potential residential area




It is sad that this is only one moment of Chinese government reform the remote areas. In order to improve the GDP with maintain high growth rate, the central and local governments all the time, the building looks gorgeous towns and real estate properties of reclaimed land at the destruction of the ecological environment, cultural heritage vigorously. Ignore the sacrifice of these consequences, without considering the practice, does not have any ecological value, and do so in 10-20 years a full range of the outbreak, the Chinese government is accustomed to only attach importance to the current interests of the problem for the next practice.


1.Bike Park

2.Urban Farms

4.Master Plan

Hammarby Sj枚stad /// Stockholm, Sweden

1.Traditional Culture

4.Aerial Photo

1. Characteristic Agriculture Sansheng /// China



3.Aerial Photo


Holl贸k /// Hungary


4.Residential Area

Food Risk

A Resilient City is one that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic, and technical systems and infrastructures so as to still be able to maintain essentially the same functions, structures, systems, and identity.

Food shortages in Brisbane during the January 2011 floods, partly due to the wholesale market having no refrigeration capacity.

Broccoli is typically shipped around Australia in foam boxes packed in ice.

Urban angriculture as a solution

A collaboration between Thornton’s Budgens supermarket in North London and Azul-Valerie Thome – It is a Permaculture community garden growing food to sell in the supermarket below while providing a learning and educational space for the different part of the communities.

It is the human self-protection that to survive from crisis and the sudden change n. The food is to ensure that people survive the most basic one. When the geology, weather, or man-made disaster, some of our original farmland or food transfer station may be seriously damaged in the threat. This time, the rise of urban agriculture was to solve this problem has brought new opportunities. People in the home garden production of healthy green and fresh fruits and vegetables to resist the crisis and food shortages. Not only that, this agriculture for human take into account more, lower transportation costs, improvement of food freshness, and environmental protection, to help the small environment purification and recycling.


Popullation of county Local popullation

Wu yi qiao village

320 77 559

Cultivate area of county Local cultivate area Cultivate area per capita

100000 49990000


Local cultivate area per cpita

Highland Barley

Chinese Cabbage

Lang da village

184 77 559



101000 49990000

548.91 644.54


Highland Barley


Chinese Cabbage






Highland Barley



Chinese Cabbage








274 206000 77 559 49990000 Gong ya village


312.5 644.54

751.82 644.54

Food Shortage Pasture




These three villages fall under the jurisdiction of Dege county. Accoding to the compare of three aspects: popullation, cultivate area and types of food, we can see that the farmland resource of Wu yi qiao village is the least of three and far less than the average level of whole county which I think it is the main reason of the food shortage in Wu yi qiao village.


The current situation of water supply and drainage system in most part of Dege county is primitive. There are no specialised water supply and sewage treatment network. Residents use water from underground or river and discharg sewage into the river directly. It not only cause the water pollution but also has bad effect on health status of local residents.


Energy Issue

The main way of residents’ cooking and heating is burning firewood. In Wu yi qiao village, the cconsumption of wood which is used as energe resource is more than 3000m3.And it is the main reason for forest area Reduction.

10 3.2 m3


2008 Vegetation area


Residents settlement

A sigle house far away from enclave

180m 240m



240m 160m

The distance between each residential community 15m


The distance between house





Glass ball

Toy carl





There will be 5 results for this experiment device, but only one result is succesful. Each result has 50% to be realty, so theoretically we can’t forecast it will success or fail. Although, we can increase the ratio of success through accurate lay out.

Urbanization is nonlinear process and every step of the urban development will be faced with the risks and problems. The task of planners is to find more opportunities to solve them. Changes of the city are often brought about by the crisis, but the result of this change is unknown or uncertain. Because changes are based on our choices, when I am confronted with numerous kinds of opportunity to choose, each will have different possibilities. Such a chain reaction of iterations, the place will undergo dramatic change. Due to achieve the sustainable development of this site, I should to make the certain corresponding choice when face the risk, meanwhile, the decision of choices is based on the theoretical analysis of sustainable development and the results of the choice will be the opportunities. For Wu yi qiao village, the absence of heat source supply led to use the firewood as fuel for cooking and heating which caused the forest degradation and ecological imbalance. Face with this risk, I intent to address it by providing a new heat source supply system. Nowadays, in global context, the heat sources come from gas are the common phenomenon. I tried to use gas heat supply system to achieve my goals. After analysis of correct resource, there are two choices: transport from the central town or local production.

Burning firewood Risk

Forest degradation Chang and choice

Thermal energy system Opportunity

Gas from other place

Local production


Gas Transmission

Sichuan gas field is the largest one of china, which is localed in the eastern part of sichuan province.

The national scale gas resource

site capital city gas field

gas tranfer pipe plateau gas tranfer pipe

The site is located at high altitudes aera where the gas transportation is very difficult. The transportation will cost each 70,000 per kilometers which is five times than the plain areas, but the quality of gas only 65% of total. All the above led only less than 1% of the total Sichuan gas field production of natural gas will be transported to here.


The gas tranfer condition in sichuan provice scale

gas pipe

site central town gas distribution station

Device and pipe fee

Quality of the gas

The site scale of gas tranfer distance and fee















The device and pipe fee will be 100000 rmbx12.587=1,200,000 rmb if tranfer the gas from central town

gas fee= 1,200,000

the whole regional GDP= 2,000,000 per year


The gas fee is more than 60% of total GDP


Burning firewood The results of selecting this choice will make the government involve in t he f i na nc i al c ri si s w hi c h also slow down the local development.

Forest degradation

Thermal energy system


Gas from otherplace

The situation of local producing gas.

houses void space cropland pasture vegetation

The regional land type of site


Local product ion

From the land type analysis, we can see this area is agricultural based rural area. The advantages here are abundant organic waste which is the resouce of produce biogas.

Crop waste Human waste Animal waste

current population =320

personal daily gas use =0.12m3

every 50person need 6m3 , for over 15m3 biogas tank =1wRMB Total biogas tank =6.4wRMB 6.4wRMB <120wRMB

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system reflection Gas from otherplace

Local product ion

This choice is not only to solve the problem of shortage in funds, but also effectively use the originally worthless waste to be the essential energy.


As I mentioned before, the process of urban development follows by two steps, one is that risks cause changes, another is to find out the certain solution to achieve the goals of change. New risks always come from the previous one, so urban development is the process of solving the risks. The steady supply of biogas is essential factor for the sustainable development of this site. But the correct regional resources can product enough biogas for daily use? According to the data support by Committee of the Chinese Agriculture development, I intent to calculate the actual gas volume transfer from existing resource whether can afford the total consumption.

Crop waste

current population =320 personal daily gas use =0.12m3 total daily gas use =32m3 total year gas use =14016m3


existing crop areas = 39989 m2 the rate of cropwaste output per year = 0.2 Crop waste producing gas per year = 7998m3


Human waste

current population = 320 human excretes waste 0.2kg/day total human waste = 23360kg/year the rate of excrement production per year = 0.018 Human waste producing gas per year = 420m3

Animal waste

Pasture existing pasture areas = 24876m2 one cow need 800m2 for living total amount of cow is 30 one cow excretes waste 20kg/day total cows afford the waste = 219t/year the rate of excrement production per year = 0.018 Animal waste producing gas per year = 3942m3


Biogas from Crop waste

12300m3 <

Human waste

Animal waste = 12300m3


Unfortunately, from the above calculations, I found that the regional resources were not capability to produce enough biogas for consumption. So I should find out the way to improve the biogas resources in this region. Biogas resource is divided into two parts, one is human and animal waste(25%), another is crops waste(75%). So we can see the proportion of crops waste is the largest of three kinds of organic waste and also the easiest one to raise prooduction. As a result, the method of increasing the biogas resource is to raise the area of agricultural land. There are two options, one is to reclaim more farm land, another is to develop the urban agriculture at the existing space.

Burning firewood Risk Forest degradation Change and Choice Thermal energy system Opportunity Gas from other place

Local production Risk

current situation cannot afford the consumption of gas Change and Choice Improve the gas production resources Opportunity Reclaim farmland


Develop urban agriculture

Analysis the opportunity of reclaim farmland

45% Forest areas

35% 20% reasons of forest degradation rs he ot








The condition of forest in 1960

The condition of forest in 2008

In the past 50 years, in order to solve the food shortage problem, the governments and farmers had to reclaim farming land. In rural place, the most likely to be swallowed areas is forest.

A series of problems caused by forest degradation

Soil erosion

Land desertification

Groundwater level decline


surface ground

Groundwater level decline is the most significant fact in this site

15m 20m


water level


85% of daily life water consumption is coming from underground

15% well others

1950 2000

residential house Well point

landslides point in history

It still causes the landslides of this site Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas from other place

The status of the vegetable daily consumption per capita is significantly lower than the healthy standards which reason by there is no vegetable land, only cropland. In addition, the site located in the mountains, it is so expensive transport from outside.


Local production

current situation cannot afford the consumption of gas Improve the gas production resources

reflection Reclaim farmland

Develop urban agriculture

Analysis of developing urban agriculture

Urban Agriculture Special form of agriculture in the urban industrial, commercial, residential areas and peri-urban fringe habitats, can be distributed on the surface of the roof and underground.

In the rural site in the region only residential this non-agricultural land use types. Generation of urban agriculture and the establishment must be attached to residential land. Through land use analysis, we found that a large number of private gardens in the residential housing sideways. Through field investigation also found that these gardens the use of the following characteristics: 70%

house void space 15% 5%

liv fe es ed to in ck g

pl e ur le is


The previous analysis let me know most of viod space to be used as open-air waste dump sites only, this space is to lose a lot of potential opportunity and value.Next, we try to give the identity of the land space for urban agriculture, to see such changes willWhat kind of impact for the region.

ac kw


ac e


land use of void space




25% 20%

10% crop vegetable fruit


food type consumption


vegetable resource

void space

The status of the vegetable daily consumption per capita is significantly lower than the healthy standards which reason by there is no vegetable land, only cropland. In addition, the site located in the mountains, it is so expensive transport from outside. population =320 need vegetable land = 10x320=3200m2 existing void area =4000 m2 gas amount produced by vegetable waste = 1800 m3

Crop waste

Human waste

Vegetable waste

Animal waste

= 14100 m3 > 14016m3 It is enough to provide the site's daily fuel demand.


Advantages of urban agriculture

water recycle and adjust the climate


urban agriculture



Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

Local biogas Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland


Develop urban agriculture

Develop the urban agriculture for this region will complete the structure of daily food requirement and improve the production of agricultural waste, besides, it also enhances the ecological balance.


City is an organic network which is linked by variety factor. Different urban elements have influence each other so when a risk appears, others will follow as chain reaction. The decline of vegetation overlay is caused by forest degradation, and it leads to underground water level decrease. In this place, a large amount of water for residents' daily use is from underground water. So if Wu yi qiao village want to develop urban agriculture, the irrigation water issue will become a risk. To resolve this risk I have two choices, one is continuing to use the exsiting wells and dug more wells, another is to develop the rainwater harvesting technique.

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

Local biogas Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water

Change and Choice

new water supply system Deep groundwater extraction



Rainwater gathering


Analyse of deep groundwater extraction


Rainwater gathering

site annual rainfall personal daily water consumption = 75L/day total village consumption= 24000L/day total area= 160599 m2 rainwater volume = 59225 L/day

septic-tank solid waste landfill waste water pond residential

59225 L/day > 24000L/day

well point

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

Local biogas Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water new water supply system

reflection This choice can not completely solve this problem and the deeper water may contain a certain amount of unhealthy minerals. Moreover, this behavior is still consuming underground water which will cause more ecological damage.

Deep groundwater extraction

Rainwater gathering

reflection Based on the abundant rainfall situation, the rainwater harvesting system can afford the consumption of daily use and the rest can irrigate urban agriculture.


W ith the establishment of biogas thermal energy systems, biogas transportation mode will be the new problem. In the previous risk analysis, we can see that the settlements distribution is uneven, so it is difficult to achieve consistency in the energy balance, the distribution and unified management. The site is needed to establish a new allocation model of energy transport. There are two choices to achieve this purpose, one is individual family device supply type and another is the network management supply.

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

gas transport

Local biogas

Settlement dispersion

Risk Change and Choice

Deliver system

Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland

Individual device

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water

Network management


new water supply system Deep groundwater extraction

Rainwater gathering

Indivdual device the minimum cost of individual device for one house is 2,000 RMB 55%

320/4=80 houses cost=80 x 2000= 160,000 RMB



Due to the different device, the usage of the biogas utilization rate is total different which is unbalance of production. Beside,if one device was broken,others cannot help.


biogas digester


biogas digester

Large digester is shared by 3-4 houses will cost 5,000 RMB 80/4=20 units cost=5000x20= 100,000RMB

central biogas tank secondly link pipe main link pipe

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

gas transport

Local biogas

Deliver system

Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland


Decline of underground water new water supply system Rainwater gathering

reflection Individual device

Develop urban agriculture

Deep groundwater extraction

Settlement dispersion

This choice is no advantage at price, and due to lack of experience and technology will lead the biogas production unsteady and maintenance issues.

Network management

The choice is not expensive but easy to management, can effectively balanced distribute the biogas to every household. In addition, the maintenance will not affect the normal use.


After the analysis, the network supply system mode has to achieve the balanced distribution of energy. Though the network system will be more balanced on distribution, but base on the currently residential distribution situation, the risk of network fee and maintain way will shown. So I intent to optimize the energy network fabric by two choices, one is distributed network fabric mode base on current residential fabric, another one is to planning the centralized network after reform the residential fabric.

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

gas transport

Local biogas

Settlement dispersion Deliver system

Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water new water supply system Deep groundwater extraction

Rainwater gathering

Network management Fee and maintain


Optimize network

Change and choice

Distributed network fabric


Individual device

Centralized network


Distributed network fabric

biogas network range

community scale

residential scale

The network service centers are very scattered which will cause the sources of biogas transport and distribution are inconvenient. In addition, the distances between the network service ranges are too long and so it is hard to achieve the goal of gas complementary.

The Individual house located in a long distance way or high level place will raise the transport pipe fee and technological difficulty

Fee and maintain Optimize network

reflection The distributed network will rise the cost of tranfer and maintain.

Distributed network fabric

Centralized network


Centralized network

The reformed residential structure and distribution make the energy network to become more efficient, not only can fast transport raw materials, but also to achieve balanced distribute energy.

biogas digester

In addition, the transportation and distribution of raw materials also become more convenient.

Fee and maintain Optimize network

reflection Distributed network fabric

Centralized network

As a centralized network structure in a residential area, we have to consider the changes in this band is not just r e s i d e n t i a l a r e a i t s e l f, b u t a l a r g e community structure.This structure will contain a variety of basic facilities and activities


We found that the residential model from distributed into the now centralized the distribution of the network can be better

But this way we found the original site is no other community facilities, this step must be provided to allow the villagers to participate in and use these facilities.Faced with this choice, we first consider that the villagers were able to quickly reach the center of the county to use the construction of these basic functions, the second is re-planned community.

Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

gas transport

Local biogas

Settlement dispersion Deliver system

Shortage of oganic waste Improve the oganic materials

Reclaim farmland

Network management

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water

Fee and maintain

new water supply system Deep groundwater extraction

Individual device

Optimize network

Rainwater gathering

Distributed network fabric

Centralized network community function


facilities construction

Change and choice

access to central town

New neighborhood


cost 30min to central town by car cost 1.5 hours to central town by bicycle

Saturation in town education

80% Saturation in town

90% Saturation in town other facilities


site central town

This opportunity for the villagers' daily spend too much time on the road, reflection but did not play a healthy community should bear the obligations and responsibilities.

community function facilities construction

access to central town

New neighborhood


Creating new neighborhood communtiy B u i l d a h e a l t h y c o m m u n i t y, in addition to the complete functionality and, more importantly, the village fabric design.A good structure allows exchanges and activities in their daily lives more frequent and convenient Typology of urban fabirc


The facilities under the fabric

education entertainment comcerical

community function facilities construction reflection access to central town

New neighborhood

When a community of neighborhood and community services become harmonious and warm, will this health siteBring a sense of the joy of life, so that we continue to live, is a sustainable developmentOpportunity.


Burning firewood Forest degradation Thermal energy system

Gas inport

Local biogas

gas transport

Settlement dispersion Deliver system

Shortage of oganic waste Network management

Improve the oganic materials

Individual device

Fee and maintain Reclaim farmland

Optimize network

Develop urban agriculture Decline of underground water

Distributed network fabric

community function

new water supply system Deep groundwater extraction

Centralized network

facilities construction Rainwater gathering

access to central town

New neighborhood



Industry Commerc








Ma ni gan ge

De ge


Lu huo

Gan zi

Ba mei

Dao fu

Dan ba

Ri long

Xiao jin

Cheng du

Du jiang yan

Through analysis we see that the entire western Sichuan, with a large number of cultural and natural beauty, which a major landscape Highway 317 State Road, these attractions linked together, while the travelers a way 317 State Road which is one of the main entry of the Tibet Tourism State Road through the site, which for the site with a lot of potential visitors.


Level 1

High Slope

Level 2

Level 3


Level 1

Level 2

High Precipitation

Level 3


Through analysis of the slope, precipitation, and solar radiation data, I would like to re-divide the Wu yi qiao village land-use types.These three types of data is divided into three levals, representing high, medium, low value of use, and then by the method of superimposition the village is divided into 27 lands to prepare for the next design.

Level 1

High Solar radiation




















Level 2

Level 3


























Highland Barley











Lolium perenne



Chinese Cabbage







45991 m2






37748 m2





Fruit 19142 m2





39409 m2 Pasture 1x3x1





The main work of this stage is the construction of new settlements of the 320 villagers. The new community will focus on the development of biogas use and thus promote the development of urban agriculture and other energy conservation and environmental protection technology applications. Replanned community layout will be more in line with the new urban functions. This stage will begin the construction of urban facilities, such as convenience stores, clinics, to meet residents’ daily living needs.

Hybrid area (residential,vegetable) Farm Pasture


The main objective of this stage is to continue to develop agriculture, animal husbandry, and the development of the tourist industry is driven by ecological agriculture. Explore more tourism resources, such as highland scenery, Tibetan Buddhist culture. Along with the development of agriculture and tourism, gradually build and improve the facilities of transportation, education, entertainment, leisure, and encourage the development of small retail.

STAGE 2 After urban infrastructure construction, the accumulation of agriculture and tourism in the second phase, the main objectiveof this stage is the development of the local processing industry. The processed agricultural products and medicinal herbs will be sold to other place or for local tourists purchase needs. Then build a small solar power station to meet the energy requirement of local processing industry. The purpose of this stage is to promote local economic and solve employment problem to some extent.



Potential Industry Potential Solar power Station

Wu yi qiao Village will adapt to population, food, transportation, environmental, and economic development and change through continuous exploration and innovation. That will be a long-term, ecological and sustainable process.



Based on the analysis of relationship between risks and opportunities, I begin my design from small scale: a house. My straegy is to solve problems for one family and replicate this model in combination with the needs of different scales to form a community.







10% 5% urban





area of housing per capita




The specification and size of the original housing types are varied and unordered, so I will redesign the housing type for new community based on the reseach of per-capita living space and family types. The sample house is provided for four members families which account for a highest proportion.

proportion of different family types

House According the research, the housing area of a four members family is 33.6X4=134 m2

According to the previous research, the appropriate farm area affording to a four members family's food consumption is 10x4=40m2

Rainwater storage tank Sewage irrigation system


The gathering rainwater is used in toliet and the sewage from kitchen will be used to irrigate vegetebles.





house with urban agriculture

Zone For Urban For Suburban For Rural

15m 10m 5m

Community Block 10m 5m 3m

5m 3m 2m

input system of waste and sewage biogas pipelines The volume of biogas digester is 10m3


Transport Sports Communication Entertainment

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Time line


Concider to shortage of land resources, The inner space of block are both pavement and public space. So the wholecommunity weill be car free.

Public space






Unit with 4 houses

inner space outer space

With the iteration of the house units, two types of space emerged to meet residents' needs.Each unit will be combined to form a community by biogas and transport network.

Baced on the land value analysis, some different levels field mosaic in residential area. These patches will be designed as different types of public space for residents' activities.

Farmland as urban landscape has both functions of production and public space.

Rigid pavement space for sports and leisure activities


Level 3

Level 2

Level 1 The edge of community borders on different types of land. It is the channle for communication between inner and outer space, meanwhile, it protects the whole community. So it is the most hybrid area of community.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Level 1


government service


Service for local residents with ability of gathering people.

Level 2 Circulation of food, informetion and business. market



Level 3


new energy

Different types of land, the local culture and development of energy




Waste and sewage gathering

Sewage irrigation

Biogas pipeline from one digester

Underground water network

Biogas network of community

Rainwater harvesting


Portential expanding of hybrid residential areas


The lack of land resources led to developing independent business entity becomes difficult, therefore the development of residential, commercial hybrid model is the design which is consistent with the actual situation. According to different behaviours, there are 4 types of hybrid house: -for busy and noisy business type, to reduce the effect on dwellers. Restaurant, Teahouse -for the type with quiet or elegant environment bookshop, Barber shop -for the type needing multifloor for different functions clinic, art shop -for the type needing large space hostal, Internet cafes


If 4 types of house are the hybrid of space, this idea is the hybrid of time. These series photos illustrate the different functions of the hybrid areas. From 8AM-4PM every weekday, schools play a role of the place for children studying. But during weekend these rooms can serve other purposes.

Activity space


Classroom 8am-11am Music class 2pm-3pm Cafeteria 12am-1am

Community library 4pm-8pm Yoga club 7pm-9pm Party 7pm-9pm


Transport network

317 National Road



Section B


Section C


Section A

Section B

Section C


Section A

Tourism resource of Tibetan Buddhism

Orchard Tourism

Farmland as the urban landscape

Public space


Zone One Dwellings






Zone Two

In my first plan: Spread Moduel, community, which consists of tow resitential areas, will supply 86 dwellings for local citizens. Zone one will aford 64 houses for the most 312 people while zone two will contain 88 maximun 144 residents. The current population of Wu yi qiao village is 320 which is closed to the number of zone one residents. So for the reason of maximizing use of land resouces, I want to plan the 320 people community in zone one and zone two will be considered as the extense part with the population growth. In addition, I will explor the ability of in zone one.



population increase 30 dwellings increase 7 community expansion to the north

significant problem: dwelling will occupied the farmland and fruit land. the demon for crop and fruit rise 11%, however the areas of crop and fruit will drop 30% 2020

community expansion to the east population increase 35 dwellings increase 8

significant problem: dwelling will occupied the natural forest and cultural hill surface.


the demon for crop and fruit rise 11%, however the crop areas would not changed, the forest areas reduce 35% and the cultural heritage damage for 45% community expansion to the south population increase 40 dwellings increase 9

significant problem: dwelling will occupied the pasture and farmland.


the demon for crop and fruit rise 11%, however the cropland areas will reduce15% and the pasture land areas will reduce 35%.


The light pink area is the boundary of zone one which is composed of dwellings, urban infrastructures, road system and urban agriculture accounted for 25119 m2.

The area of dwellings and urban infrastructures are 11071 m 2 which are inalterable, so the potential habitation can only from the urban agriculture land and open spaces.

Urban agriculture occupies 3498 m 2. If this land is uesd to construct the dwellings, it will supply 34 houses which are corresponded the requirment of the population growth in future 30 years. However, while the population increased the agricultural land is decreased. So the aim of next plan is to reach the balance of agricultural and residential land use.


Terrace research In agriculture, a terrace is a piece of sloped land that has been landscaped into a series of successively receding flat surfaces or platforms, which resemble steps, for the purposes of more effective farming. This type of landscaping, therefore, is called terracing. The bench terrace is essentially a steep-land terrace and consists of an almost vertical retaining wall, called a riser, or a steep vegetative slope to hold the nearly level surface of the soil for cultivation, orchards, vineyards, or landscaping. Bench terracing consists of transforming relatively steep land into a series of level or nearly level strips or steps running across the slope .the strips are separated by almost vertical risers. The risers if sloping may be of earth construction .steep risers are supported by masonry [stones ].bench terracing is adopted only on slopes steeper then 15%[for more then 8%]and where soil condition are .the use of bench traces retards erosion losses and makes cropping operations on these slopes possible and safe.

The advantages of terrace cultivation Runoff Velocity One of the principal advantages of terrace cultivation is that it can protect the terraced area’s soil from overly rapid erosion. Erosion happens when moving water strips away soil from the area over which it is flowing. Terracing, by reducing the length of the slope the water has to run over (i.e. by creating a level terrace on an otherwise sloped face), slows the flow of water. This protects the soil in the area from being carried away in a deluge. Rainwater Collection Level terraces, like those found in parts of Bali and China, can not only reduce the rate of soil erosion but can also trap and hold rainwater. This allows for the cultivation of water-intensive crops, such as rice, in these areas. Terracing creates flat spaces for crops and canals for water to flow between these areas. Water collected in the terraces can then be absorbed into the soil (if the soil is suitably permeable) and sustain crops.

Natural hill

Bench Terrace


The detail and structure of terrace

contours of site

Terrace can maximize the use of land resource in a mountainous area. Generally, dwellings and agriculture will account for different spaces which is a horizontal consideration. If we integrate these two spaces vertically, the use area is increased while the structure area is unconverted.


Integrated Module






The integration of house and agriculture has two modules, one is the plants under floor, the other is on the roof. For the lower type, the cultivation way is the same as in nomal farmland, the only issue is the shadow of building will cover on plants which leads to photosynthesis insufficient.




after 12am

In order to solve the lighting problem, the agriculture is designed as flexible. When crops are mos t covered by s h a d o w, people can move plants to an open space(i.e. street). Besides, if plants are moved away, the lower floor can be used as a public space.


The height of terrace' layer is 5m which could avoid buildings create more shadows on vegetations. However, soil can not conserve the structure in this height, unless it is proped up by other materials. The next iteration reduces the terrace height to 3m, and uses the building'souter wall to support the soil.


100m2 100m2 100m2

100% 100%

The roof garden type is no problem with lighting. Another distinction with 5m module is the design of public space. Through the move of the timber deck, space is defined as different functions. In situation A, the space is private and quiet which is approprite for leisure activities. When the deck is moved, there is one more area which is joined with the same level's ground. It is the extension of ground which provide more spaces for entertainment or sports.


sectionA sectionB sectionC sectionD




The terrace moduel is available for my design requirment. But I shtill think there are other better strategies. The slopes of different mountain sections are distinctive. As we can see from left images, the red areas are pitching. The gradient of these places is more than 50o, so the dwelling type in this area might be different.


Cave dwelling research

Jiang’s Manor in Mizhi Shanxi province built in 1874

Farmers’ caves in Yan’an University

Contemporary farmers’ caves

As a type of dwelling existing only in China, the farmers’ caves in Shaanxi Province, especially in Northern Shaanxi, are unique travel destinations. In some areas of Shaanxi Province such as the Yan’an area, farmers’ caves abound. Farmers’ caves are generally built into a mountain. In Shaanxi Province there are two basic types, the stone cave and the earth cave. The stone cave is cut into the side of a precipitous cliff, while an earth cave is cut into the yellow earth layers. Caves rise layer upon layer looking like stories of a building. A farmer’s cave is usually 5-7 meters (16.4-23.0 feet) long, 3-4 meters (9.8-13.1 feet) wide and 2-5 meters (6.6-16.4 feet) high. The cave has a semicircular door of fieldstone and windows with exquisite sash bars set like fan ribs, the most beautiful and dainty parts of the cave. Vaulted windows have beautiful designs in wooden sash bars decorated with folk paper cuttings. A farmer’s cave has several unique characteristics: First, it is quiet; also it is warm in winter and cool in summer. Its creation did not damage the environment or usurp farmland. As early as the Neolithic Age, using wooden framework, grass, and soil, clans inhabiting the middle reaches of the Yellow River built simple shallow caves in natural earth holes in the mountains.


Two main types of cave dwelling:

The first is called Slope/Hill type which are built in the slope against a hill or valley and could form several floors.Those carved out of the side of a cliff. Cliffside dwellings are often south-facing, and the facades are sometimes faced with bricks or stone.

The second type of cave dwelling is called Sink type. In the flat areas where no slope is available. People dig a big square hole first, then dig dwellings in the walls of the hole to form a yard called sunken courtyards. After digging a courtyard that is usually about 10 meters deep, rooms are dug off the main courtyard. A large sunken courtyard complex, or pit dwelling, can have a courtyard as large as one hundred square meters.


The advantages of cave house Green “Warm in winter; Cool in Summer.� The thick earth separates the indoor space and outdoor, serves as an effective insulator that keeps the inside of a cave dwelling warm in cold seasons and cool in hot seasons. Consequently, very little heating is required in winter, and in summer, it is as cool as an air-conditioned room. It is a very good example for sustainable lifestyle for modern architecture design.

Economical A normal house is constructed by variety of building materials. However the material of cave dwelling is almost from local and the structure is simple. Dwellings construction cost

Material recycle use normal

Labour cost


Heating / cooling cost


Landscape view

Buildings Follow the contourline which reduce the mountain’s surface minimally.


The detail and structure of cave dwelling


Inital State P1a

Final State P2a





semi-permeable membrane

dissolved salt

Osmosis may occur when there is a partially permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. When a cell is submerged in water, the water molecules pass through the semipermeable cell membrane from an area of low solute concentration (outside the membrane cell) to one of high solute concentration (inside the cell); this is called osmosis.

When it rains, water will be stored in the barrel. Because of osmosis, water flows slowly through the semipermeable membrane in order to provid enough water for the growth ofvegetables.

When the concentration of both sides of semipermeable membrane is same, water will keep stable in barrel.


Because the roof of cave dwelling is arched, water will flow into the gap between tow vaults. In this way, the irrigation of agriculture is available on hillside fields.


The sun tracker is a system which uses the light of the sun to light up your building. Unlike the skylights, it does not allow the light to just fall in to the room. It actually is a huge dome that adjusts the mirrors present in it to bring in as much natural light as possible into a room. Sun tracker has two giant mirrors that catch all the light, but no heat. They adjust their angle with the movement of the sun throughout the day. It can catch the rays of the sun even when the sun is just 10 degrees above the horizon. It can reduce almost 15-35% of usage of power in a building. The sun tracker is basically a mini, fully-autonomous sun tracking motor which uses GPS to align itself and a solar electric panel for power. The double-layered dome is set high off the curb, making the incorporated mirror especially adept at catching early morning and afternoon sun while helping to deflect intense daytime heat.

The general form is not working when it combine with roof agriculture. The plants will cover sunlight hence the entrance of effective light decrease.

The new plan is to arrange sun trackers at the side of roof in order to increase the time of direct sunlight.


The final plan has sun trackers on both sides of roof,when one side is under the shadow the other side will still work.







Because of the cave structure, natural lighting could not be a stable source. The bright part indoor will change with time going. Sun tracker could aford a steady light source longer time.



The iterations of bio gas system follow the conception of spread module. But for the reason that the community arrangement changed, I modify the network and consider the plan in a community way. I compaer four plans in five aspects. The result of analysis shows that plan D is the best. plan A

plan B

Number of users 8/device Volume of the device 12.5m3

Number of users 16/device Volume of the device 23m3

plan C

plan D

Total distance 840m Bio digester 10

Total distance 550m Bio digester 5

Total distance 1140m Bio digester 41

Total distance 1020m Bio digester 22

Trasmission network

Bio digester Storage of crop waste

Number of users 40/device Volume of the device 57m3


Number of users 80/device Volume of the device 114m3


Time line 9mins 50s

plan A plan B

9mins 10s

plan C

6mins 50s plan D

2mins 45s

Hierarchy of convenience

Efficiency limit

plan A plan B plan C plan D

plan A



plan B plan C

200% 300%


plan D

400% 100%



plan A plan B plan C plan D

Hierarchy of effciency limit


plan B


114000 101200


plan C plan D

plan A



24000 plan A plan B plan C plan D

Hierarchy of Price


Time line

f(50) plan A



f(30) plan B f(22)

f(20) plan C




plan D

Hierarchy of maintain

Prior period waste volume

plan A plan B plan C plan D



f(3a) f(a) plan A plan B plan C plan D

Constrution times

4 6

plan D plan A






plan A plan B plan C plan D



plan C plan B

Hierarchy of development

convenience development

effciency limit maintain price

plan A

convenience development

effciency limit price maintain

plan B

convenience development

effciency limit price


plan C


effciency limit

development price


plan D


Rainwater harvest

First stage of the hill Second stage of the hill



water collected lines




water collected lines

The runoff flow with the siop from top of the hill to the flat area.

Ponds are near the cropland, which are used to collect the rainwater for irrigation. Pond

Canel harvests rain water and guide it to ponds. Another function of canel is the urban water landscape. Canel

Pools could slow down the runoff speed, meanwhile store water. Hierarchical pools

Water lettus


Duck weed

Water hyacinth


Main road Dwellings besides main road

Road Dwellings

Pedestrian steps

Potential site

Potential retail

Primary school

Main road

Street Fork




Pasture Farmland

Terrace dwelling

Cave dwelling

Public transport site Parcels for public leisurement

r ea



12 year 1





3 year 4 year

9 year 1 0



8 ar e y

ye a

6 year 7 year

Sprout Sapling Mature 2012 masterplan

Orchard for apple planting

2020 masterplan

New dwellings area

Snag In 2012, the target areas are planned to plant the apple trees.

7 new dwellings

Economic orchard

Religious culture


Traditional fastival celebrition


2020 masterplan Pasture

8 new dwellings

Existing retail

2030 masterplan New dwelling area

Bus stop

Main road New open space

New retail


Existing leisurement open space

Main road New open space

2030 masterplan Farmland

Hign value land for agriculture

2040 masterplan New dwelling area

9 New dwellings

Low value land for agriculture

Farmland Orchard



section A

section B

section C




ion B






Pasture Farmland Protect forest Orchard Residential area Water system Open space


Direction In the future, If I have chance to continue this project I will mainly focus on the green economy and green energy establishment based on current sustainable community planning. I aim to achieve the target is the community surrounding by the green economic which drived by green energy. In the future, the remaining resources will be applied to the green food industry and export industry. Energy will be the essential part to drive the development of these industries, which need to use the rich resources of solar radiation to construct the solar power station on the mountains. Besides these, make efforts explore the local tourism resources, so that more people can participate in and experience in ecological and cultural tourism. To assist this project I will continue to explor the conbination of bio sustainable elements. Then for the future development, I think the key point is the economic and employment sustainability.


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