Correction for Training the Shoulder Complex

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© National Strength and Conditioning Association Volume 29, Number 2, pages 78–80

E d i t o r ’s N o t e s

Appropriate Submissions to Strength and Conditioning Journal T. Jeff Chandler, EdD, NSCA-CPT, *D; CSCS, *D, FNSCA Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama T. Jeff Chandler, EdD CSCS, *D; NSCA-CPT, *D; FNSCA Editor in Chief

summary The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) publishes three professional journals, each with a distinct purpose and mission. Strength and Conditioning Journal reviews appropriate submissions for

James L. McMillan, EdD Department of Health and Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia

publications. The JSCR is a quarterly journal that publishes brief scientific reviews, technical reports, invited symposia, research notes, and predominantly original research manuscripts important to both strength and conditioning practitioners and exercise and sport scientists in our field. PTJ is an online publication available to the general public and is written to provide practical training information to the serious non-professional athlete. This article will discuss the appropriate submissions for the SCJ.

consideration for publication in the journal. This article will discuss the contents of an appropriate submission to Strength and Conditioning Journal.

he National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) publishes three professional journals: The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR), Strength and Conditioning Journal (SCJ), and The NSCA’s Performance Training Journal (PTJ) (online). Each journal has specific and distinct criteria for submission to that journal. It is important that the prospective author understand the differences between the three



Submissions to SCJ SCJ provides articles and columns of interest to strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and other professionals working in the field of strength training and conditioning. SCJ will review appropriate submissions from the following three categories: 1) review articles with practical application to our field, 2) topical articles focusing on a specific topic in our field, and 3) specific columns published in the journal. Manuscripts are submitted electronically to SCJ through the AllenTrack web site ( and received by the Editor-in-Chief. Appropriate manuscripts are delegated to an Editor

April 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

and an Associate Editor who serve as the mediators in the double-blind review process between the author(s) and at least two qualified reviewers. Manuscripts, including tables and figures, must be the original work of the author(s). Any tables or figures that were previously published require permission from the copyright holder which must be obtained by the author(s). This process begins with determination of the copyright holder (a book publisher for example) and continues with contacting that entity for the correct procedure. Prospective authors should remember that buying or owning the original or a copy does not give permission to use it. Editorial decisions will be based on the quality, clarity, style, and importance of the submission relative to the goals and objectives of SCJ and the NSCA.

Review Articles Review articles are generally written on a topic that has been thoroughly referenced. Review articles for SCJ should be on a topic that has practical application to the field of strength training and conditioning. The manuscript should include a discussion of the practical application. A review article should present a balanced review of the relevant body of

Table 1

Table 3

Review Articles

SCJ Columns open for submission

Review articles cover a topic in our field that is generally well-referenced

High School Corner

Review articles should present a balanced view of the entire body of research on the topic

Rehab and Flexibility Tips

Review articles for SCJ should have practical application to our field

Special Populations

Review articles are generally 3000–5000 words in length, possibly longer if warranted by the topic

Sport Specific Conditioning

Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

One on One

Review articles should be well-referenced utilizing primary research references

Exercise Techniques Bridging the Gap

Table 2 Topical Articles


The topic to be covered should be in more depth than columns Topical articles briefly review the scientific literature on the topic Topical articles should integrate science and practical experience Topical articles should be appropriately referenced utilizing primary references when necessary Topical articles are generally 2000–3000 words in length with no more than 15 figures/tables combined

literature on the topic. Authors may interpret that body of literature and draw their own conclusions when justified by the scientific literature. A majority of the references in a review manuscript should be original research publications from scientific, peer-reviewed journals. A reference from SCJ could be used to document a point or idea, but the original research manuscript should be referenced to document the results of an original study. Review articles in SCJ are approximately 3000–5000 words (12–16 typewritten, double-spaced pages). Table 1 provides a summary of the main characteristics of a review article.

Figures (i.e., color drawings and color photographs) are encouraged when they are used to illustrate a point made in the text. To balance the amount of text and figures, authors are generally limited to a total of 15 tables and figures in a topical article. Table 2 provides a summary of the main characteristics of a topical article. For review articles and topical articles, the suggested length is not as important as the relevancy of the material. If the material is relevant to the topic, the suggested word guidelines may be exceeded.

SCJ publishes specific columns that are brief and contain practical information that can generally be put to immediate use by practitioners in the field. Currently, the columns that are open to outside submission are listed in Table 3. To determine the criteria for a column, please refer to recent issues of SCJ for each column. Columns should be approximately 1000–1250 words (4–5 typewritten, doublespaced pages). Columns may include 2–4 tables and/or figures. The total number of figures and tables in a column should not exceed 4. When submitting a column, the author(s) must include a cover letter with the submission stating the column for which the submission is to be reviewed. Table 4 provides a summary of the main characteristics of columns for SCJ. Special features generally not open to outside submission include Research Notes, The JSCR Corner, Media Review, CEU

Topical Articles Topical articles focus on a specific topic related to the field of strength training and conditioning. The topic should be covered in more depth than columns, and may include both a theoretical and practical discussion of the topic. Most topical articles are approximately 20003000 words (8-12 typewritten, doublespaced pages) and are appropriately referenced using previously published articles from peer-reviewed journals.

Table 4 Columns Columns provide information that can often be put to immediate use by the practitioner Columns generally focus on a “take home” practical message Columns should be appropriately referenced using primary references when necessary Columns are brief, generally 1000–1250 words with no more than 4 tables/figures combined

April 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal


Quiz, Point-Counterpoint, and the College Coaches Corner.

Inappropriate Submissions Please note that SCJ does not review original research publications. Manuscripts that contain methods, results, statistical analysis of data, or the publication of previously unpublished data are not appropriate for SCJ. The NSCA has a journal dedicated to the publication of

original research; thus research manuscripts should be submitted to JSCR. For additional information regarding submissions to SCJ, please refer to the “Instructions to Authors” available on the AllenTrack website ( or the NSCA website ( Submissions that do not meet these criteria or are not submitted according to the instructions will be returned to the corresponding author. ♦

Jeff Chandler is Professor and Department Head of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation at Jacksonville State University, and is the Editor in Chief of Strength and Conditioning Journal. Jim McMillan is Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Kinesiology at Georgia Southern University, and is an Associate Editor for Strength and Conditioning Journal.


Correction for Training the Shoulder Complex in Baseball Pitchers: A Sport-Specific Approach The authors of this article, Strength and Conditioning Journal, 27(4):14-31, 2005, wish to correct inadvertent omissions from their manuscript, including the following references: 1. BLACKBURN, T.A., W. D. MCLEOD, B. W HITE , AND L. W OFFORD . EMG analysis of posterior rotator cuff exercise. Athl. Train. J. Natl. Athl. Train. Assoc.25:40-45. 1990. 2. BURKHART, S.S., C.D. MORGAN, AND


W.B. KIBLER. The disabled throwing shoulder: Spectrum of pathology part I: Pathoanatomy and biomechanics. Arthroscopy. 19:404-420. 2003. 3. BURKHART, S.S., C.D. MORGAN, AND W.B. KIBLER. The disabled throwing shoulder: Spectrum of pathology part II: Evaluation and treatment of SLAP lesions in throwers. Arthroscopy. 19:531-539. 2003. 4. BURKHART, S.S., C.D. MORGAN, W.B. KIBLER. The disabled throwing shoul-

April 2007 • Strength and Conditioning Journal

der: Spectrum of pathology part III: The SICK scapula, scapular dyskinesis, the kinetic chain, and rehabilitation. Arthroscopy. 19:641-661. 2003. Figures 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, and 19 were based on the exercises in reference #4. Figure 21 is based upon the exercises in references #1 and #4. The written descriptions of figures 10-21 should be credited to P. B. Donley of the Philadelphia Phillies organization. ♦

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