1963-1964 DMLC Messenger Vol. 54

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the Vol. LlV


Synod Accepts Accreditation


MESSENGER Dr. Martin Luther Cctlege

October I, 1963

New UIm, Minnesota

Grow-th Seen on Campus New Dorm Mushrooms

Dr. Martin Luther College has been accepted as an accredited Minnesota college for acceptance of credit by the University of MinneIota. This accreditation was the result of a program which began in 1956 when the Wisconsin Synod instructed the Board of Education to study the matter.

The new four-story dormitory for women presently being built on our campus is the object of much interest and speculation. It is being built near the old tennis courts, facing north towards Center Street. The approximate dimensions of the building are 40 x 180.

An intensive self-study was made of DMLC by the faculty and Board 0f Regents. This included an analylis of OUf philosophy and purpose, faculty qualification, curriculum, instruction, student personnel procedures, administration, financial support, and other phases of general college operation. Following the .. If-study, an eight-man group from the Committee on Institutional Relationships visited the college. On the basis of their visits and ths ir review of the self-study, the committee recommended to the Faculty Senate of the University of Minnesota that Dr. Martin Luther College be added to the list oC Minnesota accredited colleges. The formal aceeptance by the Faculty Senate took place on June 6, 1963.

When completed, the dormitory will bave a capacity of 220 girls. Each room will house two girls. The basement will contain a large town girls' room and a lounge. A lounge is located on every floor except first floor, where a reception room takes its place. The basement room is provided for this purpose for those living on first floor. The building WIll bave three entries. This dormitory is expected to be completed in August 1964 as the first in a complex of three buildings to house women students. The other two buildings will be added when the need exists. Busy Workmen Make Dorm Plan a Reality

The final action was the acceptance of accreditation by the Wiseonsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod at their Biennial Convention in August. It was clearly pointed out that this accreditation does not interfere with nor contradict our educational principles.



Increase in Enrollment Realized

The college has already experienc-

ed ~war - gsrti1ics,tiPR prqblems Iqr teachers in certain states. It also

A 20% enrollment increase is seen this year at DMLC with an Increase from 203 to 363 students. Th. high school enrollment also increased from 227 to 244. The total number of students at Dr. Martin Luther College and High School this year presently is 607, a fact made evident by students being delayed in the halrs on their wav to classes and by the long lines and congestion in the dining hall.

makes acceptance into the graduate schools of other colleges easier.

Architect's View of Women's Dormitory

During the week preceding the annual Student Councrl elections, the students at DMLC were thoroughly engrossed in a vigorous campaign effort. Posters dotting the walls in every building on campus and students sporting campaign but .. tons advertising their favorite candidate were typical sights during this week. On September 16, the eve before the big election, each candidate seeking office addressed the student body by stating his qualifications, aims, and desire to represent the students. Paul Koepsell acted as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Dennis Schultz and Bill Habermann were the two seniors seeking the presidency. The vicepresidency was sought by Eldon Lemke and John Schultz, both juniors. Anita Lemke, a senior, Casey Bauer, a junior, and Rosie Belter, also a junior, were in contention for the office of secretary. Mickey Horman, a senior, and Phyllis Schwantes, a junior, were the two candidates for the position of treasurer. After participating in the campaigns and listening to the speeches of the nine candidates, 489 students, or approximately 81 % of the student body turned out at the polls. These students €Iected the following to serve in the capacity of Student Council officers for the 63-64 sehool term: William Habermann, president Eldon Lemke, vice-president CUSf'YBauer, secrp.tar:'o' Phyllic: S('h\\·;lDtc~, frCaSUrf'r

The nature and number of the staff personnel have not been decided. And, what about a name? That, too, has not been chosen. Meanwhile, we are thankful for God's direction and blessing in this. the first stage of our college expansian program.

DMLC Campus Welcomes Ladies' Auxiliary

Peters Joins Faculty

The fourth annual meeting of the DMLC Ladies' Auxiliary will be

President -c-Mrs. Clarence Sler-pv Eye


held on Wednesday, October 9, at the DMLC auditorium. Attendance in the past has numbered about 700-750.

First Vic(_l-President~Mrs. Just, Franklin


The registration and coffee hour will be held Crom 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. The program of the day will begin at 10:30 a.m. with an opening devotion. The group's secretary and treasurer will make their reports. A representative of the school will welcome the group. Membership plaques and cards for the coming year will be distributed. After the introductions of the candidates for the various offices, elections will be held. The main item of business will be the discussion and selection of projects [or the Auxiliary to ~flrry on in the coming year. After a noon luncheon, during which timp there will also hR ~uidf'(l tours of the rampus, a brief program will be presented at 2:00 p.m. Then the newly-elected officers will be introduced. The meeting will adjourn with devotions from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. Present. (Jfficer~ of Ill(' Auxiliar~'

Second Vice-President-s-Mrs. vey Enter, Nicollet


Secretarv-c-Mrs. mann, Mankato


Treasuror-c-Mrs. Marshall

Gordon E.



Pastoral Advisor-Pastor Emil F. Petersnn , St. James (also a member of the DMLC Board of Control) Conference representatives Crow River-Mrs.


Wilfred Streh-

ler 1\·Iankato,-:\Ir.4. tenberg Ne\\' elm-Mrs.



O. W. Stelljes

Red WinK-Mrs. H. F. Muenkel, ~rr!', 'V(,IH1(>11 Kohrs Hr-r)',';()(ld F:-t11!'---Mr~.Arthur



St. Crnix --l\-1rs. Donald Smith Thc' St.uclcmt Council \vitl again tak(, an artivE' part in arrangingtour:.:, auditfJrium seating, takingcarc of the coffee hour, planning a part of t lw aft('rnoon program, and thf' likr. Dw' ('[(,flit sh()uld also hp r:iY('n ~() Pr"fr:;:;nr Brj/'1" t11(_' f,trult\,

Mr. Walter Peters, who is instructing ninth grade general science and eleventh grade economic geography, hails from the vicinity of Lake Beach, Illinois. He attended grade school at Immanuel Lutheran School in Crystal Lake and public high school in the same community. After graduating from high school, he attended Northern Illinois Univeraity, De Kalb, 111.. where he majored in both zoology and botany and minored in social science. He has taught intermittently for seven and a half years. His first teaching position was at the Lutheran Institute located' in .Chicago. After spending the next ten years as an independent contractor specializing in home improvements, he accepted a position as instructor at the Abbot Junior High School in Elgin, Ill. Mr. Pecers, who is married and has three children, is [nterestaa in fishing. golfing, and playing tennis. He was also very active in the Free~ dom Academy (a patriotic organization) of Lake County, III. Whop. asked what he thought oC DM LC, he replied that he thought thc campus \\·a~ very beautiful. He also stated that it is a privilege to teach here and to teach the subject. that has bf")cn assigned him because it has always been his desire to t.each economic ~eography from a cnnsf'fv;tti\'(', c(Jnstitutional point of

Professors Attend Summer School Many faculty members who dial not teach summer school this past summer made use of their time by furthering their own education. Prof. Brick received a Fulbright Scholarship and studied in Italy. Profs. Schulz, Swantz, Brei, and Duehlmeier attended Mankato State. Those attending other colleges and universities include Prot Keolpin, Who studied at the Univer-: sity of Wisconsin in Madison; Prof. Backer. at the University of Minnesota; Prof. Schroeder, at Concordia in River Forest; Prof. Fischer, at Marquette; and Coach Water. who took courses in Physical Edu~ cation in North Carolina this summer.

Prof. Sievert Attendin, I. of Mini. On September 23, Professor Sievert joined the student ranks at the University of Minnesota. He stays on campus and plans to come home frequently. His wife remark~, ffNa_ turaHy we miss him, but he'll he hom·e weekends tn do the many little things I don't think of doing." Professor ~ievert is using an A.A.L. scholarship to Curther his studies in -education. For t.he four quarters that ~ill take him into the summer se~sion, Professor Sievert will be working for his master's degrf'P in th0 fi('Jrl nf ('(l'lC'ati0n ~nd

Pa,e 2

New Vim. Minnesota

Editorial Growth! What Does It Mean to Us? Growth! Such a short word, yet so much is being said about it in this day and age of ours. Population explosion, urban sprawl, metropolis, and slum area-all these are terms which have come into being as a result of the tremendous growth in population of our nation and the world. Growth has also taken place in a different way. A high state of industrialization has become characteristic of many countries of the world. Along with industrialization have come scientific and technological advances which have created standards of living now soaring to heights never before attained. These advances have served to produce surpluses of manufactured and agricultural products in quantities never before surpassed. The growth of population has also been realized in our transportation system. Superhighways, including expressways and interstates, have been built. with increasing rapidity in order to accommodate the ever-increasing number of people who usc our nation's highways. This growth has not been advantageous for all. The increase in population and in industrialization has brought about limited housing in many parts of the world. Millions of people are starving because crowded conditions do not allow them sufficient areas in which to grow food or because automation resulting from industrialization has deprived them of jobs. Educational facilities throughout the world on the elementary, secondary and college levels have also been affected by this growth. These facilities have become highly inadequate because of the huge increase in tbe school-age element of the population and in those seeking higher education in order to cope with the needs of our ever-enlarging modern society. How has this overall growth affected our Church, especially our Wisconsin Synod? We have grown also, although, it is true, at a lower rate. Our increased membership is probably the most evident indication of the growth which we bave experienced. However, our new churches and day schools also attest to the fact that we have grown, as docs our ever-present and increasing shortage of pastors and teachers. DMLC has also experienced a growth in population. This year's enrollment has risen above the sixhundred mark for the first time in the history of the College. Consequently, elaborate plans have been made to expand the faeili tics needed to accommodate the ever-increasing student body. Probably the most obvious evidence of these plans is the excavation on the athletic field which will soon boast a new girls' dormitory. Just as obvious a testimony to the growth which DMLC has experienced are the present packed corridors, full classrooms, crowded living conditions and the increased number of off-campus studcnts. How will this growth affect our College? Will it affect it as growth has affected the world outside our Church where quality has often been sacrificed for the sake of, the production of great quantities? Will the caliber of the Christian students who pass through our doors go down because of the increased -enrollment? Pray God this may never bappen! Let us strive always t.o maintain the atmosphere of a Christian family, although a very large one, united in Christ Jesus through faith in His atoning work.

God Thought of " Child When God made the sand on a tide-washed beach, He thought of a little child With a battered shovel and leaky pail, A small wooden boat without a sail, A tiny child with soft chubby hands To build castles and pies in the afternoon sands. He thought of a child With ten wiggling toes To drop footprints behind him wherever he goes On the quiet beach, till the waters cur. Over each little mark with one noisy swirl. He thought of a child Who would droop its blond head Till the warm breast of sand became a huge bed. He thought of the dreams of the sweet little one, As fair and as light as the Iar-away sun. And with His power and love so free, Because of this child someday to be, God made that beach in eternity. . -Ca-ol Kohl

Autumn's coming, autumn's comingI feel it in the air. I sniff the crispness all about, J hear a child's shrill, laughing shout, The sky above is blue and bare; The breeze plays lightly through my hairWho on earth could have a care When autumn's coming!

Professor Brick spent six weeks in the city of Rome, where he and his group took field trips into the surrounding area once or twice a week, and had many opportunities to visit various locations by themselves. From Rome the group went to Naples, spending twelve days studying the Vergilian society at Cumae, twelve miles outside of Naples.

Needless to say, Professor Brick hopes to return to Italy, and he hopes that many also will have that wonderful opportunity.

It's almost here, it's almost here The robins all have lied, The flowers have a withered hue, Their youthful days are almost through, For nature calls them to their bed While leaves are turning orange and red, And the sun is chilly overhead. Autumn's almost here!

Transition Year For DMLC The school year of 1964-1965 will be a year of transition at DMLC with the initiation of the new professional semester, which provides for a revised curriculum and improved student teaching program for college seniors. 40-

Soft! Hear the whip-poor-willHis haunting song has a special glow" A kind of excitement that whispers low. It fills me with an icy thrill When I see the trees all ablaze on the hillLike kings they stand, bright-robed and still.

Sweetautumn days are here! -Carol

Professor D. Brick. an instructor in Latin and religion at DMLHS, had the opportunity to spend this past summer in study in Europe. Professor Brick was granted a Fulbright scholarship by the State Department, and spent the greater part of the summer in Rome and Naples and the surrounding areas. There he visited the classical sites of antiquity, among them the Colosseum at Rome, cemeteries and tombs at Veii, sites of the old Etruscan civilization, and many more.

In following issues of the Mes" senger you will read about Professor Brick's trip across the Atlantic en board an Italian liner, his interesting view of cosmopolitan Rome and the rough seaport city of Napies, his study of ancient civilizations, and strangely enough, his encounter with graduates of DMLC.

Debut of Autumn

It's come, it's come!

Summer Study Italian Style


A Dream I live a dream. Nothing around me is Teal. It is all there for a moment And then is seen no more. Hope is empty, Joy is vain. I touch pleasure And then it slips awav And leaves me onlv [Tid, WhICh in itself is not real. So I walk in my dream, And so it must be Until the day when I wake up and find myselfIn eternity. - Carol Kohl

The new professional semester will improve the quality of the student teaching program in that the period of student teaching will be 9 weeks in length rather than the present 6week program. Another important feature is that it will eliminate any conflict between the academic program on campus and the student teaching schedule. Student teaching under the new program will be done not only in New DIm, but also outside of the New Ulm area. The Watertown and Appleton, Wisconsin, areas, which offer good opportunities for student teaching at schools and in communities of varied sizes. will be used the first year. Schools in other areas of the Synod will be added in the future. The student teachers will be under the direct supervision of the Tf'g'uiarly called classroom teacher. However, frequent visits will be made by a DMLC faculty supervisor. Those students enrolled in j hn three-year program will not benefit from the professional semester. but will continue their present program. They will do their st uden t Leaching at St. Paul's in New Ulm and will receive only G semester hours of credit for student teaching, whereas the four-year students will obtain 8 semester hours of credit under the professional semester system.

Miss D-- Introduces Advice Column Are you in need of personal advice? Are you constantly plagued by those little dayby-day problems? Now you can get the help you need, whether it he physical, psychiatric, or romantic. The friend in nerd indeed has come. Miss D-~ has experience with professional counseling and now feels thoroughly qualified to answer the questions of our students. Any and all problems are welcome. Please place your question in the container so designated, a box placed ilj. the hallway of the Administration Building.

Dear Miss D--, I got mad at my girl friend and told her to go to the moon. I'm a goon! Now that I have reconsidered', it's too late. She's on the moon! How can I send a message and tell her of my love? Moon Goon

Dear Moon Goon, You wish to send a letter to the moon, but you don't know how it will get there? Send it SPACJAL DELIVERY! ' Sincerely yours, Miss D--Dear Miss D--, I love him. He loves me. We want to get married. We have hoth our parents' consent. The problem is- how do I tell my husband? "Fats" Amanda Dear "Fats" Amanda, Please, please leave the humor for me from now on! If you are serious, however, I have no immediate solution on the Question of two possible husbands. You may have to change your nickname from "Fats" Amanda to BIG-AMYl Sincerely yours, Miss D--

Coach Waters Receives AAl Faculty Fellowship Jerry L. Waters, structor and coach awarded an Aid Lutherans Faculty additional graduate mer.

New DIm, an in. at DMLC, was Association for Fellowship to do work last sum.

He studied for his Master of Science degree at the University of North Carolina. Professor Waters has studied at Bethany Junior College, Mankato, and he earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Mankato State College. Waters was one of twenty-two Synodical Conference Lutheran col. lege and seminary professors who recently shared in Faculty Fellowships a warded by Aid Association for Lutherans of Appleton, Wis. The fellowships totaled $26,000.

Our Organ Fund Also Evidences Growth!

** *'* * * ** ** * * * * Organ Fund $29,000

The DMLC Messenger The DMLC Messenger is published during the months of October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. The Messenger is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the Messenger is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the college, and to foster school spirit. Editor. . Anita Lemke Managing Editor. . Barbara Miller Feature Editor. Jon Kietzer News Editor Ron Shilling Sports Editor. . Eugene Baer Alumni Editor. . Lcfe Sievert Make-up Editor. . Barbara Miller Bwe.irteas Manager .Arnold Nom mensen As,istant Business Manager .. Karen Dahl Circulation Manager. . . William Habermann Assistant Circulation Manager. Gary Heckrn.an Feature and News Writers. . . Mark Boehme. Bob Kuehn, Delores Maichle, Sharon Mussfeldt, Carol Schefus, Lois Sievert, Jim Zietlow Sports Writers Ron Ertner, Bob Kuehn, Boyd Tech Alumni Writer. ... Judy Winter Make-up Staff. . Karen Dahl, Helen Lochner Circulation Staff Mark Boehme, Anita Rehborg, Carol Schefus Photographer. .Ray Man the Typists Helen Lochner, Dolores Muth, Donna Steinke, Judy Vanderohe Adviser. . . ... Professor Trapp



9, 1963

News From The Classes College III We WiSA to extend a hearty we!come to the Milwaukee students who have joined our fun-loving class. Several class meetings were called to elect officers and representatives to organize committees to plan the Get-Acquainted Picnic, and to select dates for our class activity and for our swimming party. The activity was September 24; the swimming party was scheduled (or November 12'. A short going-away party was held for the juniors taking emergency calls: Kathy Krug, Kathy Stechauner, Joyce Rueckheim, Sharon Marker, Sandy Toepel, and Margaret Schroeder. Mr. Bilitz served a srnal1 lunch, and four musically minded (?) men entertained. A roller-skating party was selected for our class activity. On September 24, seventy juniors plus two class advisors went to the skating rink at Morgan. The roller-skating was a great success; the kids really "(ell" (or it!

New Ubn,

New Tutors On Campus Tutor Roehl

The college seniors held their first class meeting on Monday, Sept. 9, for the purpose of electing officers, Student Union, and Student Council representatives. In succeeding meetings it was decided to plan for the class activity for fall. The majority of the seniors voted to travel to the Cities to see the musical stage production, In addition to his teaching load, "Corne Blow Your Horn." his dormitory duties, and his job as Another trip is in store for the maii sorter, Tutor Roehl, who is graduating class. All 47 of them very sports-minded, is presently enare looking forward to attending one gaged as the assistant football coach. of the two-day sessions of the MinHe stated that he is very much nesota Teachers' Conference in Ar-"tInpre!sed with the student body lingtoJf" on Tllursdl(t; OCCllber and DMLC in general; and that he Mixed emotions showed themis thankful for the opportunity to selves on the faces of College IV learn more about our teacher-trainstudents a few weeks ago. The ing school. great day had finally come-the practice teaching schedule was re-vealed. With just eightmore-moriTh.of formal schooling ahead, practice school is the student's first real experience with the actual classroom Situation. For most, the thought is somewhat frightening. All of this year's student teachers appeared in their respective classrooms on Oct. 2 to meet the parents of their future pupils.

Each year several instructors are invited to our campus to teach during the summer session. This past summer seven men from our synod and area schools taught with some o( DMLC's own professors. They were Professor Martin Albrecht, former head of the DMLC music department, who is now at our seminary in Mequon; Professor Emmanuel Arndt of Milwaukee Lutheran Teachers' College; Professor Edward Fredrich, a teacher of religion, Latin, and English at Michigan Lutheran Seminary in Saginaw; Professor Arthur Glenda, prlncipal of St. Paul's Lutheran school here in New DIm; Professor Erwin Scharf of Northwestern College at Watertown; Professor Harold Warnk e, principal of Fox Valley Lutheran High in Appleton, Wisconsin; and Professor Gerald MaUmann, instructor in science at the same school.

The new housemother at HiIlcrest is Miss Leone Rixe from GraceviJIe, Minnesota. Miss Rixe, who is in charge of 33 girls, took Deaconess training at Bethesda Lutheran Horne in Watertown, Wisconsin, to prepare herself for institutional work. Alter her training, she worked in an orphanage in Kirkwood, Missouri, for eight years. Prior to accepting the position of housemother, she cared (or her parents. She stated that she really enjoys DMLC and working with the girls.


Tutor Schulz

.. New Students Orientated On September 2, 1963, a group of students composed of students from grade 9, college freshmen, and transfer students headed for the Music Center to begin what might well be their most memorable week at DMLC. That night orientation began, and with it began a hearty greeting to the new students. During the week that followed, the many student strangers to DMLC discovered much about the campus and its students. By means of hikes to Flandrau and the public library, they discovered many offcampus haunts. Also, they became acquainted with their spiritual advisors and with the many regulations of campus life. Best of all, however. these new students cultivated many new and lasting friendships among their brothers and sisters in the DMLC family.

Wayne Schulz, an alumnus of both the high school and college department at Northwestern College, is also serving in the capacity of tutor this year. In addition to his regular duties, he teaches ninth grade Latin. Tutor Schulz, who has lived in almost every corner of the state of Wisconsin, is presently living in Cambria, \",'here his father is pa~tnr. His interests are many and varird, In addition to being sports-mindC'd, he enjoys listening to folk mu~ic and music of the Baroque Era. He is favorably impressed hy the student body at DMLC and enjoys working with the fellows in the dormitory; however, he feels that the students could dev<lop a better sense of responsibility. He also feels that the association with many of our future teachers will help him promote good teacher-pastor relationships when he gets into the field.

Page 3

Summer School Boasts Guest Professors

New Matron at Hillcrest Keith Roehl, who instructs ninth grade algebra and a special geometry class for transfer students, comes to us from Watauga, South Dakota, where his parents are engaged in farming. He attended high school at Northwestern Lutheran Academy in Mobridge, college at Northwestern College in Watertown, and has completed his first year at the seminary in Mequon.

College I V


Prof. Siegler Head of High School Department Professor Oscar Siegler is only 5' 4", but every inch of him commands the respect which his position as president of the high school requires. He teaches senior religion and junior history. Professor Siegler, who grew up in Bangor; Wisconsin, attended Northwestern preparatory department and college in Watertown, Wisconsin. Before coming to DMLHS, Professor Siegler preached five years 10 Pickett, Wisconsin, and seventeen years in Town Forest near Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He also was tutor of mathematics and sciences at Northwestern Lutheran Academy in Mobridge, South Dakota. Professor Siegler's family presently lives at 1102 N. German. David is at Northwestern, Liz and Mary at DMLC, Martin at DMLHS, and Ann is at St. Paul's Christian Day School. Fishing is Professor Siegler's main hobby; and although he lived in WiSiconsin for forty-nine years, he still does not like cheese.

Plan Year Phlogtstons on the DMLC campus arc again setting up their schedules so that their club can begin its first full year as an organization. On the slate for Events in the near future are the election of officers and the plans for the science fair. To highlight this year, leaders of the club have expressed their hope for a field trip to another campus. 'Membership is expected to rise considerably, as a now member drive is underway for all new and interest.ed students, both men and wornon . Again the "Stamps for Science" drive is underway. All philatelists interested in trading stamps are welcome to send their stamps in care of the science club.

Mr. Seifert Chief Business Officer l\fr. E. A. Seifert brings a fine business record to his job as Chief Business Offi('cr. While he attended high school in his hometown, Hedwr.orl Fall~, Mr. Seifert was associated with a variety ~t()re. .t\.ft,pr t.wo yeLlrs in business college, he worked for the Federal Hf'serve Bank of 1\1in neapolis for two yt'aT.;;. For thirtec-n years Mr. SC'ifert was a managf'T for a large variety store :-;ynoicate: and just bef()n~ comin~,; to DMLC, he successfully ran his o\vn variety ret.ail husilws!'> for twenty-s('v('n years in Marshall, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. S{Mert reside in Marshall, where MJI.. Seifert has been an active member in the community. He also enjoys reading and fine music. Mr. Seifert comments that he has always liked DMLC.

MARRIAGES Dorothy Vogel (1962) was married to David Witte, June ]6, at Mequon, ¡Wisconsin. They are living at Globe, Wisconsin, where her husband is the pastor of Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church. Dr. Arlyn Koeh n took as his bride on April 14, the former Elisabeth Vogel (1959). The couple was married at Mequon, Wisconsin, and now reside at Racine, Wisconsin.


Dianne Enter (ex. 1962) and Mr. Art Gerndt were married in Nicollet, Minnesota, on July 13 and are now living in New London, Wisconsin.


Eileen Kube (H. S. 1957) became the bride of Mr. Richard Weeks (H. S. 1956) on July 6 at Thiensville, Wisconsin, where they now live. Mrs. Weeks teaches at Calvary Ev. Lutheran School.

Nurse Added to Staff

"State Fair" a Success "The State Fair" was the theme of this year's Get-Acquainted Picnic. The various side shows opened Sunday afternoon, September 15, under the supervision of the College III class. "Pop the Prof'," miniature golf, and a necking booth were all included in the midway. The grandstand show, a later attraction, featured a tug-of-war, greased pig, 4-H fashion show, and initiation of tutors. Mr. Bilitz eeevcd


Alumni News


pienle - lunf'h


these shows. All in all, the fair was successful and well attended. Thanks to everyone!

Nune Connie Cone A brief biography will appear in the n~xt Ieeue.

DMLHS' New ProFessors Professor Duehlmeier The new ninth end eleventh gra de English instructor is Prof. Raymond Duehlmeier , a native of Hutchinson, Minnesota. In addition to attending high school and college at DMLC, Prof. Duehlmeier also attended Mankato State, where he majored in English and German. At the present time, he is working on his master's degn'p in the above mentioned subjects. Prior to joining the Dr-vILC fncu!t.y, he {aug-ht at our Christian day schools in Wood Lake, Hutchinson, and Nicollet, Prof. Duehlmeier, whose special interest. is woodworking, is married and is the father of four children, two of which are presently att.ending DMLC. He is very in""!pressed with the cooperation that the stw]ents in hi~ riass{'s have sh(lwn him, and lw t.horough Iy pnjoys working with them.

Professor Steffel Ma.rtin H. Steffel, a native of New Ulm, attended St. Paul's Lutheran School and then attended the New Ulm Public High School from which he was graduated in 1956. After working a year for the New Vim Journal, he attended Mankato State, where he majored in social studies and had a strong minor in English. Previous to accepting the position as tenth and t.welft h gr~de English instructor and twelfth grade speech instructor, he taught, at- the Balaton High School for t W() voars. In addit.ion to teaching, he is also working on the sports staff of the New VIm Journal. Mr. Steffel, who (>njo~'s athletics in gf'neral and is "cry muc.h interpstf-'ri in thf' humaniti('~. statpd t.hat he likps DMLC \T-r~' much and that he is happy to hp an instructor here.


New UIm,



Sports Calendar

Time Out - - -

Fri., Sat., Sat., Wed.,

Good Sportsmanship the Key to Athletic Enjoyment

Football Schedule 00[.12 Jeffers * Oft. 19 St. Paul L. H. S." Oct. 26 Glen Lake*"' Oct. 30 Mayer L. H. S.H

"Tri-Valley The students

of our school have ample op-

portunity for recreation. There are intramural sportsin whichall can participate. Two things are necessary to make sports successful. One is active participation and the other is good sportsmanship by the specta-

tors, but even moreimportant. by the players. Too many times, in the intramural


especially, more time is spent arguing with the referees and members of the opposing team than playing the game. Intramurals are meant to be for the enjoyment of those who aren't participating in interscholastic sports. Most people enjoy a good argument, but very few enjoy listening to people yelling at each other at the top of their lungs.

The students who volunteer their services as referees and umpires do not pretend to be experts; they may miss a call occasionally, but they have volunteered their time. They do not expect to serve as a target for the outbursts of anger of the would-be-athletes, since they expect a true athlete to accept the decision of the officials as final.

Sat, Tues., Fri.,


Away Horne


College Basketball Nov. 23 Ester-ville, Away Iowa J C Nov. 26 St. Paul Home Bible College Nov. 29 Alumni Home

High School Basketball Nov. 26 Sleepy Eye Away St. Mary's Sat., Nov. 30 Onalaska Away L. H. S.

Realizing that it is impossible for one person to present the viewpoints of the entire student body, it will be the policy of the sports editor to give any individual ample opportunity to express his opinion on any subject mentioned in this column or concerning the sports program in general. Please contact the sports editor.


Pep Club Starts Work Ed Barthel, the new president of the Pep Club, asked all students who were -Interested in becoming members of the Pep Club to be on hand on October 7. This meeting was designed to set up the entire schedule for the Club this year. It was hoped that all the committees could be organized so that they could be of use when needed. Also, the College Homecoming date was set, and a date for the cheerleading ..ryouts was tentatively set.

Rams Start Season

Intramurals Organized Luther Lo.e. to Cathedral 38-0 Dr. Martin Luther High School, fielding a comparatively young team with only nine returning lettermen, lost to New U1m Cathedral at Johnson field on September 6. Luther moved 65 yards for its only score, with Hempel completing tHree" paJ:lje!f--r:m:t--~·-~~

most of the ball carrying. Hempel carried around right and the last six yards into pay dirt. Aside from Gronholz's running was the fine passing of Phil Hempel, who completed 10 of 18 passes and Don Luedtke, who Was on the receiving end of most of the aerials. The game was predicted as a close contest; however, the Cathedral team came up with some unexpected football savoy and capitalized on Luther'S fumbles and mental lapses. Indians Scalp Luther 19-0 On September 13, Luther High traveled to Butterfield, only to lose 19-0. It was the opening game for both schools in the Red Rock Conference. Luther received the opening kickoff and moved down to the Indians six-yard line, only to run up against a charged up defense. Had Luther capitalized here, it may have been a different game. The Luther offense bogged down whenever it got into scoring position. In the waning minutes of the first half, an intercepted pass and run back of 45 yards made the score

12-0. Luther Bow. to Comfrey 13-6 Luther went to Comfrey, Minnesota, on September 20, to play a highly favored Comfrey team. It was not until the fourth period that the Rockets got the margin they needed for victory. The game Was -~foupob

-i4!h. Gomfl'eoy gftining

only four more total yards than did Luther. The Rams cashed in on a Comfrey fumble on the Rocket 15-yard line. With a determined drive by fullback Wayne Cole, who led the

offense to the one yard line, Steve Gauger crashed through for the TD. It was a spirited Luther team that lost to Comfrey and a spirited student body that traveled atong to cheer their team. Coach Fred Reiderich feels that the team has been improving, and with the support of the students the ~aams could end up with a .500 season. Luther Has First Win The Ra ms gained their first victory of the season by blowing down Sanborn 33-0.

Bowlers Roll First Series The Ophidia Bowling League got an early start this year. A meeting early in September was called for all college men interested in bowling. Officers were elected, and the bowlers were told to organize six teams. The first three-game series of th e 20-week season was rolled on Wednesday afternoon, September 11, at the Concordia Lanes. OFFICERS Bob Kuehn Eugene Baer Dennis Schultz Karl Hefke

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

+ Alwin Electric F. W. Baumann, Realtor H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer's Pharmacy Beck'. Jewelry Ben Franklin Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown's Music Store Bullemer's Citizen's State Bank Coast-to-Coast Store Dairy Bar Dakota Hotel and Dining Room W. H. Dempsey, Lawyer Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fesenmaier Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist Dr. ·George Kuehner Dr. Germann, Optometrist



Boas ... Garters ... Vipers Diamond backs .... Rattlers .. ASPR .... Name Heiderich Birkholz. Kuehn Hill Bleick . Baer Steffel Ehlke Brands Schmidt

11 1 Bob Kuehn 7 5 Karl Hefke 7 5 R. Lunzman 6 6 M. Steffel 4 8 Ron Shilling 1 11 G. De Noyer T





.D ..D .B .G .B B D B V D



171 170 166 164 163 162 162 153 152 152


9 9 9 9 6

Men's Football Monday, September 23, tbe college men's intramural football season opened. Three teams, composed of college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, are par-ticipating this year. Each -team plays-six games this season. The first game, a contest between the sophomores and the juniors, took place, Monday afternoon. Scoreless most or the game, the third-year people went down to defeat 32 to 6. Tuesday's encounter between the sophomores and freshmen was rained out. On Thursday the juniors defeated the freshmen 30 to 12.

Women's Softball Five teams of girls signed to play intramura I softball this fall. Each team has at least one gz me under its belt. A team from each class of college girls and two teams from the third year are all vying for the championship this year. Four softball teams were formed by the high school girls. Each team has played twice, even though rain caused several postponements. The teams at present seem to be well matched, but it will Lake a few more games to name the leaders.


Dr. Schwartz, Dentist Dr. Tyler Dr. Wm. VonBank Eichten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbing & Heating Farmer's and Merchant's Bank Fesenmaier Hardware Forster's, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothiers HaroHd's Shoe Store Henle Drugs Herberger's Herzog Publisl.·~ng"Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lang Barber Shop Leutholcl-Neub'.'.ler Meidl Music Store Meyer StUdio

Mode 0' Day Frock Shop Montgomery Ward Muesing'. Drug Store New lRm Brick & Tile Yards New Vim Dairy New Ulm Gift and Hobby Shop New VIm Greenhouses New VIm Theater Ochs' Brick & Tile Yards Springfield Oswald's New VIm Laundry Co. Patrick's Jeweler's J. C. Penney Co. Pink's Polta Drug Store Raftis Department Store Reim and Church Jewelers Reliable Drugs Retzlaff Hardware Rite-way Cleaner~

9, 1963

Classes Elect Heads

Home Away

"'Red Rock Conference


During the first few weeks of school the various classes held meetings for the purpose of electing their class officers. The following these elections:

are the results


COLLEGE SENIORS John Juem-e-president Arnold Nommensen-vice-president Mickey Horman-e-aecretary Rosie Kionka-treasurer Beth Ehrenfeld, Dave PingelStudent Council Mary Kettenacker-Student Union COLLEGE JUNIORS Bob Kuehn-president John Schultz-vice-president Janet Kracht-secretary Rosie Radue- treasurer Norma Knas, Ron SchultzStudent Council Robert Wolff, Miriam LemkeStudent Union COLLEGE SOPHOMORES Ray Manthe-president Carl Hefke-vice-president Marilyn Zabell-secretary Sandy Carlson-treasurer Judy Winter, Paul KoepsellStudent Council Grace Cox, Joe Lequia--Student Union COLLEGE FRESHMEN Donald Nolte-president Carl Eisenman-vice-president Roxanne Redlin-secretary Mary Siegler- treasurer Lois Luetke, Leonard Collyard -Student Council James Nollmeyer, Janean Fahnina--·Student Union The following were elected in the high school department: SENIORS Max Radloff-president Dale Stelter-vice ...president Judy Kretzmann-·seeretary Mona Hoenecke-·treasurer Sharon Rodewald, Burton Fromke-c-Student Council JUNIORS Paul Jacobs-e president James Groth-vice-president Sandy Hunter-secretary Annette Wagner-· treasurer Holly Zillmer, Barry BrandtStudent Council SOPHOMORES Gary Schoeneck- president Douglas Enter~ vice-president Marlene Micheel-seeretary Ruth Brinkman-treasurer Shirleen Mehlberg, Mike Johneon-Student Council FRESHMEN Eugene Strusz+-president Jon Schoeneck-vice-president Deborah Schwertfeger-secretary Janet Plitzuweit-treasurer

+ Scheible Plumbing and Heating Schnohrich's City Meat Market Sears Seifert Clinic Sherwin-Williams Products Henry Somsen, Lawyer Spelhrink'. Clothing and Casual Shop Sportsman's Grill Sportsmen Shop State Bank of New Ulm TV Signal VIrich Electric Vogel Clinic Vogelpohl'. Leather-LuggageGifts Wave-o-Lene Weneeda Bakery Wilfahrt Brothen )to W. Woolworth Co.



MESSENGER' Dr. Martin Luther Collette

Vol. L1V NO.2

DMLC Benefits From Ladies I Auxiliary Decisions Knas. Eldon Lemke was in charge The DMLC' Ladies' Auxiliary has of the entertainment. Those peragain voted upon and passed many forming for the group were Carol projects from which we all will benKohl, Max Radloff and Burton efit. It has decided upon the folFromke (a piano duet), the junior lowing: an intercommunication syscollege girls' sextet, Sharon and for the men's dormitory; ten Carol Rodewald (a vocal duet), and bic~c1es and several sewing rnaa comic quartet made up of college chines for student use; a $200 dojunior men. nation to the library; drapes for Centennial lounge; game equipWe feel that DMLC as a whole ment for Centennial and wherever owes many thanks to these fine supelse it is needed; curtains for the porters of our school. clothes storage compartrnen ts in the men's dormitory; and a $250 scholarship-the DMLC Ladies' Auxiliary Scholarship-e-to be awarded annually. The meeting of the Auxiliary was held on Wednesday, October 9, in the auditorium. Among those elected to offices were Mrs. Vernon AI· You will be the main attraction bers o! Redwood Falls, first vicein our next issue! Why? Because president, and Mrs. Lorimer King, our next issue will be an alumni istreasurer. Pastor E. O. Schulz, sue in which the MESSENGER also 01 Redwood Falls, is pastoral staff will seek to print articles of advisor. special interest to you. In order The group was greeted with a to help make this a successful pubfew words from Professor Schweppe lication, we would appreciate your and Student Council president, Bill sending us any information about Habermann. Missionary Robert yourself or other alumni. Plea se Sawall spoke to the ladies about the address all correspondence to: proposed start of a Christian literature program for our African misAlumni Editor sion in Rhodesia. MESSENGER Dr. Martin Luther College The ladies were given tours 01 the New VIm, Minnesota 56073 campus by members 01 the student body under the direction 01 Norma

November 1,1963

New Ulm, Minnesota

Music Staff Enlarged By Three


AHention, Alumni!

Nurse Cone Interviewed

. . p. M tSStOn rOJeels

• This year we are privileged to ~'''' .._, _ .... - ....' __ ""!'~·.dc*!". __ r:=~.-:;.;;:;o;r-...,-;~,-::;;7.~_--'t Constance Cone is a lormer Michigander, having been born and reared at Petoskey, Michigan. She also This year the Student Council attended high school there. Her will continue the program of misparents now reside at Omaha, where sian projects as it was formally set her lather Is a Lutheran pastor. • up last year. AB in the past, the Connie had a very active youth. Student Council chairman and a She participated in many church, committee stemming from the stuschool, and. community activities. dent body are the nucleus around She was also a 4-H'er for eleven which each project is organized. Each mission project evening enyears. tails having a speaker from our varAfter high school, Connie entered ious home and foreign mission deaconess training in Milwaukee, fields. Lectures are supplemented where. she was graduated without with slides, displays, or discussions, being invested as a deaconess. Her A collection is always taken to help real interest lay in nursing. To ti- spread the Gospel in that partienance such training, she worked ular mission. while attending two quarters at Our mission projects this year will North Central Coliege in Michigan. be changed every two months. While there, she majored in psychology and the sciences. Her nurse's Our first project this year was for training formally began at 'Walther our mission in Northern Rhodesia. Memorial School of Nursing in ChiMissionary Sawall spoke and showed cago, from which she was graduated slides on October 6 about his expeas a graduate nurse on August 11 riences in Africa. One of the largest of this past summer. She is premissionary collections ever to be resently in the process of becoming a ceived from a student body door registered nurse. She has studied collection ($249.53) was given to much, but still feels she lacks the Missionary Sawall to be used for necessary languages needed to b€providing the printed word of the come a missionary nurse, her greatGospel in the language of the Rhoest ambition. desians. Let us remember these Christians also in our prayers and Connie has enjoyed her work at pray that more come to saving DMLC so far. Her duties include faith through the work of the teaching six classes of women's phyHoly Spirit in the Word being ~ical education and performing her spread among them. nursing work. She enjoys working with young Christian people and being in a Christian environment as a whole. She deems it a privilege and l strengthening lactor to be back lmong people of her church, after The Phlogistons are now oHerin;! 1aving worked and studied in areas something new for all present and Nhere our church is not located. future science teachers. It is a kit Connie is never bored, she says. for the mounting of insects. It inIer hobbies and pastimes are too cludes a "killing jar," mounting 'aried to enumerate. She enjoys board and pins, and instructions. nany sports and music. She plays Professor Swantz has also drawn up he flute and likes to sing. She also a key for the identification of the ·njoys hunting and other outdoor various species of insects. All peoports. Although she claims_she's a ple interested in having this kit, 'jack of all trades and master of please send $1.00 to: lOne," her 4-H home economics proScience Club ects, for example, have won many Dr. Martin Luther College Ilue ribbons at the state fairs in New Ulm, Minn(>snta ~lfi07:1 vhich she has participated.


ed By

IS tudent CounCIl

Science "Bugs" Take Note

Mrs. Warren Cade

Janet Griebling

Rodney Rahn

Mrs. Warren Cade, a native of Fremont, Nebraska, is one of two new piano instructors at DMLC. Mrs. Cade obtained a bachelor's degree in music from the American Conservatory in Chicago and a master's degree in music from the University of Nebraska. She comes to us from Evansville College in Indiana where she conducted adult piano and music appreciation courses. Mrs. Cade says she likes music of all kinds, but especially enjoys ..b&gt....DLt.baB"l'oQf!e Era Sbe finds contemporary music something new and interesting. Our new piano instructress, who Irequently attends concerts and plays and also enjoys reading and cooking, finds that she likes it here at DMLC "very much."

Miss Griebling, one of our new music instructors, is not new to the campus since she received her college education here. She is not even new to the music department because she has been active in many musical activities. The thing that is new about her is the fact that she is now a member of the music faculty. In this position, she inatructs fifty-one students in the art of organ playing.

Rodney Rahn, also a piano instructor, comes from Wausau, Wisconsin, He majored in art history at the Lawrence College and Conservatory in Appleton, Wisconsin. This is his first full-time job, his last position being instructor of a course in music history at the Unlversify of Michigan. He has obtained a Master of Arts degree (rom Michigan U. His major interests are music drama and the music of



To All

Lettermen and Alumni The Lettermen's Club has begun its program for the year and has elected the officers 'for this term. Since it is in charge of the Alumni Game. which is to be held on Novcmber 29, the Club is asking for all names (If those alumni who are interested in playing. This alumnivarsity game will be preceded by the college seniors' game versus the faculty. All alumni lettermen are invited to join the "L" Club. The cost is $2.00, upon receipt of which the "1.." Cluh will send a membership card to the letterman, thus entitling him to attend all college games free. This charge will take care of operating expenses and contribute to the long-range plan of organizing a DMLC foothall team. Any alumnus interested in playing in the November 29 Alumni Game or in joining the "L" Club is asked to address his correspondence to: "[." Club Dr. Martin Luther College New lJIm, Minnesota 56073

A native of Milwaukee,



she spent

When asked about her favorite food, Miss Griebling replied, "Ev_ erybody say!' pizza, so I won't say pizza." Although she did not say what her favorite food is, she did make a definite statement about cabbage +she does not like it! Collecting organ music is Miss Griebling's hobby. She enjoys music of all kinds and also derives pleasure from reading interesting books.

Changes in Student

Richard Wagner: "That's my spethe "utm'~' Mr. Rahn plans to work for a doctorate in musicology.

_ ._.. ..ci.alt~.-.ln

hermgn senoa ...ays at ,Wisconsin Lutheran High School. Although Miss Griebling enjoys her work and the city of New Ulm, she sometimes misses some of the things that a big city like Milwaukee has to offer.

Made Union

This year our Student Union is being visited by more people than ever before in a single year. This is due primarily to a Iew changes which have come about in its setup. When D~!LC students enrolled this fall, the pavmont of their incidental fees automatically made them all members of the Student Union; com~equcntly, the hours of the Stu U have also been changed. Every evening it is open from 9:15 to 10:00 for college students. Saturday evenings find both prep and college people there until dorm curfew.

Festival Service Held Dr. Martin Luther College was the site of the tenth annual mass Reformation service held bv the Wisconsin Synod churches iOn the New Ulm area. The service took place on Sunday, October :37, at 8:00 p.m. in the college auditorium. Professor Herbert Jaster, of the faculty, was the speaker (or this festival service. He used as his sermon theme "The One Foundation Which Is Laid," taken from I Corinthians 3 :11-15. Pastor G. Birkholz was the liturgist for the service, with Teacher Richard Sonntag and Professor M. Zahn directing the children's and mass choirs. respectively. The children's choir, which was composed of the day school children in the New Vim area, sang "Before The Lord We Bow."


The mass chorus, composed congregational choirs throughout th area, sang "0 God Our Lord, Thl Holy Word."

To increase the facilities, a new popcorn machine was donated by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Mr. Seifert, the business manager, donated a candy case and a ca!'h register.

Organist for the service was Professor W. Nolte of DMLC. After the pre-service Reformation music by a brass ensemble, be played the voluntary, "We Now Implore God The Holy Ghost," by Buxtehude. Luther's Battle Hymn of the Reformation. HA Mighty Fortress Is Our God" highlighted the singing. The mass congregation sang the ftrst stanza, alter which College Choir I sang the second, and the Q()ngregation sang the thirrl. The fourth !'Itanza was accompa",ied by a soprano descant and six trumpeters.

This year's officers are Jerry ~oellner. president; Willard Engel, vic.e-presicipnt; Mary Engf'l, secretar:·:; :\nd Yield .J"r(j,..,..,ir"'}I~llrf'r.

The postlude music Was an arrangement of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" by JohanR Sebastiatll H:.lC'h.

The workers this year Union were required to fill application blank and have terview. They now receive flheck for their work.

at the out an an ina pay-

Pace 2


New Ulm, Minnesota

Editorial Follow Directions, Avoid Congestion TIH're have been two new signs posted in the Administration Building. Th ov are at ci t her "IHI of the hall: the 'one on the West end reads down, t he one on \ he East end reads up. Previous to the posting of these two signs, the walls of the Administration Building had heen used for campaign posters, invitations, announcements, and team-backing signs. The pnrpose of these two lone signs does not fit into any of the above-mentioned categories. They arc posted ) merely to give direction. Th; Student Council has posted these signs up and down to tell people that between classes the stairs to the west are to be used only for those heading downstairs and the eastern stairway is to be used only for traveling upstairs. It is all a part of the plan of the Council, along with faculty collaboration, to relieve some of the crowded hallway' conditions during the five-minute breaks between classes. Because of DMLC's population explosion, certain steps for relieving congestion in the halls were deemed necessary by the faculty. The Student Council has acted, and acted well, in its plan to rid the halls of as much of this congestion as possible. It is now up to everyone of us as individuals to follow the Council's plan and travel accordingly The success of the plan does not depend upon what has theoretically been laid out on a planning board, but upon what is actually done by each and every student. Until now, the students have been co-operating. -Barbara


I Hate the Rain Some people like the rain. I \ul,te it, ' I luite ~dt little' spatteririi drop' That hits the sidewalks in a Sudden burst of temperament. I hate the cloudy sky Full up with gloom and darkness. I hate the tiny, splashy puddles And the rain-filled gutters, Miniature floods rolling' Down the street. I hate the smell of it, The pungent breath of freshness That hits the nostrils. I hate the sound of it, Sheets of wetness dripping, pouring, Tapping, sobbing. I hate the rain With all my heart and soul, But when the rain is done, Oh joy! How I love the sun! -Carol Kohl

Marching Band Performs "I missed it!" moaned Carolyn Buch when asked whether she had seen the Marching Band at Homecoming. Janet Griebling's reply, "You missed the best part!" expressed almost everyone's feelings about the performance of the DMLC Marching Band at the high school football Homecoming on October 12. ~ At half time, everyone's attention was "entered on the field as the band smartly .1 Nent thr'ough its 1'l1aneuvers. After making It a "J" and playing Jeffers' school song, the band formed an "L" and played Luther's school song. Band director, Roy Zimmermann, utilized his ten years of marching experience in high school and coUege to train the band. He felt that the band did well for its first try. In the years to come, Mr. Zimmermann want..1;J to march for all home football games and ,other festivities. If the Homecoming crowd's reaction was '~ny indication of acceptance, the' marching band wiII be welcome. Everyone who saw its performance was favorably impressed and showered Mr. Zimmermann and the band with compliments, upon which the leader commented, "We don't- have to p·ay'for compliments." The -Meaaencer joi,ns in applauding the band for a fine performance. -Lois Sievert


1, 1963

Library Corner Since July the Library has accessionerl OVN 200 books. Naturally it v....ould be impossible to review all of these, but the editors nf the MESSE·NGER have granted the librarian space liberal enough to bring to the notice of the readers of the paper outstanding books which have been placed in the stacks during the past months. This, then, is to be the first of a series of book columns in our school paper. World War I is slowly coming into the book-publishing picture after a long period of unexplained neglect. Barrie Pitt's 1918, The Last Act (N.Y., Norton, 1962) is a dramatic account of the last year of the war, w hen the Russian Revolution released the German armies in the East before the might of America could be mustered on the western front. The author's account of loaders and men, of staff -successes and failures, makes interesting reading. World War I hegins to show signs of, challenging the Civil' War as subject matter for books. A second volume covering a section of the same period is Alistair Horne's The Price of Glory (N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1962), a detailed account of the gory battle that swirled about the fortifications of Verdun. The stupid leadership of both German and French armies was almost unbelievable, as Was the courage and tenacity of the men in the ranks. A battle line less than three and one-halt miles in length which brought with it 350,000 deaths and an equal number of seriously wounded soldiers marks this hattie for attention. The author arouses that attention, for he marshals evidence of long and careful study of the events and persons connected with what the Germans called "Operation Execution Place." Your librarian Was es· pecially interested in the account, for he was able to recognize many places described there as areas which his military company traversed. Andre Bonnard's three-volume Greek Civilization (N.Y., Macmillan, 1957) brings to our shelves a master of the period he examin€s. The books, carefully translated from the French, augment our backlog of material on the period. Written in popular style despite the erudition of the author, the vol-. umes bring the reader an excellent introduetion to Greek life and thought. Many fullpage illustrations heighten the value of the books. Two publications of the American Library Association (Chicago, Illinois) should attract the attention of all those who have an interest in children's literature and in the expansion of school libraries. The Basic Book Collection for Elementary Schools and the Ba.ic Book Collection for Junior Hich Schools are bibliographies established by experts in the field. About 1000 publica-

tions are listed in each volume, classified by subject (Dewey Decimal) and carefully annotated. Here are inexpensive listings with which everv teacher and ever-y prospective teacher should be familiar. Edward Nichols furnished your librarian with several hours of enjoyable and informative reading in his Zach Taylor's Little Army (Garden City, Doubleday, 1963.) The campaign in northern Mexico makes faSCInating reading, for it combines military achievement with political intrigue. A littleremembered span of our history is Illumined by this spritely account. For those who are engaged with American church history, Edwin Gaustad's Historical Atlas of Religion in America will prove to be a mine of information. This reference work presents the spread of religion from 1620 to 1960 and does so church by church. The volume is "indispensable for all who have a serious interest in American church history .' , -H. Sitz

To Walk Alone I love to walk along a lonely country road On an autumn day when the sky is so blue 1t hurts my eyes to look at it. And the trees are arrayed in kingly robes Of scarlet and orange and yellow, While farther down the path I see a tree Whose leaves are a deep, deep brown. I love to feel the breeze ruffling my hair And brushing lightly against my cheek. I love to hear it stir the leaves In the uppermost branches of the autumn trees. crackle Of the dead leaves beneath my feet. I love to see the ground all covered by the many-hued forms, Making it look like a gay and carefree patchwork quilt. I love to hear the crunch and

I love the peace of it, the- beauty of it. But most of all I love the holiness of it. For God is in the trees and wind and earth, And I know that even on that lonely country road I am, after all, not so very much alone. -Carol Kohl

Dedicated to Dilemma, Miss D - Dear Miss D--, I go with a gal who is never on time. I ask her to meet me in fron t of her dorm at a prearranged time, but it never Iails=-she'a always several minutes late. What'll I do? SLOWPOKE'S GUY Dear Slowpoke's Guy, It is against my principles to tell secrets and not defend my own sex. Girls naturally like to keep the boys guessing and therefore come late. After waiting this "eternity," the boys are to appreeiate the girls all the more. In your case, however, I see you don't. In this instance, I have the following suggestion: Tell your girl that you will meet at-let's say-6:50. Okay! Then come to her dorm at 7:00. She'll just be coming down to meet you and everything will be iust fine. Right? Sincerely your~, Miss D··---,·· Dear Miss D--, I am a new male at DMLC. My problem is I can't walk past Centennial Hall at night, alone! ! !! I can't walk alone because I am always mobbed by a crowd of girls (coeds). How can I make myself unattractive? Signed, SHORT, DARK, AND HANDSOME Dear Short, Dark, and Handsome, 1. Don't walk alone! 2'l Avoid being egotistical! 3. What business is it of yours to be strolling past Centennial Hall alone at night? 4. How to make yourself unattractive? That's easy-play touch football! That

seems to be the most dangerous harmful game at this college. Sincerely yours, Miss D-Dear Miss D--,


My only problem is that I don't have any problems. I would like to get some problems so that you could solve my problems. Now, how Can I get some problems? PROBLEMLESS P.S. I hope my problem isn't such a hard problem that a good problem-solver like you can't solve my problem! Dear Problem less, You have a limited vocabulary+-that's your problem! Seriously, though, I have the same problem that you do. I don't have enough problems. Let both of us hope that you can think of some problems. That way I can ponder thoughtfully the thought-pondering problem you send me and can give you the needed advice. Sincerely yours, Miss D-Dear Miss D--, I think I am a hot dish, at least 1 serve hot dishes. How do I go about going out with a shy short order? ? ? "SMILBS" Dear "Smiles," Here is a short "order" for you: if he's too shy to ask you, ask him. Ask him on "Fry_day." If then he refuses, your goose is "cooked" -you might as well "serve" it! Sincerely yours, Miss D--

With this issue we are inaugurating a new column entitled "Denology" -c-studiss and thoughts in our den. We hope that the atmosphere of our new den on the second floor of Old Main will inspire us to provide for you many interesting and intriguing thoughts. Our first column presents a clipping from the National Observer, which reported an address by the University of Chicago's director of admissions, Charles D. O'Connell. It has much food for thought not only for freshmen, but for all college students. " ... Let me assure you that there is.no 'ideal college'-not even this one. Despite our catalog, you will encounter some professors who find undergraduates the lowest form of life and prefer to spend their time with test tubes or incunabula. No college is free of students who are there only to seek status and who will shun anyone bold enough to carry the classroom discussion into the dormitory. There is, in short, no college without its virtues and none without its weaknesses. "Do not ask too much of this college. Its faculty and its student body are made up of very fallible human beings; the classes are sometimes dull; they cannot all be lively; not all of the students are 'leaders of man.' "Do not expect each discussion in which you engage with faculty and students to be a kind of Socratic dialogue with each participant contributing a gem of wisdom unknown to the others, their cumulative perceptions piling up pyramid style until the class period enda+-and TRUTH rings out, signaling the end of the hour, a kind of intellectual pinball game at which you hit the jackpot every time. Life is not like that, in college or out. "1 sincerely hope then that you are here because you want to be here and because you have begun, at least, to answer for yourself, privately, the question 'why'!' To your education I hope that you bring a set of attitudes that will serve you well. "I shall not belabor the definition of what you should seek, of what a proper education consists, or repeat what you have been told a .hundred -crmes, that educatfon involves'. search for both knowledge and understanding, with the hope that both combine to produce wisdom. "But a proper education does, indeed, involve both. And to this pursuit I hope you bring curiosity, flexibility, humility, a respect for ideas, and the saving of a sense of humor. With them you cannot fail." -Jon Kietzer

The DMLC Messenger The DMLC Messenger is published durinr the months of October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price is One dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. The Meaaenger is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. AU business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the Meaaenger is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as in .. teresting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the college, and to foster school spirit. Editor. . Anita Lemke Managing Editor. . Barbara Miller Feature Editor. . .Jon Kietzer Newa Editor. . .. Ron Shilling Sports Editor. . Eug erre BAer Alumni Editor. .Loi. Sievert Make-up Editor. . .... Barbara MiIJer Bu.ine .. Manager ... Arnold Nommenaen Auistant Business Manager .. Karen Dahl Circulation Manager .... Gary Heckman A.. iatant Circulation Manager. Anita Rehborg Feature and News Writers .. Mark Boehme, Bob Kuehn, Delores Maichle, Sharon Muaafeldt, Carol Schefus, Lois Sievert, Jim Zietlow Sporta Writers. . . Ron Ertner, Bob Kuehn, Boyd Tech Alumni Writer. . Judy Winter Make_up Staff. . .. Karen Dahl, Helen Lochner, Sharon Muaafeldt Circulation Staff Mark Boehme, Carol· Schefua Photolrrap'her Ray Manthe Typists Helen Lochner, Dolores Muth, Donna Steinke, Judy Vanderohe Adviaer. . Prole •• or Trapp

Friday, November 1, 1963

New Vim, Minnesota

News From The Classes College I Class Activity Held On Tuesday, October 15, the College I class "waded" gaily out to Flandrau Group Camp for its fall activity, a hootenanny. The singing was led by the guests of honor, a trio from Bethany College, Mankato, who call themselves the "Travelers." The high point of the evening came when the students began improvising lyrics to "HeyLillie-La." A~ an added treat after the festivities, the food committee, with the help of Mr. Bilitz, provided a delicious snack in the form of punch and pizza. All reported a wonderful time.

College III Ohl



look! See Sally! See Sally go to the hospital to visit Jim Martens. Oh! See Jim! He has the hives! Oh, oh, look! See Jim. He sure is a "swell" guy! Oh, Oh! Listen! Hear the quiet dorm. Ron Ertner must still be in the hospital! Look, look! See Ron come back from the hospital. Oh! See his broken jaw. See Ron drink soup for many weeks. Look, look! See the enthusiastic juniors doing their harmony! Ob! Listen! Hear the funny juniors do their harmony. OH, OH, OH! Don't listen to them any more!

Science Club Views Planets Fifteen members of the Phlogistons Science Club visited the campus of Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, on the 22nd of October. They were accompanied by Miss Cone and Professor Swantz. They arrived at the college at 7:15 p.m. and were taken to the Goodsell Observatory where they attended a lecture on the theory of telescopes by Robert T. Mathews, Assistant Professor of Astronomy. The group was then permitted to view Jupiter and Saturn through the I6-inch refractor telescope, the largest in Minnesota. Other features of the trip included a tour of the Gustavus Adolphus College at St. Peter. Here they were shown the new chapel and the Nobel Science Building.

College Choir I Elects Officers At a recent rehearsal of College Choir I, the members of the group elected officers for the 1963-64 school year. Heading the group as president is Ronald Shilling. Herb Wolff was elected vice president, and Mildred Horman' is serving as secretarytreasurer. After several ballotings, Bonnie Hoffman and Merlin Kruse were picked as librarians. The choir's first major performance of the school year will be the Christmas concert.

College IV Teachers' Conference Attended On October 24, 1963, the senior class of Dr. Martin Luther College attended the teachers' conference of the Minnesota District of the Wiseonsln Synod. St. Paul's Church in Arlington Was the host congregation for the two-day conference. ~cmr.,.Ctid6diB 811l4ed 101e t fee and doughnuts, which were served until 10:00 a.m. At that time all in attendance took seats in the church for the opening service and the beginning of the first session. Following committee reports and tbe reading of last year's minutes, College IV, for the most part, experienced its first conference essay, delivered by Prof. Lloyd Hahnke of DMLC. His topic was "Every Christian a Royal Priest." At dinner and during the free period that fallowed, some old acquaintances were renewed. Present at this conference from tbe thirdyear graduating class were Mary Surges, Beverly Grimm, Carole

Danner, Barb Weyland, and Anita Wagner. Opportunities to acquire free literature for teaching helps were taken by most of the visiting college seniors. Among the displays were an arithmetic series by ScottForesman; a reading, language, and ••• JJi·.-c::tiapI~.bJ'''..Boushton~ifi'lin; and an interesting arts and crafts display by a St. Paul stationery company. The afternoon session began at 1:45 with devotions. Prof. Morton Schroeder of St. Croix Lutheran High School then presented an essay on "Improving Techniques of Challenging the Gifted Child." An interesting discussion followed. After a half-hour recess, sectional meetings of the teachers in the Various grades were held to talk about the essay and how it applied to their grade levels. Supper at 5:00 p.m. concluded the opening day of the conference.

College II Hootenanny Time Hootenanny! The fun started at Flandrau pavilion Friday night, October 18. With logs ablaze in the fireplace, plenty of high spirits, and the promise of food to come, the college sophomores. gathered 'round to hear the Travelers, a folk-singing trio from Bethany at Mankato. The sophomore girls' sextet enter-


Paw. 3

tained with a Cew selections, and a hilarious male quartet from the College III class brought down the house with its interpretations of popular songs. Fun continued with a free-for-all of songs and stories by the group. The evening drew to a close only after Mr. Bilitz arrived on the scene with varied refreshments.

Tuesday, June 18, 1963! After many weeks of prepar ation-r-obtuining passports, arranging passage to and from Europe, gathering and packing items needed for a three months' stay overseas--the long awaited day had come. At 10:00 a.m. we left the college campus on the two-hour drive to WoldChamberlain Field in Minneapolis, where we were to take the Northwest Orient Flight 216 to New York, scheduled to leave at 1:30 p.m. When we checked in at the weigh-in desk, we watched breathlessly as the scales indicated thirty-nine and one-half pounds, just one-half pound below the maximum limit. After saying "Good-by" to the family, we boarded the jet airliner about 1:10 p.m. At 1 :30 our plane taxied to the end of the runway. We fastened seatbelts. Then with a roar and powerful thrust we glided down the runway and in a matter of seconds were climbing into a clear blue sky. At 2 :30 we were crossing London, Ontario. At 4 :45 p.m. (E.D.T.) our jet landed at Idlewild Airport in New York. The downward glide to a landing was more noticeable than the takeoff. From there a bus and taxi carried us to the reserved room at the Hotel New Yorker on Manhattan Island. The convenient location of the hotel gave us an opportunity to see the busy areas of Manhattan Island. Pennsylvania Station, modeled after a Roman bath, was a short walk away. The following morning we spent traveling on foot to the American Express Office to pick up tbe tickets for the trip by sbip to Naples and visiting such places as Grand Central Park, St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York Central Library, 42nd and Broadway, and Times Square. In the alternoon' an orientation meeting for the members of our Fulbright group was scheduled at our hotel. A representative from the Education Department, Washington, D.C., discussed the summer program with us. At this meeting we had an opportunity to meet the members of the grolljP with whom we would spend the next very pleasant nine weeks. The Fulbright group included teachers of Latin from the following states: Michigan (3), New York (3), Pennsylvania (2), and one each from Missouri, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Indiana. In the evening we had an opportunity to see Times Square and 42nd and Broadway under the lights. They're both prettier at night. We also heard the Purdue University Symphony Band at Radio City Music Hall. Thursday, June 20, was our sailing date. We arrived by taxi at 9 :30 a.m. at Pier 42, where our ship, the Italian liner, Leonardo da Vinci, was docked. Everyone Was excited going through customs and boarding the ship. There were many people on board, about half of whom were visitors bidding farewell to friends and relatives sailing to Italy. We spent a good share of the time getting settled in our cabin and looking over the ship. My cabin-mate was Mr. Frank Smith of Wayland, Massachusetts (cf. Life, March 22, 1963). He was also my roommate for the time spent at Rome and Naples. At 11:00 a.m. the first warning whistle sounded. Visitors began to leave. At noon we pulled away from the dock. Then we sailed down river, past the Statue of Liberty, out to sea. We had our noon meal at 1:45 p.m. and dinner at 7:45 p.m. The evening meal found many empty places. Seasickness! The passage through the Gulf Stream with its long swells took care of about one fourth of the occupants of the ship. Out of our group six of the nineteen were out of action. I thought I'd have to give in at the second noon meal, but suddenly I found my sea.egs, Every night a movie, alternating between English and Italian, was shown on board ship. It was enjoyable on deck to look at the clear sky with the stars. During the day we spent most or our time on deck or went

to the ship's auditoriumf to take Italian lessons (very elementary), to take a ship's tour, or nap in our bunk. The meals on board ship were excellent. Both the noon and the evening meal consisted of juice, hors d'oeuvree, soup (these were excellent), main dish (very often veal), salad (all right after you became used to an olive oil base), dessert, fresh fruit, beverage, and wine. Our waiter Michele gave us excel1ent service. After four days of seeing only the Atlantic Ocean, we welcomed the sight of the Azores Islands. Our ship passed right between the islands. They are very picturesque. The hillsides are neatly terraced. The small villages have a clean, white appearance. The Volcano Pico was a beautiful sight. Sea gulls, swooping down to pick up food thrown out by the galley crew, trailed our ship all the way through the islands. It took almost all afternoon to pass through the islands. The afternoon had passed all too quickly. In the evening before dinner our Fulbright group was invited up to the first class lounge (we traveled tourist class otherwise) by invitation of the ship's captain. The chief purser visited with our group. He and I conversed together in German. By the time we came back to the tourist class deck the Azores were tiny dots in the distance. After dinner a group of us got our daily exercise by marching around tbe deck. The next day the sky Was cloudy and there was a fine drizzle, our only rain on the entire trip across. It was a good chance to get some unfinished reading done. A day later we began to sight submarines and other ships. We were nearing the port of Gibraltar. When we pulled into the harbor, tbe haze lifted and the sun shone brightly. There was a Russian tanker in port. We anchored at 3 :30 p.m. so that passengers could leave the ship and come on board. We had been able to see the Atlas Mountains of Africa through the baze. While we - were anchored at Gibraltar (By the way, Prudential's picture of it is more impressive), small boats came out to our ship as fast as their occupants could row or their motors would carry them. Tbese boats were bringing sellers of rugs, baskets, scarves, lighters, figs, or octopi. These items were brought on board ship by means of rope and basket. All did a thriving business except the boat with octopi. If you had seen his cargo at the bottom of his boat, you'd understand why. Usually octopus is considered a delicacy. All of this was interesting to watch. When we left Gibraltar, we really entered the Mediterranean, which Was very calm and a beautiful blue. We were on this sea for two days. We finally received our passports, which we had given to the purser when we boarded ship. On June 28, Friday. we were' to land. That day, very early, we had our baggage ready for unloading at Naples. The sight of the Bay of Naples was breathtaking, It's a beautiful bay with a background of hills all around it. Capri and Ischia were on our right and left, respectively, but the former was not too visible through the haze. For the Same reason Mount Vesuvius was barely visible. A large crowd awaited our ship at the dock, most of them waiting for relatives whom they had not seen for a long time, or whom they had never seen. After a little confusion with disembarking and unloading the baggage, we were met by representatives of the American Academy in Rome. They finally managed to get us through the customs line. Thanks to the Academy's secretary, Princess Rospiglioei, who had some intluence to speed the procedure a bit. While we waited, all of us felt that the buildings on land had a sway. Those sealegs were still with us! After our baggage 'had been loaded, we climbed into our bus for the trip to Rome. -D. Brick

Pqe 4

New Vim, Minnesota

Friday, November 1. 1963

Sports Calendar

Time Out


Estherville, Away Iowa J C St. Paul Home Bible College Fri. Nov. 29 Alumni Home Tues. Dec. 3 Pillsbury Home Fri. Dec. St. Paul Away Concordia" Mon. Dec. 9 Austm J C" Home Away Sat. Dec. 14 Rochester J C' HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL Away Tues. Nov. 26 Sleepy Eye St. Mary's Away Sat. Nov. 30 Onalaska L. H. S. ,Home Mon. Dec. 2 Glen Lake' Dec. 6 Mayer. Away Fri. L. H. S.' Away Tues Dec. 10 Winsted Trinity* Sat. Home Dec. 14 Chaska G. A.' Away Tues. Dec. 17 New Ulm Trinity * Conference games

College Basketball: Preview of the Coming Season As has been the case in the past, this college basketball team will consist of more new faces than old. Coach Waters has a big rebuilding program ahead of him again this year. There are only four members of last year's squad returning and only two of these are lettermen, although both of these were starters last year. The returning starters are Jerry Zoellner, who last year looked very good at times but was inconsistent as a scorer, and Bob Kuehn, who has great potential. If Bob reaches his peak this year, he could very well be one of the best players in the conference. Merlin Wilde, who has a deadly left-hand jump shot, and Ed Sorgatz are the other members of last year's squad. Neither of them saw a lot of action last year, but they do have some experience. Among the new prospects are four members of last year's undefeated high school team. They are Dale Walz, Jim Tjernagel, Jim Dueblmeier and Jobn Tjernagel. Walz is a good ball handler and Can hit from almost anywhere on the floor. Jim Tjernagel

was a consistent rebounder and Scorer. Duehlmeier was a top reserve. He was a strong rebounder, but not too consistent in his shooting. John Tjernagel saw only limited action as a reserve, but seems to have good potential.

Very little is known ahout the rest of the prospects, but with a month of practice before the first game Coach Waters will get a good look at all of them. Anyone or several of these boys could earn a starting assignment. This group is made up of Carl Hefke, Joe Lequia, Leon Brands, Roger Sievert, Tim Pfitzer and Don Nolte. Coach Waters plans to stick with the 1-3-1 offense which he has used in the past with limited success. He says the reason for using this offense is to compensate for our team's lack of height when compared with the competition in the rest of the conference. The potential of this team is good, but it is the opinion of the editor that the success or failure DC the team v....iII depend primarily upon the ability of the rookies to adapt, with the aid of the coach, to the greater demands of college ball. Although a .500 season would be considered a successful one, this team could bring about a big surprise. However, the season could be as dismal as last year's was.

Men's Football Season Ends

Practice begins October 21. The first game is November 23 at Estherville Iowa Junior College, and the first home' game is November 26 against St. ?'aul Bible College. Good luck, Lancers! Eugene Baer

RalllS Have 3-Win Streak Luther Trounces Sanborn 33..0

Luther Taps St. Paul 33-0

Luther .defeated Sanborn 33-0 for their first victory in the Red Rock eonference. As the score shows, it

The Rams pushed their winning string' up to three by defeating St. Paul Lutheran High by the score of 33-0.

was Luther all the way. The tearr. exhibited a fine job through the ball bandling and passing of junior quarterback Pbil Hempel and tremendous running by Jack Gronholz. Luther's Sanborn yards,

first two drives into the goal




Nov. 23

Tues. Nov. 26



The TD came

after Luther intercepted a pass OR the Sanborn 16, with Hempel scoring four plays later. The fourth touchdown came when Jack Gronholz intercepted a pass and raced 82 yards to pay dirt. The conver-

Luther's first score came in the first quarter when Phil Hempel threw to Allan Jeffers for a 21-yard pass play. The next score came after a St. Paul Lutheran punt boxed the Rams on their own sevenyard line. Jack Gronholz ran the ball 93 yards into pay dirt. A Hempel to Steve Gauger pass accounted for the third and final TD in the first half. Luther scored two more times in the second half, once on a 20-yarn run by Wayne Cole and agam on a 6-yard pass play from John Nolte to Art Koepsell.

sion by Eugene Strusz, his second of three, was good. Tbe fifth and final Luther touchdown came on an g-yard scamper by Steve Gauger.

Eugene Strusz, a freshman who has shown very fine kicking ability. kicked three extra points.

Coach Heiderich bad great praise for an especially fine Luther defense with Gronholz, Paul Jacobs, and Wayne Cole getting most sf the tackles.

Luther's homecoming was made successful by beating Jeffers 48-0. The game climaxed a week of pep rallies and bonfires.

Luther Over Jeffe .. 48-0

+ Alwin Electric F. W. Baumann, Realtor H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer'. Pharmacy Beck'. Jewelry Ben Franklin Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown'. Music Store Bullemer'. Citizen's State Bank Coast-to-Coast Store Dairy Bar Dakota Hotel and Dining Ro~m W. H. Dempsey, Lawyer Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fe.enmaier Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist Dr. George Kuehner Dr. Germann, Optometrist

A charged-up Ram team did everything right and Jeffers seemed 1(I~t>in t he wake of enthusiasm. After a scoreless first period, Lu ther scored '"even times in the next two quarters, With a fantastic amount of desire and football savvy, the Luther team created good a number of Jeffers' fumbles. Jack Gronholz played a tremendous game, scoring four times, once on a l-yard run, again on a 30-yard pass play, and on runs of 75 and 80 yards. Allan Jeffers caught two or Hempel's passes for t.ouchdowns. These two plays covered 31 and 11 yards, tespectivelv. The other TD came after Quine.\' 'Wiley picked up one of scvcra l .JeITNS' fumbles and outraced two defenders (or 60 yards to the goal line. The only tirr.e the Jeffers' team was in the spotlight was in the fourth quarter when they marched to the Luther 9-yard line. But the Ham defense, which has been tough all year and Wt;S no less than tremendous against Jeffers, met the challenge and held the Wolves for four plays, thus preserving the shutout.


Starting at the beginning of the season, the sophomores continued through to the end of the season with their winning streak. Defeating both the freshmen and the juniors twice, they tallied up a 4 win, o lost, and 1 tie record. This tie came in their last game of the season, played against the juniors. The final score was 12-12. The freshman team showed a lot of spirit. but did not quite score enough. The team completed the season with .1. record of four Iosees. All three teams showed a great deal of enthusiasm for football this year, They are looking forward to playing again next year. Although there is hope for a regular football team eventually, intramural football will have to take its place for a few more years.

Girls' Softball Championship Narrows Having played their entire schedule, the girls' softball teams are now making up the many games that were rained out in the beginning of the season. Although the competition is fairly even among all of the teams, several teams have fought their way to the top of the list. Once the makeup games are completed, the champions will he chosen. Until that time, the winners remain anyone's guess. The Fumbles, led by Beth SchuetZ~, have won two and lost three. The Sportin' Coeds, under Leah Weber, have lost only one and totaled up four wins. Lois Gieschen's Softies have lost four and won one. The Angels, captained by Joan Enter, have won three and lost two. Although at present it would appear that the Sportin' Coeds have a good chance at first place, the next few games will tell for certain who the champion is.


Dr. Schwartz, Dentist Dr. Tyler Dr. Wm. VonBank Eich ten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbinr & Heating Farmer's and Merchant's Bank Fesenmaier Hardware Forster's, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothiers Harolld's Shoe Store Henle Drugs Herberger's Herzog PubHshing- Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lang 8arber Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Meidl Music Store Meyer Studio

Mode 0' Day Frock Shop Montgomery Ward Muesing's Drug Store New Ulm Brick & Tile Yar.1s New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift and Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouse. New Ulm Theater Ochs' Brick & Tile Yards Sprinl'field Oswald'. New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick'. Jeweler'. J. C. Penney Co. Pink'. Polta Drug Store Raftis Department Store Reim and Church Jewelers Reliable Drugs Retzlaff Hardware Rite-way Cleaner.

Halloween Parties Haunting Success Spooks and witches were seen on campus during four October evenings. These spooks were participants in the annual Halloween festivities for the various classes in college and high school, which were held on consecutive evenings from October 22 through October 25. First of the parties was the high school freshman-sophomore party held on October 22. The sophomores were dressed as farmers, while the freshmen dressed as children of three and four years of age. Prizes for the most original costume were awarded in each class. The theme "Haunted House" was carried out in decorations and games. On the following evening the high school junior- senior party was held. The students dressed in costumes portraying famous historical or fictional characters. Masks were worn until judging was completed. A hootenanny featuring Klaus and Burt followed. Kiddie games, a scavenger hunt, and apple bobbing rounded out a fun-filled evening. The college freshman-sophomore party was held on October 24. The theme Was "Remember When?" and all were dressed as six-year-olds. A "Iantabulous" prize was awarded for the best costume. Entertainment consisted of kiddie games and group singing. The college junior-senior Halloween party goers, dressed as little boys and girls, brought baby pictures which afforded a game of "Guess Who?" The highlight of the evening was the appearance of the Junior Girls' S9xtct and tnt: Minor Thirds, a group of junior boys. Lunch, the climax of each evening, was served under the direction of our able and hardworking Mr. Hugo Bilitz.

Bowling Standings Won Lost Team Boas. 16Yz 7Yz 15 9 Garters 12 12 Diamondbacks. 11 1~ Rattlers 10Yz 13 Yz Vipers 7 17 Asps High Individual 3-game series .. 562 Heiderich High Individual game .2~3 Sievert G Ave T Name 7 170 .. D Birkholz. 18 .. D 167 Heiderich ... 18 .. B 164 Kuehn 18 160 .. D Steffel. 18 160 ... G Hill. .. G 3 158 Schneider. 18 157 .B Bleick ... 18 156 ....... V Brands 5 ........ R 155 Shilling 18 153 ........... B Baer



Scheible Plumbing and Heatinll Schnohrich's City Meat Market Sears Seifert Clinic Sherwin-William. Products Henry Somsen, Lawyer Spelhrink's Clothing and Casual Shop Sportsman's Grill Sportsmen Shop State Bank of New Ulm TV Signal Ulrich Electric VOl'el Clinic VOl'elpohl'. Leather-LuggageGifb Wave-o..Lene Weneeda Bakery Wilfahrt Brothers ,.~ W. Woolworth Co.

MESS-ENGER Dr. Martin Luther CoUeie

November27, 1963'



" ,'



use of' the students during the school, year, have arrived, according to an, announcement from the Stu... dent Council. There are six girls' bicycles and four boys' bicycles. The Ladies' group also gave a money donation to the school to buy various sports equipment for the dormitories. The Board of Control of DMLC, through the Student Council. has

asked that students submit names for the new dormitory. From this list, three shall be submitted to the Board, which will select the name.

The student directory and student body activities calendar for this year should soon be available to the students. This year's Christmas theme has. been selected by the Council. It is "Unto Us A Child Is Born." In accordance with the theme, College Choir I will present the selection "F U U A Child Is B .. or oto s oro, from Handel's Me.. i.h at the' Christmas concert.

H~ghSchool' Administrator's Duties Enumerated "Let all things be done decently and in order" I Corinthians 14 :40. Indeed. U-these words were to be ascribed to anyone man a31a motto hI ~e, that man would be .Profesaor -.Os,car: Siegler, the new administrator of D1¥LHS., '. Ini November of 1962, at our synof area· l1'ade' odic.l conv~ntion, it w8;I decided to -• • separate the high school and "",nege dep&rtments, thus -allowint for fu· ....:ani~lion 'ture: programing and expansion. It .'1' . ··wal'following this decision that a P.. ~;OO! .. taiDt,inl~, .. call extended to Profesaor Sleg-


• l!'ienitifi,:aII:,-lIllinoled,,'10.. 1Upon his.' .eeej,tan ce, h. &0.• ' qulred a wealth of reeponoibUities -:"'andidutiea. Few of us-at DMLC reaUie the true importance of the role .,hich Profesaor Siegler aetually perf6rm.s. BOsidee teaching both junior historY, and senior religion, be· must also :direet one high school faoulty meeting each month, serve as faculty representative. on the. board for the ,newly-planned -high school. and 'assume the responsibility on all new high,achool eampus pl.lUI·

ha.. chosen . mission:'for A ' :will _ ~08t important, however I in his' -body present position Profesaor Siegler :;'~:~~~~;!~we:~.hhope to _.muat co-ordinate his decisions with the mission those of the college. Viewing the present unity now existent in the

closely-knit DMLC family, he readily realizes the importance of maintaining such relations. Until the final separation of high school and college is completed, be continues to

strive for the improvement of pres, ent conditions and to increase the benefits . provided at DMLHS through a firm foundation in Christ our Savior.

NewUlm, Minnesota

With the beginning of the erection of the new women's dormitory •. a vastly extended facility plan was begun at :DMLC. This plan will continue to 11'0was more space b&comes necessary and funds are realized. So far there has been re- '. markable progress attained this fall·~. in erecting the first new building of J the campus expansion project. The ~ women's dormitory is located direct- i Iy west of the existing tennis courts at DMLC, parallel to Center Street. Many students now at our school and alumni readers are probably wondering hO"9{ our campus will look when this plan is completed. The buildings we. now have that will be ecnsidered permanent faciUties will -be the Administration Building, the Music Center, Centennial Hall, and the boiler house, garage and ,shops. Existing buildings which may eventually have to make way for other buildings are the Men's Dormitory, the dean's house, the Music Hall or Pra~tice Hall, Old Main, and Hil,crest Ha.l, West Hall and the professorage-oeeupied by the Profesaor Schultz family will be subject to relocation. Plans call for new constructions on these sites. . The second building of our expansion project will serve a triple purpose, It will consist of a dining hall, student union, and gymnasium, Its location will be directly south.,ekt of.the Administration Building. on the site where West Hall·,-now .tands. ", Parallel .to ..Center ;Street'.'and It Is probably'worth notiDg that ao far the Chapel Fund haa ilOWD to $18,530 and that th. Organ Fund, which will be used to supply the organ for the new .ehapel, now has reached $29,285.00. This is ODe of the many new buildingshoped to be erected in the indefinite future. A classroom building is planned eventually to be located between Centennial Han and the Music Center. Another classroom building will be located to the rear of the Music.-Of - Praetiee Hall, directly across from the Muoio Center and .parallel to it. More classroom spaee will be provided in the area where the Men's Dormitory and Dean Habnke'a house now stand, All of these claasroom buildings wiD beconnected via corridors. and will form a U-sbaped plan which finally is connected to the present Music Center on its south end. The 'men will have' completely new dormitorjes. 'The second one will be added to tbe first as the need' for more male living quarters becomes evident. These buildings will be erected acrOSSthe road to the south from the boiler house and garage into the area now used' for buchail. . Two more women's dormitories wiil be built. They will be eonnected 'to the one now' under CODstrUetion and wiD Iie parallel to Center Street, on. to the northwest of the new building and one to the west. These· will <:over a substantial amount of the athletic field used formerly for softball and part of our existing driveway and the wooded area north' of ,the drive~ay. / Since the driveway will be changed, so also will tbe parldng area. The new driveway .will begin on South Highland Avenue and proceed northeast to the Administration Building, circle the chapel, and continue southeast past the Administration Building and boiler bouse as it does now. to be connected to Waldheim Drive. The athletic fields will extend from the new men's donnitory to (Continued on page 3)



NewUlm, Minne.ota


Electronic computers play an outstanding influential role in modern society, a role which is becoming .ever greater with the advance of SCientific knowledge and its consequent '.'pplications to computers. Much Information of a wide variety is fed into these machines, which in turn organize, syste~tize, generalize and, finally, apply these facts. What kind of information may computers be constructed to dispense? Might they reveal deep, dark secrets never before known in the past? Might they serve to solve lengthy and involved problems which could not previously be satisfactorily solved by a human being? Or might they' delve into the future and make quite accurate predictions concerning forthcoming events, especially regarding certain statistics? -Varied types of computers at one time -or' another perform all of these tasks. Yet. there is a limitation to the application of the knowledge which is incorporated into these otherwise exceedingly useful ma-

chines. New.weflk


27, 1963

Library Corner

Edit~fi~l Computers and St. Paul


Severalvblographles of personalities have been added to our somewhat thin coverage of American history during the past week. Robert Seeger's And Tyler Too (N.Y., MeGraw-HiU,..1963)brings to life the tenth president of"the United States, who hitherto has been little but the tag-end of a political slogan'. The book is rather forbidding in length (671 pages), but when the reader overcomes the obstacle of length, the volume makes good in bringing into being two interesting people, John and Julia Tyler, and the society of which they were a part. The volume shows careful research,' but does not allow that characteristic to be a burden to the reader. A second biography, Peter Lyon's Succeee Story, the, Life and Time. of 5.5. McClur .. (N,Y., Scribners, 1963) causes the "Muckraker" era in' our history to stir into life. This eccentric newsman with his ability to ferret out and to contract for the literary productions of a lively stable of writers in a colorful period of American history makes a very interesting subject for this biographer. Although the book seems over-long for its subject matter, it does give the reader a realistic view of a rowdy period in our country's history: A third biography ofnote is Allan Nevin's two-volume story of, Hamilton Fiah, the secretAry of state during Grant's administrations. :-(N.Y., Ungar, 1936-1957) This biography won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 and well deserved' that distinction. Based upon a voluminous collection of correspondence and a carefully detailed diary kept by Fish, this record of eight momentous years in American, history makes informative and entertain-

ing reading. George F. Howe uses our twenty-first president as his subject in Cheater A. Arth ...r; a Quarter-Century of Machine Politic •• (N.Y., Ungar, 1957) Here an able president is rescued from political obscurity and set in a central position during an eventful, four years of our history. The chapters' on civil service reform and the tariff are especially well done. NormanBeasley's Mary Bak.r Eddy, is a biography of the founder of Christian Science by one who is not a member of that group. The volume shows careful study of original sources and an attempt to write Mrs. Baker's story from an objective point of 'view. (N. Y., Duell, 1963) 1 am not convinced that he has succeeded too well. It would seem to me that in many places the author shades his objectivity in favor. of t~e religious inventor he is describing. However, he does give a good account of the early history of this 'sectarian group. A book that has stirred up much discussion in educational circles is James B. Conant's The Education of American Teach .. era. (N.Y., McGraw~Hill. 1963) In the current controversy on teacher-training be-' tween academic and education faculties, Dr. Conant's chief contribution is to define and high-light the issues. At the same time he makes a number of specific suggestions for improvement in the field, many of which will receive hearty approval of most readers. Here and there we may doubt the wisdom of his dictums, but Dr. Conant is always a pleasant author with whom. to agree-or disagree. -H. Sitz

'If ~you feel that the life of a teacher involves many occupational hazards and frustrations, just visualize this poor fellow's predicament. After a recent tornado, a building in town was damaged. A construction worker was engaged to repair it. When he got to the building, he found the tornado had knocked some bricks from' the top. He rigged up a beam and pulley and hoisted up a couple of barrels oC bricks. After he repaired the building, there were any bricks .left .over. He hoisted the barrel up again and secured the line at the bottom. Then he went up and filled the barrel with the extra bricks and returned to the bottom and cast off the line. Unfortunately, the barrel of bricks was heavier than he was and when the barrel started down, he started up. He hung on. Halfway up he met the' barrel coming down, and he received a severe blow on the shoulder. He then continued to the top, banged his head against the beam and got his finger jammed in the pulley. When the barrel hit the ground, it burst its bottom, allowing the bricks to spill. He was now heavier than the empty barrel and so started down again at high speed. Halfway down, he met the barrel coming up and received severe injuries to his shins. When he hit the ground, he landed on the' bricks, getting several painful cuts from the sharp edges. At this point he must have lost his presence ot mind, because he let go of the line. The barrel then came down, giving him another heavy blow on the head and putting him in the hospital. With this fellow's luck, I'd venture a guess that he wasn't even covered by an .insuranee policy, , (Thanks to the former Niecy Adams of Minneapolis from whose writings this was adapted.) -Jon N. Ki.tzer m.

recently print erl an article, "The Saint. and Science" (cf. November 18, 1968, issue), in' its religion sqction.· This article related the .~xpenment recently 'p~rformed by the Reverend Andrew Q. ·Morton. a minister ofc the, Church, of Scotland. In this experiment the Scottish minister-mathematicial' used an e~ectron- 'i ic computer to an81yze· the epistles of St. Paul.· Assisted bY'the late G. ;II. C. Macgregor· of' Glasgow :University. Morton •seven yea.rs ago began :the translation 'of Greek· prose. into punchIF .YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN at times, advantages may be obtained for the ·ed ' tape, . He and Macgregor then . THE WORK YOUR STUDENT COUNCIL group only by, arid at, the expense of a few who may be somewhat inconvenienced. ,used an -electronie' computer to de-, IS. DOINO-,.DON'T READ THIS! termine the similarity' of . the word As"a student of DMLC you are not only If this is your lot at one time or another, patterns in' this prose/ They later a member cr your individual class, you are accept it as such, 'for there are probably Step softly o'er the grassy soil, . appli..·.ed'thei~ ..,.fil).dings in ..: a.· study. Of... also.."" '!lember .of the aludent body .01 our many more than you who are giving a little Be gentle, and .....t.lIc :J~il\ll_ii!.c.,~~!le.,,_' \ie~. ·~!!Ie men _ w school. It is. this student body which has. ror the benefit or all. The next time you are asked·to heJp,-be--it- _. _:rake_care the used a"tliei~':.tan(fllrd ,the word' Pit" .. formed and elected a Student CDuncil; Thl'll Take care the words you on a committee or be it using the proper terns established. 'by·:the'epistle lo.: the:., .. artl.·cle is not· written to acqu.aint YDUwith For in that earth lies one 80 GalatillDS ' the"·' one"lwhich "they· felt:, the,.ext<!rnals of the Cou~cil. but rather with stairway,. do so willingly. Feel that you as The only one 1loved. was. written .by'.'Paul·becall4"· it'· ..tlle .affects which It haa upon you as a stu- an individual are responsible for the welfare Tred gently on that untouched soil is universally-'accePted as 'such 'o~ the:::" ~!ient here and, still more important, with the of the school and those who follow. Be a Beside my dear one's grave. " basis_:' 'of, co,~clU8ive: evi~ence ...' The_-~_. effects which you, the student, have upon it. part oC the dynamic force which 'gets things done, not drag them under! AJJ a college, as Though no sweet flowerslinger there, only other· epistles in·: which. ·l/>ey,.,: As .. ,?ember of your class, you have elect. Though no stern tombstone rises there. found these same word patterns and· ed IndiVlduals to represent you on the CDun- a Student Council, as a family, we need· the cooperation oC aU members in order to 'funcSomeday.will lie this lassie fair-which tlJ,ey:·therefore felt. established cll. Thus. you 'have shown that you trust The only one he loved., the letters as those· of St. ·Paul, were the judiment of tllose elected, be they repre- tion at the ,peak oC our efficiency., 4re you ' Romans and the two letters to the sentatiy.. or 01li..... You have elected willing? -William Habermann COrinthillDS .. Morton summarizes the:' these people from among yourselves. They, results of his and Macgregor'. find-· first of all, discuss problems 01 concern fDr ings with· these words: ','Once again all at m.eetings of the Interim Committee. The DMLC Me••• n8'er i1l published dur.. inc the months of October, November, Deauthority is .called upon· to yield .to These problema ...... then diacuaaed belore the cember, February, March, April, May' and the, advance of knowledge; '. . •Theoentire Council,· where action is taken on logians all over the' world must' them. The policies which are formulated are June. The SUbscription pries is one dollar change their view of· the life 'Of Paul, not the decisions oC the officers, neither are The news was tolled by every bell and ruty cents per annum. Single copies are they· must· revise the history of the they the decisions of the Counci1. They are Across our Native Land, twenty cents. We request payment in adearly church,' and they· must 'jettison your decisions. They are yours because And not a soul was left un~o.ved vance. The M••••n8'.r is continued after doctrines that have now been ,shown they were made by your representatives, in r To mourn a man we loved. tbe time that the subscription has expired, to be ,without foundation." your interest, and for the good of the stu;' Our President 'was young and strong unless we are notified to discontinue, and all Must we ~eal1y change our views or dent body in general. The Student Council And thrDugh his veins there flowed arrears are paid. All busin~ communica.Paul's life, revise early church hisis the tool which you use for the betterment A dedication to our flag tions should be addressed to the Business tory and jettison the doc;trines of the of the entire student body. How are you And for our Nation's good. Manager. Contributions from allalumni, unBible which have seemingly been· dis:' using this tool which you have constructed? What can we say as now we see . dergraduates, and friends Bre appreciated. The aim of the M.... nl'er is to-offer such proved just because of an experiment In the last issue of the Me••• n8'er there Our Leader fallen dead? performed by using an electronic was an editorial which called your attention Our bleeding hearts reach out to join materials as will be beneficial as well .. incomp~ter? Must we really 'yield auto our rising,traffic problem. The message The blood stains on his head. teresting to our readers, to keep the alumni thority; the authority of GOd, who conveyed was that ,we an do our best to co.. Americans of every hue in a closer contact with the college, and to gives, us the writings. of ·'Holy Scripoperate. It seems as if some of us paid littl~ And every frame of mind foster school spirit. tures through the inspiration of His or no heed to the message. The excuses Bemoan the tragic death and ask, Editor Anita Lemke Manaain8' Editor ...•......• Barbara Spirit; to' the advanc,e <?!. knowledl(e, given fOf.such behavior vari~ from "No one "Who is to blame or what the cause , Feature Editor~ Jon the product of man s Imperfect Inwas coromg the other wayf>to "Wny shoul4 OC this grave act unkind? New. Editor Ron tellectP I if the upper 'dassmen don't?" ' HWhat mind so twisted, hand so cruel Bible study by true theologians of The Student Council, it is true, is not a In this world 01 distress the· Word follows principles 'which are dictatorial governing body which can lorce Would dare to strike our Chief 01 State not· established by electronic computthe "rugged individualists" to conform. In hate and bitterness?" ers. Prayerful consideration of all There is no way in which it can make those Our prayers arise to Heaven's Throne: the information given us by Holy with the "So what?" change their attitudes. 0 God, our Leader still, . Scriptures, including precise, painsOur school is a Christian school in which all Forgive us all our trespasses, taking isagogical study and diligent. 01 our policies and actions are guided by Reveal to us Thy will. timeooeons,!ming exegesis, is ~he m~th.. God's ~ord of love. If .w? cannot solidF Teach us anew to honor those od used In truly God-pleaSIng Blble cooperation from our Christian brothers by Who rule us in Thy ·place. study. May God, preserve unto us appealing to them in a spirit of such love, it Have mercy on America, such faithful theologians! Computers is certain we would never gain it even though Do not remove Thy grace. do ,have their ·proper use. Let 'us, we were to make this a police state. ._,_ Preserve our Nation by Thy might, however, ·keep the_ID out of the·,Jield In the foregoing incident lies a message of And in our darkest hours of Bible st.udyl lI1'eatImport to us. II we as future stewards Grant each of us the faith and zeal Alumni Writer ; .. ~. -Anit41 ~tJ'!.h~ of' the flock cannot discipline ourselves, how, ';I'oserve the higher powers. Make-up Staff Karen :t if·, ..call we expect to discipline thOBewe. teach? Shed on our Land Thy Gospel Light; . Lochner, Sharon., :~,How can U we do not cooperate by se~ Dispel the gloom within. Circulation Staff Mark '\."",- ting an example which we expect, in turn, to United, may we bear Thy flag, 1;'" . Carol Now I know. b'- followed by the cl..... under us? 'And sin's dread battle win. . BelON I Imew. Photovapher Ray -M. M. Meyer And I Imow. \ ,There are. a,few of us who seem to think Ita meaning, Typists H.len Lochner, I never·kaew.that their private and false air oC importance (Written' on November 22, 1963, the day of IImew Muth, Donna St.inke, Judy Till now. is being encroached upon whenever they are the assassination of our youngest President, I loved Him. Advi.er Prof••• or -A. R. asked, even with "Please." Remember that, John F. Kennedy,)

Are You Interested?






A Mourning Nation's Prayer



The DMLC Messenger



·······New;From The 1;'> "


..-j' , ···C~U.g.IV' :":~ On SaiUrdaY, October 26. the stu" ide!lts'of Coli. IY held their el.... , , a trip to Excelsior, Minueto see th!' .musical ,tage pron' "Come, Blo,w Y~r' Born." earavan, biaWaol .'lI. the usual' '~ed :bus; was their' means of transportetion:';The' mUsIcal, per•• orme<I.- at .the Old' 1.0& Theatre in xeielsior;"wU' 't,he fint' production, . the theatre'.' fall aeason... The ay opened on Broadway in Feb- , 1961.' remained 'for eighteen nthe, and then the troupe bOgan nationAl tour. The Old 1.0& ,:ti ,tre ,was the only theatre to be f.) iven ~ riih\8. to the play while it t'-· WBS" ~n tour •. IJl the meantime, it twas,' made' intO' . 'm~tiorifPicture'"(¢aning Frank Sinatra., Because .;'.most of the Collere IV, students had ·either heard about OJ' seen the movo.;'1e,,they. were eaa:~:'to see the stage , : produc.tion. of it. Upon returning to DMLC, they. commented. about r the 'performance. an indication that" " an. enjoyable' eveoini was had by



On Friday, Nnvember 29, the. .{;oUegeIV- all-etar baakethall team, coached 'by Bill Habermann, will ~t the globe-trotting faculty team 'in a. 'thrilling exhibition. of profes1Iionai hall handling and' horseplay. Whatever the. outcome,- the evening . to be, an experience aU othen.. EverYone -·-·-·-···----·,to·_ to cheer for


New Ulm. Minneaota

November 27,,1K3

Excelsior' ·-Offered To Alumni

Professor Brick Continues Account of Italian Journey

we left the dock of the city of this turned to brown. The farms on the Janieulum Hill, overlooking' Naples. to travel toward Rome, our appeared to be small, but every foot Rome. Later in the evening, the bus took us through a section of qf space was used. Besides grain view of Rome was beautiful. The Naples which had not yet been re- fields, one could see. many vege- Villa's grounds had lovely formal In accord with the 'continuation stored after the bombings of the 'table gardens. The hillsides were gardens, dahlia' beds, evergreens, of our eampua building project, the last war. It was almost unbeliev- covered with vineyards and olive- and carefully trimmed ilex trees. 1963-64 Exc.I,lor iii to be based able when clothes on the line indi- yards. The houses were so small At the Villa we met Dr. Lionel Cas. upon' tbe theme, "Eiihty Years of cated that people lived. in these that one wondered where all the son, our summer instructor, Dr. Progress." Therefore, -,it will in- ruins. We also passed other seq- people working in the' fields could Henry Rowell,' author of Rom. In elude' photographa an'" interesting tions where reconstruction had been possibly live. Under" sunny Ital- the AUlultan A,e, Dr." Frank historical' notes on many, 'phases of carried on. Soon we were on the ian sky one could see .long sweeps , Brown, new head of the, Academy's D~~C life.... . toll road which extends from Naples of hillsides and valleys, and in the regular session, Dr."G. Duckworth, Although yearbooks in ",oat cases to Rome. The trip along this high- distance, low mountains. Towns Vergil scholar, and their wives, and way took us through very scenic would either be low in the valleys especially the other people who are reearded primarily,. as . student memory books, th~ Exc.l.ior has a. farm country. Since this was late or high on the hilltops. We won- would be with us as students in the higher utilitarian function. It not June, many farmers were cutting dered how the building materials summer seminar in ;the .classics 'at only serve as an effective means grain, still using old, methods. We were ever transported to the sites; Rome. One of the problems which bothof keepin~' alumni In contact with saw very little fann machinery. or how supplies were brought there atIaira at DMLC; but. more import- Horses were used. The women did today. To add to the beauty, 'there ered us a lot on the entire trip was were the red poppies and the yellow a ·lot of the field work. Near Nathat of worship on Sunday morning. ant, it can function' as a _medium through which p,OIpective studeots ples the volcanic soil had a gray flowers of the broom plant dotting The only Lutheran Church in Rome eled farther north the countryside. is one which has Gennan services. are,intluepeed to, consider our sehool color. As we tra .... as: IL, place af whieli to continue About three o'clock we had din': It is sponsored ,by EKID (Evangetheir. education.. With these things ner at a restaurant along the toll Hsche Kirche in Deutschland). Conin mind, pastor!!, teachers and other road. It reminded one of those sequently, we had our own private devotions. Later in the morning alumni may wjsh to add the forthThe Luther Literary League en- along toll rpads in the U.S.A. eomina: Ex~.l.ior to their school or tertainment for this month will be ·We arrived in Rome at 7:00 P.M. we toured a new section of Rome. private ·libraries. presented on November 25 in the Our approach was by a road which After a siesta, we went by bus to auditorium. The performing gr.oup, did not do justice to the city, as we St. Peter's Square to attend the Copies of the Excebior may be under the leadership of Phyllis learned later. Rather unimpressive! coronation of Pope Paul VI. We obtained for the pri",) of $5.00 (in- Schwantes, will do a short play by Traffic in the city was maddening. arrived at 5:15 p.m. The ceremony eludes mailing charges) by addr...... Edwin R. Procunier called "Two The streets' aTe narrow, buildings began at 6:00 and lasted until 8:45. Sides of Darkness." This is a sa- are located right up to the comers, We found a place between the' obeing your request to rious drama, involving choral read- and the traffic is heavy. Most of lisk in front of St. Peter's and one ing. the cars one sees are little Italian of the fountains. At no time were Thomas Siegel A short, humorous selection will Fiat 600's. we crowded by the people who were Men's Dorm also be given by PhylJis Schwantes. Our hotel was very modern. We present for the event. The entire DMLC were obliged to stay there one week. ceremony was explained to·me by a My roommate and I were' ready to Father George Wilsoll, who was' a ~ew Ulm, Mi.nnesota 56073 complain because of the cOld water friend of one of :our ll'C!up. when we tried to wash and shower. The new pope, in his addiess, im"'Orders must be received no later A new mailing system is now be- Finally it dawned on us that "c" pressed everyone when he responded than fanuary 81, 1964. ing introduced, by the M•• aenler on the faucet stood for "ealdo," the ia eight di1I'erent·IanlUares:' Latin, staft to promote faster deliVer)( to Italian word for hot.' Italian, French, Spanish, Geiman, the alumni and others receiving the After dinner several of our group Portua:uese, 'English, _ and :, Slavic. M.... nl.r by mail. took a walk around the corner from After the ceremony the crowd' di&'!c: .':.!,:". '.. ,. " pear VI. and H., '. . The names and addresses are run our hotel to one of Rome's famous persed quiekIy in orderly fashion. through the Thermofax machine and Squares, Piazza Esedra, and its very When we returned to our hotel, tbia printed on labeling paper, which in, beautiful fountain, one of the many we learned' that four apartments turn will be pasted on the newspa- seen all over the' city. We, were mia:ht be ,available for our use after per itself. . .potted immediately' as American our first' :weekIn Rome" This be,;I~.~n, the fo~er way~,.eB:c~,:pa~r ....br .!h...! ~~~. 0L~r, shoes an4J.he .~<:-me a reality,(:"verY;_ 'ouT' ' , folded.and put'liltl> th .. "type-=cuffs' on our'trousers;~:As a reauI~;",bmlted badi.t •. ', .' ..... wri~r, and each address ,was then peddl8l'l tried' to 'seU "us' pictures,' .', On Monday a bus picked' us up ': typed individually. This involved trinkets, cam8Ol,' and the like. 'at 8:00 a.m. to take' .us 'from. the many hours of labor which wiU be Night liCe was' interesting. Cafes hotel to the American Academy. NO.TE:,P'ot·all . wh... quos- elimmated through the use of. the and restaurants have tables right When we arrived there, we were l;\····~,.c -- ~ not an:~ed Thermofax machine. out on the sidewalks.. Orchestras impressed by the' beauty of the and singers perform on open-air grounds and buildings. Our first tbia . time-I will try to stages. meeting in the classroom was for the find .•more room for them On 'Saturday morning we had our purpose of orientation. We were time.. Thanks for 'first experience with a continental divided into two groups, eighteen in '~' '.~. :~:~tinl~. brealdast. It consisted of two hard a group, 80 that we could better rolls, ,butter, jam, and coffee. (Itat- view sites 'and monuments. Maps, ian coffee ill called "expresso." It plans of the forums and Palatine is served in small. quantities. It's Hi1l, and passes to museums and v8ry strong and. diluted, with ·warm monuments were giv.en to us. We milk by'many people.) . were aJao assigned a paper on monWe next went to a Hcambio" to uments in Rome. (My choice Was exchange our American money for the basilica, since its building form Italian lire. Since about 600 lire became the model for the first equal our doHar, we felt as if we Christian churches.) Then' we tourhad a lot of money. A $20.00 trav- ed the Academy and its library. eler's check gave us 12,360 lire. (Our group 'was led by Dr. NeueNext we went to a "pensione" to burg.) We also viewed the area of obtain rooms for the time when we'd Rome around the Academy, the site no longer stay at the hotel. The of many battles from the days of cost was about half that demanded Garibaldi in the 1840's• by the hotel. We ,had our lunch at the AeadeAt 6:00 p.m. our group was in- my as we did every day that we had vited to the Villa Aurelia to meet classes. This gave us our first opthe faculty and staff of the Ameri- portunity to eat fresh fia:s, whic~ can Academy. The Villa is loeated are very tasty. As


"Two Sides of Darkness"

Thermofax Mailing System Initiated

Dilemnia~Miss p..~ .

.' ,"

~~~:~~\;~.~~;<:;; .•

ffld ,W



Sincerely your&,. ., Mi.. D...,.l)ear,Miu D-, .. _ .; I-have tbia lovely problem•. Sha ii"liv .. baek home In ._,-'- .. Sbe's petite as a mouse and would make. the kind of. you'd love to '( have'l"Uiminc around' the house. My problem 10tbia: she writes m~ f~:"Verysweetletten, ~ a matter of fact ',,: they are. sO sweet that lately the 'j 'Dean and tutors have been able to them also. Just by walking into the ofti.. , I can smell if I am .J~ttIog a lettar or not.· She also stories on the back of the for many eyeo to see. . .. do I not I... my mouse and tall her to keep

t' t.




;:~;;~;;:~~.;smen.) on the

:Jr_1"Qg(e~s_N Qted At Construction . ,Site

Attention Alumni Please complete the following form and return it to South Hilt:hland, ·and parallel to it. The tennis courts will be moved to a position, east:. of the ..proposed men'a dormitory.


~~kfa~:L:t~:: Manager New, Ulm, Minnesota 66073 r;:'::he:-:n~


The foothan field remains to he located, but will possibly be found between the- row of professorages along Waldheim Drive, and Luther Hollow. We ~ve patiently. waited, hoped, and. prayed for tbia opportunity for expansion. .Now the task. has beiUD. Ought we not to thank the Lord, the BeStower of these most a:eneroUBblessings· to us.· Let us become wise stewarda of our minds, .' talents; and service.to further the reality of this proposed Dr. Martin Luther Collea:ecampus plan.




the foll~wing: --







-I to

fi~nTo~ r!?adi;ge~~~M.l:~ MESSENGER and would like t<? continue receiving' only the semiannual complimentary alumnI ~a:not

care to receive future issues of the DMLC MESSEN-

3-~N~re.to return this form automatically removes your na~e from our mailing list.) Please print: Name , : ; : .

I~~: ::::::.:::~=::::=::==::=-~::~::::::::::::::::::=::::::::"~;p Cod •............ :

your address, has changed, please notify us. Postal I chan~e of a~ess _: a~le ~r post Offi~ I (If



I card forms for I I



New Ulm, Minneaota


November 27,1963

Alumni in the News

Time Out

Marriages Announced

Coacb's, Corner Startin~\yith' ~his iBSue,the',-sports section willcontain sQ.9rt,interviews with the coaches of the, college' and, hiSh school' ba,sk!!tball" .: teams .}lere.·()n,.,~.mpu8"":,T~· ~ac9es 'wpr", ..

as~ea -to comment 'on:~eir,:,tetf.P.lt~ro~~. ' Coach Jerry Waters: '

A -~CCeSsfulseason would be' a 500 season;' but after, the way the boys scrimmaged at Gustavus, it, could, go up. The team this year has 'better speed and more desire than those 'of past years, I think I'll stick with the 1...3-1 offense -and, occasionally. the 2-2-1 full court press. The boys Who started against Gustavus-(Leon Brands.t Dale ·Walz,. Ed Sorgata, Bob Kuehn, and Jim Duehlmeier) will probably be starting our flrat game~,although I hope to run two teams alternately. ~ Jerry Z_oellneris still troubled by his leg injury. TIW conference favorites are Willmar, Austin, and poeslbly Rochester, so those will be the teams for us to beat this season.

Coach Harold Kaiser: The team has a lot of hard work in store for itself if it wants to keep up the winning tradition -whleh has brought a record of 80 wins,against 9 losses over the last 5 seasons. I plan to stick with the same offensewe used last year. Possible starters' at forward will be Bob Schroer'(6'2"), and either Al Jeffers (5' 11") or Art Koepsell (6' 2"); at center either Max Radloff (6' 4") or Gary Schoeneck (6' 2"); at guard will be Jack Gronholz (6' 1") and either Quincy Wiley (5' 9") or Phil H:emp~l (5' 9"). Others surviving the first cut from the 23 who tu rned out for the first practice are Gary Wille (6: 2"), Steve Gauger \<)'10"), Dan Luetke (6' 0"), Paul Jacobs (5"11"), Ken Wenzel (6' 0"), Greg Lenz (5 '7"), and Steve Schwicbte nberg (S' 7"), - Ewge ne Saer

Susan Wendt, '58, became Mrs. David Manoogion on October 19. , The Manoogionslive in Columbus, George Rausch, '63, and Ann Georgia. Lowell-Plagge, HS '58, and June Kesting, '60, entered the state of matrimony June 7 and are now liv- Prechel, wed October 26, call St. clo~1'·home-~weet-home." ing in Sebewaing,Mich. Faye Taecker, '59, happily, became Mrs. Russell,Betts June;17. Cibecue, Ariz., is the home of Owen Dorn, '62, and Ruth Albrecht_ Congratulations are in -order Ic '62, married June 20. July 21 was the' wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. Glende, '34 (Rut Lorenz, '34) of New Ulm, who eel Marcus Buch,' '61, and Arlys Ohland. The Ohlands reside in To- brated their 25th wedding an versary August 2. mah, Wis. June 28 marked twenty-five ye Ken Miller and Ellen Raabe, '59; made their home in Jefferson,Wis., of blissful marriage for' Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Sievert, '32 (Lor after their wedding August 25. David Lindemann, HS '59, and Albrecht),of Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Anniversaries Celebrated

Karen Peterson, '61, now living In New Ulm, 'Minn., were happily Pastor and Mrs. John Chworowmarried August 30. Minneapolis, Minn., is called sky (Johanna Jahn,' '57) of Caledonia, Wis. proudly announce An"horne" by Frank Luedtke and Marianne Klatt, HS '58, married drew's birth in the month of July. . Jeffrey John changed the lives of September 14. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Scharlemann, HS '61 (Rachel Glende, '61), of Topeka, Kansas, when he arrived November11. Mr. and Mrs.- Ted Zuberbier (Sue Wernecke) of _Neenah, Wis., are proudly showingoff Carl David, born September 19. A small bundle of joy named -Bethel Marie, born May 16, occupies the lives of Pastor and Mrse Cleone Weigand -(Judith .Sievert, '61) of Mosinee,Wis. M.r.and Mrs. Franklin ZabeU,'61 (Bethel Ken, '61),of Benton Harbor, Mich., happily welcomedlittle-Amy Louise on -June 20.• Beth Joy brought joy into the hearts of Pastor and MI1!. Edwin Biebert (Muriel Kraterfield, '56) of 'Zion, Ill" with her arrival July 28. Theresa Joan, daughter:'of Mr. "~_.' di , hi f f h MESSENGER 'and Mrs, Ronald Zahn;,!62,'(Josn,',;'~',,; was e Itee-tn-c se 0 t e. _ Poff '62) .of St P ul ,"M' ,-, - '::{'1-:?t~ '~1J:~:;t"j':~U;:::j:g::;}~~::::r.o:r&ter: b~J;:_~ 'ro~-~r.0f. H~.~. ~almbacht Henry', Qer;-deb '_.Sep • a,' :~~ y..J:~~, ;~ . Mue.inc~G4irhara~Mundirii.r~.riln'1toehl;:--~~' 'The l~es of ''Mr:;'and"". .Lehmann~ John Bremer" Harold Kutz, Walt. Luedtke (Kay- Blunk, '58) llOWire-' Brei (now a ,DMLC prof,,~o,r), Fred Beck, Aug. volve around'Sarah Beth, born cently. .

Births Recorded

Remember When?


:CallsAccepted In· September'Jack Oldfield, HS "52, of"New Ulm, Minn., began his teaching career at'St. Croix Luther:. an High Schoolin St. Paul, MiIUl. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Zuleger,'57 (Elda Schulz), of :Racine, Wis., are now serving the· Lord in the Twin Cities. Mr. Zuleger teaches at St. Croix, Lutheran· High School,whUe Mrs. Zulegeris at Pilgrim Lutheran Grade School.

ONEl (LOSES ELEVEN). The'1938 baak~tball team included .everal member. of our present DMLC faculty. They are Prof. Gilbert Fi.cher, Prof. Ralph Swantz, Prof. H. BirkholZ, Prof. Georce Heckmann" Dean of Students L. Hahnke arid Prof. Victor Po'Voeck. (coach). Fir.t'Row: Ge Fi.cher,' R. Swant:r;, H.' Seehusen, 'R. Mueller, R. A~derhei9-e, H. Birkholz, M. Schulu, G. Horn, ,A. KrueKer. Center Rowr Coach Victor F., Voeclu,~ J.: Incebrit.on, -C.' Heckmann, C. .M.achke~'P. 'Noltinc, R. Haak, C. B.er," Manaler Richard C. Nitz. Back Row: E. Lanon~ R.' Bode; W•.-Mue.inc, L•.~a~ke, H. Gram ••

DMLHS Alumna Joins S.S. Hope Staff

Thi. picture is of one of the colle&,efootball team. of time past. Football was a rerular inteZ:8cholastic college .port for many yean. Miss Elaine_Mack, HS '47, formThat it ended is sad; many member. of the .tudent, body and erly of New Ulm, and (or the past quite a few members of faculty would like to .ee it. brou&,ht back ten years affiliated with St. Luke's a&,ain. Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio, has been Seated: H.'·Grams, N. Lindloff, G. Greve,. R. Temple, C. Krau.e, appointed to the permanent me:d~ D. Becker, M. Spaude, H. Lanon. Middle ,row:' Coach Naumann, icaI, staff 'of the teaching-tram.ing R. Duin, H. ,Burow, M. Becker, E. Greve, R. Fluegce, manacer, We hospital ship 5.5. Hope.. She left Ring, Coach Voecks. Back row: L. Mueller, N. Heidorn, F. Kieckhaefer, A. Wentzel, D. EnceJ, R. Moldenhauer, L. Heidorn, L. Heck- for GuayaquiJ, Ecuador, November 20. mann, A. Nordby.

+ Our Patrons Alwin-Electric

',. F. ,W..!._l;Ia,",~.nJ'l' ~e.altC?r. H. J. Baumann, In.urance Backer'. Pharmacy Beck'. Jewelry Ben Franl;llin Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown'. Mu.ic Store Bullemer'. Citizen'. State Bank Coaat-to-Coa.t Store Dairy Bar Dacotah,Hotel Dininc Room Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fuenmaier Dr. Harold.on·, Optometri.t Dr. Ceorce Kuehner Dr. Germann, Optometri.t Dr. ~h~artz, Denti.t Dr. Tyler

Dr. Wm. VonBank Eichten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbinc &. Heatin&' Farmer'. It Merchant'. Bank Fesenmajer Hardware' Forster'. Furniture, Inc. Fritsche Clinic ~reen Clothier's' Harolld'. Shoe Store Henle Drurs Herzog Publishin&,Co. Kem.ke Paper Co. H. Lang Barber Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Clothier. Meidl Music Store Meyer Studio Mode O'Day Frock Shop Montg~mery Ward Muesing's Dru&,Store

New Ulm Brick It Tile Yards New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift &: Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouu. New Ulm Theater Och.' Brick &: Tile. Yard. Springfield O.wald'. New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick'. Jeweler. J. C. Penney Co. Pink'. Polta Drue Store Raftia Department Store Reim and Church Jewelers Reliable Druc. Retzlaff Hardware Rite-Way Cleaner. Scheible Plumbine &. Heating Schnobrich'. City Meat Market Sears

+ Seifert Clinic Sherwin-William. Products Henry Som.en, Lawyer Spelbrink'. Clothinc &. C.sual Shop' , Sportunan's Grill Sportamen.Shop State. Bank of New Ulm TV Shrnal Ulrich Electric Vocel Clinic Dr. Howard Vogel Dr. Milton Kai.er Vogelpohl'. Leather Good. LUIcage - Gift. Wave-o-Lene Weneeda B~kery Wilfahrt Brotheu F. W. Woolworth Co.



MESSENGER Dr. Martin Luther Collelle

December 20, 1963

New VIm, Minnesota

Unto Us. a Child Is Born!" ConcertsHighlight ChristmasFestivities AtDMLC The theme chosen this year for the' Christmas season at Dr. Martin Luther College is "Unto Us a Child Is Born." This theme was spoken and sung in ~ the first Christmas Concert, held last night. Tonight, December 20, we will again be privileged to hear the glorious message of the birth of Jesus Christ. our Savior, in the second concert. Last evening's speaker was Professor Os". car Siegler. This evening Professor C. L. Schweppe will deliver the address. ' The following is the program for Christmas at Dr. Martin Luther College, . 1963. .

8 p.m.

CHRISTMAS at Dr. Martin Luther College December 19 and 20

Pre..Service Music: The DMLC Band The Christmas Suite .. Cantique de NoeL . German Chrlstmalf Festival. Organ: . In dulcl jubilo .. .. 'Carol




H. L. Walters . .A. Adam .J. D. Ployhar

. ..

... J. S. Bach



Evidences of .Christmas What is Christmas! Christmas is very obvioq{ on "campus., The' college freshmeIi;:Jn,cparee_ 01 outdoor decorations,· have done' much ~, beautify. campua;~:,An evercreen near th e.Muaic . Center is .lIibted every nilibt., Greena adorn doorways and arches. There' are wooden fiiures of the holy family, aneels; shepherds, and choir boys, which are ...placed in various l~ca. tioDa on the campus. The wooden church in the Centennial Circle and the Nativity scene in front of the Music Center are especially welcome Biihts., . 7~_



~' Happy Holiday

Seuon from tho MESSENGER. .taIIl

Lilerll'J' League .

'</ .

Walk' into the Administration Building and you. will see and read ,the entire Christmas story in chelk . ,,,,. members of'the Luther Llt-. . mur~ and 1ICI'01io. You may walk ~ x.eaiue enjoyed a Christmas down the road to Bethlehem' with party on December 10 in the dininr the ebepherds. Two wells line the hall•.- The. entertainment was varied; . Ricky Garcia volunteered his tradI, tiona! Christmas f~voriteo, In Spanish. _ Colleie m'. Minor Thirdo I&I1g, the eJltlre grou» also I&I1r ...-oIs. ThO' 0111"""" and members' Qt,the LLL AdviSOryCommittee en- . livened the party with· their skita. Refreshments completed ·this.annual. C!!"PUB. party. . ' '. .~


}:' Celehrales Cbrlltmas



Ec. _~lldio.S~rvice "Recorded,,"

road. A blue sky is above, and a manger and flgurinea ~ear the front College Choir U Wak~, Awake, for Night Is Flying Ph, Nicolai entrance complete the scene. , ' Organ: Janet Griebling 1. Congregation In -the chapel, blue silhouettes of 2. Choir , ····· .. · .. Settini: B. Backer the holy family are. effectively used 3. Congregation ." • . Ob, Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel Setting: L. Lenel against a white background, AnRejoice, Rejoice, Ye Christians ············ '.' .'.. L. S:chroeter other grouping of blue silhouettes presents the thought of "Christmas Combined College Choirs Around the World." This grouping Lilt Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gatee Setting: H. Marks , . Organ: Gayle Koepsell includes a globe and persons of God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen Traditional En~lish Carol many nationalities. The Christmas StorY Fritz Reuter Organ: - Janet Griebling The Music Center is beautifully Piano: Jean Quast decorated with a tree and blue Choir Director: R. Shilling lights. In the various dormitories; Narrator: Dennis Schultz preparations are being made. Trees, Trehle Choirs decorations, and gifts are all care- The o Ye Prudent Virlline · ··· .. ···· .. ···· .Jacob Handel fully considered. But, do we forThe MaiDi6ca\ Paul Bouman get, in all our hurry, that we are A Child Is Born in Bethlehem ." Michael PraetoriUll Glory Be To God , Raclunanino1! preparing Cor the coming of 'our . Arr. Savior? 'Would that the Peace of heaven would reach you through College Choir I For Unto Us a Child Is Born (from "The Messiah") G. Handel , the things oC this earth! Organ: Mildred Horman God Comes From His Heaven Today Schein..Howerton Here By The Sheep French Carol Arr. Theo. Beck .......... Old French Carol Sini Noel.., ·· .. ·· . Arr. H. Kinacella A Christmas Cradle Sani Emil D. Backer Text: H. A. Sitz The Hallelujah .,Chorus(from liThe Messiah") G. Handel Organ: Mildred Horman Piano: Ruth Backer Tympani: Mrs. A. Anderson




" .... "

The Christmas' Address The Combined College Choirs In Peace and Joy I Now Depart.


7~~Collep'Choir I members were ~~ to.\3·.cord .. a.. ~~,'llinute .,_cUIlg·w .Christmas' m~c fQf;radio etation Km,J'J, New, Ulm. ~ ",will be, 'l>ear~,on the air on. Saturday, December 21, at 9:15 a.m.

UJoy to tb_ World" .inl' caroler. on Centennial


Chalk mural in Admini.tration Buildinl'

telh: of Wise


.Geistliches Geaangbuechlein Setting: B. Backer ......•. B. Backer Chorale Concertato: Praise God the Lord. Congregation, Choirs, Trumpets Recessional Hymn: Silent Night. . ,Descant by E. D. Backer

'v j ,. P...


Friday, DecemDer20,1963':;

New Ulm, Minneaota

Just· Another Child? Children' are born every- day,' every hour, and, even, -eve'ry" minute. Most

d of t~ese children grow up to lea • existences which, do nQ~ leave' any special mark upon society. Veey few make·"p,,~tan<ling- cop,4ibutions and,

The --Library welcomes to Its' periodical ~elf the British publication, Hi.tory Today. Edited, by -two teadior English historians, it combines' thorough scholarship with a popular and spritely style. Ita range of subject is catholicj the current issue shows no British' predilection in subject matter. This adclitionalmaiazine is part of our plannedex-

i>analonof periodicalofferingsto our projected goafof approximately120 magazines. ,.The dramatic story of the almost forgot-

consequently; .:_acquire national or world renown. Others receive noto~

ten Spanish-American War i8 the subject of Frank Freidel'sThe Splendid Little War. (Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1958) riety through actions not rightly des-: Told In the wordaof those whofought and ignated as, contributions.' For the those who reported the war, it shows that most part, however, -we may conclude this "splendid little war" was as bloody, . that' when: a 'child is, born . into the ' .:dirty, muddy, heroic, and tragic .aa any in d h .' U· -, h hild." , our history. Generously illustrated, the book

worl, .e .IS ~:ust~ot er c I.. • Alm""t two thousand ·years ago, a-. peasant couple; a middle-aged' tnan, a carpenter' by trade, and a. fair young woman, accompanyjpg him on' the back of a donkey. made their- way .to, a small town to record their names for purposes of taxation in obedience to a decree isslied by th~ Roman em-' peror, The young woman. was very', obviously with child. Would her offspring be "just another child".? Many of her friellds and neighbors probably . thought so,' or, in fact, gave very lit... tie thought to het co[\dition and her; as yet unborn, child, Perhaps their only reaction was raised eyeb!ows ~- , cause of the fact that the malden had,.. been foun.d wit)! child before she. began to live' with, her 4usband. tQ whom she had now been wed OQly a little more than six months. As they made their way to the village; the , .their ancestor, the. t..)lJDlt·OF+8I~"'l,.~Le~ became very

{'.E N OL.~CiY'~,

Library Corner


bringa some neKlectedmilitary history to

life. Copious use of original sources gives the book extra value.

Tlir<>ugh the goodollicesof ProfessorBrick, the Library, was able to purchase directly from the author, Dr: Ernest Nash, his Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Reme, (The author was a lecturer at the Institute, in " Rome. which Professor Brick attended this summet.) iSubsidized and sponsored by the Deu~hea Archaeologisches Institut, the two

volumes (London,A ZwemmerLtd,


form. "Po ,splendid portfolio of 'photographs of Roman ruins and artifacts. The pictures are superb~'the, text 'adequate and illuminatingand ·,briel. We- are 'happy to be enabled to phi.ce/sucll a. beautiful product of the book'makers' Ill't on' our shelves. Julius Pratt's. ~xpan.ioniata of 1898

Muffled Drums

(Gloucester, Mass., Peter Smith, 1936) examImagine, if you can, the following conver.. ines the imperialist movement in American history, beginning with the Harrison admin- sation between our first lady, Mrs. Johnson, istration and reaching its climax in the an- and her two daughters, ages 16 and 19. "Well girls, Daddy is President now and nexation of Hawaii and the colonialism of the treaty ending the Spanish-American War. this will mean a big, ehange in our lives. Particularly valuable, it seems to me, is the First of all, we will be moving, to that big material on the Hawaiian acquisition, a some- white house on Pennsylvania Avenue. Whethwhat neglected phase of American expansion- er you like that house or not, we will have ism. The material has. been carefully devel- to. live there. We won't be able to redeeoraw your rooms either. I am sorry, but oped and soundly documented. John Horsch's Mennonite. in Europe you will .just have to put up with the clown~ (Scottsdale, Pa., Mennonite Publishing Oom- and circus wallpaper in the former playroom. "Also, I want no playing on the grand pany, 1942) presents an interesting historical piano in the Eut Room where the reporters and doctrinal account of the Anabaptist movement in Europe and by extension in and guests might hear you. You know what theyaald about Harry Truman's playing, and America. An unusual person was the founder of the group, and unusual was the group you can't even playas well as he did. he led. Our comparative religion courses will "You 'are going to- have to be careful ft' find this volume useful and instructive ...· "I'he regard to your use of the telephone. We reader is soon convinced that the, author ";may have a private line installed for you , later, but until then all of your· calls co~> knew whereof he. wrote. . Ralph Moody has followed old' Western through the regular White House switchtrails on foot and on horseback (or years, and board. You shouldn't be' tying up the lines his personal acquaintance with the terrain in case someone important such as Khrushthey traversed shows in his account. The chev should call. "The pets are, going to have to stay back Old Trail. Weat (New York, Crowell, 1963) gets a Slow', somewhat irrelevant start, but in Texas. New carpeting has just been installed and we don't want it soiled. Beafter evolution has had its fling, the s~ory of the trails that threaded the West moves sides, the dog might chew up some of the analong smoothly. The Oregon, the Sante Fe, tique furniture and we wouldn't want to the California and several less well·known damage anything. After all, we are not routes are highlighted in dramatic detail. I sure that we will be living here after next , The story of anyone of .these .r\1~ted trans- year. UNow this is important, no more racing portation routes illustrates the courage and toughness of the typical mountain men, who around town in your white convertible. Of· ten the men from' the National Safety Councontributed so much to Western history. cil are around and we wouldn't want to get a -H.Sitz bad name for ourselves. That also means no traffic tickets. We won't have time to bail you out of court. In fact, the white convertible better go; it is just a little too. sporty for you now. I'll have Mr. MeNa· mara get a black LincoJn for you. "Your social life will be vastly ,different. In regard to dating, it won't be just the two of you anymore! You ,will have guest!:. The Secret Service men \\ill accompany you you go. They will be with you on dates as well as at school and in


and his children. ~To the ,grave they sadly tlow,

,Cryinga 'chant

To all who go,

ancomment, 'fre": stung their ears ... Where were they '.innkeepers. had stable. Did they satisfied with such accomool• uYes;.'mY' husband,,·'we'·


The DMLGMessenger

The depth they know. Feeling with them

The fatefulblow, '.'We und~rStand, We share your w~."


The coffin, flag-draped, drawn there

must go ~,o the stable, for my ti~e Si~~~~ :e~:rdik~;n, -has: Ctlme.: , '" ;) The grandeur of their simple deed, Ploddip.gly. the ~onkey, led by the' For he.is dead .carpenter' made his' way to a small i And'eachwhiteBteed stable; 'hlr"l\dy' 'occupied· 'by-. se"eral 'Echoeswith'hooves animals, content<:,dly chewing, their· '.. 'The terriblecreed, cuds and barely noticing. the n.eVi'ar-' ADd then the drums rivals. ' Here, in the .",nang,r,'· made:·" .:Take up the lead. fragrant by,the scent' of ithe' hay and • "'Listen to us the straw which· served as fodder and That you may.heed." bedding.for .t\le.. an!lU~' a child was born, ' a "boy' child, whose" mother , ll~' b'odyrests at last in peaceWrapped hilldns~ps of cloth, swadA peace the world could never give. • ,dling, clothes, .lOndcradled him in the' A Quiet flame burns softly there. manger'-'of hay. Was this child to be Through each long day and every night "just another child"? True, he lookThe drums will roll ed like,"just another child" at birth, To feedthe light, for he' Wag' tiny, red' 'and wrinkled. The drums will BOund Mter bis. circumcision, he gre\\l up,' '..The terribleplight 'pl&Yedi wprked, .slept •. l'nd acted al_ Withinmen's hearts "mQst' li~e' anY' other· ·Jewish child. . Whofeelthe might, ;Yet, 'this .chill! was not "just another Andthey wi11.. y, .child.~:,;,tovil1gly, .graciously sent .by. . ""He won the· :fight." His'; h",.1(~n!!·-Father to redeem the entir.e.;"ort_d".lIe ~as born of.R virgin. '. No 'great men"Uv. in flesh and bloo4 'whcj'co,'1celved ,Him by " ~';l'acl~,of And be, like they, must test the grave, the Holy Ghc;>st." , ,. ~".' , , .;'" ': Must hearthO rumblingof the drums , In times so long and far away May He therefore be thought .of'"" . "juSt another child"] .W\lat" thi~ . Till they boomout ", ····Wlth deedsto aay, .Child i. to !!S. how He is regarded by' ~'That maD was,great us will' determine· whether or not we . Who passed our way," ce!,,!>~ate ,<:I]ris\~.- in the p,n.'per sad, 80_ sad," , SPirIt: "'.Hlrw:D.lllr' we'· feel about· the' '~.'So The drums will.. y, BaW .~lnthe"'inanger? Is He ."just, .!'Thet you did not knowIt 'l1ciihe~chlld"t.;."·~:·.·" '.:.::'"

-Anit ... Le;"lcc


this .group of" with you. ' - ~Jfact,- it might be, easier'if you would just' date the Secret Service meli. . "Oh yes, one more 'thing. You better check through your books. It might fPve the wrong impression if someone were' to find the book, The Con.cience of a Con.. .ervative by Barry Goldwa.ter,. in 'o'Q_rIi· brary." -Jeon N. Kietzer


-Carol Kohl

The Star How wonderful that brightest star Guiding those who sought the Child, Bringjng them to see that Baby Where be slept so small and mild. How beautiful its beaming light, As to shepherds there came near Angels !Jingingpraise and glory, Alleluias·tinging clear. How the Wise Men followed gazing At that shimmering gleam of old, Till it brought them to the Infant Where they laid their gifts of gold. I, too, tonight can seek that Baby, The angels' song my heart can sing. I can be a gentle shepherd Hearing alleluias ring. I can be an Eastern gentile Foll'wing forth that heavenly light. I can see the glory streatn;.ng On the manger scene that ni&"ht. I can travel to the splendor Of that eve so long ago, Soft I can hecome a witness To this miracle below.

For thet lovelyahiningstar TbrouKhthe centuri.. doth abide Andgentlyfor my helplesslonging, Leadame to the ChristChild'.aide. -Carol


The DMLC Meuenrer is published during the months of October, November, December, February, March, April, .May· and June. The subscription· price. is· one doll.a and fifty centa per annum. Single""plea are twenty cents. We request payment in ad.. vance. The Me••enaer is continued after the time that the "subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business communications should be addressed to the Buainesa Manager. Contributions from all alumn~ ,un... dergraduates, and' friends are appreciated. The aim of the Me••enll'eris to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as in... teresting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer' contact with the college, and ~o foster school spirit. ' Editor , Anita Lemke Manarinll'Editor....•.•... Barbara Miller Feature Editor ; Jon Kieber New. Editor, .. , Ron Shillin. Sport. Editor ' Eugene Baer Alumni Editor Lob' Sievert Make..up Editor Barbara Miller Bu.ine.. Manalrer Arnold Nommen.en A••i.tant'Buaine .. Manacer.. Karen Dahl Circulation Man.. er .... Cary Heckman A.. istant Circulation Manaaer........••. . Anita Rohhorc Feature and New. Writer•. " ....•....... Mark Boehme, Bob Kuehn, Delore. Maichle, Sharon· Mu••feldt, Carol Schefu., Loi. Sievert, Jim Zietlow Sport. Wrltera......• Ron Ertner, Bob Kuehn, BoydTech Alumni Writer............•. Judy Winter Make..up Staff.. ; ..•.• Karen Dahl, Helen Lochner,Sharon Muuleldt Circulation Staff..•.••.. Mark Boehme, Carol Schol... PhotolTapher......•.••..•.. Ray Typi.t•....•••• H.len Lochner, Dolore. Muth, Donna Stelake, Judy Vanderoh. Advl••r .•........•..•.••. Profe••or Trapp

New Ulm, Minneeota

In Rome Our first visit to a site ct ancient Rome brought' us to the Roman Forum. Our guide for this tour was Dr. Ernest Nash, about whom some say, "He's the man who built the Forum." (The DMLC', library has just acquired Dr., E.: Nash's two-volume work, A Pictor~l Die... tionary of Ancient Rome.).' He thrilled everyone with the, 'knowledge 01 the Forum which, he had at his fingers' tips. Among the famous building siteS we saw in the Forum were the following: Curia, ~'~.,Newtonian-reflector (meeting place of Senate), Temple of that' followed, Saturn (Rome's treasury), Tabularuntil- his 'on April 28, 1956, ium, Temple of Castor and Pollux, Mr. Elias constructed approximately Temple of Vesta, Basilica Aemllia, forty telescopes, the largeat being a Baailica Julia, Arch 01 Titus (with . 12}-2"',tefiector. It is this very tele- its" sculpture showing Titus' trisecpe which has been acquired by , umphal march including among the the I)MLC science' department. booty oC war the seven-armed goldMrs. Anthony Rank, the widow en candlestick Crom the Temple at of ,the _Iata ¥r. Elias, was very Jerusalem). It was nearly one 0'much, pleased-ito present the tele- clock when we returned to the scope to DMLq. It was she who American Academy, arranged, for the purchase of the instrument at such areasonable price. We spent many of our afternoons At present the entire telescope, with the exception of the ten-foot viewing Rome itself. The streets were rather crowded. This was the tube and finder, is at DMLC. The remaining parts are to be shipped height of the tourist season. The here when it is degided as to where rush hours brought traffic jams and the instrument is to be installed. the usual excited conversation of Already .several ,offers have been drivers. trying to get out of the jam. '. made to assist· in .the installation Generally, however, the" ItaI~ showed more patience at such and adjustment olthe telescope. Upon it;s.completfon, the telescope than American drivers , wi!! the students 01 DMLC study


called Pyrgl, There and at Bracciano 'we had our ·first' view';of 'me:" dieval castles. At 'Veii we visited the site of the sanct.uary. of' Apollo,. whose: statue we had seen' in- the .. museum: in Rome, "the·'-Apollo of ;Veii," 'pictured in many·-books on the Etruscans.

us a well-preserved building. It is round in shape, vaulted by a huge dome.: .The measurement of its diameter equals its .measurement from floor to ceiling-:-ca. 142, feet. The· ColO6SeUDlwas much, larger than we had ever .imagined it to be. Its . '.. atini' capacity' was 60,000 plus, 'not' quite that ~of .Memorial Stadium at the University 01 Minneaota. The Arch 01 Constantine, 315 A.D., is a remarkable piece-of work for balance and beauty, when .ycu realize that much of its sculpture was borrowed from works of Domitian, Hadrian. Trajan, and Marcus Aw:elius•

This ended our fir$t week at the Academy. 'M we looked beck=en it. 'we were amazed what" we had already seen and looked forward to the weeks to follow. The next week we became acquainted with the other Fora, which archaeologists have uncovered at Rome. These include the Fora of Julius, AugusOur trips around, Rome took us tus. Nerva, and Trojan. We also into Aeneas' country to the south. saw the fine remains of Trajan's We visited Ardea, home of .Tumus, Market. When we saw the small rival of Aeneas. There we 'saw the shops which were found in it, the remains of an a&,&,erand fo... mezzanine storage area, and the (rampart and ditch) used to protect grooves in the door openings for the the town. We, also visited Lake metal grills to close the shops at Nemi, referred' to in -,the opening night, .we were struck 'by the simi- Jines of Frazier's "The Golden larity with manyshops in Rome to- Bough. This lake lies in the Alban , day. We often purchased our food Hills in a .verr beautiful setting. for an evening meal. To do this Later we were-to see it again from we had to buy rolls .at one shop, the top of, Monte Oavo, ,We vegetables and fruit at another, visited- th8:'.',remainsi of meat and cheese at another, go to a long a . fourth shop for other groceries, and Iy ~ .. I~:1'04"I)Y.I~m~ &lrpUJI,cL still another ~or •

'trance. Most of our traveling was done by bus. _ The_Italian buses must be . entered" from the' rear and exited from the Iront. This requires getting positi~~~d_Cor a quick: exit, when your. stop arrives. Each bus .ha~_a separate ticket seller at the rear of the bus. ·Whenever he- receives ·a 500 lire coin (c.,85ct),he will test it by bouncing, it_on a metal plate beside his change box. ,The bus, ticket must be kept until you leave the bus. for occasionally an inspector will board the front of the bus, to check tickets. Failure to ·.show'a ticket means an automatic 300 Jire fine.

-D. Brick

We spent our first fourth oC July outside of our country in Italy. )t' was observed" only in American clubs and 'embassies, naturally., Our first week 'in 'Rome-had also given· us th~ opportunity to see tRe late President ,Kennedy at a distance less than a half block, when he spoke from the steps of RO,me'sCampidoi": lio. .

From Caera we traveled to ancient Veii. Enroute we stopped at the site of the seaport for Caera,



New Ulm,

Time Out -,

'J;.>~.. -. :"11'_' ~::~.,,:.,.:: '

Cast ChOSeDfor College Comedy


Tryouts for the three-act comedy, The Man Who Can'le to Dinne', have, aiter' numerous casting sessions, been .completed. The play revolves around one Sheridan Whiteside, an elderly man with a biting tongue and a satirical sense of humor. To find appropriate. people for the play, the casting committee, consisting of Miss Krook, Professor Jaster. Bill Habermann, Carol Kohl, Bob Wolff and Jon Kietzer met to review those trying out and arrived at the following cast for The Man Who Came to Dinner, to be presented on February 28, 29 and MarehL: '




Friday, De~ember20. 1963





. ;.M: .ta~;:in ,th:e -previous Me~ncer,;

-, :.:,,;.-:


this ", is th, :~"" w~ ~ eoae)les Jet. a. chance ' . ( to ~,~~"" 011 the g8lll"'l tlur.t'll&'{a ,b.... plaYeS\.,.d about.the team III general. Iija'h,Sc;bqo.l "A'~ ,Q. How·;Qi4-the.te;"" IOOk'to you ill Its first g~!" .'- ',':' ' ,,' _-, ':i ,A; In the :first'K8lIlewe looked good. ,In the second'. game, 'because' we :msde many mistakes, we did not look very good. Q. What do- you'think. is required to repeat .last y~s undefeated season? ,,' A. An un4efea~d season is not very likely. We are playing two new teams _:whomay give, us a rough time. New Ulm C.thedial bas a good chance of beating us.

Hich.School "uB" T.am Q. How does the team look? 'A. Terrlblel You ean'f expect too much Whell you throw a ball to five guys and expect them to play.aa a team. Another problem Is the coaching. That's the maU; problem. Q. Would you' care to name a few fellows who may be an asset to the varsity in the coming years? A. It is too soon to comment, for all of the boys may develop. Q. What would you consider a good season? A. An undefeated season or 20 wins in 17 games! -Ron Ertner



May I Have the Car?

Lancers Start Season Lance... Bow to £.athen-Ul.&7·98 Lanc.ra Joud St. Paul Bible Traveling to Estherville, the LanCoIl.l'e 63...50 cers auffered 'a resoundiJlll defeat, From the jump to the final buzfalling before the Iowa team by 41 ser, the Lancers held sway over the points. At balf time tha Lancera St•. Paul Bible team. Grabbing a were only 8 points behind the Es- lead at the ftrst play of the ,arne, therville team with a soore of 29-87. the· Lancers maintained the lead But scoring 28 points to the throuehout the 'game. Several opponents' .61 'points, . the Lancers timea the Lallcers held the lead by 'were unable' to make a aueeeosful 'only .' or 6 points •• Dale Wa1z led comebaek III the oecond balf. "Lead- the' Lancer" attack with 16 total ing the team' with balf of tho points, points. Dale Walz' scored' ~8 pointa to keep' TP PF' the Lancers a60at. ' WaJ,z " ...•• ' 16 3 "Duehlmeier, .:;'.'~' ,.,. 6 .2 Kuebn' . :.' •.. i.'... 11 1 Brands' ' . ". :... 7 1 , 4 3 8 5 8 1




, Walz ~.•.:.; Sievert Branda ' Tjernagel . Zoellner................


4 '11 2 8

PF I 1 3 2 ~





~··~;Er,a···"il . ,-,"CIII<

~:~~~~; ~hP.}'.Z~. ..-?~", .~:;~",,,,,.,:, ..

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0 2


••; ~".; ••• '1



,At tile partp Ted '_Mid "No" To tlls drinb which lethim aglorD ••• Crcu:ked up in IIfreeze


(An accordionsqueeze)! Whenhe couldn't.~t·tq ,lick,lIOw

Conference Standing~

W WillmarJC 1 AuatinJC 1 0 Dr. Martin Luther Coliege.1 2, BethanyJC :.' 0

&aI!"'. .,,;.,w,.t..Schmelill!,J··~":~·':;::;::~(:C::::!~

~--~ i

Rochester JC . . .• AustIn JC : Willmar JC ., Dr. Martin Luther Colleee Concordia College. . . . . . . .• Worthington JC Betheny JC

.nd)~b:::::::;~:;':::;~:": 2 ,D~,:14Uer;, :.,.·. 16 4

with the seconded. Gro~lzwiu.>}o"POinta.···

"It the door's unlocked we're tin. and if it's locked we're out." This is the story of room 109 in the Administration Building, the present site of the registrar's office. No longer is it necessary to tread wearily up .twc ali'd one half tlights of stairs to reach the registrar. He has movedI This new site for the registrar has been chosen for several reasons.. First, there was a considerable lack of space in the old second-floor location: Secondly, in the present location the registrar is provided with- the opportunity to store the student records in the main vault. Thirdly, 'and equally important, the new location enables the. registrar's office to be easily found •.


a. a fast. pace , , throughout moat . Alumni TP 'lb. Lancers turned Ellter.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 in 'a 7-point lead at balf time, 37-80. Schmeling •• ; ••..••...• 20 Tha le.ad to~. baek and forth Jeaer!tz 0 belw';',i"tJi. Iw~ teams durinr ~. Nolte 11 oeconcl'balf'botlithaVlnC It .. vera! 'Lemke: .,............... 0 well f01llhr,)I~tb, WaIZJecI 23 Poln:~[-";Fdtz8 -, .":.,';,:\. •••,,, .... and ,GI'ClIlIf.>~;~ped\tha 'Al~ ;:r.rar~,.,: .. ":",,,,,,

teams. The office will control the keys. After an. what father does let his youngster use the' car without 80 much as a uWhere are you going? When' a,re you - coming back? And put in some gasl"

~:;i:~;~~;~' OfF;~:o~::i


111'1)0 ,I_lOCI.,


bury. team, the Lancers trailed near.. Iy 30 minutes. Although never more than 11 points behind, the closest they could approach was 4 points until the last four minutes. Wjth four minutes left to play, the Lancers stood 7 points behind. The Pillsbury team was stopped by the Lancer full-court press. At two minutes the Lancers stood ~ points ahead and went from there to 6, to finish the game in the lead. With a few exceptions, .the Lancers looked greatJ Dale Walz again led the La.ncers with 27 points and Jim Duehlmeier followed closelY behind with 25 points.

"May I have the keys to the car?" will no longer refer to Sonny's pleading with Dad, but to persons needing DMLC's new, 1964 Dodge station wagon, lately acquired through Synod's lease program. The College will keep the car for three years, after which it will be returned to the company. Top priority for the car's use goes to persons on official business. .-This includes the faculty member's trips to Synodical conferences. The recruiting committee will find it handy for its excursions, as will small ath .. letic groups, 8uch,as tennis and golf

Sheridan Whiteside. ~... Jim Zietlow Mrs. Stanley .. , .. Muriel Borgsehatz Mr. Stanley ... Walter Zimmermann Richard Stanley .. , .... ,Kurt Cone Dr. Bradley.· ' . , ' ,Tom Siegel June Stanley " Carol Zwieg Sandy, , ,AI Wrobel Maggie Lois Sievert Lorraine Colleen Gunderson Bert Jefferson .Carl Eisenmann Banjo , •...... Frank Corona. Professor Metz ',Stuart Steffen Miss Preen '.Anita Lemke John ..... " .. ,., , .. Herb WollY Harriet Stanley.. ' , .Judy Gronholtf, Expressman. . , .. Alex Damrow Sarah ' .Dcloree Maichle Mrs. McCutcheon Sharon Schultz Mrs. Dexter....... . .. Dee Muth

L PREVENT TtiOSE WINTER DRIVING WOES IJIbeSe!eW'mIerDrivingLeagna_tathefoUowiDcoofety aemiDderflomtheNatioDalSafety Council: ·'W'mterWMlha'. ~theutmoetattentiontodriving.TbiaIaOD...,..;aJ17

0 0 1 0

~:~~~:JC:::::::::: ~ ~ Concordia COllege..•.• , ••• ,0

~~:t-y~~If~:::O~='::= .~b.r~~~o::


""til the etfecll -



=~~~================================~ p·.atrons .~ Dr. Wm. VonBank Eicht.n Shoe S.lor. Eibn.r and Son Eyrich Plumbln" &: H•• tln" Farmer'. &; Mer~hant·.Bank-, F.aenmai.j. Hardware Forster'.


Inc •.

Frita~heClinic Green Clothier' a Harolld'. Shoe Store Henle Dru..a , Herzol' Publish in.. Co. Kemak. Paper Co. ' H. Lanl' Barber, Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Clothi_,. Meidl Muale Store Meyer Studio Mode O'Day Frock Shop Monta-omery Ward Mu.aina-'. Drull Store

N.w VIm BrIck &: Til. Yard. New Vim Dairy Now VIm Gift 8. Hobby Shop N.w Vlin Greenhou ••• New·UJmTheater Och.' Bri~k &: Til. Yerd. , Sprinl'field Oswald'. New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick'. Jewelers J. ,C. Penney Co. Pink'. Polta ,Drul' Store Raftia,pepartment Store Relm and Chur~h Jewelers l ,Re.Uable·, Dl'~&". ,,: RetZ;laff Hardware Rite:"WllrCleane_r. Scheibl~ P'umbi~ & Heatinl' S~hnobr~~h~. (:it)".Meat Market


Seif.rt Clinic . Sherwin~WUliam.Product. Henry Sompen, Law7er SlNlbrlnk'. Clothln" ... Ca.",,) Shop' . Sportaman'. Grill . Sport.men Shop State Bank of' New 1,Jlm TV SIgnal Ulrich Electric Vol'•• Clinic , Dr. Howard Vo... 1 . . Dr~ Miltob ,Kaieer Vos.lpohl'. Leather Coods Lu&,&,a&,e- Gift. W~ve..:o ..l.en'" t ~>. Wen~ed~ BAk~~y: Wilfah;t ,B~o~h~r~ , F. Wo~lwotth Co.





MESSENGE'R Dr. Martin Luther Colle,.

New Ulm. MlnnelOta

F.bruory 27, 1964

-," ,SC:Ev~~tsTold Here'. the lateat from the CoIlege'a student-gOverning body. Many will no doubt be glad to hear that the bus for ehurch services will continue to. run until Eaatar. On February 2, 1964, Prof 0lIII01' The new student directory will be Bruce R. Backer preoented a public eomfn, out 'soon. There were ten.. orcan recital in ibo DMLC Music tative plans for a mow carnival, but Center. The recital. featuring an they will probably be abandoned entire aeetion of music by Bach; Was since we haven't enough snow to go attended by approximately three around. Plana are being Wd for hundred' peraono. The afternoon the MaY Activities Banquet, whiCh performance proved to be a. standwill be a aerregated affair this year: ing-room-only event. The, proaram high school and college will attsnd for the recital was ufollows: . .. parate . banquets. In addition to Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1760 this llurry of activity, the Student Council was alao reapousible for the Prelude and Fu",e in B Minor ahowlng of Miclnlcht La.. on the Soul, Adorn ThyaeIf with GladD... ."'~ing of February 5. Christ, the Lne of All the Living If Thou But Suffer God to Guide. Thee . Sonate I in' E flat Major Allegro Moderato

Ladies Plan and Execute Projects for DMLC On January 20 the Executive Board 01 the DMLC Ladi.. ' Auxiliary met in the laculty room of the Music Centar in order to diacuaa tbe initiation ,of new projects and the progression of projects begun earlier by the Guild. Seventeen 01 the twenty-one members traveled from the Minn8Bpolia. Red Wing, Glencoe, St. James, Redwood Falls, Zumbrota, . Nicollet. Mankato and 'New Ulm areu lor this qua<tarly ·Board meeting•

Events of



Homecoming '64 . '.,Highlighted

Ladie.' helper. 6~ curtain rod. Cuild I.die. The '.'63-'64, Collep Homecoming into place. tou~he •• Helmuth Walcba 1907 againat· Willmar Junior Collere on All My Heart This Night RejOlcee February 8 started tolling the nliht Come, Your Hearts and ·VoIces : before with a Pep Feat, hlrhllghted RalahII'- ' .' . J, by_ a reunion of IfDMLC 2I'aduate Dear Chdatian., One and '\0 Re; Cheerl8Bdera." . Represented were jolco . the FUntatones, Ciaopatra and her Cesar fl'anck 1822-1890.', .''never-tlrb,g'' vasaal, a cowrb'1 and Chorale In A Minor ''bright'" Mr. Dillon,' a swinging Darina Milbaud ,·1892 ,flapper, a ,way-out beatnik, and' a ,Paatorale In G Major . robot. Free ice cream topped tho Lu,Il4 Lene!' 1914· . night. :.•0 Cbriat, of ,God The gll!JlObetween the Lancers "I.:r-Chriit 10 Arisen ~~ ; ..... --~ " --·trom . the castle and the Warriora :~).-~ ..~,i"· ;;,~:,~.. :~'i~j;· ~(- . ~~t"-: from the den bounded off to a good '. , TIUs recital·,,!!,,,, the aeoond In.. start beneath tho alogan, "They Ierlee;.iq.'-M' pre.ented.b)"::Profeaor: came,-we saw, we conquered." De-,. .&cbr"~)b·II,,,beln(~te<l.at tails of the battles are left to the . "A .tltch or two In time ••• " -' INTERMISSION -



Since its organizatiOB, the Ladies' Guild has sponsored many projects directed toward the support 01 our college. At present, the Guild pro·vides our school with several annual donations ·such as the $250 scholarship which is. being awarded deserving atudents by the faculty 01 the college, The 6brory I.. u of last year, also the' recipient· of an annual donation amounting to $100 to be used for buying books and equipment.

Tho" Lamb

In addition to these moneta,rYdonations, the· Ladies' Guild recently purehaaed five SInrer cabinet-model sewing machines, one for each women's dormitory on campus;· ten bicycles, atill to be aaaembled, for students' use; one hundred _dolJarsJ !.~Sec:.:-.,~I ~~aed i... wed on the new machine. worth" of game ,"equipment for the Student Union; 'and curtains for the weatem·CoJlege"",.~ note- ·.Ian't 10 preaaed .for, men that we' .... ;,,,"',,,:. .. clothes closets in, the Men's' Dormi.. . worthy_ln,_that it'lwaa the' first ra.. need employ 'Bokay ,and Smokey: ~:~',,;::-:'.~,~~:j tory. In the process of being com.. cital e... to be ~ormed on the who demonsluted the 'fine points' . :... .'\ . pleted are the projects 'centering new SchliChar orran" an 1natrument of baaketball at baH time," ~. . around the installing of an inter.. purehaaed for' the collere by its .Rinally everyono crowded into tho'.communications system in the alumni. main castle (Dining Hall) to indulge in a meal of chicken .and .other Men's Dorm and the sewing and inFollowing· SundaY's performance. "ioodies" served beneath. proud " 'stalling of drapes in Centennial Profeaaor Backer began a tour of banners and from festive tableS••~.' ;,t,_;J.Hall's reception room. Finally, the various. eonaregatioDB', throUihout Maatar 01 Ceremonlea,' J•. 'F:>:"" Minn_tae' and WlSCOllatn..· The 'Sehultz. kept tha nirht .moving with c~ Ladies' Ausillary haa spearheaded con~atlo.,. viBltsd were at Ca1ea' ~ew' well-chosen io~ ..... Coach ,'" ",,' The first of two spring Band-Aeolian-Marlut concerts was held on Fe}>. the drive" initiated by the various donia, MinD., Kaukaupa" Wjs.~,and area congregati06s, to bake and Watara, Ai Swannaon, 'representing . 1 b" t 3'00 . th 11 ditorl Oabkoah,JI'Ia; He abio 'Ia.ve ~ per-,.; '-t~'W!Umar team, and Captl!ln ~ob ruary 23, 964, egmnmg a . p.m. In e co ege au urn. . bring cookies, bars and other baked of :":' Mr. Zimmermann conducted the CollegeDand In these rather Iillht selec- goode to the Stude~t Unlo~ for stu~ ...• "," Y..........· """"", a Iood teIIIIIl'. spirit,.·determloatlon, ...tlons: dent snacks on Sunday aftenloons. h!rhJ>Oi!!t.of,~. ~.,lor,~-\'·""d'lortitude (not counting female I • • . .on ..W~ ~ve. 'in1luence), Our GlorIOUSL.nd (Concert Mar<;l» , J. Ollvadotl The Executive Board of the ,AniDlDg, . ben ho performed at RbtneTIie College II Sextet sang "Blow- Rbapoody lor B.nd.· ; , J. Cacavaa iliary plans to' meet on April 1I;Dder,~WiscollBin. Here he w~ve in' in the Wind," ','Catch a Fallin, The Oregon Trail (Concert March) •... :.. , " T. Mesang 13, at which time it will' probably his, reCItal into. the festival serVIce ,Star," and a salute to the team. in celebration of the seventy-fifth Doctor H. J. Vogel. well-known' Two Woodland_Sketches....•...•....... , .. ~, ,E. MacDowell decide to initiate still.more, pr~jects anniversary of that ·congregation. New 'UIm physician, was guest The Wizard of Oz F,antasy , ,." , E. Harburg & H.. Arlen which show its members to. be ardent supporters of their school, ne time taught ~':P:r~;.:~e ~~::gvo::s::~ ::~~~~~:n~~~::.·.:·.:·.:· '::' :'.:::'.::'.:.' ,: DMLC .. 'The reaSoDB'fo, the recital, aa that "the time between birth and Them B (FieldMarch) :c ; G. Huffine .toted by the Profeaaor, were to in- death, the .uselul period of one's tareat people (_cialIy those young Ille, . is determined by tbe purpose people. Jifted~l!> lII1!alcl.l!> DMLC,. that an individual createa for blmCollege women who sing in the Aeolian ChQrus presented ,the following: to Intareat. our COnln'Oiatl9psin good self. If one'.' purpose· Is true and for orpn litarature,. an!i..to..gain eape-' ateadfa.t and. he does not waver : :..Lerner & 'LOewe rieDce lor himaeJ(,. 'ffom his co_ even bl defeat or If Ever I Would Leave You : . Judy_Wella, accompanist. , ,/I lioubt, be will weatller moat at9rma : , ,, ". Starr-Wells . ~th ease." I ',. • Shoheen Jean Quast, accompanist With two weeks left for the busY , " The program endeci with a .musiThe Elepbjont and the Flea : :.: ,J. Barthelson cast and committee, members until . cal skit by C. :Kohl and R. Backer • Gayle Koepaell. aceompanllt 1 • . To ~ committee who Irantlcally its production, rehearsals and J.aat.. If I Loved You : ,: "0Scar Hammeratein . Profeeaor .. Koelpin .. will .be. the wracked their. brains for Ideas and . arr. b" J. Ungrodt minute preparation. are. In full ·wacked.' their friends for 'help. we speakea;for the student mlBsion proSanty Anno.. , " , ...•. : .• ,., .•. .' , ~.. Dave Guard'· swing_for'the college play, The Man _.Mialona of Germany, Mareh owe'our tbanka.Lor ,job well done. Janice Wieshan. piano Who Cam. to Dinner. The plaY 2 in the· 'college auditorium. The Mary Braun. bODios will be produced starting the twenprogram will be CODIIected with the Mildred Horman conductedthe Aeolians. ty-eighth of Fe~ruary and will run evening clIapel'aerv!co' and will In- ". for three consecutive nights.· The clude a few colored alIdea of the area. . To &bowthe Lutlieran ChurCh authors of this comedy are M... in a divided GermanY and .the misRonald Shilling directed the College male chorus, the Marluts, Their Hart and George S. Kaufman, wh_ sion work that-,is·-being earried on humorously ,clever writing has made cOntributions to the Concert were as follows: there is the miaaion theme. .A1ao, the effects Df. cozpmunism.on_our,ef.. The Syncopated Cloek.'.,. arT. Edwards famous this plaY as both a BroadwaY production and as a full-length forts in East Germany will be exBob Kuehn, accompanist plained. Gentle Annie , , Stephen Fostar movie. ,A cockroach eoloDy, an' DC. '. ' .' . arr. Shaw-Parker toPUI~'.~'-mummy case. and .e&pecl&tOur Mialon of' the Month' ~1dCh . John Hardmann, accompaniBt Iy the main Charactar, Mr. Sherfdan was. to. ha~. c ·.IH"" . MarianiD.a~,., , ..• ~., , .. ,." ..•...•. '..••••• arr. Shaw-Parker ·WhiteSide; offer an evening '01 in~ . baa'been tamporatll)'·pootponed be-' .Ken Nolte, lofTenor Soloist comparable bumor and comedy at Willard Engel, 2nd Tenor Soloist caU18 the Intanded apeaker. was un· Smlllnl' Dr. Vocel add. -emThe Story 01 a Tack Parks Its very best for all who attand. pha.i. to Homecorninr talk. able to come at the arranged time.


;;ta~..~i~f'-~':fft .


°Groups Present Secular Concert

.·~~:~tr~~!i~~~,po.in~~QU,,~e(lI>A!<:lnp l'!.~~; _


~:.~:::u:: ..


Final Rehearsal. Set /lThe Man ..

G~an' :Mi~i~nS .to B.eFeatured

>, .. '

beYi.' oi ~~er.t!i.



p.. oZ


Library' Corner

Around .'''.....

Firat ai,aIl thia Corner wish"" to recognize stand the exacting and olten confusing lanand to give grateful aeknowledgement-itc guage of the various sciences,with which they friends "of the-Library" w~o have" make contact," The vocabulary. has --been 0 made contributions to the funds which are drawn from fourteen scientific t\elds, pronun._i I available for booK p~chl\~s. From the e8:'" ciations and meanings have been simply and "ktlI~'i. I} fe!lW sUf"qimdiil8. c·~te ,o_~ My :tl:"'jIt¥ Hellmann, ,525.00; me- accurately .. t lorth, and the illustrations c ¥vUn., L~~er\ qoll~I!1".'· wh.\l1li•. llJ1P;laf for '~,m!1Scllultz,' Sr., '15.00; contribute much to the definitions they ilreven:ts" the I' students -Irom-- Ieaving' •~'''memorial' for Mrs~ Herman Petrowsky "from lustrate. High school people, particularlY, ne campus except for special vaceMr. and Mrs. Clarence Henning, $5.00:Mrs. should find the tool valuable and' helpful; ODS and recesses?" This is an .Ina Zimmermann,' $5.00; Zion Lutheran others will be surprised at its general utility. ctual quest~.".askeq ''IlIr ~0I!P \)f Church, MOrga.n, Minn.•, $15.00; from \I>e In this Shakespeare year it prohably could peakers during Qlll' tA'!ll'~ .t,n~'e&!lt- • ilVL9·' Ladi~' Acl'xiliary,' $?OO, (Because be expected that aome new biographies with entral part W lJi,r_c?~l}fl~l!,f~,!-,:~ .tJ!.a l'ioa:t1:!w •• ~f!"~Luth.r~n baa ~aSEM!to Stratford background should 'appear. Two go. Overcome wiili-oewtlderment at publish acknowledgements for ,gifts of this new ones have 'been issued this year, one by uch a seemingly sincere question, we kind, we include them in our Corner.) To Quennel, the other by A. L. Rowse, William Qllected ourselves and assured the I all those who, have thus remembered our Sh.kupeare, a Biorraphy (New York, uestioner that there certainly was needs we extend our hearty thanks. Not. Harper and'Row, 1963). This one is on our ot su,ch' 'a ' ~,,!,ce' .1IJ'0)1nd PMLC" only Is the financial aid appreciated, but the shelves. Entire librariea have been produeed tet we'~could not 4iSmJSS t~18 quescfaet that there are those who consider our~ about this plaYWl'ightand poet, about whom ion' lightly;' Since·;;:.omeone iked ~eeda.l!ives"s all a lift. . so little is known that his bO<luestof a .... ct,. there ~ust ,have, 'en' B9~e '. ounOur request, published in the Northweltond-best" bed to his wife is made signifi!~tion for'the query. Whatever could em Lutheran, has brought us good response cant fact in most ShakesPeare biographies. t '"be? "Sow, "'we wondered, could in the form of the needed copies of the Con.. However, Mr. 'Rowse approaches his subject uch a rumor' 80, ridiculous and damcordi. Triclotta. This out-of-print volume with a rich historical equipment which 'coni.J;l" t~&~ it 'proba.bly" c.~uld hay\, "'bas \>ecolllea' Scarce item, and our success in tributes to our understanding of the Bard's ~rye~ to wscourage some c'lU~elitldinl tllose willinl to part with It has glad- work and hi. time. That viewpoint I)lakea lound .' '':Itud,e~ts'' from '~~tte~dJDiJ 4en,e4 the beart of l'Our "keeper of books." this volume worthwhile. JMLC, ' h,ave bee!, belp'n? , Last week tllere arrived a copy of the TriPentecostal influencea makini themselves I . began :'to' thin~ e,h,out· tW~ .Iotta purchased at • book auction by the lelt among the left and center .. ctions of ·umor. I 'wonderM what 'might' lu!v~ stucW>~body of the '.I'heol'Jiica1~minary al ·nominal Lutheranism have ""used I,)r. 1I. J. >eeJj' Qle'lilt ,by.·cif,l. illv®Wr •. Surely Mequon and presented to us by them. Our Stol.. to issue Speaking ill Tongue •. (\Iin'Ie did 1I0ti_it: lIo.,&I)tWli barbed; thanks (or the book. and for $e tlne, sp(rlt 'neapolis, Augsburg, 1963.) The author exwire fell~~ or •. 1AiJIh stOlle WillI. The displayed go to the. <!onolS., amines the excesses of speakinl in tongo.. as ,>QSaibj1it1l' ;"[iUcll, seelDed· wore than Tha acquisitions (or the paat month have the enthusiasts practise It,' appliea the direcilte,ly to IQ,O: W8,Il that he tho.ught that been many and, Important., At best it will tivea of Holy Writ, and makes truly evaniel'u1e. set up by the' adllliXlistration be possible to annotate but a few. ical suggestions toward solving the problems .;erye, tQ fence. iQ the atudents, to proCompton'. IlhhU.ted Scienc. Diction.. of those caught in the frenzy of emotional~i\lit them· flow . doing· things which ory (Chicago, F. E. Compton Co., 1963) ism. This is a timely small book on a curthey feel :'YO'Ung people at their age sho_uldprove ~o be 8 valuable reference tool. rent development. iho\lld"~ &Ilowed to do_ To put it Its purpo .. IIto help youni people to underHarold Nicolson's The Congre •• of Vien_ In ~,pe.ople'. OWD words, U~t's a na (London, cOnstable and' Company, 1946) t'ree co~try" isn't it!". But is it details the activities of, the histonca) greats really a free country? Should we 01 the post-Napoleon age in their attempts to really be allo~ed to e~ercisecomplete ., reconstruct a shattered and dismembered' individv.,l fr¢e<lom here on campus? Music is ODeof the'vital elements in WOr- Europe. Nicolson has an easy, flowing style Who' . would . d~cid~· when ,8o~eone, ship. It is 8 means tbrough which the con- which presents a lively picture of intrigue, throu~h' ~xercise 'of his ·o_:wn liberty, gregation is led ~ particiPate in meaningful power politicsr and personal pusb. This might be encroac~ng upo,n the liberworship. ,Music should 'serve to direct the study in Allied unity from 1812 through 1822 ty othe,:s?" Such' a decis~on would hearta and minda'toward the central theme should ?rove very useful'in t~e field of Eurobe Iml'0SSlbie 'and. create ,bedla!", and thought for the day as it is significant pean h,story. .. Rul,eIiI. I:M.' lu.ce·s~,qr-l1L.oWe.r...to....maJ~1u_the_churcb -year.----------- _ -- --.,---'~f--'J.D.N., Kelly~.s Early ChrJatian C~e.d. tain. g0(l4. or!!er. Furthermore, rules .. .' (London, Longmans, 1960) is a carefully a_nd li~~~tiot;l8 also, aerve a~ a veryW: WIllhe~.eat~mp: to offe.ra ~lBt of Be- written account of statements of faith in theexpedien(;, ' di8ciplina~y measure by le~ or~a~ ltera ur~ or fusethlnwt : p;~odn- early church, first those that grew up in the means "of ,which :we'learn that we can ta~on an lnterpr.eta t?n 0 e or. 0 not, alWGYs 'do as we please. Not as ,t is expreased ,n the form of mus,c. only 'ca~pus, but. in 'general, life 1. Bach, J. S. OJ'relbu-:chl.in. (orces' ~Y. ~striction8 'upon US 2. Bender, J~n. The Hy~n of t.he which we must" learn to accept and Week. T:\us volume contaInS a settmg under which 'we must .learn .to live. of 'the hymn of the week for each ')Veek I like to walk down quiet streets, Anotl!~ ""pe~t of our life here at throughout the church year. To listen to the cooing of the leafy trees D¥J;.C millht be inclllded, in the 3. Bender, Jan. 30 kleine Choralvor_ And see the sunshine glinting all about term ,/en"ce, this' time in' the positive .•pi.le. Barenreiter. Available in three Onbig old-Iashioned homes: sense of the· word. Our, common volumes. I love to see the cluldren skipping home from faith in Jesus 'christ as Qur crucified ~. Bornefeld, Helmut. Berleitaatze. school LOrd and, Sa-vior which we 'share enBarenrei~. Available in six volumes Hand in hand with pretty dresses flying, ~losea \IA'about ~d serves, to bin'd' us with volume five bein, a rcood volume Their laughter tinkly in the ecstatic silence with a comlDon bond of unity. In with Which to begin your library. or a quiet street. addition ·to this bond. We are 'unified 6. Chor.lbuch. Barenreiter-Ausgabe in .our .deaires to become' Chri~,all' Number 1999. Somewould rather walk the busy avenues Day - Sdl90l' teacher~. Perllaps ill 6. The Pari.h Organi.t. Concordia, 10 Ofneon signs and rushing crowds, tl>.\l!',,101I'.,. th~n, we UJight s.l'~ak' of a volumea. This is !'ll indispensible col- Jostling, p\lShlng crowds of people all alike. fe,ilC<).&r9'W~ :J?MLC. ' lection for organisl$. Volumes 1-4 are I prefer the lonely road FinallT,' tlie fence rumor. does have IIO,!, ,vailable In a' single hard-cover Where I can see a 'very' uJlY: connotation:, HOlf ...r:e edition. The Pariah Orlanial is A creaky rocking chair upon a falling porch, such .evil rumors, if evil was in~ell IOmetimea provided by the congrega- A crinkled, small old man intended. begun? Who spre,lid. tion. To smile at me in friendliness. rumors such as this about our 'col7. Pachelbel. Selected OrrAn Workl, lege, which we ought heartily support Volume Ill. Barenreiter No. 287. What do the crowded hirc~waYBhave to offer by ~ o~ very ,acred purpose. 8. Keller, Hermann. ed. 80 Choral. me? even < tIiough our' flesh 'does not enPrelude.. Peters. I want tQ q,ear the bir~s chatter trom the trees \ tirely agreq~tIi its policies? Can '9. Peeters, Flor. 30 Short Prelude. on we be sure that In honestly c,onsidWell-known Hymn., op. 95. This As I smell tb.e freshness of a new-born rain. ering 'tbe ":!If:<fer.)q" this question, volume is the only source of preludes How beautiful the ~owers on a 'quiet street, anyone' of "us' could say. "Not I"? for lOme of our favorite hYmns'All rainbowed in their g'arden beds.· , Be~iDg ~is i\l I!;Iind, le\ us recall a roo Reger, Max. 30 Short Chorale Pr.- In the silence all aro.und me 1reja:ice; word . o!' tim.,Iy admoni~ion from lude., op. 135a. Peters. The friendly beauty is a lile to me. Scrip'ture: "Thou shalt' not go up 11; Scheidt, Samuel. na. Goerlitzer Tab_' It has a vitalness that dr:aws me to its h~art and down as a talebearer among thy uIaturbuch. Barenreiter. And welcomesme witbal. people. ,,',:1, (Leviticus' 19:16) IIIld, for further information, contact the Let othera throng th.e noisy by-wa)1l of tlle world, . , agahl, (J;aUlel 4:11) '···Speak not evil DMLG Library, from whom theae materials I walk instead down quiet, lonely streets. o~ !If an.otlll\f' 9I'~tb,ren." are a~ailable. ., -Anita Lemke -Jon Kietzer -Carol Kohl A., .

,1> .., ", (;.,1>,; . M!I' ~.

.··_-C·. -·II····-·~-·-·?· .... _.. - "-'several"iooo

O ur .







19i~g,-' As .

The Music Shelf


Quiet Streets




In preparation for my new status, ,I went. through all the usual states of preparation' such as psychoneurosis with such obseuioD"~> &8 that of being gagged and bound i~ a dark":: stuffy room with twenty-three sman 'bemls known as pupils. . One's first experiencp as a teacl;er rev'l~.:" tl!e fact that his education cou..... have.' o~,'ted some of the most important element. of f;!ducation, name1y~basic blackboard 'eraI-' ing,l1:1nch money counting, and proper,selec-";' tion ·of. doughnuta and ~olIs tor the faculty ~ meetings. .

The next exciting ex~ence ~vC?l~ disciplining students. FortllDately, I was able g to observe an experieneed disciplinarian in ' action. The 'example involvod a fourth-; grade boy who had been frO<luentlytuminl' ar.ound and visiting with the cuts girl behind;' him. lIe Was told that, due to his dependo ' ence upon and attra,ction for this II1rl,h. better start marriage Pl&n8. This '&hookhim" . up tor a ,few moments and he didn't tUm around for at least an hour~ I then cOnti~ .~ dently decided to try my hand at tha tln. art of disciplining a student. ,However, after what appeared to be a perfect example of disCiplinary action, I was gently inforInedby the 'student that I ..... could be replaced, by 8' .teaching machine." ' , -Jon Kietzer ---------------.,


liturgies of local churches, and later those ".1 that were of synodal 'or "conciliar natUre. '~ ThiIJ comprehensive study ~f the rise, 'devel" , J opment,. and. use, .Of credal. f,ormula.ri88"evl-,: 'dences a great deal, of historical research and seems to be rathei"detlnite in ·lts'·field:-TEe.l reader 'must be guarded against the 'danger of ',,;1 being overawed by the great'number. :ot foot-".".: notes; that can' become disturbing. Thia'"{;' volume is a valuable addition to our religion>,;;-' ., shelf. . ',,' :?~ - H. Sitz~:,~



The DMLC Messenger ;~

The DMLC Mell.nlllr is published dur- ':, the months of October, November. I)e.. ",' cember, February, March, April, May and ." June. The subscription· price i8 one dollar ."', ..~' and fift~ cents per annum. SinrcleC9piesare > twenty' centa. We rO<luestpayment in ad' vance. The Me ••eneer is continued after ~ the time that the subacrlption has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all ',i arrears are paid. All buainesa communi. :I tions &hould be addresSed to tha Busin_ ', Manager. Contributions fromallalumni, un- '"'1.'. dergraduatea, and frienda ale appreciated. . The aim of the Mee.. n.er is to offer such materials aa will be benet1cial as well aa 'In" tereatinll to our readers, to keep the alp~ in a closer contact with tha eolleiO, and to. foater &choolspirit. ing

Editor Anita Lemke Manaaina Editor Barbara Mm'er" F.ature Editor ........•...... Jon Kleber N.wa Editor Ron Shillln. Sport. Editor Eurene B•• r Alumni Editor '.' ~.-.\ Loia Si.vert Mak up Editor ; Barb.ra Miller Bu.inell M.n r Arnold Nomm.nsen A.. latant BUllne .. Manaa.ro .Karen Dahl ,I!! . Circulation Man r William . Habermann "~~ Alli.tant Circulation M.n ... r ....•..••.•. :;.:>:I C.ry H.ckman ;~ F.ature and N.w. Writer. .....••...••••• ' '~ Mark Bo.hme, Bob Kuehn,· DelorM " M.ichl., Sharon MuaJeldt, Carol ' ,; Schefu., Lol. Si.v.rt, Jim Zi.tlow Sport. Writera.· .......•. Ron Ertner, Bob 'I'~".· . Kuehn, Boyd T.ch· .. Dear Lithper, f like each other pretty much and yet I'd &till "Lithp" means that you need a few lessona like to go out with a couple other IUY8 once Alumni Writer Judy Winter Make ..up Staff ,. .. K.ren Dahl, Helen" I. ,i~ 8'p'el~i!lg. Let's, just. ~ope that yo.u don't or twice.. Should 11 Lochner: ~ ~. talk aa poorly as )'ou writel Sigoed, Sincerely yours, Circulation Staff Mark Boehm.~ .,~,' Confused lover MissD. An~ta R.hbora-, Carol Sch.~U,1 , Dear Confused Lover, Photolrapher •.............. Ray Manth. 'i~ UA lover's knot stays put longer if tied TypiaU '..•• H.I.n Lochn.r, Dolor ':'~ Dear Miss D-, , ~th,a aingle beaul" Muth, Donn. Steinke,'Judy VanderOh.· . Sincerely yours, I'm in coIJege and have been going with Adviaer Prof or Trapp MiasDthis IUY for quite a few months now. W.

D,edi,Clted..to Dilemma, Miss D··· Dear Mllhth 1;)-' . E';~ "thayth that I Uthll' but It thaeinth"to 1ne that'lt'th really none o( their buthii",tJith. . RethentlY tliougb, ,even thome of Dl¥ P1Of.thth<>rthhave thaid the thame tqiDc. ~hR'~ ~ tlu!t Wtla ~e to' do tb~~1 .btI"t UlItIl !»:obl'!!ll' My probleJjlltli thlth: what doeth li~ 1D~1I1I? '. '"; ,', ;.... ThlnthOrely yourth, THE LlTHPER

Finally, after years of waiting, r bave b&;-. come practice teacher number 2391. To' 80~~ of my students ''Ylia have ~D in PIae--.' tice school lor the past five years, I am known as teacher number o'1-e-\>undredtwen-:' ty..eigbt. I smile mC?~ethan one-hundred' twenty-seven, talk l~ud~ than one-hundred:' twenty-six and am dumber than one-hundred . twenty-five. ,'"

0 0 ••



0 •••••

P'.C .• ~

F{nal-Weeks at Ram~

to Iy IelIcbblg thei1. lifetime p,ofeesjon.· Monday morning the group visiW It Vjo)ll,d Manitowoe. Lutheran, where they I~ .b.a,ir epo~, to approxilllately, 160 stull·'W:$<wrf dellte, , Almoot 39Q etudenta gath. notic:eable,:..ere.; In the gynmaolulD of Fox Val'It Isn't her ley Lutheran Tueaday morning to th~ few who hear . and ... ·the elide-illustrated w~, 1,'Suhr,' who talks and' to .diSCusa" the display ~ je""lry eollee- which .had bee" arranged, Later , • that morning' ~nd 'durin'g' the afternoon, the D¥LC et¥\!,ents visited f several very interestint: classes and received a tour oj the FuhrmannEli":! observatory 011 tqe f~ cam. . ". , pus.' Winnebago Academy stuqents study habIts.· K. met the group Wedn.. day morning, cou~n't lind' that. both. ¥> h~ the student Bpeakers Eunpldes, Come, and to see the 1Ilid0!! of Profeaaor ie Point", sys- llrI'*'s ~•.~nt to Italy, ~ favor work thia,aemeater mthar. aWl ellio~ ~y '\he edvanced Latin etM~~\'!' .~t The' s"!',.!<Ing grolll1 ~t~'l4 0.1\ ~\\. evenmg of F~1>!"Iar.\'·l~,.~Iter attend,ing an AlII!W~"""ay eerVj"" 'at Trinity Lutheran" Church; Smiths 'Mill, MinneBOta,



SlIlIday, AuMt 4, ia a day we wracking or~e~, eapeeially sin"'! th!! shall' alw8YB,re~ml>er. We met shop-keeper is more ex~c;ec:l. ,t it than' the tom:iat buyer lB. F:lor- :!,lias JlIDe :a:~id, DU~C '61, now a ence is a 'famous art-,·cf:t;lter. Its teacher at St. ,Paul's Lutheran two import_nt art galleries, th~ Pi~ School. in Moline, Illinois, and, her traveling ~J;P.paJ;liOD, Miss' Sharon ti Palace and the Uffi"'; qalIe,y, have - very 'many· important .palnt- Fischer. a teacher In ZLon'Lutheran ings of. 'the . masters. One of the ScQ.9QI at ColllWbus, ~consin. most impressive pieces, of sculpture .':I'~~ t'!'O had spent qUite a numwhich we saw in all of Italy was the b;er,,9f weeks in ~u:rope traveling "David" of Michelangelp. While 'i'itb a hosteling group. Now they taking a walk through the Micllel- we1~ on, their" own.. tj_~~ in'Rome, to Greece. angelo Piazza, overlookiog the clty planning to tr.vel of Florence, on a SundaY afternoon; W~_ met at I;lQOI;t· .. t Stj< .Peter·s, we had a. chance to see the Floren- tpured it and then visited Castel tines at play. Many people were San AJ>gelq allcl Augustus' Ara in t_he p~l:cJ listening to a brass Pacis, Afte~ that we ate lunch at .trattoria. '!,'he waiter band and ~""cing ri,ht on si~1'" "" 1lI!IIIIDUiar wa~ks. The musicians' pay appear- anI! I got tog~her, )Vith lOY Tar. ':i~~_;~:\~'" "',: Italian,' o.n .:' p~ fizzo ed to b~' the satiafaction '01 b.eing XlI1'·styl,O The questlon"tJ>a8.. olteD . been . heard ~nd the bottles of wine. w)ljc,h, (Qx~ pri,,!,) 'P"al 6QOL ($1.00) asked, "How di4$Yo:u--like' .Italian ~acll. It was all ,\,erii WetY and they received. foodY" To this,;~e :can trothfuUy ljlU!!g. Each of 1111 pai!l the aame reply that we very much. Among other places which we vls- price, although we had' different It was not as BPiW,aawe .thought Ited outside of Rome was the Etros- amounts and kinds of food. From' it would b~.•...~e., ,(on'.l!?", ...' :ship, " ~an cit:( q Tarquinia, There we the \tattoria we walked to the R0we were' glve~"'_aJ,meIl14 '-W: '"Visi:~ .bout· seven tombs, dating man Forum, the Palatine Hill, and and American.a 'fr\om-the:seventh--to the fifth cen- , as far as .tb~. Bathe of .C.,acalla •.__ 'helped -'us"1,. ,Wry' B.C;' ClmpreSslvewere lhe wall There J a'l'l al).(iSharon. 1I0)/g"\ tickwith the Dam, 'paintings which were in various ets for the opera Aid.' whiell Was to and was a ~t help :-\-states of pr.eservation•. The' bright- be presented- oD".tlle'-following everi.torante ,or: batt ;:~:_ness of_the colors after 2500 years ning.: We spent the' remainder of BOmeo.f the ;Iqoda. we " ...aa un~elievable. the evening viewing the Colosseum, tipasto (asB9rt(!d ho (We" also visitro' Cosa, which WaS Trevi Fountain, -and the, Spanish minestrone':'(vegetable ;. the excavation .carried on' in" the Steps. After that' we parted, comcine (an eg~ n~le ~h),. S~ih.~ti.: early 1960's by the American Acad- pany. The two teachers did evenfegato_aUa' y~~ ~ emy group; Qur guide on this visit tually get to Athens, Greece." One of our tours in Rome, as stranre as Wit4 bacon ",Was Dr. Frank Brown, now permaOh, 'y~, • 'nent head of the AmericaI) Academy it may, sound, was spent looking at cial)y '.and the man who' hed led the ar- the different obelisks there.· This place called. ~icci's, ;chaerlogi~alteam, It WaB interesting gave us an opportunity to revisit' and review many of the sites. ' to have a'site explained by the man Our last week In Rome had eev~~:,tJ.II, actlv~ part in the e.caeral highUgJ;lta..AIIlo\,g t~ was ::We'~~~:9~e of our,~ ,_ va~~;·,"Cosa is archaeologically im- the vjsit to ~adrian's at Tivth~ ci_~7;;of :fl~rence, "P9P 'I, ,,~;~;_ portant -because, ,in a si!Dple form, oli. Here the or Emperor; Hadrian 4QO,Q00.Th.\" Is a ,sh?~!'"f's W'hl,': It~:ahoWB.. the town development had a spacious 'resort area covering cJi!le. :I4l\'!Y' P!ll'~~lIl,SI:~ !sa~~;;:Jwnt;;;: took place in s~ch cities as seven square miles. At' 'Tivoli' we also visited· a sixteenth· century villa g"!lilP, ,~~'!( war~, Bdka, 'l¥q \m,'';';\.' and gardens .. lied' Villa' D'Eete •. s~lf.~ ""11 b~ ~ound ller~:..:Hjo'l;l'f!,llf~; , : e~~~1it. _ol!eh_1:1Ys fro\l1 ~~~'~Q(."l~,.;:l.'~~~:~18 bere' we also had our' first Ita water fountains were beautiful " _, , Ole many -outdoor 'Bhops. he' mUB~,'Jl~.{,'·"" <l!:!'thei.lu~ . 1~a8. t ";d ~e;Y and grand. prepared to do what one of, "out ~_-~~-;lff··u (;0 :-/ ~F .,!'i' , i' - , Fri.day, -Augus,t 9, brought us to Apprebensively , , grol.lP·called "bargue" (bargai~ aOd·~;,. JWA 9~ th~ the e~d of our' stay in Ro~e.' We , ";'.' tat! . ". argue), which can be a verY,I)jIrvt:, U.Y!I\yel'¥ tmeslllllg. had ,a 'closing cel,emony i~ the" mom '~9Y eeein~,t~9118 ,.".., '1~.~q,uo.. ~II ,ump1ar~. "il' ' ..<..".,' ' .. ", '" ing. After this. we bade farew~lI to the members of the staff 'and to thOse who- would not continue tbeir' studlZ at Naples. All of thia took ~ o,:~d are ~ure:!:n=al~~~::;L./ .. > longer than planned ~cau8e" all' of . us had enjoyed the staff and stuto re.VI'OW. ' .•IDY. . no..tea- =.ped.r, !"'~.n .. ' ..:..~. ~~wa:'... baa \;';:";;-.~~.•'•~. .~,. dents at the Arl¥'rican. Aca.<!emySO \ ~e-froll! \\"' '~ b~\lSII a' goo.. ,~ ~ . 1\1 . .;.~ •' , t much that we .were reluctant to take every ~ '~..'l' ~~ you, ''.\I'ver pe(~,.' ", ".li"\:, ,f'~ ..•.. , takes' I". "'" .' '+:',""'-7:;1;"-:" Ii Tuesday, February 4, at 9:00, ': ~,-~"'Mozart'~ te~ql1e of vocal leave. Finally around eiiveO-thirty we climbed abo~rd' th.e w\iic4 ,'. oj , •• :,;_,."i~~)p.m.~ Mr. RodneyR:ahf:l began bi~,:< ·.music had been sent up:·from·:N~pl~by 1\;T'J'~~;':~~'~presentation of a "seriesof \nforma~"; '''''.' ... 0 1,1. ;'; lectures in room 109 01 the DMLQ; 6. Donizetti'B technique 01 vocal the Vergilian So~ety to bring us to Cumae, the Society's, headqu~ • Music gen\er. The topics 01 t;h~:, music . • . .._. . :_weekIYl~ctures;~ealing;with voc,l_I.l:~.6. Verdi'. techniqu~ C?( vocal Enroute we pa~d' ihrough such places as Terracina, where we, ate really is not • 'lew qe~19 . cflnlque' through I~e ~g"~ 'l;jl\ ~~ ,: .1l\Q',i,~ lunch, and Gaeta and Formiae. alrl!ady Illlt.cl1.t1l~ the paet lew years, \>:q~ reeented as follo,:,"s: ',. '.' 7. Wagner's technique 01· vocal Late in the afternoon we arrived at , ..' ,,-' , . tbe pojut ~f view. ~ l~ a revie~' ~r voice types and . the Vllla Vergiliana, where most of music taught to think' wor, _'". vocal music in relation, to its the group stayed and where we met 8. Wagner (continue:d) . For co!lege seniors ,,!;,o'" ~, .__.jJ.~)',:-~ texts and its various styles ten )lew-comers who would study " Indoctrinated In the . o!d i,an~."l,3, through the ageB ,r" with us i~ the Naples area. Ten of According to Mr. Rahn, the us had to be quarterecl at the Ho~r 01 . tic thia new math8,l1l!l~;5W: ~~;;; course has been organized to show Majestic. It was a KJ'andfirst-class of. ..nt prObl~. " .;;~ '. ..~ .. ,11;2~' ths use of. the o.rcJ>estrain Oldfield ,~ .(C?f~.:,'" . place of and as oppoee,dtQj;J:u~ how great vocal mwdc mirrors its hotel. ,The dining roon;l was on the.. children whq;have ... vocal, il). revesUng happenings text and can t;}lus ~ judged, to give top or eleventh floor 8lld aftorded' 'a people the OPpoftunity ~ hear the beautiful view of the B,8Y of Naples. w·laat ai~proximately < taught., th!! ;: old:: ~.~,~, In opera and ll)1l!I1cal dral!laB world's grea~st· sing,ers an~ v,ocal We shall write more about thl.s ,in . 'math is relatively ,,'" ' encow;~~ _t, .• , .o~(f; ~.' ths uee of .the chQrusin musi- music, .and to enabl~ l}tudentS¥» de~ the next issue. eenlore to-. thelf ·~aliitio'1~. cal drama and In opera. velop a sense of musical ~te. -D. Brick by explaining tilat It. witli numbers. through ths sges

' bro:wn



Lest we '(ive I, Y~~J'Impression about our six w~e~ P;l,:Rome"nal1:l&'" ly, that we did nothing but look at sites, we feel that :weought to mention some of the lecture topics which were presented j~")he classroom. The fonowin~ areas were treated: A History 01 the City, pI Rome, The Etruscans, Ca~: Augustus and Rome, Roman A;rchitecture, Civic Monuments, An~ent'~culpture, Ostia, The Econonlit: Idee of' Ro~ef The Religions 01' ~,"", and Rome of the Later Emp1!e.'It was in con,nection with ,th'" "'lectures that most of Rome's ai~ ~werevisited. '.






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The'Last Minllte

Your ~"l!aa be!in eDiaged in.a ..... sa,;,. atop the clock, Ia intentionally to foul an opbattle all th.·..Way. ·,There Ia'one minute to ponent who has poaa... ion of the ball.' Tbie l>1ay. You are ~.d· by three polnto. One. . . Ia especially. eJJective if the bonus rule has' of your players JiU'been fouJecL' Since the 'not yet iOD' Into eJJect. It Is also best that. bonua rule Ia in eJJect,'he .)rill be. Kiven a one hie taam doeen't loul the oppOsition'. best plua one free throw. You; the coach, call a .hot. If poesible, 'one 01 their poorer shoottime out. What will )'ou do? Will you alera abould be louled. . low tbe player, to ley to make , both free When the coach'. team has Kotten po.... throws and'hope to get' posaeesIon _ialn in alon 0' tho bail,· he calla another time out. time to Bcore with', the hope ;01 a win. or a,·" His team' ,must score quickly. His beat tie? If yol1'. player makee' the 1irst lree >" ;. .corer wUl·take the shot. Ther. isn't enough throw, wUl you purp ... ly have him mlsa'the ·j·,;·;<.tIm,.tO·clrlbble)hA' hall down the court, a.o second and hope for .the rebound and a baa- ."' .. :- the coach must set, up a pattern whereby his kat to tie, the aeare7 Theee are the two . team will. move ·the .ball by quick, ahort or broad <hoI.... which a coach fa .... with aur~ . medium length p...... prising flequeney. . Every player. hes hie assignment and must There are certain principl.. which Bhould move. properly. The ball i. passed quickly lUide the coach in makin&"a decision: ' . ,down court. The two best rebounders move Be 'should never -coUnt·on free 'throws. If' ~'underneath the basket in case the shot is his'decision i& to make the 'first and miss the <'_'" ,: _miued:" One player sets a Bcreen lor; the se.ond, It mUlt be remembered "that the de-" ., ···shooter; he' Is open and he geta the ball. lense has: rebound pomtion;' consequently, if .. With dve .econds to go; be shoots. he dar8 count'oD'the first free throw as made,' ;!i"~.H ·',Whe~',you:,.thereader, next go to a basket.. he ahouldn't count on gatting the rebound. . b hi This brinaa: us 'to the conclusion that the ./ . all &aD':le,~w cb a fituation similar to the ... ,":", precedia.r .one arises, put yourself in the coach should allow the 'player to ley to make .,(coach', ·:·positlon.· Remember his choices. both "tree throws.: '-If he makes one or both, .: ::He' nl1.is~,,'make the correct decision. The the team'.· next .objective is to regain poe.; :' " coach'.' ,decis!A>n,plus chance, is what deterof thjI ball and' try to scOre In order" min.. victory or defeat in the close ones, 'to gain a tie or a ·victory. 'T!>fs can be aCo and, as :':;,reault, Is what also determines compliehecl in .. vera! ways. Uaually the whether. 1\ coach is' considered.good or iuat ,":, """ch wiU have hie team in a lull court, man averaKe~, '. '~ '.' '.' , .. ., " to ,or,'zone~ pre.; Beeause he d08lll't '. ,R4member,..coaches who are' considered to . bave'much,tlme;' ·whatever he does next he ., be' good alao mak.,misteke., b~t tpey attain .',.• , ,,·mUlledo quickly.:,l'r. . 'Jbalr positions ~c;aU8B theY are right more ,. , Flm;: he hope. ~ 'hav.,1)ls team 'staal the. .:"oltOn than they are .'!'!o.nK. ; ':baU""ilnd ;·acor.o' but' this is very difficult. Hindai&ht ~ littl. value unless it teaches. .With ne prOBBIt'may be posm'bleto I.orco 'Fo~ht, Plannin& the immediate action cor'the opposition intO" making a mistake which' racily ~wha; counto ., . . ,.., wUl.ldvehie team pooseaalon 01 the ball. A' . "", " .•. :...._, thir.d choice, and usually the quickest way·to, .'.it>,' "r :..:, . . . . . . ..., .,,;. ,;Eurene Baer

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A lew niKhto later the Rams lell to Sanborn in a game which was cl... ail the way. The Rama iust couldn't hit consistently. Next the Rams travelled to Comfrey, a team which was undefeated at this time. Here the Rams showed signs of their' pre-Christmaa form, but for the third game in a row their shooting Was off and they were beaten 61-49.

.';' LOsiitg Trener;"






... ther J!08d (or

inf~tIoD _~.the a Bci"".. kit r~t;aI'l>£Ogr&IQ our ChrlstIan .Day _choo... ,, Tha·reeulto are' bOinr tahulatad and look )'try 8DcoUrqing. Because We are 'open to all suggeet!onB, leel lree to drop us a line. 'The Stamps for Science drive is slowly beginning to pick up speed•. All' persons 'or congregations Jnterested please send "trading stamps, t() , Stamps lor Science' Box 417 DMLC New Ulm, Minnesota 56073


Intramural . Teams and Heads ,Named


contiDued ito lead throughout, head.?' ed by Salmonso~ With 23. •.', , 'PF TP Kuehn ; : 2 19 '. Branda . . . .. . • .. .. . . . . 8 5 Dueblmeler.. .. .. . . .. 2 28 Sievert 4 8 . Walz ,. . .. . . . . . . .. 1 24 Tjerna'ei-': 5 5

Projects ,R.r,gr~ss ," '.

After much work We are finally able to produce insect, mountingkits in sufficient numbers to meet all demands. Now that spring is coming, all teachers, prospective teachers, and biology students should not· miss this offer. Each kit contains a lulling jar, a' styroHere is B list of the girls' intra- foam mounting block, ether. 100 mural '.baaketball teamS and, their No. '3 mounting pins, mounting incaptains.. .. ." structions, Key to the Principle Order of Insecta, plus··a bonus. ,'Team _ Captain prize. These itema, bought indivld· ually, 'would cost one over '1.70, -Bucketee1'B : .Joann SaKer but we are able to offer these kits SOfties,...••.... Johanna lJnkert for only $1.00. Dribblers Judy Bomesberger. Plans are under way for a larger and Sharon Gamudiger and more complete science fair this Sinkers .. , .....•. Janice Schlomer spring. Sharpshooters Helen Kuehl Please send all inquiries about insect kits or science fair to, (H.S.) Phlogistons Bucketeer•........ -..• Chris Zshn DMLC Junior •.......... , .Holly "Zillmer New Ulm, Minneaota 56073 Six'& Four Margie Klausch or see David Sauer or Ray Du.aeeau.. Nonam~ , .Diane Bartsch -

~"",""". '-.-'..",_,," E~:'a~,_p.~~e"'r.7"~X~~",:.§~~l~ ~~_}!ec~rd~:


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Rams'Victory String Broken After winning 81 straight games the paat three seasons, the, Luther Rams dropped thr .. atrai,ht. The first 1088 was to traditional rival, Cathedral. In thie Kame the deciding factor wa. early foul trou~ .. bIe for Ram spark plug, Jack Gron.. 1>olz,and lack 01 team hurtle.

F• .......,.

Concordia Outlasts Lancers

bolt. and Elwein had 33 and 25, reBpe.lively, 19'"Bethany.


Scoring Record Set

On February 7 the Lan .... played nationally-ranked Willmar JC in the Lancer Homecoming game. : For the After tralling by as much as 29 third time this season the Lancerspoints, the Lancers held Concordia Were involved in a record--eetting at 85 19r lour minutes while they game. The final score was Willmar Starting the game at a compJete closed the gap to twelve points. stall, the Luther Lancers slowed 'the The lead, however, was too large, 143 and Luther 100 for a total 01 game at Austin to a stand suU for and time ran out. The Lancers 243 points. This broke the previousrecord of 220 set by the Lancers and the entire forty minutes. The Lancwere unable to hit consistently for ers led an but three minutes of the most of the game, which at half Bethany of Mankato. The Lancers played one of their firat half, when they dropped be- time showed a 32-43 lead for the hind to trail almost the entire re- Concordia five. This, lead' contin- better games of the ye~r, but Willmar's height advantage pro'°ed to mainder of the game. They regam.. Alter 10000g lour stral,ht, the ed the lead with two minutes and ued to build until the Lancera' late be the deciding factor. At the beLancers came back with their beat thirty-five, seconds left to play. At surge. Leading scorers for the Lanc- ginning, the game was fairly close; ..scoring effort of the season. '.fhey that time the Lancers were' leading ers were Duehlmeier (23), Walz (20), but by hall time Willmar led by and Carmichael (15). Concordia twenty-five points. In the second BoOting the Eatbervllle team, the downed Mankato Betheny, for the 13-12 and had possessionoC the ban. ,ancera_.l08t·their' f_ourth rame in a first tilllf3 in seven years, in a game Then an offensivefoul was called was led by Weigert (35) and Schultz half the Lancers came within eight (23). points until the Willmar's first )W two' days alter loaloK to St.· of hot shooting· and little defense. against the Lancerswhich gave Ausstring reentered the' game. 'aul.': Although the game was some- The final score WaB 113 to 107, tin possession oC the ball and reWillmar had seVen players in ·hat faater, the acorinKwaa a little which, incidentally, was a new sulted in a 13-16loss lor Luther'a double figures, thr.. of whom had igher than the previous game. SMJCO record lor ~tal pointo by team. 20 or more points, The Lancers [alf time .found' the Lancers on the two teal!lB for one game until the Only three days earlier the Lancwere paced by Schneider (80), Waiz o~. 9! ' a i '57-84 l?ale Homecoming game. Each taam had On Febniary 4 the L$ncers for- (24) and Kuehn (21). V&lz, and Jim Dueb1meler led the .. five playera in the double fi&"ures. ers had set Cor themselves a new The Lancers had a 28-21 edgs In ~l'efI' With' ~4'and 28, roopective-' Leadinl scorers for the Lancers were scoring record. This drop of, 100 feited the Pill.bury College, Owar. ''l'be .ho~ ahootini .EatheryiJle. Walz with 80, Duehlmeier with 26, points set a new record oC low scor- tonna, Minnesota, iame by a. score free throws, b~t tralled in field of 2-0.· . ing in the SMJCC. goals by 61-86• ti.rted early In the game and and J obu"'fi~,el wI~ 19. ReinJannary 18 the Lutlier >Lancera rapped tbeir-third·gameln."TOw. )' the· St. Paul Bible Collage of ·st. aul: The· lame was a 'relatively >w-scoring one throughput.. Beind at half. time, tbe Lancers tralli 21, to 84; ·Needing only 18 ointo:·to 'tie up the Kame, they. 'ere unable to aecompllah this dur19' the second h,a1f. ' Top scorer for. ile LancerS Waa Sievert with 9 total ointo.

Lancers Lose in 13·16 Stall Against Austin

Lancers End Losing Streak .

Lancers Dropped by , Estherville 84-124

Lancers Forfeit to Pillsbury



+ Our Patrons Alwin Electric ,. F~ w. Baumann, Realtor H. J. Baumann, Insurance B.cker'a_ Pharmacy Be-ck'~ Jewelry -, Br'-unrelter .nd Son Hardware Brown'.', MusIc ~o~e Bullemer'. Cltb:en'. State Bank Coast ...to-Coast Sto.re



Dalry Bar



DaCotah Hotel. Dinin. Room . Dr .. Alae', Optometryt . Dr. Fesenln.ier Dr. Haroldaon,' Optometr's~ Dr. aeorce Kuehner Dr. aermann, Optometri.t ; Dr. Schwartz: Denti.t Dr. Tyler

Dr. Wm. VonBank Eichten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbinr &: Heatinl' Farmer'. It Merchant'. Bank Fe.enmaier Hardware Forder'. turniture, Inc. Frit.che Clinic Green Clothier's HarolId'. Shoo Store Henle Druas Herzoa PubUshinr Co. Kem.ke Paper Co. H. Lan.- Barber Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Clothier. Meidl Music Store Meyer Studio Mode O'Day Frock Shop Montl'omery Ward Mue.inl"s Drur Store

New New New New New Och.

Ulm Brick &: Tile Yard. Ulm Dairy Ulm Gift &: Hobby Shop Ulm Greenhouse. Ulm Theater Brick &: Tile Yard. Sprinl'field Oswald'. New Ulm La.undry Co. Patrick'. Jeweler • .J. C. Penney Co. Pink'. Polta Drul' Store Rafti. Department Store Reim and Church Jeweler. Reliable Drur. R~b;IaffHardware Rite-Way Cleanera Scheible. Plumbinl' 8t Heatinl' Schnobrich'. City Meat Market Sean

+ Seifert Clinic Sherwin ..William. Product. Henry Som .. n, Lawyer Spelbrink'. ClothinC' &: Casual Shop Sportsman'. Crill Sportamen Shop State Bank of New UIm TV'SiJnal Ulrich Electric Vowel Clinic Dr. Howard VOl'el Dr. Milton Kaiser VOl'elpohl'. Leather .Good. -. LUC'l'aae -, Cift •. Wave-o-Lene Weneeda Bakery Wilfahrt Brother. F. W. Woolworth Co..

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