JETHVA Urmi_Regenerative Landscapes

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Regenerative landscapes

Rehabilitation of Hazelwood mine

Urmi Jethva Landscape Architecture Master Thesis 2021 RMIT University

Regenerative Landscapes Rehabilitation of Hazelwood Mine

How the degraded and sunken landscape of Hazelwood mine caused by mining activities can be renovated and remediated into a new ecosystem that leads to water management, environmental and community benefits enhancing cultural and historical values?

“An altered landscape is not fully remediated until it again serves the community it helped to establish” - Julie Bargmann

With the increase in mining legacies in Victoria, there is a gap between mine closure goals and rehabilitation outcomes leading to abandoned mines. Hazelwood mine, the chosen case study in Latrobe Valley, has been proposed as a pit lake by a mining company considering land instability, coal ignition and soil contamination. Latrobe community, on the contrary, against this proposal considering the drying climate, water scarcity issues with the decrease in flow of water bodies and significant reduction in aquifer (groundwater) levels. Building upon the theories of Jonathan Maskit, this design research takes into consideration the unique opportunities of the site and experiments the alternate ways through both renovation and restoration. The design iterations test various possibilities and options which aims to renovate the site by promoting industrial-heritage-led and culture-led tourism, along with creating new ecological systems through better bioremediation and water management strategies that benefit local agriculture. This design initiative suggests a starting point that can be upscaled and multiplied to improve both human and non-human habitats, preserve historical and cultural values of the abandoned mines, strengthen local economy and improve quality of life.



00 | Understanding the broader system


02 | Breaking the system

0.1 Introduction

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

3.2 Precedent Study

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

0.4 Theoretical framework

3.4 Implementation


3.5 Conclusion

01 | Understanding the site

17- 33

03 | Creating new system


2.1 Community engagement 1.1 Site location

2.2 Reforming the policies

1.2 Issues and Conditions

04 | Conclusion


4.1 Reflections 4.2 Bibliography 4.3 Acknowledgements



00 | Understanding the broader system 0.1 Introduction 0.2 Mining legacies in Australia 0.3 Clients and Stakeholders 0.4 Theoretical framework



00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework

00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework


Nowadays, a great gap between mine closure goals and outcomes of the rehabilitation is seen in mine sites remediation projects that continues to damage environment. The Latrobe Valley is a rich cultural place that has a unique story in Victoria’s history. It is a geographic area that is immensely rich in natural resources. The landscapes of Latrobe valley started transforming with the increase in industrial mining development. Brown Coal Mine was the beginning of largescale exploitation of the rich brown coal deposits in the Latrobe Valley. Communities were always part of the changing phases of industrialization. Victoria has approximately 19,000 such legacy sites. The responsible agency for Victoria, the Earth and Energy resources (EER) has no policy, program, and funds to rehabilitate such mine sites (Pepper, Roche & Mudd 2014). There are great number of abandoned mines which continue to degrade landscapes and affecting community. Hazelwood mine (one of the three mines of Latrobe valley) is 150 meters deep and more than 3 times the size of the Melbourne CBD. Hazelwood has operated for more than 52 years. It supplies up to 25 per cent of Victoria’s energy. Both the power station and mine are owned by ENGIE, a major multinational energy company, whose biggest shareholder is the French government


In 2014, the mine that supplies Hazelwood power station caught fire. It burned for 45 days and left the surrounding area in toxic smoke. It was one of the worst pollution events in Victoria’s history. The ageing and increasingly inefficient plant of Hazelwood was the most expensive brown coal station in Victoria and for safe and efficient operation, $400 million would need to be invested which was not viable for the ENGIE company. As a result of it, Hazelwood mine got shutdown in 2017. With that, it was proposed to rehabilitate the mine and to be turned into a lake (AAP General News Wire 2017). On the contrary, Central Gippsland farmers who use the river for irrigation, as well as environmentalists feared of drawing large amounts of water from the Latrobe River that could damage the environment. Flows of river have dried by 25 per cent since 1997, falling from 800 gigalitres to 600 gigalitres. And to fill Hazelwood mine with water it needs 725 gigalitres taking 15-30 years to fill. Due to extraction of water from the aquifers, there has been considerable decrease in aquifer water levels. Also, Hazelwood mine has stability issues of land causing subsidence, sinkholes, cracks on the floors, mine batters and block sliding affecting surrounding context and community. Also, the climate is drying up and decrease in flow of Latrobe River and waterbodies, there is a need to resolve the issues of water scarcity.

So, filling up the pit lake of Hazelwood mine with the water from Latrobe River which is already drying up is not a solution. It is at this conflict; this design research proposes a new system to create a healthy environment with a place that is valued by the Latrobe Valley and all of Victoria and reflects and builds on the history and heritage of the area along with safe and stable conditions of such post-mined landscapes. Also, this design research takes initiative to form new strategies to fulfill the existing gap by engagement of community in post-mining landscapes with an increase in a collaborative approach of mining industries and governments with the community where not only the mine owners but key stakeholders like people of Latrobe valley should be involved in a decision making that leads to sustainable solution.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Goal 15: Life on land Goal 15: Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss. Target : By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought, and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradationneutral world. This project aims at restoration and rehabilitation of degraded land and soil caused by mining activities and develop a new ecosystem to enhance the life on the land by reversing the toxicity of the site and making it a better place to the community.


00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework

00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework

Mining legacies in Australia

Australia is one of the world’s leading mineral resources nations. There are 2075 known mineral deposits, 431 operating mines and 1373 historic mines in Australia. Changing scale and intensity of mining in Australia with huge and never-ending impacts, demands an urgent and effective response to mining legacies (Pepper, Roche & Mudd 2014).


Mineral resources throughout the world

Hazelwood mine Morwell, Victoria

Operating mines Historic mines


Abandoned mines



00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

00 | Understanding the broader system

0.4 Theoretical framework

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework



For such a huge reclamation of the site of Hazelwood mine, collaborative approach of governments and mining companies is important. Latrobe city council along with Victorian Government and Water industries play significant role for the success of the site. Mining companies should approach and involve community to enhance the project by knowing the needs of the community affected by the mining throughout the years.


ENGIE & MItsui Mine Owners

Latrobe City Council

Local Government

Latrobe Valley Community Local landholders The Gippsland Region


- funding for the rehabilitation of hazelwood mine

Primary Stakeholders Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management Board

Secondary Stakeholders Traditional owners

Gunaikurnai Land & Waters Aboriginal Corporation

Environmental groups

Friends of Latrobe water

Economic groups

Latrobe valley Field Naturalists club

Interests groups

Social Interest groups The Victorian Farmers Federation Local farmers and irrigators Earth Resources

Regulation unit

Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR)

Victorian Government

Gippsland Water

The water industry

Southern Rural Water West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority


Farmers and Irrigators

Member A

Coal hole collective

Art initiative


Academic Institutions

Research Institutions

Involving with the community groups

If communities willing to do an How do you se

Occupation : full time health worker studied aquifers Current involvement : working on mining reforms Concerns

: communities are not informed of the problems

Viewpoints : - want self-sustaining landscape - usable landscape feature knowing the reality of issues - change the mindset of beauracrates - if truth comes out and involved properly, member A is ready to work proactively


00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework

00 | Understanding the broader system

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Mining legacies in Australia

0.3 Clients and Stakeholders

0.4 Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework Positioning design research with relevant theories and precedents

Agnes Denes Artist

Jillian Walliss Agnes Denes created the land art pieces leading to functional ecological restoration with community based interventions.

Katherine kok Landscape Architects

juxtaposition of wilderness and human disturbance

Geotourism experiential landscape cultural and scientific perspectives

Wheatfield - A Confrontation Battery Park Landfill, Downtown Manhattan Title Post-mining remediation

Tree Mountain - A Living Time Capsule 11,000 Trees, 11,000 People, 400 Years Ylojarvi, Finland

The Wilderness Railway steam locomotives and built carriages for tourist West Coast Wilderness Railway Queensland, Tasmania (2002 - 2013) Gorges, dead rivers and rainforest ecology

Jonathan Maskit Philosopher

How the degraded and sunken landscape of Hazelwood mine caused by mining activities can be rehabilitated and regenerated into a new ecosystem that leads to water management, environmental and community benefits?

How to change the mined site?

Richard Hobbs Ecologist

Restoring the preindustrial history neglecting the current condition of site

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined restoration as " The goal of restoration is to return a site to the way it was before its industrial use. "

New site eradicating preindustrial and current conditions of site into a new transformation

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined transformation as " Its goal is to give the site some aesthetic character that is disconnected both from its preindustrial and industrial pasts."

Keeping the characteristics of the industrial site and encompassing past and present and leading to future development

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined renovation as " Its goal is to come up with a way of engaging with a site such that new possibilities are created while the traces of the site's past, preindustrial and industrial, are preserved."

Matt Baida Landscape Architect

Richard Hobbs explored the linkages between ecological succession and the practice of restoration from a variety of different perspectives. Ecological restoration is viewed as the manipulation of successional processes to meet realistic targets in restoring damaged landscapes. Fresh Kills Park James Corner Field Operations Landscape Architect

Investigation of role of Landscape Architects in achieving post mining sustainability Mining companies should change thw way of thinking by incorporating local communities increasing opportunities for broad engagement and multi-disciplinary approach in reclamation of large scale mine sites (Slingerland, Neeltje & Baida, Matt & Wilson, Ward. (2014). The great divide between mine closure goals and outcomes, and potential solutions)

Delivering a post mined landscape that not only delivers unique project but also positively enhance the social and economic capacity of the surrounding area. They decided to dig 3.4 million tonnes of coal and with that they proposed reuse of the site and create landform sculpture.

Emscher Landscape Park, Germany

James Corner Field Operations

Herman Prigann Artist

Julie Bargmann Landscape Architect Julie Bargmann uses ‘toxic beauty’ to transform industrial sites into 21st-century public spaces with a past, present and future. AMD & Art Vintondale Reclamation Project, Pennsylvania


The project phases the long-term cultivation of new ecologies and formation of new habitats along with the development of program structure and activities. Community engagement and participation played important role with discussions and inputs leading to successful implementation of each stage of the project.

'The lady' at Northumberlandia, United Kingdom

‘Rheinelbe is unique, the first example of how an industrial area – forest – wilderness can be transformed into a new kind of park.’ Herman Prigann, 2008

Skulpturenwald, Rheinelbe, Germany Prigann calls postindustrial sites as "non-land" Such sites should be made available for new uses preserving the traces of its industrial past


01 | Understanding the site 1.1 Site location 1.2 Issues and Conditions



01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Latrobe Valley mines

With Victoria having 16000 legacy mines, there exists a gap between mine closure goals and rehabilitation outcomes increasing degraded and abandoned mines.

A 7



11 2

3 10

pot ent ial bi


o li n k 6







5 km

150 m 100 m 50 m 0m -50 m


2 1

11 12 13

-100 m

16000 m

Section A-A’


Existing population center and rural town


Morwell Traralgon Moe Churchill high agricultural zone

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hazelwood mine site Yallourn mine Loy yang mine Hazelwood powerstation Hazelwood pondage Morwell river Latrobe river Lake Narracan Princes Freeway

Data source : Spatial Datamart Victoria


01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Hazelwood mine site

Hazelwood mine (one of the three mines of Latrobe valley) is 150 meters deep and more than 3 times the size of the Melbourne CBD. Hazelwood has operated for more than 52 years. It supplies up to 25 per cent of Victoria’s energy. C








1 2 3

Hazelwood mine Hazelwood powerstation Morwell river


Exposed coal

Water logged areas

Mine floo

Mine batters

150 m 100 m 50 m 0m -50 m -100 m

150 m 100 m

4000 m Section C-C’

50 m 0m -50 m -100 m 10000 m Section B-B’

Data source : Spatial data mart Victoria



01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Land subsidience due to aquifer depressurisation

To stabilise the land during the mining process, 30 GL/year of groundwater (from all the 3 mines) is pumped out to depressurize the aquifer systems. With that, issues of land subsidence are faced by the surrounding land. With the closure of the mines, the issues of instability of land are increasing causing floor cracks and movements of mine batters and block sliding impacting the surrounding area of mine.

Latrobe river





1400 1500




1100 1

1000 900 800

Morwell river 600 500



400 300

2 km


1 2 3

Hazelwood mine Yallourn mine Loy yang mine

Regional land subsidience (1950-2015) 0.3-0.5 m

Loy yang mine Yallourn mine

Hazelwood mine

A Yallourn coal seams


B Latrobe coal seams


M1 Aquifer RL (-90 m)

Yallourn interseam clays

coal seams


M1 Aquifer RL (-60 m)

Traralgon Aquifer RL (-40 m)

A Shallow Aquifer System B Morwell Formation Aquifer System C Traralgon Formation Aquifer System


M2 Aquifer RL (-60 m) Schematic Regional Aquifer systems Aquifer drawdown (1960-2002)

Data source : Research gate


01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Reduced level of aquifers

Legend Reduced water levels (mAHD) -62 - -16 -15 - 12 13 - 26 27 - 46 B

47 - 72 Groundwater levels has been reduced throughout the years. Lower Aquifers Moe : Groundwater levels fell during a dry period in the late 1990s and recovered, however they are slowly falling again. Stratford : Data shows a long-term declining trend Middle Aquifers Rosedale : Regional decline of 5 metres has occurred since 1985


Hazelwood mine A A

B Moe




Lower Middle Aquifer Upper Mid tertiary Aquifer


Lower Aquifer

10 km Data source : Southern Rural Water



01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Latrobe river water level change

1050 GL



1600 1500 1400

Future predictions

1300 1200 1100

Wet climate projection

1000 900


500 GL


Median climate projection

700 600 500 400

Actual infows

Dry climate projection

300 200 100 0

1975 1980 1985


Hazelwood mine Yallourn mine Loy yang mine Rural water use Farmlands

Urban use

Consumptive uses 1990

1995 2000

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

800 GL

2035 2040

2045 2050 2055

2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090

Latrobe river system inflows and use

600 GL

2018 0

Water summary (%)


Data source : Spatial data mart Research gate



01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Groundwater dependent agriculture

Majority of agriculture surrounding the Latrobe valley mine sites depends on the groundwater.


irrigated agriculture rainfed agriculture

Data source : Google Earth Engine GFSAD1000: Cropland Extent 1km Multi-Study Crop Mask, Global Food-Support Analysis Data



01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Morwell river

Aquifer system


5 km


Groundwater depth (50-150m)

Lake Narracan

Latrobe river

Aquitards Aquifer boundary Water table aquifer boundary

Princes Freeway


-250 75



Hazelwood mine Site 25

25 -25 0 -50


-300 -325



50 50





-25 -50






-150 -150

75 75


Morwell river




-25 -50 25

-275 -250

-275 -300


-225 50

-300 -325



-200 -175

-150 75


-50 -25





-75 -50 -25

-350 -175







-350 -325




-400 -425




-275 -250


Lower Tertiary Aquifers Lower Tertiary Aquifers






-375 -400 -425


-225 -200

Upper Mid-tertiary Upper Mid-tertiary Aquifers Aquifers

Quaternary Aquifers Quaternary Aquifers


Upper Mid-tertiary Aquifers Upper Mid-tertiary Aquifers








-100 -75 -50


5 km


-25 -50



Data source : Spatial data mart Victoria

50 0


N Quaternary Aquifers Quaternary Aquifers




-275 -250 Groundwater


depth (50-150m) -500

Aquitards -225 -200


-400 -425






-475 -500 -525




Aquifer boundary

-175 Water



table aquifer boundary

75 100


Upper Tertiary aquitards Upper Tertiary aquitards


01 | Understanding the site

1.1 Site location

01 | Understanding the site

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Soil geology

1.1 Site location

1.2 Issues and Conditions

Morwell river


Gippsland Plain Sodosol Chromosol Podosol Ferrosol Kandasol

Lake Narracan A


Latrobe river

Rudosol Tenosol

Latrobe valley mines has Sodosols type of soil. They occur on Tertiary sediments and on the extensive alluvial plains and river terraces deposited during the Pleistocene Period. They have a strong texture contrast between loamy surface (A) horizons and clayey subsurface (B) horizons. The subsoils are sodic and not strongly acid. (pH - 5.5 or lower)

Princes Freeway

Hazelwood mine Hazelwood mine Site

Morwell river


5 km

Gippsland Plain


Sodosol Chromosol

Data source : Spatial data mart Victoria


02 | Breaking the system 3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology 3.2 Precedent Study 3.3 Design Iterations and learning 3.4 Implementation



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Design Approach





Biotic Abiotic disturbance


community assembly


First assembly driver - site conditions and history Second assembly driver - species selection Third assembly driver- species performance

Bioremediation Phytoremediation recolonisation of fauna pioneer stages

intermediate stage

climax community

revegetation of species reconstruction of the soil profile

disturbance restoration

ecological succession

recountouring the topography stabilising slope


rebuilding history and heritage

community and recreational spaces

restoring ecological systems planning implementation evaluation

recharging and managing the groundwater



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Precedent Study 1 Emscher landscape Park, Germany

Rhein-Herne canal


Gelsenkirchen Bottrop Dortmund

Emscher river

nature reserves

Four main pumping stations and wastewater treatment plants

biotope links

ecological centres

Underground sewage system Chanelling wastewater into underground canals

Biotope networks along the Emscher river

When there was expansion of the underground coal mining, Emscher river was impacted by severe floods and sewage wastewater from industries and population. In 1988, International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) introduced Project Ruhr with an aim of cleaning up the Emscher river and convert the rust belt into green area with collaboration of 17 local communities and mining companies forming Germany’s largest sewage Association. Environmental : conversion of polluted rust belt into into new ecology biotope networks cleaning of the river through underground canals Social : green spaces making communities healthier adventure playground for people Economical : use of existing strucures saving cost of demolishing the remains

connecting pathways

Developed green areas

Rhein-Herne canal

Emscher river

Ruhr valley section



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Design Iteration 1 - Restoration


water considering the water level depth, how can i create combination of land and water

+ with landform design, water will collect through rainwater and stormwater not dependent on other sources

water quality issues, more evaporation and bringing water from othersources still remains a question

- more resources and maintenance to restore the entire site

hydrology flow

circulation and intervention nodes

land experimenting with clay model to understand the topography to retain hydrology flow

- water scarcity still remains with land instability with entire site as restored land

phase 1 moving from pioneer stage to intermediate stage

formation of combination of land and water


phase 2 moving from intermediate stage to climax community land + water


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Literature study 1 - Philosophies of Jonathan Maskit

Restoring the preindustrial history neglecting the current condition of site

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined restoration as “ The goal of restoration is to return a site to the way it was before its industrial use.”

New site eradicating preindustrial and current conditions of site into a new transformation

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined transformation as “ Its goal is to give the site some aesthetic character that is disconnected both from its preindustrial and industrial pasts.”

Keeping the characteristics of the industrial site and encompassing past and present and leading to future development

Jonathan Maskit (2009) defined renovation as “ Its goal is to come up with a way of engaging with a site such that new possibilities are created while the traces of the site’s past, preindustrial and industrial, are preserved.”

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Design Iteration 2 - Restoration and Renovation

Restoration Renovation dividing the site into restoration and renovation maintains the history and heritage of the site keeps the characteristics along with restoring the land less maintenance

Restoration Renovation segregating the site into restoration and renovation maintains the history and heritage of the site keeps the characteristics along with restoring the land less maintenance

Restoration Renovation

cleaning of existing waterbodies through bioremediation and creating reticulated network of lakes leading to wetlands and then storage area

(1-30 years) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


7 2


1 1 3




2 4 3


2 6 3

1 3

1. Phytoremediation plants 2. Swamp Scrub 3. Valley Grassy forest 4. Riparian Woodland


5. Plain Grassy Forest 6. Plains Grassland 7. Sedge Wetland


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Further interventions in design iterations- Scale M

mine walls bringing people from upper part to the lowest area with activity spots in between experiencing the scale human-site interaction where site scale overpowers human

activity spaces



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Further interventions in design iterations - Scale M

remediated zone lowest part as water system human-plant interaction human-water interaction



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Precedent Study 2 Fresh kills Park

Freshkills Park is a reclamation project transforming world’s largest landfill into public parkland. The project phases the long-term cultivation of new ecologies and formation of new habitats along with the development of program structure and activities. Community engagement and participation played important role with discussions and inputs leading to successful implementation of each stage of the project.

1-30 years

Phasing: restoring, cultivating ecological restoration ecological succession

With unpacking the techniques, new realisation was uncovered that each phase has an influence around that time and as phasing has long period of time, it becomes critical to think about how it benefits the community and environment during each phase and also how that each phase becomes catalyst for another phase leading to successful evolution with time.

Crops Grasslands and Woodlands

design process


1-10 years

11-20 years

21-30 years

Phasing: generating spaces, patching circulation and public spaces



public spaces circulation habitat improvements, circulation routes and program structure

phasing generates the forms layering program structure on top of ecological succession

with further phasing, generated forms patch together

program structure

P6 P5 P4

ecological restoration






phasing of ecological restoration and program structure runs parallel



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Masterplan - Scale L



a a b


c d

Morwell region Morwell river underpass connecting community to site Princess Freeway

14 12

E 11




17 7

12 16

B B 3



B p1

p2 4 19








3 4









9 3

7 8


9 10

1 E

11 P







14 15




17 18


19 p1



vehicular entry point parking bridge primary circulation path secondary circulation path









3 b





10 5


1 p2


information center hiking trail mining trail community spaces camping area Art area children play area water sport activities indoor sport facilities cycle track mountain biking picnic spots cafe/restaurants lookout points piers bird observation education landscaped hault Gunaikurnai heritage trail markets event spaces Legend


Rain garden Swamp Scrub Sedge Wetland Plains Grassland Floodplain Riparian Woodland Plains Grassy Forest Valley Grassy Forest


N 1 km

from surface catchments clean water to Morwell region and farmlands

GL 40 m -60 m -80 m

retention pond


Grassy Forest

reticulated network of lakes

lake 1

Swamp lake 2 Swamp lake 3

Swamp lake 4


lake 5


Riparian Woodland

water storage lake

Valley Grassy Forest


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Phases 1-30 years

phase 1

phase 2

phase 3

phase 4

6 6

Phasing: restoring, cultivating








Phtoremediation plants


Swamp Scrub


Sedge Wetland


Latrobe Valley Plains Grasslands


Floodplain Riparian Woodland


Plains Grassy Forest










desired condition


cultivated soil




5 3


2 6


ecological restoration


6 1


phase 5

Grasslands and Woodlands

Valley Grassy Forest cutting and filling

strip cropping planting phytoremediation plants

substrate and species change


Phasing: generating spaces, patching

program structure circulation

mining landscape trail

1. while other phases are developing visitors would experience the existing landform 2. phase 1 focusing on increasing revenue


bridge development

circulation development alongwith waterbodies

1. bicycle trail

1. internal linking

2. enhancing existing road network

2. adding more entry points from surrounding into the site

main activity area development after cleaning of waterbodies

developed site

1. entry point connecting community to northeast mine site area

1. North east renovated zone and activity area

2. activities around wetlands and lake

2. cleaned waterbodies and water storage area


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Cleaning of waterbodies

Lomandra longifolia Cynodon dactylon Pteridium esculentum Melaleuca alternifolia

Acacia implexa

Acacia mearnsii

Exocarpos cupressiformis

Eucalyptus muelleriana

Leptospermum continentale

Eucalyptus polyanthemos

Banksia marginata

Eucalyptus macrorhyncha

Helianthus annuus mustard

Grevillea robusta

corn Populus

Phytoremediation plants

Phytoremediation plants Leptospermum lanigerum Melaleuca ericifolia

Pimelea humilis

Wahlenbergia gracilis Lythrum Salicaria Crasulla helmsii

Plains Grassy Forest

Swamp Scrub phase 1

from surface catchments rainwater runoff retention pond

phase 2

lake 1

phase 3

lake 2

phase 4

lake 3

lake 4

aquifer recharge gaining of water

GL 40 m water table level Quaternary aquifer

aquifer recharge gaining of water

groundwater flow

gaining of water

groundwater flow

- 60 m

seams of soil, clay and silts - 200 m Upper Mid tertiary aquifer groundwater flow


Reticulated network of lakes Cleaning of existing waterbodies



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Cleaning of waterbodies

Juncus usitatus Acacia mearnsii

Eucalyptus radiata

Acacia decurrens

Phytoremediation plants Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Leptospermum continentale

Villarsia reniformis

Pimelea humilis

Eucalyptus leucoxylon

Poranthera microphylla

Acacia mearnsii

Acacia pycnantha Acacia melanoxylon

Themeda triandra

Veronica plebeia

Arthropodium strictum

Baloskian tetraphyllum Juncus amabilis

Baumea rubiginosa

Eucalyptus melliodora

Urtica incisa

Eucalyptus ovata

Triglochin procerum

Hymenanthera dentata

Bursaria spinosa

Epilobium billardierianum

Carex appressa

Valley Grassy Forest

Floodplain Riparian Woodland

Sedge Wetland

to farmlands and Morwell region

phase 4

phase 5

lake 4

lake 5 wetland

aquifer recharge water storage lake

gaining of water

aquifer recharge

aquifer recharge aquifer recharge

groundwater flow

gaining of water

groundwater flow toward Gippsland lakes



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Masterplan - Scale M

Morwell region


15 b

a 2







1 b

P 15


13 P




a p1

10 3


a P




p2 5


b 11 3






p1 2




e e


vehicular entry point parking bridge primary circulation path secondary circulation path

p2 P






c e

N e p1

100 m

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

information center community spaces camping area Art area children play area water sport activities cycle track picnic spots cafe/restaurants lookout points piers bird observation education landscaped hault underpass connecting community to site Princess Freeway


Raingarden GL 60 m 35 m 10 m -10 m -30 m -60 m


a b c d e f

coal walls bioretention swales

Floodplain Riparian Woodland wetland 1

wetland 2

wetland 3

wetland 4

Bio-retention swales Rain garden Swamp Scrub Sedge Wetland Floodplain Riparian Woodland Valley Grassy Forest

water storage lake


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

Topography and hydrology flow

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Substrate and species change

GL 60 m

GL 60 m 35 m 10 m -10 m -30 m

lvl 50 m

-70 m

cut and fill

lvl -55 m

GL 60 m

lvl -60 m

building soil habitat

GL 60 m

lvl -65 m

35 m 10 m -10 m -30 m

lvl 50 m

-70 m

lvl -50 m lvl -70 m

lvl -40 m

cut and fill

lvl -50 m

lvl -55 m lvl -60 m

building soil habitat

lvl -65 m

lvl -50 m lvl -50 m lvl -70 m

lvl -40 m

cut and fill

lvl -50 m

GL 60 m 35 m

lvl -50 m

10 m -10 m -30 m -70 m

cut and fill

GL 60 m 35 m 10 m -10 m -30 m -70 m

creating micro environments algae, moss, lichens


creating micro environments algae, moss, lichens


grass, shrubs and herbs grass, shrubs and herbs



toward water storage area

toward water storage area GL 60 m


GL 60 m 35 m


35 m 10 m -10 m -30 m -70 m

10 m -10 m -30 m -70 m

hygrology flow

hygrology flow


climax community

climax community


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

North East Renovated Site Area

bridge lookout point



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Education Landscaped Hault


Key 1

community pavilion


education hault


lookout point


coal sculpture





Acacia mearnsii


Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus melliodora bio-retention swale native grasses



A’ Plan

10 m

Education landscaped hault

vegetation 1 4

coal wall

bio-retention swale 30 m

existing ground line

A Section A-A’


top soil


planting soil



sand layer gravel layer underdrain pipe

clean fill contaminated fill

sheet pile retaining wall coal wall

Detail A bio-retention swale


02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Education Landscaped Hault

heritage lookout point



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Lowest point - Wetland and Lake Area


Floodplain Riparian Woodland vegetative filter

Swamp Sedge Wetland

top soil layer clean fill sand and gravel filters existing ground layer

B’ Plan Wetland and lake area

Detail B

top soil

-50 m

groundwater recharge

top soil

clean fill

gaining of water

groundwater recharge


-55m existing ground line

contaminated fill

Section B-B’



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Lowest point - Wetland and Lake Area

community space bird observation wetland trails education point



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

02 | Breaking the system

3.4 Implementation

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation


top soil

-50 m

groundwater recharge

top soil

top soil

groundwater recharge

clean fill

existing ground line contaminated fill

Section Community spaces Wetland area

coal wall


bio-retention swale top soil existing ground line

top soil

top soil

clean fill contaminated fill Section cycling track Camping area



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Dredger lookout point



02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

02 | Breaking the system

3.1 The Design Approach / Methodology

3.2 Precedent Study

3.3 Design Iterations and learning

3.4 Implementation

Aquatic Play Area



03 | Creating new system 2.1 Community engagement 2.2 Reforming the policies



03 | Creating new system

2.1 Community engagement

03 | Creating new system

2.2 Reforming the policies

2.1 Community engagement

2.2 Reforming the policies

Community Participation


Formation of community organization

Latrobe Community Organization - Gunaikurnai traditional owners - local community of Latrobe Valley

B. Collaborative Research - Team conducts research along with the communities - Academic institutions - Interests groups identification of issues and challenges

C. Collaborationg different disciplines of professions and working with community

D. Collaborative Design

Landscape Architect Artists

- development of design options

Engineers Landscape Architect

Different professions

Hydrologists Scientists, Biologists and Ecologists Hydrogeologists Geologists

community design tool

Network of people


Collaborating design

Role of Landscape Architect - integrating design ideas and strategies - presenting to community and local stakeholders - getting plans approved by Victorian Department of Jobs, Precints and Regions (DJPR)



03 | Creating new system

2.1 Community engagement

03 | Creating new system

2.2 Reforming the policies

2.1 Community engagement

2.2 Reforming the policies

Expansion of Policies

Existing policies

B. Mid 2018 - Earth Resources Regulation Unit

C. Early 2020 - Regulatory practice strategy for Rehabilitation of Earth Resources sites

- formed to manage the Rehabilitation bonds required by Mineral Resources Sustainable development Act (MRSD) 1990

- with an objective to achieve site rehabilitation for mines, quarries and other earth resources

- works with Environment Protection Authority, DELWP, LVRRC


a. Mining Regulation Act 2021

b. New Vision Act 2021

a1. Pre-mining Regulation

- collaboration of mining companies and government organizations with Landscape Architect

- management of top soil cover and native ecosystem before the operation of mining - managing and reviewing the rehabilitation bonds

- making a community organization with a collaborative working approach with government officials and mining companies

- currently reviewing the bond policy to align it with Regulatory practice strategy for Rehabiliation of Earth resources site.

Community inclusion programs

New policies

C1. Department of Job, Precints and Regions (DJPR)

Abandoned mines regulation

- no policy, program and funds to rehabilitate mine sites

Early 2020

Pre- mining and post-mining policies

A. Till 2018 - Earth and Energy Resources (EER)

Mid 2018

Evolution in closure teams Collaboration with Landscape Architect

Expansion of Policies and Programs

Till 2018

- conductiong workshops and events educating the importance of rehabilitation a2. Post-mining Regulation - assess and manage the work in progress of rehabilitation of mine sites with strict rules and providing guidelines a3. Abandones mines Regulation - identify and locate abandoned mines - removing the toxicity and cleaning up of the sites and forming new land use visions with consultation of respective communities of the region



04 | Conclusion 4.1 Reflections 4.2 Bibliography 4.3 Acknowledgements



04 | Conclusion

4.1 Reflections

4.2 Bibliography

4.3 Acknowledgements


04 | Conclusion

4.1 Reflections

4.2 Bibliography

4.3 Acknowledgements


With identification of issues, this design research on Rehabilitation of Hazelwood mine began with ideas of restoration of the entire site. Learning and reflecting on the theories of Jonathan Maskit , it led to new possibilities of dealing with the site i.e. restoration, renovation and transformation. To restore the site and understand the complexity of ecology, learning from scientific theory of Ecologist Richard Hobbs made a new realisation for the design project that Landscape Architects should get their scientific house in order and rather than going against the complexity of nature, we should work along with it.

Daniel Bell (1976), The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society, The Educational Forum, 40:4, 574-579.

While reflecting on theory of Matt Baida on his investigation of role of Landscape Architects in post-mining Landscapes, gives a new vision that it should not only be dealt with technical approach but with multiple perspectives of different professions that allows the site to achieve economic and social aspects benefitting the community giving land back to them.

The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2019. Latrobe Valley and Social history. < file/0021/466050/LatrobeSocialHistory-WebsiteVersion-updated.pdf >

Post-mining landscapes have their unique elements that should be enhanced rather than transforming it to a new place without any traces of past. Experimentation and testing of ideas in this design research deals with existing unique features of the site renovating the site allowing topography to recreate again with development of phases and acts as a starting point to deal with the micro scale which can be applied at macro scale improving human and non-human habitats strengthening cultural values of the site. Along with site-based approach, it deals with the gap of community inclusion and customizing policies for collaborative participation. Therefore, such sites should not be just restored environmentally but also have positive social and economic impacts after the closure benefitting communities. There is a need of a broader engagement towards dealing with the degraded landscapes where community and different professions are part of it and collectively leading to multiple approaches of ways of working.


Beckett, Caitlynn, & Keeling, Arn. (2019), Rethinking remediation: mine reclamation, environmental justice, and relations of care. Local Environment, 24(3), 216–230. Pepper, M, Roche, C, & Mudd, G. (2014), Mining legacies understanding life-of-mine across time and space.

Jillian Walliss & Katherine Kok (2014) New interpretative strategies for geotourism: an exploration of two Australian mining sites, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 12:1, 33-49 Urry, J. (2002). Consuming Places: Vol. Taylor & Francis e-Library ed. Routledge. Comp, TA 2013, ‘From environmental liability to community asset: mined land reclamation’, in M Tibbett, AB Fourie & C Digby (eds), Proceedings of the Eighth International Seminar on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Cornwall, pp. 415-422.

Anonymous2017, Mar 30. VIC: The process from mine to lake at Hazelwood. AAP General News Wire. Slingerland, Neeltje & Baida, Matt & Wilson, Ward. (2014), The great divide between mine closure goals and outcomes, and potential solutions. Slingerland, Neeltje & Baida, Matt & Beier, Nicholas. (2016). An industry self-evaluation on geotechnical mine closure objectives and planning teams. Baida, M. (2014). Healing wounded landscapes. 144, 17–19. Jonathan Maskit. (2009). On the recuperation of postindustrial sites: an aesthetic analysis, Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Dossiers, document 482 Jonathan Maskit (2007) ‘Line of Wreckage’: Towards a Postindustrial Environmental Aesthetics, Ethics Place and Environment (Ethics, Place & Environment (Merged with Philosophy and Geography)), 10:3, 323-337


04 | Conclusion


4.1 Reflections

4.2 Bibliography

4.3 Acknowledgements

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