1971-1972 DMLC Messenger Vol. 62

Page 1

Choirs to Sing For Reformation

Dr. Martin Luth_r ColI_g_

Pastor W. J. Oelhafen Sr. cI. Winthrop, Minnesota, will be the guest preacher for the Reformation Festival to be held on October 31, 1971at 8 p.m. in the Luther Memorial Gymnasium. The organist will be Mr. Charles Luedtke.


Choirs from neighboring congregations and the college and academy choirs will be directed by Professor M. Zahn, head cI. the music department.

New rum, Minn.

Various children's choirs cI. the area will sing Hymn 370,



to lead Dr. Martin Luther College

on to victory as they meet Concordia for their Homecoming game next Saturday. More details on the college's last soccer season appear on page 3.



Vol.62 No.2

October 16, 1971 <



DMLC= Observes Homecoming By Kfld JoimsOD

The final soccer homecoming in the history- of Dr. Martin Luther College will take, place 00 October 22, 23. The Pep Club is busily making preparations fir what they hope will be the tiggest and best homecoming yet. Tl!ey have chosen ,as the , theme:' 'for this' 'year's homecoming, "N ewspaper Comic Action." A new feature of Homecoming '71 will be a car decorating contest which anyone can enter and which will be part cI. the homecoming parade. The festivities will get Wider way on Friday, October 22 with a pepfest at 7:30 and burning cI. the "L" in the football bowl. The homecoming parade will wind its way through downtown New UlmonSaturday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. and be led by the marchingband. The parade will include the c1ass noats, the car contest participants driving their fantasmagoric creations, and the cheerleaders, all of whom will head back to campus for the highlight of the weekend, the game between the Lancers and the Comets of Concordia College in St. Paul at 2:30 p.m. Team spirit is riding high to redeem an earlier loss at the

Campus Calendar "Sunday, Oct. 11 - DMLC Library Dedication, Service at 3:00 p.m., open house to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 18 - Art Club meeting, 7:30p.m. in Art Room. Saturday, Oct. 23 - College Homecoming. Monday, Oct. 25 - Lutheran Secondary Teachers Conference at DMLC. ~y, Oct. 29 - Movie


Oct. 31 - Joint Refcrmation Service in L.M.U. GymnaSium, 8 p.m.

hands of the Comets and elate their fans with a victory. But that isn't all of the weekend. The homecoming guests will be treated to a sumptuous banquet on Saturday evening which will be prepared by the food service. A special banquet program is being planned which will rOWId out the evening to provide many lasting memories of Homecoming '71. There is special significance in Homecoming '71. It marks the end cI. an era, the end cI. the lively, spirited game cI. soccer on our campus. Soccer began as a fairly WIknown sport and became a very popular fall

event on DMLC's campus. We mourn its passing. But football, the new sport which is taking its

place, we are sure, will become a vital asset to our sports department.

"My Hope is Built on Nothing, Less." Mr. James Sonnemann, who is a teacher, at Gibbon, Minnesota, will be the director. The Mass Choir is singing "Ye Saints and Servants cI. the Lord." The setting is by William


Library Dedication The dedication cI. the' new Dr. Martin Luther College library will take place Sunday, October 17.' An opening service will begin at 3:00 p.m. in Luther Memorial Union. There will be an open house after the service until 6:00 p.m. A buffet luncheon will be served in the cafeteria cI. Luther Memorial ' Union 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Boys Choir To Perform On Campus Forty fresh and spirited voices will break forth into song as the Moline Boys Choir appears at Dr. Martin Luther College on Noy. 6 at8 p.m. This concert, which will be held in the gym, is open to the public with tickets and free to all college and academy students by presenting their identification cards. Songs cI. many types are included in their concert JlI'ograms, as the choir sings music of the late Renaissance and baroque eras as well as Stravinsky, folk songs from many COWItries,and Broadway show tunes, Since the Moline Boys Choir's debut in 1948,it has performed in a countless number of concerts from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky MOWitams.Ithas, on occasion. appeared in a COIicertversion .Jf Carmen with the Tri-City Symphony Orchestra, SWIg Mefistofele with the Metropolitan Opera, has been invited to appear on many television shows, and performed at the New York World's Fair.

Byron Manthe, Collegiate Council President

Manth ......e -,Get Involved Byron Manthe, new' Collegiate Council President, can be described in two words - enthusiastic and involved. Back after a year of emergency teaching in Adrian, Michigan, Byron has filled the vacancy left by Ned Goede. Ned, who was elected president last year, is out emergency teaching in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Byron feels that the ambition of this year's Collegiate Council will be "to get everyone really involved in campus life." He feels there is an activity or club for every student here, but it's up to the individual to take advantage cI. the situation." He believes in protest, but through ssta blished means;

"YO'Ucan't reforni the school rut you can keep the lines of cemmunlcation open between students and faculty and between the students themselves." His big goal is to get the student body keyed and enthusiastic about life in general and this school in particular. Byron believes that students here are different and shouldn't feel suppressed and restricted by the rules concerning dress, hair, and conduct. He put it this way, "I think a lot more people should be a little more mature and realize what it is to be a member of this 'Christian Family' and not give offense to another's faith. ..

The point the Collegiate Councilwants to make this year is that it isn't a secret organization on campus nor is it an elite group of the popular. The council is here to keep things rWJning smoothly, but no matter how qualified the representatives are, they don't feel they can do their best if the students don't come to them with complaints, suggestions and ideas. The Collegiate Council members and their advisor, Professor D. Raddatz welcome and urge the student body to sit in on the Tuesday night meetings. Although the students are not allowed to vote, they are encouraged to voice their opinions on any topic under discussion.

Page 2


Join MESSENGER Do you like to write stories, proofread, or help with layout of a newspaper? Did you work on your high school newspaper? Maybe you have never worked on a newspaper but are interested in trying it. If so, the MESSENGER is looking for you! Withmore people on a school paper, a much better job can be done and the members can have more fun while they're working. If you are interested, please contact Sue Falk in Highland 313. Shewill be very happy to tell you about the MESSENGER. If you don't want to join the staff, but would like to contribute stories or poetry, etc., don't be afraid to. These are always welcome, as are letters to the editor. These must be signed to be printed, but the writer may request that his name be withheld. , So... zip into your newspaper shoes and give the MESSENGER a hand!

Anonymous Poetry By a DMLCSludenl SUMMER SUmmeris living life and living death, At a home and away from a home; Waiting for school to wish it was done, Keepingin louch wllh 100few 10little,

16, 1971

More Courses Added to New Curriculum When Dr. Martin Luther College opened its doors for the start of classes this fall, it marked the first time thiit the present new curriculum was in full swing for all four classes. A number of new courses have been added to the curriculum. In the area of English, "Religious Perspectives in Modern Drama" and "Religious Perspectives in 20th Century Literature" are offered. New courses in music include "Music in the Baroque Era" and "Music in the 20th Cen-

tury." The social studies department is introducing two new courses also. They are "Modern Imperialism" and "Foundations and Interpretations of History." Math concentrates are fmishing up their four years with "Geometry" and "Teaching Math In the Elementary School."

SUmmerfunIs boating, fishing, and swimming; Sports events, and personal sports attempts;

Getting a tan, the wind of is storm, Running in the rain, the freshnessafter. SUmmertravei Is seven irs and post cards, Trees gOing by, peaceful small cities, seeing friends, old and new, IViaking and recalling memories,



Getting away and coming back.

SUmmereducation Is people;busy and bored, Rich and poor, friendly, crabby, and computerized, Tourist and merchant, hippie and factory-worker, Parent and prodigal.

Attention Alumni!!! Please send any information regarding engagements;· marriages, births, etc. to Cindi Ruechel, DMLC, Box 576, New Ulrn, Minn. 56073. This information will be printed in future issues of the DMLC Messenger. Be sure to include the date of the

SUmmervalueIs thinking, pondering, Reconsidering past and conSidering future, foAeditating about self, friends, and people, A fresh start at an old situation From a fresh point of view,

N\aturlng, becoming "people-educated," Becoming refreshed, COllectionand organlzallonof !houghls, A wayside on the road to the horizon.

Student Teaching Schedule FIrst Quarter, 1971·72 September 14-November 13 St. Paul's, New Ulm Grades 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Students linda Vorbeck Carolyn Zuehlsdorf Marlene Kehl Dorothea Siegler Diann Dankers Annette Doroff Douglas KlItzke Gary Krug

MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AREA Prof. McCollum, College Supervisor Location Student St. Paul Donald Koch West Salem Frederick Uttech Baraboo Reginald Riesop LaCrosse Wayne Wagner Belle Plaine Gloria Bock Belle Plaine Bonnie Duddeck Andrea Dunsmoor Tomah Christine Fredrich Bloomington Tomah Anne Hermanson Minneapolis Sharon Lettow Kathleen Paap St. Louis Pk. Baraboo Elizabeth Phelps Winona Pamela Sauer Bloomington Rosanne Steil

Congregation Emanuel Christ St. John's Mt. Calvary Trinity Trinity St. Paul's Bloomington St. Paul's Pilgrim Timothy St. John's St. Matthew's Bloomington

Principal F. Mahnke P. Kramer A. Moldenhauer R. Hinz M. Schultz M. Schultz K. Blauert G. Bauer K. Blauert D. Knippel Bonnie Voth A. Moldenhauer H.Dorn G. Bauer

Supervisor Grade F. Mahnke 8 P. Kramer 6-8 R. Adrian 6 R. Hinz 8 1-2 Mrs. C. Buszmann W. Vatthauer 5-6 Marcella Hoefer 3 Kathleen Stindt 5-6 Mrs. J. Redeker 2 Mrs. W. Zuleger 3 Bonnie Voth I~ Mrs. A. Geyman 2 Mrs. K. Pahnke 1-2 1-2 Virginia Werner

WATERTOWN AREA Prof. Isch, CollegeSupervisor Student Bruce Fehlauer Keith Lauber Carl Nolte linda Behringer Lois Brick Ann Ernst Janet Hahn Grace Liermann Kathryn Macioroskl Carol Mundt Cheryl Raugutt Cathy Schmelzer Jermifer Voll Paula Wilbrecht

Location Jackson Beaver Dam Oconomowoc Fond du Lac Hartford Fond du Lac Jefferson Juneau Helenville West Bend Fond du Lac Madison Jefferson Watertown

Notice to all alumni and former soccer players: Dr. Martin Luther , College will be celebrating its last "Soccer Homecoming" the weekend of October 22, 1971. The theme for this year Is "Comics in Action." The activities include Friday: 7:30 P.M. pepfest and burning of the


SUmmerworkis working for pay by money, Working on scrapbooks and hobbies for pa~ by satisfaction.

Supervisor Miss Schuetze Mrs. Sievert Miss Paap Prof. Brei


Principal L. Kehl A. Voigt R. Averbeck E. Rolloff A. Treder E. Rolloff O. Degner F. Schultz J. Flynn L. Schultz G. Graf E. Behrens O. Degner Q. Albrecht

Supervisor S. Smith F. Panning R. Averbeck G. Pape Lois Smith Mrs. M. Vetter Louise Uttech Jean Bassler Mrs. E. Waldman Patricia Hill Mrs. W. Fuhrmann Mrs. E. Lester Mrs. E. Minning E. Lemke

Congregation Grade David's Star 5-6 7-8 St. Stephen's St. Matthew 7-8 St. Peter's 5 Peace 1-2 St. Peter's 3 St. John's 4 St. John's 4-5 st. Peter 1·2 Gd. Shepherd 1·2 Faith 3-4 Eastside 5-6 St. John's 1 St. Mark's 7-8

event and the class of the participating alumni. The following weddings have been announced: Heidtke, Doris (67) Koeller, ClIf Sieger, Ruth (71) - Buege, Charles (70) Hoenecke, Mona (68) Vitale, Russel Aug.14 Wels, Marilyn (H.S. 64) Roach, Theo. Huhn, Karen - Helman, Gary (69) June 5 Mashke, Virginia, (70) ,.. Slattery, Richard (70) July 4 Stelter, Mary (H.S. 67,.Peper, Michael (71) Zarht, Polly (69) - Swartz, Clinton (71) Trapp, Joan (69) - Vasold, Terrance (70) July 31 FIscher, Pam (71) - Freibus, Richard (71) Schroeder, Sandra - Wend· land, Paul (71) Bevins, Barbara (71) Schneider, Paul Breiling, Karen (71) - Prof. Ronald Shilling Wombul, Patricia - Dobberstein, Thomas (70). Announcements of recent births have been received from the following alumni and professors: Prof. and Mrs. Allan Just girl, Janna Lea Prof. and Mrs. Harold Yotter (nee Luetta Jacobs - '58) Prof. and Mrs. Theodore Olson Prof. and Mrs. John Micheel -son Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hermanson - girl, Jody Lynn. Pastor and Mrs.· Richard Kuckhahn (nee Marley Zahn '63) - boy, Thomas Mark. Pastor and Mrs. Kuckhahn have recently moved to Sioux City, Iowa from Batesland, S.D.

Saturday: 1:00 P.M. - parade 2:30 P.M. - soccer game against Concordia 6:30 P.M. - banquet in LMU gym. For banquet tickets, write to Gayle Gilmore, D.M.L.C. Box 716, New Ulm, Minnesota 56073 before October 12.The cost of the tickets are $2.75per person. We hope you will plan to attend our homecoming festivities.

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER is published during the mo"'''' of

October, November, December.

February, March. April. N\ay and June.Thesubscriptionpric~ is one oouar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty

cents. We

request -payment in advance. All business communications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from

all alumnI,

undergraduates, and friends' are appreciated. ., Theaim of lhe MESSENGERis 10 ,offer such malerlals as will· be beneficial as well as Interesting to our readers, to keepthe alumni In a closercontactwllh Ihecollege,and to foster school spirit Edilor, ...... "",, ...... Sue Falk Layoul Editor .. Jim Petermann Women'sSports Editor ", .. ".,. Klki JOhnson Alumni Editor... ",Cincll Reuchel Humor Editor ,. Linda Bergquist Pholo Editor",., ... ,Dan Schmal BusinessManager"" Beth Janke Circulation Manager.. Barb Sauer SIaIf Writers, .. ,. ,Karen Amborn Connie Krohn, Judy. Vater, Mar. garet Rosin, Delaine Templin, Jane Price, Nona Weyer,· Linda Steinbrec.... :.er,Wayne Wagner..-Jlm Carolfl Artists ... .' ..... .ceonre Baehman, SteveSchultz Layoul SIaIf•. "" "COmie Laal:!S Typists,,Glenda·Erickson, K"arlin Gergen, Karen Schleberg,JUdi Kopitzke,"Joy


Photo Staff" .... ",. Sharon Sting Advisor"",. "Prof, C. J. Trapp

GraduateNow TeachesAt College Dr. Martin Luther College has a new addition to the Women's Physical Education Department. Mrs. Karen Shilling, a 1971 graduate of D.M.L.C. is .now teaching classes and assisting Sue Post in eoaching,

Mrs. Shilling Is teaching riIn~ and tenth grade Academy g1rJs. two classes ,of freshmea,elllld four classes of sophomor.:es. Volleyball, basketball".and tennis are her favorite, '3PQrt.s, but she likes all athletics.,


16, 1971

Lancers Topple Pillsbury In the last season for the DMLC Lancer soccer team, Coach Gary Dallmann's club had a slow start, losing to three tough non-conference teams. The Lancers showed some life by winnirig one conference game and losing one by a slim one-goal margin, . The Lancers opened the 1971 season at home on September 21 in a losing effort to a tough St. John's squad. Plagued by first game jitters and ball handling inconsistency, the Lancers trailed by a 0-4 score at halftime. in the second half the Lancers settled down and fixed several goodshots at the St. John's goal, only to be stopped by good defensive work by the St. John's goalie and fullbacks. St. John's managed to score twice more and shut out the Lancers 6-0. The following Thursday the Lancers traveled to St. Peter only to be beaten by Gustavus Adolphus, 5-0. The Lancers held this good Gustavus squad

DMLC WOMEN'S VARSITY Volleyball team diligently practices spiking, one of the many skills that will help bring them numerous victories.

Coaches Choose Girls Varsity Volleyhall team Tryouts are over and the Varsity Girls Volleyball Teams have been picked. After a week of watching the 45 girls work out, Miss Sue Post and Mrs. Karen Shilling, the coaches, chose 18 girls for the "A" and' "B" telllllll. Nine others were ,picked fOr' the 'iriterscl!o1astic team. For the game agairist St. OIaf on October 7th, the Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Oct.29 Nov. 3 Nov. 5 Nov .. 6 Nov. 11 Noy•.13 Nov. 16 Nov.20 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec.. 4 Dec.


Concordia St. Cloud State Mankato State S.W.Minn. $tet. Concordia Carl.ton Pill,burv· Mankato State

A, H A A H A A H



Gustavus Tourn. at S.W.Minn. Stat. Mt. Marty .• • Gustavus St.te Tourn. at St. C IOl.td State St. Paul Bible



All dates .re both B and A t .. ms axcept. • ••

which i, Band E)(tremural which i, A only

followirig players made up the starting lIne-up: Bonnie Biesterfeld _ senior Kathy Deines _ juiiior SaI1dy Boettcher _ junior Ginny Hedrick _ junior Gloria Lohmiller sophomore June·Frank.,.. sophomore Carol Hartwig _' sophomore Rachel Inniger _, sophomore Miss .Post; when asked about the' team's potential, commented, "Success this year will depend 011the ability of the nine new members of the team since ~ Is really a rebuilding year 'feiUs. So far, the new ones have shown that they can do the

'L' Club Holds' First Meeting Dr. Martin Luther College's

'V' Club held its first meeting 011&ptember 30. ~ .New" officers 'iriclude Steve Cai:'lbvsky, president; Kurt Schmic:it, viClli)resident; and Jiin"'Petermann, secretary-



different required skills, it's now a matter of polishing these up and improvirig them."

scoreless until midway through the first period, when the Gusties broke loose for two quick goals. The Lancers then came back with a score, only to be called back on an offside irifraction. Out-hustling the Lancers the second period, the Gusties were able to score three more' times to defeat the Lancers 5-0. On a wet and misty Saturday, September 25th, here on the hill, the Lancers opened their conference season with a 6-3 victory over the Pillsbury Comets. Early in the game, senior Steve Carlovsky punched iri a goal for the Lancers. but the Comets quickly retaliated with two goals. Again the talented foot of Steve Carlovsky added a Lancer goal to tie the score at 22. Then on a corner kick from wing Bill Mashke, junior forward Paul Hartwig headed the ball into the Comet goal, and before the half ended Hartwig added stilll another goal to make the score 4-2 at halftime. in the second half Lancer cocaptain Kurt Schmidt scored on a break-away play. The Comets, struggling to come back, scored once more iri the second half. Nearing the end of the game, co-captain Dar Schramm pounded iri a shot from outside of the penalty area to make the final score 6-3. On Wednesday, September 29th the Lancers fell to Bethel

College at St. Paul, by a score of 11-2.Scoring one goal each for Luther were Steve Carlovsky and Paul Hartwig. in an October 2nd morning game at Concordia College in St. Paul, the Lancers bowed to the Comets 2-1, the Lancers' second conference game of the sesson. Both of the teams, spirits were high for the game, but a treacherously wet and muddy field hampered the ability to move the ball. Concordia drew blood early in the first half with a goal, followed quickly by a second goal on a break-away play. The Lancers then retaliated late in the first half with a goal off the foot of foward Steve Carlovsky. After a frustrating and scoreless second half, iri which the Lancers couldn't capitalize in any of their good chances at a goal, Luther left the field with a 2-1 defeat. Even though the Lancers have had their ups and downs this first part of the sesson, Coach Dallmann and his squad still have hopes of bringing home the conference hardware. SOCCER SCHEDULE Sat., Oct. 16, Pillsbury, A, 10:30. Sat., Oct. 23, Concordia, H, 2:30 (Homecoming). ' Wed., Oct. '1:1, Macalester, A, 4:00. Sat., Oct. 30, Bethany, H, 2:30.

All Around Athlete Becomes New Football Coach at DMLC The reiritroduction of football at Dr. Martin Luther College this year brought a new face to the coaching staff. He is Coach Dennis Gorsllne, a native of Saginaw, Michigan. Coach Gorsline attended Michigan Lutheran Seminary where he earned an iricredible 14 high school letters. He was MVP four times: once each in football and basketball, and twice in track. In1961, Michigan Lutheran Semiriary was the State Champ in track. The new coach won the gold medal In the 100 yard dash, placed fifth in the long jump, qualified in the hurdles, and was a member of the first place 86G-yardrelay team. Coach Gorsline attended college at Northern Michigan University in Marquette. Here he received NAIA honorable mention all-state in football and was the leading ground gainer his junior year. Two years ago he played semi-pro football for the Flirit Wildcats of Flirit, Mich. While attending Northern Michigan, he majored in geography with a mirior in physical education. Since graduation' he has done additional work toward a masters in' physical education at Northern Michigan, Central Michigan, and Michigan State Universities. Before comirig to New Ulm, Coach Gorsllne laught for four years at a public high school In Davison, Mich. He combiried the teaching of social studies with being assistant football coach, JV basketball coach, and assistant track coach. Here at DMLC he Is teaching both the classroom and the

physical phases of phy ed. He enjoys phy. ed- because he can watch possible future athlete prospects but also enjoys teaching in the classroom. Besides getting football under way, Coach Gorslirie will be the assistant basketball coach and will coach the revived DMLC track team. Next year DMLC starts off the football season by playing Northwestern College of Watertown, Wisconsin. Having scouted them, Coach GorslIne feels the Lancers are "comparable" in size and speed. Havirig only a couple of 200 pounders, speed is important to Coach Gorslirie, who is more impressed with quickness than with size. Several scrimmages have been scheduled for this year. They are with the University of Minnesota, Waseca here on October 12; Mankato JV's on Oct. 19; and Waseca there on Oct. 30. Also there is the possibility of scrimmages with Concordia St. Paul, Gustavus, and the New Ulm Alumni. But no dates are set as yet. Captains have been selected for next year. They are Tim Bilitz, center and linebacker; Pete Zeu, liriebacker and end; and Steve Hahnke, halfback and cornerback. When asked about New Ulm and DMLC,Coach GorslIne said he was impressed with the friendliness of the small town. He also feels the campus spirit Is much better than he experienced in Michigan. Coach Gorsline lives on Waldheim Drive with his wife and six month old son, TO (Tod Dennis).

CONTEMPLATING the future prospects of his football team is head coach Dennis Gorsline with assistant coach Steve Gauger standing behind him.


New Schoo~·

Holds Many Facilities

NEW FACULTY MEMBERS at Dr. Martin Luther College include from left in front, Morton Schroeder, Ruth Eckert, Mervin Ingbritson and

Mrs. Ronald Shilling. In back are Dennis Gorsline, Thomas Kuster, John Paulsen, Fredrick WUHf, Robert Krueger and Carlton Klemp.

New Profs Find New Ulm Friendly MORTON SCHROEDER Morton Schroeder is a member of the English department. His assignment. deals specifically In creative writing and the Engllsh novel. He Is the former principal at St. Croix High School In West st. Paul. MERVIN lNGEBRITSON Thirty-one years in the teaching ministry can be claimed by Professor Mervin Ingebritson. An Academy and DMLC graduate, he has taught schools in Washington, Nebraska, at Bethany College, Mankato, and at both Wisconsin Lutheran High School and College. HIs work was In the English field. Probably only the seniors will get to know him well since he teaches the curriculum course and during the second and fourth quarters he will be out supervising practiCe teachers. THOMAS KUSTER A new member of the Engllsh Department, teaching Speech Fundamentals and the Engllsh Language, Is Doctor Thomas Kuster. Doctor Kuster comes from Madison, Wisconsin. He attended public school In Indiana until his junior year of high school when he began studies at Northwestern Prep. He earned his Masters degree In speech from Indiana Univer-

sity. He then spent four years at Bethany Lutheran Seminary. Doctor Kuster then served as an assistant pastor In Madison, Wisconsin. At this time he was also a full time student at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; where he earned his Doctorate In Communication and Public Address. JOHN PAULSEN A new addition to the sciencemathematics department this year is Professor John Paulsen. Professor Paulsen's hometown is Worthington, Minnesota, where he attended public elementary and high. school, and junior college. In 1964·he graduated from St. Cloud State with a Bachelor of Science degree In Math. Prof. Paulsen earned his Master's degree in Earth Science In 1969 from Penn. State. FREDERICK WULFF For Professor Frederick Wulff, who attended both MLA and DMLC, coming back to teach here is "a dream come true." The former principal of St. Paul's Lutheran School In Franklin, Wisconsin, now teaches "The American Scene to 1877" and "The Union In Crisis". He holds a Masters degree In history. ROBERT KRUEGER "Teaching' is more of a

DMLC Acker Studio Alwin Electric Arion's Shoes Beck's Jewelry Book Nook Brown's Music Store Citizen's State Bank Coast to Coast Store

challenge here," commented Professor Robert Krueger, a new instructor for the college. Prof. Krueger, a graduate from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, has begun teaching New Testament History, Western Civilization B.C., and Basic Christian Doctrine courses this fall. Before coming to DMLC he taught at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, was a pastor In Elkton, Mich. for three years, and then moved to Lake Mills, Wis. where' he taught at Lakeside Lutheran High School.

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Every room has a plano, and most have overhead projectors. Most of the furniture was transferred from the old school.

Lecturer Tells Students To Think Things Through "Fantastic! " "Remarka ble!" "Outstanding!" These are the adjectives used by DMLCstudents to describe Miss Lisa Sergio and her lectures. Miss Sergio, a Danforth Lecturer, displayed an immense knowledge of world affairs and is regarded as one of the best Informed and most effective analysts of international affairs hoth here and abroad. The recurring thought In all her lectures was that the


Fischer's Rexall Drugs Forster Furniture, Inc. F. W. Baumann Realtor Gamble's Green Clothiers, Inc. Besemer's Barber and B t Sh

I~~r::m;:.w Ulm0,1"

CARLTON KLEMP Teaching four sections of' sophomore-junior Europe In Modern Times this year is Instructor Carlton Klemp. Mr. Klemp is from Neenah, Wisconsin where he attended Trinity Lutheran Elementary School. After graduating from. Fox Valley Lutheran High School he spent his college years at Northwestern Lutheran College. Mr. Klemp then studied at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, where he has one year to complete

St. Paul's new Christian Day Schoolwhich opened its doors to 460 New U1m students August 30 now is located on South PaYllll-~: Street. .'::::: Each quarter about eIghi seniors from Dr. Martin Luther College do their student teaching at St. Paul's Lutheran School. Four teachersupervisors are provided by the college to direct student teaching. The college· also uses the schoolfor observation. Students come Into St. Paul's and observe classes In session. The new school, located on about a ie-acre site, features 17 classrooms, a cafeteria, gymnasium, locker rooms, a conference room, and a library as well as a spacious playground outside. Each classroom Is 28 by' 32 feet, is carpeted with an oranga rug, and has two blackboard walls, one tackboard wall, and a wall with bookshelves, sink, and a storage area. A single window In each room Is draped In yellow. The walls are a buff color.

American people should be taught to think things out and become more Involved In world affairs. Miss Sergio also feels that it would be In our equal Interest to bind ourselves Into some international framework. She feels China should be In the United Nations for a variety of reasons: Ithas some 800million . people, it has the opportunity for expanded markets for the United States, and nuclear weapons which may not be as

sophisticated as ours but which would be just as effective. Those who attended the Thursday evening lecture on the "Global Struggle for Power, Prestige and Oil In the Middle East" showed their Interest In the subject by asking many questions and extending the question and answer period to over an hour. The questions covered not only the material from her lecture but also many other areas of foreign affairs.


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Students Bring ~rist to J)ixie By Jan Breltenfleld and Paula HannemaDll

DMLC WELCOMES its _new library with grateful and is proud to show it to others. Inside stories on page 3.



Dr. Martin Luther College


MESSENGER Vol. 62 No.3

November 16, 1971

Jubilarians On November 14,both college and academy will -observe enniversartes'In the ministry' for four professors, three from the college and one, from the academy. A seventhirty p.m. service in the chapel auditorium will be held to honor Professors Otis Stelljes, for' 50 years of service; Roland Hoenecke, 40 years of service; John Oldfield, 25 years of service; and lloyd Hahnke, 25 years of service in the academy. Pastor O. Engel of the DMLC board of control will be in charge of the service, with Pastor E. O. Schultz from the MLA control board offering the anniversary prayer. The sermon will be delivered by Pastor

New VIm, Minn.

Give Thanks To God

Horn of Red Wing. , Two choirs, one from the academy --,~and -r-the other representing the college, will honor the professors with song. Invitations were extended to friends and relatives of the jubilarians, the sister synodical schools, the pastors and teachers of the area, and the student body of both DMLC and MLA. Professor Oldfield came to

DMLC as athletic director in 1946with ten years experience in high' school . kaching- and coaching. He was both the college and academy's only coach until 1955. In 1956 he hecame bursar, and since then has heen in charge of the Financial Aids office. He also teaches some math courses and is chairman of the science and math division at DMLC. A New Ulm native, and

DMLC Endowed With Gift Dr. Martin Luther College is the grateful recipient of a $75,000gift given it in his estate by the late Mr. John Wischstadt of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. According to the terms of the will, the total amount of the bequest is "to be set up in a permanent trust fund. Th~ income from such trust funds shall be used for scholarships for college studenta at Dr.. Martin Luther College who plan to teach in the church schools or enter the ministry. The recipients of the scholarships shall be selected on the basis of need by the college administration. " The interest from this money wouldamount to about $3000 per year and will be handled by the Financial Aids office. We thank God for this gift, coming from one consecrated to the cause of Christian education among our Synod's constituency.

"The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:37, 38) Use me, Lord, Use me, please! I know I'm not worthy I know I can't please. But if Christ is in me And God's love abides, Then I can be used To show Christ outside. The two prayers above were answered in one way this summer when teams of Lutheran Collegians helped mission churches In the

graduate of DMLC, Professor Stelljes taught - schools in. Morton Grove. Illinois, and Kenosha and Milwaukee, Wisconsin before returning to DMLC in 1952to teach history, music theory, and organ. He still is very active in the music department with theory classes and organ students. Before 1946,when he received a call to be Dean of students at DMLC, Professor Hoenecke was a pastor for various congregations in Washington and also Michigan. He was dean for seven years and then settled into the college religion department. Dogmatics is his main field and besides teaching it, Professor Hoenecke is currently working on his own dogmatics text book.

Band Profs. Hoenecke, Oldfield, Stelljes

Canvassers Reach Unchurched In City Begun this spring, a canvassing program of New Ulm, has been' accomplished this year. Several DMLCstudents from New Uhn and a seminary student approached the pastors of St. John's and st. Paul's Churches in New Uhn with the idea of canvassing the town. The pastors encouraged this idea and Prof. Darwin Raddatz was contacted to organize and advise them. The religious survey was undertaken to discover the unchurched in the town. The canvassing is being financially supported by the two congregations and all results of the survey are being turned

over to them. Some of the canvassers are making followup caUs. The unchurched are being encouraged to join Bible classes, which are being started in the local congregations. About one third of New Dim was canvassed before school began. The rest ottne town was finished shortly after school started. Originally about 55 students were involved. Now about 30 canvassers are participating in making witnessing calls. The core committee which was instrumental in starting the project is composed of Jim Barnes, Cheryl Stoltenberg, Tom Trl!PP, and Diane Wels.

Presents Concert On November 12at8 P.M. the DMLCConcert Band Ensemble made its first appearance of the 1971·72school year. The "Leaves Are Falling" concert, under the direction of Mr. Charles Luedtke, was held in the auditorium. Also appearing at the concert was the DMLC Symphonic Concert Band. This band, open to all students, is much larger than it was last year. Among the selections. which were played, the theme of the concert, a number entitled "Leaves Are Falling," was scheduled. This was inspired by President Kennedy's death. Other selections included "My Fair Lady;" "Patton," as arranged by DMLC's Linda Walling; "Nocturne;" "commando March; " and several more.

southeastern part of our country canvass their cities. The congregations ranged in size from 30 members to 8 members. These lively and active congregation members provided room and board for the Collegians. One team, consisting of four members - Jan Breitenfield, Karen Kegner, Mary Neidfeldt, and Dale Schaeffer - traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana; and Birmingham and Huntsville, Alabama, canvassing and teaching VBS for two weeks in each location. The other team, consisting of seven members Paula Hannemann, Gerry Heckmann, Paul Reede, Jean Paustian, (Continued


page 7)

Campus Calendar Wednesday, Nov. 10- Junto, 7:30 p.m.; Cheer leading tryouts, 8:3().10:00p.m. in gym. Thursday, Nov. 11 Orientation IV; Women's A '" B Volleyball vs. Mankato State, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12- Midterm; Band Concert, 8:00 p.m. in auditorium. Saturday, Nov. 13 - Community Concert (William Walker, baritone), 8:15 p.m. in 'auditorium; Women's Volleyball vs. Pillsbury, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 14 Jubilarians' anniversary service, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16- Women's A '" B Volleyball vs. Gustavus, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19 - Movie Night Saturday, Nov. 20 - Women's A'" B Volleyball at SW MIn· nesota State, tourney; Men's Basketball vs. alumni, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21 - Piano recital by M. Radloff, 8:00 p.m. in auditorium. Monday, Nov. 22 - Art Club, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.23- Women's A Volleyball vs. Mt. Marty, 6:45 p.m., Men's Basketball vs. Mt. Marty, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiving recess begins at noon. Friday - Saturday, Nov. 2627 - Men's Basketball at Rochester State Junior College, tournament Monday, Nov. 29 - Classes resume. Tuesday, Nov. 30 - Men's Basketball at Bethany, 7:30 p.m.; Women's A '" B Volleyball at Gustavus, 4:30 p.m.

Page Z

November 16, 1971


Count Our Blessings

Humor Column BY uNnA BERGQUlft :-

The completion of our beautiful new library building gives us a special opportunity to thank and praise God for the great blessings given to us. However, this Thanksgiving let us look back with special attention, over the past few years at DMLC; we will find many more wonderful blessings right here on campus for which we can be filled with thanks and praise to God. The completion of the library marks the completion of a building era at DMLCbeginning in 1962with the new Music Center. Over the years, two new women's dormitories were built, a new auditorium, and a beautiful student union and gymnasium. For those of us who use these facilities, they should be a constant reminder of God's love and continuous care and blessings, but more often than not we take them for granted. Let us pray that we never forget that it is God who gives us these many blessing nor to joyously praise and thank Him this Thanksgiving for His wonderful love and guidance throughout our building project.


First Thanksgiving BY JARYL KANE


'Alas, Poor Soccer


"Soccer instead of football!" "Homecoming just isn't homecoming without football. Those are the cries that were uttered by many students when they first entered the life of DMLC, when they first discovered that the one sport they had always associated with high school and college didn't exist here. But as the weeks and years went by, as a student viewed more and more soccer games and hecame better acquainted with the sport, he got used to it. He would tell others that it "sort of grows on YOu." Then, suddenly, this student was faced with the prospect that within a year the fall sport would be changed from soccer to football. Then, suddenly, he was unsure whether he wanted this change to occur' he kind of liked soccer now. Why were they changing to football ~nyway? After all, soccer here was only six y~rs old. After all his complaints about soccer, this person nowrealized that he regretted seeing soccer end its brief life at DMLC. Despite his preference for soccer, however, the student resigned himself to the fact that football would be the sport at DMLC.After thinking about the matter, he knew that within a few years football would mean as much to the DMLCstudents as soccer does now. He sincerely hoped that the football team would have even more school support than the soccer team has had. Unfortunately, many students In years to come would nev~r realize that soccer had even existed on this campus. But he knew It would be a happy memory for him and many others who had enjoyed its excitement and different type of action.

,--------------j I L

Alumni News

Attention Alumni! A special souvenir booklet of the 1971 DMLC Soccer Homecoming is being prepared by the Pep Club in conjunction with the Photo Club. In it will be a photographic account of soccer's brief history at DMLC. Special emphasis will be on this year's, the last soccer homecoming. The cost of the booklet will be 50cents, mailing Included, to be sent within four weeks after homecoming. If you are Interested, please send information regarding your name, address, the

Seniors Elect Leaders Atthe start of this 71-72 school year, the seniors elected their officers. To introduce each one briefly, we have President Steve Kehi from Germantown, Wisc. is active in Marluts and College Choir. Steve proves to be a very capable leader as he also served his class as president last year. Vice-President Byron Manthe emergency taught last year. Byron comes from Columbus, Wisc. and participates in Chapel Choir. Secretary Lois Brick, who is out practice teaching this quarter, is a New Ulm girl. Lois is concentrating In music. Last, but not least, is Sue Remiaa, elected treasurer. Sue, who is from Sterling Heights, Mich., enjoys sewing and band, and is concentrating In math.


Go to college, continue your .knowledge, To be a person smart, brave and


number of booklets you desire, and the amount of money you enclose to: Soccer Homecoming Booklet DMLC,Box 731 New Ulm, Minn. 56073 The following weddings have been announced: Albrecht, Janet (71) Mischke, Joel (70) Fischer, Carol (71) - Cole, Stan (71) Jul. 3 Hahnke, Donald (71) Mehlberg, Shirleen (70) Jul. 24 Welndorf, Priscilla (69) Luetke, Daniel (H.S. 65) Brug, Kathleen (70) Glende, Philip (70) June 6 Beilke, Jean (70) - Brockmeier, Ernst (70) Miller, Memory (70) Gronholz, John (68) Nitz, Debbie (H.S. 68) Schoeneck, Jonathan (71) June 4 Just, Beverly, (70) - Leier, Jon July 24 Arndt, Kathy (71j Martin, Thomas (71)


CC Members Begin Terms Collegiate Council members have again been actively serving Dr. Martin Luther College since the beginning of the school year. The CC officers are Byron Manthe, president; John Bauer, vice-president; Kiki Johnson, secretary; and Sandy Boettcher, treasurer. The representatives from each class, elected by their classmates on September 24, Include seniors Paula Hannemann, Kris Schuetze, Fred Uttech, and Wayne Wagner, and juniors Marsha Lange, Phil Potratz, Dan Schmal, and Trudy Zibell. Representing the sophomores are Mark Neujahr, Kathy, Schuetze, Steve Thiesfeldt, and . Ruth Ungrodt. Mike Haase, Sharon Hamula, Hope Monthie, and Eric Troge make up the freshman Council members. Collegiate Council meets every Tuesday evening after chapel In the conference room of the LMU. Students are welcomed and urged to sit in, listen, and participate in these meetings.

Anonymous Poetry By a DMLC Student

GROWING·UPINSIDE To be one's self is the greatest gift.

Nol. to krow one's self is the greatest, To be, the second greatest. Yet YAlat pain to know and not to be. To accept other's self. the third greatestSOmetimes liking disliking, hating, lOving, But always accepting.


true. For if they can make penicillin from moldy cheese, They surely can make something of you.


How do elephants earn extra money? They babysit for bluebirds on Saturday nights!


You can tell a freshman by his silly eager look, You can tell a sophomore cause he carries one less book, You can tell a.. junior by his dashing air and such, You can tell a senior, but you can't tell him much!


A high-school teacher displays the following sales pitch on his bulletin board: "Free. Every Monday through Friday. Knowledge. Bring your own containers."

+++ +++

Speak loudly and carry a twig. . "Is there anything peculiar about him by which he could be recognized if we should find the body?" asked the polleemanr "Yes," replied Ute woman, "He's deaf in one ear."

Aeolians and Marluts Begin New Year There are two organizations on campus' that have very unusual names: the Aeoliansand the Marluts. These groups are women's and men's choirs, counterparts to one aother. The Aeollans derived' their name from the church mode. The almost one hundred women sing mainly secular ~u_sic. Advised by Professor Shilling, the women meet every Monday and Thursday from 6:10 to 6:50 with a purpose of providing a chance to "sing what you want to sing" and the added feature of fun. Joy Grobe, a senior, is the president this year. Cosecretaries are Louise Sponem and Bonnie Rude. JoAnn Kallies is the treasurer and Trudy Zibell. the librarian. The Codirectresses are Dorothea Siegler, a senior and Jan Breitenfield. a junior. The Aeollans' will be going Christmas caroling with the Marluts. This event is followed by a big party. InFebruary they have another concert, with Ii final appearance on Mother's Day. The Marluts, as described by one of the .members, are a bunch of cute guys. The name is a clipped form of .Martin Luther. The men also meet on Monday and Thursday, right after Chapel. The only officer as of yet is Dave Enter, the president. Steve Kehl, and Carl Nolte, both seniors, share the responsibility of directing. The Marluts join the Aeolians in their February concert with the Academy Band. They also are asked, at times, to sing for such organizations as the

Rotary Club and the Art Club In New Ulm. Right now the men. are working on "Old Man River," "Aura Lee,''''Drill, Ye Terriers, Drill" and "They Call the Wind Maria".



published during the mont~'i of October, November. Decem eer. FebrUary, March, April. Mav and June. The subscription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. All business communications shOuld be addressed to the Business Manager-. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates. and friendS are appreciated. \

Theaim 01the MESSENGERis to Offer suCh materials as will be beneficial as y,oell as interesting to our readers, to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the COllege. and to toster school spirit Editor Layout editor women's sports

SUe Falk Jim Petermann editor Kikl

Johnson Business manager .... Beth Janke Circulation manager .. Barb Sauer

Hea~ phOtoQrapher.... Dan Schmal Sfaff Writers ... , .. Karen Amborn, Connie Krohn, Judy Vater, IYIargaret Rosin, Delaine Templin, Jane Price, NOna Weyer, Linda Steinbrecher, Wayne wagner, Clndl acecnet. Kikl Johnson. Linda Bergquist, Jim Carolfl, M.ary Peterson

Alumni n.,.",. Humor ArtiSts


La~ut stall

Clndl Ruechel Linda Comie

Bergquist Baehman,

Steve SChultz COnnle Laabs,

Pat Baehman, /lAary Ann Habib

CIrculation stall .......•.•.. Linda Steinbrecher, Renata Schonsburg Typists .....•... Glenda Erickson, Karen Gergen, Karen Schleberg, _ Judi KOpltzke,Joy Grobe Photo staff Sharon Sting Advlsor ;Prof. C. J. Trapp



Library Includes Special Rooms :i~I,: '.;:

The recenUy dedicated Dr. Martin Luther College Library has six rooms which provide special services for both faculty and student body. The Curriculwn Library ,located on the lower level, has a large collection of children's literature books. Along with these are .grade school textbooks and teacher's editions. In the Media Center, which will soon be sound-proofed, many tapes, recordings and filmstrips can be found. Right now the library staff is faced


Thank You DMLC expresses appreciation to the following companies for their help in the construction of our new library: Architect: Toltz, King, Dvnall, Anderson;" Associates, Inc., st. Paul "t~ General Oontractor: HeYlIlann Construction Co., ~I!w.!qhn . Wllllner Construction Co., New Ulm Farwell Industrial Division, St. Paul The Ceco Corporation, Minneapolis W. E. Neal Slate Co., Eden Prarie Midw~t Sound Control, Mankato' '.-, Otis Elevator Co., Minneapolis Wells Concrete Products, Wells George Shetka " Sons, St. Paul Schwickert, Inc., Mankato, American Artstone Co., New Ulm ~ay' Roofing " Sheetmetal, New Ulm Wilfahrt Brothers, New Ulm Tom Miesen Painting Contractor, Springfield Trussbilt, Inc., St. Paul New Ulm Glass Co., New Ulm J. H. NiCklas Co., St. Paul Specialty Sales Service, Minneapolis, Overhead Door Co., Mankato Mankato Tile " Terrazzo, Mankato ' Willmar Sash " Door Co., Willmar A. J. Spanjers Co., Minneapolis ' W. L. Hall Co. Minneapolis Retzlaff Hardware Co., New Ulm; and special thanks to Mr. "Mrs. Marvin Schwan, Marshall, for their gift of the air conditioning system.

with the task of cataloguing the recordings which were formerly stored in the Music Center, so that a small problem exists of finding the recording wanted, but the recordings are still available. The recording collection includes many musical recordings. Synod filmstrips on stewardship and other topics are also found in the Media Center. Needed equipment, tape recorders, turntables, headphones, and projectors are provided. The room itself is furnished with desks and can be reserved for classes. The Listening and Viewing Room is smaller than the Media Center, but can be reserved by students for the same purposes as the Media Center. There are three other rooms on the lower floor that have special purposes. The Seminar Room can be reserved by professors for classes and material will be put into the room upon. the teacher's request. Students can reserve the Conference Room a day or two in advance for any meeting they may want to hold during library hours. The 'last room is the Typing Room. All the student needs. to do is. ask for the key and he has available to him two ¡:1ype'\'{rllers. Plans for more typewriters are being considered. Since ;:these facilities are available to the students upon request, we would hope the collegiates would learn to take advantage of them.


Upon entering the library, a look to the right the down stairway and lounge area.

In the past ten years, enrollments In the Synod's elementary schools increased eight per cent and high school enrollment 59 per cent despite a 17 per cent drop in the birthrate. Opening of five new high schools was chiefly responsible for the large enrollment growth on the secondary level. This fall, eight congregations within the Wisconsin Synod opened new schools located at Bellevue, Wash; Manitowac, Wis.; Mesa, Ariz.; Pompano Beach, Fla.; Balaton, Minn.; Tinley Park, Ill.; Spokane, Wash.; and Nodine, Minn.


New Library Has A Story Of Its Own The razing of the old Hillcrest Hall last fall marked the beginning of many apparent signs of the beautiful new library building we now have. This new library is a product of many years of generosity, careful planning, and hard work. The DMLClibrary as it stood in 1884 consisted of a few books on a shelf, totally German and mainly theological in nature. By

WELS Blessed With Growth Although much has been said about the decline of church school systems nationally, the Wisconsin Synod has been blessed' with an increasing number of facilities, teachers, and students.


Three or the new schools started immediately with full eiJ!htyear or nine-year programs. In 1970 the Synod opened 11 new school systems, including two a t mission congregations. Only three Synod grade schools were closed, all in southern Minnesota. They were at SI. James, Glencoe, and Janesville. Small enrollment was listed as the cause. One new high school was opened this year in the Kenosha, Wisconsin, area and a new one was started in Michigan last year. The Wisconsin Synod opera ted 244 schools through 1970 compared to 218 grade schools in 1960. During the same period enrollment increased from 24,082 to 26,070 with increases noted in total enrollment in the system in all but three years since 1955.

1917 there still was no library to Uponwalking into the library, speak of, but due to the fact that probably the most noticeable DMLC would concentrate on are the carpeting and the large teacher education there was the area for study tables, both incentive to accumulate a found on the main floor. Here larger, more useful collection of also can be found the circulation books. desk, card catalog, current In 1928 the idea of a library periodicals, reserve and first appeared in the east wing .reference materials and the of the newly constructed-staff_:""""-""_ •.';__,,<,'x, Academic Building. By 1955 Proceeding down the steps to there was a total of 13,000 the lower level we find the book volumes, much of the growth stacks of 26,000 books, and the due to the generosity of inbound periodicals. Also here dividuals in gifts and there are more study tables, the memorials. children's library, curriculum In 1965 the Academic Buildin~ library, and the media center, was remodeled as we know It which contains the audio-visual now, and as a result the library supplies. Combined these two expanded to include the new floors contain a valuable store upper level, providing more of knowledge. study area and a place for There are a few finishing reserve material and the touches yet to be realized, some periodicals. Even this, exof which are the temperature pansion of the library soon balance tied to heating and the became inadaquate as our air-conditioning system, drapes enrollment grew. for the windows, and' a few Realizing the necessity for a machines for the media center. new library, the Synod perAlso for the beautification of mitted the $600,000 figure to be the foyer of the library there is used in the construction. The to be a statue of Dr. Martin building planning committee Luther erected to serve as an was set to work, and plans were inducement to study and as a made with the architects Toltz, reminder of Luther's dedication King, Duvall, Anderson and and his many contributions in Associates Inc. of St. Paul, and the work of the Lord. This the Heymann Construction statue which will be the focal Company of N~w Ulm, which point df the library, is still in the started to work m December of formative stage, but according 1970. Our library, now comto plans it will be carved out of pleted and dedicated, is ready oak wood and will be a lite-size for many years of useful serreplica of Luther. vice.

Teaching in the Public School Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way.


Pedestrians consist of two groups - the quick and the dead.


"How'-did you puncture your tire?" asked the station attendant. ' "Ran over a bottle," explained the unhappy motorist. "Couldn't you see it?" the attendant wanted to know. "Nope," said the driver, "The guy had it under his coat."


Aroom full of children like sheep they roam. They are so dear, I wish they were my own. But what about Laura? She is a Jew. Can I feel the same way about her too? She doesn't know of the GoodShepherd, Who died to save us all. Can I not tell her? Can I not give her His call? What does my contract say? Teach the subjects from Sept. to May. In order to get my pay, I cannot showher the way. I have to stand by and watch her go towards hell. Oh, why did I sign that contract saying I will not tell? BARBARA KELLER

and hard workers in the library this summer inc 1u de: Profs. Jacobson, Sitz, and Mr. Bartels.


Page 4

November 16, lr,71


Sophs 'Welcome' F "I , am a lowly freshman" was the sign seen on the backs of many a freshman girl the week before homecoming. A beanie tied with ribbons, red fingernail polish and red lipstick completed the outfit of the "good" little freshman girl. Those who wouldn't cooperate with the rules found out soon enough that sophomores didn't fool around. One freshman girl got herself covered with shaving cream for trying to get back at one of the sophomores. Initiation started on Monday, the 18th,when the girls all were required to know the school song and the sophomore pledge and be prepared to recite them at anytime during the week. Any sophomore could ask any freshman to "button" immediately on request. If you don't know what that means, just ask a freshman. The sophomore girls gave the freshman girls (and the

matrons!) a taste of initiation Thursday night on first floor of Hillview. The freshmen were astudying snug in thetr rooms

with visions of trouble all in the air. The halls were very quiet, but not for too long, for up from the basement came the sophs for a riot! The doors were opened, shouting was heard,

DMLC's Lancer


, Moves

DMLC observed its final soccer homecoming October 22 and 23, The Pep Club's expectations for the biggest and best homecoming yet were met as the Homecoming '71 events, centering on the theme of "Newspaper Comics in Action," progressed, The festivities got underway Friday, October 22, with a pepfest at 7:30, which was followed .by the traditional burning of the "L" in the football bowl. Saturday afternoon's parade, led by the DMLC Marching Band, was the beginning of a very spirited day. Included in the parade were the Luther Cadettes Drill Team, the

Perfect Day

cheerleaders, class floats, and decorated cars. Winner of the float contest was the Junior Class. The seniors followed the sophomores were third, and the freshmen came up with fourth place. Winners of this year's new addition to the parade, the car decorating contest, were Cathy Redmann and Ralph Koch, first place; Yvonne Nelson, second place; and Childrens Theater, third place. The highlight of the weekend was the Lancers' victory over the Comets of Concordia College, st. Paul. Lancer fans were elated with their team's 51 victory.

Homecoming '71 came to a perfect end with a victory banquet in the LMU Saturday evening at 6:30. A delicious dinner prepared by the food service was followed by a memorable program of entertainment, featuring Pastor Vern Voss of Jordan, Minnesota, as guest speaker. Steve Carlovsky was presented with this years Most Valuable Player Award. Highlight ofthe evening was the presentation of an award to Coach Dallman by his team and the cheerleaders. DMLC's last soccer homecoming is now a memorable event in the hearts of both young and old Lancers alike.

First Place Flo;

Reflecting 0:

Burning of the 'L'

The weekend of Oct. 22-24, 1971 marked the 15th annual homecoming at Dr. Martin Luther College. The 15th homecoming! Can this be right? Yes, it can. Before 1956, homecoming was almost unknown to collegians on this hill. Then in 1956 the first homecoming was celebrated with a basketball game. The festivities opened with a bonfire near the tennis courts, after which the spectators proceeded indoors to witness a basketball game between the varsity and the alumni. Refreshments were served in the gym at Centennial following the game. During the next four years homecoming was similarly celebrated. In 1960a pep rally was added

the night before the game, making this a two day festival. Various skits were presented at this time. A second basketball game was introduced with the DMLC professors playing the alumni in the first game and the varsity meeting one of their opponents in the second. A banquet held in the dining hall rounded out the evening's entertainment. From 1960through 1964homecoming, usually held in January, signalled the start of the basketball season. October 16, 1965 marked DMLC's first soccer homecoming. Many changes were made at this time as homecoming began to resemble the celebration to which we are accustomed. Homecoming now





Page 5

November 16, 1971


'.frosh, trembling witlt"fear. Ab, 'wt along came' the matron, much to our dismay; she said to

the girls, "get into your rooms and get in there to stay!" The boys initiated the freshman guys in military fashion. Each night at 9:30 they were called to arms, with broom in

10:00. The boys learned pretty fast with Jerry Duerr as general. Not only did the frosh have to march around campus with mops, but they had to sing choruses while they kept in step. It was reported that "on the average, they did a good job, in fact, excellent, except for one guy they called Gomer Pyle. He couldn't march because he had two left feet." The discipline in the freshman marching unit was kept strict, as Jack Fritzler may recall. When he stepped out of line, he was required to hug a tree for 15 minutes. Stan Aufterheide was named outstanding "volunteer" for the unit, even though he didn't always volunteer himself to do whatever General Duerr commanded The freshmen showed the student body their talents at marching a t the pep fest Friday night and again on the soccer field on Saturday.







Lancers Emerge Victorious On Saturday, October 23, the Lancer soccer team celebrated homecoming with a sparkling ~ 1 victory over the Comets of Concordia College. Earlier in the season, Concordia had defeated Luther by a score of 21, but this time the Lancers were not to be denied. Only minutes into the game, John Barenz swept in from his right wing position and pounded home the first goal of the game for the Lancers. Paul Hartwig kept the scoring momentum going with two goals, one on a fine unassisted drive.

,Junior Class

Midway through the half, Concordia got on the scoreboard, heading the ball in off a corner kick. Late in the period the Lancers scored twice more for a ~1 halftime lead. Forward Steve Carlovsky scored the fourth goal on a penalty kick, and reserve Joel Railling scored his first goal of the season in heavy traffic in front of the goal. The pace of the game slowed down considerably in the second half, with neither team being able to penetrate for a goal. The Lancers were knocking at the door throughout the period, but

A Memory 'was moved from January to the fall of the year. The first float ~,was presented by the Pep Club t' while all the cJasses worked on , ground displays. ' The first homecoming "parade, held in October 1967, ,.consisted of floats from all the ~ classes and several of the clubs. ~'This year the pep rally was held ~on Saturday night with the I"gameon Sunday. Following the ~game,a banquet was held at the SOrchidInnat Sleepy Eye for the hoJiegians, professors, and 'alumni. The next year, 1968, the collegemarching band led the parade for the first time. The pep mlly was moved back to day night, with the game log held on Saturday. Since

the Luther Memorial Union had been completed, the banquet was now held there. 1971will always be remembered as the last soccer homecoming, soon to be replaced by football. The festivities got underway Friday night with a pep rally, followed by the burning of the "L." The parade held downtown Saturday morning had the DMLC Drill Team participate in it for the first time. The weekend was climaxed by a win over Concordia Saturday afternoon and rounded out by a banquet held that evening in the LMU. What will future homecomings offer at DMLC? That question still remains to be answered.

Lancer's in Action

missed many fine opportunities to score, and settled for a ~1 homecoming victory. It was an especially satisfying win for Coach Gary Dallmann and his team since it was the last soccer homecoming at D.M.L.C. In other' homecoming activities, the Most Valuable Player Award for this season was presented to a very deserving senior forward, Steve Carlovsky. Both Carlovsky with nine goals, and Hartwig with eight, are within striking distance of the school record of eleven goals.


16, 1~11

Soccer Team Rallies At End of Career After a slow first half season, a much improved Lancer soccer team ended its final soccer season winning three of its last five games. Coach Dallmann called this one of the most improved teams he had ever coached. In the last five games the Lancers beat St. Olaf, Pillsbury, and Concordia, with their only two defeats coming from an undefeated Bethany squad. In a Thursday afternoon game here on the hill, the Lancers trounced an always highly-rated St. Olaf team. All around good team hustle and some excellent passing brought a well~eserved victory to the Lancers. Early in the first half, a center from Lancer forward Paul Hartwig was pounded into the goal by senior forward Steve Carlovsky. St. Olaf retaliated with a goal to tie the score. Then a perfect comer kick from wing John Barenz

was headed into the St. Olaf goal by Hartwig. With only a few seconds left in the first half, Carlovsky scored his second goal of the game on a penalty kick. This put the Lancers in control at half time, 3-1. The fired-up Lancer squad struck early in' the second half. Once again the talented foot of Carlovsky scored for the Lancers on a center from sophomore wing, Mike Welch. Gooddefensive play by Luther's fullbacks and goalie, Jim Petermann, helped the Lancers blank the Olies the whole second half to make the final score 4-l. Coach Da11mann said that this was the best team effort of the season. With high hopes, the Lancers traveled to Mankato, on Saturday, October 9, only to be defeated by a tough Bethany team 3-1. Bethany controlled most of the first half, with good team

Football Team Trims' Waseca The Lancer football team ended its first season on a happy note with a 22-0 scrimmage "victory" at the University of Minnesota-Waseca, on Tuesday, October 26. The Lancers played no regular games in their scrimmage at Waseca was played under conditions similar to real "game" eondltions. The Lancers received the ball first and marched straight down the field for a touchdown. The drive highlighted the running of Jay Schwall and two key passes from Tom Hunter to Eric Troge. The touchdown came on a 26-yard scamper by Jay Schwall, with the run for the extra-point falling short. After the opening drive, the Lancer offense bogged down temporarily, and a strong defense had to take over the bulk of the load. The defense responded and held Waseca to a mere 6 yards in total offense for the first half. Halftime score: 6O. In the third period the Lancers again got their offerise moving and marched for their second score of the scrimmage,

this time on a 25 yard run by halfback Stan Aufderheide, who broke several tackles along the way. Quarterback Tom Hunter swept right end for the twopoint conversion and a 1~ Lancer lead. .Late in the game, Steve Hahnke broke off-tackle and ran 56 yards to the Waseca three yard line to set up the final score of the scrimmage. It came on a double reverse, with Hahnke on the scoring end. Hahnke also ran the two-point conversion. Coach Gorsline was extremely pleased with the fine Lancer defensive effort. Led by tackle, Fred Wangerin, with eight tackles, and guard John Cook with seven tackles, the Lancers allowed Waseca only 49 yards of total offense for the game, with 40 of those coming ontheir only pass completion on the final play of the scrimmage. The Lancers played no regular games in their first season, but participated in several scrimmages. The final scrimmage at Waseca was played under conditions similar to real "game" conditions.

hustle and good hall control. Led by two freshmen, Hyman Kornlstegn and Gilberto Armendariz, the Vikings scored three goals, to lead at half time 3-0. A very strong wind hampered both teams, ability to move the ball in the second half. Bethany still controlled the ball with the Lancers looking good at times but never being able to set up any offensive threat, until late (Continued on page 7)



DMLC's Last Soccer Team NAME

YEAR Senior

K. SChmidt++ D. Schramm++ J. Thurow D. Enter+ S. Kehl+

S. Carlovsky+ Petermann+ J. Barenz J.

L. Prickett

P. Hartwig + R. Mehlberg

R. Ebeling J. Railting M. Plamann E. Knobloch T. Paul

T.Watts A. Spencer

Senior Senior

Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Junior SOphomore

SOphomore SOphomore SOphomore SOphomore Freshman Freshmann Freshman

++ Captains + Lettermen







Saginaw, Mich JacksOn, New Ulm,




Plymouth, Mich. Appleton, Wis. Zion, III.

Tigaurd. Ore. New utm; Minn.

NewUlm, Mlm. N\aribell, Wis.

Saginaw, Mich. Appleton, Wis. Chicago, III. Fox Lake. Wis.

Westland, Mich Flatrock, Mich.

Athletic Director: Harold Kaiser Coach: Gary Dallmann

fv\anager: Robert Potratz

Lancerettes Open Season With Victories The Lancerettes Volleyball season is underway and what a season it.is! The team, coached by Miss Sue Post, has yet to lose a game and has provided its fans with five very exciting matches. After several weeks of practice, the Lancerettes opened their season at home against St. Olaf College of Northfield, on October 7. The "B" team, playing with younger players who hadn't had previous volleyball experience, lost its games 15-7and 15-6.The varsity team won all three games in the best-of-five match, 15-12,15-1,and 15-11. The next game was October 9 at Winona against the College of St. Theresa. Against St. Theresa, the Lancerettes took two straight games in a best-ofthree match, 15-4and 15-10. The "B" team lost its first game but came back and won the next two in the best-of-three match, 15-12 and lfHl. Coach Post called both the St. Olaf and St. Theresa games "good team efforts." Next on the schedule was the

game against Southwest Minnesota State College of Marshall, which was played at DMLC on October 14.' The season record was upped to ~ after the Marshall match. The varsity swept the best-of-five . series, by scores of 15-5,'15-31;. and 15-2.The "B" squad sWept" its best-of-three series, 15-5.and. 15-12. Coach Post espeda,lly singled out Kathy Deines and Sandy Boettcher for their ..play . in the varsity games. The next victims of ..the Lancerettes were the Concordia College Comets of. St: .Pautr . Here the Luther team upped its": record to ~ by beating Concordia in a best of three match, 15-10 and 15-12. The coach commended Kathy Deines and Gloria Lohmiller for ;their serves during the varsity match. The "B" squad' also swept its match in two straight games, is.a and 15-11. The games against St. Cloud State College were really exciting. The Lancerettes defeated St. Cloud .at home in three straight games in a bestof-five series but needed extra time in the first two of the' games to do it. In both of thos; games the time had run out when neither team had a twopoint lead. In the first game, DMLC led . 14-13when the time ran out and needed overtime to win 16-14. St. Cloudled 14-12with only nine seconds left in the second game but lost the serve. The Lancerettes made their chance to come within one point before the time ran out and again won in overtime IIH4. DMLC won the third game

more easily than the first two by a score of 15-8.The "B" squad won its match by defeating St. Cloud in its first two games in a best of three series. The next game on the schedule was against Mankato State College at Mankato on October 26.' When the Lancerettes played Mankato State there ,iii the' '70 season,' 'foUr .games In a best-of-five series were played, and MSC came out the-winner.

!Soccer' AII-

Conference 'ID a meeting of the comerence '. eoachesbeldon Tuesday, Nov.. 2,the 1971All~erence' soccer .team was selected. Of the 12 players chosen Dr. Martin Luther College is proud to announce the placing of three of its athletes on that team: They are Senior forward Steve Carlovsky, Junior forward Paul Hartwig, and Junior goalie Jim Petermann. Offensive and defensive selections include the following: Offense Dean Ansari Concordia Gil Annendarz Bethany . Steve Carlovsky DMLC Paul Hartwig . DMLC Bethany Cham Kornlstejil Concordia MarvWeber Defense Rick Hilliard Tom Kroll Kurt Lovejoy Jim Petermann Adam Pry Tuttle

Page 7

November 16, 1971


Student Missionaries Tour Dixie (CoatIDuedfrom page 1) Mark Porinsky, Karen Black, and Mike Grochowski - did canvassing in Atlanta, Georgia; Maitland and Jacksonville, F1orida. A canvass-witness survey involves knocking on doors and asking the people a few questions. The question often arises, "But what does one say when the person answers the door? What kind of reactions do you get?" Here are a few of the eumples we found working in the south. Place: Atlauta, Georgia TIme: July, 1971, 10:00 a.m.8:00 p.m. Scene: A wealthy subdivision. The house is new and often has the Southern-type pillar arch. Beautiful trees bloom in the red clay soil. Itis very hot and hwnid. Action: Door opens and blast of cold air from the air conditioner knocks the wind out of the canvasaer.


CANVASSER: It means by Scripture alone. Everything our church believes and teaches is based on Scripture alone. Well, thank you for your time. Have a good day! Working in the South is truly an unusual .experience. One must often struggle hard to conform to the Southern customs. Besides the difference in dress, diet, dialect, and the strangeness of being called a "Yankee", there is. a notable difference in climste. The intense heat and hwnidity often result in the " daily monsoon hour" between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. This, however, does not stop our fearless canvass tenm, for with dampened spirits the team treks on. Place:




TIme: June, 1971,3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Scene: Wet streets of the wealthy suburbia Action: The doorbell has been rung several times, and the wet canvasser awaits the answer. After a short wait an unfriendiy voice growls from the wall. (Would you believe an intercom?)

CANVASSER: Good morning, I'm from Sola Scriptura Lutheran Church. We are taking a survey of this area to see if the people in this neighborhood are affiliated with a church. Does your family attend a church? .CANVASSEE: Why, yes. We go to the First Baptist church every Sunday. CANVASSER: I'm glad to hear that. I think that your church also teaches that Jesus Christ is our Savior from sin, and through Him we are saved. CANVASSEE: I believe in Jesus with all my heart. I know He'll take me to heaven. CANVASSER: I believe that, too. That's why we're here-to tell others of Jesus' great love, that they might know the way to heaven also. CANVASSEE: That sure is a different name you have for your church. What does it

CANVASSER: Hi, I'm from Crown of Life Lutheran Church, and we're currently canvassing this area looking for prospective church members. Do you presently have a church to attend? CANVASSEE: I'm not interested! CANVASSER:Oh, I'm afraid you misunderstood me, I merely would like to know if you have a church to attend. CANVASSEE: I told you, I'm not interested, and besides, I don't need the church or God. CANVASSER: I understand your feelings, but the fact remains that the Lord is interested in you. He loves you so

1971 Football Team NAME S. Aufderheide R. Baumgart T. Bilitz J, Buege J. COOk F. Fischer G. Grandt

HT 5'8" 6'1" 5'11"

M. Haase S. Hahnke

6' 5'7"

C. Hochmuth . T. Hunier

6'2" 5'9" 5'8" 5'8" 6'4" 6'

M. Kiecker D. Leitz

·S. Lengling M. Meilner D. Menges L. Rogien

5'9" 6'

R. SOSinski


J. Stark S. Thlesfeidt E. Troge K. Troge J. Vater D. Vagt F. Wangerin

5'6" 6'3" 6'1" 6'3" 6'

J. Winkel K. lahn P. Zell D. Zimmerman

New Ulm. Minn.


Denmark, Wis. Milwaukee. Wis.



170 .




192 . 210 175 195


150 170 200 166 140 185 170 180







166 196 180 170 170 180 180




5'9"· 6'4"

6'2" 6'2" 6' 5'6"

Norfolk, Neb. New Ulm, Minn. St. Paul Park. Minn. New Ulm, Minn. Eaton Rapids. Mich. Milwaukee. Wis. Appleton. Wis.

Larrabee, Wis. Eau Claire. Mich. St. Louis, IINJ.

Bay City, Mich.


Fort Atkinson, Wis. NOrth Iv\ankato. Minn. Waukesha, Wis. Fond du Lac, Wis. Appleton. Wis. Appleton. Wis. Iv\adison, Wis. Manito\NOC, Wis.

HEAD COACH: Dennis Gorsline ASST. COACH: Steve Gauger STUDENT MANAGERS: Phil Potratz., Jim WOOSter, Tom Zellmer. :


Wis. Wis. Wis. Wis.

Santa Clara, Coif.




Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WatertOlNn, Whitewater,


16() 16()

168 140






6' 6'

J. Schwall J. Sievert

K. Weber L. Weist

195 192 172 194 165

6' . 6'

5'8" 5'9" 6'3"

B. Schlawin

WT 146

Arlington. Wis. Oecatur. Mich. C~. Heights. Minn.

Sparta, Wis. Wild Rose, Wis. Watertown. Wis. Stevensville, Mich.

much that He was willing to send His own Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you and your sins. Our church is also interested in your spiritual welfare, and we will always give you a friendly welcome. Please think about what I've said, and pray that the Lord will move you to open your heart to Him. Thank you for your time. Trail-blazing the pathways of mission work is not by any means an easy job. But the Lord provides a relief for the canvasser's frustrations by causing unique incidents everytime the canvasser goes out, Place: Jacksonville, F10rlda or Birmingham, Alabama TIme: July, 1971 Scene: An upper-class neighborhood with ranch-style homes. The yard is surrounded by white picket fences, and surrounding the pool in the back yard is a profusion of palm trees and other exotic plants. Action: The canvasaer walks up to the gate and sees a "Beware of Dog" sign; the gate is open so he bravely enters. A huge German Shepherd chained to the back door eyes the canvasser

warily. The door bell is rung and sounds forth all kinda of racket which results in a cacophony of dogs barking and growling in every pitch imaginable. A chihauhau barks from the window while a terrier scolds from the porch. (Philippians 3:2Beware of Dogs-runs through the canvasser's mind.) The canvasser determinedly punches the doorbell again, only to hear the "harmonious" chorus again. But the canvasaer tries one last time, this time he finds himself fleeing for the gate, for the German Shepherd has worked himself loose. As the canvasser checks "Nobody home" on his canvass sheet, he shakily walks on to the next home where a Great Dane awaits his arrival. We know that the Lord wants all men to be saved, and knowing this simple truth prompts us Christians to carry this command out, We also !mow that in doing the Lord's

work, our greatest reward lies .inthe fact that the Lord is using us to do His work. . However, there are many other rewards, as those of us who worked in organized mission projects found out. Christian fellowship, sharing and working together with these small mission congregations, and lasting friendships with team-mates as well as members of these congregations are just a few of the outstanding rewards. "Glamour Tour Summer 71" sparks memories of peoplethose we lived with, worked with, and talked with, even if for only a few moments. Paul sums up our feelings perfectly in his letter to Philippians: 'I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

UWW Started Soccer .•• In Minnesota (Continued from page 6) An elderly farmer in northern Minnesota has been studying in the second period when optics on his own for many Lancer forward Steve years, grinding lenses, making Carlovsky scored on a center his own telescopes and from wing John Barenz. The collecting a library of reading Lancers failed to score after material on the subject. that and left the field with a A 35-year-oldwoman works in disappointing loss 3-1. After a a hospital in Brainerd. She weeks rest Luther traveled to dropped out of junior college Pillsbury and toppled the years ago and has spent much Pillsbury Comets 4-1. of her career working with In the first half, good hustle psychiatric patients in the and midfield passing by senior hospital. halfback Kurt Schmidt set What these two people have in Lancer forward Paul Hartwig common is a great deal of exfree on a break away to score perience and knowledge in the Lancers first goal. The areas of specialization which Comets came back with a goal traditionally have been to make the score at half time Ireserved for college graduates. I. An experimental and farOnly seconds into the second reaching educational program half, a centering pass from Lancer wing, Mike Welch, was , at the University of Minnesota powered into the corner of the , has been designed to make a college'.education available for Comet goal off the head of exactly these kinds of people. opposite wing, John Barenz. "We're looking for people who This quick goal changed the have the real-life experience momentum of the game. An but need the academic credit inspired Lancer defensive and credentials and further team, led by Schmidt kept the training in order to advance," ball on the Luther offensive end said Jeffrey Johnson, coorof the field. Barenze then scored dinator of the new program, the his second goal of the game on a University Without Walls boot from in front of the Comet (UWW). goal. After many good shots on The UWW is exactly what the goal by the Lancer offense, name implies-rnore a coorHartwig scored his second goal dinating center than a college. of the game on another breakIt's designed to extend existing away play. The Lancers left the field with an unquestionable 4-1 University opportunities and resources to persons who victory. previously were ineligible for On the following Saturday, reasons such as distance or October 23, it was the final time available. Operating out of soccer homecoming. On that several small offices on camday Luther scored a convincing pus, the UWW staff has spent 5-1 victory over the Concordia Comets of St. Paul. The final game of the last open with good passing and season for soccer here at DMLC some fantastic shots. Bethany was played at home on Monday scored four times, but both November 1. The Lancers times the Lancers played having very much respect for Bethany, the Vikings scored the scoring punch of this well under their average Bethany squad used two men up number of goals per game. on offense most of the first half. The Lancers ended the '71 Using this tactic, Luther was season with a second place in able to hold Bethany from the SMS Conference with a 3-3 scoring, but also hampered the record. Luther's overall record Lancer offense. When the of H may not be the most Lancers pulled out of this nine impressive, but our hats go off man defense, Bethany's freshto Coach Dallmann and his man stars broke the game wide squad for a fine season.

the summer seeking and processing applicantsalthough none have yet been accepted-and setting the wheels in motion for the UWW to go into operation for the first time this fall. 'llIere are two main criteria for acceptance into UWW: an applicant must have a clear idea of what his educational goals are, and there must be no other educational channels which can help him reach his goals. ''Our orientation toward the self-directed person who has clearly articulated educational objectives will likely disqualify most undergraduates," said Johnson, "and keep this program out of the business of serving 18-to-22-year-olds. Besides serving primarily an atypical age group, the UWW abandons most other traditional concepts of a college education. It will not use the standard campus and classroom and circumscribed academic community, nor credits and grades as a measure of education. "We're getting away from the concept of education happening at a place where you go to learn. Education is something students do where they are," said Johnson. There will be no fixed curriculum and no uniform time schedule. Instead, a UWW student might take a full year to earn a quarter's worth of credits. "There will not be the hard and fast beginning points and ending points most younger students experience," Johnson said. "The emphasis here is on education as an on-going process which never ends." With plans to rely on the telephone, television, casaette tapes, films and correspondence study, a UWW student could receive a college education without ever coming onto the campus. "However, the first year I suspect we'll all do a lot of letter writing," Johnson said.

other areas of the library. Beginning a t top left and proceeding clockwise you see the front desk; the tables and new carpeting. which are visible immediately upon entering; the reference desk located upstairs; and the media center downstairs.

Come with us on a tour of the new library. As you gaze down the center column. one phase of construction is accomplished. Top center starts early construction which proceeds down to moving in the shelves and books. and the completion of the stacks. The far corners portray



Acker Studio Fischer's Rexall Drugs Alwin Electric Arion's Shoes Forster Furniture, Inc. Beck'sJewelry F. W. BaumannRealtor Besemer'sBarber and Gamble's BookNook Beauty Shop GreenClothiers;Inc. Brown's Music Store Kaiserhoff Citizen's state Bank KemskePaper Co. Coastto CoastStore Leuthold ClothingCo. ::::::::Dairy Queen Herberger'sInc. :~:~:~:~ Dannheim'sNew Ulm Dairy HerzogPublishingCo. Dr. Akre, Optometrist HeymannConstructionCo. Dr. Germann;Optometrist Dr. Kuehner,Dentist H. J. Baumann,Insurance Drs. Radkeand Tyler, Dentists J. C. PenneyCo. Dr. Schwartz,Dentist J. H. Nicklas Co. Ebert's Chalet Laraway Roofingand Eibner's Restaurantand Bakery SheetMeta~ Eichten ShoeStore Mary Lue's Yarns ·dl Mel Music farmers andMerchants StateBank MontgomeryWard and Co. :~~~~~!1 MuesingDrug Store



New Ulm Building CenterInc. New Ulm Clinic New Ulm Daily Journal New Ulm Drugand Camera New Ulm Gift and HobbyShop

Raftis DepartmentStore RedOnion RestaurantEibner Retzlaff'sOur Own Hardware Sears Seifert Clinic

New Ulm Greenhouses New Ulm Grocery Co. New Ulm Laundry.Company ~ew Ulm Theatre

Spelbrink'sClothing Store• Sportsman's·Grill ~~~~ State Bankof New Ulm ~:::::

New Ulm Travel Service New Ulm TV SignalCo. OchsBrick and Tile Company OsbornePlumbingand Heating Oswald'sNew Ulm Laundry Oswald'sStudio Patrick's Jewelry PattersonJ I ewery Pink's DepartmentStore Polta Drugs


Vogel Clinic Vogelpohl's Wallner ConstructionCo. WesternMotel Wilfahrt Brothers Wallner ConstructionCo. Wells ConcreteProducts



i~t:~:~:::;:~:::::!::::::::::::::::::8::::::!::~::::~:::::!:::~:::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ~~.D.M.L.C. Messenger ~~: ~:~New Ulm, Minn. 56073



U.S. Postage Paid New Ulrn, Minn. 56073 Permit 95

Campus Receives Library Furniture The DMLClibrary will bear a totally new look as it welcomes stude.nts back from Easter v~cation. Because of a generous gift from AAL amounting to $13,866.70, new furnishings have been bought for the upper level. Th~y. are scheduled to begin arnvmg Mar~ .29. These furnishings will allow for a.n upper-level seating capacity of 186 students rather than. the present 52. All of this furnitur~ IS made of oak in a dark finish except for formica tops on the the tables. An extra feature will be a lounge in the northeast corner, facing Her~ monument. This lounge, seating 22 students, will consist of three sofas, plus arm chairs in brightly colored upholstery fabrics. Along the sides of the library in front of the windows will be 28 individual study carrels. These individual units will have small railings separa ting them but will not block the view from the window. In addition to the new tables and chairs there will be

Dr. Martin Luther College

:tl Vol.

62 No.6

March 17, 1972

:~-0~~~}.J\ .. ~.,~~~+,~:_w.,~,,-:~~-~.~:;;;' :;;;;;;f ::;_1I!;:::::;::::::'::'fo1'!;:'~::"'' :'"'":''~- "'~'

New Uhn, Minn. -:-:7""'-:

Carnival S.p· arks WIll· . Toboggan races? Drill team ice show? A "gravy train" carved in 1I1esnow? Beards? Queen? Broom hockey games? What's it all about? .. Snow Carnival! Yes, snow .carnival, this year with the theme "Advertisement Avalanche," sparked up a lot of lively enthusiasm on campus the week of February 22-26. Earlier in the month, nomination and announcement of seven queen candidates initiated interest. And why all the hairy men all of a sudden this time of year? This was also in preparation for a contest, the winner to be announced during snow carnival week. Many committees of. people were involved in organizing a week of entertainment for students. The annual snow carnival had something for everyone. One could participate as well as be an onlooker. Everyone could compete in the games, races, skits, and building sculptures. And all could be spectators to the many hours of hard work put in when it came to the queen competition, the drill team's ice show, "The Kids" entertainment, and that unforgettable movie, "The .Mad Woman of Cllaillot." Toboggans and Skates The first" activities· of snow carnival were on Tuesday night, Feb. 22. Fourteen four-member teama and. seventeen two· member teams assembled their speed-demon toboggans and raced down Hermann Hill. Each team was given two trials to beat the fastest clocked time.

If one was standing at the top of the hill, he heard the loud, shrill whistle to clear the slope below. Following a drop of the hat and somebody's foot getting out of the way, the toboggan and its team was on its way down. Only occasionally was there. a wipeout at the bottom. Coming out on top in the winner's circle: Carl Hochmuth and Ron Wells on the two-man team, while Phil Potratz, Jim Buege, Ernie Knobloch, and Kurt Troge made up the fearsome foursome. After this excitement on top of Hermann Hill came the drill team doing its thing on the ice below the hill. Under the direction of Sharon Hamula, the girls braved the cold and skated the routines to two pop songs. Unfortunately, a knee knjury prevented Sharon, formerly a skater with the "Ice Follies," from performing her scheduled routine. This part of snow carnival added a new dimension to the entertainment. Then came free skating, and at 10:00 p.m. the evening ended with some good, warming hot chocolate in tile gym. Queens Paula Wilbrecht emcee'd the entertainment on Thur sday night. This was the evening most waited for by the queen candidates. "We were nervous, but we were excited." This was the night of queen competition and class skits. The candidates did not feel as if it were competition, but rather a working together and really a getting to know each other better. The student body got to know the seven girls better, too.





During convocation the weeK before they heard all about the candidates' childhoods, like how Sarah Zell used to ride

around town on her "red bomber," Trudy Zibell was


on >~

16 individual study carrels the main floor. . ..'rrJ The upstairs shelving remain the same with th d.··'i'i1 dition of two dictionary s:'a:ds '-;~ and one atlas stand The ., reserve section m~ved to ",,', the middle where it is more easily accessible. A new 9().inch periodical index table will be added. This will be divided into six sections and surrounded by six upholstered stools. The furniture presenUy upstairs will be moved to the lower level. At the same time, new shelving will be added both for the books and bound periodicals downstairs. When this is completed the library will seat 296 students at one time, well over the amount recommended for a college this size. Also interesting to note is the increase in the use of the library and library materials since it moved into its new facilities last September .. From the regular stack of books, circulation has increased from 5,600 to over 6,600 books when comparing the "";Iir~stsemester 'of this with the



~~=~~~ section, where each book was checked out an average of three times per semester, and in the bound periodical section. In the month of February alone withdrawals of periodicals totaled 393.

(Continued on page 3)

Choir Anticipates Tour "Pray, praise, and give thanks" is the theme chosen for the DMLC College Choir's 1972 spring appearances. Their selections will include the familiar and the new, the traditional and the contemporary, the simple hymn and the involved anthem - all in words which pray, praise, or give thanks, set to pleasing music. The familiar "A Mighty Fortress" and "0 Sacred Head, Now Wounded" and the new "The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns" and "With High Delight," along with the simple hymn, "Abide, 0 Dearest Jesus," and the involved anthem, "Alleluia, Sing a New Song," will be presented among many other selections. As the College Choir members pray, praise,' and give thanks to our Triune God through song, they will be serving as missionaries lX"oclaimingthe name of God to our congregations in 28 cities in the Midwest. The choir, under the direction of Professor M. Zahn, will begin Its concert season with five pre·tour concerts in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota the weekend of March 24-26.' The main tour from March 29-

April 9 will consist of 18 concerts throughout Minnesota Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio: The choir will also present "Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks" at DMLCat 8:00 P.M. on April 16. Following the main tour, the choir will present five more concerts the weekend of April 28-30 in Minnesota and

Wisconsin. Congregations where concerts are held will provide housing and food for the members on tour. The choir's tour expenses are taken care of by free-will offerings received from these congregations. The choir's appearances are listed below.


·t t t

II I I t

I t t

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Choir Tour Itinerary: ·March 24 8:00 P.M. Lake Benton, /oM, St. John March'25 8:00 P.M. Sioux City, 1000a, Grace March 26 10:30 A.M. Sioux Falls, SO, Good Shepherd 4:00 P.M. Clear Lake, SO. Trinity 8:00 P.M. Marshall, /oM, Christ iV\arch 29 8:00 P.M. Ha~tingSI Mn, St. Jonn foAarch30 8:00 P.M. Rhinelander. Wi, Zion March 31 1:30 P.M. Peshtigo, R. 2, Wi, St. John 8:00 P.M. Menominee, Mi, Christ April 1 7:30 P.M. Saginaw, Mi, St. paul April 2 8:00 A.M. Frankenmuth, Mi, St. John 10:30A.M. Flint, Mi, Emanuet First 3:30 P.M. Saline. Mi, Trinity 7:30 P.M. Adrian, Mi. St. stephen April 3 8:00 P,M. Jenera, Oh, Trinity April 4 8:00 P.M. Lansing, Mi, Emanuel AprilS 8:00 P.M. Stevensville, MI. 51. Paul April 6 8:00 P.M. Milwaukee, Wi. St. John (5. 68th) April 7 8:00 P.M. Two Rivers, Wi, 51. John April 8 8:00 P.M. Brillion. Wi. Trinity April 9 8:00 A.M. Appleton, Wi. Riverview 10:30A.M. Appleton. Wi. Mt. Olive SchoOl 3:30 P.M. SchOf·leld,Wi. SI. Peter April 28 8:00 P.M. Jordan. MIl, SI. Paul April 29 8:00·P.M. Columbus. Wi. Zion April 30 8:00 A.M. Sun Prairie, W'J.iPeace 10:30A.M. Arlington. WI. Ion 3:00 P.M. wonewoc. WI. st. Paul April 16 8:00 P.M. DR. MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE

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Page Z


Faculty Gesture Pleases Students


Organ Skill

Lately there has been something different in our chapel services in the morning. Now when we're sitting in the chapel, the section where the faculty sits looks pretty bare. Could it be that the faculty is staying away from chapel? Certainly not! The faculty is still coming to chapel, but they're not sitting in the same places. Everywhere you look you see a professor. If you are less observant, while you are singing you may hear a deep bass voice behind you, and will sneak a peek to find another professor has taken a seat right behind you. Nowthis is no big thing. The faculty has the right to sit anywhere they like, but there seems to have been some unspoken agreement that they sit together in one corner. There are many students that are pleased to see the initiative taken by the professors. Maybe it's some kind of gesture or way of showing that they are with us, not above us. Maybe It's just a way of getting out of a rut. Whatever the reason, the faculty should be told ... we like It!

A Modern Parable A man was struck down on the streets of New Ulm, Minnesota, by thieves, was beaten up, robbed and left for dead. A minister came along, but since the man did not belong to his church, he walked carefully aroundhlmandwenthlsway.A lawyer saw the man lying in the road, but didn't want to get involved, and he crossed the street so that he would not pass too close to the man. A ChrIstian came along and took pity on the man. He dressed his wounds and took him to a motel where he paid In advance for a night's lodging. He Instructed the motel keeper

fast, and supply him with anything he needed so that he could get home again. For these services he paid in advance. THE MORAL OF THE STORY: Because he was so popular, the minister was elected bishop the next year. The lawyer was so astute in his jrofesslon that he was elected to the Supreme Court. The OtrIstian was dragged into court and sued on a charge of jractlcing medicine without a license. He is serving from one to five years in the state prison. (fromthe newsletter of Ocean Drive Lutheran Church,

(Je.1I) noco ++'0..+ wi~e. a.ll dre ...~ed. tA.p .for 0... 'oi ~ s~+v..:r'do..~ n\sh.-tov..+, how's o.loov..'t c:30i"'~ ove-r t- 0 +h~ SU -fo~ Q. so-me o-f pin~-po~ ....

Prescription: I shot an arrow into the air It fell to earth I know just where It pierced the heart of a girl I knew And now I'm stuck and she is, too.

+ + + H an athlete gets athlete's foot,. does? an astronaut get

"tr'[i~fim®1J~w , Attention ~Alumni!!! Please send any information regarding engagements, marriages, births, etc. to Cindi Ruechel, DMLC, Box 576, New Ulm, Minn. 56073.This information will be printed in future issues of the DMLC Messenger. Be sure to include the date of the event and the class of the' participating alumni. ENGAGEMENTS Naomi Breiling '65 and John Hardman '65 Ruth Kopitzke '68 and James Kaufman

Emelle Ruppel and Larry P1unckett. Lance Hartzell '71 and Annette Wagner '70. Laura Kanzenbach '71 and LeRoy Rank. BIRTHS Lorna,OnJulyl0,1971,toMr. and Mrs. Leon Kutz (Rosalie Radue '65) Jane Esther, on July 11, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rausch '67 (Dorothy VonStlen). Elizabeth Anne, on July 29, 1971,to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wolff '65 (Joanne Bode). Andrew Peter, July 1, 1971,to Mr. &. Mrs. Gerald Tjernagel (Gwendolyn Muendel), both HS 'SO. Amy Marie, on November 9,

Joyce Weishahn HS '68 and James Gilmore MARRIAGES Janet Wels '70 and Grant Barthel '70 Stephen Swantz HS '63 and Shirley Wittrock Charlotte Geiger '65 and David Knack '71. Elizabeth Zinunerman and Rev. Melvin Schwark. Donald Nolte HS 62 IUId Last year the Red Cross Katherine Walker. AI Robel '66 and Jean Mat- Bloodmobile was overcome by the many willing students of tison. Sharon Stolzman '71 and DMLC and moved their Ronald Rooster. equlpment from downtown to ShIrley Glanz '70 and David our campus after one busload of Haberkorn. students overcrowded their Joyce Groth '71 and Randall quarters. Again they made their Westphal '71. appear ance on campus on Barbara Krueger '70 and March 7 of this year In the Arlan Zills. .Luther Memorial Union during Suzanne Zirbel '69 and Louls the hours of 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 Dlestler. p.m. Lois Schramm '71 and The students who gave blood Thomas Most. showed many different atJeanette Jabs '68 and Robert titudes. Some gave willingly Schulz. Carolyn Boenneberz '70 and William Zieger '69. Emily Borchert '71 and Daniel Rallo Dorothy May Warskow '69 and William Weinstein. Carol Kerth and Rev. Richard Pagels.

1971,to Prof. &' Mrs. Edward Meyer '58 (Patricia Radsek '59). Jeffrey William, on June '1:1, 1971, to Mr. &. Mrs. William Weinstein (Dorothy Warskow '69). Andrew Warren, on June 25, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Retzlaff '69 (Cheryl Olm '68). Thomas Andrew, on July 8, 1971, to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Becker '61 (Nancy Tripp). Jennifer Lynn on July 4, 1971, to Mr. &. Mrs. Kenneth Richmond (Carol Benacker) both class of '69. . Jennifer Lynn, on Sept. 13, 1971, to Mr. &. Mrs. Robert Schroer (Cherie Roloff), both class of '68.

Campus Family Donates Blood and some gave hesitantly. Some were disappointed or relieved because they had been turned down due to any number of reasons, such as underweight, medication prior to the event, lack of sleep or too much work. Whatever reason stimulated a donor, his blood will be much appreciated by the person whose life depends upon It. Besides this, the donor is paid back fully and even more so by the satisfaction received through giving something of cneself.

.On the evening of March 5, 1972,at 8:00 P.M. In the chapelauditorium, Mark. Oppitz presented a peogram of organ pieces for the enjoyment of everyone present. His accomplished musicianship beautifully brought forth the message of each selection played: "Chaconne," by Louis Couperln; "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now," by Johann Gottfried Walther; "God The Father, Be Our Stay," by Paul Manz; "Fantasia in G," by J.S. Bach; "Praeludium In G," by Johann Pachelbel; "Quetrieme Concerto" en Fa majeur, and "SuIte from Water Music," by G. F. Handel. Mark arranged variations on "Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising," whlch was also performed as part of the program.

Laughter .Tun: Would you ever have thought this car was one I

The teacher called on little Charlie, "Tell me what you know about George Washington. Was he a soldier or a sailor?" "I think he was a soldier," replied Charlie. "Why do you think he was a soldier?" "I seen a picture of him when he crossed the Delaware, and any sailor knows enough not to stand up In a rowboat."

Prof. Swantz: In you~ homework last night, what did you find out about the salivary glands? Sue: I couldn't find out a thing. They're so.secretive!

+ + +

+ + +

"Where's your older brother been for the past four years?:' "At college taking medlclne,": "Is he finally getting well?"

Did you hear about the' absent-minded professor. who slammed hiswife and kisSed the door?

Europe Offers Summer Work For Students

Prof. Swantz: For our lesson today we will consider the heart, liver, kidney, .and lungs. Carl: Just another organ recital.

+ + +

bought secondhand? Sam: Never in my life. I thought you made it yourself.

+ + +

+ + +

A summer job in Europe Is available to any college student willing to work. As all of these DMLC summer jobs in Europe pay a standard wage - and most also Messenger. provide free room and board only a few week's work earns The DMLC MESSENGER is more than enough to cover the published during the mont'" of cost of a round-trip youth fare October. November. December. ticket to Europe, plus extra February, March. April, May and June. The subscription price is one money for traveling around dollar and fifty cents per annum. Europe before returning home. Singlecopiesare twenty cents.We Thousands of paying student request payment in advance.All jobs are available in European business'communications shouldbe resorts, hotels, offices, shops, addressedto the BusinessManager. Contributions from all alumni, restaurants, factories, hospitals undergraduates.and friends are and on farms and construction appreciated. sites. Most openings are located Thealm Of the MESSENGERIs to in Switzerland, Germany, offer such materials as will be France, England and Spain, but beneficialas well as interestingto readers,to keepthealumniin II other jobs are available in other our closer contact with !he college. and countries. to _ SChOof spirit. The Student Overseas Ser- CO-edlton ... SUe Falk. Beth Janke vices (80S), a Luxembourg Layout edltor.. ~.-:..}iiii Petermann Klkl student organization, will ob- WOmen's sports editor Johnson tain a job, work permit, visa, Business manager .... Beth Janke and any other necessary .Clrculatlon ·~.Bar)LSauer working papers for any staff Writers: ;..... Karen Amborn. Connie Krohn, Judy Vater, American college student who MargaretROSin, DelaineTemplin, applies. Applications should be Jane Price. Nona Weyer. Clnell submitted early enough to allow Ruechel. Klkl Johnson. Linda the 80S ample time to obtain Bergquist, Jim carolfi, Mrary Peterson the work permits and other ')ijijiiml riew.~: Clndl Ruechel necessary working papers. Humor Linda Bergquist Interested students may obtain Artists ~COrt1leBaehman, application forms, job listings Steve SChultz Layout staff • : .... CCnnfeLaabs. and descriptions, and the 80S Glenda Erickson. Pat Baehman. Handbook on earning a trip to Mary Ann Habib Europe by sending their name, -ClrcViitl'" ---staff Linda address, educational institution steinbrecher. Renata Schonsbur'g and $1(for addressing, handling Typists ......... Glenda Erickson, and postage) to 80S - USA, Box Karen Gergen. Karen Schieber-g. Judi KopItzke. Joy Grobe 5173, Santa Barbara, Calif. Ac:tvl Prof. C. J. Trapp 93108.



17, 1972

Page 3


Carnival Activities (Continued from page 1) a .stuck-up-in-the-trees-nature girl, and- KiKi -Johnson slept with a bird! That Thursday night each girl did a routine of her talent while students and judges rated her in talent, poise, personality, and overall presentation. Extemporaneous Questions Maybe the funniest part of the evening came when the extemporaneous question was asked. Sandy Boettcher promised Prof. Morton Schroeder that she would get her term paper in "real soon;" after nine weeks she was still unprepared. KiKi Johnson got herself into a sticky situation wben she was caught with a peanut" butter and jelly sandwich oozing out her sleeve while shaking hands with THE head of THE CAFETERIA himself, Mr. Tague. Debbie Knief found herself in an embarrassing, slippery situation when she slipped and fell on the ice directly in the path of Professor Hartwig. Marsha Lange felt like watering the bushes below her window by dropping water balloons. Little did she know that Tutor Zimmermann and his girl were her targets. When Zimmermann came on stage the students found out who his "girl" was. AHA!

Tonight, Friday, March 17, the Symphonic Concert Band and the Concert Band Ensemble will be performing at 8:00 P.M. 10 the chapel auditorium. The Symphonic Concert Band has prepared for weeks to play selections from "West Side Story" by Leonard Bernstein and an original march by a DMLC Senior, Martha Ratz. The band's most interesting works will be selections from Moussorgsky's famous "Pictures at an Exhibition." These musical pieces, originally written for piano and later for orchestra and band, were composed after Moussorgsky had attended a posthumous art exhibit of his friend Victor

Cindy Wynkoophad to explain to Dean Huebner her reason for missing a day's classes. Somehow Watertown happened to be the place Cindy fell sick and couldn't continue her trip to New Ulm. What's Watertown got that New IDm hasn't, Cindy? Sarah Zell,instead of going on tour with the College Choir, wanted to "join a different group." She had to face Prof. Zahn to explain her upcoming plans for marriage as the reason that she couldn't go with the choir at Easter. Trudy Zibell had to confront Prof. Schulz after applying "contour plowing" to his yard. She thought it was a good idea; he didn't. Competition! The skits also provided some goodlaughs. The freshman look like an up-and-coming class, winning in this competition. Each class skit, hilariously performed, brought out some of the grievances about life on campus. Class participation, originality, unity, and relation to the overall theme all counted on the judges' tally. The junior varsity basketball team played the intramural allstars in the game of the year Friday night. Captain Jig Hahnke had Tim Bilitz Chuck Luehring, Phil Jurgensen, and Scott Lengling on his top five all-star list. After the game,

Hartmann. Dan Schmal, with photographs of paintings and sketches relating to the movements, made slides that will be shown during the performance. The "William Byrd Suite" in six movements is first on the Concert Band Ensemble's program, followed by another original piece called "Little Green Leaves" by our own' , Linda Walling. A rather unusual piece called "Star-gazing" will also be performed. This number is done with band and pre-recorded sounds and consists of three one-minute movements. The CBE's final number will be "Lincoln Portralt," narrated by Professor Martin Schroeder.


Keith Lauber announced the queen and her court to the audience. Trudy Zibell was chosen queen and Sarah Zell and Marsha Lange were first and second runners-up, respectively. Broom hockey was a sport suddenly popular on the campus. Saturday afternoon eight teams met and battled each other on the ice rink below the hill at 1:00 p.m. Champions of the boys' team was Terry Watts' team, while Nona Weyer and Kathy Schuetze's team championed in the girls' depariment. The classes hurriedly threw the last snow balls on their sculptures Saturday morning to be ready at 10:00 am. for the judges, The freshmen entered a covered wagon followed by a large beagle representing the "gravy train" theme. The sophomores advertised the "Try it; you'll like it" line, with the DMLC campus sculptured on a huge hill. The juniors are of the Pepsi generation, and they "cooked" a big hamburger and French fries, alongside the Pepsi bottle. The seniors sculptured an octopus, using the theme, "underarm expert." Entertainment Night Queen coronation took place Saturday night. John Bauer introduced all the girls and their escorts to start off the entertalnment. Trudy was given the honor of announcing the winners of all .the toboggan, broom hockey, and beardgrowing contests. Jim Carolfi won the beard-growing contest. Trudy also announced the winners of the class competition for skits and sculptures. Freshmen won the skit competition, sophomores were second, seniors third, and juniors fourth. Winners of the snow sculpture in order: freshmen, seniors, sophomores, and juniors. Freshmen took first in the "overall" class, second came the seniors, third the sophomores, and juniors were fourth runners-up again. Entertaining that night were "The Kids," Paul Jacobs, and Keith Lauber. The evening concluded with "The Kids" Paul Jacobs and finally the 'audience, all jdining in on the song "Friends With You." Thus ended a week of fun and entertainment for snow carnival 1972.



This shell is used very frequently as a symbol for Holy Baptism. Three drops of water indicate baptism, "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." The colors of the shield are a heavenly blue; the shell and the drops are gold. With the Lenten season upon us, we should be reminded of its precious meaning to us as children of God. It is recorded for us in Romans 6:3 : "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death?" As Christ was ralsed from lite dead, we, by being buried with Christ by baptism, will also find a new and glorious life in eternal happiness and blessedness. May the symbol of baptism remind you of the joy this Lenten season brings to your heart.

DMLC I!l!ofessor Accepts Call" When school starts agaln next fall, the English department will be missing one of its members: Professor Borgwardt. He has accepted a call to 'Fox Valley Lutheran High School at Appleton, Wisconsin. His call is a combination teacher-guidance one. He will be teaching sophomore religion and also have responsibility with the guidance department. Professor Borgwardt says it "will be different in terms of subject matter." While here, he taught classes mainly in American literature. Some of these include American literature, Shakespeare, composition, and speech.

Before coming to the DMLC campus eight years ago, Professor Borgwardt was a pastor at Frankenmuth, Michigan, During his eight years in New Ulm, Professor. Borgwardt has seen a rapidly increasing enrollment and a literal doubling of physical buildings.

Among the many changes he 'has seen here, the most significant is probably the introduction of the new curriculum which has been in effect for three years now. To Prof. Borgwardt we bid a fond farewell for his humorous, enlightening lectures.


17, 19','Z










March 17, 1972

Page 5

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17, 1972

Lancers End 71-72 Season


Kurt Schmidt takes advantage of open territory to raise the score for the Lancer's.

OnFebruary 2, the Dr. Martin The second half was hotly Luther College Lancers were contested, with North Central defeated by the Concordia winning the game at the freeComets 76-56 on the Comets' throw line. Both teams scored home court in St. Paul. After 35 field goals for the game. falling behind 14-3in the early Guard Jim Bauer and forward minutes, the Lancers began to Jim Petermann played an battle back and pulled to within outstanding game for the two points. At this point the Lancers. Lancers brought the ball down Lancers vs. Dordt the court five straight times and On February 10, the Dordt lost it without getting a shot. Defenders invaded the DMLC These turnovers led to a 37-27 campus to topple the Lancers on Concordia lead at halftime. their home court, 74-57. The The Lancers never really game was much closer than the challenged the Concordia lead score indicates, with Dordt in the second half as turnovers leading by only four points with and poor shooting plagued five minutes to go in the game. them; they finished with a total The first half was a seesaw battle in which neither team of 29turnovers. Once again, the Lancers were cold from the was able to gain a district adfree-throw line, hitting only . vantage. Paul Hartwig kept the game close with ten points in eight of 23free throws. Plagued the first half as Dordt managed by injuries all season, the a slim 31-29halftime lead. Lancers played this game The complexion of the game without starting guard Reg changed very little in the second Riesop. half until the final five minutes. Lancers vs. North Central The Lancers held their last lead The Lancers' conference qf the game at 48-46with eight record feli to 1-4on February 5 minutes left to play. as they lost to North Central Withfive minutes to go, Dordt Bible College in St. Paul 9().76. led 56-52,but at this point the In the first half, after jumping Lancers turned the ball over to a twelve-point lead, the four times in a row, and Dordt Lancers began to slack up and began to pull away. Luther's their lead fell to only six points press was unsuccessful in at halftime. stopping the Defenders, and they rolled up their fifth win of the season. The loss left the Lancers 5-14in the season. Lancers vs. Pillsbury The last place Lancers played the role of spoiler in the conference as they knocked consolation games. The rest of Pillsbury out of a tie for the the teams each received a championship, 75-58, on participation trophy. The Saturday, February 12. A majority of the childreh inbalanced scorihg attack and' a volved in the games were good defensive effort were the seventh or eighth graders, but keys to the Lancer victory, the there were also fourth, fifth, first in nearly a month. and sixth graders on some of the The game was closer than the teams. score would indicate as the The top trophy this year went Lancers held a 33-32 lead at to St. Paul's of Arlington, with intermission. Paul Hartwig did Trinity of Nicollet taking an outstanding job of conconsolation prize. Second, third, trolling the boards for the and fourth place trophies were Lancers as he hauled down awarded to St. John's of thirteen first half rebounds. Fairfax, Trinity of Belle Plaine, Hartwig also scored eleven and St. Paul's of New Ulm, points in a bone-crunching first half, in which the referees respectively.

Arlington Cagers Win Tournament March 3 through March 5 climaxed many weeks of pl"eparation and excitement for members of the grade schools participatiilg in the seventeenth annual Southern Minnesota Lutheran Grade School Tournament held in the DMLC gymnasium. This year there were twelve teams involved, ranging from St. Martin's "Spartans" all the way from SouthDakota to New Ulm's own St. Paul's "Raiders." Trophies were awarded to the four top teams and the fifth trophy went to the winner of the

allowed a great deal of body contact all over the court. In the second half, the game continued to be very physical, as several Comet starters got themselves in foul trouble. The Lancers fell behind by five points early in the half, but began to come back with a deliberate offense that produced some good shots underneath. Midway through the period the Lancers took the lead and pulled away the rest of the way. In the second half, Lancer Jack Fritzler did an outstanding job of dominating the boards. The win brought the Lancers' record to 6-14 overall, and 2-4 in the conference. Lancers vs. JFK On the Monday before the MRAC Tournaments the Lancers lost at home to a very talented John F. Kennedy College team, 59-55.JFK came out in a very tight zone defense early in the game and hampered the Lancers ability to work the ball inside. In the first half, good outside shooting by Reg Riesop and Paul Hartwig put the Lancers ahead. But a steady game by JFK throughout the second period and a cooling down of the Lancers shooting gave JFK the victory. The Lancers hosted the Minnesota River Athletic Conference Tournament on February 18 and 19. The Lancers lost their tournament opener to a charged-up Pillsbury Comet team by a score of 75-63. The game was much closer than the score indicated, with tlie' 'Comets leading only 35-32at halftime. The Lancers ran into a cold streak and scored only seven points in the first ten minutes of the second half to fall behind by ten points. At this point the Lancers began to press in an attempt to get back into the game. In the process, three starters were lost to fouls and the Lancers were out of the game and into the consolation bracket. After their first round loss,

, Register




St. Paul Bibles' defense in the final tournament game, Senior Reg Riesop gathered points toward the Lancer victory. the Lancers stormed back to smash St. Paul Bible College 9470in the battle for third place. The Lancers closed their season with one of their fmest overall performances. The first half was extremely close with both teams shooting well from the field. Score at halftime was 3534in favor of the' Lancers. The second half was all Lancers as they came out fastbreaking for the first time in several weeks. The Lancers hit 20out of 25 shots inside the lane and finished the half shooting 65 .per cent from the field. The fine balanced scoring was led by Jack Fritzler, a surprise starter who was not expected to play because of a knee injury. He finished with 19points. The win set the Lancers' fmal record at 7-16for the season.

With the passage of the 26thAmendment allowing the 18-yearo()ld vote, almost everyone on the DMLCcampus Is eligible to vote in the coming elections. As Christian citizens, it Is our duty to make use of this God.given right. For this reason, we are publtshing the State





You must register by: primary election general election

Where to go/ write/phone

Residency requirement

Nov. 7 for general Aug. 22 for primary



County recorder or justice of the peace

1 yr, in stale; 30 days in precinct

Nov, 6 for general Sept. 11 for primary



County clerk or registrar of voters

90 days in state and county; 54 in precinct

Nov. 6 for general June 5 for primary


October 6

County clerk; Denver Election Commission

3 mos. in state; 32 days in precinct

Nov. 7 tor general Sept. 12 for primary


October 14

Town registrar town clerk

6 mos. in town

Nov. 6·



Deadline: July 12 Primary: September


Deadline: April 13 Primary: June 6 (P)


Deadline: August 11 Primary: September 12


Nominations made by convention


Deadline: Feb. 12; primary: October 7 Mar. 14 (Pres. only), Deadline: Aug, 12' Prtm.: Seat 12


In doubt

In doubt

County clerk or election commissioner


Deadline; May 27 Primary: June 6

October 28

City clerk or county auditor


Deadline: Primary: .. Deadline: Primary:

October 17

County clerk or county 6 mos. in state; election commissioner 30 days in town or ward


October 23

July 11 August 1 July 7 August 8#

Deadline: August 22 Primary: September 12#

Can you register absentee?

1 yr. in state; 30 days in precinct

Deadline: August 7 Primary: August 22 12

You must be 18 by

Contact Lt. Gov. in Juneau




registration requlrements, courtesy of Glamour Magazine, for several states. Wehave tried to include all of the states represented on this campus and apologize if we have neglected anyone. If you have not yet registered to vote, please read this and do so!

September September

October 7# October 17#


County supervisor of elections in county seat

I Township. city or village clerk City. village or town clerk

1 yr. in state; 6 mas, in county

I 6 mos. In ' state

NOV", 6'


or general March 13· or Sept. 13·. primaries

Nov. 7

No Yes

Nov. 7 for general June 6 for primary


Nov. 6 for general and primary


6 mos. in state; 4 wks, in town

Nov, 6 for general Aug. 7 for primary


30 days in precinct

Nov. 7 for general Sept. 12 for primary


6 mos. in state; 60 days in county





March 17, 1972

Lancerettes Finish Second In State .Tournaments The 1972 Lancerettes basketball season came to an end in a blaze of glory with a string of tournament victories and defeat in the championship game against Mankato State College in the first annual Minnesota State Women's Basketball Tournament hosted by DMLC March 9 and 10. The string of tournament victories began at the Southwest State College Invitational Basketball Tournament which the Lancerettes won for the second straight year. This was a six team tournament. In the semifinals, DMLC defeated Minnesota-Morris 3&-24. Barb Leopold topped the scoring with 13points and Kathy Deines had 9 points for Luther. Gayle Gilmore led with 7 rebounds. In the championship game DMLCdefeated the host Southwest by a score of 34-24.In this game, Kathy Deines had 8 points, Barb Leopold 6, Carol Bauer 6, and Gloria Lohmi1ler 6. Claire Scboessow led the team with 14 rebounds and Gayle Gilmore had 13rebounds. The next step toward the state tournament was the .Lancerettes victory in the Southern Regional Women's College Basketball Tournament which was held at Mankato State on March 3 and 4. In the first game_ of the tournament, DMLC defeated Carleton ~. Claire Scboes8ow led the scoring for DMLCwith 21points and Gayle Gilmore added 12 points. These two also led in rebounds, Gayle had ninjl;.r~ !P.CL~e_ had eigM. .. ' , .., . Their· second game was against Winona State. The Lancerettes won by a score of 52-25.Gloria. LohmiIler led the scoring' with 17 points for DMLC. Kathy Deines had nine points and Barb LA!opoldand Gayle Gilmore each had eight points. Gloria Lohmiller also led in the rebounding department with 11 rebounds and Gayle Gilmore had 7.

DMLC beat the host team in the finals 51-45.It was a reverse of a regular season defeat suffered by DMLCat the hands of the MSC Indians. In this game Gloria Lohmiller led DMLC scorers with 19 points, Barb Leopold had 10, Claire Schoessow had 9, Gayle Gilmore had 7, and Carol Bauer had 6. There were no substitutions for DMLC. Claire Schoessow and Gloria Lohmiller led with rebounds with 12 and 10 respectively. The height of the basketball season. was the first Women's State Basketball Championship Tournament that started with the regionals at MSCand ended at DMLC this past Thursday and Friday nights. In Thursday night's first game, Mankato State edged the University of Minnesota-Duluth by 45-43. Duluth was cold throughout the first three quarters and showed the effects of the long ride to New U1m. They came to life in the final quarter and tied the score at 43 all. An MSC basket with 15 seconds left was the deciding factor. In the second game, the Lancerettes squeaked by the University of Minnesots 52-51. One of the more unusual aspects in the game was a dispute in which· a technical foul was ca1Ied on DMLC because a substitute entered the game without being waved onto the court by the officials. After this problem was worked out, Minnesota made three of four U:eI1 JbrCL~ wlP.~ )Illlde ,the fina1 score- what it was, but there were still 17seconds to go. With 13seconds showing on the clock the U got the ball back and had .a chance to win. A shot at the buzzer was off the rim and DMLC had the victory. C1arie Schoessow led the winners with 20 points and 16 rebounds. Gloria Lohmiller had 12rebounds and 9 points, Gayle Gilmore had 6 points and 7 rebounds, and Kathy Deines

had 7 points and 5 rebounds. Before a wildly enthusiastic crowd and packed gym, the Lancerettes showed their supporters that they really had something to cheer about and be proud of. The final score of the game was Mankato State 42, DMLC 35. Gayle Gilmore led the Lancerette scoring with 13 points. Barb Leopold had 6 points, Carol Bauer had 6 points, Claire Schoessow had 4 points, and Kathy Deines had 5 points for Luther.

Lancers' Shatter Records Even though the Lancers overall season record of 7-16is not going to be put into the record book, several team and personal records were broken. The '72 Lancers broke five records: most rebounds in one game, 59; most rebounds in one year, 1178; most turnovers in one year, 494; most fouls by opponents in one game, 32; and most assists in one year, 220. Four of the Lancers set individual records this season. Kurt Schmidt, senior guard, set the record for most assists in one game with twelve and also Set the record-for most 1Ui'n~ overs in ooe career with 223. Paul Hartwig set rebound recordsIor boll] one game. and season, with 27rebounds in-one game and 360for the season. Jack Fritzler, freshman center, set three violation records this season: most fouls in one year, 93; most turnovers in one game, 10;most turnovers in one year, 79. Junior guard Dave Menges tied the record of free throw percentage in one shooting 84 per cent, tying Terry Vasold of the 1970Lancers.

mE LANCERETTES ARE introduced and applauded by the crowd. From left to right are Claire Schoessow, Gayle Gilmore, Gloria Lohmiller, Carol Bauer, and Barb Leopold.

DMLC Skiers Think Snow

The newly organized DMLC Ski Club has gotten off on the right ski this year. The members attended the first ski activity for the year on Friday evening, March 3. For the paltry sum of $7.75,participants rented skis, boots, and poles. The fee also included a tow ticket. About 60college students and professors attended the party which took place at Ski Haven in Mankato. Afterwards a party was held in the lodge. A lot of those who went had never skied before, and they found out how easy it was. Jim Anderson, operator of Ski Haven, was kind enough to come to DMLCt:le week before the activity and give beginners some tips on skiing. He displayed the various types of ski equipment, demonstrated

turns, and gave some rules that

every skier should know. For example, to beware of people darting in front of one while he is traveling down a hill at 90 mph, not to lose one's head by wearing long scarves that hang out. They have a tendency to get tangled up in tow ropes. Jlm Anderson pointed out that it is difficult to learn how to ski without falling. He said that at times·it is-even: refreshing to fall. Jim showed a movie, "Turned on Stein," about a former Olympic skier, Stein Erikson. Stein demonstrated forms, spoke about his ski school, and did a variety of stunts. The scenery was breath-taking and the movie very inspiring. Ski Club welcomes new members. ~t is open to all DMLC students; one doesn't have to know how to ski to join.

Vote! Mo.

Deadline: varies .July 12 to 15; Primary: Aug. 8

Board of election Varies October commissioners or 11 to October 14. county cler-k


Deadline: April 26 Primary: June 6

Septem ber 27

County clerk &; recorder in county seat


Deadline: April .28 Primary: May 9 (P)

October Z7

Election commtsstoner or county clerk


Deadline: .lune 9 PrImacy: June 2()# (P)


No regl,tration In ND Primary: September 6


DeadUne: :March22 PrImacy: May 2 (P)


Deadline: August 11 Primary: August 22


DeadUne: April 22 Primacy: May 23 (P)


DeadUne: :March" Primacy: April 25 (P)

S. Oak. Texas

Deadline: Kay 22 Primary: June 6 (P) 01 Deadline: April 6 Primary: May 6


Deadline: Kay 13 Primary: June 13#


Deadline: Auguat 19 Primary: September 19


~r!~~~:~~;Ch Primary:


April 4 (P)

October 14#



Inspector of election

Coun ty board elections


1 yr. In state; 60 days in coun ty; 10 days in precinct (in some counties) 1 yr. in state; 30 days in county. precinct; 6 mos. In city 6 mos. in state; 40 days in coun ty; 10 days 1n precinct 3 mos. in state, county, city; 10 days in precinct

Nov. 7 for general Aug. 8 for primary

Currently being established

Nov. 7 for general June 6 for primary


Nov. 7 for general May 9 tor primary


Nov. 7 for general June 20 for primary


1 yr. in state; 90 days In county; 30 days in precinct 6 mos. In state; 40 days in county and precinct 6 mos. in state 2 mos. in county; 20 days in precinct

Nov. 7 for general and primary Nov. 7 for general Aug. 22 for primary

~No Yes

Nov. 7 tor general Sept . .5 for primary


October Z1

County elections board

October 7

Registrar in county seat

6 mos. In state

Nov. 7 for general' May 23 tor primary'

September 16

County commission. era or Registration commission in Phlla.

90 days in state; 60 days in county or precinct

Nov. 8 tor general April 26 for primary


October 23

County auditor

.5 yrs. in U.S.; 180days in state; 90 days in county; 30 days, precinct

Nov. 7 tor general June 6 tor primary


October 7

County tax assesecrcollector in county seat

Nov. 7' for general May 6' tor primary


General registrar

6 mos. in state; 30 days in precinct

Nov. 7 for general and primary


County auditor

1 yr. in state; 90 days In county; 30 days in precinct

Nov. 7 for general Sept. 19 for primary


6 mos. In state; 10 days In precinct

Nov. 7 for general April 4 for primary


October 7#

October 7

October 18 to 251 ~: :le~l~u~~~mls~ u os~onersor city clerks

/1 yr, In state; 6 mos. In city

Page 8

March 17, 1972


Campus Meetings Discuss Issues

At 3:30 Sunday afternoon, future meetings were suggested March 5, a group of about 50 and a committee of volunteers people, DMLC students and agreed to choose a time and faculty, gathered together in topic for the next meeting. the town girls' room of Hillview dorm. They were there to share in an informal discussion" concerning campus fellowship. The meeting was kept informal: the people split into small buzz groups and discussed Bible passages and applied them to the main topic; later they joined This spring at 8:00 P.M. on again to share their insights. the nights of April 21,22, and 23," This meeting is the first of a DMLC will be presenting newly-developed organization another enjoyable musical: on campus. Its purpose is to Brlgadoon. This dramatic give opportunity for students production Is a delightful love and faculty to gather informally story centered iii¡an old Scottish and discuss topics of a religiOUS village. nature, for mutual benefit and The stage of our chapelenlightenment, always using auditorium will be set to the the Scriptures as their basis. time of this tale and the colorful The organization holds no costumes of the performers will membership roster, and the reflect the taste of the day. The meetings are open to everyone Scottish aire will also be obinterested. College senior 'vlous as many favorite tunes Wayne Wagner serves as the are sung. Some of which will be group's student representative; "It's. Almost Like Being in its adviser is Dean Huebner. Love" "Heather Home" and At the meeting, topics for "Go Home, 'Bonnie Jea~." The directress of this musical, Debbie Scheurell, is working together in many rehearsals with the cast of students, which includes Sarah Zell, Mary Dendrino, Maxine UhIenbrauck, Vonnie Nelson, Pat Plautz, James Buege, Len Proeber, Barry Washburn, Ron Glock, Terry Greening, Pete The DMLC Art Club is Bauer, John CQok, Ed Lehpresently presenting its annual mann, Jim Bourman, and Children's Art Fair. This year DennIs Busse. the art is being dlsplayed in the Besides the cast members, lower level of the library from there lire many other people Thursday, March 16, through Saturday, March 19. . contribUting their "time and talents to the musical by The art fair is open to all helping on committees. The children .tn Wisconsin Synod chairmen of these committees grade schools in Minnesota and are Tim Rodenbeck, SUeBlasel, Wisconsin, by invitation. SUe Meyer, Pam Romberg, Earlier in the year letters of Bonnie Meyer, Ginny Frey, invitation were sent out to 75 Sharon Burns , liz Fuhrmann. " schools informing them of the Tickets for this year's upcoming art fair, and musical will go on sale in the requesting all of the entries to Luther memorial union on be sent by mail. The art fair is March 20, 1972,at the prices of open to art of all media. $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00. The The entries will be judged on public is cordially invited to originality, talent for age group, attend and may purchase and effective use of medium. tickets by contacting the This year's judges will be Prof. publicity chairwoman, Sharon Arnold Koelpin and Mr. Lester Burns. Ring.

DramaCluh Presents Brigadoon

DURING THE INITIAL meeting of DMLC's newest discussion group, faculty and students discussed campus fellowship on the basis of Scriptures, in small buzz groups.

Professor Brick Recruits Future Church Workers Do you remember back in high school or even grade school when for an hour classes were suspended and a man came .and talked to you about Dr. Martin Luther College? That man was in all probability" Professor Delmar Brick, who for the last ten years has been recruiting students for the teaching ministry all over the United States. From Alaska to Texas and all across the" country, Professor Brick visits the grade schools, high schocls and churches of our Synod to tell the story of DMLC. His presentations usually begin with the background of DMLC,the history and purpose of the school; he shows slides of the campus and student life, and through the entire talk stresses the motivation In teaching for Christ. A question and answer session usually follows the slides. Financing, credit transfer, curriculum, and scholarships are explained and discussed in this informal period. Professor Brick sometimes takes several students along on his recruitment tours. These

students talk about the campus and activities, and often find that because of their age they can better bridge the "generation gap." These repr~ntatives get the point across that students going to DMLC aren't a chosen, select, unreachable few, but they are people, just like anyone else, but who have decided to teach God's lambs. Professor Brick stated that he "really enjoys his assignment as recruiter, especially when he takes along students from the campus." He isn't worried that the recent trend towards a teacher surplus will cut out his job. He feels that the WELS has a long way to go before there Is a surplus of teachers, and new schools and new mission fields are opening up every year. This teacher surplus has been a cause of concern for many school students thinking of their future as teachers, but Professor Brick believes tha t If men and women are willing to dedicate their lives to the teaching ministry, God will surely provide a place for them. The ohject of the tours and

DMLC Acker Studio Alwin Electric Arion's Shoes American Artstone Besemer's Barber and Beck's. JewelryBeauty Shop Book Nook Brown's Discount Music Store ~)~~ Citizen's State Bank ::::::::Coast to Coast Store Dairy Queen


lectures is to "plant the seeds in the minds of the children and start them thinking seriously about DMLC and teaching." He also does recruiting for Martin Luther Academy in areas where there is no Lutheran high school and parents wish to give their children Christian secondary educations. Professor Brick doesn't employ hard sell tactics for his recruitments. He doesn't paint a rosy picture of DMLC, but gives the facts fairly, and tries to dispel any false opinions and notions people might have of the school. He feels that no one should be pressured into becoming a teacher, but he encourages those with the desire and ability to think about it seriously. Professor Brick spent the first semester of this year on tours in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. He visited all the grade schools in Milwaukee and every area Lutheran and Synod high school. This semester he is teaching several courses; therefore his recruitment tours will be limited mainly to the weekends.


Fischer'S Rexall Drugs Forster Furniture, Inc. F. W. Baumann t<ealtor Gamble's Green CI0thiiers, Inco Kaiserhoff Kems k e Paper Ce. Leuthold-Jensen Clothiers Herberger's Inc. Herzog Publishing Co.

Sheet Metal

~~~ Farmers and Merchants State Bank


Muesing Drug Store Meyer Studio

Madsen's New Ulm New Ulm New Ulm New Ulm New Ulm New Ulm

Children Display Art Talent

PATRONS Building Center Inc. Clinic Daily Journal Drug and Camera Gift and Hobby Shop Greenhouses

New Ulm Grocery Co. New Ulm Laundry Company :-.lew Ulm Theatre

Oswald's Studio Patrick's Jewelry Patterson Jewelry Pink's Department Polta Drugs


Red Onion Restaurant Eibner Retzlaff's Our Own Hardware Schwan Industries Sears Seifert Clinic Spelbrink's Clothing Store Sportsman's Grill State Bank of New Ulm

Wilfahrt Brothers

m~ ili:~:~ :~~~



Seminary Chorus Sings Vespers comprise the chorus from the The Vespers In Song, a Seminary at Mequon, concert performed by the Wisconsin. It is under the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary direction of Professor Martin Chorus, was presented in the DMLC chapel-auditorium, Albrecht. The concert at DMLC Sunday, April 9, at 8:15 p.m. As was one of many given by the chorus on its ten-day tour of the theme indicates, the songs Illinois, Arizona, California, in the concert concerned mainly UNDER THE DIRECTION of Professor Martin Albrecht, the Wisconsin Nebraska, Minnesota, and the Vesper service; they helped Wisconsin. Lutheran Seminary Chorus performed their concert, Vespers in Song,at DMLC. give a deeper meaning to the individual parts of the service, such as the Versicles, Psalmody, Sermon, Kyrie, and Benediction. Dr. Martin Luther College Too often It is felt that Back in 1954,Mrs. A. E. Frey :bM.ee churchgoers merely recite the gave to each of twenty-one words and go through the ladies, one talent dollar. Through this unusual display of motions with little thought or understanding; t1ie Vespers In' stewardship, the money has Song was designed with this in multiplied into much more, until today this original twentymind and strives to "create a better understanding of and one dollars is now $4150.00. New VIm, Minn. April 19, 1972 appreciation for our church The ladies of the St. Paul service." , Lutheran Institutional Some of the songs featured in Chaplaincy Committee of St. the concert were "The King of Paul, Minnesota, have geneLove My Shepherd Is; 0 Man, rously presented Dr. Thy Sin and Grief Remove; In Martin Luther College with the Peace and Joy I Now Depart; . gift of $2075.00from this fund to and Luther's Evening Prayer." be used for scholarship purThese selections and the rest of poses. This_ gift as well as the in¡ ,=~~, _ the chorus repertoire mirrored . . . terest shown in the education of the sinceritY'of the singers 81id Thdillal quarter of the school year's Mission Fair: discussion will be part of the evening' full-tlme workers for the were presented with a high year brings with it many acgroups. These discussion presentation. degree of polish. ClIurch, which it reflects, is tivities. One of the annual groups will be a division of all The Mission Fair will end at indeed deeply appreciated. Forty-o~e tenors and basses spring activities is the Mission students and faculty present, about 9:00 P.M. but it is the Fair. It is a day in which the which will then be given one of hope of the comrclttee which is student body is given the opsix to eight equal topics to talk making the plans for the Fair.to portWlity to learn about Synod over, expand upon, and in the compile the informative mission work. end, to formulate some material gathered from the p.m, Wednesday, April 19- Tennis The,entire day is filled ,wit;ha possibilities II!Id i~el_Is which discussion groups and assemble Monday, April 24 - Golf vs. vs. Gustavus "B", 3:30 p.m. program of speakers, film can be useful in nussion work. it in written form, print it, and Lea College, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20 - Organ strips and presentations These groups will be under have it distributed to the Tuesday, April 25- Tennis at Club, 7:15 p.m, relative to the theme chosen for student leadership. student body. Bethel, 2:30p.m.; Science Club, Friday - Sunday, April 21-23 the day. The jWliors and seniors The results of the discussions The events of the Mission Fair 7:15p.m.; Photo Club, 9:30 p.m. Brigadoon are excused from classes this will be presented to the general for this year are intended to be Wednesday, April 26- Tennis Friday, April 21 - Golf vs. day so they can gain the most session in a panel composed of a both interesting and invs. Bethany, 3:00 p.m.; Bethany, 1:30; Tennis vs. possible' benefit . from the student chosen from each formative. The Fair will also Concordia, 3:00 p.m. Baseball vs. Concordia, 3:30 program, and the faculty and group. This feature of the provide a very special opSaturday, April 22 - Tennis, p.m.; Junto, 7:30 p.m. underclassmen are encouraged Mission Fair will allow for portunity for all on campus to Thursday, April 27 - Piano baseball, and golf at Dordt, 1:30 to come to any of the day's active participation by the gain some knowledge of our recital by Ron Besemer, 8:15 p.m. activities. students. Synod's mission program and p.m. in auditorium. Sunday, April 23 - Organ The Mission Fair this year is After the morning session, its potential. Friday-Saturday, April 28-29 recital by Wayne Wagner, 3:30 to be held on May 9 in the lunch will be served from 11:30 - College ClIoir post-tour. chapel-auditorium of the Adto 12:30. Then at 12:45, the afFriday, April 28 - Golf vs. ministration Building. The ternoon session of the program North Central Bible, 1:30 p.m. theme' of the fair is "Home will begin. Now under conSaturday, April 29- Baseball Missions." The guest speakers, sideration will be the structure vs. Lea College, 1:30 p.m. who will be offering us inof the Home Mission Office, Monday, May 1 - Art Club, formation on Home Missions, including its various boards and 7:30 p.m. are Pastor Berg, Executive their services. Tuesday, May 2 - Golf vs. Secretary of Home Missions, Included also will be inIn the near future the library will introduce a new policy Gustavus, 1:30 p.m.; Women's and Pastor Boldt, Chairman of formation concerning facilities dealing with the use of periodicals. Cards like the one printed here softball vs. St. Cloud State, 4:00 Home Missions. necessary for a mission church will be placed on the index table for the benefit of both the students p.m. An interesting program has .or school. This aspect will Wednesday, May 3 - Reuter and the library. In doing their research, students are asked to been •planned, and the day's 'possibly be presented by the Festival, 7:30 p.m. in record on the card the title and date, etc. of any periodical that events will begin with an 8:00 Synod's architect, Duane Anauditorium; Tennis vs. Austin might help him in his work. o'clock chapel devotion. derson. Within this second Junior College, 3:00 p.m.; After locating the references which this library offers, he may Following this service, the first session, campus ministry will Baseball vs. St. Paul Bible, 3:30 keep these cards which will provide him with a concise session will begin. For this be presented by another p.m. bibliography. The cards pertaining to periodicals not found in this session the aspects of the resource person of the Synod, Thursday, May 4 - Golf vs library can be dropped off in a box provided for this purpose. By teacher's role in mission who can offer information in MRAC, 10:00 a.m.; Tennis at going through these cards the librarian will be able to tell which education in the school will be the area of the Synod's mission Concordia, 3:00 p.m.; Organ periodicals from which years are most in demand and possibly considered. Other areas also work among the secular Club, 7:15 p.m. order some of these. included for consideration at colleges. Saturday, May 6 - Tennis vs. this point will be 'the Synod's The afternoon will close at MRAC, 10:00a.m.; Baseball at objectives concerning the approximately 3:30 and the Pillsbury, 1:30 a.m.; Children's operation and extension. of program will resume in the Theater production, 8:00 p.m. Author --------~------------------------home'missions, evangelisin, evening session at 7:00. This Monday, May 8 - Organ Article title -----------------------------and mission education in the third session will begin with a recital by Carol Bauer and Lois Cllristian Day School. chapel service. During this time Brick, 8:00 p.m. Periodical title ----,-------------After these points have been the students will be informed of Tuesday, May 9 - Golf at presented by the' guest what has been happening in Bethany; Tennis at Bethany, Vol. Number -------------------Year ----speakers, the students will be home missions since 1961.The 3:00p.m.; Photo Club, 9:00 p.m. Page Numbers ---------------given the opportunity to parnew C E F Program and its Mission Fair. ticipate in a new feature of this three ways for church extension

Dollars Grow for Luther



Vol. 62 No.7

Mission Fair Features

___ ~.~~,; .._~~~!t.~" ..He9.!!!~~M!s ~~~-p.~

Campus Calendar

Library Checks Out Periodicals


Page 2

Demonstration Classes Aid Future Teachers

Commercialism or Christ? What a happy day Easter Is! We meet all the relatives we haven't seen for months or maybe years, a baby or two that some have never seen; all are gathered in one place. There is the excitement of finding Easter baskets, smiles on children's chocolaty faces, of eating jellybeans, and overeating, in general. These are some of the joys of Easter. . Yet in the background there lies the memory of an early morning church service, the joy of seeing the white on the altar replacing the recent purple and black, the organist playing full volume and the congregation fervently singing "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." Isn't that what Easter Is really all about? Why can't that message permeate the whole day? Yet how often don't colored eggs and chocolate bunnies take precedence over ChrIst's resurrection? The same commercialism Is beginning to govern Easter that rules during the ChrIstmas season. Don't we often spend more time buying Christmas presents or Easter candy than we do contemplating the real meaning of the holiday for which we are preparing? This editorial may seem outdated this late after Easter, but the issue is still pertinent. We can't change the world overnight, but we can, at least within our own families, make the holidays truly days to celebrate what they were meant to celebrate. Christ Is our ruler. His birth, death, and resurrection are the most important things that have happened in this world Can we let Santa Claus and the Easter bunny take their place?

A valuable educational aid has been introduced this semester in the form of an organized program of demonstration lessons. The lessons are carried out down at st. Paul's at the thlrd through sixth grade levels. Currently, the juniors are most involved in the program with the Teaching Reading, Teaching Religion, and Teaching Music in the

Smile Exercises By LInda Bergquist SPRING FEVER A curious malady known as spring fever Is being contracted by an ever-growing number of Luther students. Its symptoms are attacks of claustrophobia, which manifest themselves in students begging teachers to hold classes outside and in an insane desire to open windows; glazed eyes which seem to be able to look only out of windows; a sudden and complete loss of ambition; and an obsession of keeping accurate record of the number of school days remaining . Though the faculty has valiantly fought this dread disease, a permanent cure Is yet to be found. There Is no definite plan of treatment; however, It has been :discovered that a summer vacation will bring some relief until next spring.

Poet's Ponderings THOUGHTS



I give my blood, Christ gave His. I give a pint, He gave all.

The needle is small, Sharp, The nailS were large, dull. . The table soft, relaxful, .l11e cross ,rough,' painful. The nurses kind, genlle,

The soldiers cruet, mean. The cro.vd applaudS my· sacrifice.

'''They that passed reviled Him." Mine is 0 positive, His ls positively eu.' . Mine, 'at'best will prolong a life, fO<' a while. His without doubt, can save all, FOREVER.

+ + Too many people are ready to carry the stool when there's a plano to be moved.

Editors' Note: Thlspoeni was found on the LMU bulletin board. We have printed It here for the benefit of those who have not yet had the ocportunlty to read It.



+ +



Grades 1·2 J·4

Miss Paap


Prof.· Brei


Student Murray Davis Eugene Huth Fred Nell Mark Oppitz Mary Allbee Dorothy Bublitz carol Buege Paula Cook. foAarilyn Frank.e

Barbara Groehler JoAnn Groll Lynda Hanke Mary Hubbard

Barbara Krueger Kristine Schuetze Lynda Zahn

Location Appleton

Brillion Kewaunee Greenleaf Neenah Algoma New London Reedsville Brillion New London Appleton Two Rivers Appleton Oshkosh Reedsville Oshkosh

MILWAUKEE Location Milwaukee Milwaukee Wauwatosa David Reiter Milwaukee James Sct1ierenbeck Wauwatosa Kurt Schmidt Hales Corners Linda Brassow Cudahy Barbara Chasty Big Bend Sylvia Dorn Milwaukee Brenda Fr itz Milwaukee Jeanne Hel mke Milwaukee Diane Lecker Franklin Grace Luetke Milwaukee Nancy Putz Milwaukee Susan Remias Hales Corners M.ary Strieter Diana WilsOO . , ,- " \..Mtlw~ukee Student Tom Faust

Michael George

Rebecca Noyer

Bonnie Shantry

Carol Krause

Barbara Schendel SUzame Waldschmidt

Barbara Bredemann Byron Manthe






Congregation St. Paul's Trinity Immanuel Zion Trinity St. Paul's Emanuel St. John-st. James Trinity Emanuel St. Paul's St. John's Mt. Olive Grace . St. John-St. James Grace


Congregation Atonement Jerusalem St. John's No. Trinity St. John's St. Paul's St. Paul's Christ Jerusalem Redemption Siloah St. Paul's St. Lucas Atonement St. Paul's : ;:;iSt.ILucas! ;

Richard Priebe


Principal K. Petermann J. Tank W. Rookie F. Slauert R. IVIoldenhauer R. Willhite (acting) E. Krause E. Brassow J. Tank E. Krause K. Petermann J. Fenske K. Kolander R. Landvatter E. Brassow R. Landvatter

Prof. Arras,

.+ +

Teenage girl: Last night a man in the hotel lobby wanted to bet he could whip anybody in the place. Friend: What happened? Teenage girl: The elevator boy took him up. .

He: What Is this thing called love? She: The last word in a telegram.

St. Paul's, New Ulm

Miss SChuetze

+ +

Bill: Did you hear about the cannibal that wrote a book? John: No, what's It 'called? Bill: How to Serve .your Fellowman.

+ +

March 2J-May24


+ + The woman asked her neighbor, "Do you find it hard to get your son out of bed in the morning?" "No," was the reply, "I just open the door and throw the cat on his bed." The neighbor was puzzled. "How does that awaken him?" Replied the other, "He sleeps with the dog."

Did you hear about the observant chap who claims to have discovered the color of the wind? He went out and found it blew.

Student Teaching Schedule FOURTH

Student: I hear that fish Is brain food. Classmate: Yep, I eat it all the time. Student: Oh, oh! Another scientific theory disproved.

Grade SUpervisor 5 R. Sonnenberg 5·6 E. xopttzke 7·8 W. Roekle 7·8 F. Blauert 5 Mrs. R. IVIoldenhauer 1·2 Mrs. P. Gerhart 2 Mrs. M. Wolfrath 3·4 Mrs. A. Zimmermann 1 Sharon Christian 5 F. Kieselhorst 1 Bernice Leinwander 4 Jean Korte 1·2 Ruth Levorson 6 Ntary Schleuter 1·2 Ellen Geiger 7 D. Radichel

College Supervisor

Principal A. Boll G. Lanphear H. Fuhrmann R. Schlavensky H. Fuhrmann O. Darn B. Wierschke R. Schultz G. Lanphear D. Stelter C. Natzke G. Wille R. Sonntag A. Boll O. Corn 'Ft sonntag

Supervisor A. Boll G. Lanphear T. Lau R. Schlavensky H. Fuhrmann Rita Gantka Evelyn Drews DormaWitt Mrs. G. Lanphear Linda Rausch Magdalene Pabst Mrs. P. Wilsmam Mrs. W. Jaber Mrs. L. Sandrock Karla Falck Mrs. E. Waechter

Grade 5-8 Dept. 7·8 ·7 8 8 2·3

3·. 1·2 1·2 3·4 1 J.4 1 5·8 Dept. 1·2


HOW TO GET RID OF mCCOUGHS (HICCUPS) 1. Put your head under your arm, hold a glass of water against the back of your neck, and count to five hundred by fives without taking a breath. 2. Bend your body backwarda until it touches the floor and whistle in reverse. 3. Place your head in a pail of water and inhale twelve times. 4. Drink a glass of milk from the right hand with the right arm around the neck until the milk enters the mouth from the left side. 5. Hop, with feet together, up and down a flight of stairs ten times, screaming loudly at each hop. 6. Roll down a long, inclined lawn, snatching a mouthful of grass up each time the face is downward. 7. If you don't get rid of your hiccups by usingany of these methods, the resulting tom ligaments, near drowning, lockjaw and arsenic poisoning will take your mind off the offending hiccups. Good luck! (adapted from Robert Benchley)

Elementary School courses. Seniors involved in Teaching Mathematics will also be able to see a lesson taught at St. Paul's. The demonstration Is usually set up to show a certain type of lesson. For Teaching Reading, Professor Wessel demonstrates the first day of a reading lesson plan and the lesson progression. Professor Meyer shows how to teach a rote song to children and preserits techniques to keep them interested. Professor Sievert will demonstrate a Bible story, a devotion, or a hymn lesson. Professor Paulsen'S group will be able to see a math lesson in action. The demonstrations take place in the classroom or in the special lecture room which was designed for this purpose, These lessons provide the future teacher with greater insight into effective procedures.

Club's Aim Is Science The campus has recently acquired a new organization. The group's proposed name is Luther Association for Science and Experimental Research (LASER). The purposes of the science club are to enjoy science in a Christian perspective and to provide help in future teaching. The present scbool year's meetings are used only for organizing the club. Next year the organization will begin functioning. Among the plans are to bring guest lecturers to campus, to be a service to the school, to encourage an avid interest in science, and to do what the members suggest as to activities and discussions. The group is advised by Professor Carmichael and under the present leadership of freshman Ema Miller .. '

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER is published during the mont~~ of October, November, December, February, March, April, NvJy and June. The subscription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. All business communications should be addressed to the BuSiness Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates, and friends are appreciated. Thealm of the MESSENGER is to offer such materials as will be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers. to keep the alumni in a closer contact with the college, and to foster SChool spirit CO.edltors .. ·.Sue Falk, Beth Janke Layout editor ... Jlm Petermann women's sports editor· Kiki Johnson BuSiness manager Beth Janke Circulation manager Barb Sauer Photographer Mike Falk Staff Writers Karen Amborn, COnnie Krohn, Judy Vater, Mar· garet Rosin, Delaine Templin, Jane Price, Nona Weyer, Cindl Ruechel, Klkl Johnson, Linda Bergquist Jim Carolfi, Mary I

Peterson Alumni news Cindi Ruechel Humor Linda Bergquist Artist· Connie Baehman Layout staff COnnie Laabs, Glenda Erickson, Pat Baehman, Nrary Ann Habib Circulation staff , Linda Steinbrecher, Renata Schonsburg .Typists Glenda Erickson, Karen Gergen, Karen Schleberg, Judi Kopltzke, Joy GrObe AdvisOr ...... ~.. Prof. J; Trapp



April 19, 1972

Page S

DMLC Art, Photo Fair Reveals Students' Creative Talents "Beautiful. . .Fantastic. . .1 can't believe how talented some people are! " These were just a few of the conunents that were heard when people viewed the exhibits during the Student Art Fair held April 14-16 in the DMLC library. The fair, held yearly, had an added attraction this time; a photography section gave a new dimension. Those entering photos showed real variety and imagination in their pictures. The photographs were hwnorous or touching, showing people at work and play, buildings and landscapes. Dan Schmal, a professional photographer and college junior, had a display featuring various lighting and exposure techniques. Both conventional and the more unusual art forms were well-represented in the rest of the fair, everything from oil paintings to decoupage and hand-painted pistachio and walnut shells were present. Water colors, pencil, and ink

NewIDm Club .Gives Banquet for Athletes The



Athletic Appreciation Night was held on Thursday, April 6, The banquet was sponsored by the New UIm Club and was held in ... _ the .I.uthet" MemDrW. G~ at,. 6:30 p.m. After the dinner, Vern Zahn, the toastmaster, introduced the athletes and followingwas some musical entertainment by the Menagerie. Almost 700 people listened while Mark Knight, David KaIser, and Bill Reitter were named the outstanding athletes of cathedral High School, Martin Luther Academy and New UIm High '. ¡School respectively. Stan Aufderheide, the 1971winner of the city athlete award, announced Bill Reitter as the 1972 winner. The guest speaker was the Athletic Director of the University of Minnesota, Mr. Paul Giel.

drawings were there along with crafts such as beadwork, macrame, and wood carving. Awards were given in various categories with the judging done by an Art Club-appointed committee, and the winning exhibits were tagged. The Art Fair is a unique opportunity for the students to gain recognition _for their talent. .

Organ Students Perform By the end of April two seniors, Dorothea Siegler and Wayne Wagner, will have presented their organ recitals. Dorothea presented a lecture recital on April 17at 8:00 P.M. in the chapel auditoriwn. Her recital, based on choral preludes, included a "fantasy" on "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Praetorius and the first and third variations of "Nun komm', der Heiden Heiland" by Bach. She also played six variations of "Da Jesus an dem Kreuze stund" by Scheidt and "Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren" by Buxtehude. Professor Ames Anderson is her music instructor. ~ayne will present an organ :ecltal on ~pr~ 23 at ~:30 P:M. '~c:!:e:::~~~m~h~ec~~ Bach thr h Ba to era, oug .. roque, . Mo~ern ,composlti0!lS. .~IS recl~ "will open, With Offertolre by Couperm Ie Grand and t~o choral prel~des ,by Bach, Herr" ~~us ~nst, ~ch zu uns wendt and, ~en Wlr 10 hochsten Noeten ~m. AlSOmcllllled will ~ the first two ~ovements of Bb Concerto by Handel, ~esar Frank's "Oloral No. 2mB , " d "Ar' "b Fl minor, an . ia y .or :.eeters. He will close ~th Toccato from the Fifth Symphony" by Charles Marie Widor and "Tripartite on Well ich Jesu Schaflein bin." Professor Francis Schubkegel is Wayne's music instructor.

MEMBERSOF THE CASTof the Children's Theater production "Wizard of Oz" have been practicing faithfully to prepare for their many performances.

'Wizard of Oz' Produces Fun, Problems for Cast By a Member of¡tbe Cast "Aunt Em! Uncle Henry! Where are you?" Poor Dorothy's house has blown away and now she is stranded in the land of Oz. Will she find her way back to Kansas? Will the Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, and Lion be granted their requests? These questions and many more will be answered for you on the evening of May 6, when "The Wizard of Oz" Is presented to the college by Children's Theater. Where will you find a more sweet and innocent girl than Diane Nast to play Dorothy? How about a clumsy and brainless Scarecrow? Linda Bergquist fits the part and also trips over her own feet very nicely. Tall and lanky Jack Fritzler, the Tin Woodman, walks with a stiff gait, making him perfect for his part. But where will they ever find enough aluminwn foil to cover all of his body? The cowardly Lion, fierce and terrible Linda Dew, roars at everyone. But she is more of a "fraidy cat" than a cowardly

REHEARSINGDILIGENTLYfor their part in the faculty-student chamber recital are, 1. to r., Paula Hannemann, Joanne Kallies, Liz Fuhrmann, and Nancy aemens.q~. ,:

lion. The wizard, Max Schram, is a great and majestic man, but we never see Verymuch of him; He does most of his acting off stage. The poppy flowers do a deadly dance,' which' is not really that deadly because most of the time they are out of step. The Wizard of 01 contains a great deal of humor. Unfortunately a lot of It is hidden, but it is there. The humor is mostly for youngsters, but collegiates will enjoy It also. Small problems have arisen in the area of costumes for the actors. How do you make a strong lion's tail that will hold up under constant chewing? How about a dog for Dorothy that will bark when you want It to? How do you make a witch

melt? A previously mentioned problem was that of finding enough aluminwn foil to covet 6'7" Jack Fritzler. "The Wizard of 01" script has also created a few problems. There are qulte a few tongue twisters that must be untwisted. "major problem is learning the lines. But the cast has pulled through with a great rwmber of ad lIbbers. SummIng the whole play up, although it may not win any academy awards, It will probably draw an enormous crowd at DMLC. The Wizard of 01 has always been a favorite story among young children and is apparently now also a favorite among the colleglates. The directors are doing a very good job.

Recital Presents Varied Selections The faculty and students of Dr. Martin Luther College presented their annual chamber recital at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 13, in the DMLC chapel-auditoriwn. The recital, organized by Prof. Otto H. Schenk, presented music from the classical era to the modern music of today which is being written for small chamber groups.

camille Hutchinson, Edwin Lehman, Douglas Nass, and M. Lynn Carter was conducted by Olarles H. Luedtke as they presented Enunanuel Ghent's "Quartet for Woodwinds." Keith Kuschel and Jerome Braun, trumpet; Joanne Kallies, French horn; Eric Troge, trombone; and Roger Hermanson performed "Music for Brass Quintet." This composition was also directed by C. The "Sonata in G Major" by H. Luedtke. Mr. Luedtke also Martino Bitti was featured by a cunducted "0 Sacrum Congroup consisting of Mary vivium" by Vitoria. This Rodenbeck, recorder; composition for horns was Margaret Lynn Carter, played by Paula Hannemann, violincello; and a member of Joanne Kallies, Elizabeth the music faculty, Judith Fuhrmann and Nancy Kresnicka, harpsichord. Clemenson. Another member of the music A double quartet presented department' faculty, Max the "Sonata a Pian e Forte" by Radloff, presented Mozart's Giovanni Gabrieli. These "Adagio" on the piano. Three quartets were conducted by C. faculty members joined to H. Luedtke and Wayne Wagner. present two English madrigals. Cora I was composed of Barbara Leopold, Susan trumpets, Sue Rauch and Rauch, and Tutor Keith Kuschel Barbara Leopold; French horn, played a three-part trumpet Paula Hannemann; and tromcanon by Johann Walter. Wayne bone, Cynthia Raddatz. Jari Wagner conducted a woodwind Loewecke, violin; Janet quintet as they played "canon" Zuehlsdorf, Mark Rubbert, and Suite, Op. 57, by Lefebvre. A Linda Walling, baritone; ,w~wind quartet composed of, , I PllPposed Cora II.


Students Attend Rally at SDSU




Jay Schwall,



John Thurow,

Spring Golf The DMLC golf team opened their 1972season Friday, April 14, at the New UJm Country Club against Concordia College. Coach Dallmann, In his first year of coaching golf, has high hopes of taking the MRAC Tournament this year, which will be held on our home course. His strength lies in two-year letterman Jim Carolfi and single letter winners Bob Filter and Ernie Knobloch. There are ten other players vying for positions _ _ _on the _ team. _ _ _






up on the field.




Day Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. Wed. Sat. + Wed. + Sat. + Wed. + Sat .. + Wed. + Sal.

Dale April April April April April April May May May May May May

DR. MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE BASEBALL SCHEDULE - 1972 Time Who Where 3:00pm (1-9 inning) COncordia Home 12 1:30pm (2.7 inning) Bethany Away 15 3:00 pm (1-9inning) WorthingtOl"'l Away 19 1:30 pm (2·7inning) Dordt· Away 22 3:00pm (1·9 inning) COncordia Away 26 1:30pm (2·7inning) Lea Home 29 3:30pm (1·9inning) S. P. Bible Home 3 2:30pm (1.9Inning) Pillsbury Away 6 3:30pm (1.9innin9) N. C. Bible Home 10 1:30pm (l.9inning) S. P. Bible Away 13 3:00pm (1·9 inning) Pillsbury Home 17 10:3Oam (1·9inning) N. C. Bible Away 20

+ MRACgame _______________



quietly at their desks. This was Baseball The DMLC Lancer baseball team opened .its season at home April 12th against Concordia College. Coach Meihack and assistant coach Gorsline will lead a young team into the '72 season. The team has only three returning lettermen: SteveStrieter,Steve Thiesfeldt, and Mike Kieker. The young Lancer team consists of two seniors, two

DMLC Acker Studio Alwin Electric Arion's Shoes American Artstone Besemer's Barber and Beck's Jewelr~eauty Shop Book Nook Brown's Discount Music Store Citizen's State Bank Coast to Coast Store :~:~:~:~ Dairy Queen ::::::::Dannheim's New Ulm Dairy Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Kuehner, Dentist Drs. Radke and Tyler, Dentists Dr. Schwartz, Dentist Ebert's Chalet Eibner's Restaurant and Bakery Eichten Shoe Store Farmers and Merchants State Bank




DR. MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE GOLF SCHEDULE -1972 Dale Who Time April 14 H concordia 1:30pm April 18 A Gustavus 1:30pm April 21 H Bethany 1:30pm 22 A E:dt ~:~pm Apr:I ~ ~ North Centrall:3O~:::: May 1 H St. Paul Bible2:00pm May 2 H Gustavus 1:30pm May 5 H ~o~~ament 10:ooam May 9 A Bethany 12:00pm May 12 A Lea 1:30pm May 17 A Bethel 2:00pm



and Steve Thiesfeldt

The group meets right on the campus in the "student center," which is a house bought for our Lutherans at SDSU and is supported by the Lutheran Collegians, the Wisconsin .Synod, and by Our Savior's Lutheran congregation, a new mission congregation just started in Brookings. The actual spring rally is sponsored by the LC students. They sent out letters to the area campuses, inviting all who are interested to come join them in their study of a currently interesting topic. This year the theme was "The Jesus Movement and the Unstructured Church." The speaker was Pastor Kurt Koeplin from Atonement Lutheran Church In Milwaukee, Wisconsin. About 30students from DMLC attended the rally. All of them seemed to enjoy their stay in the dorms, where these students accommodated them well, even though they were complete strangers to them. "They were all so nice," was the comment. This rally was a good chance Returning lettermen from last for Lutheran college students year's team are juniors Paul other than those training fOf.the Hartwig, Frank Tomczak, Kurt teaching or preaching miiWiirY Troge, and sophomore Jim to get together with one Buege. another. The program of the Freshman Karl Grebe is rally consisted of a tour of the expected to help strengthen the campus, recreation, lecture and team this season, as is freshdiscussion, and meals. man Eric Troge. Coach Gauger looks forward. to a good season and feels that they have a fine chance to win the conference tournament for the second The teacher, returning to Ili!r straight year. fourth class onesitting day, found grade the children

The Lutheran Collegians of South Dakota State University held their annual spring rally at Brookings, South Dakota, the weekend of March 25-26,from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. The Lutheran Collegians is a national association of Lutheran college and university students sponsored by the Lutheran Spiritual Welfare Commission of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The purpose of LC is to stimulate greater Christian growth, to help students meet life's duties, to help students meet their responsibilities In the church and In society. to win others for Christ through the campus ministry in fostering a thorough study of the Scriptures, and to maintain 'and increase local and inter-campus fellowship among students of the Lutheran faith.

juniors, seven sophomores, and five freshmen. The Lancers have what they hope will be a strongpitchingstaff,andagood disciplined team. Coach Meihack is looking forward to a rebuilding season with the team improving throughout the year. Tennis Coach Steve Gauger's tennis team opened its season on Thursday, April 13, against Rochester Jr. College.


F·ISC h er ' s Rexall Drugs Forster Furniture, Inc. F. W. Baumann Realtor Gamble's Green Clothiers, Inc. Kaiserhoff Kemske Paper Co. Leuthold-Jensen Clothiers Herberger's Inc. Herzog Publishing Co. Heymann Construction Co. H. J. Baumann, Insurance J. C. Penney Co. JLa•H. Nicklas .Co. raway Rooftngand Sheet Mary Lue's Yarns Metal Meidl ML'sic Montgoml!ry Ward and Co. Muesing Drug Store

DR. MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE Da~:NNIS SCHEDULE - 1972 April 13 H =hester 3:~~:' April 15 H North Central 1:30pm April 19 H Gustavus J.V. 3:30pm April 21 H Concordia 3:00pm

~~:: ~ ~ ~~~~

+ +

Critic: The picture of the horse is very good, but where is the wagon? Young artist: The horse will


Madsen's New Ulm Building Center Inc. New Ulm Clinic New Ulm Daily Journal New New New New


April 26 H Bethany 3:00pm April 29 H 51. Paul Bible 1:30pm May 3 H Austin 3:00pm ;:~: ~ ~~~dia 3:00pm Toumament 10:ooam May 9 A Bethany 3:00pm May 11 A Rochesler 3:00pm May 16 A Austin 3:00pm

highly unusual, so she asked them for an explanation. There was general hesitation, then one girl ventured, "Well, teacher, you told us that if you ever left the room and Came back to find everyone sittliig perfectly still, you'd drop dead."

Ulm Ulm Ulm Ulm

Drug and Camera Gift and Hobby Shop Greenhouses Grocery Co.

New Ulm Laundry Company ;\lew Ulm Theatre. New Ulm Travel Service New Ulm TV Signal Co. Ochs Brick and Tile Company Osborne Plumbing and Heating Oswald's Studio Patrick's Jewelry Patterson Jewelry Pink's Department Store

Red Onion Restaurant Eibner Retzlaff's Our Own Hardware Schwan Industries Sears

Sherwin-Williams Paint Co :~:;:;; Spelbrink's Clothing Store . Sportsman's Grill f:~:~:~: State Bank of New Ulm ::::::::


Vogel Clinic Vogelpohl's Wallner Construction Co. Wells Concrete Products Western Motel Wilfahrt Brothers




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J N.w Ulm, Minn. 56073 .


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tlNon-Profit Rate

:~l U.S.::.:age

A£::J: 3D ;;;


:~~ New Ulm,Minn. 56073


P....... 9'




Concert Honors Professor Reuter

"Praise Ye The Lord," The purpose of the Reuter combined with the hymn, "A Festival was to recall Professor Mighty Fortress is Our God," Reuter's conlrlbutions and to was one of the outstanding Inform people of his work as compositions of Professor Fritz part of our Lutheran heritage. Reuter, which was presented In The Reuter Festival was a a program of his life and music combined effort of the College on Wednesday evening, May 3, Chorale, directed by Professor 1972. Meyer; the College Choir, Professor Reuter, the first directed by Professor Zahn; the JX'ofessor of music at DMLC, Treble Choir; band; a male taught here from 1903-1924. chorus; organlBts; studenta; During his lifetime he used his and a children's choir of talents for the composition of students from St. Paul's about 200organ pieces of music ChrIstian Day School, which and 60chorales, the majority of was student directed. which were ~tten during his All of the music performed JX'ofessorshipat DMLC. was Professor Reuter's. The He composed his music JX'ogram Included the choir because he felt that at that time numbers, ''For God So Loved there was a lack of fitting The World," "Be Thou Faithful church music. Therefore he set Unto Death," and "Uns ist eIn about writing preludes of IPnd geboren," sung by the English hymns and pieces of College Chorale; "Psalm 118," music which would build and sung by the College'Choir; and enrich the church's heritage of the final number, the music. "Jubelgesang," sung by the

MARYDENDRINOaaMeg; ancrSilrah Zellas Fiona discuss men as they sit inthe :market place inthe village of Brigadoon. .


Dr, Martin Luth.r



M'fESSENGER May 10, 1972

Vol.62 No.8

New Ulm, Minn.

--~QQP.&ds-.;\sJloIm~.-~~~,. .

The Higb1ands ~ Scotland, complete with lads, lasaes, vanishing cities, love, and miracles, came alive on the DMLC stage the weekend of April 21-23, when BrlgadooD was presented by the Drama Oub. Brlgadoon, set In the.Scotland of the eighteenth century, posed a perplexing problem indeed for Tommy and Jeff (Jim Buege and Pete Bauer) when they happened upon the town on Fair day. SInce Jeff and Tommy were from twentieth century America, they and the townsfolk of Brlgadoon found each other egually amusing. Fiona 'MacLaren (Sarah Zell) and Meg Brockie (Mary Dendrlno) were Introduced and the plot began to thicken. Tommy and Fiona discovered a natural attraction fll' each other and Meg-deCided Jeff was the lad for her. The miracle of Brlgadoon was explained to Tommy and Jeff by Mr. Lundy (John Cook), the schoolmaster, who turned out to be a very convincing old man with a Scottish brogue thick enough to cut. He ended his story of the town's disappearance ,with this philosophical comment: "I guess there's a lot of folks out ther sho'd like a Brlgadoon." Charlie Dalrymple (Barry Washburn) and Jean MacLaren (MaxIne Uhlenbrauck) were to be wed In'the evening, and Jeff and Tommy decided to stay for ~ a;remony, Hlirry Beaton (Ed Lehmann) broke in on the festivities and began a savage sword dance that ended In a knife fight with Charlie over



Harry, with nothing left to live for, declared, "I'm leaving Brlgadoon, 'tis the end of us all, the miracle's over!" and ran off into the audience, leaving behind the very frightened townsfolk and some rather startled people In the audience,

too. Harry was stopped, but In the process was accidentally killed by Jeff. The festivities' of the wedding went on, but suddenly the laughter was turned to tears as Archie Beaton (Ron Glock) carried his dead son Harry through the happy scene. Tommy and Fiona discovered that they were In love, yet at the last moment Tommy decided that he was not sure enough of his feelings to stay on In Brlgadoon, and he left Fiona with a song, a kiss, and a tear. Once back In New York, he found he "canna get over it" and marry his fiance Jane (Vonnie Nelson). Little phrases and snatches of conversations carried him back to Brlgadoon and brought back memories of Fiona and his day there. He decided he had to return to Scotland and see for himself If it was all a dream or not. The final scene was very touching and yet very funny too. Jeff was hilariously drunk while Tommy was welcomed back to Brlgadoon by Mr. Lundy and tenderly reunited with Fiona. Under the direction of Debbie Scheurell, the DMLC .production of Brlgadoon was, to say the least, a success. Full houses greeted the performers each night of the musical, and it seemed as If each time the audience was the best ever. From,cast, c~, and orchestra

comments, those Involved with d i just BrigadoOD enj aye t as much as the audience did. One orchestra member said, "I've heard all these lines so often 1 know them by heart, and yet each performance is like hearing and seeing it all for the very first time." In some ways each night was unique. Frldsy, Jane (Vonnie Nelson) slapped Tommy when he called off the wedding, the second night she -really "belted" him, and the third time she threw her drink at him. John Cook as Mr. Lundy also threw In his own ad libblng when on Sunday night In the

middle of the fast-movina chase •-.., scene he hobbled slowly across the stage looking for Harry Beaton. And now it's all over. The costumes and make up are done with, the stage crew has dismantled the props, the orchestra ''pit'' Is gone, and the actors 'have shaved their beards, but the memories of Brlgadoon will last for a long, long time. One person put It this way, "It was exhausting, diacouraglng and frustrating; 1 haven't studied In weeks, but yet 1 wouldn't have missed being In BrigadooDfor anything In the world."

Professor Reuter for the 400th AnniverlllU'Yof the Reformatloo and performed for the first time by the College Choir In June, 1917. At the time, it was accompanied by Arthur Ehlke of MIlwaukee, and was so well done and greatly appreciated that It received a standing ovation. Also sung. were three children's selections taken from Sing -Mit, a volume of chlldren's songs; the' "MInnesota Leaguer's Song," text by Professor Sitz and music by Professor Reuter; and "KornblwneundElchenlaub" sung by a male chorus, which was accompanied by the band.

THE DANCECHORUSas youngmaidens from the village happily perform for the gathering crowd on Brigadoon's market day.




Bits & Pieces


ThIs year for the flnt Ume the AsslgnmeDt Committee meet at New Ulm ODMay Z4 BDd Z5 to asslp the DMLC teacher CllJlllJdates to their flnt eaDs. The meetIDg 1I'U ammged to he held at New Ulm so tbat the Alllgli.meDt Committee members wID he able to meet tbe teacber caDdldates III penOll,1D the past cmly pastoral C8Dd1dateswere met penoll8lly by the committee OD A8sigDmeDt Day. The District PresldeDts' prellmlDary meeting will begID at 7 p.m. 011 MODday,May zz.


Oh! my aching back! Blisters, dirt, a picnic supper, and the goodfeelings associated with spring. Arbor Day Is over for another year, and the campus really looks nice. It would seem to go well with the new Center Street hill and Summit DrIve, except for the corner on our campus that lies at Summit and Center. A!l we walk up the sidewalk leading up to the steps along SummIt and look down to the street below, the hillside looks very poor because It Is without any grass. Farther up the walk, the hillside Is simply cut out and left bare and jagged. The question Is can't we find some money 01' time now that the road construction 'Is completed to beautify this comer of our campus? This area may be more difficult to control because of the incline and the trees, but If someone were given responsibility for maintaining It, this mlght help enhance the appearance of the whole campus. A!l visitors and friends come up to OMLC this comer Is one of the first things they see! A little grass on the hillside and a retaining wall beneath the trees would clean It up and add much to Its looks.

Junto Club Sponsors Mock Primary Election On Tuesday, April 11, the student body expressed their preferences In the OMLC Spring PrImary PresIdential Election. After registering to vote on Monday, April 10, 361 students exerclaed their "right" to inform the candidates for President just what our campus thinks of them. The results were as follows: Votes p·ct. George S. McGovern 59 42 George C. Wallace 35 25 Hubert H. Humphrey 18 11 HenryM.Jackson 9 8 John V. LIndsay 7 5 Eugene J. McCarthy 8 4 Edmund S. Muskie 4 3 Vance Hartke 1 1

Richard M. Nixon Paul McCloskey John Ashbrook Spiro Agnew

Richard M. Nixon Noneof the names given onballot mock

Is." However, the group came to the general consensus that unless something goes drastically wrong with the economy or the Vietnam war situation, Richard Nixon will more than likely retain the Presidency.

212 98 2 1 1~ 1~

The OMLC faculty also had Its own primary. Thirty-eeven faculty members participated 23 In the Republican Primary, and fourteen In the Democratic. Their results were as follows: George S. McGovern 4 29 George C. Wallace 4 29 Hubert H. Humphrey 3 21 ShIrley Chisholm 1 7 Edmund Muskie 1 7 Eugene McCarthy 1 7


sponsored by Junto. At their iiieeting right after the election, the group attempted to analyze the results. They discussed the similarity between the OMLC Primary and the Wisconsin Primary, which was held exactly one week earlier. In an attempt toezplatn the popularity of Senator McGovern, several Junto members felt that he Is stili associated with the peace effort, which seemlngly draws the youth to his camp. The group also felt that George Wallace is popular because of the way" he knocks the 'establishment' and his capacity for telling It like It


19 83 4 17 was

Crew Says Thank You Letter to the EdItor: In behalf of the Maintenance staff and Grounds crew we would like to extend a hearty thanks to the committee of Arbor Day. Also a special thankyou to all students and Instructors who participated In this event. It was a job well done and certalnly gives us a boost In maintaining this campus as the ModelCampus In many ways. It gives one a warm feeling to see that the students have such a great Interest In their surro\D1dings away from home. Keep up the good work. I'm sure you will be rewarded somewhere along the road of llfe. Mr. Andersen MaIntenance Officer





Wki Ie, He. \o\~ca~ed. + '-'c~ lY\o\oO

Heo..ve.,.", -


Currently receiving much wIe In the OMLC educational department is the video tape recorder (VTR) of the closed circuit TV. ThIs useful instrument allows a student to actually see his lesson played back and analyze his techniques and procedures. The seniors make use of the equipment during their curriculum course. Microteaching situations are set up In which the student Is asked to present a short lesson on the basis of predetermined criteria. After the presentation, the lesson Is analyzed and critiqued to determine whether the lesson was as effective as it could have

10: 15 •. 3 July 8 - Saturday •.........•..•.. July 14 - 10:15 a.m .. Graduatlon

JLne 16: June 30: 14:

Classes Session and Closing Service

for Supervisors of Student Teachers Workshop in Guidance and COunseling Art

begins between 8:00-9:00 p.m. in

7:35 -




I I I I I Il


Teaching Science in the Elementary School 915 Individualized Instruction 215 American Fiction

60S The English Language 755 Modern Concepts of Geometry 80S Psalms in Lutheran worship

50S Twentieth Century America 555 Monsoon Asia 10:15 215 20S SIS 4105 945 2S 765



VTR Provides Valuable Aid

I Summer School I SUMMER SCHOOLCALENDAR 1972 June.11--: 3:00·5:00 p.m. . I 7.00·9.00 p.m Registration June 12- 8:00 e.m Openlng Service I m First cresses July .......,.,d.y Holld.y Break I In I SCHEDULE OF WORKSHOPSFOR SUMMER Workshop t June 19 - June 30: workshop In Elementary July July workshop In Physical Education I July 4 - July 14: Library Planning and Development I Registrationfor eachv.orkshopwill be held on the night beforeeach workshop OLD MAIN. I I SUMMER CLASS SCHEDULE I 1135 Genesis 755 The Lutheran O>nfesslons Psychology Hum.n Growth I and Development 3555 I June 12 June 19 4 -


p'o-M-e.cl. ..fro¥W\ +~~~ , 0....",,," cCUY'iecl.




"A New Day Yesterday" Is the theme for the 1972 Activities BaDquet. ThIs formal affair will . be held ODMay ZOat 6:30 P.M. In the gyDllUlslum·. After a buffet style IIlIPper the eatertaiDmeat will begID with a guest speaker. FollowiDg this several groups ODcampus IDcludlng '''11Ie Kids" will perform. The evening will endwith a movie.


New Testament Epistles Basic Olrlstian Doctrine Teaching Reading PrinCiples of Olristian Education . Teaching the Exceptional Child Speech Fundamentals Creative Writing

755 Lutheran WOrship 855 Choral O>nductlngand Repertoire 1S IntrOduction to Number Systems

215 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 765 Diplomatic History


been and to discover 'Wuat areas need Improvement. The VTR has proved useful In teaching many kinds of lessons. Professor Barnes' educational psychology classes analyze taped lessons with a focus on one particular area. This area, may be the way the teacher uses a variation of stimuli to maintain attention, the clarity and effects of the transitional statements, 01' the type of reinforcement used. The value of the equlpment Is seen In the various uses. In addition to providing selfanalysis for the teacher or future teacher, the VTR also has been used for various purposes at teachers' conferences, as an aid In training

I 'Music in May' I I Honors Moms I The Mariuts, Aeoltans; and MLA Band are joining to I the present anew, exciting, fresh,


as-flowers spring concert. It is a special Mother's Day concert entitled "Music In May," and It will be. held on Sunday afternoon, May 14, at 3:30 p.m. In the chapel-auditorium. The program promises a variety of musical selections. Part is done by the Marluts alone. Under the direction of Steve Kehl and Carl Nolte, they will sing numbers Including "Aura Lee," "Ring de Bango," and "Mosquito." The Aeolians are doing a number of selections - "Peter Piper," "Movin' On," and "Scarborough Fair," to mention a few. They are under the direction of Janet Breitenfield and Dorothea Seigler. The Aeolians and Marluts are also doing two numbers together: "Getting to Know You," and "Some Enchanted Evening." The Academy Band will do its thing this year again, performing seven numbers for



The concert is for all students, faculty, family, and friends - but a special invitation Is extended to all of the mothers who can possibly come; it is especially Ior them.

supervisors, and In summer school programs. One big advantage VTR has over the actual obeervation Is that It avoids disruption of the classroom and problems. In scheduling visits. The taped material can be taped at a convenient time, shown when needed, and used again. At the present time there are two complete sets of equipment available. One belongs to the student teaching program and the other Is the school's and Is available for general use. The ClIIlyreal problem with the equipment has been that of maintenance. The equipment has been a valuable part of the training program for several years and will hopefully continue to suPPly new insights Into the planning and the execution of a lesson.

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER is published during the month< of October,



February, March. April, May and June. The subscription price is one :Jollar and fifty cents per annum. Sinole copies are twenty cents. We request payment in advance. All business communications should be

addressedto the BusinessManager. Contributions from all alumni. I.Kldergraduates. and friends are appreciated.

Thealm of the MESSENGERIs to offer such materials as wut be beneficial as well as interesting to our readers. to keep the alumni In a closer contact with the COllege, and to foster school spirit. CO-edltors... Sue Falk. Beth Janke Layout editor ... Jim Petermann Women's sports editor Klki Johnson Business manager Circulation manager


Beth Janke Barb Sauer

Mike Falk

Staff Writers Karen Amborn. connie Krohn. Judy Vater. Mar·

garet . Rosin, Delaine Templin, Jane Price, Nona Weyer. _Clndl Ruethel, Kiki Johnson. Linda

Bergquist, Jim Carolll,



Alumni news Humor

Clndi Ruecl1el Llnda Bergquist


COmle Baehman

Layout st.ff connie Laabs, Glenda Erickson, Pat Baehman, Mary Ann Habib • Circulation


;. Linda

Steinbrecher, Renata SChonsburg Typists Glenda Erickson, Karen Gergen. Karen Sdlleber'g. Judi KopJtzke,Joy Gr_ Advlsor Prof. C. J. Trapp

Page 3

Reuter . • • (ConUnued from page 1)

COLLEGE CHOIR MEMBERS enjoy their brief stop at the domes of Mitchell Park Conservatory in Milwaukee, one of the many places they visited on their Easter concert tour throughout the Midwest.

Other features which added to the program were nine organ selections, which served as a sampling of his organ compositions, and a narration and slide lX'esentation of Professor Reuter's life. Points of interest concerning his life are that he was born in 1863 in Saxony, Germany. Years later he was appointed to the respected position of Cantor at Lichtenstein-Callnberg. Professor Reuter served there for ten years. Then, in 1904,he resigned from this position because of certain objections he had taken to the state church policies. He moved to Canada in 1905, Chicago in 1907,and in 1908,on April 3, he was Installed as a professor of music at DMLC. So great was this event that the students were given a holiday. immediately, Professor Reuter began teaching twenty-two hours a week, and the next year

Choir Combines Travel and Song '''l'bIrty 'concerts! You sang thirty concerts?" Yup - that's what the 1972 College Choir Tour was all about. The tour began with a weekend "pre-tour" from March 2f to 26. Tbe choir went to I:ake Bentm, Minnesota; Sioux City, Iowa; Sioux Falls and Clear Lake, South Dakota; and Marsball, Minnesota. A sudden sleet storm in South Dakota made the trip much more exciting. After-arrlving-in Clear Lake only minutes before the concert, the choir was greeted by many people who Iraved the weather to hear them. The concert went on as usual despite the flickering llgbts because of Ice on the lines. The final concert of the lX'e-tour was in Marsball. The regular tour began on March 29 when the rest of the students began their Easter

Two other points of interest connected with the Festival were the displays of pictures of Reuter's time and the wooden director's stand, which was built in New Ulm, given as a gift to Professor Reuter, and was refinished and used by the directors at the Festival. Alao four of Professor Reuter's children were able to come and hear this program of their father's music. They were Magdalene of Milwaukee, Marie of MIlwaukee, Elizabeth of Beaverton, Oregon, and Fritz of Madison, Wtscoiisln. . HIs famlly, his students, and all those who attended the Reuter Festival, as well as those who participated, were given through this service a chance to review the events and work of one of the many men of our Synod, who spent years of his life in service to the Lord.

which will stand in the DMLC sang secular numbers to thank vacation. This tour took the the ladies for all of their hard lilrary after its completion next choir through the Midwestern work and effort. year. The statue will be six feet states of Wisconain, Michigan, two inches tall and carved out of Dlinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Everybody on the bus got to While traveling through these solid oak. know everyone elae there quite The choir was alao given a states the choir stopped at well as the choir traveled from many points of interest, such as . guided tour of the Christmas concert to concert. Aprillst was Store. This is the store where "it Nicolet College in Rhinelander, the day of the longest trip: 400 is Christmas all year round." Wlaconsin. This college is a new miles. It was also Polak Dae Included among all of the concept in higher education. a day tradltionally celebrated beautiful decorations was a The buildings on the campus by touring choirs. hand-carved and painted candle were designed to be functional The trip went by very fast, which was four feet tall. and hence contain no perbecause the leaders of the The choir also toured such manent walls. They are still celebration had decor'ated the places as the Toledo Art very beautiful and one of them bus with yellow ribbons, pink The yellow-brlck road led the Museum, Ford Museum, won for Its designer the arpaisley bathroom tissue, and .way to dellgbt and enjoyment Greenfield Village, Kellogg's of chitect of the year award. This balloons. Activities including for the viewers of the Ulildren's Battle Creek, the Museum of building has seventeen playing "musical bus" (which Theater production "The Science and Industry in fireplaces. is like musical chairs only with Wizard of Oz." The cast and Chicago, and the Brillion Iron Frankenmuth, Michigan, was 47 people in a two-loot bus production staff are in the midst Works in Wisconsin. When the one of the points of interest aisle), entertainment by of performing in the state of choir visited places like further on in the tour. While various small groups of choir W'1SCODsin as well as in MinMichigan Lutheran High School touring some of the shops in the members, and the crowning of nesota. _ and the Wisconsin Lutheran quaint little town, the choir the Polak queen. Their productions at DMLC Child and Family Service, they stopped at the Schnitzelbank The homecoming concert at were held on May 5th and 6th ga ve the people a special Shop and saw the clay model of DMLCon April 16and the "post while big folks as well as small concert. the statue of Martin Luther tour" from April 28 through 30 enjoyed the long-time famous Choir members were housed completed this year's tour story of Dorothy and her dog, by members of the season. The post tour covered Toto, trying to find their way congregation at night after the areas in southern Minnesota from the Land of Oz to the concert. Most homes took two to and Wisconsin. sweeping prairie home in four choir members, but there The tour was a lot of work and Kansas. were some exceptions. One effort, but it was alao a very Though the story is an old night a family took eleven girls enjoyable experience. Thli favorite, the cowardly lion, the out to their resort. tin man wihout a heart, and the choir was dlreCteif by Professor Congregations also fed the lX'Ofessors'wives. Then it was Meilahn Zahn and the tour was scarecrow without a brain have choir. Every meal was a feast, back to work for two more arranged by the choir manager, found their places in the hearts and a group of twelve choir hours, and by 12:30 work was Iiall who have known them. members known as the TABS Professor Delmar C. Brick. completed and the students were free for the day. After a picnic lunch outdoors, an afternoon of class competition awaited those wishing to parttcipate ' or observe. Twelve activities, including such events as long and short relays, softball throw, hurdles, couples' piggyback races, and a tnuddy tug of war, characterized the competition. The sophomores and freshmen proved their athletic abilities by taking first and second places, respectively. The day closed with another picnic, this time with faculty and their families joining the students. Although a cool breeze blew most of the day and no one received the usual Arbor Day sunburn, the students still enjoyed the day's work and play. The DMLC campus and jX'ofessorages were once again TYPICALOF ARBORDAY'Sactivities were scenes such as this, where DMLC cleaned up and made ready for

Production Leads Viewers to Land of Oz

Arbor Day With Little SUD Still Provides Fun "Is it today? Do you think we'll have it today?" These were the questions voiced by many DMLC students as they arose on the morning of Thursday, April 20. The questions were soon answered, though, as phone calls and students returning from breakfast made the important announcement: "Today is Arbor Day!" The day commenced,with an eight o'clock chapel service, followed by the assignment of work groups to professorages and various areas on campus. The privileges of being an upperclassman became apparent as the seniors took the day off while the fresiunen, sophomores and juniors raked lawns, washed windows, or did various otaer yard work. Two hours and several blisters later, the 10:30 AM lreak provided food and rest for the hungry workers. Those on campus enjoyed brownies served by the cafeteria; those off campus were treated to the homemade pastries . of

he held an even larger work load of thirty-two hours. This position Professor Reuter held until 1924when he died, having reached the age of sixty years. Some of the advancements made on the campus during his time were the building of the lX'actice hall and the purchasing of the organ that was used in the old chapel before the recent remodellng.

. Ii!lother Sllring season.

students are hard at work cleaning up their campus.


Paul Hartwig Receives High Sports Honors

MEMBERS OF TIlE 1972DMLC golf team are, seated, 1. to r., T. Watts, J. Carolfi, R. Filter, E. Knobloch, and P. Kaiser; standing, 1. to r., J. Stark, J. Corona, T. Paul, D. Leppla, M. Kahrs, P. Potratz, J. Bauer, M. Neujahr, J. Winkel, and Coach G. Dallmann.

Baseball Swings Lancer Spring Season ·Into Coach Marvin Meihack lOoked at four pitchers and at numerous candidates for other positions as the lancers played their first game of the season, a non-conference tilt against Concordls on April 12. Concordia came out on the long end of an 8-4 score. as the game was played in weather conditions suitable only for ducks. For the lancers, sophomore pitcher Steve 'lbiesfeldt pitched three scoreless innings and allowed only one bit to start out the game. Freshman Mike Haase and sophomore Fred Wangerin each allowed four

runs in the next five innings, and MIke Klecker. came on to pitch a scoreless ninth. Concordia out.hlt the lancers 11to 3 as Golnltz got three bits and scored two runs. catcher Jay Schwall got two of the three lancer hits and two runs batted In. '!be Lancers won both ends of a doubleheader against Bethany on Saturday, April, 15th.OrIgInally scheduled for at Mankato, the games were played at DMLC due to wet grounds at Bethany. Due to a late start, the games were only seven and five innings.

Coach Names '72 Team The 1972 Lancerette Interscholastic softball team has selected. Coach Sue Post announced the sel~olLof tile fciurteen-member team on April 14 after several tryout sessions .. Mimbers of the team are senior Bonnie Blesterfeld and juniors, Kathy DeInes, Sandy Boettcher, and Rachel PusaeIIl. Sophomores on the team. are Gloria Lohmlller, Barb



Leopold, June Frank, Rita castillo, and Marilyn Friebe. '!be four lreshman on the team are Jackie Streufert, Barb Brand, Sue Pateman, and Karyl Kelley. Home games are played on the soccer field softball diamond. All loyal lancerette fans can find many hours of softball excitement there this spring.


In the first game after being held scoreless for two innings, the lancers exploded for four runs on four bits In the third inning to take a 4-3 lead. They built that lead to 9-3 before Bethany came back with three runs In the top of the sixth to pull within three runs at 9-6. The lancers retaliated for five runs In the bottom of the sixth to make the final score 14-6. Steve 'lbiesfeldt pitched six innings allowing eight hits but only one of the runs was earned as the lancers committed four errors. MIke Haase got three triples In four trips to lead all Lancer hitters. Strieter, Jurgenson, Luehring, and Schramm all had two hits for the lancers, who collected a total cI. fourteen for the game, MIke Haase went all five innings In the second gaine, allowing two runs on three hits as the Lancers won 12-2. DMLC scored ten of Its twelve runs In the third and fourth innings as they continued to bit the ball well. Once again Haase led the hitting with a triple and a double In three trips to the plate:


Paul Hartwig, Dr. MartIn Luther College guard, has been named honorable mention on the 1971-72All Lutheran College Basketball Squad announced by Luther Brotherhood on April 14. '!be squad was selected by Bud Thies, St. Louis GlobeDemocrat sports writer, for the Lutheran Brotherhood publication Bond. Players from 29 colleges and universities across the nation are Included on the squad. Hartwig also received the Hall of Fame Award given by the Lutheran Brotherhood. This is the top award given by them. ,As a sophomore last season, Hartwig was named to the second team, All Lutheran College Basketball Squad. This past season he led Dr. Martin Luther College In scoring and rebounding, setting a school rebounding record with

Paul Hartwig

Bauer, Schmidt Named Outstanding Athletes Jim Bauer and Kurt SchmIdt-athletics but also In community have been chosen to appear In service and campus activities. the 1972 edition of OUTOther criteria for those STANDING COLLEGE selected for OUTSTANDING ATHLETES OF AMERICA, an COLLEGE ATHLETES OF annual awards volume AMERICA Include strength of published to honor America's character, leadership both on finest athletes. and off the playing field, and Coaches and athletic dIrecscholarship. tors from individual colleges Biographies of all Outand universities across the standing College Athletes cI. nation nominated the winning America will be IDcludedIn the athletes on the b8sIs of their 1972 edition to be publlsbed In displayed abilities not only In July.

Jim Bauer

Kurt Schmidt



E~~~:t..~~~~";.:~:;,:;: §]g~;~::":" lne,


27 In one game 'and 380 in one season. He was named Alltournament and All-alnference in the MInnesota River AthleUc Conference.



H• .ow...



Besemer'sBarber and ~~ Beck'sJeWel~rauty- Shop

Gamble's ~~=:r~~thiers, Inc.

New Ulm Drug and Camera New Ulm Gift and HobbyShop

SchwanIndustries Sears

::!n~~~coun, Music,Store Citizen'sState Bank ~.:.l.;'.:.:,:: Coa~tto CoastStore .';0;0 Dairy Queen ~.~~~ :::=:::~ Dannheim'sNew Ulm Dairy ~=l~Dr. Akre, Optometrist ~~~~Dr. Germann,uptomettisf .... Dr. Kuehner,Dentist [~ Drs. Radkeand Tyler, Dentists ~~~ ~~" Dr•.Schwartz,Dentist Ebert's Chalet 'R t t d Bakery E'b I ner s es auran an Elchten ShoeStore farmers andMerchants State~nk

KemskePaper Co. Leuthold-Jensen Clothiers Herberger'sInc. HerzogPublishingCo. HeymannConstructionCo. H. J. Baumann,Insurance J. C. PenneyCo.

New Ulm Greenhouses New Ulm Grocery Co. New Ulm Laundry Company "UI Th .~ew m eatre New Ulm Travel Service New Ulm TV SignalCo. OchsBrick and Tile Company

~~::in~~~:~ams. Paint Co. Spelbrink'sClothingStore 3' Sportsman'sGrill St t Ba k ae of New Ulm =.:>.J.?,.: Swansons ::::~~ Thriftv SnyderDrug ~l~ Tom MiesenPaintin9 .:~.,.~


i~~~ ~l\l

J. H. Nicklas Co. OsbornePlumbingand Heating Laraway,RoofingandSheet .Mary Lue's Yarns Metal 'Oswald'sStudio Meidl Music MontgomeryWard and Co. MuesingDrug Store Meyer. Studio

Patrick's Jewelry PattersonJewelry Pink's DepartmentStore Polta Drugs



Vogel Clinic


Vogelpohl's Wallner ConstructionCo. Wells ConcreteProducts WesternMotel Wilfahrt Brothers

~* illi:

~;;:;: m:~ ~"®.

.~ ~.~~: •

~*'~ ~:::


Seniors to Begin Their Work in God's Kingdom "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13 is the motto that will. encourage and guide this year's 128 seniors as they graduate from DMLC on June 2. The commencement exercises will be held at 10:00 A.M. in the Luther Memorial Gymnasium. Pastor Harold Wicke, literary editor at the Northwestern Publishing House, will give the graduation

sermon, while Professor lloyd Huebner. will serve as lituraist, DMLC president, Conrad Frey. with Professor A. J. Schulz, vice-president of Academic Affairs, will present the seniors their diplomas and also award three degrees in absentia to teachers already out in the field. The seniors will sing a special class hymn written by members of the class. Kathy Mantey wrote the text for which Murray

Davis composed the melody. There are always mixed emotions at graduations; feelings of pride and accomplishment are mingled with . awe and humility concerning the work about to be started. The thoughts of the graduating class of DMLC, 1972, can very appropriately be summed up in the final verses of their class song, where they ask for God's guidance and blessings as they do His work on earth.



DMLC Files Self-Study for Candidate Status

On May I, Dr. Martin Luther by the association's staff College made application for members in Chicago who will recognized candidate status for determine whether the report Dr. Martin Luther Callege accreditation with the North gives a thorough enough Central Association of Colleges overview of the college. The and Secondary Schools. Apstaff members also process the plication was made by filing a status study for formal status study on the college with presentation to the Executive North Central, one of six Board of North Central's regional agencies which grants Commission on Institutions of accreditation to colleges and Higher Education. Vol. 62 No.9 New VIm, Minn. May 31,1972 high schools in our country. By mid-summer, this board The status study is based on will decide whether Dr. Martin an intensive self-study done by Luther College appears ready to the faculty during the past year. be visited by a team of North All facets of campus life are Central examiners. The described in the document: alternative to a visit is that the philosophy and objectives, board will encourage the resources, administration, college to consider postcurriculum and instruction, ponement of the visit and to Call Night for the Class of 1972 Steadfast in Thy Word." for relaxation and a confaculty morale, student life, and work at removing its began with a Ves~rs Service Following the service were tribution with the rest of their student achievement. weaknesses before undergoing conducted by Dean L. O. the announcements and reading funds to the Church Extension Faculty committees were an on-campus examination. Huebner, in the Chapelof the assignments for the Class Fund. assigned to each area. Their Visits to colleges seeking Auditorium, on May 25th at 8 of 1972. A reception in honor of The benches will be bright, reports presented the status of candidate status are usually P.M. The service opened with the seniors followed in the LMU modern, and colorful. The style, the college as it exists today, scheduled between October 15 the congregational singing of cafeteria for the seniors and the quantity, and where they will be identified strengths and and January 1. Before that "Lord Jesus Christ, With Us faculty and their wives. placed has not as yet been weaknesses, and contained time, the faculty steering Abide." determined. The selection of recommendations for faculty committee of the college's selfPreceding the sermonette, The Senior Class of DMLC styles includes the straight consideration. The committee survey will be planning adthe Chapel Choir, under the ~ soon leave our cam~us and type, the s-shaped, and the reports and faculty actions are ditional studies to be done by direction of Professor Ronald ~elr ~lleg~ :ers ~hin~ut circular for placement around summarized in the status study the faculty. These studies will Shilling, sang "0 Holy Spirit, haey ch no e orN~ th"'t ~ trees. Their modern apwhich contains approximately .... be based on. ret<;orrunendaUons • Rr.allt.U~'¥!r" Ti)~iCll_.".,.·. ve. ose!la g. a. w pe~ance iI;_!l~>4eigh.. teNIci.bY_l5O'PageS'~"""";'-~"'"'~;""'.":"'-llClopted-~!f"the··Jl881ry_""' . . .... was oae ,II wlt.lL::::-:th~tIuJlItlf~pus.everybe day;-'""'theU' construction of.fiberglsaa.·. The report will be reVlewed·.· A specIal set ot documents congregation joining together in 11 Is-a combination of nches . the singing of "Lord, Keep Us Dr. Martin Luther College Campus (Continued on page 7)



Seniors Ready to Depart, But Leave a Remembrance


May 31, 197%

Page %

Faculty Holds Banquet for Seniors

Ladder to the Future Another school year is over. For some students that statement means readiness to begin one's ministry in God's kingdom. For others, it signifies but another step up the ladder to that readiness. The ladder: what an appropriate synonym for DMLC! Whether one stands on the bottom rung as a beginning freshman or at the top rung as a graduating senior, he is headed toward the same goal as all the others on the ladder: God's ministry on this earth, whether It be in one's home town or halfway across the globe. The ladder: sometimes It seems kind of wobbly, sometimes the step from one rung to another is wide and painful, at other times onetakes two or three rungs at once. If one keeps the ultimate goai in mind, however, he cannot help rejoicing at the slightest progress up this ladder. Another year means another step closer to being able to enter the teaching ministry, to bring the joy we have found in Christ to our own classroom full of God's children. We thank God for this year, and we pray that He would guide us all in future years, both up the ladder and beyond, so that perhaps we, too, can lead others to take that first step onto its bottom rung.

The place was Sleepy Eye's Orchid Inn and the date was Tuesday, May 30th. For the seniors, this was the traditional Faculty-Senior Banquet. The faculty provided the entertainment with Professor Jacobson as the Master of Ceremonies. President Frey and the class president, Steve Kehl, provided the closing remarks. The banquet." which is a traditional way of honoring the graduates, dates back well over forty years. At first, the seniors went to the homes of the . professors.' When the classes grew in size, the locations changed' from .Turner Hall, Eibner's, and recently, to the Orchid Inn. The faculty committees are divided into the "evens" and the "odds." It is the job of the faculty to serve on the even or the odd-numbered years respectively. This group organizes the entertainment, and faculty wives help to decorate for the banquet. Invitations are then sent out to the seniors to .enjoy a meal and entertainment together with the faculty and their wives.

Poet's Ponderings By Patricia Groff

God is gracious, God is good; keeps and cares as no man COUld.

When 1 was young 1 wonderea:

'Nhat can a blind man see? And with age I pondered that he saw more than me.

Wipes away tears of weeping: safe and sure the Christian's sleeping.

He could not gl impse, a tulip

or see the grass so green. But he could feel the sorrow

no mortal eye has seen, QUESTION OF THE

Always angels guarding o'er you, watching every


My God, my God, I wender vdly:

deed you dO.

can't they hear the children cry? A silver plane in a sullen sky; how many more will they let die?

Silent, thankful Wlrds I say;

safely kept I was textay.


1972 Teaching Assignments Grade Minister 1·8


City Schofield, Wise. Mason City, 1O'N8 MimeapoHs, Minn.

Brodbeck, Michaef

King of Kings

Garden Grove, Cal.

5-6, School 'Music, Choir, Youth Work AthletiCS

Dest. Doug'as ~vls. """-lrray Enter, David Falk, Michael



tv"IOrrison, Wisc. Thiensville, Wise.

Mr. calvary Calvary (new schOOl)

t.ecrcsse. Wise.

Fehlauer, Bruce Goerge, Michael

St. John's St. John's

.5-6and Phy. Ed. 5·6. Youth Work. Phy. Ed. 6-7. Assist In organ & choir, 1 yr. 1·3 principal 5-Youth Work



Bahn, Michael Besemer, Ronald




St. Peter's

Huth, Eugene


Kaiser. Paul Kehl, Stephef1


Kienzle, Stephen

Koch, Donald Krause, Loyal

Krug, Gary Lauber. Keith Mantey. Curtis

Manthe, Byron · Nell, A. Frederick Oppitz, Mark

Sheboygan. Wise.

saraeoc. Wisc. Juneau, Wise. Marinette, Wisc.


St. Joseph, Mich. Crete, III.

St. Matthews

Oconomowoc, Wise.

St. Paul's

Arlington. Minn. Adrian, Mich. San Diego, Cal.

St. Stephen's Reformation Michigan Luth, Sern.

Zion Pilgrim Michigan

Luth. -Sem.

Saginaw, Mich. MObridge, S. D. Mesa. Ariz. Saginaw, Mich.

St. Paul


: Riesop, Reginald : Schierenbeck, James : Schmidt, Kurt : Thurow, John

East Fork Mission St. John's (So 68) Bloomington Friedens

Whiteriver, Ariz. Milwaukee. Wise. Bloomington, Minn. Kenosha. Wisc.

uttech. Frederick : Wagner, Wayne Walker, Patrick : Zanto, Stephen

Northwestem College Emanuet

wetertowo, Wisc.

St. John's St. Mark's


St. Paul, Minn. Wauwatosa, Wise. Brown Deer, Wise.

of Educafion

7·Phy. Ed.

7·Phy. Ed. 3-4, Assist organ - 1 yr. 5-6, Youth Director 5·6, Phy. Ed. & youth Work Upper grades-Science - Phy_ Ed. 5-6 & Phy. Ed. 3-5, 1 year Upper (7-8) principal Tutor, Geography 10, Dorm Sup. 5-8, principal, Athletics' 5-8. PrinCipal - Choir Tutor, English 10, Dorm Sup. 7 - Organ. ASSist Choir. Upper grades rnus!c 7-8 & Assistant COach 7·0rgan. Choir 3·4 & AthletiCS Religion-Science-Social Studies Grades 7-8 Tutor. English 10. Dorm Sup. 6-Music Director 4-5 & Phy. Ed. 5-8 (Prtnclpe! eventually)

Youth Work, Phy. Ed. · Kllllke, Douglas : Bock, Robert Hartmann. Warren · Bertolus, Paul : Johnson, David : Ross, David · Swain, Paul ,:Agenten, Douglas · Bilitz. Steven Brich, Steven COle, Stanley Ous, Hartley Finster, James Haakenson. Cary Kufahl, Dennis Meinel, Frectr ick N\ellon, Thomas

·:·:'::M'Tcnell.Robert N\Ontojo, E. Pierre Rude, Larry SChroer, Thomas Schulz, Paul Stebn!tz, Warren Strusz, Eugene Ulbricht, Eugene ViiSki, William Wilde, Dean Boehling, Edward Halldin, David PaSChke,Timothy Vasold, Terrance Thomas Priebe. Richard Reiter. David Attarian, Janet Bartels. Mary

st. Matthew Iron Ridge, Wisc. Trinity Crete, III. Michigan Luth. Sem. Seetnaw, Mich. Michigan Luth. Sem. Saginaw, Mich. Northwestern t.urn.Ac. tVIobrictge, S. D. St. Croix Luth. High West St. Paul, Minn. Northwestern Luth. Ac. fv\obridge, S. D. To ~ conSidered in JUly St. John's Westland, Mich. To be considered in July Nain (teach at Jordan) West Allis, Wisc. Our Savior Zion, III. To be conSidered in July Sf. Peter Milwaukee. Wisc. Zion Columbus, Wisc Bethlehem Hortonville, Wisc. Luther High School Onalaska, Wisc. Permitted to do graduate BethlehemWOf'k- 1 year Menomonee Falls. Wise. Westem KOShkonong Cottage Grove, Wise. To be considered in July Redeemer Fond du Lac. Wise. Immanuel Hutchinson, Minn. Fox Valley Luth. High. Appleton, Wise. St. Paul Franklin, Wisc. St. John's Burlington, Wisc. Peace Hartford, Wisc. St. Paul's MUSkego, Wise. Japan Ex. Comrn. Japan ~t. Peter's Helenville, Wisc. Permission to do graduate study - 1 year. To be assigned after summer school To be aSSignedafter Summer school Asked not to be aSSignedat this time. Apostles - Peace San Jose, Cal. Apache Mission Peridot, Ariz.

6-8 & Prin. (Now permanent) Science 6-9, 'Supervise Phy. Ed. Reassigned as Instructor - 1 year. Reassigned as Instructor - \ year. Reassigned as Tutor - 1 year. Science-Math. Reassigned as Tutor - 1 year. DepartmentaliZed (Now permanent) Upper Grades (Now permanent) 3-5 (Now permanent) Intermediate (Now permanent) 7-(Now permanent) 3-4 (Now permanent) Scien~e - Math (NOW Permanent) DepartmentaliZed Upper Grades -

Int'''"'ediat, •. Upp''''::::f~ Prin.

4·5 & Phy. Ed. 1-4, Now Permanent Remedial Reading 5-6, V.B.S., Science, Phy. Ed. 3·4 (Now permanent) 5·6 (Now permanent) 5·6 (Permanent) Teach MiSsionaries' Children 1 year. 3-5, Choir. Assist Organ

Middle Grades, 5.5., Phy. Ed. 4.5, Phy Ed.

Lives Brighten as Love Shines by Ruth Bauman "What the world needs now is love, sweet love. That's the only thing that there~ just too little of." Catchy tune, isn't it~ But have you ever stopped to really think about what it means? Most people, I'm sure, would agree with the song writer that love is one commodity in our commercialized age which is often short-stocked If there were just a little bit more of it around, life would be so much more pleasant. We've all thought these thoughts at some time or other. But has anyone made a personal effort to do something about the sltuatlon~ The question arises, "What is meant by love?" Love does not necessarily refer to romance, for some people isolate themselves in their own world of "love" and let never a ray of love shine out upon the rest of the world No, love is something more. It is an optimism, a happiness, an unselfish joy felt within the soul. Where does this feeling, this emotion come from? We are all born with It; the only problem is realizing it is there and putting it to use. Once love has been rediscovered in the soul, it can only remain love· If It nows freely outward. It sounds paradoxical, but It's true. Only by giving away love, can love be kept, and kept strong. How then can love be given away? Giving, or sharing, the love in your soul is, at first, a conscious effort. Make a conscious effort to shower drops of sunshine on all you meet, but don't waste time dreaming up extravagant means of doing so. Rather concentrate on the here and the now. The people you see every day in the same situations, after a time, become so familiar that you take them for granted, or Ignore them, or just don't see them at all. Here's your ~

portunity! Take these routine situations and tum them from drudgery into pleasure. Let happiness sparkle all over your face, greet your neighbor with a cheery greeting, not just a dull "hi, " and add a comment, a compliment, or a question to your greeting that will make others feel happy, too. Take an interest in people. Turn your thoughta outward, not inward, and take time to care about your neighbor's state of mind. Happiness is catchy; spread the germ of cheer, the outward sign of love, and soon not only you, but those around you will be happy. The world will join in, If someone seta the example!

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER is publiShed during the month'; of OCtober, November. December, Fetw'uary. March, April, Ntay and June. The subscription price is one dollar and fifty cents per annum. Single copies are twenty -cents. We request payment ·1" advance. All business tommunications should be addressed to the Business Manager. Contributions from all alumni, undergraduates. and friendS are appreciated. CO-editors ... Sue Falk. Beth Janke Layout editor _... Jim Petermann Women/s sports editor ....... Klki Johnson BuSiness manager. _.. _Beth Janke Circulation manager Barb Sauer


Mike Falk

Staff Writers -.. Karen Amborn. Connie Krohn, Judy Vater. Margaret ROSin. Delaine Templin. Jane Price, Nona Weyer, Ciodl Ruechel, Kiki Johnson, Linda Bergquist, Jim Carolfi, Mary

Peterson Alumni ne\NS .. _

Humor Artlst Layout staff

Clnd! Ruechel

Linda Bergquist

Comle Baehman .. COnnie Laabs, Glenda Erickson, Pat Baehman, NIlIry Ann Habib Circ;ulation staff _ -..• Llnda Steinbrecher, Renata Schonsburg TypiSts . __. _. .. Glenda Er.lckson,

Karen Gergef1, Karen Schfeberg, Judi Kopllzke,.Joy .GrObe Advisor ......... Prof. C. J. Trapp

:- -P'-.' ') !tll':

May 31, 1972


Congratulations Champs! Linksmen Capture Tournament Title

. The 1972Dr. Martin Luther tennis team completed a very successful season with a 10-1record. Pictured from left to right in the back row are Curt Detro, John Barenz, Karl Grebe, Coach Steve Gauger, Jim Buege, Rick Ebeling, and Randy Mehlberg. From left to right in the front row are Kurt Troge Paul Hartwig, Frank Tomczak, Eric Troge, and Pete Bauer. '

Tennis Team Completes Triumphant Season scoring of the tournament, Dr. Martin Luther College's which was held at DMLC this tennis team finished their 1972 season with an incredible 10-1 year, ran as follows: DMLC 12 record .4 • The . tennis team lost their , , ;St.~ Paul Bible 1 single' match to'U!e. GustaVUs JV , . Immanuel·; ' North Central 0 team. It was close all the way Pillsbury 0 . and went right down to the last double match. The final score of In the MRAC tournament, the meet was 5-4. . . Paul Hartwig was the top The team won nine dual singles champion; Karl Grebe meets and cleaned up in the was the number two singles Minnesota River Athletic champion; and Frank Tomczak Conference tournament. The

Luther '9' Picks Up After Slow Start On Wednesday, April 19, the Lancer baseball team traveled to Worthington for a single game with Worthington JC. The Lancers suffered their second loss of the season 13-0,evening their record at 2-2. Pitching and defense were the big problems for the Lancers as the mound men couldn't find the strike zone with any consistency. .Laneers vs. Concordia The Lancers record fell to 2-3 as they lost to Concordia for the second time this season on April 26..It was a battle of the home run balls as Tock and Cloeter had home runs for Concordia and Mike Haase pitched for the Lancers and experienced control problems. The Lancer defense also faltered and had four errors. The Lancers had plenty of opportunities as they left ten runners stranded on base. Lancers vs, St. Paul Bible The Lancers opened their Minnesota River Athletic Conference schedule at home on Wednesday, May 3, with an 8-5 victory over St. Paul Bible. Mike Haase picked up the win for the Lancers by pitching the first eight innings. Haase walked six St. Paul batters while striking out nineteen. Two of the tliree runs he allowed were unearned. Mike Kiecker finished up the

ninth inning for the Lancers walking two and striking out one for the final two st. Paul runs. For the Lancers, Steve Strieter was 2-4 and Jurgenson was 2-5 for half of the team's hits. Mike Haase also had a runscoring triple. Lancers vs. Pillsbury The Lancers toppled the Comets from Pillsbury on Saturday, May 6, in a game switched from Owatonna to New Ulm an account of field conditions. Pitchers Steve niiesfeldt and Mike Kiecker combined to pitch a no-hitter for the Lancers. For the Lancers the big inning was the fifth. They scored six runs on three hits, three walks, and a Pillsbury error. Jay Schwall continued to hit well for the Lancers, getting three hits in five tries and driving in four runs on two bases-loaded singles. Phil Jurgenson also had three ,hits for the Lancers, who collected a total of eight for the game. Defensively the Lancers again had problems as the infield chalked up six errors. The win brought the Lancers above .500for the first time this season. The team now stands at 4-3 overall and 2-0 in the conference.

and Jim Buege were the doubles champions. All four are members of DMLC's championship team. Finishing their last year of 'eligibility this y';';" were Paul' Hartwig, number one player on the team with a total match record of 19-3; and Frank Tomczak, number four player on the team with a total match record of 18-2. Coach Steve Gauger finished his first year as tennis coach with a team to be proud of. Returning next year will be Karl Grebe, a freshman playing the number two position; Jim Buege, a sophomore playing in the number three position; Kurt and Eric Troge, junior and sophomore, respectively, playing in the number five and number six positions. Also part of this year's team were Rick Ebeling, Randy Mehlberg, Pete Bauer, John Barenz, and Curt Detro.

strokes. Not far behind was . The DMLC golf team lost its North Central Bible College first dual meet of the season to with 270, followed by st. Paul Concordia on April 14. A fine Bible College, Pillsbury Baptist Concordia team won the match, College, and Immanuel which was shortened Lutheran College. from eighteen to nine holes Jim Carolfi of DMLC and because of rain, by a score of Tom Linberg of North Central 1~137. tied for medalist honors with On April 18 the Lancers rail 84's. Linberg won the medalist into some superior competition trophy on the par-four second as they traveled to Shoreland hole of a sudden death play-off Country Club to play Gustavus. as Carolfi missed a putt. Carolfi The final score was 308-361 as received the runner-up trophy. Gustavus romped on their home course. On Saturday, April 22, the golfers traveled to Sioux Center, Iowa, for a dual' meet against Dordt College. On another cold, windy day, the Lancers warmed up their golf game considerably in a losing effort to Dordt by only seven The 1972 Lancerette softball strokes. The score was Dordt season ended May 17 with a 331. DMLC 338. Lancer Ernie victory over Southwest State. Knobloch was medalist with a The Lancerettes finished the 77. season with a 5-1 record This At the New Ulm Country was the first interscholastic Club, the Lancers won their season for the Lancerettes. first meet of the season, beating The last three games were all Lea College on April 24. The wins for the Lancerettes. On final score was 345-406. Medalist May 10, they defeated the honors went to Jim Carolfi of Gustavus women's team 14-10. DMLC with an 84. Kathy Deines pitcbed for On Friday, April 28, the Luther and struck out four and Lancers brought their record to walked 13 batters. 2-3 by beating North Central Th.e ~ 4n<;ltre~tes _pl!',yed Bible. College. in a meet shor- ~ Gustavus on" MaY"'lron'"ther.. tened':.to nine holes because of .• Luther field. DMLC beat rain. Gustavus by the score of 13-9. :~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;. DMLC led 13-2 after five in::~~ A picture of tbe ebam- :~:\ nings .. Kathy Deines again :\:~ plonsblp goll team was \:~ pitched for Luther, striking out :::~ printed in the last Issue 01::::: five and walking three batters. i,,: the Messenger, dated May :"l The last game of the season was another victory for Luther. :1t~~~:::~~~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;l~This time It was Luther 12, Southwest 6. The game was The Gustavus Gusties turned stopped by rain in the last of the in some excellent scores at New seventh inning. Ulm Country Club on May 2 to Leading hitters for DMLC whip the Lancer golfers by 60 were Pat Jahns 2 for 3, Kathy strokes over eighteen holes. . Deines 3 for 5, Sandy Boettcher Host school Dr. Martin Luther 2for 4, and Karyl Kelley, 2 for 4. College won the Minnesota The winning battery for Luther River Athletic Conference golf was Gloria Lohmiller, pitching, tournament held at New Ulm Country Club on Friday, May 5. and Sandy Boettcher, catching. The Lancerettes also met the The best three scores were DMLC faculty in an exhibition counted for the team total, and DMLC had low score with 259 game on Memorial Day.

Women Claim Successful First Season

Dr. Martin Luther College's baseball team successfully completed their season since the writing of the article. They are the conference champs with a 5-1 record. Pictured from left to right in the back row are Assistant Coach Dennis Gorsline, Mike Kiecker, Mike Haase, Steve Thiesfeldt, Jack Fritzler Fred Wangerin, Carl Hochmuth, Phil Jurgenson, and Head Coach Marvin M~ihack. From left to right in the front row are Larry Weist, Steve Strieter, Chuck Luehring, Darwin Schram, John Thurow, Jay Schwall, and Gerald Thompson.

Page 4


May 31, 1972

DMLC Greduatii Mary Allbee

Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Bonnie Biesterfeld Franklin, Wis.

Red\WOdFalls, MiM.

Milwaukee, Wis.

Pigeon. Mich.

Ann Ernst Buffalo, Minn.

Brenda Fritz Spring Valley,

Jill Buehner Fond du Lac, Wis.

Murray Davis Milwaukee, Wis.

Tomah, Wis.

Wood Lake. Minn.

Owosso, Mich.

Hortonville, Wis.

Barbara Becker

Linda Behringer

WonelNOc, Wis.

Peshtigo, Wis.

Lois Brick New Ulm. Minn.

Barbara Chas1y

Seattle, Wash.

Bonnie Duddeck WatertolNr'l, Wis.

Thomas Faust Oshkosh, Wis.

Michael George saginaw, Mien.

Mary Bartels Twin Lakes. Wis.

Barbara Bredemann JlAarshfield, Wis.

Sharon Buth Manitowoc, Wis.

Jean Dickinson

Michael Falk

Sheryl Gabowe, Wis.

Michael Bah"

Linda 8rassow Dexter, Mich.

Robert Boeck

carol Buege

Douglas Das'

Janet Attarian Buena Park, Cal.

Paula Cook Milwaukee, Wis.

Andrea Dunsmoor Fort Atkinson, Wis.

Bruce Fehlauer New Ulm, Minn.

Michael Brodbeck Alma, Mich.

Beverly Foelske Milwaukee, Wis.

Joy Grobe

Barbara Groeltler


Greenfield, Wis.

Winthrop, Minn.

Dorothy Bublitz Hartford, Wis.

Diann Dankers

Goodhue, Minn.

Patsy eick Wild Rose, Wis.

Marilyn Franke Jefferson, Wis.

Sandra Griepentrog Falls, Wis.

Lorene Bryski West Allis. Wis.

Cynthia Crossfield White Bear Lake. Minn.

Karen Edinger DePere, Wis.

Ronald Besemer New Ulm, Minn.

David enter Nicollet, Mil'Y1.

Christine Fredrich .Mequon, Wis.

joAnn Groll Waukesha, Wis.

MMy Gruetzmacher Hortonville, Wis.

Not pi


May 31, 1972 DMLC MESSENGER Page 5

tg Class of 1972 Jacqueline Hall Sf. Paul, Minn.

Janet Hahn Nlarshfield, Wis.

Ann Hermanson Sun Prairie,

Judith Kiesow Beaver Dam. Wis.


Franklin, Wis.

Curtis Mantey Norfolk. Neb.

Harvard, Neb.

Lynda Hanke Wis.

Paula Hannemann Escanaba. Midl.

Paul Kaiser Milwaukee. Wis.

Carol Krause Brookfield, Wis.

Sharon Lettcw weter-tows, wrs.

Byron Manthe COlumbus, Wis.

Mark Oppitz Wauwatosa, Wis.

wete-tcwn, Wis.

Eugene Huth Greenfield, Wis.

Donald Koch Johnson Creek, Wis.

Diane Leeker Appleton, Wis.

Kathleen Mantey Norfolk. Neb.

JoAnn Nunnenkamp


Mary Hubbard Kenosha, Wis.

Naomi Knickefbein Oklahoma City, Okla.

Keith Lauber

Laura Hall

Valders, Wis.

Jean Manthe Belle Plaine, Mim.

Diana Orud St. Paul, Minn.

Marlene Kehl Columbus, Wis.

Loyal Krause Winona, Minn.

Grace Liermann

Kwara, W. Africa

carol HermaM

Milwaukee, Wis,

Milwaukee. Wis.

Gary Krug Mt. calvary.


Kathryn Macioroski Circle, IVtont.

Carol Mundt St. Paul, Minn.

Pederson Johnson, Minn.


Stephen Kienzle St. Joseph. Mich.

Marcia Krueger Collins. Wis.

Grace Luetke New Vim, Minn.

Rebecca Moyer Lake City, Minn.

Kathleen Paap Weya'lltlega, Wis.

Linda Helwer

Stephen Kehl Jackson, Wis,

Barbar Krueger West Bend, Wis.

Unda Undloff St. Clair, Minn.

~ga Meinzer Flint, Mich.

Joseph Oyeniyi

Jeanne Hel mke Stratford. Wis.

Arthur Nell Lamon, Wis.

Elizabeth Phelps Fox Lake, Wis.



May 31, 1972

Class of '72 Sharlyn Plama..., Hutchinson.Minn.

LouAnn Piepenbrink Crete, III.

Cheryl Raugutt foIobridge, S. Oak.

Susan Remia5 Sterling Heights. Mich.

Mary Schwab Kawkawlin. Mich.

LOis Selbig

oecssc, Mich.

John Thurow New Ulm. Minn.

Patrick Walker Phoenix. Ariz.

Nancy Putt Fountain City, Wis.

Linda Rupnow Beaver Dam, Wis.


ontarto. Wis.

Roberta Schroeder Charles City, Iowa

Frederick Uttech Watertown, Wis.

Paula Wilbrecht New urm. Minn.

Kristine seneetee Mequon. Wis.

Louise Sponem Jefferson. Wis.

Jennifer Vol! Milwaukie. Ore.

Diana Wilson Sioux City. Iowa

Carolynn Radtke Eagle River, wrs.

Kawkawlin, Mich.

Highgate, S. Australia

Dorothea Siegler Bangor, Wis.

Dee Ann Raddatz Winthrop, Minn.

Pamela sauer

Martin Schoel!

Bonnie Shantry Bellevue, Wash.

Diane Uhlenbrauck Black Creek, Wis.

Phyllis Westendorf Bay City. Mich.

Milwaukee, Wis.'

Reginald Riesop Waterloo, Wis.

Kurt Schmidt Saginaw. Mich.

Karen Schmidt Beaver Dam. Wis.

Denise Protzman"


James Schierenbeck New London. Wis.



Rosanne Steil Mayville, WiS.

Linda Vorbeck Madison, Minn.

Joan WiHenberg Glencoe. Minn.



Milton, Pa.


Cather,ne SChmelzer Remus. Mich.


Stevensville, Mich.

Nancy Stoltenburg New Ulm, Minn ....

Wayne Wagner

Lynda Zahn Hales Corners, Wis.

Martha Raft Milwaukee, W;s.

MNy Strieter Bay City. MiCh.

Suzanne Waldschmidt Mason City, Iowa


Golden, COlo.

Cynthia Zumm

Fox.Lake, Wis.

Page 7

May 31, 1972



• • •

(Continued from page 1)

Trudy Zibell and Kurt Troge, ME's for this year's Activities Banquet, begin the evening with a little bit of "old-fashioned" humor.

and data sheets will also be prepared in anticipation of the visit by a North Central examination team. It is the report of this visiting team which will be acted upon in the annual spring meeting of the association to determine whether the college should be granted recognized candidate status. Recognized candidate status for accreditation is not accreditation nor does it assume or even imply eventual accreditation. Candidacy means only that a college is actively engaged in the accreditation process and has shown the potential to achieve accredited status. Thus, within three years, an additional self-study report must be filed, another visit made, and favorable action taken by the association

before Dr. Martin Luther College will be regionally accredited. By synodical resolution, Dr. Martin Luther College is to continue to work toward regional accreditation as long as it does not cause the college to compromise or to violate the Christian principles which govern the educational endeavors of the Synod. Accreditation is being sought as one means of simplifying procedures to gain state certification for our Christian day school teachers in those states which require all teachers to hold state teaching certificates.

Ba.n q uet Pres en ts \~'=\f:~f:ft:jf'§JeMai~fJM;M~~~M~@~$~~~Jf:~SWii~ 1\T Da.y..l.ester .V dill! 1 leW a.y ~:!.:~: 1972 Teaching Assignments ~i ::1,"::: Becker, Barbara

"A New Day Yesterday" was the theme for·the annual Activities Banquet held on May 20,

Month of May." The guest speaker was Mr. Carl Natzke, a former graduate of DMLC.

1~. very unusually-decorated gym in abstract with special ligh ting effects greeted ap-' p-oximately 600 DMLCstudents

"~~~~~rfulHall D~~~~ s:~~ "Marne" followed with a few songs by John Evans and "Jig" Hahnke. After his farewell speech, Byron Manthe an-, nounced next year's Collegiate

and their guests. A large wall muraldeplctedthefonnerrural life in America as it gradually faded into today's city skyllne. Four large posters In fluorescent paints, 'created by John Barenz, further captured the mood of the evening. Following a buffet supper of ham and shrimp, the program opened with The Kids o;nmng "Applause"


-..~. "The Lusty

Council officers. The banquet ended with a song by Barry Washburn. The M. C.'s for the d evening were Trudy Zihell an Kurt Troge. After the banquet, "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" and a few cartoons were shown in the auditoriwn

SCh 00 I Year E n d S on a Happy. Note The choirs once again will p-esent their final concert for the school year on June Night, June I, at 8:00 PoM. in the gymnasiwn. The program will begin with the Symphonic Concert Band playing' several selections, followed by 'the College Choir singing sacred numbers from their concert p-ogram. Then the curtain will open to the main program. Participating in this are the Chapel Choir, Treble Choir, College Chorale, and College Choir. Enjoyable secular music has also been chosen to be sung. Among the numbers are "Sunrise, Sunset," "We've Only Just Begun," "Matchmaker," and "Oklahoma." To conclude the program, the choirs will join in two joint nwnbers, "0 How Amiable" and "For This Dear Land." The students look forward to participating in this last concert of the school year, and hope that

all who are present will enjoy the variety of music they will offer.

Students Elect CC Officers for 1972-73 Collegiate Council officers for the 1972-73 school year were elected on Friday, May 19, by the college student body. Candidates were presented to the students after chapel on Wednesday evening, May 17. The new. president of the Collegiate' Council is John Bauer. He is presently serving the CC as vice-president. Steve Thiesfeldt was elected vicepresident; Ruth Ungrodt, secretary; and Kathy Schuetze, treasurer.


Shoreland Luth. High

Kenosha, Wisc.



Sredemann, Barbara Brick, Lois ... , Bryski, Lorene :~:~~~aSi~

St. JOhn's Zion St.John ~~h~~ior's

Caledonia,Minn. Denver, Colo. Sparta,Wisc. ~~,o::=;. Wise.

3·4 I .: K·3, Organ, Assist. Choir, S.S.~ : K2 ~~ . ~



11111 ~:;y~h::~~ara :::~::Cook, Paula :::,;::Crossfield, Cynthia .. Da. n kors, D'lann ::1;:


DIckInson, Jean Dunsmoor, Andrea Edinger, Karen :::.::: Eick, Patsy ::~:: Foelske, Beverly ::~:::Franke, Marilyn Fr~drich. Christine :':J,:' Prttz, Brenda ::,,:::Gabower, Sheryl :::J::: Griepentrog, Sandra ::i::: crcoe. Joy ::,::: Groehler, Barbara Groll, JoAnn :: ::: Gruetzmacher, Mary

:':f ::i:Y

:!~:!, ::'l":~

~I';:: ~ .:::. Wi

Hahn, Janet

~ ::: Hall, Laura Hanke.Lynda


::i:: ::j' .~

7·8 EngHsh, S-8 Girl's Phy. E(: ;; 1, 5.5. and V.8.S. .:••': 3-5, organ Lower grades, V.B.S. 3-4, Tutor Retarded :: '$ 1·4 :: .~ K·1, assist organ ;:- ::: Lower Grades .:: 5-8, 5.S. ::':-' 1·3 2

::i~ ::I:J~

1·3,assist organ 3-4, PhY. Ed.

Kiesow, Judith


l~I~~: ~i::

Luetke. Grace M.acioroski, Kathryn

Peace St. John's


Houston, Texas


~~; Phy. Ed. 3-4 ~ 1·4 :~ ~ ,4, some organ : K and Remedial, assist Organ: • K·3 :~ ': 1·4 :~ :: 3 (one year) 1·2, 5.5. :::f.::


::;~::Klement, Ruth Christ the Lord :.~:: (new school) :::.::: Knickelbein, Naomi St. Paul's Krause, Carol SHoah ":~':f:'~~:~. LKecruegkere,r'DMa"anreeia TStr.i~i:!rcus :'••••.•. Lettow, Sharon Imm"a~nuel .••• ::i:::_ Liermann, Grace Zion ::f::: Lindloff, Linda St. Peter's

1·3 1·2, V.B.S., Jr. Choir :-•••••

Tomah, Wise. Milwaukee, Wisc. Marinette. Wise. Milwaukee, Wise. Hadar, Neb. Mission, S. D. Helenville, Wise.

K·3, V.B.S. Limited . :~ assist organ - choir ::1::' 3, 5.5. assist organ ::1=,:: 3, V.B.S. and 5.5. ~~~ 1·2.organ - choir ::...~ 3-4, Phy. Ed. ;: :: K·3, organ K·4, 5.5. :~ ~ K and l!tot 4th in P.M.

Green Lake. Wise. Jefferson, Wise.

1.4, org'an 3, assist organ

::I~: ~o.:::




JoAnn ::• .;::Orud. Diana Phelps, Elizabeth :::'1':::.:: Plamann, Sharalyn

r~~~fLs ~72:,S~~e. ~~::Eg:::~ 5.5. Redemption Milwaukee, Wise. 1·2, Assist Organ St. John Montello, Wisc. 1·3 San Pablos Tucson, Ariz. 1·8,organ, 5.5., V.B.S. (Spanish MiSSion) • l':"lo:~:. ppruotztz,mNaannnc'yDenise St. Paul's Stevensville, Mich. 3-4. Youth Work : East Fork Apache Mission Whiteriver, Ariz. K.l, Organ Raddatz. OeAnn St. Peter's, Route 4 Chilton, Wise. 1·4 ::*=:: Radtke, Carolynn Sf: Paul's Moline, III. K·4, Assist Organ, 5.5. ::1::: Ratz, Martha Our Savior Pomc::na, cal. 1·4, Assist Organ - Olair ::~:::Raugutt, Cheryl St. Paul's South Haven, Mich. K·J ::,t;::: Remias. Susan St. Paul's Wiseonsin Rapids. Wise. Intermediate - Organ SChendel, Barbara St. Bartholomew Kawkawlin, Mich. K·2 School Music, ,., .., Assist Organ Choir

~l: ~o.:::

l... ~:;.l•. :t.l:.",





~g"::' :' .:-; ~


1~~~1~ SChmidt, Karen

St. Paul's Bethlehem St. M.atthew's ::~:::Selbig, Lois Fairview :::l::= Siegler, Doro.thea Redeemer ':l:' Sponem LOUise Zion 1=;':1:Steil, R~sanne Salem Stoltenburg, Nancy Bethlehem ::~:: Strieter. Mary Emanuel (Wellington) :::.:::Uhlenbrauck, Diane Zion :::1'::: Waldschmidt, Suz~nne St. John ::: ::Westendorf, PhylliS lion :::.:::Wilson, Diana St. Paul Wittenberg, Joann St. John Zahn, Lynda St. Paul's ::1: :: Zumm, Cyn!hia St. t.Aatthew • . Vasold JanU1e Northwestern Luth. Ac. ~; ~ • ::~:::SChuetze, Kristine


Krueger, Barbara

John Bauer

~i7:~:'i~~c. St. Paul's Fort Atkinson, Wise. Calvary (new school) Dallas, Texas Gethsemane Los Angeles, Cal. 51. Paul Norfolk, Neb. eetnesee-cetnsemere Cibecue, Ariz. Trinity Route 1 . Manitowoc, Wise. Emanuel New London, Wise. Immanuel , Medford, Wisc. To be asSigned after summer school Friedens Kenosha, Wise. SlIoa~ . Milwaukee, Wisc. St. John Wrightstown, Wisc. Bethany Saginaw, Mich. Trinity Nicollet, Minn. St. Paul Mt. calvary, Wisc. Ocean Drive Pompano Beach, Fla. Redeemer Ann Arbor, Mich. Grace Muskegon, Mich. Emanuel Tawas City, Mich. Emanuel NewLondon, Wise.

St. John, Route 3 Manitowoc, Wise. East Fork Apache MiSSionWhiteriver. Ariz.

;::t::: Kehl, Marlene




I 'I~" I'





Palos Heights, III.

~~~t German ~~t~w~:oWiSC. St.John's Fairfax.Minn. St. John's (teach St. Paul's)New Ulm, Minn.


City Moron: Why does the cream rise to the top of the


::~::Hermann, Carol t:J.:; Hubbard, Mary

:::11::: SChwab. Mrary

DefinItion of adult: someone woo has stopped growing except in the middle.

Country Moron: So the people, can get it.

1.4, Organ, Choir

'. " Biesterfeld, Bonnie

Lake Mills, Wise. 2·J fAenomonee Falls, Wise. Primary· Intermediate, Organ OConomowoc, Wisc. '·2, S.S. Milwaukee, Wisc. 3·5 Tucson. Ariz. 1.2, Choir - Organ Valentine, Neb. K·8, some Organ Loretto, Minn. K·2 I-iOrtonville, Wise. 5-6, Assist Organ Fairfax, Minn. 1·4 AfIobridge,S. D. 1.4, Organ, Assist Choir Sleepy Eye, Minn. J.S, Assist Organ, Youth Work Crete, III. K·2, Organ Green Bay, Wise. 2-3 Tv.o Rivers, Wise. S-Phy. Ed. NBen°rftOonlk'HNaebrbo' r, Mien. ~,4PhY, Ed. NIobridge, S. D.

Piano, Phy. Ed., coaching, Assist Housemother

Permission to travel for 1 year.



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May 31, 1972

Page" 8

--------------------~ ,. tr Dear Dr. Martin Luther College, " t June 2is Graduation Day for the class of 1972.Onthis day we will t I I


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receive our certification in the W.isconsinEvang.elical Lutheran Synod as full time workers for Christ. Mter spending the last few years studying at your feet, DMLC,we are hopefully now ready to use the knowledge we have gained to teach in the schools of our Synod. Aswe lookback on the campus that has become our home for the last few years, we see that it is growing. The recent addition of a new library building has provided for us better and more adequate areas" for study and research. The new memorial organ continues t? enhance our chapel services to serve us wellfor concerts and recitals. The 'sports department is looking forward to the new DMLC football season next year. Allof these things will help to make better teachers for tomorrow, Besides doing their regular work, the faculty was diligently working on an accreditation program. We.hope and pray that the Lord will bless the work these men have delivered. Although we may not have always realized that all of our su?jects were needed for this calling, ~e mu~t now ag.ree that th~y Will help direct us in our years of teaching, This education along with the guiding hand of the Lord will give us the courage to carryon the work of the Lord to the best of our abilities. Since our class has chosen as its motto the passage, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me," it can serve a~ an inspiration to all of us when times get rough and doubt creeps into our minds. Revealing to us our strength in Christ, our trai~ing here at His school will certainly be of indispensable value to bring the Gospel to God's children entrusted into our care. We thank you, DMLC, and pray that the Lord will continue to bless the fruits of your work.


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Music-Murray Davis Oh, Lord, to Thee we pray today, Please help us in Thy path to stay, And through life's tasks lead Thou us on Until our heavenly goal is won. Our years of study are begun, Our tasks for Thee we carryon. Help us to serve Thee with ourbest And use the talents TJ:iouhast blessed. Lord God, please guard us as we go To do Thy work on earth below, And bless the children that we teach; Please, Lord, speak with us when we preach. As now we go our separate ways, Be with us in our future days. Our lives we give toThee alone, Who did for all our sins atone.



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Stephen J. Kehl, President


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~t Class Colors: red and white Class GUt: benches for the campus monetary gUt to CEF

Class Motto: Philippians 4:13- "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Class Flower: ... red rose

DMLC Acker Studio Alwin Electric ArIon's Shoes American Artstone Besemer's Barber and Beck's JewelryBeauty Shop Book Nook ;::::::: Brown's Discount Music Store Citizen's State Bank Coast to Coast Store Dairy Queen Dannheim's New Ulm Dairy Dr. Akre, Optometrist Dr. Germann, Optometrist Dr. Kuehner, Dentist . Drs. Radke and Tyler, Dentists Dr. Schwartz, Dentist Ebert's Chalet Eibner's Restaurant and Bakery Eichten Shoe Store Farmers and Merchants State Bank



Fischer's Rexall Drugs Forster .Furniture, Inc. F. W. Baumann Realtor Gamble's Green CI0 thO rers, I nco Kaiserhoff Kemske Paper Co. Leuthold¡Jensen Clothiers Herberg"er's Inc. Herzog Publishing Co. Heymann Construction Co. H. J. Baumann, Insurance J. C. Penney Co. J. H. Nicklas Co. Laraway Roofingand Sheet Mary Lue's Yarns Metal Meidl Music Montgomery Ward and Co. Muesing Drug Store Meyer Studio

Lyrics-Kathy Mantey


In the name of the Senior Class of 1972 Sincerely,

t t t tL__~

Class Hymn:


Madsen's New Ulm Building Center Inc. New Ulm Clinic New Ulm Daily Journal

Red Onion Retzlaff's Our Own Hardware

New Ulm Drug and Camera

Schwan Industries

New Ulm Gift and Hobby Shop


New Ulm Greenhouses New Ulm Grocery Co. New Ulm Laundry Company :-lew Ulm Theatre New Ulm Tr'ave l.Service New Ulm TV Signal Co. Ochs Brick and Tile Company Osborne Plumbing and Heating

Sherwin.Williams Paint Co; :~::::: Sp~lbrink's Clothing Store

Oswald's Studio Patrick's Jewelry Patterson Jewelry Pink's Department Store


Swanson's Thrifty Snyder Drug Tom Miesen Painting Contractor Vogel Clinic Vogelpohl's Wallner Construction Co. Wells Concrete Products Western Motel Wilfahrt Brothers

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