1965-1966 DMLC Messenger Vol. 56

Page 1



Vol. LVI· No. 1 Orientation

Dr. Martin Luther College

New Ulm, Minneaota


Greetings From the Presidents Welcome To you the new students who are here at Dr Martin Luther High School for the first timewelcome! We are very glad to have you here and hope that it will not be long before you feel yourself at home. We know that the first days in a new school arc never easy. For a while you will probably have trouble keeping up with all the new customs, instructions, and the like, which are part of school life. In any case, feel free to ask - older students, members of the dormitory staff, the Dean, other faculty members. They'll be glad to help! We wish you the Lord's blessing in your stay with us at Dr. Marlin Luther High. O. Siegler, High School President

ProF. O. J. Siegler

Our Sign Of Welcome Dr. Martin Luther College-the marker at the entrance to the college is more than just a stone edifice; it is a milestone for you, whether you are beginning your college career or returning for another year. The name at the entrance proclaims to all who pass, and more important, to all who enter, that within the 'waIls 'of "Ul" college 15'''taught the Word of God. The 'following' is taken from the '64-'6;; school eata101(. These words bear repeating:

The Marker

"Dr. Martin Luther College uncompromisingly clings to the divine inspiration of the Bible. It be~ieves, therefore, that ali education, if it is to be really beneficial to the individual and to the, community, must make the human soul conscious of its sinful tendencies and inspire it with a living faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior. This alone


Very cordially yours, Carl L. Schweppe, College President

enables man to face life's problems wisely and to appear before his God cenfidently and eagerly. Only the Holy Spirit can so educate, and He works only through the Scriptures. Dr. Martin Luther College stands up for this Truth, preaches this Word, and builds all of its education en this Basis." The purpose of the college is to serve the Church by educating future teachers, and through .:them, to spread the Word' of God. Helice life at DMLC, both in work and relaxation, is directed to' the training of young Christians, training those here, and indirectly trainiag those in the schools of our Synod. A great task lies before you who enter at the marker; but the task is not an insurmountable one. With the help of God and the love of your neighbors here, you can realize your calling+-to be a true servant of the Lord. Therefore, welcome to New Ulm, which our School for over 80 years has called its town, a prosperous

and growing city of 13,000. In recent years maay large well known industries have located here. Kraft, Minnesota Mining and Manulacturing , Goodrich, International Milling, and Borden's have sizable plants. Besides providing work opportunities for its citizens, New Vim is interested in giving its people wholesome recreational areas. No fewer than ten parks are available. Theile provide play areea Lor football, hard and soft ball, swimming and ice skating. Picnic areas are in abundance, the largest of which, and near the college, is Flandrau State Park. Naighbering Flandrau is a challenging aad beautiful country club now being expanded into an IS-hole course.

it from the east can be gained from the picture below, the [unction of U.S. Highways 14 and 15 which cross in the city.

The Student Guide.

In order to provide for uniform order and discipline on the campus, a student handbook has been piepared. 'l'lrl!UilllWbook, -entitled The Student Guide, provides much Iaformation important to student life on the campus. It info.rms the student of the standards of conduct that govern his life both on and oil campus. It provides him needful information regarding campus activities. It directs him where he may find counselor aid as ·hi. needs We are sure that you will find may require. New Ulm, a city of churches and Students are urged to become acneatly kept homes and yards, to quainted with this handbook, to your liking. This pleasant and keep it handy for repeated reference, friendly city can be reached easily and under its guidance to glorify by plane, bus, or car. An idea of God both in body and spirit, which what it will appear like by entering are God's. \


6, 1965

Gymnasium: 9:00-11:30 A.M.; 2:00-4:00 P.M.; 7:00-8:00 P.M. All new college and high school students Welcome, Campus Parents,


ProF. C.

• • • • ••



GREETINGS I hope that you are looking forward to the new school year with the same interest and enthusiasm that we have experienced here for so many years, among both the faculty and the new enrollees It is always a pleasure and a privilege to meet all such and again to see those who have been with us before. No doubt you will find yourself among a large group of people whose names you don't know, but it will not take you long to become acquainted. These so-called strangers will certainly be friendly and L. Schweppe co-operative. Besides, you will not really be among strangers at all. 'Ve all worship the same God and Savior are of one and the same faith and thus form one Christian family intent on glorif;ing the Lord by word and deed for all of the great things which in His boundless mercy He has done for us. May He preserve in you the strength and zeal to become His faithful servants This is our prayer and expresses the type of sentiment with whieh we welcome you thaaking God for having persuaded you to prepare yourselves for the undeserved honor of full-time service in His Kingdom.


8:00 P.M. for College in Auditorium 7:30 P.M. for High School in Music Center, Room #209


Tuesday, September 7, 1965 ,TESTING

9:00-11:30 A.M., College Freshmen, Administration Building, Rooms 202, 204, and 208 9:00-11 :30 A.M., High School Grade 9, Administration Building, Rooms 223 and 224




High School Grades 10 _ 12, Administration Building, Room 219 1:30-3:00 P.M., College Freshmen, High School Grade 9, High School Grades 10 - 12 II

3:30-4:30 P.M., Campus Tour College meets in front of Administration


High Schools meet in front of Music Center Phases of School Program, City Tour 6:15 P.M., College meets in Auditorium 6:00 P.M., High School meets in Music Center Wednesday, Gymnasium:




All other students 9:00.10:30 A.M., College Freshmen 9:00-11:~0 A.M., High School Grade 9 -



1:00-3:15 P.M., College Freshmen 1:30.3:15 P.M., High School Grade 9 IV


High School Grades 10 - 12 High School Grades 10 - 12

Student Organizations and Activity 7:00 p.M., College meets in Auditorium 7:00 P.M., High School meets in Auditorium Thursday, September


8, 1965

9:00-11:30 A.M.; 2:00-4:00 P.M.; 7:00-8:00 P.M.




8:30 A.M., in the Auditorium-Ciymnasium

9, 1965

Highways 14 and 15 Frem The East

New Ulm, Mlrrneect e

Pac. 2

We Invite a "Guided

You to Tour"

The Adrn lrrietre t ion Building (g) is a multipurpose structure and the "hub" of the campus. In it are found The Chapel The clay is begun in the chapel, where all assemble to hear sermonettes and scr ipture readings hy the professors. The large chapel organ Hillview, having passed the marklends itself to hymns and choir acer, is the first building you will encompaniment. as it is played tv the counter. At once the newest and more advanced student organists. largest of campus dc.rmitories, HillThe chapel meets other needs as its view can accommodate 220 college stage is used in dramatics, qoncert s, women. Each floor has ica own lyceum programs, movies, and stulounge, and the basement holds redent ur-tivitics in genernl. creational areas, tdevision nnd hobThe Libr-ar-y by rooms, canteen, laundry faciliChapel over, the day's worl: h·ties, and lounge and locker area for gins as s: urlcnts and l)rof('~i'ors alike town students. Each room sor vlng ns go to tilt' various classrooms ill the both bedroom and study room is building, miJldir'!~ Student Couucl designed to meet the> needs of two regula! ions (or stair trnff'ic as they women. The floors al.l have ironinn );0. As ns dgnments are n-ude, the rooms, lavatory facililics, storage st udcntc fwd it necessary to Irerooms, and telephones for those inquent the library where over 17,000 evitable "collect calls" home .. (A volumes ura at trf'ir disposal. The picture of the ext.error and interior magi!z:lll' room and periodicul file of Hillview can be found on pnac also prove u-vuluuble for \)1(' COUll!. 4.) less n scuech papers to 1o d.uv-. .\ Dormitory life is a many-Ia cet ed book store, operated ill conjunetiun experience. As one meets his or her with the lil.rury, oilers a varictv of fellow residents and the dormitory supplies to meet all Deeds. Sl uhead, he learns to sbarr both enterdents '\ ho are required to prepare tainment and duties, having consample le:-;:;;1.111 plan:r make use of t l-e sideration for others in all t.hings. elementary texts avuilnblv in t h.: As the spirit of fellowship g-rows, it curr iculum litrary. would re difficult indeed to find Offices a.nyone willing to trade his life "in The president'c; office, officcs of the dorm" for another. the J'0gistrar and busin~~s manager, ar.d tl'e fatuIty room are all to re found in tilt' ~~(hnil1istration Building. The Gym.na<:iuOl In the ('onfiops of this iarw' hlilding i~~ also found the g,yrnnas\nn. 1t is .used \_y man:,' physi('al education class2s, ancI it is tIlt',· scene of many a tlrl'ilJing game during the baskett'a!! ~~('aSOf!. The gym has many faees, actually; wr.(·11 the chapel-gym divider is removed, ro\\s of {'l~airs convert this arra into a large auditol'ium. It scrvps this purpose for anything and everyWest Hall (I) is our next stop on thing ranging from concerts and the thi. "guided tour." This building Mission Workshop to LLL plays once housed high school and college and lighter. entert.ainment. women, but in the past year was Centennial Hall (e)is adormitory converted into a dormitory for men for high school and college women. i~College III and IV. This change Its name is derived from the date evidences a campus problem of inof its -construction, the lOOth anni~ creased enrollment meeting limited versary of our Synod. housing. There are several unique fcat ures Ttltors for the high school deabout Centennial. One is the tower partment may also Iive at" West; room in the center of the building. they are students from our -SemiHere girls may gather to study, renary at Mequon who have interlax, or hold meetings, as they wish. rupted their studies for a year of A door connects the tower room teaching. with the sun deck, always popular spot in pleasant weather. Another Adjoining Hillview, behind West feature of the building is its small Hall, is the student parking lot. gymnasium, excellent for many reWith permission of the Car Compurposes. The kitchen mittee, students are allowed to creational adjoining the gym provides facilities bring cars to DMLC and park here for many events, such as the annual for "a reasonable fee. Regulations campus Hallowe'en parties. concerning car use, as well as rules The grounds about Centennial, as for evening and weekend permissions are discussed in detail in the well as those all over the campus, are given a' thorough cleaning each Student Guide Book. This handy booklet will an!llwer many questions year as the students participate in for all, and should be read carefully. Arbor Day. Hakes, sacks, and Let us give you an introductory tour of campus. In the following weeks, new faces will become familiar ones, and strange buildings will assume specific functions in the daily routine. Let us begin our imaginary arm-chair tour with Hillview Hall. (Under the letter (e)

West Hall

Legend of




._~II!I~.¥.., ..

a. b. c. d. e.

iII1tJlI'lXIl!",';t;'""';t··--·-::~-~·· MeR's Dormitory] Music Center Music Practice Hall Old Main Centennial Hall (women)

tru('ks are brought into a(,tion, and by the ('IHI of a busy clay t.here is nothing left to mar the beauty of the immaculate p,round~. In the evening, students gather for a picnic supper and a program of entertainment which climaxes the day's ev:.cnl50.







OLD MAIN Old Main (d) rr'plTSP!lts til(' hi.;;;tory of ()ur 81'11001~i!\('t' its fuundillg right down to tl!l" pre:wnt day. En'('t{'d







j:--; alld



still :--;erves

f. g

h. i. j.

Hillcrest Hall (women) Administration Building Hillview Hall (women) West Hall (men) Heating Plant


the college in many capacities. It has housed classrooms, mURic studios, dormitory rooms, and the cafeteria. At present, the main floor consists of kitchen and dining halls, the second floor has been remodelled to accommodate classrooms and health center, and the third floor provides rooms for the many campus clubs and organizations. Old Main's tower provides a landmark for the college, as it can be plainly seeR from most rarts of the city below. The tower bell serves two) genera] and one sp{~cific pur-" pose: it is rung at mealtimes, formally, and when one of our campus athletic teams ",ins a game, not 50 formally. But when it is rung on a certain ever.ing in May, it can only mean one thing ~ the calls have ('orne in. The bell announces to the rampus family that all should assemble in the chapel to hear the reading of the list of teaching as~ signments. To thO!:~e graduating, Old Main has the most special job

Our New

New Ulm, Minneaota or's office. The band room is designed for good acoustice, and the floor area is constructed in a semicircle of chair levels to provide band seating arrangements. Practices are held here four days a week during concert season. Marching Rt~aSO;) finds the band going through its paces on the athletic field, preparing (or halftime performances at high school football games, The Center's uj pzr floor contains piano practice rooms and instructor's studios, a central lounge, offices and music faculty room, music library, choir room and recording room. Recordings are made here for the radio service on New VIm's KNUJ. Pastors Irom the surrounding area conduct the services and the students of DMLC's many choirs supply the music, both vocal and instrumental. This program is designed to bring the Gospel into the homes of the sick and unchurched. Extra curricular activities are"'as much a part of daily routine as are. studies. The wintertime view pictures a popular event, the annual Snow Carnival. All classes compete to construct the best snow SCUlpture in keeping with a theme determined by the Student CounciL

In addition to athletic activities and Homecoming, big events of the year are the Get-Acquainted Picnic, staged by the college juniors to welcome new students; the Hallowe'en costume parties; Christmas parties, caroling and--·concerts in December; the Snow Carnival; the spring secular concerts; the May Activities Banquet; end-of-the-year picnics, and the June Night concert. All this says nothing

he Campus k'l;;'

I. m. n.

Tennis courts Waldheim (women) Soccer field Luther Hollow (picnic ares)

A. B. C. D.

Summit Avenue: to Flandrau State~Park and New Ulm Country Club Center Street: boulevard to city S. Highland Avenue Cottonwood River Valley - Flandrau State Park

01 all, on Cal! Night. DMLC's "Old Music Han ,(c)," 80 named to distinguish it from the new Music Center, now houses piano practice rooms on the first floor, and organ rooms on second. The checker's office reminds all those who enter that five practice periods a week are required (or all students, High school students and those in the first two years of college are marked unexcused for all missed periods unless they make it up in another' hour. •

are held each year. They help determine progress and give the students experience in playing before others. College piano recitals are also used as a test of readiness for beginning organ instruction.

nnis Courts

Many fine instruments are available in the Muoic Center (b), There are nine organs in the building, including one electric and the splendid Cassavant in the choir room. Ten pianos, in addition to those in the instructors' studios, are used by students for practice. Piano recitals and organ auditions



torium, display a variety of talent sure to please the most discriminating 1istener. Guest" artists"' "in the past have included the Bela(onte Folk Singers, the Chicago Little Symphony, and the Don Shirley Trio. Tickets are available on campus from the library, main office, and dormitory heads.

~~:~i:~on St~ff. . ..: J~."~ . jj~~k~·, . Celeste 's~h~i~:,taM~::::~ Schultz, Josie Aday Photo8"rapher. . . ..... .. . . . . .. . . .. . Ray Manthe Assistant Photographer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Tom Lippert Proof Readers. . .Judy Wells, Tish Murray, Cheryl Schaumberg, Lois Krause Adyiaer ...


The lower floor of the Center contains practice rooms, the checker's office, music lockers, band room, band storage area, and band directs

activities staged by the Student Council and other organizations. (For more information about these, consult page four of this issue.)

The DMLC Me.senger is published during the months o( October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subseription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. The Messenger is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the Messenger is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the college, and to foster school spirit. Editor. . . . . . . .. . Delores Maichle Feature Editor.. . Tish Murray New. Editor. . Judy Winter Sporle Editor. . . .. ,." ,' (open) Alumni Editor :., Lois Sievert Make-up Editor ','" Helen Lochner Busines. Manager :.. . David Sauer Circulation Manarer... . .. _ (open) Advertiling Manarer...... . .Mark Boehme Feature and New. Writers Judy Vonderohe, Debbie Fitch, Barbara Sae&er, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief, Lois Keause, Connie Oldfield, Colleen Gunderson, Mary S.nleuter, Jennifer HOl"an, Edith Zickuhr Sport. Writers Dave Schoeneck, John Seifert, Helen Kuehl, Bonnie Krauae, Debbie Fitch


The Music Hall classroom is generally used for music theory classes and Beginner's Band practice. On certain evenings the room is the scene 01 Marlut rehearsal s.

of the many

The Men's Dormitory houses high school and college men alike. A "dorm buck," elected by the residents, is in charge of cleaning duties and general conduct. The Dean o( Students is the official head of the dormitory, and has an office near the main door of the building. A newly remodelled gymnasium, lounges, canteen, and new equipment provided by the. Ladies' Auxiliary make the large building a pleasant home-away-from-home. The Community Concert Association of New Ulm begins its membership campaign early in the (all. Its series of four concerts, presented in the New Ulm High School audi-




Keeping Abreast with the News I{ What current affairs do The J urr-, liAs





mood." This little quote is a good .imlle for the events happening iÂť our restless world. If one wants an answer to the question that is frequently asked, "How can I stay on top of the news?" here's one. A very enjoyable way. of keeping abreast with the news at D.M.L.C. is by being a member of The Junto. Today, The Junto is the name given to an organization here on

to talk about? During the Presidential election there were discus-

sions on The Electoral College and tho Platform of the two candidates. The club also sponsored an election

by the entire school. When the Vietnam situation flared up again the group had an interesting review of the background. These topics mentioned were presented by students. The club also had a guest speaker, Mr. Walter Mickelson, publisher of The New Ulm Journal.

Membership is open to all college

campus whose purpose is to f~rther an interest in and understanding of

students. The door is open to come to participate in its meetings. No

current affairs and to aid in coming

one needs to be an expert. All that

to an interpretation of them.

is needed is an interest in current affairs. Why not come to one of tile meetings and see for yourself?

Council Serves All One of the most active organizations on our campus is the Student

Council. The function of this council which is a mediator between the

the line of extracurricular activities, it also offers a well-rounded inter-

in preparation for their weekly soccer contest. Last year the boys and the iaterim committee which is had a terriffc season. In fact, they made up of the student body officers. walked away with the league cham. It is the job of these representa- pionship. When the snow begins to fly, tives to plan and supervise all the major events Oil our campus. Among you'il find the boys on the basketthese aetiviti.s are the Halloween ball floor practicing for the thrilling parties, monthly movie nights, the action they see at least twice a Sprin, and Fall all-school get-to- week. elected representatives from each dass, two females and two males,

Spring and good weather ushers

annual snow carnival and hootenan-

in a diversity of

ny, monthly mission project! and the mission workshop, and the Spring Activities Banquet, which is

Spring a young man's fancy may turn to baseball, tennis, or track.

the Dig formal event of the year.

have the skill essential to participate in these interscholastic contests and for the fairer members of

neW ideas and suggestions

studenta at any time.




from the

place for you. The outward appearance of' our Stu U may not be anything spectacular but the food is great, the company superb, and fun is always on hand. Hamburgers, ice cream, pop, and pop corn are only a few of the items on the menu. Table games of all kinds, ping-pong, pool, and TV' are available for anyone

who feels the 'need of a little relax-


that DMLC offers its students in

be seen practicing on the soccer field

It alsQ provides bus transportation

for the DMLC Student Union,is the

Along with all the other activities

This council is composed of four

to and from church, publishes a monthly activities calendar to keep the studenta informed of the impending events, and has a bicycle rental program whereby students may rent bikes for the nominal fee or 25e per hour. The aim of this council is to please tke students so it welcomes

Hungry? Tired of studying and looking for some good leisure-time activity? Then the Stu U, short

Sports of All Sorts scholastic athletic program. In the Fall, the college ~uys can

gethera. Christmas decorations, the

Fun and Food for Everyone

ation. It is open every night after studyhall and every Wednesday, Satur., day, and Sunday afternoon to offer welcome recreation after those long hours of hitting the books, 1f you're good at making ire cream cones or frying hamburgers, why not join the ranks of. the Stu

student. and the faculty is to make the student's stay at DMLC as enjoyable and eventful experience.


Fall, 1965

New VI"t, Minnesota

activities. In

For those who do not feel they

our campus family, a well-rounded intramural


is also avail-

able. Included in this program is baseball, volleyball, basketball, and bowling. Closely connected with the athletic program is the Pep Club whose main objective is to create spirit among the student spectators Cit the various athletic contests.

The Luther Literary League is primarily

This year, as in the past, the Phlogiston Science Club is out to prove that science can be fun and educational at the same time. Some of the projects which are under consideration are several field trips and a number of guest speakers in addition to the regular plan of activities and experiments which will be given by the students themselves. Preliminary plans for the annual spring Science Fair will be another of the projects soon under consideration. Because life is serious and science is an important part of our lives, it must be taken seriously, yet "science can be fun." The club does not aim to make professional scientists out of the members, but only to aid them in achieving for themselves a workable knowledge in the fundamentals necessary for teaching or

any other phase of daily life.

a dramatic


but this year, under the auspices of a newly foirmulated constitution, it hopes to expand into a club of various interested groups this year. A dramatic and a debate group have already been formed and an art appreciation, oration, and play reading

group are in the planning stages. Each Spring the League presents a major public production, and .preparations for this year's selection, She Loves Me, have already begun. Following last year's success-

ful production of Antigone, the League hopes to produce another Fall production in the form of a

Everybody loves to look through a scrapbook or a picture albumeach year the Excelsior staff compiles just such a book. Life on the DMLC campus is recorded in the school's yearbook, the Excelsior. The staff tries its best to accurately record the events of the year so that each student will b. able to remember

for .many years



come. Photographers are kept busy snapping pictures of the many campus activities, while s~ copy writers diligently write out descriptions of the same events so that when the two are combined by the lay-out

drama,: z, classic, or sev-

staff, the result is the experience in

eral one act plays. The LLL meets once a month at which time its monthly business meeting is held. These meetings are preceded by a short presentation by one of the interest groups.

a capsule to be long remembered by the entire student body. Do you like to write, take pic-


tures, or have a "flare for art work? Express your interest in the Exceol-

alor; join the staff and help put together your 1965-66yearbook.

Music in the Air

U workers and put these talents to

Discover the Science ¡Club

Book of Memories

Dramatics Plus

Band The thrilling vibration of drums in the distance and the steady thud of many feet marching together announces the coming of a marching

band long before it is seen.


ami precision are fascinating"


both are combined in the marching band's routines.

DMLC's marching band is young; this will be its third year of active existence,




two concerts, the February and the Spring concert, Christmas caroling and the annual Aeolian-Marlut Christmas party, and many oth... added attraction. including several cut-of-town aingin&,engagements. Rehearsals start soon, watch the weekly schedule for the time and place. See you therel 'Aeolian.


Are you a girl who enjoys singing . Bongs like: "Hey, Look Me Over," Mr. Roy Zim'"Deep Purple," or '"If I Loved

been made toward the formation of an impressive unit. mermann, bandmaster, has big plans

for this year, so when you hear the drum majorette's whistle sound off, during the noon hour practice ses-

sion, you'll know that your bandon-the-hoof is in action. If you play an instrument, go out and join

them on the athletic field. You'll be having

fun and



school at the same time. Marluta

This yeor's program of Marlut enjoyment will SOOIl begin under the direction of Robert Kuehn. Just what is Marluts? Marluta is a volunteer singing group open to aU college men and the males of the high school senior class which specializes

in light; enjoyable music. An interesting year is planned. It includes




then the oraa.nizatit:.iJll

for you is Aeoliana. This i. a volunteer girls singing group which meets two nights a week from 6:10 until 7:00 and will this year be directed

by Jan


a college

Senior, who alNady has had one year





group. The Aeolians go Christmas Caroling, sing for Lenten Services, and participate

in two concerts, the

February Concert, and the Spring Concert. True, it takes a great amount of work to prepare for these activities, but, in the case of the Aeolians, it is always work happily done. Here's hoping all you who like to sing glee-club-type music join





See you

Hey, LookUsOver! What looks new on campus this year? THE MESSENGERIOur new look comes from a new printer, and a new process of printing on an offset press. The offset printing results in a sharper, cleaner paper, with better looking and larger photos. The new look will enable-the MESSENGER staff to present a lively, good-lookingpaper that the whole campus will be proud of. Increased photo coverage and more issues, plus other newfeatures, will highlight the coming MESSENGERS. Keep tuned to the MESSENGER,it's going places this yearl

Vol. LVI

• ~ ....... palgn ~This Issue * issue ofthe

FEATURESEDITORTish Murray and editor Delores Maichle wor_kon the new MESSENGER.

MESSENGER contains the opinio~s of .many of this year's Student Council candidates. The candidates havemessages for you, the voters. See page three. .:~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.:


Music Dept.

Band Steps Out

Oaims Shilling

Fall and the foothall season A smiling addition to this means but one thing to members year's DMLC music faculty Is of the DMLCBand -1I's time to Mr. Ronald S1111ing.Mr. 91111- be on the march. Once again the ing's interests extend beyond band has moved Its rehearsals that of teaching. He Is an en- out onto the athletic field to learn thusiastlc bowler and can even and pol1sbroutines for half-time knit, although, he confidentially performances. admitted that he can't purl. Under the leadership of Drum Mr. SI1llingbas beeninterest- majorette Patricia (TIsh) Mur_ ed in music for almost hts entire ray (IV), members wlll step tolife. It all began many years ago gether in time to thesteadypulsin F1eJldly,OIlio,wben-asa small ing ofdrums andexecutemaneuvee ~-z)!9ÂĽ. A4".. AI.IMIlr_~ebOllll>lr~....u_gi."u,g.,~ a predeler- . school -and pounded-,'outon the -mined'signal. This year the band neighbor's plano the songsbe had members wlll be prepared to play learned in singing class. One their instruments while on the thing led to another and by the march. time Mr. S1llllng was six and Majorettes thls year are Lois a half years old he wastaJdngpl- Roekle (IV), and Terry Jo Miller ano lessons. In 1964 he grad-, (nIl, who are preparing twirling uated from DMLC and accepted routines to complement the the position of acting bead of the band's performances. music department at NorthwestBandmaster Roy Zimmermann ern Lutheran Academy at Mo- has many plans for this year's bridge, SouthDakota. marching season. There are still ThIs year Mr. Shillingdtrects some openings forbandmembers Treble Cbolrs IandUandteaches and majorettes. Interested stuorgan lessons. He especially dents should see Mr. ztmmer, Ukes teaching at DMLC,he sald, mann at the Band Office In the because the cooperationthe stu- MUSicCenter. dent body bas given blm and the -----courteous manner in which the students conduct themselves makes teaching here a pleasant

Luboff Choir Scheduled The nineteenth annual Community Concert series wUl get under way with a sold-out membership resulting from its spring campaign. The, association num-

bers approximately one thousand members. The, series wUlbegin with the performance of theNorman Lubo!! Choir on October 3. This Is the most notablegroupto perform

on tMF concert' circuit,

according to association brochures. The choir Is composed of thirty mixed voices plus four Instrumental musicians. Tbe Norman Luboff Choir is a famil1ar name on television and radio . and Is credited with three million-seller record albums. Norman Lubo!!, the director, Is famous for choral direction for such famous singers as Harry Belatonte, Jo stafford, Rosemary Clooney, and many others. His name ranks high in the list of movie credits, such as "Giant" and "Island in the Sun."

Orientation Introduces DMLC The many new students at DMLCwere given an opportunity to become well acquainted with all aspects of college life thougb the orientaUon program held on the evenings of September 6, 7, ands. Anar registration and unpacklng,new students gathered Monday evening in the auditorium, where they were welcomedto our campus by President Schweppe.Following thts the freshmen and transfer students were introduced to their "campus parents," including class advisors and dormitory counsellors. To wind up the evening a mixer was held in the basement of H1IlvfewHall, where tun, games, and refreshments were provided by the kltchen. Tuesday afternoon, after a hard dayoftesting, the newcomers bounced by bus on a tour of New Ulm. Hlghl1ghtsof the Itinerary were Schell's deer park, the Kraft and 3M Plants, and the atrport. That same evening the 'newcomers' took a thorough campus tour during' which the' students gained more knowledgeof the various aspects of our academic 1Ue. Prof. Kaiser introduced the DMLC athletic program, with Us interscholastic and intramural activities. Prof. Birkholz discussed items connectedwiththeregistrar's oUlce, such as absences and grading, The library, where students spend many wak1nghours, was thoroughiy treated by Prof. Sitz. The operations of the music department were discussed by Prof. Zahn, The evening's activities were followedby refreshments. On the t1nal lI1gbt at orientation extra-aurrlcular and soclal activities were featured, Representatives of the various student organizattons spoke on their respective activities. Includedwere the Luther Literary League, Pep Club, Phioglstons, Aeollans, Marluts, Band, Junto, EXCELSlORand MESSENGER.The newly_ oriented students then completed the process by attending a t1nal party in HIllview's basement.

The Norman Lubolf Choir Is quite versatile and Is said to be equally at home singinga cantata of Bach or a popular tune of Broadway. The LubolfChoir will rehearse experience. an hour preceding the concert Professor Arthur Glende was and all interested members may born in S1leldsvllle township, The Luther Literary League listen and obtain autographs. Waterville, Minnesota, on May recenUy met to elect a newvlce20, 1912. He attended both Dr. president and to organize the new Martin Luther High School and interest groups. Edith Draheim Dr. Martin Luther College. He (U), Was elected League vicehas done post-graduate work at The L Club Is beaded this year president at the September 12 DMLC and Mankato State. The first meeting olthe Phlogby President DaveSchweppe(IV). meeting. She joins president He Is assisted by Secretary- Jeremy Scharlemann (U), sec- Iston Science Club will be held He bas been active in the !leld Treasurer GordyVetter (U). retary Faith Haferman (11), and September 23 at 9:00 p.m. 01 Christian education for over treasurer Colleen Gun<1erson The object of the club Is to thirty years. His first call was AnY' college man who has wona further the Interest of science, to Corvuso, Minnesota, where letter in collegiate interscholast- (IV), in office. Under the LLL Constitution, especially on the grade-school Ic competition is el1g1blefor he taught all eight grades. Thir_ membership. This also includes those people interested in a cer- level. This is accompl1shedin teen years later he was called to tain literary topic may form a part by occasional field trips, alumni lettermen. group to further explore their lectures, and demonstrations of Arlington to teach the seventh Thts uniquegroup containsap- chosen subject. Brief explana- grade school projects at each and eighth grades. HewasPrinciprOximatelytwentymembers who tions of several beg1nn1ng pal of St. Paul's School in New groups meeting. are in college now. Only twO' were given by League members, incumbent officers of the club Ulm from 1955-1965. This fall alumni lettermen are active and President Scharlemann ap_ are Ray Dusseau, (IV), preSident; he jOined the teaching staff of presently. All that an alumnus pointed temporary heads for Dave Sauer, (IV), vice-president; DMLC.He Is teaching the educaletterman needs to do to become these groups. Judy Schewe,(nl), librarian; and tion courses offered to college a member is to pay hts dues for sentors in the professional se.. It was announcedthat theplay- Ruth Heikes, (ill), secretarythe year. In return he w1l1retreasurer. The offices of 11- mester. ceive a copyof the minutesofall reading committee hadsubmitted brarian and vice-president wUl He married the former Ruth meetings and a free pass to all its selections to the League at be open for election at an upthe end of the last school year. Lorenz, also a graduate of our intercollegiate contests. coming meeting. 'lbe LLL accepted the commit_ bigh school and college. They Club memberships are open to have three children, Naomi and The members oftheLClubare tee's recommendation that the attempting to establ1sb It as a operetta "Sbe Loves Me" be ap- all students. Meetings will be Rachel (Mrs. JOhnathanScharle_ group to be respected for Itself proved as the major production held on third floor in Old Main man), graduates of DMLHS,and on alternate Thursdays at 9 p.m. Phillip, now a senl~r in DMLHS. and what it represents. of the year.

LLL R esume s

Glende Joins Faculty

Activitie s

What Is The L Club?

Phlogistons Meet

Enrollment At New High September 6th marked the opening day for DMLCregistration for the 1965-66school year. Monday, Wednesday,and Thursday morning DMLC's gym was a mad scramble of new college freshmen, transfers, andoldstudents, busy registering. Afterenroll1nlr, stUdents flocked to the college book store to buy the necessary supplies. The collegeenrollment marked 494 ~ 64 over the total enrollment last year, and 131over the 63-64 school year. Class registration is as follows: College IV 81 College m 148 College U 106 College I 139 Special Students 20 Schooltotal 494 HighSchoolSeniors High SchoolJuniors High School Sophomores High School Freshmen Total

71 259

School total



67 81

Editorial The Campaigners: A Chance To Choose The state of the Student Council campaigninglast Wednesday nearly prompted an opinion on the deplorable lack of candidates. At the beginning of the evening only one or two people had as yet declared their intentionof runningfor a certain office. Werethe students tohave no choice of candidates for this position? That wouldhave been unchallenging as well as undemocratic. Fortunately, this state ofaffairs did not remain - in a matter of hours enoughpeoplewere stricken with campaignfever to make the coming week a real contest. We were certainly relieved to see the transformation, for it spoke wellofstudent spirit and interest. Whether . these people were persuaded to run by a personal feeling of loyalty to the school, by theunhappy thoughtof so very few in the running, or both, we must credit them with a great deal of courage. Others had thought about this election for many a day' and were essentially prepared to meet it head-on. But the "last'-minutecampaigners" were forced to organized fullscale campaigns in a matter of hours. Actually, whether a person decided to run for office one month ago or one week .ago makes no difference: the major consideration is capability. All those who campaigneddid their part to offer to the students a wonderful opportunity: the chance to choose the officers they consider capable ofrepresenting them in StudentCouncil.

College III Resolution Last week College III publicly declared its' decision to discontinue the annual Get-AcquaintedPicnic. Theexplanation offered for this unexpectedannouncementwas the increased enrollment makes it virtually impossible for students to mix and meet new faces. The juniors reasoned that those whoattended the picnic in previous years tended to gather within the circles of their own acquaintances, making no conscious effort to meet or greet new students. If we aSSUDle that DMLCis "too large" for a picnic of this kind, then College III certainly has a case. But let us also note that the cliques wouldprobably remain, no matter how many students there are. People rarely change their response to others just because the crowd grows larger. The juniors recognized the fact that the Get-Acquainted plcntc was not fulfilling its name or purpose. Their response to the problem, however, seems a bit drastic. We maintain that there are "ways and ways" ofgettingacquaintedwith

Page 2 New Ulm,Minnesota Wedne.day, Sept. 22,1965




Many students find they have some new companions this year, the most constant of which Is the fly. Everywhere one goes, this pest comes along - or awatts one's arrival. - Sitting in the Ubrary doing a reading assignment, the student Is constantly distracted by Fly's bids for his attention. ~ That I1tUeblack dot crawling across the \ page Is hardly distinguishable from the h " lr. blur of print swimming before his eyes. in practice rooms, Fly Is In his element. The faster a piece Is played, the greater HI' _ I'm Sharon Schultzand the thrill Fly gets from narrowly escapBy submitting my name on Ing the fingers as they come downon the I'm hoping that this blondecan your ballots I have indicated an keys. Classroom performances given by can have more fun workingfor apparent appeal to be.the treaFly are exhibitions of his ab1l1tyas a yOU.This I wouldhave if I could surer of your StudentCouncil. stunt pllot atmed to distract the student be your StudentCouncilSecrefrom the lecture being given - and the This 0ffice, as I see it , has a Uttle insect Is often successful. tary. I think it wouldbe funsit- definite and important role to For long years we have been-tcy1ngto ting inonall Councilmeettnga=- play. For it is through this rid ourselves of this constant distraction, Fun to take minutes and toparoffice many moneytransactions this pest. Because Fly has been able to ticipate in their important dfs- and the like are submitted. Havescape attempts to exterminate him, he CUS· sions. Student Council has tr bas acquired somewhat of a big head. His ing had experience as a· earank in the insect world has risen to some always interested me from my surer in my high school years degree, if not because of his sk1ll at first year as a class represenI don't feel as a complete fordodging his human enemy, then simply tative in grade school right on eigner to the office. I also because his opinion of himself has mul- through my year as Student have had previous experience tlpl1edgreatly. I id t f 8th Fly Is not stupid; he knows that man Is Counci Pres en 0 my in workingwith a council. out to get him, and what's more Impor- grade class. My years without I feel the council plays a tant, he realizes that our chancesforsuc- a council at NWC have only worthy role in any school life. cess are pretty sl1m. Because of ths deepened my desire to once It seems especially important priceless piece of knowledge,Fly Is wui, again become anactive member in our life here at DMLC.For ing to take many chances. He w1!lvary his procedure from simplybuzzingaround of such an organization. As you surely the council can lead the the head, to crawling up an arm, to dlve- see, I do have experience. Also student body to some definite bombing Into the ears and mouth. One of I have the necessary pre-readvantages which would not be his favorite torments Is slowly and lel_ quisites of any secretary: I can possible if the council were not surely to amble across a choice dinner wrtte, type and mimeograph. F 1 th tu morsel. This, Fly knows, will aggravate present. or examp e, e s _ man most of all and will render satd Add my interest, experience, dent movie nights, the lyceums, morsel inconsummable. and abilities to the fact that I and many other "funs." To rid ourselves of this pest, we have enjoy this type of work and I I wouldfeel it a very defintried many tacticsinnocence ranging to from sitting e.ge_,._to ...._ pl.ay_a.;,role,.as"" in empty-handed prove the. think you'd find the .' total would .. Ite priv.il. hand 18 quicker 'than the lIy to making·be one happy, hard-work:Irtg-,slight or important as .It may use of such mechanical devices as fly secretary. So whydon't you let seem to each individual, and swatters and bug sprays - or you might this blonde have more fun and woulddo my best possible were try hatr spray as some of dorm tar votef Sharon Schultzfor Secre- •I to be elected. residents do (according to our informed •

Sharon Schultz

sources, they'll lay anything out stl!!).

Judy OitzInan


DMLC Council, an organtzation oIstu':' __ dents representing all three high schools in the city of Ap- ~MESSENGER pleton. My enjoyment of this work grew along with my exThe DMLC MESSENGERIs published perience whenat MilwaukeeLu- during the months of October, November, theran Teachers' College I was December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscripUon price Is one elected to be a representative dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single of the freshmen class on the copies are twenty cents. We request payCollegiate Council. ment in advance. The MESSENGER Is conThese postttons have given tinued after the time that 'the subscripme a precious instght into the tion has expired, unless we are notified discontinue, and all arrears are patd. organization and value of stu- to All business communications should be dent government. I feel that addressed to the Bustness Manager. Con~ elections by the entire stu- trlbutlons from all alumni, undergrad, dent body give each student uates, and friends' are appreCiated. Barbara Kuhn the chance to participate in The alm of the MESSENGERIs to offer Desiring to serve the stu- school affairs, not only by run- such materials as will be. beneflclal as as interesting to our readers, to keep dent body of DI:. Martin Luther ning for an office himself, but wellalumni in a closer contactwiththe colCollege, I have chosen to run also by the privilege of.vot- the lege, and to foster school spirit. for Student Body Secretary. ing for the candidatehe chooses. Editor • • • • • • • • •• Delores Matchle Years ago I developed an in- I feel that the office of sec- Features Editor •••••••• T1shMurray terest in student government retary is a vital one, for it News Editor .' •••• ,' •••• Judy Winter Editor Gene Baer when I served as an officer in involves a position of leader- Sports Alumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Sieveri Fox Valley Lutheran High ship. Not only should the sec- Make_up Editor ••• '" Helen Lochner School's Student Council. My retary keep the minutes of the Business Manager ••••• DaVidSauer experience in tilis workwidened meetings, she should be a mott- CircUlation Manager ••• Celeste SchUltz as I was also elected to be sec- vating force for and amongthe Advertising Manager ••• Mark Boehme and News Writers •••••••••• retary of the Appleton Youth students. I feel that extra-cur- Feature Judy Vonderobe, Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief, Lois Krause, Conactivities are just as others. If the picnic ideawasin- ricular nie Oldfield, Colleen Gunderson, Mary important to a student as acaeffective, whynotproducesome Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan, Edith Zlckuhr. other event at least to welcome demic studies. They are important not only in the sense of Sports Writers Joe Lequia, new people? Orientation pro- emotional development,butalso Henry Meyer grams are fine for introducing as preparation for the teaching Make-up staff • • ••••• Rita Bremer newcomers to the schoolroutine Staff •••••• Joan Dumke, ministry. This finally is why I CircUlation Celeste Schultz, Margaret SchUltz,Kar_ and formal activities, but a taste of the informal social am running for a student bodyl en Drake, Josle May . office. I know this work will Photographer •••••• Dave Schoeneck events we all enjoy is equally help me become a better teach- Assistant Photographer ••• Tom Lippert important. - Delores Maichle er. Advisor •••••••••• Professor Trapp

Nltw Ulm, MlnnltlOta

Henry "Nixie" Meyer

Pat Otto

From September 16 to 22, Pat Otto is campaigningfor the office of secretary of the Dr. Martin Luther College Student Council. Please allowme a brief introduction. I'm a sophomore from Zilwaukee,Michigan. --To haveelections we must have candidates. That's whyI'm writing this article. Elections are twice as meaningfulwhen there are several personscampaigning for the same office.

Fellow students: I, -Nixie Meyer, am a candidatefor the office of StudentCouncilPresident. _ I feel that if elected president oftheStudentCouncil,I will be capable of doingthe job and doing it well. I have served as class president four times, class vice-president twotimes, and also president or counselor of two dormitories. I feel that I am not lackingin experience for I have workedwithgroups, committees, and also individuals in the three highschooland five college offices that I have held. Herein lies my personal confidencein my owncapabilities; a confidencethat Ifeel you should feel free to share with me. I do not believe in election

Ray Duss~u

As our campuscontinuesto grow,the importanceofleaderWe are all very proud of ship can never be minimized.I our great institution of higher believe that a campus leader learning, DoctorMartin Luther must be many things to truly College, and rightly so. Indeed, fulfill his responsibilities, for there are many aspects of our leadership requires enthucollege which promote this siasm, energy, and vitality. pride. One of these aspects These characteristics are great which plays such a vital role assets to any student, but the in our college life is the Stucampus leader must still add dent Council,which has as its something else to this. That primary responsibility the certain something is "Knowloverill general welfare of our edge of student affairs in both college. This is a heavy reintellectual and social fields." When erections are run in an sponsfbtltty, As a candidatefor The way to this knowledgecan organized manner from a se- the office of Student Council comeonlythroughthe final relection of qualifiedcandidates, Vice - President, I am fully quisite for leadership, andthat no one loses. Everyone of us aware of this office's manyreis "EXPERIENCE." stands to gain by the elections sponsibilities and duties. This,my fellow students is which are now taking place. Amongthe aims andpolicies exactly whatI bring before you. Every candidateonyourbal- of the Student Council, this as I offer my services as stulot is qualified for the office candidate firmly supports the promises and so I willnotmake dent Council President. Workfor which he or she is cam- followingt any promises to you of pro- ing on the Council in the.past paigning. Student Council of1. Separationof high school grams or policies that I will has been a stimulating experices are positions for respon- and college studentcouncilsbut hopeto enact shouldI be prtvi- ience which onlyincreases my ible people, peoplewithinitia- withthe college studentcouncil legedto be elected to the coun- enthusiasm at the prospect of ive, industrious people,people assisting the high schoolcoun- cil. HoweverI do haveonecam- anothe_~ __Y_Elar on our Council. 1bF' witll 1;b,edesifl'l.tp particlp$ en wbenevex: necessary•., ·"algncpromlse'that-I'feel-jus...---'Fw<>"years~agolrepre8entedc-.. r andthe ability to tead.: .. '.,~ 2. Promotion of an whole- tified in makingdue to the cer- our student body in Aberdeen, I advocatestudentandfacul- some relationship among ad- tainty of it: if I am elected to So. Dakotaat the StudentLeadty cooperationandparticipation ministration, faculty, and stu- the Council I will give 110%of ership Conferenceheld there. in all school functions. The dentbody L t I tr I d t Ab closer the students andfaculty· my time and effortintothework as year ave e 0 er3. Expansionofa more com- of the Council. I can promise deen once again, this time to can work together, the more pleteandelaboratemissionpro- no more. Youcanexpectnoless. help set the plans for the next they canaccomplishfor thegood gram andworkshop. I need you. I need all of you conventionat Bemidji, Minneof all the students. ~. Election of the following now as I wouldneed you later sota whichI also attendedduring For thebenefitofanyonewho 'year's Student Councilpres i- on if elected and throughoutthe the spring of th~s !ear.At!he might consider experience a. dent in the spring. entire schoolyear. I need your' time of the Bemidjiconvention qualification, I would like to 5. Establishment of the support nowas I will need your I was completing a year as add these words. During the policythat all collegiateorgan- co-operation later on should I Vice-Pres. of theStudentCoun'6.4-'65 school yell!.._Igained izations should be allowed to be your choice as StudentCoun- cil, first-hand experience in the send a non-votingrepresenta- cil President. If th workings of the D.M.L.C.Stu- tive who couldmakeproposals I sum up my pla orm wi dent Council. For the three to the Council. these words: ENTHUSIAS~, preceedingyears I was amem6. Sponsorship of at least KNOWLEDGE,EXPERIENCE, ber of an interscholastic coun- one social event per month. and DESIRE.Yes, to that mencil of area high schools, one Remember, a votefor Larry tioned before, I add desire: the year, of whichI served as cor- Joecks is a vote for soundstudesire to work for our students respondlngsecretary.Forthose dent government at D.M.L.C. and our campus; to make this of you who know me, I invite a better campusas it growstoyouto compare my capabilities During this past week, we day and even tomorrow. with those stated above.Those have been experiencing one of ,wisconsin Lutheran High ofyouwhodo not knowmemust democracy's prime functions. School, Milwaukee Lutheran judge from this article. The This function is the selection Teacher's College, and Dr. choiceis yours. or evaluation of a candidatein Martin Luther College. TIME: whom we trust the enactment M.M.'s time is to be devoted of our political being. I besolely to the office. He does lieve such an experience is not have any off-campus job highly beneficial to us. BeneMike Miller nor is president of any other ficial because we have a unique When voting please con- school activity. But in the past situationwherebywemaypractice all the policies of govern- sider Mike Miller's qualifica- he has been active on various ment withthe realm of Christ- tions whichexceedor equalthat committees of school organiian friendship. Thus through of the other candidates. EX- zations. All of M.M~'s free such an experiencethere willbe PERIENCE:M.M.'s experience time can be devoted to Stuinstilled in us a meaningful has been gotten on D.M.L.C.'s dent' Council and letter writunderstanding of the poltctes Student Council last year as ing. AIMS:To have more stuand practices for which the junior class representative. As dents active in StudentCounAmerican people have fought. StudentCouncil representative cil and student problems, to The results of such an exper- M.M. had the privilege of at- have more casual activities to ience will manifest itself inour tending the Tri-State Student occupy free time, and to give ' kz° ... future classrooms. But I must CouncilConventionwhichadded the student a person to cometo R oger Kl OC to his experience gleaned at with his problems at all times.,. rem (Continued on Page 4)

Larry Joecks

New Ulm,Min_IOta

Wednesday,Sept. 22, 1965

Roger Klockziem say only those whoparticipate will benefit in this manner. I do believe election time should be evaluation time. We are unique in this factor also because the judgmentofthepeoples of D.M.L.C.is on a higher scale due to higher education which we do possess. Because of that factor, we will not fall into the folly of the American people. That is, let our judgment be movedby louddemonstrations, jokes, false slogans, and the like. I am sure that the evaluationwill be based on the candidates and their ideas of studentgovernement.Asa basis for your evaluation, I have one thoughtas yet. Why do I want to be president? I wantto partlcipate for the benefits that I mentioned above. I mentioned that such benefits would be manifested in my future classroom. Let me make clear my underlyingthought. I feel I am not running on a platform of abilities but inabilities. This

Time Out

Page 4

should be more student participation in theplanningas well as the executing of such activities. 6. To help eliminate the widespreadfeeling that there is nothing to do on this campus, the StudentCouncilshouldpromote more all-college activities. Experience is a key-noteto success in any office whether it be on the national level or ludyWinter the collect level. This little ten letter word gives the posHowcan the StudentCouncil benefit you, the students of vised so that we have one such sessor a decided advantage in carrying out his duties effecDMLC, in 1965-66. This can- activity each month. 3. For the benefit of those tively and efficiently. Onewill didate believes the ever-growing program of this organiza- who seek cultural advantages, readily admit that it takes one tion can be heightened and the lyceum program shouldbe quite a while to "catch on" to something new and Student strengthened in a number of expanded. 4. To promote better co- Council work is no exception. , ways. 1. The Mission Workshop operation between the Council This candidate feels that her should be continued and ex- and the StudentBody,communi- three years of previous eounpanded so that active partici- cation betweenthese twobodies cil work plus her past expertence as treasurer¡ would, if pation on the part of more stu- shouldbe improved. 5. Sincemanyfeel that there elected, greatly aid her in dents is feasible. 2. TheMonthlyMissionPro- is not enoughstudent bodypar- carrying out the duties congram, which is a very worth- ticipation in the planning of nected with the officeofStudent while activity, should be re- StudentCouncilactivities, there CouncilTreasurer. may sound strange, but I believe not. For I feel that whoever is elected, He, whoguides all in His infinite wisdom,will then be training this individual for something yet to come. I can't fully explain but I know I feel I want to serve in a leader's function to labor for you. And in such a functionbe an organizer not a dominator.

DMLC Soccer Oufloo k "Punch It through" Is the faml_ chance of winningthis champlonliar cry of Coach Dallmannas he ship, but we all knowthat a team puts the soccer team through Its Is at Its best whentheyknowthey dally workout. This year there have the sincere backing of the was probably the finest turnout student body. These boys have ever for any sport at DMLC. been working hard and long to Twenty-three upperclassmen re , bring the trophy home for us, so ported for practice early and we should do what we can be were followed by a fine crop of giving them our full support. freshmen and new students. OvCoachDallmannhas goodrea, son to be somewhat optimistic.

give them a slight edge over last year's squad. So far the only problem Is a rather uniqueone. Probably for the first time In the history ofDMLCsports, there Is an excess of good players. Coach Dallmann Is having a dIfflewt time selecting his starting team. This shows another stro point - a fine bench of reserve The team will open the 8e

Only _three....Iette,rme~wara...J.ost....,.~mhgr¡

from last year's undefeatedteam and there are ten returning lettermen whoare co-captains Dave Schweppe and Merle Kruse, George DeNoyer, Dale Walz,Len Collyard, Gordy Vetter, Bob Schroer Jack Gronholz Warren JobnSOn'and AIJeffers.' These boys give the team much needed experience which should


"9t P111ab~f

Owatonna,This gamew1llbe very Important for our boys because Pillsbury Is noted for having a fine soccer team. A victory over Pillsbury Will be: a glant step toward the championship. We meet the Owatonnamen again on October 16th for our big bome_ coming. Let's ail get behind the team and root for a good season,


Ophidian League Rolls Again "Garters," Bob Hill; and three teams )Vhlchhave no names as yet. The two knowncaptains of tIlese teams are BobSchroer and Dave Lohse.



';i 1:


Lit League Reports

Confused?Read your Messenger for the true view of campus events.

AAL Announces tr::~r~;


~~d ::lr:~a~~~

,~~:,::,y Tb~ :.n~~~t represent 23 states plus Brazil and the Canal Zone. All the appllcants, Rugland said, took the College, Entrance Examination

Scholarships :t:o:

,,-:':"'~~!.~ ..


n:td S:~I~~.blYdo

:aar~:,:~~~:r ~mmer or Scholarsblps were wonby two DMLCfresbmen. NancyR. Carne at Wayne, PeDllsylvania, and Carol L. Schubert of New Lls-

ca~~:~s,th~e S~:~~r;u~u~~ busy making posters for the various candidates. Profits from these posters helped to buy artists' materials for the

bon, Wisconsin.

;~~~:;e ~~ '::~~~:~IO:o:O~~ with practical application and study of technique. The Dramatics Group Is In the process of organizing. Members consist of those Interested In acting, play_read_ lng, staging, llghtlng, make up, and so on. November 9 will mark the date at the first organized de__ tournam~la--.wh1ch __our_~· team will participate. Tbls year our team Is a member of the Twin City Debate.League. On the above date the University at Minnesota will host a debate tournament consisting at tI',e League mambers. This Includes debaters from all over the state of Minnesota.DMLC's debate squad will also aUend Mankato State Novice Tournament January 14 and 15, and Northwest Debate Tournament at St. Thomas In the Twin CIties on March 3, 4 and 5. Lois Luedtke, chairman of the de_ bate squad, saldthatDMLC may host a tournament, Northwestern, Concordia, (St. PaUl) and Bethany Colleees participating.

::o!:;~~m;::a::.~ ~n!~~: t9Ir. Th N;.t;..~


Luther Literary League Is well on her way to success this school year. Her many Interest groups have begu.n organizing their criterion for the coming year. Children's Theater, with Mary Mey as general chairwoman, has been busy selecting a chlldn's play to be presented next spring around the last of April or the beginningof May. The play will run an afternoon


eatre t. au Resumes Series


, :~ ,sc;hqlarshlps to. ciqlieM~men:to' .. the:1965-66 ~ademic year' have. been anTheatre SalntPaUlcelebrates nounced by Walter. L•. Rugland, Its Tenth AnnIversary Season president ot Aid Association tor with the opening of the 1965-66 Lutherans, Appleton,WIs., Inthe season on October 16. Tbls, the society's t1rst annual all.colleee second season as a president sq,.QlarsbIp:compet1t1on.. protesslonal theatre 'pertorm_ "'"".Tt~"",t*,."4_!I!""I~J~J ...aplll."11AJ·Ii8"""' ....~ch~Oilll ...r=-..,,_"'Jn'!8_.g~~_st.d!3-m__bate ShiPs'are, for the DIIxtschoOljear Axts and Sclence' Center, will and are nnewable for three ad- consist at sIXproductions per_ , diUonal years 11 satisfactory formed with. a core ot six proacademic progress Is malntalned fesslonal company actors. and financial need continues. Again, a great number at local OUlc1als at, Educational Test- pertormers will be used. Ing Service sald that this new AAL.scholarship program, with Tbe season will open with a 100 W1I!riersper year and a po_ production at the mUSicalcome_ tentlal . at 400 participants, Is dy, SHE LOVESME, with book currenUy the largest privately by Joe Masterott, music by sponsored scholarsblp program Jerry Bock and lyrics by SbelIn the Unitedstates. TheIndivld- don Harnlck. In the words of a ual AALscholarsblps have a mln- critic, "SHE LOVES ME Is Imum annual stipend of $200to a more of a play set to music maximum stipend of $1,500 per than a musical comedy In the year. • big Broadwaysense. It Is an In_ WlDIlershave selected the ac- tlmate musical that will adapt ctedlted college or university beautifUlly to the intimate of their choice, and may Uk!any ThAatre SaInt PII1Il.tan." four-year course at study lead-

Welcome Home, ., AIllDllll. A Pep Club committee, headed by John Rltuerodt, Is busy making the organization'S first noat for the big event.' Sahurday afternoon at 2:20 DMLC will bost Pillsbury on the college athletic field. Alter the soccer game, a smorgasbord-style Homecomingbanquet honoring the Lancers and the visiting team will be held at 7:30 p.m. In the collegegym. Octo~ 16 marksthedatE,of DMLC's first soccer Homecoming. This year's festivities . will Include a banquet, noat and ground displays, and ot course the soccer game. To start the event, the varloud collel9 classes and the L Club will be producing ground displays based on the general theme ot "TV Commercials." Each class will choose a commercial and carry It through In display.


The Lancers practice for their Homecoming match against Pillsbury. '

Auxiliary.Meets Today The DMLC Ladies Auxillary Is schedUledto meet oncampus October 13. The day's events beginwithregistration, followed by a business meeting, campus tour, retreshments, and enterIalnment. In the meeting,represenlatlves tram Mlnnesotacongregatlons will consider various projects tor the coming school year and select those which they teel most benetlclallo the college.

Creative Writing .Creatlve Writing Is the name of special Interest group connected with the Luther Literary League. About twice a month

The student COIDlcllIs In charge of theatta1rs for the day, and several commfttees have been appointed. The chairmen are as follows: Car Committee -RalphRetzWt Refreshments - Diane Tomfohr Balloting- James Bllitz Entertainment - Rita Bremer Tour - Nixie Meyer Committee members willbe recrUlted trom among the general student body. A counci; decision Inconnection with the event was that there will be no formal tour as In the past. Instead, the ladies are encouraged to visit those areas whichInterest them. Since every student will be a "tour guide"under this arrangement, October 13 will be declared a "dress-up day" on campus.

~::=~::~~:~~~~E~ '1!1:'i':';M?;i';:':"~;:'111' NIght': t to T::e~~~~I~:O=~~II, :";:~


cusslons are quite Informal. Presently, It Is planning a series of related writings for

,:,~, •.~ The Student Council ,..• ,.,.', "': will agaln present to the '::'

~~~::~!~£:pe~~~~a~::~ :!!! E~~::·:l~~~~~~~ :111 ture or. portralt In a!ll'...mle _ •• :.. l'ear'.', and·~lmenl....$::'._ ..


St. Paul' s Co~;;g~t'i~::;;:·:'~ Celebrates Centennial "Now also when I am old and grayheaded,

0 God, forsake me

not; until 1have shewed thy strength untothis generation, and they power unto every one that 1s to come." With these words ot Psalm 71, st. PaUl's congregationbegan Its celebration of "a century at grace". Last Sunday,the tlrst ot five Sundays set aside by the congregation tor Its centennial observation, was "Centennial Sunday". The sermon, delivered by President Carl Schweppe )the text tor which Is partially quoted above), reviewed the abundantblessings ot God through the years and reminded the cqngregatlon ot the great task that lies ahead as It enters Its second century ot grace: the lask of showing God's "power to every one that 1s to come." The sermon em_ phasized that this task can be accomplished only by the strength which God provides, for without that strength all that man accomplishes must certalnly come to naught. At the 8:00 a.m. service, the DMLC concert choir, under the direction at Protessor Zahn, sang "NowThankWeAllOur God." Tbls service was broadcasted over KNUJradio. The calendar for the four remalnlng centennial observation SundaysIs as follows: Mission Sunday, October 10. An Illustrated mission lecture by Rev. E. Hoeneeke, an official of the SynodWorld Mission Board will be presented at 8:00 p.rn. The Mission Falr Exblblt by the children of st. Paul's Schoolwill also be displayed. Confirmation Sunday, October 17. Rev. John Raabe will speak at the services, and confirmation class reunions will be held In the afternoon. Church Organization Sunday, October 24. Rev. M. Lenz, president of the Minnesota DIstrict, will speak at the services, and a special song service will be held at 8:00 p.m. Education Sunday, October 31. Rev. Karl Gurgel will speak at the services, and a Reformation service will be held at DMLCat 8:00 p.m. S!. Paui's congregation, especially through the efforts of Its pastor, C.J. Albrecht, was Instrumental In the foundingof Dr. Martin Luther College In 1884. The history at St. Paul's, which will receive much attention In the weeks to tallow, Is outlined In the booklet, "A Century at Grace", publishedbythe congregation.

Page 2

Editorial It's that time of year again - the leaves are turning, sports are In full swing, and Homecoming 1s just around the comer. There's a great deal of talk about it these days, especlally regarding the _alumni for whom the celebr ations are annually staged. A dinner table conversation

was overheard



"Did you sign up for the Homecoming Banquet?"

"Sure did - you didn't think I'd miss It, did you?"

"Well, no, but a lot of people w!1l." "Everyone I know Is going - who won't be there?" "Why, the guests of honor, that's whol The alumnll I 'heard only a few were Invited, and that's not fair. I wonder what person took It upon himself to decide who would be Invited." "Walt a minute: two hundred Invitations were sent to alumni by the "L" Club and Pep Club. Names were chosen from among those who have kept In close touch with DMLC through Messenger subscriptions, from old "L" Club members, and from graduates of the last two years. It would have been Impossible to Invite everyone, mostly because of limited space."

'Those invitations are pretty special, then, aren't theyl" "We'd like to think so. At any rate, here's hoping two hundred people can come. Many students are working hard to make this Homecommga real success." "Hope they all can come." "Hope they come." Yes, the Lancers, the Pep Club, "L" Club, the student body - everyone hopes to see the alumni on Saturday. It's not our day: It's theirs. This year's Homecoming should be an especially Jubilant one: we have an excellent soccer team of Which we can be proud, the efforts of the athletic clubs promise an enjoyable week end for all, and everybody loves a party. All that could be wished for would be to see many familiar faces of DMLC graduates.

_ Delores Malchle

Letter From The Field several weeks ago members of the college junior class accepted emergency leaching assignments. Two of these volunteers were Clara SChuette and Jan SChiomer, who were sent to Gethsemane Lutheran congregation In Los Angeles, Callfornla. They drove to the west coast together, and In a letter to friends here on earnpus the girls relate their manyexperiences since leaving Minnesota. The following Is composed of excerpts from one_of tllese interesting letters. cood morning, classmates! It's almost noon and Clara and I are over at the school. This morning and tomorrow morn-

Ing the children are to register. Honestly, I have so much to tell all of you that I don't know where to begin. I suppose a good start would be Tuesday (Sept. 14) since that's the day my life changed. The trip was fabulous _for the most part as we never would have seen such scenery going by train. Sterling, Colorado, was our destination Wednesday evening. A station attendant warned us about the snow storms predicted for the Rockies and gave advice On crossing the passes - just In case. He scared us pretty good! I think Clara had a worse time than I as she was on the edge and could look right over the cliff as we climbed. On to Utah - a beautiful nothing state. The only signs of fauna In this desolate place were a dead animal In the middle of the road, three buzzards sitting on It, and Clara and L Yet, this desolateness had a beauty of Its own. We couldn't have come out here at a better time.

U earlier we'd have missed the brilliant tall colors: If later, we'd probably still be Sitting In a snowbank. On to Callfornial By the way, we did make it without busting, money - or car-wise. By 8:30 p.m. we were well In the land of wheels and swimming pools. We spent this night In san Bernadino. We had no trouble whatsoever finding our way from one freeway to another and to the church and parsonage. A big moment - meeting our pastor and his famlly. Pastor and Mrs. Kelbel made us feel very welcome. Dinner wtth them was followed by a trip over to the cburch and school. Then we went right at the -.' boob, putting them In order and cleaning desks and drawers.

The curtain Is up! What's "In" Is out! The mystery surrounding the 1966 styles has been removed and the public Is now fully aware of the awe-full truths. No matter howtransient styles may be In such things as automobiles, dresses, colors, and hairstyles, one Item always remains In style: the American dieter. Dieting Isn't confined to anyone clique: qulte to the contrary,-1t 15enjoyed almost universally, though often modified to suit individual differences. Basically tliere are two classifications of dieters: those that diet to shed excess weight, and those that desire to adda fewpounds(these seem to be decreasing In numbers). The second catagory provides little entertainment for the observer, but the first Is chock full ofgoodies. Losing weight Isn't mucb of a problem, the problem Is In coping wltb all the uncontrollable variables which arise during the course of the ordeal. Living away from home presents onebig problem to the dieter: he has to l1ve with many well-meaning friends. How does one turn down the invitation of a generous dorm neighbor who has been popping corn aU during study hall, teasing you with the tantlllzlng aroma? What does one say to the dieter across the table who places his brownie on your tray? A friend In need ... Mothers are also a bit of a problem. You may starve for weeks, but decide to goOna diet and a CARE package will arrive In the mall the very next day. To dispose of the contents in some way other than consumption would break any mother's heart, so pushing all solemn resolutions aside, you simply must delight your tastebuds and hope to eat enough to bury the guilty tug of conscience.

Some determined souls manage to overcome even these formidable obstacles, only to be stumped by stlll others. -- The choice of foods In any diet is of the utmost Importance. Calories may not count, but many a mathematician has become proficient through dieting and counting his calories. Calories, calories everywhere, Ineverything we eat. Calories come In big quantltles.l1ttle quantities, plus quantities, and minus quantities. Dieters are likely to be able to remember the exact number of calories In any given serving of food (tbough they may otherwise insist that

sunday - yesterday - was a very Important day for us. It was the day to be Inducted In the service as teachers, meeting the members of the congregation, and wondering what they would think ot us. Almost got all chokedup when we were Inducted - hearing the responslbUitywe were laking upon ourselves, the coofldence of the congregation In us, and praying that we will be able to live and work up to their confidence. Oh, the people! They all seemed so wonderfU1 as they shook our hands after the service saying such things as "You're

an answer

to Our

prayers," ."God bless you," ''Welcome,'' and ''Thank you for coming." So much for now. Thank you so much for the nice send-ot! from school. Be SUre to write and let us know all the goings-on at DMLC. Thlmk you for your prayers. Godbless you all. Love, Jan they just cannot remember the dates for such Important historical events as the Thirty Years War, Gadsden Purchase, or when the Twlnswon the pennant). These same people are likely to tell you that there are more calories Inone piece of cake than In twenty pounds of potatoes, or that celery takes more calories to chewthan are In the vegetable Itself. Conversations centering around diets and dieting often prove to be Inter. estlng and entertaining experiences. Dieters may also be classlfled In another manner: those who admit It and tbose whodon't. Those who openly admit they are dieting are not simply facing real1ty, but increasing thetr social standing as well. Dieters are In; non-dleters are out. Some people simply do not wish to be known as social climbers and thus refuse to make their eating habits a well-publicized fact. Success by the latter

method comes much easier,

tor people

are more apt to think you a light eater than a dieter and thus are less tempted to Indulge In the popular sport of sabotaging the dieter. It Is the non-dleter's delight to see the dieter fall In his course. Open-admission of dieting brings an auto_ matic lifetime membershiP ,of Dieters, Inc., Dlnc, as It Is often referred to, provides no benefits other than the moral support of other members, but by Its very nickname suggests that you will be successful In your pursuit. After carefully examining the situation In the world of diets, we see that but one consideration remains: to diet or not to diet, that Is the question., .

College I

College II

Good-bye to those lazy sumCollege 1 was offlclally ormer days, those fUn-packed ganized Monday night with the week ends, beach parties and election of offlcers. The offlfry-outs, as we trade them for cers are as follows: Duane RehIIsych class, dorm rules, the berg, President: _Gary Wille, lunch line, and bug collecting. Vice President: Gretchen ManTbe college sophomores are they, Secretary: Michele Mur_ back on campus beginning anray, Treasurer. . other year. Representing our Also elected were the Student class this year are: Jim Council and Student Union repSchmidt, preSident; Carl Natzresentatives. For one year ke, vice-president; Ruth Huebterms on the council John ner, secretary: andClndaKem_ Boeche and Nancy Ebert were per, treasurer. Student Counelected. The two_year reprecils members selected by the sentatives are Sonja Albrecht class were Rita Bremer, lone and Terry Bauer. Student Union Jaeger, Ralph Retzlaff, andDon representatives 'are Priscilla Gurgel. Best of luck to our new Weindorf and Rich Daniels. officers and our thanks to those The meeting closed with the of last year! unanimous election of Greg Roller_skating, swimming at Hannemann for SnowKing1965Mankato State's pool, and a boo66. To those yet uninformed, tenanny are among the suggesthe SnowKingIs responsible for tions Introduced for our class rousing fellow freshmen males activity wblch Is to be beld on snowy winter mornings, so this month. Information Is bethat they may partictpate In Ing gathered on all three Minnesota's well-known winter choices, and as yet nothing has sport called snow shoveling. •• Michele Murray been definitely decided. ATTENTION!Recently a new group has formed, the ''Rejects." Watch for them. Eventually they will open for an engagement at the S.U. If you see any girl or guy The plans for our Home_ bobbling around campus with coming display are well under scrapes and brulses around the way. We are hoping for better knees, or if you overhear someclass participation than was one complaining ot blisters on shown In the previous year, his feet, you can bet your last We are proud of our soccernickel It's a college Junior. All playing sophomore men. these a!nlctions are the reThey're doing a floe job. We sults- Of one fun_filled class would also like to ex'tend our activity. congratulations to those sOphoc On October 5, onehundred and mores Who are now singing In fifteen of the College m class college concert choir. piled Into buses and traveled to Sadie Hawkins day was a LeSUeur to go roller-Skating. great success I Many College Regardless of that "day af_ n gals extended a cordial inviter the night before" complaint, tation to some lucky guys. Let's_ ask anyone If be wanls to do It, _ hope the "fellas" keep this in again. You'll get nothing but a mind throughout the year? very eager Uja" for ananswerI - Jennlter Hogan In other words, the activity was a complete success. The class elections have finally taken place. Carl Lemke Is As chapter four in the history our class president and Dale of the Class of '66 opens, we Walz our vice-president. The find these DMLC-Ites. well orsecrelarlal poSition is beld-by ganized under _ newly elected Judy Schewe, and Barb Schuetze class officers: Dave, Jacobs, Is busy countingour money. Our Pres.; Nlxte Meyer, V. Pres.: newly-elected Student Councll representatives are Roxane Judy Wells, Sec.; and Aurle Buenger, Treas. Joining Mike Rediln, Lenny Collyard, and Miller on the student Council Dan BlIItz. are Lois Krause, Ruth WestenOther -plans of the Juniors dor!,' and Ray Manthe. Betty must remain a secret, at least until Homecoming. As a warn_ Lenius and John Staab w111represent the seniorsattheStudent _Ing to anyone i!Dtertalning Union table. thoughls ot espionage, forget It: we have our own Agent - The last class meeting resulted in the formation of an' 007 - don't we "stauple"? - Slaron Schultz abundance of committees to make tentative plans and probe * * • Into such areas as the homeFrom a fourth norm: "I don't coming display and class staget around much any more"not at seven cents a mile I tionery, colors, flower, motto, a.'1d bymn. seniors have tound • that the practice scbool situation necessitates a bit of toretbougbt so that the entire class may be Included in all activities. On October 14 section 1of the A high wave ofenthus1a8m for college seniors will be going to teaching runs through the class Red WIng to attend the Minneas a result of glowing repOrts sota Lutheran Teachers' Con": and letters from those now at ference. Professor Oscar Siegpractice school. Eighteen of ler will speak on "The Work of our number are planning to atthe Preaching Ministry In the tend the teacher's conference at Complex 20thCentury Society," Red Wing: all are busily coland Mr. Norman Larsen will lecting teaChing aids _ often report on "Legal Llablllties and with the belp of the Instructor's the Lutheran School." coupon service. ~ Tbe section expects to gain Add the confUsion of glossy valuable experience and inforsizes complicated_ by an early mation from the Conference, deadllne, chilpel plAying, and especially because both topics other _sea horse play and you have been discussed In class. come up with one busy DMLC Students practice teaching In the Senior. second quarter are the only ones 'Nut! Said! of the class that will not be at- Tish Murray tending a teachers' conference When they are In the field, so There's one thIog about baldthe time! Is being taken now. -nesil:-It's neat.

College III

College IV

• • Seniors Attend Conference


Mr. Bitter TUtor Bitter entered tbis life in the townof M!llersville, Wls"

. coDSln.He t1nishedbis elementary education in the publlc school system of that town. Hlgh school year s found him in the prep department of North.western Collelt8. Having tInlshed bis high schooleducatlon, he continued hls training at Northwestern College. Collegiate years enabled him to become a member of the dorm eouaen and an active member, in the sports world. Active participation in the field of athleUcs .gatned him the presidency of the UN" club. After graduaUon from collelt8, Tutor Bitt.... made a serious declslon concerolng his future profession. With other members of his class, he canvassed from Canada to Alabama. particularly in the region of Huntsville. ThIs canvassing led to the firm reallzaUoo that mission work Was a must.

Mr. Jannusch "Riding berdon some 200lel_ lows," so Tutor Alfred Jan. nusch described his duties at DMLC. He also teaches first year German and special Latin to those In the high school de. partment who are preparing to enter NWC. He entered thlsworldln 1941, In Chicago, lllinols. Toprepare for bls calling Intothe ministry, be attended Northwestern High School In Watertown.He grad. uated from NWC and bas since completed two years In the Seminary In Mequon,Wis. Tbe only Interest bebas lound time for Is f1sh1ng(In fishing season), althoughhe did "enjoy chorus at Sem."

Mr. Ziebell

1939proved tobe a very event. New faculty members are, seated: Ziebell, Rau, Glende, Carful year for Ibe Ziebells when their bappy home was blessed michael; standing:Schenk,Jannusch, Bitter and Shilling. with a baby boy. Thus William Ziebell began bls 1I1e,In which be Wasdestined to becomea tu. Tutor Bitter offered this extor at DMLC.tnpreparatton tor Professor Otto Schenk, anew planation of his actions. "1have this future calling, be attended member of the music depart. Miss Marjorie Rau, a new always wanted to be a teacber Concordia College, Milwaukee, ment, teaches College I Ele. member of the music starf, In ooe of our Lutheran High and Northwestern College In mentary Theory and College ill comes to us from a position at Schools and 1 had coosldere4 Watertown, Wis. 10addition he Theory. He also gives lessons Trinity LutheranSchoolIn WauA new sound Is being beard sucb a calUng as my lifetime bas completed two years at on the organ and plano. sau, Wisconsin. A native 'Of In the basement ofHillviewHall work in the kingdom of our the seminary at Mequon. Maslnee, Wlsconsln, Miss Rau this year. It Is the sound of Ibe Lord here 00 earth. However, As a 'tutor, Mr. Ziebell Professor Schenkhas always graduated from st. Olaf Col•• volunteer College IV choir reo arter a summer of canvassing teaches advancedLatin and reo been Interested In mUSiC,and lege with a major In organ and hearslng on Fridays at 1:00. So In our country 1 have seen the medial English. He Is also therefore finds teaching at plano. Instead of taking organ far the choir numbers only 15 need we have In to me a mucb "guardian of the gate." 10other DMLCvery enjoyable. work as she had Intended, she members, but a membership more Important field of churcb words, be ls In charge of West Originally Professor Schenk went to Detroit to work partdrive Is underway. work; 1 have $0 learned that Hall. 10 summing up,the duties was from Wauwatosa,a suburb time In the Lutheran Settle. The choir Is beginning with the' fruits "for oUr Lord and my of a tutor, Mr. Ziebell' said, of Milwaukee. He graduated ment House there. Miss Raual· secular numbers, but bopes to 0VIll 'Personal fruits would be "I'm a big friendly dog that from DMLCand also the Wis. so took courses In social work add sacred pieces soon. Tbey mUcb greater If 1 served the bites I" consIn Music Conservatory In at Wayne University. While In plan to sing with the regular Lord as a pastor so that these Tutor Ziebell's personalUfe Milwaukee. Detroit, she studied planoat the college choir for Cbrlstmas, mission fields could be ,barIs enriched by his Interest In DetrOitConservatory. At Trln. and as a separate choir for vested." music and art. The YoungRe. Prof. SchenktaughtInStanton, Ity Lutheran In Wausau,she reo morning chapel services, class Tutor Bitter holds a firm publlcan's Club also claims his Nebraska for four years and In calls having given "a very 11m. acUvitles, and June Night. convictloo that more emphasiS membership. He has beld a va. Oshkosh, Wls!'onsln for six lted number of plano lessons." Says student director, Dave ~ encouraltl'II!ent sbould~b'L,,_u·Je~!!!w.*'!_ iI!~!.udlni__ rears."" ,_" "_,_,_ _ -MlslI cRauhas a very actl:vein~ba""'::'llW\cholr will ..nc.-_.. ;r <ll\ t1iiI mli\iat'tYlOt a~rklng' In accounting In Chl.'-- - -Professor and Mrs. Schenk terest in social work and"Is -ceecf-'lrllJe""nfonr"'lUIr1t-"_ serlous..mloded male studen~s cago and as a waltor In several have three children: Joanne, 8, especially Intrigued ';'Ith the succeed." In our Synod.He feedlsbestr,:Ungyplaces. Joel, 4, and John, 1 year old. type of work done In settlement • • • that teachers shoul bouses In urban areas. ShefeelS If you can't stand solitude, to do mission work during the Ml·SS Music Is Professor Schenk's that In such places "children summer and they shouldplace prime Interest. However, other maybe you bore others, too. Ie Int the Interests Include hiking and do not have the opportunities • • • this mlsslonary ~:- t 0 be One of the new members of photography. they should have. 'The chlldren hearts of every, en , • our music starf Is a former have no place to play except on cause they are the leaders of Mllwaukeean, Miss Judith In the past, Miss Kresnlcka the playgrounds at the selUethe Churcb. Kresnlcka. The new Instructor was employed at the Milwaukee ment bouses. Housing Is At the present Tutor Bitter Is a 1960 graduate of Wlscon. Public Museum where she did cramped and most of the chll. Someonemay haveaskedyou; 'Is Involved in teaching Latin 1 sin Lutheran High 'School. She stenographic work. For sev· dren have hadno churchhome." Who Is that professor with the at 'DMLHS, coaching some attended the WisconsinConser. eral years she was one ofthree Hoping her students won't moustache? Henceforth, you wlll be able to tell any Inqulr. tnl1"ty-mne DOYS In football, and vatory of MusiCfor three years, organists In her bome congre. expect quick results, now that ers exactly whohe Is. sbarlng the duties as a dormlmajoring In organ. Miss Kres· gatlon, Jerusalem Lutheran they have started their les. tory head for some 2OOfellows. nlcka was graduated In June Church of Mllwau)<ee.She was sons, she recalled, "arter my Tbe newcomer ls Professor He enjoys his work and especlof 1965 with a teacher's certl. also a member of the Lutheran IIrst plano lesson at ~ six, Carmichael, who teaches high aUy the frlendllness displayed llcate. Altolt8ther, she has had Chorale, a choir of Wisconsin I 'raised the roof,' so to speak, school physics and College 1 by each student over against six years each of plano and or. SynodLutherans In tbeMllwau. because I couldn'tplaythe plano Pbyslcal Science. the nest. laD. Sheprefers the organ, hoW. kee area, under the direction right awayl" Professor Carmichael's inA1ter bours find TUtor BItever, and ls presenUy taking of Pastor Kurt E(it8rt. terests bave iiWlde- rangii. En~ ler just as w1Ulng torelax,plck lessons on thatlostrumentfrom Miss Kresnlcka now lives at up 'a fIsbIog pole, or join In Mr. Anderson. Miss Kresnlcka the home of Mrs. Muetzel. As To quote an old.tlme Quaker, Joying music, he collects all ,frJendlYcompetlton In any albhopes to pursue ber work at the for her comment about DMLC, "Everyone Is queer except me types of records. He likes doIeUe game. . Conservatory, and obtain a she said, "I really like It bere. and thee, and even thee's a lit- Ing 'mechanical work on cars tle queer." Bachelor's degree. It ls quite a change." and does all the work on bis own car. Otber Interests are building electronic equipment Editor • • • • •• Delores Malchle and working In' his woodshop. Features Editor •••••••• Tlsh Murray Above all these, however, News ~dltor • " •••••••• Judy Winter stands his enjoymentofscience. Acting News Editor •••••• Carol Unke SPOrtsEdItor ••••• : •••••• GeneBaer Professor Carmichael atAlumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Sievert tended Northwestern Prep and Big plans are on the agendafor the PhlogtsMake-up Editor • • • ••• Helen Lochner graduated from DMLC.He has tons this year. The members intend to vlslt the Business Manager ••••• David Sauer st. Paul Arboretum some Sunday this month. studied at various colleges and Tbe DMLC MESSENGERls publlsbed Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz un!versltles and Is at present Professor SWantz,club advlsor, has spokenof dui10g Ibe months of October, November, Advertlslng Manalt8r • • • Mark Boehme studying at MankatoUniverSity. the unusual plant life which cannot otherwise be December, February, March, April, May Feature and News Writers •••••••••• Prior to teaching at DMLC, produced In Minnesota's climate. and June. Tbe subscrtptlon price Is one Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn Professor Carmichael taught several guest speakers may appear at the dollar and IUty cents per annum. SIngle KnIef, LoIs Krause, ColleenGunderson, the 4th, 5th and 6th grades In invitation of the science club. Ian Johnson of copies are twenty cenis. We request pay_ Mary Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan,Edith Kenosha, Wlsconsln for ten Bethany College, Mankato,w1llspeak on theisment in advance. Tbe MESSENGER ls conZlckuhr, Jean Korte, Jim SOIUleman, years. tic evolution.,A definite date for this presentatinued after the time Ibat Ibe subscrlpRuth Huebner, Michele Murray, Sharon tion has not as yet been chosen. Hopefully,the Uoo bas expired, unless we are notified _Scbultz,Naomi Hintz Professor Carmichael likes Phloglstons wIDopen tbis talk to the enUre stuto discontinue" and all arrears are paid. teaching at DMLC,and he com· Sporls Writers ." •••••••• Joe Lequla, dent body. The group wouldalso like to engage mented that he Is expeclally All business communications sbould be Henry Meyer Dr. Glass from Gustavus Adolphtisfor a lecture. addressed to the Business Man~r. Con_ Make_up Staff • • • • • • • Rita Bremer Impressed with the well.man· Discussion was favorable concerning a talk by nered and courteous student tributions froni all alumni, undergrad_ Circulation starf •••••• Joan Dumke, an employee of the local 3Mplant, and a possi. uates, and friends are appreciated. body. Celeste Schultz, Margaret Schultz,Kar. ble tour of the same. Tbe aim of Ibe MESSENGERIs to offer en Drake, Josle Aday, Sbaron Feare, Experiments by the members are, as Inthe Mrs. Carmichael alsogradu. Norma Denninger, Ellen Koch such materials as wlll be benellclal as past, an interesting and vital part ofthe Phloglsated from DMLC.Theprofessor well as interesting to our readers, to keep Photographer • • • • •• Dave Schoeneck tdn meetings. Movies on a widevariety ofsclen· and his wife have two children: Ibe alumni in a closer contactwithIbe col- Assistant Pbotographer ••• Tom Lippert t1!lc subjects will also be secured for the meetChrlst1ne, 7, and Grant, 6. 1elt8,and to fClsterscllOol,spirit.! " Advisor,•• '.' Professor Trapp ings.

Prof. Schenk

Miss Ran

Senior Choir Organizes


h 1

Prof. Carotic ae




Science Club Plans Year

Page 4

Time Out

Lancers Win First Two

From the Coach

Beat Pillsbury, 2·0

Here Is a summation of some of the commentsby Coach Dallmann made during an Interview conductedby thts editor. His commentson the soccer team: The offense was stronger than It was against Pillsbury. We controlled the ball for all but a few minutes of the game, about seventy.five per cent of the time. For outstanding Individualperformances Dallmannsingled out halfbackDaveEbelingfor his defensivework; KenRahn, sub. stltute front linesman, for his offensive work; and all four full. backs for their defense. Accordingto Dallmann,one of the team's stronger points Is the large numberof quality reserves. Their play against Bethany caused the coach to make this comment, "After the Bethany game the starttng lineupIs not very certaln". Shots: Kruse - 14; Hill - 8; Collyard and Walz- 5; Vetter, Tjernagel and Hahn - 4; Duehlmeler _ 3; senroer - 2; Ebeling, Cole, Jeffers and Boehm - 1. Shots made: Kruse - 3, Hill - 1, Rahn- 1. Assists: Coliyard - 1 and Cole - 1. Stops: Ebeling_ 43; Hlll- 35; Lemke- 22; Johnson-20; Schweppe- 17; Jeffers -15; Fluegge- 13. saves: Gronholz- 10 and Denoyer- 7. EXPLANATIONOF STATISTICS: SllOts- a ktck of towards the goal on whichthe kicker hopes to score. Assists - a pass (kick) from one player to a second whichthe secondplayer Idcks throughfor a goal. The first player, Whopassed the ball, receives an assist. stops_ any time a player stops the ball from going In the direction of the goal whichhis team Is defendinghe Is creditedwitha stop, Saves - whena goalie stops a ball whichIs comingtoward the goal he Is defendinghe Is given a save rather than a stop. QuIteorten If he dldn't stop the ball It WOUld result In a score for the opponents. - GeneBaer

On September 25 at Owatonna, the DMLC Lancers success-

fully started their drive toward the championshipwith a 2-0 victory over Pillsbury. As was expected, It was a tight match. Near the end of the first hal! a Pillsbury fullbackwas tryingto clear the balloutofboundswhen he accidentally kicked a goal for the DMLCteam. This was the second time 1n two years that this player made that mistake In the openinggame for Pillsbury. The score remained 1.0 for the !lrst half. In the secondhal!theLancers' depth began to payoff as cocaptain Merle Kruse scored the second goal. From then on It was


the Lancers.

This was a giant step toward the championship: one down and five to go.

Bethany Loses, 3-1 On October 1 the Lancers successfully climbed the second step on .the ladder to the top, At Mankato's Bethany they post·

. News AlumnI

'64, were married June 2G.The couple have made their home In Cleveland,Ohio. Carol Zwieg('64) and Kenneth Births Nolte ('63), nowliving In Gibbon, Professor and Mrs. Howard Minnesota, announcetheir mar. Wessel of NewUlm are happyto rlage on June 27. announce the birth of Keith June 13 changed the lives of Charles on June 13. Clarice Panning (ill '61) and Don July 9 Wasthe day DanielPaul Fastenau, of Platteville, Wlscon. changed the lives of Mr. and sin, who were married on that Mrs. Paul Boehlke, '61 (Janette day.

ed a rugged 3.1 victoryover the Vikings. The tlrst goal was scored on a penaltykick byKen Rahn. Kenstated after thegame g:~tg~eat::.!e;:~:;doi~ :e~%= mates from Bethany. Once again Merle Kruse scored the second goal of the game, getting an assist from Len Collyard. At this time the score read DMLC2, BethanyO. In the secondhalfBethanycame

Hwemker'In.'lll '62) of Jefferson, June 13 also was the dateBar. Iscons bar a Musch (II·'65) became the The month of. Augustbrought bride of James Nollmeyer(l'64). .tbe,b1r1h_ot!!~_AllentoMr. a,nd .Thz'N."-eyer8L-o---~Rear. Mrs, ..Merv~ Baumalin (QfUOIl a ~ Becker, m' '60) of suttoll, Ne. den, Washingtontheir home. braska. San Antonio,Texa.!!Is the new NewUlm, Minnesotawelc:!imed.bome of Pastor Vilas Glaeske NancyBarbara on August9.Nan. :a~~~ ;d~6~~ J;:'~':n!~'

2":llv.e BanObdH~t:::I:~ s:a:t::~


with a thrilling goal from 25 yards out. The tI!lalscore read 3.1;·.Tw<>o·IJOWNhd foof to gol ,

wmmg· 1 Games

!~~On Octo~r:. 9 the Lancers

Bruce Heckman of the Rams receives a pass,

Cobras On Top

~ After-·tIlree·o·weeklr, ......e: games, the standings In the OphidiaCollegeBOWling League are as follows: i.e~~bras P:. w~n LO:t

10. Jt(jjj mlUUg ...I'" .... High game:. Bob HIll, - 214 High series: Bob Hill - 568

~~.:=:"'B.~ ;E;,:iE:;~~E;~~~?~~~ ~r~5.!1 til ~t;r

Norman Kletzer, HS '61, and h h band d In Eugene, Oregon, were er Pat Langer becamehus an husband,Jon Mahnke,Is preach. wife In early June. They have Ing. TheweddingdatewasJuly 11. made their home In Mailkato,

College of North!leld. This could very well be the largest school DMLChas played In In. tercolleglate sports. The game

6. Rattlers

Minnesota. brls:,' L~:'e S~~d~~~)~~s Mr. and Mrs. James) Enter, well as RonaldErtner, ·"65)and '61, (patricia Mue~lng ch<>se, June 12 as their wedding day his bride, Joann Sager, chose WI In July 31 as their weddingdate. and Wrightstown, scons as their home. The Schneiders live In Neenah, Another Enter, Larry Enter, Wisconsin, while the Ertners '60, entered the ranks of mar. made Loretto, Minnesota their rlage when he and Delores Muth b·ome. (continuednext Issue)

:~e~~e f~~~~~~:I~~I~~m!~: contest Is DMLC'Sbig Home. coming on October 16 agalnst Pillsbury.

~: ::eH~!e~ :~73 3. BobKuehn- 164 4. Dave Ebeling- 161 5. Mark Sprengler - 161 6. Terry Vasold_ 158 7. Ron Brown_ 156 8. Frank Bowerman_ 153

The original mistake was In. venttng the calendar. This led, In due course, to havingMon. days.

Our' Alwin Electric H. J. laumann, Insurance - ~er's Pharmacy {'. - The Leading _ Jewelers ··,n... lter and Son { Hardware 'm'. Mu.lc Store )mer's en'. State lank .t-to-Coast Store , lar Ikre, Optometrist

Elchten Sh_ Store Elbner and Son Eyrich Plumbing & Heating Farmer'. & Merchant'. Bank Fe.enmaler Hardware Fischer'. Rexall Drug. Forster'. Fumltvre, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothier's Harolld'. Shoe Store Herberger'. Herzog Publishing Co. Kemlke Paper Co.




Top ten individualaverages.

~. Philip Kuske- 151


::..•.out.Of·.· townre-~.rS',:tbe.·': . ~ :::: Messenger Is printing .:,::: ::~ the results ofthestudent ::::: .. ..



~::n:.!n~~:~:-e~:;, ::::.September 22, 1965,ls.. :::: .... :... ; sue.) The new officers .::.:;.: .. :~: are "Nixie" Meyer, :::::. :::: presldent;Larry J<>ecks,::::. i:i:. vlce.presldent; Barbara ::i~ :::: Kuhn, secretary; and ::::: :::: Barbara Saeger, trea. :::: .iii surer. .~~~:

Patrons New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift & Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouse. New Ulm Theater Ochs Brick & Tile Yards Springfield Oswald'. New Ulm Laundry ' Co. Patrick's Jewelers Patterson's Relm and Church Jeweler. J. C. Penney Co. Pink's

Sears Seifert Clinic Sherwin. Williams Paint Sto... Henry Sam.. n, Lawyer Spelbrlnk'. Clothing & Casual Shop Sportsman'. Grill State Bank of New Ulm TV SI8ial / Ulm elwerke - Howard olte Ulrich Electric Vogel Clinic


Vol. LVI



Lancers Win Championship The Lancer soccer team topped of! an undefeated season with a 2-0 victory over Concordia at St. Paul on Wednesday the 27th. It was a typical hard-fought game. Merle Kruse scored the first goal with an assist from Gordy Vetter. In _the second half, Bob Schroer punched one through for the final 2-0 score. Coach Dallman received the trophy for the first Southern Minnesota Soccer Conference championship. ThIs game also ran the Luther winning streak to 13 games. All the games this year were very close. The Homecoming game agalnst Pillsbury was won by the score of 3-0. Once agaln Pillsbury did the Lancers a fa_ vor by scoring a goal for DMLC's team. Merle Kruse put In the clinchers In the second halt. A few days before, the Lancers proved they could hold their own and more agalnst st. Olaf. Once agaln the score read 2_0 for Luther. Bob Hill scored the first goal on a penalty kick, and Kruse added one In the second'llalf. Although this was a non-eonterence game, it was a great morale-building victory

After the Homecoming game, the Lancers tangled with the vastly-improved Vikings of Bethany. Lancers seemed to have no trouble adjusting to the poor playing conditions created by rain. It was a helter-skelter battle with Luther coming out on top, 5-1. Center Merle Kruse scored two goals, and the three wings. Vetter, Duehlmeier, and watz, each contributed one. The championship was ac; tually won before the final game with Concordia. Pillsbury tied Concordia I-I and eliminated them from the race. However, the Lancers had no Intention of letting up for this last game. They wanted the undefeated season that theyhadworked tor, As Coach Dallman remarked at the pep fest, nobody can say that a team backed Into a championship when It won all its

games. As for the future, things look very good for the season next year. Seniors Dave Schweppe and George DeNoyer are the only boys lost through gradua, tlon, Valuable experience has been gained by all of the play; ers, and the fans should be In for another P.'eat year of soc-



Recap The great day has come and gone. DMLC won Its first soccer homecomtng game 1The undefeated team triumphed over Pillsbury 3-0. Preparations for the great day were begun the week end before. All the college

classes constructed Homecoming ground displays based on TV commercials. The winners

were announced at the banquet on Oct. 16. The first place trophy (a traveling trophy) went to College ll. Its' display pictured "Charley (the Comet) Tuna" being turned down by the Lancers. "From the land of DMLC comes the Team Superior, " a takeoff on the Hamm's beer commercial, won second place for the junior class. The first and fourth year classes tied for third prize with the "Jolly Green Giant" and the Pillsbury flour mill. As the opening kick-off soared high in the sky, scores of brightly colored balloons were released by the spectators. Anexciting game followed. At the half, during which the

band march, the score was 2-0. The Pep Club float, displaying I 'thatis:er on our team," was driven across Ute field. The Victory banquet began at 7:30 p.m. The hallways Were decorated with fall scenes, while gymnasium decorations portrayed the land or DMLC or

"Lancer country." Thesmorgasbord menu included Swedish meatballs, spare ribs, chicken, shrimp, au Gratin potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, breads, relishes, and tarts. Mr. John Micheel was the master of ceremonies. "School spirit" was the theme of the guest speaker, Pastor Schewe. A variety of musical entertainment was supplied by the Ber , lens, the Ethnics, and singer Anna Lombardo of College I.

Aeolians Organize CO-CAPTAINSDave Schweppeand Merlyn Kruse look on as Coach Dallman admires the trophy for the first'Southern Minnesota Soccer Conferencechampionship.

Science Club Active

The Phlogston Science Club Is out to prove agaln this year that "Science Can Be FUN I" In fact, the Items on this year's agenda point tea year that wUl be educational and highly prae; tical. The election of officers added Leah Weber as librarian and Carl Nolte as Vice_president. Others holding offices are Ray Dusseau as President and Ruth Heikes Sec.- Treas\ll"er. One of the upcoming activiti.. for the club will be a tour of the local-B.F. GoodriCh plant. In the future the Phlogistoos are 'looking forward to field trips, lectures by guest speak-

ers, the annual spring science fair J and the usual experiments and activities of the regular meetings. Meetings are currently being held In the Biology Lab, Room 210 at 9 p.m, every second Thursday. Visitors are encouraged to come and view the experiments which are performed at the beginning of each meeting. Another aspect of the Science Club will soon be made avail_ able to the student body. Preparations are being made for the use of :i. darkroom for those interested In learning the fundamentals of Iilotllgraphy.

New Ulm, Minnesota

November 3, 1965

Every Monday and Thursday night at 6:10 p.m, the auditorium will be filled with the voices of the Aeollans, a group of 200 college girls singing for their own enjoyment. This year's directress is Jan Weishahn and the assistant directress is Sharon Reils. Officers are President Betty Lenius, Secretary and Treasurer Susan Ellenberger; Librarians are Gerry Dahl, Eileen Kempfert, Joan Trapp, Pat Vogl and Sharon Kranz. Future plans Include practicing music for Christmas ear., oling and for the February concert. This year each member will be asked to pay a $ .50 music fee, which will be refunded at the end of the year when music is turned in. Some of the selections now being re_ hearsed are '~Hello Dolly," "Climb Every Mountain," and "A spoonful of SUgar."

Refonnation Observed Sunday, October 31, was Ute 438th anniversary of the Luth., eran Church. In commemoration of this jubilant day, a mass Reformation service was held at 8 p.m, In the auditorium of DMLC. The guest speaker for the sacred occasion was Pastor John Parcher from San_", born. The Reverend -,Melm Schwark from the Brtghton; Courtland congregations assist; ed him as liturgist. Professor Eldon Hirsch accompanied the congregation's hymns of praise on the organ.

The service was beautified even further by two choirs. Children from the area's Christian day schools sang HPreserve They Word, 0 Savior" under the direction of Henry Luehring. "Salvation Unto Us Has Come" flowed 'forth from ,the>mass-Choir:under'th"'direction ot Proressor Zahn. The service ciosed with the congregation's singing of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." An organ and trumpet accompaniment added to the majestic strain of the Battle Hymn of the Lutheran Church.

;j~¡::::~~~~o~i;::::::;:;:]ll What's Doing? ::::



now being :::::

What's going on In the Luther Literary League's interest groups? CHILDREN'S THEATER future activities Include a tape library of children's litera::?, ture, a story hour, a group of :~:~ children's one act plays which :::: 'possibly will be put on at St. ;;:: Paul's school, and a bibliography of children's plays and skits \~~;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:~:~:~:::~:)~~j (Continued on Page 3)

t taken for the 1966 EXCEL_ ?

::::SIOR. Alumni and friends ;;;;of DMLC wishing to pur{ chase a copy may do so by ;:;:sending $5.00 along with :;:;their name and address to } The Excelsior business ::;:manager, in care of Dr. ::::Martin Luther College.

:::: ;;;; } :;:;

Group to Practice Teach On November 13th, after atewdaysoforientatlon, ten seniors will be going to the APpleton area to do their practice teaching; eight will be staying In New Uim to practice teach at St. Paul's, starting November 10. Letters from those doing their student teaching first quarter are filled with much enthusiasm and make all eager to begin this new and rewarding experience. Those doing their student teaching second quarter are: Name


Bowerman Ronald Brown Norma Denninger Lloyd Essman Sharon Feare David Jacobs Janet Kalb Rose lyn Krueger Betty Lenius Henry Meyer Michael Miller Linda Oelkers Kathy Raabe Celeste Schultz Thomas Schulz Diane Wernicke Merlin Wilde Beverly Wolfgram


'T-5 5-8 1-2 7-8 1-2 7-8 1-2 1-2 2-3 7-8 5-8 1-2 4-5 4 7 5-6 5-6 1-2

ConEeiation st. Paul's st. John's Trinity Trinity st. Paul's St. Paul's Martin Luther St. Paul's Trinity St. Paul's Grace St. Paul's St. Paul's St. Paul's Emanuel st. Matthew's St. John's St. Paul's



Newtonberg Brillion BrUllon NewUlm New Ulm Neenah New Ulm KaUkauna NewUlm Neenah NewUlm NewUlm Appleton New Loodon APPletoo Reedsville NewUlm


The Footlifters

A hard-working group of forty must; . clans just woundup Its marchingseason for another year. Only In Its third year th~ band has marched Its way Into the Pranks at Hallowe'enare an hearts of the student body and has be_ expected. annual, -oceurrence, come an essential part of DMLCcampus October 31 and the days around activities. The high school footballgames it seem to signalthemore reck- and this year's soccer Homecoming pro-

The Losers

a more memorable experience when less souls into action. Most vided seasoned with the appearance of the of the time, such pranks are marchingband. of the harmless variety, and For the first time, this year, the they are met with a wink and played while on the march. The a smile. Unfortunately,it seems band routines formulated by Bandmaster Roy that there are always those Zimmermann consist mainly of baste which are foolhardy and dan- mllitary movements such as "flanks," gerous, too. The campus re- leto the rear mar-ch;" and '(obliques." cently has been exposedto the Practicing and learning these routines Involve much more than simply rememlatter. Quiet evenings-weredis- bering where to go.' Band members have rupted by the appearance of a been concentrating especially on keeping large, disorderly crowd on the lines straight and emphasizing pivots so grounds. Exactlywhothese peo- as to present a sharper appearance. The ple were we wouldnot venture polished exscuttons observed on the field result of many hours of practice to say, although they are gen- arethe and attention to detail. erally referred to as "town Thoughthe flrst part ofthefall marchguys." ing season was extremely wet, band members feel that they have accomplished If the purpose of this group was to disturb the peace, quite a bit In the limited time they had rehearsals. Zimmerman is espedamage private property, gain for cially pleased with the cooperative spirthe attention of the localpolice, It of the tnstrumentaltsts, The members and become a generalnuisance, of the band are all volunteers whowillcertainly, it achieved its goal. Ingly give of their time and energies to As to the worth of such action, work together In Improving group perwe can see none; there was formance. nothing intelligent about it, The band Is a JIvingand growingornothing "smart," nothing ganization. With the accomplishments of clever. Thesepeoplewastedour this season behind them, band members looking forward to taking greater time and' their own, yet we: are strides forward next year. _ P.M, feel them to be the real losers. They have lost 'all vestige' of good sense as well as their self-respect.


This Way Out The StudentCouncilregulations concerning hall traffic have been in effect for some time now, at least long enough for one to evaluate their worth. We wonder just how effective this year's directives are. A case in point: the scene upstairs in the Administration Buildingat 11:05 a.m, The east end of the hall is clear, save for the delinquentsignoringthe "Up Only" sign at the top of the stairs. The west end of the hall, however, is mass confusion. Students are going to their classrooms across the hall as through traffic to the stairs reaches the intersection. We agree that there must be traffic regulations in the

building. However, is the present system adequate? Does it work efficiently? Even if all the students complied with the rules" which the,ydo not, and even id the traffiC rules were strictly enforced, there would still remain problem areas. Perfection is impossible, but improvements could be made if exceptionswere applied to stair traffic, especially. The general directives given cannot cope with enough of the different situations throughout the day. We feel that the best system can be arrived at only through trial and error, evaluation, and careful revision of problem areas. Delores Maichle


Letter From The Field This time the Messenger wouldlike to take Its readers to Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, for another glimpse at the world of teaching. Linda Rausch, a third year graduate of '65, Is presenUy teaching the fourth grade at St. Paul's School.Arecent letter from Linda, mimeographedandsent to several students on campus, Is a fair example of the busy life an elementary school teacher leads. Parts of It are given below. October·19 Dear Things are going quite well here at St. Paul's. My 36 (added one more) indians are more interesting and lovable every day. We have done a mural and bulletin board on the desert, andareplannlng a farm for SocialStudies. OUrroom Is full of pumpkins, gourds and corn. stalks for our Harvest Party on October 29. Our weather chart showsonly 2 days of rain so far this month,and the turtles are thriving. I'm alwayssurprised bytheenthusiasm that (the chlldren) show for anything we do. They especially like our once-a-week German class, and have brought me all kinds of old German readers and song books. I'm amazed by how much "Deutsch" they are able to remember. I have also survived my first ParentTeachers' meeting, and the school vtst,tor. I found both bappenfngs very encouraging.All the parents were very nice and extremely cooperative. The school visitor was also very helpful. He gave me some suggestionsabout varying Word 01 God and, 01 course, said I talked too last. As you can probably tell, I'm just as happy as can be about teaching,

e-njoy and

love every mlnjlteof It. As ever,


Pres. Carl Lemke V.P. Dale Walz Sec. Jooy'Schewe Treas. Barbara Schuetze Sophomores Pres. Jim Scbmidt V.P. Carl Nat:rlte Sec. Ruth HuebDer 'rreas, C1Dda Kemper Frestunen Pres. Duane Rehbarg V.P. Gary Witte Sec. Gretchen Manthey Treaa. Michele Murray STUDENT UNION OFFICERS

THE ilL" CLUB Pres. David Schweppe V.P. Merlyn Kruse Sec •-treee, Qordoa vetter THE PHLOGISTONS Pres. Ray Dusseau V.P. Carl Nolte Sec. Ruth Heike. Librarian Leah Weber DORMITORY COUNCIL Men's Dormitory Pres. Bob Rausch West Hall Pres. Nixie Meyer V.P. Bob run Hillview Hall Pres. Karen Sievert Sec._treas. Eileen Kemplert Centennial Hall Pres. Joan Oumke V.P. Judy LlDdholm See. Prlsc1lla Weindorf Treas. Joyce Geiger, Cbrla Taeeter Hmcrest Hall Pres.. Francis Ellenberger Sec. Ruth Miller Treas. Bonnie SoslDsld Waldhelm Pres. Arlene Blauert Bode Hall Pres. Sharon F1Bcher MARLUTS Director Robert Kuehn Pres. Racer Klockzelm V.P. J1m Boehm. 5ec.-treas. Ron George AEOLlANS Directress Janice Weishahn ABs't. Directress Sharm Rells

Sec. Geraldine Dahl Treas. Patricia otto Luther Literary League 9ff1cers

Pres.'Betty Lenlus Sec._treaa. SUsan Ellenberger Librarians Qeraldine Dahl, Joan Trapp, ~~, Kranz, Eileen Kempfert, Pat

Pres. Jeremy Scharlemam V.P. Edith Draheim Sec. Faith Ha1erman Treas. Colleen Gunder.em Drama IDtere. Group Chairman: Colleen GUnderson Secretary: Renee Urban CreaU ... Writing



PEP CLba Pres. Doo Oosdect V.P. John Rittierodt see. .;treas. T. J. MU1er EXCElSJOO STAFF Editor: Patricia Murray Layout Editor; ROxaDDe Red.Un Copy Editor: Dorla Heitke


Nancy Came


OFFICERS OF THE STUDENTCOUNCtL Pres. Nlxie Meyer V.P. Larry Joeclts Sec. Barbara Kuhn' Treas. Barbara Saeger Member. of the Student C9UDCU Seniors: Lois Krause, Ruth Westendorf. Michael MUler, Ray Manthe Juniors: ..Leonard Collyard, Diane Tomfohr,Jlm arntz, Roxanne Redlin sophomores: Ralph Retzlaff, Rita Bremer,looeJaeger,DooGurgel Frestunen: Sonja Albrecbt, TerryBauer, JoOO Boeck, Nancy Ebert COLLEGE CLASS OFFICERS Seniors ~av1d Jacobs V.P. Nlx1e Meyer Sec. Judy Wells Treas. Aurel1e Buenger







Secretary-trelLSurer~Delor88 ~N


C bildrea's Tbeater Chairman: Mary Mey Secretary: SUSanSchroeder

....I1m!!!!!._ Chairman: Lots Luedtke OFFICERS OF 'l'IIE JUNTO Pres. Enrique Garcia v.p. Robert Adrian See.-treaa. LUa Nuessme1er

David SehoeDeCk S1ege1

Htgh School Editor: James Seidel MESSENGER STAFF: Editor: Delores Maiehle Clrculat1em: Celeste Schultz Sports Ed1tor: Gene Baer News Editor: Judy Winter Features Editor: Patricia Murray Business Manager: David Sauer Advertising Mauger: Marl; Boehme . Lay-OUt Editor; Helen Lochner Photography: David Schoeneck * Cut along margin aDd 1n8ert 1Dto your dlrectory.

I SPIELVONUS=l English Is truly an expressive language, a "Queen" as Professor 'Enry 'Igglns of "My Fatr Lady" fame ca1ls It. Besides being expressive, English contains a number of cl1ches which, thoughoften condemnedby authorities on English, have Imbedded themselves In common speech so that to remov.. them would be to Impoverish the language, Cliches express In a few words what might otherwise take sentences to say. Cliches are interesting. While expressing a truth of life, they are catchy and easy to remember because each conjures a picture. Yet, cliches present a problem. What Is one to think when told that absence makes the heart grow fonder and then Is' countered with out of sight out of mind? When In doubt don't Is an Ingenlus combination of words to state a good .rule of thumbto rottow,ApplyIt toasslgn-· ments made by the teacher, and that's a horse of a different color. Animals seem to be a favorite subject of the cliche; Sln.Ue-cJlchesemploying animals always call atteniion to one of said animal's basic characterIstics. Leading a dog's life Is said to be rough, though many a student would gladly trade places. Perhaps you know someone who 1s elumsy as an ox, fat as a pig, or stubborn as a mule; Is he wise as ap owl, strong as an ox, or happy as a lark? One of these may describe you If the .shoe fits, wear It. Perhaps you are one of those people who never puts off till tomorrow what can be done today. If so, Qleen English will describe you as havingyou shoulder te the wheel and your nose to the grindstone. In lookingabout notice that your frtends have assumed much the same posttton, for birds of a feather flock together. By warning one not to look a ~ft horse In the mouth, English commands our appreciation of the rich languagewe speak .-- including cliches. It doesn't take a picture to replace a thousand words, aU one. needs Is a well-formulated cliche, and the thought's expressed In a few fl1cks of the tongue. Ail's well that ends (well?).



~MESSENG The DMLC MESSENGER Is published during the months01October,November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price Is one dollar and fifty·cents per annum. Single copies are twentycents. Werequest pay_ ment In advance.The MESSENGER Is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and aU arrears arVaid. All business. communtcatlons should be addressed to the Business Manager.Contributions from all alumni, IUIdergrad-' uates, and friends are appreCiated. The aim of the MESSENGER Is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, tokeep the alumniIn a closer contactwiththe college, and to foster school spirit. Editor • • • • • ••••• Delores r.falchle Features Editor •••••••• Tlsh Murray News Editor •••••••••• Judy Winter Acting News Editor ; ••••• Carol Unke Sports Editor GeneBaer Alumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Slevert Make-up Editor • • • ••• HelenLochner BUSiness Manager • • • • • David Sauer Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz Advertising Manager ••• Mark Boehme Feature and News Writers •••••••••• Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marnyn Knief,Lois Krause, ColleenGunderson, Mary Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan,Edith Zlckuhr, Jean Korte, J1m sonneman, Ruth Huebner,Michele Murray, Sharoo Schultz, NaomiHintz Photographer • • •••• Dave SchoeneCk Assistant Photographer ••• Tom Lippert Advisor •••••••••• Professor Trapp

College I

College II

Hooray, Charlie! As all know man mopingabout campus with by this time, the college sophA 1nnp' ~ (y:r ·~,ndtears in his omore class was awarded the eyes, you sbould have pity 00 Homecoming traveling trophy for ground display decorations him and unders~ that be has a very good reason for being during our first soccer Homecoming. The theme: "SOrry sad. The fact Is, this freshman Charlie, only the best soccer didn't go to the rip_roaring, fun-filled class activity. He players get to be Lancers." missed out on groping throUgh Charlie, the Star-kist Tuna,was depicted In the display which darkness, getting stuck 011thlswas originated from the teleties and barbed wire, sliding down the slippery muddybanks vision commercial. Thanks to of the CottonwoodRiver Valley all who put their time and efto finally arrive at Flandrau fort Into makingthis a successful and prize winning display! State Park where the fesUviThe College II fall activity ties were to be beld. Mter the invigorating walk was held on October 29 at the through the crisp cool air of Le SUeur roller skating rink. Many of the students spent an that Octobernight,the freshmen were greeted by the warm red enjoyable evening. glow of the fireplace inside the Ghosts and goblins attended cozy, rustic cabin at the park. the combined Halloweenparty The eveningflewbyas freshof College I and II held on Ocmen sang favorite melodiesand tober 30, In Hillview's recrefellllw classmates lliayed the, ation room. The usual festivities of the "Trick or Treat" guitar and accordi"!b 'I1le informal enter,talnmen~combined night were enjoyedby all. with the mountalnii' of food MIdnightlamps wlll be burnmade a huge success of the Ing 'whlle the sophomores prepare the numerous history edifreshmen's first class activity. Attention classmates! Your torials, psych outlines, and areas' of penetration which are dues are due at the first class due before November break, meeting after Novemberweekend. The amountIs $4.00 a year. Pity the student who has left You may pay all or half at that these until the last momentJ time. Most of the college sophPerhaps youthoughtit would omores are Iooklng forward never come; perhaps you with antlclpatlon to theweekend thought you WOUld never make of November 5 to 9. The magic it. But here It Is, November hOurofdeparture Is "high noon" break, II onFriday, whenmanywilltravel - MicheleMurray those highwaysboundfor home. J. Hogan U you happento see 'a fresb-

Council News

College IV

Several Items have been occupying the time of the student With mid - semester break Councillately. Oneofthe major just around the corner, memODeswas the traffic confusion. bers of the College IV class

SC Sponsors Missions The student Councilplans to present a special mission program





monthwe heard Pastor Hoenecke,




WorldMissions. For the month of November, the speaker Is Missionary William Schweppe. His topic Is our mission field In Zambia, Africa. As this article Is written, the tentative date Is November 19. Collections for this mission will be taken at the lecture and after Chapel on November 12 and 26.

FOOTBALL STADIUM - DMLC's new football bowl, scheduled for completion sometime early in 1967, is now under construction. (View from Highland Avenue)

Soccer's Silent Star

On the south side of the college athletic field a football bowlIs under construction. Be-

Heinz Zickler, knownto most

cause the ground has to settle and be seeded down into grass,

students as just Heinz, Is a friendly, ramtlar man on camp-

the bowl will not be ready for use for about a year and a half. The bowl, which drains Into a natural ravine In Flaudrau Park, will be ten feet deep, and will have twentyfeet of run-off

us. Most people associate him with his usual role as a mem-

ber of the maintenance staff. But how many students know that Heinz played soccer for twelve years, semr.proresston, ally, in Germany? In addition, how many knowhe was instrumental In forming the soccer

years ago Heinz Ofa soccer team with

thirteen players workingunder Coach Waters. Competitioninvolved Bethany and Owatonna. Two of the original players on that team'are still playing:Bob Hili and George DeNoyer.

are engaged in various and SWl-

,!!~!!!~~.,;:::~:::?'~=~;"~~~'~f.!'.<'-:·sat.d,~ activIties. One


About this year'~ team he

books and

meeting deadlines for all sorts of projects whUemakingplans for practice teaching. To these

and Is stUl Improving.Experl_ enee Is making better players out of them. You can pick out the second year players. They

It seems odd to be facing final

know what they have to do."

~ aIi""..


_SUll lUIOtherproject confrootlng the student CouncilIs the revision of theConstitution. SOmeof the proposed changes are to elect the StudentCouncil President In the spring ot his junior year, andto more fully coordinate the activities of the Student Councll and other campusorganlzat!ons.


exams at this time of the year. All, espec1allythe ehapslorganists, are Iooklng'forward to the return of the first quarter practice teachers. For a mere three days after returning to campus, the class wUl again be a whole. (SOmepeople ask why seniors


nutty _ it's


cause they're only three-quarters bere). The class roller , A committee has also been skating party Is scheduled for set up to Investigatethe facili- one of those three days. All those on campus pitched ties tor each class tostore materials used as class projects In to help ''Mother Malchle the throughout their four years at GOOse" and her duck, "Denver," tell In rhyme the story college. , O{ber items attracting the of the Lancer vIctory at the :Councll's attention are such last pepfest of the soccer sea-tblngs as a more 'effielent bt-, son. A speciat note of congrau,cycle program, future movie uIations goes to senlor soccer nights,student dress, andother players. - Tlsh Murray studentactivities.

That's right!, DMLC students need to broaden their views, to tunctlnn as Interested UScltizeDS!

'fThe-team"'fs very good

Heinz has been refereeing the soccer games this year. He com mented, "It' 5 nice' to ref,

but it's a hard job. I run about

Concerning soccer Iiself, he stated,



it is a

rough game. But little contact is made with no roughness. It 15 really fair; the rules are

strict. SOccer is better than baseball because there Is cODtinuous action. In baseball you watch for three hours and ac-

tually see about 45 minutes of action.


is also better

than basketball and footballbecause players are not limited by height and weightas theyare in the other two sports."

Function as UScitizens?

to be construcied around the sides of the bowl. - Future Plans A road wUl be bullt on the south side of the present athletic field, which Is to be used for spectator parking. Whenthe new gymnasium Is completed, the baseball diamond will be' located on the south end of the athleUc field toward Highland Avenue.

(Continuedfrom Page-I) which will be useful for future teachers. SUch activities will keep this group occupied,until their spring production. Last week the ARTCLUB went on asketchlnghlkethrough Flandrau Park. This Is one of' Diany activities In which they will Involve themselves. They plan to meet once a week for 2 hour sessions In a combination workroom-art- gallery In Old Main. The CREATIVE WRITING The Junto Is aUt again,busiGroup Is busy working on Its ly discussing andcatchingupon LLL presentation for Novem_ the current events in the world ber 15. It wUlpresent a variety today. Programs this fall have of compositions, written by ranged from slides on Greece members of the group, such as and a report on 1965 Synod .. A Typical Teenage Singer" Resolutions to an interesting and "The EmptyNot..." discussion of India vs, Pakts., The DRAMAGroup Is plantan. The upcomingtopic "Youth ning to present a one-act play,

Junto Reports


is bound to produce


lively discussion.

seven miles a game."

What's Doing?

team on campus? Three ganized

space on each side before the spectators' seats. The seats are

Bowl Shapes Up

Under the chairmanship of Ricky Garcia and the advisorship of Prof. Koelpin,the Junto Is anticipating another interesting year. Remember, you don't have to be a membertoattend the discussion meetings. Everyone Is welcome. Dues of 25 cents enroll youas a voting member.




Thursday evenings, bt-rnonth., ly, In Room 204. SOtalk It UP. bring a friend, and keep up to date with the world today. - Llla Nuessmeler

What are youdOing?

l«The Intruder, I, under the stu-

dent direction of Lois Sievert, late this fall. The casting of the one-act play Is limited to members within the group: however, anyone is welcome to

join. Mr. Luedke has accepted the Invitation to direct the spring operetta, liSle Loves Me.' J Preparations for this production

are underway.

The DEBATEClub Is looking forward to its tournament November 6 at the Unlverslty of MInnesota. Members of the Twin City Debate Leaguehave been Invited. DMLC hopes to host a practice debate with Bethanybefore the tournament.

Burning my lunchcard.

Alumni News

Time Out Mark of a Champion


-Gene Baer

Recruitment Program Taps Synod's Youth Resource Professor Brick, whoIs largely responsible for havingorgan~zedthe Recruitment and Speakers' Corps, related Inan Interview information regarding the purpose andthe organizationof the' program. The primary purpose of the program, nowIn Its 3rd year, Is to Interest young men and womenIn the teaching ministry In our Lutheran elementary schools, and to encourage them to prepare for the Lord's work at Dr. Martin Luther College. The Speakers Corps, includingboth faculty members andstudents, makes appearances before a variety of groups wblchshow Interest and offer recruitment potential.

Starting off the rash of August weddlngswasMarleyZahn, daughter of Professor Zahn of DMLC, who married Richard Kuckhahn on August 1. The Kuckhahns live In Batesland, SouthDakota. West st. Paul Is the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Bronte (Shirley Ludeman)married AuMr. and Mrs. John Bader (Carol Schefus)of Rhinelander, Wis. also chose August 7 as their weddingday. Earline Retzlaff Is nowMrs. Richard Sickinger of Denver, Colorado. The marriage date was August 22On August14Margaret Jaster became the wifeofMarvinKohlsteadt. The happycouple presently resides In Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chelstrom, (Marcia Hallemeyer, HS '63), also wed August 14, are now living In Green Lake, Wis. Jim Martens and Priscilla Nell, nowofShirley, wtsconsm, said their vowsAugust 14. Another August 7 weddingwas that of John Schulz and Sandy Schwanke, who have made

Ophidia League



Ghamplonshave been described manytimes andInmany ways. To be a championtakes practice anddetermination. It means that a goal must be set and all Involvedmust doggedlyrefuse to settle for anything less than the ultimate. To attain this, a champion must be able to rise to meet anysituation, even the most adverse. In the case of a team, it means that all of these things must become a part of each of Ibe individuals so that a cohesive unit Is formed. A championshipteam must have a championshipcoach to lead them. It must also have capable leaders and willing followers amongIts members. Discipline Is always Importantto any team, but If that team Is to be a championshipteam, self-dlsclpllne Is the only reasonable type. We, the members of the student body, can, and do, feel extremely proud of our soccer team. They are truly champions. This team portrayed all the qualities of a champion.They could have backed Into the championship.Even a loss In the last game with Concordia wouldn't have cost them this position. In fact, there were moments early In that game whenour boys were not playing like the champions they are. But Ibey got themselves "tlxed up," during that first half, and went on to dominate play In whichto makesuch a comeback.The championshipwas ours. We had already defeated Concordia once before this season. Here, then, was where our Lancers showed that championship spirit which has served them so well for two years, and whichwill continue to serve them In the years to come. Hats off to Coach Dallman for Instilling this spirit, and to the Lancers for a great sea-


Mllwaukee,WiS.,Is the home address of Mr. address address of Mr. and Mrs. Nlel Hansen, (Barb Pingel) wed August 22On September 4 Allen Just took Sharon Rodewaldto be his lawful wedded wife. The Justs 11ve In Mankato,Minnesota. (Editor's note: any Alumni News may be sent to Lois Sievert, AlumniEditor, In care of this paper.)

Happiness Is Happiness Is getting served. Happiness Is a postponed test you weren't prepared for. Happiness Is 14 minutes of extra sleep.

• • •

Happiness Is one girl for home and one for school. ' Happiness Is an inexpensive textbook. Happiness Is wlnnlngthesoccer champfonsrup!

• • •

Happiness Is a late professor. Happiness Is moneyfrom home. Happiness 111 Is a CAREpackage. _.

To Our Subscribers

Whiteriver) Ariz .., their home.

Barbara Hoerz became the bride of Edward EganonAugust 21. They live In Menominee, Wis.

Th~: League Is falrly tight tbls year. Only two games separate Ibe tirst four teams. In pomts, whichdecide Ibe lead, Ibe situation Is also tight. A team Is awarded two points for each game won, and one point for getting more total pins than Ibat week's opponents.

The Garters have been dominating everylblng except Ibe standings so far. BobHillis a member of Ibe'team.

Standings standings 1. Boar 2. Cobras 3. Faculty 4. Garters 5. Pythons 6. Rattlers

Points W-L 20 8-4 19 8_4 16 7-5 14 6-6 9 4-8 6 3-9

HighTeam Series Garters 2395 HighTeam Game Garters 896 HighindividualSeries BobHut 568 High Game BobHill 214 TOp Ten Averages 1. BobHill 174 2. GeneBaer 171

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

BobKuehn164 DaveEbeling 164 Terry Varold 160 Frank'Bowerman 160 Mark Sprengler 157 RonBrown 155 KenRahn 155 Ronstuebs 152

District teachers conferences, PTa groups, college and high school student groups, and area high schools are often visited and informed about the work of the teaching mln1stry, and DMLC. Professor Brick emphasized Ibe Importance ofthe Corps' appearances before district teachers conferences. Largely by their own example, teachers and pastors can wield great InfluenceIn encouraging young people to prepare themselves for work In the Lutheran schools. Appearances have been made before district conferences In Nebraska, Mlrmesota and Northern Wisconsin. On November 5th, a visit to the Southeastern Wisconsin District Is planned, and a display on DMLCwill be exhibited at Garden HomescongregationIn Milwaukee. The speakers, In visiting PTa groups as well as college and high school student groups, usually present a program of slides. A talk by one of the students (from the prep or college department, depending upon the Interest of the group) explains whyhe Is preparing for the Lutheran teaching ministry, and the advantages of preparing for this work at DMLC. Visits to as manyofthe area highschools of the Synodas possible are also plannedfor this year. Professor Brick stated that the presentation wouldbe revised so that students wouldspeak on several aspects of the teaching ministry and their work at DMLC. Althoughplans for this tour are not yetfinal, Professor Brick feels that this aspect of the recruitment program shouldbe carried out In the early part of the year In order to reach the high school seniors who usually feel pressure from colleges for early apphcation.

o ur

•8' ~

..f'lii" 01i U e& oM

It. It. 5 ~

1.,; ,... -:! -

THE WINNINGDISPLAYfor this year's soccer HomecommgWlitl constructed by College II. Its title was "Sorry, Charlie, only the best soccer players get to be Lancers."



.ctrlc Elchten Shoe Store N.w Ulm Dairy . Sears umann, Insuranc. Elbn.r and Son N.w Ulm Gift & Hobby Shop Seifert Clinic Pharmacy EyrichPlumbing & H.atlng N.w Ulm Gr_nhou •• s Sh.rwin-Wlillams Paint Store - Th. L.adlng Farm.r's & M.rchant's Bank N.w UlmTh.ater H.nry $om.. n, Lawy.r iew.l.rs F.s.nmal.r Hardwar. Ochs Brick& Til. Yards Sp.lbrlnk's Clothing & Casual ,lter and Son Flsch.r's Rexall Drug. Sprlngfl.ld $hap .fl • .4ardware Forster's Furniture, Inc. Oswald's N.w Ulm Laundry Sportsman's GrIll ;I'; • 's MusicStore Fritsch. Clinic Co. State Bank of N.w Ullil .. ier'. Green Clothl.r's patrick's J.w.l.rs TVSignal .;;:: til· ,'s State Bank Harolld'. Shoe Store Patterson's R.lm and Church Ulm Orgelw.rk. - Haward ., ,to-Coast Store H.rberg.r's J.w.l.rs Nolte Bar H.rzog Publishing Co. J. C. Penney Co. UlrichElectric ... fII ~re,Optometrist K.msk. Paper Co. Pink's Vog.1 Clinic ,.: •., lit _mal.r H. Lang Barber Shap Polta Drug Store Dr. Howard Vagal • .., :oroldson,Optometrist Leuthold-Neubau.r Clothier. Raftls Department Store Dr. Milton Kal_ a:; j )eorge Kuehn.r & M.ldl MusicStore R.tzlafl's Our Own Hardware Vagalpohl" Leath.r Goods _ Wm. VonBank Meyer Studio Rite-Way CI.an.rs Luggage - Gifts >ermann,Optom.trlst ontg Sch.lbl. Plumbing & Heating W-.da Cafe and Bak.ry '.' _.. _.chwartz, Dentist Mu.... ng Drug Store Schnobrlch's CityMeat .Wllfahrt Brothen :::: :~::Dr. Tyler N.w Ulm BrIck& nl. Yards Market P. W. Woalworth ::j: :::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:;:;:~:::~:~;:~:::~:::::::::::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:--:;:::::::::~:~:~:~:~::::8::::::!:::~::~:~:;:::::::;:::::::::;:::::::::

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Vol. LVI

College. Seeks New President

Schweppe Resigns

November 24, 1965

Choir Year Underway

With the return of the firstquarter practice teachers, the College Choir once again tunes up for a season of song. The first thing on the program is Christmas, which is fast approaching. At this time the choir is working toward the dual Christmas goal of the two annual DMLC Christmas concerts and a television appearance, On the evenings of Decemteachers for our church ber 16 and 17, the College .scbools, Choir will join -with the- other During an interview, Profeschoruses to present the joy of sor Schweppe said tbat the LuChristmas In song to the many theran elementary school is Imguests at DMLC. portant because it is essential On December 13 at 10:30 to the preservatton of our p.m, on television channel 12 spiritual heritage. In regard to (KEYC-TV) In Mankato, the elfectiveness and success in College Choir will 'present a the work of _Christian educahalf hour of sacred Christmas tton, he advised tbat future numbers. This is becoming an teachers approach their task annual aUair for this choir and with zeal and with a fear and a chance to reach many with love of God. ihe wonderful story of Christ Professor Schweppesaid tbat and Christmas. hls plans for the future are at Recently this 92-voicechoir present rather indef1n1te, but took some time to elect offi_ tba~ ,he may continue teaching cers to help keep a few of the ~;;:;;;;~;;;;~",;:.;ne;~x;:t.;Y';:ea::::r.:...~~ details of such an organizaof - _.. tion-runnlng smOothiy. The new president are following the' prestdent, Roger Klockzlem, Is regullir Synod1calprocedure of assisted by Merlin Kruse, vicecall1ng for nominations. A nopresident, and ,fane Subr, sectice requesting nominations will retary _treasurer. The def1n1teappear in the ne t edition olthe ly busy and essential music 11THE COLLEGE BOARDhas brarians are Judy Oitzman, begun _ItS search for a new c-1iORTHWESTERNLUTHERAN. Joan_Enter, BobHill, andWayne prelddent since the resignation Cole. of President Schweppe. The choir is now ready for anoiher year of pralsing God in song. Professor C.L. SchwepperecenUy banded in hls reslgna-tion as president of Dr. Martin Luther College. He bas served in tbat capacity for 32 years. Of his 50 years in the ministry, Professor Schweppe has spent 45 at DMLC. Before be joined the DMLC faculty, he was an assistant Instructor at Northwestern College from 1915 .to 1917, where he tallght American hlstory and served as a supervisor In a dormi" tory. shortly after the estah-.

Ilshment of the tutor system. From 1917 to 1920, Professor Schweppe served as pastor of a congregation in Bowdie,South Dakota. He joined the DMLC faculty in 1920 as an Instructor of English, and became prestdent of the college In 1934. He bas served ably In this capacity because he is convinced of the necessity of preparing

Council Proceedings

LLL Active

With the Christmas season The CreaUve Wrltin~ group of just a few short weeks away, Luther -Literary League prethe Student Councll bas now sented a spectacular revtew of turned its attention toward the their own creative works at the organizing of various comlast meeting. Included In the mittees and classes to carry presentation were the following out the joyous task of helping .works: "A Typical Dlscoyery, " Richard Hintoo;IISomeoneShall - our campus take on a festive Live Once," Nancy Carne; "The looks. As well as undertaking this project, the Councll has Empty Note," Diane Leslie; also been working on various IIA' Smile and ADeath," Falth other aspects of student life. Haferman. These writings will The Constitution Committee bas be incorporated in the NewForrewritten the Student Councll enics for 1965-66. Constitution and it is now beThe Art Club has been asked tore the Councll for approval. to decorate the dining hall for After it Is approved by the ihe Thanksgiving holidays. Thls group has alsO begun.work 011 the . Councll, it will be submitted to the faculty for its approval decoratiOlls for the Literary and then it will finally be placed League's Christmas party which before the Student Body for will be held 011 the 9th of Deratification. cember. A program consisting Old dress regulations and of individualpresentations from possible new dress habits are eacb of the interest grOIlPSis being studied by the Dress Combeing planned. Members of the mittee. Wednesday night can-,LLL and the college faculty dlelight suppers' with music will be lD attendance. bave been put into aHect t'; create a more encouraging attru mosphere for "dressing lIP." Imagine yourself in a French _ In. certain other areas the chateau ot the ~800's. A memCouncll Is attempting to put ber of the family Is ill, and more efficient and permanent _it .is a quiet night, too qUiet. systems into effect. The bikeThe swans on the polld rutfle rental program is being investh8ir wings for no reason. tigated and an insurance plan Strange sounds are beard- bllt' covering both bicycles and to110 one appears. Why? come boggans Is being considered. and see in thls 19th century A new method for screening drama, The Intruder - Thursand selecting students for the day, December 2, at 7:30 and sp8aker's Corps is also being 9:00. devised.

Th e In


. .

Ever striving for the welfare of all, the Council continues to meet the challenges of internallmprovementbygiving attention to such matters as ball traffic and added bulletin board space. The Councll urges those baving any suggestions or ideas which they think might better campus life to present these Ideas to the Councll.

Junto News Unbampered by vacation preparations, Interested students turned out on November 4th to hear a discussion on .. youth Riots" led by Mary SChiueter and Faith Haferman. The occasion was a regularly-scheduled meeting of the Junto. The motives, causes, andpossibility of subversive Communist tactic~ were brought out. The GemW Program, its purpose, value, successes, and failures was in the spoll1ght at the November 18th meeting. Meetings of the Junto begin with a discussion of the selected topic led by interested volunteers. The topic is then turned over to the group for questions, comments,


discussion. A brief business meeting follows, whichonlyvoting members are required to attend.

New Ulm, Minnesota

Debaters At TCDLMeet November 9th marked the first tournament debating by the DMLC debate team. On this date, our coach, Professor Schroeder, and Mrs. Schroeder, who served as our timekeeper, took four members of the debate squad to the tournament of the Twin City Debate League (TCDL). The tournament was held on the Unlverslty of Minnesota campus. Our affirmaU ve teams, consisting of Edie Draheim and Eugene Cares, debated Macalester, Mankato State, and St. Thomas. Although our affirmative team Ilost these debates, they were encouraged by the ciose decisions rendered In these three contests. The negative team, composed of Cheryl Miller and Lois Luetke, debated Augsburg, Macalester, and Clustavus Adolphus. Again, although our negative team also lost their three contests, aclosa decision was given In the debate with Gustavus Adolphus. Af_ firmative competition from other schools against our negative

team was especially still. Of all the aUlrmative teams entered In the novice division, only three had undefeated records. Our negative team was slated to debate two of these three. This TCDL tournament involved nineteen major colleges from the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The -'I'CDLis sald to have .some of the best novice competition In the entire Midwest. The novice division in which the DMLC team was entered, is for unexperienced debaters. However, most of the debaters from the other parti. cipating COlleges are' veteran high school debaters. Also, most of the debaters present at this tournament had gained experience by debating at the first TCDL tournament which DMLC was unable to attimd. Our team learned milch frolD this experience. It was a day f1l!ed with fun and excitamant, but more than this, it made our debaters more eager towork on their cases In anticiPation ofthe next 'tournament, -

, !U~!lJ~n ..rr9iectJ.:q!!!,~ Men'.

AbOut'600"women --from all -, over the state of Minnesota attended the Annual meeting of the DMLC Ladies' ,Aux1lary which was held on the DMLC campus October 13. The Ladies' Auxll1ary is a volunteer organlzation comprised of women from the Minnesota District of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Syn_ od who have a sincere interest In our college. The purpose of this group is to -providethe stu_ dents with comforts and enjoyments which can not ordinar1ly be provided. After registration a brief coffee hour, and an opening service, Mrs. Leonard Mmer, president of the group, called the business meeting to order. The first order of business was the election of officers to fill the expired terms of the. 1st vice-president and the treasur_ er. Mrs. Carl Fahnlng, Cleveland, Minn., was elected lst vice-president andMrs. George Schroer, RenVille, Minn., was elected treasurer. Thenewlye_ lected pastoral advlser for the group Is Pastor MelvinSchwark of Courtland. The followingrepresentatlves from each conter_ ence were also elected at this time: St. Croix Colif. _ Mrs. John Murray RedWoodFalls Conf. _ Mrs. Loren Pinske Mankato Cont. _ Mrs. Kenneth Jones • New Ulm Conf. _ Mrs. Leslie Just Red Wing Conf. _ Mrs. Oscar Patzer Crow River Cont. _ Mrs. Harvey Zimmerman To comply with its. objeetives, the group voted to purchase the following items for various organizations and dorms on the campus; 1. Five typewriters for student rental

'2. ,Water c:oole_rsfor the

-Dorm, ,Centennlal Hall; and Hluview 3. Drapes for all the rooms in Centennial 4. Music stands for¡the DMLC Band 5. Vacuum cleaners for the dorms 6. Two overhead projectors and screens for classroom use. 7. Amplification equlpment for the auditorium In addition to the above projects, thls organization also again donated $200 to the library fund and set aside $250 for scholarships. After dinner, it was the student body's turn to show Its appreciation to these ladies by prOviding entertainment for them. A brief look at various campus organizations was the theme of the presentations. The Ch1ldren's Theater Group, a subsidiary of the Luther Literary League, dramatized a portion of the children's book "Winnie the Pooh." Rick Garcia, the president ofJunto, gave a brief talk on the purposes and activities of the current events club. To liven things up a bit, the cheerleaders, representing the Pep Club, led a student cheering section in a few of Luther's spirited cheers. The ~hiog!ston Club was represented by R. Dusseau who performed what turned out to be a very humorous scientlflc experiment. The ladies were al. so given a "behind the scenes look at DMLC publications" as Delores Malehle andPatrlcia Murray, editors of the "Messenger" and 'ExcelSior," respectively, discussed a few "editorial problems." To round off a busy and eventful day, the DMLC J3.andunder the direcUon of Mr. Roy Zimmermann played a few selections for the grouP.

Editorial E for Effort





Origin Of Thanksgiving

People are constantly evaluating their environment. Whether or not a person realizes it, his reactions to situations about him are a type of evaluation. One of the major: parts of every student's environment is school itself - courses, assignments, instructors. For years, each student has been analyzingtheir worth. Generally, such analysis has been silent or confinedto discussions in a small group. But why not channel the evaluation into areas where it can do some good?

The Tea~her'sPrayer Lord, who am I to teaChthe way To little children day by day, So prone myself to go astray?

Ach, du lIeber! I! yet another group ThanksgivingDayIs the tra_ on campus isn't becoming more and more I teach them knowledge;but I know ditional day of worship to the active! Howfaint the flicker and how low Lord In thanksgivingfor what Organizations seem to spring up to meet He has done for us. To many, The candle of my knowledgeglow. the needs of the student body. This or- • the word draws, a picture of 'gantzatlon, however, Is more the result home, famUy, turkey, pumpkin I teach them power to will and do, of an acUvity and state of mind than pie, and warmth. Most of us But only nowto learn anew of any speclf1cneed of the students. My own great weakness through and know the story of the origin of MembershipIn this peculiar organtzation Thanksgiving.It wasa daydedithrough. Is open to any properly enrolled student cated to thanksgiving by the with a load on his mind and a jeremiad Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony I teach them love for all mankind to contribute to the discussions. Actually In 1621. Andall God's creatures, bnt I f1nd quite a disorganized body with no speclf1c My love comes laggingfar behind. But not manyof us knowthat rules or constitution governing Its existence, members hold Impromptumeetings the Idea of ThanksgivingDayas Lord, If their guide I still must bel at odd hours of day and night and In any a national holidaywasoriginatOh, let the llttle children see location Imaginable. Meetings are never ed by a woman.Sarah Josepha The teacher leaning hard on Thee. called to order; parliamentary procedure Hale, editor of thepopularGodLeslie IIall Is Ignored; and the topics discussed range ey's Lady's Book, first proLutheran Education, Sept. '47 all the way from music to mathematics posed ThankSgivingDay as a and back again. Participants In these dis- national holiday In 1846. She -' cussions seldom come away with anything chose the name UnionThanks_· Newsweek, that influential concrete to showfor the time spent, though . giving because she hoped the source of information for often they feel relieved or comforted to holiday would bring the states college seniors and many know there are others with similar feel- now torn by the qusstton of slavery Into a closer union. others, recently printed an inIngs and problems. Miss Hale begana campaignof teresting article titled "GradNo topic Is ever too old or stale for SInce the student teachers have reeditorials and letters until her this group to take UPIndiscussion. In fact, ing the Graders." The report turned, Art LInkletter seems to have lost goal was finally realized. In the old, over-~Iscussed situations are ofhis position of authority on the unprewas on !4 rising practice of 1863, President Lincoln set ten the. favorites _ especially If someone teacher evaluation by students. aside the fourth Thursday of dictable remarks of chUdren. Beloware can come UPwith a slightlydifferentangle a few anecdotes they'd !Ike to share with November as a special day of A Yale University committee from which to look at It. Generally the you. , Thanksgiving. has giVenofficial status to this subject under consideration Is, In the A few spelling problems: opinion of the discussers, In sad need of President Lincoln chose this proposal. Thecommittee "Rec-: crechers - creatures reform. The unfortunatesituation resultday becausethe fourthThursday dezlnd - designed ominende<ithat students gradIng Is that none of the problems encounof NovemberIn 1789had beena Nowa--Noah uating:with.honors and gradutered here are ever solved by the selfspecial Thanksgiving Day In baneetum- venetian(blind) appointed reformers. If the time spent ate'stUderitsbe invitedto submit honor of the UnitedStates ConWhom did Moses lead out of Egypt? raking these problemsover the coals were stitution. Thanksgivingas a leIi -written appra.isal: of . the The Kids of IsraeL :. . devoted to meeting and coping with the gal holidaywasconsidereda paA second grade I!xaDlplefor a' word BtreugthS .and weaknesses' of problem at hand, a remedy wouid most triotic day. with the "pi" blend was pla:yboy -, their: education, _il).cluding cri-_ likely be foundwithouttoomuchdlff1culty. A famUlar Bible passage was recentEach year the President 'Iy changed to, "Be not deceived; God I,s tiques' .of theh- . instructors" It Is probably sate to assume that every would officiallyproclaim a day student has at one time or, another at(NewSwe-ek;-oct~'25, p. 98) not mopped." as Thanksgiving Day.Time rotended at least one of these "meetings," 'Whenone ffrst grade talkedaboutMothtated .rrom the-last Thursday of and Father and was to draw a plcand more than likely, all haveparticipated Thete .is .a trend in COlleges In some way or another. Every campus the month.tothe third Thursday. er ture of each w1th.J!l~~ words.lDIall across the·-nationto advoFinally In 1941a Joint Reso1u---'aerneatli;-OrIe'1fttle man wanted to.write In the United state.. has a brach of' ~s da~evftluatfdlr:-It· has' tlon passed Congress, setting Lola (his mother's name) lnsteadofMcSUi-,,group,.so ours need not be considered In the date permanently at the er because It was shorter. <__ '''_'F '. the least bit unique. been said, "Why not at DMLC, All such groups merely waste the valufourth Thursday. SInce some One class of ffrst and second graders: too?" DMLC, of course, has' time oftheparticipants. Nonehas a leg states Insist on keepingthe last seems to be lDIderthe impression that no graduate program. However, • able to stand on when trying to justify Its exThursday, at times there a~ Noah was accompaniedIn the ark by many feel that after four.years two ThanksgivingDays. his three sons: Slam, Ham, and Joseph. Istence. of college the prospective gradThe name of this group? Gripers, UninThese and other boners caused many To Christians, Thanksgiving a teacher to crack a smUe with LInkcorporated. uates should have the backDayIs a special service Inhonor letter. ground and maturity to evaluate o.fa gracious God whohas givtheir education and instructors en us all things. To SarahHale, It was a patriotic symbol of objectively. This may be, and union. There have been many probably is, quite true. HowThanksgiving Days for many ever, in this as in many other purposes from manycountries. The following ten ways to get throngh areas, DMLCpresents a unique It Is observed to eomsmorate. college without even trying are reprinted situation. Rather than offering signing of treaties, famousbatThe DMLC MESSENGERIs published from the Tennessee Tech Oracle: tles, the end of an epidemiC, public crtttctsm, the students during the montheof October, November, Bring theprofessor newspaperClippings birthdays of great leaders, here can feel free to discuss Decemhe.r,February, March, April, May dealing with his subject. I! youdon't find and the birth of a son. It means a course with any instructor and June. The subscription price Is one clippings dealing with his subject, bring many things, but most of all, In clippings at random. He thinks everyprivately. Especially whencriit .means simply, "Thank You, . dollar and fifty cents per annum. SIngle copies are twenty cents. Werequest pay_ thingdeals with his subject. ticism is negative should stuLord;" \ Look alert. Take notes eagerly. I! you ment In advance. TheMESSENGER Is con- Jean Korte dents feel compelled to follow tinued after the time that the subscriplook at your watch, don't stare at It unthe example in Matthew 18: tion has expired, unless we are notl!1ed believing and shake It. Nod frequently and murmur, ''How to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. 15 which says•. ' 'between.thee AlI' business communlcatloris should be true." To you, this seems exagernted. and him alone." This shouldbe addressed to the Business Manager.ConTo him, It's quite objective. done in the proper Christian Sit In front near him. (Applies only tributions .from all alumni, lDIdergradspirit, with a Christian attitude. If you Intendto stay awake.) uates, and friends are. appreciated. The Messengerbelongstothe Laugh at his jokes. You can tell, If The aim of the MESSENGER Is to 'offer stUdents. Everyoneknowsthis, All students have experihe looks up from his notes and smUes such materials as' will be bene!1c1a1as but howmanyrealize the value expectantlyhe has told a joke. well as InteresUng to our readers, tokeep enced good andbadteaChing.Inof their stock In the campus Ask for outside reading. You don't the alumni In a closer contactwiththe coldeed, those children we will newspaper? The Messenger Is have to read It. Just ask for It. lege, and to foster school spirit. .. _...__.. teach in the future will experia voice for otherwise silent l! you must sleep, arrange to be called Edltor--~'• • • • • • • ~• Delores Malchle ence good and bad teaching on opinion! at the end of the hour. It creates an unFeatures Editor •••••••• Tlsh Murray Anyonemay write a ''letter favorable impression If the rest of the Our part. Certainly, evaluation News Editor· •••••••••• 'JudyWinter to the editor," expressing his class has left and you sit there alone, Sports Editor ...... , ••••• GeneBaar of one's educationand instrucviews on practically any topic. dozing. AlumniEditor '. • ••••••• Lois Sievert tors is a good thing. All os us Comment Is especially welBe sure the book you read during the Make-up Editor .. " '•••• HelenLochner should have clear impressions comed on any news story or lecture looks like a bookfrom thecourse. Business Manager ••••• David Sauer editorial. of the strengths andweaknesses I! you do math In psychologyclass and Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz The nexl Issue of the Mes_ psychology. In math class, match the Advertising Manager •• '. Mark Boehme in our educationalbackgrounds. senger will appear In exactly booksfor size and color. Feature and News Writers ••• ~•••• '• '. The greatest lesson we can three weeks, on Wednesday, .Ask any questtons you think he can Barbara Saeger, Carol c>Unke, Marilyn learn from observing the eduDecember 15. Contributors'are answer. Conversely, avoidannouncingthat Knief,Lois Krause, ColleenGundei'SOII, cation we receive nowis to avoid asked to submit material to you have found the answer to a question Mary Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan,Edith any of the editors by Monday, the poor or bad and to imitate he couldn't answer and In your brother's Zlckuhr, Jean Korte, JIm Sonneman, December 6. The staff resersecond reader, at that. as far as is- natural the good. "Ruth Huebner,MicheleMurray, Sharon ves the right to correct or reCall attention to his writings. This Schultz, NaomiHIntz - Delores Maichle turn unsuitable material, and produces an e quls1telypleasant experPIiotographer •••••• Dave SchoeneCk to confirm any statements Ience connectedwith you. I! youknowhe's Assistant PhotograPher ••• Tom Llpperl made. No anonymousmaterial To make a long story short - written a hookor an article, ask In class Advisor·" ••••••••• Professor Trapp will be accepted. don't tell It at all! If he wrote It.

Grin And Bear It

College Can ·Be Easy

Invitation To Student Voices


News~rom The Classes

, CheerleaderS Interviewed

College IV

THE CHEERLEADERS FOR the current sea. son are (L. to n.) R. Dallmann, R. Schroeder, L. Reider, C. Schultz, and E. Plath. DMLC's Pep Clubsupervised the selection of the 1965-66 basketball cheerleaders on the even1ngof November 11. Taldng advantage of the new ruling that allows upperclass_

and learn the cheers so you can yell at the games. Go to the away games too," she urges, "the team needs your support."

men to be cheerleaders, "We have to get the kids to ELAINEPLATH will once again yell and keep yelling. We must be yelling for the Lancers. get up school spirit," was Ela1ne cheered the Litchfield RUTHlESCHROEDER'Sanswer Dragons to many a victory In Sle led the rooting secllon ot higb school and encouraged the st. Paul's grade school for two LlUlcers to "Do like the Navy years. and the Rams tor three. does - B1iIk Itl SInk IU", tor CHRISTINESCHULTZcomes her first two years of college. to DMLC from Winnebago "The kids have got the splrAcademy where she led cheers 'It," she says; "U's the cheer_ for the Vikings for tour years. leaders' job to bring It out, Sle's a cheerleader because she We must support the team, win "loves to be In It on the !loor or lose, and give the Whole a part ot the games-working to school a real school spirit, I get the crowd to yell and suphope we do as well In basketPOri the team." Sle wants to ball as' we did In "soccer." ,thank the students tor vollng , ' ''To be';1nt'U~l'ted I!' sP2!1§... ,.her, in_and sb'l,,~~"'ie and, to get the spirit up In the--UO"1llTjOb. kids;" ,was RONDA DALL_ LINDA RErrER, too, ex_, MANN'Sdescription ofa clieeI:- tends her thanks and hopes she leader's duties. Ronda'hasbeen won't disappoint the students. a cheerleader since she was In ,"Sk1lI Is the most Important Ixth grade The Rams and the thing a cheerleader should ~ancers ha~ both had her suphave," Linda said. She likes to porto' "The kids have to be beyell and loves to back up the bind you, cheering," sbe says, team. She was a cheerleader at "or a cheerleader Isn't worth Winnebago Academy for three lUlYthIng. Come to the pep tests years.

Only 176 days t1ll call ntght! As the count-down conllnues toward the end of our stay on the DMLCcampus, seniors are busily planning for that big day next June. The last class meetIng brought decisions galore. Burgundy and Ivory were chosen as the colors to be renect_ ed in the class !lower, the glad_ Iolus, The motto, upon which the class Intends to write an original hymn, was taken trom Isaiah 41:10, 'Fear thou not; tor I am with thee: be not dismayed; tor I am they God:I will strengthen thee; yea, I wlllhelp thee: yea I w1ll uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." The class gift and stationery also came up for dis_ cusston, but no definite decisions were made. College IV celebrated the be_

ginning of a new quarter with a class roller_skallng party at Morgan. The forty-five In attendance whirled' around the rink and had a grand time. A hearty note of congratula; lions to seniors selected tor the cheerleadlng and basket_ ball squads I , - Tlsh Murray

College III With the pass'tng ot November weekend, junlorstlnd themselves comparing notes. Some ot the homeward trips :1roved quite eventful. Bruce P, can attest to' this tact, It seems there will be one less buck around for, deer -bunllng season, as Bruce did a little


Library Receives Gifts Friends of our Library have shown their Interest In Its expansion by the presentation of, memorial wreaths ,and gifts that total $1,785.73 for the past year. SUChgifts and memorla!§ serve more than one purpose. They are, first of all, a great encouragement to all of us here on the h1ll, for they are tangible evidence of the Interest, that members of our synod have In their, terminal teacher-tralnlng' school and In the work It Is dOing. W, dO not, overlook the lac.! that they aid greatly In our etrorts to overcome the lag between the number of books In our 'collection and the rapidly growing enrollment at our school. .. College-type teaching makes great demands on our LIbrary, -and' we" are ever conscious 'of the need tor continuous ,_ Improvement In the quality as well as the extent of our book collec11oD.And for those goodfriends ofour school It Is assurance that the memorial established for relallves or friends Is 'not, a passing th1ng,-but that It serves for long years In aiding the training of those who w1ll enter the work of the Church and who are now preparing to be etnclent messenger s of-the Gospel of peace. We are, therefore, sincerely gratetul to all who remembered the LIbrary.

Memorial Wreaths Glven to Library Fund August 1964 througb October 1965 Mrs. B.R. Klatt; • ; •• 272.50 Mr., II, Kock, Sr••••••• 2.00 ... Mr. WIIIoLindemann ••• 18.00 Mrs. C. Schweppe •••• 500.00 " Mr. A.L. Boock •••••• 12.00, Mrs. Eva Skenadore ••• 28.00 ;, "Prot. J. Meyer ••••••• 5.00 Mrs. A. Kaiser •••••• 31.00 i<P ,-:-Mrs. steinke ••• '••• ~. 10.00 Mrs. H. Sltz •••••••• 440.00 ~,""" " Mrs; Joe Sch1ller ••••• ,' 5.00 Mr. Walter Voecks •••• 47.00 i!t" ' Mr. Elmer Klossner ••• 41.00 Mr. Jos. Grau ••••• ; •• 5.00 ,Mrs. otto- Schreyer. • •• 2.00 Mr. Fred Kahn • • • • • •• 2.00 '- Mrs. F. Krook •••••••• 7.00 Undeslgnated •••••••• 15.00 Mr. A. Wandersee. • •• 10.00 Donallons from Wisconsin Mrs. E. Witt. • • • • • •• 20.00 state Teachers' CooterPastor Markehausen • •• • 5.00 ence ••••••••••••• 245.73 Prot. H. Klatt ••••••• - 25.00 DonallQDSfrom Michigan ,;14rs. Fred Kading _, • •• 2.50 DIstrict Teachers' ConMr. Carl C; Schroeer •• 25.00 ference •••••••• ; ••• 10.00 Mrs. Emma Johns,OIl•••• 5.00 ,$:. Mrs.' Ernst Bobs1n ••••• 5.00 ' Total: 1,785.73 :~".(




and used a

car'lnst8adofa~ _,'._ Have you notlciid a scarcity of College m students lately? And does there seem to' be a, constand din of typewriters at work all hours of the day? It could be for one ottwo reasons. The juniors are either hiding away somewhere, frantically copying history note cards, or d1l1gentlytyping the summaries of a "few" religion articles tor teaching religion class. -Garl Steffenhagen

Sing Along With Bob Marluts, the volunteer singIng group opento all college men who specialize In 11ght,enjoyable mUSiC, has begun rehearsals tor the 1965-66 season. This year the group Is under the direction ot Bob Kuehn, a college senior, who ts nonovice at the art of directing since he was music tutor at MObridge last year. At the group's first meeting, the tollowlng,men were elected to Marlut offices: President ••••• R. Klockzlem Vlce- President. •••• J. Boehm Sec. - Treas ••••••• R, Georg Librarians •••••• R, Dumke T. Bobrofsky So far the group has been practlclng tor Christmas carol~ Ing and working onvarious numbers for the February MarlutAeolian Concert. The group Is larger than last year's, but more male singers are always welcome. For those still Interested In joining, rehearsals are held In the band room Monday and Thursday nights at 6:10 p.m. "Education Is too Important to be left solely to the educators." -- Time

College II After the too-short November break many of the sophomores are now counnnz the days WlID the "happy holidays.", The comments trom many of the sophomores concerning our fall activity were very enthusiastic. The roller-skallng rink offered an Ideal opportunity for all to mix with others and renew old friendships. Will our sophomore "Victory cry" be the loudest at our comIng basketball games? It not, the remedy: our college Pep Club could use the attendance of more sophomores at both home and away games. Bob SChroer, Jack cronholz, and Gordie Vette'r are College II's contribution to the Lancers. Don't worry, John, we haven't forgotten that you are the manager or our teaml Congratulations go to Ronda Dallmann, our sophomore varsity cheerleader! Jennlter Hogan

Recital Held Here Miss Lorraine Zautner presented her fifth solo rec1taI on Novemher 22, tor which she bad been pracllclng since last spring. She sald,"The last week Is the hardest because you aren't sure It you know It or not. Then there Is an empty feeling when It Is all over. This Is my first recital without supervision. It's nice to do something on your own, but you don't know It you are going about It In the right way." Her program was as follows: Sonata F Major - Mozart Allegro Adagio

Allegro Assai Images - Debusy Re!lecllons In the Water Hommage a Rameau Movement 32 Varlallons In C MlnorBeethoven Ballade In F Major, Opus 38Chopin

College I It you have seen students'

staring 'at a little piece ot paper, on which appears a profusion ot dots andsquiggly lines, and uttering pecultar sounds over and over again, you're prob... ably witnessing treshman sur, ferlng from "Historymapltls." Legend has It that this Illness strikes 'the fresbmen class pe_ riodically throughout the year. Congratulallons ,to the pe'lpy treshmen girls, Chris Schultz, Ruth Schroeder, and Llnd~ 'Reiter, who gained posl_ lions on this year's cheerlead. Ing squad. We're sure they'll do..&.. fine,:job rousing sc;h,Q9l-':;'splrlt. We are proud that five mem_ bers ot the male portion of our "class w1ll be playing on the varsity basketball team this season. Congratulations go to Terry Bauer, Dale Finck, Eric Lang, Terry Vasold, and Gary W1lle. MISS ZAUTNER OPENED - Michele Murray the current recital year with a plano recital on MOnday, November22. One of the newest addltlOns to OUrcampus life Is the Chess Miss Zautner comes trom Club, and organization comprls· ed of approximately two dozen West Bend, Wisconsin, where she attended both grade school chess enthusiasts. These chess and high schooL She continued tans meet each sunday afternoon In the Town Girls' Room her education at Lawrence University In Appleton',Wisconsin, In Hillview' to engage In intragraduating with a bachelor's mural competillon. An intramural handicap tournament Is ,degree In music. At the University ot IllInois she earned being ptanned by the group and her master's degree. MIss the possibility of an IntrasclloZautner has taken planolessons lasllc tournament Is also under since she was seven. Her teachconsideration. ers Include her mother, a 'COUAnyone Is welcome to attend ple of teachers from MIlwauthese fun-filled, brain-taxing kee, Wisconsin, one at Lawmeetings. Ignorance of the fundrence University, and one at amentals of the game Is no exthe UniversitYJof II!1noIs. cuse for not attending these This Is Miss Zauiner's secmeetings, because instruction ond year of teaching at DMLC. for the beginner Is also avaIlShe indicated that she enjoyed able. It Is, however, requested working here. "This second' that each ptayer announce his year of teaching Is easier. BIIt Intenllon to play before 1:00 teaching and practicing don't Saturday afternoon to Professor mix;' there Is less enthusiasm SChroeder, the advisor of, the to practice after a day ofteachgroup, so that he can set up Ing." the Playing agenda fOr the SUnday matches.

,Chess, Any One?

Scien~e S~orgasbord December 2 Is the tentative date tor the I1rst SCIence Smorgasbord. What, you may ask, Is a SCIenceSmorgasbord? At this lime the members of the Phlogtstons wID present a series of scient1f1c experiments which couldbe applicable to the elementary classroom,

This tun-tilled and Informalive excursion Into science Is open to the enllre student body; ~o If you're Interested In tun and knowledge, mark this date on your calendar and be sure to "fill-up" Un knowledge at the Phlogiston Smorgasbord. -R,D.

Time Out Basketball Resumed On Saturday, November 20, This year 25 boys' reported the Lancers plunged Into the for varsity ball. This number 1965 - 66 basketball season made it necessary for Coach against Estherville, Iowa. The Dallman to make a cut downto Lancers have basically the sixteen. At present there are same team as last year with three sophomores, and five quite a few new faces adding freshmen on the team. All the strength. Coach Dallman forefreshmen are 6 ' 1 or over, sees a battle for the starting except for guard Dale Finck who positions from game to game comes 1nat 5 ' 7." throughoui the year. This year the Lancers are The Lancers traveled to Man- again playing In the Southern kato to play the State frosh Minnesota Junior College Conteam In a pre-season scrimference -tSMJCC). In. addition mage on November 8. This to this they are playing in a scrimmage showed that the smaller four_year-school conLancers can cui downon noor ference. Coach Dallman plans mistakes. They also displayed a ·on winning more games than good fast break. Paced by 56% last year in the SMJCC, and he shooting, the Lancers won 72- also looks for a chance to win 48. the title In the smaller conferCoach Dallman feels there ence. are two factors which w1ll tell the tale for this year's season. A good shooting percentage Is a must for a team that will be smaller than most of Its opMarriages ponents. Another Important factor Is the abiUty of the team Ardella Glaser, 1965 graduto stay in sound condition. Last ate of DMLHS,was married to year Walz, Gronholz, Brands, and Sievert were all Injured at _ PhilIP Pemble on August 28 at St. Paui's Lutheran Church of some time during the season. North Mankato. Coach Is also looking for a bettel" season on defense because Miss Joan Slattery. became the bride of Gerald Lamphear Of the past year of experience. on July 3. The Lamphears, both Because of the depth of good ball' players, a cOuple of facgraduates of DMLC, are teachtor s will. also determine the Ing at Trinity Lutheran School, starting five. Ball control in' BrDlIon, Wisconsin. fast-breakthg type of ball w1ll be. stressed. Each. t)'P'! has 8irths piaye"" that are SuIted bE!tter to one or the other. The defen'Fort AtkIn.son, Wisconsin sive abIDty of the individUal player will also help decide who welcomed Eric Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown wUi be playing; (Lynda Kaiser) November 5.'

Alumni News

Mr. and '4rs. Daniel Hennig (Barbara Weyland, III '63) announce the birth ofDevinDaniel on Nov. 10. The Hennlgs live In Grand Island, Nebraska, where he (IV '64) is teacher and principal at Christ Evangelical Lutheran School. Reverend and Mrs. Paul Otten (Judy Hoyord, In, '62), residing In Minnesota, announcethe birth of Stephen Paul, on November 3.

Engagements Miss Mary Umnus, teaching In Watertown. SouthDakota, became engaged to Reverend David Sievert of Columbus, Nebraska In August. A June wedding Is planned. November 5 was the day Miss Marlene Lankenau (m '65) of Manitowoc, wtseonstn, became engaged to Robert Hll! (College Ill) of Inkster, Michigan. Zumbrota, Minnesota, an.. nounced Mr. Gary SlUler's engagement of November 5. Miss Janet Grlebllng ('63), music Instructor at DMLC, became engaged to Mr. Paul Selltz, who Is training for the ministry at Mequon Seminary, on November 5. A June wedding Is planned. Miss Debra Fitch rn '65) Of Meza,



a J\Ule

marriage to Mr. James Fellers, also of Meza. They were engaged on October 9.

Spy System They say "phonevlslon" is stiD In the future, but we've had the feeling of being watched for years. How else could checkers know the precise moment we decide to sneak out of a practice period? ......_ ~ ._ , .

Appeal To Bowlers Because we have three basketball teams andonly one gym-' nasium it Is not possible for college basketball players to bowl this year. This situation may be alleviated In future years, but right now It causes an acute shortage of bowlers. Several of the teams have been able' to pick up replacements, but some are stll! In need. If everyone would like a fewhours of recreation on Wednesday afternoons and usually average over 50 pins per game the Ophidia League can use him. SUch people should see Bob HDl, Phil Kuske, or any other member of the' bowling league. The League has spread out. In the last few weeks with thtl Boas taking a comfortable, but

not commanding, five-point lead over the Garters and the Cobras. The battle for top average, b~tween BobHIll andGeneBaer, continues to be tight. At the present time Baer has a three point edge, 170 to '167, but the way the lead' has been changing hands this doesn't mean too much. Terry Yasold Is staying close to the two leaders ai 164He could be a threat, so the . battle might develop Into a three-man race. The standings Team Pts •• W . L Ave. 154 1. Boas 35 14 7 155 2. Garters 30 13 8 3. Cobras 30 12t 8-l 136 4. Faculty 21 121 II! 139 5. Pythons 17 8 13 133 • 121 6. Rattlers 14 6 14

Volleyball Turnout Good . A large turnout of college wo~en gave indications that vol_ leyball was going to enjoy a fine season. The season did-begin well but because of many postponements; it may·be continue qult~ a while. Coach Kaiser, .DMLC athletic. directOr, indicated that the contests may have to be concluded next spring because of Intramural basketball, which )1'111 begin soon. Captaln 'W L Team Nancy Just 20 1 Casstuhs SUePost 22 2 Post's Toasties Kathleen Kehl. 16 5 The splkers Kathy Luetzow 20 7 The Duds Marietta Meyer 14 7 Old Timers Lpu I;>engler 15 9 Pushovers Sharon SchUesser 15 9 Jolly Volleys Kathy Koch 17 10 Klrspy Krltters Korte and Drake .14' 10 Quackers Maey Meyer 2 13 Schwallsplelers Delores Malchle 4 14 Maladrolts LoiS Zimmerman 1 14 Louie's Lions Virginia Busch 7 17. Newels Marlene Fuhrmann 6 18' Intruders Judy Gronholz 3 18 Volleyjets Laurel Schmugge 1 20 Waldhelm Wonders • Teams are Usted according to least. Dumber. of losses. p'er-. ._.centage-<leteruime.. ,ciia~~':'F'; ~ :,."" C'.l~


Rost{;r Name • Roger Sievert • • • • • • • •

Loiile Brands Bob Kuehn Dale Walz' John TJernagel Mark sprengeler Jim Duehlmeler Dave Ebeling Bob Schroer Jack Gronholz Gordon Vetter Terey Bauer .Terey Vasold Dale Finck Gaey Wllle Ertc Lange

Yearlil School P 4 G G F G F F F G C G F F C 1. G 1 F 1 G

4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

• Denotes returning lettermen


~Christll!.~~~.~!,_ ~~~~ Once a year tile DMLC campus·:Flkes on a most decorative l~Studentsspendhourshelpdecorate tile outside, balls, doorways, rooms, and chapel area.. Each c!assreadily contributes. toward tile portrayal of·Christmas on campus. Witil tb1s as a setting tile choirs sing to tile glory of God. The !irst Christmas song service will be held tomorrow evening at 8:00 in tile chapel. The audience on tb1s !irst night usually conststs of people from New Ulm and tile surrounding This Is the requested

- mi:-·to·

crowded conditions on tile rot , lOwing night.. Pre-service music will be provided by tile DMLC concert band. Among tile selections will be the majestic "Overture to tile Messiah" and tile ever., beautiful "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring." The College Chotr, under tile direction of Prot, Mellahn Zahn, will present a variety of songs which are part of our Lutheran tradition. The choir w1l1 present tile "Advent Motet," by Gustav Schreck, Which ts a fine ot tile Christian's

Christ Child. College Chorus, directed by Prof. Waldemar Nolte, will show the simplicity of Chrtstmas and Its story In tile strains of "Angels We Have Heard On High," arranged by F. Wasner. Mr. Ronald Shliling w1l1 direct tile Treble Chorus, consisting of one-hundred-plus female VOices, to a height ofbeauty In "0 Jesus So Sweet" by Bach-Davis. Prof. Eldon Hirsch w1l1conduct botll high school choirs in refrains which truly emphasize tile of Christmas.

Campus Dressed For Christmas

MISSIONARYSCHWEPPE was joined by his son and brother after the slide lecture. Left to right are: Prof. C. Schweppe, MissionaryWm. Schweppe, and D. Schweppe, a college senior.

Dr. Schweppe Lectures Dr. WI1lIam Schweppe, one at the Wisconsin SynOd's missionaries in Zambia, Africa, showed students his sllde lecture, a collection Of "personal pictures taken from time to time," 9urlng an appearance at tbe c:mege on Dec. 7. Dr. Schweppe Il,Sed tile slides to Illustrate his cJ?lDDlents on the work that has bOOn done and that yet remains to be done In Africa. . Dr. Schweppe's station, one of 20 in Zambia, seeks to provide for the physical and spiritual needs ot the people. By going into the villages the missionaries take tIlelr services also to those who are not able to visit the statton. The mlssioo's beadquarters Is located In the modern c1\y Of Lusaka. Tile mission has, in addition, five or six preaching stations in Malawi (formerly Nyasa_ iand)•. Among Dr. Schweppe's co-workers In Malawi are Pastors COl[and Mueller. The work of the mission Is carried on through weekly Instructlcil ·classes and regular Sunday Services at the stations. Services are often conducted by EngUsh.-speaklng lay-preachers, -Who' are trained at the mission's Bible school. Although tile school Is newlyestablished, It Is hoped that It . will help supply the needed pastors. The students of the . tiible school ·are encouraged

to continue their preparation and to become ordained pastors. The dispensary, conducted by Miss Lois stiDdt, provides much_needed medical care for the people. Weekly visits are made to villages In Which services are conducted and medical attention given to those who cannot come to the mission station. Among the problems shared by Dr. Schweppe and his coworkers are the combating of the animistic re1!glon of the people and the work Involved In becoming pro!iclent In the native language. Problems arising from the movement toward nationalism In Africa have not affected tile mission. In speaking of the grealness of the task of bringing tile people to Chrlsl1an11y, Dr. Schweppe stated that It otten requires several years of instruction before the people are ready for baptism and confirmation. But he also spoke ot this task as the "most wonderfUl calling anyone could possibly have, because Immortal souls are being won from an eternity ot doom for the glories of heaven." Dr. Schweppe will return to the mission station, about 40 miles from Lusaka In tile for-. mer colony of Rhodesia, shortly after the fir st Of _, the year.

"God's Advent to Mantt was the theme chosen for the Christmas decorations on the DMLC campus this year. The classes have cooperated in displaying various phases of the Christmas story to beautify the campus. As one enters the campus from Center Street, he will pass beneath an arJ:oway of gold glitter. Spotlights call attention to the word GLORIA and to angels displayed across the top and sides at the archway.PasaIng Hillview, one can see two nine-foot Christmas trees decorated with an array of colored lights. At the side entrance of the Administration Bnilding the word NOEL Is strung In lights within a wreath of greens high above the doorway. Two flvefoot Christmas trees call attention to this entrance, which Is identical to the decorated entrance on the opposite side of the building. On either side of the walk leading to the front entrance were constructed shepherds and wise men with camels. These figures are covered with aluminum fall and illuminated by red spotlights. Posted on the outside wall behind this display are the words f 'While shepherds watched their flocks" and "We have seen His sta,r." In Une with the pointing finger of one of the wise men is a large star of white lights, fastened above the doorway. The lobby has been converted into a manger scene. On the one hand Is an open stall, and opposite Is a Bible, which calls attention to the theme of the dtsplays on Its pages. On the walls above the displays are Scripture passages and silhouettes relating to the bearers of the promise In the Old Testamerit. Stars decorated with Christmas tree ornaments were placed between the silhouettes for a contrasting effect. The school auditorium has been converted into a scene giving the overall effect of a chapel. On the side walls were placed large stained glass windows of cardboard, each exhibiting .a Christmas scene. ;md (COIitinued on Page 3)

These are tile familiar carols passed on from generation to generation. The mass choir, under tile direction of Prot. ~ahn, will ren, der selections from J.s, Bach, and end wltll tile climactic •'Hal~ lelujah Chorus" from Handel's MESSIAH. Its stralns echo in tile hearts of many a listener long after the concert has been concluded. On Friday at 8:00 P.m., tile second Christmas concert will be held. As on tile preceding night, an address will be made on behalf of tile faculty. Speakers for tile two evenings will be DMLHS president, Oscar Siegler, and DMLC president, Carl Schweppe.

Amid a feeling ot excitement, tile final Christmas concert for 1965 will begin. This Is tile night all students have been an, tlclpatlng for weeks. It marks tile close of school, tile beginning of vacation, and tile sight of tamlliar faces. At tills concert parents and friends of tile students will be present, many at tIlem having traveled hundreds of miles for tile concert. The concert will end wltIl tile beautiful "Silent Night" as tile chotrs, singing tile !1nal stanzas, leave tile auditorium. once again tile students of Dr. Marlin Luther College dedicate hearts and voices to tile glory at God witll tIlelr "Christmas

Carols in Season Sunday night, December 12, mas message in song to about 200 girls, bundled up In scarves, eight homes, both on and below mittens, sweaters, coats, and the hill. The hospitals and the other miscellaneous articles of old people's home were also clothing which are known to keep visited. one warm, stepped outside to Among other carols, the brave the onslaughts of tha waa., group sang "Joy to the World," ther-, No, It was not a demon"God Rest You Merry Gentlestratton, The Aeolian armywas men,""O du Froeliche,""The again on the move marching toFirst Noel," and Silent Night." ward Its target, the homes of After the individual groups ~oPle, In ~de>:.,to -'i""oo;-",.ba 'tp> d lsbed4lng1ng...ev"__ quer the hearts ot these peoreassembled on campus, tired, pie wltll the Christmas mesbreathless, but happy. The ensage. tire group then marched over It was once again .time for to tile men's dorm and sang the Aeollans to go carollngthrough their repertoire aga1n. a tradition which was started Then tile girls rued over to tile many years ago. The girls were dining hall _where they were divided into ten groups, withapJoined by the Marluts for the proximately twenty girls comannual Marlut-Aeollan Christprlsing each group, Each group mas Party. visited and spread the Chrlst-


Phlogistons Cook Up Exper-iments On Thursday, December .9, the Phlogiston club held a science "Smorgasbord" which presented to students a number of experiments and a!11mstrip, entitled "More Precious than Gold." The film dealt with science in general, While the experiments performed Included the weighing of· air pressure, color changes in water, a demonstration at leaves, and adem_

onstratlon tric eye.

on building an elec-

The f'Smorgasbord"was~ld to acquaint students with the' purpose and work at the Phlo-. glstons, which Is to give fUture. teachers a background In sci:;: ence which will be usefUl in the classroom, especially in re_ gard to performing classroom experiments.


HAY DUSSE.AU._Pplogiston president, uncorks an evening of fun at the Science Smorgasbord.


Editorial Gifts of Love

Merry Christmas With Love "Wlll you help me wrap up some love, Grandma?" asked the little girl. "That's what I'm going 10 give Mom and Daddy for Christmas." Corny? Sure. But not to a t!ve-year old whose monetary wealth consists of a quarter and a few pennies hidden In a doll purse. SlIU, when Grandma helped the little girl write a note of love on a simple card, the few tears at joy on Grandma J 5 cheek made her realize that this was the most wonderful gilt of a11. Wouldn't It be something to gilt-wrap love for your family • • • gilt-wrap the gratitude you feel toward those wno are so much a part of you••• ? GIving the gift of love Is the most

Perhaps one of the most important projects ever undertaken by the student Council has been that of monthly mission programs. whereas our Lutheran missions are our concern throughout the entire year, WP. wish to make note of them especially in the Christmas season. The mission program at DMLC is a practice of .long standing. Both world and home missions have been emphasized expensive, most precious present onearth, and money Is unnecessary. Anyone with a through displays, lectures, films, 'and, as initiated just heart can bestow It. Yet, few wlll give love, for it Is so much easier to buy last year, the highly successa present and Christmas wrap It with ful Mission Workshop. red or green ribbons. This year's program, beThe gift of love, however, requires gun with the appearance of Mis- constant effort, for it must be ever sionary William Schweppe of renewed. You must give of yourself your thoughts and your sympathy, your Zambia, Africa, promises to smiles and your understanding, your unbe an enlightening experience selfishness and your strivings to do right. In addition to presenting the bright for all. In keeping with Student Council's current practice of store gifts on Christmas morning, try a simple kiss on the cheek of each memdelegating authority to students ber of your family, And with that ktss, outside the governmental body, these words, "I love you, and I'll alMichael Miller, head of the SC ways try to deserve your love." sure, it's corny. But it is the one mission program, has placed true gilt of Christmas as He gave It to the management of this year's the world. program into the hands of senCan you give less to your family? ior Roger Klockziem. .Plans for the year have been outlined, and projects begun. The program will be patterned after last year's "Voice of Salvation," with a few variations. Speakers for each month have been constdered, and the Council is presently .a'\1{aitingword. from several men. A change has been noted In the conducting of this year's program over that of other years. No longer do we find the special "campaign" week in which posters announcing the theme and speaker of the month Candlelight are announced. Now emphasis bas shifted from a once-aand Music month alert to a constant conRecently an opinlon poll was taken on sciousness of 'mission work. students' reactions to the Wednesday night Mission work, the Council feels, candlelight and music dinners. There were is not a one-time thing, but a numerous reactions and comments on thls These are some of the comments continuing attitude of love and tradition. that were ·made:


As the mission program takes shape under its busy organizers, more will be seen of the hall posters like the large, informative one posted prior to' Missionary Schweppe's appearance. Of special interest to many was the information explaining to what use DMLCcontributions would be put in the Zambia mission. In the future we would also like to see a chart of something similar- to the "mission thermometer" posted last year. Finlilly, a word on contributions. Even as we worship God out of love, and not because we are comPelled to do so, so also our miSSionary efforts will spring out of charity and love. Such offerings of the hellrt are the only ones pleasing and acceptable to God. These offerings are not always monetary; indeed, spreading the Gospel takes the form of preaching in foreign lands-, teaching in ChrisUan schools, and or-



Bumpers I know a fella, whose name Is Sam, Poor guy got caught In a traffic jam. I'd Invited him over to play a tune, Unluckily he was caught all afternoon. vrnen ne ma get tnere.fis told me the truth, How he got caught In that traItlc toot. Everyone seemed to be out that day; That's what caused his biggest delay. All of a sudden, everything stopped I Red light, yellow light, green light popped! Engines wlllstled, tires screeched As motorists headed for the beach. A shiny new roadster sped right along, A big Catalina sang a new song. Moments later, the light changed red; All came to a standstill; like solid lead. The lazy just sat there and slept; The high Class felt utterly Inept. :rhe clock on the dash turned seemingly slow, Then trarne, like fishes, again did now. A couple of cheaters jumped the gun, That's when the real trouble was begun! As quick as I could, I left that road; Dear friend, that ends this episode. J. Scheltel . (Please turn to page 4)

Spotlight: The EXCELSIOR

As industrious, ambitious classes deck the halls and decorate the chapel and campus, one might note a few nash bulbs popplug and pens scratching notes amid the fervent actlvlty--the EXCELSIOR staff Is at workl EXCELSIOR activity Is at an allyear high during tIte Christmas season. The numerous parties and fUnctions of other campus organizations must be covered In pictures and In verbal descriptions known as "copy." The lay-out (page design), copy, and photography staffs are busy all year 'round recording and compiling the histor:Y of the. current year on campus •.~~·' result Is a book which the staff hopes· Is an accurate and Interestlng remembrance of the year for the student body. Just how Is this book compiled? The EXCELSIOR has two media with which to work: pictures and copy. The presence of pictures In the book implies the necessity of a photography staff. It may be a surprise to many that there Is more to taking pictures than the click of a shutter and the flash of a bulb. In order for a shot to be acceptable for use In the yearbook, the pictures must be extremely sharp. Such a requirement is very necessary, tor much of the contrast and focus of a picture Is lost In reproduction. To guarantee a good picture in the book, It must be excellent at the start. "It makes Wednesday night worth dress; You can demonstrate this for yourIng up for." self. Take a snapshot-s-anysnapshot. Turn "It's basically good." It around, so that you are looking at the ·"After working all afternoon you don't back side. Now hold it up to the light. feel like dressing up just to go eat when you What you see Is the quality of reprocan't even see what you're eating. Besides duction that the staff may count _on. we have to dress up for enough other things." Sharp, clear pictures still aren't "''Neat.'' enough. Pictures must have Interest, be "I think It should be maintained, that Is "different, I' eye_catching. and tell a story. tt Should be a regular occurence. However, They must show a wide range of activIt could be Improved by having light classiities, human Interest, and must come In cal music In the background." a variety of sizes. How much .Interest "The talking Is too loud to ever hear the would a reader find In a book If each music." picture measured 3" x 3" ? /, "It puts you In a restfuUrame of mind." In short, staff photographers must be "The -candlellght Is so dim that I can't skillful In taking pictures and alert In see my food. And that Music! It puis me to seeing possibilities. sleep, and my head keeps falling into my The other main tool the EXCELSIOR gravy. They should have a little more jazzy has to work with Is copy. Copy writers music." !unction much as newspaper· reporter's. "The music Is sort of weird. I'd like excepi that their style of writing differs. some soft dinner music, so my food could Descriptions of all aspects of campus go down smoothly." life contained In the yearbook must not - "It's sort of romantic and all that junk, only record the facts, but bring out the but you can't see what you're eating." human Interest In each situation. To do "It would be better to have It on a night this, the staff works and reworks a ptece when you're already dressed up, not orr of copy so that the Idea Is put across In Wednesday when you've been wearing old the best possthle way. Bright,llvelywords clothes all afternoon." are used In order 10 bring the situation "I'm speechless." to life each time the book IS read. Copy writers are also responstble for ganizing mission -programs. headlines and captions under pictures. These two are probably the most dimcult This is the blessed work of task a copy writer will undertake, for the Church on earth. . much must be· sald In a very few words. Del~~~sMaichle (Continued on page 3)

. .., >:_'




It's Christmas Day, thecllmaxoflong weeks spent In preparation. After the festivities you crawl Into bed and sink back In a pillow that Is just -oh, SO soft. rhen that warm, tingly, happy feeling comes over you - a feeling which can only be explained as a pleasant mixture of happiness, satisfaction, and a tear of sorrow that the celebration Is all over. But is It allover? Isn't It strange that Christmas Is so long awaited, SO extensively planned, and so eagerly anttctpated by YOUDg and old, and then so soon forgotten? stores put out Christmas displays loug before Thanksgiving, but they are nowhere to be seen on December 26. Trees are often decorated early In the month, and. then taken down within' days alter· December 25.· They arl! dried out, dusty; shedding. Is the evergreen In our homes losing its true Christmas meanIng? Why do we hear and sing cardis for weeks prior to Christmas and then Ignore them a few days later? Why do we wish all a "Merry Christmas" before, but not after, Christmas Day? What Is Christmas? Christmas, In the title of a beautiful children's song, is the "Birthday of Our King." The anniversary of God's Greatest Gift to man Is commemorated on this day each year; Christmas, the manger, becomes of greater s1gnI1Icance when viewed In the lights of Easter, the cross and the crown. . Let us celebrate; let US be glad; and let us rejoice InChrlstmasallthrough the year, not just When the ~ of familiar carols nmt through the crisp December air. Th1s "Joy to the World" -may well be celebrated throngIiout the year. , Let us not leave the last notes of Christmas musle behind us 'Iirbim Christmas nlght comes, but let us carry them. with-us always. May we celebrate Chrlst~ .maseveryday·01 our fh'Hi~'--:_'_""""'--

.,. DMLC QMESSENG The DMLC MESSENGER Is published dUrIng tile months of October, November, December, February, Marcil, May and June. The subscrtption price Is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. SIngle copies are twenty cents. We request payment In advAnce. The MESSENGERIs continued after the tline that the subserip~ tlon has expired, unless we are notlfted to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business commtmicatlons should be addressed to the Business Mmager. Contributions from all alumni, UDdelltraduates, and friends are appreciated. , The itm of the MESSENGERis to offer such matertals as wlII be benefiC\"! as well as interesting to our readers, tokeep - the alumni In a closer contact with the college, and to foster school sptrtt.


Editor • • • • • • • • •• Delores Malchle Features Edltor •••••••• TIsb Murray News Editot •••••••••• Judy Winter Sports Editor •••••••••••• Gene Baer Alumni Editor • • ••••••• Lois Sle~rt Mate_up Edilor •••••• Helen Lochner Buslness Manager • • • • • David Sauer Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz Advertising Manager • • • Mark Boehme Feature and News Wrtters •••••••••• Barbua Sa~r,CarruUWre,M~KnIef, Lois Krause, Colleen Gunderson, Mary ,Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan, Edith

Zickuhr, Jean Korte, JIm Sooneman, Ruth Huebner, Michele Murray, Sharon Schultz, Naomi HIntz


Sports Writers ; •.• 1..equ1a, Henry Meyer Mate-up staff • • ••••• Rita Bremer Clrculation Staff •••••• Joan Dumke, Celeste Sc:hultz, Margaret Sc:hultz,Karen Drake, Josle Aday, Sharon Feare, Norma Denninger, Ellen Koch Photograp,er •••••• Due Schoe_ AssIstant Photograpber ••• Tom Llwert Advisor • • • • •••••• Professor Trapp

SpoUight: the EXCELSIOR·

News From The Classes CollegeIV


(ContlDued from page 2) Whether or not a pace w1ll be "Hall to the dear college read at all depends largely upon As usual around this time of seniors the· headlines and pictures on the year, the Juniors, as well Great Class are we, .the page. One can easlly recogas everyone else, are busily Hall to our color • nize the, great responslbUlty working on their Christmas The old burgundyl ••• " which rests on the shoulders of decorations. This is the last With tbese words the annual year we will be able to do our the copy ~ college senior vs. faculty basThe photographers have De part in makingChristmasatDr. ketball game got otftoaroaring ,usy taklng pictures and the Martin Luther college a truly start. The faithfUl seniors, .opy staU has recorded anddebeautiful one. Therefore, we are complete with "Yea, Senior" sr.rilled' the events aroun' 'lie all hard at work. pennants mounted on conducting ~•ctnres, but we still don't nave "What are you going to ask sticks, backed their team alltbe a book. Now what? for? First or fourth quarter? way to victory. -Tbe rhythmic The jobofetfectivelycomblDRemain in town or go out? Third cheers were conducted in comIng copy and photos belongs to and fourth or seventh and eighth mon time, with no ictus complithe lay -ont stat!. Page design grades?" These are some orthe cations. Is more complicated than one recent questions being asked as The class wishes tbe best of might think. actually employs the time draws near when we luck to Eugene Baer who is certain psychological princlstate our personal preferences substitute teachtng in the sevplesl To illustrate this, open SURROUNDED BY A FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE, for next year's practice teacheoth and eightb grades at Crete, your EXCEI.810R to any page. ing. Time is getting sborter and LLL members enjoyed the annual Christmas party. Winois. Where does your eye fall? we are all doing quite a bit of Senior girls are busy dressChances are that you tlrst , serious tbinking about tbe fact Ing Hillview for the holiday looted at the largest pJcture, tbat soon we will be teachers. season. Among other decorathe one that COl!talDedthe m~ - Geri Steffenhagen tions, windows now merrily actiq! and contraat. or at the dren's play, liThe Christmas wink a Merry Christmas and upper left corner as our eyes The two fun_filled and partyRunawaysv" To test the group+s Happy New Year to all. bave been tralne'd to do IDreadfilled weeks before Cbristmas artistic ability, the Art Club And a Merry Christmas to all Ing.,SIlcceSStw. lay-OUt depends vacation were started oU with Between frantically reading It""" everyone a chance tobean of you, Seniors. EnjOy your last on the staff's abUUyto lead your the Luther Literary League's Herodotus and Iabortously plotart critic. Each person bad to Christmas at the home bearth. eye from one picture to another, Christmas party held in the dintlDg charts of the ralnfall in give a title to vartous abstracts Next year brings the jOy of the through the copy and on to the Ing ball on the night of DecemTimbuctoo, the freshmen have which had been created by memchildren's Christmas Eve sernext page. Ideally, your eye ber 5. App roxtmately one-hunmanaged to prepare for Cbrlst• bers of the group, Who would vice. sbould travel across the pages dred LLL members and facuity mass. The class has decorated have guessed that a red ink 'and stop at tbe lower right band - Tlsh Murray members were insWled with the the entrance to the campus and blot was to represent "Neurocornel' so tbat you, the reader, Cbrlstmas spirit by the gay decbuilding entrances. tic's Christmas" or that ahazy t1nd It only natural to turn the orations wblch were provided by Besides attending Christmas picture of Rudolph would be page and contlDue through the the Arl Club and by the enterparties, memorizing carols tor The pre-hOliday rush has not entitled "One Foggy Christbook in this manner. tainment which was provided by Aeolians, studying for tests, avoided the sophomore class in mas Eve." The Creative Writ_ may be ,well to Dote here the various LLL interest writing phy. sci. term papers, the least. Many of us are woning Group contributed to the that pages are not regarde<t'lDgroups. making geography term projdering where that last dollar Christmas spirit by reading two dlvldnatly, but' In units of two Jeremy Scharlemann, presiects, writing Engllsh compostbill went. The answer is stm , short stories: "When the Wisefacing pages called a "spread." dent of the LLL, acted as mastions, planning dorm parties, pie: fQr another Christmas gift. men Appeared," and "The CuiThe left and right hand sides ter of ceremonies for the eve_ decorating our rooms, making At the time of this writing, tivation of the Christmas " of any 'spread must blend ID an ning. The program was begun everything immaculate for open our decorations are in the stage eye..pleaslDg pattern. Larger Tree." To end the evening's with the presentation of the house, singlDg for Advent Serof construction. The class parunits of pages are also taken entertainment, the debate team Christmas story in song and vices, plus preparlDg "insigniInto constderatipn, expeclally tictpation this year has ~n presented a mockdebate-"Reverse. ficant" everyday asslgnmenls In the case of class pages. above average; bowever, the solved; that there is a Santa for classes, College I has.been Following the presentation of Claus." The negative team, ,,~fltlli"', YM.! ap~ent in I', :decoration wort is far from the'•• rlfm·.;~iiet''''t.,. W«tw=n'· !!!!JY~Jet!d._" ' __."..~_ relatively inactive. . .~',. ",...J!l~C;:IlQl;,~ Story.the.Drama.__ cons'....ns of CbaeyJ MW..r aDd ,_ Is not sb otmous as to over _. , WIlh the· many parties of all Merry Chr1st~from !be ' Club entertained the group by Lois Luetke, gave the a.ff1rmasbadoW the material or to be_ sorts, the basketball games, and Freshmenl relatlDg unique ways in wblch tive team, Fugene Caruss and come tedious to the reader. various other activities one - Michele Murray the people of ireland, England, Karen Seefeldt, some tough The pages are designed, the wonders when he will bave SWeden, and Czechoslovatta competition; but, since Santa's copy wr1tteD, and the pictures enougb moments free to do our celebrate Cbristmas. To add to sleigh bells could be beard by tsten. Now what? all-Important studying. the festivities of the evening, the ,entire group, everyone had The 'COllege n men who are Tbe completed "BluepriDts·' the CbUdren's Theatre Group to agree that there actually is on the Lancer team are the tor the EXCELSIOR are given dramatized the one-act, cbllc a Santa Claus. favorites of the class. They are the· final touches by the editor all doing a fIDe job of playing and advtsor Wbo check every_ The Mariuts will make their the game. thing from spelling and gramfirst publlc appearance on our Happiness Is:that English pa19nate 1st, 2nd or 3rd paris mar to the number of pictures The DMLC Concert Band is campus early Friday morning per done, an extra dOllar in for each instrument. Also, cerenclosed. Iseverything IDcluded now in full swing under the di_ when they will carry on traditbe letter from bome, no cleanta~n people have been asked to and ""atly presented? rection of Mr. Roy Zimmerman. tion by spreading the great joy Ing duties betar vacation, wlD_ tune their IDdlvldual sections Tile fIDalpage plans or "dumIts tlrst formal appearance will of Cbrlstmas in song at the nlng an all-nlgbt card game, before the start of each re. mles" are malled to the pub_ be made at the Christmas con_ various dorms and campus pro_ and the idea of vacation. bearsal. lisher for printing. Tbe only certs, for wblch the band will fessorages. Already at 5:00 May we all have a Joyous A welcome feature of band statf function yet to be fnla.m. these ambitious, wide_ provide twenty minutes of preChristmas and a Blessed New work this year is the estabfilled Isthe distribution ofbooks awake fellows will bundle up service mustc. Yearl llsbedrebearsal hour, 3:45-4:35 and payment of. bills. Tb1s is to brave the cold and start their At the close oftbe fall marchJ. Hogan on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday done by the business manager. singing tour around campus. Ing season the band turned lis From the opening of the reg_ and Friday of each week. The Their last stop will be the attention from field marches and I Christmas In istration !IDes in the fall to advantage of this period over dining hall wbere they willbave music lyres to bandstands and , Tbe Olden TIme last year's "noon bour getthe -last note of the grad.. a chance to warm-up and ftUconcert music. Welcome addiHeap on more woodl _ together" is tbat the band now ua~ recessiooal, the EXUP aIter their campus tour. tions were -the sturdy blaCk the wind Is ch1U' has ample time to tune, warm CELSIOR statf Is 00 tbe' job, stands purchased by the Ladies' But let it whistle as it w1ll, reportlDg· and recording the hisAwilliary, and also the instru- ' up, and get in worthwhile prac-I have always thought of We'll keep our Christmas tice in addition to the setting tory of a year at DMLC. mentallsts who jOined for the Christmas as a good time; a merry still. up of music and tbe assembllng concert season atter marching kind, forgiving, generous, DECORATIONS of IDstruments. - Sir Walter Scott ceased. Ranks swelled to the (ContIDued from Page 1y pleasant time; a time when With co-operation from evpresent number of 90 particimen and women seem to open set ott by a rose window. Nen eryone, Mr. Zimmerman' bopes pants. their hearts freely,andsolsay, to these two large windows are that perbapS two guest conInformal auditions were held God bless Christmasl loog windows set ott by arcbes cerls can be given at Manby the director so that be couid - Chartes Dickens on e1tber side. The backgrouDd kato. He would also lite to determine the general Ptay!ng wall was done IDasbadlngwh1cb see a small ensemble concert abillty of each member of the creates the effect of a stone on ,an open date for the stuband. ThIs enabled him to deswall. Proclaiming ''God's Advent dents of DMLC. At the stage area, a gigantic to Man," the ninety-five voice arch bangs suspended from the College CboIr, under the dlrecThe mustcalplay, "She Loves, ceUIDg. HIgh above the, stage tion of Prot. - Mellabn Zabn, Me" wUl be presented by the two Christmas trees stand OIl presented a thIrty-minute saDrama Club of the Luther LitThe Drama Club's presentathe first of many one-acts wh1ch platforms projecting from the cred concert on KEYC-TV, tion of the Intruder. an 18th the Drama Club hopes to preerary Leagoe on March 11 and century French drama" created sent during the coming years. wall. AltlDs the 'edge of the Mantatn. The program was con1Z. This production w1ll be unstage were p~ candles COIldueled at 10:30 p.m. on Dec. varied reactions among the 280 The purpose of these presender the direction of Cbarles strncted of cardboard. 13. Luedtke, a member of the mu_ students who attended the pertations Is twofold: They are Once again the viewer Is reProt. Delmar Brict served as formance. Some were intrigued to acquaint both the Drama sic staff. mlDded of "God's Advent to narrator for the evening. with the sUblle, thought provokClub members and the entire "She Loves Me" re!!ects tbe Ing endIngwbUe others made the student body with the many Man" as he notes the theme on This Is the third consecutive character ofthepeopleinaHun~ comment that they just didn't and varted types of drama that the giant scroll across the organ year that the College Cbotr has garian locale around the late understand the play at all. exist today and they are also pipes. A tInal survey of this been asked to present a portion 20's. Tbls one-act was under the to provide those interested in Christmas chapel iDd1cates to pt lis Christmas concerl selecTryouts for this musical are direction of Lois Sievert, a colacting with the needed experlthe observer that the Christmas tIons on tetevislon. Spoosorlng now under way and Cle cast~ lege junior. ence and precision that a major ,: spirit bas capturpd,the bearts ' '~' 'rV 'prograll! Is Rolger'" 'be announced before Christmas . ~I<~.thesl1IdeIIts ~ DMLc~' ,.' ,' :8boe Store of New Ulm. vacation. This ,one-act preseniatlDn Is , , ~~ PrQduction


LLL Party





Sing Along With Bob

Band: Season Preview

Christmas On The Air

LLL News

The Intruder


.Time .Out ·;;;.abtly .. bat

. Just does It take have a successful team iii aOOetles1Contraq to popular bel1ef, it takes more than the oatutal ab1llty thilt an 1nd1vidualll8.Sbeen given. There are both physiCal and. menW factors which play Important roles Inthis fleldo DMLC can be proud that it was represented by a soccer team thl~' year ••that displayed all of the qualities of a successful team. PhysiCally, the team.was endowed with an abundance of players, a coach that realized his Christian responslb1llty on and ott the playing fleld, and the desire of the players to keep their bodies physically conditioned for the, game. Mentally, the plaY';rs displayed a tremendous spirit tc! win. Although they went through an undefeated season these men also showed that they would have had the fortitude to accept losses. (All losses do not take place . on the scoreboard). Injuries, breaks of the game, and lack of size were all overcome by this team. Personal sacrifice was shown by all the players. Willingness to work long hours and being able to accept the fact that not all can participate as much as they would like was an accepted fact with this team. We can all be proud of Itl This year DMLC Is off to a great start on the baslcetball court. A good group of players reported. Once again the school Is represented by a coach who realizes the need for strong leadership. The season Is young, but It should be safe to say that these men w1ll have the desire to keep In top physical condition. Men" tilly there exists a tremendous spirit to win. Again we know that the boys w1ll be able. should it become necessary, to accept defeat honorably. . :,' Proper atUtuile and respect is a necessity. From the number Joe man on down to number sixteen the players should work bandIn-hand with the coach and each other for the benefit of all. Hard work and the abUlty to accept personal losses is part of the game. These aspects much and most assuredly will be accepted. . - Joe Lequi3.

Intramurals Intra murals are off to another rollicking season. Coach Dallman appointed tIve of his students to conduct the intramurals this year. Their work will be graded as part of the course Phy. sc., Health, and Safety (PEH&S). As a departure from other years, the basketball Intramurals are' set up In a double elimination tournament because of the number of teams and a time limitation. .The_first ga!!les_were_played. SUnday, Dec. 5. In high school competition the Rejects (R. Beckmann, capt.) beat the Apaches (Manuel Cruz, capt.), 60-19: the Lambs (Jerry

Thompson, capt.) were whipped by the Pink Panthers (Fred Suter and Dave Guth, coccaptalns), 46-22. The Pink Panthers move out to face the Pollacks (Tom Trapp, capt.) next week. In the college division the USMC's (AI Jeffers, capt.) got by the Flashes (Myron Fluegge, capt.), 44.34; the IstAbnormals (John Boeck, capt.) easily beat the Luther Mets (Eugene Schmidt, capt.), 80·11. Next ,week the SWlshers (Joe Le.--<:_".Ra,. e:l~t.) square off against. the GOl's (Bob Koepke; capt.) and the Seniors (George DeNoyer, capt.) meet the Spas "5" (Dave Loshe, capt.).

"Bumpers "

Explained This poem is a satire on the crowded halls of the AdminIstration Bulldlng; It Isn't hard to figure out if you've ever been in a situation similar to that met by Sam. Sometimes Sam finds a corner and waits until the Htraf_ fic jam" Is cleared up. Such was the situation on this day when Sam got fed up with the whole mess. When Sam got to class, he toid me "how he got caught In that traffic toot." ., All of a sudden, everything stopped I" refers to the previous class period when the clock-watchers, who are half. way out of their chairs, anxiously await the "red light, yellow Ught, green light" of the bell. The whistling engines and screeching tires aptly des crlbes the quick take-off from the classroom desk to the hallways where "motorists headed for the beach," or students headed for another class, compete for room to navigate. Those not caring who they shove out of their way are typified by the "shiny new roadster" and the "bIg Catalina." Five minutes of this mass eonruston Is brought to a halt by the "red light" bell, and "All came to a stand still, like solid lead. J, The professor now demands the attention of the students. liThe clock on the dash turned seemingly slow" refers to the. claass period itself. FI_ nally the bell rings and Htrafflc, like fIshes, JJ pours from the classrooms. The cheaters that jump the gun and cause "real trouble," are students who don't h~d thp ~"!Jldent Council signs and use L.e wrong statrs and exits. Please g; ve Sam a break; he's getting slck.of corners.

"Thunderation! We're the Luther delegation!"

DALE WALZ, of the Lancers, "rack up two more points!"

bounds in to

practice and conditioning on the

halftime-lead. The final score read 102-61. P1llsbury On November 30 the Lancers traveled to OWatonna,for a battie with Piilsbury Baptist College. This was the second game In the newly_organized MInnesota River Conference. The Lancers made It 2-0 by a score of 91-80. Once again Walz, Schroer and Gronholz lell the scoring with 22, 22, and 20. oolnls respectively. North Central Bible Tb1s contest WlIS the !lrst conference game played on the DMLC flom:: this year. AgaIn a hustling defense and a goo.go type offense sparked the Lancers to a 98-71 victory over Noitb Central Bible Coqege. This. nctory pot DMLC In ex- cellent shape In the newlyformed c!OI1ference. With three

~~rt,,~r~e ~l~~m:..~: Lancers pulled away to a 44~25

games lett, the Lancers stand at the top with a 3-0 record.

St. Paul Bible College On November 22 the Lancers started their drive for the MInnesota River College Conference Championship. Their nrst game was at st. Paul, MInne_ sota, against st. Paul Bi~ ble College. DMLC came out on top In this one, '12-70 In oVertime. The score was tied 60-60 at the end of regulation play. In the overtime Dale Walz, who led the Lancers with 22 points, poured In six crucial polnls. Bob Schroer came through with 20 points to ald the winning' cause. Alumni Led by such past stars as •'Nerp" Schneider, Jerry GronhOlZ, and Ron Hauer, the alum_ ni made a battle oUtln the open_ Ing stages of the game. Lack of


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=:ln~~ci~~:.r Shop





I ... maler

H. Lan~ Barber Shop

Polta Drug Store'


~:.. oil!a N=~V~!Ba~:::'k~:.trlst ::.!:iaMct,;:::S!:~er Clothiers :::~:o:n~S:r.:dwar. m. on n . Meyer Studla RIte-Way CI_.-. -".


:mann, Optometrist

Montgomery Ward

Scheible Plumbing & Heatfng

" Dr. MJIton Kaiser

Vog4tl=~GlftsGoocl.- ·.:..:;...

c-trumon ~ 'weneiHIG Cafe ancIBakery Wolin-




SnowlWhere Is that snow) The students of Dr. Martin Luther College and High SChoolfound that warm weather can spoll manyplans. This year's snow cirnlval, "Hlgh11ghtsof '65" bad to be cancelled for the planned dates of February 9th13th becaust of the lack of the esseDtlalelement- snow. Now In the planningare the snowcarnival activities for the newdates, February 24th-28th. If the weather permits, these activities w1l1f1ll out the week. "Batter up." Is a strange - expresslu1l to be heard In the




with the two

such numbers



Night," the Bach Cantata, "Christ Lay In Death's Dark

dent Prince," "America the GloriOUS,"and "Valse Blu-

Prison," number,


and the three choir Sing a New


to Professor

New Ulm, Mlnnelota





and was pastor In Kawkawlin and Detroit, Michigan. Professor Frey became president of

MLSIn 1950. He holds a master's degree in history.

and others.

4' Allelulla,

Song," at Jordan, Minn.In the morning and at St. James congregation In St. Paul In the af_

and "sing along" entertalnment

In the dlnllll<hall.

Frey Called a call


Johnson" will honor our midst and permit the "able" sophomore college surgeons once again to have a look at his gall bladder, As a special treat, a faculty octet, directed by Prof. Zahn,

wID take part In Skit Night festivities. This innovationof a skitnight wID carry with It a pointsystem according to wh1cheach class wIDhe judged.Thepoints received by each class wlll be added, on three-to-one ratio, to the total points obtainedby each on their snowsculptures. No carnival wouldbe complete without rigorous outdoor activities. Boththe collegeand the high school wlll have tobogganand Ice skating parties. The parties havebeenseparated this year to fac1l1tatethe Indillcualstudentbodies.Theevening wlll be cl1maxedwithfood

FEBRUARY19, 1966

Frey, president of Michigan February 20, 1966,3:00P.M. Lutheran SeminaryIn saginaw, will mark the beginningor the Michigan,to serve as the next second annual Band-Aeoltanspresident of DMLC. Marluts Concert to be held In Professor Frey hasoftenrenthe DMLCauditorium.Orlglndered valuable service to and ally the band had Its ownconheld Important offices within cert, but a change In tradition our Synod. He has served as was madelast year. chairman of Synod's Admlnlstrauva CommitteeonEducation This year one w1llhear pop- (ACE) and was sent to Hong ~d.. , !es"-sUe1l-"".w'Exo-·,p--·Kong-· a'j'ea,.-ago In connection us, ' to be sung by the Mar- with the establishment of the luts, "Hello, Dolly," by the seminary there. Aeollans, ''Dear Heart," SWlg Professor Frey was gradujointly by the Marluts and the ated from DMLHSIn 1931.He Aeoltans, and Seventy _ Six attended Northwestern College Trombones" In which the two and WisconsinLutheran Semchoral groups are joinedby the Inary, He served as tutor at band. Alternating

members wUl have run CheatIng on the Induction of the Draft. True to the state of Minnesota, the high school freshman wID b ring the Twins team out of hibernation and permit them to Win the Pennant. The <illemmas faced by famous people when Lights out-N.Y. occurs, wID give the high school sophomores a chance to really leave the audience In the dark. For the Democrats and all the interested Republicans, "Pres.

On January 28 the Dr. Martin Luther CollegeBoardIssued



uSt1l~ Was


"Oh, Lord, Thou Art My God King,



In less than one month, the DMLCChoir will begin Its 1966 tour schedule byrenderingpretour concerts In the morning services at North Mankatoon March 13. Several other pretour appearancesbavealso been scheduled. On March 20, the choir wlll sing at three di!ferent churches; Hastings, "''''ii:~~':th~e afte""'rn- "o~~ -" ,.. '. and at MlnneapoltsPilgrim In the evening. On March 27, the choir willsingtheir sacredrepertolr which Includes suchnumbers as Luther's Evenlng Prayer arranged by MartinAIthe


The year 1965 was truly a that was" and will be depicted as such throughNews Hlghl1ghts,given by the college seniors; Faculty HlghUghts, represented by the sentors In high school and 1965 In SOng, sung by the college juniors. Looking at the more riotous side ot the "year that was," the high school jWliors experience the reenactment of the Race Riots In the south whlle the freshman college "year


Choir to Tour Again


Because we

equIpment Is d1ff1cultto get, Improvtstonal snowshoes wID be made. Competitionbetweentheclasses w1llbe keen during these five days of activity. This will be shownnot only on the athletic !leld, and In the labors o! those makingtheclass scuiptures, but also In the skits


Vol. LVI


middle of winter yet, on the first day, Interclass softball competition will be held on the athletic field. As strange as winter baseball may seem, so Is the equIpment_ snowshoes.

which wUl be held that night. In accordance with the theme, "Highlightsof '65," each class wlll present between a 5-10 minuteoriginalpresentationrelated to their theme,

Students to Teach

March' 30 marks the beginOn January 26, twenty college seniors took leave of campus ning of the regular tour schedUfe In favor of another - the Ufeof the practice teacher. Twelve uled which finds the chol!, of these students are dOingtheir practice teachingIn Watertown praising GodIn songat eighteen area classrooms; eight are teaching downtownat st. Paul's. In different churches durtng the addition to these twenty students, who will spend a total of nine eleven~dayEaster recess. The weeks on the other side of the desk, six jWllorwomenare also tour schedule Is as follows; student teaching during this period. These womenpractice teach March 30 - Stillwater, MInD. In grades three and four at st. Paul's Wlderthe tutelege of Miss . Meyer. March31 - Medford,Wis. Aprll 1 - Rhinelander, Wis. Apr1l2- WisconsinRapids,Wis. Those teaching In New Ulm are Carol Frlebus, Lila NeussAprtl 3 - Morning- Weyauwe- meier, Margaret Schroedeq Barbara Seager - Grades1-2;Eugene ga, Wis. Baer and Suzanne FOWld- Grade 3-4; and Fred ConeandRobert Apr1l3 - 3;00p.rn. - Montello, Wolff- Grade. 7-8. Wis. The followingIs a Ust of thoseieachlngthis quarter: April 3 - 8;00p.m. - Fox Valley Lutheran-Applelon,Wis. Three Year: Cella Geiger, Ann Prange, Lois otto, Ruth Meier, Cheryl Swanke,Lois Luetke,Mary Laatsch, andJoseph1ne April 4 - Peshtigo, Wis. Aday. April 5 - Manitowoc,Wis. Apr1l6 - Crete, m. Fourth Year: - Apr1l7 - Kenosha,Wis. Apr1l 8 - 1;00 p.m. - WlnneCongregation Location t!.il!!§. Grade . bag9'!1\1thel'aD ,. F?ndduLac, James Klug st. Stephen's B'iiiVe'r1iam Wis. St. Matthew's Oconomowoc Apr1l8 - 8;00p.m. - sturgeon David Schweppe 6-8 Hustisford John,Staab Bethany 7-8 Bay, Wis. , Fort AtklnSCll Allen Wrobel 6-7 St. Paul's Apr1l9 _ Jerusalem - MllwauHustisford Bethany 4 Susan Blunk kee, Wis. Watertown 4 St. Mark's Apr1l 10 _ Morning - Christ Karen Drake Lutheran- M1Iwaukee Jean Korte 1-8 Zwn KrlpplelnChrist! -Iron Ridge Apr1l 10 - 3;00 p.m. - Lake1 st. Paul's Fort Atkinson side Lutheran - Lake M1lls, EUeen Poole Judith Schleef 5-6 Eastside Madlson Carolyn ScJunldt ;'-. ' . .. WIS,_ di st. Paul's Lake M1ll. 5-6 ,,::. Apr1l 10 - 8;00 p.m. - Ma st. John's Juneau Carol Unke 5-6 ~.: ;.~ son, Wis. St. Peter's Helenville Susan Westendorf 4-6 Apr1l 11 - St. JalI!es, MInD.


Members of the 1965-66 debate team are, left to right, EugeneCaruss, Edie Draheim, Lots Luetke, Cheryl Miller and Karen Seefeldt.

Debaters Victorious January 15thmarkedthedate for the first victories by the ploneerill,l:DMLCdebate team. The team-secured three victories and one tie out ofeightdebates at the MinnesotaValley NoviceDebateTournamentheld at Mankatostate College.Inthe first roundtheaffirmativeteam composedof Edle Drabelmand EugeneCaruss defeatedDordt College

of SioUXCenter



In the second roundthis same affirmative team lost to Bethel Collegeof St. Paul, Minnesota. Karen Seefeldt substituted for Eugene In the third roundand together with Edie defeated Bethany College of Mankato. Karen and Edle tied with Mankato State College1ri the fourth rOWld.Our negativeteam conSisting of Cheryl MUler and Lois Luetke debatedNorth Dakota State University, Iowa State University, st. John's University (Collegeville, Minnesota) and the Untverslty of Minnesota. They defeated the University ot MinnesotaIn the fourth round. The MinnesotaValleyNovice Debate Tournament was attended by thirty debate teams

This tou rnament,

even as the

earlier TCDL tournament, again convincedthe DMLCdebaters of the manyadvantages of debate activity. Throughdebate. one learns

poise, confi-

dence, and the application'of logic, not to mentionthewealth of Information gained In researching the topic.Theteam's only regret Is that they hadhad onlysix members.Lookingforward 10 a muchbigger team In the future the present debaters hope that manywillgiveserious thoughtto joiningthemnextfall for the second year of Interscholastic debate activity.


::::., Me'" :,~ ~~


:::: DCll'tmiss It!TheLuther :::: ::::Literary League's major :::: ::::production, the Broadway:~:: hit mustcal, "She Loves:::: ::::Me," will be presented:::: ::::March 11 and 12 at 7:30:::: representing seventeen col:!:!p.m.and March 13 at 3:30:::: leges and seven universities ~::; p.m. Reserved seats are :~:: from four states. Thls tournament Is consideredby some to ::::$1.25 and $1.00, while:::: be the climax of novicedebat- ::::bleacher space tan be had:::: Ing. Bethany College, for ex- ::::for $.75. Those wishingto ::~: ::::write for tickets should:::: ample, ends its debate season :;::direct requests to: :::: with this contest. Luther's .:::: "She Loves Me" :::: plans for acU.vityafter the 14th Dr. Martin Luther College:~:: week discussed at the Fel>- ~;.:NewUIm,Minnesota :::: ruary 9th meeting. :::;:.:~:;:;:::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::::::::=:::::::!:!




Editorial They say that sooner or later every editorial gets around to harping on Schoolspirit. First of all, the writer might present a definitionof school spirit. He might call it "an undefinable feeling" or "the basic attitude of a student body." Or he might resort to the informalapproach, saying that school spirit is the excitement at agame,cheerfulness in the hall, theneighborliness in the dorm. Next, the writer wouldanalyze the spirit in his school. He might deplore a lack of spirit, prod a moderate spirit, or, rarely, praise a good one. He would give examples to Illustrate his points, perhaps quoting such reliable sources as coach, cheerleaders, etc. Finally, our friendwouldlook to the future, inevitablyurging students on to greater participation in school activities. Now,what if this person were writing about DMLC?Wouldhe consider the spirit here as an expression ofpride? Whatwould he use as basis for this viewpoint? . Perhaps the writer would consider attendance at games and the cheers' of the crowd. He couldtake another angleand consider the cooperation on campus-wideefforts andactivities. He might speak of the enthusiasm for the "renovation" of our StudentUnionand the combined labors of all classes. Why, he might build his whole editorial around just this one point, showinghowthe students swept and scrubbed andhammered andpainted, and finally were immenselypleased with what they had accomplished. Another view would be the mentionof spectator participation at the Bethany and Rochester games. Surely, a writer could greatly expand on the school spirit that was so much in evidence on those occasions. Finally, the writer mighturge the student body to throw its all into Snow Carnival week with its varied activities. The only problem in ali of this is that authorities claim editorials for college papers should avoidthat greatly overworked topic, "school spirit." Too bad - our friend would have had a great case in favor of the students of DMLC! - Delores Maichle

Atter 48 years of church service, the Rev. Dr. Paul W. spauda, pastor of Trinity Ev. Luth. Church, Norton Township, Rollingstone, Minnesota, retired from the active ministry, In 1965. Pastor spaude spent three years teaching In a Christian day school of the Church before entering the holy ministry In which he labored successfully for forty-five years. He was ordained Into the minIstry on June 16, 1920, by the Rev. Theo. Engel, his predecessor. The other congregations he served were at Lake BentonVerdi, Minnesota, Newport, Minnesota, Fairfax-Essig, Minnesota, and the final place, Trinity Ev, Lutl!. Church, Rollingstone, Minnesota. Because of declining health, he tendered his resignation as pastor of the Church In the annual meetIng of Trinity congregation last January (1965). "Forty-eight years Is a long time - almost a half century," stated a member at the church meeting. In his retirement, the pastor is engaged in research work and writing, In translating sermons Into German for the KNUJ radio station, New Ulm, with some preaching as a interim pastor In congregations having vacancies. He has already written four books and numerous

essays. H delivered his farewell sermon at Trinity Church, on Sun- . day, July 25, 1965. The Rev. Prot. Luther O. spaude (a son), WIS. Luth. High School, MU-

waukee, served as guest liturgist and as.risted In the adminIstration of Holy Communion during the tlnal service, and Miss Marie C. spaude (a daughter), was the guest organist. Pastor spaude and his eight children (four sons and four daughters) are alumni of Dr. Martin Luther College. The pastor was graduated in 1915. Pastor and Mrs. spaude with Marie arrived In New Ulm on July 28, 1965. His address Is 719 North Jefferson 51. Miss Marie C. Spaude, Tawas City, Michigan, spent her Christmas vacation at her parental home, 719NorthJefferson Street, New Ulm, Minnesota. Her parents are the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. spaude, She arrived on December 26,1965, and returned on January I, 1966. At the present time, she Is teaching In the Christian day school of Emanuel Ev. Luth. Church, Tawas City, Michigan.

Alumni News A son, Mark Allen, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klockzlem, Jr. (Vlrgene Klecker, '58), On October 27. . Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marowsky ('56) of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, announce the birth of Gerald Robert on January 19. Mrs. Marowsky Is the former Helen Roehler.


DMLC is ...

Spaude Retires

Holly Jean was a welcome addition to the Rudy Jeserltz ('63) family upon her arrival December 19. Mrs. Jeserltz, nee Knas, was. a three-year graduate of '64~ , , .

• ••

• .• ••• •••

an old Music Hall with organs piping sacred tunes into the sky; friendly students who smile with recognition as you pass by; a strictly scheduled day with Its inescapable bells; a new Music Center, tonal vibrations absorbed in sound-proofedcells; mealtime synonymous with noise, waiting In line, crowded chairs; minor troubles disregarded by a glimpse of doughnuts or eclairs; canteen and book bills precede t1Ithy lucre's adieu; an unfamUiar face and everyone asks each other, who?

impressive monuments of snow are forgotten by spring; suspense and hope _tilled waiting for what call night bring; • •• living together, learning together - a little family on a hill, In one purpose united - to follow His will. - a graduate of ' 65 -,


Spotlight: Beginner's Band The Beginner's Band, otherwise known as B Band, Is an organlzation open to both college and high school students. The purpose of this organization Is to acquaint students with Instruments so they can play well enough to get Into the concert band. The B Band is an extracurricular activity which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the regular band period. This year the B Band Is comprised of 14 members under the direction of Professor Hirsch. It includes three clarinets, two flutes, two trombones, two trumpets, four drums, and one saxaphone. The students are taught to sustain tones so that they can play simple metodies as a group. Lately they have begun to play -short harmonizing pieces such as marches. Although the group got a late start this year because of a lack of Instruments, Professor Hirsch lbe" Beginner's Band is progressing satisfactorily.


DMLC Life Discussed The Speaker's Corps, a volunteer organization of students whose purpose Is to acquaint people of our synod with the purpose of and the everyday life at DMLC, has been quite act! ve In the last few weeks. On February 6, Dave Jacobs and JudY Winter accompanied Professor Brick, the recruitment director, to Zumbrota, Minnesota, ,where they spoke to 35 young people about teaching In general, teaching In a Lutheran School, and life at DMLC. On February 11, this same group plus Roger Sievert and Jeanl Mueller journeyed to Omaha, Nebraska. At 5:30 that evening the New Ulm delegation and a number of teen-agers from several Omaha-area congregations were supper guests of the young people's SOciety at Good Shepherd Congregation. Fcllowtng the supper; the DMLC delegation had an opportunity to talk to these students about our school. To start the presentation, the four seniors gave the young people a glimpse of a typical day at Luther via a humorous skit. This day naturally began at the early hour of 6:00 a.m, and lasted until the wee morning hour of 1:00. After the humorous escapade, the presentation turned to a more serious vein. At this time the students discussed the function and life of Dr. Martin Luther College In detail. Following this discussion, Prof. Brick showed his Illustrated slide lecture of the campus and Its many activities. At 8:00 this same evening, the ahove agenda was again presented. This time tile audience was composed of the members of the Ladles' Aid Society of Good Shepherd and their guests. What the war on poverty has proved so far Is that you can get from poverty to luxury by appointment;

,...----~'P~ag-.~2-----... SPIELVONTISH~c



Sleep, sweet sleep. Where Is sweet sleep? Some men have solved sleepless nights with a small pill - Gulp! Presto! No more Insomnia. That remarkable little thing called the sleepy pill cures Insomnta.but wbatts there to. rid a student of his sleepless nights? Nothing. No, not even a.Sleeplng pill w1ll solve the problem. . . Sleel', .. says SCience, Is necessary to recharge man's battery so be can run full steam ahead again the next day. But there are two kinds 'of sleep - nighttime sleep and daytime sleep. Nighttime sleep Is the recharging variety; sleeping during the day Is something like using jumper cables - It just gets the motor started again. Most colleglates are masters of daylight sleeping. When the battery wears down, the motor Is sparked WIth a catnap, hardly satiSfYing, but It will do Ina pinch. Inducers of daylight sleep: pages orbturr; Ing print to read, a test In the morning, a paper to write, a meeting to attend, last week's unlroned wash. The best and surest Inducer of daylight sleep Is a professor's droning voice. This fact may be easily proven by counting the number of bobbing. nodding heads In any given classroom. Nighttime sleep Is what students need, but never get. They're caught up In a vicious circle Which requires catnaps all day. The time spent napping Is lost and must be made up by burning the midnight oil. "I'Is a mad, mad cycle. I Am Not Bound To Win I am not bound to win, But I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, But I am bound to live up to what light I have. . I must stand with anybody that stands right, Stand with him whlle he Is right, And part with him when he goes wrong. _ Abraham Lincoln ..- ._;_ ;....~~---___:..--~-..


-.....,--. -_.__._

... DMLC QMESSENG The DMLC MESSENGER Is publll;hed during the months of October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price Is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request pay_ ment In advance. The MESSENGER Is continued after the time that the subscrlptlon has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. All business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, 'and friends are appreciated, The aim of the MESSENGER Is to otter such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni In a closer contact with the college, and to foster school spirit. Editor • • • • • • • • •• Delores Malchle Features Editor •••••••• Tish Murray News Editor •••••••••• Judy Winter Sports Editor Gene Baer Alumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Sievert Make-up Editor •••••• Helen Lochner Business Manager ••••• David Sauer Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz Advertising Manager ••• Mark Boehme Feature and News Writers •••••••••• Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn Knief, Lois Krause, Colleen GundersGn, Mary sentsuter, Jennifer Hogan, Edlth_ Zlckuhr, Jean Korte; Jim Sonneman, Ruth Huebner, Michele Murray, Sharou Schultz, Naomi Hintz Sports Writers .' : • Joe Lequta, Henry Meyer Make_up Staff ••••••• Rita Bremer Circulation Slaff •• ' •••• Joan Dumke, Celeste Schultz, Margaret Schultz, Kar_ en Drake, Josle Aday, Sharon Feare, Norma Denninger, Ellen Koch Photographer • • •••• Assistant Photograpller .Advlsor , •••••••••

Dave Schoeneck ••• Tom Lippert Professor Trapp


News From The Classes College IV Sine. semester break, College IV has been whirling with acUvlty. A third quarter of the clas has lett campus for their praCtice-teaching in Wisconsin and at st. Paul's In New ~ secUon one has become secUon tWo,"..nd'section tWois nowsection one. SNAFU(situaUonnormal - all fouled up)1 Each Wednesday night finds two of our classmates entertaining faculty !am1l1esfor dinner. The experience has proved heart-warming for hosts and hostesses, and all students concerned rate the. project a success. Graduation arrangements are nearDlng completion. Original worrl_c:: hgVQ hP.P.n written by classmates for the class hymn, and graduation announcements have been designed andordered. Most excltlng of all - Call Night nears and the tension mounts! seniors threw their all Into redecorating the Student Union. Dirty yellow hair, aching muscles, blisters, and frozen feet are all Indications of the hard work put Into the project. Snow Carnival 19661 The hlghlights of 1965 wUl come to ute on the DMLC stage under capable senior management. Truer stories w1ll never- be told than those In "1965 _ That Was The Year That Was. " The Cold facts will also take form In snow sculptures. - Tlsh Murray

College II

On January 22, a huge sigh .:,,"~L!l!?£olleJ!,,~<!U,' ; . ClaaS'·~ tInal Claro« mid-; year semester exams ~as brought to a close. Still ahead 'of .each student was the addressing of the envelopes which carried semester reports to parents. This could prove more painful than the examination. Congratulations are In order to our College 11 men on the Lancer team. The games against both Bethany and Rochester were thr1llersl Amid the dust andtailing paint

Colleg~III ·Now that we're all back In the swing of our second semester classes and have finally found our barmony and school music classes, the Junior class Is setUIng down to a comfortable tbree months Inthe PMLC llbrary. Rumors are out that some members of our class have packed up plllows and toothbrushes and moved In, leaving only long enough to eat and attend classes. For some reason, ROom 119 seems to be especlally busy late on Friday afternoons with Juniors buslly putting In their six hours for the week. Like the rest of the college classes; the Juniors have been putting In their share of t1me shovelling out and remodelling the Student Union. We all want to try to make our Student Union something to be proud of. Helen Lochner returned to our campus after having taken a three-week emergency call. Ruth Heikes, Jean Hlnnenthal, Mary Manske, MarleneNlnmer, and Nancy SChuessler have also taken emergency calls this semester. We all wish them the very best of luck and want them to know that our prayers go with them. - Geri steffenhagen

College I Sighs of relief were breathed by College 1 as they finished writing tirst semester finals. We have only to write semester exams


more times


fore graduation. There may be some consolation in this fact. As sure as night follows the sO_cl!!L.$emes~r.n.toUow ·Semester I, and with this new semester

we flnd several


students have joinedOUrFreshman Class, Welcome to College 1 at DMLCI Looking forward to the acnv1tIes, our class Is enthusiastlcally planning Its snow sculpture and skit for the Snow Carnival. Many of our classmates helped with the cleaning of the Student Union. No one was quite sure how much cleaning he was

of our Student Union, the class


did Its share In the cleanup. The medieval castle eUect that was achieved w11l be enjoyed by the class because all had a part In the reconstruction. A plea to all College 11 members: become Interested In your College Pep Club. Our class representation at the meetings Is relatively small In number. - JenoUer Hogan

was suftlclently covered with dirt and plaster when It was time to go back to the dorm. .A reminder to that select group of twenty freshmen that possesses the slmllar characteristlc of not having paid tlrst semester's dues: Please pay theml - Michele Murray

Missions ,.

~ighlighted "Home Mission EXPansion" was the topic on which Pastor RaymondWiechmann,executive secretary of the Home Mission Board, spoke In his address of February 3. In his presentation he discussed· In detail the rural to urban trend which the Wisconsin' synod is now under'going. He pointed out that our Synod now has missions In fUteen of the twenty largest citits In the United states. Plans are In the makingfor establ1sh· ..' Ing more missions as soon as Is able to finance them; it takes the contri14,000 WELS commembers to start a manyrequests for ;uw,s1c,nax'lesw1ll have too be have the'



money and men to tult1ll these requests. " On February 18, the DMLC students wUl have the opportunity to become acquainted with another man who engaged Inour mission work. On this date Pastor V.lL Winter, who has been the pastor at our Spanish Mission In Tucson,Arlzona,for the past fUteen years, will present a slide lecture entitled "A Trip to Spain." On this date the StudentCouncll wUl take up a collection which w1ll be used to purchase a typewriter with Spanish characters. This w1ll enable Pastor Winter to reach more of the Spanish-speaking people In the SOuthwestern part of our United states. In addition to speaking on our campus, Pastor Winter w1llalso present his slide lecture at eight area Churches to ac,qualntmore members of our Synodwith one of the missions whichthel.rmission 'dollar helps support.


Facelifting Complete


SU DrawsAd.mirers

On Sunday, February sixth,

Mr. Ames Anderson presented an organ recttal in the Doctor Martin Luther College Music Center Choir Room, both In the afternoon and In the evening. His program included works from Max Reger, elevenehorale preludes by Johannes Brahms, and Chorale No.3 inA Minorby Cesar Franck. Everyone who

Atter a hectic two weeks of cleaning, painting, rearranging, and redecorating, the stu U has taken on a new look. Now no one would guess that this was once a mud-filled, fiy-Intested campus "catch-all." . The idea of a Student Union on our campus was first 1n1-

tlsted In the early '50's. The only avallabla location for the establ1shment of such a place

Page 3

was the basement of the old Music Hallwhichhadprev!ously been used as a boller house and a storeroom. After finding this location, the tremendous job of converting It Into a pleasant place where students could soclal1ze was undertaken. According to a rellable source, mud, mud, and more mud was hauled out of the place before they could even See the noor;

attended thoughtthe concert was excellent, and admired Mr. An, derson's musical ab1l1ty and skill. Mr. Anderson is married to the former Ruth Vornholt and has one daughter. This is his fourth year of teaching at D.M.L.C. Many students tden, tify him as the "one who rides the English bike to school."

Musical in Momentum As Valentine's Day of 1966 becomes history, the cast, director, and loyal .suppcrters of the Luther Literary League production ofthe musical SheLoves Me work to get ready before the deadline date arrives. Set to music, this romantic comedy which played tor many weeks In St. Paul this winter w1ll be performed here March 11, 12, and 13 Iii the auditorium. The escapades of thIs story center around the loves, lives, and woes' of the' persoJUlel/at Maraczek's Perfumery, The tangled affairs of George (Ger-

ry Heckman), Amalia (Edle Draheim), Kodaly (Bob Hill), Miss Ritter (Jane Suhr), Maraczek (Merlin Kruse), and Sipos (Bob Jessop) w11lprovide an interesting evening or afternoon - whichever you prefer - of a little suspense,


dellghtfully hummable songs, and many good laughs. Everyone Is cordially

invited to pur_

chase an evening of fun with cast and director (Mr. Charles Luedtke or the DMLS music faculty) of She Loves Mel Remember

when "free


onstratlon" had nothing to do with clvll rights?

Library Notes As acquisition of books continues,

we find we have an ac-

cumulation of 17,500 volumes In OUrl1brary at present. Purchase of books has been made possible through mem_ orials.


gifts were


ceived by the library In mem_ orial of Mrs. A. Kaiser, Mrs. Albert Duehlmeler, Mrs, Julius Grams


Mrs. Adalbert Hellman,

and Mr. Albert Hamann. The famlllar saying, "There's always room for one more," certainly seems to be true In our l1brary. In order to provide more stack space, books

are being shifted around. For lack of room, all the German books are beingcrowdedInto the attic where they will be avallable for those who would like to use them.

The improved Student Union is the result of much labor on the part of DMLCstudents. but the task was finally completed and the Union started to take shape. The middle '50's saw many improvements In the appearance of the SU and its tac1l1ties. The walls were White-washed, the poles were painted gray andmaroon (school colors, of course) and a re. frlgerator, ice cream f~eez.er, grill,-and -a few'-gam-es-were'" acquired. Later years also saw

equipment Improvements such as a TV, a ping pong table, a pool table, and a pop corn popper, to mention only a few. AlthoughImprovements were made through the years, the converted storeroom silll left something to be desired; so the StUdent Councll Inaugarated a renovation program in hopes that the Stu U could become a more appetlxlng place for the stUdents to spend their leisure time. The renovatIon



gan by giving the entire basement a thorough cleaning. This entalled brushing down and scraping the peeling walls and sweeping .and scraping the entire fioor area. The dirt really rolled out of there. Remarks Ilke the following were Overheard at this time _ "1 knew this place was dirty, but not ~his dlrtyl" "Did you see all the buckets' and buckets of dirt that we carried out of here?" Atter the completion of the cleaning job, the SU looked better already, but since this was only the first phase of the

job, there was st1ll a lot to be done. The nextphase entalled paintIng thedow~stair'swalls,bu1ldIng false walls and shelves to hide the "ugly" pipes, buUdlng a partition upstairs to divide the TV room form the game room, and remodeling the servIng ..area. The result ..-.a Stu. U In'medlevaldeco:r:~-'."". As one now enters

the "Lan-

cers- keller" through the massive black doors he is translated from the 20th century to the 14th Century. The "Medievalness" of the stu Uis brought out by the boney-brown bricked walls, the black iron grates separating the eating area from a comfortable lounge area, a four by eight painting of a Lancer, a balcony from which varIous campus singing groups will be performing In the near future, and many shields andtapestries. In the upstairs area we find a newly furnished TV room and the game room. As one again wends his way dormward, he exits through large oaken doors leaving the enchanUng atmosphere of the Middle Ages behlng. Open house saw many astonished faces and heard manyvaried remards from both stUdents the faculty members. Among the most popular were: "It sure does look dlfferenti ". "This place doesn't look halt badl" uI like it."


I'll come

down here more often now." "1 didn't thlnkltcouldbedonel';

Time Out

Page 4

Stick your hand in a pall of water sometime. Move It around rapidly and make a disturbance, The normal state of the water he_ comes upset. Now take your hand out of the patt, What happens? ot course, the water returns to lts normal state, and the presence of your hand can no longer be detected. ,This can be applied to many things in Ilfe; not the least of these is the realm of sports. Many athletes "stock their hands in a pail of water." what that hand Is doing is what counts. The person that gives in to something and make no commotion at all is not very Ilkely to succeed. Eagerness and drive are necessities. If a person stands still, his surroundings will eventually do the same. When a person with the spirit to work and willingness to sacrifice enters this "pail of water," his presence will be felt by others; it becomes contagious. While his hand is in the water, the water can never stand still and become stagnant. After his period of "splashing" is through, there will be another person to assume his role as leader. , On the other extreme, there are those who will make the water, turbulent. Jumping in head first without regard for others could upset the boat. A person such as this could splash so hard he might cause the water to leave the pail. Like others we will sooner or later leave the pail, When he is gone, the water will return to normal, and all he will have to show for his career is a wet hand. His presence wtn not be felt when he has retired. He may splash and splash for his own personal benefit, but he will not be missed by others. No matter how good an athlete Is, there Is always someone better who can replace him. - Joe Lequia

Rams to Wisconsin While most of the students were taking It easy during semester break, the Luther High basketball team was traveling to Wisconsin for games with Onalaska Lutheran, Fox Valley Lutheran, and Manitowoc Lutheran. The first game was against the undefeated Onalaska team, which Is presently rated tenth In the state of Wisconsin. in the small school bracket. The Rams put up a terrific battle, only to fall short, 78-75. Bruce Heckmann and Gary Schoeneck led the scoring with 24 and 19 points respectively. On the following day Luther traveled to Appleton for a game with a very strong Fox Valley team. The Rams were outscored 28 to 8 In the firs t pe rtod and were never able to catch up. The final score read 82 to 35. Tom Brauer led Luther with 8 points. The next foe for Luther was Manitowoc LHS, where once again It was story of a cold first quarter. Manitowoc jumped off to a 28 to 11 lead. The Rams closed the gap to 4031 at half time, but failed to catch UP. The final score was 76-63. Tom Brauer once again paced Luther with 22 points. Wlthough they lost all three games, the Rams had an enjoyable weekend, For some of the players, it was their first look at these Lutheran high schools. The trip to _Wisconsin Is usualty made every other year. On the off year the Wisconsin schools travel to Minnesota, and DMLSH play,S host.

---Cit-is -on the:\Ball

Gordy Vetter goes up against a 6'4" player in the game against Rochester.

1t;"n ~:. Ji !*j '!I - • eft :)



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Girls' basketball is becoming organizedl til past years, as any spectator can tell you, this game looked like a free-for-all rather than an organized sport. However, this year things have changed. The girls are playing boys' rules now and are really learning how th~ game is supposed to be played. Two of the parttctpatmg ,teams actually know how to use a zone defense effectively. The change In ,.rules has also effected a change In the final score. In previous years, a team was lucky if It managed to score a mlxlmum of 30 points In a game. This season, however, scores In the fifties and sixties have been reached. Quite a bit of the roughness whiCh was associated with', this Intramural sport In the P,ast has also been

Sports Classic Reviewed Our DMLC Lancers came out In second place In this year's Blue Waters Classic. The first game found the team matched against the Comets of Concordia College. After being downed by one point at halftime, the Lancers, led by Bob Schroer and Dale Walz, came roaring back to outscore the Comets 50 to 34. Leading scorer was Schroer with 26, who was followed closely by Gronholz with 21 and Walz with 18. The final score was: Luther 90, Concordia 75. The next game found DMLC playing the Bethany scoring machine. Dale Walz again had a heavy hand, finding the bucket for 28 points. Our Lancers scored 90 points, only to be beaten by Bethany's 121. A good crowd cheered for our In a game well played., Thus for the second consecutive year Bethany's Vikings kept the Blue Waters Classic trophy at home. In the game against Rochester on January 12 our Lancers found success. Sprengler .and Walz had 26 and 23 points, respectively. Jack Gronholz did a good job of defense on Gorham, Rochester's leading scorer. FInal score was Lancers 102, Rochesler89. Our second game with Concordia found Lancers on the short end of things at the final gun. Many mistakes proved costly as Concordia took advantage of them. Bob Schroer led , in scoring with 22; Walz and Gronholz were close behind.. Concordia finished off with 81 to Luther's 74. At Austin our boys put out a supreme effort and were rewarded with 119 to 117 overtime victory. The score was knotted" at, 108 at 'the ~close" of regulation time. Austin tallled nine points In the overtime period before the Lancers could score. Showing their never-say-dle spirit, OUrboys scored 11 straight points and displayed fine defensive effort to bring home the win. eliminated because some of the fellows have been drafted to officiated at these games. SInce the hoys are more familiar with the rules than most girls, they are able to keep the game In bounds. This year the four teams entered In competition are quite evenly matched, The Post Teasties, witha perfect record, are holding down first place. Close behind them are the Sharpshooters, Mark's Marvels, and the Bucketeers who are all tied for second place with one loss apiece. Slnceit'sstillanybody's race, the rest of the season should prove very interesting and exciting.

0 u r Pat ron Elchten Shoe Store Elbner and Son, Eyrich Plumbing & Heating Farmer's & Merchant's Bank Flesenmaler Hardware F scher's Rexall Drugs Forster's Fumlture, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothier's Harolld's Shoe Store Herberger's Herzog Publishing Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lang Barber Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Clothlen Meidl Music Store' Meyer Studio tg

Muesrng Drug Store

Luther's team snowed a good balanced scoring attack against WUlmar. Five of the seven men who played were In double figures with a sixth man close behind with nine. Dale Walz was, our high scorer with 24 points. The f1na1 score was WUImar 105, Luther 99. Over semester break our Lancers suffered perhaps their most humillatlng 'deteat. Again , our opponents caplta11zed on numerous mistakes and lnabUIty to find the hoop, Mark Sprengler had 19 of our 81 points; EstervUle scored 118. What a way to get a sore throat! Our Lancers proved that they could play up to the calIber ofanationallyranked team. "A game and a half" Is the way to describe It. Two overtimes, 246 total points, a packed gymnasium, and a supreme effort on the part of coach and team ware all ingredients In a real «eam-ournsr." Twice Mark Sprengler's clutch shootIng snetthe game Into extra minutes. Although the final score showed a loss, team effort and morale were those ofa winning team. Perhaps the best summary statement was made by an anonymous fan In the stands when he simply said, "Next year." Coming off a game that could have gone elther way, the Lancers tal11ed another thrUier against Rochester. Again the excellent defense of Gronholz and the clutch shoOting of sprengler proved to be the deciding factors In an 82-80 victory. Sprengler led all scorers with 25 POints. School and team spirit were at a height as Sprengle rode the sholders of his teammates to the locker

Our last game vias played at Worthlngion. Dale Walz and Mark Sprengler were again our leading scorers In a 77-71 loss. As a summary of these last 10 games wi; can say the following: we won four and lost six, great thrUis .were enjoyed by the team and fans, andwe're all looklng forward to a thrUllng close of the season. "We like our team!"

Miss Us? If you were looking for a January Issue and thought perhaps you missed it, this is just a reminder that the Messenger Is 'not published during the month of January because' of end _ of _ semester activities. Schedules have been re., sumed for the second semester.


New Ulm Dairy New Ulm Gift & Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouses New Ulm Theater Ochs Brick & TlledYards SprlngfJel Oswald's New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick's Jewelers PaHer_on'_ lelm and Church Jewelers J. C. Penney Co. Pink's Polta Drug Store , Raffls Department Store RetzlaH'. Our Own Hardware Rite-Way Cleaners Scheible Plumbing & Heating Schnobrlch's City Meat

Sears Seifert Clinic Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Henry Somsen, Lawyer Spelbrlnk's Clothing & Casual Shop Sportsman'. Grill State Bank of New Ulm·' TV SI~al " Ulm elwerke _ Howard olN Ulrich Electric Vogel Clinic ' Dr. Howard Vagel Dr. Milton Kaiser Vagelpahl" Leather Good. _ Lugga8~ _ Gifts Wallner Construction' Co. Wen'" Cafe and Bakery Wllfahrt Brothers



What Price Speaking In His Name Choir Tour? The college choir is on the move. Beginning March 13th, the choir gave the first of its pr-e, tour concerts at St, Paul's Lutheran Church, North Mankato, Minn. Following the service, a dinner was served by the ladies of the congregation. The longest pre-tour was taken March 20th, when at 10:00 the choir sang for morning services at St. John's in Hastings, Minnesota, and then gave a complete concert pe rformance at 3:00 and 6:00 in Red Wing (St. John's) and Minneapo , its-(Filgri[!12, respectively. On March 27th an-abbreviated concert was given in tile morning service at St. Paul's, Jordan, Minnesota, followed by a complete concert in the afternoon at St. James Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. The pre-tour concerts prepare the members both physically and mental ly for the tour season itself. Not only do the scheduled concerts mean early rising and late retiring, but they require personal preparations on the part of each member.

PROFESSOR CONRAD FREY has accepted the call to become the next president of Dr. Martin Luther College.

Meet President Frey Professor Conrad I. frey, president of Michigan Lutheran seminary, has accepted the can to succeed Carl L. SChwep_peas president of Dr. Martin Luther Conege. Professor Schweppe, who has served in the capacity of president for the past 32 years, resigned this position at the close ot the school year last fall. With the acceptance of this call, Professor Frey becomes DMLC's eighth president since .estabttsament of the college 82

Professor Frey, the oldest of eleven children, was born in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1914. Alter spending a number of years there, the Frey family moved to

Graceville, Minnesota, where Prolessor Frey spent most olhis childhood. He then attended DMLHS, Northwestern College, and Wisconsin Lutheran Semiaary, Upon graduation from the seminary, he was assigned to Michigan Lutheran Seminary as

Instructor, coach, anddormitory supervisor. After two years he , Was Installed as pastor 01 St. ,Bartholomew Lutheran Church

In Ka,WJa\.WI, I,nr."MI, chlgan, where , he 'se~~ '1lmd,pree years. In 1943 he aCe8p{~d a call to Deand, tIlen, In 1950, ProFrey .becarne president Mlchlgan Cutheran Seminary. year ago, Professor


a leave-of-absenceat the 01 the Board for World He left on a special to Hong Kong, to be.'!-.theolo~c!'i seminary and

to serve in an advisory capacity to the Chri~tianChineseLutheran Church. Frey, who has served as a member :o( the Synod's Commission 'lin ~'world Relief and the spiritual Welfare Commission, is presently chairman of the Synod's Advisory Com rnisston on Education. Professor Frey, who holds a Master's Degree In history with a minor in English, will assume DMLC's prestdentiat duties at the end of this school term. Many may wonder what the presidency of an Institution such as our actually invol ves. When asked this question, President Schweppe responded in this manner: "He (the president) is responsible for everything that goes on here. Like Harry Truman, he should have a sign on his desk which reads, 'the buck stops here.' II As presIdent, Professor Frey will have the general supervision of all the college's departments, bUildings, grounds, and equipment. As well as seeing that the purpose of this teachertraining center Is recognized, he will be the official representat! ve of the school. It will also be his responsibility to see that all documents, transcripts, and correspondences are properly conducted. Although President Schweppe will no longer serve as president of DMLC, he will continue to serve as a member of the faculty and will again be teaching Shakespeare and contempora ry history


The second annual Mission Workshop at DMLC was held on Friday, March 25. The first workshop, held last year, was very well received, and considered highly interesting and informative by many who participated. On the schedule for this year's Workshop were presentations by guest speakers, faculty mernbe rs, and the sections of the III

8:15-9:05 - Presentation of the topic, "Mission Work is com municating the Gospel" by College In, followed by discus. sian.

9:10-10:00 - Presentation of the topic, "Problems in Communication in Foreign Fields" by College III followed by discussion. 10:00-10:20 - Coffee Break.

and IV College classes. The guest speakers were Pastor F. Nitz of St. John's, New uim, a former missionary among the Apaches andmemberoftheboard for Spanish Missions. Pastor Nitz spoke on the Apache Mission. While only the ill and IV College classes participated directly In tb.e workshop, students of all classes were invited to attend the various sessions.

10:25-11:15 - Presentation of the topic, "Communication Media - Their Uses and Limitations" by College Ill, followed by discussion.

Below is the schedule of events at the Mission Workshop: 7:45-8:10 - Special Mission Workshop Chapel, conducted by Professor Schwark.

The 'presentations were augmented by a display on If AudioVisual Media in Communicating the Gospel," constructed by a College IV committee.

11:30-12:15 - Dinner. 12:30-2:30 _ Panel discussion on the topic, "Communicating to Children and Through Children," presented by College IV.,

The pre-tour concerts, however, not only concern the college choi r, but also its director, Professor Metlahn Zahn, It is his concern that the music selected is rendered at peak per , formance, Which necessitates many hours of preparation. Behind the scenes another individual, Prof. Brick, is concerned with the well-being of the seventy touring choir members. Congregations must be contact. ed, a schedule must be worked out for departure and arrival times, posters must be mailed, and arrangements with the host congregations, concerning meals and lodging, must be confirmed.

THIS DISPLAY was constructed for the Student Mission Workshop, held on March 26.

Christ Is Arisen Sunday. March 27, 6:00 p.m. will mark the beginning of the second annual Easter Concert to be given by the DMLIIS and DMLC choirs. The concert will open with the high school choir singing If Surely He Hath Born Our Griefs," "Christ Is Arisen," and IIHal_ Ielujah l Amen." Following these numbers will be those sung by the high school chorus. Among their selections are flGo Ye into All the World, JJ "Easter Fanfare," with organ and brass accompaniment, and." For the Beauty of the Earth." Both high school choirs a re under the direction of Professor Hirsch. The 165-member treble choir will open the college portion of this Festival of Sacred Songs. This treble choir is a combination of the Treble I and Treble II chotrs, both of which are directed by Mr. Ronald Shilling. Among the selections to be presented by the treble choir are lfO Sinne r Come Thy Sin to

Mourn," "BleSSing, Glory, Wisdom," and "0 Joyous Easter Morning" with oboe, violin, cello, and bassoon accompaniment. Concluding the concert will be Professor Schenk's College Chorus. "Lord of our Life," (the setting of the third Sunday In Lent), and "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" will be included in their seiections. The College Chorus began its rehearsals at the beginning of the second semester. Because the chorus is so large it is necessary that it rehearse in two separate groups. However, as of late, the groups ha ve gotten together for joint rehearsals. The Festival of Sacred Songs was begun last year upon the suggestion of Miss Ruth Backer, former director of the treble choirs. It is hoped that this Festival of Sacred Songs will become tradition like the annual DMLC Christmas Concert.

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'Pag_ 2



Workshop Reviewed The variation previous- I was asked by, the MESSENGERstaff As teachers, somedayDMLC to give my personal feeling concerning students are goingto deal with ly mentioned is a fine example the end of the practices andperformances communicatingthe WordofGod to work with. of "She Loves Me." This Is not terribly to and through children. Such Anotherproblem area was in- difficult to do, because I havewell-defined was the generaltopicofthe 1966 volvedwithtreatment ofthe sub- feelings on the subject. After the last performance on Sunday, Student Mission Workshop on ject matter. Many found some while many members of the cast andstage our campus. subject areas difficult to work crew helped disassemble the scenery, I Nowthat the college has seen with, especially those dealing felt elated. Miss Ritter (Jane Suhr) andI its second workshop,it is pos- with the abstract. Someofthese were stili very much In character -there sible to compare and, in cer- concerned matters for which we were, in makeup and costume, pushing expressing ourselves In much the tain areas, evaluate both. Al- no references were available brooms, same way that the Christmas wrapping most everyone will readily and with whichthe committees scene might have gone without an audience. agree that last year's program had had no prevtous experi- The entire crew, while working, would washighlysuccessful, especial- ence. Conjecture is tooopinion- break Into song, or Kodalywouldbe sImply "Kodaly," if you know What I mean. ly for a first attempt. But how ated for a reliable report. However, at our fare thee well get-tosuccessful was the day just As future teachers and as gether, I beganto realize howmuch I am past, and how might it be imgoingto miss the teamworkthat It took to WisconsinSynodLutherans, we perform this musical, the constant fun proved in the future? have gained at least a basic in- everyone had, and the usefUlfeeling that sight into those problems which came from trying to dosomethingofwhich Comments gathered during and after Thursday's activities will soon confront us. For this the DMLCstudent body could be proud. my life I've wantedto be In a musical, couldbe summedup by the fol- reason, many of us expressed a All and I'm very glad that I had the chance. desire to have a part in the selowing:the whole Workshopis NoW,however,I will have the opportunity a wonderfulidea, but presen- lection of topics. Manymatters to do a little homeworkthat needs attention, get some sleep, and also be glad to which interest the students, tation this year wastoolongand know that the pressure on Mr. Luedtke drawnout. Othersfelt that some matters in which they would has been released. points of our isagogics course like more information, could So, now, if you hear someone on the were repeated, and that this be suggested for future work- sidewalk singing "Good morning, Good shop treatment. day," you will know that his Is merely repetition unnecessarily added a bit of reminiscence rather than the to the program's length. Gen- Delores Maichle ramblings of a student who Is ready for eral feeling had it that pracst. Peter. ticality should be emphasized; - Edle'Drahelm (II) "NothingIs easier than fault-finding. many wouldhave liked to hear No talent, no self-denial, no brains andno "Miss AmallaBalash" character are required." Robert West more aboutyouthorganizations andthe LutheranCollegian.BeA Short Tale cause of the time factor, disEvery would-beteacher should know cussion was cut short on them. something about nursery rhymes - espe-




What an odd creature Is a studenU All winter longhe hibernates - usuallyas a member of a large colonybullt on several levels. Unlikemost animalsIn hibernation, the student IndulgesIn little sleep and remains fairly active throughouthis time of Isolation from the outsideworld. His ravenous appetite Is only appeasedby the consumptionof moundsand moundsof printed material. Oddlyenough,he gains weight In only one place - the head,which absolutely throbs from the wear andtear exerted on It during this period. But when spring Is sprung . • • Watch the sluggish student come to lIfel Suddenlythe honeycombsof hibernation quarters come to life, busy students scurry throughdally activitiesearly In the day so they are able to squeezeIn a few sets of tennis before sunset. The fields are full of athletes matching skills In various sports. It's quite commonto see track, goU, football, baseball, and klteflying takingplace sidebysideandattlmes overlapping In playingareas. Spring Is the time wheneveryonedecides he needs to shed a fewpoundsand goes on a crash program of exercise and

fewer eats. Bicycles come out of cold storage and long walks are In vogue. With the change In weather, mylady and her knightfind It desirable to shedthe dark and aged draplngs of winter for the light and brights of summer. Whilenature dresses herself In rich green, delicate pinksandwhisperingpastels, mankind dons gay prints and hues of all descriptions. Spring has sprung.

Hong Kong

The total of seven committee reports was a bit overwhelming,especially whenone considers the number of individual speaker topics within each. Since there are many ways for all to participate in the Workshop, notably in the areas of research and dts-' play construction, committees should not feel compelled to have all their members speak before the group. In some cases, it was unfortunate that the time limits were not adhered to more rigidly. The importance of time limitation shouldreceive more emphasts. This is not to say that discussion must necessarily be curtailed, but the actual presentation should be kept within bounds. On the positive side, many good things can be said about last week's Workshop.Bringing in new ideas is an especially fine practice. The committee on "What doweoweouryouth?" offered a practical program for youthorganization.Suchoriginal thinking is the type 'lf thing which produces a successful workshop. Another committee, dealing with "Problems in communication in foreign fields" varied its presentation by having speakers pose at members of a translation board. This unique delivery clearly showed problems inoommunlcatingwitb foreign nations in their own dialects. Those concerned with next year's program ought to find other ways of presenting material besides straight reporting.


cially If he has had theChildren's Literature course. DaveJacobs has offered his knowledgeon the subject In the following The followingIs an excerpt from a essay. Little BoPeep


recent newsletter from our mission In Kowloon, Hong Kong. '

Little So Peep has lost her sheep

And doesn't know where to find them. Leave them alone and they'll come home Dear friends In Christ Jesus: In our flrstNEWSLETTERofl966the Waggingtheir tails behindthem. We have here one of manywing-ding first thoughtthat comes to our minds and hearts Is the Wordof GodfoundIn Psalm poems whichour children pick up early In 145:9. "The Lord Is good to all, and His UIe. We may even encourage them to comtender mercies are over all His Works. JJ mit such verses to memory. Upon close How true these Words have been as we

scrutiny of the contents, however, one be-

lookover the Lord's blessings of1965,especially His mercies as He has bestowed them uponour MissionInHongKong.First of all, he has givenus wonderfulChristian friends like yourself to assist us In the

gins to see how ridiculously square this




verse 15.

The DMLC MESSENGERIs published during the monthsof October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price Is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twentycents. Werequest payment In advance.TheMESSENGER Is continued after the time that the subscription has expired, unless we are notified pronoun "her" that we are speaking of a to discontinue, and all arrears are paid. she. Whoever heard of a she called Bo All business communications should be Peep? We could at least expect to read addressed to the BUSinessManager.Conabout Janie Doodlyor SUsieMcClavltch tributions from all alumni, undergrador some One with a sensible name. But uates, and friends are appreciated. Bo Peep.•• ? The aim of the MESSENGER Is to offer What has this so Peep done? Of all such materials as will be beneficial as the smy things, we read that she "has well as interesting to our readers, tokeep lost her sheep." What In the world Is a the alumniIn a closer contactwiththe collittle girl doing with sheep In the first lege, and to foster school splrlt~ . _ place? Most little girls have dollies or Editor • • • • • • • • •• Delores Malchle some sensible toy that they can lose, but Features Editor •••••••• Tlsh Murray sheep • • .? BeSides, with their infernal News Editor •••••••••• Judy Winter baaing It would seem almost an Impos- Sports Editor •••• '" ••••• GeneBoor slbUity to lose them. Nevertheless, the AlumniEditor ••••••••• Lois Sievert statement Is there, the youngsqultt'lost Make_UPEditor • • • .,. HelenLochner her sheep. Business Manager • • • •• David Sauer Then, with great audacity,weare told Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz that she "doesn't know where to find Advertising Manager ••• Mark Boehme

First of all, ofwhomare wespeaking? Little Bo Peep? Fine, but whoor whatIs a Bo Peep and what Is the difference beLord' 5 work among the people in Hong tween a big one and this little one? PerKong.Your prayers and gifts of lovehave haps we are to assume that the adjective made It possible to undertake many ofthe "little" Is to refer to age rather than to opportunities whichthe Lordhas givenus. size as the opposite of large. As we proceed downthe fir st line we learn from the At the same time it has encouraged us to

work faithfully and diligently with the means which have come to us from our Christian friends. He has blessed our congregations with increase both in mem-

bership and attendance.At all of the congregations attendancehas Increased over 100%In the past year. Hehas Iedovar 250 souls Into our congregations during the past year. TheVOICEOFSALVATION radio broadcast seems to have been very fruitful, especially In Taiwan. Our mail from this area seems to showa decided necessity for us to opena preaching station as soon as possible.

We have now

employed a Chinese principal for our school after a search of almost one year. Dr. Chien, our new prtnctpal, has ms Doctor's degree from the University of

London. He and his family are Lutherans them." Well, naturally If someone loses Feature and News Writers ••.••••••• and plan to change their membershipto something he doesn't knowwhere to find Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, Marilyn one of our congregationsbefore he begins It. Why should Bo Peep be an exception? Knief, Lois Krause, ColleenGunderson, If she knew where those wool1es were, his work in the new school te rm. Dr. then quite naturalty they wouldn'tbe lost. Mary Schleuter, Jennifer ~og~, Edith Chien has also been an education InZlckuhr, Jean: Korte, J1Ib. '-S6nneman, Take a gander at the first haUof the Ruth Huebner,Michele:Murtily; Sharou spector for the EducationDepartment of HongKongand has and Is still lecturingat third line. What a profound statementl Schultz, NaomiHintz "Leave them alone." Whatelse could she several of the universities In HongKong. do with something she doesn't have? Sports Writers .' ••••••••• _Joef;Lequla, " ... and they'll come home." Is He should serve our school well with his this a promise to ease her mind? Or Is vast experience In the educationfield. As It a friendly warning? you can see we have had a year of many The last line refers, hopetu1ly,to the blessings. For all of them we humbly thank God and pray that we can somehow sheep that have been lost and that may at the present be returninghome.But,ohmy, express our thankfulness as we continue how they shall raturnt "Wagging their our work In His kingdom•.• tails behind them." Pray tell where else Yours In His Service, wouldthey wagtheir tails? Rev. Peter Chang

Henry Meyer


Make-up Staff ••••••• Rita Bremer Circulation Staff •••••• Joan Dumke, Celeste Schultz,MargaretSchultz,Kar_ en Drake, Josle Aday, Sharon Feare, Norma Denninger,Ellen Koch Photographer •••••• Dave schoenees Assistant Photographer ••• Tom Lippert -Advisor• • • ••••••• Professor Trapp

Pag_ 3

News From The Classes people have had the "honor" of having breakfast In bed at the

IV ThrOughfour years of college we've pointedour sights To receiving our calls on thts year's Call Night. " , Shortly after that come gradua-

, ; 40n,

Anoth,er event vlewed with antlcipatlon. Congratulations are next on the Itst, Andgo toamusical Mr. andMiss: Allen Krause and Judy Wells. We "sute"



the way you

handledthose wells! Once again our class is as one Nine moreweeksgoneto oblivion. As the last of our classmates leave campus to teach

Why, everyone

knows who the

Roman Emperor was from 54-68 hospital: Marla Toeple, Lois A.I).I If youdon't know,Just ask Klawiter, and Walter Zimmer- any available freshman. At least, man. We hope that no more of every freshman should know if the class must go. Its unfair that he wants to pass history. If you happen to glance Into the rest of us must get up for the gymnasium one day, you may our breakfast. AddingUP the days untu Eas- see girls standing on their heads ter vacation Isn't the only type or madly diving over other prosof adding the Juniors have been trate girls. This is nota newtype doing. It seems we have added of torture or punishment, but an extra member to our class who merely a groupof girls striving goes by the name of Herman. He for physical fitness. Havingtrouble filing your Inlives OU campus so we don't see him around much. But you w1ll come tax returns? Just consult a know If youdo. He has a tan and freshman. We're gettingexperiwhite coat and Is constantlywig- ence computing returns in math gling his nose. For more Infor- class. We may groan at figuring taxes for John Doe, Pete Craig, matlon, see MelvinGibson. - Gerl Steffenhagen and Frances M. Westwood, but at least we should be happy that we don't have to pay them, too.

We find ourselves close to that

A VERY indignant Miss Balash (Edith Draheim) tries to ignore the perststence of Georg Nowack (Gerry Heckman) in the LLL production of It wasn't so long - onlyone year ~'Great Men Who Have Left Us" ago_ was the theme chosen by the are countingthedaystlll vacation "She Loves Me." Nancy Carne was the gypsy That we were huffingand puffing sophomore class in the annual by crossing them off on the violinist. throughgreat moundsof snow.


goal we're to reach.

What we have nowIs a beautiful spring, AndwhoIs to tell whatnext year wlll bring? - Tlsh Murray

III What's new In the lives of the CollegeJuniors? Well,asidefrom EAGERLYlooldng forward to Easter vacation, .they,are busy at work searching for information concerning the annual MIs-

With this beautiful spring

weather we are all eagerly awaiting Easter vacation. Some of us

snow sculpture contest. statues of Nehru, Churchill, Stevenson,

and T. S. Eliot were to represent the great men. Due to certain dlfficulties the CollegeII sculpture Was never completed,



It's All Over

Others are using their

fingers and toes to keep the count, and some mad Indlvlduals have even resorted to newer petals! _ MicheleMurray

As the echo of applause died awayfrom the DMLCauditorium and the scenerydisappearedfrom the DMLC stage, the cast and crew of the Literary League producttoa "She Loves Me" set off for a party at the Troplcana outside NewUlm. Mr. Luedtke, the director of this musical, and his group of constantcompanionsfor the past few months enjoyed a leisurely

one could say eventhebeginnings were rather humble. The tutlle effort by a few sophomoreswas transmitted to the public by "Help" sculptured' on an open The recipients of the AAL book. Better results ofclass partici- Scholarships were recently anpation were witnessed Saturday nouncedby the faculty.This year, night In the class skit. LBJ's thirty-five college students, six-

AAL Grants

sionWorkshop.Weare hopingthat this year it will be as success- gall bladder operation, a major teen seniors, thirteen juniors, historical event of '65, drew and three sophomoresandfreshful as It was last year. Other than countingthe days laughs and applause from the men received a total of $4,750. audience. The members of the These recipients were chosen on Imtil Easter vacation, the Juniors are counting the chapters they skit put forth a fine effort, which the basis of class rank, citizenmust read In their Teaching was appreciated by their fellOW ship, and financial need by the scholarship committee. Reading book before the day of classmates and the audience. Look .at .any calendar In the reconins arrives .• Grants-in-aid were also exBesides ANXIOUSLY waiting indlvldual dorm rooms and one tended to four DMLC faculty for Easter vacatlon, the Juniors can see by the check marks that members. Professors Fischer, are waiting In anxietyto findout each student Is anticipating the Backer, Schroeder, and Borgwho wUI be the next one to go coming vacation. Mayall have a wardt received these grants to to the hospital. As of the time safe trip and Blessed Easter. help them financetheir graduate Jennifer Hogan studies. this artlcle was written, three


the songs trom "She Loves Me"

DIANE TOMFOHR demonstrates the art of make-up on "Miss Ritter ," played by Jane Suhr.

Lee Evans Performs Thursday evening,March17, the CommunityConcert Association presented the Lee Evans

Trio at theNewVimHighSchool auditorium. This Wasthe last of the series of community con-

certs for the 1965-66season. The concert was well attended. Many of those present were impressed and amazed with the

skill and versatility of theperformers. Included in the program were: liThe Nutcracker Suite,"

"Medley from West Side Story," and "Teacher's Blues," an original composition by Lee Evans.

STUDENT ORGANISTS who performed in a public recital are seniors Allen Krause and Judy Wells.

DMLC Hears Recital Sunday, March 13, was the climax of monthsof preparation for twoDMLCseniors. Thateve!1Ing Miss Judy Wells and Mr. AllenKrause presented an organ recital In the choir room of DMLC'smusic center. Bothstudents deserve a great deal of ,~l)emany hours they spent Ir\ preparation for this re-

:~i~\,:~or , "'e



AI's performance Is especially 'noteworthyIf one considers his musical background. A former student of Wisconsin Lutheran High Schooland MLTC,Al had a total cit two years of plano lessons and twoyears of organ lessons under the instruction ofMr. Christian Koch.HereatDMLCAI has had two years of organ instruction underMr.AmesAnder-

son. Al started practicing for the recital last October. His presentation Included ''Taccata and FugueIn D Minor" by J.s. Bach, twoGermanChorale Preludesby HermanSchroeder,and"Final In B-flat Major" by Cesar Franck. In regard to the future, Al Is considering further work In the field of music after he has gone out teachingbyattendingsummer school. Judy has had a more extensive

The LeeEvansTrio Is a weu.,

and Fugue In C Minor" by J.s. Bach, two German



by Olivier Messtaen. Both performers



well pleased with the number of peoplewhoattendedtheir recital. They also extend their gratitude to the senior class whichplanned and sponsored a "wonderful reception. " Mr. Ames Anderson, their organ teacher, was also very

Wisconsin, whe was a

parttlme church organist. Judy has had four years of organ lessons here at DMLC.Her performance conslsted

of "Passacagtta

for the group,

plays the plano, which he has been doingsince theageoffive. Starting out as a Junior high school teacher In New York City, he soon foundmusic as a professional career so enticing that he followedthis Interest and has been acclaimed a most noteworthy pianist by several

cital, namely to present a variety

has been playing the drums for

years Of piano lessons

school. WhUeattendingPoynette High School near her home In


said that the purpose of the re-

pleased with the attendance and with his pupils' performance.



critics, Bill Smith, percussionist withthe trio, displayedhis out, standing talent with ease. He

backgroundInmusic.Shehadfour in grade

known, popular group which has made personal appearances


throughoutthe country and on Ernst Pepping, and "Majesty of several television programs. Christ" and «out-burst of Joy" Evans, the director, composer, from «L 'Ascension


of good music throughIt execu- 27 years, and additional pertion, was carried

out very well.



for ten.

He also hopesthatfuture recitals The third member of the group as this one is Al Hood, who fills out the trio on the-strmg' bass.

will be as successful was.

was in-

The conversation

terspersed with the many lines from theplayandeveryonesigned everyone else's program as a keepsake. Atter singingsome of the group returned to campus knOWing that the song sung that evening would remain In their memories for a long time to come.

SC Active SInce the beginningof second semester, candlelight has been adding atmosphere to "dressup"


night dinners.

Two members of the faculty and their families have also been invited to each of these dinners. This Is being done so that students and faculty can become better acquainted. Hosts and hostesses

greet the

guests at the door and assist them through the line and to a table. SO that they can become more famUlar with the actual routine of things the guests sit with the student hody. The students then also have a chance to meet the faculty outside of the classroom.

Pollyanna Shown Tuesdaynight the studentbody again saw a student CouncU movie. The move, "Pollyanna,"

starring Haley Mills, was enjoyed by a large group of students at hoth showings.The proceeds from these movies are now

being put aside so that the studentCouncUcanbuyIts ownmovie projector. Next year the StudentCouncU will also put Into effect a new system of selecting the movies that will be shownto the student body; A committee of four student councUrepresentattves,


from the highschoolandtwofrom the college, will select twenty movies. This list of twenty movies

wUlbe givento the student body, who will then select their favor-

Ites, The top nine will constttude lhe movie schedule for the 1966-67school year. It Is hoped that If the students select the movies




Page 4

Time Out There are many characteristics which mark a person as finally havinggrownto maturity. There are also many characteristics of a ball team andits fans whichshow that it has come of age. This year these characteristics evidencedthemselves Onthe hardwood courts of our school. Our new Lancers showedall the earmarkings of a winningball club. They proved that they could hold their ownagainst almost insurmountableoddsandplay the brand of basketball so manyofus havelongedto see. Also the coaching staff has reached a point of greater maturity. Thecoaches have brought a team ofyoungsters intoa positionthatcould lead to heights never before reached in the college basketball conference. They have taught the players to accept defeat gracefully and have provided a spirit that wUlbevery hard to defeat. Our fans have matured also. Attendance during previously lean years had dropped off as soon as the boys lost a few games. It was a pleasure to the ears to hear male voices raised in cheers for the Lancers as the entire student body stood behind the team. Yes, we have finally ar-

rived! Next year's team wUlshowalmost all the same faces returning to the proving ground. Dare we now rest on our laurels and hope that the Lancers have a better showingIn 1966-67?My answer to that question Is a very definite NO!Nowthat we have come of age our team needs our support more than ever. These same fellows will be trying harder nextyear. SOwlll the fans. You bet! HARRYMEARS

Spring Sports Previewed This year DMLCwUl have a very busy season In intercollegiate sports. As well as baseball, track and golf, tennis wlll play an active part In the field of sports. Coach Dallmannexpects a good turn-out for baseball and looks forward to a fairly good season.

Jessop battling for the number once spot, with the others close behind. Now that we have excellent fac1lltles for the team to practice, everyonewillbe looking

. THE basketball championship trophy captured by the Lancers arrived recently. DMLC won the crown in the new Minnesota River Conference with a 5-1 record. Admiring the trophy are, left to right, Mark Sprengler, Coach Gary Dallmann and Dale Walz.

forward to a good season. Golf Is another relatively new

Conference Changes

sport added to the spring activity SChedule. Professor Trapp w!ll

Sevenlettermen from last year's team and one who lettered as a freshmen will form the nucleus of this year's club. As far as po-

for positions. Sevenmatcheshave been scheduled, includingtwo at

sitions are concerned, it should

home and the conference match at

coach this year's team, which has approximately ten men vying

Ina recent meeting of the South-

srn Minnesota Junior College ~onference, held at D.M.L.C., several changes were made. Due to expansion of the league from seven to ten members, next year

be a real battle. Right now the Austin. catcher's position seems to be wide open for all new-comers.

Bowling Recap

Infield depth shouldbe one of the assets of this year's team, and the same thing may be the case

In the outfield. The newconferenceruling ofno double-headers may be a detriment to theLancers. With only a single game being played on a given day, we will not be able to take full advantageof our pitching depth. AlthoughpitchingwUl not be an overwhelmingstron~POint,we should be able to hold our own with any others In the conference. Once again, track wlll engage the activ1t1esof someoUheother athletes. For the first time In years twomeets havebaensebaduled for home. This will give the tans a better chance to see and support our Lancers in this field. About fifteen men have reported for practice under Coach John Micheel. Mostof these men have had previous experience In this sport. It is hard to predict the fUture for this season. Nine collegemenhavereported to Coach Kaiser for tennis try-

Don Papa, ¡Dave Jacobs,


The top five averages

outs. A ladder-tournament has been set uP, where one player may

challenge another for the various positions. The pre-season outlook has Roger Sievert and Bob

Tom Bobrofsky rolled 1117 to take first place.

Name Mark Boehme

the three new teams

season. Since DMLC is a fouryear school, we have been asked

to drop from the conference. However, as of now1 we will still

be an active member of the Minnesota RIver Conference.

ment, freshmen Mark Akers and

In the field of baseball, a new concept has been added. In previous





scheduled as double - headers.

third-year students during the last quarter: Cheryl Swanke,Mary Laatsch, Lois Luetke, and Josephine Aday. The followingwill be teaching off-campus: George DeNoyer Ray Dusseau Allen Krause DonaldPape AnnBreitkreutz Arleen Fiebiger Colleen Gunderson Johanna Linkert

Delores Maichle Elaine Plath Esther Scheele Joan Vick Arlene Weiss

~ 5-8

Congregation St. John's

Location NeWtOii'iJUrg

Grace St. Paul's Immanuel St. John's

Oshkosh Collins

7-8 5-8 7-8 6-8 1-2 1-2

Wrightstown Appleton Brillion




Neenah New London

St. Paul's Martin Luther St. Matthew'S Trinity First German

Appleton Neenah Appleton Kaukauna Manitowoc

1-2 5-6 2-3 2

The dining hall on March3was filled with standing room only. The event was the StudentCouncil's all-college surprise pizza party. Nixie Meyer, president of the. college student body, had the program well In hand, entertainIng the colleglates and fa~ulty as baseball is concerned, DMLC with two "letters" which Nix is stfll a member of the SMJCC had recently "received from his until further notice. cousins." Mike MUler selected

Elbner and Son Eyrich Plumbing & Heating Farmer's & Merchant's Bank Fesenmaler Hardware Fischer's Rexall Drugs . Forster's Furniture, Inc. Fritsche Clinic Green Clothier's Harolld's Shoe Store Herberger's Herzog Publishing Co. Kemske Paper Co. H. Lang Barber Shop Leuthold-Neubauer Clothiers Meidl Music Store Meyer Studio Montgomery Ward Mueslng Drug Store New Ulm Brick & Til. Yards New Ulm Dairy

St. Matthew's


Trinity Trinity

Take Time Out

This would provide for a full schedule with a minimumamount of travel. This year it was decided to play only single games, and to playnine-Innlngbatl games Instead of seven. One of the reasons given was that double-headers took too much time. As far

Our Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer's Pharmacy Beck's - The Leading Jewele .. Braunrelter and San Hardware Brawn's Music Store Citizen's State Bank Caast-to-Coast Store Dairy Bar Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fesenmaler Dr. Haroldson, Optometrist Drs. G_rge Kuehner & Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Schwartz, Dentist Dr. Tyler Elchten sh_ Store

fourth and fifth grade room, and Pat Mu:ray and Ray Manthewill

nepin are

were as

follows: 1. Gene Baer - 168 2. Bob Htl! - 167 3. Joe Lequla - 166 4. Terry vasotd - 164 5. Dave Ebeling - 161 Joe Lequla wonthe high-series title with a total of 656 and also high game with a 239.During the Season Rich Priebe earned himself an American BowlingCongress badge by rolling a 160 triplicate. In the doubles tourna-

be practicing at st. Paul's. Grace Cox, Em111eRuppel, Marjorie Cox, and Jean Mueller w111be teaching fir!C;t g!"2d~ downtown under the supervision of Miss Schuetze and Mrs. Sievert, Lois Roekle and Enrique Garcia will be supervised by Professor Schulz in the teach seventh and eighth grade under the direction of Professor Brei. Miss Meyer'S third and fourth grade room wili see four

to be a successful andinteresting joiningtheconference.This would season, The first halfoftha regu- call for an eighteen-gameschedlar schedule was won by the ule rather than the present senior Boas. (Gene Baer, Bob twleve-game schedule. Offlctals Kuehn, Ron Brown, Jim Klug, felt that this wouldbe too long a HeckmannandFrank Bowerman). The faculty teams dominatedthe league In the second half. Gene Baer wonthe high-average trophy with a 168 average.

'rtns morning the last group of student teachers left our campus to begin their nine-week classroom experience as instructors. Fourteen of the twenty-two seniors will be teaching in the Appleton, Wisconsin, area, while the remaining eight will

wlll be the Lancers' final year 1S a member of the regularly

The DMLCOphidiamen's bowl- scheduled basketball season. ing league came to a close witha MetropolitanCentennial, Metdoubles tournament that ended March 12th. Once againmuchen- ropolitanCentral, andNorthHenthusiasm was shown, and itproved

Last Seniors To Teach

students from the audience te participate Inplay readings. Doug stebnitz entertained the student bodywithhis mumbo-jumboradio broadcasting selection. Highlight of the entertainment was theparticipation of faculty members. Professors Borgwardt, Brick, Hahnke, Hartwig, Hirsch, and SChenk, directed by Professor Zahn, sang a few selections In barber-shop style. Their popularity can be traced back to the night of the SnowCarnival skits.

Patrons New Ulm Gift '& Hobby Shop New Ulm Greenhouses New Ulm Theater Ochs Brick & Tile Yards Springfield Oswald's New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick's Jewelers Patterson's Relm and Church Jewelers J. C. Penney Co. Pink's Polta Drug Store Raftls Department Store RetzlaH's Our Own Hardware Rite-Way Cleaners Scheible Plumbing & Heating schnobrlch's City Meat Market, Sears

Seifert Clinic Sherwin-Williams Paint Store Henry Samsen, Lawyer spelbrlnk's Clothing & Casual Shop Sportsman's Grill State Bank of New Ulm TV Signal Ulm Orgelwerke - Howard Nolte Ulrich Electric Vogel Clinic Dr. Howard Vogel Dr. Milton Kaiser Vogelpohl'. Leather Goods Luggage - Gifts Wallner Canstructlan Co. Weneeda Cafe and Bakery Wllfahrt Brothe .. F. W. Woolworth

Red Shoes OnMay 4th and5thDMLCwul experience another first In Its blstory. A two-act play called Tbe Red Shoeswill be presented by members of the Cb1ldren's Tbeater. Children's Theater, a division of the Luther Literary League, wasnewly organized thls year. Tbe sole purpose of thIS clubIs to provide entertainment for grade scbool children. Tbe Red Shoesby RobinShort andbased on the fairy tale ofthe

same name by Hans Cbrlstlan Anderson will be given at 1:30 p.m, on May 4th for the Lutheran grade schools Inthis area and again at 7:30 p.m. for the stndent body and community.At 1:30 p.m, on May 5th, another performance will be given at St. Croix Lutheran High School for the Lutheran grade schools In the Twin CIties area. As the curtain rises, we see a gypsy mountebank or quack named SOogg(played by Jeremy Scbarlemann) In possession of a magic pair of red dancing sboes. SOoggtravels to a pic-

turesque Danish village with bls little mute clown Jemmo (Gretchen Manthey).Here SOogg meets Karen(Kathy Herold), a pretty young orphan girl woo wears clumsy shoes. Hetries to abduct her for his traveling show by enticing her with the pretty red shoes. Whena nice old lady (Barb Schuetze) appears, his attempts are thwarted. However, Snoggfinally does persuade Karen to accept the red shoes as a f4gift." Once upon her feet, the shoes dance

away withher and whiskher out of town. Karendesperately tries

to remove the sboesandescape, but In vain. What Is to become of Karen now? Whatwill SOogg do to her? WUlshe be rescued? If so, by whom?Perhaps Jemmo wUl discover her. Maybe Nels, (Ron Brown) Karen's friend the cobbler's apprentice, or maybe even the Burgomaster (Doug Stebnltz) will be able to help her. Possibly the nice old lady will be the heroine of the play. Who knows? Be a secret agent yourself, investigate the circumstances, discover the evidence, and uncover the plot by comingto see The RedShoes

at 7:30 p.m, on May4th. In addition to the activities connected with the play, the members of Children's Theater have also begun a Stu ry Hour In cooperation with St. Paul's Schooldowntown.Various members volunteer their free periods to go down to St. Paul's and read stories for halfan hour or more. Story hour has become extremely popularwiththe pupils In all the grades. In the future, Cblldren's Theater also hopes to establish a tape library for the benefit of our WELSgrade schools.

)Missio Dei

~ WIDt-1he ;...;<-'.

Junto-sponsored sbowlngof the Synodfilm, "To_ morrow ts UponUs", on Sunday, Aprll 17, the DMLCStudent Body was informed of the massive Mtsslo Delofferingfor the Synod's.educational Instltutlons. A detalled survey oftheneeds of each of the Synod'sworkertraining Institutions havlngbeen made, the goal of the MissloDel offering was set at $4,000,000, an amount to be raised In two years so that a beglnnlngmight ..


On Tuesdayevening,April 26, the student body of DMLCand DMLHShad the opportunity to hear about \he workoftheWELS .at Our mission In Hong Kong. The guest speaker for thIS month's mission program was Pastor Selm from Stlllwater. MInnesota. He has spent three years In HongKong preaching and teacblng amongtheChinese refugees.

College with Its own facilities on Its owncampus,for about250 students. ThIs does not include residence facllities. Because Its contract wlll bave expired, the college Willbe unable to use the faclllties of the WisconsinLutheran High School after the 1968-1969schOOlyear. The Mtsslo Dei offering is to be directed by laymen, with a number of pastors serving in adviSory capacities. Each local Congregationwill be visited by a conference representative of


of the various institutions. The needs, as Itsted In the Mlssio Del "Master Plan" are as follows: At our own Dr. Martin Lu, ther College: a new multt-pur., pose building to provide for a cafeteria capable of serv1ngone thousand students three times a day, a student union and a gym_ nasium-auditorium; a remodelIng of the AdJnIn1strationBuildIng to provide for additional ciassrooms, library facllities and an assembly hall; and remodeling of Old Miin to provide office space for facultyand admln1stratlon. At Northwestern College: a new dormitory to relieve the sbortage of residence facllities, and a new gymnasium building to provide adequate tacUlty for athletic activities and large assemblies and to release the present gymnasiumfor other uses. At WisconsinLutheran seminary: a new library to provide more adequate facllitles for library and to use present library space for classrooms. At Milwaukee Lutheran Teachers College: a multi-purpose building to provide the

D.M.LC. Me.senger New Ulm, Minnesota

Retum Reque.ted



U. S. Po.tage



program and receive from each congregation a plan of offering. A number of members wlthln a congregationwilltheneach become responsible for five or more families of that congreganon, from whomthey expect to receive pledges, after having pledgedthemselves. Pledges are

GRANDCHAMPION and College Class Champion winner Eileen Kempfert shows used in project.

Science Parade For the Inquisitive scientific mind, the exhibitors of the Fourth Annual Phlogfston Sci-

(Continued on Page 4)

enee Fair posed manyproblems

Spring Sings

The Fair was held In the college auditorium on May 1st. This year the judges for the

and answered many questions.

If you wantto getIntothe spirIt of sprlngllme, May 8 Is a date to mark on your calendar. This Is the dayofthe Band-AeolIan-Marlut Concert. Throughout the concert, a happy sight of springtime will prevail. The participating girls all dressed in their soft pastel colored dresses are sure to bring the picture of a garden of flowers to mind. ThIs concert promises much variety. The program Includes selections by the Band, individual selections by both the Aeollans and the Marluts, and several joint numbers. These groups under the direction of Mr. Zimmermann, Bob Kuehn,andJanice Welshahn have a great concert lined up; but they would rather not disclose all the numbers which they have In store for the audience. Onenumber, however, will be "Scarlet Rlbbons," performed jointly by theBand,Aeollans, and Marluts. Romantic, humorousandgenerally light musiC will be the order of the day. Because thIS wlll be the final concert for these three groups this year, It is one event that no one sbould miss. The day Is Sunday, May 8; the time Is 3:00; and the place Is the Dr. Mar1ln Luther College auditorium.

event were chosen from the

Luther faculty, the faculty of Cathedral High,and a New Ulm businessman. Filling these po_ sitions respectively were Prof. Heiderich, science and geography teacher for DMLHS;Mr. Zleta, science instructor at Cathedral High;and DonBrand, sports editor for the NewUlm JournaL The judging of the exhibits took place from 12:00_1:00p.m. Open house was then held from 1:00-5:00p.m. The entries were In three major areas _ biology, chemistry, andphysics. Specifically, the observers were able to see howa lightbulbgets Its elec_ tricity; howa home-made telegraph set works; the growthof a bean; a miniature farm In operation; vartous insect collections; the visible man; and the operation of an electric machine. These entries were just


numerous col..

ored .1I,:es which vividlyportrayed various phases of life In Hong Kong. Included among these slides were pictures of the mission churches and schools which have been supported by the WELSsince February, 1964.

Phlogiston's and Prof. SWantz's biology class made up the college entries. To make the projects selfFrom¡ such start1Jngscenes, eXPla~, an essay accomit ts easy for one to see wby panied each entry. Tbeseessays Pastor Peter Changwas moved explained the procedures and some of the Initial problems en- to organize a Cblnese Lutheran countered. The exhibits, which Mtssion In 1956.Aviewofone's were actual experiments, were fellow Chrtstlans on the other performed by the entrants side of the world makes one aware of the tremendous dedithroughout the afternoon. Grand championaward of the cation and the great zeal these entire fair wentto EileenKemp- mlsston workersdtaplaytoward God and their fellowmen.This fert for her project "Snail's presentatiOn also emphasized Pace", in Whichshe measured the lack of workers which we the rate of a snail under varied have to serve these mllllons of conditions. Eileen also was souls groping In thedarkness of awarded Class Champion for heathantsm. her proJect. First place wenlto Perhaps, we as servants, may Steve Dankert for "Muscle Resomeday be the answer to this action and Kymograph";hetestserious problem. (Continued on Page 4)

a few of some one hundred

presented. The judging of these entries was done Inthree dl!ferent categories - grade school, high school and college. Someof the Lutheran grade schools from the Minnesota Dtstrlct which were represented were Sleepy Eye, Nicollet, and St. Paul's, New Ulm. Exhibitors In the high school division were from St. Croix, Onalaska, and DMLHS, wb1le college members of the

STEPHEN SCHUETZE High School Class Champion displays "Electronics."


Page 2

Spring has finally 'arrived. Although old man winter is valiantly fighting to hold out as long as possible, he is gradually losing the battle. Withthe coming of spring, everything once again begins to blossom. Life is once more restored in nature. However,not onlyinnature is life apparent, but it is also apparent on our campus as a look at the accomplishments of the recent Arbor Daytestify. Suddenly the drab, listless campus became a bustling hub of activity as everyone swarmed over the area armed either with rakes, shovels, or other tools. A few even pitched in to aid some ofthe professors incleaning up their yards. It took the cooperation of all to make Arbor Day a success. There were some complaints made, .but on the whole, everything worked out smoothly.Congratulations are in order to those who planned this day and to the student body for executingthese plans. Also at this time of the year many class activities and various organizational picniCS are also held. Since everyone has worked so hard together all year, why not join in the funand excitement of these activities, also? These activities are planned with you, the student, in mind. They are an opportunity to enjoy yourself for they give variety to our school life. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; R. Huebner

Spotlight Junto A bigger and better Junto Club is In the news for '66-'67. Committees are being set UP to bring the present sehOOlyearto a successful close. Others are laying groundworkfor a well-rounded program lieglnnlngIn September. All college students will be interested In recent constitutional changes. The major change, concerning membership, reads as follows: "All meetings shall be llmlted to membership, but at deCision of the membership a meeting may be openedto all Interested parties." Formerly, meetings were open to members and non-members alike. The change was made to form a more active, work.. Ing organization. Membership Is open to all In the college department, the only requirements being signing the constitution, paying small dues, and participation. Posters keep you Informed of meetIng dates, on alternate Thursdays, 9:00 P.M., Room202.

r-----------t I SPIEL VONTISH

As future teachers, I thought the students of this school might be interested to learn of a new boon to the teaching profeSSion - the correcting machine. Though It Is not as yet perfected, the correcting machine has great posslb1l1ties and wlll someday be a great help to teachers of every grade level. In fact, It will be so much help that teachers wlll be able to double their golf time and practice organ an extra hour every week without losing another moment's sleep I The beauty of the machine Is Its size small enoughto fit snugly into theaverage desk drawer and out ofthe reach ofcurious students, Since It Is transistor operated (Isn't everything?), the device can even be operated under these conditions. ImagineI After collecting a ream of papers from the class, one can just Insert them in the drawer and the machine goes to work. Nothingto it I The makers of the machine are all former teachers (whoseem to findit more profitable to work for their colleagues' benefit) and, as such, recognize the diff1culUes



in cor-

recting papers. For this reason, theyhave developedanynumberofattachmenis which will allow for slight alterations in the correcting process. There Is for instance a device which judges neabtess and ac~

curacy of penmanship. Another is able to decipher the hieroglyphics often encountered on mathematics papers. For the prt., mary grades,. the machine is a whiz at judging the meaning Intended by any picture fed into the slot. The correcting mach1neIs fantastically Intelligent. No longer does one need a key to any test or exercise given to the class. The machine automatically knowsthe answers to any questions asked In the fields of history, geograpby, math, science, English, spelling, religion, and recess. Fan. tastlcl Manufacturers are- at the, presaAt time workingon an attachmenttheycall the Entwistle device. When this IS booked up to the correcting mach1ne,It will be able to correct essay papers. Essentially, the Entwistle device makes a reading machine of the correcting machine - with the exception that a grade Is still atlached to the paper. And just what is the teacher's role In all this? All the teacher must do Is remove the recording roll from the machine at the end of each day. On this roll the

machine has recorded all the answers or responses given by each student on each of the papers fed It that day. By simply working through this roll and evaluating its contents, the teacher Is able to record a grade for each paper in the dally record book. However, the machine has not as yet been perfected so that It Is able to do such fine work as recording grades. With the recognition of its desperate need for help that the teachingprofession Is nowreceiving, no one doubts that this development is yet In the otfering. What will the future bring? Time will tell.

Stop It! ROSELYNKRUEGER You, yes you, make me so angry!

You have been mistreating, abusing, and taking advantage of me for so many years that I have little, if any, prestige left. This outrageous, and often inhuman, treatment


me to think of

you as an ogre. You really have no reason

to mistreat

me, because

I can

be very useful and helpful when I am citizen? Wouldn't you like to hear a first treated as you expect me to treat you. hand report of MexiCO,a discussion of I have finally decided that the best way to get results is to assert muself, and the Green Berets, or the controversial John Birch society, or a report of Synod let you know exactly how I feel about convention proceedings including the re- your kind. Because you are llke all people, you cent Mlssto Del program? Through the efforts of the Junto the entire student are very compl!cated. In order to understand and manage you, others have to body was able to view the fUm carrying the Misslo Dei message. These are know all your moods and how to cope only a few of the topics and programs with them. so that they may best do this, you could have heard and discussed as they study and analyze you, and finally, a member of the campus' current affairs become friends with you. Just as a coach club, JuntoI Why not change all that anticipates various plays and appl!es a and join now? Tell your friends what certain strategy, so youexpectyourfriends to anticipate your variOUS·moods· and they've been missing, tool wouldn't you like to be an informed


"Send Me!" "Howmanydays is It to CallNlgbt?" "Did you here tbere are two more openingsin Cal1fornla?" "I heard that a scbooI was being started downSOuth." "What is your grade preference?" "Where do you thlnk we'll be sent?" "It's less than a montbto eall nlghU" These and similar statements have becometypical ofanyconversationInvolvIng seniors in college or third-year graduates. Hopes and aspirations run high, while everyone walts In anticipation for Call Night, May25th. . This subject pervades every hour of waking and sleeping. This night is the climax of three or four years of college education, since It completes the goals of college life at Doctor Martin Luther College. Four years of college life makes us seem apart from the world. Practice teaching brings this separation to a reality. Then call night sets forth the responsibility which we all should have acquired during this tenure. We have been discussing Call Night without a qualified definition. We may define this Call Night as the "festival of the Holy Ghost." It Is this night that the Soard of Education of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, district presidents, and presidents of our synodIcal institutions decide under the guidance of the Holy Ghost where the members of the graduating class wlll receive their calls, Formerly this night was always on a Friday, but because of the Increased enrollment, the Call Committee has decided to separate the calls for the pastors and teachers to be held on two different days. Thus Call Nlgbt will for the first time be on a Wednesday evening. This night means very much to the prospective teacher. It is the fulfilment of d1l1gentstudy and tbe attalnment of his goal for education. It is the beginning of his new career of teaching In the field of Christian education andthe ministry of the Lord. This ideil Is awesome and perhaps frightening when we realize the huge responslbUity he is about to undertake. The Class of 1966 waits In expectation for this night. When Jesus asks, "Who wlll go and work today?", each member of this class dedicated to his task will gladly answer, "Here am I,

Dr. Schwlebert Is presenUy lecturer at the state Unlversity of Iowa. Previous to this time, Dr. Schwiebert taught at Capital UniverSity,S. OlafCollege, Cornell UniverSity, VaJpariso University, Northwestern Unlverstty,andWittenberg College. His field of specialization Is the Renaissance and Reformation perlosd. In addition to these fields be has done extensive research and ta~ght courses on the Mldd1eAges. From 1951-65, Dr. Schwlebertserved as Command Historian of the Air Force Systems Command,whichprovides a running account of Air Force efforts to provide better weapons for the Nation'S defense. During part of this time, he also served as ExecutiveDirector ofthe Foundation for Reformation Research. As part of this research, he surveyed European I1braries In 14 countries. Besides these accompl1shments, Dr. Schwlebert has also written two books "Luther

and His Times" and ""A H1Sto~

of the U.s. Air Force BalllsticMlsslles." He has also contributed to "20th Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge," "Luthelj" "Lutheran World Encyclo .. pedia," uThe Reformatlon;" and "New

Cathol1cEncyclopedia," "Petri," "Osiander," "Chemn1tz," and "Wittenberg." Dr. Schwlebert attended Capital University, OI1io.State ,.pnl~rs1ty, _the, University of Chicago, and ,received his Ph.D. In 1930from Cornell University•.


send me, send mel"

apply proper strategy. SO I, a stmple comma, request the same consideration from you. The greatest injustice that yourender unto me Is hurting my pride, which you do when you Ignore me. You frequently neglect to use mewithIntroductoryclauses or phrases,

use only one of me when two

are needed, or forget me In parenthetic expressions, dates, addresses, and series. If I were to tabulate all these mistakes,

The DMLC MESSENGERIs publ1shed during the months of October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. The subscription price Is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. Werequest payment In advance. The MESSENGER IScontinued after the time that·the subscription has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid, All business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. The aim of the MESSENGER Is to offer such materials as w1ll be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the 'alumnt In a closer contactwiththe college, and to foster school spirit. Editor • • • • • • • • •• Delores Maichle

I would soon have to use a f1gUre as large as our national debt. SOmetimes, rather than ignoring me, you go to the other extreme and overuse me. You throw me around as If I were a baseball. Here you really apply the wrong strategy. You think if you "stlck" me in all over the place, you wlll Impress someone. This is completely wrong. You actually are showing your Features Editor •••••••• ignorance, because I don't fit just any News Editor , ••••••• "ole"


I do have definite


Sports Editor .- •••••••••••

Tlsh Murray

, • Judy Winter Gene Baer

Alumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Sievert Make-up Editor •••••• Helen Lochner Business Manager ••••• David Sauer Circulation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz SOthat you might escape my accusa- Advertising Manager ••• Mark Boehme tions, you wlll say that I have too many Feature and News Writers •••••••••• rules to learn. I know that I have many Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, MarUyn rules, but this is no excuse for not know.. Knief, Lois Krause, ColleenGunderson Ing them. Just as you have a dictionary Mary Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan,Edith you look UP words you do not know, Zlckuhr, Jean Korte, JIm Sonneman, you have a handbook in which you can Ruth Huebner, Michele Murray, Sharotl look up my rules, It is only through Schultz, NaollliHintz studying, analyzing, and becomingfriends Sports Writers .' Joe Lequia, which should be followed because there are people, besides me, that do notice where I am placed.

with me that you will know when to use me correctly. People are much more

Henry Meyer

Make_up Staff ••••••• Rita Bremer compl1cated than we of the punctuation Circulation Staff, ••••• Joan Dumke famIIy, and you spend a lot of time Celeste Schultz, Margaret Schultz,Kar~ getting to know them. Can not we expect en Drake, Josie Aday,.Sharon Feare, the consideration from you? Norma Denninger, Ellen Koch The next time you write any essay, Dave Schoeliecloremember my plea. Please take Into con- Photographer •••••• sideration my feelingS, and spend more Assistant Photograpber ••• Tom Lippert Advisor • • • • •••••• P rotessor Trapp time on using me correctly.


News From The Classes I still recuperaUng from a vigorous but fun-ruled Arbor Day, the Freshmen Class Is as active as ever. I'm sure you all must have noticed the masculine appearance of the male portion of our class. ThIs Is due to their muscle building program In phy. ed. Meanwhile, though not surpass~ng the men In strength, the girls are sharpening their aim with that ancient of weapons, the bow and arrow. We're all getUng firsthand experience at being history teachers. Everyone belongs to a group which will have Its turn to provide one class period of edueatlonal enlightenment on some subject. One lucky section met at 6:15 one morning to become informed about "Roman Satire." Speculation has begun for a spectacular spring activity, but as yet no detinUe plan has been decided on. A plea from the treasurer Friends, Roommates, and Fellow_Freshmen lend me your pocketbook. Now Is the time for all good class members to come to the aid of your treasury. Please, I implore thee, pay your class dues. In case your memory tails you, the amount is $2.00 a semester.

After returning from the Easter vacation, College n members must once again discipline themsel\'qs to college life, but the time till summer vacation wUl come quickly enough. One wonders bow to lengthen the 24hour day to accommodate the work which must be completed In the remaining weeks. A number of our fellow classmates represented DMLCover the Easter recess touring In the College Touring Choir. Many who have heard the concert will agree to Its excellence. Both the College and Sophomore class benefited In the annual Arbor Day, the one by the class dOing Its share In the ralG:ll; and general clean-up of the campus, the class by Its beIng released from frustration and tension. A beautiful day accompanied by much energy resulted In our campus grounds looking I~ tip-top shape. The spring activity ofthe College n ciass on April 29 at 5 p.m. had a "western'r ring to it. Flandrau State Park was the setUng for a barn raising and camp tire. The presence of In-

Did you receive a phone call informing you ofand InviUngyou to participate In Arbor Day? This Is one of the many ways In which the Student Council Is seeking to unity and serve the Student Body. In order to improve Its program next year, the Council will again cI rculate a questionnaire among the Student Body to discover which of Its actions have been most bene, ficial and should be continued in the future and to locate areas where improvement should be made.

A PEONYplant receives muchattentionfrom Linda Lutkat, KathyLuetzow, and Jerry Scheitel.

Campus Clean-Up After dinner, the traditional Arbor Day tree-planting ceremonies were obse rved by the high school students on their

dians, gave ita complete "west_ ern" atmosphere.

The dawn of DMLC's 1966 Arbor Day, Monday, April 25, was heralded by the blaring of fire bells Intended to awaken a slumbering student body for a day of hard work mixed with fun and play. When Arbor Day was over, there was much evidence that the day certainly had not

College n men are once again out for the baseball, golf, and track teams •.

been spent in the classroom most obviously, sore muscles and sunburns..

In an action-packed softball game at 3:00, the "Fabulous Fa-



First of all, the most stupendous, earth-shaking, butterfly"OuchI" "0 ..0-0" "Myachprodoclng news Is that there are Ing back I" These are only afew now only 21 days till Call Night of the exclamations.thal can be and 35 days till graduation. heardeminaUngfrom the moUths Secondly, on Arbor Day, 1966, b"- of the "physically, fit",.9,ollege "the,. ~.u1or ClaliS of.this,year .:,...-1Jt;'~1l'!ter' they put In' planted'· ,r:tree. President Jatheir share oHlme helping make cobs performed the rtte and the campus and the profs' lawns gave to our Utue pin oak a conlook clean and inviting on the ductor's baton so the little tree annual Arbor Day. Many of the could sway with the proper girls became so exuberant from rhythm, a list of overdue books the beautiful weather, that they from our library warning the put In extra hours In HlIlvlew, little tree to beware of fines, a or should 1 say on Hillview. You notltlcatlon Ofthe meeUngofthe can spot them a mile away. Call Committee, a Newsweekso Their faces are aglow with the that tho little tree would be weil evidence of many hours spent versed in current events, and a protecUng the sundeck from piece of bubble gum for a little further weathering. Too bad the relaxation from the hectic life weather didn't hold out so they at school. All of these momencould carryon their work Inthe tos wore laid at the little trees good old DMLC"Do or Die" traroots to help him grow tall and dlUon. Cheer up girls, SUmmer to remind him of his benetac, may come yet. tors, the Senior Class of 1966. U you don't see a short little girl with Iong black hal r hur , rying around from class to class lately, Its because she has been practicing up onher teaching, or The week of April 24th has should I say running, downatst. been chosen by many as the Paul's school. Keep up the good time for area Ladles Auxiliary work, Josle. Two more of our meeUngs In Minnesota. Three of class will be returning from these meeUngs were held at practice school soon. They are: Glenco-, Darfur, and at Wood Mary Laatsch and Lois Luedtke. Lake, Minnesota and were atWelcome back to the last tellde<!by a group from DMLCon stretch I Apr!1 26 and 27, Professor BrIck together with Dave Jacobs, Janice Welshahn, Anna Lombardo, and Nancy Carne spoke to groups averaging 80 In attendance. Dave and Janice In one of Its final meeUngs sPOk~on the subjects oflife at of the ·year, the Luther Literary DII1LC, practice teaching, and League undertook the election of the blessings ofthis school, ProIts officers for the next school fessor Brick showed slides of year. This was done totlcll1tate DMLC's future expansion pro_ organization next fall. The gram. The newMlsslo Del buildPresident for the next school Ing was described Indetail. Muterms Is Tom Siegel, Vlce_ sical entertainment was propresident Is Duane Rehberg, vided by Janice on the plano, Secretary Is Faith Haferman Nancy on the viOlin, and vocalizand treasurer Is LOis Sievert. Ing Avoa. The Inspirational numThese four will lead the League ber "He Shall Feed His Flock in Its many and various activiLike a Shepherd" from Handel's ties coming next year.

Manpower Trips

Officers Chosen


Let-down - You know that you aren't very Important when you make a mistake and nobody notices It.

SC Plans


was done by the trio.

Breakfast was served from 6:30 to 7:45, after whichthe students reported to the Administration Building for their work assignments - high school students to the gymnasiumand college students to the auditorium. Several


were added

this year be........ ofthe Increase In the number 'of students: the high school students spent their working hours at their new campus. In addition to cleaning the main campus,

new campus,


the Junior

class officiating, whereas the college seniors did the bonors for the college students.

culty" found Itself opposed to the "Superb Seniors." The final score of 11-10 found the faculty on the short end. At 4:00, a high school track meet was held at Johnson Field.

A new form of elecUng student Council officers and the draWing up of a new constitution are two of the Council's most current concerns. The possibility of electing the Council's president Inthe spring of the year Instead of the fall Is being considered. Other current endeavors include planning and organizing the Activities Banquet which will be held the 21 and 22 of May at Turner Hall, building a barbeque pit at Luther Hollow, and working with the Ubrarlan to establish more effective and workable library rules. Early In May, four student Council representatives will again attend the Ttl-State Leadership Conference which Is beIng held at Dickenson, North Dakota this year.

The Council Is happy to reThe day was concluded with a port that It was able to forward high school-college ptcnte sup$189 to our Spanish Mission In per served at the base of the Tuscan, Arizona, to help defray ~e rmann Monument InHermann "', .the ,expenses of a type. wrtter Heights Park bythe college senequipped with ~sPanish characlor girls. Faculty members and ters. A sum of about $100 was their tlmUies also were In atalso collected for our HongKong tendance. mission.

some of the

college students were employed at the homes o!taculty members. Work In the respective assigned areas began at about 8:15, with a rmd-morrung break at 10:30, and ended at 1:00 with dinner. Work on campus Included the


of lawn areas,

picking up ofstones, sweeping of the tennis courts, and the digging of pits on the athletic field. At the homes

of faculty members,

prepa rations



in such forms as


the season

the cleaning of windows, the raking of lawns, and the plantIng and transplanting of trees, sh rubs and bushes,

and other

yard work.

'66 Tour Ends Shortly before the witching hour on April 11,twoGreyhound buses roared onto the campus and 67 weary choir members and two equally weary professors disembarked with their arms full of a choir tour's worth of belongings. This group had just returned from a thirteen-daytourofWls_ consin, IllinOiS, and Minnesota. During these days it was their

privilege to sing twenty concerts to the glory of their Lord. Part of the purpose of this tour had been to Interest others In the work of the church bydisplays, slides and personal conversations. Now tlJ.ese



Th~ students found these meet- Christ were back to finish the Ings heart-warming, The La1966 school year. It is their dies Auxtllary Is Indeed doing prayer that they have In some wonderfUl work for and with way helped to encourage workDMLCIn promoUng the work of ers In the church by their ,the Lord. .&Inglng.

JUDYOITZMANand Marilyn Long "working hard"?

Concerts Traded On Tuesday evening, April 19, the students of DMLCwere privileged to hear the Bethany Choir under the direction ofiver C. Johnson render its sacred concert, "Praising the Savior in Song." In this song service,

the choir depicted the thought of John


"I am the way,

the truth, and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me," through various musical selections. Their repertoire included such numbers as "Forsake Me Not" by H.W. Mon son, Hln Joseph's Lovely Garden" a Spanish number ar-

ranged by Ciarence Dickinson, and


Son Has Made Me

Free" by M.B. Landstad and H.A. Brolson,

On Thursday night ofthe same week, the DMLCChoir traveled to Mankato where they repaid Bethany's visit by rending their tour repertol re to the students and friends of Bethany.Included in this rendition were such favorites as j'Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men," "We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost," and "There is a Balm in Gilead." After both concerts an enjoyable social hour was sponsored

by the host choir.

ble and a trtple by Dale Walz and a bases-empty bomer for WUde. " Walz's bat was hot agaIn as he coUected three hits. Wllde and Lemke each added two hits. Lancer base stealing was good as seven thefts were recorded. Once again Lemke went the route, striking out eight. ThiS leaves him with a 2 and 0 conference record.

Tee Off

Time Out Each year, usually In early April, college campuses allover the country begin preparing for spring sports. Even at DMLC, where music reigns supreme, spring sports have gotten under way.

Rochester was the site of the first DMLCgolf match on AprU 27th. Five boys made the trtp This year we have four interscholastic spring sports on the along with Prof. Trapp. Rain and cold weather made the match hUl with strong teams In'baseball and tennis and fUture promise less enjoyable than It normally ~Itre and golf. The sports outlook Inthe Lancer castle Is probwould have been. The Lancers a y tter than It has been In a long t1me, but one uncontrollable ran Into some tough competition, element Is the elements, which have been espectally unce-operaand came out on the short end t1ve this particular spring. Or Is It spring? of a 382 to 313 score. FreshNothing Is more discouraging to a person than pract1clng man Terry Vasold led the LancfOr several weeks In preparation and getting h1msei!-~';;otionallY ers with an l8-hole score of89. Other individual scores were "up" for a contest only to find that It has been cancelled or postponed because of the elements. Sad to say, this Is exactly what has " Bob Kuehn - 90, Jack Gronholz94, Garrett Frank - 109, and happened to our Lancer teams several times this spring In the Harry Mears - 116. The top two "land of 10,000 lakes." A spring such as the one that we are exmen for Rochester shot 75's. periencing Is uncomfortable and frustrating for everyone, especOniy the top four scores were ially the athletic squads. counted In the total. The Lancer golf team is made It Is obvious that someone Is not conforming. Either Mother up of seven members: Nature will have to shape up, or we'll have to Introduce hockey Bob Kuehn - Sparta, Wisconsin and skiing In place of the spring sports we now have. Terry Vasold - Saginaw,Michigan <Cootinuedfrom Page 1: Jack Gronholz - New Ulrn, Mined reactions of a live frog's leg muscle when stimulated by an electrical Impulse. Secondplace was awarded to DaveSchoeneck for his "Photography" which portrayed the development of a flower. Sandy GoUsh and Rita Bremer earned third place for their "Mouse Maze and Diet." They placed mice on varied dlels and ran them through a maze. Johanna Witte placed fourth with "yeast Culture" viewed under several microscopes. In grade school competition, Dale Krohn, from Trinity, Nicollet, won Class ChampionshiP for "Weather Forecasting." Rlckl Apltz, st. Paul's, New UIm, took first place with "power." Second place went to Glen Asleson, Trlnlty,Nlcollet, for "Foetel Pig Dissection." Janet Gramsted, Zlon,Sanborn, earned third place with "Arthropod In Plastic." "Bird Quiz" won Timothy swantz, st. Paul's, New UIm, fourth place. stephen Schuetze won Class Champion award for "Electronics" In the high school dtvisiOn. Kathy Hartwig took first place with Pressed Plant Collection." Second place went to Chris Fredrich for "E.S.P." Chlnchllla" earned Debbie Nit. third place. Janice stoerlng placed fourth with "Soli and Plants."


Par _ If at first youdon't succeed, you're average.

On Your Mark

CARL Lemke on the mound.

Batter Up

Garrett Frank - Rhinelander,

Lack of experience and depth greaUy bampered the Lancer track team at their I1rst meet, namely the Rochester Invitational. The team failed to get any points, but showed the detarminatron which Is the Lancer tradition. The team Is made up of six freshmen and six sophomores. Alan Jeffers - High hurdles and Low hurdles David Nelson - PoleVaUltand Broad Jump Eugene Cook - Shot put and Discus Ron George - Discus Bob Schoeer - Discus Jeremy Scharleman - 440 Ernest Brockmeier - Shotput

Luther Lancers opened the 1966 Baseball season by defeatIng Metropolltan J.C. of Salnt Paul 6 to 3. Carl Lemke looked good on the mound as he struck out 11 and walked oniy four. Lemke received adequate support from his teammates who and discus The Lancer's next match will collected 12 hits off MetropoliDavid Lohse - 100 and 220 be against Concordia. A contan pitching. Bob Hlll and GorGary Helmen - 880 and high ference match will be held at die Vetter collected three hits jump Austin on May the 20th. apiece, Dale Walz had two, and Eric Harlsell - 440 and 880 Jim Billtz drove In two runs Eugene Schmidt - Mile Idea _ My deep -thinker friend with a key single. Dale Finck - 100, 220, and says one of the quickest ways to On a day whennothing seemed Pole VaUlt meet new people is to pick up to be going right, the Lancers Besides their Individual the wrongball onthe golf course. dropped a pair of non-conferevents, relays are also comence games to Owatonna Plllsprised of these twelve. Coach bury Baptist College 4 to 1 and John Mltcheel will next be tak6 to 5 on an Inl1eld that resemIng his team to Saint PaUl for a bled Mallbu Beach. Seven ermeet with Concordia. rors and fourteen strtkeouts by the Lancers contributed to their SUccess has been the word for (Continued from Page 1; downfall. Brands started and the tennis team In the early to be met over a pertod of two lost the Hrst game. Merlyn going. The Lancers gave Bethyears. The head of each family Wilde started the second game any a sound beat1ng by a 7 to 1 In a given congregation w1ll with rellef help from Carl Lemscore In the opening match of ROG Sievert jumps receive a "Firm Commitment ke In the seventh with the score the year. The Lancers second high to meet ball with Card", which will serve as a 5 to 5. A Walk, a passed ball, match was against the perennial record of his pledge, and as a and a single won the game for ehamplons, Austin Junior Colpowerful stroke. basis on which the Synod can Pillsbury In the last of the sevlege. The Lancers came upwith begin to make plans for fUlflllenth with Wilde taking the loss. :::~:::::~:::::~:::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. a mildly surprising 5 to 2 vicIng lis needs. Lancer bats sing In 11-3 victory. \\\\ Coming Events :\\\ In the Bethany meet, Jessop tory. In providing for the needs of won 3-6, 6-2, 6-1; Sievert lost The Lancers bounced back lis educational Institutions, the 6-4, 6-4; Duehlmeier won 6-3, from the double header loss to Synod will be able to meet the 6-4; Dumke won 7-5,6-3; Boeck Plllsbury as they downed the requirements of increasing en\\\ Ma:ro::a~Ollege Lyceum 11\ won 6-4, 6-1; Kuske won 6-1, highly lalented and regarded rollment at these schools, as Austin Comets. Lancer bats :~:May 8: Band, Aeollans:::l 10-12, 6-4; Jessop and Boeck well as providing facllities struck for twelve hils Including :;;: Marlut ::::; won their doubles match 6-4, which will makeour Synodbetter three extra base knocks: a douable to provide for the need of :~:~ Concert at3:00. OpenHouse::~:: 6-4 while stevert and Dumke teamed up for a 5-2, 6-4 win workers In the ever-expanding against their doubles opponents, mission l1elds. \\\\Mi:~~~;: Public Plano~\\ Against Aust1n, Jessop bowed SInce studenls w11l not be ::::May 13: student Councll:::; 3-6, 4-6; Sievert won 6-2, 6-3; asked to pledge, the students of :::: Movie Night :::: Dumke won 6-3, 7-5; and Boeck Dr. Martin Luther College have 8-6, 6-1. In the doubles Sievert ::::May 19: Ascension Day:::; sbown theIr concern for Misslo ::::May 21: College Activlt1es ;::: and Dumke, who took the numDel In an offering gathered In ber one spot from Jessop and :::: Banquet :::: the morning after the showing Boeck, fell 6-2, 0-6, 4-6, but ~:~: May 25: Call Night :::; of "Tomorrow is ypon Us". Jessop and Boeck won 6-3, 6-4. Wisconsin

Harry Mears -North Saint PaUl, Minnesota Joe LeqUla - Rhinelander, Wisconsin Merlyn Kruse - Sleepy Eye, Minnesota



Our Alwin Electric H. J. Baumann, Insurance Backer's Pbarmacy Beck's - The Leading Jewelen "Braunrelter and Son Hardware Brown's Music Store Cltlzen-'. Stat;'- Bank Coa.t-to-Coa.t Store Dairy Bar Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Fe.. nmaler Dr. Haroldson, Optometrl.t Drs. George Kuehner & Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr, Schwartz, Dentist

"~~":::~hM Star.

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Patrons Ulm Gift & Hobby Shop Ulm Gr.. nhou ... Ulm Th_ter Brick & Tile Yards Springfield Oswald's New Ulm Laundry Co. Patrick's Jewelen patterson's Relm and Church J.wel.rs J. C. P.nn.y Co. Pink'. Polto Drug Store Rattls Department Store RetzlaW. Our Own Hardware Rite-Way Cleanen Scheible Plumbing & Heating Schnobrlch's City Meat Market Sean

N.w New New Ochs

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Vol. LVI

NO. 10


Sitz Observes Anniversary Prof. Herbert Sitz of Dr. Martin Luther College was honored guest at a banquet Saturday night, May 7, at Elbner's Wlllamarle Room, marking his 50th anniversary In the teaching ministry of the Lutheran Church. MaIn speaker at the banquet was Prot. Carl Schweppe, presIdent of DMLC. He congratulated Prof. Sltz In his 50 years of service and sald those present and the church at large were grateful to God for the blessings which He had conferred upon His church through His servent, Prof. Sitz. Testimonials and congratula-

courses in these areas. Atpresent, he Is librarian at DMLC. The honored teacher has said that his chief goal Is to develop a library that meets the requirements of an up-to-datecollege, both In quality and quantity. It was only natural that he was selected librarian for he had become known In the city

as "the man reading a book" no matter where one saw him. He still has this habit midst his many duues.

tory messages were received from members of the family who

were unable to be present; from Oscar Naumann, president of the Wisconsin Synod; from Pastor Manfred Lenz, president of the MInnesota District of the synod; from heads of the varl.ous schools of bigher learning In the synod; from classmates and friends. Prof. Delmar Brick was master of ceremonies. Members of Prof. Sitz's Imme~l!,;., ~aJ.!!ijr,..who, - • ..,.'"""....... were' Prot. and Mrs. Sitz and family of Milwaukee; PROF. SlTZ Is afamUiarflgProt. and Mrs. Jerome Hardes ure In New Ulm, as he spent 45 (nee Elizabeth Sitz) and family of his 50 years olteachlnghere. from Milwaukee and members After graduating from DMLC of the Mueslng families In New In 1916, he accepted a teaching Ulm and Slayton. call to St. Paul's School at Blue PROF. SlTZ specialized In Earth. This teaching career was American history and governInterrupted when Prof. Sltz enment, English and history, scitered the Army and spent 11 ence and elementary art. At one months overseas durinC World Ume or another, he taught War 1. Alter returning from military service, he accepted a call from St. Paul's In New Ulm In 1920 and has been In New Ulm since. He became principal at St. Paul's and helped build the school's academic excellence. Prof. Sitz married Ida Mueslng of New Ulm In 1925. Soft Southern Breeze, chosen Since the tall of 1950, Prof. as the theme of the annual ColSltz has taught at DMLC. His lege Activities Banquet, held on wide educational background May 21 at Turner Hall, was gained through study at Conportrayed beautifully by the cordia College In St. Paul southern atmosphere created by DMLC here, at Mankato State decorations suited to compleCollege and at the University ment the theme. Many hours of Minnesota made him a valand much effort on the part of uable asset to DMLC. the decorating committees

Banquet Depicts Southern Setting

proved very successful. The complete encirclement of the hall with chalk murals depicting the splendor of the South and a rock-ledge cascadlng water falls added hi-lights to the evening's festivities.

New Ulm, Minnesota

94 Graduate

June 8 marks a very important day In the life of eighty-one seniors and thirteen juniors. On this day, graduation exercises will symbolize for them the completion of their formal education and their entrance into the teaching ministry. These exercises will take place at 10:00 a.m, In the college auditorium. Following the processional, which will be rendered by Robert Kuehn, a member of the Senior Class, and the singing of a hymn, Professor Carl L. Schweppe, retiring president of DMLC, will deliver the commencement address andpresent the diplomas to the graduates. The DMLC Choir will add to the exercises by singing the fitting Under the magical spell of the Red ShOes and SIlogg's (Jeremy number, "Be Thou Faithful." Scharlemann) command, Karen (Kathy Herold) beglns to dance The Senior Class will also renwhlle Jemmo (Gretchen Manthey) stares In amazement. der its class hymn, "Lord, We Enter Now Thy Vineyard," which was written by Patricia Murray and set to music by Robert Kuehn. This year the On May 4th and 5th DMLC exwhere the play was presented to accompaniment for the singing perlenced anolher flrsl In Its the children of the Lutheran of the hymns will also be prohistory. On those dates a twograde schools Inthe Twin Clttes vided by seniors. Roger Klockact play called' 'The Red Shoes" area. zlem, Robert Adrian and Judith was presented by members of As the story begins we see Westendorf have been selected the Children's Theater, a dlvlSnogg, a gypsy quack (Jeremy to play. Following the recesslon of the Luther Literary Scharlemann), traveling to a sional, which will be played by League. The sole purpose of this picturesque Danish village with Allen Krause; the graduates.w1U :- c;U~_w~\1~as_Iijil:.w.l.¥... ~UMiMilldo;-._J!b1sIl§,:!!m~l!~tl!e.~clo~wn~JoIl'lIIlij~mIj;9U'&lG~"'~"I&~:.J:b. officially r~et;.:-::: ..,-thelr calls. this _year, Is to provide enter":' - en Manthey). Here Snogg tries to For these comrnencernent ex.. talnment for grade school chllabduct a pretty young orPhaD erclses, the forepart Of the audren, girl named Karen (Kathy Herold) ditorium will bear the 'alble The Red Shoes, written by for his traveling show. He enverses which were chosen by Robin Short, Is based On the tlces her with a pretty pair of each of the classes as Its class fairy tale of the same name by red dancing shoes, but his plans rnoto, The Seniors chose Isaiah Hans Christian Anderson. On are thwarted when Karen's long41:10, "Fear thou not; for 1 am May 4th It was given for the lost grandmother (Barb Schuetwith thee: be not dismayed; for Lutheran grade schools In this ze) appears. I am thy God: I wllJ strengthen area and also for the student Finally Snogg does manage to thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, body and community. The next persuade Karen to accept the I will uphold thee with the right day the cast traveled to St. red shoes as a gilt. Once the hand of my righteousness," for Croix Lutheran High School shoes are on. her feet, the magic their motto while the graduating power of the shoes makes Karen Juniors selected Philippians dance out of town. MeanwhUe, Scholastic Year 4:3, "I can do all things through Jemmo sneaks back to town and Christ which strengtheneth informs Karen's sweetheart Ends with Concert me." As their class nowor and Nels, a cobbler's apprentice class colors, the Seniors chose (Ron Brown) of Karen's preTuesday, June 7, dressed In the gladiola and burgendy and dicament. their fanciest attire the College Ivory. The white rose, royal They return to the gypsy camp ChOir, College Chorus, Treble blue and white, and f'Forsake in the WOOdswhere Karen is cnorr, High School Choir and Me Not,It were selected by the being held prisoner. Jemmo High School Chorus will sing a third year graduates as their pretends to be Karen and leads concert of gay secular music. class flower, colors, and hymn. Snogg on a wild chase. While Pre-concert music will be As these graduates go Into the stalling In this way, Karen's provided by the hand. Among grandmother and the town field we pray In the words of the their numbers will be themes Senior Hymn that our King will (Doug Stebnltz) from "Bonanza" and "Law.. burgomaster ever help and guide them through appear on the scene. At last' rence of Arabia." whatever I1fe may bring. Karen Is united with her grandThe College Choir will open mother and sweetheart, Jemmo the concert with four sacred plans to join the circus, and pieces. They will be followed Snogg comes to grips with the by the High School Chorus. Af_ burgomaster and Is ordered out ter the mass Singing of HGive of town. Me Your Tired, Your Poor,"

New Organization Scores Success

the High School Choir will sing a few I1ght refreshing songs. Next the College Chorus will take over and fill the auditorium with the syncopated rhythm of

Roger "Ras" Sievert served this year as the capable master of ceremonies. Mr. George Rice of WCCO served as guest speaker with the presentation topic, television as the medium of communications. Siudent entertainment composed of the trumpet solo of Jim Haterman, vocal selections by Sharon ReUs, the harmonizing of the IV CliPs, and the monologue of Phil Shook. Student organization, athletic, and music awards were presented to the students by the respective heads of the departments.

JUNE 7, 1966

"Grandfather's Clock." The clear sound of ladies' voices

Southern atmosphere captivates last College Activities Banquet.

Seniors as they enjoy their

from the Treble Choir is next on the program. Then the College Choir will return with their addition to this joyous June Night Concert. All the college choirs accompanied by the band w!l1 swell the auditorium with the majestic sound of "Amerlea Our Heritage." With this final number June Night w1l1 close and be commUtedto the memories of all who were present.



~:~. D.M.L.C. Messenger ~ ~:


::~:New Ulm, MInnesota E~


::: Return Requested ::~:::


.... kRat.

U. S. Postage Paid New Ulm, Minn. P..... 1t9S

EditorialOn Saturday, May 21, students and facultymembers alike gathered at Turner Hallto attend the annual Activities Banquet. This is a big Event on campus, one of the major highlights of the year. The banquet was well attended, decorations were insurpassable, the best ever; and the meal was delicious. A pat on the back and a round of applause or standing ovation is certainly in place for the committee who organized this banquet. Without their help and effort, it would not have been the success it was. However, certain complaints have been voicedaboutthis banquet. Manyfeel it was too long. The program should have been shortened, with less speeches and entertainment. Others felt it was boring to just sit andwatch others get awards. Then, too, they felt that the guests were left in the dark, not knowingthe organizations on campus, the awards given, or the people receiving awards. A large consensus of opinion has recommended having two banquets. One banquet would be strictJ.y an awards banquet and the other wouldbe more a social banquet, with fun and entertainment as the objective. Many students feel that a social banquet would be a more appropriate place at which to wear formal attire and also for whichto makeelaborate decorations. This is indeed something to think about. For as our student body grows, so do our campus organizations, clubs, and athletic department. A shorter awards banquet wouldalleviate quite nicely boredom, tendency to leave early, and "sit-itis." A social banquetwouldprovide good entertainment and relaxation, which could also be thoroughlyenjoyedby outsiders and guests. Perhaps the time has come when some changesshould be made. You, as the student body, must consider the matter and decide. R. Huebner

S.C. President Evaluates Year I personally have no use for a braggert, and no doubt neither do you; however, If It Is understood correctly, vlewed In the right I1ght, I think that all of you, members of the student body, might Join with me In "bragging" about what all of us, the student body, have accompllshed this past school year. CongratUlations to you, DMLCstudent body.

Students Pay Consequences How many people do you think could fit In a car? At the College Spring Ac;

tivity held Thursday night, May 26, the Juniors proved that thirty-three people can fit In a car at one time. Thrllling consequences were played as a result of falling to answer questions onthe "Truth or Consequence" show. The M.C., Carl Natzke, asked for volunteers from the audience to parttctpate In this game. Consequences Included a couple sitting on a twenty-five pound block of Ice, boys putting makeup on other boys, people picking jelly beans out of cream pies without hands, and also a ple_eatlng contest won by Diane Detert and Jim BlIltz. Professors Hartwig and Frederick also contributed to the fun by countingthe number of squares on a roll of tlssue paper. Larry Joecks was called up on stage to relate a few Incidents to the audience which occurred on the Trl-State Convention.

* Due to unforeseen conflicts beyondcontrol of Student

Checkmate Anyone?


The Expressos entertained the auThe Dr. Martin Luther College Cbess dience by Singing song selections. Carolyn Club Is a new campus organization devoted Sturm ended the program by leading the to the study and pursuit of the great game group In a slng_a_long. of chess. Chess originated In ancient India, reached an ali-time populartty peak In the Middle Ages, and Is stili gOing The business of the Student Councll strong, especially here on DMLCcampus. Is serious bUSiness as It directly affects Every Sunday afternoon faithful and enyou and your happiness and enjoyment of thusiastic chess club members gather In student life. Anyone who says that the Hlllvlew town girl's room for an afternoon Student Councll Is worthless and has ac- of play, usually preceded by a short bustcomplished close to nothing Is not famlllar ness meeting. with the Councll, Its workings, and what It The Chess Club was developed under has done. SUcha person has but one plea, the guiding hand of Pro!, senroeder, now gullty, for reasons of complete, absothe organization's advisor and "coach". lute, and out-and-out Ignorance, Former organization took Place gradually This year's Student Councll consisted of a flne crew of real workers, real go.. getters. It I may be so frank as to admit feellngs of success In regard to this year's Student Councll, let me owe It to a tre-' mendously good student Councll and our faculty advisor, Professor Koelpln. With_ out them, we, the student body, would have suffered, and we could not have accornpllshed nearly as much as we did. In my estimation,

the greatest,


many members

stratlon chess board, A seasonortntercotlegiate play Is also anticipated, (ThIs year the clUb partiCipated In one Intercollegiate match with Mankato state. Although no matches were wonby our players, they chalked the match up as valuable experience, and hope to do much better In the tuture.) Membership In the cness ClubIs opel;' to any collegiates Inter~sted In ptaylng chess, ..nd also to beginners who wish to learn.

througb the year. Robert Kuehn served a short term as Chairman. Vice-Chairman Monte Schmelge will hold the otIice of Chairman for 1966-67. Mary Schlueter serves as secretary.

In the coming school year the Chess Club members see the fUlfUiment ot great plans. Besides playing regUlar matches at the weekly meetlngs, strategy will be studied with the help of a large demon-


single success this year, as It affected all projects that were undertaken by the student body, was that of student mvotve, ment, not just Student Councll members, but


Council date and/or movie is subject to change.

of the stu-

LiC, Completes Mission Program

dent body, pitching In andhelping frequently to accompllsh the many projects projected by the Councll this year. Yes, atu., Speaking for the final mission lecdent Involvement was an experiment tried ture Friday, May27,Intheauditorlum, was this year In full force by the Connett, It Pastor Martin Birkholz of Mankato on be_ worked superbly. half of Lutheran Collegians. To strengthen, reclaim, and gain collegiates for Chrtstls Before I close, a word or two on what the purpose of Lutheran Collegians. In might be regarded as a parting shot In the 1954 a group of Wisconsin SynodLutheran form of a warning, because of an almost students at Mankato state began to meet perpetual force within our student body, and to plan on their own. Then In January which has become more and more evident of 1963 these students were granted 'perthis past school year. I am here speaking mission and a sum of $23,000 from the of a constant thought, a constant movement Wisconsin Synod to establish the first within our ranks to try to bring to DMLC Synod-bought student center. The center and Incorporate In this school, traditions serves as a residence for ten girls and a from other high schools and colleges. Always bear In mind, DMLChas some very housemother, and also as an assembly place for meetings. tine traditions. other schools also have flne traditions. Very many of the various Of an enrollment of 11,000 students at other school's traditions, usually very Mankato state, approximately 250-300stuliberal traditions, do not !It DMLC's tradents are Wlsconsn Synod Lutherans. ditions. Remember this and keep the traAt reglstratlon, each student fills out a ditions of DMLC purely DMLC. When In religious Information card. These Infor_ Rome, do as the Romans do, and when at DMLC, do as the DMLCtradltlons sOdic- mation cards are then channeled to the respective rellgious denominational leadtate. ers. If 15-20% of the contacted respond, then pastor Birkholz belleves he has I have tried, Your Student Council has reached his goal, The Mankato chapter tried, You the student body have tried. now has 51 paid_up members. Is my hope that all of you are satls-


I personally am very pleased with fled with wbat has transpired on campus what was done 1n the way of student ac- this past school year. I think that we bave compllshments this past school year. succeeded admirably. EIgbt months ago I must admit to being a bit apprehensive of what might, could, or Much was done and accomplished this woUld be accomplished In the then ap_ year, very much in fact, but not everyproaching year. Now, I must tell you how th1ng. Next year 1s another year, a year very happlly and honestly pleased I am In which much again can and must be done. with the outcome. I'm both pleased and You, we, the student body now have the very proud of you, for what you've done momentum of body, spirit, and mind. Make this past year. You have llt me up Inside; sure that It keeps moving! Don't ever alyou have done more than I had thought low It to slow down!Thank you. was possible. H. MEYER.

Pastor Birkholz warned the student assembly against an anti-public school attitude. The church also needs public workers of firm conviction In order to serve as plliars of the church. There

are numerous



throughout the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota - whlch Incidentally has chapters located In Mankato, Morrts, WI_ nona and at the University ot Minnesota, Mlnneapolls.

The DMLC MESSENGERIs pub~lshed (luring the months of October, November, December, February, March, Aprll, May and June. The subscription price Is one dollar and ftfty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request pay_ ment In advance. The MESSENGERts continued after the time that the subsertp., tion has expired, unless we are notified to discontinue, and all arrears are paid, All business communications SilOuidbe addressed to the Business Manager. Con_ trtbutlons from all alumni, undergrad_ uates, and friends are appreclated. The 31mof the MESSENGERIs to offer such materials as wlll be benertcial as well as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni In a closer contact withthe College, and to foster school splxlt. Editor' : • • • • • • '" Delores Malchle Features Editor •••••••• Tlsh Murray News Editor •••••••••• Judy Winter Sports Editor Gene Biler Alumni Editor ••••••••• Lois Sievert '" Make_up Editor •••••• Helen Lochner Business Manager • • • • • David Sauer CircUlation Manager ••• Celeste Schultz Advertising Manager • • • Mark Boehme Feature and News Writers •••••••••• Barbara Saeger, Carol Unke, MarilYn Knief, Lois Krause, Colleen Gunderson, Mary Schleuter, Jennifer Hogan, Edith Zlckuhr, Jean Korte, JIm Sonneman, Ruth Huebner, Michele Murray, SharOll Schultz, Naollll Hintz Sports Writers .' Joe Lequla, Henry Meyer Make_up Staff ••••••• .uta Bremer CircUlation staff •••••• Joan Dumke, Celeste SchUltz, MargaretSchultz, Kar_ en Drake, Josle Aday, Sharon Feare, Norma Denninger, Ellen Koch Photographer •••••• Dave SchoenecJo Assistant Photograliler ••• Tom Lippert Advisor •••••••••• Protessor Trapp

I![~(~;I:iiQ]jjrmilRH~ Dr. Martin Luther College Seniors

lOBBRT A.DRlAlf Yale, )(1dl. St. JobD" BarabOO. W..:


BUGENE BAD Rapid City, SoD.

SUSAlI 8LUIIK Arbor, Ylcb. Salem-' .






Slerwood. Ore. Peridot


_W ....

F. BOWERIIAN Mlcbipn City, Ind. st. Paul',


Crete, nt. St. Paul's ArUMton. J4lIm.


:· ··· .. I ~f"~ EMELIE

LOW ROERLE Wla. Zion RhlDalaDder Wi&.


EILEEN POOLE PboeD1x, Ariz. Immanuel at. PaIl1. M1DD.


DAVID SAUER Lake City, II1ml. our Bavior Pomona, Call!.


Tuc8OD. Artz. st. Paul" Tomah, Wla.


}....••..... '.:>..'. , : :F:'··.,•. :: r...

AD' 8R£I"I"JCRBUT ~~.)l1.DD. CietbMmane ),lUCID

City. lowa

RClfALD BROWlf PMbUCO. WiS. st. Paul" Ducor, WlJI.



st. .....


C. GUNDERSON Soutb. Sbore,


st. John's NeW'Ytlle,WlS.


Wb1tbrow. W..... Jerusalem )II1 ..aut.. , WLa.

GRAcB cox West AUla, Wla. Betblebem BortoDvUle, Wla.



West Allis, WltI. Trinity Waukellba, Wl..

DUSSEAU SIIAR.a'f FEARE ELAmE FEHLA.UER ARLEEN FIEBIGER Norfolk,Neb. Milwaukee, WI.. Nicollet, MInn. Sl.eepyEye, Mlnn. Frtedana st. John's Bethlehem PUcrlm Falla:, Wla. KeDOllba, Wi&. Newtoobefl. Wla. MenomoneeFalla


lfCIUIA DEIClCDIGER KAREN ANN DRAKE CUdahy, wt.. GleD'I1ew, Ul. Immanuel Good 9lepberd ... P........................

SUZANNE FOUND Artz. st. ......... Iroa Rldp, W1s.




GoHEeIGUNN BONNIE HOFFMANN New Ulm, Detroit, "teb.. st. Paul's DlvlDltJ South HaV8A, Mieb. ... p..........





Minn. Bethlehem HortoovUle. Wi&. Winona,

KALB RaCine, Wis. Salem


SCio Twp" Miell.

JUOCl'H SCHLEEF CAROL1lf SCJOIIIn' CELESTE tcHUL TZ 0 .. 0880, Mtch. st. Louis, Mo. Belle Plaine, 141M. Centennial EastFork Mlsa10n st. JOhn', Milwaukee, Wi&. Whitartwr, Artz.. Nielavllle, Wi&.

BARBARASEAGER: ROGERS[EVERT LaHabra, CaU!. Beaver, Dam Wis. MOWlt Calvary Waukeaba, Wu.


NLA Kobr1dp,

Atonement M11....... , Wi ...

!.:' R. KLOCKZIEM Sacin&w. Mlcb. st. JobD" Cold BPriDI. W1a.

JAMES KLUG MUwaUkee.Wis. at. Peter PIJIDOUtb, Micb.

MARILYNKNIEF at. Paul. Minn. Immanuel FIlDt, IIlcb.

PAUL KOEPSELL Dakota. Minn. St. Paw's

r !.~. ,


at. Paul's ronAtk1aIOD.WI.I.

KRAUSE Milwaukee, Wis.

Slloah wta.

Wllwa ......



Brllllon, Wis. st. Paul's at. James, MIIILo


Marathon, Wis. Martin Luther N.. ah, Wi&.


Tuc.on, Artz. Peridot, MiI.loa Ar1&oDa



J41lwauk ...

R. KRUEGER Beaver Dam, W18. St. John's WI.)'D8, Mlch.


DeForest, Wis. Redeemer Au Arbor, Mlcb.

KUEHN Sparta, Wis. Gr.", Qabkoah, Will.




Good 9:lepberd OmaII.&,Nebr.



at. Paul, MIM. ZiOn

M<lbnclp, so. Dak.


GItIboa,M1Dn. Christ S&IiDa.... Mich.


'It:::·) '''''.. '-.'..<''...•..:,:,: ~..?:..




"'~ ,,_.,




Fort Morgan, Colo. Trinity Franksville, WI..



MUwllukee, Wis. st. John's Juneau. WIJI.

LDCDA OeLKERS Brownsdale, Minn• Immanuel Tawu City, Mlch.



Foad du Lac. Wls.

ELAINE PLATH Litchfield, Mlnn. Immanuel New London, WiS.



ROBERT WOLFF New Ulm, l41nn. St. John" Lake City, M1M.


Gra", YaJdma, Wash.




FUnt, Mich. ChrISt Milwaukee,



Chaseburg, Wis. St. Matthew. Appleton, Wi...



Martin Luther Neenah, Wis.

ENRIQUEGARCIA sonora, Mexico Exec. Boardfor LaUn-Am. ),Ils.1oo8

Three Year DMLCGraduates

BETTY LENIUS Poynette, Wis. Sl. John's FaJr[U, Mlnn.

JOSEPHDfEADAY Peridot, Ariz.. East Fork M1sslon Whiteriver, Ariz.

JOAN ENTER Nicollet, Minn. Mount OlIve

Delano, M1nn.

CAROL FRIEBUS Phllllpsb\1rr. Kan. st. Paul's Green Bay, Wla.

CELlA GEIGER Bu11a1o.Minn. Immanuel St. Paul, Minn.

K. HEROLD stoddard, WiS.

st. Paul's St. James, Minn.

MARYLAATSCH Jefferson, Wu. st. Peters Fond du Lac, Wis.


LOCHNER Sleepy Eye, Mlnn. S\, Paul'. MoUne, UL

HELEM ,,&UlIfoUKLIdR . Walltrtawll, W1t:.



SHARONFISCHER starbuck, Minn. st.. John's Maribel.WI.,




MERLIN wn..DE Lewiston, ),lInn. Atonement


II..J&AN KORTE MaDitowoc,W18. Goth........ Omaha, Nebr.

st. Jobn"


,,::.,;V'· ....... KLANKOWSKIROGER KLOCKZlEM ~CaledOn1a, M!Jm. SaIlnaw, Mlch. LlDOOID He1&btll Tr1n1tJ Des MolDe', lowa Cnta, m.



."' Q •..•........ '.. '~


It. WESTENOORF S. WESTENOORF Bay City, Mich. South LyOll.Mich. st. John'. . st. Michaels Eut Mequon, Wi... FountaiDCttJ, Wl&

J. WESTENDORF Haven, Mleb.

MUwaukee, Will. &. Peter HelenvUle, WI.&.





Zambia. Atrtea st. Paul', New tne, M1DD.

JANICE WEISKAHN JOAN VICK Columbus, Wls, Des Moines, Iowa st. John's Grace Two Rlftrs, Wla. Beatoll Harbor, Mlc:h.


Appleton, Wis. Immanuel

Toledo, CIlio

JUDy WELLS Arl1Dlton. Wts.


Akaska,S.D. Good Sl.epberd Beaver Dam, Wl&'





Golden, Colo. Sale., Granv1l1e, W1s..


S. DILk.

~~:"".".".' ....""


Beaver Dam, Wis.

ESTHER SCHEELE FUnt, )llch. st. JobD'. Wood Lake, MlDa.

LOIS OTI'O Fremont, Wi•. st. Paul's Menomonie, Wis.

ANN PRANGE Watseka, m. Palo. Lutheran

Palo. Hetebts,


Lms LUETKE Nicollet, M1n.n. Our Savior ZIOn. U1.


RUTH MEIER Janesville. Wia. st..Matk'. Sa'*- VJ.llac8.ll1.


Chelsea, Well. Good Shepherd Beloit. Wla.

Nkoltet, Minn. Gloria Del-Betheeda Milwaukee.



News From The Classes IV The Senior Class of 1966 Is beginning the final phase of the .climatic road to graduation. On May 31, our class had Its final activity. It began with a midmorning breadfast at Flandreau Park; and baseball, hamburgers, and sight-seeing fllled the day. The day closed with the annual Faculty-Graduate banquet. This banquet was held at the Orchid Inn In Sleepy Eye. A smorgasbord spread plus some enjoyable entertainment filled the menu. Professor Zahn acted as "MZ" and the representative of Hevens." Professor Schweppe gave words to grow on as "the twig is bent.'J Class presIdent, David Jocobs, extended the feeUngs of the class and appreciation to the faculty and advisors. At this time also, the Class of 1966 Wishes to extend Its gratitude and thanks to the faculty for presenting such a banquet for us. This Is one key moment of college life that will always be remembered by each and everyone of us. The end of college Ufe Is fast approaching and graduation day 15 seen on the horizon. Four years of college have brought lasting friendships, hopes and anzteties, good times, and the high point of all college trainIng, Call Night. Graduation Is an end to this nre, but a beginning of our new lives as teachers in the service of our Lord.


III May 17 will go down In history as Artie Hellman Day, for on this day at 4:00 ante meridian the juniors embarked on a journey through the dark muddy ravine down to Flandrau for a breakfast of coffee, sweetrolls, milk, orange juice, and home cooked bacon and eggs. The food was demolished In time for an oncoming thunderstorm. James Boehm's anti-rain dance falled to produce the desired results. The troopers returned In time for classes with drenched clothes and full tummies. Class Activity - Part II occurred the next evening. Engaging In more cultural pursuits, two busloads of drama students dropped In on a Mankato State College Drama Guild production of "The Taming of The Shrew, by Willy Shaxpyr. The play Was excellent, superb, uproarious, hilarious, magniflque, and ausgezeichnet, with a fine moral lesson behind It fight fire with fire. All in all the evening was an "unforgetable".

II Anothe r school year is about to end, and it finds all sophs looking forward to our last dutyfinal exams. Turning to brighter things, next year our present class enrollment will grow considerably when we weicome the collegiates from MLTC.

Concludes Year's Work

Students Elect Larry As the 1965-66 school year draws to a close, the members of the college student Council finished their business, The past two weeks were filled with actlvitles, and last minute preparations were completed for the coming school year. Under the new constitution, which must be ratified by the students next fall, the Collegiate Council presidential elections were Mid this spring. Running for the office of President were Lenny Collyard and Larry Joecks, This election procedure was well received as over 75% of the student body turned out to cast Its vote. The new president for the '66-'67 school year Is Larry Joecks. Besides the campaign speeches which preceded the election, two Joint assemblies were held for the student body to explaln the new constitution, and also

A special thanks to Rita Bremer and lone Jaeger, co-chairmen of the College Activities Banquet. The time and effort put Into the banquet festivities by all Involved was greatly appreciated by all who spent an enjoyable evening. Our College Spring Activity finally took place at Herman Park. Carl NatZke served as M.C. Although College n participated In the various contests we never seemed to beat the juniors. Maybe next year our luck will change when we have the coveted name of juniors .. Many of College II men received recognition at the College Activities Banquet for their participation In the various ath, letic activities throughout the school year. The men proved to be an asset to all teams, and did a fine job. Both baseball and soccor championship titles testify to their fine ab1l1ty. June Night wUl find all sophs strong in voice and anxious in spirit. With the last strains of "Sing Your Way Home" we leave the hill for the "few" summer months, to return in the fall as Juniors. Mayall have a study-free funtime summer!

I The Freshman Class has been winding up their first year at college with a multitude of sen, sattonal activities. Everyone had a riotous time at our roller skating party. Then there was the Activities Banquet. If any of the girls found the banquet too relaxing they all managed to get thefr exercise by performing the 660 yard walk-run, the 50 yard dash, the

ventlon which was held at North Dakota. Representing the eouncll at this convention were Larry Joecks, Barb Kuhn, Rita Bremer, and Roxanne Redlin. The two Student Councll actlvltles rounding out the school year were the Activities Banquet and the Spring Activity. The latter, held at Herman Park, was an innovation. Class competion and good cooperation made the event successful. The council members have been appointed to beheads of the various committees for the orientation program next fall. Also a chairman has been se; lected for the fall activity. Along with these appotnted positions, individual members are also working on the '66-'67 calendar dates, the Collegiate Council Handbook and the Council Inventory. These activities w1ll keep the members busy throughout the summer and Into the new

shuttle run and other such de , vices provided by the physical education department which produced an entire Freshman Class of crippled girls. Next came the College Activt; ty. I guess we were all pretty big eaters, because we stuffed the fewest feet In the bucket, and we didn't get quite enough bodies in the car either. Pre-final examination preparanon, otherwise known as cramming, will no doubt start very soon. Until that time arrives most of our class members are managing to occupy their time play, ing cards, strolltng about the campus, chatting with friends, lying on the sun deck Or some similar pursuit. At least ev_ e ryons Is enjoying the beautl , ful spring weather. The greatest news of all Is that there are only eighty-nine days until our return to DMLC

92 Collegiates Receive Financial Assistance lly now ninety-two students from the college department have or will have received money In the form of scholarships, grants or aids. There are twenty-five seniors, thirty_ three juniors, nineteen sophomores and tlfteen freshmen re_ cel ving this money. About two months ago the scholarshlps were awarded and now the grants and aids wlll be given. The Scholarship Committee, made- up of the following men: Professor Hoenecke, chairman, Professor Birkholz, Professor Sievert, Dean Hahnke, and President Schweppe, deter_ mines who should receive the scholarship or grant and then submits the list to the Faculty for approval.

Scholarships are awarded to those who are the highest In the class. Grants and alds are giv_ en to those In need of financial assistance. The assistance giv_ en ranges from no less than $100 to no more than $300. This year the Scholarshlp Committee had a total of $10,078.31 from Which to work. Aid Association to Lutherans contributed $4500, the Wisconsin Synod added $3797, and DMLC received $1781.31 from other sources. The other sources Include the Schwanz, Schweppe, Neubert, Spindler, Nitschke and Gross funds, as well as the DMLC Ladles Aux_ 1l1ary, and st. Paul's of New Ulm.

PrO Hosts Future Teachers On May 24th, the St. Paul's Parent-Teacher's Organization hosted Its annual Student Teaeh., ers APpreciation Night. The evening began with a pot ..!UCK supper. It was obvious to see, judging from the number of second helpings, that all agreed the meal was delicious and the variety endless. After the meal, parents and graduates who had not practice taught at St. Paul's, were en, tertained by this year's st. Paul's student teachers. True to their calling, the student teachers presented four skits On "education." First on the Ust was an old German school con, dueted by UHerLehrer," other.. wise known as Bob Adrian. ,

Next, moving to modern times, Miss Roekle showed the audience the rigors of teaching modern math. The third group presented a typical practice room situation, however, with the tables turned. Dave Jacobs served as the supervisor, while Miss Meyer was the student teacher. The final skit presented a typical progressive school where the pupils did all the plan , ning. Miss Luetke found this to be a rather Inefficient method of conducting school. Master of Ceremonies, Bob Wolff kept the program moving nicely, and all agreed that another student Teacher's Appreciation Night had been a success. _

Ras Sievert, George Rice, and Prof. Koelpln look on as Prof. Schroeder congratulates Jeremy Scharlemann with a Luther Literary League award.


~~~~ Alwin ElectrIc H. J. Baumann,Insurance Backer'sPharmacy Beck's_ TheLeading Jewelers Braunrelterand Son Hardware Brown's MusicStore Citizen'sStateBank C_st-to-Coast Store Dall Bar Dr. kre, Optometrist Ier Dr. Fesenma Dr. Haroldson,Optometrist Drs.GeargeKuehner& Wm. VonBank Dr. Germann,Optometrist

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