1977-1978 DMLC Messenger Vol. 68

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~ D.M.L.C.Mellen,.,


~ N.w Ulm, Minn. 56073.


Dr. Martin Luther Coil•••



Vol. 68

October 31, 1977

New UIm,Minnesota

U.S. Postage Paid New Vim, Minn. ".073

Alpha-Omega Players .Visit Campus By Steve Groening On Wednesday, September 28, the Alpha-Omega players presented Neil Simon's Broadway comedy smash hit, "The Star-Spangled Girl." The large Chapel-Auditorium crowd thoroughiy enjoyed the zany one-liners and comic situations. The performers, John Westbrook, Paul Pierce, and Cindy Coleman, with lighting by Rosalind Huffman, gave a lively rendition of the play, making it a great performance for aU. "The Star-Spangled Girl" spins its fun out of the presentday tendency of bright young men to dedicate themselves to dissenting from old established American traditions. Andy Hobard (John Westbrook) and Norman Cornell (Paul Pierce) live in poverty in a San Francisco studio apartment in order to publish a magazine devoted to social protest. Their frantic efforts to keep their. magazine going are

hilariously complicated by the intrusion. of Sophie Rauschmeyer (Cindy Coleman), a cute corn-pone Southern girl. As a former member of the U.S. Olympic swimming team, she is so thoroughiy American that she is scandalized by their irreverence for her patriotic ideals. Norman falls so hopelessly in love with her that he is unable to write any more heretical artlcles under his various pseudonyms. Sophie, constantly harassed by Norman's good intentions, loses her job at the Y.M.C.A. when he comes to visit her at work. Andy, desperate to save the magazine, hires Sophie to keep Norman happy and creative. But Sophie Jails in love with Andy, producing quite a situation until the wild and happy ending. "The Star-Spangled Girl" was one of Broadways biggest comedy hits of the 1~7 season; it drew consistently large audiences for an eightmonth run.

Six Music Instructors Installed By Audrey Eckelberg Ed. - This Is the first in a' twopart series on tbe new instructors at DMLC.

Sophie Rauschmeyer (CIndy Coleman) and Cornell (Paul Pierce) professes his love.

Publish and Conceal Not By Kathy Sievert

While you were busily oc-' cupied with your job, vacattcn plans, and other outdoor activities this summer;' our campus received its annual "housecleaning." But yet there was something different in tile air this par.ticular summer. The Doors received an extra pollsh or two or three and not even a blade of grass seem.ed out of place. Even several -weeks before, the singing of the' birds above .made one sense that something grand and magnificient was about to take place! For on AIIgust3, 1977,the 44th biennial convention of YOUR Wisconsin Evengellcal Lutheran Synodopened with the blessing of the Almighty God. The theme of "Publish and Conceal Not" from Jeremlah 50:2 defined the major task which lay ahead for the convention. In regard to this, President' Oscar J. Naumann exhorted that "Today we are among the chosen witnesses of the God of grace and truth. In His grace and mercy He has

entrusted His full counsel of salvation to us and has preserved us in the confession of His truth despite the devil', the world, and our own sinful Oesh. "This truth we are to. PUBLISH. Godhas not intended His truth to be concealed ... PUBLISH AND CONCEALNOT our God bids us today! He still has His elect who have not as yet learned of their Savior who died for them and rose again. Since He alone knows who these elect are, we are to publlsh the goodtidings of . salvation to all nations wherever He opens a door for us to enter. Since the harvest truly is great and the laborers so few, we are to implore Him daily to send forth inore laborers into 'His Harvest." If we don't" harvest, who will? After being inspired by this commission of the Lord, 280 voting delegates and 112 advisory delegates set to work on the niunerous matters. The conscientious effort of all resulted· in the convention's being credited with extremely

smooth orderliness. The outstanding dedication' of these servants of the Lord was hastened with great joy 8I!d diligence. Here we would like to especially note that Pastor Otto Engel declined to be a candidate again for the College Board of· Control AFTER 24 YEARS of service, 19 of which he served as chairman. We thank and praise the Lord that He has permitted Pastor Engel to serve our school so faithfully. While simultaneously remembering the convention's theme and service, may we also heed this particular statement: "To furnish the required number of teachers, the enrollment in 1980 at DMLC must be 794and by the year 2000 must cllmb to 998." Much less, the recent demand for emergency teachers, with 20out in the field this year, the anxious cry for pastors expresses an extremely sad critical list! One congregation had to call 15 times before (cont. on page 3)

There are some new faces on campus this fall. They aren't the freshmen and they aren't a part of the student body. Have you guessed yet? They are the new faculty members. On Sunday, September 11, ten people were installed as instructors at DMLC. Six of the ten installed as instructors entered the music division. They are Miss Jane Annexstad, Mr. James Bakken,' Miss Rachel Gerlach, Professor Roger Hermanson, MiSs Vicki Tippett, and Miss Deb Voss. Miss Annexstad comes from St. Peter, Mn. She attended Bethany High School and furthered her education at Mankato State University. She was a substitute music teacher in the Minneapolis area. She recently tra veled Europe for two months. During the summer she worked at a Montessouri nursery, school. Ever' since she was little, she wanted to be a piano teacher. Her dream came true as she accepted the emergency call to teach piano to students here at DMLC. She has 53 piano students to keep her busy. She likes it a lot and finds the students very willing, cooperative, and friendly.

Mr. James Bakken is from Genoa, Wis. He attended Luther High School at Onalaska, and continued at DMLC. He accepted this emergency call "to gain experience in teaching music." He also "felt that there was a need." He teaches organ and has 53 students. By this teaching experience, he hopes to decide if he'd prefer to teach music in a high school or be a grade school teacher. Miss Rachel Gerlach is from Mequon, Wis. She attended Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee and· continued her education at DMLC. She accepted this emergency call to "gain experience and so something where I was needed." She teaches piano and organ to 45 students. '. Professor Roger Hermanson originates from the Sun Prairie area. He started teaching at DMLC where he emergency taught for five years from 19691974. He went to WISCO and directed the bands and in 1975 accepted a call as chairman of the music department at FQx Valley Lutheran High School. He then accepted the call to teach at DMLC. He directs the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble and College Chorale, and teaches three sections of Basic Music. He likes DMLC very much and thoroughiy enjoys his work. (cont. on page 3)


October 31, 1977

DMLC Messenger

Pa e 2


~ . E,mergency Teaching Schedule, 1977-1978 . Student,

By Betty Kuecker "I don't see how I can possibly make it through this!" How often have you had these very words nagging at your brain? Perhaps it was at a time when you had three tests, two papers, and umpteen dozen reading assignments due on the same I day. Then the world seems to be closing in on you. Your mind can't concentrate on anything except the words, "Where do I begin?" There's so much to do, you don't know what to do first. Brain tells mind to calm down and start with the most important things. Here's the tough part. What has the priority - a research paper or a home football game? You convince yourself you'll survive, even ·ifthe reading assignments never get done. And who cares if you do lousy on the tests anyway. You don't. .. or do you? This is a problem faced by many students here at DMLC. There seems to be more to do than the time to get it done in. You're positive each professor believes you have only his class to study for. What are they doing to you? Sometimes you feel all they want to do is teach you how to endure "humongous" amounts of pressure., Believe it or not, there's more to life than just studying. You can surely find at least one thing better to do than homework. Along with assignments, (there are many of them,) there are sports, the play, a job, piano or organ practices, and numerous organizations to attend, not to mention class meetings, homecoming floats, birthday parties, walks to Flandrau, and just plain sitting around the dorm talking and munching popcorn. Eventually, the thought of studying starts pounding in your irain, as you say to 'yourself, "Why me?" The horrible decision is leaving your friends back at the union because your guilty conscience prompts you to go and study. Mter a night of trying to study, the excitement for the evening is getting together with friends in the Round Table, where you reward your previous futile efforts to study by "pigging-out!" Time slips by and so does everything else. .. Procrastination is your major study habit on this campus. You begin to believe there is no possible way to get everything done. There are only 24 hours in a day, and your body tells you to sleep at least a couple ofhours every now and then. But, alas, the assignments don't stop coming. The clocks don't stop running, and the Bionic Man doesn't come to your rescue. Suddenly you find yoUrself staying up aU night memorizing 61 passages for a Doctrine test, or typing a composition due first hour, or figuring out a lesson plan, or 'writing a speech: While your roommate, who has the easier semester, is in bed sleeping. Total desparation sets in. Cups of coffee, remains from the last batch of popcorn, cookies, M & M's, candy bars, and "No Doz" all decorate your cluttered desk. You even count the tile in the bathroom in an effort to keep awake. (Did you know that Hillview third floor bathroom has 116 tiles on one wall?) It's always nice to walk down the hall and notice someone else still studying around 3: 00 a.m. A radio is a device to keep you awake, until all the late-night stations go off the air. Sometimes you might decide to take a ten-minute nap, which turns out to be a three-hour crash. Eventually, as you do make your way into bed, a-flash of home may enter your mind. Home is a dream so far away. You also dream of the summer with Its days of no worry, no deadlines, and no homework. But dreaming is not a part of the "real world," for you only have time for thoughts of homework. The next morning you feel all fresh and ready to tackle the world. Right? Guess again. Everyone haS bad days, but some days should be banned from human participation. Your smile is replaced by a sag. The sparkle in your eyes is replaced by dark circles. For some reason your classes seem to start earlier than you can get there. (Everything goes wrong the whole day, and you wish you ~ould skip the entire day.) But with everything to get done, you can't afford to waste one day. You find yourself hoping you don't get sick. The highlight of a totally exasperating day is sitting in the auditorium waiting for chapel. Frustration and worry nearly bring you to tears. But wait! The semonette is about man's desperation, the relief he finds in the love of God, and the fact that God is always with him to help him. What a wonderful boost of encouragement! So, what do you do when you feel you can't go on any longer? This poem by Dory Previn perhaps has the answer: "i can't go on imean i can't go on i really can't go on/ i swear i can't go on so i guess i'll get up and go on ... " You can't give up. It's. going to be a long year. But once it's over, you will have all the memories, goodtlmes, and headaches to lookback on. lam ... you are ... life Is ... So, keep on keepin' on, and we'll see you next month ..

1. Bakken, James 2. Billorf, Lasea ~ 3. Boerneke, Lee 4. Cares, Cathryn 5. Cross, Margo . ~ 6. Graubner, Kay·Lynn 7. Huebner, Richard 8. Hugo, Jeffrey 9. Johne, Mary ~ 10.Loefer, Mary ll.-Punke, Lennard 12 Sixel, Denise 13.Skovsted, Peggy 14.Tippett, Vicki IS. Wade, James 16.Westphal, Riley


Grades Classes

DMLC Trinity Emmaus St. Andrew Shoreland LHS St. Paul Christ Fox Valley LHS Jerusalem Faith (ELS) St. Matthew Salem Pilgrim DMLC MLA Trinity

New Ulm, MN Crete, IL Phoenix, AZ Chicago, IL Kenosha, WI Round Lake,'IL Big Bend, WI Appleton, WI Milwaukee, WI Petoskey, MI JaneSVille, WI (),yosso, MI Mesa, AZ New Ulm, MN New Ulm, MN Crete, .IL

Organ Grade 6 & Athletics ~ 3-5 & Athletics Grades 7-8 English & Music Grades 3-S ~ Grades 5-6 & Athletics Band & Algebra 9 Grades 3-5 All Grades ~ Grades 7-8 Grade 5 & Band Grades 1-4 & Choir • Organ Housefather & Phy Ed Jr. High Math, Science, Phy Ed & Athletics for Grades 7-8 Choral & Instrumental Music


~ 17.Zimmer, Ronald



St. Croix, LHS

W. St. Paul, MN



u ~ n

Assigned for

18.Crosle;, Sally


First SemesterOnly San Diego, .CA


Grades 3-4

JUNIORS Assignedfor DMLC St. John.


First SemesterOnly


19.Gerlach, Rachel 20. Noeldner, Steven


As of 9-19.77all requests for emergency teachers have beenfilled.


Organ & Plano Grades 6-8, Choir

New Ulm, MN Sleepy Eye, MN




November's Coming Events Nov. 2-Col. Women's Volleyball at U of Minnesota 6:00 p.m. Nov. ~·Col.Midterm; The Miser by National Players at 8 p.m. Nov. 4-5-Col. Women's Volleyball at State; Macalester Tournaments Nov. 5-Col. Women's Cross Country at Duluth 1 p.m.; Col. Football at Mt. Senarlo 1:30 p.m. Nov. e-Prot. E. Hirsch An· nlversary at 7 p.m. Nov. 8·Electlon Day Nov. 9-Guthrle: Scenes from Shakespeareat 7:30 p.m. Nov. 10-BandConcert at 8 p.m. Nov. ll-Muslc Seminar Nov. 12-Ac.Movie night at.7:30 p.m. Nov. 13·Communlty Concert

Nov. 15-Col. Mission Fair Nov. 16-Mlnnesota District' Learning Disabilities Seminar; Gustavus String Quartet at 8 p.m. Nov. 18-Col.Movie Night, 8 p.m. Nov. 19-Col. Basketball vs.· Alumni at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22.Col. Basketball at Bethel at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23-Thanksglvlng vacation begins at noon. Nov. 24.THANKSGIVING DAY Nov. 28-Classesresume;· Col. Basketball vs. Mt. Senarlo at 7:30 p.m.; Col• .women's Basketball at Mankato at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 29·Col. Wrestling at St. Paul Bible at 7:30 p.m.

JmprovemeDt In 1492, Columbus left for India and landed on the Bahama Islands. And everything he left with remained with him. In 1977, when you leave for India you land in India) but your luggage ends up in the Bahamas.

And people believe that has been an improvement In transportation.

O'MLC Messenger ThO DMLC MESSENGER publ,Shf'd durinQ 1M montl"6

.. of

Cclobpr. Noypmber. Dpcpmber. F-eulJary._ Nlarch.


NrJJv and

June. Tht subscription prier is two dOllarsper annum. Singlrcopiesarp twenty. five

c.ents. Wr


payment in advancr. All bus.iness communications should be ad', dr~eod to the. 8u~iness Manager-., Contributions trom all alumni. I.t'ldergraduates. end frienct5 are



We have all come here to DMLCfor another year of learning. Some of us are new students and some of us are veterans on the DMLC campus. Spending this year together is a special blessing. This Is true because during this time we are together .with hundreds of brothers and sisters in the faith. Above aU,we are under the guldance of our Shepherd, Jesus Cbrist. Here at DMLC we have a unique opportunity. Not only do we have the world's wisdom at our fingertips to study and research, but also, and more important, God has given us a wealth of' opportunities to learn of Him and daily to grow in faith and love. For this we should thank Him with all our hearts. Weshould ask our heavenly Father to guide us so that we do not become overly concerned with adjusting to a new schedule, new professors, and day-to-day trivia. We should ask for help to keep our. minds and especially our hearts on Him. When witness opportunities present themselves, we should ask Him for help to share His message of our personal Savior. . We should especially ask for strength to guard against daydreaming and many other ploys of occupying ourselves when certain professors do not tickle our imaginations or interest our inferior minds. We should ask Him to keep us respectful and attentive to those whom God has placed in authority over us. But most important of all, we should ask Jesus for help to fight against the devil, whose tricks would keep us from mindfully and sensitively attending Cbapel services.

EDITOR ........ Dawn Brooks LAYOUT EDITOR Beth Ruege CIRCOLATION MANAGER .... Becky Hafemelster BUSINESS MANAGER ..........•... Dianne Fiebiger WRITERS .... RamonaOwens Carol Dietz :........... Kathy Sievert. . . . . . . . . . .. Larry Czer David Niemi Audrey Eckelberg SteveGroening Betty Kuecker Cheryl Schultz.... Becky Hafemelster Dianne Fiebiger Steve Groslnske Mike Pfeifer ..... Carol Meier LA YOUT ..•..... Nancy Hintz Sheree Bradtke ... Audrey Eckelberg . PHOTOGRAPHY Duane Ohland ..•. Karla Breltenfeldt SteveGroslnske ARTISTS .......... JanlsGygl Becky Hafemelster CIRCULATION Cheryl Schultz TyPiSTS ........ SueWendorf 'Cheryl Schultz BUSINESS· Audrey Eckelberg Cheryl Schultz ADVISOR ... Prof. C. J. Trapp


31, 1977

DMLC Messenger


The NATIONAL POETRY PRESS announces The closing date for the submission students is

of manuscripts

by College

Novemtier5 ANY STUDENT attending either junior or senior college is eligible to submit his verse. There is no limitation. as to form or theme.

Shorter works are preferred because of space limitations. Each poem must be TYPED or PRINTED on a separate sheet, and must bear the NAME,and HOME ADDRESS of the student, and the COLLEGE At;>RESSas well. MANUSCRIPTSshould be sent to the OFFICE OF THE PRESS. NATIONAL POETRY PRES Box 218

Agoura, Ca. 91301

Cont. from page 1 Miss Vicki Tippett is from Galena, 1lI. She accepted this one year emergency cajl to teach music (organ only). She says teaching is a lot different from being a student, but she enjoys it. "It's hard to teach up here and then go back to being a student again, but finally, it's a question of deciding where you're needed the most." Miss Deb Voss comes from Libertyville, Ill. She graduated from DMLC in 1977 and accepted this emergency call for one year. She has .45 organ students and enjoys her work very much. The DMLC. students and faculty welcome these new music instructors and wish them an enjoyable and meaningful stay among us.

Life Was By Betty Kuecker How often have you wondered what some else was thinking? Now.youllave a chance .to find out what is on the minds of some of the people around. During the past weeks, I approached various people with the following questlon, After much tho'ught and strange faces, they came up with. some Interesting answers. ''If you could relive anyone , day from your past, :what would It be and why?'" Monica Wiebusch - It hasn't happened yet, but it will be my wedding day. John Homstad - The day I ate my first hot dog, I really got Into the ketchup! Linda Romas - Our 50's party my senior year, with red lipstick, .toilet paper, and friends. Professor Olson - The day I was baptized, because it was the most Important day of my life. Karen Jorgensen - High School graduation day. Everyone cried, but all. I could do was laugh. I want to be able to cry too. , Dick Diener - The day I was born, 110 I could remember it. Jim Hahn Football championship my senior year In high school. We lost, but we'd win if we could do it -agaln. Tom Sand June 22, 1976... the day I enlisted In the airforce. I'd live it over so I could unenlist. , Mrs. Siegler - The day my twin girls were born. They were,

Page 3

a complete surprise and I'm still so proud today. , Cindy Solofra - The day I got off the plan from a trip to Oregon back in fourth grade. Everyone I loved was there waiting for me. Cecil Purrington - The night we pulled Ron Zinuner's rug out of his room back in freshman year. I was so hilarious. He still doesn't know how we did It, and I'd love to do It again. . Dave Bartlet - Mylast day of work' this summer, the Madhatter,' road blocks, and .:00. a.m. I wouldn't make the same mistake, so I could get my $50 back. ' Paula Rohleder - The day I became engaged, just because I liked thatday. Mark Lepke - Wednesday in Germany with my friends during Easter vacation. Vicki Vance - Overnight at the KOA campground In Salt Lake City, Utah. I'd find out his

name. Professor Boehlke - The day my first son was born. It was so exciting and wonderful' and our own reality. Hollie Kneser - July 22, 1974... Lake DeNoon... Dave ... Roger Holtz - ~Graduation day from Northwestern Prep. I felt great having one life behind me and another ahead of me. Tom Zarnstorff - The last day of School last spring. Right now, I would love to feel as relieved as I was then. Dave Neujahr - I don't want to relive any day of my life over. I want to live. for the future and. not in the past.

SUmmer school graduate, Jim Polzin, receives his diploma from bean Schultz as Fritz Horn looks on.

Given By Carol Meier On Thursday, Oct. 13, the Bloodmobile paid its semiannual visit to our campus. Of the 204 donors, 73 people gave blood for the first time. Only 22 people had to be turned away because of minor ailments. Three people deserve special recognition. -Susan Ratzburg and Tom Zarnstorff have given a gallon of blood each and Prof~ John Micheel has given a total of 3 gallons. A special thanks is extended to Jeff Davis and Stephanie Kell for their help In making the day run smoothly. 28 student volunteers also helped make the day a success. The Bloodmobile will be returning again In April.

Ed. - Barbara Rach Is a 1976 graduate of DMLC. LaCrosse Tribune Cancer. Say it and most people think of death, suffering. But say cancer to teacher Barbara Rach and she thinks battle - a battle she believes she has won. Miss Rach contracted Hodgkin's disease, cancer of the glands and lymph nodes, last September. Before the diagnosis, doctors thought she suffered from swollen glands, anemia and mononucleosis. Now a year later, Miss Rach this fall begins teaching second grade at Mt. Calvary Lutheran School, LaCrosse, Wis., her alma mater. She taught for two weeks in Yale, Mich., before contracting the disease. Hodgkin's disease had entered the bone marrow when Miss Rach was diagnosed last year. Six months of chemotherapy followed. She suffered reactions to the chemotherapy nausea, vomiting, chills, high fevers, and weakness. Piano playing, ceramics, macrame, and painting helped pass the time of chemotherapy and helped Miss Rach regain her strength, she said. At her last medical examination, "I didn't have a trace of It (the cancer) in me," th,e young educator said. But she is. quick to add that doctors don't consider the disease cured. "We'll have to wait several years to tell if it's "completely gone." She will have another examination in September.

There is strength, a peace surrounding Miss Rach that she says comes from God. "I'm a Christian and so death never lies ahead like a blockade or a barrier. "I think of myself as cured," said Miss Rach. "But if it's God's will that it comes back, I'd just have to trust in Him again. He took me through this and He'll take me through it

again." The voice for the first time quavers. "As a human, you always ask, 'Why me?' But according to what I believe, this is not a punishment. It's for some reason for my own good." It perhaps has been for the good of others. Through Miss Rach's strength and faith, she feels she has given those around her strength. "It's not like I want to be a hero, but if my strength gives them strength to look to God, I like that idea." Miss Rach has kept busy this summer with preparations for school and ceramics classes. ""When I'm passing. the day, the Hodgkin's doesn't come into my thoughts a lot. But when I'm running or riding my bike, I think, 'Look at the strength I'm getting back." The cancer has helped her grow, Miss. Bach says. "It's made me closer to God and closer to my family." Above all, she stresses, the experience will help her teach. "A teacher teaches from experience and I'd have to say this has been an e$rience. It will help me teach of' two worlds, heaven and earth." She smiled and added: "I want to teach forever."



Synod Convention Cont. from page 1 receiving a pastor! The Commission on Higher education reminds us that "the strength of our church In the future lies to a great extent In the workertraining program of today." The legion of other issues which rest - mark the present • tense - upon the delegates' shoulders are also YOUR issues. They were detailed in the "Wisconsin Synod Herald" which, was sent to each of our synod's 180,000 homes and also In the September 18 issue of "The Northwestern Lutheran." After you received it in your mailbox here, did you simply scan it and toss it into the nearest wastebasket? Hopefully' not. . The convention closed on August 10, but as you know, the issues certainly are not closed. It is also your responsible option to take your opinions concerning these to YOUR representatives your delegates and pastors. After much prayer and consideration, we finally and fearlessly can trust that "all things work together for good to them that love God" in the decisions of these issues. Within the scope of so filmy diverse issues, the solid basis of the one, true Word

yet unifies the convention and Synod. This summer it may have been just another convention in another place. at another time. It •simply concerned the difference 'between life and death for all human beings on earth. It only concerned the creation, purpose, and destiny' in the everlasting life to follow for all men. PUBLISH AND CONCEAL NOT!

lilt's not that bad.' I've been . excused from homework for

A day to remember - an October snow storm.

_ DMLC Messenger




Homecoming Week Is Busy By Ramona Owens The mythical island of Atlantis, the watery grave of a utopia, never was or was it? Last week we honored this myth. Blue and green streamers flowed from a peak in the gymnasium, seahorses covered one wall, the floats aptly called - carried fish bowls, crashing waves, and sunken cities. Far from being a utopia, DMLC held its Homecoming Weekfrom October 9 to October 15.The activities started out as small white-caps when the Powder-Puff preliminaries took place on Sunday. The junior -girls won, first over the senior team and, later on, Wednesday night, over the sophomore team. The freshman girls conquered the senior girls. More waves were made when initiation began. Nighttime marching petered out a little, especially among the men. Talk filtered around that the sophomore men just didn't have enough brawn. But in the parade, didn't the husky freshman need motorized help up the' .Fifth Street hill? Mealtime serenading sounded lusty. Many choir prospects may have been lurking under those beanies, but not too many seamstresses; in fact, after close examination, Summit Hall must have a very empty stapler. Participation in each day's activity increased throughout 'the week as more people became informed. It's hard to imagine after Tuesday's clash day that anyone could still think these were normal days. On Wednesday, the campus looked like a tea party with most of the students dressed up. Suckers popped up in classes on Thursday. Some professors could hardly believe their eyes. others shuddered when students spoke in class, their wagging tongues dyed such dreadful colors. And the few professors, mean enough to give tests during Homecoming week, got their reward: sticky answer sheets. On Saturday, the weather, bright and cold, the parade and the game and the banquet followed each other in quick succession. The parade started downtown at 11:30 in the morning. First came the Color Guard holding the flag; and behind them, the band members rode a hay trailer. Performing to the music, the Porn Pon girls followed the band and then came the floats and clubsponsored cars. •

The senior float - "Victory in the Bowl" - held a giant fishbowl and won last place. The third-place freshmen float carried a wave crushing a boat _ "Like Atlantis, the Comets are sunk." A huge football manned by two people threw a comet at Atlantis on the sophomore float - "Send Cornets to the depths of Atlantis" - it won second place. Fir!rt place went to the junior float carrying a volcano that caused Atlantis to sink "Cornet them to the Deep." The game against Concordia began at 1:30p.m. Until the last five minutes, it looked as if the Cornets' undefeated, season would continue. The Lancers, however, upset the boat and won with a score of lU. ' At the banquet that night the people ate ham and shrimp and later listened to the three masters of ceremonies: Sue Gorz, Louise Malchow, and Paul Schierenbeck. Mark Leitzke handed out the awards, giving the spirit award to the sophomore class. Coach Gorsline introduced the football team and thanked the fans for their unequaled support. Entertainment followed the twenty-minute break. A group from Northwestern called "Mad Man Boogie Band" sang theusual buffalo and New Ulrn lyrics put to roc't music. The audience laughed a few times, but nobody expected the unasked-for encore. ' Cyndi Plamann and Lori Rich blended well in "Annie's Song" and others; one was an original. Fifties' music filled the gym from the four-man, two-woman group called "Dr. Bopp." The choreograPhy was imaginative and the participants seemed to be having fun performing.

~JL ,,/y~\~~~~-

Page 5

DMLC Messenger

, 1977



'71¡ AfLAN1ts LT.J Lancers

Win By Larry Czer

'"It was a, great emotional victory!" exclaimed junior tackle Gary Bain after the Lancers upset previously undefeated Concordia-St. Paul. The 'Lancers made their homecomiilg an exciting game with a 14-8comeback win, Two fourth-quarter touchdowns rocked the boat for Concordia, The first TD came on a run by quarterback Tod 'Bartholomew from the one-yard line, The second on a 17-yard pass from Bartholomew to tight end Jim Hahn. The score came with a little over one minute left in the game. The game was going to be a thriller right from the start. On the first play from scrimmage, Bartholomew found flanker Mike Staerkel for a 75-yard gain into Concordia territory. The first half was a defensive battle; the lone score being a Concordia touchdown with one minute left in the first half. Concordia led ~ until the fourth quarter. Before the game, Coach Gorsline said he needed three touchdowns to win, As it was, he needed only two. Concordia came to DMLCwith a iMl record and most likely favored to win - except by 45 DML~ football' players. Gorsline said, "We always play well for homecoming, and we've given Concordia tough games in the past." How accurate he was. Concordia's rushing offense was heralded, especially with the "Juice" in the backfield. It ~happensh~number~32the same as O. J. (Juice) Simpson of the Buffalo Bills. He left the game with an injury. Kim Techlin, Bill Plamann, and AI Greschner played a big part in stopping Concordia. Their big plays on crucial downs thwarted the Comets. "We played good basic football," said Gorsline. "Basics are essential to winning." The final drive was exciting, a screen pass left set up the TO pass to Hahn. The pass Itself came on a '47 Power Pass Right.' After Hahn scored, he gave the ball to lineman Gary Bain to spilre the victory home. The "juice" of the Comets came up short against the DMLC Lancers. The victory now puts DMLC in position for a possible tie for the conference championship. The Lancers are now aiming to defeat the Northwestem,(Wis.) Trojans, a feat that hasn't been accomplished in modem DMLC football history.

October 31, 1977

DMLC Messenger

Page 6

Whiz Quiz

792 Enroll Haven't the lines for lunch seemed unusually long? Doesn't it seem that simply everyone is living off-campus and the dormitories are full to overflowing? Isn't it crowded in the halls? How about when you want to take an unscheduled practice, can you fmd a piano or an organ open when you want it? Andwhen you come in late to chapel, don't you have a hard time finding a seat? All these conditions are due to the fact Now here is the hardest part of the that there was in increase in part with your money, enrollment of over 7 percent or 54 DMLC students. The enrollment stands at 792 this year compared to 739last year. A look at the records shows us that there are 250 keshmen, 209 sophomores, 178juniors and 145 By Cheryl Schultz seniors. .Two Juniors and A feeling of, shock and sureighteen seniors have Interrupted their studies to prise hit students and parents , respond to emergency calls, alike, when a recommendation compared to eleven last year. was made to the Conunission on Four students are pursuing Higher Education of the courses for synodical cerWisconsin Synod, to move MLA tification. There are also six from the DMLC campus. part-time students. In our According to the Wisconsin student body, twenty states and Herald, this recommendation Canada are represented. There was made due to the overar ~ ifo students living offcrowding the campus is excampus. periencing. In the last 25 years, Maybe the reason you can't DMLC and MLA, have more find a piano or organ to practice than doubled their enrollment. on is tha t ¡there are :621students The question of where MLA involved in instrumental music ' would move is one that has not (313on organ and 308on plano.) been decided. Near the MinThere are also 443 students nesota - Wisconsin border was participating in one of the four one of the possible locations choirs (College Choir-80,Chapel discussed. Another location is Choir-61, Treble Choir-l30 and on the land that MLA owns Cpllege Chorale-l72.) Eighty people are involved in the band about five or six blocks from program. the DMLC campus. If you're wondering where all According to President Oscar thesefreshmen came from, Just Siegier of MLA, this newsflash read on. Seventy-four freshmen has not hurt the enrollment. The came from public high schools. enrollment is 272, 'not down There are 78from one of our 4 from last year. President synodical academies. But 98 Siegler ,said eventually the freshmen came from one of our school would move, but whether eleven area Lutheran high that will be in three years, five schools, with Wlsco, Fox Valley years, or fifteen, is not known. and Lakeside being the biggest We do know that no definite contributors. Of the 263 new action will take place before the faces on campus, 157came from Synod Convention meeta again the three Wisconsin synodical in 1979. dlstrlcta. One must remember to leave It's really great to have such thls matter in God's hands. With an increase in enrollment here God's help the right decision in at DMLC, all in preparation for time and in place will be made. the Lord's work.

AMove for MLA?

This is an unusual paragraph. How quickly can you fmd out what is so uncommon about it? It looks so ordinary that you .may think nothing Is odd about it until you match It with most paragraphs this long. If you put your mind to It and study It you will find out, but nobody may assist you; do it without any coaching. Go to work and try your skill at figuring it out. Par on it is about half an hour. Good , luck- and don't blow your cool!

Do you suffer from the .inSBtisableurge to visit England? If so, the English department has a sure cure. This upcoming summer, a travel-study group will tour the British Isles. At the present, although some plans are pending, the basj~s have been set. The program will begin either immediately after the school recesses for summer or two or three weeks later, depending on the participants' wishes. The tour will last six or seven weeks, and is open to all students of the college and those eligible to enroll In the academic programs of the college. The well-balanced program of visiting and studying includes: visits to natural areas which have played a part in British literature and culture (Lake Country, Cornwall); shires,

cities, homes, and things intimately connected with the lives of British literary greats (Abbotsford, Bath, Stonehenge); museums, connected with certain persons '{Lady stairs's, the Burns' house in Dumphrles); museums of a general nature devoted to , history, literature, and art (Edinburgh's toy musemn, the national Theatre in London, the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, and Glasgow); theatrical prodcutions such as plays in the Royal Theatre and sound-andlight presentations In York Cathedral); literary and historical bridges between Britain and American (the Harvard House, Plymouth), and private homes and buildings not ordinarily open to the public. Emphasis will also be placed on church architecture and art, Including visits to the'

By Cheryl Scbultz

Students an! faculty mingled together for the Annual. Fall Activity, which started at 5:00 on Sept. 25. The sunshine and cool weather helped to ease the walt for a delicious meal' of Sloppy J oes and chocolate chip cookies. During the meal, one had the privilege of hearing polka music performed by Rich Schwartz and Bruce Braun. registration line - where you Answer Luann Punke, Louise Wineland 'lIUISSIW S1 and Margo Steinbach were also - allenllU1!j qsnl!u3: al!l'U! ite )0 on hand with their recorders; +++ Clowns made their appearance pasn lSOW al!l - "a" Jallaj al!l by passing out balloons. The most important thing you l1!l!l pel ajdWJS al!l JaAO .tIl!U8 ". After the meal the enwear is a pleasant expression on lali l,UOA\ nOA 3sywoJd ase3id tertainment, headed by Dan your face. 'J3A\S11113l!l pllaJ AOA aJO!aa: Whitney, Included a Wild Boar Calling Contest. One was surprlsed to find out Just how many students and professors knew I ho,\\qo do this ancient art so convincingly. After many persuading contestants, Bill Plamann was awarded the coveted Wild Boar Calling Trophy. The pie-baking contest was next on the agenda. After lengthy .contemplation, the experienced' judges decided Renee Geiger's pie was the winner. How many people can fit in a .: Volkswagon? That was the question everYol)e asked as the A banquet was held to welcome the freshmen and their families to freshmen piled Into Al our campus. Greschner's car. A total 0{ 18 frosh fit Into it. Next came the sophomores; but due to a mlnor mishap the contest was can' celed. ' The end of the Fall Activity came all too soon. We ~ 'grateful to all the people who helped make this Fall Activity, 1977,a success.

The fun part of returning to school Is moving Into your room, especially when you live on fourth floor.

A Visit to the Queen By MIke Pfeifer

Students and Faculty Mix

magnificent cathedrals at Salisbury, Exeter, York, Canterbury, Winchester and St. Paul's in London. Students concentrating in English may earn six credits toward graduation or participate as auditors. Other students may also earn six' credits for advanced study or participate as auditors. Those wishing to earn credit must keep a daily log and take a final examination. A defmite price bas not yet been set, but will probably lie between $1,295.00and $1,495.00. The program will be admlnlstrered through Prof. George Heckmann, Director of special services. Anyone interested¡ in the program is invited to contact either Prof. Martin D. Schroeder or Prof. Morton A. Schroeder for further Information. Who knows, you might even Just bmnp into the Queen someday!

For PubHc Speaking A famous public speaker gave the secret of his success as follows: First, you think up a good beginning. Then, you think up a good ending, and you keep them as close together as possible.

"I think we'd betNr ItIIt by IIRI", .-,one', IItrOnpet


Jane Wentzel checks In atthe dormitory with Dean Haar.

October 31, 1977

Page 7

DMLC Messenger

Student .Teaching Schedule . ,

First Quarter, 1977·1978

September12· November11

By David Niemi .

ST, PAUL'S NEW ULM Supervisor


Miss Schuetze' Mrs. Sievert Prof. Brei

1 3,

Students Valora Reid Doris Winkel Doris Kltzerow

Wayne Schlicker I





College supervtscr

' Congregation Principal

South Haven St. Paul D. Brohn 1. MiJrser. Mark Sodus L. Collyard SI,..Paul 2.-Nelson. Joel Burlington W. Vllskl St. John 3. Pagel. Robert Burlington W. Vllskl St. John 4. Pleuss. Bradley St. Joseph K. Nolte Grace 5. Altergott r ,Jenlce Stevensville R. Schmidt 6. Bretschneider. Cindy St. Paul 'Waukegan R. Priebe Immanuel 7. Degner. LuAnn St. Paul Stevensville R. Schmidt 8. KIt~row. Ruth .Zion J. Stark . ,Our Savior 9. Krueger. Terri .:Antioch L. Essmann Faith 10. Lemke. Sandra R. Priebe Waukegan Immanuel 11.Manthe. Julie L. Essmann Antioch Faith 12.Moeller. JoAnn . C. Wobeck St. Luke Kenosha' 13. Nltz. Margaret D. Brohn . 14. Petermann. Margaret SoUth Haven St. Paul C. Wobeck St. Luke Kenosha 15. Rodmyre. Jane



Mr. Holzhueter Mr. Coliyard Mr. Krueger Mr. VIIski Miss Winkler Mr. Schmidt Mr. Pape Mr. Treder Mr. Dus Miss Kemper Miss Zimmerman Mr. Essmann Miss Lemke Mr. Brohn Mr. Wobeck

3-5 5-8 6-7 8 2-3 6 '3·5 7-8 3-5 2-3 1-2 4·5 1-2 6-8 7-8




,Thiensville 1. Bauer. David Beaver Dam 2. Havens. Richard Lake Mills 3. Ohm. Ronald 4. Rlmpel. Timothy Watertown Iron Ridge 5, Kraft. Carol Jefferson 6. Lervold, """rry Watertown, 7. Roekle; Diane _ Hustisford 8. SachS. Judy , Oconomowoc 9. ,Schoen. Kathy Ixonia 10. Splaser, Gall Oconomowoc 11.Spaude. Carolyn Thiensville 12.Steffen, Ann Watertown 13.Tessln. Cindy Ixonia 14.Wilde. Mary Watertown 15. Wynkoop. Carol

Lend-A-Hand: By Sue Pavlet Sign Language dinator

Club Coor-

Which newly·formed organization is offering learnIng experienees never introduced before on this campus? Who are those people who stand in lunch lines and hallways, contorting their fing~s in' strange ways? They



DMLC I{as Two Cross Country Teams

College Supervisor

Co!,gregatlon Principal


Calvary St. Stephens St. Paul St. Mark St. Matthew St. John St. John Bethany St. Matthew St. Paul St. Matthew Calvary Trinity St. Paul St. John

A. Nommensen

A. Nommensen A. Voigt J. Schultz Q. Albrecht D. Klitzke O. Degner C. Bartels T, Hunter R. Landvatter E. Sell. R. Landvatter 'A. Nommensen '. A. Krause E. Sell C. Bartels


7-8 7 F. Panning 6·7 Mr. Gronholz 7·8 Mr. Lemke K·2 Mrs. Friday 5 Mr. Marowsky Miss Lauersdorf 1 Miss Bruskewltz 3-4 4-5 Mrs. Sauer .1-2 Mrs. Zerlav 2-3 Mrs. Schramm 3-4 Miss Baumann 3-4 Mrs."Zuleger 3·5 Mrs. Sell 6 Mr. Anderson

Although the more prominent of the fall sports on campus is football, this article is not about football. I will inform you about one of lesser recognized sports, otherwise known as cross country. We have two cross country teams at DMLC. The men's team is coached by Prof. Paul Boehlke and Assistant Dean Stephen Hintz. The women's team is coached by Mrs. Jeanette Boehlke. The men's team has two returning veterans in Bob Kramer and Mark "Smiley" Leitzke. New recruits are Nathan Eberhardt, Paul Kaiser, Dave Niemi and Ed Raabe. After a slow start, the team has been steadily improving. The weekend of Homecoming found the team in St. Paul for the Concordia Invitational. In this race each member of the team ran .his best race of the year. With times improving as the season draws to a close, the team is

~ \ ----------~i


WlliLtTERARY 1 Ed. - This space Is for you, tbe student to fill. U you have an original poem or short story that you'd like to see In print, submit It to the editor for publication.

Setting: Two typical DMLC men on their way to first hour -. class. ' Herman: We should be kinder to our professors, though they such persons, The group was don't deserve it ... pleased to find an advisor that Harvey: Yeh, remember the . has a good background in this last term paper that was due on skill. Prof. Arras, who used it the same day an exam was with his deaf parents, has given given along with a few critiques welcome support and motivation to really get thili - ten to be exact. Herman: We must remember club off the ground. that they're grown-ups - a Meetings have been tendifficult stage of life ... tatively scheduled for every Harvey: It's a pity they don't Tuesday evening at 8:45, room slow down. 137.Each meeting consists of a Herman: They're apt to be review, something for fun, time nervous, over-excited, and for practice, and something easily angered ... new. Attendance at every Harvey: Remember the last session is not mandatory. The characteristic if you value your Sign Club extends an invitation life. to everyone, especially those Herman: Their daily storm who feel the calling to 'lend-aand strife confuses them to hand' to these often-neglected blindness ... people.

Got a Spare One?-

are some of the 65,~nthusiasts who attended the first official meeting .of Sign Club - an organization intent on exploring the world of the. deaf, with special concentration on learning Sign Language. , A surprising number of students have shown an interest in learning how to communicate manually because of past experiences or future possibillties of befriending or even teaching

looking forward to the TRCC conference meet to be held at the New Ulm country club on October 22. The final meet of the year will be the MRCC meet which will be at St. Paul Bible College. The women's team has three returning veterans in Kathy Hirsch, Renee Geiger, and Jodi Schumacher. New members of the team are Cindy Solofra, Diahann Amos and .Rise Rabenberg. The women have been competing in several large meets this year against much larger state schools. The , competition in these meets has been very stiff, but the women have been very successful in defeating Winona St. Mary's on several occasions. The women are looking forward to their state meet .In Duluth on November 5. We certainly hope that you will take an interest in your cross country teams because theirs is a long lonely race without your support.


Harvey: Then why do they call on me when I don't know the answer? Herman: Though it seems hard, I know the professors were students at one time ... Harvey: Incredible! You can't tell by their exams. , Herman: We should treat them with patience, sweet understanding and' a dash of respect in spite of their foolish ways, .. Harvey: That's a LARGE order to fill! Herman: One day we're going to wake up as teachers, too. Harvey: Man! That's right! That's why we're here. (Long pause) Harvey: They sure make it hard! Herman: Yeh, I know, ,.1 know!

If you are wise enough to learn from the experience of others, then you are smarter than most.


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. The Sign Language Club performs for the Ladies Auxiliary.


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October 31, 1977

DMLC Messenger

Page 8

DMLC Football Is Something to Watch

October 31 Now is the time for all good witches to test-flight their 'brooms and for goblins to practice hobgoblin'. Halloween, case you hadn't noticed, is tonight! Halloween or All Hallows Eve, the name given to October 31, now chiefly is known as the Eve of the Christian Festival. But it long antedates Christianity. The two chief characteristics of ancient Halloween were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that this is the one night in the year during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander. For most of us, however, Halloween has become a night of fun and frolic!

By Larry Czer

Coach Judy Wade watches as her win.

If you are one of the few who sit in your dormitory room on a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, beware! No longer can you study in quiet within the comfort and confines of your room. The DMLC Lancer football team is enthusing too many people, creating too much noise and providing too much excitement for you quiet bookworms. So far this season the Lancers are 3-2.They are off to their best start ever and Coach Dennis Gorsline says they are looking first volleyball team hustles for a for their best season in DMLC history. The Lancer defense has been outstanding, allowing only four touchdowns in five games. -Every game has been close, Dana 7 - DMLC 3, DMLC 7 Pillsburgy 3, Marantha 10 DMLC 9, DMLC 14 - Loras 8, and DMLC 14 - Concordia 8. out a couple of weeks. The season has been exciting. The second week was an There isn't a Lancer fan on abrupt reversal. Playing some campus that will argue that tough opponents, the Lanpoint. The scores may indicate cerettes dropped all three a boring season for the fans, but games. The team never really one has to disagree. He must got untracked against South learn to appreciate the big plays West and St. Olaf. They played on defense as well as on-offense better at Winona but couldn't and the Lancers have had many pull through in the clutch. of them. Their record' is not It appears that the team is indicative of the team's talent. experiencing a rebuilding The Lancers were only two program. Only six of the steps away from, an undefeated nineteen players are upperseason. classmen. Co-captains Karen The defense is getting all the Draeger and Crystal Roemhildt attention, but the offense has along with Carol Buelow and shown bright spots also. _ Beth Fischer returned from last The Dana game was very year's varsity team. Five close. The Lancers led at players advanced from the junior varisty, and six freshmen haUtime, ~. Dana scored a have been added to the varsity fourth-quarter touchdown to and J.V. roster. As the players steal the game. KIm Techlin become more familiar with had 'the lone DMLC scoring, a each other's play, the team 37-yard field goal. could become deadly. It The second home contest was definitely possesses. _the talent against Pillsbury. It was a and potential to be DMLC's best. tough, hard-hitting game. The volleyball team ever .. score for the Lancers came on a

Women's Volleyball Is New By Carol Dietz The key word for the DMLC volleyball team this year Is "new." Besides new uniforms and new players, they also have a coach who has introduced new plays and strategies. As most' know, the new coach is Judy Wade, a 1976DMLC graduate. Coach Wade has dug into her duffel bag of books and hauled out some very interesting strategies. She is very sincere about making the DMLC volleyball program a progressive one. So far she Is thoroughly confusing referees and opposing coaches with her maneuvers. One of the new strategies disposes of the typical "W" for service receiving. Miss Wade has replaced it with a cup or semi-circle, She is virtually using an eight-man starting line-up by constantly rotating two players into the game at designated times.

In the fll'st week of the season the varsi_tybuild their record to ~ as they went undefeated. They began the season by sweeping st. Paul Bible in three games'. The Lancerettes played their best game so far in a scrimmage against Mankato State. They were devastating against Mankato's hard hitting team, and fought their way back from an early deficit. Two days later they pulled out another victory against Bethel. However, Coach Wade was somewhat unhappy with the play-which was below potential. On October 1, the team traveled to St. Paul Bible. They almost let victory slip by them. Mter losing the first two games (the first one by a 16-14 score), they were behind 10-5 in the third game. Mter a time out, they got their momentum rolling and proceeded to win the last three games. The victory was rather costly though. Karen Draeger sprained an ankle and will be

.................•.. .



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28-yard pass from Paul Bauer to Mike Staerkel. The DMLC defense held off the Comets to preserve the victory. . The Lancers again almost won the game on defense against Marantha. The Lancers came back after a 7-3deficit to go ahead 9-7. But, alas, the Maranatha offense moved close enough to hit a field goal to win the game IG-9.After the' DMLC score, a 2-yard dive by Bauer, DMLC attempted a two-point conversion. The snap was fumbled and the play aborted. Coach Gorsline expressed his logic on why he went for the two points, "We knew they couldn't score a touchdown on us, but they had an excellent field.goal kicker. Had we made' it, we would have negated their kicker." The Lancers then rebounded for an upset over Loras College of Debuque, Iowa. Loras, a club football team, had' a good passing attack. The defense was very obstinate, giving up only one touchdown. DMLC scored on a 53-yard scamper by Tom Mulinix in the fourth quarter. Tod Bartholomew also scored earlier on a one-yard plunge. MuJinix had 125 yards rushing, a high for the season. Gorsline said, "We were very pleased to win; the team had unusual spirit; they played good basic football." The bench, if you've noticed. has been cheering vehemently, "DTJ" or "Do the job." When asked if he was surprised at this year's team, Gorsline replied, '''Not really, I think this Is the best team we've ' every had. We'll never get blown out of any game - including Concordia." The game against Concordia is covered on the Homecoming section in the, center of this issue.

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I. ~:j~~:m;'D;;H311~"I' "'31 Vol.68


November 22, 19'77 Nc'\~ (Tim, Minnt~ :~:~:=;::::::::::;:.:.:::::::;:;:::;:~:.:;:.:~:!:~:~:;:i:::~;:~:;:;:::9:;::;:::::!::;::!::;:::;:;::!::::::=;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;

DMLC Greets New Instructors Ed. - This Is the last In a series the new instructors. By Audrey Eckelberg


(1IackgrouDd) Jobn EIko uCleante, and Lynn SteiDmelZU.l!alle, are the two frustrated cbIldren of Frank Buscagllo u Harpagon, the foolish money-lover ill Moliere's famoUl!comedy, The MIser.

Campus Sees THE MISER The problems begin when his want to On November 4, the second of marry, but fear he won't allow this year's Lyceum series saw them to. But to their surprize, the produ~ion oLMoliere's. wh~.thev ,~~ me$,his The' Mfser7<"'nle'''P!aY''''wu-approvai':'''Ah,;out''''o("course,'' performed by the National there's a catch. He wants his Players, a touring group that daughter to marry his old, rich has performed around the friend, and suggests a girl to his world. A fine crowd expressed son, a girl whom both secretly it's approval ClIlI8tantIy as this love. Imagine the son's shock, excellent 11).member cast and however, when his father's the well-written play combined questions regarding the girl to make it an occasion to reveal the father's desire to remember. marry this girl. The National Players began The miser finds that love performing in 1949.They have costs, especially when he hires played 39 states, plus many a matchmaker named Frosine, countries in Europe and Asia. who is determined to separate The writer, Moliere, has been him from some of his wealth. compared to some of the best But because he wriggles out of playwrights of history. His paying, it leads him into more greatest gifUs his ability to get complications. us to laugh at ourselves. His wit, Meanwhile, his daughter and humor, and ability to make us to her lover planto run off, and his believe the ridiculous in his son easily wins the love. of plays certainly are talents that Marianne, the girl his father deserve him such a ranking loves. When he dIScOvers his among the world's best. gold is stolen, he calls the police The _play itself revolves in. The investigation leads to a around the Miser, Monsieur sudden' discovery of lost Harpagon. As the title in- relationships.~ as well as stolen dicates, he has a special love for money ~ a madcap and happy money -e- just to have it, though, ending, well-fitted for a play for even the thought of having to ,and performance of this highspend his riches senda him into caliber. acold_t. By Steve Groeulng

Last month you heard about the new music instructorsJ at DMLC. This month the remaining four new instructors will be featured. They are Professor Robert Averbeck, Mr. Stephen Hintz, Mrs. June Ring, and Miss Judith Wade. Professor Robert Averbeck originates from Fond du Lac, . Wis.He attended DMLC and did Prof. Robert Averbeck his graduate work at UWOshkosh. He has taught in Manitowoc, Oconomowoc, and . two years. He vicared at Lake Mills, Wis., and emergency Milwaukee previous to his call taught at Lakeside Lutheran to DMLC where he enjoys High School. He' attended the teaching Art and Human seminary for another half year Growth and Development. -Mr. Hintz is from Neenah, and accepted the call to teach at DMLC. The major part of his Wis. He attended Fox Valley call is being Assistant Dean, Lutheran High School and although he teaches speech and furthered his education at is assistant coach of the cross Northwestern College. He country team. He really enjoys graduated in 1972and attended working with the students here. the seminary at Mequon for

Mrs. June Ring is' from New Ulm. After she went to school ai DMLC she taught at Union Mission, Bylas, Arizona for four years and in Michigan for four years. For the past seven years she has done substitute teaching (both long and short tenn) in the New Ulm area. She accepted this one-year temporary call to teach fifth grade at St. Paul's. She is also supervisor •for the student teachers who go to St. Paul's. Miss Judy Wade originstes from Watertown, Wis -. She attended Northwestern Prep • and graduated from DMLC in 1976.She took one year off to attend UW-LaCrosse, where she took physical education cours-' es. While attending school, the athletic director of Viterbo asked Miss Wade to do -some coaching for the women's teams. She coached the college JV and Varsity volleyball and Cont. on page 2

son and daughter

Mr. Steven HlnIZ

Mrs. June RIng

Mission Fair Discusses World Field By Kathy Sievert

Our Mission Fair for this year was held on November 15. The emphasis this year was on world missions, while every other year the concentration was on home missions instead of world outreach. The fair was organized again by the mission committee. This committee· acts as an arm of Collegiate Council, though naturally all of the committee

members are not necessarily council members. The committee consisted of Jodie Schumacher (chairman), Karen Jorgenson, Sue Kanzenbaeh, and Dean Zemple., These members composed the large world map which was, on the stage for the mission fair. It was a day of inquisitive interest during which Pastor Kurt Koeplin informed us about the Asian mission and showed slides, and Pastor Arnold

DMLC Bands Entertain By Cheryl Schultz

Jazz Ensemble performed for an ample crowd in its first concert.

MIas Judy'Wade

Under the direction of the new band director, Prof. Roger Hermanson, the Concert Band and the newly-fonned Jazz Ensemble presented the Annual Fall Band Concert on November 10, at 8:00 p.m., in the Chapel-Auditorium. The Jazz Ensemble played three numbers. "The First Thing I Do," "Come Rain or Come Shine," and "Handel with


The Concert Band, numbering around 60, entertained the audience with such pieces as "Variations on a Korean Folk Song" by J.B. Chance, "Avataril" by M. Leckrone, "English Folk Song Sulte" by R.V. Williams, "Joyant Narrative" by V.F. McBeth" and ,"El Capitan" by John Philip Sousa. The Jazz Ensemble, numbering 21, is the first at DMLC. Thanks go to Prof. Hermanson for starting this band.

Mennicke told us about the African mission and also presented slides. There were also 15 breakout groups led by student leaders who were chosen from the student body. In particular, they discussed how to conduct a mission project in a Christian day school. The discussions . concerned such things as what is the goal of a Christian day school project ~ money or information? What is stewardship consciousness, and how is it demonstrated? How are mission goals publicized? Who chooses mission projects? How is money actually collected and distributed? Yes, the task of world missions is great, but rewarding! At the Synod convention this past summer, our Synod officials said we MUST make special efforts in the mission program. These are key years in 1977and 1978 and the convention resolved to send 10 new missionaries out into the field; this is 25 percent of what we now have out there. It is a daring resolution, but everyday such mission challenges add such meaningful zest to our lives!

DMLC Messenger

Page 2

Gustavus Adolphus Quartet By Cheryl Schultz "I wish I could play like Thanksgiving is approaching and It Is the time of year when we that!" could by heard from the count our blessings and give the Lord special thanks for the things audience as the String Quartet we have received from Him. from Gustavus Adolphus Whydon't we pause a moment, right now and think about those College of St. Peter ended their blessings - tick them off in our heads. Was a Christian education delightful evening of music. on that list? Did we also think of the special privilege that we have This talented group was heard of preparing for the public ministry? in a concert which was both Here at DMLC,we have the privilege of having all our classes entertaining and well worth taught in the light of God's Word. We are also' privileged' to.hear the attending on November 16, 1977 Lord's Word every morning and evening. How often, though, may at 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel. we not skip chapel in favor of 15 more minutes of study or sleep? Auditorium. Our Lord has commanded us in Hebrews 11':25 not to'forsake the Works they performed Inassembllngs of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; ... " cluded those by Mendelssohn We need this fellowship to get us through our studies. Sometimes and Dvorak. John McKay, a when everything Is going wrong, It seems that the sermon was pianist, joined them on the meant just for us and we are able to pick up and go on. Did we ever - plano for a numher entitled thank the Lord for that message? "Plano Quintet In A·Major" by We have a special calling to be workers in the Lord's harvest. . Dvorak. One may recall that Have we thanked Him for letting us be part of His work? This work McKay Joined the DMLC Is ever expanding but the fields waiting to be harvested are exConcert Band last March 24in a panding too. Next year, 33 new parochial schools in our Synod'are number entitled "Concerto in A· scheduled to open; Weshould thank the Lord for these new places to Minor" by Edvard Grleg. teach, but along with that prayer of thanksgiving we should also . The organizer of the string offer a prayer that the Lord would send more workers, "for the Quartet, founded In 1970, and fields are white unto harvest." who still directs It, Is Professor Gerald Lewis. Lewis Is a Professor of Music at the college.

r-----------------.------ ....._--.

II I!/ REPORT \ (f jI ·L____________ -----------II:cLLEGIATE



Ed. - This space 1s for you the student to fill. We welcome your comments on student rue on the campus. By Kathy Sievert

mission; Its new church and school lack many faclHties. Yet from almost 800 colleglates, .here Is the sad record of our chapel thanksgivIng: .

Spreading the "Good News" 10-6 - $102.95 Is interesting, challenging, and IG-13 - $1ll.02 meaningful work. But in our IG-20 - $98.88 mission goals, how many of us 11-3 - $112.35 are neither hearers nor doers? In America we take a. great The mission fair of November deal of things for granted and 15 was one of the biggest days of this school year. Juniors and. _have everything handed to us on a sUverplatter. We think we are seniors were excused from all handing mission stewardship their classes to attend the mission fair while the other _ back to God on thaI' silver platter, but every hour 5,417 underclassmen could attend It priceless souls go to meet their in .their free hours, But how Maker. _ many apathetically then Any mission opportunity designated mission fair as an should not be looked back upon extra day to sleep in?? as just a practice OrpiaYs in the And speaking of apathy, each Thursday how many of you: game of Hfe because we .never know when the final buzzer in remember YOlU' chapel mission Hfe will sound. Let the Holy offering for our own special Spirit move your heart now! mission project of Antigua? The potential enthusiasm to Antigua Is a relatively new score souls' Is too great and beautiful to be described in words; it must be carried to fresh heights immediately!

DMLC Mess~n~er

By Sue Kaozenbach

Senior Coneglate Council Representative This year's collegiate council representatives were elected earlier this fall. The senior representatives are Dean Zemple, Tom Zamstorff, SueKanzenbaek, and Gail Splaser. The junior class is represented by Jim Hahn, Greg Schmill, Pam Abel, and Hollie Kneser. Paul Berger, Bob Kramer, Peg Schumann., and Dawn Aswege are representing the sophomores. The spokesmen for the freshmen are Gene pfeifer, Michael Wilde, SueAnn Kienetz, and Dawn Dallman. The officers for this year are Pres. Chip Rupnow, V. Pres. -Mark Leitzke, Sec. - Julie Pfotenhauer, and Treas.Sue Gorz. On November, 15 the Mission Fair was held in the Chapel, Auditorium. The event was organized by the mission committee which Is an arm of the Collegiate Council. "World Missions" was the theme for this year's mission fair. The juniors and seniors were excused from classes for the day to attend the fair; underclassmen with free hours were also invited. Throughout the day the students heard how the Word of the Lord was being spread. Pastor Mennlcke from Winona, MN., Jresented a film lecture on Africa, and Pastor Koeplln from Milwaukee, WI., spoke on Asia. The rest of the day was filled with fellow students' reports on other mission fields. This year, breakout groups discussed how to set up a mission program in their own school. The day ended with the singing of hymns.


• )

T"t> OMLC MESSENGER 11 mediant.) Then suddenly, pvb~'!r.hl'ddUrinQ tre month!. of using his very sharp E.S.P., ce tcoer , November. nec emoer . Peter senses that something Is f-ett'uar.,.. """,th. April. /III.)'t ClM afoul at the Music Center. June. The- ~ubscr.ption prier IS I'M) dollar!.per annum. Singlelopies are Leaping to hisfeet, he exclaims twenty five ceets We reeveet to Joe, "Something Is afoul.at p.syment In ad v eece. All busine-s.5 the Music Center! Ibelieve that con:,"'unications ~hould be ad dr~~ed to 'he 8usiness I\!\anayt"". the notorious Professor Contributions trom all alumni. Dissonance (shudder, boo, IAldergr !)due tes. and f nrnd\ are hissssss. Is up to no good apprrci.ted. &galri! Qulck! This Is. a Job EDITOR Dawn Brooks for ... SUPERTONIC!!!! I" LAYOUT EDITOR Beth Ruege Jumping Into the nearest CIRCULATION MANAGER ... messy closet, he emerges _ Becky Hafemelster seconds later as ... SUPER· BusiNESS MANAGER ... TONIC!!! Dianne Fiebiger Will SUPERTONIC make it WRITERS Ramona Owens to the Music Center on time? Carol Dietz Larry Czer Will Sutmediant find his way Kathy Sievert ..• David Niemi out of the closet? Stay tuned -Audrey Eckelberg ..... Cheryl same paper, same typewriter, Schultz.. • • • .. Steve Groslnske same bored stiff author for . Becky Hafemelster .•••••. Mike more of... The Adventures of .Pfeifer Duane Ohland Supertollie. Steve Groening Betty Kuecker 00)

00 00 00 00


MI8II Jane AnnelaItad Prof. Roier Het'III8IIIOn

Cont. from page 1 . basketball teams. After graduating from UW·LaCrosse, she accepted a call to DMLC in the physical education department. She teaches sophomore women's phy. ed. 'and Is head volleyball 'coach, assistant basketball coach, assistant fast-pitch softball coach, and director of women's intramurals . The DMLC students and faculty welcome these new Instructors in their respective divisions and wish them an enjoyable and meaningful slay among us.

Terse Verse Want to be happy? There Is one way: Worry tomorrow And work well today ..

00 ••

00 00 • 00'

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. Carol Meier., Dianne Fiebiger LAYOUT .•... Sheree Bradtke Audrey Eckelberg PHOTOGAPHY DuaneOhland Karla Brelhmfeldt Steve Groslnske ARTISTS Janis Gygl Becky Hafemelster CIRCULATION Cheryl Schultz TYPISTS .. , .. Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz Kathy Sievert BUSI NESS .... Cheryl Schultz Audrey Eckelberg . ADV I SOR Prof. C.J. Trapp.


Applied Courage He peeked up at the beautiful lady beside him. .Then, he glanced again at his objective. But how was he to approach the subject ... FInally, he gathered up every ounce of manly courage and whispered: "Please, Mom, may I have another helping of that turkey?"

MI8II Rachel Gerlach

Look! There in the sky! Is it a bird? Is It a B-S2 bomber? A dying wasp? No. .vno.. .it's ... It's ... SUPERTONIC!!! Able to leap over crescendos with a single bound! Able to outrun the fastest flying arpeggi! .Able to crush dissonant tone-clusters with his bare hands!! SUPERTONIC, with his faithful sidekick, Submediant, strives to keep music pure and to protect poor, young starving music students from the .notorious Professor Dissonance (shudder, boo, hisssssss At the beginning of our story we find the humble, shy, and unassuming freshman, Peter Dlckleback (alias SUPER· TONIC,) sitting in his dorm room studying The Odyssey) with his constant companion, Joe Schmoe (alias Sub-

00 ...





Mr.J_BHbn MI8II VlcId.TlDDett


neb Voas.

, ,- November



Page 3


Guthrie Theater Presents

Ladies Auxiliary Visits. DMLC

AnutaaIa and others lLIten~ PrInce Bounlne Interrogates Dr_

Serensky, an acqualntanee from her past.

Anastasia Returns from the Dead'

Student Teaching Schedule November 14.January 20

Second Quarter

St. Paul's, New Ulm

Antigua Mission


It is to this home mission that

Thursday morning offerings bave been going for the months of October and November. This money will be used to buy materials for the school. These chlldren really crave the kind of education that they get In our school,

The Valenzuelas are now living here in New U1m whJle Phil is attending DMLC for his ~catlon.


They -were there as Peace Corps Volunters teaching In schools. When they first" received their assignments, their reaction was much like ' yours, "Where is It?" Antigua is a sma11 island In the.Carribean. The name means beautiful island. "I There is one WElS church on .'! island and this church is our: only church between Puerto Rico and South America. It is In the city of St. John's, which is the capital. We also have a school there In connection with· the church.

Ruth Goetzinger J. Gary Cox David Lepke

Miss Schuetze Prof. Brei APPLETON AREAStudent

Antigua. Your first reaction to that name might be, what is it or where is it? This place is important because there is a WElS church there, and has been for the ·last tour years. What do you know,about it? -On October 25, Phil and Deborah Valenzuela gave a slidIi lecture about Antigua and our mission there. Phil has I1ved there for the past four years and Deborah for the past three


Professor Ingebrltson,

Congregation -

Grace St. John-St. James Trinity First German St. John's (Newtonburg) 6. Grosse, Patricia Green Bay St. Paul 7. Maasz, Janet Reedsville St. John-St. James 8. Relssman, Nadine Fond du Lec St. Peter ,9. Rieger, LuAnn Manitowoc First German 10. Sauck, Rebecca Fond du Lec Faith 11. Schulz, Rebekah Neenah Trinity 12. Sebald, Rachel ' Neenah Martin Luther 13. Ubel, Susan Oshkosh__._ Grace

1. Hauf, Todd Oshkosh 2. Hosbach, Daniel Reedsville 3. Mullnlx, Thomas Kaukauna - 4. Zarnstorff, Thomas Manitowoc 5. Caskey, Anna Manitowoc



West Salem Winona 2. Fischer, Fonda Belle Plaine 3. Sting, Eldon Dakota 4. Zemple, Dean 5. Breitenstein, Susan Sparta laCrosse 6. Draeger, Karen Belle Plaine 7. Garbow, Annette Bangor 8. Gergen, Carol laCrosse 9. Hagen, Mary West Salem 10. Hldde, Cheryl Winona 11. Huff, Charmaine 12. Kanzenbach, Sue LaCrosse laCrosse 13. Zellmer, Betty 1. Braun, Bruce

"W.t.h out for that now ~•• cher. I he.r h. In•• kl upon you."




College Supervisor




R. Westphal E. Brassow R. Moldenhauer W. Sievert E. Bartsch

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

7 Dept.

P. Koepsell E. Brassow S. Schafer W. Sievert G. Graf J. Groth M. Kruse R. Westphal

Mr. Koss Mr. Brassow Mrs. E. Schroeder Miss Martinsen Mrs. W. Fuhrmann Mr. Schneider .Miss Haese Mrs. J. Witt

Professor Arras,

Lippert Pantzlaff Moldenhauer Akers Bartsch

7-8 7-8

5-6 6-8

5 5-6 2 1·2 1-2 6 3-4 2

College Supervisor




Christ St. Matthew Trinity St. John St. John Mt. Calvary Trinity SI. Paul Mt. Calvary Christ St. Matthew First First

P. Kramer G. Kastens M. Schultz D. Nell M. Peper L. Robbert M. Schultz R. Brown L. Robbert P. Kramer G. Kastens G. Follendorf G. Follendorf

7-8 Mr. Kramer 5-6 Mr. Dorn 5-6 Mr. Vatthauer 5-8 Mr. Nell 2-3 Mrs. R. Jandt 3 Miss Brinkman Mrs. J. Buszmann 1·2 1-2 Miss Becker Mrs. R. Rasch Mrs. O. Mammel 1-2 Mrs. G. Klekbusch 7 5-6 Mr, Follendorf 3-4 Mrs. E. Viner


~. _.,~November 22, 1971

DMLC Messenger

Football Ends Season 4-4 By Larry Czer The Lancers! Yes, the DMLC Lancers have put together their best season ever with four wins Weber will be out for five weeks and four losses. By Larry Czer The Lancers lost a close one with a: fractured arm. A Women's Track and Field at Northwestern-Watertown,21Welcome to the world of 13, then came back to whip Lancer athletics: tidbits, team is In the machinery for the NWC-Roseville,21-7, but they "info," and a little news for future. There are rumors for All- ended the season on a sour note your reading enjoyment and by losing to Mt. Senarlo, 33-6. Conference football players knowledgeof sports. Against archrival NWCThis year brings about many floating around. Some names changes: a new president, a that were mentioned were Tom WatertoWn, DMLC trailed at new World Series Champion, Mullnix,Jim Hahn, Paul Bauer, the half, 14-13. The Trojans and the idol of all athletes, Billy Kim Techlln, Tim Baneck, and scored a flnal touchdown In'the Carter. There are also changes Bill Plamann. There are also secondhalf. DMLC'sfirst score at DMLCthis year: new faculty rumors about MVP's ... co- came on a 57-yardrun by Tom members, more students and defensive backs - Bauer and Mullnix on the first play from Baneck, co-defensive linemen . scrimmage. The other score new faces. The athletic department has changes, too. - Plamann and Techlln, of- was totaled on a 2{).yardpass Miss Judy Wade is the new fensive back - Tom Mullnix, from quarterback Tod Barvolleyball coach, and Prof. offensiveend - Jim Hahn, and Dennis Gorsline takes over offensivelineman - Gary Baln. basketball. Goodluck to both In The 1977-78Wrestling team their respective seasons. (it's a favorite of mine) looks "A fast, hustllng team," is promising. Returnees bow Coach Gorsline described Greschner, Plamann, Starn and By Carol Dietz his 1977-1978 Lancer basketball Ebeling along with newcomers team. DMLC lost five key should wrest the conference One of the Intriguing features players from last year's team. ' crown from Pillsbury. of sports is that it is so highly Coach Gorsline will have his However, It is sad to say that unpredictable. It certainly was work cut.out for him, especially the Lancers lost their "star so for the women's volleyball heilvywelght" from last year! JIOw becauae bopeful Daryl team at DMLC. The season began with high hopes, but aspirations weren't quite fulfilled. On October 11 the team played St. Cates, a school that placed fifth In nationals last year In women's volleyball. The Lancerettes tried hard, but wound up losing all three games. Twodays later they met Augsburg. The Augsburg team even turned out to be. tougher than St. Cates. They had some awesome hitters. However, the DMLC women did quite well against them, losing by only 2or 3 points In each game. Coach '. Wade felt it was probably the ¥ ...__/ 'iJ finest over-all performance for the DMLCteam up to that point. The cross Country greatly Improved as the season progressed. Gustavus .opposed DMLC Next year, they are lookingforward to a really great year. Above team members Nathan Eberhardt, Dave Niemi, Mark Leitzke, Bob next. It was a poor and very ~~ disappointing match for the Kramer, and Ed RaaDe take a practice run. .

tholomew, to tight end Jim Hahn. Coach Gorsline commented on the game, "The defense didn't playas well as earlier In the season; NWC probably had its best game. We just had too many costly errors." TheNWC-Rosevillegame was a highlight. In the 21-7victory, Tom Mullnix scored on a 17yard draw play, Jim Hahn scored on a 5-yard pass, and QB Tod Bartholomew took It over from the one. The defense "bent· but didn't break '" DMLc was beaten on'·the ~tistlcs sheet but wonthe game. Paul Bauefs three interceptions. kept Roseville from scoring. The lone sour note of the , season came against Mt.

Senarto, 33-6. This game was just the opposite of the Roseville contest - DMLC outdlst8riced~ Mt. Senarlo, but failed to put the. ball In the endzone. DMLC's ,score came ontwo field goals by Kim Techlin, 23 and 26 yards. Gors!iJ\esaid of this defeat," It was our worst. game; the defense played well but we got beat on the big play." , Even. though finishing 4-4, DMLC . is assured of a. cochampionship in the Twin Rivers' Collegiate Conference (TRCC). Gorsline In retrospect of 1977, "This is the best team overall; they were well-balanced and played bard. All the games were close, they could have gone either way." ~

Volleyball Disappointing



~ S uppor . . t O·ur D M LC Messenger Patrons Alwin Electric, Inc.

Berger's Jewelry Book-Nook-Mary Lue's Yarns Chapter One \

Citizen's Bank Coast to Coast Colo.nlal Inn Country Kitchen

Dr. George J. Germann

DMLC Lancerettes. They lost by large University of~esota. margins In both the second and was outniatched, as they lost In third games ofthe evening. This three games. State Tournament was next was probably the low point of the season as it moved their on the agenda. The Lancerettes found themselves I seeded 13 In losing streak up to six games. The girls finally got things 'the 2O-teain tournament. The tournament was divided Into moving the other way again four pools. DMLCwas placed In the very next night they defeated Southwest ~State. It . a pool with the eventual was the second meeting of the champs, UM-Duluth, and the year for the two teams and third place finishers, Augsburg. proved very exciting. It went The .Lancerettes lost to both down to the fifth game before those teams and then split two DMLCwon by a score of 15to 9. games with both Concordia Moorhead and Northwestern. It was an especially satisfying win since it was the last home -,Because only the top two teams In each pOOl advanced, the game of the year. Lancerettes were eliminated. In their next game, the Althc.ughthe team didn't live Lancerettes lost to Concordia.It was a match they could've won, up to all the expectations set by but didn't. After that, they lost flillsand players alike, they had to Carleton. They salvaged the an exciting season.. Displaying week by beating Northwestern, some fine talent, they treated Roseville. Karen Kraklow, th~ fans to' some very good volleyball games. And with the Beth Fischer, and Lori Landry played well In _all three mat- experience gained this year, ches. The last game of the there is a strong foundatiOnfor season was against the next year's team.

. Kean's - Cook Paint

Ebert's Chalet Ehler's Elchten Shoes, Inc.


Kemske Paper·· Company Ken's Shoe Repair I

Kentucky Fried Farmers and Merchants Chicken State Bank Ki ng 0f t he Road Restaurant Fireside Restaurant' and Lounge KNUJ RADIO AM860 - F M93.1 The Pair That Fischer-Rexall Drugs Takes You Everywhere

Friske Photo Service Green Clothier's, Inc. Herberger's

Meyer Studio New Ulm Clinic

New Ulm Drug and Camera . Holiday Best Western Motel New Ulm Motel House of Friendship New Ulm Travel Agency . Jake's Plzza-


Patrick's Jewelry : Patterson Jewelry Polta Drug Quik Stop Restaurant Retzlaff's Hardware Shayd's of Color . Sherwin Williams Snyder .Drugs Spelbrink's Clothing Stan's Red Owl State Bank and Trust Style Stable Wallner 'Construction Company, Inc. , Wllfcihrt Brol.,·lnc. Vogelpohl's

- -



._ 2ML(1

Dr. Martin Luther Collelle

MESSENGER, ~ Vol. 68,No. 3 December 15, 1977 New Vim, Minnesota _



..... :....... •... : .... : "IE'!...





College Hosts LD Seminar By Mary Wilde

'l1IlI111 a small part of tilt %,995 pipes belongIDgto the Jolmson and Son organ ",hicb was seen InMaDkato by tbe Organ Club.

Historic Organ Seen When. tbe sisters at Good Counsel realized that a new organ was needed for their chapel and that one was Thursday, November 3, was available, they decided to a day the members of Organ purchase it. Two large vans Club enjoyed a rare treat. 'l1IlI shipped the twenty tons ot organ was the day they saw an historic to Mankato with a minimum of _organhoused in the Chapel of damage. Upon its arrival, both Our Lady. of Good Counsel in the chapel and the organ were Mankato.'='· - ~,',,-,....-, .... ~':inade"'ready: Much of the The members of Organ Club balcony seating was removed to and their drivers were greeted make room. All the pipes were at the door by two Sisters from cleaned and the facade pipes the Good Counsel and were were repainted. The console given a brief history of the Good and the rest or the organ's Counsel convent. Then, after woodwork was refinished. The being st.own to the chapel, each actual installation took several member of the club was given a months, but the organ was chance to play the organ while finally ready for use for the the rest were informed about its Mass on Christmas Eve, 1975. history. Fully assembled, it contains The historic Johnson and Son sixty-four ranks and forty-five organ was formerly housed in stops on three manuals and the Church of St. Mary of the pedal. There are a total of 2,995 Sacred Heart in Boston, Mass. speaking pipes.

By Dave Ihgen . A Member of Organ Club

Scholarships Announced On the basis of the student's. comulative grade point average. at the close of the 1976-77school year, the College Faculty announced the recognition of the following students for Outstanding Academic Achievement: Seniors: Steven Beilke, cathryn cares, Jeffrey Hugo, Doris Kitzerow, and Joann Martin. Juniors: Jeanine Heller, Stephanie Kell, Roger Kramp, Sharon Reichel, Greg Schmill, Deb Schmolesky, and carolyn Sieh. Sophomores: Betty Meyer, Eileen Plath, Crystal Roemhildt, Susan Schedler, Margaret Spaude, and Robert Waedekin. The Aid Association for Lutherans Church Vocations College Support System Grant of $11,000was the source of the fWldsfor these scholarships as well as Grants-in-Aid to 'l1other students.


The campus family was pleased to welcome Mr. Melvin Precht of Austin, Mrs. Hilde Gronholz of New Ulm, and Mrs. Maria Krueger of Courtland to the campus .on Wednesday, November 16. The reason for this visit was to present the Theodore and Maria Precht Scholarship award for 1977. This award was established by the children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other family members and friends in memory of the father and mother of the above named people. In March, 1973, ¢is family established the award and since that time has made awards of $7000to DMLC students. This award provides tuition assislance to students selected on the basis of scholarship and need. "That Others Might be Trained for Work in the Church" is the theme of this scholarship. The 1977 recipients are Ann Steffen and Joan Engel. ,

a learning disability. A child poor memory skills. A learning with a learning disability is not disabled child may have some Hyperactivity. Dyslexia. mentally retarded or of these symptoms or others, These are two terms which we emotionally disturbed, He does but not everyone. as future teachers have learn- not have trouble learning Working with the parents of a ed. At some time in our because of environmental learning-disabled child may be teaching ministries we may disadvantages. The learna problem. Some parents will come in contact with a child ing-disabled child shows a accept their child's problem who is hyperactive or has significant difference between and cooperate with the teacher dyslexia, or some other learhis abilities and his acand school. Others will reject ning problem. complishments. He may do any help, or blame themselves To assist teachers in our very well in some subjects but or the teacher and school. schools in the Minnesota very poorly in others. Parents must remember that District, DMLC hosted a Although there is no one set of the child is an individual, not an Learning Disabilities Seminar symptoms for which to look, it is extension of .his mother and on Nov. 16, to which the DMLC important to recognize the father. Many parents feel their seniors were also invited. The learning disabled child as early child's successes and failures guest speakers from the as possible. The sooner the are their own successes and Wisconsin Lutheran Child and problen. is recognized, the failures. They may not find Family Service in Milwaukee sooner an educational plan can themselves able to support and were John Juern and Fred be arranged. Some normal encourage their child with his Matzke, The talk was divided children may show some of the problems but find it easier to into three main sections - an symptoms of a learnshow disappointment. introduction to learning ing-disabled child, but that When working with the disabilities, and how to work does not mean they have a learning-disabled child, or in with parents of these children. problem. Likewise, because a talking with his parents, we Children with learning child has a lot of energy and is must remember that the child is disabilities may appear to be always on the go doesn't mean a child of God. Even though we lazy, unmotivated, mentally he is hyperactive. may become' discouraged in retarded, or just "dumb." Some symptoms of a learning working with the child, we These children are lumped into disability are general clumcannot deny him the opa .vague category called siness or awkwardness; clifportunity of a Christian "learning disabled." But what ficulty in reading, writing, or training. Although the child is a learning (jIsabiJity?-As-Mr.-.drawing;-difflculty In-Iearning·u.-,may-bave -Ieammg -problems, Juern and Mr, Matzke said, it is abstract ideas such as above i he can love and grow in faith in almost easier to say what is not inappropriate behavior; and Jesus. •

DMLC Receives AAL Grants Our college, DMLC, has received grants from the Aid Association for Lutherans in the total amount of $41,200.00 in addition to the $11,000.00 which was given for student support in scholarships and grants-in-aid. The college benefited from the use of this money in three major areas: 1) faculty support, enabling ten, faculty members to participate in degree seeking post-graduate programs and in study tours. Six of the-faculty members are advancing toward doctorates through the assistance of

grants, two towards master programs, and two participated in overseas study tours. 2) Half of the monies were used for institutional support enabling microfilming of valuable college documents and other resource materials of historical value, tile implementation of a speech therapy program for prospective Lutheran teachers, and to support faculty forums. The most recent forum took up the topic: The Historical Roots of DMLC Education-Luther and or Erasmus. Two guest

lecturers were Dr. Lewis Spitz Jr. of Stanford University and Dr. E-W Kohls of Marburg University in Germany. In this area through funds for cultural enrlcbment, renowned pianist Paul Badura-skoda will visit the campus in February of 1978, a traveling exhibit will be obtained from the Smithsonian and also Ii traveling art exhibit. 3) Grants-in-aid will permit wider participation in the summer sessions by teachers who graduated 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years ago.

We Celebrate in the True Spirit By Katby Sievert The Christ Child who constitutes the real meaning of this joyous season always deserves first place in our hearts. Thus it was natural that Mr. Hintz opened our Christmas service on December 6 with a song service of praise interspersed with Scripture readings concerning this great miracle. Our 1977D.M.L.C. Christmas Party then followed tm-, mediately. We noted that Rich Schwarz and Dave Bauer were excellent "MC's" for tbe program. After humorous dialogue from Rich and Dave, we also enjoyed a great deal of other fine talent. (Cont. on page 2)

The "children" argue over who geta !be last CbrIIItmal tree In town In the Children'S Theater skit.


DMLC Messenger

Page 2


December 15, )977


'---~-·-:~·~---~'~-:-l· Meet the Cheerleaders

We all have the Christmas spirit and everyone is eagerto go home. But with the coming of December and the Christmas Spirit, has our school spirit fled? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to the spirit shown on the weekend of the Lancer Classic. There was plenty of spirit there, especially when we played or wrestled against NWC. But there was definitely a lack of spirit shown the following Monday when our women's basketball team played their first home game against Bethel. True, the team lost. But did you ever pause to think that it might be because of your lack of attendance? There were very few people there to cheer them on to a victory. After all, the Lancerettes are also a part of our school and they deserve as much backing as we give any of our men's teams. AIurther lack of school spirit was shown when two people who had volunteered to lead some cheers got up to do so, and no one cheered with them! In fact, some even laughed! The men have cheerleaders. What is wrong with the girls having the same? Don't they deserve to be backed just as much and as strongly as their counterparts? But maybe "counterpart" is the wrong word to use. According to the action shown at last Monday's game, girls' athletics isn't even worth showing up for or backing. Come on, DMLC! Let's get out there and show our support for the Lancerettes! They need it just as much as the men do. They also represent our school. Let's get out there and show that we are proud of them and our school!

By Audrey Eckelberg The student body faced a tough decision in choosing six cheerleaders to back the Lancers. The cheerleaders for next season are Peggy Eckley, Debbie Leitze, Cyndi Plamann, Wanda Schmidt, Becky Schultz, and Karen Sell. An excellent job was done by all who tried-out. Out of these six, five are returning cheerleaders. They are juniors Peggy, Cyndi, Becky, and Karen and Wanda, a sophomore. Deb, the new member of the squad, is a freshman. These cheerleaders have all had previous experience cheering the teams in their respective high schools on to victory. Peggy, Wanda, and Debbie come to us from Manitowoc Lutheran. Cyndi is from Fox Valley Lutheran, Becky comes from Northwestern Prep, and from Lakeside Lutheran we have Karen. Congratulations to the new cheerleaders! But they need our help to cheer the Lancers on to victory through this next basketball season!

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When we left our heroes, we were about to hear Submediant exlaim, "Good night, Svpertonic, don't you ever wash your socks?" as he stumbled out of the closet. Supertonic: "Well, I always have my mother do my wash when I go home!" Submediant: "But Supertonic, you haven't been home for 2'h months!" Meanwhile, while our heroes were discussing the value of liquid bleach, the notorious Prof. Dissonance (shudder', boo, hiss) struck at the Music Center. He forced the poor,.

.,A .


~~2!.'1X!~L~, -

starving music students to . chant and sing the Hallelujah Chorus over and over until they were driven mad or until they had developed perfect pitch! (whichever came first). And in the meantime, horror of horrors, he kidnapped Prof. Hermanson!! Will Supertonic ever make it to the Music Center? Will Prof. Hermanson escape the clutches of Prof. Dissonance? '(or the band?) Will Christmas ever come? Tune in next issue for the next exciting adventure of SUPERTONIC!!!!

Christmas Party

'Twas the night before vacation, And all through the dorms Not a student was sleeping, All prayed for no storms. The clothes were all packed In the suitcases with care, In hopes that Mom's washer Wouldn't be gone for repair. The students were restless And not in their beds, 'Cuz visions of the 'real world' Danced in their heads. Mrs. Seigler on her sofa And Dean Huebner home in bed Were dreaming of two lovely weeks With no hassles, worry, or dread. The classes were over And the studying all done, Except vacation homework, Which is never any fun. The dorm decorations Have slipped out of view. The parties were successful And the gifts given, too. The concert was magnificent! The songs instilled a chill. The "Hallelujah Chorus" Was the greatest heart-felt thrill. As we dash around in circles To tell our friends 'good-bye,' The thought of us all parting Brings a tear-drop to the eye. We joyfully exclaim As we drive on our ways, "Farewell, dear DMLC, We'll be gone for seventeen days!" By Betty Kuecker

Terse Verse ,Half our lives are spent in dreaming Of the deeds we're going to do. The other half in valnly wondering Why our dreams do not come


When you're right, you can afford to keep your temper. When you're wrong, you can't afford not to. The world's work is done every day by people who could have stayed in bed but didn't.

(Cont. from page 1) Tom Kaletka, Paul Weihing, and Sheree Bradtke joined in "A .Tribute to Bing Crosby." Twelve members of Children's Theater then demonstrated their own unique creation of a skit about a Christmas tree which no one- wanted. The "Me's", plus Dan McMiller, then joined in a round as three characters around" lamp post. Steven Mertin and Dianne Dropp went on to change the

''Let me lee yo_ bud," Me DaveHager A,.. to .... partaer Rlell Scbwartz. Dave along with Judy Metzger and strummin' country style. sang "Do You Hear What I After three carols with the guitar and dulcimer, they Hear?" after this, the entire audience in the auditorium concluded by presenting "Cripple Creek" with the banjo. joined in traditional carols sung Next, the Ungemach sistersin the true and proper spirit of Laura, Tina, and Margaret, this joyous celebration. along with their pianist Jo Moeller, blended harmonies for DMLC us in some more popular carols.

. Messenger


The DMLC ME~~ENGER 15. pvbl'~hc.·d (JvrinQ the' montt'e. of (.;Ctober , NOv ernoer , oec eroee-: .'tt1'vary. Nw'Ir<.h. APril. N\lJv and June Thr ~uDs(r,pllon pe.ce '50I'M) dolldr!, ~r annvm Slnglr lO~H(.'5life twenfy five <.enU" We r ecve st !~~\;:~;s:~:;:::;:;:;;::;:;:;::r.~:;:::;:;:;::f.:=:::;:::::~:f.:::~::::t::::::~;::::::::::::~::::::::::::;:::::::::=:: payment In ecveoce. All bvsinMoS ccroo.cotc euons ~hould be ad By Becky Hafemelster bad ones at me. drt'~l"d 10 Ihp ~u\in~s ,v.."navt"f'". Herman: Your fingers will Contt .hutiuns. from all alumni. Setting: Herman and Harvey und~ryraduates. and IritnC15 art get exercise on typewriter. . aDprE'<laled. . coming out of their 8th hour

class. Harvey: Another paper! Herman: Hmmm ... yes. That's what the man said. Harvey: They're trying to kill us! Herman: No, they just want _us to gain more knowledge. Harvey: No, that's just camouflage. They're trylng to blow our minds! Herman: Just think of all the books we get to read ... Harvey: That makes five books all due before Thanksgiving! . Herman: Books that you would never otherwise read ... Harvey: Because they are written in a foreign language! Harvey: I'm under control. .. I'm under control. Herman: I'm just trying to find good points. .Harvey: Got any better ones? Herman: That was my best one. Harvey: You're kidding? Herman: No... Harvey: Throw some of your


Harvey: I've got the piano for that! Herman: Oh. Harvey: Besides, you can break your fingers on those typewriters. Herman: Oh, this should be good. Harvey: Hey, come on, it's true! Just imagine doing sixty words a minute and suddenly your finger slips off a key and get's jammed in all that hardware. You could bust a finger doing that. (Pause)

Herman: (smiling) You only use one finger. Harvey: Yea, well I can really make that finger move. Herman: I can't even read your papers. It looks as if you used a ChInese typewriter. Harvey: If you have to read a foreign book, I can write my paper the same way. _ Herman: I love your logic. Harvey: Yea, it comes .ln handy sometimes.

EDITOR Dawn Ilrooks ASSISTANT EDITOR ... Mary Wilde CIRCULATION MANAGER . . . . . . . . . .. Becky Hafemelster BUSINESS MANAGER .............. Dianne Fiebiger WRITERS RamonaOwens Carol Dletz Larry Czer Kathy Sievert .. Luann Degner Audrey Eckelberg ..... Cheryl Schultz Steve Groslnske Becky Hafemelster .... " Mike Pfeifer Duane Ohland Steve Groening Betty Kuecker Carol Meier .. Dianne Fiebiger LA YOUT ..... Sheree Bradtke Audrey Eckelberg . Larry Czer Ramona Owens . Paul Welhlng PHOTOGRAPHY Duane Ohland Karla Breltenfeldt Steve Groslnske ARTISTS JanlsGygl Becky Hafemelster CIRCULATION Cheryl Schultz TyPiSTS ...... ,. Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz .. Kathy Sievert BUSiNESS .... Cheryl Schultz Audrey Eckelberg ADVISOR ... Prof. C.J. Trapp

Hall to Santa


EMMANUEL - We Rejoice At His Birth Santa Claus; as we know him today - jolly smile, round, red cheeks and chunky figure - is

Who Would Have Thought? A babe layin a manger, very small. The only room, for Him was in a stall, Yet a tender smile reigned on His face Who'd ever guess what sufferings He would taste?

PRELUDE BY CONCERT BAND Fanfare Prelude: "0 HowShall I Receive Thee" .. J. Robert Hanson Noel Suite Louise-Claude Daquin . arr. Philip Gordon ChristmasSuite ' Harold L. Walters i. 0 Come, 0 Come, Immanuel ii. The Sleep of the Child Jesus iii. What Child Is This? Fantasy on a Bell Carol Edward J. Madden Variations on an Echo Carol Wilford Lawshe

the creation of two famous men. The first was Clement Clark Moore, author of "A Visit to St. Nicholas," better known to us as "Twas the Night Before Christmas." Moore actually described Santa and gave him the famous reindeer and sleigh. The second man, who put the actual likeness of Santa on paper to illustrate Moore's poem, was Thomas Nast, a great cartoonist. Nast drew the familiar, fat, merry, old fellow with red cheeks, and white beard, dressed in red, wearing II cap and boots, carrying a pack of toys, and smoking a short pipe.

His humble origin, it showed no sign Of the fact that He was truly One divine. Wrapped up in swaddling clothes and hay unfurledWho'd think He'd be the Saviorofthe world? No nation-wide announcement was made known, But in the East a new star brightly shone, And from an angel some poor shepherds heard That He had come and thus fulfilled the Word.

PROCESSIONAL o Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel( College &Academy Choirs) . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. setting: Kermit Moldenhauer

No pompous throng resounded at His birth, Yet He was born to be the King of Earth. Where would His army come from and His shield To back Him on the bloody battlefield?

EMMANUEL - Long Awaited Hosanna to the Sonof David (Chapel Choir) ... Edwin Penhorwood Lift Up Your Heads (College Chorale) Andreas Hammerschmidt ed. Donald Rotermund The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns (Academy Chorus) setting: Theo. Beck . Hark, a Thrilling Voice is Se.mding Robert Wetzler

Wrong Hollday Little Junior stood in the department store line for long anxious moments. There were many others ahead of him, all ws!ting to make their wishes known to the jolly, fat Santa Claus. But patience is rewarded. Finally, Junior stood alone and unafraid before Santa. "And what will you have this Christmas?" boomed Santa. "Trick or Treat!" demanded Junior.

His Kingdom would not be on earth, said He, And few would follow Him along the way; But those whowould, and to His throne draw nigh Willreign with Him in peaceful bliss on high. If only I'd believed all that was told And listened to the prophecies of old Instead of listening to the thoughts of men But who'd have ever thought He'd come again?

EMMANUEL - Humbly Born From Hean'n Above to Earth I Come (Cong.&Choirs) .... setting: James Engel Were YouThere on that Christmas Night? (Treble Choir) ................................................... Natalie Sleeth Cradle-Song of the Shepherds (Treble Choir) . arr. Victo~ia Glaser Alleluia (College Choir) .. Randall Thompson A Great and Mighty Wonder (College Chorale) ..... arr. Luigi Zaninelli This Night a Wondrous Revelation (Chapel Choir) ... Donald Rotermund ItCame Upon the Midnight Clear (Academy Choir) arr. Sidney Johnson .

Up, Up, and Down Fast Man first took flight on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina when Orville and Wilbur Wright got their craft off the ground and over the sand dunes. The first flight, with Orville at the controls, lasted only 12 seconds. . Later the same day, brother Wilbur managed to stay aloft' for 59 seconds. A throng of five braved the December cold to watch the historic tryouts. The Wright Brothers actually practiced their early aerodynamic experiements and made many of the parts for that first airplane in. their bicycle shop in Dayton.

THE OFFERING Salvation Is Created (Concert Band)

Tscheshokoff arr. Bruce Houseknecht

EMMANUEL - Greatly Praised Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord (Cong. & Choirs) setting: Ronald Shilling' . ~ o Come, All Ye Faithful (Academy Choir) arr. Michael Frazier Gloria (Academy Chorus) Kent Newbury Come, Let Us Praise the Lord (College Chorale) Heinz Werner Zimmermann Now WeSing (Chapel Choir) Michael Praetorius ed. and trans. Ronald Shilling Rejoice Exultantly (College Choir) Sethus Calvisius Hallelujah Chorus (College and Academy Choirs) G.F. Handel RECESSIONAL Silent Night (College and Academy Choirs) .....



E.D. Backer

BB Players into New Things The First TIme By David Bauer

I never was a nervous person. Not that I could remember. I'd . felt some butterflies. when involved in a car accident, but it hadn't been my fault. should I have worried? Appearing in court didn't shake me either. The judge had a fatherly air. I knew I was innocent. Why should I worry? I didn't. That is, I never used to. Kids had never scared me either. I'd beat up my punk brother regularly, and kicked his friends out of my room without a second thought. I couldn't beat up twenty-five kids, though, even if half of them were girls. Sooner or later they'd get me down, sit on me, kick me, gouge me. '1'11 suffocate under their weight. I could feel the pressure building

By Larry Czer How do you replace seven top players from a previous championship basketball squad? That is the question facing new coach Dennis Gorsline for this season. The Lancers suffered the loss of seven seniors from one of the best Lancers teams. Gorsline, who assumed the full-time coaching of basketball from C6ach Dallmann, inherits only five returnees; only one is a senior 6' 6" center, Rick Loh-

on my chest. Twenty-five screaming, hideous faces accusing me. Twenty-five clawing, scratching hands. Twenty-five writhing bodies pinning me helplessly down. Heavy. Heavy. The weight was unbearable, crushing. My lungs were burning, crying for air. My hands were pushing into a mass of swarming, churning, demoniac bodies. Pleasure was ,.,.",1,,"0'" written on every face. Bent on . to be sick. .destruction. Victorious! I never used to have night,Triumphant! I lashed out. My mares. My dreams had always hand smashed fiercely into been filled with pleasant events, something solid, immovable. I friendly faces, mountain awoke. scenery. I'd never awakened Sweat drenched my body. My hand quivered in space. Blood shivering with fright in the early hours of the morning, oozed from broken knuckles. A dully groping for blankets chill shook through my body. I violently wrenched free and reached futily for blankets insanely hurled in an untwisted in a mass on the floor controllable rage. But, then, across the room. A second chill I'd never been student teaching convulsed me. I felt weak and nauseous. I thought I was going either.

miller. However, DMLCwon't have a disastrous season. Even though they lost to Northwestern's Trojans 72-68, in the first round of the Lancer Classic, they still showed poise and hustle. There were many costly turnovers in that game. "I'm glad we played well," said Gorsline. "Most people expected us to get blown offthe court." Lohmiller led the team with 16 points. The next night DMLC won a thriller in overtime 78-69 over Pillsbury. Acain, turnovers hurt the team, but it finally came through. Earlier in the season DMLC dropped a close one to¡ Mt. Senario 65-58,fell to Bethel by a wide margin, 105-54. Gorsline put in an innovative offense this season. Everything is new, so our players have some adjusting to do as far as getting used to the system. It is a system guided by rules rather than set by the plays. The system is being used at the University of North Carolina. He also plans to use more

substitutes, with the game dicatating the number of players. Only three starters are set: Lohmiller, Paul Bauer, and Jeff Davis. He stresses hustle, defense, and movement without the ball. "Plan to see a hustling and scrapping Lancer five", Gorsllne said. The conferences will be more balanced this year; there are no more walk-overs expected. However, Concordia seems to be the favorite in the TRCC and North Central Bible in the MRCC. The Lancer team is expected to do well as they have some bright stars is coming up in Craig Morgan, Randy Koeppel, Dave Niemi, Paul Kaiser, and Daryl Weber, who is still out with a football injury. Watch for DMLC's famous afterChristmas surge! . Better a has been than a never was. True ... But better a never was than a never tried to be.


Page 4

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By Larry C~er

By Larry Czer The Lancers inherit the best team ever as this season's matmen start. Returning are national champs Al Greschner (25-0) and Bill Plamann (27-1). Also coming back is Greg Starn at 134Ibs. Newcomers include Jim Klein (150 lbs.), Kim Techlin (Unl.), Ed Voeltz (158 Ibs.), Emil Schuh (l42Ibs.), and Dave Paustian (125 lbs.). Also returning is standout Glenn Ebeling (l77Ibs.), who was out with a knee injury last year. The Lancers were the best at the Lancer Classic, even though they lost to Northwestern 27-25. The Lancers pounced on Pillsbury 40-14and Bethany 3021. Standouts included Glenn Ebeling, 3-0, two pins and one major decision, Kim Techlin, 30, a pin, a major decision and a forfeit, Al Greschner received three forfeits, Bill Plamann had one pin, a decision and an 11-4 loss. Other wrestlers include Russ Jacob, John Fruit and Randy Zeamer who doubles as manager. The team is talented and has possibilities of obtaining its first conference championship. Pillsbury has won the title in previous years. Coach Paulsen, back after a year on a sabbatical leave, leads the grapplers and hopes to claim a few tropies for DMLC. ANSWERS: 1) Meihack; 3) Bauer; 5) Sievert; Schroeder; 8) Arras; 10) Wessel.

2) Dallman; 4) Schulz; 6) Morton 7) Gorsline; 9) Krueger;

Peg Prehn goes for two points.

Lancerettes Have SlotoStart By Carol Dietz If you would see them traveling in the minibus across snowcovered Minnesota highways you might suspect that they hauled their uniforms out of their maroon travel bags. At this point you might assume that they were a gymnastics team, or an indoor track team, or even a softball team getting an early start. But it is doubtful that you would correctly conclude that they were the DMLC women's basketball team. After all, not one girl is over 5-10", and the average. on the varsity is 5-6". Miss Leopold, the varsity coach, has a very young team this year. Ten freshmen were added to .the combined roster, four of them making the varsity team. Co-captain Ann Steffen is the only senior on the team this year. Karen Putz (the other captain) and Carol Buelow are the only other returning letter winners from last year's team. The opening game for DMLC was like something you'd read about in the funny papers. It

was the Monday after Thanksgiving vacation, and, due to snowstorms, only half the' team made it back on Sunday night. On Monday afternoon the others still hadn't returned. After several phone calls with the opposing team and a near cancellation of the game, the missing players started wandering in. Given ten minutes to get their uniforms, they hopped on the minibus and traveled to Mankato. DMLC was slow getting started, and had quite a few costly turnovers in the first half. They were behind 34 to 23 at half time. They got things rolling in the second half. The Lancerettes were only several . points down when Ann Staffen and Karen Putz fouled out near the end of the game. DMLC eventually lost,62 to 55. Karen led the attack with 13points and 9 rebounds. Guards Karen Bauer and Helen Malchow added 10 and 9 points respectively. The next outing was sgainst Bethany Mankato. It was definitely not from the funny papers. The team never got any_

Winter Sports have arrived. Winter is one of the most active seasons athletically. Men's basketball, women's basketball, intramural basketball, men's wrestling, and women's wrestling (oops ) are here to entertain us. I briefly attended the two home basketball games and I was impressed by the support of the student body. Of the three big sports this season, wrestling seems to be the only one not decimated by changeovers. (INSIDE UNE: Wrestling could be exciting for all - especially if they get their first championship.) . About the ,Alumni game ... Many people have criticized the team for losing the game 6~7. That, to me, is too bad. Let me explain what basketball is all about. Our coach is a first-year coach who is under pressure to repeat last year's success. I'm not slighting any of this year's players, but" the team lost four starters from last year. That's hard for any . team to swallow. Also, don't forget that almost all the Alumni were and are very fine athletes. They'rp. always gunning to win .. I have confidence in DMLC's coaches and athletes. Watch for a very fine Lancer team when tournament momentum. Karen and Ann fouled out again trying to control Bethany's center who pumped in about 24 points. Bethany won 67-43. On December 5 the women had a game against Bethel. Again, things proved to be far from dull. Ann Steffen and Beth Lohmiller missed the game due to illness, and Karen Putz and

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court." 5) (This should be a giveaway). He graduated in 1932and was called "dead shot" on the basketball court. 6) He graduated in 1941. (You might not get this one) He played' three sports and captained one of the teams. 7) He played halfback at the U of Northern Michigan, and was allstate honorable mention. 8) A 1934grad, who played both basketball and football. 9) He co-captained a Northwestern football team with Academy Dean Schn~i<!er. 10) He was a very good basketball player in 1955; also was manager of the basketball team.







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New Ulm Clinic Holiday Motel


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time rolls around in the spring. Since many of the profs reminisce in classes, I decided to reminisce with them. So,' I came up with a little quiz about former DMLCathletes that are now part of the DMLC faculty. (First ofthree parts.) 1) He played on the intramural "Bees"; athlete of the year in 1954; outstanding basketball player. 2) New Ulmcity athlete in 1960. 3) Ace of 'college basketball squad; graduated in 1947. 4) He graduated in 1950; was described as being "a hard worker on the basketball

Carol Buelow both picked up four fouls in the first half. But Karen Bauer showed that :;..a" guards can play forward, and Peg Priem did an excellent job filling in the center spot. But it was a case of too little too late, as the Lancerettes lost by a wide margin. The J.V.'s playing aggressive defense, pulled out a 19-15victory.

-~.................... Alwin

15, 1977

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Help Wanted! The Recruitment Director, Prof. Delmar C. Brick, indicates that help is wanted in the matter of getting the names of prospective students, for the year 1978-79and for the years to come. The need for help has been brought about by unforeseen blessings of our Lord God. Consider these statistics which point up the blessings. In the fall of 1975sixteen Christian day schools were opened by congregations of the WEts and three additional were added when congregations from FAL joined our synod. Many thought that such an increase in schools would not be seen again for a number of years. Yet the fall of 1976revealed that nineteen new schools were opened. And again in 1977eighteen were opened. Thus a total of fiftY-6ixschools have been opened in the past

three years. A questionnaire sent to congregations of the Synod which did not have Christian day schools indicated that 102 are actively involved in planning for such schools. For the next three years the following numbers have set their opening goals: thirty-three for the fall of 1978,fifteen for 1979,and fifteen more for 1980.Thus a possibility of sixty-three more schools is there in the next three years. In addition, it has been learned that another 130congregations may also begin planning for schools in the coming years. What does all of this mean? That many young people will be needed as teachers in the decades which lie ahead of us. Indeed, the Lord is blessing us and at the same time confronting us with opportunities of


service in His Kingdom and challenges to support the work of His Kingdom. His blessing has further been shown in that He has led many young people to enroll at Dr. Martin Luther College. The 1978 graduating class will not meet the demand for teachers. Hopefully the next three classes will tie helpful in closing the gap between demand and supply in some measure a t least. These will be the classes which are among the largest to enroll as freshmen at DMLC: 236in 1975, 243 in 1976 and 246 in 1977, compared to the present senior class which enrolled as 191 freshmen in 1974.As the above paragraphs indicate there is still much to do. Our Lord's blessings make us say joyfully: Help Wanted!

Dr. Ma"';n luth.r ColI.g.

MESSENGER Vol. 68 No.4

February 10, 1978


LIm, l\linm~)ta

"Fiddler" Begins Rehearsals Rehearsals are now well underway for Drama Club's spring musical, "Fiddler on the

also has had experience with several summer stock musical productions back in Milwaukee. Producing the show is freshman David Covach whom we

Roof." Directing this .muslcal willbeoneofDMLC'sperennial favorites, senior Jo Moeller. Upper classmen will remember Jo as producer of "George ~" in 1976and director of "Annie Get Your Gun" last year. She

.remember as Drivnitz in -"Anastasia." This duo is assisted by freshman Mike Dieter who has had theater ~,xperie~~e in high school at WISCO. The plot revolves around

By Steve Groslnske


Tevye (John Homstad), a poor Jewish dairyman, living with his wife, Golde (Sue Gorz) and his daughters, Tzeitel (Judy Metzger), Hodel (Carol k ) d Ch (S ~ ~p an t a;;:al1ld ue an. evyewan:; .. 0 bon to the old Jewi.sh~fa Illon~, hut change is inevita e, even m. IS ~!tlev~,;/f f~~te~~, ~strn::i~ t d b daughters are cour e y



D.M.L.C. M.n.ng.r


New Ulm, Minn. 56073

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:iZ:~ ~~3


Organ C~~_ Has Recital -By Dave Hagen Continuing a custom begun a few years ago, the Organ Club presented its yearly recital on Thursday, January 26. This year's recital was based on the Epiphany hymn "Wie Schoen Leuchtet der Morgenstern (How Lovely Shines the Morning Star)." Prof. Meyer began the recital by giving the audience a brief history of the hymn and its author and composer, Philipp Nicolai. Cindy Seevers began the musical portion of the evening by playing Scheidt's arrangement of the hymn found in the Goerlitzer Tabulaturbuch. Mike Pfeifer then offered his own arrangement of "Wie Schoen Leuchtet," the first of two original compositions prepared for this concert. Two Paul Manz selections followed. The first was taken from set two of his Ten Chorale Improvisations and played by Jeanine Heller. The next one

was a selection featuring Deb Schmolesky on the organ and Mary Unnasch on the flute. Michelle Moeller then presented a Pachelbel arrangement of the chosen hymn taken from Pachelbel's Selected Organ Works, Volume Three. An arrangement by Wayne Barlow followed, played by Prof. Meyer and taken from Barlow's Voluntaries on the Hymn of the Week. The second original composition of the concert, written by Mark DeGarmo, was next with Mark at the organ and Mary Unnasch providing flute accompaniment. As a speciai addition to the program, Gary Sonnenberg played three sections of Gerhard Krapf's Partita on "Wie Schoen Leuchtet." As a closing selection, Dave Hagen played Theodore Beck's intonation for the chosen hymn. No. 343,of which the audience sang three verses.

suitors, Motel (Paul Schierenbeck) and Perchick (Dave Niemi). As it iurns outWell, you'll have to wait until April to find that out. The show will run three evenings: April 21,22,and 23at 8:00 P.M. with a matinee on Sunday afternoon,

April 23, at 2:30.. 1 . This year's musica prorruses to be a big one witb a fine cast backed up by a strong chorus, singing such songs as "Tradition" and "Sunrise, Sunset."

15 Mid-Year Graduates March

By Dianne Fiebiger "All hall the pow'r of Jesus' name!" This opening hymn was heard sounding from DMLC's

Fonda F. Fischer Watertown, WI

Linda L. Meyer Oak Creek. WI

Chapel-Auditorium at 7 p.m., JanpaCY.19,1978.The Mid-Year Graduation Service, which was lorig-aWaited by 15 graduates, had finally arrived. Organist for the service was Prof. Edward H. Meyer, with Prof. Lloyd O. Huebner as the liturgist. The College Choir, directed by Prof. James E. Engel, sang "I Will Praise Thee, 0 Lord." Conrad 1. Frey, president, delivered the sermon based on Romans 12:1-5, and bearing the theme, "Your Reasonable Service." Prof. Arthur J. Schulz conferred a Bachelor of Science in Education Degree upon each graduate. They were as follows: Bruce Braun, Gary Cox, Fonda Fischer Ruth Kitzerow, David Lepke, 'Merry Lervold, Linda

Thomas K. Mulinix Maumee,OH

Meyer, Thomas Mulinix, Margaret Petermann, Bradley Pluess, Valora Reid, Jane Rodmyre, Judy Sachs, Kathy Schoen, and Doris Winkel. The

following were also recommended for Synod Certification: LaVonne Dieckman, John Johnson, and Martin Sponholz. The closing hymn, "I Pray Thee, Dear Lord Jesus," was followed by the recessional of the new graduates.

Jane A. Rodmyre Eagan, MN Doris E. Winkel New Ulm. MN

Not Pictured: Bruce W. Braun Milwaukee, WI J. Gary Cox Tomah, WI Merry _L. Lervold Fair Oaks, CA Ruth E. Kitzerow Woodland,WI

Bradley P. PJeuss Manitowoc, WI

Margaret M. Petermann St. Paul, MN

JUQy L. sachS Inver Grove Heights. MN

David E. Lepke New Ulm, MN

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Do you know someone whose only source of the Word is over the television or radio? Do you know someone who is unable to attend worship services in church and must depend on the radio or the television to fulfill his worship needs? Do you know that is possible that such services might be outlawed? Madelyn Murray O'Hara, whose efforts successfully eliminated the use of the Bible reading and prayers from all public schools, has been granted a Federal hearing in Washington, D.C. on the subject of religion and airways by the Federal Communication Commission. This petition (2493) would ultimately pave the way to eliminate the proclamation of the Gospel Via airways of America. She has petitions bearing 27,000 signatures to back her stand. If her attempt is successful, all Sunday worship services currently being broadcast either by radio or television would cease. Many elderly people and shut-ins, as well as those recuperating from illness or hospital visits, depend upon radio and television to fulfill their worship needs every week. We could help to stop her! What is being sought after are 1,000,000 signed letters. That many letters would defeat Mrs. O'Hara and show her that there

~~ -

DMLC Messenger

1 I


are still many Christians alive and well in our country. Here is something that each of us can do for the sake of the Gospel right here on the home mission front. Would you feel inclined to send a letter immediately in favor of Religious Broadcasting to: Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N,W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Please put the number of the petition (Number RM. 2493) on the face of the envelope. All of us Christians should act now. (Use the following letter for your support, Several may be placed in one envelope.) Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 RE: petition number R.M. 2493 Gentlemen: I personally appreciate and wholeheartedly support the Sunday Worship Service and other religious programs that are broadcast over radio and television. Many sick, elderly, and shut-ins depend upon radio and television to fulfill their worship needs. I urge you to see to it that such programming

will be allowed to continue. Thank you for your consideration. (Sign and include your complete address.)

By Betty Kuecker touches ii. (And I thought Don't knock the weather. If it scratching fingernails on a didn't change every now and blackboard was unbearable!) then, nine out of ten people To top it all off is the dirt. The couldn't start a conversation. snow doesn't stay white! New But the weather around here UIm sees more of a dismal gray never changes - it's always winter when the prairie soils of tremendously cold! Does that western Minnesota are carried stop the conversation? No, by s-trong advection currents throughout the whole day you eastward and laid to rest can hear the sounds of students through desposition on "the Cit~ and professors complaining on a hill." about Minnesota's winter But where would Minnesota weather. be without her cold weather, What's so bad about Min- slippery roads, and snowy nesota's winters? Do you winters? Surely not in Minrealize the thermometers of nesota! It's all a part of her New UIm have rarely seen any personality and it's basically numbers' higher than 20 since the same year after year. the days before Thanksgiving _ So bundle up warmly, wear unless it's a 20 below zero. Add ,your gloves, and keep your to this the wind chill factor, and boots on. Winter's not over yet. it's biting cold which stings our The ground hog saw his nose even more. shadow! The weather does change. A day may be ushered in with bright sunshine and a clean blue sky, while the afternoon may flnd us covered with a blanket of clouds tossed about by blustery winds. Snow is another well-known ingredien t of a Minnesota winter. Wehaven't exactly been buried under this year, but occasionally the flakes fall. However, we never seem to enjoy the fun of having mushy snow so we can make snowmen or snowballs or snow sculptures. We get the dry, crunchy "That's our English teacher. kind that squeaks and comShe hasn't missed a day sick in 22 years!'" plains every time your foot








10, 1978

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Former Matron Dies By Kathy Sievert Ida Josephine Ingebritson, a previous servant of the Lord at DMLC, has been called to her eternal rest. She was born on October 18, 1887, near Story City, Iowa, Eight sisters and four brothers preceded her in death. She began her teaching profession in Christian Day Schools of the Norwegian Ev. Lutheran Church. She faithfully served many various elementary parochial schools. Her service' in the teaching ministry was interrupted for periods of time by the necessity of giving care to brothers and sisters to whom she unselfishly gave of her time; energy, and talents. An intense interest in music was a source of joy and (Cont. on page 3)




Ida Josephine Ingebritson


When we left our heroes last, we were about to hear the RA.'s say to Supertonic and Submediant - "Dicklebach and Schmoe! Are you guys done with your dutiesj l! Get a move on!!" Meanwhile, back in the dark recesses of the Music Center, Prof. Dissonance (boo-hisses) is about to put kindly Prof. Hermanson through the ultimate torture! Practicing Flor Peeters on the Hammond Organ!!! (Oasp-shiver l}.. Prof. Hermanson: No! No! Mercy!! Prof. Dissonance: Ha! Ha! Ha! (sinister laugh). And now for the finishing touch! Prof. Hermanson: No-please! Not that-anything but that!! Mercy! Prof. Dissonance: Yes! Yes! You now must learn to tum the Hammond on! Ha-ha-ha- and do it ten times in a row!!! Meanwhile, back in the dark recesses of the dorm, our heroes have just finished mopping the bathroom floor. Suddenly Supertonic detects (using his supersonic hearing) Prof. Hermanson's cries for help.


Supertonic: Listen Submediant!! We must stop dillydallying around, Quick to the Music Center! Submediant: Great Tritones, Supertonic! If we don't finish the floor, the RA.'s will report us to the tutor!! Will the tutor get down Supertonic's back? Will Prof. Hermanson stand up under FIor Peeters? For this and answers to other exciting questions - look forward to next months "Adventures of Super tonic !" (Please - the author needs encouragement! )

'Be Somebody' His father was a hard working carpenter, a nobody; his mother came -from an, "undistinguished" family, a nobody. So, he was just a nobody, too. At the age of nine, his mother fell ill of milk sickness. Before she died, this nobody of a mother, called her lean, lanky son to her side and in a few magic words spoke of her dreams and hopes: "My son," she whispered as she lay dying on her crude pallet, "be somebody!" She was Nancy Hanks. He was Abraham Lincoln. Somebody!

co~~1 ~



To try where there is littlehope is to risk failure. Not to try guarantees it.

Hi Everyone, talented. Each of your 'Remember me? I took up the dioramas for Social Studies was big desk in the back comer of very well done, I could tell you Sight is a gift. your classroom for eight weeks. worked very hard. And Tara, Seeing is an art. Ihope Idid not look as nervous you did DOtbungle the report as I felt that first day. With all you gave even though my the letters and pictures I college supervisor' was there. mysteriously found on my desk, DMLC He was very impressed. however, you made me feel . My parents still mention tbe Messenger welcome very fast. Oh, and I'll fine job you did singing in not forget the huge bunches of church that Sunday, even r ee DMLC MES~ENGER IS. wild "flowers" that adorned my though the organ got away on us publ,,>ht'd !Jv(inq t~ monlt"6 Of desk. (Funny how my "cold" for awhile. You also used your (.;(tooer . ""'Jv('mbtr. 0«"(ember . SUddenly disappeared after voices well the night we went h~U"udry. N"'dr(.h. Apfli. Mbv and there were none left to pick pumpkin June. Thf' ~uOS(( ,pt,on pr ,((' IS two caroUng.' Those ocuar s cer dllnurn S,ny1f' 1..0~,("Sart outside.) My first devotion was people really enjoyed the tribe twenfy fIve (e"'s. We request that day and how Ipracticed for of "scary" ghosts that came paymtnl III advarx e All llusjn~ it! I knew you were a pretty (·omr!·vn'(dl,ons s.hould Of' ad "booing" to their doors. smart class when you dre~t'd to 'hE' Aus.ine-s.s 1V\ana'io!t"f'. You know what I liked best Contribvflons. from 011 alumni, discovered I held up the visual about our field trip to tbe V(H1I:'ryraaUdh!s"and ""'r,enos. ere aids in the wrong order. Museum of Science and InCtPpre<:4a'ed. Didwehave fun at recess! My dustry? Well, it was when one of favorite game, besides soccer, our guides asked me,' "What EDITOR _ Dawn Brooks was boys catch girls. As I Lutheran grade school are you ASSISTANT EDITOR ... Mary Wilde remember, you guys only from?" Whether you knew it or CIRCULATION MANAGER caught me a few times but when not, each one of you was an . .. , . . . . . .. Becky Hafemelster you did the whole playground ambassador for Christ that day. BUSINESS MANAGER knew, "I got the big one!" As I quietly emptied the big .............. Dianne Fiebiger Remember; third grade, the desk in the back comer of your WRITERS., .. Ramona oWens day we played concentration in classroom, I thought of the Carol Dietz .... , ... Larry Czer math class? The game got so twenty-nine smiles I would Kathy Sievert .. Luann Degner long we hardly had time for the miss, the games, the singing Audrey Eckelberg , .... Cheryl ne... lesson and you did not get the wrinkled looks of con: Schultz. , ... " Steve Grosinske an assignment. Never again did centration, the eyes that lit up Becky Hafemelster , ... " Mike I hear so many, "You're the when something was finally Pfeifer. , . _.. _.. Duane Ohland best teacher in the whole understood. I tbought of many Steve Groening Betty Kuecker world!".in one day. things I wish we would have had Carol Meier. _ Dianne Fiebiger I have to tell you again grades time to do together. During your LA YOUT _.. ,. Sheree Bradtke three and four, how proud I was "surprise" party that last day, Audrey Eckelberg . Larry Czer of your play performance! The there were many things I Ramona Owens part I thought especially ef- wanted to tell you. Maybe you PHOTOGRAPHY """ Duane fective was when you six would have understood, maybe Ohland soldiers defiantly held up your not. Perhaps if you studentKarla Breltenfeldt ..... , Steve swords and shouted, "Give me teach someday you will get to Groslnske liberty or give me death!" Oh, know the feelings that come ARTISTS, . _.... '" Janis Gygi Becky Hafemelster Billy, don't feel bad that your with it. I do want you to know sword Wilted. While you were that you are all a very special CIRCULATION, Cheryl Schul!,z TyPiSTS ...... .• Sue Wendorf practiCing so hard, the fifth memory to me and I pray that, Cheryl Schultz.: Kathy Sievert grade did an excellent job on tbe through faith, Christ will BUSINESS .... Cheryl Schultz scenery. always remain in your hearts. Audrey Eckelberg Xes,_grade five, you are very -Luann Degner ,ADVISOR ... Prm, C.J ..Trapp,

February 10, 1978

"Mother Goose in


Page 3

Is '78 Sn ow CarnlV · al Th erne

By Mike Pfeifer "I loved it!" was one girl's remark. Another person thought the snow sculptures were the wildest part of the week. Whatever the comments, the 1978SnowCarnival provided many happy and exciting moments. The theme for this year's carnival was "Mother Goose in Lancerland," for which the classes began planning various competitions. .The week-long festivities began with the introduction of the seven Snow Carnival Queen candidates on Saturday, January 28, following the Lancer's victory over St. Paul Bible. The toboggan races were held on Sunday, with contestants competing in four classifications. For the first time in three years, snow was found on, the campus, so work began on the snow sculptures that same day, and continued through the week. On Tuesdav. skits were

Steve Merten plays his 32-gal. galvanized resonator. presented by each class and the queen candidates competed in a series of questions and answers, mcludins ,the nerve-raekins

'professor situations.' Friday evening saw the Lancerettes go down in defeat to Concordia College. Following the game, entertainment was provided through music and a skit, presented by four groups and the comedy team of Dan and Steve. The highlight of the evening was the crowning of the Snow Carnival Queen, Cheryl Wrobel, and her court, Rachel Gerlach and Karen Sell. The last day of the Snow Carnival began early with the broomball competition. In the afternoon, the snow sculptures were judged, and in the evening, the Lancers rode to victory over Viterbo College. Following the game, awards were presented, with the juniors winning the skit competition and the seniors receiving a first for their snow sculpture. Awards were also given to the winners of the toboggan races and the broomball games. The week ended with the late night movie, Nicholas and Alexandra, and open dorm on Sundav afternoon.

Queen Cheryl Wrobel appears with her court, Rachel Ger~ch and Karen Sell.

Student Teaching Schedule Third Quarter, 1977-1978

January 23-March 17

St. Paul's, New Ulm Supervisor



MC's Dan McMiller and Steve Janke carry on a private conversation.


(Cont. from page 2) comfort to her. From 1935 to 1961 Miss Ingebritsen taught music and served as a matron in Hillcrest and West Hall dormitory here at DMLC, when West Hall served as a girls' dormitory. Upon retirement from teaching in 1961, she and her sister maintained a home in Minneapolis. In September. 1977, she became ill and was hospitalized. She was a resident at the Lutheran Home, Belle Plaine,

Women's BB Season Not'Without Good Points By Carol Dietz has stressed the importance of

For the DMLC women's basketball team, life has been Terri Amos far from being a swish. Their Bonnie Notlling Stephen Schult Jeffrey lnniger record at this time has sunk to a dismal one win and thirteen losses. It's aimost to the point Mll..WAUKEE AREA - Professer Bauer, College Supervisor where the team feels victorious if they've managed to stay Supervisor Grade Congregation Principal within ten points of their Location Student 7,8 Mr, Schultz victors. Such feelings of acR. Schultz Big Bend Christ 1. Belike, Steven complishment develop rather Mr. Hackmann R. Sonntag Milwaukee 51. Lucas 2. Enter, Charles Mr. Walker easily after losing by as much 5·6 P. Walker Wauwatosa St. John 3. Noack, David .Mr. Baacke 6·8 as fifty points. E. Baacke Jordan 4. Adascheck, Deborah West Allis 1 Mrs. Jaber Whythis turn around from the 0: Dorn Hales Corners, St. Paul 5. Block, Carol Mrs. Baacke 1·2 team which won the State E. Baacke West Allis Jordan 6. Freese, Jane 2 Miss Cox Tournament just two years O. Dorn Hales Corners St. Paul 7. Guenther, Barbara 5 Miss Hartwig ago? There are a variety of J. Schultz St. John Lannon 8. Hintz, Nancy 1·2 Miss Hagedorn R. Muenkel reasons. Probably the main one 51. James Milwaukee 9. Hoeting, Deborah 3·4 Miss Hermann R. Kolander is the fact that two years ago Woodlawn West Allis 10. Johnelack, Donna Miss Salzwedel 3·5 R. Wiegman many of the schools against St. John Caledonia 11. Kolb, Nancy 1·2 Miss Zettler A. Koestler whom the Laneerettes competSt. Jacobi Greenfield 6·7 12. Schwarz, Karen Mr. Lillegard T. Zuberbier Mt. 'Lebanon ed were just in the beginning Milwaukee 13. Strandt, Marlene Mrs. Nelson L. Engel Zion stages ofrecruiting and offering So. Milwaukee 14. Ulrich, Elizabeth handsome scholarships to female athletes in order to develope top-rate teams. They WATERTOWNAREA - Professor Glende, College Supervisor are now reaping full benefit Grade from such practices. Indeed Supervisor Congregation Principal DMLC is out of its competition Location Student 5·6 against teams like Moorhead A. Nommensen Mr, Zellmer 1. Hahn, Edwin Thiensville Calvary 7·8 J. Roth Mr. Roth State, University of Minnesota, 2. Rupnow, Kenneth Hartford Peace 8 F. Mahnke Mr. Mahnke and st. Catherines. The men are 3. Siewert, Harry Jackson David's Star 3 G. Gronholz Mrs. Gronholz not pitted against such for4. Ellweln, Beth Columbus Zion 4·5 J. Roth Mrs. Mueller midable opponents, and it is 5. Keller, Linda Hartford Peace 3·4 K. Palmbach Mrs. Hahlbec:l< getting to be too much for the 6. Miller, Jane Menomonee Falls Bethlehem A. Nommensen Miss Baumann 3·4 women. Other contributors to 7. Patnode, Valerie Thiensville Calvary G. Gronholz Mr, Wessel the poor record are a lack of 8. Rohleder, Paula Columbus Zion 1·4 , C, Weihrauch Miss Roebke height, a lack of experience, 9. Schoenwetter, Carol. Lomira St. John 5 R. Siever' Miss Manthey and at times a lack of brainwork 10. Schwartz, 'Kathleen Ft"Atklnson St. Paul 3·4 J. Schultz Miss Berg (it's been inferred that they are 11. Schwichtenberg, WendyLake Mills St. Paul 1 C. Bartels Mrs. Parker burnt out from overwork). 12. Tess, Arlene 'Watertown St. John , C. Bartels Mr. Kionka 13. Wiese, Dora Watertown St. John Coach Leopold again and again O. Degner Mrs. Thom 14. Yovlcson, Peggy Jefferson St. John Miss Schuetze 'Mrs. Sievert Mrs. Ring Professor Brei

1 3 5 7

Kathie Kemnitz

Minnesota, where on December 19, 1977, at the age of ninety years, two months and one day she was called to her eternal home by the Lord. Her body was interred near her hometown, Story City, Iowa. She is survived by many nieces and nephews, among whom is Prof. M. Ingebritson, and many students who gratefully remember her unselfish concern and friendship. Blessed be her memory, in Jesus' Name.

thinking out on the court, but maybe it is one of those things which must also come with experience and playing together. But, the season hasn't been without its good points and happy moments. The Lancerettes did beat Northwestern Roseville 77 to 37. Ann Steffen pushed in 19 points and Karen Bauer swished 17 through the hoop. Against Concordia, St. Paul, Carol Buelow added a high of 15by hustling down on the fast break. Annalso had hot nights against Southwest and Gustavus Adolphus when she sank 16 and 18 points respectively. Lori Landry also contributed ten against Gustavus. Karen Putz and Beth Lohmiller have had several good games at bringing down the rebounds. The defense has generally been very aggressive as is evident by the number of fouis. The [unior: varsity, .although having a losing record, also has been steadily improving under the coaching of Miss Wade. Foz Hirsch and Peg Priem have been playing along with the varsity also in most of the contests. Peg, Foz, and Kay are usually high scorers in the games. Vivian Moeller has returned from a nose injury early in the season to aid the team with her good ball handling. Jo Neumann and Natalie Schulz have been adding a lot both on offense and defense.

DMLC Messenger

Coming Events February 10March 10 Feb. 10- Women's Basketball at St. Olaf. Ski Club to Mankato. Feb. n- Men's Basketball at Minnesota Bible College. Wrestling MRCC Tournament. Feb. 14- Man's Basketball at NWC Roseville. Women's Basketball vs. Mankato State at 7 P.M. Men's Wresting at Roseville TRCC Tournament. Feb. 16.- Piano Recital by Paul Badura-Skoda at 8 P.M. Feb. 17- Ski Club to Mankato Feb. 17 and 18 - Women's Basketball District Tournaments. Men's Wresting NLCAA at Pillsbury. Men's Basketball MRCC Tournament at North Central Bible. Feb. 23- Lecture for recital Prof. Backer and Doris Kit·


r-----------------------~ t-: \J1lI·1

lfi_ I;;

Paul SnamIska shoots for two as Lancers face St. Paul Bible


DMLC Has After-Christmas By Larry Czer The Lancer basketball team finally seems to have put it together. The last two games have been wins for the Lancers - not only wins, but impressive victories. They defeated NorthwesternRoseville 58-57, and St. Paul Bible College 71-51. Since Christmas the Lancers have gone 4-3. Coach Gorsline said, "It's a whole new season, they

came back in shape and sharp. We beat Pillsbury, Inunanuel, NWC, and St. Paul Bible." Althought they lost to Concordia and Mt. Senario by 2 and 1 points, respectively, their record is enviahle. They are still in the running for the MRCC. The Lancers are now 6-8 on the season. Gorsline said that although a change of line-up helped, it was mainly a gaining


of confidence. The team knows it can win. The scoring leaders are Rick Lohmiller (16.6), Paul Bauer (11.3), and Craig Morgan (10.3), also Paul Snamiska and Dan Kuehl. If the Lancers can win their remaining games, they should win the MRCC. The JV's lost a heartbreaker to St. Paul Bible, 73-72, but defeated NWC-Roseville by 14.




I ~--


By Larry Cler Coach Gorsline isn't afraid to change the line-up. He has put the team near .500 with the insertion of Paul Snamiska and Dan Kuehl into the starting team and the results are better than he expected. Both Snamiska and Kuehl responded by scoring in double figures. It's quite amazing how many of the faculty members were athletes in their college days. Some, most would guess played some kind of sport, but others I never expected to be athletes. Here is part two of the little quiz on the athletes of yesteryear. (Answers on the bottom of the article.)

Wrestlers Have Good Year By Larry Czer The Lancer wrestling team is having its best year yet with an 8-4 team dual meet record. The Lancers have downed Pillsbury, St. Paul Bible, and NWC-Rosevi11e,but have lost to Pillsbury, Gustavus Adolphus and Harnline. The team captains, Al Greschner and Bill Plamann, lead the Lancers into battle with 11-1 and 9-3 records, respect!vely. Other outstanding grapplers are Kim Techlin with 1()'2and Glenn Ebeling with a 34 record. The outlook for a conference championship is good, but the Lancers must get by incumbent Pillsbury. Coach John Paulsen has a full team for the first time since the inception of wrestling here at DMLC. Look for an exciting climax at the end of the season.


Messenger Patrons Alwin

Dr. George J. Germann

Kean's Cook Paint Store

Ebert's Chalet

Kemske Paper Company


Farmers and Merchants State Bank

Electric, Inc.

Fireside Restaurant and Lounge Berger's Jewelry


Book-Nook-Mary Lue's Yarns



Friske Photo Service Green Clothier'S,

Chapter One Citizen's


Coast to Coast

Holiday Motel



House of Friendship






Best Western

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King of the Road Restaurant KNUJ RADIO AM860- FM93.1 The Pair That Takes You Everywhere

Meyer Studio

New Ulm Drug and Camera New Ulm Motel


lIjA\1-I8H '01 JalSll){ '6

PlaUPIO'S tIaS!1llld .L naqlllS '9

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Polta Drug Quik Stop Restaurant Retzlaff's


Shayd's of Color Sherwin


Snyder Drugs Spelbrink's


Stan's Red Owl State Bank and Trust Style Stable Waliner Construction Company,1nc.

New Ulm Travel Agency

Wllfahrt Bros., Inc. Vogelpohl's


Ye Olde Pizza Inn


ZlUl!MS .~

JallOSM 't JauqanH .£



Jake's Pizza KaiserhC?ff

Kentucky Fried Chicken

New Ulm Clinic




Ken's Shoe Repair

Eichten Shoes, Inc.


1. He was called a "little . scrapper" on the gridiron, he played around 1950,when he attended school with his wife-to-be. 2. A standout tackle for Northwestern in 1952. 3. Another NWC alumnus, who played for the legendary Len Umnus as a left halfback in football and guard in basketball. 4. A linebacker on the 1940 DMLC football team. 5. An unassuming 1938 footbailer now in the Science Department. 6. Rumor has it that he played under a SCholarship at Florida State University. 7. He wrestled for St. Cloud State in 1964. 8. He played football at Wis.Oshkosh in the 1930's. 9. He played three years of basketball at NWC before graduating in 1961. 10.He played basketball at NWC in 1943.


~ Support Our D M LC


L ------~--~

zerow. Feb. 24 and 25 - Men's Basketball MLCAA rec-. nament. Woman's Basketball State Tournament. Feb. 27- College I Curriculum discussion at 7:30. March 3 - Movie Night. March 5 - Mass Concert (lime has not been set).

10, 1978



Dr. Martin Luther Cali •••




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~ D.M.L.C. M.II.ng.r·



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March 14,1978 New VIm, Minnesota





"Worthy is the Lamb , , •

Pianist Appears on Campus By Cheryl Schultz It may have been frosty on the outside on Feb. 16, but inside hearts were warmed by the entrancing music of the Viennese Classic pianist - Paul Badura-Skoda. He performed Ills concert at 8:00iD Ihe nearly-~filled"Chapel.auditor.ium. -.~' Mr. Badura-Skoda is an expert on Austrian music. FIe has been playing recitals internationally for over 25 years, His program was devoted to the music of Franz Schubert, Fredric Chopin, and Frank Martin. He held the audience breathless as he began his concert with "Four Impromptus," D. 889, Op. 90, by Schubert. The "Wa~'derer

Fantasy" in C major, D. 760, Opt. 15, by Schubert followed. Mter a brief intermission, he continued his fine Concert -wtth "Fantasia on Flamenco Rhythms" dedica ted to Pa ul Badura-Skoda, by Frank Martin. His finale was the . ~en~y.four Preludes, Op. 28, by Chopin. With this he conc1uded the concert. His performance was awarded a standing ovation by the audience. . From here, Mr. BaduraSkoda will be traveling to Portland, Oregon, where he will perform a concert. Mr. Badura-Skoda's appearance on our DMLCcampus was made possible by a grant from Aid Association for Lutherans.

By Kathy Sievert The meditative atmosphere of Choral Vespers will commence on Sunday, March 12, at 8:00 P.,M. in the Luther Memorial gymnasium. This annual Easter service will be organized around the theme "Worthy Is The Lamb. " Choral .anthems will intersperse three different themes throughout the service. The first part, "Who Was Slain," is basically a Lenten theme based on Luke 23:33-46. The second section, "Who Is Risen," is. a glorious Easter theme based on Matthew 28:110. The final unit, "Who Gives Us The Victory," is general praise which includes the lection Canticle "Dignus est Agnus" (L.H. page 122), giving Scripture verses from various areas.

Love" arranged by Christiansen, and "Blessing, Glory, And Wisdom, and Thanks" by Wagner, Zeimer, and Redby, Th.eAcademy Choir will sing "0 Dearest Lord, Thy Sacred Head" arranged by Johnson, "Hosanna, Blessed Is He That Cometh" by Hedges, and "Hallelujah, Amen" by Handel and arranged by Krone, Anthems of the Academy Chorus are "Go To Dark Gethsemane" by Sateren, "Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ" by Hillert, and three chorales from "J esu, Pricelsss Treasure" by J.S. Bach. The music department invites all of you to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to hear the solemn, but refreshing message of Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection!

Young King Cole Ed. - This was written for a physical expressions that he is Karl's mind. freshman composition assignan exceptionally happy boy. He Content in a world all of his ment. has a double chin and his belly own, Karl imitates the sounds of By Natalie Schultz button peeks out from under the Indians, cowboys, machine Promptly at 10:15 a.m. tbe • red shirt that is too small to ' .~guns, bombs, or any other noise recess bell rings and the stretch over his fat, little 'that may fit the' story that is children burst out of the school stomach. When he runs across taking form in his mind. "Pow! doors as bees crowd out of a the playground his stout legs Got 'im!" Karl shouts proudly. struggle to keep up with the rest Then he quickly changes hive. Although they are bunched together, each child has a ofhis body. But maybe the most character so that· he can different physical appearance prominent of his features is the complete his story. "Oh, ah! and attitude. Even the strides of ever-present smile on his face. I You got me." he hoarsely the individuals are unique. can tell by that smile that there whispers, as if he were dying. However, as I survey the is something going on inside (cont. on page 3) group, my eyes are directed toward one little, five-year-old boy playing all by himself, next to the swings. His name is Karl. By Dianne Fiebiger I can tell by his facial and our Lutheran Hymnal. Chorale preludes on The Ten ComVarious preludes on the mandments, The Creed, The Catechism and other hymns for Lord's Prayer, Baptism, the organ were presented by Confession, and Holy CornDMLC senior, Doris M. Kitmunion .were played in which organists, have the ability to zerow, and assisted by: Prof. the text was symbolized by conduct choirs, and be able to Bruce R. Backer, Friday different musical techniques. A teach school music, specifically evening, February 24, in the Fugue in E Flat Major was the methods in music education. last selection of the evening. chapel-auditorium. The other call in the field of Similar to the first prelude, this The musical selections one also represented the Holy performed were composed by music was extended to Mr. Wayne Wagner,' of St. Paul, Trinity. the well-known Johann MN. The recipient should The Chapel of Northwestern Sebastian Bach. A prelude possess experience at the College was the site of a second representing the Holy Trinity congregational and Christian 'recital of this same nature on began the recital. Two sets of Day school level. He should Sunday, February 26, by Doris three chorale followed, have the ability to teach future church organists and to teach music theory. was extended to Mr. Davtd Lauber of Fond du Lac, WI. This call constitutes an early replacement for Prof. C.J. Trapp, who has elected to serve with a reduced teaching load next year. The recipient should be qualified to teach English composition and introductory courses in poetry and drama. The final call, extended in the area of science, went to Mr. James Wandersee of Milwaukee, WI. The recipient should be qualified, or possess the interest in becoming qualified, to teach biological .. ; Ii. science and related fields. Prof. Bruce Backer assists Doris K1tzerow during her recital and lecture.

Seven Calls Extended academic year, should be By Audrey Eckieberg On February 21, 1878, the . qualified to teach in the primary grades at the local St. DMLCBoard of Control meet to Paul's Lutheran School, extend seven calls to fill capable of some local superopenings in the following area: vision of student teachers, and Education (two), Religion, will be personally involved Music (two), English, and in student observationScience. participation and related 'George LaGrow of Pompano programs conducted by the Beach. FL, was called to the college. field of education to replace Mr. Daniel Deutschlander, Prof. Raymond Brei, who is from Evanston, IV, was called retiring at the end of the in the field of religion to replace academic year. The recipient of Prof. Roland Hoenecke, who is this call should be qualified to retiring at the end of the serve as the Coordinator of academic year. The recipient Professional Experiences at local St. Paul's Lutheran School should be particularly qualified and as a classroom teacher in I to teach courses in the Old Testament and in Christian the upper grades. Included with doctrine. this call is. also some local A call in the field of music was supervision of student teachers extended to Mr. Willard Engel and personal involvement of Bay City; MI. The recipient, in student observationreplacing a current inparticipatlon and related structorship, should, by programs conducted by the training and experience, uncollege. derstand the needs of The other call in the field of congregation and Christian Day education was extended to Miss schools in church music and Ruth Huebner, from Menasha, should also know how to meet WI. The recipient, replacing Mrs. Adelia Sievert, who is these needs. He should be qualified to jeacn future church retiring at ~the end of the

~The organist for the evening will be Gretchen Troge. She is presently a junior who hails from Appleton, Wisconsin. The liturgist will be Dean Huebner. The College Chorale selections will include "Behold The Savior Of Mankind" by Tye, "Hallelujah, Amen and Chorale" by Wagner, "This Is The Day Which The Lord Hath Made" by Peeters, and "Hosanna" by Gregor and Bitgood. . The Treble Choir will also sing "Hosanna" along with the College Chorale, besides their individual songs of "Alleluia, Come, Good People" by Davis, "He Shall Feed His Flock" by Handel, and "We Had a Share In His Agony" by Sleeth. The selections of the Chapel Choir include "Lamb of God" by Casciolini, "Wondrous


Senior Gives Recital

DMLC Messenger

Page 2



14, 1978

Student Teaching Schedule March 28-May 26

Fourth Quarter, 1977-1978 St. Paul's, New Ulm CORRECTION We are sorry if our editorial in the February issue 1978 caused you to write to your congressman not to vote for the FCC petition, RM 2493. Although we took this message from a church bulletin, we later discovered that it was based on an unfounded rumor. The en-

closed news item hopefully will clarify the situation and correct a false impression. . O'Hair: Fact and Rumor Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the famed atheist, continues to make waves among certain segments of the nation's religious community. Some of the waves are caused by facts but others are the result of rumors repeated so often they give the appearance of truth. It is a fact that Mrs. O'Hair has filed a lawsuit in an effort to remove the motto "In God We Trust" from U.s. coins _and currency. All of the rumors concerning her connection with an FCC petition, RM 2493,are false. The "In God We Trust" suit, O'Hair v. Blumenthal and Conlon, was filed by O'Hair on September 1, 1977,but has gone largely unreported. No date has been set for oral arguments in the case, according to a spokesperson for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas. The motto is the only issue at stake. The action is unrelated to rumors circulated for the past two and one-half years that O'Hair had filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to have religious broadcasting remuved from tbe

airwaves. A much more limited petition was filed in 1974 by two California men with no ties to O'Hair asking the FCC to limit the granting of permits to licensees who would engage in exclusively religious radio and television broadcasting. The petition, RM 2493, was unanimously rejected by the FCC commissioners on August I, 1975, In spite of the action, however, numerous broadcasters have continued to identify O'Hair as the petitioner. As a result, yet another new wave of protests from ill-Informed people has flooded the FCC in recent weeks. Another version of RM 2493is that it is a bill in Congress to eliminate religious broadcasting. This rumor is as false as the rumors about Mrs. O'Hair and the FCC. Yet another myth subscribed to by many church people and some journalists in that the Texas atheist was responsible for the Supreme Court decisions on prayer in schools. The facts . are as follows. Mrs. O'Hair was not connected in any way with the landmark 1962 decision in the New York case in which the Court said that a governmentally written and approved prayer, required by government to be recited by school children, is unconstitutional. Shewas a party in an auxiliary case in 1963 when the Court ruled that governmentally required religious devotions for school children, such as Bible reading and or recitation of the Lord's Prayer, violate the Constitution. (Baptist Public Affairs. )

A-PPLETON Student I. Archer. Joe 2. Kremer. DeniS 3. Lohmilier. Rick 4. Beckendorf. Naomi 5. Enter. Nancy 6. Johnson. Vicky 7. Klett. Gretchen 8. Martin. Joann 9. O'Brien. Sue. 10. Salow. Carol II. Smith. Elaine

12. Uekert. Sharon 13. Wilson. Julie 14. Zietlow. Vicky

I 3

Student 2. Milbrath. Greg 3. Noah. Bruce 4. Beutow. Pamela 5. Borchardt. Linda 6. Ebert. Linda' 7. Haselow. Susan 8. Heup, Nancy 9. Jorgensen, Karen 10. Kolosovsky. Beth 11. Lehman. Barbara 12. Schultz. Barbara 13. Tetzlaff. Ann 14. Ungemach. Laur..

Michael Thompson

Professor Ingebrltson', College Supervisor

AREA Location

Appleton Appleton Oshkosh Manitowoc Manitowoc Fond du Lac Appleton Fond du Lac Appleton Manitowoc DePere Kimberly Appleton Oshkosh


I. Grunwald. James

Students Peggy Jeffers Paula Zak Sallie Crozier Laur'e Barnes Karl Hassler


Supervisor Miss Schuetze Mrs. Sievert Mrs. Ring Mr. Blauert Prof. Brei

Location Goodhue Menomonie

St. Paul Stillwater Red Wing Red Wing Goodhue BloomIngton St. Louts Park Minneapolis. Menomonie St. Louis Park Bloomington St. Paul

Congregation St. Paul Riverview Grace First German Bethany Faith St. Paul St. Peter Riverview Bethany Immanuel Mt. Calvary Mt. Olive Grace -

Professor Arras,

Congregation St. John St. Paul St. John Salem St. John St. John St. John BloomInglon Timothy Pilgrim St. Paul Timothy BloomIngton St. John

Supervisor Mr. Peterma nn Mr. Wendler Mr. Koepke Miss Martinsen Miss Vorbeck Mrs. Fuhrmann Mr. Sonnenberg Mr. Schroeder Miss Blasel Mr. Kasten Mr. Barthel Miss Stehr Mr.IBehm Mrs. Nelson

Principal K. Petermann D. Wendler R. Westphal W. Sievert K. Kasten G. Graf K. Petermann S. Schafer D. Wendler K. Kasten G. Barthel V. Fuhrmann K. Kolander R. Westphal

Grade 8 7·8

6-Dept. 1-2 1·2 1-2 5 5-6 5-6 1·8

1·2 6

College Supervisor

Principal J. Hopman D. Feuerstahler W. Habermann S. Thlesfeldt~ D. Rebers D. Rebers J. Hopman K. Schmidt P. Fritze D. Knippel D. Feuerstahler P. Fritze K. Schmidt W. Habermann

Supervisor Mr. Hopman Mr. Feuerstahler Mr. Habermann Miss Voth -MiSSPankow Mrs. Danell Miss Knospe Miss Stlndt Miss Rusert Mr. Glock Mrs. Pahnke Mrs.' Leubchow' Mrs. Ulrich Mrs. Leier

Grade 6-8 Dept. 6·8 8

3-L K·2 3-5

4·6 Dept 4-5 K·2 3

'3·4-1-2 2·3

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER o. pvbll~ht"(3 during t~- monlt'6 of rxtceer , November. Orcrmber.

By Betty Kuecker "Forgive and Forget!" That's a catchy little phrase - short, sweet. and easy to say. Just like all those other cute, witty lines we invent; we seldom live up to their message. All we know is that we should forgive the mistakes of our brother and not hold them against him. _ But how often haven't you found yourself carrying a grudge, passing judgement, or even gossiping about something someone has done? Suppose someone did something to you. Maybe you've been hurt, humiliated, offended, or angered by a very close friend. In time, or for convenience sake, you may tell him it doesn't bother you, and try to "take it with a grain of salt." But how can you get rid of that gnawing ache inside that doesn't go away? Now look at it from the defensive side. Suppose you are the criminal and have done something you regret. No matter how hard you plead for forgiveness, the guilt and shame won't let you forget. You are not supposed to torture yourself for your mistakes. Remembering them throughout life can be to your advantage, if you can learn from your errors. But you must trust that you have been forgiven. I have a very close friend whom I am constantly hurting. Day after day, I find myself mocking him, calling him names, making fun of something he believes, laughing at things he says, and mistreating our friendship. When my conscience begins to weigh me down and fill me with guilt and remorse, I beg for his forgiveness, only to turn around and "spit in his face" again. I don't understand how he can always forgive me and promise to stay by my side. Even when it seems that I will never learn, he won't quit on me. This has got to be the ultimate show of love! My friend's name ... Jesus.

By Unda Sette, '77 Each May the seniors at DMLC seem to be thinking about the same thing: Call Night. Invariably this topic comes up in conversations with classmates, friends, parents, or relatives. Last May was no different. Seniors wondered where they would be teaching in the fall. However, a new twist was in these conversations. Everyone wondered if he would be among the people assigned to teach in Michigan. On May 31, 1977that question was answered. Sixteen DMLC graduates were assigned to Michigan schools. They, like the rest of their classmates. were excited about receiving their first calls. However, the people . assigned to Michigan also had some apprehension about· the coming summer. Because the State of Michigan requires all teachers to be certified, these sixteen would be spending five weeks of their summer going to school in Michigan. The prospect of tackling three .graduate courses after two short weeks of vacation raised questions in their minds. Would their plans for a summer trip have- to be scrapped? Would they be able to pass the

graduate level courses with the required B-average? Would there really be any time to enjoy the summer of 1977? I Questions such as these were still on their minds as these people assembled at Michigan Lutheran Seminary at the end of June. The group was joined by some DMLCgraduates of the previous year. Everyone would be taking the same three courses in the five-week summer school session. Two of the courses would be taught at Saginaw Valley College, 7 miles from the MLS campus. The third course was scheduled to be taught right at MLS. Several points in favor of summer school became apparent: with no classes 'on Friday, there would be a three-dayweekend for rest and recuperation from classes. Saginaw Valley College had no student dress code. attendance at classes was suggested, but not mandatory, and the classroom building was supposed to be air-conditioned. Perhaps summer school would be bearable after all. The five weeks came and went in a hurry. There was more than enough school work to keep everyone busy -'- seven (cont. on page 3)

f-eD-vary. Mltrch •. ApriL M/Jy and Junt". Thf' !.ubscription prier is two dOllar!. per annum. Single c.'Opies are twenty,five ,ents. We request payment In advance. At! busine.u communications should be ed· drM4ed to the Busine!aSManagf'f. Contributions' from all alumni.

undergrltduates. aoorKi,ted.

end 'riends. are

EDITOR Dawn Brooks ASSISTANTEDITOR ... Mary Wilde CIRCULATIONMANAGER ... , . , ..... Becky Hafemeister BUSINESSMANl'-GER ...... : , Dianne Fiebiger WRITERS Ramona Owens ·CarolDietz"., . _.. Larry Czer Kathy Sievert .. Luann Degner 'Audrey Eckelberg Cheryl .Schultz Steve Grosinske Becky Hafemeister .. Mike Pfeifer. ., Duane Ohland Steve Groening Betty Kuecker CarolMeier.


LAYOUT ..... Sheree Bradtke Audrey Eckelberg . Larry Czer Ramona Owens

PHOTOGRAPHY _. Duane Ohland Karla Breitenfeldt , " Steve Grosinske ARTISTS ..... , .. ,. Janis Gygi Becky Hafemeister CIRCULATION Cheryl Schultz TyPiSTS ........ Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz .. Kathy Sievert BUSINESS .. s , Cheryl Schultz Audrey Eckelberg ADVISOR .,' Prot: C.J. Trapp

DMLC Messenger

March'14 1978 . '

r -_._--- ------.. I I One Winter I






! !1



One night In the dead of winter "We had no time to listen: To my door a wanderer came We had no time to hear: Very little had he to say, You said It o'er and o'er, But the words were all the same: But no one lent an ear. "We know that you are dying, "Ring out! Ring out! Spread abroad How- I here did come, -. But repeat it once again, How Christ the Lord of Glory Speaking these strange words to you, In an even stranger tongueI Came down to save us men. "How the angels singing "Tell them how I "las cast out Proclaimed the holy birth, Thrown ragged to the street: How shepherds in the stable Tell them how I fainted and fell Into a battered heap. Praised him with joyous mirth. "How, He, when in the temple, "Tell them I've, wandered hither and yon Stated His work so wondrously Without a scrap to eat: In the childish words He spoke, Tell them how the road was rough 'About MY Father's business must I be: To my tired and weary feet. , "Tell of the suffering and triumph "Tell them how at your door I stand Of Mary's pride and joy, . Dying, nearly dead;- , How He grew trorna guiltless baby Tell them I died without a place To a young and blameless boy. To lay my weary head." "We didn't, think about it: ,What it means for our lives, , On my step he cr\l.mpled and fell, What the world had been like, As a shout rang out on the night. If he hadn't died. Noonebutme saw him lift his head "He rose again in glory With all his draining might. • "Remember! Tell them all I said: To His Father in the skies: Someday we will rise again I Don't forget a word of it: And will be glorified." Remember every word I said And don't forget a bit." Their words gaveme strength for onelast hour: I lifted him up into my house, I breathed a fervent prayer: "Dear Father, let their faith ere be But his spirit had gone ahead: I wondered what he' meant by So beautiful and rare, 'Not a place to lay his head'? "Let me die in peace since my work is done, If it is Your right will, I thought for a moment and then cried out, For if I live or die, my Lord, "I tried to bring you in!" But I knew in my heart it wasn't right My faith is ever stilL" 'Twas another lying sin, And as I prayed I thought about I cried In the nighttoall whc wouldheer , The man who showed.rnv all "He died through your negligence: The man 'who on my doorstep died If you had given him money, Who led me out of the Fall. The money would well have been spent•. "You said you did not know him And after that I died in peace, A wanderer just was he. And later they buried me But alas! You did know him On mY tombstone ~as, engraved "He died for me II. Though It you .cannot.see. - a 7th grader, Valentine, NB "He was the country's poor and old The ones you did not feed You·turned them away from your doorstep' In time of dire need!




1 I


I I 1


"I 1 -I 1 :1 Thu;


!1 1! I1 r.

I proclaimed my' message, But people did not know The reason I proclaimed It: They 'said' Ii didn't show. • I preached It all the louder, But the people did not hear: I shouted it all over, But no one lent an ear.

I I I 1 I I i I


I i I I


I 1 i I I I


I I. I I I I I

I !1

I I 1 I

I 1 i I

1 1 1

I i I

When I was on my deathbed, The people came 10 me, "011why did we not listen? 011why did we not see?

:- __

1 1 I I


I .



._. __

Alumni News (cont. fr_<>__m page 2) books to read, two oral reports to prepare, two tests to take, and three papers to write. Not all of the time was spent on schoolwork, though. There was time for a weekend trip to a wedding, or to a friend's house, a game of softball or tennis, an evening at a swimming pool or beach, or a walk to buy an ice cream cone. As the group ate together, rode to class together. in the red and white MLS bus, and spent the evenings together watching the late movie or "Ferndale Tonight" they had the opportunity to get to know each other better. Summer school ended and the new teachers left. Some headed home for a brief vacation, while others went to their new

congregations to begin their work for' the coming school year. Summer school classes had not been easy, but surviving four years at, DMLC had prepared the group well for the challenge. Some of the professors and other students had been intrigued by the idea of an assignment committee and with the growing number of schools in the Wisconsin Synod. The food at MLS was excellent, and the new dormitories were fairly comfortable in July's heat wave. While no one was volunteering to come back next year, summer school hadn't been as bad as some people had expected. Being assigned to teach in Michigan wasn't worth all the worry it had received in the months before Call Night.

Everything scheduled to be completed by tomorrow morning must definitely be submitted by the end of the week.

Ed. - The above poem was submitted by the student's teacher, with the request that they remain anonymous.





Page 3







COR~ ~


I !t

Budding Poets Common Cold Your coming caught me as a thief, Making me cry out for relief. You clenched me in your nasty hold, You sniffling, bothersome, common cold. - Debbie Dobberstein Memory Memory, like tapestry sets forth in colors gay The hopes, the dreams, the happiness that blessed our yesterday. - Beth 1:<. Fischer Rising Sun See the sun; it slowly rises Creating shadows of different sizes. - Greg Starn 'Comparisons As a fish hates to get hooked, As a cow hates to be cooked,

And a lady hates to get muddy, That's how much I hate to study. - Barb Kueiske Sitting in Class The hands of time will never budge! Drifting away, I need a nudge; Here I sit, hall bored to death. The prof will never run out of breath. - Dave Bartel! Life is like a roller coaster It has its curves- and bends. Over it we have no power, And all too soon it ends. - Dean Johnson Stream Trickling ribbons of sparkling silk Refreshing, clear; a work of art From the beginning Moves on unnoticed. - Janis Schneider

King Cole (cont. from page 1) But soon he tires of entertaining himself; so he goes and joins in with a group of other kindergarteners by the merry-go-round. "Let's play army." he suggests. Immediately he assumes the position of general on the side of the "good guys." "Yyown. , .pkkk!" yells Karl as the imaginary bombs explode around him. Then, as if there had been some secret cue, he commands his troops to stop firing. "We won!" he exclaims. At that moment he looks to be the happiest little boy around. His pudgy hands are raised high over his head as he bounces up and down. At the same time, he spins around and around like a top. The dried leaves of autumn get caught up in the whirlwind and are tossed up over his head. His cheeks are flushed and burnt from the whipping wind and his brown hair is in tangles under the baseball cap on his

head. In this instance he reminds me of Old King Cole. I can certainly say that Karl is a "" ,jolly old soul." But all good things come to an end and the school bell chimes once again. All the children form a long line and at the end is a jolly boy who can't stand still. Karl may have to settle down for school now; but I can be sure that he will be there to entertain me again at the next recess.

,~~,#,""" Father Knows Best Dear son: I'm sending you the twenty dollars you requested in your last letter from college. However, I must call your attention to the fact that you misplaced a zero. Twenty has only one zero - not two. Hope your studies prove to be a better indication of your learning than your understanding of the zero.

Page ~

DMLC Messenger

r-·-----------------------. Grapplers I ~ \J III I

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By Larry Czer As the spring sports start to arri ve, the question arises again, "How will DMLC sports fare this season?" Well, from past experience, I can venture to say - pretty well. Coach Marvin Meihack has to refield a baseball team that went 17-1last spring. My idea is that he'll do it. Coach Dennis Gorsline should have high hopes for his netters with a strong returning cast, plus some talented freshmen, like John Kolander. Coach Bob Krueger will again have a MRCC champion with the top four returnees, plus touted freshman Paul Edmundson,


Back to baseball - Coach Meihack lost some sensational ball players from last year DonGroth, Dick Huebner, Greg Thiesfeldt, Paul Tess and Bob Huebner, but he will easily replace them. Spring sports are looking good for the DMLC Lancers. Mentioning sports, one that doesn't get much publicity is bowling, The first semester bowling league finished recently with a tie for first place between the Sand cobs and Denise's Dears. The Sandcobs won the roll-off to win the championships. Their team was composed of Gene Jaeger, Randy Hoffmann, Tom Sand, Russ Jacob, and Jeff Kirbes,

Do Well

By Larry Czer The wrestling team finished in second place once again. The old nemesis, the Pillsbury Comets, edged out the Lancers for the second straight year in both the TRCC and MRCC. Individual champs included Al Greschner (both), and Bill Plamann (both), Kim Techlin (both), and Tim Klein (TRCC). Outstanding performers included Glenn Ebeling (second in both), and, Ed Voeltz and Emil Schuh, who finished well, along with Dave Paustian and Greg Starn, In the MLCA, Greschner and Plamann both finished second. Paulsen will return all except Plamann, whose eligibility ran out.

DMLCwrestler, Tim Klein, and contender strive for victory.

Lancerettes ' Season Not a Failure By Carol Dietz rides in the cold and cramped margin. Visiting with the op. It has been said that women in mini-bus. With the exception of posing team in the locker room sports are more interested in one or two games, the team after the game, one of the good performance than in usually outnumbered the fans. ,DMLC players mentioned their winning. And it has been found A person has to love to play season record. A player from that women have less intense basketball to remain enthe U made the following drive to win than do their male thusiastic while losing twenty comment, "But you guys have counterparts. Although winning games under such conditions. fun out there and that's what is important, it truly is not the And the team did remain counts." Having fun was an most important thing to female enthusiastic. No one on the important fact of the season for athletes and coaches on the team ever gave up, even when the Lancerettes. Even with all DMLCcampus. If winning were down by thirty points at the the disappointments there was the orJy thing, the twenty half. Each person just tried to always a light side. The players women on the basketball team improve and play her best . found much to laugh about. would have been driven to great possible game. This enthusiasm There was the first game depths of despair. In a season "was.quite evident at the District against Mankato following that saw them win only one Tournament where the girls lost. Thanksgiving vacation, and game, the players remained in a close game by a mere two half the team (the tall half) was very good spirits. points. Without co-captain Ann snowed in at home. Few will There was truly more Steffen, the team had to give forget the breakfast at Mcmotivating the team than just more than 100 percent. With Donald's when someone still winning. The season spanned Karen Putz and Beth Lohmiller think it was Karen Bauer.) took nearly four months, and during pumping in 18 and 17 points Miss Wade's cookies. The fun of that time the girls practiced respectively, the women almost playing broomball together will every day for almost two hours. pulled out the victory. never be forgotten. And for lack And while the season was in full In the game earlier against of anything better to do, one .swing, the players devoted on the formidable University of could always pick on Lur. the average of 15 to 20 hours a.; Minnesota team, the LanThe record'may not show it, week to basketball. Many of cerettes played quite well, but the season was far from those hours were spent on late although losing by a large. being a failure.


DMLC Finishes By Larry Czer The DMLC Lancers finished the season at .500,not bad for a rebuilding year.' The Lancers neared the season's end with hopes for .the MRCC championship, but Viterbo turned back the Lancers 60-58, Our netters still had hopes for 'NLCAA Tournament: however, they lost to Mt. Senario 56-50. The Lancers did end the season on a winning note, 75~6 over Pillsbury, to finish at 11-11.The loss to Viterbo was described by Coach Gorsline as "a see-saw game all the way." Reflecting on this past season, one can see bright and dark spots. The loss to NWCWatertown provided an exciting game in its entirety, The win over ,NWC-Roseville was exciting to the last seconds.



"He,. comes hi, If

you....octuon -" '

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............ Athletic


DMLC Jazz Ensemble and Band Perform By Ramona Owens



a precise ending that pleased the ear. They drifted on stage, their Under golden lights, the jazz black forms almost lavender, ensemble inspired us to sit holding objects of glittering straighter in our folding heaviness. We watched them cushions. Feet tapped, eyes poise themselves behind sparkled as Amy Templin spidery stands, our pupils charmed us on the alto sax with growing large in the darkness. mellow, gliding solos. After The lights came up and a man Lana Punke played a solo with a strode out, carrying on his flugelhorn, we granted her shoulder the only color on the inner-music applause. Tim DI'. Martin Luth.r Coli••• somber stage, a red flower. Plath on trumpet and Randy Professor Hermanson mounted Kramer on trombone tipped the much-needed platform and their calling funnels upwards in raised his hands: so began the solos also. Prof. Hermanson DMLCwind and jazz ensemble walked and directed, Urging the concert on March 16, 1978. music out with his rhythmic, The concert, the director, and almost dancing, movements. the performers had style and Calming us down somewhat, April 11, 1978 New Ulm, Minnesota finesse. They moved quickly the wind ensemble returned; and professionally to their however, their selections also positions of performance. They moved and danced. "Radio seemed to enjoy the moods of Rag" made use of more their selections, moving their soloists: Crystal Roemhildt, heads, bodies and feet exJulie Manthe, Lana Punke; the Johnson Space Center in desk, the pastors who welcomed pressively, but not crassly. Randy Kramer, and Paul Houston, the Texas State us to each congregation and The first selection by the wind Berger. A strangely barbaric Capitol and LBJ Library at especially the children who ensemble flowed - "My Jesus! piece - "Incantation and Austin, downtown Dallas, and sang with us, together these OIl, What Anguish" by J.S. Dance" - and "Amparlto the Museum of Science and people made the whole trip Bach. Called in the program Roca" ended the program, Industry in_OJicago. Good food worthwhile. notes "one of the haunting and. except for the encore. The aru alwaya.ln IlPuadanl snpplY·._W~~~a ,.,.._poignant,expressions of .BOrrOW _.~ director .iI).troduced· it.-almost wherever we sang, but the Hil1"-often get the feeling that, "and compasslonto be'found'In·'-IIbeepllsblyt'·buf·'the"'audlence biggest hit as far as meals were like Elijah, we are the only allofwesternmusic,"itmelted was not yet satiated: They still concerned was the Texas disciples of the Lord left. But to into the second brisk piece with clapped heartily and smiled. Barbecue served to us by the see the work of the Holy Spirit presence in their midst may Tour wasn't really meant to be members of Holy Word evidenced by the new W.E.L.S. have been considered a great a vacation. But it is a great way congregation in Austin. churches and schools in many of privilege by these conAlthough these things were all the ripest mission field in the to meet new people, get a taste gregations, yet it is we who of teaching conditions in the enjoyable, the most interesting country, is to know the purpose have been truly privileged to field, and, most important, it is part of the tour was probably for being a student at DMLC. a rich opportunity to share see how priceless a treasure the not the sight-seeing, the meals, Nearly every congregation we Gospel is to those, who for many the wonderful message of or the bus travel. But the people visited was in need of a new Christ's suffering, death, years, have been unable to hear who came to our concerts, who teacher, and many our hosts and resurrection with fellow it preached in its truth and fed us meals, who took us into expressed feelings of isolation believers in many parts of the purity. their homes, the recent amid their predominantly As you probably have country. graduates who showed us their Baptist and Catholic neighbors. gathered, the College Choir classrooms and gave us a little Though the College Choir's better idea of what life will be like on the other side of the

MESSENGER. Vol.68 No.6

College Choir Spreads the Gospel By Marianne Westerhaus The College Choir Tour to Texas 'was a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for the 45 students, two professors, and one,very patient bus driver who particlpatedJo,..;t..BIIt It w,as. hardly the kind of Easter vacation that allowed time for S\Ulbathing. Having left school at noon, Friday, March 17, the choir gave 17performances in 11days to a combined audience of about 3,675people. We traveled over 3,500miles through the states of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Although our tight schedule made the trip seem hectic from the beginning to end, we did have time to visit the Crown Center Hotel complex indowntown Kansas City,

'Kato Re-visited By Dave Hagen Counsel where they saw "Los Seises," a ballet performed by The Organ Club made its second field trip on Sunday, the Andahazy Ballet Borealis Company. This ballet is a March 5. This trip again took depiction of Chrisi's passion, them. to Mankato, the city they . choreographed by Anna visited on their first trip. Adrianova Andahazy, and using After-attending Stephanie the music of Joaquin Rodrigo Kell's organ recital, the and Isaac Albeniz. Costumes members of Organ Club headed worn by the dancers were for SS. Peter and Paul Church, patterned after Spanish Mankato. It was here that Mr. Robert Sperling, our DMLC Grandee garb worn in Seville. It organ reapirman, showed the made use of 22 instruments of club an organ under conthe Passion to convey the struction by the Hendrickson author's theme - celebrating Organ Company of St. Peter. the instruments of Christ's Sperling is helping to build in Passion. The idea for this version of the ballet came from the church a tracker action organ, consisting of 39stops and Seville, where the ballet is presented each year. The only , 59 ranks on 3 manuals and pedal. Mr. Sperling first gave a , resemblance between the two is in sets and costumes. demonstration of the various stops on the organ. The This ballet, was first permembers of Organ Club were formed at the Cathedral of St. then free to play the organ, walk Paul, where it was videotaped 8! ound through the pipesor just for television. Nowit is annually listen to the music being played. on that station as an Easter The cast of "Fiddler on the Roof" rehearses the song "Tradition" in its final weeks of production. After leaving SS. Peter and presentation. Itis also shown at Trevye, the main character, is played by John Homstad (right foreground.) The DMLC Drama Club Paul's, the club headed for the many churches throughout the will present this musical at8 p.m. on April 21,22,and 23wi!h a matinee at 2:30 p.m. on April 23. Chapel of Our LadY. of Good country.

Page 2

.i ' j Aprll;l • 1978

Guest Editorial A Senior Remembers Forty-nine days till Call Night! Where have the years gone? I remember my grade schooldays when I wanted to be a teacher just like my dad. Every time a glimpse of h.1m was cited, I would proudly announce to my peers, "There goes my dad, the principal." He was someone Important. He had a meeting almost every night to attend, and every once in awhile he had to 'spend a couple of days at what was called Ii "teacher's conference." Upon returning, my sisters and brothers always fought over who would get his name tag. Then came those high school years. My life's ambition changed. I wanted to become a big town newspaper editor, that is, until I decided I was totally sick of school. One Sunday afternoon my parents had to drag me along to see a presentation given by some guy from DMLC and a couple of students. There is only one thing I remember of the experience and I'll never forget it. That last slide shown pictured a tossledhair little boy with big brown eyes which seemed to be looking right at me. The words "feed My lambs" entered my mind and stayed. The following September saw me enrolled at


Prof. Brick's slides helped get me here, but it took quite a bit more for me to stay. The backing I received from my family definitely heads the list. I know I don't take time enough to thank God for the wonderful friends I have made and the memories I'll treasure because of them. Certainly to be remembered are those professors who especially took time to know me outside the classroom. Above all, student teaching has made me confident that with the Lord's help, I want to serve as a teacher in His Kingdom. Forty-nine days till Call Night! It. will certainly be a highlight of our education, but it cannot mark the end of it. In an ever-increasing number, there are helpful new methods and techniques to stay on top of. Summer courses will incr.ease our backgrounds and help us become more proficient. The most Important need to consider is that we continue to grow spiritually. How can we relate God's saving message to our children if we do not have a firm grasp on it ourselves? Let us diligently heed the Lord's Words as He tells us, "If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed." -LuannDegner

Are the 70's Nostalgic?

By Steven Groening ---The big craze today Is the return to the 1950's,with people dressing up and imitating the way things were back then. But have you ever stopped to think that 20 years from now, in the 1990's,the craze could very well be going back to those good old 70's? I wonder what it will be like? Instead of slicked back hair, will it be the "dry look" that they'll have? Will they laugh at our blue jeans and cut offs? You girls, think of what you usually wear. Can you Imagine teenagers' two decades from now remarking to each .other how terrible it must have been to wear stuff !ike this? .What .of ,our: mannerisms? Instead of saying "Hey!" like T.V.'s Fonz, what will be the exJressions that they attribute to us. Will the van and "Star Wars" ,.,be code 'Words for remembering the 1970's? I think it will be quite interesting to find out what will be remembered from the 70's. How directions (if you can.) On the will those' born after the 70's board I have a graph to chart think we really acted and your . chords: Now take this conducted ourselves? And will paper and key the grid you find we be surprised at what we see? there to your answer sheet. How backward will we seem to Now, listen to this chord and be 20 years from now? answer a, b, c, d, or e, coor... So what's the moral of this dinating it and the grid. Keep in story? If .we stop to consider mind the chart on the board. By . what we today will be con. the way, have I ever told you s1dered llke just 20 years from about the time when I was now In thla rapidly changing young and the wife and I went "real world" of ours, maybe on vacation? (Ha-Ha-Hal) then we won't be so qulck to Student 1: No, Please not ridicule those we studY of the again! recent and distant past. Student 2: Somebody, help AnybodY want to take an us! early nostalgic trip In my '70 Student 3: I wanna go home! BuIck and listen to Hall &. All together: AARRGG!! Oates? Will a third of the freshmen class be turned into mindless idiots? For the answer to this thrilling question, look for the next episode of The Adventures of SUPERTONIC! -Anonymous

jhe. Al~e.ntlAres ~


.~ A word to my faithful readers. My apologies for not .having an episode In the last Issue' of the Messenger. I know how disappointed you must have been. Anyway ... When we left our heroes last they were finally moving toward the Music Center ... Supertonic: Let's hurry Submedlant. Cut time! Submediant: Okay. A-one and two and one and two... Supertonic: No-no, you fool ... move your anatomy. Come on! Meanwhile, the notorious Prof. Dissonance has' locked kindly Prof. Hermanson In the practice room with the Hammond Organ. Babbling on and on with mindless drivel, he now has begun to torture the poor innocent freshmen until they deteriorate into utter fools! Prof. Dissonance: Ha-Ha-Ha. Today, we will start with a quiz. Follow these clear and concise


Steph Kell Gives Recital By Mary Frobmader After a great deal of practice and just plain hard work, Stephine Kell performed in .her own organ recital on March 5, 1978.By the time she finished her second piece, Bach's "Praeludium and Fugue In D Major," those who attended were well aware of the fact that she has a great deal of talent. This talent was especially made evident when she played

On March 30th, after chapel there was a showing of four films about one Latin Mass Communication Fund. I was sadly shocked to find only ten students could take out an hour the very long and very difficult and a half for the Lord. Why "Chorale In A Minor" by Cesar were there so few people there? Frank. Steph also played two The big excuse is "Too much to very sweet melodies 'by do." Well, there doesn't seem to Johannes Brahms, a religious ' be too much to do when couples number by Dietrich Buxtehude are sitting in the pit, or there and "Dialogue on the Mixtures" Isn't too much to do when we are by Jean Langlais. She ended her asked to be on an intramural performance with "Toccata" volleyball team. If there had by Darius Monnikendam. Its. been a party down at the "K" or final chord signaled the end of a an ice cream social, there would beautiful concert and a triumph have been a good fifty or more for Steph herself. attending. It wasn't only the

Ed.-Kathy Fruechtl Iii a 1975 a course In the Apache language graduate of DMLC. •but she never quite mastered it. She found the language eonfusing at times. But she never Green Bay Pres. - Gazette gave up. Miss Fruechtl found the Launching her teaching Apaches to be a bappy tribe. career on the San ·Carlos Apache Reservation In l\rIzOna Many of those who leave the reservation and Imp:-ove their was no simple task for Kathy education often return. Fruechtl of Menominee. Although there were a From the start It seemed . number of things that she liked there would be a comabout the reservation, the one munIcation problem, especIally thing that bothered the teacher her first Sunday at church was the heavy concentration of services when she was inbugs. The area was infested troduced as the "new teacher." with spiders, scorpions, and Heads turned to find out just insects of various kinds. what the new teacher looked One'day.while showering, she like. After the services, only one saw an insect crawling on the person came over and greeted shOwer curtain. Her SCreams her. She had an automatic sense brought other teachers. They of concern that she wasn't going ldlled a fat tarantula. Uzards to be accepted by the Apaches. were frequently found In her Another challenge came on living quarters but what really her first day in the classroom. bothered her was the homed She addressed the second and toads. She found them ugly. third graders only to find them Rattleenakes also were found In lay their heads on the desk and the school yard and it didn't fold their arDis around them. It take long for Kathy to test a dlet took several days before there of fried rattle8118ke: was any kind of comThe Indlans, however, don't munIcation. !ike rattlesnakes because they In fact, MIas Fruechtl noted; believe they are evil splrita. it took nearly a full year before Miss Fruecbtl found the a real closeness developed youngsters intereatlng and between her and the class. haPP)'. The children would pile In an effort to Improve the in the back of their father'li relationship, MIss Fruechtl took pickup truck and go to town to . shop. They made up their own games en rOute. MIss Fruechtl finds Bylas to Move Hands. Save Light be a beautiful community, surrounded by mOuntains. She Hickory ... Dickory .,.. Dock ... saya she enjoya every mlnute of The Spring that runs your clock teaching the IndIan chfidren. will ring on time or gladly chime If you set it two o'clock. The semi-annual monkeying with the clocks begins at'l a.m., OMLC Sunday, Daylight Saving April TIme 30, Iswhen . ushered In _ 1. Messenger _' again. You'll turn your clock ahead so that 1 a.m. becomes 2 a.m. (Remember the saw covering the Simple but apparently confusing 'Procedure: spring forward; (all back?) You'll lose an hour's sleep on Sunday (or sleep an hour longer, by the clOCK, as the case may be), but you'll gain it back next October 29. Or to put it another way: move hands to save light.

students whb were absent but I am sad to add that there weren't any professors. there either. Somehow the entire mission program has been shoved into a dark closet. At the beginning of the year our weekly mission collections were over a hundred dollars. As of late if we get $70we are lucky. It seems rather Ironic that future workers of the Lord can't remember to bring money for the collections. We never forget to go to lunch. I think it Is time we wake up and set our' priorities straight. Sue Kanzenbacb

The DMLC MESSENGER Is published during the months 01 October, November, D~ember, February. March. April. May and June. The subscription price Is two dollars per annum. Single'copiesare twenty five cents. We request payment In advance. All 'bUSiness communications should be ad,


~r':~~~1 ~~~~:

IAldergraduates,and friends are appreciated.

EDITOR Dawn Brooks ASSISTANT EDITOR .•. Mary Wilde LAYOUT EDITOR Beth Ruege CIRCULATION MANAGER . . . . . . . . . .. Becky Hafemelster BUSINESS MANAGER .............. Dianne Bleblger WRITERS .... RamonaOwens Carol Dietz. Larry Czer Kathy Sievert. Luann Degner Audrey Eckelberg. Cheryl Schultz. Steve Groslnske. Becky Hafemelster. Mike Pfeifer. DuaneOhland. ~teve Groening. Betty Kuecker. Carol Meier. Dianne Fiebiger. -Dave Hagen LA YOUT ..... Sheree Bradtke Audrey Eckelberg. Larry Czer. Ramona Owens. Paul Welhlng PHOTOGRAPHY -Duane Ohland. Karla Breltenfeldt. Steve Groslnske ARTISTS .... , ..... Janis Gygl Becky Hafemelster CIRCULATION CherytSchultz TY PISTS .. ,..... Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz. Kathy Sievert BUSINESS .... Cheryl Schultz Audrey Eckelberg ADVISOR -I:'. Prof.C.J. Trapp

: Agrilll,


~ \

..... ~-- ----~1

ilJlliLiTfRAR'Y L · .__ COR~: ~_·_! Toe Holes My toes need air They choke in my shoe. When a stocking smothers them, They somehow push through.

DMLC Messenger BAITER UP AGAIN! You're up at bat. The score is tied in the ninth inning, with two on, and it's your turn to slam a homer. Don't be nervous. Just keep thesefacts in mind:

Page 3

'S~r~ 191~MCi ~~

1. Major league players strike out or fly out more often than they get a hit. ' 2. Top batters with .300 to .400 averages hit safely only three or four times out of ten trips to the plate. 3. The haseball zooms toward you at an approximate speed of 150 miles per hour. 4. You have but a fraction of a' second to decide whether to swing or let it go by for a called '. ball or strike. 5. The pitcher looks as if he •••• wants to bean you with his special fast ball. 6. Each guy on the team is yelling his tonsils dry, demanding a homer even though you know everyone will settle for a base hit. 7. Coach is frowning, which means he thinks you can't clobber it. 8. Too many spectators are booing. What happened to your bleacher support? 9. Your teammates on first and third are taking long leads ... 10.In a few seconds, you can be a hero or a nobody.

wiih a hole in my sock, They wriggle some more, Like children at recess time Make a rush for the door.



c..i(.\;~3 c.i(,\\~


- Amy Templin HaIkus Engagement Youth, deep breath draws he. Her eyes reflect a diamond glow . Spring's buds soon we'll see. - Bakjian Fire. Fire, beautiful and gay, Dance most destructively Then dies with its prey. - Kim Techlin Haiku Quickly foolish tongues loudly utter ignorance silence will reprove.

:0·····: . . ..






Thoughts are like rivers, Wandering aimlessly in the warm summer sun.


1"' ~ 1j o,\L\;~ 1"f:~l~";~"f r~~-----:--l ComIng


Not to know is no disgrace; . And .remember ., .You're up.·.· .Not.to.want·to·luIow.is.a pity. at bat each time you are asked But to want to know and not to do something. know how to find out, Will you 'be 'Il hero or a Is almost a tragedy ... nobody? Only you can decide. James W. Lynn





Which will it be? - Janis Schneider



.I'APril '.' Events. I 14 - Entertainment I Bonanza . IApril Science Fair I April Musical: "Fiddler, p.m. t Aprilthe Roo'""Fiddler on the, .:»

16 21 -



22 -


- Dave Bartelt

J:!oo'" 8 p.m. April 23 - "Fiddler on thel Roof" 2 and 8 p.m. ' April 27 - Bloodmobile on campus . April 28- Movie Night: "The Sorrow and the Pity" 6:30 p.m. Se11now, and Bauer form a April 29- Informal Jazz En· ' strong mound staff. 'semble Concert 7:30 p.m. Choice for the infield is unApril 30- DMLC & FVL Band certain, but many good players ' Concert 1:30 p.m. can win the job. Only ftrst May 11- Children'S Theater: baseman Ron Ohm has a solid "Snow White and the Seven hold. Dwarfs" 1 p.m. Behind the plate Tom Hering May 12 - "Snow White and the ,returns to give- it top rated 7.:,! !?;:'_l catching. Freshman Jeff Kurbis is backing him up. The outfield is pretty much up for grabs. Hopefuls include Colla, Stam, Bauer, Bartelt, Tacke, and Dean Zemple. By Carol Meier The season opened April 4 against Dordt. Look for a tight The DMLC Track Club is off race between NWC-Roseville, to a .running start this year DMLC, and North Central according to Coach Stephen Bible. Hintz. The team consists of 25 people, 15men and 10 women. The first meet will be on Saturday, April 15.This will be an Invitational meet with several schools participatinl: and will be held at tbe Mona Pinske, Nancy Kolb, University of Minnesota, Carol Buelow, Karen Sell, Sue Waseca. Prior to this tbere was Gorz, and Rise Rabenburg, all a meet for women only on April letter winners from last year. 8. Tbe rest of the schedule is not Although the team will miss the confirmed yet, but Coach Hintz pitching of Rachel Kaesmeyer, hopes to involve his teams in several younger players will hopefully fill the void quite well. five or six meets. The Track Club is not supThe women are hoping it ported by any DMLC athletic doesn't rain too much so they funds. The entrance fee is can get the needed outdoor divided among the individuals practice. Besides, they can't get and participants must arrange a tan practicing in the gym all the time. At any rate, spring for their own transportation. enthusiast, grab your hat to Coach Hintz commented that a major factor in the team's shade your eyes, and we'll see success will be. tbe experience you out at the diamond. of the individual participant.

Lancers' Look for r--------------------~~ I I ~.' I a Good Season I I I ,



Prayer Streams

The lDrd's patient eye o'er the'cycles of self-righteousness, transitional turns of conscientiousness, The Lord's patience, nigh.


, The Lord's forgiving ear receiving wrongs repetitiously butchered dally by blasphemy, IThe Lord's forgiveness, here.


I The Lord's all-sufflcient heart I shining on self·wrought Insanity I sows perfect grace o'er humanity ~The Lord's sufficience, ne'er depart. L..__ .........,....._ ...........__ ........._

By Larry Czer How can you replace a 17-1 team? Easy, get about eight or nine new players and the pitching and you've got it. Coach Meihack returns key starters Mark Tacke, Ron Ohm, Tom I Hering, Greg Starn, Paul Bauer, and Larry Sellnow. Meihack loses only two pitchers and two outfielders, but when you add Mike Colla, Dave I Essmann, Paul Kaiser, Dave ._:~!!e.~vlet ~ Niemi, Craig Morgan, Keith Bowe, and Don Eickmeyer, you have a potential nucleus for a winner. One of the problems will be replacing the pitching staff which set a staff ERA record. However, Tacke, Kaiser,




Eight Returning Letter-winners By Carol Dietz

Beth Lobmiller and t)le Lancerettes wind-up for a great season.

Whaack. Surely nothing is more symbolic of spring than the sound of a bat squarely hitting a ball. And the DMLC women's softball players are eager to get the softball season under way. Tryouts started the first of March in the gym while snow was yet falling. Miss Leopold, the head coach this year, had a tough time choosing the team from the talented group of girls who tried out. Seventeen girls were chosen to play for the Lancerettes this year. Among those chosen were Ann Steffen, Karen Schwarz,




t I I I I






Off and



DMLC Messenger

Page 4

Netters Off to a Good Start By Mike PfeUer

By Larry Czer

Even before the snow was off the tennis courts, the 1978 tennis team was practicing for its season opener at Dordt, Iowa. When I spoke to Coach Gorsline, he pointed out the balance that this year's team again had. He feels he has a good team. and that competition will be very close. There are thirteen players on the team, with Joel Nelson, the only senior, as captain. Returning players include last year's number one player, Mark Meihack, and lettennen Tim Plath, Bill Otto, and Greg Schmill. There are also three fine freshmen of the team - Jon Hall, John Kolander, and Matt Schlawin - who will compete for spots on the team. Another addition this year is sophomore Gerry Hosbach. The team also has three women on its roster. They are freshmen Deb Tetzlaff, Linda Romas, and Jo Lobeda.

Spring is here. The teams are yearning to go outside to practice. Spring footbailers are eager to get sweatsuits to practice in. But more than eagerness is necessary of participants. All assume an obligation, the most important for those involved should be to exhibit good sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is an essential' part of any team. Every year brings with it a few encounters with referees or umpires. To show good sportsmanship, audience and players must look at both sides. The player is intense, "psyched up," intent on winning, totally concentrating on the game. The referee who has to watch the entire game, sometimes can't make a fair call because he is blocked out or has a bad angle on the play. The athlete involved sometimes has a better view. Referees are honest, and they try their hardest while players try their hardest: -Once, las! year, in my "illustrious" season of wrestling, the team match

Jo Lobeda (left) and Linda Romas (right) show great fonn on the tennis courts.


'78 Spring Sports- Calendar April


22·Scftball Olt

ll-Softball vs Augsburg, 4 p.m.: Baseball vs Concordia, 2 p.m. 13-Tennisat Northwestern, 1:30 p.m.: Softball at Mankato, 3 p.m. (Dl+) 15-Softballvs St. Ben's, 4 p.m.: Baseball vs North Central, 2 p.m.: Tennis vs Mt. Senarlo, 12p.m. 17-Golf vs Northwestern, 1:30 p.m. l8-Softball vs St. Olaf, 3 p.m. (DH); Baseball at Northwestern, 2 p.~. 19-9olfat Minnesota Bible, 1:30 p.m. 2O-Softballvs St. Cloud, 3 p.m.




a.m.: Baseball vs St. Paul Bible, 1 p.m. 24·Softball vs U of M, 3 p.m. (DH)

25·Baseball vs Pillsbury, 2 p.m. Golf vs. Concordia, 1:30 p.m. Tennis vs Northwestern, 1:30 p.m. 29-Softballvs Southwest, 1 p.m. (DH): Baseball at Concordia 1 p.m. May

~ Support Our . D M LC Messenger Patrons Alwin Electric. Inc. Beck's J.Welry Berger'. Jew.lry Book-Nook-Mary Lue's Yarns Chapter One Citizen's Bank

p.m.; Tennis vs Minnesota

Bible, 2 p.m. 5-State Softball TOURN AT U of M: Goll. MRCC here, 10 a.m. 6-State Softball Tourn at U of M: Baseball at Northwestern, 1 p.m.: Tennis, MRCC here, 10 a.m .. 9-Golf at Northwestern, 1:30 p.m. 10-Tennis at Minnesota Bible, 2 p.m. l2-Golf, TRCC here, 10a.m. 13-Tennls, TRCC at Concordia, 1'0 a.m. 16-Golfat Concordia, 1:30 p.m. 20-Baseballat Pillsbury, 10a.m.

Dr. George J. Germann Ebert's Chalet


Ehler's Elchten Shoes, Inc.

one for all three men's sports is to win in their conferences. It should be easy. For the girls, .they should .win state again. That could make Coach Dallman get a new trophy case. Did you know; Both women coaches, Barb Leopold and Judy Wade, played for teams at CMLCthat won the Minnesota State Girls' Basketball Championship. In fact, in the last five years, DMLChas won it twice.

Putters Away! By Larry Czer Ah, yes, golf is here again. Fore! is my favol1te Jeer. I seem to have a banana slice, but the members of the DMLC golf team don't. Paul Snamiska, Wayne Schlicher, and John Homstad return. They were part of the DMLCteam that won the MRCC last year .. Add to them Paul Edmundson, Rich Carver, and Randy Hoffman and you have one mighty tough


Kean's Cook Paint. Store Kemske Paper Company .KenisShoe Repair

Kentucky Fried Farmers cind Merchants Chicken State Ba:ftk Kina of the Road Flresld. R-estaurut Restaurant and' Lduose KNUJ RADIO 'Ischer-Rexall Drugs AM860- FM93.1The Pair That Frl"skePhoto Service Green Cloth ler's, ·Inc. Herberger's

Coast to Coast

Holiday Best Western Motel

Colonial Inn

House of Friendship

Country Kltc~en

There are certain goals teams

set for a season. I think a safe

2-Baseball at North Central, 2

.................••. l·Golf vs Minnesota Bible, 1:30 p.m.

came down to my contest. I was winning 5-3 in the final period. My opponent was then awarded two penalty points and one point riding time; we lost the match. I was pretty much upset at the referee, but he came up to me after the match and explained the penalties. I learned from this experience, and it helped me later on to be considerate of a referee's, as well as of a players, point of view.

Takes You everywhere

Meyer Studio New Ulm Clinic New Ulm Drug and Camera New Ulm Motel

golf squad. Coach Krueger looks forward -:0 their repeating as MRCC champs and knocking off TRCC rival Concordia to bring home two shlnlng trophies. . .' I finally figured out how DMLC won the tournament. Here is Coach Krueger'~ definition of a DMLCgolfer: "A DMLC golfer is one who yells .four, shoots a six, and writes down a five."

Patrick's Jewelry Patterson Jewelry Polta Drug Qulk Stop Restaurant Retzlaff's Hardware S"ayd's of Color Sherwtn Williams Snyder I)rug. Spelb,InJc:'sClothing Stan's Red Owl, S~ate Bank and Trust Style Stable' . Wallner Construction Company. Inc.

Jake's Pizza

New Ulm Travel Agency

Wllfahrt Bros.; Inc. Vogelpohl's


Nfcklasson Athletic

Ye Ol~e I;»lz~ Inn

~""''''''~~ .... ~~ ..... a •••••••••••••


..... a



Dr. M"rtin





May 12, 1978

New VIm, Minnesota

N.w Ulm. Minn. $6073

.... on·..,o'l


U.S. Po, Pai


Ne. Ulm. Mh......._ •• It... ","

J \




Arbor Day FINALL Y Arrived!

Okay! That's a good one! If the success of Arbor Day was measured in sunburns, then the 1978Arbor Day was truly a success. The weather did not permit Arbor Day to be held until May 2. In the morning, after an 8 a.m. chapel, the DMLC students ~d1o yarjgus partsJlf the campus arid to the pl"ofessors' homes to clean up. The seniors 'were eXCUSed for the day. (Stick around, underclassmen, your day is coming, too.) There was a .mid-morning break of brownies and hot chocolate. to refresh all the hard-workers. After a picnic lunch behind the Student· Union, the af,

ternoon activities began. First, the juniors planted their tree, a red crimson maple, and dedicated it to Professor Hoenecke. Then came the fun and games out in Luther Hollow. Sophomore J.B. (John Beyer) led his class to victory in the,~es which ~~lay racesova,rious ~~ter, the faculty beat the girls' softball team 13-3. The day ended with a faculty .and student picnic supper out in Luther Hollow. At least, that's where it ended for some; for others the after-effects lingered for a few days in the form of sunburns and sore muscles.

Now, where's fll'st base?

Am I safe?

Snow White and Friends Arrive

Witty, Nancy Hiles; Queen sewing costumes. The result of their hard work Bella, Catle Westerhaus; Scully, Karen Piepgras; Hoot, Every now and then we all was evident yesterday and Heidi Baer; the seven dwarfshave to ease ourselves away today, May 11 and 12, in their from lesson plans, typewriter daytime performances for all of Hickory, Nancy Stremlow; Dickory, Cindy Duff; Dock, keys, and pages upon pages, the New Ulm elementary and l!>seourselves in some other schools and .. ~_urrounc:ling Lori. lI.usso',V;_Weepy ••. Qaylll .. SCllill~",<, Deb l:IIIl2Iti!... _~ actlvi£Y:"Flfly:twopeoplenave-.par6Chia1-sch061s71'1i1!)i .•1iN Echo-Echo, Mary Thone;_Little done just that by becoming giving a final performance of It Banjo, Carrie Zietlow; The involved in Children's Theater. at 7:30 tonight in the Prince, Dave Robertson; Lately they have been making auditorium . Mirror, Dave Dahl; and Trees, the pages of "Snow White and The director, Dawn Aswege, Cindy Seevers, Donna Heup, the Seven Dwarfs of the Black speaks for the entire group Annette Oswald, Amy Henrich, Forest" by J.W. Rogers come to when she says, "Practices have and Connie Ulrich. life once again. been a lot of work, but also a lot Besides Dawn as the director, With "Fiddler on the Roof" of fun!" Besides all of the we also have co-director, Sandy presented, our D.M.L.C. hardworking people behind the Nell; producer, Kathy musical. cast has finally scenes, the rest of the cast inSpiegelberg; co-producer, breathed a sigh of relief and eludes: Time: Linda Schultz; Tammi Hadler; coordinator. settled down to cherish their King, Tim Rimpel; . Snow Bonnie Brammer; and comemories. But similar to the White, Margo Tullbeg; Bunny coordinator, Doris Johnson. musical's hubbub, since Easter Rabbit, Kim Salzwedel; Bonnie Their advisor is Professor vacation the Children'S Theater Rabbit, Judy Lohr; Primrose, Schubkegel. has likewise been busy pracBecky Hafemeister; Tillie (cont. on page 2) ticing nightly, building sets, and Turtle, Pam Abel; Maid Dim By Kathy Sievert

Special Education - Wh~t Is It?

Prof. Hoenecke helps to plant \01 tree dedicated to him.

By Audrey Eckelberg Dr. Maynard Reynolds, professor of special education at the University of Minnesota, was the guest speaker at DMLC on April 23. He spent the day talking to faculty and students about special education and how important it is to be able to handle the "special" child. (Special includes the fast learner, slow learner, mentally retarded and handicapped, and the physically handicapped.) He spoke on the development and advancement of special education over the years. Over two centuries ago the "exceptional" person" was pushed into a corner by society. In the early 1900's, specialized institutions were established for those neglected by their parents as well as by society. These institutions didn't give the special care and necessary help to each individual as a person. The child suffered the most. In

the 1950's, parents of handicapped children organized themselves into the NARC (National Association for Retarded Children). Today, it is the National Association for Retarded Citizens. They wanted their children to be served and helped individually. They organized special classes and schools in communities rather than institutions so their child could obtain special help. 1n·1970,a court decree came up in Pennsylvania about the neglected child (those not handicapped, but not functioning normally) that needed special programs to help him. This case, along with similar cases, established the ground for the following principles written into federal law: 1. Every child has a right to an education. Teachers often give up teaching a special child. How and who decides who gets an education and who .doesn't? How can you say someone has

no right to an education? Every school is to give a child an education and especially establish a purpose in a special child's life! 2. A right to an appropriate education. There are to be modifications set for each child, especially if he is a special one. Teachers, working with the parents, decide what benefits their child so he can get a proper education. 3. Parents have the right to . participate in planning the education oftheir child. Parents know their child and can help the teacher set up his education in writing so he can make progress. Parents should know of the progress their child is making and, if at all possible, give the teacher helpful hints in writing up IEP's (Individualized Educational Programs) for the special child. 4. LRS (Least Restrictive Alternative.) This principle (cont. on page 3)

May 12, 1978

_ DMLC Me~~enger

A Plea to Reason

Guest Editorial A Senior Looks Ahead 00 you remember the theme ofour recent musical, "Fiddler on the Roof?"!n the little town of Anatevka traditions were changing. Yet, when the people had to leave, they took some of their traditions with them. By using your imagination, this can be applied to DMLC. DMLCis sometimes' called a "city on a hill." We all have to leave this city sometime. And just like the people of Anatevka, when we leave DMLCwe should take some of our "traditions" with us. One of these, which all of us.)ls future teachers will use in our classrooms, is daily Bible study. Here we receive this in our morning and evening chapel services, and in religion classes. In the future we will conduct devotions in our classrooms and teach Bible lessons. We can also use Meditations for our own private devotions, as so many students here do. Another "tradition" which we don't really think about here on campus is the Christian fellowship which we enjoy. Many times we don't attend the various activities on campus because we are too busy or have something else to attend. Yet we still share in Christian fellowship in many other aspects of our lives here, such as dorm life. But when we get out on our own, we will not have our friends and all the activities of DMLC to provide us continually with this Christian fellowship. We will have various church and school activities to attend, new people to meet, and new friends to make. These can provide us with the same fellowship that we have here. The people of Anatevka took their traditions with them when they had to leave their homes for strange, new places. Let us remember to take our Christian "traditions" with us when we have to leave our "city on a hill" for strange, new places. Mary Wilde

(cont. from page 1)

This year the Children'S Theater also performed a skit for our Christmas party, went caroling in Highland Manor, performed a short play at a banquet honoring retarded citizens in SI. James, Minnesota, enacted another short play at the Children's Home in SI. Peter, Minnesota, and presented a portion of "Snow White" for the DMLC Women's Auxiliary in Mankato. Tonight at 7:30 is one's last chance to see friends as he has never seen them before.

Recorder Club Recreates Renaissance was performed by Miss Kresnicka and the Recorder Club with Mrs. Sharon Just as soloist and Charles Luedtke on the harpsichord, Some of their numbers included "Son tutta . : duolc.". "Fantasia _a: 6,"~·and "Prelude and Fugue in F Sharp Minor from the Well-Tempered Clavier. "

DMLC Recorder Club opens their concert. By Cheryl Schultz On April 7 at 8:00 P.M. in the chapel-auditorlum, we took a trip hack to the Renaissance Era. The trip was guided by Miss Judith Kresnicka and the Recorder Club. Their costwnes and instruments reflected this h


grand' period of time exceedingly well. Such composers as Scarlotti, Bach, Clemens non Papa, and des Prez were brought hack to life .through their music. This concert was divided into three sections. The first section


By Betty Kuecker Spring has sprung, so they tell me. Maybe now it has decided to stick around for awhile. It surely is nice to be able to open dormitory windows, that.were frozen shut all winter, to let the fresh air in again. Gazing out over the campus, we see the grass turning green, the trees budding, and the guys running around in their shorts. Of course, that old disease known as Spring Fever has been around for quite awhile already. Homework gets shoved aside; bicycling, playing tennis, throwing frisbees, and batting that ball into center field seem more appealing - not to mention just going for a leisurely walk with a close friend. It's getting harder to remember those cold, dismal winter days of the past when every moment was [usta part of the same old dull routine. Spring is a time of new life and new hope. Yes, we are alive! Wea~e more ~a~ students destined to textbooks, paper, and pens. There sa fascinating world out there within our reach' ail we have to do is grasp it for our own. There's no need to search for or plan for or dream about all the precious treasures we could have. ~ s~ple run through Flandrau, a walk in the rain, a quiet moment sitting on the hill watching the clouds pass and the birds fly: all these reveal the life God has just renewed for us. So often we find it hard to thank God for all His blessings. Too often we don't even notice. There's another way to "say" thanks, We can show our appreciation. Let's go out into the sun and grasp at that life. Let's look around and let Godknow that we see His beauty reflected in all He ha.s touched. Let's take a deep breath, feel the grass, listen to the Wind, and sense His deep love surrounding us on every side. Thi~is life! We must never merely exjst: we must live! Let spring be 10 us also.

Parts two and three were performed by Miss Kresnicka and 'special guests - Mrs. Laura Thompson, Mr. Paul Thompson, and Mr. Gene Witacre. These talented musicians are members of the . Twin Cities Chapter American Recorder Society. They.brought with them many instruments from the Renaissance Era. The instruments they played were krurnmhorn, shaurn, kortholdt, dulzian, cornemuse, and Renaissance and Baroque recorders. Musical numbers in these sections included "Ich armes Schaf," a rendition of "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past," and "Aile Welet Springe," and many others. They ended the concert with "Basse Dance 'Jouissance' from Orchesographie." At the close of this number, the audience responded warmly to a very fine evening of entertainment.

The Student Union Is a nice place for friends to sit in and. have a great time talking and playing foosball, ping-pong, or pool. The S.U. houses ia minicafeteria' with a T.V. room where we can- watch the the tube while enjoying various epicurean delights. It would be a really enjoyable place, if only it weren't continually torn apart. The S.U. lounge, game room, and Round Table is intended for the use of all students attending either DMLC or MLA. It was built as a place where students can converse and unwind for awhile. The Union always has a few occupants from the time it opens up until. 11:00, when: It closes. . . . . I'm sure that all of you have noticed the condition in which the Union can often be found. There are often newspapers, confetti, and other garbage on the floor. People have been· ripping the foam stuffing out of the chairs. In the college T.V. room, there is sign up that asks people to replace chairs and tables in their places after' they leave them. There is also a request posted asking that the tables be cleaned when people leave. All it really asks for is common sense and courtesy. As was mentioned before, the S.U. is everybody's .. We are paying for the repair to the furniture in the lounge. The floor has' to. be cleaned every day, and all the confetti on the floor makes for extra work. What' is the point of ripping paper into confetti and strewing it all over the S.U. floor? What is the point of cutting holes in the chairs. and ripping the stuffing out? Last year all the chairs were "repaired by the S.U. Board. It was paid for out of money paid by all students upon their enrollment. At the beginning of the year, all the chairs were in good shape. Now several are ripped and missing stuffing. That will cost hundreds of dollars to repair, It is everyone's responsibility to keep order in the Union. It belongs to us all. It is our property being torn apart. Why is it so hard for one person to ask another to stop from messing up the S.U.? It isn't a had idea for a person to protect his own property. There is a set of rules for conduct In the S.U. Here they are. summarized briefly:


Blood Is

the Harvest

Blood is a very personal resource which cannot be manufactured. The person in need of blood receives this precious fluid only because another person cared enough to share. This is the plea that went out for blood donors for April 28 when the bloodmobile was on campus. One hundred ninety-seven people answered that plea and gave a pint of blood so that . others might live. There were twenty-eight deferrals, or people who for one reason or' another weren't accepted. Sixty-one students were firsttime donors.

of Life!

The bloodmobile will be back next fall and there will be another opportunity for you to contribute to the harvest of life.


1) Conduct becoming Christian young people should always be observed. 2) Paper and unwanted materials should not-be thrown on the floor. There are tables and .racks provided for the papers, and wastebaskets for the garbage. 3) Chairs may be moved, but when they are no longer used, they are to be returned to their places. Why expect others to do what is our duty? . 4) The 'walls in the lounge area are not meant as an obstacle course or as chairs. They are not to be sat on or climbed over. They do break. . These rules are very general, 'as you may have noticed, and . are really governed by a sense of Christian responsibility and courtesy. They have been made with the intention of keeping the Union clean and more presentable. Let's try to observe these rules, and then we may have a Union that we won't be ashamed of when visitors arrive. Cathy' Westerhaus Student Union Board /


!B ~,



", '.' and. we advise you to tum off your set to conserve energy , , • Please stay tuned for f".rlh"r. ann~_nc.ef1lent••!'.. . .

.OMLC MeHenger The DMLC MESSENGER is published during the months of October, November, December, F.ebruary, March, April,' May and June. The subscription price is two dollars per annum. Single copies are twenty



We request

payment in advance. All business communications Should be addressed'to the BusinessManager. Contributionsfrom all alumni, undergraduates,and f.rienm are appreciated. EDITOR, Dawn Brooks ASSISTANT EDITOR ... Mary Wilde LAYOUT EDITOR Beth Ruege CIRCULATION MANAGER . . . . . . . . . .. Becky Hafemeister BUSINESS MANAGER .. . . . . Dianne Fiebiger WRITERS ." RamonaOwens Carol Dietz. Larry Czer Kathy Sievert. Luann Degner Audrey Eckelberg. Cheryl Schultz. Steve Grosinske. Becky Hafemelster. Mike Pfeifer. Duane Ohland. Steve Groening. Betty Kuecker, Carol Meier, Dianne Fiebiger, Dave Hagen LA YOUT ..... Sheree Bradtke _ Audrey Eckelberg. Larry Czer, Ramona Owens. Paul Weihlng PHOTOGRAPH'V ..... : Duane Ohland. Karla Breltenfeldt, • Steve Grosinske ARTISTS. : Janis Gygl Becky Hafemeister CIRCULATION . Cheryl Schultz TYPISTS .:.... : .. Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz, Kathy Sievert BUSINESS CherylSchultz Audrey Eckelberg ADVISOR' Prof. C.J. Trapp

May 12, 1978 ,

DMLC Mess~ng~r,


Page 3

"Fiddler On the Roof"

John Homstad played the .lead 'role, Tevye, in the DMLCDrama Club's production of "Fiddler on the Roof," performed on April 21, 22, and 23,

Where is Your Energy Going'! By Steve Groening On April 6, Dr, Dale Mordue of the Mankato State University Physics Department gave a lecture demonstration on the topic: Energy in Your Home, Do You Know Where It Is Gohig?'fhe--presentation', given in Ihe Chapel-Auditorium, presented- valuable information as to how we can save the heat in our homes from escaping, Ihus saving on heating cost as well as saving, very needed heating fuels, Dr. Mordue showed how graphs can be made that show how much fuel is being used in each home. These records can be compared to other homes and relative norms and indicate Ihe energy efficiency' of each home. The probable highlight of the presentation was the Thermovision pictures. These piclures showed homes as a black .background , with escaping heat showing as varying degrees of

white. A scale on the left side of the piclure indicated the degree difference of the black and white areas. This showed the areas of a house where the most heat' escapes, and, therefore, where more insulation is needed. Other topics discussed included the best. types of insulation available, and which materials used in building houses also provide the best insulation. In addition, discussion of a more technical nature dealt with r"'ius of the distances bet ween the air inside and outside. Dr. Mordue ended his presentation by answering many questions offered from a good-sized audience. Whilemost of the information was not of a readily practical nature, it was still highly informative and certainly gave new insights into one of America's important concerns of the fulure, that of energy conservation.

Lancers Meet Foxes By Becky Hafemelster Fox Valley Lutheran High School Band, under the direction of Paul Wendland and Jeffery Hugo, arrived in New Uhn on Friday afternoon, April 28, The band hailed from Appleton, Wisconsin, to join the DMLC Band, under Prof. Hermanson, in a joint Jazz Band .Concert and a joint Wind Ensemble Concert. The two bands practiced Saturday morning and afternoon. On Saturday night, at 7:30, the two jazz bands filled the DMLC gymnasium with their music. The bands played alternate pieces. Fox Valley Jazz Band livened, up the gymnasium with the theme from "Rocky" and "Hey Jude!" The DMLC Jazz Band slowed things down with "Come Rain or Shine" and" A Song for

Someone." Fox Valley Jazz ,Band played a total of seven pieces and DMLC played six pieces. The jazz bands received an excellent turnout from the DMLC student body, who in turn heard two excellent bands give their best. On Sunday, April 30, at 1:30 the Fox Valley Lutheran High School Symphonic Wind Ensemble and DMLC Wind Ensemble performed a joint Wind Ensemble Concert.Each wind ensemble alternately played five pieces. The bands played one mass number, "El Capitan" by ,J.P. Sousa, at the close of Ihe concert. Sad to say. the audience was not as large as it had been Saturday night. Those who were there heard an excellent concert.

Special .Ed. Hodel (Carol Wynkoop). hovers anxiously over Perchik (Dave Niemi) as Tzeitel (Judy Metzger) waiches. ' ., ." .




. ~ , ,It's Spr-ing!







It's that time of year when the Irees bud. "." .. . - - - -' And the rivers flood. ~ And the birds of the morning sing; It's that time of year when we mow our lawns, ~ And does have fawns, It's spring!

It's that time of year when grass turns green, And the air smells clean, And sweet perfume new flowers bring; It's that time of year we like to bike, And take a hike; It's spring!




Connie Ulrich


~ ~


Entertainment Bonanza Exhibits Variety By Cheryl Schultz Where do you go to see talented singers, witty MC,s, skilled musicians, graceful dancers, and can get a touch of 'Peanut Butter' - all at once? No where but at DMLC's Enterlainment Bonanza. This year's Bonanza took place April 14, 1978 at 7:00 P.M. in the chapel-auditorium. The MC's for the evening were Steve Merton, Darrel Hartmann, and Ed Voeltz. They helped to tie the acts together with their witty personalities. The singing acts included there: "Icthus" with Luann Punke and Tim Rimple; Carol Wynkoop and Judy Metzger; "Dr. Bopp." a freshman group portraying the 50's; Lori Rich accompanied by Dawn Urnrnus: "Avalanche" with Crystal Roemhildt, Paul Berger, Dave

Niemi, Randy Kramer, and Bob Kramer; and Trudy Bittner and John Nass were accompanied by Jim Wade. Following a 1()-lIIinute intermission, was a skit called "Peanut Butter." "Peanut Butter" was acted out by Lindy Dietz. Lindy's 'helping hands' were Jo Lobeda and Janise Gygi. Following the skit came singer Chris Hagen accompanied by Jim Wade. Next on the agenda were the "Flappers." The Flappers were Cindy Hammer and Dave Covach who performed songs and dances depicting the 'Roaring '20's. "Aura" was a singing group which included Jan Nelson, Kay Purchatzke and Crystal Roemhildt. The final act was a touch of bluegrass by "Karl Tryggmonson and His Skillet Lickers"; that is. Steve Merton, Dianne Dropp,

(cont. from page 1) means bringing the education to the child in a normal setting, not to take him to the education in a clinic, in a hospital, or place .him into an' institution. Societyis demanding that more - -. capacity. be- built. in the: school. system so the teacher is sent in to helpthe child and not vice versa. These principles legalize the education of the special, exceptional child. As future teachers, all of us at one time or another will run into children who will need extra attention, care, and education. We all must be able to handle this child and make him feel welcome and not different from his other classmates. To be able to handle that type of child, here are a few hints which may help make teaching and educating such an one a little bit easier: 1. Don't demean or degrade "different" children . 2. Let the child learn to appreciate the differences between him and his classmates, but make him welcome. 3:Let the child sense his progress, and, as teachers, fully respect him for what he does. 4. Make the parents participants 'in the educational planning of their child. 5. Keep in mind at all times that God made this child and he is a human being like, the "other" Children. 6. When times get rough for you in trying to teach this child, pray to God for strength, help, and guidance. Neal Ristow and Darrel Hartmann. The Entertainment Bonanza of 1978 did indeed leave a favorable impression on students and faculty alike of the extensive talent found on our campus.

May 12,.1978

DMLC Messenger

Page 4

Lancerettes Have' Ups and Downs By Carol Dietz I know it may not seem as if spriiig has even arrived yet, but it's true that the Women's Softball Tournament is rapidly approaching , The DMLC women's team has been playing three double headers a week, when weather permits, in an attempt to get in as many games as possible before the tournament. The season started out rather dismally as the girls dropped both ends of a double header on a cold day in Winona. In the first game Ann Steffen had the only hit for DMLC, a homerun in the seventh inning. Augsburg was the next opponent, and the Lancerettes managed to pullout a 7 - 6 victory. It was a close contest the whole game. Lori Landry was the heroine of the game as she pounded out a double to

Golfers Are Undefeated By Larry Czer The DMLC golf team is having a fabulous year. After six matches they are undefeated and untied. Leading the way for the Lancers are Paul Snamiska and Paul Edmundson, followed closely by Wayne Schlicker, Bob Pagel, Randy Hoffmann, Randy Koeppel and Rich Carver. Snamiska and Edrmmdson have been really consistent in the matches. Both have scored in the low 80's or high 70's. The golfers have swept by NWCRoseville, Minnesota Bible twice, and a close match with former TRCC champ Concordia. "Koach" Krueger looks for a hopeful season with no less than a conference championship or two. The team has a tough schedule in the near future, but the outlook is more than bright.

knock in the winning run in the bottom of the seventh. Karen Schwarz also contributed a home run. Several days later DMLC split a double header with Mankato. Kay Shambeau had three hits as the Lancerettes scored eleven runs on five hits and won by an 11 - 8 score. It was a rather sloppy game as both teams combined for eleven errors. Ann Steffen did a nice job pitching in her only outing of the year. April 22 the Lancerettes won one and lost one at a triangularIn St. Paul. In a wild game against Concordia, the Lancerettes came out on the short end of a 15- 12 score. Nancy Kolb had two triples in the game. In the second game DMLCclobbered Bethel 18- 6. Ann Steffen, Karen Bauer, and Karen Sell each had three hits and Lori Landry had four. So far in the season Lori Landry is leading the team in hits with twelve, and she has compiled a .480 batting average. Although she has unlimited action, Karen Bauer has hit at a .500clip. AM Steffen and Karen Schwarz are the two .300hitters on the team with Ann leading the team in extra base hits. So far this year, the pitching hasn't been consistent, and the pitchers have .not always been supported with a tough defense. But that should improve as the

season goes on. One bright spot is the outfield, which lias done very well defensively. Carol Buelow has been extremely accurate in her throws from left field, and she has gunned down numerous runners trying to score. ·As for State Tournament, the students wish the entire team a lot of luck.

ItDaddy, I want you to meet Ronald. Ronald is the school's best tennis player."


~:Pi~ II


Lancers Are 7-5

Lancer Netters By Larry Czer

Perform Well By Mike Pfeifer With the season coming to an end, the Lancer netters can boast a record of 5-3 in their .tennis matches. Coach Gorsline is pleased with this year's team. He feels that the squad is again very balanced. As a result, the individual members have had to play several challenge matches to arrive at the team order. Presently the line-up of the top six players reads, in order: John Kolander, Mark Meihack, Jon Hall, Joel Nelson, Tim Plath, and Matt Schlawin. In a recent match against St. Paul Bible College, the team swept the three doubles and all but one of the singles matches, giving the Lancers an 11-1total. Coach Gorsline also remarked that nine of the thirteen players will receive letters this year.

u~~.~ ~11

Have you ever been in these By Larry Czer situations? I know I have at one The word "choke" in the time or another. It's easy to dictionary means to gag, or be strike-out, miss the free throw, strangled. However, in the area miss the field goal and miss the of sports its connotative putt. Being in these situations is meaning is quite different. a real challenge. In fact, it is the Choke means to "not come supreme challenge in sports. through in time of pressure." That's what makes sports so I pity the athlete who is placed in these situatlons: , interesting and exciting. People frequently comment batting with two out in the last about the physical ability of an inning when you're losing 2-1,or athlete, but seldom does one being at the free throw line with hear a comment about his five seconds left and your team . is losing by one, or kicking a 2G- psyche or attitude. Contrary to some beliefs, sports is 80 peryard field goal. with seven cent psyche. That's why it's seconds left to win the game, or easy to choke, but hard to come making a two-foot putt to clinch through in the clutch. a team victory.

The Lancer's baseball team improved its record to 7-5with a sweep over Pillsbury and St. Paul Bible and a split with Concordia. The only losses have come from Concordia, 7-4,5-4, 21; and Northwestern-Roseville, 11-1, 1~. The Lancers have beaten everyone else: North Central 6-3, 11-3;and St. Paul Bible IG-3, 11-9; Pillsbury 2-1, 11-1; and Concordia 14-9. Against Concordia in the opener, the Lancers had the spring jitters, but rebounded against North Central. They had a tough time against Roseville, but have been on the winning track since. Ron Ohm hit a grand slam against Pillsbury, and Larry Sellnow hit a homer to pull out the game 119. Paul Bauer, Ohm and Sellnow hit homers against Concordia. Sellnow's homer was in extra

innings and iced the Win. Bauer and Mark Tacke have looked good pitching. Coach Meihack cites the youth of the .team and errors in the Lancers' rough start as being critical. The team has five new players. The line-up includes: Mike Colla (RF), Don Eickmeyer (3B), Paul Bauer (CF-P), Ron Ohm (1B), Mark Tacke (CF-P), Greg Stam (SS), Tom Hering (C), Larry Sellnow (2B), Jeff Kurbis (DH), and Keith Bowe, Roger Kramp and Dave Essmann sharing the duties in left field. Statistical leaders include Ron Ohm (.436), Paul Bauer (.444), Mark Tacke (.371), Larry Sellnow (.370); Ohm 14 RBI's, Bauer and Sellnow 13 RBI's, Ohm and Sellnow 2 homers, Bauer one homer: pitchers, Bauer 45 SO. 7.35 ERA, Tacke 30 SO., 4,76 ERA and Sellnow 1.35 ERA. .

-r···············~····· .' ,~~~

"We'd better check to see if he's a student here."

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Dr. ~





May 26, 1978

New Ulm, Minnesota

110 to Graduate June 2 By DlaDDeFiebiger The Number four can be said to rep-esent ~ year's senior class and their four, soon to be completed, years of diligent study and hard work at DMLC. ~ FrIday, J1DIe2, 1978, at 10 am. In the Luther· Memorial Gymnasium, the 110 members of the senior class will receive their Bachelor of Science Degree In Elementary Education. The majority of these graduates will then enter Into the full-time service of Quist's teaching mInIatry. Prof. Uoyd Huebner, the Dean of Students. will be the

liturgist, and Pastor Kurt Eggert, Chairman of the Commission for . Higher Education from Milwaukee, will be the speaker. President Conrad Frey will distribute the diplomas, with Prof. A.J. Schultz, Academic Dean, assisting. The senior class has selected Psalm 27:1 as their verse: "The Lord Is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord Is the strength of my life; of whom shall Ibe afraid?'! RaInbow pastels and carnations were chosen as class colors and Dowers. The words of the fourverse class hYIllll (f01Dld on

~ D.M_L.C. Me.seng... ~



New UI..., MInn. 56073



l±__j Call Night Draws Near

page 3 of this Issue) were written by Luanne Degner and Becky Sauck and the tune and men will receive assignments. 'By~ €cke~r~ '\1 setting Is by Dan Hosbach. The The Call Niglit Vespers will be As the days draw closer to the College Choir, directed by Prof. at 8:00 p.m. on May 30 in tbe end of another school year, the James Engel, will sing "Where auditorium. The service will be countdown to Call Night conE'er Igo, What E'er My Task" tinues. Tuesday, May 30, Is Call directed by Dean Huebner, and for the occasion. The three the sermonette will be delivered hymns which will be SlDIg Night. Apprehensive, excited by him also. Professor Backer seniors, students, and faculty during the service are "We Now will know that night where their will be at the organ. During the Implore God the Holy Ghost," service the Treble_Choir will classmates, friends, and "All Depends on Our sing "Jesus, Lead Thou On." students will be sent to teach Possessing," and "Lord, Thee I After the service, President God's Word Out of l10 (27 men, Love With All My Heart." Frey will read the assignments 83 women) J1DIegraduates, 83 It is our sincere prayer that for the Class of 1978. im(26 men, 57 women) will be God will guide and bless the mediately after all the seniors assigned a call. Twenty-three seniors in whatever calling He assigned meet briefly with their women have indicated has determined for each one of respective district president. A marriage plans and a number of them. reception will be held by the them will receive a call from faculty for the students congregations in the area where assigned, their family, and their their husbands settle. Five friends. other women and eleven other What will happen when petroleum runs out since most energy used on farms Is fuel energy instead of renewable food energy? What will happen if America continues to upset the environmental balances here and even in other nations PRELUDE - DMLC WIND ENSEMBLE 7:30 P.M. as she Is beginning to with the Barnum & Bailey's Favorite Karl L. King "Green Revolution"? What Overture In Bb Caesar Vlovannlnl dangers from monopoly exist in scored by Wayne Robinson corporate agriculture? Festlvo Vaclav Nelhybel An exhibit which probed so Overture To a New Era : •..... Caesar Giovannini The Stars & Stripes Forever ....••.....•... John Phlllp Sousa deeply into a subject that

A Different Kind of Revolution by Ramoua 0._ Revolution - a word full of fearful, tumultous connotations. Three revolutions, complete with abrupt changes, have swept through our nation since Americans began to bring forth food Yes, they were merely agricultural revolutions. The connotations suddenly become peaceful and pastoral, don't they? By viewing an exhibit shown in the DMLC library last month, however, one may have

Obtained with an AAL grant, the exhibit came from the Smithsonian Traveling ElIhibition .Service. The three revolutions it dealt with in pictures and text were the horsepower revolution, the mechanized revolution, and the scientific revolution. Since the agricultural scene is still changing rapidly, the whole exhibit was named "American Agriculture: A Continuing Revolution." But the exhibit did

-~=~nsUll!are~..,~~~~~~--:~J!~a~~':'"'~ibJJ America either to re-evaluate and questioned her methods or perhaps to Some of the questions It perish. What a comforting raised are even frightening: thought! The exhibit was not in vivid color. It did not command attention, and since people easily Ignore anything that does not command, the giant cards leaned in loneliness for most of the month. A bIstory class read them, and· a' public school agricultural class did also; one town man wanted to, but the library was closed that afternoon.

1978 Commencement Concert

humbly and sincerely, though somberly in black and white.

CHAPEL CHOIR Some Enchanted Evening (from "South Paclflc") .. , Richard RodgerS NoOne's Perfect arr. Walter Rodby Oneof Those Songs Gerard Calvi

!I I I



!! I

by Becky Hafemelster

COMBINED CHOIRS It's A Grand Night For Singing . Oscar Hammersteln Richard



Bach RecitalLecture Given James Bakken, of· Jenoa, WISCOnsin,presented a lecture and recital on Bacb's "Orgelbiichlein" on May 18. Mr. Bakken lectured on eight of tbe 45 preludes; He presented the history and origin of each of the eight preludes. Judy Metzger accompanied Mr. Bakken by singing .eight choral selections before he played "Nun Komm, Der Herden Heiland," "In Duicl Jubllo," "In Dir lsf Freude r "0 Mensch, Dewein'," "Christ Lag In Todesbanden," "Komm, Gott Schopfer," "Liebster Jesu," and "Est 1st Das ·Hell/' Mr~ Bakken's Instructor Is Professor Charles Luedtke. Mr. Bakken is presently emergency teaching in the music department at DMLC.:

COMMENCEMENT'CONCER,..'I)OI.P~MI1',,"'-~-"'--4--""" COLLEGE CHOIR-'~."'."~p~.-,"".~, ~,,........,..~:,..~-. ~ Cruclflxus Antonio Lotti Now Shall I Go Heinrich Schutz Psalm 150 Jan Bender


Arr. WIlliam Stickles

TREBLE CHOIR Sing A Rainbow School Days Round of Goodbyes

Arthur Hamilton Leslie Brlcusse Frederick Sliver

COLLEGE CHORALE Tomorrow (from" Annie")

., Martin Charnln Charles Strouse arr. William Simon (Appalachian Folk Song) arr. Eric Seyfried Mack Gordon Josef Myrow You Make Me Feel So Young arr. Clay Warnick

He's Gone Away

COLLEGE CHOIR Music Here Eugene Butler Selections from the Llebeslleder Waltzes .• Johannes Brahms Times of Your L1fe · Roger Nichols COMBINED CHOIRS Alma Mater

Text: C.J. Trapp Music: R.L. Shilling'


Mike L~ckronel


COMBINED C.HOIRS Battle Hymn of the Republlc Poem: Julia Ward Howe / Tune: William Steffe Accompaniment: Wind Ensemble arr: Roy Ringwald Scored for band by: William C. Schoenfeld

A statue of Dr. Martin Luther surveys the comings and goings of students in the library. Our college is named for this great reform: er. HIs diligence serves as a reminder that we also be diligent in our study for the Lord's service.

DIRECTORS: College Choir Chapel Choir Treble Choir College Chorale & Wind Ensemble


James Engel Ronald Shilling Joyce Schubkegel Roger Hermanson

--- ~-~...~-




Page 2

Essay Winner

At last this year Is coming to an end. No more classes! homework can be forgotten, as we try to relax our brains again. But Is It really the endt Think of all we have learned this year. I don't mean only how to prepare lesson plans, write comps, or tell the difference between erosion and deposition. Think of how we have changed ... all the people we have grown close to ... all the experiences we have shared. Our memories wlll keep this past year from ending. Ufe Is a constant change. People change; faces change; friendships change. Attitudes change; dreams change; goals change. Sometimes It Is difficult to adjust to all the changes of life. Acceptance Is a hard virtue to maintain. Often we cannot even judge whether the changes are for the good or bad, because somehow time keeps pushing us on through a cloud of unreality. We don't realize what Is happening, till the changes are a thing of the past. We might try to think our way back to reality, but let us be warned: excessive thinking may be hazardous to mental health! Changes ... Suddenly, I feel like I'm getting off the "DMLC Bus." As I stand on the comer tryingto figure out whether Igot off at the right stop, I keep gazing into the windows to see famUiar faces I may never see again. The "bus" slowly slips out of sight, and I must decide which sidewalk to take. Where do I go now? How do I find the path to my changing dreams? As I start a new beginning, my mind wlll flash back to the memories of that "bus" many times. My two years at DMLC hold many precious memories. Whether they be good, bad, happy, sad, serious, or just plain crazy, they are all mine; and no one can take them away from me. The hardest part of leaving is letting go of the security I have known. I wish there were some way I could let all my friends know what they have meant to me. Drifting apart is sad. But I believe that, even though more changes, these friendships will still last. I will always remember the people who have touched my life. They live forever in a little corner of my heart. The time has come for me to say good-bye "and until we meet again, may God hold you In the palm of His hand."

The student body' congratulates Miss Linda Borchardt of the Class of '78 for winning the $100.00 annual W.C. Trettin Creative Writing award for this SChOOl year. sne was the winner over two others, . who offered her strong com-: petition. Her presentation, entitled "A Closer Look," was built around a nostalgic perience, which became dearer with age. MIss Borchardt halls from Watertown, Wisconsin.


~~ ~~~-------~t Former Instructor COR~: Dies tWlliLiTfRARY ~~.__! "Let·s see your very best. Money is no obJect ••• "

We have traveled side by side, my friend. We have shared, laughed, an~ cried. Now you are going your way and IImine. We may never meet again during our lifetime. Remember the first time we got to know eacli other? Both of us were so crazy! We got close that very first night - talklng about our yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows, sharing our innennost thoughts. We have both changed since then. I used to be so quiet - you opened me up. I was very narrow-minded, and your life was so free. Your life centered around one word: acceptance. You taught me the meaning of that word: to see what was In a person, to accept what he was, and to realize that every person Is constantly changing, just as I myself am. Youtaught me acceptance. We have grown together, side by side. Our backgrolUlds are so different; yet, our souls met and we grasped each other to the very riepth of our being. We shared words, walks, crazy times, and quiet moments. We've partied and fought, laughed and cried, hurt and sang together. You showed me bow to be myself, and through you I got to know me for what I am. Now we are parting from each other; you are going one wa:!:'and I, another. Never again will we walk side by side. We will be fnends forever, but we will only share memories of our yesterdays, piecemeal news of our todays, and short notes of our plans for the future. We will never dream together, and the dreams we've dreamed will fade away. . . Yet, we will meet again,ln a special place; in an unknown time. We will share our final goal together and once again stand side by side. But until then I wish there were something I could give you to carry with you to remember us by ... If I were time, I'd give you a day ... A day when you could truly experience happiness. If I were faith, I'd give you hope ... Hope in a better tomorrow that would forget the Sadness of today. . If I were love, I'd give you strength ... Strength to overcome the obstacles that may block the path to your goal. But I am only myself ... Ican give you a moment we can share, a wish that reaches for hope, a smile that conveys love, and a thought that God be near. "Michelle"




5 "p.,-t




..... ...,



Later ... And now, the exciting conSupertonlc: Well, Subclusion of THE ADVENTURES mediant, Prof. Dissonance has OF SUPERTONIC. Supertonic: All right, Sub- been retired for now and the freshmen are now free to study mediant, we will take him by for finals. surprise with our secret Submediant: But I can't help weapon! thinking, that we forgot Submediant: Great Inversions, Supertonic! Do you something ... Super tonic : Good tertial mean ... harmony, Submediant! Prof. Supertonic: Yes, I mean ... Submediant: Isn't that a little Hennanson! So our heroes lead kindly harsh, I mean .. Supertonic: For his devious Prof. Hermanson out of Band way - it's what he deserves! Room D. As our heroes prepare for the Prof. Hermanson: Youyou saved me! How can I ever sneak attack on the bandroom, repay you?! Prof. Dissonance is continuing his torture of the innocent freshSupertonic: Don't try to thank men.,. us. Just go and practice your Prof. Dissonance: Today, my tuba and' whip the band into dear pupils, Ha-Ha-Ha, we will shape. take chapters 10-16, spending a . Submediant: Supertonic, it's total of 3.2 mintues on each time for us to hit the books and chapter! Ha-Ha-Ha ... become the shy unasswning THEN ... SUDDENLY OUR freshmen as before. HEROES BURST INTO THE Supertonic: Yes, it's back to ROOM!!! Peter Dicklebach and Joe Schmoe. We've actually made it Supertonic: So, Prof. Dissonance, you will meet your through the first year. end! Submediant: Yea! But next Prof. Dissonance: Ha-Ha-Ha, year we'll be sophomores! Supertonic! You are powerless (Gasp - Shudder!) against me. Will our heroes make it Supertonic: That's what you through the sophomore year? think. Submediant, bring out through the swnmer? WillProf. the secret weapon! Dissonance terrorize next Prof. Dissonance: No-No- year's Perception class? USE Nooo! YOUR IMAGINATION!!! Supertonic: Yes, the original, authentic, unabridged Rules for Good Teaching! Prof. Dissonance: You got me this time, Super tonic - but wait until next year - I'll get you in Perception!!! (Fade ou!.)

MIss Frances Krook

r=---=-= ....... --.--- .............. -.-.- .. ---.-------"

The year's school work is ended. Classes are overJoi:~nother year. Exams have begun. The Seniors are looking fontard to. ari allImportant night that is just a few days away (four to be exaCt, but who's counting?) when they will find out where they iwill be teaching. And two days after that, they wlll walk inti'- thE!gymnasiwn as students, for the last time and emerge as teachers. Friends will be parting shortly, some, possibly never to meet on this earth again. ' But this Is not the end! All of us are simply entering a new chapter in our lives. For some, wedding bells will be ringing in the near future. 89ple <;>f us will be going to summer jobs to return next year, another year closer to service In the public ministry. Our graduates will be standing before their own classroom of sttidents • for theJlrst time. Others have made plans for a job or schOOling elsewhere. Wherever we shall be, we know that the Lord will be with us blessing our efforts. We will also have with us all our . memories from this past year here at DMLC. ' 'I would like to thank everyone who has worked on the Messenger staff this past year, some of whom have really contributed a great deal of work. There Is a "thank you" also for putting up with our chaotic organization at times. We thank our advisor also for being patient with us while we learned the ropes. And last of all, a thank you to you, our reader, for without you we would not have had the opportunity to serve as editor of the Messenger.

Students attending Dr. MartIn Luther College between the years 1954 to ,1966 will fondly remember a dignified, gracious. person on our campus who gave both students and school alike generously of her time and talents. This she did in the field of music and in the coaching of

dramatic productions,__ After a long and eventful life, Miss Frances Krook, a native of New Ulm, and living at 204 S. Washington Street, passed away at the age of eighty-six years. After she had received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Music at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, she sang with the Chicago Opera Company and later taught music and drama in a college in Portland, Oregon. Upon her return to New Ulm, she joined the music staff at DMLC, where all who knew her found her an exuherant person, who was always ready to meet a challenge. She was a cousin of the Dr. Howard Vogel family.

DMLC Messenger The DMLC MESSENGER is published during the months of I November December, February, March. April. I M.ay and June. The subscription price is two October


doUai"s per annum. Siogle'coples are

twenty five cents. We request payment in advance.Alii business communications should be ad. dressed to the·BusinessManager. Contributions from all "alu'mni, undergraduates,and friendS are appreciated. EDITOR Dawn Brooks ASSISTANT EDITOR ... Mary Wilde LA YOUT ED ITOR Beth Ruege CIRCULATION MANAGER . . . . . . . . . .. Becky Hafemelster BUSINESS MANAGER .............. Dianne Fiebiger WRITERS .... Ramona Owens 'Carol Dietz, Larry Czer Kathy Sievert, Luann Degner Audrey Eckelberg, Cheryl Schultz, Steve Groslnske, Becky Hafemelster, Mike Pfeifer, Duane Ohland, Steve Groening,. Betty Kuecker, Carol Meier, Dianne Fiebiger, Dave Hagen LA YOUT ..... Sheree Bradtke Audrey Eckelberg, Larry czer. Ramona Owens. Paul Welhlng PHOTOGRAPHY Duane Ohland. Karla Breltenfeldt, Steve Groslnske ARTISTS .......... Janis Gygl Becky Hafemelster CIRCULATION Cheryl Schultz TYPISTS ........ Sue Wendorf Cheryl Schultz, Kathy Sievert BUSINESS .... Cheryl Schultz Audrey Eckelberg ADVISOR , .. Prof. C.J. Trapp


May 26, 1978

Two Fairs atDMLC

Prof. Hoenecke Retires

Prof. Roland_Hoenecke By RamODa Owens . The'soft-spoken man does not want to be in isolation.' Retirement, of course, doesn't have to mean forsaking the campus family, and, frankly, I do not believe Prof. Jioenecke could withdraw completely from the place that has employed .him since 1946.

Chamber Music Concert Held By Cheryl Schultz

When was the last time you enjoyed an evening of chamber music? There was a grand opportunity to do so on May 3 at 8:00, in the <llapel-Audltorium of our college. This evening of. fine entertainment was put on by the Music Department, who performed pieces by Holborne, Telemann, Bach, Stamitz, and Mozart. .._. The first number, "Three • Pieces," was performed by Lana Punke and Mark Birsching on trumpets; Becky Henning, french horn; Randy Kramer, trombone; Prof. Roger Hermanson, tuba. The second number "Sonata, from Die Bankelsangerlleder" was also performed by the above. Mrs. Lynn Hermanson, Mary Unnasch on flutes, and Miss Judy Kresnlcka on harpischord, did Ii fine job on "Konzert, A dur." "Sulte No.1, in C, and Allegro, Op. 4, No.1," were performed by <lleryl Wrobel, Deb Beckmann, Cindy Roemhlldt, Jill Haaning, Sue Schedler, and Becky Martin on violins; Kurt Heyer, cello; and Mark DeGarmo and Cindy Roemhildt on oboes; Neil Ristow, Jody Ziegler, and Julie Boeder on violas. Prof. James Engel directed. Judy Metzger, soprano; Sue Gorz, alto; Joel Nelson, baritone; Jean Pape Gary Sonnenberg, clarinets; and Qoystal Roemhildt, bass clarinet, enchanted the audience with their beautiful voices and well-played accompaniment in doing "Two Songs." The concert ended with an exquisite performance of the "Concerto in C Major for Three Keyboards" by J.S. Bach. Rachel Gerlach, Prof. Otto Schenk, and Prof. Engel displayed their outstanding musical talent in performing this number. Sorry to say, the audience wasn't as large as one would expect but the people that were there responded. warmly to this entertaining evening of <lIamber Music.

In this thirty-second year, Professor Roland Hoenecke will retire from DMLC specifically from his teaching oi <lIristian Doctrine. Many of us as future teachers can benefit from his teaching example. He knows his subject, and because he teaches traditionally, we feel secure in his knowledge, not floundering in our half-ignorant discussions. Furthermore, we students can sense the underlying love he holds for Scripture. Of the courses he has taught here, he even admitted his favorite, after some thought: Old Testament lsagoglcs. After . retiring, Prof. Hoenecke willl work at finishing his doctrine text in time for the '7~ school year. If It wasn't for the change to the NIV, the text would be in use next year. He must now rewrite the proof passages from the King James Version to the NIV. Uke any prospective retiree, he plans to do some traveling, though mostly to visit his two daughters in Michigan. His third child he need not travel to see since she is the wife of the Academy's Dean Schneider. When Professor Hoenecke first came to New U1min '46, his call was only to the high school, but in the following year the college began claiming his time little by little, and eventually he served the college exclusively for twenty years. New U1m will continue to be the home of the Hoeneckes. All three of their daughters, as well as Mrs. Hoenecke, have been Christian' day school teachers: no wonder this Minnesota town appeals to them. Part of the appeal may be the professor's liking for young people. He enjoys' their company, their activities and especially their sports. Let's hope he does not go Into hiding after retirement. Let's hope he realizes how welcome he is In our midst, at our activities, and cheering In the stands at our sporting events. It is the wish of both faculty and students that God bless him In his retirement.

performing a beautiful concert.

By Steve Groening _ - _ DMLC was the site of two very interesting and exciting exhibitions recently. On April 16, the Science Fair was held In the Biology Lab. On May 7, the Art Fair was held In the library. The Science fair had 19 entries from st. Paul's In New U1m, Immanuel Lutheran School from Gibbon, and Salem Lutheran from Loretto. There were several projects on the heart, one demonstrating a hurricane, and several other well-made projects. All entries showed a great deal of work had been put Into them. Salem and Immanuel 'received a reconditioned balance for their 5" by Franz Jo-seph Haydn and noteworthy participation. "Seven Etudes for String It is sadly noted, however, Quartet," a 20th century that there were not entries from number written by David either the college or academy. Breedln In 1977. Science Club and Science Fair After a brief intermission, the are both very worthwhile things concert continued with the to become Involved with, and it "Quartet in B b major, Op, 67" is hoped that more people will by Johannes Brahms. The become part of them. concert ended with a rendition The Art Fair was judged in of "Stand up, Stand up for four different areas. In the Jesus." The cello played this crafts, Dave Noack took first melody as written for this inplace, Jim Grunwald second strument by Charles Ives. place, and Juliana Wood took This excellent concert was third place. In the photo and financed In part through the Aid slides area, Blair Schaper took Association for Lutherans, first, Louise Wineland took second, and Dianne Dropp took third. In the sketching and drawing area, Carol Wynkoop took first place, Kim Fischbach and Rachel Sebald tied for second, and Carrie Zietlow and Nancy Jarrell tied for third. In the painting and watercolor area, Mike Dieter and Dave , Noack tied for first place honors, . Marla Krauss took second. and Renee Geiger took third. Besides these, there were many other excellent examples of artistic talent to be found within our campus family.

Delphi String Quartet Appears on Campus By Cheryl Schultz The evening of May 16 turned out to be not only beautiful outside, but also Inside, as the Minnesota Delphi String Quartet performed at DMLC at 8:00 In the <llapel-auditorium. The talented musicians, hailing from California to New York, and Mankato, were Marion Froehlich, violin; Joanna Ryan Shelton, violin,; Charles Hott, viola; and Carlene Stober, cello. Their program included the "Quartet in D major, Op. 64.No.


May 26, 1978

OMLC Messenger

Page 4


c.ON6RAr U LA 110}

Linda Ebert

Anna Caskey Rhinelander, WI

"The L.ord is my salvation \t Beth Ellweln Rapid City, SO .

Ctarles Enter Nicollet, MN

Nancy Enter Nicollet,MN

Jane Freese Plymouth, NB

Garbow, Annette Edmore,MI

Carol Gergen Whitewater, WI

Ruth GoetzInger Caledonia, MN

fear? The strength


whom shall Psal, Patricia Grosse Morton Grove, n.

James Grunwald Sturgeon Bay, WI

M. quis !'agen Appleton, WI

Edwin Hahn Kearney,NB

Susan Haselow Neenah, WI

TodHauf Milwaukee, WI

Richard Havens Bangor, WI

Class. Colors:


NancyHeup Appleton, WI

Cteryl Hldde New London, WI

Nancy Hintz Neenah,WI

Deborah Hoeting Springfield, VA

Daniel Hosbach Saginaw,MI



Whitefish, MT




.Wltteriberg' p,


Jeffrey InnIger NewUlm,MN

.Peggy, Jeffers Foster City, CA

.!)pma Johnejack Janesville, WI

Y,tcky JoIui$m Winona.MN

Karen JorgenSen Weyauwega, WI

Sue Kanzenbach . ... Appleton, 'WI

May 26, 1978

Mrs. Adelia Sievert

By Carol Dietz With the season over, one can now look back at the women's softball season and say that they really didn't do too badly. They certainly did the most with their talent. The team finished at about a five hundred mark for the season, which is better than many people expected them to do. At State Tournament the Lancerettes won one game and Prof. Raymond Brei lost two. As a result they returned early from the double elimination tournament. the college ~ow from a 'oneAlthough it was a bit horse' school to quite a thing." discouraging to be eliminated He also had some enso early, the team did show couragement to offer, moments of brilliance. Beth, "Teaching is very, satisfying Lohmiller expecially impressed and rewarding. The help comes people with her fine control in from above. When everything pitching the Lancerettes to their looks hoepless, we should 'one victory in the tournament. remember the prophet Elijah, The Lancerettes final game of who cried to the Lord that he the year was against Concordia was the only one left, and the St. Paul. There is always a little Lord answered, "I still have bit of a rivalry between DMLC 7,000leftIn Israel!" and Concordia. Because it was the final game of the year, the girls were really up for it. The Lancerettes tied the game in the By MIke PfeUer sixth inning and missed a The tennis season is now over, chance of going ahead as they and Coach Gorsline is very stranded a runner at third. Beth pleased with the team's work. came on in the top of the The Lancers finished the year seventh to pitch, and Concordia with a record of &-3. was set down, one, two, three. In a quick recap of recent Then in the bottom half of the matches, DMLCfinished a close inning, Karen Sell hit one hard, second to Roseville at the TRCC but foul, down the third base earlier this month. On the 15th, line. The next pitch she drilled the Lancers trounced Rochester over the centerfielder's head for Community College, ~. a home run. At the Spring Acti vities Although the team will miss Banquet, Coach Gorsline the aid and the antics of Ann presented letterstontne urthe-v Steffen-and the' steady playing ,thirteen players. of Karen Schwarz next year, the The only senior member, Joel team promises to be even Nelson, will graduate June 2. He better. Many of those energetic has been a member of the tennis underclassmen show much team for several years and has potential. played many top positions during that time. We wish him luck in the future.

Supervisors Retire Can you imagine our present quarter of practice teaching being reduced to six weeks? Your six weeks consisted of one week of observation and five weeks of actual teaching and everyone was down at St. Paul's here in New U1m. Then, when you got back to school, all the schoolwork from those six weeks had to be made up. This Is the way the student teaching program was run when Mrs. Adelia Sievert and Prof. Raymond Brei, first started teaching at St. Paul's School. They were called by the college to supervise student teachers. ' Mrs, Sievert graduated from DMLC in 1933.Her first school was in Neillsville, Wisconsin where she met and married Prof. Erich Sievert. She has taught at St. Paul's for 22years. , She said that teaching is fun if you enjoy working with children. "In working with student teachers, each one was different. For some, their first calling was into the¡home. The, training at DMLCis for nof only teachers but also a good parent in the home." ., '.: Prof, Brei has served the college for 18 years, teaching both at the grade school as well as the college. For several years he taught Teaching Reading' and Curriculum. Previously he taught in Colome, South Dakota; Stanton, Nebraska; Fond' du Lac, . Wisconsin; and Norfolk, Nebraska. Prof. Brei felt that it was a tremendous experience guiding student teachers and was very gratifying in most cases. He , said, "It, was a challenge dealing with elementary students and college students at the same time." He remarked that it was a pleasure "to watch

Golfers' T_eeOff on TRCC By Larry Czer The DMLC golf team had' a successful season. They haven't lost a dual match to date, and won the Twin River Collegiate Council (TRCC) tournament. Paul Snamiska was medalist with a 77. The Lancers didn't fare as well in the MRCC as they finished runnerup, but Paul Edmundson was medalist with a 79. The Lancers lost the' MRCC by six strokes to Minnesota Bible College. In a nonconference match with Gustavus Adolphus they lost by 30 strokes. In the TRCC tournament the Lancers won by more than 10strokes over rival Concordia-St. Paul. Snamiska, Edmundson, and freshmen Randy Hoffman and . Randy, Koeppel will return as part of next year's team.

Tennis 8-3

The sports year at DMLChas drawn to a close. I think it's time to reflect on the highlights of this past year. Now, take a trip down "memory lane." Remember: The Lancers stunning 14-7 upset of Concordia for Homecoming. The thriller at arch rival NWC-Watertown 21-13. The hopes for basketball, both players and the new coacli. Another close loss to . Watertown. The two point win over NWCRoseville. Wrestling's close loss to Watertown: the same score two

years in a row, 27-25. An 11-11rebuilding season in basketball. Rick Lohmiller, the NLCAA All-American. Ron Ohm's record setting 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th homeruns. Bill Plamann's defensive play all year. The injuries, the sweat, the work and the dedication the athle~ put in. Golf's TRCC Championship. Baseball's MRCC Championship in a rebuilding year. And finally the work, dedication, and the patience of Coaches Gorsline, Dallmann, Leopold, Wade, Paulsen, Krueger and Meiback.

Lancers Hit to

MRC<;'s __ Tops pot

By Larry Czer Colla, who hit .267,because his The DMLC baseball team collegiate athletic eligibility finished a strong 11-7 overall. may run out. Paul Bauer who The Lancers finished 10-4in the had a great year, a .411batting MRCC, to edge out NWC- average, 2 HR, 19RBI, also had Roseville for the championship. an outstanding pitching year In its final two games against with 62 SO and a 2.19 ERA. Pillsbury, the Lancers lost 7-3, Bauer may be also lost because 12-5" after a week-and-a-half he has to student-teach one layoff. The Lancers had already quarter, and he is a three-sport sewed up the MRCC against athlete. Roseville 4-0, 5-1. In a However, the Lancers will rebuilding year, the Lancers' have pitching ace Mark Tacke, started slow, but then came on who hit .389 and had 2 homers strong, winning 9 out of 10. and 19 RBI's. They will also The Lancers are losing only have Greg Starn, leading base Ron Ohm via graduation. HIs stealer with 11, Don Eickme_yer loss will be felt because Ron hit-""-and Torn Hering, who had a 4 homers, batted in 20 runs and goodyear behind the plate; they hit .450.He led the team in those will be back next year. categories, plus fielding perThe Lancers had a stretch of 5 centage .991and scored 18runs. games in which they had 56hits, The Lancers may lose Mike 47 runs and 5 wins.

,Congratulations! MINNEAPOLIS - A player from Dr. Martin Luther College, New U1m, Minn., has been named to the 1977-78AllLutheran College Basketball Squad. Forward Rick Lohmiller received honorable mention. ,The All-Lutheran Squad is featured in the May issue of the Lutheran 'Brotherhood "Bond," monthly publication of the Minneapolis-based fraternal insurance society. The selections have been made annually for the "Bond" since 1965by Bud Thies; St. Louis "Glo~_ Democrat" sportswriter.

This is the final scene of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Childrens Theater performed it for enthusiastic audiences on May 11 and 12.

Track Club Does Well By Carol Meier The Track Club has finished its first season and Coach Stephen Hintz says he is quite pleased. The first meet was held on APril 15'in Waseca. The women finished fourth out of five teams and the men fmished fifth out of seven teams. Kathy Hirsch took second in the mile. Sue Wendorf placed in three events; second places in the 880 and the half mile (an astounding 2,36second run), and third in the mile. The following week on April 22, there was another meet in Waseca. This time the teams showell, )1Il.Pr.q,v,emetlt.,with

women finishing third out of five teams and men finishing sixth out of eleven teams. Four men went to an invitational meet at Concordia College on May 9. Here Bill Plamann got a second place in both shotput and discus. Glenn Ebeling placed third in the halfmile and Larry Favorite took third in the three-mile. Coach Hintz is pleased with the season. He said that the team decreased in size as the season went on, but that it was to be expected for the first season. He predicts a strong team next year with a tradition to build on.

IMiss Dianne Fiebiger, Business Manager I II------------------------~ The Dr. Martin Luther College Messenger I ~~ INew U1m,

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