Environments 4 - Semester 1 2021 - Margaret Nicolas

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Margaret Nicolas s3782235



OVERVIEW This document features a series of technical drawings, illustrating the design that is to take place directly on Elizabeth Street, taking into regards key principles, existing site information, proposals and strategies underlined in the Elizabeth Street Masterplan Report. Elizabeth Street has been identified as an underutilised site that can advocate for more community-centric spaces. The street presents potential in providing greater commercial opportunities for local businesses and marketgoers whilst maintaining the street’s current function as a parking space. The proposed design aims to incorporate a shared street design with greater focus on the need for a public space, providing amnenities and commercial incentives for pedestrians.

MASTERPLAN SUMMARY The Elizabeth Street Masterplan Report has identified that the pre-existing site conditions lacks interest in pedestrian safety, providing a need to generate an effective public space that improves visitor circulation and safety around the the area. In addition, its lack of green space contributes to the lack of accomodation and does not provide adequate amnenities to keep pedestrians on site, generating loss of revenue for the renowned Prahran Market located next to the street. In resolution, four main precincts have been identified, focused on improving the urban forest condition, reducing UHI, flood mitigation, pedestrian and cyclist safety, and reconnecting the local community with small businesses.



EXISTING SITE SURROUNDINGS Elizabeth Street currently functions as a logistics dominated street, featuring a loading zone and on street parking, as well as a multilevel parking unit situated parallel to Prahran Market, therefore making vehicular circulation as the prevalent form of traffic across the street. In context with Chapel Street’s high concentration of vehicular movement, most of which are trams and cars, Elizabeth Street provides an area for motorists to park and begin their shopping on foot. However, the lack of a continuous footpath running down makes it difficult for pedestrians to safely travel to Prahran Market with the number of cars that enter Elizabeth Street during market hours. The Chapel Street Masterplan regards Prahran Market as an important destination for the City of Stonnington, with a wide community of skilled traders and specialty stores. To transform the street into a shared space will help to bring back pedestrians to site and thereby establish attraction towards Prahran Market, which holistically can bring back village squares for locals and establish Stonnington’s streetscapes as people-oriented.

Text adapted from Assignment 2 Mapping undertaken by Sylvie Zhang in Assignment 2


Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Exis�ng services 1:400 on A3


Page no.

Side entry pits Council stormwater drains



Key features of the masterplan Key features of the masterplan Each number correlates to the future improvements to be made along Elizabeth Street.

The footpath along the carpark is formalised, an avenue of trees renewing the path into a green corridor for pedestrians to safely walk across.

Each number correlates to the future improvements to be made along Elizabeth 1 Market areas and levelled pavement design Street. 2 New garden beds and drainage treatment

The footpath along the carpark is formalised, an avenue of trees renewing the path into a green corridor for pedestrians to safely walk across.

Descending exit andpavement safety bollard 1 3 Market areas ramp and levelled designinstallation 2 New garden beds and drainage treatment Masterplan adapted from Assignment 2 with site specific interventions

3 Descending ramp exit and safety bollard installation 3

2 1


2 1

Furniture is installed within the shared street to improve the site’s amenities and provide a resting place for users during market hours. This also aids drivers as they drive along the street.

Furniture is installed within the shared street to improve the site’s amenities and provide a resting place for users during market hours. This also aids drivers as they drive along the street. The entire street level is leveled to accommodate the conditions for a shared street between motor users and pedestrians. This promotes pedestrian safety and creates a multi use outdoor space for events.

The entire street level is leveled to accommodate the conditions for a shared street between motor users and pedestrians. This promotes pedestrian safety and creates a multi use outdoor space for events.

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3.3.1 CIRCULATION MAP 1: EXISTING NETWORKS AND POINTS OF TENSION Legend Chapel Street Side streets Existing railway line Existing cycle path


Existing tram line

Points of conflict


Vehicular circulation

Pededstrian movement

Chapel Street Side streets Existing railway line

Pedestrians crossing Elizabeth street by the west side of the carpark are situated closely to Prahran Market’s loading zone and the carpark’s roundabout.

Existing cycle path


Existing tram line

There is an established presence of cars circulating in this area, making it unsafe for pedestrians to walk too far along the western side.

Points of conflict



Vehicular circulation

Pededstrian movement

Loading zone

Chapel Street Side streets Existing railway line

Pedestrians crossing Elizabeth street by the west side of the carpark are situated closely to Prahran Market’s loading zone and the carpark’s roundabout.

Existing cycle path Existing tram line

There is an established presence of cars circulating in this area, making it unsafe for pedestrians to walk too far along the western side.

Points of conflict

Vehicular circulation

Pededstrian movement

Pedestrians crossing Elizabeth street by the west side of the carpark are situated closely to Prahran Market’s loading zone and the carpark’s roundabout. There is an established presence of cars circulating in this area, making it unsafe for pedestrians to walk too far along the western side.

Conflict analysis undertaken by Margaret Nicolas in Assignment 2 Motor vehicles recently entering the street are immediately held at a choke point, wherein there is a pedestrian

Loading zone

Motor vehicles recently entering the street are immediately held at a choke point, wherein there is a pedestrian crossing allowing for shoppers to cross. However, this is potentially unsafe as it is also located in front of the carpark’s entrance, and pedestrians would have to be wary crossing along. Additionally, there is side street parking in front of Prahran Market, which further holds traffic during market hours as Elizabeth Street is only a one-way street.

Motor vehicles recently entering the street are immediately held at a choke point, wherein there is a pedestrian crossing allowing for shoppers to cross. However, this is potentially unsafe as it is also located in front of the carpark’s entrance, and pedestrians would have to be wary crossing along. Additionally, there is side street parking in front of Prahran Market, which further holds traffic during market hours as Elizabeth Street is only a one-way street.

Pedestrians will struggle to enter Elizabeth Street from Chapel Street due to the lack of footpaths. There is another loading zone located closely to the start of the street, which leaves pedestrians at a tension point, making circulation very disjointed and unsafe for shoppers.

Loading zo


MAP 1: EXISTING NETWORKS AND POINTS OF TENSIO Legend Chapel Street Side streets Existing railway line Existing cycle path


Existing tram line

Points of conflict


Vehicular circulation

Pededstrian movement

Chapel Street Side streets Existing railway line

Pedestrians crossing Elizabeth stree by the west side of the carpark are situated closely to Prahran Market’s loading zone and the carpark’s roundabout.

Existing cycle path Existing tram line

Points of conflict

There is an established presence of cars circulating in this area, makin it unsafe for pedestrians to walk to far along the western side.

Circulation analysis undertaken by Margaret Nicolas in Assignment 2 Vehicular circulation

Pededstrian movement

Loading zone


.3.4 HYDROLOGY 3.3.4b Hydrology 3.3.4 HYDROLOGY 3.3.4b Hydrology

.3.4b Hydrology AP 1:1: Water Flow Analysis 3.3.4b Hydrology MAP Water Issues of focus Flow Analysis

Issues of focus 15 drainage pit cannot satisfy the de-The existing stormwater -The existing stormwater drainage pit cannot satisfy the demand for sufficient stormwater management. ssues of focus mand of forfocus sufficient stormwater management. Issues -the lack of green urban ecology and the dominance ofthe hardThe existing stormwater drainage pit cannot satisfy de14the -the lack ofstormwater green urban ecologypit and the dominance of hard-The existing drainage cannot satisfy descape would exacerbate the problem, as the drains cannot acand for sufficient stormwater management. scape would exacerbate the problem, as the drains cannot acmand for sufficient stormwater management. commodate mass flood. the lack of green urban ecology and the dominance of hardcommodate -the of mass greenflood. urban ecology and the dominance of hardSUES OFlack FOCUS ISSUES OF FOCUS cape would exacerbate thethe problem, as as thethe drains cannot ac-acscape would exacerbate problem, drains cannot Effects ommodate mass flood. Existing storm water drainage pitpit cannot satisfy thethe demand forfor sufficient Effects mass flood. -commodate Existing storm water drainage cannot satisfy demand sufficient -possible flood within the street parallel to Elizabeth orm water management. -possible flood within the street parallel to Elizabeth storm water management. Lack of of green urban ecology and thethe dominance of of hard-scape would and the street itsits selves due to to ineffective drainage ffects -street Lack green urban ecology and dominance hard-scape would street and the street selves due ineffective drainage Effects acerbate the problem, as the drains cannot accommodate mass flooding. system and green fabrics. exacerbate the problem, as the drains cannot accommodate mass flooding. possible within thethe street parallel to to Elizabeth systemflood and green fabrics. -possible flood within street parallel Elizabeth treet and the street its selves due to ineffective drainage street and the street its selves due to ineffective drainage FECTS EFFECTS Goals ystem and green fabrics. Goals system and green fabrics. -Implement water sensitive design that assist instreet managing Possible flood within the street parallel to Elizabeth andand thethe -Implement water sensitive design that assist in managing - Possible flood within the street parallel to Elizabeth street stormwater system especially at the interception of Elizareet itself duedue to ineffective drainage andand current vegetation. oals stormwater system especially atsystems the interception ofvegetation. Elizastreet itself to ineffective drainage systems current Goals beth and Chapel street. (A highly prone to flood zone). Implement water sensitive that assist managing beth and Chapel street.design (A highly prone toinflood zone). -Implement water sensitive design that assist in managing AL -Assist the surrounding street in managing its water runoff. GOAL tormwater especially at at thethe interception of of Eliza-Assistsystem the surrounding street in managing its water runoff. stormwater system especially interception Elizaeth andand Chapel street. (A highly prone toin flood zone). beth Chapel street. (A highly prone to flood zone). Implement water sensitive design that assists managing storm water Implement water sensitive design that assists in managing storm water Assist the surrounding street in managing its water runoff. stem especially at the intersection of Elizabeth and Chapel street. -Assist the surrounding street in managing its water runoff. system especially at the intersection of Elizabeth and Chapel street.

highly prone to to flood zone). (A highly prone flood zone). Assist the surrounding street in in managing water runoff. - Assist the surrounding street managing water runoff.

Prone to to flood Prone flood zone zone Prone to to flood Prone flood zone zone Drainage points Drainage points Drainage points Drainage points

water flow water flow (slow) (slow) water flow water flow (slow) (slow) Water flow (Moderate to to Water flow (Moderate fast fast Water flow (Moderate to to Water flow (Moderate fast fast

Grading analysis undertaken by Sylvie Zhang in Assignment 2


3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY 3.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4a Urban Ecology

MAP 1: Biodiversity Values & Urban Forest Coverage

Issues of focus -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) comIssues of focus pare to other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) com3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY street (62%). 3.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY 3.3.4a Urban Ecology pare to other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra 3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the 3.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY 3.3.4a Urban Ecology ISSUES OF FOCUS street (62%). 3.3.4a Urban Ecology nearest Street Playground, butEcology primary for chil3.3.4a Urban MAP 1: Biodiversity Values Grosvenor & Urban Forest Coverage - Insufficient green open space and corridor (withValues the 3.3.4a Urban Ecology MAP 1: Biodiversity & Urban Forest Coverage dren). 3.3.4a Urban Ecology of focus -nearest Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared to MAPIssues 1: Biodiversity Values & Urban Forest Coverage Issues of but focus Grosvenor Street MAP Playground, primary for chil- & Urban 1: Biodiversity Values Forest Coverage -Significant percentage of urban forest, less than Issues of focus -Significant Lower other strategic values (33%) comstreetsbiodiversity alonglow Chapel street, such as Yarra street.with (62%). Issues of focus -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) comIssues of focus Lower -dren). Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the nearest Grosvenor 10 %. Chapel -Significant strategic biodiversity values (33%) compare to other street along street, such as Yarra Issues of focus -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values pare to other street along street, such as (33%) Yarra com-Significant low which percentage of urban forest, with less Chapel than Issues of focus -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) comStreet Playground, is such primarily for children). Issues of focus pare to(62%). other street along Chapel street, as Yarra street -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compare to other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra street (62%). %. Chapel -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values compare to other street along street, such as(33%) Yarra -10Significantly lower percentage of urban forest, with less than 10%. Effects -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) street (62%). - Insufficient green open space and corridorpare (with to the other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra com.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY street (62%). 3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the ISSUES OF(62%). FOCUS street along pare to other Chapel street, such as Yarra street 3.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4a Urban Ecology -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5Chapel to 10 street, such as Yarra pare to other street along ISSUES OF(62%). FOCUS Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the nearest Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chilstreet .3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY 3.3.4 URBAN ECOLOGY - the Insufficient green openPlayground, space and corridor (with the EFFECTS nearest Grosvenor Street but primary for chilEffects ISSUES OF(62%). FOCUS 3.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4a Urban Ecology street Insufficient green open space and corridor (with ISSUES OF(62%). FOCUS degrees) , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases street nearest Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for children). Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the .3.4a Urban Ecology -nearest Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared to 3.3.4a Ecology nearest Street but primary for chil- to dren). -Increase urban heatprimary island (Currently record as 5 toPlayground, 10 - Insufficient green open space andUrban corridor (with the Grosvenor Street Playground, but for chil-Grosvenor -nearest Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared AP 1: Biodiversity Values Urban Coverage -(33%) Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the dren). -Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less than MAP 1: Biodiversity Values & Urban Forest Coverage Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chil.3.4a Urban Ecology 3.3.4a Urban Ecology -Forest Increased urban heat island (currently recorded at 510 degree increase) other streets & along Chapel street, such as Yarra street. (62%). -dren). Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values compared to dren). -Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less thanto degrees) , air pollution, waste, greenhouse gases nearest Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chilother streets along Chapel street, such as Yarra street. (62%). -nearest Significantly lower strategic biodiversity (33%) compared of focus APIssues 1: Biodiversity Values &along Urban MAP 1: Coverage Biodiversity Values & Urban Forest Coverage Issues ofquality, focus Goal Grosvenor Street Playground, but values primary for chil-Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less than -Forest Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases Insufficient green open space and corridor (with thedren). nearest Grosvenor 10 %. other streets Chapel street, such as Yarra street. (62%). -Significant low percentage of urban forest, less than Insufficient green open space andsuch corridor (with the with nearest Grosvenor 10 %. than other streets along Chapel Yarra street. (62%). Issues of focus Issues ofcomfocus dren). -Significant low which percentage of urban forest, with less -Significant Lower Street biodiversity values (33%) -Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) primarily for children). -Sustainable design intervention, such as rainstreet, garden in- ascomdren). -strategic Insufficient green openisspace and corridor (with the nearest Grosvenor 10 Playground, %. -Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less than ssues of focus Street Playground, which primarily for children). -strategic Insufficient green openisspace and(33%) corridor (with the nearest Grosvenor 10 %. than Issues of focus Goal -Significant strategic biodiversity -Significant comLower biodiversity values com-Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less 10 %. Playground, pare to otherLower street along Chapel street, such as Yarra GOAL Significantly lower percentage of (33%) urban forest, with less than 10%. pare to focus other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra Street which is values primarily for children). creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able tofor forest, -Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less Effects 10 %. ssues of focus Issues of Significantly lower percentage of urban with less thanthan 10%. Street Playground, which is primarily children). Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) com-Significant Lower strategic biodiversity (33%) comEffects -Sustainable design intervention, such asstreet, rainvalues garden in-Yarra pare to(62%). other street along Chapellower street, such pare as Yarra to other street along Chapel such as %. street -10Significantly percentage of urban forest, with less than 10%. street (62%). adapt to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be 10 %. Effects -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5 to 10 Significant Lower strategic biodiversity values -Significant comLower strategic biodiversity values com- Significantly lower heat percentage of urban forest,record with less are to other street along Chapel street, such as(33%) Yarra Effects pare to the other street along Chapel street, such as (33%) Yarra -Increase urban island as 5than to 10%. 10 -creases Sustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase the biodiversity in open urban landscape that able to(Currently EFFECTS street (62%). street (62%). Effects - Insufficient green open space,urban and corridor (with Insufficient green space and corridor (with the able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. EFFECTS -Increase heat island (Currently record as 5 to 10 degrees) air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases Effects are to other street along Chapel street, such pare as Yarra to other street along Chapel street, such as Yarra SUES OF FOCUS treet (62%). ISSUES OF FOCUS biodiversity in the variety urban landscape and10 are able to adapt to a(with wide variety -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5 togases 10 street degrees) , are air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse EFFECTS adapt to a (62%). wide of conditions more likely tofor be Insufficient green openPlayground, space andheat corridor (with - Insufficient the green open space and corridor the Effects -Increase urban (Currently record as 5 to nearest Grosvenor Street butisland primary for chilnearest Grosvenor Street Playground, butisland primary chilEFFECTS Effects degrees) , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases SUES OF(62%). FOCUS ISSUES OF FOCUS -Increase urban heat (Currently record as 5 to 10 treet street (62%). of conditions. This will also help mitigate the ongoing effects of climate Increased urban heat island (currently recorded at 510 degree increase) Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the , and air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases - to Insufficient green open space and corridor (with the able weather disturbances, disease, climate change. nearest Street Playground, but primary nearest for chilGrosvenor Street Playground, but primary for recorded chil-Increase heat island (Currently record as 5degrees) to 10 urban degrees) ,urban air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases dren). Grosvenor -degrees) Increased heat island (currently at 510 5 degree increase) dren). Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared to -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as togases 10 Goal , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared to change. Insufficient green open space and corridor (with Insufficient the green open space and corridor (with the - Increased Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases urban heat island (currently recorded at 510 degree increase) earest Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chilnearest Grosvenor Street Playground, but island primary for chilGoal dren). dren). - Increased Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases degrees) ,ofair pollution, waste, greenhouse gases urban (currently recorded 5- 10 degree increase) -Significant low percentage urban forest, with less than Significantly lower strategic biodiversity values -nearest (33%) Significantly compared lower tolow strategic biodiversity values (33%) compared to at her streets along Chapel street, such as quality, Yarra street. (62%). -Significant percentage of urban forest, with less than other streets along Chapel street, such as heat Yarra street. (62%). degrees) , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases Goal -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden in- Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases earest Grosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chilGrosvenor Street Playground, but primary for chilren). Goal dren). -Sustainable design intervention, such - space Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gasesas rain garden in-Significant low percentage of urban forest, with -Significant less than low percentage of urban forest, less than Goal her along Chapel street, Yarra street. other (62%). streets along Chapel street, Yarra street. (62%). Insufficient green open space andsuch corridor (with the nearest Grosvenor 10 streets %. Insufficient green open andsuch corridor (with the with nearest Grosvenor 10 %. GOAL -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden in- as forest, creases theasbiodiversity in urban landscape that able to Goal ren). dren). Significant low percentage of urban forest, with less than GOAL -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden in-Significant low percentage of urban with less than creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to Insufficient green openGOAL space and corridor (with the - nearest Insufficient green openis space and (with the nearest Grosvenor 10 Playground, %. 10 Playground, %. Grosvenor reet which is primarily for children). Goal -Sustainable design intervention, such as which rain garden in-corridor Street primarily for children). Goal creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able adapt to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden inSignificant low percentage of urban forest, with -Significant less than low percentage of urban forest, with less than GOAL 0reet %. Playground, creases the biodiversity inconditions urban landscape that able to be 10 %. than which primarily for children). Street Playground, is primarily for children). Significantly lower percentage ofthe urban forest, withless 10%. lower adapt to a wide variety of are more likely Significantly percentage of urban forest, with less than 10%. -Sustainable design intervention, such as which rain garden in-is Sustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase creases biodiversity in urban landscape that able to Effects Effects -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden inadapt to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. Sustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to 0Significantly %. 10 %. Strategic Biodilower percentage ofthe urban forest, with less Significantly thanare 10%. lower percentage of urban forest, with than 10%. adapt to a wide variety of conditions are likely to be able to weather disturbances, disease, and more climate change. biodiversity in the urban landscape and able adapt to a wide variety Effects Effects -adapt Sustainable design interventions, such as to rain gardens, increase Nearest greenless creases biodiversity in urban landscape that able to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5 to 10 -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5 to 10 biodiversity in the urban landscape and are able to adapt to a wide variety Sustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. adapt to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be versity Values of FECTS ffects EFFECTS of conditions. This will record also help mitigate the ongoing effects of climate able to(Currently weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. Effects corridor biodiversity in the disturbances, urban landscape and are to adapt to apollution, wide variety -Increase,urban heat island as -Increase 5 to 10able urban heat island record as mitigate 5 to 10able adapt toweather a(Currently wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to disease, and climate change. degrees) air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases of conditions. This will also help the ongoing effects of climate degrees) , air quality, waste, greenhouse gases Strategic Biodibiodiversity in the urban landscape and are to adapt to a wide variety 12 adapt toof a climate wide variety conditions are likely to be FECTS EFFECTS able to weather disturbances, disease, and more climate change. ffects Effects Nearest green of change. Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5degrees) to 10 of conditions. This disturbances, will also help mitigate the ongoing effects -Increase urban heat island (Currently record as 5 to 10gases degrees) , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases , air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse able to weather disease, and climate change. change. versity Values of of conditions. This will also help mitigate the ongoing effects of climate Increased urban heat island (currently recorded at 510 degree increase) able(currently to(Currently weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. corridor -degrees) Increased heat island recorded at 5- as 10 5 degree increase) Increase heat island (Currently record as -Increase 5 togases 10,urban urban heat island record to 10 change. egrees) ,urban air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases 12 change. Goal Increased heat island (currently recorded 5- -10 Increased degree increase) heat island (currently recorded 5- 10 degree increase) Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gasesat Goal Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gasesat Strategic Biodiegrees) ,urban air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse degrees) gases ,urban air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases Urban Forest Goal Goal Air quality, pollution, greenhousesuch gasesas rain - Air quality, pollution, waste, greenhouse gases -Sustainable design waste, intervention, garden in-Sustainable such as rain garden inversitydesign Values intervention, of 10-20% oal Goal ALcreases -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain -Sustainable garden indesign intervention, such as rain garden inStrategic BiodiGOAL the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to 8 creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to Urban Forest oal Goal Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden inStrategic BiodiALadapt GOAL -Sustainable design intervention, such as rain garden inversity Values of creases biodiversity inconditions urban landscape that creases abletoto the biodiversity inconditions urban landscape that able to to be tothe a wide variety of are more likely Nearest green of 10-20% Strategic Biodiadapt a be wide variety more likely Sustainable design intervention, such as rain -Sustainable garden indesign intervention, such asare rain garden inversity Values of Sustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase reases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to 8 Strategic BiodiSustainable design interventions, such as rain gardens, increase creases the biodiversity in urban landscape that able to adaptto toweather a wide disturbances, variety of conditions are more adapt likely toto a be wide variety are more to beNearest green corridor versity Values oflikely Strategic BiodiNearest green of conditions able disease, and climate change. Strategic BiodiUrban Forest able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. Strategic Biodicorridor Nearest green 12 Sustainable design interventions, such as to rain -adapt gardens, Sustainable increase design interventions, such as to rain gardens, reases thein biodiversity inconditions urban landscape that creases able the biodiversity inconditions urban landscape that able toincrease odiversity the urban landscape and are able adapt to a wide variety versity Values of biodiversity in the urban landscape and disease, are able adapt to a wide variety dapt wide variety of are more likely to be Nearest green Strategic Biodito a wide variety of are more likely to be 12 versity Values of corridor abletotoa weather disturbances, disease, and climate able change. to weather disturbances, and climate change. versity Values of 30-40% Nearest green versity Values of corridor Strategic Biodiodiversity in the urban landscape and are able to adapt biodiversity to a wide variety in the urban landscape and are able to adapt to a wide variety conditions. This will also help mitigate the ongoing effects of climate 12 are daptto toweather a wide disturbances, variety of conditions more adapt likely toto a be wide variety conditions are more to be of conditions. This will alsoof help mitigate the ongoing effects of climate corridor versity Values oflikely Strategic BiodiNearest green ble disease, and climate change. Strategic BiodiUrban Forest 13 able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. 12 corridor Nearest green 12 versity Values of conditions. This disturbances, will also help mitigate the ongoing of effects conditions. climate This will of also help mitigate the ongoing of climate ange. change. 12 Strategic Biodiversity Values corridor ble to weather disease, and climate able change. to of weather disturbances, disease, and climate change. versity Values ofeffects 30-40% Urban Forest corridor


12 versity Values change. of Strategic BiodiStrategic Biodi8 versity Values of versity Values of Strategic Biodi8 8 versity ValuesBiodiof Strategic Strategic BiodiNearest green 8 versity Values of Strategic BiodiStrategic Biodiversity Values of Nearest green corridor Strategic Biodi13 Strategic Biodiversity Values of versity Values of 12 Nearest green corridor versity Values of Strategic BiodiStrategic Biodiversity Values of 13 corridor 12 Nearest green 13 versity Values of versity Values of 12 corridor Strategic Biodi13 Urban Urban 12 forestForest covStrategic Biodiversity Values of Urban Forest 10-20% erage Urban forest covStrategic versityBiodiValues of 8 Urban Forest 10-20% Urban forest coverage Strategic Biodiversity Values of 8 Urban Forest 10-20% erage Urban forest covversity Values of 8 10-20% Strategic BiodiUrban in Forest Pollutants soil erage 8 Strategic Biodiversity Values ofZhang in Assignment Environmental analysis undertaken by Sylvie 2 Urban Forest 30-40% Pollutants in soil Strategic Urban Forest versityBiodiValues of 13 Pollutants in soil 30-40% Strategic Biodiversity Values of Urban Forest 30-40% 13 Pollutants in soil


10-20% Urban Forest Urban Forest Urban 10-20% forest cov10-20% Urban Forest erage Urban 10-20% forest UrbancovForest Strategic Biodierage 30-40% Urban Strategic Biodiversity Forest Values of Urban Forest Pollutants in soil 30-40%Biodiversity Values of Strategic 12 30-40% Urban Strategic Biodi12 Forest versity Values of Pollutants inValues soil of 30-40% versity 12 Urban Forest 12 Strategic BiodiStrategic BiodiLess 10% of Urbanthan Forest versity Values Urban Forest versity Values Strategic BiodiLess than 10% of 8 Strategic BiodiLess 10% of 8 than Urban Forest versity Values versity Values Less than 10% of 8 8 Strategic BiodiStrategic Biodiversity Values of versity Values of Strategic Biodi13 Strategic Biodi13 versity Values of

Strategic Biodiversity Values of Strategic BiodiUrban Forest Strategic Biodi8 versity Values Less than 10% of versity Values of Strategic Biodi8 Urban Forest 8 versity Values of Less than 10% Strategic BiodiNearest green 8 versity Values of Strategic BiodiNearest green corridor Strategic Biodi13 versity Values corridor Nearest greenof versity Values of Strategic BiodiNearest green 13 corridor 13 versity Values of corridor Forest 13 Urban Urban forestForest covUrban 10-20% erage Urban forest cov10-20% Urban Forest Urban forestForest covUrban erage 10-20% erage Urban 10-20% forest covUrban Forest Pollutants soil erage Urban in Forest 30-40% Pollutants in 30-40% Urban Forestsoil Pollutants in soil Urban Forest 30-40% Pollutants in soil 12

Urban Forest 10-20% Urban Forest Urban Forest 10-20% 10-20% Urban Forest 10-20% Urban Forest 30-40% Urban Forest Urban Forest 30-40% 30-40% Urban Forest 30-40% Urban Forest Less 10% Urbanthan Forest Urban Forest Less than 10% Less 10% Urbanthan Forest Less than 10%


Ground fixings placed in to hold market tents

Street closed to through traffic on market days

New surface treatment and drainage New garden beds established next to existing trees

New paving pattern to indicate designated lanes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic

Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Ac�vity and zoning proposal 1:400 on A3

Legend New paved footpath

Market zones

New road paving

Opened treepits

Page no.

Boundary of design N




Bluestone pavers

Stamped asphalt

350mm by 200mm by 70mm

To be poured on site and stamped



Bluestone pitchers Three lengths

Street drainage channel

BPit01 - 1000mm by 300mm by 200mm BPit02 - 600mm by 250mm by 200mm BPit03 - 250mm by 250mm by 200mm

For channel to run along length of Elizabeth street



Granite pavers

Street market canopy

350mm by 200mm by 70mm

To be modified to work with on-site ground fixings

SSea GSet

Street seat: Perform Outdoor Bench with Back

Granite setts

To be modified to work with on-site ground fixings

90mm by 90mm by 70mm

SBol SCel StrataCell 510mm by 510mm by 250mm

Street bollard



Robinia pseudoacacia Black locust 10m by 5m (at maturity)

Dianella Longifolia Pale flax lily 0.8m by 0.5m

Number: 4

Number: 4



Agapanthus orientalis African lily 1.5m by 1.2m

Chrysocephalum Apiculatum Common everlasting 0.2m by 1m

Number: 6

Number: 8

LLon Lomandra Longifolia Spiny-head mat-rush 0.8m by 0.5m Number: 6


SBol x 12 Removeable street bollards to be installed during market hours. Please refer to D001.

SCan x 15 Removeable canopies to be installed during market hours. Please refer to D002 and D003.



Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street General Arrangement plan


26th May 2021


1:400 on A3

Page no.



Excavation of asphalt near a TPZ is to be done by hand or by hydro-excavation at low pressure under the Stonnington Council’s arborist’s consent.

Existing asphalt across Elizabeth Street to the removed; existing drainage channels are to remain unaffected.

Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Site protec�on and removal 1:400 on A3


Page no.

Tree Protec�on Zone (TPZ) Area of hardscape removal



Street bollards are removed outside of market hours, allowing for cars to drive through.

SSea x 8 Removeable street seats that replace market canopies outside market hours. Please refer to D004 and D005.


Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Hardscape and materials plan 1:400 on A3


Legend BPav/GPav mix. refer to D006 and D007








Page no.





Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Tree plan�ng plan 1 1:150 on A3


Page no.

RPse to be planted on site N



Project Date

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan 26th May 2021

Title Scale

Elizabeth Street Tree plan�ng plan 2 1:150 on A3


Page no.

RPse to be planted on site N


Rainwater garden to support filtration and collection of stormwater runoff before flowing to existing drainage channel


AOri x 6 LLon x 6 CApi x 4 DLon x 4


Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Shrub plan�ng plan


26th May 2021


1:150 on A3

Page no.



X RL 13.20

X RL 13.40 X RL 13.30

1:40 fall X RL 13.30

X RL 13.26

1:25 fall

1:125 fall

X RL 13.40

X RL 13.20

X RL 13.16 X RL 13.06 X RL 13.30

1:25 fall X RL 13.20


Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Grading and drainage plan 1


26th May 2021


1:150 on A3

1:125 fall

Page no.



X RL 12.80 1:25 fall

X RL 12.70 X RL 12.66

X RL 12.80

1:25 fall

X RL 12.56

X RL 12.60

1:25 fall

X RL 12.46

X RL 12.70

1:40 fall X RL 12.50

X RL 12.40

X RL 12.60


Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Grading and drainage plan 2


26th May 2021


1:150 on A3

Page no.



3000 During market hours, Elizabeth Street is closed off to vehicular traffic and pedestrians are able to circulate across the road


New surface treatment allows for water to flow down to the central drain, which then connects to the existing council drain. Pointed market canopies to allow for coverage for businesses and patrons whilst allowing water flow into drainage channels




Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Sec�onal eleva�on AA


26th May 2021


1:50 on A3

Page no.



During non-market hours, the road is open to vehicular users, with lanes identified through the bluestone pitcher dividing the two paving styles 1500


D004 1500





Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Sec�onal eleva�on BB


26th May 2021


1:50 on A3

Page no.





Detail 001, 1:10 Removable street bollard on Elizabeth Street PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION

Pivoting galvanised steel lid

Detail 002, 1:20 Removable market tent in relation to pavement design

Reinforced concrete

Galvanised steel ground socket

Bedding mortar 30mm Reinforced concrete slab 130mm Compacted crushed rock 50mm

BPit Bluestone pitchers 1000m by 300mm by 200mm BPav Bluestone pavers 350mm by 200mm by 70mm

Pivoting galvanised steel lid Reinforced concrete

Galvanised steel ground socket


SAsp Stamped Asphalt Poured in 70mm deep





Detail 003, 1:5 Ground fixing for market tent


Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Feature and furniture


26th May 2021


As indicated


Page no.








Detail 004, 1:10 Custom street seating with ground fixings




Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Feature and furniture


26th May 2021


As indicated

Detail 005, 1:5 Ground fixing detail for street seating


Media structure same as D001 and D003

Page no.



BPav Bluestone pavers 350mm by 200mm by 70mm

GPav Granite pavers 350mm by 200mm by 70mm


Detail 006, 1:25 Custom paving design on Elizabeth street near tree pit

Detail 007, 1:25 Custom paving design on Elizabeth street near tree pit Project

Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street Hardscape detail


26th May 2021


As indicated


Page no.



AOri African Lily

RPse Black locust

LLon Spiny-head matrush Stone mulch


Loamy sand Transition layer

CApi Common everlasting

Submerged zone Gravel

Collection pipe


Clearance made for existing drainage channel

Existing drainage channel

SCel Stratacell 510mm by 510mm by 250mm

Detail 008, 1:10 Rainwater garden bed with filtration media Detail 009, 1:50 Robinia pseudoacacia in relation to new tree pit



Elizabeth Street Precinct Plan


Elizabeth Street So�scape detail


26th May 2021


As indicated

Page no.



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