1964-1965 DMLC Messenger Vol. 55

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MESSENGER ~ New VJm, Minneaot.

LLL Presents Antigone ed. Antigone feels a moral obliga· tion to bury her brother and does so, against the king's command. In the end she publicly declares her guilt. However, Creon relents on his statement of punishment and entombs her alive in a cave.

One of the most plentiful commodities on this or any campus is talk. Last spring some of the collegiates decided to try channeling some of tbis talk into a debate club and the beginnings were made. This group is under the auspices or the Luther Literary League. under the direction of Professor Schroeder who was a debater in college, and under the chairmanship" of Lois Luetke. The members of the orranizational committee spent the summer writing to various colleges aeeking ol'lanizational information and were quite 8ucceos(ul. I Now this faU they have been working . toward .etive dehatinll. The d~te team from Bethany Coll~ bJ.; Mankato, under the direction of Kr. Kuster,· came on November

Sophocles' Greek play, Antirone, which has been opened to the pub-lic, will be presented Saturday, November 28th at 8:00 P.M. It will be presented in the DMLC auditorium. In the past month, the forty performers, under the direction of Mr. Rahn, have put in many long, hard hours in order that they could present this tragic drama. Besides the newness of such work on campus, the use of orchestration to express emotion throughout the play is an experimental thing. The staging also is completely new. All the costumes were hand-made, with Sue Smith at the head of that committee. Wha t does the cast and proposes with Coach Dallmann after undefeated aeaaon ducer hope to achieve by this production? "This is an experimental work of art, being given to the public for "A Letter to Nancy" was a heart- literary comment," said Mr. Rabn. rending film dealing with the ste- From this play the public will learn wardship or every Christian. It of Greek drama and also become acwas shown on November 15 to an quainted with the Greek viewpoint DMLC has been receiving dona- audience of students and congrega- of tragedy. One basic concept tions from its earliest days. As the tions Irom the surrounding area. should be established, and, that is, number of participating cohgrega- This film was made possible by the that the death of a person was the tions and individuals grew, it be- Aid Association for Lutherans, and only tragedy in Greek life. It is came a practice to send a truck out was produced by the Lutheran this fact which makes Antirone to pick up the foodstuffs from dis- Church, Missouri Synod. an outstanding tra&,edy. tant points. -Although gifts of menThe stewardship of the Christian ey and other articles are received, was brought out in the example of Antigone has two brothers, both the donationa largely remain in the the Chinese girl, Nancy LI. She which' have been killed. One rearea of foodstuffs. On the pickup was placed, through various circum- ceives an honorable burial, the other routes, this year our trucks covered stances, into the home of a wealthy, a dishonorable burial-that of being over 3,000 miles. The truck routes church-going family when her moth- exposed to the vultures in an open are run only in the fan at harvest er became hospitalized. This action field. Creon, the king at this time, time. Throughout the year, how- brought about self-analysis among declares that anyone caught touchever, individuals will often bring the members of the family. They ing or trying to bury" this dishontheir donations to the college. .A were made aware of their outward orable. body would likewise be killhours

luI and greatly appreciated. Now the members are doing research on the national topic, with the end in view of debating with Bethany College of Mankato and Concordia College of St. Paul in the spring. The national debate topic this year is "Resolved: Tbat the Federal Government should establish a national program of public work for the unemployed." One problem confronting this group, as In many things here at DMLC, is the lack of men. Any one interested in this fascinating sport is invited to join. Men, this would be your golden opportunity to have the last word. Good luck, debaters. Keep talking!

What happena alter the supplies reach the college kitchen? Vast quantities of food must immediately be canned or frozen to prevent spoilage. Many items arrive already canned and are uaed when needed. One may ask are little items worth donating? The answer is evident in the students' joy over foods that give the home-touch, such as fresh vegetables, preserves, relishes, and fruits. Cookies are frequently brought in and distributed free to all at the Student Union. All of the donors' gifts, be they great or small, are sincerely appreciated.

How would aU you hopeful house-wives like to bake 6000 loaves of bread in two and a half months? Most of you would groan at the mere thought of it, but not "Bud the Baker," because that is jUBt what he does. Not only does be bake bread, but every tasty little morsel of baked goods that passes through our lips is there because of his effort and skill.

DMLCsoccer team

Debate Club Forms

Donations Received

Excelsior Staff Attends Convention On Thursday, November 5, Gus- was on, the stops set, and the bench tavus Adolphus of St. Peter opened empty, 80 one of our brave delewide its gates to delegates of the gates' atruck a C-major triad. Out yearbook staffs of schools in the of nowhere appeared the organist surrounding area. Our own Excel.. whose feara for the magnificent 59_,Jr was represented by five dele- rank instrument immediately sub-, .a,tes in school blazers, which com- sided upon hearing that the guests were all organists from DMLC. mended many a second glance. A very profitable and interesting The agenda for the day included discussions on' staff organization, afternoon was spent by all, and we lay-out, and planning the annual. bope to have a better Excelaior: to Besides the most informative talks show for it. and demonstrations, yearbooks from many schools were available for inspection and a8 sources of new ideas. After the workshop, our delerates took the opportunity to tour part of the campus, including the bookstores where they picked up some On Tuesday evening, November bulletin board ideas from suggestion 17, the student body once again enmanuals on sale. They also visited joyed a Student Council-sponsored the student union and the new movie, "The Benny Goodman· science building in which the green- Story." The movie tried to show house proved to be a challenge to that diligent practice pays off. The their bioiogical knowledge. A1so dur- music teachers here on the hill, no ing their campus tour of inspection doubt, are eagerly awaiting this imthey visited the chapel and, being plication to root, spring up, and such dedicated music students, took produce fruit among our camp s u a look at the organ. The organ family.

SC Movie Viewed

A Letter to Nancy

Nancy's mother was dying and Bright and early Monday, Octoshe asked the wealthy man to tell ber 26, nineteen' members of the her daughter about the peace she Phlogiston Science Club began a would have alter death. Nancy day of educational and entertaining was not to hate God, but take this sightseeing. When the club arrived death as a sign that her mother's in Rochester by 10 o'clock, they bework was done, and God was calling gan the day by viewing a film on her home. the Mayo Institutions. Later, all The climax came' as Nancy was the members were given an opporgiven a letter to read, to tell her of tunity to view the Mayo Clinic via her mother's impending death. It a guided tour, W38-- a lctt~r 0( coefeesion and edifi.. At noon Silver Lake served as the cation, plus the desired comfort to Nancy. Many a tear was shed by dining grounds for a sack lunch, both afternoon and evening aud- provided by Mr. Eilitz. The lake iences of the film, but they found area was heavily populated at the both enjoyment and "Iood for time by Canadian geese which were thought" Ih this excellent story. recognizable because of their northern accent. (Beep-Beep.)

Contest Announced

The Promethean Lamp, a nonprofit corporation formed recently by Sacramento and San Francisco businessmen and college students, has as its purpose the promotion of literary and fine arts works by college students everywhere, and -offere them a publishing outlet-an intercollegiate magazine called The Promethean Lamp. Students are encouraged to send prose articles, poetry, art work, and music manuscripts as soon as possible. The magazine will be published quarterly beginning in January. Payment will be made upon publication. A get-acquainted poetry contest is being sponsored by the Promethean Lamp, in which all college students are invited to participate. The best poems will be published in a Collel'e Poetry AntholoKY. An entry fee of $2.00 will enable each contestant to compete for prizes up to $100.00, and also to receive a free copy of the College Poetry An.. tholo&,y and a year's subscription to The Promethean Lamp. See the bulletin board for further details.

Highlighting the afternoon was a visit to the Mayo Medical Museum where such outstanding demonstrations as the "transparent man," and the heart lung by-pass machine were viewed. This latter machine is used in heart operations to continue the body functions and thus provide necessary time for surgery. After visiting St. Mary's Hospital, the largest privately owned hospital in the world, the club headed back to New Ulm to do their make-up work.

Recital Presented Miss Laurine Zautner, member of the D MLC music staff, presen ted a piano recital November 23 at 8:00 p.m. Her repertoire consisted of selections by Beethoven, Debussy, and Schubert, and also included a piece entitled, 'Sonata in One Movement" composed by IMiss Zautner herself. The recital was a pleasurable experience for all in attendance,

The plot of Antigone's love life is also interwoven throughout the play•. Creon's son, Hamon, loves Antigone. When he finds out she has been banished, he searches for her. Meanwhile Creon feels a moral obligation, within himself, to bury Antigone's dishonorable brother. He does so and returns to the cave, to' remove the banishment from Antigone. Upon entering, Creon' sees Antigone, hanging by the neck-e dead-and his grief-stricken son lamenting. In despair Hamon tries to kill Creon. His attempt is futile. Hamon then commits suicide. Creon returns home where he learns that his wife, Eurydice, upon bearing the news of the death of her 80n, bas also taken her life. Creon is alone. Grief-striclc:enand ~ . heart, he is at a 1088as to whAt do.


Bud starts work at seven eve.ry morning, that is, every morning he ~ doesn't oversleep. He is on th~ job j until the evening meal. Besides his ' 6000 loaves of bread, he bakes 60 pies a month. Now these pies are not just those found in a regular pie tin, but these pies completely cover his baker sheets. We can't forget about the cookies he bakes. There are 400 dozen of them a month. So you can see Bud is pretty busy, and the most important thing of all is that he enjoys his work. When asked why, he said he just liked it: that'. ail. Renville, Minn., is the home of the DMLC Baker Man. It was here that he fir'Bt started baking. Before he came to us, he spent several years in Renville, Redwood Falls, Jackson, Wis., and one year in Alaska. An experienced and well 'qualified baker, that's Bud. What would we do without him?

In Memoriam

Editorial Stop To Think Stop and think. For what are you thankful? A day off from school? A turkey dinner? A visit with your family, perhaps? These are t?e ohvious things: the things of which we think when someonespeaks of Thanksgiving




we are

thankful for these and all gifts from the Lord. Still thinking? Consider for a ~oment




life at DMLC. You may count the days till vacation; hut, honestly, aren't return over?

Wednesday, Nov.2S, 1964

New Ulrn, Minnesota

Pale 2

you somehow always eag~r t,o to school when "vacatlOnl'~ Make a ment~l thankfu

list and "perhaps you 11 agree you lik: DMLC partly bec!,us~.you belong; yet ..• 'DMLC represents


an Indlvldua~.

is not "just a schooll,'-it a unique society! a. way of

life. Ability to adapt to It



wa indicates one's success .at .thls sc(ool. This doesn't say we hve III a veritable utopia here, f.or where can

one find absolute perfectlOn? There are flaws in every situation. and there are many ways of deahng with them. Complaining· serves !\O

Scores of girls have tread the halls And climbed the flights of stairs, But now they're gone, and in the dorm 18 not a soul who cares. Old Main had been a women's dorm , Until this very year, And in our hearts (we know we're

right) We wish we still were there. The tower bell no longer tolls The coming of a date. The hall is dark and lonely now Where fellows used to wait. Alas, Old Main, we miss you so, And though lire still goes on, We pause awhile, and sadly smile To think of all the fun. Hillview Hall is new and grand, But cannot equal youWe love your every chink and crack, And we will still be true. -D.

Spi elvonti sh Every school child knows and understands Standard Time. Men the world over cooperate in dividing our planet into these twenty-lour zones with a date line which, when crossed, either gives us an extra day or robs us of one.

In tbe U.s., we are so used to Eastern. Central, Mountain, and Pacific time, that even a child knows his favorite program urpose nor does spiritless SUbIl1:IS- broadcast from New York does not begin at ~ion. there's '3 problem, rect~fy seven as the announcer says, but at six. matters and your cause for eomplaiut Each 'spring and fall we all go through the is removed, but don't resort to ml.s- mental calisthenics necessary for the underguided toleration, eit~er; false nobil- standing of daylight-saving time. ity never solved anythmg. There is one type of time, however, which for the ability to and the freedom to do is entirely peculiar to the American publicIndefinite Time, a system from which we dewisdom to change, to rive such terms as sevenish. This institution may not be 80 apparent in the bell-regulated of .a but in the big, wide social the time by which


the morning Add to your nieal'lOme merriment,. And a thought of kith and kin, And then, as your prime ingredient, A plenty of .work thrown in. But spice it all with the essence of love, And a Jittle whiff of play; Let a wise, old book and a glance above Complete a well-made day.

Let Us Give Thanks -from ail editorial in the Northwedern ..utheran, by Professor Erwin E. Kowalke. Luther's explanation of what is meant by he daily bread for which we petition our .eavenly Father in the Lord's Prayer is ... comprehensive list, and yet Luther did not ttempt to complete the list. "And the like" uggests that we ourselves add to the list :ifts that we receive and for which we give hanks. When Noah and his family prepared to esablish themselves again after the great flood, !ley could do 80 with God's clear promise to epend on. "While the earth remaineth, *!dtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and lmmer and winter, and day and night shall ot cease." Harvest will. follow seedtime, lere will always be seasons, there will be lY and night as long as the world stands., fe don't really need automobiles, telephones, ld all the electrical gadgets to preserve ><lilylife, but we do need. seedtime and lrvest and we do need daylight. We see e Bun set and we never give it a thought. e know it will rise again next morning. 18t we can be 80 co.nfidentthat the glorious n will not fail us, is one of the greatest and Lst appreciated gifts of God that we need . our bodily wellare.

Finally Winter Finally, it's really winter. Everyone has been waiting for it since September and now it seems to have made it's entrance on Friday, November 20. Winter actually brings about many changes in campus life. For one thing, my next door neighbor has turned into a little weatherwoman. She is quite concerned that I know what is happening outside, so keeps me very well infonned. Any little change is recorded in her mind and reported to me as soon as she finds me. It's a channing little set up, especially at six-thirty in the morning. It is quite evident that the campus grounds are covered with I~nowl but we aren't too observant If we think that is all. The campus is covered with students. Now that doesn't sound like a big discovery, does it? or course, one must realize that these students are either sitting in the snow or lying face down in a little drift just before they reached the safety of some building. They shouldn't be too disappointed that they didn't quite make it; it they look inside they will most likely- find someone wbo slipped around a corner. It's tru,ly amazing how snow and ice go about teaching us coordination. Oh yes, we must not forget about the steps on the way out of the dining hall. Some of us are becoming rather skilled at coming down those on one leg, others of us seem to think it's better to still use both legs, and still others have found it easier to sort of bounce along in a sitting position. In any event, we all descend those steps in some manner. Another thing which the students enjoy in winter is the drifts of snow that pile up behind and around the cars. Drive out of the parking lot and you will leave the most beautianow because now if higher authorities wish to know if you used your car, you needn't take the time to tell them because your tire tracks give them all the information they need. Of course, they do have to remember whose car was where but once that is done, they're all set. It's quite a trick to drive over the snow without leaving tracks of any kind.

;-i'altematlvea;. you can inf,uru,teth. ill! by baing ten or fifteen minutea' .thus beatina:' her at her own game, or.you may be .- bit early, forcing your date to. scurry 10 that you cannot chat just too long with younger brother, who's all too willing to supply information. Actually there is only one hard and fast rule to remember, and that is never. under any circumstances, to be the first or the last to arrive at a given function. Develop your sense of timing and out-guess the next person so that you arrive middle-endish which is absolutely tbe most desirable time. Being first makes one appear overly eager to impress, and being last leaves the impression of utter disinterest. One should arrive for a suavity attributed only to accomplished In. detinitists. A hostess who is in the know must be adept at being able to anticipate her guests' arrival. Realizing that the invitation says seven, and that no one would dare arrive be. fore seven-fifteen, she'll no doubt spend some hair-graying moments before deciding to serve at eight. Indefinite time surely plex than the standard, flexibility, is much the ~atter. when one makes J8 on time.

is a bit more com~ but because' of its easier to use. No bis appearance, he

A Penny for Your Thoughts Many of the people who insist on giving you a piece of their minds are reckless spendthrifts indulging in a pasttime they can by no means afford.

The walks downtown are perhaps more healthful than those of any season. You always come back with such nice rosy cheeks. Funny, how you can't seem to move very fast, but you look healthy anyway. The couples seem to enjoy winter walks too. I've heard tell that when you're with him you don't even know it's cold but don't you believe it. Naturally the fact that it's cold may slip your mind but. that's because you are so aware of those Itozen feet and numb hands! Love conquers all, but let's wait and see if it conquers winter. other

Ah, .winter, the most beautiful time of the year. As I sit here in my toasty little room I wonder why people so often dislike that time of blizzards and cold winds; it doesn't seem very cold to me.

Snow As I walked along in winter air The grass was brown, the trees were bare. The chilly winter north-wind blows Hinting of the coming snows. Soon a. hexagonal shape Floated down and laid in wait. By two's and three's, then more came down And by the hundreds cloaked the ground. They nestled there in loving care Blanketing the ground so brown and bare. This cover white, so pure and clean Prepares us for the Christmas scene. -D.


Welcome Newcomer The Measenger staff was elated to receive Volume I, Number 1 of The Pioneer Jour ... nal, a school newspaper put out by the pupils of Zion Lutheran School, Mobridge, South Dakota. We guessed that behind this venture was someone who still couldn't rub the printer's ink off her fingers. Who could be more interested in organizing and staffing a newspaper and doing an excellent job with tbe first copy than our last year's editor-in-chief, " Miss Anita Lemke, the principal at Zion's. Our congratulations go. out to ber and ber staff for a job well done. If our past experience with Anita as the "Boss Man" means anything, we can predict a brilliant future for The Pioneer Journal.

Sophistication Sophistication: the art of keeping one's toes out of the crack in the theater seat in front of him.

A Time A time to live, a time to die, a time to work, a time to play; But most of all, a time to pray. A time to liv~ God's holy rules, a time to die in His dear name, a time to seek, a heaven gain. A time to pray, a time to tell to God my flesh's gross sinful way. A time to ask forgiveness divine, Sins forgotten thru' the end of time. A time, each occurence has a time, And now's the time to say: "Dear Lord, my life is thine."

Hard Work Hard work Ie ean accumulation of easy things you didn't do when you should have.

The DMLC Messenger The DMLC Messenrer is published during the months of October, November, De-cember, February, March, April, May' and June. The subscription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment· in advance. The Me.senrer is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business communications should be addressed to' the Buslneee Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the Meuenger is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the college, a.nd to foster school spirit . Editor ................•. Delores Maichle Managinr Editor Jim Zietlow Feature. Editor ..........•.•. Pat Murray News Editor Judy Winter Sports Editor : Boyd Tech Alumni Editor.. .Lcte Sievert Make-up Editor Helen Lochner Business Martarer Karen Dahl Circulation Manager Anita Rehbor, Advertising Manalera . Dave Sauer and Mark Boehme Feature and News Writers . Judy Vonderohe, Debbie Fitch, Joyce Rueckheim, Donna Steinke, Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief. Lois Krause, Connie Oldfield, Colleen Gunderson, Mary Schleuter, John Hardman, Jennifer HOlan Edith Zickuhr, Barbara Musch Sports Writers Dave Schoeneck, John Seifert, Helen Kuehl Henry Meyer Make-up Staff Carol Smith, Rita Bremer, Jean Stevens Circulation Staff Joan Dumke, Joyce Rueckheim, Celeste Schultz, Marlaret Schultz Photolrapher Ray Manthe Assidant Photographer Tom Uppert Typists Jeremy Scharlemann, Ann 5tenske, Jennifer HOlan, Donna Steinke, Judy Wens Proof Readers Judy Wells and Pat Murray Adviser. . , .. Professor Trapp



Nov. 25, 19&&

New Ulm, Mlnneaot.

I Lead Two Lives This statement could well have been made by one of the new members of our music faculty, Mr. Charles Luedke, who during the "reek gives piano and organ lessons here at D.M.L.C. and on week-ends serves the musical needs of Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Minneapolis.

Mr. Luedke, who was born in Hutchinson, Minnesota. "a number of years ago." moved to Minneapolis with, his parents at the age of four. Since then he has attended Pilgrim Lutheran Church and has played the organ at that church since the age of 14. He attended Central High in Minneapolis and graduate-d as valedictorian of his class. He then went on to the University of Minnesota where he majored in education. He received his Bachelor of Science degree with honors in 1963 and went right on to work for his Masters degree in education. His area of concentration was English although h!s degrees entitle him to teach also mathematics and German. He received his master's de-gree this August and then came, here to teach in our music department.

Twenty-one nekel. On Saturday, November 14, a sizable portion of our class was wined and dined at the Renneke residence in Mankato. Everyone had a very nice time at a strictly , fun party. The evening was enhanced by such famous personalities as Agatha Jerdee, Cinderella Habben, -"Creek - it" Lemke, and Cleopatra Schneider just to mention a few. After Password, Charades, and lunch, 11.11 hurried directly home,' perhaps fearful' of a fate similar to Ctndeeelta'e. "You did it - brave and ludry one." You etayed up until 2:30 A,M. watching that scary (?) horror movie. See you Friday when we use our hard-earned free passes! Seventeen new practice teachers have lately begun their work. The returning teachers are already deeply engrossed in such classics as Onion John and Where the Wild Thin.._ Are. Some readers however, did manage to tear themselves away in order to attend the Johnny Mathis program in St. Peter. You can't keep those Fallen Trees down! They've gathered again and now wish to thank Prof.

Prof. Sievert Receives M.A.

He teaches 19 piano students and 29 organ students here on the Hill (This is the first in a series or interand says that he really enjoys it. He must really enjoy music because views of the professors who have received Master's degrees this past he comes over here and practices summer.) organ-from 5 to 7 every morning. The sixteenth of July, 1964, no , Besides playing the organ at Pildoubt will remain a special day ;n grim in Minneapolis, Mr. Luedke the memory of Professor Erich Siealso directs the high school quire vert who heads the education de(this is the Old English spelling partment here at Dr. Martin Luther that this quire uses), which rehearsCollege. On that day, in comes on Saturday morning, and accompanies the senior choir, which mencement exercises conducted in Northrop Auditorium, University of rehearses on Saturday afternoon. Minnesota, Professor Sievert was What does Mr. Luedke do for awarded the degree, Master of Arts, pleasure? He works! He said that with a major in curriculum and inhe enjoys his work 80 much that he considers that his favorite pastime. struction and a minor in psychology. In the field of curriculum and inHe did mention, though, that he is interested in stamp collecting and struction, Professor Sievert devoted reading and an occasional game .or considerable time to the study of the teaching of reading. His major bowling or badminton. But his thesis was "A Comparative Study chief interest is in the field of music. of the Reading Achievement of a In college he marched in the UniGroup of Intermediate Grade Chilversity band and one year went dren Taught to Read by a Phonetic' with the band to the Rose Bowl. Approach with the Reading ExpecHe plays the baritone. tancy for Their Grades Based on If any of you are ever up in the wee hours of the day, you may see the Bond-Tinker Formula." ProCessorSievert considers himself quite Mr. Luedke in his 1950 Plymouth, which he affectionately calls the fortunate to have studied under Dr. Gray Goose, driving onto the cam- GUY L. Bond who at present is pus to practise and keep himself heading a nation-wide study on the teaching of reading under the sponabreast of his double musical life. sorship of the United. States Office of Education. He also feels that his work in the area of psychology will be helpful to him in his work here at Dr. Martin Luther College. When asked what he enjoyed most about his work at the University of Minnesota, he stated that he thoroughly enjoyed his entire year of study, not only because of the many new insights he gained in fields of study that interest him greatly, but also because his experience oC the past year gave him new insights about the process of education from a student's point of view. Since graduating from Dr. Martin Luther College 1932, Professor


liThe Three Tutors"

TUTORS, L to R: Habben, Pautz and Cross. Tutor Larry Cross, a native of Grand Island, Nebraska, comes to DMLC from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin. Tutor Cross spent his high school days at Northwestern Lutheran Academy, Mobridge, South Dakota, and received his college education at Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis. Duties at DMLC consist of high school Algebra I and Latin 1. A large portion of his work consists in assisting the other tutors in dormitory management. Basketball is one of Tutor Cross' enjoyments; he was on the high school team at Mobridge. He is looking forward to basketball season at DMLC. His spare time is consumed in the repair of automobiles. After a year at the seminary, Tutor Kermit Habben joins the staff of DMLC instructors. A native of Raymond, . SOuth Dakota, he received the same preparatory education as did Tutor Cross. Tutor Habben was active in basketball at


~~~~~~~~~~~--~#~~~i1n~Ua~~~~~~ a... Point, Eau

Joins Faculty Another new member of the DMLC music faculty is Miss Leurine Zautner who hails from West Bend, Wisconsin. As a member of the music staff, she is in charge of giving piano lessons to approximately fifty-one students whom she enjoys working with very much. Mlss Zautner attended Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisc., where she majored in piano and minored in music theory and composition.' Upon completing two years of post-graduate work at the University of Illinois, she received her master's degree last June. Miss Zautner enjoys teaching at DMLC because she feels. that, on the whole, the piano students of DMLC have a greater sense of responsibility toward their courses than many of those pursuing the same courses in a state university. She was also favorably impressed with the new music center and all its facilities. On the whole, she is very happy with all aspects of her new position and states, "I enjoy being at this end of the desk."

Claire, and Madison, and Mankato State College. He has also done correspondence work at Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois. In expressing his gratefulness to his Lord and Savior for His gracious blessings on his past years of study, Professor Sievert said it was his hope and prayer to continue his advanced study at some future date. He has been admitted to the doctoral program at the University of Minnesota at the present time.

Miss Aydelotte Teaches Piano

i!) ,

Last month the first in a series of R'!i~eRue:!O~ Ho~:c~~~~~i~~~Z Rented to further our knowledge and appreciation' or the work our foreign !!1+s:~~~r~~esi:rH~~~ngKo~;" h:~trcl~; Miss Ruege told us of the problem of heathen Chinese religions that confront our workers. This month ~:he~f~gida~l;ic~bs~cl~s towi~~ overcome in any foreign mission field-the language barrier. In China this problem is more difficult i~e ~~~debe~~~~e ~f~h~~:ste~iffei~ ence between the English and Chiness languages, as Miss Ruezebcre points out.

Teachers who have had the problem of "getting down to the level" of their pupils' comprehension have some idea what one faces in Hong The new occupant of Studio 115 Kong with the language problem. in the Music Center is Miss Joyce The native language of our stuAydelotte. There she spends most dents is Cantonese, one of the Chiof her time teaching the art of piano nest dialects most common in the playing to high school and college southern part of China. When students, comparing it with English, one beA native Ohioan, Miss Aydelotte gins to wonder whether two languareceived her master's degree in piano ges ever differed so greatly. The from the Chicago School of Music, Westerner who tackles the job of She spends her summers attending learning any kind of Chinese must various schools-of music in the Uni- to .a certain extent accommodate ted States and abroad. Among the his thinking to that oC the Chinese. .,~:~ '~:~ (~:~teE::n~h:t;:~~. enjoyvarious schools are Aspen School oC For example: ; . I'd- like to call the following bit English: He comes by plane OR Music in Colorado, and this past of pertinent infonnation to the atTwenty-three days, four papers, summer, Fontainbleau School of He is flying. "tention of our class. If you have and one undecorated chapel stand Music near Paris, France. Chinese: Ta sh tzuoh feiji lai de not as yet started on your term between us and a Merry Christmas, Before coming to DMLC Miss reno He is sit in airplane type perpapers-YOU ARE DEFINITELY but we'll never say die! Aydelotte taught piano, along with son. BEHIND! I! I'll end on this note Conversely, such difficulties in acOn the afternoon of November 12, courses in music history and theory because P"U one of the "definitely all of us hypomaniacs assembled to at Briar University and Northwest- commodating their thinking to Engare" group. give our ball a push in the proper ern State University in Louisiana. .lish must be faced by our students. direction by appointing a planning Comprehension difficulties arise on Besides the piano, Miss Aydelotcommittee for our decorations. We te's great love is traveling.' To two levels: 1. Failure to comprehend With Christmas just around the SUggest that you watch the chapel date she has been all over the Uni- Bingle words. In many cases, excorner, College II members have for further developments. ted States and in thirteen foreign cept in writing tests, students been busy gathering and sortinlr We've also ordered our class jew- lands. Travelling gives her an op- overcome this difficulty to some exideas for Christmas deeorationa. elry. Graduation creeps ever closer, portunity to learn or practice for- tent by carrying little Chinese-EngDiane, Tomfohr, Carl Helke, Lois and Call Nieht is only 545 days offl eign languages, and to seek addi- lish dictionaries. some of which look Sievert, and Kathy Pielmeier are Hannony students who attended tions for her miniature piano collec- well-worn indeed. 2. Failure to unmembers of the committee with the the "Benny Goodman Story" are tion, a hobby she acquired from a derstand idiomatic expressions. impressive name of Christmas Dec- still wondering how he could just former teacher. This is much more difficult to reorations Planning Committee. With. play what he lelt like playing when solve, for one can check each word Miss Aydelotte is favorably imin the next few days,' they will have they can't. How come he didn't pressed with New Ulm and DMLC. in a dictionary and still fail to comdecided definitely on the decoratioliB have to consult the bass players to She is pleased with the cooperative- prehend the meaning. . our c1aas will put up, and the Col- find out which rule to apply? And ness of the students and with the On the secondary level, most stulege II class can put their artistic his music BOunds good yeti 'Tis chance to devote all her time to the dents are expected to have some talents to work. Sounds like fun! knowledge of English. The schools truly amazing. teaching of piano.

College III

College II

Mobridge, and served as president of the student body at Northwestern. Here at DMLC, Tutor Habben is engaged in the teaching of senior social science. In his free time, Tutor Habben enjoys hunting. He makes a point of keeping up-to-date with current events, also. Tutor Daniel Pautz is teaching Latin I this year, and also instructs privately several students in Latin. He also coaches various sports activities; right now he is busy with high school, football. Tutor Pautz is a native of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. His high school and college years were spent at Northwestern in Watertown, where he served on the student body council. As a sports enthusiast, he was active in football. He was a member of the all-state Coot ball team in 1963. Our tutors this year are Cond of traveling. As a matter of fact, they have done much of their journeying together. Tutor Cross has done extensive traveling in western United States. From Oregon, he has visited areas south to Guaymas, Mexico. Tutors Pautz and Habben volunteered for synod's . canvass of various states this summer. Their work took them to the northern states from Wisconsin over to Washington. Tutor Habben observes that there is a tremendous amount of work yet to be done for the ministry, especially in areas such as Colorado and Oregon. The Me.. enaer extends its weI¡ come to our new tutors, with the hope that their year with us at DMLC will prove to be a pleasant and profitable one.

i!) ,

in Hong Kong are either English or Chinese schools, depending on which language is used for teaching the majority of classes. Most primary schools are Chinese; teaching English only as one of the subjects in the curriculum. The majority of secondary schools tend to be English, however, since many students Ieel a good knowledge of English will enable them to take advantage of better job opportunities. The problem of the secondary school, then, is one of transitionadjustjng the students to use this "foreign language" (for as such it has been taught) as the medium in which they must do the majority of their studying and listening. Such subjects as history or geography must now be learned in English; yet it dare not be of a lower standard or the students will be unable to compete with their contemporaries attending Chinese secondary schools. English language text books also present a' problem. Although a number of them have been written for the Hong Kong school system, most of them are still textbooks used at the same level in British schools. Thus, many of our Chinest students must learn from and try to comprehend texts at the same level as their British counterparts in England, to whom English is the mother tongue. Truly, this problem E enough to keep the local aspirin makers in business.

Alumni News Weddings: Seattle, Washington is the home or Mr. and Mrs. David Farstad, '62 (Lanita Aswege) who were joined in marriage June 20th. Another June wedding took place in Racine, Wisconsin on June 6. It was then that Robert Johnson and Margaret Robb, '60 were married. August 8 marks the wedding day of Paul Snyder and Rosemary Belter, '63, who presently live in Baraboo, Wisconsin. (Continued on Page 4, Co1. 5)


New Ulm, Minnesota


Time Oat

Spectatorship is a very important aspect of the sports' world. With basketball season upon us here at D.M.L.C., let us examine these persons who are commonly known as "the fans." . Who are these fans? They are very easy to recognize once you have seen them. Has anyone ever approached you and enthuaiastieally tried to perSuadeyou to attend a certain game? No doubt, this person was a fan. Even though many spectators attend games for various reasons, not aU are truly fans. A fail will be seen engulfed with the sport, the calls, and the cheers. He. will not sit there as a "bump on a log," but he will yell and cheer and show his appreciation (or the team. Where are these fans to be found? Most students think that just by comingto a game they show bow enthusiastic they are about the sport and what avid fans they are. True, these people must be considered as fans but as to whether they are avid or not is debatable. What happens to all these fans after all the cheers' are over and another day arrives? If they are real fans, they will be found at the meetings o( the pep club, planning pep fests, and working on committees to promote sports on our campus. For those who have the abilities, pep band is offered as a voluntary organization which aids the fans in their cheering. With all this talk about (ans, I suppose that many of you are wondering, "Of what use are fans?" It seems as if every speech that a player of any team makes- ends with a plea to the assembly to eome to the game and cheer the team on to a victory. Perhaps the exact words of specificcheers cannot be heard by the players, but the supporting noise of a crowd of fans can be heard by them. A lack of that support does not aid in the building of the morale o( a team. Through posters, moral support, and working on committees for homecoming and pep fests, the team sees the evidences of how much fans appreciate all their extratlme and effort to form this team. Now that this "sport" of being a fan seems rather one-sided, you are wondering just why you should become a fan too. It is not a one-sided proprnlition,thougb. Certainly, it is easily seen that by attend~ng ~ game and cheering you are allowing yourself to release tbat energy which IS often lying dormant, waiting to be freed. Sports enthusiasm and spectator pa.rticipation are a pleasant diversion from the constant routine of studying. This diversion causes the fan to enjoy himself and to relax. By staying in your own private world of neglect of sports, you miss ~n exciti~g and. rewarding part of campus life and campus fun. To avoid becoming a true fan is to become a creature in a shell. So with basketball games on our calendar, let us not forget that epectatorahip is a vital sport in itseU. To thoroughly enjoy your position as a spectator, you should become a fan as well and back your team all the way. Let's give it a try. Okay? •. okavl

Ask The Coach Luther began this year's college basketball aeaaonby playing EatherviDe here, Saturday, November 21. As a starting team Coach Dallmann chose Dale Walz and Jack Gronholz at s.uard 'tlona, 11011.Schroer.

and don't know too much about them. We hope (or at least .500." The B team at DMLHS isn't off to such a.good.start. All together, twenty still attend practices, hut Coach Heiderich baa to make anoth-

forward positions. Coach was unto make any predictions other than this: "We plan to win more games than last year." November 20, Luther High's A· squad basketball team beiins its season with aa away game at Win.. throp. Coach Kaioer leela that the team obouJd do lairly well this year. The team is eompoeeci of a total of twelve men, ranging in bei&'ht from five feet ten inches to lix feet three inches. Coach Kaiser stated, "We're not hurtini in height, but our team' isn't exceptionally futi bowever, we do have fast guards. Our starting team is 100<1, but we are lacking in substitutes." The prospective lineup for tbe first game is as follows:Phil Hempel and Greg Lenz will play guards, Gary Schoeneck is at center, and Art Koepsell and Garry. Wille are at the forward positions. Steve Schwichtenbergwill be the first sub· stitute at guard, and Dave Traudt and Bruce Heckmann will be the first subs at fOrylard. liAs far as predictions go," stated Coach, "it's hard to .say how we'll tum out. We're playmr new teams

members. Because the B team has just been working on Iayups, a starting lineup won't be set up until their first ,arne, No:vember20. Coach said, "We haven't worked On any plays yet and aren't ahaping up too well because of lack of beight A lack 01speed will burt ua too." Coach Heiderich declined to make any predictions other than, "Things don't look too good at present." Because changes in rules which are unknown to fans may cause hard (eelinrs, three oC toe more im· partant ones should be made known. When a free throw is missed and the ball is to remain alive, the clock will, start when the ball touches or is touched by a player on tbe couet. Whenever the throw-in spot is di· ractly behtnd a backboard, the throw-in shall be made from the nearer free throw lane boundary line extended. More restrictions have been placed on tbe coach too. He must remain seated on tbe bench except at certain times and during certain situations which are lilted in the rules. Coacb Kaiser says, UThey hardly let the coach come to the game anymore."

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Alumni Antics

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On November 27, the L-Club will again sponsor the annual alumni versus varsity basketball game. The activities which are scheduled for the evening should make it a nigbt of great enjoyment. The activities start at 6:00 P.M. with a preliminary game between the fourth-year college men and the faculty. Between the two games there is going to be a performance given by the tumbling team and also a performance will be given by George DeNoyer on the trampoline. The game between the alumni and varsity is to get under way at 7:30 P.M. During halftime there will be performances by the tumbling team and by Tutor Pautz on the trampoline. Following the games, a little lunch will be served over in the dining hall for the alumni, faculty, and all college students.

Cheer Leaders Chosen By New Ballot As the cold winter weather descends upon our campus Onceagain, aU the athletic activity is centered in the college gymnasium. Following tradition, three squads of cheerleaders were selected by the respective student bodies to lead them in cheering the teams to victory. This year the college adopted a new form of ballot for the selection o( their five cheerleaders. Each prospective cheerleader was jUdged on her pep, kicks, jumps, peraonalit,.,- and her ability to cheer-In a group: Very good competition was offered, and judging became a problem (or many students. Janean ¥.ahnin« and Albnicht . had . been on last year's cheerleading "team" and were'again voted in for


this year. Ronda Dallman, Barb Schultz, and Carol Endreson were the other three collegiate cheerleadera aelected. The high school cheerleadera were alao chosen by tqeir student body. Four girls were elected for leading cheers for the "A" team. These girls are Ruth Schroeder, Chris Zahn. Sandy Schroeder. and Pat Lindemann. Due' to a leg injury, Ruth Schroeder was not able to try-out as did the other girls, but she was selected ror the performance of her cheerleading during the last two years. High school liB" team cheerlead· ers were also chosen. The three se· lected were Marvie Klausch, Peggy Veach, and Jenny VoU. Now that you have selected these fine cheerleaders, show them that you are still backing them by cheer.. ing at all those games.

Nay. 25, 1964

Alumni News Continued from Page 3, Col. 5

The wedding of Ronald Alexander and Rita Petrowsky, 'ij3 took place August 15 in Wayne, Michigan. Anniversary: Congratulations to Professor and Mrs. Sievert who celebrated their 25thweddinganniversary on August8. Reverend and Mrs. David A. Witte (Dorothy Vogel, '62) of Globe, The basketball season is here and Wisconsin have been blessed with a an all out effort is being made to healthy girl whom.they named Defill the gym with spectators. The bra Lee. Debra was born October 9. '64·'65 cheerleaders are depending Kurt Tyson brought joy to the on us to 'bring down the rafters' in hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Arlyn Koehn DMLC's gymnasium, to show our (Betty Vogel, '59) at his birth Aug· team that we're behind them 100%. ust 20. The happy family lives in. Racine, Wis. The poster and booster button November 2 turned out to be a campaign is also in high gear. special day for the Robert Sperlinga, Posters advertising the coming '61, (Meredith Blanchard, '69) when' games are made by each Pep Club Randall Scott was born, July 4 was the celebration of a member and a special committee is new baby girl, Beth Ann, in the presently planning the booster cam- Paul Gillespie family. (Marilyn paign. The basketball banquet is Bartsch, '61) . Karen Beth brought the number still in the planning stage, awaiting of children in the Elroy Bartsch, faculty approval. '57, family (Mona Lea Haag),to five It will be worthwhile to take time at her birth June n. Belated congratulations to Mr. out from your studies, relax, and en· joy yourselves as our Lancers and Mrs. Lester Unnash (Sandra Papenfuss HS '51) who had a son, FIGHT on to VICTORY. Peter Lester, on May 7, 1963.



Thirty-four Years Of Progress Beck, Floyd As a musical organization at - 2nd Sass-Fred DMLC the Marluts had its begin- Broker, Annin Huhn, Richard Sienings in the year 1930, when a vert, Gilbert Timm. group of male students became i,nMost of the music sung by the terested in increasing the student ac- Marluts was paid for by the singers tivity at tbe college. Because a themselves. Several numbers which group of men was interested in sing- they contributed are still available ing, such a musical organization in tbe collegemusic library. was brought into being. The name This choral group was available chosen is a sbortened form of Mar:tin Luther. It was suggested by for singing at various activities on and off campus, providing enterMr. Zahn, now the head of our tainment (or gatherings at various music department, . ., _.__ ., . '. congreglittion.liCtlf~ni area~: :Ch&rter membe;.up the In June 1931 the group presented a regulations (or membership. Only concert with the DMLC band. those who passed a series of voice Some of the popular tunes sung by tests were accepted. This included tbe group included "Sylvia," "Sleepy sight singing, singing in pitch, tone Hollow Tune," and "Kentucky quality, and the ability to blend Babe." In 1932, the Marluts pi'awith the group. Tbe organizers by sented a concert of their Own. Tbis vote chose the members of the 1930 male chorus on one occasion sang at Marlut Singers. After graduation the Turner Hall between selections had depleted the ranks somewbat, rendered by the New Ulm Munithe remaining members acted as a cipal Band. voting body to replace members unMr. M. Zahn directed the singers til a balanced group of sixteen sing.. ers was chosen. That system was in 1930-81 and again in '31-32. Tbe followed until in later years the director for the 1982-33 scbool year membership was opened to all col- was Mr. Carl Wacker. Mr. Arthur lege men who were interested in Glende directed in 1933-34. Mr. W. Nolte was the fourth director. singing with the chorus. Records of subsequent directors are The first director of the Marlut Singers was Mr. Meilahn Zahn. A not available. Through the years, the Marluts list of charter members is not available, but the personnel in 1931 was have become an' integral part of DMLC life. This year tbe group is a8 follows: directed by John Hardman. OffiMeilabn Zahn, Director cers are as follows: President, Herb Wolff; Vice-President, Willie Engel; Emanuel Arndt, Accompanist Secretary-Treasurer, Ron Schultz. lit Tenor-Emanuel Arndt, ArOne cool, brisk, and early morn· nold Lober, Frederick Manthey, in&:,sbortly before Christmas, stu.. Edgar Wiechmann. 2nd Tenor-Elmer Behrens, dents will bear the Marluts singing Henry Gruenhagen, Arthur Glende. carols below their window, and then 1st Ba.. -Roland Jacobs, Victor they'll know vacation time is almost here. Lehmann, Carl Wacker.




+ Our



Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer'. Pharmacy Beck'. Jewelry Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown's Music Store BuUemer'. Citizen's State Bank Coa.t-to-Coast Store Dairy Bar Dacotah Hotel Dlnlne Room Dr. Akre, Optometrist 01'. Fesenmaler 01'. Haroldson, Optometrist Dn. Geo..,e Kuehnel' &: Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Schwartz, Dentist· Dr. Tyler


Eichten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbine " Heatlnl' Farmer's &. Merchant's Bank Fesenmaier Hardware Forster's Furniture, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothier's Harolld's Shoe Store Henle Dru"s Herbercerts Herzoe Publishine Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lanr Sarber Shop Leuthold.Neubauer Clothiers Meidl Music Store Meyer Studio Mode O'Oay Frock Shop Montgomery Ward Muesing's Drug Store

New Vim Brick &: Tile Yard. New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift &: Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouse. New Ulm Theater Ochs Brick &: Tile Yards Sprinc6eld Oswald's New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick's Jewelers J. C. Penney Co. Pink'. Polta Drue Store Raftis Department Store Reim and Church Jewelers RellabIe Oruc. Retzlaff Hardware Rite-Way Cleaners Scheible Plumbine &; Heatinl' Schnobrich's City Meat Market Seara

Seifert Clinic Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Henry Somaen, Lawyer Spelbrlnk's Clothlnl' &: Casual Shop Sportsman's Crill Sport.men Shop State Bank of New Ulm 1V Sicnal Ulm Orcelwerke-Howard Nolt. Ulrich Electric VOlel Clinic Dr. Howard VOlel Dr. Milton Kaiser Vocelpohl'. Leather Goods Lucca,e - Gift. Wave-o-Lene Weneeda Cafe and Bakery Wilfahrt Brothers F. W. Woolworth Co.




18, 1964

Gift Received Dr. Martin Luther College is the grateful recipient of a substantial gilt by Mr. Henry N. Somsen, Jr., 20 Camelsback Road, New Ulm. Mr. Somaen, a prominent New Ulm lawyer, has designated this gift as a memorial to his grandparents, Mr. E. G. and Elisabeth Koch, and to their children: Lydia Heidmann, Emma Koch, William E. Koch, Albert F. I(oeh, Bertha Fenske, Meta K. Somsen, Ida Koch, and Dr. George R. Koch. It is Mr. Somaen'a wish that the monies be used by t.he college for some permanent improvement or addition to its facilities.

Community Hears Soloist Davis

Students Express Joy Through Decorations Christmas is a joyous time oC the year, one to which every Christian looko forward. At DMLC, students express some of their feeling through the decorating of various parts of the campus. This year. as in every year past. the chapel was decorated by the eoUep juniors. On the front ""alls on either ride of the organ are the croas, the crown of ,lory, the star of peace, and the

The first Community Concert was presented on Dec. 3, 8:15 p.m., in the auditorium of the New Ulm public high school. Tenor Charles K. L. Davis appeared there to an audience of townspeople and Hill residents, his remarkable voice ringing throughout the concert hall,

The five-pointed star is connected with the festival of Epiphany which proclaims the manifestation of the Christchild to the Genttlea. The "wise men from the East" sought the royal infant of David's line when they observed the star. I.N.R.I. is the abbreviation for Iesus Nazarenus Rex ludaeorum (Jesus of Nazareth, Yfng of the Jews). This was the superscription

New Ulm, Minne.ota

His Name Shall Be Called

EMMANUEL Christmas at DMLC is a joyous- time of year. This year the theme is: "His Name Shall Be Called Emmanuel." As in past years, the chapel area hears this theme. As one views the cross, crown and star, the thought is that Christ's mission here on earth was not completed with the Christmas story but must be connected w ith His Death. Christ's misaion on earth was fulfilled with His death and resurrection. It is because of this t.hat we find our greatest joy in Christ's birth. With these thoughts in mind, the high school and college choirs will present the 1964 concert. Tbe evenings of December 17th and 18th, at 8:00 P.M., have been set eefde for the service. The pre-service music will be provided by the DMLC concert band, under the direction of Mr. Roy ,Zimmermann. Their selections include: Noel Suite. , Daquin-Gordon Carol of the Drum. _ Davis-Werle Overture to "The Messiah". ............ . Handel-Cailliet The service will commence with the processional hymn, "Hark the Herald Angels 'Sing," accompanied by organist, Darlene Hauch. The Icllowing is the program for the concert: HIGH SCHOOL MASS CHORUS Fanfare for Christmas Day. . . .... _Martin Shaw Organ: Patsy Boehning Trumpets: Philip Hempel and John Boeck o Come, All Ye Faithful.... .ssr. by Shaw-Parker Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones. . .... Arr. by O~C. Cbristiansen HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR .. Arr. by Mattht"w Lundquist Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee. .An. by Huto Juengst While hy My Sheep -Christmas Hymn). . . Lutber-Schoiin Away in a Manger . Sweetly Angel Choirs Are Singing... . Morton Luvaae .Arr. by Cbsrlee Black Joy to the World. Organ: Patsy Boe~ning COLLEGE CHOIR II Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart in Peace .... Gustav Kittan Of the Father's Love Begotten.... . ..... An. by S. Drummond Wolff Organ: Diane Wernicke THE CHRISTMAS STORY.. . .Fritz Reuter. Organ: Janet Griebling Piano: Jean Quast

A native Hawaiian, Mr. Davis sang several songs of the islands, and ended his encores with the familiar "Aloha Oe!" His repertoire consisted of songs from famous operas and other beautiful melodies; he demonstrated his ability to sing Choir in seven languages, other than HaNarration: Speaking Choir waiian. Manv students were surprised and delighted to hear Mr. COLLEGE CHOIR I . .... G. Handel Davis sing a Russian melody which And the Glory of the Lord (from "The M... iah").. is, translated, '!I.-9ve_ly ', ){OICOW . Lol To Us Is Iiorn~a~9~~:~t.~~YJ~::,~.9!l~. .Liebnold "Wights," for this was recognizable Emil D. Backer as the basis for the recently popular Shumm She! Good Friday and Easter story. Lord ...... c:rucified. Masters in This Hall (Englisb Caro!) _ An. by H. Simeone Even in the Hrtb, heralded }'Iythe In the last symbol, the Messianic tune, "Midnight in Moscow." Oth.. Presentation of Christ in the Temple Joh. Eccard, 1553-1661 shining star of peace, the arony of Rose and the Star of the Epiphany er favorites of those assembled were THE CHRISTMAS ADDRESS ... Prof. Carl Schweppe; Pl'of. Oscar Siegler the croas looms ahead. Neverthe- are combined to form an emblem of Rubenstein's "If You Are But. a THE TREBLE CHOIR . lees, our God has also overcome the the fulfillment prophecy of Balaam Dream," and "Stranger in ParaFrom Heaven High J Come to Earth ... ·.......... . .. Jan Bender dise" (rom Kiamet. grave for us and ~igns in our lives in Numbers 24:17, "There shall Organ: Janet Griebling with a crown most glorious. In corne a Star out of Jacob ... " Mr. Davis has appeared on the Ol-oe: Patricia Murray B~ l.irth, in HIs death, and in our In these many ways is our Lord Flutes: Vicki Johnson raurreetion with Him, Jesus is- our and Savior Christ Jesus with us. operatic stage, made numerous television appearances, given many reJanice Schlomer Emmanue1-our "God with us." He is Emmanuel. citals, and sung in some leading Linda Wehn On the north wall are seven symsupper clubs of the country. He Bassoons: Sharon Gamerdinger bols, six of which represent Christ, has made countless recordings for Leah Weber the other representing the Holy prominent labels. Trumpe.: Leilani Ottenbacher TrbUty. Tbs number-_en is in THE COMBINED COLLEGE CHOIRS ItieJr BYD¢oli. of the Beven rifts of ......... Praetoriua Es 1st ein Ros' entiprungen . the Holy Spirit. On Sunday evening. December 13. ......... L. Redner o Little Town of Bethlehem . In the center and most predom· the streets of New Ulm rang with .. Sicilian Folksong o du froehliche . iuant, is the .ymbol of the Trinity the sounds of Christmas carols as .G. Handel The Hallelujah Chorus ("The MeFsiah"). formed. by joining the triquetra and the Aeolians made .their aDnual Organ: Gayle Koepsell ·~Ie. The three equal arcs of caroling rounds. In this way the Piano: Janice Weishabn circle denote equality of the DMLC college women spread the Tympani: Darlene Hauch Thursday night, December 10, at ,~ perlOns of the Godhead: the true joy of Christmas. The service will be concluded with the recessional hymn-"Silent Night" 10:30 many of the stude~ts here at lines run continuously expressing Traditionally, the Aeolians caroled .... Descant r.y E. D. Backer. their eternal existence; they are in- at the homes of the rrofessors and DMLC were glued to the dormitory terwoven in expression of tbeir personnel from the Hill, the pastors television sets to see the second ·UJrlty. The interwoven triangle re- who serve us downtov."ll,the teach- television appearance of our College mincla us that the three persone are ers from St. Paul's Grade School, 'oo-ecjual .. ststed. in the Athanssian and the shut-ins at Union Hospital, Choir 1. These appearances are in The Faculty of Dr. Martin Luther College wishes students, alumni, ·Creed~ -ijere we have a complex Loretto Hospital, Brou'tl County connection with a series of Christand friends a mas concerts on FEYC-TV in Manexp~on of equality, eternity, Home, and Highland Manor NunMERRY CHRISTMAS unity, -and glory. . ing Home. In all 85 visits were kato given by various choirs in the This gr~ting is 'Pore than a mere formality extended because it is th(> To' the right of this, the first two made that evening by ei&ht Aeolian area. Choir I, under the direction thing to do at this time of the year. We are certain that you will han letters of the Greek word for Christ, groups. of Professor Zahn, was asked to 1joyous Christmastide becauSE'" you know the significanee of the birth of the Chi and the Rho, are combined At the close of this evening of sing this year again. ·1im who is Emmanuel, God with us. in the Cbriatogram with the alpha walking, singing, and having fun, and the omega as suggesteq in Rev. the women hastened to the dining The selections used were those to Coming as a man clothed in flesh for but one reason, He became Em22:13, "I am the Alpha and the hall. where they were joined r.y the be sung at the Concert here and in· nanuel to fulfill a divine purpose. He came "to save His people frolT' Omega, the 'first and the last, the Marluts for a Christ'l'las Party. their sins." He was horn to die, not for Himself but for us. beeinning and the end." Enclosed This party was a wonderful mixture eluded: "And the Glory of the Lord" (from The Meaaiah) by Paul places the Manger of Bethlehem and the Cross of Calvery in in a circle, this symbol signifies that of singing, talking, and eating. "roper perspective, when He says in his Christmas Gospel: "God sent George Handel, "Es ist ein Ros' the eternal Christ is the beginning One very pleasant aspect of this entsprungen" by Praetorius, "Lol rorth His Son, made of a woman, made uodt"r the Law, to redeem that and end of all things. \'ere under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of BOns." To the left of the Trinity symbol party was the excellent service giv- to us is Born an Infant" by Liebia the Messianic sunburst of glory. en us by our waiters. These men hold, "0 Little Town of BethleIt is true, there is a minor chord in the believers' Song of Christmas' in white aprons usually wear l-usihem" by L. Redner, "0 du FroehThe monogram at the center, en"He was born to die for us." The Christmas Gospel speaks both of compassed by the eternal circle, ness suits and teach on the Hill. liche," "Masters in this Hall" arlife and death. All the events surrounding Christ's hirth direet our atrepresents· the fi...t three lette... of But on that night they donned un- ranged by Harry Simeone, "Sbumm tention to the purpose of His incarnation. Beyond Bethlehem, the the name "Jesus" in Greek. The usual costumes and waited on table. Shei" by Emil D. Backer, "PresenChristian beholds the reality of Calvary. Their wives alPOgot into the act 'toy tation of Christ in the Temple" by b", through the top of the "h" is a Because you are the children of God into whose hearts Be bas lent contraction sign .bowing that thi. dishing out the food under the Johann Eccard, Hallelujah (from the Spirit of adoption, because you cry, "Abba, Father," in the name_01 ie not the entire word: it may alIa watchful eye of Mr. Bilitz, who kept "The Messiah") by George Handel, the food coming. and "Silent Night" with a descant "fis Son, Emmanuel, you understand why the CrOl8 .ud CroWD' cast ~ind us of the cro8s. • On Friday, the last day of .. hool, by Emil D. Backer. their shadow over the Manger in this year'. campus decoraUona. For In the lower left-hand comer, tho this reason also you ~understand ~hy we are convineed that you will Meaaianic Roae II comltined with a the Marlut. will arise .. rly to !-ring We hope that the TV audience Christmaa joy to the sleeping cam"",,dleotick which Npreoents Chrilt, 'lave a received as much (rom our musical MERRY CHRISTMAS the Light of the World, as the ful- pus in the fonn of BOng. This will GOllpelmessage all did the choir in fillment of Old Testament prophe· be a very "Christmasy" way to


Car()ls Echo

-u... .

.Choir I Spreads Christmas Message

nrf'l,Hinl" fn, thifl


New Ulm, Minnesota

Page 2

Latest Invention Dear Students of Dr. Martin Luther College: It has come to my attention (1've been snooping around) that with the approach of the Christmas season you have again become involved in the inevitable business of Yuletide decorating. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my latest, most practical invention, which is not yet on the public market (because I can't get a patent for it), the Decorating Machine. The Decorating Machine is capable of decorating anything anywhere, indoors and out. Lawns, chapels, balls, and rooms can all be decked with bough. of holly by the mere touch of a button: lightstringing, tree-decking, and greensbanging will no longer be a problem. The decorating machine is also very adept at working on smaller projects, such as crepe-papering, snowflake-cutting, and gift-wrapping. Attachments are available for more specialized tasks such as napkin stuffing, cardboard cutting, and spray-painting. This year as a speclal added attraction I have de-

He's Born "He comes, He comes!" the angels say, M they proclaim that BI... ed Day, The day on which our Lord and Kine Salvation unto us did bring. "He's born, He's born'''' the shepherds say, They spread the good !lews on their way,

M on to Bethlehem they trod To eee the infant Son of God. HHe's born, He's born!" the wisemen say. The,. rode long miles to where He lay. Tbe;y-........the-- ...

, • shining light,

It led them to Him through the night. uHe'. born, He's born'" all Christians say, HRejoice, God'8 Son is born today. Our Savior and our King is He; From all aina He has set U8 free!" . -Linda Rausch

What's the Forensic? "You mean you've never heard of the Forensic? Just a little? Well, (orget everything you've heard and listen to this." The Forensic is a Luther Literary League publication in which original stories, plays, poems, essays. and other writings of DMLC students are published. This year the staff is trying something new. and 80 the Forensic will be published in a bound booklet form only in the spring. In an endeavor to raise its horizons, the Forensic will contain not only work submitted directly to the staff, but will contain well written work supmitted in the fields of dogmatics, history, education, or in any other collegecourse wheresuch work is required. It is the League's hope that this book will eventually represent the best works of the DMLC student body for a particular school year. In the spring. those who have contri1::utedto the publication, and the Luther Literary League mem~ bers, will be the first to receive conies. After this, there will be a limited supply on hand for the students. The staff hopes this plan will succeed, but it will only do so with the cOOperationof the professors and students. It should encourage greater effort on the part of the writers. Not only will the prof... sors be happy to receive work suitahle to recommend for publication, but &<) will the staff. Only the students can make this Issue of the Foren.ic worthwhile. (Oireet contributions may be placed In the box In the library)

Japanese New Year

FridaYt Dec. 18, 1964

Do "You" Believe in Santa Claus?


veloped the DeLuxe model which sends out greeting cards, memorizes music, and makes Reader's Digest Christmas trees and egg-carton ornaments. Wrapped in the tradition which is How did you find out there was It is my sincere hope that you the heritage of every Japanese, New no Santa Claus? If you resemble students will be pleased with your Year's Day is the most important the majority of students asked this It :rept up on us rather suddenlYfree-trial of the Decorating Ma- holiday in Japan. A gay spirit of question, you never really believed here It IS, ~lmost Christmas, end ~ne chine. It should arrive at your celebration is observed throughout there was one! For those innocents h~rdly realizes the fact. But In t~e school shortly after December 25. the country. Houses are cleaned, who were once under the impression midst of these ~usy weeks, perhaps It I am sure this new time and labor- debts are paid, presents are pur- that Jolly Old Saint Nick was in- rs good to consider for wha~, purpo~e saving device will allow you to chased, and the courtesies of the deed the source of all Christmas we have been working. This doesn t spend more time on your studies, season are exchanged according to bounty-disillusionment came in refer to OUr class 'York;. surely we all wh!ch h~ve a ~asty ha~it ~f inter- customs so old that many have lost different ways. Frequently the sad know our purpose in this, There are fermg With hohday SOCiallife, and much of their meaning. tale was "some kid told me" or other activities which have kept us will al~o provide y~u ~ith more op-. Probably the most notable ob- "my brother told me." Often an all quite busy of late. Pause a minportuD1t~ for medltatl~n on what aervance to the foreigner is the dec- unsuspecting mother was approach- ute, and reflect; they have a meanthe Christmas season IS really all orations in {rant of the public build- ed with the question and was too ing, also. about. ings and the gates of private resi- honest to continue the deception While we deplore the secularization Sincerelyyours, deneee. These are in the form of any longer. Pure reason sometimes of the anniversary of Christ's birth, .crof. Eratosthenes various plants, all of which have a divulged the secret. One astute with Santa Claus replacing the ChristG. (Ior Walter) Entwhistle special significance, and still mean- student admitted th~t by fourth child, and gifts and toys presupposing ingful to the Japanese people, grade he had come to the conclu- God's gift of the Christ-child, still we The Kadomatau seen at either sian that reindeer couldn't possibly can thank the Lord that in our midst side of the gate or entrance usually fly! And. again, many a child was the true meaning of .Christmas has consist of two pine trees, one with forced to believe his own eyes as he been preserved. smooth bark (representing the fe- peeked over the bannister to see At D~fLC the Christmas message male) and on the other side one Santa come down the chimney at is proclaimed with heart and hands with rough bark (the male). Be- midnight and BaW none other than and voices. The work of the hands Because of their connection with hind the pine trees, which denote his own parents placing the gifts is all about us. One cannot help the celebrati~n of the birth or child- long life, are three stalks of cut under the tree. marvelling at the work of willip.g hood of Chnst, many plants,. trees, bamboo. These represent stability This, and other deceits of our hands which. have helped to beautify and flowers a~ prominent In the and righteousness. Because it is time, might tend to produce cynics, our campus In the past weeks. Who folklore or Christmas time. ArnO?g evergreen, it also represents con- In his younger days one college can deJ_lY.that these efforts are a ~ay them are the evergreen and the IDIS- staney and devotion. Around the freshman received nothing from the ~f glori rYlD,~ t~e Lord? "T~e outsl?e tletoe. . base, rice straw ropes bind them to- "good fairy" after conscientiously lights, the staID:d. glass windows In . The use of evergr~ns for ~eco~- gether. placing his tooth under his pillow. the haU, the .ChrlstIan symbols In the five pUrp0ae8 at Chnstmas time IS Above the doorway is the ahime.. He therefore concluded that every.. chapel! all Will ~ean more than ever older than the Christian Era. The nawa composed of a straw rope thing was a rae'f;et, and there was before as the nights of the concerts pagans celebrated the .feast of Sa- (symbolizingunity), a type of tan- no Santa Claus either. approe:ch. • • turn, the god of seed time and har- gerine, called a daidai which stands Resentment against this blow to A gIft of hands. 18 made In other ,:~t, which the~ observed at the for the long life of the family line: a believing hearts sometimeswas dem- ~ays, also. The directors, accompantime of the winter aolstice (the type of white-l:-ackedfern, called onstrated. One of our college sen- IStS, and memb~rs of the con~rt s~o~t day .of the year or the be- urajlro, represents purity, fertility, iors. when be was five yean old, re- band employ t~eIr hands .to beautify glODlngof Winter-Dec: 21). They and good fortune; a bit of dried taliated by telling his'trusting three- our college ChI?stm~ services. decorated their tr~ WIth gold and .eaweed, kobu, means happiness: year-old sister the harsh truth. ~nd th~n, w.lth VOices, hundreds ?f ·silver ornaments In the likeness of and a lobster symbolizes long life Most other knowledgeabletots were VOices umted ~n so~" the halls wl.ll the su~, moon, and stars. These for the present generation. kinder, 101 alway. knew it was a echo. the Lo~d s. 1?ralse. Every chOlr decorationa'were probablY th~ fore- Within the house the pine and joke, but I went along with it for conSIsts of mdividuals; people ~ho ruDners of many of our Cbr~~as bamboo will again be found as dec- the sake of the other dumb kid•." ha,:,e worked long an~ hard, to SlDg ornaments. The. earl~ Cb~stlans orations. This time they are com- Be careful when mocking Santa theIr be~t', to proclaIm' the·. Gospel used.. ev~~~s . ~n their Chnst:nas biDed with plum blo!SOmswhich, Claus, therefore. Disilluaionment message m song. :'...' celebrations~ that t~ir rites would because the plum.blooms in spite of comes at variou. ages as demon- ,.In ..the·.he&l't~"'"":of ..t&eae.'lpeople.,.:the ~ot be con~plcuousamidst the revel- the icy, winds and snows, typify strated when this query was put people of the ~I.lhng han~s and vOlce~, flee of the Idola~ors. . success against the I!Itormsof lite before Tutor Pautz.•• uYou mean, IS the true .SPIrlt o~ Christmas •... It IS The use o~ mll!1tletoeal!l8 Christ- and mean courage. there isn't?" not found .In the hght~ or, the songs mas. ~ecoratlon also antedates the Thu! it appears that the Japa?r the ChrIstma~ greetmgs alo~e, .but ChrIStian era. It waa supposed to I tit t E t' t ho ia twa In love for ChrIst. Trulv, thiS IS a have been cut down from the trees nese peop e are no ;nere y con e~ go IS : a peraon ~ a ya season of the heart. .. with golden knives by the Druids, t~ conve'y good WIshes to their me-deep In conversation. -Delore. Maiehle the ancient priests in the oay.forests frl~nds; they attempt to do some-.....of England about 400 A.D. It was thtng to ensure for themselvel!la He that riseth late must trot all regarded with the utmost venera- happy and healthy New Year. day. tion, although the reverence they Tbe OMLC Me.Nne.' Ia puhllahed durpaid it seeml!lto have been restricted Ing the months of October, November, I)e. to the plant when found growingon comber, February, Mareb, Aprll, May and an oak. When the winter solstice June. The subscription price ·ls one dollar arrived, men went out with great Christmas seems to be a pretty sires solitude, there. is that also. and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are pomp and rejoicing to gather the general topic around campus lately, The woods are filled with winter twenty cents. We request payment in admistletoe. When it was gathered, and somehow one is certain our birds and animals which seem to vanee. The Mesaenrer ia continued after the priests would lay it on the altar campus is not the only place which sense the certain amount of excite- the time that the subscription baa expired. as a signal for the opening of the reflects the Christmas Spirit. 11lent. in the air. But the hills, unless we are notified to discontinue, and aU prisons. It was a sym"ol of broththese are quiet. There is no sense arrears are paid. All business communieaerly loveand they thought onlyhappiAlthough Christmas means differ- of excitement here. The rabbits tions should be addressed to the Busineea ness could enter under the mistle- ent things to different individuals, and coons have left their tracks Manager. Contributions fromall alumni, untoe. Enemies meeting under a we must not lose sight of the real from the frolic of the night before. dergraduates, and friends are appreciated. spray of it would drop their weap- meaning of Christmas. We must ons and embrace in a gesture of make certain that we do not lose but they are no longer there. All The aim of the Me.senler is to offer such friendship. Hosts would greet their sight of Jesus as the gift of God to is quiet here. The snow is lightly materials as will be beneficial al!lwell as Ina~~~~ :~,: a!roe:dYasnc:7~ ~eresting to our reade.ra,to keep the alumni guests under the mistletoe and em- all mankind so long ago. brace. Perhaps these were reasons breeze which meets one here but ;n elo~rlcon~~:t wlth the eollegtl,and to Still, at this particular time of the for the custom of kissing under the Delore. Malchie mistletoe, and, tbough early han- year we find that everyone changes. light and ~ingling. Here one is ;~i::J"I.c.~ .. ~~~: alone,.alone and yet not lonely. If Manarinl' Editor ,Jim Zietlow ished from the churches, this kissing Not very much perhaps, but never- one Wishes,he need only walk a few Feat~res Editor Pat Murray custom flourished, so that whenever theless, the change is still there. steps and he will be back with the News Editor Judy Winter a girl chanced to stand beneath it, We find we have grown just a little people and ,the rush. But this Sports Editor Boyd Tech more sentimental, a little more eager a young man present either had a doesn't. seem to concern one now. ~~':~~pE~~i~~~·.·,·,·.·.·.·.·.:·. ·.H~::::st!!h~:~ right, or claimed one, of saluting to get home, or maybe some of us Somethmg takes possessionof a per~ Buaines. Manager Karen Dahl ' her once (or every berry on the find that we are just more tired son for just a little while. some- Circulation Manarer Rehborr . than ever before. Whatever the thing which is far more important Advertillnr Manaler •..... Anita spray. ' . change may be, we can be assured ~~~~. ~~~~~ that there is one. We need only than all the fun and frolic of Christ- Feature an~N:;'aW:I:'~~. mas. Here one can stand, surJudy Vonderohe, Debbie Fitch, Joyce look in a mirror to find it. rounded by sky and land-nothing Rueckhdm, Donna Steinke, Darbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief, Some of us are impatiently wait- else. One can lose all the triall!land ing to get home to the city. There tribulations be brought with him; ~i:d~::O":~' i::r~le ~~~::It~~;o}~h: Hardman, Jennifer HOlan The following was taken from we shall be caught up in the rush of they will return. but for the mo"The Pioneer Journal" of Zion the holiday spirit. People will be ment they are gone. To think that Sports Wr~t!~~ .~:~~~~.r_'D~::bS;ho~n~e:, pushing and shovinlCon all sides. Lutheran School, Mobridge, South John Seifert, Helen Kuehl In the city, enthusiasm apPQars to such peace can still be found! Dakota. Bonnie Krause. Debbie Fitch explode. Music of Christmas carols Though it is a momentary peace, it Morning Reflection. Henry Meyer Some people wake up wide awake floats through the brisk night air, is a peace beyond compare. Make..up Staff Carol Smith, while tiny little faces are pressed From sleep, however deep. Why need anyone wait? WbethRita Bremer, Jean Steven. hard against window panes, wishing, This boon divine is never mine, ~I!::!' ~h=I~:: wishing. Everyone is talking a lit- er it be the woodland, the city, or CirCj!;!~n I wake up wide asleep. -L.K.S. tIe louder, moving a little faster, the plain, one can find what he has Photol'raph.r ...••...... ~~1:t-:;t ~a~~I~ _____ and laughing a little more than been searching for. It has not slip- A.. istant Photocrapher .... Tom Lippert This paper rand all othen ex- usual. ped away but Is there, waiting to Typ~!:n' ~~:!~eD:::~ ebanged with DMLC's Mess.nger Others are thinking about gOing impart that. special feeling of ChristSteinke, Jud,. Wella are on display in the rack in the home to the country where there Is mas. Proof R•• d.n ••.... Judy wen. and Pat collegelibrary. no rush, no pushlngj' and if ODede-Barbar. Muach AcI"laer Prof

Season of

the Heart

Plants of Christmas

The DMLC Messenger




Morning Reflections

R:!::h~i~; .

St~~~k~: j!~r:ii':;



Dec. 18, 1964


Green Valley Singers Perform for DMLC On December 6, at 4:00 p.m., DMLC students gathered in the gym to bear the Green Valley Singers. Organized and directed by Mr. David Adickes, the Singers were :first formed as an English madrigal group. Now the "twelve-member plus string bass" group bas branch.. ed oft' into folk music after the manner of the New Christy Minstrels.

The Green Valley Singers came to us from Onalaska Luther High, Onalaska, Wis. They treated students to such lOngs as "The Wagoner," .IThe Cat," "Susianna," and many others.


'0/1 "y

Ban d

Drams , U



The dominating characteristic of any basketball came is the atmoephere of enthuaiaam which pervades -the spectaton. Our Lancer and

The ,Singers were organized just last year, but already they have proved themselves worthy of recognition. They 'have participated in singing contests, and appeared at the 1964 annual "Oktoberfest" in La Crosse. They generally sing on request by various organizations. Mr. David Adickes is a DMLC graduate, having received his diploma from the college department in 1960. He arranges most of the music'" sung by the group. Mr. Adickes plans to insure the permancy of the Green Valley Singers by training others to replace those who graduate. Appearing with the Green Valley Singers were the Lu-Hi'a, an octet from DMLHS. This group is not new on campus, as it -haa entertained for last year's high school Activities Banquet, and has appeared at VariOUIhigh school functions. The Lu-Hi's have no formal direction; they select their own music and work it up by tbemselves. Dressed alike in navy blazers, the group led off the afternoon's entertainment with "Cotton Fields," the ever-popular "More," and a Christy Minstrel number, "The Drinkin' Gourd." Thialaat was accompanied by Greg Lenz on the electric guitar. The group consists of Carol Rodewald, Barbara Raabe, Holly ZiUmer, Jane Ilngrcdt, Paul Jacobs, Greg Lenz, Steve Gauger, and Art Koepsell,

SC Provides Bus Service

=m2~:iE2~:::~:::' 1lll<ierlying. caUael of

our prodigious ~nt of school spirit at BU.chfeaHill residents were delighted to -tiviti•• ,The f~~08t ~Dt:nbu~g ,;And, bUlBI ,.&lain _waiting, ..to. ta"e -M.lf"""".. :th ......... ,_" .. hieb ",.,In'them.to aervleea at St., Paul's and " prim.ary, Interest to everyone. ,The S J hn' ..!forts'of Iy eb lead '&lao t. 0 • ehure h.. ' downtown. Deour lYe eel cember 2 found students queued up have·. ~d. effect in creatm,_ an in front of the Administration Build.. a~ Vltabty. But in our con- in to board the buses for Advent ...deration let ua not forget to men~cea ~ion that ingredient which can en- Be • bance any situation-music, here The bus program has been ar.. provided by the DMLC Pep Band. ranged by the Student Council, and Alain this year we are privileged is in its second sueeesaful season. 1;0 have pre-game and half·time enThe bUael are furnished for our use tertainment in' the fonn of brass, by Brands Service of New Wm. woodwinds, and percussion, under The charge for riding these buses the baton of Mr. Roy Zimmermann. The Pep Band consists of willing, is just ten cents, round trip. The Student Council. hopes that·· many ..t>lo-bodled musicians recruited from will avail themselves of this con-the regular band. These hardworking volunteers spend an extra venient, reasonable service. which bour in rehearsal every Tuesday af- bas been provided for the benefit of ternoon, polishing up such numbers campus residents. as "Bleacher Boogie," "Bluetail Bounce," "Orpheus in Dixie," and those perennial favorites, the "College Songs." The efforts of Mr. Zimmermann and his Pep Band are greatly apOn Sunday, December 6, the .preciated by all present at the cage Marluw ,made their annual trip to matches. The badinage of the Gibbon, Minnesota, to entertain at brass, the whistle of the woodwinds, the Christmas party of Immanuel's and the boom of the percussion here Men's Club. demonstrate that they are a sure The singers presented a program panacea for sagging spirit and baldof interesting variety again this dead half·tim... A hearty thanks year. Eight Christmas selections ought to go out to the entire band. were presented by the Marluts. A piano solo, "0 Holy Night," was performed by John Nolte.




Jk1arluts ~ntertain Jk1en at Gibbon

Students Gather For Festivities

In keeping with tradition, the various campus dormitories held their respective Christmas parties on December 11, the last Friday before the start of vacation. At 8:00 p.m., dormitory residents gathered in their main lounges for an ,evening of games, .rt"freshments, and songs, particularly carols of the season. The donnitories were host to many of the professors and their families. These faculty members found themaelvea conducted on tours of the huildinp, ·to view tl-e decorations. Many were impressed by the creativity or the students' individual Interpretationa of the Chriatmaa spirit, as displayed on dooll and bulletin boards.

" Paul Koepsell gave an informative talk on Christmas at DMLC. His topic was the true meaning reflected by' the outward preparations for Christmas at' the college': Preparing for Christ, our Savior. A quartet from the Men's Club' added a notE' of variety to the program. Mr. Kenneth Nolte, a teacher at Immanuel's and a past member and director of the Marluts, was a member of the quartet. After all had joinM in group singing, a lunch, complete with holiday cookies, wall served. The group cloeed. the evening with "The Twelve Days of Christmas." The Marluts, ahout 36 strong, are under the direction of John Hardman.


Slide-Le-cture On Russia By Mickelson

PaRe 3

College II

The hurry and panic of last min. ute decorating are finally over. There were no major calamaties; miraculously everything got done, and the finishing touches have been put on. The College Sophomores On Friday evening, December 4, may look a little more tired than 186 people assembled in the audi- usual, but the Christmas spirit is torium to hear and view a slide lec- taking over as everyone looks forture on Russia presented by Mr. ward to vacation. The II College Walter Mickelson of the New Ulm class can catch its breath and just Journal and sponsored by the new- enjoy the Christmas decorations at ly-formed current events group on DMLC. our campus. This year as we enter the adminMr. Mickelson spent quite a bit istration building, we feel we are acof time in Russia both in ]956 and tually entering an old German this past summer, traveling nearly church. Passing under arches, we the whole expanse of the countrv.. pass by heavy oak d?ors. As we While there, he conversed with walk down the hall, the armosphere many people in daily life, and con- of a church is heightened by the tacted some officials through his po- large stained glass windows or sition with the press. Christmas scenes placed along the hall. The banging lights suspended from the ceiling shed their light on wreaths decked with large red bows, which add a festive touch. By the chapel door, the Christmas story is written on a huge scroll. Christmas decorating really puts the whole class into the Christmas mood and prepares us to enjoy vacation even more.

Stamp Club Meets Bi-Monthly The fifteen members of the DMLC Stamp Club meet informally with Professor Heiderich, their faculAlter a series of. some 180 slid.. followed a question and answer eee- ty advisor, every other WednesdAY sian by means of which Mr. Mickel.. evening for their meetings. At the IOn was extremely. helpful in clear- meetings bags of various stamps are ing up some of the common Ameri- divided among the members of the can misconceptions about Russia. Club. DisculISions sometimes are held on the types of stampa from a :~~t~~~"~nu~~ae iSw~~~doff:e certain country or area. Stamp Collecting Week was Nocitizen to enter and leave again. vember 16-22. It was about that time that Professor Heiderich set up' i~J:a:~:i:~:~c:;:ri:: ::eth~n:l:: the bulletin board display which lecture extend a heartfelt thank-you many of us have seen in Room 115. to Mr. Mickelson for .e most enter.. The bulletin boards feature over 200-atamp producing areal of taming and inform_.ti_'veeyenin". world and the various' .tamp commemoraUvea from our various States, and their possible use by the On a brisk. starry night. you an9 teacher in the classroom. a friend decide to play BOrneChristProf. Heiderich comments that mas carols on Organ A. When you lOme collections on campus are very walk in the door of the auditorium, good and that anyone interested in you notice: a Junior lying 9n his beginning a Btamp collection should back on the stationary stage seats, come to the meetings and help will apparently having fallen from the be given to get his collection under ladder which is now on top of him; way. After the Christmas season a girl with her fingers caught in the Stamp Club will be back to ita some chicken wire: several class regularly scheduled bi-monthly members with teU-tale signs about meetings. the mouth of having quenched their thirst with lead base paint: one worker bleeding profusely all over the cardboard he had been cutting with a razor blade; another gritting his teeth in agony from the pain of a puncture wound incurred by conProf. Delmar Brick 'of the tacting the end of a piece of wire; and the entire planning committee DMLHS faculty was awarded the slumped against the walls just star- degree of Master of Arts in Latin ing into space. You are the only on August 14, 1964. Prof. Brick is one around who knows first aid. vice-principal of our high school deWhat would you do? How and partment, and instructor of Latin why would you do it? Outline in II, III, and IV. The courses he took during the detail. "To die. to sleep-No more:" summer of 1964 at the University of Wisconsin were Cicero's Letters that is the fate of College III. Ah, the life of a college junior, isn't it and a directed reading course in great? When else can one work Vergil. Courses studied in previous thirty-six hours a day, eight days a summers included Advanced Probweek and then have mothers come lems of Teaching Latin, Cicero's up· with such classics as, "Remem- Orations, Roman Historians, Phases ber to take time out to eat and of Roman Life, Advanced Course in Caesar, Prose Composition, directed sleep, Dear"? We can almost see the bright reading courses in Ovid, Latin In· lights of Christmas twinkling before scriptions, and Original sources on us now, so bright, in fact, that they Rome's history from the beginning illumine several due dates! It is of Rome through the Augustan Age. Prof. Brick began his study for difficult to ignore all the glaring red marks on the calendar. Let's not this degree in the summer of 1960. He attended the University of Wisworry; twenty hooks do not form consin summer sessions in 1960, an insurmountable pile. 1962, and 1964. He attended the Perhaps a few, and we hope many more than that, have noticed a new American Academy in Rome, Italy, addition to Hillview Hall. Spelled and the School of the Vergilian Soout in the third floor windows is ciety in Cumae, Italy (near Naples) "Merry Christmas," and on second in the summer of 1963 on a summer floor is "Happy New Year;" and all Fulbright scholarship (granted by this is the result of College III ef- the U.S. government). Four summers of hard work came fort. Instead of the usual Christmas to an end for him on August 3, greeting which is heartily implied, 1964, when, on the "hottest day of at this time you are wished a very the hottest summer spent at the speedy recovery, and a safe journey University of Wisconsin," he was given his final oral examination on hack.




Coil eg'e 'III

Prof. Brick Receives MA

Alumni News Weddinc· July 18 was the wedding date of James Battist and Yaren Steering, ('63), wbo now live in Wisconsin. Lucille Seifert ('63) became the wile of Gerald Pipping on August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Pipping live in Pagedale, Missouri. Montrose, Minnesota, is the home of Reverend and Mrs. Rohert Sievert (Jean Ibde, '63), who were married October 11. Weddinr Anniversary Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fehlauer, '31, (Gertrude Naumann) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were privileged to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary November 30. Birth. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Droeacher (Beverly Wagner, HS 63) announce the birth of Murray Lee on October 17. The Droeschers live in Hadar, Neb. David John brightened the lives of Mr. and Mrs. John Eaton, '61 (Susan Hinnenthal, HS 59) of Phoenix, Arizona, when he wu horn October 31. En ..... ementa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maichle, of Brillion, Wisconsin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret ('63) to Norman Ring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ring of NorriB, South Dakota. The bride to be is a teacher in Mission. South Dak~ta. The engagement of Joyce Schoch.. enmaier ('63) preaently teachini in Valentine, Nebraska, to Dale Neyhart, eon of Mr. and Mrs. ErIe Neybart, is announced by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schochenmaier of Raymond, Minnesota. . the course work of his summers at the University. He reCEivedhiBdegree on the 14, and received his actual diploma sometime in November. No plans for further degree work exist at present. Prof. Brick does plan, however, to keep in contact with the field through oceaaional courses at the University of Minnesota and correspondence courses at the University of' Wisconsin. He also has a desire to do some work in the lield '01 German., When .. ked if he had had any outstanding teachers, Prof. Brick replied that he had many of them. Dr. Paul MacK endrick, author of The Mute Stones Speak, and The Greek Stone. Speak, as well 88 of several other books on archaeology, was perhaps foremost in his opinion. While in Rome, Prof. Brick was privileged to study under Dr. Lionel Casson, lecturer, on the nationa I T.V. classroom series, and author of Ancient Mariners (in our library). Some of the other great men he studied under include Dr. Ernest Nash of Rome, famous for bis archaeological research on the Roman Forum; Dr. .Henry Rowell; Dr. Frank Brown, formerly of Yale; and Dr. D'Orsi of Stabiae. Italy. All these men are well known for their archaeologial research, excavations, and writings. Prof. Brick noted that the really great individuals are humr·le, down to earth, willing to listen, and ready to help. They are also willing to discuss differences of opinion, Reflecting in general upon his study, Prof. Brick remarked that it was an enjoyable experience. Some of his courses were excellent. some weren't. depending on the teacher. He found the University of Wisconsin campus to be one of the most beautiful in the U.S. because of ita location along the shore of Lake Mendota. The Italian trip, and the visit to Gennany and AUBtria in conjunction with it, will always he the outstanding thing in his memories.

Friday, Dec. 18, 1964

New Ulm , Minnesotd

Page 4

Time Out What are some of the reasons why a certain individual would want to be on a baskett-all team? The same reasons could apply to any sport, but since we are in this season, we will use basketball as an example. People need extra-curricular activities. One cannot stay in the do~itory night after night, studying. An outside activity helps one meet different individuals in the school, and, in the case of basketball, people outside the school. One can learn much about people and how to get along with them. As a member of a basketball team, one has to be able to work together with the other players. The saying "United we stand, divided we fall" goes for sports, also. The members of a team must learn to work together. Even if they lose the game, they have gained experience in the mistakes and in working" ith one another as a team. People need physical exercise-sports ~r~vid~ this. They are a~ excellent outlet for that energy stored up after sIttmg In classes. They grve a person the chance to relax and forget about studying for a while. Sports build the sound body while studies build the sound mine. ' There is also another very good reason for wanting to be on a team, and that is to show what one really thinks of his school. A member of the team (and the fans as well) reflects the school in a number of ways. It follows naturally that anyone who is proud of his school will want to leave the very best impression possible where ever he goes. This applies not only to dress and manners, l-ut also to sportsmanship on the playing floor. Then we may say that one would want to join a team for the JOY of extra-currlcular activities, for the satisfaction of working witb others in a team, for the benefits of physical exercise, and for the opportunity to favorably represent one's school. B. Krause

Rams Battle In Close Games

Rams Lose to Winthrop 55-59 The Ram's first basketball game this year ended. on a sour note, but not because the team wasn't fighting. The first Quarter was mostly defensive, with both Luther and Winthrop playing a tight game. The score was Luther 6-Winthrop 9. The Rams picked up in the second quarter and had fairly good ball handling, even though they fell short on rebounds. Three free throws by Steve Schwichtenberg and three field goals by Gary Wille boosted the Rams to a 26-26 tie at half-time. The Warriors eased out in front slowly in the third quarter and gained seven points on Luther, IE'8ving the score with Luther 35, Winthrop 42. However, the R ems were not to be defeated so easily, and put on a hard press in the fourth quarter to whittle the Warriors' margin down to four points. The final score was Winthrop 59-Luther 55. Ig Igu It Ita tp r I played for the Lancers. Two Schoeneck, 6 18 1 4 13 16 ! brothers, Jerry, and Jack Gronholz, Koepsell. , 5 11 2 2 12 14 4 also played on opposite sides. Al- Schwichtenberg .3934913 though the score was tied at 13-13 Wille 4 8 1 2 9 10 1 early in the first half, the Lancers Hempel 3 17 1 4 7 9 3 were never in serious trouble and Lenz , .2402441 soon pulled away from the Alumni. The running score was: The p~e1iminary game saw the Col- Luther. 6 20 20-55 lege IV men defeat the faculty Winthrop. 9 17 16 17-59 30-23, in a close game. The Bcteem played a hard game Alumni. 34 50 - 84 too: lagging behind most of the DMLC 42 60 -102 game, they played better than most Ig It tp people expected. Steve Bilitz was Ig It tp high scorer for tbe Rams with 14 Vetter 5 o 10 points. Duehlmeier The running score was: 7 3 17 'Tjernagel , , 8 3 5 1 11 Luther.... 8-30 Nolte 5 2 12 Winthrop .. .,' ]0 13-36 Brands , . 4 2 10 Rams Lost to Fairfax ,57-59 , Laneee ..Lo,s~,third ','. ':,' .. _,'.. ~....OJ)·~et'...lf the ·Ramll sutre,r.. The' Lancers dropped their third' ed a setback at the hands of the game of the season to St. Paul Bible Fairfax basketball team.' This secCollege, 88-75, at St. Paul o'n Nov. and defeat, like the first, was not SO. The Lancers got behind and due to lack of team work, but was never caught up to, the winners. just one of tbe breaks of the game. Dale Waiz had to miss the game The game was very close all the l:eeause of a sore knee, which will 'way. In the first quarter, the Rams probah}y keep him from playing in came from hehind on a field goal any of the pre-Christmas games. and freethrow by Gary Schoeneck St. Paul . . . . . 42 46-88 and three field goalsby Phil HemDMLC ,. 31 44-75 pel. The quarter score was 19-17, Top scores were as follows: Luther. Ig It tp r The Rams Bteamed on in the sec5 2 12 13 ond quarter but Fairfax picked up Vetter .' Duehlrneier 9 6 24 8 too, and brought the score to withSchroer 6 1 13 18 in one point atf' halftime, 28-27, Gronholz, 5 4 14 1 Luther. Mechanical failure in the third Lancer. Edge Owatonna B2~71 quarter cut down a IE-adthat Luther Bob .schroer led the Lancers to had gained to a three point, 46-43, their second victory of the season by edge. scoring 34 points and hauling in 26 rebounds against Pillsbury Baptist DMLC '" .39 43-82 College of Owatonna here on Dec. Pillsbury ... 31 40-71 3. The team as a whole shot 51 Ig (t tp per cent and also out rebounded Duehlmeier 5 4 14 14 Pillsl-ury 54-37. It was a close Schroer 14 6 34 26 game for most of the time, with Gronholz, 8 0 16 4 Pillsl-ury leading 56-54 with 10 Brands. , 4 4 12 4 minutes left. The Lancers pulled Vetter 2 2 6 6 this one out of the fire by scoring DMLC Totals 33 16 82 54 25 points in the next eight minutes. Pillsbury Totals 29 13 71

Lancers Split Wins Est herville Down. Lancers 97-B4 Estherville Junior College moved away from the Lancers in the second half of the opening game Nov. 21 to win 97-84. The Lancers led 19-14 earlv in the first half; but by half time; the score was 42-40 in favor of Estherville. Estherville shot a hot 55 per cent in the second half to take the lead by as much as 22 points. The Lancers tried to whittle the 'lead down, but fell down in the final stretch. DMLC 40 44-84 Estherville 42 55-97 Ig It tp r 5 1 II 12 Duehlmeier ., 5 7 17 12 Schroer . 6 1 13 4 Walz .. 9 5 23 3 Gronholz ' 5 2 12 7 ..:.:11~el-Y''-'''f .. -- DMLCTotal•. 83' '18 84 57 39 19 97 Estherville Totals

Lancers Beat Alumni 102-84 It was Cather against son and brother against brother when the Alumni team came rack to their former school to try their luck with the Lancers on Nov. 27. However the Lancers did not show much mercy on the former students, winning 102-84. A father and son, Edwin and Fen Nolte, played for the Alumni team, while Don Nolte, Edwin's son and Ken's brother,

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Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer's Pharmacy Beck's Jewelry Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown's Musi~ Store Bullemer'a Cltlzen'a State Bank Coaat-to-Coaat Store Dairy Bar Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. FesenmaIer Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist 0.... Ceo,...e Kuehner a: Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, OptometrJat ' Dr. Schwart., Dentist Dr. Tyl.r

Women's Basketball Season Opens

Centennial is being occupied every Enthusiasm for the sport is prevalafternoon now that the intramural ent in each of these five teams. basketball games for the college weFor those of you who do not men have begun. There are ap- know just what type of rules ate proximately fifty co-eds involved in followed, six-minute quarters are the sport this year. Each class has played, All the other girls' rules. at least one team to represent it. are followed, which includes playing Reports are out that all teams are only on half courts, Roving guards. equally matched; this means that it and roving forwards are also used. will be another good season for the The captains would like to make. spectators as well as 'for the players. two pleas to the student body. , The college seniors' team is called First, they would like to find perthe All Stars and has Carolr Smith sons. who are willing" and able, to as its captain. Hie-Views is the referee tbese games; scorekeepers name .of the juniors' team. This are also necessary. A second plea team has two captains, Jo Linkert is directed to anyone and everyone and Margaret Schultz, Sharon Ga- even the least bit interested in this merdinger's sophomore team is ap- collegiate intramural sport. Spectapropriately called the Dribblers. tors are wanted' to cheer for these The other sophomore team, the games so that teem enthusiasm will Sharpshooters, is' headed by Helen not wear down. Fuehl. Sue Post is captain of the These are plea, directed to you, freshman team which has cleverly 80 why not corne down one' of thesebeen dubbed as Posts' Toasties. afternoons and cheer while you find out' for yourself what it is all about.. Luther had a substantial lead in See you there! the fourth quarter of 51--45 with five minutes left. Fairfax, howfg ft fta tp r f ever, came l-eek to tie the game at Schoeneck., 11 0-3 22 18 5 57-57. With thirty seconds lelt, Wille 7 1-1 15 18 2 Fairfax dropped the final basket as Foepsell . 4 1-5 9 8 5 the game ended, Fairfax 59 and Lenz 3 0-0 6 3 2 Luther 57. Heckmann.. . . ... 1 3-4 5 32 The statistics are as follows: Hempel 0 1-3 1 9' 3 fg Iga ft fta tp r f " The running score for the "A'" Hempel 12-18 0-2 24 8 3 gamewas: Koepeell 3-92-4 8 84 Luther.""" .. 10 20 17 11'-58 Heckmann. 3- 7 0-1 6 2 2 Onalaska....... 14 14 11 20-59 Wille 3-10 0-0 6 6 1 Luther's "B" team played -the Schoeneck, 2-11 2-3 6 14 4 same trick on Onalaska. After lagSchwichtenberg 3- 7 0-0 6 4 2 ging all of the first half, the Rams-The running score was: overcame a nine-point. deficit and Luther 19 9 18 11-57 won 36-35. Fairfax 17 10 16 16-59 The running score was: Our "Btl squad players did quite Luther " .. 7 9 8 12-86 well; defeating Fairfax 60to 41. 'and Onalaska , 16 9 8 10-35 picking up their first win of the sea- Luth~r Win. Over St. MarY'. son. Owen Breitkreutz, Don H_ahn-. Luther broke a three-game .ldSing ke, and Orv Breitkreutz led' the streaJcon ,Tu~>:.; D~iDbel::,;_8;., ~Y_~;. ,~~t,1!"~'~~,;.·J4.:'POi~~ <defeating" ~leepy ..~~~·'Mlry& ~ 56-41 in a nbn~nfefen.<;e ..game. The running score was: The 'ball control in thE' first" (fUarter' Luther , 14 22 8 15-60 was fairly even, Luther·leading at Fairfax 81710 4-41 thequarter'18-1S; . . Onalaska Trips Luther In the ,econd. quarter Luther Saturday, December 5, Luther 'dominated.the .coring hea'\'lly'OM hosted Onalaska Lutheran High held a wide lead. The IICOre at School in a tense basketball game. halftime was Luther 88-8t. Mary's The first quarter was low scoring. 25. The second half was a little but both teams were playing hard l-all. The 8core at the end of the tougher for Luther, in which quarter the Rams picked up only two points first quarter was Luther 10-Onalaska 14. more than St. Mary's to leave the The second quarter saw the score final score· standing in Luther's see-saw, but Luther ended up with a favor, 56-41. two point edge which left the score Ig It fta tp r f standing at Luther 30-Onalaska 82-3 18 72 Hempel 28, at halftime. 54-614 73 F'oepsell Luther made tracks in, the third Schoeneck , . 4 0-4 8 13 Z quarter as tbe Rams Etepped. up unz 23-4734 .. their pace and walked away from Wille . 22-6 6 11 5 Onalaska: that quarter ended in Schwichtenl-erg 1 1-2 3 2 Z Luther's favor, 47-39. The running score for the uA'· In the fourth quarter Luther ap- game was: peared to have the game sacked, Luther. .18 20 11 7-56 but in the last two minutes every~ St. M~ry'•..... 15 10 9 7-41 thing broke loose. Art Koersell and The Rams won the "B" game Gary Schoeneck roth left the game also, l'y a score of 56-28. Orv on fouls, and Onalaska put on a Breitkreutz was high man for Luthpress that melted the lead to one er with 14 points. The running point~ In the last 45 seconds, Ona- score was: lasl{a scored the final' ucket leaving Luther......... 13 18 4 9-46 the score at Onalaska 59-Luther 58. St. Mary'. . . . .. 6 5 8 4-23

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Elchten Shoe Store Eibner and Son Eyrich Plumbing &: Heating Farmer's & Merchant's Bank Fesenmaier Hardware Forater's Furniture, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothier's Harolld's Shoe Store Henle Druga Herberrer's Herzog Publiahing Co. Kernake Paper Co. H. Lang Barber ShoJ) Leuthold-Neubauer Clothier. Meidl Mu.lc Store Meye~ Studio Monta-omery Ward Mue.lng'. Drul' Store

Ulm Brick &: Tile Yard. Ulm Dairy. Ulm Gift & Hobby Shop Ulm Greenhouse. Ulm Theater Brick &: Tile Yards Springfield Oswald's N~w Vim Laundry Co. Patrlck's Jewelen J. C. Penne,. Co. Pink's Polta Dru, Store Raftl. Department Store Relm and Church Jewelera Fisher'. RoalI Dru ... Retzlaff Hardware Rlte- W a,. Cleaners ~helble Plumbln .. &: Heetln .. ~hnobrich'. Cit,. Meat M.rket New New New New New Oeh.


Seifert Clinic Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Henry Somsen, Lawyer Spelbrink'. Clothing a: Casual Shop Sportsman's Crill Sportsmen Shop State Bank of New Ulm TV Signa) Ulm Ora~.werke-Howard Nolte Ulrich ElectrIc Vog.1 Clinic Dr. Howard Vo..e. Dr. Milton Kalaer VoceJpohl'. Leather Good. ~ Lu ..aa ..e - Gift. Wa.. -o..Lene Weneed. Cal. and WUI.hrt Broth... F. W. Woolworth Co.





Vol.LV No.'

We Love

Tri-State Colleges Meet

Our Team

February 13 marked the night of the DMLC homeecmtng. This year, the Lancer homecoming banquet was bigger and better than ever before. After the game against the Willmar Wildcats, the college family and their friends met at the New Ulm annory for food and entertainment. Approximately 400 people congrerated .' in the annory. Entertainment included two singing groups. A humorous monologue was supMr. Roy Zimmermann plied by Merlyn Kruse, who just arrived from the fann in time to see our Lancen in action. The The program was held at North- muter of ceremonies for the evening ern State Coll., in the student was Profeuor Fredrich of our colMemorial Union. The purpoae of lege faculty. . Our meal included cottage cheese the meetiDc was to set up a procram for the Tri-State College Student salad, mashed potatoes with gravy, and Swiss steak. The waitreaaea for Government convention, to be held the evening were 25 junior and senin -Bemldjl, Minnesota, May 6,8. ior rirls who volunteered their serAmes Anderson, organ instructor Tri-State is an organization of elev- vices. at DMLC, rendered an organ recital en eollecee from North Dakota, In the gymnasium, the decoration composed entirely of selections by South Dakota, and Minnesota, theme was "We love our team." Johann Sebastian Bach on the afterwhose pUl'J)Ole is to promote free ex- Here the theme was well executed noon and evening of February 7. by .meana of drawings and streamchange of ideas concerning student ers. The theme for the armory's government. decorations was "Though the WildThe recital included selections cats do their best, they'll never de- which portrayed the various styles There w~ three divisions in the feat our royal crest." This theme o[ writing which Bach, one of the planning _on helel on Saturday. was seen by the displaying of the great Lutheran composers, used in One group Bet up a constitution for coUere crest from which streamers his compositions. The first numwere stretched. to the walls. Tri-State, another lOt up the actual convention procram. and a third At this; time it would be good to ber, CIA Fantasy in G Major," set met to djseuas atudent publications. thank all of the people who worked forth a splendid example of Bach's U in put experience, DMLC repre- very hard to make this homecoming five-part writing. B.ach's ingenuity . banquet one to be remembered for can be seen in his sonatas of which aentati_ found that many achools many y to Firat hats have serious problema that. we do UJ.I .# to thcara .cotme'h cis' K' •••. Mr. Anderaon's second selection, the _ _ ecoDlllllteeea.atu.,yu .II' ;~~~,,,~d1'~~11? ..4.'h!""" ....... ~DWle.Jlromlohr·;fo~.-:;~·_~t& UL~iDar~J8 ~i vision' of - DeWlP&pefa is quite lu. the armory de<»rations, Janean pnme example. The ~d selection, One editor mention~ that atheists Fahning for the CYID. decorations, Bach's "Prelude and' Fugue in A Chris Mahler for the entertainment, and radicals found free expreuion and Lois Sievert for the banquet in the paper, even to the point of meal. And secondly, many thanks publilhiDc a satire on the crucifix- ',to the people who worked on all of ionl (Surely, we believe in freedom these committees. of the preea, but to us the Lord and His Word are sacred.)

On Friday afternoon, February 5, representatives of DMLC's Student Council and the Me.senl'er left for Aberdeen, South Dakota, to attend a convention planning 'program; Those participating were Ray Dusseau, se vice-president, Casey Bauer, Be aecretary, Delores Maich· le, M.... n•• r editor, and Prof. R. Swantz, se faculty advisor. Unfortunately, SC president, Eldon Lemke, . Was unable to attend, bec:!auae of an injury received in-a tobogganing accident ..

Anderson Gives

Bach Recital

If the planning session is at all indicative of the May convention, there abould b. free and beneficial exehange of id.... Such meatlnga provide 'excellent 'experience for t}}e delegates, and ·may benefit the school in resulting campus innovations.

Organ Recital Spans The Ages On Sunday afternoon, January 15, ::~.Ii~Janet Griebling of the music faculty· cave an- organ recital. Her aelG-tiona were a- good representatiol1of the·music written throurhout the past four centuries. The program ...,88 88 follows: Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1760.• Savior of the NatioDs, Come (Three settings) Dietrich Buxtehude 1637-1707•.••.• Prelude and Fugue in F Sharp Minor II Paul Hindemith 1895·1964."' Sonata II Lebhaft Ruhig gewegt Fuge


Johann .. Brahms 1833-1897......•• 1.0, How a Rose E'er Bloominr o World, I Now Must Leave Thee Cesar Franck 1822·1890..•..•..••. Piece Heroique Following a most impressive pertn ..,..,...",.,,,, ...

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Speakers Tour

Professor Delmar Brick, together with some student delegations, has during the last few weeks canvaaaed several eoneregations and schools for the recruitment program. Each of these presentations commenced with introductory remarks by ProfessOr Brick; who spoke on the need for laborers in the Lord's harvest. Then students of Luther acquainted the audience with the campus and school life by means o[ an illustrated slide lecture. Miss Marietta Meyer concluded each pr~ se,ntation with a description of practice achool and of the benefits and rewards reaped from the teaching ministry. The places visited: Jan. 28-Sanborn,· Minnesota a family nirht gathering at Zion Lutheran Church Jan. 31-Buffalo, Minnesota a youth rally from the eastern circuit althe Crow River Valley Conference at Buffalo High School Feb. 4...;_Winona,Minnesota a parent-teacher meeting at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Feb. 7-Zumbrota" Minnesota a Luther League meeting at Christ Lutheran Church The students who participated in these recruitinr presentations are Sharon Huebner, Ray Manthe, Ray D1lSIe&u,BODnie Hoffmann, Janice Weiahahn, Linda Wendt, Judy Win· ter, Dave Jacobs, John Schultz, Roger Klockziem, Shirley Hasse, and Tish Murray. The Lu·hi's, compoaed of Barbara Raabe, Jane Ungrodt, Carol Rodewald, Holly Zillmer, Paul Jacobs, Art Koepsell, Steve Gau~er, and Gre~ Lenz. pro-

S C Sponsors Carnival Week

February 24-28-Do these dates ring a bell? No! Well, come on, get with it. These are the dates [or the annual Snow Carnival which is sponsored by the Student Coun. ci1, and if lucky, or maybe I should say if snow, is with us, this year's carnival should prove· to be bigger and better than ever before. The five days of Winter fun will be started off on the afternoon of February 24 with a gigantic snowball fight. How many of you have ever seen 500 vivacious students flinging snow at each other?-well, here's a-once-in-a-liC~time opportunity to see such an event, so be on the athletic field at 1:30 for this stupendous snowball-throwing affair.

Janice Wei.hahn

Musical Groups In the Limelight Sunday, February 21, 1965, at 3:00 P.M., the Aeolians, under the direction of Janice Weishahn, the Marluta, directed by John Hardman, and the DMLC Concert band, conducted. by Roy Zimmennann, will present their February Concert. The selection of music this year coven themes and hit songs from many Broadway musicals. Highlight of ,the program, will be the theme song from the Academy Award film-HHow the West was Won." The complete program for the concert is as follows: BAND March of Tim. (composite of 5) ..•.. , .••.•..•..•. AEOLIANS Put on a Happy Fac. (from "Bye Bye, Birdie..)

Arr. by J. J, Richards . Adams and StroU88

BAND Hllhli ..hta (from "The Kinr and I") Rodgersand Hammerstein MARLUTS • TumblinI' Tumblew •• d•.........•.......................... B. 'Nolan. !C. '..... ,-;-.·_..::._~~.QI'1)JEID'ni·ta ,",-,WUl... Eo •. ~. t '*Urn $1 - .' AEOLIANS • On til.Stre.t Where You Uv. (Irom"My Fair Lady") Lerner and Loewe Accompanist:_ HeIeR Scharf BAND The Typewriter , ·.L. Andersen Typist: Janet Kalb MARLUTS I Love Pari, (from "Cen Can"}, C. Porter Accompanist: David Jacobs BAND ........... A. L\licini Ballet El"yptien No. J .......•. Wood-wind Quintet AEOLIANS Nuraery Tune with Variation. (Old French Song) H. R. Wilson AccomPanist: Judy Wells MARLUTS Carolina in the Mornlnc Kahn and Donaldson Accompanist: John Nolte . . BAND ... A. E. Adam. The Bell. of St. Mary' •....................... AEOLIANS AND MARLUTS How the We.t wa. Won (from "How the West was Won")... . Darby and Newman Accompanist: Janice Weishahn BAND, AEOLIANS AND MARLUTS A Melodic Caravan (medley of songs from J. McHugh) J. McHugh IMPORTANT NOTE:

Open House follow. the concert

Friday night we'll see you all at ,;he basketball game supporting our Lancers as they battle against the Concordia team. By noW, Saturday at 1:30, everyone should have his snow sculpture completed since the judges will be Alter the snowball fight, it'll be around any minute to scrutinize time to get to work and start mold-, each entry and detennine which one Mrs. Scharlemann is now busily should be declared. the winner. ing a sculpture out of the white working in the office at DMLC, and At 2:30 on Sunday, our week of working busily seems to fit the sit-stuff. The theme for this year's winter fun will close with an all- uation exactly. When asked if abe carnival is "Historical Events.'! school hootenanny. As well 88 b~ could spare a few minutes, abe exThe class that submits the entry ing royally entertained by "local" claimed that abe doubled abe would which best depicts this theme will and "imported" talent, the winners have any spare time for several of the snoWcarnival will also be andays. One can understand this have the honor of getting its name when he discovers that she spends engraved on the Snow Carnival nounced at this gala affair. We hope to see everyone partici- her mornings typing and organizing Plaque. pate in this event since it's for you, material on campus, and then goel the student body, and it will be a to the Court House in the afterWe hope you aU rememb~red to SUCce88 only if each one takes a noons for much the same type o[ bring your skates back with you at whol~hearted interest in the many work. She also has a family to care for. semester break, because Wednesday festivities. Have fun! night is the night of the big iceBusy but cbeeriul is aD approRemember these dates: skating party which will berin at Snowball fight, Wedneeday at 1:30 priate description of Mrs. Schar)... 7:30 at the skating pond below the Skating party, Wednesday at 7:30 mann. She enjoys her work and aphill. After skating, you're all inSculpture judging, Saturday at pears to be very dedicated. We all vited to warm \)p with a cup of hot

New Face In Office

hid hpr wf'knmp

;"Inri \I,.'j~hhpr



Friday, Feb. 19,1965

New Ulrn, Minne eot e

Page 2

"From Your Valentine"

Editorial The Lee Plan FEDTTR If you've never heard of the Lee Plan, don't feel uninformed; it's not exactly the most publicized movement of the day. Recently it came to our attention through a leaflet sent out by its sponsoring organization in California. Its full title is The Lee Plan For Economic Democracy Through Tax Reform. Quite impressive, is it not? But let's examine it a bit further. The Lee plan protest the power of the eo-called Economic Royalist. This refers to the "1% of adults who own 76% of all corporate stock in the U.S." and " ... through ownershipand control of all banking houses. insurance companiesand stock corporations exercises management over virtually 100% of the nation's, entire personal wealth." Just what are these Economic Royalists doing, according to the Lee Plan? " ... they use the great power of their monopoly of wealth to systematically irj8uence and' absolutely control our Government, thus depriving us of our. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So goes the ,c,omplaint,couched in terms that have represented the American ideal since the Declaration of Independence. Yes. this'Ieaflet is designed to rouse every red-blooded American to action; it asks everyone to write to his congressman. ' Surely by now every reader is anxious to learn the "solution" advocated I:>y the Lee Plan. It calls for tax laws that will: (1) Limit the ownershipof wealth by anyone person to one million dol.. lars. (~) -Lbn\t- -annual




ter taxes, to one hundred thous.. and dollars. And this, dear readers, is going to "defeat the Economic Royalists," "establish justice. promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity!" Strange that this should be mailed to' the Me•• enger, you say? Not really. Its advocates claim that the Lee Plan "should be on the front page of every newspaper in America." John D. Lee. apparently the originator of the plan. gave a speech at a California college. This speech. duplicated. was also sent to the Me.seng,er, and we presume that many more like it are being 'presented in colleges and universities. Colleges seem to be seed-beds for radical thought. The whole plan appeals to patriotism and the pocketbook. Finally. what can be said, except that which we have always maintained,:one needs an education to decide for himself the truth of this and all other similar movements. We can only hope that the American people will have the wisdom to separate truth from propaganda. ....DelorisMaichle

If we saw ourselves As others see us,

We wouldn't have The nerve to be us.

Sleeplessnights And workfilled,days, That's the way Some earn their "A's."

Cheer Up! Only 29 More Days . Tilt'9pri ng!

Junto Jottings

o Valentine, 0 Valentine, From where did you come way back in time? Your origin is lost in antiquity I guess you'll remain a mystery.

Yes, it finally happened! A name has been found: for the D¥LC organization known up to this time as the current events discussion group

But Valentinus, a Roman priest, is history, Perhaps, maybe, could it be This early. brave Christian martyr Is really the Valentine's Day starter?

From a number of sugg'eBtions, the members voted to adopt Junto as their official name. The word itself may strike a familiar note with many a student of American literature. It was the name of a similarly purposed group . in Philadelphia which was formed by Ben Franklin and some of his eolleaguee. Both groups aim to discuss current problems and the manner in which they affect the membership. Likewise, our Junto, as did the original organization, opens its doors to everyone-you need not be a ber to attend any of the rneetinp. Watch for notice of the next meeting at which the current Viet Nam situation will be discussed.

During the Christian persecutions he was arrested; Against the Roman gods he protested; In the jailor's daughter a friend he did find. Legend says her sight was restored, for she was blind. Concerning his faith, Emperor Cladius II he did impress, But to Roman gods, Valentinus would not confess. Before his execution, the jailor's daughter no one could find, Valentinus signed her farewell letter, "From Your Valentine." Years later church festivals and Roman holidays tangled, Out of the confusion came a holiday new-fangled. So down through the centuries we can still say, February fourteenth is the observance of Valentine's Day.


In the seventeenth century a new custom started in our land, Sending paper Valentines decorated by the sender's hand. The verses of the homemade cards were the easiest part, For Cupid'. Annual Charter would give you a start. In 1849. Esther Howland at the age of twenty Started to make Valentines in quantity; commercially. A one hundred thousand dollar enterprise accomplishedby her, And to think she remained, pardon the expression,a spinster.

Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bl~dy. n9~. '

-I,ndays when career women were frowned upon, She produced Valenttnee as if she had a magic wand. Cards went hand to hand down the table-an assembly line, Wonders'! all this sixty years before Henry Ford's time. Flowers, cards, and candy-today's customs, you know, And above the mystery and history I did show, Of these thoughts you may ponder when in time You too, will write, "From Your Valentine!" -John

Walk With Him


Spielvontish Upon the advice of one of DMLC's profes- ested readers who, on occasion, may become sors,-my quest for fame now manifests itself a captive audience. in the .field of philosophy. The prime inThere is, however, one other aspect or posgredient n'e~dedto whip up a batch of fame, sible consequenceinvolved in the application according to this most reliable source, ,i~_.:the of Polonianism to endeavors of an education.. proper eombinatlon of time, ~.day. month, al 'nature, ana which may prove to be rather ........ -.. ~~.detrjmentaI.'"GeneralIy speaking, and adyear, and place of publication. After melllta'" " herents of Polonianism generally are speaking tive consideration and ponderous deliberatfon tand then' usually in circles), one must -be tive consideration and ponderous dellbera- ninety-nine and forty-four one-hundreths per tion, the solution crystalized-this issue of cent pure in error and misconception. In the DMLC Messenger,of course! other words, if one wishes to be correct, he Now the only component missing in this ought to abandon the very thought of adopt-concoction for fame was a new theory" It ing Polonianism as his own. seems that "isms" are not the most abundant Now the worst theory of all time has come creatures. In fact, they are somewhat scarce. to light, and its author shall sit back in an in the nebulous form. The search took me easy chair to wait for tim'e eternal to cure into Innumerable nooks and crannies of the and season it and to bring forth fame and moist gray mass often referred to as brain. immortality in the minds of men and the One would be surprised what such a thorough pages of a history book. Meanwhile, a perhousecleaning uncovers. Many cob-webbed, son must eat. and words do not buy much motheaten memories were given a thorough meat. Perhaps I should take up teaching to airing and re-pigeon-holed for future reler- satisfy mere natural needs. ence, while vigorous but vain effort was exerted in the disposal of others. All this, however, brought me no closer to the missing ingredient. The mental gymnastics ordinarily executed in the preservation of cranial fitness proved futile. All. of the expended energy was for naught. As time wore on, a sound case was developing to disprove the basic tenet that philosophers are thinkers; they are merely the subjects of inspiration at an opportune moment. And that is exactly the procedure one musl. follow in the search for a new "-ism" to complete his batch of fame. "The world will little note nor long remember what is said here," but Polonianism shall live forever and all time. To practice Polonianism takes time and dedicated practice, forethought, skill, and courage. Once one catches on to the technique, it is never lost, though one might very well wish it could be. So unless one is of certain mind, stable constitution, and undying fortitude, he had best refrain from embarking into the depths of the world's least earth-shaking ism.of all time. The concept itself, inspired by one of Shakespeare's most brilliantly ludicrous figures, to put it briefly, for "brevity is the soul of wit." can be of the greatest use to students. plagued by long papers to compose with a minimum of thought content to spread throughout. In essence, it deals with expression through one of two basic mediums! the oral and the written. Through either of the two one may give expressionto his ideas in a pattern which employs a voluminous and ceaseless fiow of vocabulary in such a man.. ner as to elude complete comprehension on the part of one's avid and supposedly inter_

On the Death of a Loved One I hope some day to visit you While on your earthly stay But if my God, His will to do Will take us soon away, I'll visit you up there above Where we will live in God's great love. And there I'llsee a parted friend Who with God's grace came to his end. This great man God took with love From this vale of tears And may he rest in joy above From his work of many years. I do not wish that he were back To take a place on earth Because to me God saw no lack Of work, he did from birth.

May you in the Bible find The comfort there he giv.es And in heart and soul and mind Live as our Savior livesa When God, who in His boundless grace Took care of you from birth, Tells you that you have filled your place Fear not to leave this earth~ I, myself, live to this end And fear not BOonto die For then I'll see my heavenly Friend And livewith,Him onhigh. -Phil Fr.y

Away from friends, Away from home, On. our journey, Do we roam. Yet not alone D.o we go, Down the road. 'Sure and slow; God ia with us All the way; He is close, Night or day. Walk ~th"-·tl1Dl, Hand In Iuill<f; Over water, -.'

Over Janel. Never 'ailin~ ._< H.'lriY.cu~ On our jourrteys Far and wide; God is with UB, Never fear, Be ye eertain, He is near.



The DMLC Messenger The DMLC M..... n •• r I. pUbllahOddurInC the montha of October. November, 0.comber. February, March, AprU, May aDd June. The eubscrlptlon priee 1.1 one dollar and ftlty cents per annum. Single eopleo are twenty eent.. We request payment In advance. The Mesaenl'er"is cOntinued. after the time that the eubacrlptlon has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and aU arrears are paid. All business eommunieationa should be addreaed to the Buain.. Manager. ContributiOlll fromall alumni, un.. dergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the M..... nr.r 1.1 to olfer ouch material.l .. wUI be bene!clal· .. weli .. Intereatlnc to our read.... to keep the alumni In a closer contact 'lrith the colle", aDd to foster Ichool spirit. Editor.••. '. . . . .. . .••.•. Delore. M~ichle ~~~:~!:gE:l~~t:.r..................•.•.... J~~ New. Editor. . . . . . . . . . .. . Judy Winter Sports Editor Boyd Tech Alumni Editor LolaSievert Make-up Editor Helen Lochner Bu.ine.. Mana..er ..•....... DavidSauer Circulation Manager;•.... Anita Rehborg Advertising Manager Mark Boehme Feature and New. Writer•........•....•• Judy Vonderohe,DebbieFitch, Joyce Rueckheim, Donna Steinke, Barbara Saeger,.Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief, Loi. Krause, ConnieOldfield,Colleen Gunderson, Mary Sehleuter, John Hardman, Jennifer Hogan Edith Zickuhr, Barbara Musch Sports Writers Dave Schoeneck, John Seifert, Helen Kuehl Bonnle_ Krau.e, DebbieFitcli • Henry Meyer Make-up Staff Cai'Ol"Smlth, Rita Brem.er,Jean Stevens Circulation Staff Joan Dumke, Joyce ,Rueekh.im, Celeen Sehultz, Marcaret Sch.ults Photographer....•.......... Ra,y .,"'a~the Aa.l.tant Photocrapher.•... Tom"l:Jppert Typists •..••.....• Jeremy Scharlilmann, Ann Sten.ke, Jennifer HOW.I.,. Donna Steinke, Judy 'W.II. Proof Readen..•... Judy Well.' and ."Pat







Feb. 19, IN5

New Ulm, MinnellOta

College III College III, A Lonc CourM in OutUninc DMLC Meaaencera New Ulm. 1965 \ Chapter 1: Background to the Problem I. Fint Semester A. Exams 1. We're glad we lived through it all. 2. What's done is done. 8. Only the report card to remind you b. But just try to forget it all! B. Summary of the semester 1. Lota of work. 2. Lota of fun. II. Sem.. ter Break A. Homeward Ho! 1. Plenty of time to sleep 2. But who did? B. On Campua 1. Skating Parti .. a. Record: no broken bones! b. Double purpoee aa. Self-testing bb. Combative 2. Student Union Chapter 2: The Problem I.; sOoond semeater A. Snowbound J; EIIlpty c1aaarooma 2. I thought Wisconsin had aucla wonderful weatherl ? I B. Fresh' 'start' , ","' .. i. No gred .. to puJl up 2. New mountain 'Of work to conquer II. Non~ed activiti .. A. fi~Jhta party J. Th"", \'!'D1I!"teraleft 2. W9'r,e past the POir:ttof no r.eturnl B. Rbythm Band rootera 1. Transfer of training: .1oaaroomto bleaehera 2. Prove value of classroom experience Chapter 8: M~I1aneoua I. Teaehera A. Temporary or Substitute 1. LaCrosse, Wisconsin 2. Sixth erade " B. Emerrency call- for the second semester 1. ,\]Ij) to Laqroaae ,. , ThIrq. ,cra<I~ II. Gripe ccirner' A. Fill'hi'your own: B. Where one' baa an "A," there must be a "B," therefore this point Is Indlsp.nsible. f.' JOutllnblc Is division. ;. ,Good luc:k and happy outlininrl

Help Helpless Hong Kong Today is the age of modern communication which enables us to hear and see events happening thousands er miles away instantly. These modern communicational advances are also being used by the church to spread the glorious message of salvation to thousands who sit in dark despair.

"Feudal Master" Exposes Regime

Cuba lies only ninety miles from were ignored. He himself toured our coast. It is now a Communist the miuile bases as they were being stronghold, a training place and built in 1960, and gave complete reheadquarters for Communist agita- ports to the American ambassador. tors in South America. He claims that these reports were Jose Nonnan, an Englishman by also ignored. When these bases birth, spoke about his adopted land were completed, President Kennedy in a lecture which was sponsored finally enforced a blockade of Cuba. The people rejoiced that now, at One such radio contact is carried jointly by the New Ulm Daily on by the Christian Chinese Luth- Journal and the Knights of Colum- last, some action was being taken bus. The lecture, "Cuba Today," against Castro. Then, on the word eran Mission in Hong Kong. These people broadcast the hope of salva- was given in the Knights of Colum- o( Khruschev, the blockade was lifted. Today there are 35,000 Sovtion to the Chinese four times a bus Han on January 18. Mr. Nonnan was a "Coffee Bar- iet block troops in Cuba. There week both in Cantonese and in Mandarin to reach' as many people on," a "Feudal Master," on a 100- are 18 missile bases, 10 naval subas possible. These eervlcee carry acre plantation in the Sierra Mae&- marine bases, 37 military bases (two choir music, special music, drama- tra Mountains in the southern end or which are underground), 16 air . tized Bible stories, a sermonette, of Cuba. He developed his plants- bases (several underground), 46 milland an invitation to write to the tion (rom Virgin forest. Sixty per tarized ports, 100 caves used (or mission (or spiritual help. To hold cent of the profits from the land storing munitions, and 11 Soviet out this helping hand to these peo- went to the share-croppers who block schools (or the training of ari· ple every week costs quite a bit of worked the land. Mr. Nonnan was tators for revolution. The arts of money, and because of their day to also a comJ!OfO',a pia~lJt, and a iuerrilla warf~r~ are taup.,t 10 the day problem of meeting expenses, columnist for Time and..· Pod· in Viet Cong leaders· in these schools. Havana. The agents who started the revolts our help is needed. Mr. Nonnan was attacked both in Panama came (rom there; agents Without serious harm to our budg- by the Batista regime and by Cas. fromthe island have penetrated the ets, we can reach out a helping hand tro's rebels. His home was only other Latin Ameriean countries and to the Chinese in the Hong Kong fifteen miles from Castro's rebel also the U. S. 'area and bring them the Gospel. headquarters. Within two years the Mr. Norman called the Castro It costs $460 a month to broadcast rebels stole aU he owned and burned government "a blood-thirsty regime "Christ" and Him crucified" to these his plantation. The same thing of sadistic monsters." The tortures people, and with a student body of happened to nearly every other they inflicted upon those they capover 650 we should have no trouble property owner in Cuba. Castro tured are almost beyond belief. paying for a month of broadcasting. wants everyone, he says, to be on They have practically outlawed Lately our mission contributions the same level in Cuba-the very reU,lon. Churche. and altara have lagged indeed. We .pend lowest level. have been deaecrated and wor.. more at the canteen In a week Some people have said that Cuba .hipera murdered In cold blood than we do for our mia.lon of was an underdeveloped country be- at the whim of aome communiat the month. To really make this fore Castro took over. Mr. Norman aoldier. M Mr. Norman said, a monthly program, let'. make Feb- stated that among the Latin Ameri- 90% of the Cubans today are ruary the start of many exceptions can countries Cuba ranked first in against Castro. The other' 10%,. by paying for a month of proifam· education, second in trade, third in however, baa all the runs. To "eoming in Hong Kong. " economy, had the most television exist" with such a country 11 to be stations, and ranked third in such a partner in ita crimea. The United fielda aa newapaper publication and States is the only country with telephone acrvice (Cuba had the tint enouJh ~P.!'w!ll deleat tho r __ dial. telepho_rviee"in "the 'WOrld)':-:--"miin"~r. orman feela that If ~,"c"~;"~-'*"~·"'''t,.., .., .....'b-.vro.' Today most commodities simply our people do not take action now, cannot be' purchased. The food it will soon be too late. The Cem· shortare is so severe that a single munists will push the U. S. 8J far #~!ifn' '~~ ~cI~~ ,~~ chicken costa $10, an egg S5c if one as it can, and if unoppoeed, they ,On y&l1uary 11 .. nllf,vQuaLimary 01 ~)!f,~p~ ,!"I"'~ ,lJI ~ '"'" can find one to buy. The island will vanquish it. A firm· atand debate team consiating of tory 01 former aectloll la ~ ~ with a population o( only 6>i mil· and a ahow of force may be .11 JanI"" Scl>lomer, Edia cleaned from reading one of tha bal- Lois Lu~, lion can now bout of 57 major that ia needed, but it muat be lot . lheelll 'for 'the Clunkdecott Dr.b8im, and Lola Sievert tl'IIveJed prisons (Alcatraz type), 23 concen- mad., not talked about. Instead Award.' It _ Shirley Haaie baa witti Prof.... r Schroeder and intertration camps, and 111 prison farms o( worrying about what world opin.. lOme : In_inr ,ideaa for party ested cuesta to Bethany College, in three of the six provinces: the ion of the U. S. would be if it would pmea. And what an interesting Mankato,· for their first intercolle.number in the other provinces is not take action, this country should giate debate. lime W&I in .tore for the three carknown. Over a million people have think about what world opinion of The national topic which was deloada 01 claumates bound for her been in CJlstro's jails: 100,000 are this nation is when it is constantly Waconia home on January 30. bated was "ShoulQ the Federal Gov· still in jail. More than half a mil· beine- pushed around and insulted, Shiiley had 'enllated 'Marie Meyer's ernment Establish a Program of NaProf. J. Micheel Joina Faculty lion have ned from Cuba; 30,000 but does nothtnr. noaa lor DeW& in digriq up ~~ tiOlHOlPublic Worka for the Unemwere executed after the revolution. raaainlr, but true (aJ~ht eucreraployed?" The Literary Leacue's The Communistic element of the tiOtUs· do.'t count) bloop'en coinmit- Aftinnative tealn, Mias Draheim and revolution was· evident from the ted by fellow c1aaarnates. Juatice MIaa Sievert, debated the topic with first, according to Mr. Norman. won out, however, for 'none other Loren elobes and· Sharon Vonhaden, Agitators were active in the hills for than uRat-1ink" Meyer was voted after which the negative team, Miss years, and they flourished under the "Clunk of the Year." Luetke and Miaa Schlomer, claehed Among the several master's deA baby born, Martin Richard, is Castro's protection. Mr. Norman , Once 'again our class has gone with Duane Bosin and Jean Bryant. greeS ~btained by members of our the newest member of the Reverand through the never-<!nding cycle of There was no official judginr, but and Mrs. Cleone Wiegand (Judy reported their activities to American DMLC faculty this past summer welcoming returning claaimatea back the Literary League's team came Sievert) family as of February 8. authorities and to American press was the one awarded to Prof. Gilto the fold and sending off others to out with a fair showing. The main The Wiegands live in Mosinee, Wis- reporters, but, he claims, his reports bert Fischer in psychology by Mar· begin their 9-week practice-teaching purpose of the debate was to give consin. quette University in Milwaukee, stretch. The added confuaion of the teams needed practice and exWisconsin. Prof. Fischer, who came changing "section numbers was perience. January 28 was an eventful day to DMLC two years ago from Fox thrown in as an extra bonus at the Plans in the offing include a re- in St. Paul, Minnesota when Philip After a glorious Christmas vaca- Valley Lutheran High School, Apturn of the semester. Former sec- turn debate with Bethany College Meilahn was born to Mr. and Mrs. tion, College I returned to the cam.. pleton, Wisconsin, teaches courses tio~' 1& and Ib are now one big, here and a public debate for the Ronald Zahn, '62 (Joan Po iT, '61). pus in time 'to hit the books for se- in education and educational psyhappY ~ion 2, while former sec:- student body. mester examinations. Exams came chology. Ron is a son of Profe88or Zahn. , tion 2 has gone on separate paths Ri,ht now, tho veateat need and went, and the class managed to" Prof. Fischer chose to take his A belated congratulations to Will· survive arter all. .. the recently departed 1a and the ia for debatera, ainee thero ia onSemester II master's degree at Marquette bely one team of four. If you iam Hansing and Karen Ann Stoltz, brought with it some new courses cause o( its convenient location and residual lb. Have you heard the lateat in un- prize your .. lf for loaical think .. '61, of Rockford, Illinois, who were and different professors; however, because, although the Catholic viewIna"... Profeaaor Schroeder or wed November 29. happy l>~ya? the loss of several classmates some- point is often in direct opposition Ela Lemke'. bad break made it Loia Luetke for detail •• what dampened the enthusiastic to ours, he preferred to study psyOn November 15 St. Mark's Ev. necaary for him to celebrate (?) Let's help ",",p what could bechology among Christians who re· Lutheran Church of Watertown, spirit of the class. in a hoapital bed. At least Ela got come a !'letter sport" from being a The warm weather days brought cognize the existence of a soul and Wisconsin observed the 100th annihis cut pretty well filled up with "has been." a "mild" attack of spring fever. a hereafter, rather than among maversary of the erection of its school. signaturee by thoae who came to With it two DMLC graduates cele- Students longed to be outdoors, and terialistic secular psychologists who Union hpepital to wish him no more the professors were Quite bewildered deny the existence of the soul. Liz Klatt manared to erab five brated anniversaries. Mr. Henry by the fact that various sections unhappy mums. A highlight of Prof. Fischer's Krenz, the principle, celebrated Thea. too, it was Miss" Luet-- back-row seats out of her six classes kept staring out the windows. work at Marquette was the opper· twenty-five years of teaching while zow'. cood fortune to have her this semester. Way to move in, A new cheerleader was needed to tunity to study under several wellMiss Ada Sievert. (,22) celebrated birthday while Pl'IIctice-teaching at Lizl take the place vacated by Barb known men in the field ot psycholoConaervative John Schultz is thirty-three years of teaching at St. Schultz. Edith Draheim was select- gy. One of them was D.. Cyril St. Paul'.. Although the rigorous Mark's. Sincerest congratulations preparation for Monday'. claIaes cut about to become the proud owner of ed to help lead the Lancers' cheer- O'Brien, who is world-renowned for to both. tbe celebrating ebort, Connie did a new red convert-with Synod's his work in guidance counseling. On Saturday, January 23, Karen ing section. The sudden death of Eileen Jes- He has written for numerous jour.. have the unbelievable Cood fortune stamp of approval yet. More pow- Dues.her (HS-'62), daughter of ' of cettinc not one, but two birth .. er to you, John. Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon E. Duescher ke's mother dealt a severe blow to nals, in addition to publiahill&'sev· day cakes. There ~ms to be an epidemic of of Barrington, Illinois, was wed to everyone. Eileen received the new. eral books in this special field. ~F going around. The four stands Rolf D. Ethun, of DeForest, Illinois. when she arrived at DMLC after Another was Dr. Robert C. Craig, semester break. She returned }:lome a man who is well known for his Short Report Department: for IV Norm. and the F, surprising· Roger L~, ma~'" not have ly enough, stands for piano, not Anita Lemke (,64), former Mea- the next day. Professor Sievert and work in statistics, in industry 8!1 cast the first atone, but someone re- forte. But cheer up. Remember .enl'er editor, was engaged to several of Eileen's classmates at- well as in education. Dr. Craig's ceived a rock from him recently. report card grades are mere opin- Wayne Schul;>;over the Christmas tended the funeral, and College I mO!lt recent publication, jURtoff the h"li.-1:-- .. ~ ions and relativply innf'(,llrntf' Congrats, Rogl

"I'" "'·lv:',':"'41t"", . .,~,!~ .,""


Debaters in 4cti~n


Fischer Receives MA

Alumni News

College I



New Ulm, Minneaota

Pac ...

Friday, F.b, 1t, 1965

Lancers In Losing Streak

Time Out

Much has been said about "school spirit", but little has been done about it. It seems that whenever a school's teams are winning this phrase isn't heard as much as when they are losing. When a team starts losing the . burden ot defeat taIls on the tans and supporters ... "You just didn't yell enough!" Shouldn't a team playing away tram the home court, without any tans roaring trom the stands, win any games? The point is, that the end results, winning, in the final analysis, stems from coaching strategy and individual player ability, sometimes called "team effort." We all realize that the number or tans sitting in the stands isn't going to determine the winner. How much weight should be placed on this influence or the tans in winning games? • Let's take our own case here at Dr. Martin Luther College. The team record stands at 2 wins and 13 loses. Following the pattern, the questions have been asked, "Where is the school spirit?" and "Why don't you BUp· port our team more?" Is the tan influence so small as to be losinggames [or us here at DMLC? Maybe if we had larger turnouts tor our home games the team would start bringing a few more victories our way. "School spirit" is low here at the college and might just be the cause at our poor showing, or it might notl More fans, yelling louder, at our games should give our team the extra boost to win. We all have the common . feeling that our team has the player ability to win, and with more support from the fans maybe this goal will be realized. The cheer goes, "We got the pep, stearn, coach, team ... " •.. all we need now is more tans and we'll win. -Boyd T.ch

High School's Rams Split Wins In a uee-eceterenee game here, Tuesday, February 2,. the Rams were defeated 68-47 by Franklin. The Tigers started I.. t, leading alter the first quarter by 15-4•• nd stayed in front with fine rebounding and ball handling. Luther suffered another 00' night with poor shooting and weak boardwork. The Rams tallied only 37 rebounds and 27% of their shots to Franklin's 51 rebounds and had a shooting percentage o[ 34. Both teams played reserves in the latter part at the game, and the scoring evened out a little more. The running score was Luther 4 14 10 19-47 Franklin 15 18 16 17-68 fg 19a It Ita tp r I Traudt 5111211 52 _. W:;!I._~.( ::_4 102510 52. Leiiz •.......... 3'""1023' 8 '8·2 Schoeneck.... . 2 13 3 5 7 10 4 H.mpel 21112533 G.uger 2 501 4 41 The junior Rams had difficulties too, but lost only by a score of 38-31. Bruc. Heckmann I.d the B squ.d with 10 points. Rams Over B.thany, 63....4

The Rams were humbled by their intra-city rival, Cathedral, Friday, January 29. This return match on Cathedral's home floor ended Cathe-dral 66,-the Rams 44. The first quarter and a half the game was close and often tied. Cathedral, however, made 13 Iaet points and led by a sate margin most ct the remalnlng game. Fine playing by Phil Hempel, high man with 21 points, [ailed to spark the Rams to victory. Luther. .. .. Cathedral

.. ... 16 9 15 4-44 . . . .. 18 23 10 15-66 Iglgaltltatp r I Hempel 10 27 1 1 21 2 1 Koepsell . . . 4 10 2 2 10 5 4 Lenz 1833541 Scho.n.ck...... 2 21 03 4 6 8 Wille ........ ", 1 9 0 0 2 12 i . Scnwic'htenbOfft-c -1~ l' ()·'OC\jj. 41" 0 Th. Luther B squad 'also loIIt',to Cathedral by 30 points. Bruce Heekmann was high scorer With nine points. Lut •• r ... " 4 7 5 4-20 Cathedral 10 8 20 12-50

Led by Jim Jones, Rochester beat DMLC 98-75 here on Feb. 3. Jones seared 52 points and hauled in 22 rebounds; by so doing he set a new conference scoring record. The Lancers kept up with Rochester for 231: quarters, but fell be" hind when Jones really started to hit. Poor shooting and floor mistakes also hurt the Lancers, and with starter Jack Gronholz fouling out in the first half, the scoring punch was missing. DMLC Vetter Tjernagel , , . Schroer Duehlmeier Team totals: DMLC. Rochester ., DMLC .. ' Rochester '"

Ig 7- 23 4- 13 4- 15 3- 9

It 0- 2 2- 3 9-12 6- 7

tp 14 10 17 12

r 9 10 20 6

,26- 96' 23-31 75 51 ,42-113 14-24 98 62 ,38 37-75 ,49 49-98

Worthington Win. With 120

Teams Take Lead In Intramurals

As its annual play' production, the Luther Literary League has chosen Oscar Wilde's "The Import. anee , or Being Earnest" which will be presented April 3 and 4. .The production will be' under the direction and supervision or Professor Edward Fredrich and Miss Frances Krook. Miss Constance Oldfield is the student production manager.

The high school and college men's intramural basketball games are going on in full force. On Sunday a[ternoons it one wanders over to the gym he will see the games underway. The standings show that the Chuggers, a college team, and the Senior Spastics, a high school team, are leading at the present.

The east chosen tor this farcical comedy is as follows: Algernon Monerieff-Walter Zimmermann; John Worthing-Jeremy Scharlemann; Rev. Canon Chasuble -James Boehm; Miss Prism-~lores Maichle: Merriman-Tom Schulz; Lady Bracknell-Lois Sievert; Gwendolyn Fairfax-Marianne Deming: Cecily Cardew-Edith Draheim; and Lane-Alex Damrow. Wilde, himself, speaks or the comedy as an "exquisitely trivial, a del.. ieate bubble ot fancy, and it has as ita philosophy. . .treat .11 trlvi.1 things ot lite seriously, and all the serious thin"gs or me with sincere and studied triviality." Although Wilde mocks conventional society, he doesn't concede that an excess of fashionable behavior is deplorable. This he reveals to us through his Platonic ideals or characters.


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Lancersi, 71, Be.thany 102 The Lancers bowed again to Be. thany o[ Mankato on January. 27 on the home floor, 102-71. Virgil Mabrey hit 3S points [or Bethany. The Lancers had trouble with shooting and with floor mistakes, which Bethany capitalized on. The Lancers had four men in double figures. DMLC ... , .. ,34 37-71 Bethany . .. ..47 55-102 DMLC Ig It Tjernagel , 4- 9 3-10 Schroer 2-10 6- 9 Sievert . . . .. 5-15 3- 4 Gronholz ....... 1()-23 0- 0 Team Totals '. ,26-82 19-33 Bethany .38-99 26-37

tp r it 7 10 19 13 4 20 8 71 58 102 47

ESTHERVILLE-The Lancers The women'. Intnlm'olral basketdropped theIr next game at Esth~ ball .....". is.well und~ •. Th_ ,Ville, going under 105-69"00·J...... 25. . m! ftveti:Oolll8 p~ Ja..,thls .. It WlUI 52-33 iii favor',of Estberville extra-eurrleular aCtIvity. Reports at the h.lf. have it that there is good partIdpaGordy. Vetter· wu high m~n lor tlOD on .11 teamiI a.nd that,lOlI c.the Lancers, netting 23 points. are really good. J.ck Gronhelz wu th.' only otbet' In _ pia... is Helen· Kuehl'. Lancer in double figures with 19. IOphomore team, the "SharpobootDMLC 33 35-69 er," .who··have; :won. five &ad. JOlt Estherville 52 53-105 enly one. There is a two-way ,tie Ig It tp r for IIOCOIldplace. Battling it out DMLC 22-62 25-41 69 48 are the lreshmen and the other Estherville 46-100 13-24 105 46 sophomore class teams. Heading the freshman "Post's Toaatlea" is Sue Post. Sharon Gamerdinger'. DMLC Fall. to PlIl.bury IOphomore team is lab.led the OWATONNA-Pillsbury Baptist "Dribblers." Each team has four College deleated DMLC 77-57 here wins and two 10..... Tblrd place is Jan. 23. The Lancers' were plaglled held by the senior team that is with injuries, with guard Dale Watz headed by Joyce Nitzachke and out with an ankle injury and Jack Carol Smith. In last pia", the Gronholz just recovered rrom the junior team named the "Hei Wei's" same thing. is led by captain Marg Schultz. Th. Lancers were b.hind 35-20 at This team has DO wins and six 1088the half, and' Were never really a es. threat to the tast Pillsbury team. All games are played in the CenTh~ Lancers shot 31 per cent, compared to 45 percent for Pillsbury. tennial gym. The game is played The Lancers· did lead in rebounds, according to the girla' rules, whl.h include playing hal! courts and playhauling in 47'to Pillsbury's 38. Ing with roving guards and rqving Totals. Ig It tp r forwards. Sideline cheering is·\.erY DMLC . .24-71 9-20 57 47 much appreciated by all the tebIs Pillsbury , 29-64 19-26 77 88 concerned. Therefore, a large DMLC ,20 37-57 tendance on the part of spectators Pillsbury ' 35 -42-77 is urged.


+ Our Patron·s

"IwlnElectric i. J. Baumann, Insurance bcker'. Pharmacy leek'. - Th. Leadin.. J.welers araunreit.r and Son Hardwar. 8rown'. Music Store Bullemer's CitIzen'. Stat. Bank Coast-tO..Coast Store Dairy B.r Dr. Abe, Optom.trlst Dr. Fesenmaler Dr. Harold.on, Optom.trlst Dr.. Geo..... Ku.hn.r a: Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Schwartz, D.ntlat Dr. Tyl.r

The high school standings are as follows: In first place are the Senior Spastics with Iour wins and no 1018ea. They are led by Ken Wenzel. The high school Chuggers are in second place with two wins and one 1088. Their captains are Dennis Martin and. Donald Luckstein. In third place are the Ramses led by Phil Hom. They have one win and three I...... In lourth pia.. the Sparta"" with t_ I........ Th.lr captain Is Jim LaroeD.

In _ pIaee for the collep are the Chuggers with five wins and no I...... Their . captain ,is Lyl. Schn.ider. The Plunora. with captain Tom Schultz, have won all Worthington was described by three 01.the games they have playCoach Dallmann as one at the ed. The Sodbustera have two wins smoothest playing clubs the Lancers and two loases. Their captains are have run up against. The Lancers had five players in double figures. C. Schw.rtz· and J. K.... pl. The The play centers around a plot in Nonamea and the Bushers both have DMLC 44 33-77 which Jack and Algernon are seek- one win and two lbIBee. The TrotWorthington 59 61-120 ing wives. Gwendolyn and Cecily, ters are trotting right behhid with Ig It tp r who too, are seeking marital part--' DMLC 4- 9 7- 7 15 11 nets, respond to their courtship, but one wili' and three -l~ •. The' eapVetter ..... taIns are Carl Hefk.. DQIl Gurg.l 6-10 1- 1 13 4 a peculiar condition must be metTjernagel . 9-16 1- 5 19 10 both their husbands must be named and Met'lin Wilde. reopeetIv.ly_ Schroer 4-19 3- 7 II 5 Ernest. This fictitious character The team known .. the WTNT'8, Gronholz ... Sievert ... , ... 5-10 2- 4 12 0 dominates 'the 'course ot the entire with captain Tom Koepoell, has. Team totals: play. four losses and DO wins. DMLC 29-77 19-30 77 45 Worthington .. ,53-96 14-22 120 38 Esth.rville·105, Lancer. 69 Shar~hOote... ,IA~d WORTHINGTON-Worthington defeated the Lancers 120-77 here Jan. 30. Bob Frahm of Worthington had 43 points. The halt time score was 59-44.

Rams Defeat St. Croix

The Luther Rams easily dereated Wednesday, January 27, the St. Croix LHS, 71-37, in an away Luther Rams called on their re· game Saturday, January 16. As in bound powers and used the 56 reo- the first game with St. Croix, Luthbounds netted to beat Bethany er's reserves saw plenty pf action. Luther High School, here, 63-44. Luther's record ror the season is This game left Luther with seven now six wins and tour losses. wins and tour loses tor the season. By half-time Luther led 37-19 The Rams controlled the score-- and Dave TraUdt, a reserve forboard throughout the game, even ward, had 10 points. Traudt and though Bethany threatened in the Schoeneck helped by getting 11 re-fourth quarter. bounds apiece. Shooting was below At the end o[ the third quarter, average for the team as a whole, Greg Lenz dropped a shot from but Phil Hempel finished as high Bethany's free-throw line just as the man with 21 points. The final was buzzer rang. Gary Schoeneck. and Luther 71, St. Croix 37. Phil H.mpel both play.d a fine game. Luther. 18 19 16 1-718 .. 17 15 12 19-63 St. Croix. Luther., .. 10 9 10 8-37 Bethany, 11 10 15 8-44 Ig Iga It Ita tp r I Ig 19a It Ita tp r I Hempel . , .. 9 17 3 4 21 7 2 Hempel 7 19 .1 1 15 5 2 Schoen.ck ....... 4 17 3 5 11 11 0 Schoeneck 5 17 3 5 13 12 3 Traudt.. .. . 3 8 4 6 10 11 3 Will. .. .. 4 12 3 3 11 12 2 Lenz 3 323 8 11 Koepsell, 3 9 4 7 10 5 4 Koepsell .. , 1 11 6 8 8 5 4 Lenz 363697 Schwlchtenb.rg 3 4 11 7 I1

LLL Play Casting Completed

Elchten Shoe Store Eibner and Son . Eyrich Plumbln.. ,& Heatln.. Farm.r'. A M.rchant'. Sank Fes.nmaler Hardware Fiacher'. R.xall Drug. For.ter'. Furniture, Inc. Frltoche Clinic Gr•• n CI~thl.r'. Harond'. Shoe Store Henl. Drup & Clinic Pharmacy H.rbe.....r'.· H.no .. PubUshln.. Co. ~emsk. Pap.r Co~ H. Lan" Barber Shop Leuthold..N.ubauer ClothJer. Meidl Muelc Store M.,.er Studio Mont..omel'J'Ward Mue'ln~·. Dru~ Store

N.w U1m Brick a: Til. Yard. N.w VIm Dairy New Ulm CUt a: Hobby Shop NewVIm Greenhou••• NewVIm Theat.r Oeh. Brick a: Til. Yard. Sprlncfield O•• ald'. New Ulm wund..,. Co. Patrick'. J.w.ler. P.u ....on'. R.lm .nd Church J.w.l .... J. C. P.nn.,. Co. Pink'. Polta Dru. Store Raltl. D.~rtment St~r. Retzlafl'. Our Own Hardwar. Rlte-Wa,.CI.aner. Sch.lbl. Plumbln.: a: H.atl .... SchnobrJch'. City M.at Market Soa..

'+ Sclf.rt Clinic ' Sherwln.WlIlIam.Paint Store Henry 5om_n, Lawy.r Spelbrlnk'. Clothln.. a:. C..ual Shop Spartunan'. Grill Sportam.n Shop Stat. Bank of NewUlm TVSI"".I Ulm Ora-.lwerke-HowardNolt. Ulrich EI.ctrl. V..... I Clinic Dr. HowardVoc.1 Dr. Milton KalHr VOI'elpohl'.Le.th.r Good. ....;.. Lucca". - CUb WaYe-O-Lene W.needa Cal. and liake;r7"). Wllfahrt Broth... F. W. Woolworth Co.


the Vol.LV No.7

Dr. Martin Luther CoHere

Sacred Concert Held On Friday, March 26, at 8:00 p.m., DMLC's Colle", Choir II, Treble Choir, and High School Choir will participate in a sacred choral concert in the collegeauditorium. The followingis the program for the evening:

High Sebool Choir Director: Prol. Eldon Hinch Ah, Holy Jesus ..... .Crueger-Lundquist When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. · .Lowell Mason I Know, That My Redeemer Liveth .... Handel-Christiansen Sing Y••.To the Lord (Ascension).... '" .E. Titcomb All Glo,{ Be to God on High. · .M. Lundquist Halleluj-"b, Amen Chorale. ... G. Wagner Praloe to the Lord .. . .arr. R. Shaw Organist: Judith Bomeebeeger


II Treble Choir II Directress: Miss Ruth Backer Grant U. Thy Mercy .... · .Antonio Lotti In God, My Faithful God.. .J. S. Bach Piano: MiU Janet Grieblinr Flutes: Vieki Johnson Delores Maichle Margaret Oswald Janice Schlomer Linda Wehrs Colleen Wright Bassoons: Sharon Gamerdinger Leah Weber ·P.. lm 122. .JOseph Gelineau Organist: ¥.iss Janet Griebllng Rqnum llunc:li. '" ' ,. . .. . Jacob Handl Jubllate ~ O)nnis Terra (P"I'l"i ~Q)••....••..............•. Flor Peeters .- . Orpn~: Mil!! lanet Griebling III

Cou.ce Choir II Director:


Prof. WaldOllW"Nolte




lebate Interscholastic 'rne· LLL D,ebate Team proudly aion to permit the debaters to en-


i~ interscholaatic debate activ.

ity. The debaters were delighted and are now IOOkiJli forw~rd to 8ODl8


competition this

Y"Il' fat· Next y.... Iook.e equally .. promising. The proposed plan involves participation· in three Twin

Cll)' Dei>ate League Tournaments, the MankJ'to State Novice Debate TOJ.ln1aI1lept,and practise debates with. Bethany, Northwestern and Co~ S~. Paul. Th... tournam~tp involve COlleges from Minne. sota, Wisconsin, IOWa, and North Dakota. J!ecently an interested student told tl>is writer thet abe regrstted thII, abe had not jOinsd' the debate

team. She explained thai, since ahe had only one· semester of debate in. struction in high school, ahe felt that she lacked enougb qualification to join. Poa.siblythis misconception has discouraged others, also. If 80, sUeb people may be bappy to learn that none of our debators have ever debated or received debate instruction before this fall. Now, we are able to meet and debate once every v.-eek. We will be making an intensive membe~hip campaign thi8 spring in order to orient new members for' next year's debate teams. We are Ilooking forward to seeing more in. tereated ~den·ta

Workshop Is Conducted

Scholarships Awarded

Why do we carryon mission It will hardly come as a surprise work? Where do we as a Synod to hear that DMLC's Scholarship carryon this work? What can we Committee was especially elated do to further our efforts to carry about carrying out 'its assignment the Gospel to those who do not as thi8 year. The reason for this Jay yet know of their Savior? in the fact that the committee had On March 25, the students of more monies available for diatribuDMLC had the opportunity to hear tion as schclarabipa and grants-inand discuss the answers to these aid than in any previous year. This and many other questions concern- year's total was $6513.06. ing the mission work that we as a The large increase over previous Synod carryon in both our own years was largely. the result of the country and in the world at large. sizable increase in the annual grant On this day, the Student Council with the help of both the Home and made by the Aid Association (or Lutherans. Thi8 year's grant the World Mission Board conducted a mission workshop, the first such amounted to $3750. endeavor ever to be. attempted on Other funds netted following this campus. The agenda for the amounts for the current year: workshop consisted of six seminar Schwan - $1200; Boock - $307.04; sessions in which various commit- Neubert - $120.00; DMLC Ausiliary tees from the College Junior and - $250; New Ulm State Bond and Senior Classes presented panel dis- Mortgage - $200; Wheeler - $160.40. cussions, and lectures pertaining to Several new grants also helped to the various phases of our mission program. After each' presentation raise this year's total. A gift of was completed, the audience was $200 was received from Dr. and given a chance to discuss the topic Mrs. H. Juergens of Belle Plaine, and to ask any pertinent questions Minn. From Mr.. and Mr8. Ed Techtmann of West Bend, Wis., $75 concerning the topic. Pastor E. Hoenecke and Pastor came, earmarked for the department R. Wiechmann, executive secretar- of scholarships and grants-in-aid. ies of our world and home mission Interest on several accounts added boards respectively, were on hand another $250.62 to the lund. to provide us with additional highNeedless to say. DMLC is deeply lights and sidelights of the functions appreciative of the interest in our of our mission program. school evident on the part of all In the eve.p.ing, a film entitled. donors. The need for financial as"Hong Kong is an OPen Door," aistance on the part o( the students was shown by Pastor Hoeneeke. is by no means small, It is \0 be To add to the meaning of our hoped thet tba fine example set by program, displays depicting the· cul- current end past donora,will provoke tuna,. cultoma .aDd d&IiY Ufe of th.-""'"othera to·uco·and do likewi8e.H ' peoples among whom-we carry on . our work, were constructed by each Because the need fa there, it was high school and college class. welcome news to hear already of additional monieS for the ensuing This program proved to be very schoolyear. Through Mr. Gerald beneficial to everyone involved and, Herzfeldt, AAL'. Director 01 Frateras future teachers, we were given nal Affairs, word has been received the opportunity to become better of another increase in the AAL acquainted with the work that· our grant for next year. The grant will Synod carries on in both our home then amount to $4750. Another and world mission fields. It brought new fund will also join our everus closer to the fact that we should growinr list the following 8choolnever lose sight of Christ's com- year. From the estate of Mr. Frank mand to preach the Gospel to every Gr088of Ne., Ulm a legacy 01 $9000 creature. It 1s up to us, the future has been received. The interest on worker8 in the church to help pro· this will give our fund another good mote this very vital part of our boost. Just belore going to press, Synod's work. another legacy was received which will be used to assist our students financially. Thi8 gift, amounting to $1838.07, came Irom the estate 01 Mr. Henry Spindler of Buffalo, Minn.

t:r: ~:~~

FOrr.T~ ~wJ':"'~~'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .••••••••••••••••• o Lord, Thou Art My God and King arr. L. Sateran Accompanist: Gretchen Boldt Alleluia, Cbrist the. Lord I.Ris'n Again .......•..•..... David N. Johnson Accompanist: Cheryl Sebaumberg Lord, Now Lette,t Thou Thy Servant o.part In Peace Kittsn-Scbreck

annpllllC8Btbe recent faculty deci·

Mar. 27, 1985

join. If anyone

has Ever had an inclination towards speech or logic, here is the chance for self-expression!

LLL Stages Reformation

The new Luther Literary League is stepping out in style, as was evi· denced by the presence of human "(eet" on Ad Building walls last week. A very large "Snoopy" fol· lowed the tracks day ~y day, while phrase by phrase a sentence was fonned that invited interest in the new LLL. Tracks led to room 204, meetjng~place of the League, where a rousing meeting was held Mond~y, March 22, to top off a week-long membership campaign. For the past several months the League'8 Advisory Board and facultyadvisor, Prof. M. Schroeder, have heen revising the club's con8titution to meet the growing needs and interests of a rapidly-changing student body. At the present, it is in the hands of a faculty committee, await~ ing approval. This revision is part df the move to give the club ils new look. The membership campaign has been directed to informing the col· lege of opportunities to be found in t~e "new" League. Everyone is aware of the success o( the Debate club: the League will eventually become an organization of many sim· ilar clubs of special interests. Anyone ('an join; anyone can start a

Since the Scholarship Fund estab~ Habed by the Synod is now reachinr proportions where it can be used, it i8 altogether likely that the monies in the fund will be allotted to the variou8 synodical institutions before the close of the schoolyear. Be· cause· it is expected that this fund will be pro·rated on the basis of en· rollment, our 8chool will undoubted· ly receive a goodly sbare.


Quaat (left) KoepHII



Joint Recital Announced The evening of March 30 marks the joint organ recital which will be presented by Miss Gayle Koepsell and Miss Jean Quast. Both women are college seniors. This recital will begin at 8:15 in the Music Center choir room. Miss Koepsell will be playing "0 Christ, Who Art the Light and Day" (Ludwig Lenel), "Kommat du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter" (J. S. Baeb), "Magnificat Non Toni" (Samuel Scheidt), and "Prelude and Fugue In G Major" (J. s. Baeb). ,~!' .•• - teleotion of. choral.. with Intenparsed chanting. John Hardman. Herbert Wolff, Ro,~ er Klockziem, and Paul Koepsell wiIl be the group of chanters.


In the second half of this joiQt recital, Miss Quast will be playing HSonatina" (Leo Soweby), "Now Thank We All Our God" (Flor Peeters), "Won4t'ous Love-Variations on a Shape Note Hymn" (Samuel Barber), and "Chorale In a Minor" (Cesar Francke).

Symphony To Perform The third in a series of Community Concert presentations will be held April 2, 1965, in the New U1m ·High School auditorium. At thjs' time the Chicago Little Symphony will perform under the direction of Thor Johnson.

The Chicago Little Symphony has been acclaimed throughout tlte country. Critics have stated tblt it provides a musical treat; the ists bnng a measure of excellen and insight far above the usu . "So technically adept, 80 mature in An indication of the extent of u- musicianship, 80 understanding ef sistance the various funds offer can the unwritten rules of musical team· he seen from tht fact that this year work, and piloted by a rnastennind forty~nine students became recip-of Mr. Johnson's caliber, they proients, forty-two of these from the claim beautiful music with an elocollege department. quence, elegance and intimacy of music in ita hirhest. estate." -Om ... choral reading, oratory, and so on, h. World-Herald. ad infinitum. Thor Johnson, one of America's The Luther Literary League wishes to dispel the erroneous impression that it. is a dramatics club, whose sole purpose is the production of an annual play or operetta. The League represents far more than dramatics; it is a literary society, and the difference is vast, indeed. Anyone may join, anytime, and the bed time ill now!

Wat.ch thp.


foremost conductors with many 'of the world'8 honors. was for eleven seasons the MU8ic Director of the Cincinnati Symphony, and has re· peatedly guest~conducted the New York Philharmonic, as well as thoee of Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Tokyo, etc. He i8 interes~d in "unusual but listenable" music. Many or the 20 artists and numer-



New Ulm, Minne.ota

It's a Vicious Circle


The Me.. enger room, on Old Main's third floor, is not only the Getting a paper out is sometimes fun, but workshopof the able staff, but a ver- it is never a picnic. itable store-houseas well. At present If we print jokes, people say we are silly. we are .occupied with the task of sortIf we don't, they say we are too serious. ing back issues of the Mea.enter into a permanent file. We find these If we clip things from other papers, we ere old copies to be excellent representato write 'em ourselves. tions of campus life through the years. tooIflazy we don't, we are too fond of our own No doubt many of our readers are unaware of the fact that the Messenler was printed in magazine form, similar to that of Northwestern's Black and Red, for many years. Issues appeared only four times a year, and students wanted a more up-to-date publication. In fact, the change to newspaper form did not come about until 1958.

stuff. If we print contributions, the paper is filled with junk. If we don't, we don't appreciate true genius. Now, like as not, someone will say we swiped this piece from some other paper.

We did.-The 1948 Easter Messenger (and the others also-The Muhlenberg Weekly, The Lone Star Lutheran, College ReportAn editorial in the May, 1951, issue er, The Concordia Comet, The Indian, The (Eldon Hirsch, editor), considers the Wittenberg Torch, and The South Dakota advantages of a changeover to news- Tech., respecttvely.)

'peper form. Interest in the magazine was low. At this time only ~3~ students out of 410 subscribed, and there were only 88 outside subscribers. Today our circulation extends to the whole student body and approximately 500 others, alumni and friends. Of course, student subscription is automatic at registration, but why stress the fine points? In the years prior to the appearance of a yearbook, the Me .. enger printed a special commencement issue in spring which contained pictures and articles about each grade uate. In the March, 1949, issue (Arthur Schulz,editor), we read, "... the school's first yearbook is in the making. Its name-Excelsior. The staff was chosen by the entire student b?dy." Prof. Trapp is faculty advisor ..

Cleansing Blood Behold the stream of blood! 'Tis more than lite to me; It is the blood of Christ the Lamb, Who died on Calvary. Hark to the mournful cry! How passionate His pain! Great agony He suffers now, As heart.le!81yHe's slain. Alas, and all for me He bears the doom of sin! I'm totally unworthy, Lord, That Thou should'at make me clean. I fan before Thy feet, Now ertmeon, torn and raw. I drove the nails into Thy hende, When I forsook the Law. Though I could ne'er repay The kindness Thou hast shown, I dedicate my life to Thee; Accept it 8S Thine own. -Marietta Meyer

The magazine had a definite format that remained constant from issue to issue. Sections included the literary. editorial, alumni, exchange '(clippings from other school publications), colMiss Meyer is the fourth grade practice lege notes, co-ed notes, locals, athle- school supervisor at St. Paul's Lutheran tics, and a joke or humor column. School. Many familiar names were associated with these articles. For example, in .'88, when Arthur Glende was the editor, staff members included Raymond Duehlmeierand Wl'ldemar Nolte as Assistant Business Managers (both were to become editors) and Gertrude Vogel (the future Mrs. W. Nolte) as CollegeNotes writer.

Lit League To Present "Wilde" Comedy

Then, too, there was 1988, when George Heckmann was Assistant Business Manager (editor by '40) and Gilbert Fischer wrote Athletics. The college basketball team in this year was coached by Prof. Voecks, and team membersincluded future DMLC Professors Swantz, Fischer, Heckmann, Birkholz, and Hahnke. (Would anyone care to check the sports column for scores1) Humor abounded in the old magazines. Here's a sample from the 'ec., 1940 issue:


"Why don't you answer


rshook Student: "I did, Professor. my head." ProCessor: "But you don't expect me to hear it rattle way up here, do you1" Another favorite comes from the Sept., 1981, issue (Meilahn Zahn, editor): Little girl: "Auntie, what would you prefer in your future husband, wealth, ability, or appearance?" Spinster: "Appearance. But he will have to appear pretty soon." So much for the nostalgia. But one wonders-in twenty or thirty years, will some other staff be rereading old Messengers, recognizing names and pictures, smiling at our antiquated way•••• 1 1 -Delor.. Maichle

The perfonnance dates of "The Importance of Being Ernest," Oscar Wilde's farcical comedy, are rapidly approaching. On the nights of April 3 and 4 the Luther Literary League will stage one of the most unusual farces written in our time. This so-called "comedy of wit" airs the late Victorian period in England. The characters of the play belong: to the world of high fashion, but never seem to be bothered with the question of maintaining these fortunes. Instead they concentrate on style, wit and-court&hip. Conventional society 8E!eTDS to have taken a back seat, for the dominant motivation is the char~cters' pursuit of happiness. We must also remember that a farce isn't given to touch us or arouse our emotions. In fact, Shaw tells us-it must not touch us. Although the premises are trivial and absurd, they product'! circumstances which seem tragic to the characters. What seem,. at first, l.imple problems turn into com.plex dilemmas. Therefore, the farce is played seriously as if all the epigrams delivered were the established laws of society. Wilde's humor is in the word and is therefore more taxing to the intelligence of the audience than the conventional slap-stick humor.

To err is human, but it takes a better excuse the second 1ime.



Mar. 27, 1165

On Request-s-

"What is a Iriend'l" I asked a man, A sage so old and wise, He looked at me and smiling said, A twinkle in his eyes, "A friend is one who reaches out to Help you on life's way, who listens To your cares and woes and brightens Up each day. But listen now and Mind me well if true friends you Would find, for friendship is a sacred Trust, a pledge that must be signed. It's signed with thoughtful deeds and words And caring for each other. It's sealed With understanding love and aid For every brother." I thought about what he had said And promised I would try to be A friend to all I met before They passed me by. For friendship is a special gift That each of us can give to aU Mankind throughout this land While here on earth we live. -Linda Rausch

Throughout the Lenten season our thoughts are turned to Getbsemane, Calvary, and the cross of our Savior. In our archives we find a poem written by Carol Kohl which gives expression to these thoughts, and which we would like to reprint at this time from the 1964 Lenten issue of the Mesaeneer. Carol, a 1964 graduate of DMLC, is now teaching grades 1-4 at Yakima, Washington.

1 Walked With Him I walked with Him that fateful night; I followed to Gethsemane. I watched as He knelt down and prayed, I saw Him as He was betrayed. I heard the people call Him names; t They shoved the thorns down on Hia llee.dI saw His face all streaked with red ... To Calvary I walked with Him• What pain I saw in that holy face AIl step by atep He ,lowly paced Until He came to Golgotha. The nails went in, His body hung. I felt the thirst .or His parched tongue; I heard His words, still full of love.

Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.


I saw the agony and pain, The hands and feet with their reddened stain. I cried when I IBW Him suffering there, Hanging helpless upon that treeSo good', 80 pure, 80 fair was He. But still my Savior died for me.

One of the most fascinating words in the English language is the simple monosyllabic, five-letter symbol, linea. These thin fibres convey marious meanings to people of different walks of life. Linea. To the mathematician, lines are the things between two points. They are also a continuum of a point in motion, the bounds of any plane figure, and, if they are straight, the shortest distance between two points. Lines are fascinating, perpendicular, ' parallel, angular, and segmented.

And you ask me why I love Him? -Caru:1 Kohl

The playwright, actor, and director see lines as strings of words to be put together, memorized, and coupled in meaningful order to create a story. Here lines are to be rememb~red, forgotten, expressed, empha~ized, Mr. 'and Mrs. Arnold J. Nommenaen, '64 and Interpreted ". Body ,actions .contnbute (Carol Preuss, '62), are proud to announce much to the meanmg of hnes of tIllS nature.-,---''th:e- b1l'tlr'of- "CaJt)ttite-C8roI,"-wfro'~ The artist 'ponders the lines of a painting March 19. The Nommensena live in Wateror SCUlpture; they here convey the strength town, where he is teaching grades 5, and 6 and expression or each brush lIt.rokeand ebow at St. Mark', SchooL the beauty of fonn. An architect studies the lines of a structure, both in the finished produce and on the blueprint. On a blueprint, lines are IIOmethtngwhich must be interpreted by the carpenter; they guide him in molding a building. The DMLC M.... "... I. publlahed durPrint composes thp. linea which are the IDr tha montha of October, Nowmber, n.. eember, February, March, AprI), MII7 ODd consideration of the journalist and novelist. Lines are also found in poetry, and 80 are lU1lO. Tho I11b1c:r1ptlonprice II one dollar and ftlcy ta per alll1um. SlDele eopIeo .... rhythmic, melodic, and rhyming at times. twenty ta. W. requeat payment In adMusic, too, has its claim on lines. vance. The M.... n •• " is eontlnue4 after Lines spell death to the· fish and livelihood tbe time tbet the aublc:rlptlon baa _Ired, to the fishennan or trapper. Linea are what unl_ we are notified to discontinue, ....d all shipping companies operate and that whic}, arreara are paid. All buaiD... eommuni.... fonn the backbone of the nation when refer- tlOll8 ahould be adm-d to the B__ ring to railroads. Lines are a means of com- M.... rer. ContributlOlUlfrom .naiumDl, 1IItmunication, telephone, telegt'aph, or "drop- derrnduatea, ....d frlmdl ..... ppreelated. ping a line." The aim of the M.... " .... II to olfer iaeb A line is BOmethinga boy hands a girl and matorlala .. will .be beDellclal .. weU .. IDhopes that she swallows. From these few terestIDc to our read ... , to keep the alama! In a .clooer .... tact with the .. n..... ODd to Buggestions, one can see the many pouibilities for this simple word, Une.. footer &<hool spirit. Editor ..•.....•.••.•..•• D.tore. Malchl. What else are lines'! Features ,Editor , nsh Murra,. Lines are, above all, DMLC tradition. One stands in line for breakfast, for chapel, Alum,,1Edlto 1.01, 51_ and to get out of chapel. There are linea into and out of every building and class all day long. Every meal involves a line. In this weather, one even Btand. 'in line to walk Feature and Ne•• Wrlte" . through a puddle! Lines are your constant Judy Vond.roh., Debbie Fitch. Jo,ce Ru.ckhelm. Donna Steinke, Barb ....a companions, and are very likely to be lifeSaeler, Carol Unite, Marilyn Kni.f, time a:,sociates. T1:ley are .better friends Lois Krau .. , Connie Oldfield, Colleen than you think. Ponder awhile and you Gunderson, Mary Schleuter. John shall Bee. Hardman, Jennifer Holan Edith Zickuhr. Barbara MUKh Ed. NoteSports Wrlte" Daye Schoeneck, John Seifert, Helen Kuehl Appearing in the March, 1965, issue of the Bonnie Krauae, Debbi. Fitch Junior Northwestern is an article about Henrr Meyer DMLC written by Patricia ("Tish") Murray, Make-up Staff, ........•.. Carol Smith, Measenger feature editor and author of the Rita Bremer, Jean StaYen. Circulation Staff ...•..... ,Joan Dumke, "Spielvontish" column. Jo)"Ce Rueckhelm, Celeate Schulb:, Marlaret Schultz, Sadie Victor, Josie

The DMLC Messenger


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St.lnke, Jud,. W.11a Proof Readera Judy Wena, Tish Murray, Cheryl Schaumbersr, Lois Krause, Janet Bitter, Judy W.stenAdylser

, ..•. '.' Prof







27. 1965

Ulm., Minne.ota

P.re 3

Tour Time. Approaches

College II!

United R.ilway Dissolve. Hillview, DMLC-The meeting of The time for which the members of College Choir I have been waiting is the Union New Ulm and Central fast approaching. Tour-time is almost here and the number of question" DMLC railroads, which became an concerning the taking of winter or spring clothes is on the rise. The choir's accomplished fact on February 28, .pring-board to tour will be a series of pre-tour concerts. It singa in Red1965, is now in the process of liquiwood Falls on the evening of March 24i and in Gibbon, Renville, and dation. This all-important line, Litchfield on the 28. April 4. finds the choir in Arlington, Trinity in St. with the laying of the final ties. not Paul, and St. John's in Minneapolis. Then comes April 8, Easter recall, only joined the eastern and western and tour. The tour schedule is as follows: ends of our snow sculpture, but also 8:00 p.m. St. Martin's Lutheran April strengthened class ties. Watertown, South Dakota Work began on this major step in ....... April 8:00 p.m. Northwestern Lutheran Academy. DMLC history on February 24. Mobridge, South Dakota Though working conditions were of......... April 10 8:00 p.m. Trinity Lutheran ten adverse, coolies working for both Winner, South Dakota companies were determined to meet (Winner High Sehool) the deadline. Gradually the work ...... April 11 9:30 a.m. City Auditorium. took form and after nearly 100 Burke, South Dakota hours of construction and menial J .... April 11 3:00 p.m. St. Paul's Lutheran l frustration, the figment of College, Theae twelve Choir I members con.titute DMLC'. newe.t .inrinr Norfolll, Nebraaka III imagination became realitY-:'l 8'roup. Christ Lutheran April 11 8:00 p.m. the trans-campus railroad wee born' Grand Joland, Nebraska Because of some inconsistency in .. April 12 8:00 p.m. Good SlIepherd Lutheran bookwork, the Student Council Omaha, Nebraska grants which were to follow comple...... April 13 7:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran ... tion of the line failed to come Watertown, Wisconsin through. On the whole, however, (Northwestern College Gym) building of the line was rated- a ... April 14 8:00 p.m. Friedens Lutheran major feat in the history of our Kenosha, Wisconsin class, and the workers are sorry to .April 15 8:00 p.m. Clur Savior's Lutheran see such a disaipating end come to Tenor, alto, bass, soprano-three of each add up to be one live ly singing the project. Wausau, Wisconsin group known as the Three TABS. Yes, that is what this unique name rep...... April.1S 1:00 p.m. Grace Lutheran . Since much of history may be resents. The group is composed of twelve members of Choir I-sopranos: Oshkosh, Wisconsin seen aa revolving around the rail-, Judy Wells, Bonnie Hoffmann, and Roseann Klockziem; altos: Aurelie road story, it is feasible to think .April IS 7:30 p.m. Jerusalem Lutheran Buenger, Susan Westendorf, and Marie Meyer; tenors: Allen Krause, Eldon that the railroad construction crew Morton Grove, lllinois Lemke, and Roger Klockziem; and basses: Paul Koepsell, Merlyn Kruse, will now go on to take great st.rides .April 17 7:00 p.m. Trinity Lutheran , ,. and David Jacobs. Waukesha, Wisconsin in the accomplishment of another The Three TABS was formed especially to fulfill the demands of the host- DMLC "first." Committees have ........ April 18 8:00 a.m. St. Lucas Lutheran ing congregations on choir tour. During these twelve days the singers will been formed and all are industriousMilwaukee, Wisconsin "pick up t he tab" for the delicious meals served-they'll "sing for their ly digging up information to be pre........... April 18 3:00 p.m. Atonement Lutheran suppers"! Milwaukee, Wisconsin sented at the Student Council misThis group appeared at the Snow Carnival Hootenanny, where all en- sion program March 25. College St. Stephen's Lutheran ., ..... ,., .. " .. , ... April 18 ,8:00p.m. joyed a superb rendition of "Goober Peas," "Raise a Ruckus Tonight," Beaver Dam, Wisconsin III enthuaiasm again rises in the en"Gypsy Rover," and "I'm Going Away." Members of the Three TABS, deavor to make another worthwhile ........ April 19 7:30 p.m. St. John'. Lutheran .. , ..... accomplished harmony students all, have collaborated on the arrangements project a success. Lake City, Minnesota At these concerts, which will open with "A Mighty Fortress," three sec- of some of the songs. One of these, "I'm Going Away," was completely arranged by Bonnie Hoffmann. '\iOllB 01 music will be sung. The first section consists of some general enThe TABS, now meeting twice weekly for rehearsals, are planning more 'tberns and three Chriatmaa numbera. Tbe second section begins with the 'Bach motet, "Be Not Afraid," and moves through Lent and Easter. The songs of this nat-ure to be sung on tour. Among them are "Good Night Let's take inventory of .. mething closing aegment is _againgeneral in nature and includes "There is a Balm in and Gut' Nacht" and "LU' Liza Jane." .AJJ these pieces are brought closer to perfection, enthusiasm mounts for an exciting and enjoyable tour. GUead" and tha ..Apoatolic Bleasini." near and dear to the heart of ev_e,iY To improve the uniformity of aeoouatica in the buUdinp in which the - ..--_"""""_-ofof a_eal'abell un!t1i'!r'under conalderation. TheM unit. ean be easily set up plaeed behind the choit in aeP.rtie. p•• t, couatically_poor rooms. They are designed to improve pitch, blend, balThe sinkinr of the Tit.nic was _anee, and:-tone and are endoned by as famous a man in choral music as Neither snow, nor sleet, nor poor the theme (or College I's snow Robert W_er. sculpture. We may not have taken visibility, nor slippery roads could Prof .... r Zahn is a little ooncerned about the transportation of theae first place, but all who showed up keep the fanner section Ib's returnunita beea_, aithough they're portable, thay are haavy and take space. inr practice teachers and those that had fun anyway. To reduee bagp,ge, he made the IUgpation: ulf the men can get along taught here at St. Paul's from a reThe swirling snows have really union at Michael's in Mankato on with one', suit. why can't the ,women get along with one dress?" Some Comparatively little finds its way kept the fellows busy shoveling. joke; •• or was iU February 10. to these pages about behind-the- Several have already become frigid On March 1those classmates who scenes functionings of one part of abominable snowmen. These blizTime: the stuff between vacations. our DMLC family. But the Me.zards somf>howseem to thwart even helped erect the Stonehenge for the Snow Carnival congregated at Stuaenrer would now like to relate a the efforts of our expert arctic crew. dent Union for a party. Adding to recent "human interest" story conSeveral members of the class the joy of the festive occasion was cerning our kitchen staff, Everyone Ene·cem.ent. is no doubt well aware of the incon- gathered in the auditorium to stull ~the -announcement that because of ~ enp.gement of Lois Mae veniences caused by our three--day tissue paper into chicken wire for the heavy snowfall school would be Rupprecht to Frederick T. Mueller blizzard: traffic was halted, even the miasion workshop. College I's called off the following day. The was announced by her parents, Mr. buried (the scene at Loretto Hill theme was based on. world missions. announcement' was 80 enthusiaatieally received that the exuberant mob and Mra. Herbert C. Rupprecht of was a case in point,) and foot transSpecial attention: Deadlinf" for trudged through the snow to the Milwaukee. Miss Rupprecht is portation was made well-nigh im- class dues is April 27. Stonehenge and no one left till not The oenior class of DMLHS pre- presently teaching at Trinity Luth-' possii)le by immense snow drifts. one stone was left upon another. _tell "The Ni&ht of January ISth" eran School, Kaukauna. Wisconsin, The cooks, who are always at Old in the college auditorium on Satur.. where her fiance is principal. Main by 5:30 every morning, faced day and Sunday nights, March 13, a real problem. Thourh many of Partie. pendine' M.rrla .... them walk the hill, even in winter, and 14. The fallen trees are rising again! How about a lit..:.lesnow, anyone' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moszyk now they had no way to work. The action of the play revolved (Janet Kuehn, '62) have made their One woman even comes daily from Well, the small amount of snoW Guess you just can't keep a good about a murder trial, that of Karen home in Harvey, Illinois, after their the town of Courtland; such a trip which we had on Februa.ry 27 was put tree down. Another party is now Andre-p~ by Jane UnlfOdtmarriage Deeember 27, 1964. was now out of the question. The to good use. We, the college soph- on the drawing board for ex-Choir o. trial I,r the murder of Bjorn Rhode leland Naval Baae is the solution' Both crews of cooks were omore class, were very much pleased I membera. Falkner, :througbout the trial, new borne of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feid- involved in an over-night stay on to come away with the first place Everybody keep May 31 ope \i ovid"" .. ~ oontinually brought to ter, Jr. (Dawn Hempel, HS '61) who caropus. Old Main was called back trophy in the annual Snow Carnival Dave Pelzl is throwing a "fin;.'~ bear en ei1:her the guilt or innocence were. married September 26, 1964. into service to provide housing for for the reporduction of the flag- fling" party at his house then ft",: of t~ aecuaed. the women. Several of the ladies raising on Iwo Jima. It was just the entire IV College c1a.sa. Birth. who stayed on the third floor re- too bad that for some reason Iwo. EaeIo night the verdict waa renPeter Soott changed the livea of marked that it was like living in a Jima came out to read Iowa Jima dered by a jury oeleoted from the Short Report.: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luedtke of dormitoryl (Former residents sym- in the local paper. Of course, the audience. the results beine not Livonia, Miebiran. He was born pathized with the ladies who were, change of weather-a change to the Casey Bauer and her Practice aulltr the 1irat ni&ht and aullty April 12, 1964. no doubt, unaccustomed to the warmer and damper-didn't help to School Ten are being featured on the .... nd. Neithar of the oppoemake the building task any easier. the cover of the Junior North"night sounds" of the old bullding.) illfi l&wyera, John Seifert, the. deMr. and Mrs. George Rausch, '63 However, twlf·styled humorists were we.tern. fenM attorney nor Paul Sauer, the (Ann Kemn&" '60) of Sebewaing, So, while New Ulm ~nd surround- out in full force, and remarks such district attomey, therefore, was able Michigan, announce the birth of a ing areas were at a standstill, Phyl Schwantes recently re'ceived as, "Say, Jim, whose arm are you to claim a "Perry M880n~'record.' daughter, Sharyl Ann, on October DMLC's kitchen was running holding?" "Who's singing, 'I want her donor's gallon pin 'from the Red 3, 1964. . smoothly as always. It takes a sit· to hold your hand"" and "ThoSt Cross, Bloody good show, Phyl! Though the task aeemed impoeaible. with the aid of faculty advisors February 13, 1965, won't be a uation such as this to make every- men just feU apart under all that A warm welcome back to the two (Prof.... r Duehlmeier and Miss day BOOn forcotten in the lives of one realize that the work of the weather!" helpE'd to make the time invalids, Ed and Els. We hoPE" Krook) and student direetora (Molly Mr. and Mrs. WiUis Dankert (Anita kitchen staff is a truly vital part of and snow fly. they prefer DMLC's hospitality our operation here on the hill. Hallemeyor and Paul Jaoobs) aue- Haefner, 'GO) of Palmer, Nebraska. Most of the college sophomores to Union's. ceea waa attained and an enjoyable It waa the day that a baby girl, Our appreciation is extended to are plagued wit.h that age-old questime waa had by all, both parti- Sharon, arrived. this year's staff, the Mmes. Bartels, tion: what shall we do with all this cipants !'I'd audience. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Birkholz, Dale, Glaesemann, Maha, Martins, spare time! It seems all the '56, received the best valentine yet, Newmann, Stockamp, Stolt, Ulrich, "profs" have decided that we need a rest-wasn't it nice to take adin the form of a baby girl, Carol Uhlig, and Wilson, who sacrificed vantage of a "free" day ... to catch "How do I love thee? Let me Lee, who arrived on February 14, up on everythi~, especially term count the ways." f,you name 'em, A synonym is a word you use 1965. The Birkholzs at present re- their time and effort for the stuI'll count 'em!" papers and sleep. dent.s' hencfit. side in Saginaw, Michigan. when you can't spell the other one.

Presenting: The Three TABS

College IV


Above and Beyond

College I

Alumni News

Guilty or Not Guilty

College II


The Lenius Philosophy


Saturday. Mar. 27,1965

Vim. Minnesota

man with 18 points, and led the Rams to their 59-52 victory. The running score was Luther. Mobridge. Koepsell Schoeneck. Traudt. Lenz . Hempel Heckmann

.8 18 12 .7 18 10 Ig Iga It Ita .9220 2 .. .4 I! 5 10 .4 14 2 4 .. 1 56 6 .... 1826412 .... 2 50 0

21-59 17-52 tp r I 18 7 5 13 11 I 10 12 1 8 54 62

Ram. Defeat Bethany, 48-33 a slow start against Bethany, February 16. Luther grabbed the lead and held it for a 48-33 victory. Steve Schwichtenberg was all-around high man with 17 points and 10 rebounds. ACter

. Lancers po.e at Ha.on'. end. New Conference ruUnl' to brine ~e.pertenced.enion back to thi•• quad ned year.

College Basketball Team Completes Season Although we lost more games than we won, this year's basketball season was better than that of last year. Team performance, however, was handicapped by an unusual number cr injuries sustained by the various players. Although he did an exceptional job or leading the team on the floor and in scoring, team captain Dale Walz alone suffered more in,uries this season ,than the average player receives in four seasons. The bench did a fine job oC substituting. The perConnance oC the team was better in many instances than the scores would indicate. Bob Schroer, for instance, got 300 rebounds, an

excepdonel number considering the size oC the players in our conference. The conference itself is growing stronger every year, thus increasing the competition each season. This year we won five games (one of which was the alumni game), as contrasted to the one win or last year's season. The conference has passed a new rule which makes college seniors eligible for the team. This means that we will have many of the same men returning to the DMLC court next season. With this added experience, and hopetully [ewer injuries, next year's team will undoubtedly improve our record.

Rams Finish With 12-11 Win-Loss Record S.nborn

In a see-saw game, Tuesday, February 9, Luther outscored St. Mary's 15-4 in the last two minutes, and won 55-54. Phil Hempel was high man with 25 points, while Steve Gauger and Paul Schuman helped score the key points in the last two minutes. The running score-was

The running score was .10 20 11 .12 10 19 Ig 19aIt Ita .. .5 10 7 7 Koepsell .. . . . 6 14 4 5 Traudt ... Schwichtenberg . .4 10 0 0 .1 4 4 4 Wille ... 2 6 0 0 Hempel ... 0 4 3 3 Schoeneck.

Luther ... Sanborn ..

13-54 22-63 tp r I 17 12 5 16 10 3 8 0 2 6 2 2 4 33 3

3 4

Orv Breitkreutz with 13 point!' and Steve Bilitz with 10 points led the B team to a 46-23 victory. The running score was


~ther. . . .. ..' 7 12 11 16-46 nborn.,. .., 4 11 7 1-23

Luther .... St. Mary's. Hempel .. Schoeneck. Wille Schumann Koepsell .

9 14 12 13-48 . 13 8 7 5-33 rs Cgart eta tp r r 6125817102 Schwichtenberg .41102891 Schoeneck. 31102671 Wille .2 6 3 3 32 Hempel .1 10 2 3 8 I Koepsell

Luther .. Bethany.

FVL Topa

Luther, 71-65

In a well-played, hard-fought game against Fox Valley. February 19, Luther was defeated 71-65. Luther led after the first Quarter 18-16, but tied it at 40 at half time. Fox Valley pulled ahead by three in the next Quarter and went on to win the game. The running score was Luther Fox Valley Schoeneck. Schwichtenberg Wille .. Hempel Koepsell . Gauger .. ·~ .

18 22 10 15-65 16 24 13 18-71 Ig It tp I 10 4 24 4

.. 7 18 11 19-55 .12 10 20 12-54 Ig 19aIt Ita tp r I .. 9 15 7 9 25 3 0 .... 3 13 3 8 9113 9 13 9 .... 2 2 1 1 o0 .1 6 1 I 53

Luther Hoat. Mobridge After having trouble securing referees because of snowstonns, Luther Beat Northwestern Luther Academy (Mobridge) in a difficult game, Friday, February 12. Luther led most of the way, but always by only a Cewpoints. Art Koepsell was high

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Because oC a height disadTantage Luther used a lull-court preII8 the entire game, combined with 45% shooting to pull ahead in the aeeond hall and win. 76-66.

Steve Schwichtenberg was high man with 21 points and helped keep the Rams within -range. The final score was Luther 59-Concordia 66. The running score was Luther. . " 9 10 24 16-59 Concordia .... 18 14 23 11-66 Igl .. ltltatp r I Schwichtenberg .. 7 17 7 10 21 6 3 Schoeneck.. ..4 8 3 4 11 6 1 .. 2 54 5 822 Lenz . Koepsell . .. 2 9 4 4 8 5 I 2722683 Traudt .

Pbil Hempel and Greg Lenz led the Rams with 22 and 18 points, respectively. The running aeore was Luther. Waupun. Hempel Lenz . Wille Schoeneck. Koepsell . Heckmann

Manty Topa Luther, 75-71 In the first tournament game at the Lutheran Invitational in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, Luther was edged 71-75. Friday, March 5, by Manitowoc. The Rams held the lead in the first and second Quarters by six and three points respectively. Manitowoc ran away in the third Quarter and ended it with a m-polnt lead. but a Cull-court press by the Rams pulled them to within two points. Luther never regained the lead. Although Luther netted two more points in field goals, they were short six points on Cree throws. Phil Hempel and Gary Wille were high scorers with 28 and 11 points respectively. The running score was Luther 17 18 10 26-71 Manitowoc 11 21 .20 23-75 Iglgaltltatp

!~_Klfoe.l'!'!')L eclanann Len,'

After a hard;· Cast game Thursday, February 25. against Blake School o[ Hopkins, Luther was on the short end of the 74-65 score. Luther was in contention until the lalllt minute or 80 when the Rams repeatedly fouled in attempts to gain poeeeesian of the ball. The points gained by Cree throws and rebound Iayups gave Blake its lead. Steve Schwichtenberg and Phil Hempel held Luther in the finot hall, while Oary Wille and Oary Schoeneck were the fighters in the last quarter .

~•., jLJI~~..u 2 2.49 861 '2 .93 S 748

g .11 25' 012234 8 If 2 2 18 9 3 . ... 44221032 21145 '892 .... 3611713 .... 2'133720

Ram. Defeat NW" Prep., 82-78 In their second game on March 6, the Rams won the consolation championship in the Lutheran Invitational Tournament by defeating Northwestern, 82-78. Luther had three men in double figures, Art Koepsell, 30 points, Gary Schoeneck, 21 points, and Phil Hempel With 18 points. Greg Lena had a good passing game. The running score was Luther.. . Northwestern

18 26 15 23-82 19 19 19 21-78 Ii 19aI.t Ita tli' I r Koepsell , .. ~8 254 • 3Q • Il Schoeneck 8 16 5'9 21 2 11 Hempel 81523181 6 Wille •......... 31102659



Coach Kaiser Reviews High School'Se_ason

"In a way, I'd say the (basketball) oeaaon was disappointing • Luther had trouble rebounding under her own basket and Couled There were times when we could have played better ball, which we heavily in the last quarter. were capable oC playing," said Pr0The running Bcorewas CessorKaiser, coach of the DMLHS Luther. .13 15 15 22-65 A-«juad basketball team. .... 15 18 18 23-74 Blake .. He lelt that the Rams, who finIg Iga It Ita tp r I Wille. .4 8 3 5 II II 4 ished their season with a 12 win, 11 Schwichtenberg .4 15 6 9 14 4 5 loes record. displayed good teamHempel .7 20 0 1 14 4 2 work throughout the season. uI Koepsell .5 19 3 5 13 9'1 was well pleased in the Lutheran Tournament. Had we played· ,that

Elchten Shoe Store Eibnerand Son EyrichPlumblnc '" Heatlnr Farmer'. & Merchant'. Bank FeaenmalerHardware FI.cher'. RexallDrul. Forater'. Furniture. Inc. Frlbche Clinic Green Clothier'a Harolld'. Shae Store Henle Drugscl ClinicPharmacy Herberger'. HerzogPubli.hfng Co. KemakePaper Co. H. Lang Barber Shop Leuthold-NeubauerClothier. MeidlMusicStore MeyerStudio Montl'omel'7Ward Mue.fnl". Dru. 'StOJ'e

.19 14 20 23-76

..1: I:; I!~~~~--:~


+ Our Patrons

AlwinElectrle H• .1. Baumann. Insurance Backer'. Pharmacy Beck'. __The Leadin. Jewelera Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown'. MusicStore Sullemer'. Citlzen'aState Bank Coaat-to-CoastStore DairyBar Dr. ·Akre,Optometrid Dr. Feaenmaler Dr. Haroldson,Optomebl.t Dn. CeorgeKuehner a: Wm.VonBank Dr. Cermann, Optometrbt Dr. Schwartz, Dentlat Dr. Tyler

Luther's first game api. Waupun Christian High School, on Saturday, March 6, was eloee in the first half. The Rams led by only one point at the end of the first quarter and were tied at halftime, 38-33.

ACter losing the chance Cor the MISL championship, Luther entered a game with Concordia Academy of St. Paul, Friday, February 26, in a bid Cor the consolation title. The starting team had a very poor first half, Callingbehind by 13 points, but the reserves cut the lead to five points. They were called upon again in the last part cr the second half to help again.

~~I!~ r, 81 ~~.""~.:::::::::1: ~~~~~~:~

32 ~~

BlakeDefeat. Luther in MISL Tournament Play

Rem. Win By One

Tak•• Luther, 63..54

Friday, February 5, the Luther Rams were defeated by Sanborn, 63-54. Luther led by 12 points in the first half, but floor mistakes' pulled the Rams under. despite the [act that they made 18 oC 19 free throws. Art Koepsell and Dave Traudt led the Rams in scoring with .17 and 16 points respectively.

The running score was

Luther OverWaupun,·76-61

ConcordiaWina Conaolatlon, 66-59. In Tournament

New Ulm Brick a: Til. Yard. NewU1m Dairy New UIm Gift" Hobb,. Shop NewUlm Creenhouae. NewUIm Theater Och. Brick &. Tn. Yard. Sprlnl"field O.wald'. NewUlm Laundry Co. Patrlek'. Jeweler. Patteraon'. Relm and Church Jeweler. J. C. Penne,.Co. Pink'•. Polta Drul"Store Ralti. Department Store Retalatr'. Our Own Hardware Rite-WayCleanera Sch.lble PJumbln" " H•• tl... Schnobrlch'. Cit,. Meat Marbt Se...

way all year, our record would have been much better." According to· Coach Kaieer, next year'. team will be younr and Ibort-er than the teams of reeent -. He stated, however, that they :would show • lot 01 huatle. It will be Intereating to Bee neXt ~. teaIn, because as Coach added, IfAlmOllt every position Wln be Wide open." Prol....,r Kaiser was ~11 pi....,:! with the Ian support .nd~~ bis thanks .. well .. his IlQpe that they keep up the flne work. ,\.

Seifert Clinic Sh.rwln-WI,U.mo P.lnt 5t .... Henr7Somaen,Law:rer Spelbrlnk'. Clothln.. A c..uaJ Shop Sporbman'. Grill Sporbmen Shop State Bank 01 NewUlm TV SIrna' VImOrgelwerke-HowardNolt. UlrichElectric VOI'elClinic Dr. HowardVorel Dr. Milton Katler Vocelpohr. Leather Good. LUI'S'a.. e - Gilts Wa...-o-Len. Wen.. da Caf. and B.kel'7 WJlf.hrt Brothe.. F. W. WooJ_rih c".



Vol.LV No.8

Collegiates "Spring" Activity "What a way to end a day!" could well describe the 1965 college spring activity. It got off to a rollicking ,start with the faculty vs. the "seniors softball game. Tutor Crosa, .member of the defeated faculty • team, put it this way, "We were robbedl"

MES.SENGER Dr. Martin Luther CoHere

Don Shirley Trio To Appear The Community Concert Associa. tion will present the Don Shirley Trio on May 10 at 8:30 p.m. This trio has been widely acclaimed throughout the nation and every appearance for the past two years has been a sellout. Their music can't be described as jazz or classical and they prefer to call it "listenable music." Their music -is ideally suited for concerts and is favorably rated by the p1'e88. One distinct feature of the Trio is its lack of a set program. They preler to play what they leel and improvise. Igor Stravinsky said. "They have a virtuosity worthy of the gods. They will appear on May 9 at the Northrup Auditorium with the Minneapolis Symphony. Don Shirley is quite an interesting and talented man. He is not only a great musician, but he has acquired a doctorate in psycholo~ and is known as an outstanding composer. This. appearance should be heralded and remembered by all for this exciting new approach to music. OJ

Takinl' a momentary halt in preparations for the Collere Sprinl' Ac;tivity I. Mr. Huro BUlb, DMLC'. Food and Maintenanc. Officer. After the strenuous but all-in-fun game was over, facu~ty and ·studenta trooped over to.BermallQ, lIeights to fill_up with_ "Mr. B'e" wonderful supper. To climax the evanilla's

Student Recital Pending Two students of Mr. Ames Anderson will present a joint recital Monday, May 17, at 8:15 p.m. Misa Janice Weiahahn, a college junior, and Mr. John Hardman, a senior, will each play three b b

May 8, 1965

NewVim, Minne.ota

NWC Chorus Appears The "Churchyear in Song" was the theme of Northwestern College's Male Chorus, which during the past Easter recess toured the central United States in celebration of its school's one hundredth year in existence. Their concert, which was held here the 21st of April, was well attended and well received. The concert commenced with "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." Following the initial choral, a section, the Churchyear in Hymns and Chorals, was presented. All of the selections in this grouping were arranged by the director, Prof. A. O. Lehmann. The middle section, the Churchyear In Anthems. featured numbers centered around Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection. This section was highlighted with the two-choir arrangement of "0 Savior Burst the Heavenly Bound" by J. Brahms. The concert was concluded with the Churchyear in Carols and Sptrttual Song which featured such selections as "The Little Drummer Boy," '~What Wondrous Love." and a Spanish carol, "In Joseph's Lovely Garden." The seventy-voice 'choir of our own Doctor Martin Luther College presented its homecoming concert on April 25th in the school auditorium. The choir had just returned from a twelve day, twenty-five hundred -mile tour of the central and western portion of the United Sta~s.

"Singing Praises to God" was the theme of the choir's concert. Once again the auditorium was filled to capacity as the choir, under the direction of Prof. M. Zahn, sang its praise to God. The program, which followed the churchyear, began with "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." The first section, which included songs (rom Reformation and Christmas, was concluded with the selection, "The Presentation of Christ in the Temple." "Be Not Afraid," a motet arranged for two choirs by J. S. Bach, opened the second section. The chorals, "Upon the Cross Extended," and "0 Sacred Head Now Wounded," were included in this section. The number. HYe Sons and Daughters," by Leiaring, another twochoir arrangement, was then presented. "Christ is Arisen," followed by -"We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost," composed by Ludwig Lenel, were the highlights of this section; In the final section, "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" by J. Brahms was rendered with a combined organ-piano accompaniment. "Muede bin ich," arranged by Markworth, and "Abide, 0 Dearest Jesus," setting by B. Backer. cast a more serene spirit over the audience. The concert ended with the late Emil D. Backer's stimulating arrangement of the "Apostolic Blessing."

Heigh-Ho; Come To The Fair On the afternoon of Sunday, May 2, a great many- people viewed the various displays and demonstrations gathered for the third annual Phlogiston Science Fair. In past years the Science Fair has been held in conjunction with the. Marlut-Aeoliand-Band Concert, but this year the Fair branched out on its own to allow more room for the growing number of exhibits and to provide convenient vieV¥;ingof the projects, The combined I'rade school, hirh uhool, and coller. entries neared the 200 mark. The projects were varied in nature, representing many fields of science. Some of the many interesting exhibits included entries on crystal formation, science kits, making paper, stain removal, testing blood types, mounting animals, and mice experiments. After all of the judging was done and the tabulation of scores was completed. the following were the grand prize winners: Grade School: Stephen Schuetze -Grade 8, New Ulm-"Thennos r": A Satellite Model High School: Jane Bode-Grade 10, DMLHS-CoUection of Wood Samples College: Karen and Loi. Sievert -Sophomore, DMLC-DNARNA Model

Luedke Presents

Mr. Luedtke, a member of the • DMLC muale faculty, presented an organ recital on the afternoon and ~ ~-"'Wleilt.- ••It__ "..'II_III."."<IOl,~III.;"P";"'cdlsdllrplQlIlI> ...'"'<t.;..... ."tned;;.;;;n..ie~car,1llr~~:e:~co~·~ "reheaned" program of entertain- posen. The program is as follows: evening of May 2. "This program ment. CoD"," II girla boomed. the I was offered in partial substantiation stage with a "Deutsch" reproducJanice Weisha~, organist of the proposition that every comtion of the fairy tale, "Snow White Sochs Sonaten .... ,. Mendelssohn position may he viewed in one way and the Seven Dwarfs." Then the Sonata I or another as a reorganization of, or _THREE TABS sang a few of the Allegro moderato e serioso BOngB that they had used to enterAdagio a variation on, existing forms, pictain informal gatherings after the Andante recitivo torial images, or established themes. concerts on: choir- .tour. Second Allegro assai vivace WIthin each section several varieties cradera (disguised DMLC students) Pastorale. . . . . .. Reger Two rrade-schoolers from of a particular genre were presented, presented a robust onrset play, Pra\':ludium et Fura. , .J. S. Bach which represented divergent styles Sleepy Eye, M. Janke and C. "The Tlu'ee Billy Goats Gruff," in D. major Harmeninl', pose before a homewith troll Paul Koepsell as an added from scattered centuries," II made duck incubator. attraction. College freshman GlorJohn Hardman. organist The first section of this recital eae" Ba.ehr Bbo~ some aparkHng Suite- Medlevale., .. Jean Langlais It was especially· interesting and consisted of three selections written talent in singinc. Latin America Prelude with all added touch of New Ulm in the chaconne-passacaglia form: encouraging to notice an increased Ofl'ertoire Yesterday afternoon, six people "Chacone En Sol" written by Louis participation among the high school filled the air when the senior girls Acclamations nlayed calypso and polka music, to Nun freut Euch J. S. Bach left our campus for Bemidji, Minne- Couperin in the 17th Century. "I.e and college students. The benefits of active participation in such exhibt~ tune of Diane Wernicke', ac- Fantasia and Furue, ,.J. S. Bach sota. to attend the three-day, TriState Leadership Conference at Be- Jardin Suspendu". composed by itions are far-reaching. Students cord~on. in C minor approaching the teaching field could Jehan Alain, B 20th Century com': midji State. Ray Dusseau, Casey Iute:rspersed between these acts Bauer, Mike Miller, and Diane poser, and "Passacaglia in C Minor" well bear in mind the success that oQr ]<l.Y., Mike Miller, called upon such fairs will find in local elemenTomrohr went as our Student Coun- by J. S. Bach. the wittY atudent body to give small tary schools. Indeed. they can cil representatives, and Delores extemporaneous discourses on curThe second .section consisted of prove to be a valuable asset to the Maichle, editor of the Me.. enrer, rent topiea. Later, Henry Meyer went a8 our publication's represen- compositions featuring pictorial and teaching program, enriching the en· displayed an outstanding ability in tative. These five students were nonpictural images. The first selec- deavors of the gifted child and eating cherry pie.,--most 01 which bringing to the slower student an accompanied by Prof. Swantz, Stution was a composition written by opportunity for self-satisfaction and seemed to stay on his face! When dent Council advisor. the beat original sweatshirts were Miss Laurine Zautner, another mem- a realization that "science can be During the three..d_ayconference, ber of the music faculty, entitled fun'" j~dM, Bonnie Lange pulled through these six representatives will be j.jFour Abstractions." This piece IQf the .girls, wqU. Tutor Pautz, A little reminder may be in place meetina' with comparable representa- was followed by "The Battel," a Bportinll Hia Nortbweatern Sweattives of other small colleges from suite in six movements by William here for all of the students interestshirt, reserved ."the tail end of ed in working on a project. There South· Dakota, North Dakota, and Byrd, a ] 6th Century composer, ~.. "What a way to end a dayl" ~ Minnesota to ditocussstudent apathy and HComes Autumn Time" by the are many exhibits which can be preand other such problems common to contemporary composer, Leo Sower- pared only in the summer months. One example would be a spider-web many American colleges today. In collection. Now is the time to L to R: B. Leniu., E. Poole, addition to the valuable information by. and E. Plath. Tp climax a fun..filled, activityThe final section was composed of start planninll' for next .prinr. these six will gain from the meetings filled year, the Student Council several selections featuring variathemselves. they will also have an Under the guidance of Phlogiston is _pin planning the Activities opportunity to enjoy themselves so- tions on chorale melodies. The first President Ray Dusseau and Fair Banquet which will be held in the cially since the conference guests group of numbers contained three Chairman David Sauer the plans for Annory on the nights of May contemporary chorale improvisations the fair were formulated and set inare being housed at a resort. 22nd and May 23rd, the firat which were written by PaulO. DMLC sent representatives to a Manz within the last four years. to action. Heads of other commitdate ~eing that 01 the College similar conference last year and The improvised chorales were "Sa v- tees included Ray Manthe, Al Wroand the aecond date that 01 the gained many valuable ideas. It is ior of the Nations, Come," "How bel and Ruth Heikes. Any surhigh achool banquet. At these hoped that this year's conference fonnal banquets all those stulestions for the improvement of The battle cry around campus will prove equally worthwhile and Lovely Shines the Morning Star," and "Praise to the Lord, the Aldents who have participated in last Thursday and Friday was "rake consequently, add 10 the general mighty." This was followed by the Science Fair in future year. the many campus activities such them up and pack them in." Thurs- improvement of our school. two baroque chorale preludes, "From should be handed in writinr to as band, Student Council, the day marked Arbor Day lor the col. Heaven' Above to Earth I Come" one of the above-mentioned peoM.... nr.r. the uc.lsior, and lege students and found them beauthe 1l11.li). .porting events will be Everyone pitched in whoJe...heart- by Johann Pachelbel and "Lord ple. The heads of the Science Fait tifying the main part of the campus given their dJle recognition. by raking leaves, hauling them edly and "operation cleanup" prov- Jesus Christ, with Us Abide" by would also like to extend a sincere We hope to see many there for away, and planting trees. On Fri- ed to be a job well done. In the Bach. Mr. Luedtke concluded his thank-you to all who participated a night of good food, good enterday the high school finished the future, let's all remember to help recital with the dynamic selection. both with projects and with persontainment, and fun. clean-up job by raking Luther Hol- keep our campus clean so that it "Variations on 'America'" compos- ;l1 ;liri in making- thi;; fair a ~ur('f';;". •,,! 1," (·1,.,rlr'" h"/'" ;11 1:-:01

Call Nigh't Getting Closer

DMLC Represented At Convention

Operation Cleanup


Whose Victory?

Editorial Lost Words Appropriate title for an editorial, is it not? But fitting as it is, we have another suhject in mind. It's time to take stock. One more issue of the Meaaen'fer remains to be printed, and we'd like to review the year. Eight times thus far copy has gone to press, and eight times the student body has read and digested the material, and formed some opinion concerning it. But opinion. have been wasted/ We've never needed a "Letters. to the Editor" column simply because there never are any. Think about it. Your contributions in the way of constructive criticism could mean a great deal. With the increased enrollment next year we'll be playing to still a bigger house. As our scope expands, so also must our production. What is the Messenger? It is, at first glance, a four-page printed newssheet with columns, headlines, pictures. In this respect it appears to be quite normal. Now what is its object] It is the monthly production of a small staff of collegiates who try to please what often appears to be a disinterested public. There are always those who read only class news and picture captions. For them the material is too old by the time it goes to press. We agree with this complaint, but the fact remains that without assistance from interested corners the situation cannot and will not improve .. Improvement is an elusive thing without concern and aid

Even student publications not etand etill. If readers


want bigger and better things, they can present their case and efforts will be made toward improvement, even as they are made with each. and every issue. The Me.. enger could be a true nelllspaper for the students. After all, the paper belongs to its readers. Your newspaper presents your news on your behalf. Basically it comes down to this-a larger staff would report twice the news, when it still is news. One issue remains to be produced this year. Our goal is simple: a student newspaper called the DMLC Messenger.



The battlefield is Quiet now The stillness chills the soul, It seems that death the victory's won Tho-each side will claim her role.

o why, 0

why, I ask Thee, God Do men go on .thia way? They vow their friendship ne'er will end Then-their blades are bared to slay.

"Say It With Music" Spring has finally arrived and our fancies on the DMLC campus turn to music. To commemorate the season of spring, the band. Aeolians, and Marluts will "say it with music!" Comparable to the season, the numbers selected for the concert on May 9 are light, airy, romantic, and rhythmic. We repeat, "Spring is sprung!" and we hope you will join us when the following program is presented, as we "say it with music!" BAND Sousa's Triumphal (Field March) T. B. Boyer

The battle short; the battIe long Time-it has no goal, Neither matters where the place Still-desth will take her toU.

MARLUTS Fascination ,

The rifles now are silenced The cannons cease to roar, The dead remain as martyrs For a "cause" that is no more.

BAND Marcho Scherzo (Concert March) D. I. Moore

.lvrlce by D. Manning music by F. D. Marchetti err. by R. Kent accompanist: David Jacobs

AEOLlANS Deep Purple ...

. .. t •• lyrics by M. Parish music by P. DeRose accompanist: Judy Wells

Once they lived, loved and laughed In the morning's brilliant sun, Now they lie in death's dark arms Their earthly [ourneya done.

BAND Hail, America (Processional March) G. Drumn arr. by T. Clark

The bugler stands on yonder hill His mournful song to blow, It echoes off the rocks and rills; He plays it sad and slow.

MARLUTS Autumn Leaves.

The final tribuie to these men Is peace on earth to reign, That they who died for freedom's sake Died not their deaths in vain.

.lyrics and music by J. Mercer, J. Psevert, and J. Kosma arr. by A. Reed accompanist: John Nolte

TABS Take Teeny Tour

BAND Relax! (Woodwind Quintet plus One) P. Yoder Delores Maichle-Flute Petrieia Murray-Oboe Marilyn Knospe-Clarinet Judith Westendorf-French Hom Lois Krause-Percussion Coordinator: Sharon Gamerdinger-Bassoon

The Three TABS, a singing group composed of twelve members of Choir I, has, contracted touritis. Recently back from Choir 1's most successful and erijoyable tour, the TABS are now making a number of out-oftown appearances in addition to singing for campus activities. On Apri1 21, the ladies auxiliary of .the St. Peter vicinity was hostess to the TABS who travelled there to provide entertainment for the group. This past week-end, May 1~2, the TABS sang some of the Choir's regular tour numbers for two. morning services at congregations in the Winona area. Prof. Zahn rushed back from a conference to "be able to direct the group in these appearances. Sunday evening, the TABS rendered a portion of their ever-increasing repertoire in an effort to interest more young people in at~ tending DMLC. Their efforts were well received and much appreciated by those in their audiences.

Mother's Day is almost here What does this mean to you? A card to buy, or make and mail, A gift to wrap and' send its way? Take stock, my friend. if this be the case Such appreciation of mother is simply waste. Don't take for granted the thi~s she does; Her advice and her help are evidence of love. All that she gives is with willing heartAll the more reason our thanks to impart. One day's not enough as has often been said, And neither are the words to which we are led"Happy Mother's Day and thank you" is all we can say For the things that she does with each passing day. -pam



College I

r Finally the sun has once again shown its face, and once again we have spring. For a long time, however, many were somewhat disturbed by the length of time spring was taking in coming. As one student put it:

When? How '}ongshall it be before we hear The voice of a bird singing with cheer, The babble of the brook, running through the park, The wind in the trees, a cricket in the dark? How long till we may lift our eyes To see feathered formations fiying by, High in the sky the sun shining bright, Buds on a tree-a sign of new life? How long must we walk over ice and snow Fearful of life wherever we go? How long till it melts and flows away? How eagerly all await that dayf The calendar says that spring is hereAt least it should be at this ti~e of year, But I've yet to see the first robin redbreast, Genera.lly considered the official test. When will we see wash out on the line. Grass on the ground, leaves on the vine? When will children go outside to play Instead of watching TV all day? When will spring be sprung? -pam

April 2, 1t6S

History students will testify that all through the ages some extremely talented men such as Plate, Aristotle, de Vinci, and Michaelangelo have made their mark on so-ciety. Even now, we feel their influence upon our lives.

The term homo univeraaUs was employed to describe a man of numerous talents, one who. did well in many areas. Perhaps the most outstanding, and yet most neglected, homo univeraaU. of all time is one called Anonymous. Though information on his life is non-existent, and we have no. portrait which we may, study, nevertheless, from his works we are able to learn a number of thin~ about him.

One might also deduce that -Anonymous experienced extreme variations in mood. Both his music and his writings at times are light and gay, and then again are dark and gloomy. His paintings utilize a wide variety of color combinations which indicate woe, nostalgia, glee, sobriety, and happiness. That he was able to work under the influence of all these moods is in itself remarkable and commendable.

It is easily determined that the opinions of this _.homo unlversalis on what constitutes a poem, essay, painting, or musical composition were not deeply rooted since the craze of each era affected him and changed his approach to his creations.

The very fact that he has not produced an autobiography shows us that he was extremely modest. A person with as many talents as he had surely would recognize his worth to the world: therefore, it Is impossible to think that he neglected providing an autobiography because of an unrecognized market for the material.

BAND Serenata


. .. L. Anderson

MARLUTS The Streets of Laredo

. arr. by R. Heuter accompanist: Willard Engel

BAND March Forth (Concert March) .. D. I. Moore AEOLIANS Lullaby of Birdland ..... lyrics by B. Fomer music by G. Shearing arr. by J. Leyden accompanist: Kathlee.n Kehl MARLUTS Medley of Memories (a medley of American songs)... an. by J. Hardman accompanist: David Jacobs . OFFERING BAND Selections from "Mr. Lucky" .... H. Mancini arr. by J. Krance AEOLIANS and MARLUTS May You Always . lyrics and music by T. Markes and D. Charles arr. by A. Reed accompanist: Janice Weishahn director: John Hardman DEPARTING MARCH BY BAND Invercargill (Field March) ..... A. F. Lithgow arr. by L. P. Laurendeau

In Appreciation


Signs of the Season

AEOLIANS AU The Things You Are -,' . lyrics by O. Hammerstein music by J. Kem arr. by W. Stickles accompanist: Helen Scharf

From this same

evidence one can safely make the assumption that Anonymous lived an extremely long life since the various eras which influenced him stretch over a long period of years. Yes, it is high time that !Orne recognition should be given to the most talented man of all time, Anonymous.

-c-- .. _ .._--

'.-"--0-"1""-'-" ........

It Is better



happiness wber-

ever you go than whenever you CO.

The DMLC Messenger Tbe DMLC M.... n.. r il publ!sbecl durInl the montba of October, November, December, February, March, April, M~ and June. The sublcription price is one dollar and ftfty cents per annum. Single eopieo are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. The Me... n .. r is eontinued after tbe time that tbe suhscription bas expired, unlea we are notified to discontinue, and aU arresro are paid. All business communloationa should be addreaed to the Busin.. Manager. Contributiona fromall alumni, undergraduat~, ~nd friends are appreciated. The aim of the Menen.-.r is to ofter such materials .. will he bebellc!al as well as in· teresting to our readora, to keep the alumni in a cloaer contact with the coll.p, IIld to foster Icbool spirit. Editor ..•••..•......•••• Delore. Maiehl. Features Editor Ti.h Murray New. Editor ..........••.•••. Judy Winter Sport. Edltor...•.........•... Boyd Tech Alumni Editor ....•.•...••... Lola Sl.. ert Mak .. up Editor Helen Lochner 8",.ine •• Mana ..er ..•.••••.. DaYid Sauer Circulation -Manapr ..•••• Anita Rebbo,... Advertl.in.. Mana ..er ....•. Mark Boehme Feature and New. Write" ....•...••.•••• Judy Vonderohe, Debbie Fitch, Joyce Rueckhelm, Donna Steinke, Sarbara SaeCer, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief. Lol. Krau.e, Connie Oldfield, Coll.. n Gunderaon, MU7 Sehleuter, John Hardm.n, Jennifer Holran Edith Zlckuhr, Barbara MUlCh Sporta Wrlten Dave Schoeneck, John Seifert. Helen Kuehl Bonnie Kraua_, Debbl. Fitch HelU7 Me,..r Make-up Staff ........••.. Carol Smith. Rita Bremer, J.an Steveau Circulation Sta&'.••...••.. Joan Dumke, Joyce Rueckhelm, C.t .. te Schula, Marlraret Sehulb, Sadl. Victor, Joale Ad.,. Photovapher .••••••• t •••••• Ray Manth. As.I.tant PhotoaTaph_r •...• Tom Lippert Proof Readere .....•.... Judy WeI", n.h Murray, Cheryl SCh.um_ ...., Lol. Krau.e, Janet Bitter, Judy W•• tendorf AdvlHr .••••••••••.•••••• ProfeHOI' Trapp


Pace 3

May 8, 1965

College III

College IV

Are you in the "In" gro.p or the "Out" group? Stranre as it may BOund,this query is a common one among the college juniors these days. The stimulus, of course, arises from the recently'issued practice school Jiat for the clomlngyear, and the purpose; is to determine whether one's classmates will be teaching in Ne~ Ulni or at one of the cooPerating 'schools in wiSconsin. Between the alternating eager anticipation and nervous seizulea, cl888 members agree that they, are looking forward to their quarter of molding the minds of future citizens.

Digging back to the pre-Easter season, we find our ambitious class actively engaged in cutting classes. Besides bringing the entire class together lor one last "doing" before graduation, the class trip was a good training period for Choir I members who'd be spending their Easter vacation in buses. Luckily the Intervening activities of touring Ford Co. and Bell Telephone coupled with the generously-cushioned theater seats provided enough change of pace to see the saddle-sore through long. long day.

Everyone has noted the expansion in the size of our class since Easter vacation. Memories of ,choir tour have not ~nly settled in the deep crevices of the mind, but also have tn eome "weigh" made themselves more apparent in the very stature . and bearing of Some of our classmates.

Prof. D. Brick (far ria-ht) and Prof. M. Zahn (second from left) pose with half of Choir I durin.- a _top on their recent tour.

Memories From Choir Tour

If any of the Choir I members were asked to describe the twelve days they spent on tour in a few words, I'm sure moat of them would reply, "It was really a marvelous. memorable and fun-filled experience." Our first Sunday out was really a hectic day. After leaving Winner, South Dakota, bright and early in the Interference' baa' been called'-on morning, we journeyed to Burke where we sang a concert in the Sunday service. Immediately after the concert we boarded the bus; we bad to make it to Norfolk, a distance of 150 miles, in three hours. This may not sound academic activities so that many of our gals can' attend' to the ball. too bad, but with buses one never can tell. Well, this was just one of those days-about 30 miles out of Norfolk The net result of their sPOrt will be theIead bus started having tire trouble. The second bus pulled ahead and sailed into Norfolk in ample time to a lot of fun as teams volley for top get ready for the concert, but with robes, director, etc. on the other bus, there wasn't much to do except to wait. The lead bus finally pulled in about twenty minutes before concert time-there was a good deal of scurrying spot on the intramural roster. around in those twenty short minutes! We made it in time, however, and the "show" went on as planned, except With a bit of "abstract" thinking, for the fact that one of our male members took the perogative that usually belongs to a women; namely, to faint. one can see the merging of balmy There wasn't any time to waste after this concert, either. since our next stop was still over 100 miles away. Conheads and balmy weather as, College sequently, we boarded the buses promptly and headed for Grand Island. We were scheduled to arrive at 7:15. III answers the call of the great When the designated time (7:30) had arrived, our destination was not yet in sight. Was this to be a repeat peroutline. formance of that afternoon? About 7:40 we hit the city. but-then we had a little trouble finding the auditorium. Quite a rivalry has developed in After going down the wrong side of a boulevard and stopping at various tilling stations, among other things, we P.E. between the Skippers and the finally pulled up before the school about 7:50, threw on our gowns, practiced quickly with the school children, and Somersaulters, one eroup feeling marched into the auditorium about 8:05. If nothing else, the trip produced a good number of quick-change artists. that the other is just too big for ita After a twelve-hour trip we finally arrived in Watertown, Wisconsin, our first stop in this wonderful state. A britches. All this, and the kiddie highlight of our stay in Wisconsin was our dinner date at the Manor House in Appleton as guests of the Aid Assogame competition, is in good-natur- ciation for Lutherans. The food, as usual, was superb. Lest I forget to mention it, we ate like kings all during ed fun, with no "sour" feelings. the tour, as can be plainly seen by the many bulging waistlines! . Easter Sunday was another eventful day-five concerts in all. In the morning we 8flng to ,over 1300 people, and Arbor-Day brought a combination both afternoon and evening concerts found the churches filled to capacity. of fun and hard work by College Harboring mixed emotions, we returned to the campus about 12:00 Monday night. '.It was good to be back, but III teamsters who pulled together at the same time we were sad to think that this enjoyable tour had come to an end. ~'. to remove from eampua ,the leaves I'm sure we'll never forget all the wonderful people we met-all opened their doors and their hearts to us. Then, and whatnot fellow students had too, we'll never forget all the places we saw in our five-state tour-the state capitols in South Dakota and Nebreecleared" 'from the grounds. AlwayS ka, the Oahe Dam, Bethesda Lutheran Home, and O'Hare Field, Chicago, to mention only a few. ' the Prime.' example of efficiency, We'll always be thankful that God gave us this opportunity to spread His Gospel in sone to over 13,000 people CoUep IU' employed many work- quling the tour;_..;r_ choir members sincerely hope that their "sinling praisea to-God!'·l8rved lUI a· true source' ot '~e ;; . spiritual edifieat\oIl to all who heard their song service. -Judith Winter worker wondered whether or not we miiht be able to pick up a real bargain on used sandbap in Mankato. A shortage of bags did somewhat cramp the desired style, but stiekto-itivenesa Wonout in the end.

Giving honor where honor is due: Quast and Koepsell, "Notes to yout" Congratulations on a job well done, Jean and Gayle. All it takes is orlanization, right? And a great big "Way to go" to those classmates awarded AAL scholarships this year.


Only 14 Days Till Call M'ght!

College I The College Freshmen were deeply saddened by the sudden death of Jennifer Hogan's father. Professop Manthey attended the funeral, and the class sent- a memorial. College I took special t~o of its members, Edith and Jeremy Scharlemaim, superb performance in The ance of Beinc Earnest. W88 thoroughly enjoYed br

pride in Draheim for their Import .. The play all.

The long-awaited Eaater vacation came and flew by 'quickly. Every-' one returned to the campus with' only one complaint, "It was too short!"

Junto Debates 'Red China in UN At the last meeting, the Junto had a moat rewarding and thought. provoking diaousainn on the advisability of admitting Red China to tha United Nations. After spending some time on debating tha pros and eons of the aubjeet, a vote was taken, and surprisingly enouCh, th_ who preferred to keep China out of the U.N. won by a margin of only one vote.

;, '

It was extremeJy disaPPOinting to see 80 few people. _t at this It i.o well to remember that one need not be a member to come; all coil... .tudenb .... -..Joo .... to oome whenever and .. often .. they wIoh. Poatera for further infonnation on upeomlng. toplCl1rill be displayed on the bun.. meeting.

tin board.

"Hark! the Voice of Jesus Crying" In the spring of each year, a very impOrtant conuni'ttee meets in the tower room of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary at Mequon, Wiscon~ sin. Its purpose, is to assign calls to the students graduating from our Synod's s~ools. The members of this committee include the presidents of the Seminary, NWC, and I?MLC. who act only as advisors, the presidents of the districts, and the president of the Synod, aU of' whom select ~didates by vote to· fill 88 many calls as possible. They consider\ carelully the qualifications of each candidate and the needs of each congregation.

solemnity of the occasion. These young people will soon be workers in the Kingdom of the Lord. Their calls have been sent to them by the Holy Spirit.

Talk about courage! While whitefaced classmates were shakily leaving needle-bearing nurses, Rhoda Engel retorted, "Hub, I've felt mosquitos who were more vicious." She's so tough she probably eats her marshmallows raw. Patsy Boehning's new hair-do hides a patch job. She was involved in an auto accident over vacation and received a gash in the head. Of course, that's nothing serious. Ouch! that ought to keep her in stitches a while. Investigating extended vacations, Gary Becker was flooded out at Fond du Lac. Maybe he should have invested in waterwlngs instead of a new Rambler. Then there's Karen Schwalbe who has every reason to believe in the good fairy. Instead of the customary money for a departed tooth, the good fairy presented Schwabs with a 4-day vacation.

What:•. A>

_a DB'!"'.L_}1a__x\!!_r...---

trip-to- ·Europe;--Prot.-Trapp· has'a~

sure-tire 'way to ret there-just name the new movie about Winston Churchill's youth and win a free round-trip transportation to Europe. But some of us never expect to get farther than Podunk Junction. Onlz 14 more days till Call Night.

"Closed For Season "

The presentation of the film, "The Ugly American," starring· Marlon Brando, concluded the series of movie nights sponsored by the Student Council in the past year. Many hours of good. "cheap" entertainment was provided DMLC students via the monthly movie nights. Some of the pictures made available were "No Man is an Island," "The Flower Drum Song," and uTo Kill a Mockingbird." "The Ugly American," which is based on the novel of the same name, is the story of an American ambassador in the Middle East, and When these men, under the guidof the apathy which the American ance of the Holy Spirit, have reachpeople exhibited toward the, people The tradition of call night was be. ed their decisions and assigned a, call gun more than a quarter of a cen~ livi.ng in this sector of the world. In an attempt to make campus to each graduate, President Schwep- tury ago and has been altered life more enjOYablefor aU, nl;!xtyear pe telephones the Dean of Students slightly through the years. Begin- the Student Council again hopes to and gives him a list of the aasigned eaJJa. At the ringing of Old Main's ning call night with a divine service provide the student body with the tower beU, students, faculty mem- was a practice initiated approxi~ same calibre of entertainment. bers, alumni, and friends hurry to mately six years ago. Before that the auditorium to find seats. The time, only the graduates gathered, . Overheard: "I planned to plunge graduates are already there, sitting Into S~hoolwork this quarter, but I In the front of the chapel. The air first in the practice haU, and then, hav~n t caught up with my extra~ bUzzes with excitement. Questions 8S classes grew larger"in one at the curricular activities yet." tlash tbrourh their minds. ffWhere class rooms. wDl I be aent1· Which grad.. will I In a few days another class of get? How many?" Suddenly tha room beeomea quiet. Dean Hahnke teacher-candidates will be ratherine waJJm to the lectern. A ahort ser- in the chapel to receive their divine vice ill held during which each per_ call., carrying with them the words son there beeomes aware of the flHere am I, send me, send me!" , Following the service, the dean reads the call list. The moment to which each student has been looking forward for four or more years has finally arrived. The name of each candidate is read from the list, then the ~chool to which he is assigned, locatIOn, and grades he is exJ)(tcted to teach. When the last name has been read, and the last remark made, a mimeographed copy of the call list is distributed, first to the graduates, then to othe~ present. Soon the telephone Jines are humming as excited calls are made to relatives and friends.


A1aernon Moncrieff and Cecily Cardew (Walter Zimmerman and Edith Draheim) become acquainted in LLL's Ulmportance of Beinl' Earnest."

The Lenius Philosophy "Just skim over the surface; don't scratch too deep."

Pare 4 New Ulm, Minnesota Saturday,

Time Out


Spring Is Here!?! Spring is here!?! At least the calendar and sports schedule say so. Thoseout for the spring sports, however, may disagree with both. Since Easter recess ended, the verious coaches have been trying to shape up their tea~s. as quickly as possible, but because of the weather, practices have been difficult to schedule. Coach Dallmann even found it necessary to rig the gym with special equipment so the college baseball team could practice. A person doesn't realize how vital these practices are unless he has participated or does participate in a sport. To the individual, they are sheer drudgery (with maybe a little fun if the coach is in a good mood), but they are necessary to enable a team to do its best. Unless an athlete is in top physical condition"he can't be expected to do his best; and if he doesn't, both he and the team suO'er. These practice sessions demand much from an athlete. He must give up valuable time which he could spend working on tomorrow's assignments, earning some spending money, or just plain relaxing. Immediately after school he engages in a set of strenuous exercises and the tedious practicing of maneuvers his particular sport requires. In spite of all the work and sacrificesinvolved, any athlete will tell you that when his moment of glory comes, that time when he must exert all his training and skill, the long, hard hours of practice have been worth it. Now that the sports calendars have been set, One can reasonably expect others to support our teams by getting out and cheering. They've worked hard to give us a good sports reputation, and merit our appreciation.

Still At Top Winning team members are Pelzl, Bleick, HHl, Schultz. Lunzman, and Bec;:ker. Champion bowler was Chuck Swartz with Bob Schroer in second place.

Track Team Shapes Up Because of inclement weather this year, track, as well as the other spring sports, has been hampered by laek of practices. Coach Heiderich, however, designed a set o{ exercises to get his track teams, college and high school, in shape over Easter recess. These exercises, plus workouts out of doors when the weather permitted, helped to shape up the teams in the little time allowed.

Golf To The Fore

This year the high school golf team numbers five in all. Prof. ·C. Trapp is the coach of the. group who will drive and replace divots throughout the golf season this spring. As of yet, no matches have been set up with other schools, al.. though contacts with echools have been made through Coach Kaiser. Coach John Oldfield would not However, there are still possibilities As of yet, the college hasn't had Professor Kaiser, coach of both predict anything Ior the high school for arranging matches with several the high school and the college ten- Rams baseball team. "We can't a meet; but on April 28, the high schools. nis teams, said that he wishes to tell too much after only one game," school was defeated at Mankato In the meantime,. daily practices, Wilson by a score of 93 to 21. In make no predictions fot: the coming he said. spite of . their efforts, the Luther weather permitting, were held in the season for a number of reasons. area behind the professors' houses One is that it is too early to see track team took only three first along Waldheim Drive and adjacent how his charges are doing or what places: Jack Hinnenthal took first to Luther Hollow. Practices were quality of opposition he must meet. in the pole vault with nine feet, recently moved to the Country Mike Bode was first in the shot put Club. Up to this time he has not had The five members of the golf much opportunity for working out with a distance of 38 feet 872 inches, team this year are John Radloff, with the college team. Instead he and Dave Traudt threw the discus is giving more attention to the high 94 feet 8Y!! inches for a first place. Robert Seidel. school team since this is their first The team had no first places in runyear at playing tennis. ning, but ended up with six third The college team consists of five places and one fourth. players... Ron. ~t :-&.lourtA.-year .. ···~·"We·~1re:ge. "an _.• yarage team In ......• college man, and Bob Jessop, first most spots, with a few weak places Luther High lost several record year college,are vying for first and bere and there," he continued. holders because of graduation last second position at present. Frank "Pitching is quite strong, and field- year, but the college team has iI'· Bowerman,a third year collegeman, ing is fair. The big question is hitherited them. Therefore, even is holding third position. John Nol- ting." te, first year collegeis in fourth poHe noted that because the team though there are only seven mem.. sition and Ken Guillaume also a is quite young, he has hopes for a bers on the college team it has a Coach Gary Dallmann will be freshman is in fifth position. better than average season. head start. looking for improvement in the col-

Tennis Teams Start Season

Coach Oldfield Reserves Opinion

May 8, 1965

The faculty once again "bettered the best" that the collegehad to 01ler. The volleyball season worked its way up to a climax when in the tinal series of the season the two un.. defeated teams met head on. The faculty triumphed, beating the Ourang-Outangs in throe straight games: 16-13, 15-8, and 16-12. Standings for· the year's volley... ball IJea8On: Won LOIIt· Faculty............. 21 o Ourang-Outangs ..... , U~ 3 Rum Dums . . . . . . . .. . 14 7 Hakers 13 8 Pinloldl 8 13 Zatz 7 14 19 Emmanas.... . 2 FeO'emutts . 1 20

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes You can tell the caliber of a student by the way he shoots 00' his mouth. You can read some people like a book, but you can't shut tliem up as easily.




DalimanlL,.~.._~..~ __;.,;_,:,:,,~_ .....Predicts Great Team

Ron Ertner is the only returning member of the team. Roger Sievert and Eldon Lemke will not be playing because of injuries and Boyd Teeh and Bob Kuehn are teaching. In high school sll the boys are new at this since the high school did not have a team in previous years. John Boeck, a senior, is in first position and Gary Schoeneck,a junior, is in second position. Third position is held by a semor, Greg Lenz: while fourth position is ~eld by Jim Groth, also a-senior. Ftlth and sixth positions are held by Philip Hom and Martin Siegler, respectively. Philip is a freshman and Martin is a eemor, Both the high school and college have already played a match. They both lost. The collegelost to Willmar 2-1. The high school lost to Mankato Wilson 6-1.

Women's volleyball teams started their season shortly after East .. er vac.ation.

+ Our

Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer's Pharmacy Beck's __The Leading Jewelers Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown's Music Store Bullemer's Citizen's State Bank Coast-to-Coast Store Dairy Bar Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fesenmaler Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist On. GeorgeKuehner. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrls~ Dr. Schwart •• Dentist


lege Lancer baseball team as the season goes along. He said that it is very early in the season to make many predictions, but that the team should be great even this season. "Pitching could be stronger, but I'm looking for some good pitching Irom Dale Walz," he said. "We have a good strong infield in Paul Koepsell at first, Dale Walz at second, Lenny Collyard at short stop, and Gordy Vetter at third. The outfield is also quite strong." Coach Dallmann .was pleased at the hitting in the. first four games, and looks for improvement in that department, also. Tutor Habben is helping out as assistant ccacb, and the baseball diamond is in the best shape ever. Dallmann added, "AU of the college home games are being played on the hill. in hopes that there will be better support from the' spectators."

The burrier we go, the behinder we get.

. . .."

Speeches are liII- wheela-the longer thl> spoke, the' thl> tire.



Eichten Shoe Store Elbner and Son Eyrich Plumbing Ie Heatlne Farmer's &. Merchant'. Bank Fesenmaler Hardware Fischer's Re.an Drurs Forster's Furniture, Inc_ Fritsche Clinl~ Green Clothier's HaroUd'. Shoe Store Henle Drurs 4: Clinic Pharmacy Herberger's Herzol' Publishing Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lane Barber Shop' Leuthold ..Neubauer Clothiers Meidl Music Store Me,.er Studio Montgomery Ward Mueslng's ·Drug Store

New VIm Brick a: Tne Yard. New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift'" Hobby Shop New VIm·Greenhouses New Ulm Theater Och. Brick'" Tile Yard. Sprlnrfield . Oswald'. New Ulm Laundry· Co. Patrick'. Jeweler. PaUenon'. Relm and Church Jewelers J. C. Penney Co. Pink's . Polta Drul" Store Raftl. Department Store Ret.laflr• Our Own. Hardware Rlte-Wa,. Cle.ner. Scheible Plumbln. at: Heatlnl" Schnobrlch's Cit,. Meat Market Se...

Seifert Clinic Sherwin-William. Paint StoN Hen..,. Som.. n, J...awyer .Spelhrlnk'a Clothlnl" .. ea.ual Shop Sporbman' a Grill Sportsmen Shop State Bank of New Ulm TV Slenal Ulm Oraelwerke-Howard Nolt.· Ulrich Electric VOl"elClinic -' Dr. Howarc!VOl"el Dr. Mllt·on KaIser Vogelpohl'. Leather· Goode ___ LUl"l"a .. ..;...CUla Wa.. -o-Lene Won-.da Caf. and Bako..,. Wllfahrl Brothe" F. W. Woolworth Co.

the Vol.LV



MESSENGER Dr. Martin Luther ColleI'.

Graduates Master Diplomacy Beeauoe of the enlarged enrollment of DMLC and DMLHS. thi. year'. commencement exercises will be aeparated for the first, time. The aelvices will be held on June 9, with the college rites beiPnning at 10 a.m. and the high school'. at 3 p.m.

The high sebool oommenc:ement will ~gin at 8 p.m. Profesaor EI· don Hirsch will serve as orpnist for· the oceasion. The senior class haf chosen Isaiah 41:10, "Fear thou not for I am with thee," as ita class motto. The choir will sing a chorale motet, "On God Not On My· JeU," followed by the singing of the The motto chosen by this year's ~ BOng."Jesus and 'Shall It ever coUere senior class is taken from Be.':' The guest speaker will be the Joshua 1:9& & e., "Be stronc and· CJ>.irman of the DMLHS Board 01 of a rood courage: ..• for the Lord Co~trol, Pastor Norval Kock of thy God I. with thee whitherooever W~ Lake, Minnesota. thou goest." The three-year cradThe claBI colors, pink and ivory, uates have choaen "The fear of the will be carried out in the floral bouLord is the beginning of wisdom," quelt which will be in the chapel Proverbs 9:10. area·. The class flower is the pink The eolleee exercises will begin rose. with the proceuionai, played by Prof.... r W. Nolte. The organiota for the service will be David Pelzl, Shirley H.... and Gary Heckman. The Reverend Carl Mischke of Juneau, Wisconsin, President of the Western Wisconsin District, will address the audience. "Forsake Me Not," the lOng chosen by the seniors. will be rendered by College UFarewell Mr. 'B' and may the Choir I. Prof.... r Carl L. Schwep- Lord bless you" were the thoughts pe will conclude the ceremony with of the many Student Union workers presentations of the diplomas. .Pas- who pthered in the dining hall the tor Oaear J. Naumann. President of evening of May 25th for a surprise the Wilconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod. party for Mr. Bilitz. This party will also be present to personally was held to bid Mr. "8" farewell co~gratulate President Schweppe on since he will not be with us next his 50 years in the service of the year, and to wish him God'. richest Lord. blessing in his new job as kitchen manager at one of the kitchens on The class flowers, yellow rose for the campus of Western Michigan the seniors and pink rose for the graduating juniors, will be placed University. Kalamazoo, Michiran.

S U Honors Chief

in the chapel area.

""1J~!!,~~"i'L"!, .!<,O..,~~_.;:~:.",__ ..-.." Year s Activities

All thOle attending the annual Activitie& Banquet on May 22 found themselves ushered into a world of fantasy, of lords and ladies and the Clory that once was known 88 "Camelot." The balconiea of the National Guard Armory lended well to the theme as ladies.-in-waiting looked down from them onto soft lieht, and colorful gowns. Scenes from Lerner & Lowe's staee play "Camelot" were duplicated 'under tile expert direction of committee chairmen. Chalk scenes of a castle and wooded area were accented by colorful lighting. The various hues fOULdin flags, tents and the entrance set a festive mood. Flags hung from the balconies bore the names of campus clubs and orranizations; this was in keeping with the banquet's purpose: recognition of those who participated in activities in the past year.

Master ot Ceremonies was· Eldon Lemke, president of the student . body. He proved to be quite • versatile fellow as he sang with the Three' Tabs, provided the gathering with a lOuree of ready wit, and asIUp1eCl an official function at the _tation of Kilta to, the director &Ijd direetreso of the Marluts and Aeolianl. Paator Roy Hoenecke of Jordan, Minnesota, was guest speaker at the banquet. His entertaining fund of

June 8, 19.5

.NewUlm, Mlnneeot.

Sing Your Way Home

Choir I Relives Tour At Banquet

June 8th at 8:15 marks the date and the time of the annual June Night Concert. This year, as in the past, the music of the band and the various choirs will be featured. The selections which the band will render 88 preconcert music include:

The Tour Choir of 1964-1965 has a ton of wonderful memories of good times to keep for years to come and Wednesday, May 26, they had the final touch added to their memory list with a beautiful banquet.

March Forth (Concert march). Blue Tango. March Scherzo (Concert March). Selections from "Mr. Lucky". . . Arranged by J. Krauce Theme from "Pomp and Circumstance". , Arranged by H. Luckhardt The rest of the program is as follows:

The tables in the dining hall were transformed, between supper time and 7:30 P.M., into colorful road maps or the tour just passed, but nothing topped the food. After the "consummation" of I appetizers, the choir members set to work on the delicious T-bone steaks. As Professor Zahn said, "You really have to enjoy eating to belong to this choir." With the choir president, Herb Wolff, guiding the course of the evening, the choir thoroughly enjoyed such things as Prcfeasor Brick's trip down the memory lane of tour; sinJring by the Three Tabs, Phyllis Schwantes, and Sharon Reils; a duet by the singing cowboys picked up on the trip in the persons of Professors Zahn and Brick; and the remarks of Professor Zahn, After presenting the director, Professor Zahn, and the business manager, Professor Brick, with gifts of

After a ahort oration by the Stu appreciation for all the work they U president, Roger Sievert,and the did. the Choir closed by singing linKing of the 14r. "B" ballad en-.; "Muede Bin Ieh" and "The Aposto-

..~...i!....ed"",,·_ ..'W..e.....~..voide~:'.Brii~~::h:i farewell gift. Games .ueh as passthe-orange and· the reading of a ~'scarey" ghost story with all the eerie effects highlighted the evening. Food, of course, was also on the agenda- the party-goers were treated to cake, ice cream, and punch. And so, the many parties given ended ..... ith one party received-a small but fitting tribute.

' _l!c Blessing" by can~~~:



Summer Sessions Begin June 20 The 1965 summer school session at DMLC will begin June 20 with registration in the Administration Building from 3:00-5:00 p.m. On June 21 an opening devotion will be held at 8:00 a.m. with late registra,tion following. From 10:00 a.m. to 12 :00 noon there will be· an abbreviated claM schedule. Classes will run from 7:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday, for the rest of the tenn, with a mid· term recess July 12.

humorous stories led into a talk on activity. Activity of mind and body degira,l,la foi' a. Christian vIas pointed out. Pastor Hoenecke reminded all that collere days aren't the termination of activities, but that activities will change and con· tinue throughout one's life. He A wide variety of courses will be concluded with, the principle thought offered in the fields of education, that activity may be varied, but it English, math, religion, science, should always be done to the glory . social studies and music, including of God. some new courses which have never Entertainment was largely in a been taught during the sessions. musical vein. The Three Tabs pre- Guest instructors from the various sented selections from the musical synodical schools will be teachers "Camdot"; the "Rod·Knights" pre- for the session. Professor E. Scharf sented several folk BOnp in the style of Northwestern College will offer of the New Christy Minstrels; Phyl- The Lire of Christ, The Epistle of lis Schwantes and Sharon Reils sang Paul to the Romans, and Lutheran familiar ballads to the delight of all Confessions. The Psalms, a new in attendance; and the "Wee Will- course this year, will be taught by ies" played foot..atompin', hand- Professor M. Albrecht of Wisconsin ciappin' songs such as "Little Lutheran Seminary, Mequon. Arth· Brown Jug" and "Rain-Rain Pol- ur Glende, principal of St. Paul's Lutheran School, New mm, will ka." Again. the primary purpose of the teach two method courses, Remedial Reading and Teaching. Contemporabanquet is to recognize individual achievements in student leadership, ry Math. Professor E. Kirst of Northwestern College will offer new publications, athletics, musical groups. and intellectual activities of courses in Elementary Statistics and Educational Tests and Measurevarioul types. Awards were presented to graduates, officers, and ments, good courses for those who outstanding members of various or- plan to do future graduate work. ganizations who worked toward the Professor C. Sitz, from Milwaukee Lutheran Teacher's College, will coals of their respective activities. offer Structural English (a new apAs the evening's program was proach to the English language), and concluded,.ruesta carried. away fond Essays and Essay Writing. Profesremembrances of their visit to sor 1. Johnson of Bethany Lutheran "Camelot. 'I!. This can best be ex- College, Mankato. will teach Plant pressed. in the words of the theme World and Field Biology. BOlli.

uIn short, there's simply not a more congenial spot For happ'ly ever-aiter-ing than here-in Camelot."

Instructors of the regular DMLC that will be teaching are Professors V. Voecks. G. Heckmann (offering a new course in the geoJ,!T:trh:,-'n( L:ltin America), C. .T.


. """""

.D. Moore .. L. Anderson . .D. Moore H. Mancini ,E, Elgar

COLLEGE CHOIR I . ..... J. Brahms How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place. Organ: Gayle Koepsell Piano: John Nolte ..... An. W. Dawson There Is a Balm in Gilead .. .Arr. H. Markworth Muede bin ich. .. Jan Bender Christ is Arisen. Organ: Jean Quast Gerald Heckmann Brass: Kenneth Ottenbaeker Alex Damrow Donald Nolte "L. Lenel We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost. HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS ....... Lionel Bart Consider Yourself . Piano: Janet Goehring .Housten Bright The House that Jack Built. .Charles Chaplin Smile. Arranged by J. Cacavas Piano: Carol Rodewald HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR I Leigh Harline When You Wish Upon a Star. Arranged by C. Warnick Duehlmeier Piano: Barbara .. ,J. Little & J. Siras In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town. :. Piano: Sharon Dallmann The Heather on the Hill ...... , ... , ...... .Lemer -& Loewe Piano: Ruth Nolte Chim Chim Cher..,.., , , Sheiman & Sherman Arranged by H. Simeone Pia.no: Barry Bra.ndt •..,•.:-:-; ......... ,~ .... _,. 'COLLEGE CHOIR-1I~ In Wald und auf der Heide Gennan Folkson, The Sound of Music Rodgers & Hammerstein Piano: Cheryl Schaumberg Du Bist die Ruh' (0 Peaceful Calm)....... . Franz Schubert Piano: Carol Smith COLLEGE CHOIR I An den Mond (Moon Mf!asenger)....... . ..... German Folksong Arranged by John Motley In Pride of ~y, ..... " " ..... ,., .. ,.' ,Thomas Weelkes Arranged by W. Ehret I'm Goin' Away American Folksong Arranged by W. Ehret Piano: Willard Engel Wonderful Copenhagen ..................•.......... ·.· .Franl Loesser Arr&ll¥'ldby Hawley Adea Piano: Gayle Koepaell ' COLLEGE CHOIRS I & II Fanfare for a Festival. ··· Ron Nelson Instrumental Ensemble: . Trumpets: Don Gurgel, Alex Damrow, Gerald Heckmann Trombones: Don Nolte, Ken Ottenbacher, Lynn Gartman Tuba: Willard Engel Tymapani: Darlene Hauch TREBLE CHOIR Little Bird ·.· ·.··················· Gail Kubik Piano: Margaret Oswald At Bedtime." Gardner Read Piano: Karen Sievert Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Shennan & Shennan Accordian: Diane Wernicke Bass Drum: Carol Endresen Tambourine: Katherine Luetzow .Vincent Pershichetti Hist Whist . THE COMBINED. COLLEGE CHOIRS This is my Country ······· .. Raye-Jacobs Arranged by John Brimhall Accompaniment: Select Band DMLC BAND Post-concert selections Big Four March... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. L. King March of Freedom K. L. King Conductors: Band: Ray Zimmermann High School Choir: Eldon Hirsch Treble Choir: Ruth Backer College Choir II: Waldemar Nolte College Choir I: Meilahn Zahn .. ;-"'.

Trapp, E. Sievert, W. Nolte, M. Zahn, J. Oldfield, A. Schulz. R. Hoeneeke, E. Fredrich (o!lering a new course in the History of Rua. sis) and Mr. Ames Ande~n. Anyone interested, in applying should write to Professor E. Sievert, Dean of Summer School Sessions, DMLC. New VIm, Minnesota.


,Honest Abe "To lin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out or men."-Abraham Lincoln


Pace 2

Reflections on a Summer Day

People I Meet


I saw a man today As he passed along his way. I know him by his reputation; His deeds show dedicationBut he passed along his way.

Finale End, last, and final are frequentlyheard words in' the halls and dorms these days; "It's the end of the ye~r" -"I can't wait for the last class "It's time to cram for finals!" But there's another word for some among us these days. Armed with our trusty Webster, we have found a few thoughts about "finale," For malcontent musicians a finale is "the concludingmovement or passage of a musical composition."That must refer to the last dissonant chord in an audition. Or perhaps it's the last note sung on June night. Still, could it be the closing strains of the recessional, come graduation morning? For the happy-timers, a finale is "the last sceneor feature of an entertainment." Of course-this stands for all those science fiction thrillers at the show downtown, Maybe . . . maybe it's the word fort the pi~l!ics which close off the year s activities. And yet, to graduates, this finale is the end of happy student days here, as good times turn to memories. For those of you who are leaving us a finale is "the conclusionor last pa'rt; end." It is a diploma in your hands: it is a call to you to do the Lord's work elsewhere. It is at once' the finale and the beginning. So those you leave behind wish for you good days now, at the end, and g.ood days tomorrow. when your new hves begin. -Delore. Maichle

Remember! If half the lun and all the "yuka" Were piled up, I bet You'd find them towering high above The troubles that we've met. In other words, this year has been A great one to remember. And if you find your memory dims, We'll take it from September. First days, new rooms, the forms to fill, The lines at registration, Were all a part of fitting inAlthing called orientation. To kids who've studied here before: A time to greet old faces, A chance to sit around and talk Of summer's sights and places. Soon studies filledeach person's thoughts With readings, essays, due dates. But next to these the winter days Brought Christmas, snow, and new skates. Remember all the hours we spent On yuletide decorations? Remember concerts, parties, too, And leisurely vacation? Who could forget semester tests With students' dismal moansl Rememoer pleasure...aeekingthrills, And two with broken bones? With stories and with pictures, too, First Choir recalls the days When Easter's tour brought them the chance To sing the Almighty's praise. And now the banquets, picnics, too, Close off another year. Soon books will shut and packing start; Vacation days draw near. And now at last a fond farewell Is wished by one and all To those who'll graduate, a8 they Accept a higher call. -O.M.

Thank You Pearl Kalsow ,was inadvertantly omitted from the list of graduating Messenger staff members at the Activities Banquet. We regret the error, and wish to take this oppor· tunity to thank Pearl for her efforts throughout the year.,


Ulm, Minnelolil

SUmmer with 'her myriad beams and sparkles Skips Along my path, gaily, Never caring for a moment about the thunder, the rain, The pounding hail.

I yearn to meet this man, I want to shake his hand, I want 'to be his friend. To my level, please, descend. But he passed along his way.

Morning with her lustrous gems of dew

I watched him pass by; Blaming myself for being shy, Remembering all my faults, Yet hoping a friendship would result. But he passed along his way,

Unlolds Cool dawn before mid-day heat, calmly, Suggesting an oasis before the mirage.

Then I thought again, I once was a child of sin But now I am a child of God. Let me not be under trodLet him pass along his way.

Noontime with intensity and fiery insistence Subdues All man's energies, forcefully, Beating back a most feeble resistance.

If this neglect hurts me, Yet I am never free To unloose my tongue Against his reputation Let it pass by.

Sunset with its shimmering, departing rays Bids 'Farewell to the day, slowly. Promising a warm and affectionate tomorrow.

by his deeds I be hurt, Let me never my duty shirk. There are others that look to me. Let me not ignore their companyTogether let us pass by. If



Night with its humid stillness, damp darkness Walks On to morning, Quietly, Soothing mind and body, preparing for the onslaught Of Day. -O.M.


Spring Is For ••• The most popular question for opinion polls at this time of year is perhaps that old favorite which never wears out, "What do you think spring is for?" The DMLC student body has some very definite, views on this subject. Let's take a look at them. What Tennyson said about spring and. a young man's fancy seems also to be true in general among young women. Yes, threefourths of the interviewees answered the obvious, "LOVE'" One realist classified her statement with, "except at DMLC, where it's for going for walks with the girls." The second most popular attitude toward spring was in the general area of happiness, gaiety, and fun of every kind. Close to this came the nature lovers who thought about melting snow, green grass, birds, and all sorts of outdoor things. One smart cookie remarked, "Flowers-+Ha'Ha, I'll bet you thought I was going to say it was for lovers!" Remarkable perception there! Opinion pollers always find several Interesting minority opinions expressed. Listen in, as these people tell what they think spring is for: One-Track-Mind: "Baseball and flowers and baseball and walks and baseball and love and baseball ..... etc. ad infinitum. Philosopher: "Learning how to live again." Skeptic: "Did we have one this year?" Obviously: "To be sprung." Pessimist: "Schoolwork." Barb Musch (soon to be leaving the ranks of , the single): "Getting married!"

If I Would Teach I would teach a little child To be discreet and humbly mild, Would teach love and integrity, Then all must emanate from me. I[ I would light one small child's way So unsure feet would never stray The light of truth must ever be Burning brightly within me. l( I would help a child to know The beauty of faith's afterglow I'd give the warmth of love that sings And turn his thoughts to noble things. I'd teach him courage for each test, The will to always do his best, To teach the problems of each day, And not to be ashamed to pray. If I would teach, then I must do The things I want my pupi1s to •.• And, Lord, I'd have each child to see Me walking hand in hand with Thee. -Lucille Loomis (taken from the Grade Teacher) If

Shakespeare on Exams

Ju.ne 8, 19&5

Spielvontish The Educationarlap How often hasn't it been said that there is nothing new under. the lun? Today mankind is dedicated to the frantie but fruitless search ' for the undiscovered. For years, science and pedagogy have been attempting to fuse their energies and goals in the development of a process to be known as learnlnc whUeyou sleep. It is felt that by employing this means, the college students of today could make more efficient use of their time, and perhaps be able to rescue a bit 'of former study-time from the normal working hoursto devote to the sadly neglected. extra-curricuIar aspect of college life! The study-while-you-sleep mechanism eon-.' sists of no more than a tape which plays continuously through the entire, or ... set portion of, the night, thus providing the drill needed to memorize lists, rules, or passages as the case may be. A:ny student can well appreoelate both the need for and advantages of such a device. But what modem science and education doesn't seem to realize is that the basic concept of learning in one's sleep is nothing new or different. Students the world over have been doing it for years! The somnolent beings which drift through the halla of any college or university are visible, living and breathing proof that students are generally in a state of suspended animation, commonly referred to as sleep. Since this state is main. tained nearly without interruption, one might safely draw the conclusion that. students learn in their sleep. Though not actually a scientific development, this process .does require a certain specialized technique. Throughout the years of his formal schooling, each student diligently (though not necessarily willingly) practices the knack of appearing wide awake and listening to the day'a leeeon with rapt attention, while in actuality, the :mind behind those wide-open eyes is sound asleep. The art' of copying key' phrases into a notebook becomes as natural as fluffing a pillow or readJusting the blankets. At the end of an hour, a bell rudely jars the mind out 01 the land 01 Nod and back to the: present. As he sets hIs books together ~·an6'-prepares to meander' to the next' classroom where he win settle down for another educational nap, the student marvels' at· the number of concepts actually gained during the past hour. He has learned, yes, learned in his sleep!

The following was slightly "lifted" and slightly altered. It is taken from Gerald Kloss' "Slightly Kloss-eyed,' which appears in the Milwaukee Journal. Q: Mr. Shakespeare, r underatandi your son Hamnet haa just completed h'U. semester exams at DMLC. Did h. cram for the testa? A: 0, we have made a. vow to study, lords. -Lo'Ve's Labor Lost Poor soul! His eyes are red as fire. -Julius Caesar Never was such a sudden scholar made. -Henry V Q: Sounds typical. Were the exams The DMLC M.... nc.r II published dnrpretty tourh? Inc the months of Ootober, November, II&A: Never was seen so black a day as this. eember, February, March, April, Ma,y 'and -Romeo and Juliet Junl. The snboerlptloll price I. one doD... My sight fails, and my brain is giddy. and ftfty centa per annum. Slnrle ..,pies are -2, Henry IV twenty centa. We request payment In adQ: How did Hamnet do on the essay vance. The Mesaencer is continued aftar questions? the, time that the snboerlptlon has expired, A: Will your answer serve fit to aU unl8111 we are nottaed to discontinue, and all questions? arrears are paid_ All bUBineas oommuniea-Ail's Wen That Ends Wen tlnns should be addreseed to the BUBin.. Some strange commotion Manager. Contributions from all alutnlll, nnIs in his brain. He bites his lip and starts, dergraduates, and friends are appreciated. Stops on a sudden, looks upon the ground, The aim of the Messenre. la to offer web Then lays his finger on his temple; stn>ight Springs out into fast gait, then' stops again, materiala al will be bene4cla1 .. well .. inStrikes his breast bard, and anon he casts terestlnr to our readers, to keep the alllUmi in a etoaer contact with the eoll_ and to His eye against the moon, -Henry VIII foster schooi spirit. Delores Matchl. 0: I suppose you rave him some ad.. Editor ..•....•••••••.... Features Editor TJsh Murray vice on cheating. NewsEdltor...•...•••..•... ,Judy WInter A: Neither a borrower nor a lender be; Spo Edltor BO:rdTech For loan oft loses both itselCand friend, Alumni Editor , Lois Sleyert And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Make-up Editor ,Helen·Lochner BusJne.. Man... er .•••..•... DaYidSauer -Hamlet Q: I thought you'd brine up that old Circulation Manacer.•••.• AnIta Rehbo... saw, Will. How did the boy look after ~~::~~:i::d taking the exams? Judy Vonderohe,DebbieFitch. Joyce. Rueckhelm, Donna Steinke, Barbara A: Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking Saerer. Carol Una. MarUyn Knief, each other, ..• he comes before me. Lois Krause. Connie Oldfield,Colleen -Hamlet Cunderson, Mary Sehleuter, John I am exceeding weary. Hardman, Jennifer Horan Edith Zlckuhr, Barbara Musch -2, Henry IV Sports Wrlters....•..... DaYeSchoeneck, Q: And what did he say when the John Seifert, Helen Kuehl grades were posted? BonnieKrause, DebbieFitch A: What an indirect and peevish course Henl'1 Meyer is this. Make-up Staff , Carol Smith, -Richard In Rita Bremer, Jean Stevens I pray you, fail me not, Circulation Staff, Joan Dumke. Joyce Rueckhelm, Celeste Schulb, -Midsummer Nilrht'. Dream Marcaret Schultz, Sadie Victor, Josie This paper is the history 01 my knowledge. Ad.,. -CymbeJlne Photocrapher..•..••.••••••. Ra,. Manth. o this learning, what a thing it is! Aaslstant Photocrapher..... Tom Uppert -Taminr of the Shrew Proof Readen Judy Wenl, Tish Qr Well,'how did he make out? Murray, Chel'1l SChaumbe...., Loil A: To be or not to be-that is the qUe!Kraule. Janet Bitter, Judy WestentioD. dorf -Hamlet Adviser..•.••.••••.....•. Prof... or Trapp

The DMLC Messenger


~:=:Wr'It;~ :~~~.~~~~


T_~ ..,.. Ju•• I, 1965

President Marks 50th Year

The Master of Ceremonies was "Ebenezer." fifty years in the public ministry. The Orchid Inn Prof. Oscar J. Siegler, principal of at Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, was the the high school department. Pastor setting for the May 14th Anniver- Roman Palmer .of Pilgrim Lutheran sary Banquet held In honor of Pro- Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, fessor Carl L. Schweppe, President gave the annivenary address. Main of Dr. Martin Luther College. points of his delivery were based on At the beginning of the' evening" these questions and their answers: professor Schweppe was gre8.tJysurQ: What is a Man? prised and moved by the unexpected A: God's greatest creation. arrival of his children: Homer Schweppe, an FBI agent from Q: What or who is Carl SchwepWashington, D.C., Betty, wife of pe? Dr. Vernon Gerlach of Phoenix, A: Carl Schweppe is God's man Arizona, and Flora, wife of Robert doing -God's work, with God's Nordby, Minneapolis. Among the methods, and in God's time. 500 friends, rel.tives, and co-worken that awaited Prof. Schweppe in Pastor Palmer closed with a prayer the Minn~ta Room were his sister for the continuation of the same. Misa' Winnifred Schweppe, Union The greeting from the other synHospital Administrator. and a brother odical institutions followed. Prof. Walter, a Minneapolia attorney. Alfred, another brother living in R. Fenske, President of Northwestern Lutheran Academy, was present Seattle, was unable to attend. President Schweppe received a to bring greetings from Mobridge, standing ovation as he entered' the S.D. Prof. R. Voss, President of Milwaukee Lutheran Teacher's Colbanquet hall. Each place was marked with a lege,brought greetinp from our sisunique symbol of the theme of the ter institution. A long time personevening, a gold-sprayed stone label- al friend, Prof. E: E. Kowalke, past' ed "Ebenezer." All the decorations president of Northwestern College were carried out in the traditional at Watertown, Wisconsin, spoke in jubilee colors of gold and white. behalf of the faculties and boards of The evening's theme was taken from NWC. Prof. Kowalke commented I Samuel 7: 12, ''Then Samuel took that Iriendefiip is a privilege and a a stone, ... and called the name of gift 9f God. it Ebenezer, saying, 'Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." A large white cake trimmed in gold, and in the shape of an open Bible was at the head table.

Alumni News Birth. Mr. aud M..... Fraak, Corona ('64)·. (Ariene Fandrey-III '63) are proud ti announce the birth of Lisa Dawn, born M~Y 18.

Mr. and Mrs. John Oldfield (Elisabeth Brown, '63) were blessed with a baby girl, Jennifer -Esther, on April 3. The Oldfields live in Bloomington, Minnesota. Mr. Oldfield izr- the son uI Profe8S0r and Mrs. Oldfield. April 30 was the date Katherin Elizabeth waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Harders (Elisabeth Sitz, '55) of -West Allis, Wisconsin. Mrs. Harders is the daughter of Professor aad Mrs. Sitz. Daniel. James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Fenske, '6S (Janet Sievert, '63) was introduced to the world April 6. The Fenskes reside in West Bend, Wisconsin.

Prof. V. Voecks, vice-president of DMLC, began the presentation of gifta by unveiling an oil painting of Prof. Schweppe which was given by the faculties and boards of DMLC. Mr. W. Retzlaff of New Ulm presented Prof. Schweppe with a check worth over $1,800 for the establishment of the "Carl L. Schweppe Scholarship Fund" on behalf of the alumni arid-friends. Mr. E. Lemke, Student Council president, presented a check from the student body to be used for the new scholarship fund.

Junto Elects Officers'

The election of Junto officers for the year 65-66 was held May 20 in room 202. Ricky Garcia was electThe David Lindemanns (Karen Peterson, HS '59) of New U1m an- ed as president, Bob Adrian, vicenounce the birth of a baby girl, president, and Sharon Gamerdinger, secretary-treasurer. The topicsMichelle Kae, May 7. Mrs. Lindepublicity committee and the librarmann served as physical education ians will be chosen next year. teacher at DMLC for the past year. Because of the difficulty in findMr. and Mrs. Rolland Menk, '63 inr a free night to have the closing (Eunice Schulz, '63) are happy to picnic, it was decided to have a present Maita Marie, born May 1. breskfast;..picnic on. the 26th. Out The Menks reside in Nebraska. of gratitude for his time, patience, interest, and advice, Junto presentApril 30 waa the date Christine ed its advisor, Professor Koelpin, entered the live. 01 Mr. and Mrs. with a gift certificate for the book Gerald Thaldorf (Beverly Grimm, III '63) of Fountain City, Wiscon- Theolol'Y of the Lutheran Con-' fe.aiona by Edmund Schlink. lin. John Schultz, the retiring president, was presented with a certificate citEnll'alement. February 14 i. marked aa the date ing his outstanding services to the of Carol Kohl', ('64) enpgement to club. He nuraed the group through Paul Albrecht of Ellenaberg, Waah- its infancy with great results. inrton. The wedding is planned for the summer 01 1966. Miss Kohl ia teaching in Yakima,. Washington. Russel Griffen (58) and Carole Kretzmann (III '57) also were engaged February 14. They will be married July 4, 1965.

The theory, "everybody loves a picnic," was put to a test on the 19th of May when the Exeel,iorMe.. enl'er picnic was held.' Editors, writers, and guests, Prof. and Mrs. Trapp, and Miss Leona Trat and Mr. Delmar Windhorn of the New Ulm Publishing Co., all gathered' at Hermann Park to enjoy themselves. Everyone ate his share of the "thumb-llckin' good" fried chicken, baked potatoes, and watermelon. Mrs. Seharlemann type. they come in.


eaH •• a

College IV Now that the flurry of call night is over, we find ourselves trying to finish the last school work of our college career. Besides homework, there's a long list or activities for which we also must find time: auditions, Senior-Faculty Banquet, open house at Professor Hartwig's, Fallen Trees' Luau, Pelzls' Party, Alumni Banquet, June Night, and graduation. We also hope Charlotte found time to finish her conducting. Now as our stay at DMLC, our second home, draws to a close, we feel the words of our class motto are good words for the faculty, underclaasmates, and many other friends, as well as our class to carry along. "Be strong and of a .aood courage; ... for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9a,c.

Alter feasting so elaborately. the entertainment, under the direction of Tish Murray, followed. First on the agenda was the presentation of a gift of appreciation to our advisor, Professor Trapp, for the many hours of service he has rendered both publications. After his acceptance, the program turned to a more humorous vein with a dialogue between Delores Maichle and Carol Unke which left quite a few "suckers" on the line.

College III At this writing, College III is preparing to put the finishing touches on the third chapter in its history as a class at DMLC. The next Call Night is oura+only 351 days, or 8,424 hours, or 505,440 minutes, or 30,328,400 seconds away!

Graduatea' ten, ion tUrna to excited diacu.,ion after the can. are read. As time passes and graduation creeps ever closer, classmates are becoming very adept at gathering materials for personal professional libraries. The faculty has manifested its concern in doling out 26 pamphlets in a class period-aU free for the taking. Bookshelves and files are bulging! In addition to the normal College III work-overload, many clasematea have volunteered to help organize a series of 30 Sunday School lessonguides for teachers of pre-school classes. This project should prove to be stimulating, interesting, and no doubt will tap the abundant creative and imaginative abilities of those participating. Finally we would bid. "So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu," to those members of our class who received their calls' May 21st and will be teaching next fall.

Calls Received By 1965 Graduates

Marriall'e. Carole Luedtke ('!I '63) became the bride 01 Edgar Sorgatz (HS '62) in Fairfax, April 24. The Sorgatzs have made their home in St. Paul.

Terry Jo entered the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zimmerman of New Ulm, on the twenty-fifth of April. Mr. Zimmerman is a member of the DMLC music faculty.

Everybody Loves A Picnic

The Lenius Philosophy

"Never tell your true feelings to a reporter!"

The world of today is full of tension for many people and for many different reaso;s. But when tension is evident on the DMLC campus around May 21, usually the people involved are graduates and the reason is Call Night. On this evening of the year the college students assembled in the chapel to wait and discuss, wait and talk, and wait some more for the list of calls to be phoned in from the Seminary at Mequon where the call committee met. The tension-in.cr~~<l. as_j.~egradua~ waited to hear what their futures: would be. _. _ _. After a chapel service at which Professor Hartwig addressed the group, Dean Hahnke read' the long-awaitedlist. Now excitement replaced tension as details concerning the town, church, school, and pastor and other teachers flew around thick and fast. Now that everyone knew where they were going to be teaching this fall, excitement was high and often the remark was made, "Oh, I wish I could start teaching right now!" Below is the list of calls for the graduates of DMLC in 1965. to which has been added a very appropriate verse from a poem by Miss Marietta Meyer. 1. Barthel, Edward Medford, Wisc. Tutor 2. Becker, Gary Saginaw, Mich. 4-8 3. Bleick, Dennis Acoma, Minn. 5-6 4. Ehlke, Roger Wayne, Mich., St. John's Upper Grades 5. Ertner, Ronald Loretto, Minn. 686. Hardman, John Bay City, Mich. 3-4 7. Heckman, Gary Milwaukee, Wis., St. Matthew's 8. Kietzer, Jon On to school 6-7 9. Lau, Theodore Waterloo, Wisc. 4 7-8 10. Lemke, E-lOOn Watertown, Wis., St. Mark's 3-5 11. Lunzman, Roger Racine, Wise., First E. Lutheran All Grades 12. Martens, James Shirley, Wisc. 5-6 13. Nolte, William Norfolk, Nebr. 14. Pelzl, David On to school Intermediate 15. Schneider, Lyle Neenah, Wise., Trinity 16. Schultz, John East Fork, Ariz. High School and Student Counselor All Grades 17. Schultz, Ronald Waukesha, Wisc., Mt. Calvary 18. Shilling, Ronald On to school All Grades 19. Tech, Norman Goodhue, Minn., Grace 7 20. Wolff, Herbert Manitowoc, Wisc., First German 1·3 21. Bauer, Cassandra Arlington, Minn. K-4 22. Berndt, Carroll Muskegon Heights, Mich. 2 23. Boehning, Patsy Benton Harbor, Mich., St, Matthew's 1-2 24. Breiling, Naomi Yakima, Wash., Grace 4-6 25. Cook, Dolores Milwaukee, Wisc., St. Philips (Colored) 1-4 26. Degner, Dianne Plymouth, Nebr. 3-4 27. Dixon, DeLyte Algoma, Wisc. 1-4 28. Ekhotr, Darlene West Salem, Wisc. 1-8 29. Engel, Mary Tucson, Ariz., San Pablo Spanish Mission All Grades 30. Engel, Rhoda Mission, S. Dak. 2-3 31. Geiger, Charlotte Bay City, Mich., St. John's 3-4 32. Greenwood, Lorene St. Paul, Minn., St. John's 1·6 33. Haar, Susan Flint, Mich., Good Shepherd-New School K-I 34. Hardman, Judith Reedsville, Wisc. 1-2 35. Harmann. Lynne Nicollet, Minn. 2 36. Hasse, Shirley Jefferson, Wisc. 1-2 37. Huebner, Sharon Milwaukee, Wisc., Bethesda K-2 38. Humann, Beth Bangor, Wise. 2 39. Jaretz, Janet New London, Wisc. 1-2 40. Jerdee, Vicki Kimberly, Wisc. 4-5 41. Kalal', Pearl Beaver Dam, Wisc., St. Stephens 4-6 42. Klatt, Elizabeth Red Wing, Minn. Kg and Remedial Work 43. Koepsell, Gayle Monroe, Mich. 1-2 44. Lange, Bonnie Medford, Wisc. 3·5 45. Lemke, Miriam Brownsville, Wise. 5 46. Ludemann, Shirley St. Paul, Minn., Emanuel 5-8 47. Luetzow, Constance Muskegon Heights, Mich. 1-2 48. Meyer, Marie Milwaukee, Wisc., Centennial 3 49. Mischke, Marilyn LaCrosse, Wisc., Mt. Calvary All Grades 50. Nitschke, Joyce Newville, Wisc. 3-4 5t. Nolte, Carol Waukesha, Wisc., Trinity (Liat continued on p. 4)


New Ulm, MinnellClta

Pa ... 4

Luther at the Bat

Time Out As the athletic season at DMLC again came to a close.with the annual Activities Banquets, our athletes received their fonnal recognition and thanks for participation in sports. For the true athlete, it is' only a formal acknowledgement, be~ause his real rerognition and thanks comes from the student body. It's nice to receive a letter for your room or jacket and it's nice to be awarded.a plaque or citation for an outstanding season, but a much greater reward is the eoand of a crowd, of a student body, cheering and rooting its team to victory, or cheering with pride, in spite of defeat. With sincere support it's only natural for a team and its players to do their best. The student body at Luther deserves a little extra recognition for their part in team support. Although many events such as football, track, and some baseball are played downtown at Johnson Field, Luther students come to support their teams. . . This inconvenienceseems not to bother the avid supporters, but IS often a damper to those who would like to come but .. , For those in the latter group the reward would be worth the effort. They will not only be helping their team, but also themselves and their echccl by going to cheer. Although football is one of the largest crowd gatherers, next year the resolutionought to be to support all the teams. Track and baseball men work just as hard and deserve equal support. . . Walking a few extra blocks will give our athletes this support, recognition, and thanks they deserve. -John SeUert

. Collece Lancer. The Lancer baseball team has had great success this year so far, with a eeeeon record of 9~3 and only four games left to play. Three double headers have been postponed this year because of weather conditions. The Lancers started off the season by dropping a pair of games to a strong Willmar team, 10-5 and 7-6. They went on to win six straight games before losing to Austin 13~7in the first game of a double header.

yard and Paul Koepsell with the b.... loaded. ' In the second game, Lancer runs came in the fifth inning on two walks and two sacrifices. Collyard drove in anotber run on a sacrifice and Gordy Vetter bunted to bring Dave Pelzl home. Myron Fluegge had three hits for the day. Pelzl fanned six and walked three.



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Homecoming Plans Made The 1965-66 Pep Club .got olt to a rolliekiD,l start reeently when approximately forty oollegiatellattended the organizational· meeting. In the put this organization bas been IOmewhat dormant in ita a.ctivities, but Coach Dallmann, new adviser to the group, hopes to see great. thinp lrom Pep Club next year. The lint order of hlJSiness was the election of, officers. Don Gosdeek was eleeted to replace last year's president, Jim Mutens. John Rittierodt and Terry Jo Miller were selected to fill the offi... 01 vicepresident and eeeretery-treeearer, respectlvely. Next on the agenda was the seleetion of a Homecoming date. Aftera lonr discussion, it was decided.to hold next year's Homecoming celebration during the aoceer rather than the basketball season. Thl.o event, which will be biuet and better than ever, has not been scheduled as yet, but it will take place some time in October. To help make this new endeavor a success, numercce committees were set up at the meeting to begin planning, and working on the various aspects oC Homecomingcelebrations. Membership in this club is open to all collegiatea+bcth male and femele-e-end, new he!'d-WO!king, btcr· ested members are always welcolM~ Back your teams by joining the PeP. Club now!

Luth.r' HIl'h Rams The Luther High Rams have not had as good a aeason as the college team. Their Beason record Loose defense in the form of six stands at 2-5 lor the year. They opened up the Beason with a 5-0 errors and seven walks hurt the Luther cause. In the second game win over Sleepy Eye St. Mary's, of the twin bill, the Lancers came and then lost three straight games, back to a 3-1 victory. Five Luth- one to St. Croix Lutheran- and two er players had two hits apiece for to arch rival New Ulm Cathedral. the day. They were Don Nolte, Scores in those games were 4·1, Gordy Vetter, Merl Wilde, Jack 12-1 and 9-0. Gronholz, and Dave Pelzl. The Rams came back with a win over Jeffers, 8-2, but then lost to A set of games with tough Bethel Sleepy Eye St. Mary'. 7'(). A in the Central Minnesota League game with New Ulm High School was rained out, preventing the Lan- was rained out. cers from catching up with that The Rams bowed to Comfrey 5-1 league's leader. here May 22. Luther pitcher Larry Two hit performances by Merl Wiederich was forced off the mound Wilde and Dave Pelzl gave the Lan- quite early after an error and two DMLHS played Concordia on cers a pair of victories at Mankato walks forced in a run. Steve College Completes Season May 8 and lost by a score or 3-2. May 22. Scores were 3-1 and 5-1 Schwichtenberg blanked Comfrey On April 24 the college tennis Our two points were scored in a sinteam completed its season with a gle in which Gary Schoeneck beat with both games going seven in- for five innings until tiring and allowing three rues on just eee hit loss to Willmar, 2~!. Our point was Kuseske 6-0 and 6-4. The other ninza. Wilde struck out five and won by Bob Jessop who beat Bob point was gained in a doubles walked one in the first game. Lu- and three walks. Phil Hempel eeorther scored all three runs in the ed the only Luther run on his douOman of Willmar 6-4 and 6-3. match. P. Horn and M. Siegler They played Bethany College on beat Kuseske and Ralph Mueller sixth inning on singles by Len Cell- ble and a single by Schwichtenberg. May 1 and lost 7-0. On May 5 6-4 and 9·7. Can List Continued May 11 was the day for the tenEau Claire, Mich. nis match between Morgan High 52. Panning, Norma 53. Plaster, Janet Pomona, Calif. School and DMLHS. 'I'hia match Fairfax, Minn. was lost by our high school by a 54. Priess, Carol 55. Quast, Jean Adrian, Mich., St. Stephens score of 7-0. 56. Rehberg, Anita Watertown. S. Dak, Two days later, however, the 57. Renneke, Beverly Geneva, Nebr. story changed. On May 13 and 58: Sager. Joann Loretto, Minn. again on May 18 DMLHS beat 59. Schoeneck,Mary Kaukauna, Wisc. New Ulm High School by a score 60. Schwalbe,Karen Columbus, Wisc. of 6-3 in both matches. In the 61. Schwantes, Phyllis Stevensville,Mich. earlier match three: or the points 62. Schwartz, Sharon Kenosha, Wisc., Bethany were won in singles by Greg Lenz, 63. Seeleldt, Lois Niles, 111. Gary Schoeneck, and Phil Horn. 64. Sievert, Karen L. Fond du Lac, WiIC.,Redeemer The other three points were in 65. Sill, Frances Mt. Calvary, Wisc. doubles by J. Boeck and G. Schoe- 66. Smith, Carol Beaver Dam, Wisc., Good Shepherd neck, G. Lenz and J. Groth, and P. 67. Springatrch, Naomi Stanton, Nebr. Horn and M. Siegler; On May 18 68. Steinke, Donna Alma City, Minn. four points were made in singles by 69. Stevens, Jean Princeton, Wise. ColleI'. men wield wicket rae .. J. Boeck, G. Schoeneck, J. Groth, 70. Strack, Eunice St. Paul, Minn., St. John'. quets. M. Siegler. The other two points 71. Veach, Norma Belle Plaine, Minn. were in doubles by Boeck and Lenz, 72. Vogt, Barbara Fond du Lee, Wile., St. Peter's they played Austin. The final score and Horn and Siegler. 73. Wendt, Carol Caledonia, Minn. was 3-1 in Austin's favor. Our ohly 74. Wendt, Linda Mobridge, S. Dak. point was made by Frank BowerThird Year Craduates man against Ross Harrison. On May 12, we again played Austin 75. Bitter, Janet Milwaukee, Wisc., St. Philips (Colired) Junior College. This time we lost 76. Boldt, Gretchen Milwaukee, Wisc., Geth&emane by a score of 6-0. 77. Carlson, Sandra Caledonia, Wise. 78. Dins, Kathleen Two Rivers, Wisc. 79. Hartwig, Rosemarie Fountain City, Wisc. (a.m. Kg) W'mona,Minn. 80. Kannenberg, Carol Milwaukee, Wise., Mt. Lebanon Rams Win Two Matches 81. Lankenau, Marlene Manitowoc, Wise., First German The high school has won two of 82. Rausch, Linda Fort Atkinson, Wisc. its tennis matches. On April 23, 83. Rueckheim,Joyce Lake Mills, Wise. Mankato Wilson High School beat 84. Schaumberg, Cheryl Town Freedom, Wisc. DMLHS 6-1. Our win was made 85. Struck, Norma Iron Ridge, Wisc. in a doubles match in which Greg 86. Victor, Sadie Lower Cibieue, Ariz. Lenz and Jim Groth beat Jerry Teach me, 0 God, on Thee to lean: Young and Rich Henderson 10-8 Thou bast my life, my futUre seen. aad 6-2. On May 4 Mankato WilGive me the test; son again beat DMLHS. This time Thy way is best. the score was 9-0. Rams Racket-men at Work Let nothing intervene!

Courtiers Raise A Racquet


1-4 Kg-3 1-3 5-6 3-4 1-8 1-4 I 3 3-4.

1-2 1-4 1-4 1'-4 1-2 1-4 1-8' Intermedlatt> 4-6


6 1-2 1'-4 1-3 5-7 4-5 I (Primary) 3-4.

4 3-4.

Upper 1-4 Lower Grad...

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Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Baeker's Pharmacy Beck's -- The Leadinl' Jewelen Braunreiter and Son Hardware Brown's Music Store Bullemer's Citfzen's State Bank Coaat-to-Coaat Store Dairy Bar Dr. Akre, Optometrin Dr. Fesenmaler Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist On. Georl'e Kuehner III: Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Schwartz. DenUst Dr. Tyler

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