1985-1986 DMLC Messenger Vol. 76

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Vol. 76, No.1,


September 1985

Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN

while West Hall came down piece by piece.

(Photos by Professor Brick)

Waldheim went down with a crash ...

Campus Loses and Gains by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer As will happen in this perpetually changing world of ours, changes occurred on the DMLC campus over the summer. We thought we'd fill you in on several of these transformations, in case you hadn't noticed them. Returning students probably noticed a few absences on campus. The big Waldheim house on the corner was removed almost immediately following the end olthe last school year. West Hall, the college's first women's residence hall. was also razed - piece by piece over the remainder of the summer, Its parcel of ground is at present being turned into a parking lot. Severalnoticeable additions were also madeon the grounds. If you have been to Old Main to visit your favorite prof or to pay your favorite tuition, you may have . noticed that the front steps are new not quite as steep as they had been that the railing is a trifle fancier than ceiling fans in the cafeteria, if not (and who wouldn't see those big overhead), certainly made their

presence felt as they provided at least a little bit of comfort on those terribly tropical days of the semester's second week. Perhaps you have also observed in several buildings what look like the devices that detect shoplifters in department stores. No, that's not Big Brother watching. These devices are emergency lights which will provide light anytime the

In This Issue ...

power goes out. And, yes, we welcome new Professor! But you can read about him elsewher-e. Other new things noticeable.

Student Poll..


may not be so

Unless you've been flying over campus you probably did not notice that the Academic Center has been re-roofed. Musicians have probably been so intense in their practicing that fresh coats of paint in much of the Music Center have most likely been ignored . And impossible for anyone to detect at present are the new curtains that have been ordered for the Auditorium stage, to be installed sometime in the future. The changes keep on coming. We'll try to keep you informed.

Comedy on Campus........... Youth Rally New Coach






Page 2

September 1985

Knowledge is not power unless

From the Editors

it is applied to the daily business

Students - Express Your Views!



by Jane Zimmerman Co-Editor Another school year is well underway. Students are pretty much settled into the dorms and most have already written at least one report and taken several tests. II's all becoming routine now. Another part of the routine at this college is undoubtedly also underway in the dorms and elsewhere by now: the usual grumbling among students about one aspect of DMLC life or another. Although students will, generally speaking, say that they very much enjoy attending DMLC,the fact that the college is both run and attended by sinful human beings naturally leads to some dissatisfaction always being present. Returning students will remember evidences of this last year: discussions in the dormitories and in some classes, the large turnout of students to discuss the college with the committee for reaccredidation, the urgings for the Collegiate Council to be more of a "student government" - just to name a few. The question is this: As the new school year begins, can we learn anything from the events of last year?I believe we can. Students should come to realize that (although we certainly do not want to intentionally look for ways to be rebellious) there are times that we should make use of good, constructive ways to express concerns and opinions, and these means do exist on campus. Our advisors. first of all. are willing to listen to any problems we students may have. Likewise we are reassured that the college president and deans - all faculty members, actually - are there to listen to students and discuss their concerns with them. The Collegiate Council is also available as a mediator between students and faculty - just talk to the students your class elected to represent you, or to the council's officers. Finally, the Messenger is available as a resource: write a letter to the editor either to inquire about something or to let your views be heard. One final point: While we should not be afraid to express some constructive criticism through the proper channels this year, we must also not forget to acknowledge our satisfaction with the many good things about DMLC to those who would like to hear about this, also (positive reinforcement, remember?).Those who work hard to make this school what it is need to hear both your positive and negative reactions. Remember, students - DMLC exists to train YOU, so don't be afraid to express your views!

Bird Causes Laughter by Jade Heiderich Hello readers! Welcome to the critic's corner! The movie being reviewed this month is "Follow That Bird." Aimed at children's entertainment. this movie stars such well-loved personalities as Big Bird, Oscar, Gordon, Maria, Grover, and Mr. Snufflupagus. A Sesame Street presentation, "Follow That Bird" commands a much younger audience than its peer, "The Muppet Movie." The jokes and comical situations are very simple, though it does seem to try to rope in adult interest by carefully weaving in satirical jabs at our American society. Such pillars of our society as suburban families, food fights, "The Wizard of Oz." and Michael Jackson are shown in extremely foolish light. The theme of the movie, for adults, seems to be the shallowness of American values and the importance of cross-racial unity. Big Bird wa; more happy¡ a"';';~g hi'-

diverse friends than he was when he was made to fit into his own racial setting. Most importantly, though, the success of the movie could be easily heard in the laughter of the children in the audience. I would not recommend this movie to people of our age group on account of its simplicity, but it is a fine movie for young children.

Have you seen a current movie or read a recently-published book that you would like to review for the Messenger? The editors welcome reviews from all readers and will reimburse the writer of each published review with $2.00 toward the cost of the book or movie ticket. One review will be printed per issue. We reserve the right to edit materials .5ubrritted. -Ed.

CORNER The Secret of Life The secret of life is many things, To some it's riches, treasures, things; Things they buy, or sell, or keep. What they have, they pile deep.

Co-Editors News Editor Feature Editors Sports Editor Photography Editor Circulation/Business

To them it isn't just a game, They're indecent and they have no shame.

WRITERS Kathy Hinderer Todd Palmer Schaewe

To some it's purely love's delight, Dreams and poems, both day and night.

PROOFREADING Terri Droster Dawn Nollmeyer

To others it is want and lust, Things you can and things you must.

Tragedies cannot deploy, Their world of happiness and joy. To others it is just to know Who you are and where to go: To get to where you want to be What our fate is, we shall see.

Patti Zahn ,

Jane Zimmerman Cindy Hahn LuAnn Vatthauer Dick Goodall Sue Carter Sheryl Rausch

Karen Lindeman

, Manager

Trina Bufe Patty Hennig , AnnMarie Krueger Karen Krueger Paul Lange Joy Panzer Jim Raddatz Greg Rush Pete Beth Schmick Cathy Starke Laurie Zachow , Laura Fastenau Sarah Peter

Michelle Arndt Jo Koslowske Ruth Spannagel

Trina Bufe Sue Nelson Susan Warner

LAY-OUT ,, , .. Trina Bufe Laura Fastenau Kathy Hinderer Shelly Karstens Krueger Paul Lange , , Todd Palmer Jim Raddatz Schaewe Sue Nelson


Lisa Esch AnnMarie Pete

Sally Smith


Sara Lutze




, Lisa Esch ,

Shelly Karstens

, .. Dawn Nollmeyer .. , .. , Laurie Zachow ,

, , , .. ,



Pete Schaewe

, Prof, Arlen Koestler

The OM LC Messenger is published during the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, April, and May. The subscription price is two dollars per year. Single copies are twenty-five cents, We request payment in advance. All business should be addressed to the Business Manager.

Page 3 September


The Coke Controversy Students React: who preferred something other than Coke. The women on campus weren't quite as one-sided with sixty-one percent liking old Coke and fifteen percent new Coke. Forty percent of those liking new Coke were also under twenty years old. The next question asked was a little more controversial. It asked if "coming out with new Coke was just a publicity stunt." The majority of the students said yes: women 58%, men 57%. One person felt that Coke was "losing the Pepsi-Coke battle, and was desperate." Another

by Patty Hennig Staff Writer Old Coke versus new Coke? That's a stupid question! Of course.¡. well maybe ... probably old Coke, I think. Were you undecided? Maybe that's why only twenty percent of the student body responded. They were very positive. though. Of the men who responded, seventv-nne percent liked the taste of nld Coke and NONE of them said new Coke. There were also fourteen percent

responded negatively to the final question: "Should the cafeteria supply

response felt it was a "panic reaction to Pepsi's growing popularity." The students were also asked if they switched to Pepsi after trying new Coke. Even though the majority said definitely not (women 59%, men 68%), there was also a thirty-two combined percentage of people who did switch or had always liked Pepsi best. One reason some did

new Coke instead of Classic Coke?" This idea raised many comments including the question of why there is three different kinds of Coke on every side in the cafeteria. What about Pepsi and Mountain Dew? There was also favorable

like new Coke was because it tasted like

percent of the responses. It is undoubtedly an interesting issue

comments for Cherry Coke made by ten

Pepsi. Seventy-one percent of the men and



definite views on.





many people have some very

Letters to the Editor

(Photo by Sue Carter)

Classes can be strenuous sometimes!

--------------------------------Would you like to subscribe to the Messenger? For only 52.00 a year, 53.75 for two years, or 55.75 for three years, you can be filled in on all the events and activities at DMlC. Send in this order blank soon so we can begin your subscription with the next issue! Send it to: Sheryl Rausch Box 853 DMlC New Ulm, MN 56073

(Name - please print) would like a



year subscription sent to:

Dear Editor: I was pleased to learn that one of the new features to be found in the Messenger this year will be a Letters to the Editorcolumn. It will provide ourfellow students an excellent forum for expressing their ideas and opinions on a multitude of topics ranging from happenings on campus to what is going on in the world at large. Such a column must be carefully guarded however. Letter writers must understand that they will not be able to defame individuals or demean their intentions. Nor should it become a complaint department. Complaints are entirely legitimate. but only when the complainant can offer a strong viable argument for correcting a situation. Obviously, such letters will have to be limited in length, and they should be signed by the writer. In this regard, I would hope that writers will be able to write without fear of censure either from within or without the campus family. One of the benchmarks of our democratic society has been the right to free expression of opinion, within the guidelines noted above, and sOit should be here. Whether right or wrong, ideas, views, and opinions, openly and freely expressed and exchanged, are a part of what makes this country great. Without such freedom we would have long ago experienced the sort of unrest that the nation of South Africa is facing today. Through such expression change is wrought. and we grow both as individuals and as a group. Just to help get the ball rolling, here are some topics which I believe may be worthwhile considering in a Letters to the Editorcolumn: 11) What can be done to attract a greater portion of the student body, and the faculty, to our athletic contests? It seems that we have a small body of individuals who attend most of the events. but we've never had the entire student body. (2) How about holding a general assembly meeting of the student body in connection with a Collegiate Council meeting? Such an assembly could be held once each semester for the same purpose as this column, the discussion of happenings on campus. (3)1 would like to see some forthright discussion on the issue of permitting women to hold the offices of president and vice president of the Collegiate Council. Similarly, why aren't the ladies assigned as strawbosses on Arbor Day? 14) Some perennial favorites such as open dorms, public displays of affection, dress codes, and Cinderella liberty (curfews] are suitable topics as long as we aren't beating a dead horse into the ground. (5) Of course, there are literally hundreds of subjects from the outside world that we could tackle. To my fellow students I say, "Speak out." For that matter, the invitation is proffered to the faculty also. And to the editors I offer congratulations on your courage to run such a column. Richard A. Goodall

(circle) Editor's Note: (address)


(city) (state)




This year. instead of "Dear Dana. "the Messenger will feature a "Letters to the Editor" column similar to those found in larger newspapers for letters such as the one printed above. These letters may be written by students, faculty, and any other readers. They may express an opinion or in quire of the editor about some aspect of DMLC. In the latter case the editor will work to find the answer to the question and respond with facts from proper sources. All letters must be signed when sent to the editor; however, the editor will honor the confidentiality of those who wish to have their names withheld from publication. Letters will be printed at the discretion of the editorial staff. Address correspondence to: Letters to the Editor, DMLC Messenger, New Vim, MN 56073.

Page 4 September 1985

Stories Not Only for Children

Summer Vacation?!!

by Cathy Starke Staff Wnter

by Trina Bufe Staff Writer

What do a rooster from Tibet, a hare from Japan, and a bear from Scandinavia have in common? Well. make路believe it or not, they all appeared on the DMLC stage

Ah, Summer - hot, sandy beaches, out with friends, sleeping in late, finally time to kick back and relax! What? Isn't that what YOU did for summer? Then what do DMLC students do with their summers?

on Tuesday, September 10, for the first lyceum of the year. These three animals and several others were brought to life by the Commedia Theater Company of Minneapolis in three animal fairy tales

Here is a sampling of what some did do with that shortest of seasons - summer!: KRIS ANN ALTERGOTI tanned from her knees to her ankles while working at Six Flags running "Buzzie Bee," 路路The

from foreign countries. The vivid portrayals of all these characters were done by only two performers, a man and a woman who introduced Rudd and Jenny.



Lobster:' and "The Whirly Giq" ... GENE MARTENS babysat for his nieces and

Rudd confessed before the show that the DMLC audience, which did include many of the professors' kids, was the first "more or less' adult audience the show had had. So he began with something a bit more sophisticated, as he put it, the one-man sketch called "Two French Beggars," a Quick humorous bit of movement and expression. The fairy tales began with the story of the Japanese hare who learned not to fake friendship with a crocodile. Both this story and the next story of the Scandinavian bear trying to fish in the winter involved the painful biting off of tails.






princess, who was an accomplished archer, helping an emperor, an interesting twist which shows that nonstereotypical stories about women were around long before the women's rights groups reformed the reading books. The characters were portrayed wholeheartedly, with great vigor, and strongly emphasized movements appropriate to each: the hare was cute and bouncy, the bear stiff and clumsy, and the fox quick and graceful. A few anachronisms were thrown into the old tales, perhaps to make them more realistic forthe children. but in this writer's opinion they detracted from the magic. It was the illusions created on stage - the ice under the bear's paws, the arrows of the princess being shot into the distance, one by one - that made the enchantment of these ancient tales.

Commedia Theater: An' one says, "you know?" an' the other says, "what?" (Photo by Sue Carter)

Study Tour Invades Europe by Beth Schmick Staff Writer On June 8, 1985, approximately fifty DMLC students left the United States for a forty-one-day tour of Israel and Western Europe. Professors Theodore Hartwig and Arnold Koelpin were in charge of organizing the trip. When asked about the initial planning, Professor Koelpin stated that by leaving out the services of a "middle man," they were able to save a noticeable amount of money. The two professors arranged for traveling expenses, hotel bookings, and meals in direct through usually advance. correspondence. The students were to provide their own clothing. spending money, and, of course, the camera film. The trip consisted of guided tours, sight-seeing, and lectures, both on and off location. However, there was ample time for the travelers to shop and explore the cities and mountains on their own. Several students stated that being able to communicate (or trying to) was the most interesting aspect of the trip. Others found excitement(?) by dodging merchants in the market place or getting lost in the middle of a crowded street in Israel. As the tour progressed, the students gained much knowledge, not only by means of lectures, but also by actually visualizing the historical sights. Not one student whom I interviewed

could pinpoint his favorite city or sight, for they all enjoyed many of the places they visited. Some of the more mentionable sights were Hezekiah's Tunnel in Jerusalem, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, the Roman Forum, Versailles, the chalets of Switzerland, and the University of Mar burg. Several people agreed that European ice cream was bener than that of the RoundTable or even of Wisconsin! Professor Koelpin was impressed by the extremely nice weather they encountered - forty-one days of sunshine. When asked what they gained from such an experience, the tourists had several answers. One woman felt she could relate better to the Biblical descriptions of Jerusalem, now having seen it herself. Many students agreed that they had broadened their horizons as a result of the impact of cultural differences. Nearly everyone commented that the four-hour final exam was tough, yet the trip was well worth such a consequence. Although life has returned to normal and classes have begun on campus, the European tourists are still vigorous and excited, for nearly every day someone asks them to show their pictures and souvenirs. resulting in hours of memories and recollections of the "experience of a lifetime."

nephews ... KARA REDLIN taught handicap swimming lessons and went camping in the White Mountains ... . LISA KRENKE moved to Texas ... LlNC HOHLER worked as an electrician ... JULIE UNKE attended fifteen weddings (in attempting to catch a bouquet?) ... PETE SCHAEWE stayed for summer school and experienced all the mysterious happenings after everyone left, such as the disappearance of West Hall and Waldheim ... CHRISTIE COOPERwas a high school counselor on a study tour to Europe including a Mediterranean cruise ... BETH PITIENGER graduated from beauty school ... LYLE TIMM went tubin\! on the Cottonwood River, held the 3rd Annual E & D Fest and got into the Gemuetlichkeit at Heritagefest ... CINDY SPIEGELBERG combined, painted, roofed and helped in birthing calves as a farmhand ... LISA SCHAIRERwas one of the participants at the Youth Rally held here at DMLC this summer ... JEFF SCHOCH got back-to-nature backpacking in the wilds of Isle Royale National Park ... a lot happened to RANDY BODE this summer besides going on the Europe Tour, he went to see Mickey Mouse (!) at Pt. Defiance, Tacoma, WA, and worked for a lady whose dog, Muffy, died of toxic onions ... DAVE BIEDENBENDER played on a state softball team, worked on a roofing crew and waterskied up at Schubkegel's cabin ... SKIP BREMER was a brick-tender and came safely through a knee operation ... CINDY BAUDER was '路Ma Zeigler Ir' during summer school ... and LINDA KUSKE had a summer of firsts - first time waterskiing, first time golfing and first time up in a small plane - all in one desperate last-week-of-summer-beforeschool-starts attempt! Whew! Now it is time to get back to work! Welcome Back!

Page 5

September 1985

Mystery Prof summers with his brother on a ranch in Montana, which was owned by their aunt and uncle. While attending grade school he was taught by a man later to be his colleague at DMLC. He attended Dr. Martin Luther High School and DMLC and received his master's degree In Nebraska. His teaching career included teaching eight years of grade school in Nebraska and also teaching at Wisconsin Lutheran High School and Wisconsin Lutheran College. While teaching at Wisco, he coached football and basketball. Enjoying sports. travel, and photography. he has been In 45 of our 50 states. Much of hrs free time has been devoted to his wife and five children. If you have any guesses on this professor, please submit them to Box 759. The first four correct responses will be notified and will receive a gift certificate to the RoundTable, courtesy of the Messenger. Happy hunting' We are looking forward to your responses. P.S. Anyone interested in last May's professor? It was Professor Buss.

Arts and Activities Calendar

Professor Buss (Photo courtesy the Excelsior)

September/October 29-5 HOMECOMING WEEK 5

Homecoming Football - Concordia - 2:00 p.m.


DMLC Ladies Auxiliary

11 12


Band Concert - Auditorium - 8:00 p.m.




Dakota String Quartet - 8:00 p.m.


Reformation Service - Gym - 7:30 p.m.

Movie Night - "The Elephant Man" Movie Night - "The Elephant Man"

Welcome to this year's edition of the Mystery Prof! This is a column dedicated to professors at DMLC to see how well the students know their instructors. This month's professor was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin, and spent a few

****************************************** Youth Rally '85 Don't Be Shy! Give it a Try!!

Music Fills Campus by Jim Raddatz Staff Writer Every year our campus hosts a variety of WELS activities with the enthusiasm only DMLC can generate. This enthusiasm was clearly evident this past summer when DMLC hosted the annual WELS International Youth Rally-¡85. Nearly four hundred high-school aged youths attended the rally, with a younger than usual crowd attending the Jnstructional get-together. The majority of the students were freshmen and sophomores from the Midwestern United States (with at least one exception of a van of youth from Florida.) One common bond linked all attending together into a close-knit group - faith in their Lord and Savior. The rally's theme was a very appropriate choice for consideration here at DMLC: "Rejoice and BeGlad." The rally was dedicated to provide an opportunity for worship, fellcwsbip. and entertainment by presenting to the "church workers of tomorrow" instruction in our church's musical heritage. Session presenters spoke on topics such as Christian music of all times. current Christian worship, and insights into contemporary Christian and Popular music. Every session was enjoyably presented by the various speakers and was over-flowing with action and excitement. The enthusiasm that was shown by the youth in the instructional sessions was

present also in the other rally activities. A small list of some of these activities would include daily devotions (including a service with Holy Communion,) sports, and workshops on subjects as diverse as banner making, drama, and basketball. As can be imagined by the rally's theme, music played an integral part in the rally's sessions. Two musical high points of the rally were learning new songs from a soon to be published song book introduced by the WELS Committee on Youth Ministry. and listening to a concert performed by the PTO (Pastor Teacher Organization), a group of WELS contemporary Christian musicians. According to Professor Gerald Jacobson, Chairman of the DMLC Rally Organization Committee, the rally was a complete success for everyone involved in any way with the event. This success was clearly evident when "Hello" changed to "Goodbye" and new friends went their own ways. The enthusiasm of everyone involved in the rally makes it certain that the memories of the International Youth Rally-'85 will not soon be forgotten. May the hopes of the rally organizers be carried out by those who read this article as well as those who were present at the rally: "Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory" (Revelation 19:7).

Try out for the '85-86 Pom Pon Squad.

Try outs open to all Freshman, Sophomore, Information Practice


Practice Practice Try outs If you have any questions,

and Junior girls.

Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

17 21 22 23 24

7:15 4:00 4:00 4:00 7:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

contact box 868 Or box 749.


September 1985

Page 6




Straight from the Coast

Intramural Football Professor john Gronholz is the newest member of the DMLC faculty. He comes to the campus family from Evergreen Lutheran High School in DuPont. Washington, where he was a teacher, Athletic Director, and soccer and basketball coach. A 1968 DMLC graduate and New U1mnative, Professor Gronholz has also taught at Lake Mills, Wisconsin. and Northwestern College in Watertown, Wisconsin. Professor Gronholz is assigned to the physical education department and will serve as head football coach and track coach. The professor is married to the former Memory Miller. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Miller of Morristown. South Dakota. She is a 1970 graduate of DMLC. The Gronholzes have four children, Andy. Lisa. Mindy. and Sarah.


by Greg Rush Staff Writer Just as the school year has gotten underway for 1985, so too has the intramural football season. The FL8's, with a 3-0 record and led by captain Joel Radue, look like the team to beat again this year. They have outscored their opponents 136 to 6 so far this season. Q. B. Dudley and the Incompetents, captained by John Koeppen. are hot on FLB's tail with a 2-0 record and they too have allowed opponents a measly 6 points. The Nads, led by Guy Gast, Ashfuf J roo captained by Scott Sontag and Luebbe's Biceps, with captain Phil Stern, all have 1-1 records. Trailing the pack with 0-2 records are the Hooters, captained by J. Thiesfeldt, and the Mad Dawgs, led by Jim Babinec.

Sports Beat Coach Gronholz enjoys his new office.

(Photo by Sue Carter)

by Dick Goodall Sports Editor

A new coach. a new system, and an old nemesis, pre-season injuries, are prominent on the Lancer football scene this year. Coach John (Jack) Gronholz has been well received by his new charges, and they seem to have quickly caught on to the system he has introduced. As for the coach, he is "Excited about the players. The players we have are very coachable, representative of their Savior and DMLC, and have displayedgreatdesireanddedication.AlthoughI can't judge this team against the rest of the conference, I feel we have the potential to be a spoiler because of our veterans and some good freshmen who will contribute much to the team. DMLC will play exciting, well-disciplined football." Like most coaches, Coach Gronholz has set some goals for himself as head football coach. They speak volumes about the man and give hope of a bright future for Lancer football. His goals are: (1) Get as many players involved as possible. (2) Attract as many students to football as possible. (3) Meetthe needs of DMLC and students. (4) Maintain pride. (5) Use football as a means of teaching lessons about winning and losing and competing. so that the players have

something from a Christian perspective that they can share with their own students. (6) Adherence to the idea that if it's worth doing, do it well. "I'd rather be judged for my contributions to the players' future than as just another football coach," says Gronholz. Injuries have already taken their toll of the 1985 edition of Lancer football. Veteran wingback Jeff Zwick has been lost for the season to a recurring knee injury, and defensive tackles Line Hohler and Kevin Keller, both all-conference honorable mentions last year, are out with a broken toe and a broken leg respectively. Line may return to action by mid-season, but Kevin may be lost for the season. Other key players are nursing or have experienced minor injuries during pre-season conditioning, but all or most of them will be ready to play on opening day. The 1985 lancers include: seniors Jeff Dorn, John Melso, Phil Petermann, Ed Noon, Keith Kopczynski, Pete Kuske, Paul Hunter. Paul Herrian, Tom Plath, and Jim Tietz; juniors Gregg Birkholz. Steve Biedenbender, Dan Fenske, Mark Hirsch. Mark McCormick, and Lyle Timm; sophomores Greg West, Dan Johnson, Dave 8iedenbender, Tim Schubkegel. Jeff Schoch, Randy Cox, Jeff Zilisch, Jerry Marowsky, Troy McCargar, and

Mark Eisenmann; freshmen Mark Blauert, Kevin Hoskins, Jon Zink, Mark Stein, Bill Arndt, Dennis Wagner, David Somerville, Jim 8urow, Pete Lemke, Marvin Wittig, and Greg Rush. Steve Bremer is serving as a student coach, and Ken Borchert, a certification student and an experienced football coach, is serving as an assistant coach. Joel Ungemach is assistant team manager and Phil Levitt is team trainer.

kicked off the 1985 campaign with two impressive victories over Dakota State and the College of St. Teresa. The Lancers traveled to Madison, SD, to open the volleyball season and came away with a 3-0 victory, winning by scores of 15-10, 15-3, 15-5. In their home opener, the team had to come from behind to salvage a tough 17-15 decision in the first game against St. Teresa, but they won easily in the final two games. Patience and teamwork were much in evidence during the match with St. Teresa. This is a veteran team featuring four seniors. four juniors, and four sophomores, who have played together for the past three years and have become a solid volleyball team. Despite a lack of height, LaureenJaeger is tallest at 5'11",

they make up for any deficiency in that department with tenacity and teamwork. They will be a team to be reckoned with this year. The 1985 Lancer volleyball team: seniors Betty Carter, Yvonda Beaudin, LaureenJaeger, and Julie Detjen; juniors Sue Carter, Julie Zeamer, Carol Helwig, and Shelly Lindemann; sophomores Becky Vallesky, Lynn Stobb, Heidi Shuster, Carol Reichow; and freshmen Joanie Carter, Lisa Zimmermann, Faith Biebert, Maria Habben, Becky Huhn, and Marty Klockziem. Team managers are Terri Droster and Vicki Humann. Patty Bintz is a student assistant coach.

_.Wiiltlli,Y.illi DMLC's women's cross country team opened its 1985 season with a seventh place finish at the 4th Annual St. Mary's COllege Invitational meet. Facing stiff competition from larger schools in the nine team meet, the Lancers were led by Becki Renner,who finished 27th with her personal best time of 19:44. Other members of the 1985 Lancer cross country team are: Sarah Peter, Kristen Eggen, Tracy Jarvis, Rebecca Maurice, and Mary Hinderer. Annette Hirschmann and Clara Schultz are team managers.

Page 7

September 1985

Iree like U.S.A. I would never make anyone work overtime. On Christmas everyone will worship the Lord. I would treat people the same, I'd hope people


liked me as king:


by Karen Lindeman Feature Editor Long ago in lands far away, there were countries ruled by wonderful kings and queens. I'm sure we have all read about such kingdoms, or perhaps dreamed about them. Today you will be able to read about the kingdoms and countries which Miss Lisa Pickering's 4th grade students "rule". The children of SI. John's Lutheran School in Jefferson, WI are responding to the question: "If you could be a king over your own kingdom, what laws and commands would you make and what would living there be like?" I'd be a nice king. Only Christian people would live in my kingdom. God will be with us. There will be palm trees everywhere. It will be a tropical kingdom. Kristi Hebbe If I was a king I would be fair and kind to the people. These are the laws I would have: 1. All kids go to school 2. Ail people 10-20 9(1 tv colieye 3. I would have church two times a week 4. I would give money to the poor 5. I would help old people Neil Dempsey If I was a queen I wouldn't have money of taxes. I would let everybody have horses. Anyone who hurt an animal or a person would be put in prison for 50 years. Everyone had to go to church and OBEY whatever the pastor said. Kids would only have to go to school4 months a year and 4 hours a day. Wendy L. Wagner

It would be like a heaven before heaven, full of wonderful things that have never been seen before. The animals would multiply so quickly that some of them would flee from my kingdom. Everyone is dressed in the finest clothing, eats only the finest food and live in the finest homes. There is a tree that no one can eat from. and if anybody eats from it they would be sent out of my kingdom. Kieth Alan Johnson If I were a king. these would be my laws: 1. No work had to be done 2. You would have no taxes 3. Everybody had everything they wanted and needed Holly Brawders I would help the people that don't believe in God by taking them to church. If someone was dying I would tell them about God. There would be Christian schools and churches in every town. There would be taxes, but not too many. I think I would be a good kingl Daniel K. Gerondale First I will talk about laws. There will be no stealing, no killing and no public schools. If you steal or kill you will go to jailor get killed. Then everybody will believe in God. Here's how taxes will be: For every room I will charge 25 dollars and for all the furniture I will charge 3 dollars. Timothy Ryan Palm Well. lirst 01 all I will be a very good king. And the law would be il you do not pay your taxes you will be put in jail. The commands will be if you murder some-


body you will also be put in jail. James Kuy Kendall There would be no slavery. There would be peace. I would be a kind king. It would be nice to live in my country. There would be no stealing. kidnapping and all the other things, and less taxes. Mary A. Gehrke In my country there would be a lew taxes only. There would be all Lutheran schools. I would preach God's Word to others all through the nation. I would say no slavery in my country. Schools must have more recess and less work. Ben S. Green II I were a queen I would take all the children il their mothers and fathers would die. I would take the children in the castle. And all the things you buy would be five cents. And my king would be very proud 01 me because I could sew. I would make some clothes forthe people that are poor. Tammy Frystak

Lisa Dams would have no public schools, just Lutheran schools. If children had no parents I would let them stay with me. If people were sick I would get them the best doctor I can find and there would be no wars in my country. Joseph W. Breugner If I was a queen I would make a speech to tell everybody about Jesus. So when somebody dies, they will go to heaven. Heather Reibe I would make the people go to a Lutheran school and church. And if they didn't they would either go to a diHerent church or leave my country. And that means they have to believe in the Lord. In my country they will have easy work. They wouldn't have any homework. Kendra Munro II I could be a queen. I'd rule Paris. There would always be rules and commands. "Rules" There would always be cartoons, and no drinking under 21. "Commands" Be nice to your neighbor. "What would living there be like?" WONDERFULlIl Jenny Anderson

I would put people in charge 01 helping the blind and deaf and old people. Young people would have oabvsitters. I wouldn't make things as expensive as they are now. There would be all Lutheran schools and churches. Craig Riess If I were a queen I would give money to help lots 01 people I would be sure there was no very hard work and no lighting. I would make it a free country. I would make sure there are enough teachers and pastors and also make enough schools. I would make it a fair and Iriendly country. Becky Junker If I was a king, my country would be The annual lall picnic was on September 8 this year. It was held indoors

as a precaution



nesotas unpredictable weather, but it was still an enjoyable time lor all.

Come to see the gang at the Round Table!

The entire campus put classwork aside on Tuesday, September 17, for a special Hispanic Mission Day. Look for details in the October issue of the Messenger. Mark your calendars for DMLCs next movie night! 'The Elephant Man" is up lor the weekend 01 October 11-12. Are you a poet? The Messenger welcomes contributions to its Poetry Corner. Put those literary skills to work! The theme lor Homecoming '85 is "Fright Night." Get ready lor some bonechilling excitement!


Page 8


Dr. Martin Luther College STUDENT TEACHING

SCHEDULE - First Quarter,


September 3 - October 25

ST. PAUL'S, NEW UlM Students Patricia Burau Fred Pahmeier Daniel Ragan

Christine Frankenstein Matthew Winkler Brent Schacht


1. 2.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Student Harder, Cynthia Spannagel, Ruth

Student Affsldt. Lynn Henrickson, James Jensen, Jeanne Koelpin, Mark Koslowske, Jo Krueger, Philip Nelson, Suzanne Noeldner, Jean Ohr , Mark Peters, Laura

Congregation Shepherd of the Hills Trinity

Principal T. Lau M. Schultz


AREA - Prof. Menk, College Supervisor

location Cochran, WI LaCrosse, WI Winona, MN Sparta, WI laCrosse, WI Stillwater, MN Tomah, WI Sparta, WI Eau Claire, WI

Congregation Buffalo Luth. Assn. Mt. Calvary St. Matthew

Goodhue, MN

13. 14.

Wetzel, Anne Witte, Debra


Zahn, Patti

Tomah, WI

Grade 1·2 5·6 7·8

CITIES AREA - Prof. Meyer, College Supervisor

location Inver Grove Hgts. Belle Plaine

Tomah, WI Stillwater, MN Winona, MN Goodhue, MN

Raasch, Beth Wendland, Beth

Supervisor Miss Paap Prof. Klockziem Prof. Stoltz

St. John Mt. Calvary Salem St. Paul St. John St. Mark St. John St. Paul Salem St. Matthew St. John St. Paul

Principal L. Punke L. Robben J. Minch A. Nommensen l. Robbert R. Dlener ---G. Fehlauer A. Nommensen J. Kanter J. Schultz D. Fehlauer R. Diener J. Minch J. Schultz D. Fehlauer

Supervisor Miss Frank Mr. Vatthauer


Supervisor Mrs. Mutterer Mr. Robbert Mrs. Kiekbusch Mr. Nommensen Mrs. Knobloch Mr. Diener Mrs. Blado Miss Sickmann Mr. Kanter Miss Knospe Mrs. Boettcher Miss Voth Mr. Dorn Miss Groehler

Grade K-4 8 7 7·8 2 7·8 1 1-2 4-7

Mrs. Gerke

1-4 5-6


3 4-6 5-6 1-2 2

DMLC (Delightful Moments of Life on Campus)

WeVe only 0 grass.::! knoll ulhe.-eWaldhe·,(l") uSed to be ...

we've stiII 9<* p'ent;! of. qJ_cl mom! met'ts leFt ne...-e 0" campllS




nmrc ~







mESSEngEr Vol. 76. No.2.

Dr. Martin luther College. New Ulm. MN

October 1985

particular aspect of school in the past years. One particular act was dedicated to the student teachers that have been teaching at St. Paul's for many years. This particular act was taken from the 1940'5 which' showed a student teacher observing the class in a group of about 10 other student teachers. This was one complete day.• The following day the student teachers would return for their one day teaching experience. Each teacher would be' given one subject that they must present for the designated time. The student teacher was then done w'ith his "on the job training" and was sent back to DMLC for more schooling. . That is quite the change from the present system. It is unique to see the changes alone between' DMLC in the past and present with St. Paul's School. On Saturday. October 5. following the pageani tfie students were involved in a Six-sophomores gaze aJthaidirst copies of the DMLC Excelsior: "Is thatTa.IIYM"E7/""'!"- .... ---To·(Photo

by Dawn ShoreYj

~t. Paul's School Celebrates Centennial ~.






by Cynthia Hahn News Editor "Christian Education·from ,Gllneration to Generation" was the theme for the Centennial celebration of St. Paul's School. This b;'rthday celebration recognized the 100 years that St. Paul'sSchool has been in existence. teaching the younger generation the Word ofGod, St. Paul's School opened in 1885 in a one room classroom with a mere 75 students. The. first teacher. Mr. Abele. taught for one year without speaking any English. so the first DMlC student helped Mr. Abele in the English department. Mr. Abele teaching one half of the' day and Mr. Freund teaching the other half day. The first school called "die grosse Schule" was formerly the old church and parsonage; "Die kleine Schuls," the second school was built in 1886. Finally after a few years of growing. the first twostory brick school building was built in 1900. With a growing congregation and number .of students. the school was remodeled and enlarged in 1921. After a long road of struggles the congregation was again faced with the problem of lack of room for students. In"1959 St. Paul's congregation bought the "Annex" (formerly a bowling' alley) which was adjacent to the school property from the Concordia Club and remodeled it. which made accomodations for four more class-

.~ " <

rooms and ateachers' lounge. : In 1970.· the school faced a large. difficult problem: the over-crowding of the school. At this time the enrollment had reached its peak of 464 students which initiated the bid for a larger. more developed school. This dream became a reality on September 26.1971. when the school was dedicated to the lord's service. The present school. which is located on South Payne Street. was completed at a cost of $764.055.00. Today St. Paul's Memorial School stands as a testimony of the past 100 years of God's grace and blessing. It has showered that blessing upon the congregation by moving the members to take heed to feed the lambs and sheep of His flock and has also provided the congregation with a century of grace. To begin this joyous celebration of 100 years of teaching God's Word. St. Paul's entered a float in the July 21 Heritage Festival Par.ade. After many hours of planning. rehearsing. and anticipation the festivities finally officially began with. the Centennial Pageant performed on October 2 at 7:30 p.rn, and again October 5 at 4:00 p.m. Written by Grace Bartel. the pageant included six acts. each featuring a different teacher and his classroom during the past 100 years. The pageant included all of the presentlyenrolled students portraying some

different stages in the life of a member of God's church including baptism. confirmation, communion. marriage. prayer. and everlasting life. Eachsection was highlighted by a Scripture reading and a song sung either by the congrega· tion or one of the choirs from 51. Paul's church. St. John's church. 51. Paul's children's choir. or the DMLC College Choir. This service was a very unique and fitting way to close the Centennial observance of 51. Paul's school. • Now. after the weekend of celebration. the school will once again go on its way preparing the young in the Word of God. and through this they will see how God has so richly blessed their lives in giving them the opportunity to hear and learn of Christ and all He has done for us. As the students. parents. teachers and others go on. they will always be able to remember the way Christian education affects our lives and how. through the passing of the

~~e balloo~ .r~lease comme~~ Word from ge~~ra!!on ~ogeneration, we th9100t~' blrth'flay. Selected schoo~i1'fl1"ISfe"t8'spre8d the glory of God to children released 100 heliu':" balloons at all nations. the toll of a school bell. one balloon per ring. After the 100 balloons were released. an additional 500 balloons were let loose by the audience. Sunday. October 6 was the finale' of events covering the celebration. The highlight of the weekend was the worship services at 9:30 and 11:00. These services provided the worshipper an opportunity to hear God's Word. thank and praise the Lord for His blessings. and 4 reconsecrate himself to the training of the youth. Rev. Robert Voss from our Synod's Commission on Higher Education was the guest speaker at these services. With displays and decorations throughout the school. St. Paul's featured 4 an open house on Sunday from 9:00 4:00. From this tour. the guest could follow the progress and change throughout the past 100 years. From 11:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. 1029 persons attended the catered Centennial dinner held in the 5 school. which featured an opportunity for friends to gather in good Christian

In This Issue

Developmental Education Center

Mission Fair

Nobel Conference.....

fellowship. At 2:00 p.m. the PTO program committee presented a Centennial program which featured the present and past school personnel. It also recognized the families with third and fourth generations attending St. Paul's school with a special feature of a family with their fifth generation presently attending St. Paul's. The weekend of celebration was concluded on Sunday night at 7:30 with a song service. the theme of which was "Our School ProvidesThe Foundation For A Christian Life." The service featured ten



Winter Driving Tips ..·


October 1985

Page 2

From the Editors

Counting time is not as important

A Parting Word: Communication' by Jane Zimmerman Co- Editor "Oh, boy! This is my lasteditorial everforthe Messenger. What can I write to make the last one special?" These were the thoughts that crossed my mind as I was trying to think of a subject for this issue. Since I plan to graduate from DMLCin December and I will be student·teaching while the next two issues of this paper are put together, it really is time to say goodbye to the Messenger. This is not an easy thing to do, since I've been an editor since my first week here at DMLC.lt seems sometimes like it was a long time ago when I first went into the Messenger room to work on a-ssigning articles. Miriam Zimmermann (no relation) was editor-in-chief then, and there was a notice on the bulletin board above the desk: "This is the home of Miriam Zimmermann. If she is not here, you may try her second home, her room in Centennial Hall." I thought at the time that Miriam must have been exaggerating a bit about how much time she spent in the Messenger room, but I later realized she wasn't. I guess I've spent more time in that room than anywhere _else on campus. I could spend the remainder of this column reminiscing about DMLC and the Messenger, but I'm not one so much to dwell on the past; I'd rather look to the future. With an eye to that f~ture, all I can do is offer to my fellow students something which I have learned throughout my time here at DMLC and my work on the Messenger: a lesson in the importance of communication. I talked about this in last month's editorial, entitled, "Students, ExpressYour Views." We all need to let our feelings be heard - not only in such bold ways as through articles in the Messenger and proposals to the Collegiate Council, but also in quieter ways, among ourselves, friends and relatives. As the year goes on and roommates and friends begin to wearon each others' nerves, talk it out before, because of your anger, you give up that special friendship! Likewise, don't be shy about telling someone how special they are to you; they ne~d to hear that, too! Don't be afraid to share your problems with friends, relatives, faculty members, your pastor, and (later on) the principal of your school, either. Most of all, "when your knees are shaking, kneel on them." Our most faithful Friend is. always ready to .listen, We are told often that as teachers )/'Ie must practice what we teach, so i.f I advise openness-t-il'so~nlyright that I displays little of that right now. Thlspaperwon't'allow the space to list all the friends and faculty members who have supported me here at DMLC, but I want all of you to know that I've appreciated that support very much and will never forget you. Likewise I have appreciated.the efforts of each and every Messenger staff member over the past few years. I feel you have done well in your work with this paper, and I am confident that you wil1~enjoymore success under your new editor, Patti Zahn.. during the remainder of this year. God's blessings to you all.

as making time count. ;.


Pee Wee

by Jade Heidrich' Guest Writer Hello again, readers! Welcome to Critic'~ Corner. The movie being reviewed this month is "Pee-Wee's Big Adven· ture." A very simple comedy, its theme seems to be "anyone can be famous."The star of the movie, Pee-Wee Herman, is a psychologically deficient prime geek. He blunkers his way through .the entire movie, making his audience roar with laughter at every turn, His habits and antics are hilarious, and everyone who sees him will eventually fall in love with Pee·Wee. Pee-Wees adventure led him. into every situation possible. From the Alamo in Texas to a Hollywood filming set, he contlnuesfo cmake .friends, win hearts, and gather fans. The movie's final scenes show how anyone canbe famous, even

Pee·Wee Henman. I would strongly recommend this movie to anyone who likes to laugh and enjoy'good clean humor. It is light. carefree, ant! guaranteed to take your mind off of the burdens of homework and responsibility. If you would like to get a breath of fresh air, see "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure," and don't forget to laugh! Have you seen a current movie or read

a recently-published book that you would like to review for the Messenger? The editors welcome reviews from all readers and will reimburse the. writer of each ;published review,y.,iih·$2.00 toward the cost of the bookor' movie ticket. .one review. will be p~inted per issue. We reserve the right to edit materials stibmittedy -Ed.


o e,

Co-Editors"",", , .. , .. , '.' .,"', .. , piltti lahn, , , , ,. Jane Zimmerman News Editor .. , ,, , " """""",." .. ,""',.".,. Cindy Hah'n Feature Editors, , , , , , , , • , , , , , . , , , , , , . Karen Undeman , • , .. , LuAnn Vatthauer Sports Editor , , • , , , , .• , , , , •. , , .. , •••..... ,,, ,,, Dick Goodall Photography Editor ,, , . , , .. : , , , , , ,, , ..• , , , , , , , Sue Carter Circulation/Business Manager .. , , , , , , . , , , , , ; , , , , , , , .. , . , .. , , , Sharyl Rausch

Two Friends I have two friends who walk with me And we are such good company; I hold fast to the arm of each; Find rosy dreams within my reach. One counts the treasures I have in store The other's intent on finding more ... And I am busy as I can be Storing them all in my treasury. So, no matter how common my lot may be, I have two friends who walk with me. The Future, to showme the unknown way, And the Past to hold fast to the end of my day!


Bess Foster Smith

WRITERS , ..• ,', ,., Kathy Hinderer, ,., •. AnnMarie Krueger, Todd Palmer, " , "Joy Panzer, '" . ,Jim Schaewe , , , . , , Beth Schmick, ... , .

,.,. Trina Bufe Patty Hennig "'" Karen Krueger" ",. Paul Lange Raddatz, '" .. Greg Rush, •• " . Pete Cathy Starke .... , , Laurie Zachow

PROOFREADING"",.,' '.""""""""" Michell. Arndt, , Trina Bufe Terri Droster ..... , Laura Fastanau , , , , •• Jo Koslowske , . Sue Nelson Dawn Nollmeyer, , , , , , Sarah Peter, . , '" Ruth Spannagel. , . , , ,,susan Warner LAY·OUT , , , , , '" , , , , , , , , , , , , • , •... Trina Bufe Lisa Esch Laura Fastenau , , , , , . Kathy Hinderer, • , ;, , ShellY Karstens, , , , , , AnnMarie Krueger. , .... Paul Lange,. , , , ,'Todd Palmer, • , . , ,Jim R'addatz, . , , , , Pete Schaewe .• '.. , , Sally Smith CIRCULATION, •... , .. , , , , , , :, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Lisa Esch, , , .., , Shelly Karstens Sue Nelson, , , , , , Dawn Nollmeyer , , , , , , Lauria Zachow COMIC, ,... ,",

.. " .. , ......

, ,; .......

" .. "."


, .. " ... Pete Schaewe

ADVISOR, , , ; , , , , , , , " , , , , , , , . , , , • , , , , , , , , , , •. ; , , , , • , , , Prof, Arlen Koestler The DMLC Messenger is published during the months of September. October, November, December, :January. February, April. and May, The subscriPtion prica is two dollars per year, Single copies are twenty·five cents, We request payment in advance -.AII business should be addressed to the Business Manager,

Page 3

October 1985

Students React: Light Comes

Initiation by Patty Hennig Staff Writer 8eanies Name Tags ... Marching ... Singing Drill Sergeants ... Fear? ... Laughter Tradition Christian Fellowship DMLC Fun JerkJumpsl This month's pollan initiation [responded to by 15% of the student body) had some very positive answers along with a few suggestions for future years. The first question asked was what the purpose' of initiation was. The freshmen had two main ideas: forty-one percent felt that it is all done in fun to welcome the freshmen and forty-one percent felt it was to humiliate the freshmen. The sophomores need someone to get back at for last year's events. On the other hand, seventy-five percent of the combined sophomore, junior, and senior classes felt it was to welcome the freshmen and get to know them. Initiation also helps the freshmen get to know the upperclassmen and teet part of the DMLC family. The second question involved the benefits for upperclassmen and then for freshmen. The greatest benefit (decided by 29% of the freshmen) was that the sophomores g'et to "be in charge" and "boss" the freshmen around. Then there was a tie at 18% saying that the benefits were to get'to know the freshmen and to laugh. The 'uppercl~ssmen felt, their greiltest benefit was getting to know the fresh":'en [sophomcres 78%, juniors 74%, seniors 33%). The' benefits fa, ~he freshmen are class unity and getting t~ know the upperclassmen decided by a combined perceritage of fifty-six for all classes. 'The_next question asked was. for the upperclassmen. "What interesting things happened Iastvear that' you feei should be repeated in years to comer Singil19 and marchingwere high on th~.Iis1 ~i!h: the muscle-man contest; beanie:s" nametags not far behind, Some of the, other events mentioned were parades, role reversal. guys picking girls up and escorting them to evening chapel; and half-shaved mustaches! We then asked if initiation helped the freshmen get involved in college life. Fifty percent of the freshman said no and thirty-six 'percent said yes. A combined percentaqe of fifty-nine upperclassmen responded positively and thirty-two percent negatively. Some sophomores believed the mixer was a good idea, Other -upperclassmen feel that involvement will occur even without initiation. The final question was "should initiation continue?" A combined percentage of '64 agreed that initiation should continue while 29% disagreed. Some put the condition on it saying "as long as it doesn't get out of hand." It has to be in a "controlled, Christian" atmosphere. As long as freshmen start initiation


with a good attitude and make the best of it, they will have fun. As one student stated, "Initiation is as fun as you make it." If you make the best of initiation, it will be a life-long memory that you will laugh at in years to come.

From Darkness by Cathy Starke Staff Writer "It's Reformation, not Halloween." We Lutherans hear this statement or some variation on the idea every year as October 31 st draws near. The implication is that good Lutherans should forget all about Halloween and think only about the work Of Luther on the anniversary of this historic day.. But when we think about Reformation, .it is good for us to remember Halloween, too.

Rai1dy Bode at the Memorial Organ -

the two have spent a lot of time together, (Photo by Sue Carter)

R~cital Delights Many by Karen Krueger and Joy Panzer Staff Writers Anyone sitting in the chapelauditorium the afternoon of Sunday the 29~h, was surely impressed with the organ recital given by senior Randy Bode. Selections- were' performed with such skill that it made those of us who are not as adept on the keyboard resolve to go to our¡five PLUS'practices pet week! . Randy, a native of Washington and 'graduate. ot"MLPS, 'took piano lessons throughout grade school and high school. His organ career began freshman year here at DMLC. Randy said he began planning for this recital second semester last year. Practicing over an hour every. day and receiving guidance from his teacher Prof.. Meyer, all went into the

. preparation." :.


The p;ogram. f~atured music from the sevente~nth: eight~enth, nineteenth, and

Bands Provide

The word "Halloween" comes from the name, "All Hallow's Eve" which was given'to October 31 st, the day before the 'Catholic feast of All Saint's. The German people of Luther's time were as intensely interestedin the saints as any people at any time had ever b'een. They relied on the merits of the saints and their relics to get them into heaven in a sort of "Trick or Treat" system: if we give something good to God, they thought, He will not turn on

us as an avenging Judge and torture us in twentieth centuries. Selections included hell or purgatory. preludes from Bruhns and Hanft, Bach's Superstition has always been Preludes IBWV 650, 659 and 615), associated with Halloween. The belief Mendelssohn's Sonata Number One in f that on this night spirits of the dead walk minor, and' a 'piece' by Marcel Dupre'. abroad can be traced all the way back to Repeating cadences, spirit, trios, solemn Egypt. It was so strongly ingrained that passapes, and mastery of the key and the Christian Church gave up trying to especiaIlY'l>edal' beard \.vere'all heard: ' fight it and incorporated it into a religious Randy said his favorite was the selection festival. In Germany; people of the early from Marcel Dupre'. ,6th century had an extraordinary There were" about 120 people in' preoccupation with 'death. Theylived in attendance including Randy's parents, an extremely complex, fearsome world of who came allthe wavIrom Washington'.' 'supi,rstitio"'that 'was very real to tlie"; A reception followed in honor of Randy. and reached the height of its power on This student recital was a delightful October 31 st. Sunday afternoon break 'for many DMLC' .On that day, in thepit 'of niligious and students and faculty members. Our superstitious darkness, a monk walked up thanks to Randy for presenting the recital to the Church at Wittenburg, a great for us, and best wishes to the students in center for the veneration of saints, and other recitals coming up soon. nailed to its wooden doors ¡the Ninetyfive Theses. The' light of the truth had begun to dawn. It began rather feebly, however. This day was probably more of a "Halloween" than a "Reformation" for Luther. He had this to say about his famous Ninety-Five Theses: "I allow them to stand, that by them it may appear how weak I was, and in what a fluctuating state of mindwhen I began this-business. I was then a monk and a mad Papist, and instruments, including a newly acquired so submersed in the dogmas of the Pope marimba. With the acquisition of this that I would have readily murdered any instrument, the DMLC bands now have all person who denied obedience to the of the standard percussion equipment Pope." needed by the modern concert band, But on October 31 st we commemorate including all major mallet percussion the whole of the great journey which instruments like orchestra bells, chimes, began that Halloween in 1517: from xylophone. vibraphone. and the marimba. Ignorance ana darkness to the light of the Although band membership is down a truth. Isaiah 9:2 can be applied to Luther's bit over recent years, undoubtedly reflectGermany, "The people walking in ing our declining enrollment, the band is darkness have seen a great light; on those _ still fairly balanced. Everyone involved in living in the land of the shadow of death, a the bands worked very hard to polish the light has dawned." As we thank God for songs performed and are looking forward bringing us to the light of His Word, let us to their next concert. Prof. Hermanson, remember the confusion and fear of the

Quality Entertainment by Cynthia Hahn News Editor Last night, October 17th, the DMLC auditorium was filled with a variety of music as the DMLC bands gave their first performance of the year. 8eginning at B:OO p.m. the Concert Band along with the Wind Ensemble provided a wide variety of musical styles. One of these varieties was presented by the Concert Band featuring Hawley Ades' "Twentiana" consisting of popular songs from the 1920's like "I'm looking over a Four Leaf Clover", "Bye Bye Blackbird", "Tea for Two", and "Hallelujah". The Wind Ensemble also put through a very impressive variety including "Rushmore" by Alfred Reed and "Variations on a Korean Folk Song," by John Barnes Chance. Throughout the concert the bands featured a large array of percussion

director, commented, "They are all a joy to work with." and with that encourage. ment, we can be confident that we will be hearing more delightful concerts given by the bands this year.

Halloweens of five hundred years ago. And let us never forget that Reformation started on Halloween - for God can make His light shine even in the heart of the darkness.

Octcbes 1 sali

Page 4

Pastor Homer, the "fisher of men," ...

and Mrs. Homer told us about Puerto Rican missions.

Students Learn from Special Day by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer No classes were



September 17, but a good deal of learning took place anyway. This special Tuesday was Hispanic Mission Day aj DMLC. and students and faculty learned much about the Hispanic people, their culture, and our attempts to share the Gospel with them. The day began wjth a forceful presentation by Pastor Robert Sprain: who has served as a missionary to both Puerto Rico and Columbia and is now working with th'e Hispanic people' in Madison, Wisconsin. His lecture, entitled "Hispanics in American Culture," opened eyes to some startling facts: that by the year 2000 Hispanics will be the largest

single ethnic group,in our nation; that by the year 2025 it is estimated that white people of Germanic background will be a minority; and that although eighiy percent of all Hispanics are Catholic, few go to church. Pastor Sprain used these , statistics to :sli~w the' grest that our Synod has to spread tile Gospel. Though problems of language, social problems. and religious differences do ,exist. we we~e encouraged .to rise to the occasion rather than shrinking from the challenge placed before us. The remainder of the morning was 'devoted 'to two speakers who described


their roles in Hispanic mission work. The first was Pastor John Connell. a missionary in Medellin. Columbia, South America. He related how work was begun

in Columbia eleven years ago and how this work has progressed. and told about the Columbian national pastor and how the missionary proqram 'plans to expand to Brazil. All this has come about in spite of the missionaries' main problem being ;~';rn~d'as'A;';e~ri:iin Protestants. PastorThomas Hornerwas next. teJling a similar story about the mission work in Guyama, Puerto Rico, The Catholics and other Protestant groups present problems to the Lutheran missionaries in this American territory. The Catholics condemn anyone who isn't Catholic. and the Lutherans are often unfairly lumped with other church bodies on the island. But the three missionaries rejoice in their slow, steady growth. They hope for further growth


application of Scripture and for a national self-supporting church body for the 'Puerto Ricans. The afternoon sessions were broken down ahd groups moved between three different presentations, Mrs, Homer the Mrs. Connell led one discussion and got very personal about both the positive and negative aspects of being missionaries' wives. Such topics as their daily schedules, holidays, schooling for the children, shopping and lack of conveniences were discussed. (There are no chocolate chips, walnuts, or peanut butter. available in Columbia!) . Mr, Paul Bases, a teacher at St. Peters in Milwaukee, spoke informally on how his interest in Spanish and the Hispanic culture has had a major affect on his life and his career. He also gave many interesiing and helpful hints to future teachers who may have to run a bilingual classroom. Mr. Tomas Gomez, a Hispanic and a man who has done work in reaching out to other Hispanics, gave insight into the Hispanic culture by discussing their behaviors, attitudes and' politics. His "Chicano IQ Test," jokes. and other cultural awareness exercises opened manyeyes. Following these presentations, the groups met jointly in the auditorium for questions and the conclusion of the lectures. But the day didn't end at this point. In th~ evening. the second annual Campus Fan;;'ly'Dinner was held in the gymna__ ~i~m.After,8d"li,cious ba~quel' a ~pecial'. evening chapel service was led by Pastor Connell., "I am -Jesus. Little Lamb" was sung in Spanish. and the Bible text was read in both Spanish and English. And yet the day didn't end even when the day ended. Its effects lingered on. The presentations were discussed in classes. and references are still made to the remarks of the day. Surely the learning that took place will stay with many for a

in the knowledge and

longtime to come.

DEC Can Help by James Raddatz Staff Writer After nearly seven years of discussions. preparations. and prayers, last year saw the opening of the Developmental Education Center on our campus. The DEC is located in room 136 of the Academic Center and is open for use !:ly any DMLCstudent. The DECis the newest Student Service program. It specializes in helping students improve on their basicskills use through individual studies. This type of program had been discussed as early as 1978 by members of our English department. They wanted to provide learning and practice opportunities for students who had already mastered basic writing and reading skills. Their hopes came true last year when the DEC project was implemented. One major change that occurred in the seven years of finalization was that the subject matter was broadened to - cover every major subject. not only English skills, Fora program of this nature to work it is necessary for the student to take the first

initiative and ask for the help, which the DEC is only too willing to give. This voluntary program is designed to instruct the student at the necessary pace to help him overcome any lesser-developed skill.

instruction periods where they can work individually under the guidance of Professor Koestler to improve the desired

Last year over fourteen percent of the student body participated in the program, with students from every class classification and grade-point average seeking the help that is so readily available in the DEC room. Students can make use of the DEC

this is clearly evident: The teachers who must teach basic skills in any subject must master those skills ifthey wish to be successful. It is DMLC's hope that any student who believes that he can in some way improve his knowledge on any of the above-mentioned (or other) skills will make use of the valuable resource we have in the Developmental Education

computer and printer, cassette player, and numerous educational cassettes that cover every class subject. This year Professor Arlen Koestler. director of the DEC, hopes the program will be even more successful than it was last year, and with one year's experience in the DEC he is very enthusiastic about having another successful year. Professor Koestler emphasized the need for the student to contact him if the student wishes to improve' such basic skills as reading. music. writing papers, mathematic computing. and grammar study, Students can set up weekly

skills. The importance of a program such as


Ladies Show They Care by Annmarie Krueger Staff Writer Wednesday, October 9. was a special day on the DMLC campus - the time for the annual visit of DMLC's Ladies'

Auxiliary. Unfortunately. even after such a visit not all students, understand much about this group. but the Ladies' Auxiliary is an organization that we, students should all know about because it exists for us. Ladies' Auxiliary is made up of about 350 women that put toqethertheir time. talents and money to make our life on campus more comfortable and a little easier. Some of the gifts given by the Ladies' Auxiliary in the past include the laminator in the library. the furnishings in the children's literature room, films for the Western Civilization classes. the carpeting in the men's dorm. and the drapes in the game room and music hall. The drapes in the women's dorms were also given by the Ladies' Auxiliary and took a¡Iot of time and effort. So the next time you find yourself taking things like carpeting and drapes for granted. think about the gifts given by the Ladies' Auxiliary, Let's be thankful that they care enough about us to do the things they do.


!, '

Nobel Conference:



and Faculty React

by Professors J. Micheel and J., Paulsen On October 1 and 2, 1985, a delegation from Dr. Martin Luther College consisting of four seniors - Gina' Hoerning, Carol Mann, Keith Kopczynski, and Kenneth White and Professors John Micheel and John Paulsen attended Nobel Conference XXI at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. The theme of the conference was "The Impact of Science on Society". The Nobel Conference attracted students and faculty from 72 colleges and 147 high schools. This is the only ongoing, formal program in the world, outside of Sweden and Norway where the actual prizes are awarded, to have the official authorization of the

"seeing" science and technology from the point of view that these scientists presented was a priceless experience. Too often we condemn science in general as "evil", antiChristian, and non路feeling, but most of these speakers seemed very concerned about the effects that science had. has. and will continue to have on society," 'Both the faculty members and the students felt that the conference was very worthwhile .and continued participation is recommended. The theme was certainly relevant to todav's society.

Nobel Foundauon. The five speakers for the conference were: 1. Dr. Salvador Luria. 1969 Nobel Priie winner in medicine for-his work in molecular biology, now Director of the Center for Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; . 2. Dr. Daniel Kevles, Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology, specializing in the history of science and technology; 3. Dr. Winston 8rill. Vice Presid,,",t of Research and Development for A.;lracetus, ,a high路tech agriculture specialtv firm located in Middleton, Wisconsin. specializing in genetic engineering; 4. Dr. Merritt Roe Smith, Professor of the' History of Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of th~ prize-winning book - Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology: The Challenge Of Change (1977); 5. Dr. J. Robert Nelson, Director of the Institute of Religion at the Texas Medical Center and editor-at-Iarge of The Christian Century. Some thoughts on each of the papers: 1. Dr. Luria's paper, "The Single Artificer", was aimed at showing that the scientist, not science, is responsible to society. Science' creates knowledge which can be translated into technology. The scientist must take responsibility for what he develops, but "science" doesn't provide him with rules. Society must provide the rules. 2. Dr. Kevles, in his paper, "Genetic Progress and Religious Authority: Historical Reflections", discussed the history of eugenics, th'; s~ience of improving ih~ h'uman race through the careful selection of parents. 3. Dr. Brill delivered an optimistic paper, ','The Impact of Biotechnology and the Future of Agricufture". 'H~ believes tti~t through genetic engineering', r'ep'lacing certain genes in the.DNAi new, disease路res;stantand-more-productive 'straj'ns-ofvarlous crops can be developed. He was not concerned that the newly developed strain could turn out to be an environmental threat. 4. Dr. Smith's'peper "On Technology and Progreis: Perspective on the American Experience", was a historical look at technology and progress in this country from the time of Thomas Jefferson. According to Smith, Jefferson espoused an agrarian democracy and believed that science and technology were.a meanstoward progress but there had to be a proper balance between the moral, the spiritual and the material. Today the emphasis is on the material rather than on the moral and the spiritual. 5. Dr,Nelson's paper, "Mechanistic Mischief and Dualistic Dangers in a Scientific Society", dealt with mechanistic materialism - which is regarding man and his activities as objects and the rnacharucal treatment that these "objects" receive - and the dualistic nature of man - body and soul. Nelson discussed test tube babies, surrogate mothers. and artificial insemination but from the sense that there is also the spiritual nature of man. which is usually ignored in our approach to these and other technological advancements. Some student reactions to the conference: Carol Mann: "I felt the experience o.tattending this conference was beneficial. I am happy I was chosen. This type of conference helps a person to remember that there are people in this world that do not believe in God as we do and their work sometimes reflects that. I have gained an appreciation for. these professionals that were in attendance, but-most of all, I'm thankful for the experience." Ken White: "The topics were interesting - something that affects all of us: genetic engineering, biotechnology and agriculture, technology and progress in America, and materialistic and dualistic views. These speeches certainly gave me more to think about on some very controversial issues. It is at times like these that we need to look at what God says in the Bible, and then carry out His will." . Keith Kopczynski: "With our limited DMLCscience background, it was impossible to digest all of the material presented at the conference. What struck me most however, was the general lack of consideration of God and Scripture in relation to science. Our science courses, as well as all other courses at DMLC, are continually incorporating God's Word into their content. But as we listened to these speakers, who spoke of God merely as a social idea of some people, we were thankful forthe true knowledge of God which we have received through the Holy Spirit." Gina Hoerning: "I think it's vital to a future Christian educator to remember that we, and the children we'll be teaching,live in the world even though we are notofthe world. The issues discussed - genetics, biotechnology, historical perspectives on the impact of technology, the moralistic aspects of euge~ics - are pertinent today and also very controversial. It was fascinating - and often frustrating - to be a passive Christian listener in a forum where only one speaker acknowledge the existence of God. However,

Musical Production Going Strong by Kathy Hinderer Staff Writer Little Johnny Jones will be on the boards November B, 9, and 10 as this years fall musical. The liyely score includes such George M. Cohan flagwavers as "Give My Regards to Broad路 way" and "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy." Performance times are 7:30 all three nights, with a 2:00 matinee on Sunday. Johnny (Gene Martens), the famous American jockey, comes to London a conquering hero, but the only one he wants to impress is Miss Goldie Gates of San Francisco (Heidi Keibel). Goldie has come to London with her friend and ally Florabelle Fly, a gossip columnist (Gina Hoerning). To. their chagrin, Goldie's aunt, Mrs. Kenworth (Ruth Dolbey), also shows up and unexpectedly becomes engaged to Anthony Anstey (Alan Uher), a race promoter and entrepreneur of dubious-cha"racterwho'is'Johnnys sworn enemy. Also among the cast are Pete Schaewe as Tim McGee, Johnny's confidante; jim Braun as the irrepressible Wilson and Sing Song, a Chinese reporter; and Todd Stoltz in a multiple role of a captain and his two brothers. Despite a set of sticky plot complications, in the end love conquers all in the grand old tradition of American musical comedy.

The chorus of Little Johnny Jones will feature Beth Affeldt, Tresa Buz, Laurie Gauger, Heidi Graf, Amy Guenther, Connie Kroll, Annie Petermann, Julie Russel, Theresa Yanz, Karl Bauer, Randy Bode, Jim Burow, Dale Krueger, Cliff Lagerman, Pete Markgraf, Darin Menk, john Meyer, Zoli Pethes, Dale Witte, and Dave Zabell. The show is directed by Pete Sordahl and produced by Monica Weiss. Cindy Bauder has been supervising song rehearsals as chorus director. Choreography will be by Jodi Kammholz, Linda Kuske, Krista Westendorf, and Miriam Westendorf. The orchestra is once again under the direction of Professor Roger Hermanson. Kris Ann Altergott. who heads publicity and ti5>ketsales, says that at the time of this writing there are plenty of good seats left for all performances. 8uyers are encoureged to purchase and pick up their tickets ahead of time. in order to cut down on performance night lines at the door. Prices this year will be $3.00, $2.5,0 and $2.00. DMLC students can purchase tickets every Monday and Wednesday between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at the LMU ticket office. Off-campus purchasers can call (507) 354-8221 during the same hours or write "Little Johnny Jones," DMLC Box 940, New Ulm, MN 56073.

Mystery Prof It is Mystery Prof time again! C;:ongratulationsto the September issues winners of prizes from the Messengerfor correctly guessing Prof. Marvin Meihack, as the prof-of-the-month. The lucky winners were Ginger_' Melzer, Sarah Kruschel, Jeff Sonnenburg, and Darren Zastrow. Thank you \0. all those who respondegJ Now, for your next chance of winning.... ~ I This month's Mystery Profwas Born in Springfield, Minnesota, and is the oldest of two children. While a~tending Dr. Martin Luther College and M~nkato State University, the prof participated in two intercollegiate championship totams. Enjoying most any outdoor activity, this prof has preference for boating and fishing, along with the "normal" spo~s of many.people ... football, basketball, and softball. This October Mystery Prof taught at .Martin Luther Academy before accepting

Professor Meihack (Photo courtesy the Excelsior) hls present position at Dr. Martin Luther College. . If you have any guesses on the month's mystery prof, please submit them to box 759, The first four correct responses are the winners. We are looking forward to your responses. Good luck!

Page 6

October'1985 ,




Sports Beat by Dick Goodall Sports Editor

nearly identical records. Phil has carried the ball 69 times for 321 yards and a 4.6

VOLLEYBALL One of the brightest spots in DMLC athletics this fall has been the success of the volleyball team, The Lady Lancers are now 10·2 overall. and B·l in conference. with just six matches remaining. For the past three years Coach Buck has brought

average. Paul has a 4.0 average on 76 carries for 316 yards. Phil is also the scoring leader with four touchdowns to his credit. Tim Schubkegel is the top receiver with eighteen receptions for 257 yards and one touchdown. Gregg Birkholz is not far behind with twelve passes for 141 yards and three touch-

his charges along slowly. and now we are witnessing the fruition of his efforts. All of the young ladies on the team play with skill. a keen sense of purpose. and a selfassuredness that now permits them to play with anybody. whereas in the past this was .not always so. On October lB. St. Scholastica. the only team in conference to have defeated the Lancers. will be here for a match, I know that many of you will be going to Watertown for the football game there. but to those of you who will be remaining in New Ulm that weekend. I strongly encourage you to come to the match and help cheer our Lancers, FOOTBALL Another bright spot in DMLC athletics is the football team. Ordinarily. when a team gets a new coach, fortunes take a downward turn as the team adjusts to the new coach. but that hasn't been the case with the 1985 Lancers. First of all. the seniors have dedicated themselves to having the best possible-season. and not to be outdone. the underclassmen have committed themselves' to the same goaL But more than that. they have quickly accepted and learned the new system installed by Coach Gronholz, and thev.are inspired by his quiet professionalism and organization. In particular, one aspect of his new program has paid early dividends, That's something called motivational training. The establishment of individual goals as well as team goals for each game has contributed much to the team's success this season. On the field quarterback Tom Plath is the passing leader, having completed 43 of 92 passes for 483 yards' and four touchdowns. Phil Petermann and Paul Hunter are the leading runners with

downs, As with any team, defense is an important part of the game, and this year's edition of Lancer football is currently ranked number one in the conference. Mark McCormick is the leader in solo tackles and assists with twelve solos and sixty assists. Mark also has two pass interceptions and two fumble recoveries to his credit. Randy Cox is next in tackles and assists with eleven and forty-five respectively. John Melso and Skip Noon also have two interceptions. Steve Biedenbender and Linc Hohler are the sack leaders with two and one and a half sacks respectively. The defensive unit has made most of its effort by contributing three touchdowns to the Lancers' scoring total. CROSS·COUNTRY 'Pacing -sorneistiff- .ccmpetition ' from larger schools in a number of the meets in which theY'lialii,competecf. 'the Lancer harriers' have managed respectable showings in each meet. Becky Henner continues to be the top runner, but Mary Hinderer may have turned in' the best pe-rformance of the season when she trimmed nearly three minutes off of her best time. The Lancers will host the DMLC Invitational on October 19. GOLF At this writing. the Lancer golf team has a 2·2 dual meet record, The golfers will host the Upper Midwest Collegiate Conference tournament here on the twelfth of OCtober. This year's team members include: Dave Koepsell, Dan and Pete Markgraf, Mike Vatthauer .: Steve 'Jensen, Karl Bauer, Dave Kolander, John Meyer. Scott Sonntag, Amy Gronholz, and Carla Free.

Sharon Mundt, AI Uher, and Phil Zahn show their spirit at 'the 'S5 Homecoming game. (Photo by Dawn Shorey)

The mighty Lancers ~ailed Concordia in a 20·6 Hornecominqvictorv, (Photo by Dawn Shorey)

Homecoming a "Fright Night" .bv Laurie Zachow, Staff Writer If you saw ghosts and goblins running around campus the week of September 29 - October 5, it's not too surprising becausertnts' WlfS-Hotl'''!1:omlrfg We!k and the theme this year was "Fright Night." Throughout the week everyone had a chance to show their school' spirit. Freshmen initiation, began' . Sunday night as the Freshmen started their week of wearing beanies, marching, and doing a variety of activities in the cafeteria, Freshmen women were seen carrying their books to class in wastebaskets, and the Freshmen men participated in a Muscle Man Contest which was won by Andy Willems. Initiation was completed' at halftime of the football game on Sat,urday when the Freshmen marched onto the field and sang the Alma Mater and the School Song. All in all initiation was a fun experience enjoyed ,by everyone. During the week there was iI variety of dress up days. Monday was Hat-andShades Day and Tuesday, was Dress-Up Day. On Wednesday students showed their school spirit by wearing buttons and bandanas, and on 'Thursday students' came to class dressed as their favorite ghoul. Friday was the traditional Maroon· and-Grav.Dav. As usual. the Powder Puff games were played during Homecoming Week. On Monday the senior women played the freshmen, and the seniors won the game 13·0. The juniors and the sophomores played on Tuesday. and the juniors came out on top by a score of 27·0. On Wednesday the consolation game between the sophomores and 'the freshmen was played, and the sophomores won 6·0. Thursday the seniors became the powder puff champions 'as they defeated the juniors 7-0. The Pep Fest was held on Friday night,

as' school


soured through


gyninasium, The class spirit leaders, who are a male and a female chosen from each "l:1ass;"wete~ irttrt>'duced' 'This'year the spirit leaders were: seniors Kurt Sauer and Gina Hoerning: juniors Dan Plath and Sharon Mondt;' sophomores Dave Biedenbender and BeckyScliroeder; and freshman Nathan Kieselhorst and Carrie Schmeling. The spirit leaders were all dressed in frightful costumes as they led ,their classes in cheers. Each class performed a skit; arid something was said about all of the fall sports. After the Pep Fest many students stayed and helped decorate, the gym for Saturday night's banquet. Saturday morning wasthe traditional Homecoming parade. It included the class floats, marching freshmen, pep 'band, color guard, cheerleaders, pornpon 'girls, and several clubs and organizations of DMLC. The floats were judged and the sophomores won the award for the best ffoat. The Hornecoming game got underway at 2:00 as our laricers defeated the Concordia Comets 20·6. The Homecoming banquet was held Saturday night. At the banquet the spirit award was presented to the class which showed the most school spirit throuqhout Homecoming Week, The award was given to the juniors. Coach Gronholz gave a talk and he recognized all of the people who contribute to and support the tootball team, and he especially recognized the senior football players. After the banquet Laurie Gauger and Brian Maurice emceed the entertainment, which was performed by OM LC students. All in all, Homecoming Week was fun and filled with many activities. It will be a -long-remembered event.


October ,1.9B&

Page 7


Beware of Winter Driving!


byKaren Lindeman Feature Editor .Christian education. what a blessing it is to usl Last year OMLC celebrated 100 years of grace as a teacher training, institution. and this year St. Paul's Lutheran School celebrates 100 years of grace also. In this issue we look back to one of our first "Glimpses' columns. which had several essays written by past students of St. Paul's Lutheran School for their 19B1 Mission Fair. They are all entitled "What is the Value of Christian Education to Me?" These short essays should call attention to the seriousness and importance of our future roles as, educators in the schools of our churches. This is truly what .it is all about: Some people do not have any churches or pastors and teachers. or even the Bib'le that can give them Christian education. ' But we do. That's why we should thank God forevermore for giving us the freedom to have Christian education through our schools and churches.

Now that we have it. we should give to , missions and pray for God's blessing for those who can go and teach and preach to the unfortunate. "Go ye and teach all nations ..... Thai's what Jesus said to us and everyone. -

Kari Black

Christian education is important to me because I can learn the right way to heaven. I know that Jesus died on the cross for all of my sins. He died on the cross out of'love and care for me :50 my sins are forgiven and that when I die I will be able to go to heaven. The value of Christian Education to me is that I can go to a Christian School and learn about my dear Savior who died on the cross for me. 1can tell my friends about their Savior 811d'how,-Ho'-d,ied

on"'-thO'-croS8 'for'their

sins. I can become a missionary now because of my Christian education and so canyou"That is the value of a Christian education to mel -

Alison Lueck

Lyceum Series Continues by Todd Palmer Staff Writer When most people think of a string quartet. they get a picture in their minds of a group of people playing banjos and guitars. Such is not the Casefor the next lyceum presentation by the Dakota String Quartet. ,Scheduled for October 22nd at B:OO the auditorium. the quartet

""'''Ulm'';8' to bring a special treat to its 1,llist"nelrs. According to Professor' Mark the program the group will present a concert in the usual sense of the The members of the quartet will an "informance." This means that

of music before it is performed. This talented group of musicians will come to us from the Dakota Symphony in Sioux Falls. South.Dakota. Th'" music they \Nill present will range from Mozart to modern music. DMLC students will be admitted to the show with their 10 cards. The entertainment should last for approximately one hour. • According to Lenz. students should take advantage of this educational and entertaining evening. and they should also think of the performance as an opportunity to grow and learn. The show promises to be fun and perhaps extraordinary. Make it a point to attendl

New Clothes Have Finally - Stop in and Take a Look!

by Paul Lange Staff Writer

The recent cold spell has been an unpleasant reminder that winter is not far away. For those who drive, winter brings its own particular dangers. The increase in the hours of darkness team up with fog. rain. snow. sleet, and ice to make winter driving hazardous. A careful driver may be able to offset the hazards of winter by following these safe driving practices; It is hard to describe the value of a t , Before driving, remove snow and Christian education. It is a gift we all ilre " ice from the car [especiallv the hood) and very lucky to have. And this one gift leads windows. to many other gifts: the gift of being able 2. Avoid excessive engine warm-up. to learn and study God's Word. the gift of Limit the warm-up to thirty seconds. A our Savior Jesus Christ. the gift of eternal cold engine will warm faster and more life in heaven. These gifts should be efficiently when running than when something we treasure very highly. And idling. we should remember to thank God 3. Start out by driving slowly. Get a everyday for giving them to us. feel for the road. Test the brakes to find - Beth Krueger out just how slippery the road is. and then The highest value of a Christian adjust the speed according to the road education is¡ to know that Jesus loves conditions. you and you are saved from the bondage 4. When driving in fog or a snowof sins. death and from the power of the storm. keep the headlights on low beam. devil. We could never thank God for what This will reduce the glaring reflection of He has all done for us. We should be glad the headlights on the fog or snow. and also give thanks unto our Lord. We 5. Follow other cars at a safe distance. should honor, serve and respectHim for On snow or ice it takes three to twelve His wonderful blessings He has times as much distance to stopa car as on bestowed upon us. I think that a Christian dry pavement, education is far more important than any 6. Snow treads on the drive wheels person could ever realize. The value of a are recommended for winter driving. Christian education is to know that you Snow treads greatly improve traction. but are .saved. it is still necessary to have plenty of room - Sheri Blaalid between moving automobiles for safe stopping. 7. When stopping on packed snow or ice. apply the brakes gently. To stop suddenly on a slippery surface, pump the brakes to prevent the car from skidding. B. With any vehicle skid, the main idea is to keep the rearend from outrunning the front of the car. To overcome a skid. either slow the rear wheels or speed up the front wheels. With rear-wheel drive vehicles, do not apply pressure on the brake. Instead. just ease off the gas - the engine acts as a brake to slow the rear wheels slightly. This slows the rear end slide and gives October time for the front end to catch up and, 22 Dakota String Quartet - B p.m. combined with steering. will get the vehicle straight again. 27 Reformation Service Gym To achieve the same effect with front7:30 p.rn, wheel drive vehicles. make the engine pull harder on the front wheels. Stepping November lightly on the accelerator will increase the Movie Night "Mr. Mom" front wheel's speed. thus the front end can catch up with the sliding rearend and 2 Movie Night "Mr. Mom" straighten out the skid. 9. Be prepared for winter driving B Musical "Little Johnny Jones" emergencies such as breakdowns, being 7:30 p.m. stuck in heavy snow or a blizzard. Carry in 9 Musical "Little Johnny Jones" your vehicle the following items: a 7:30 p.rn. shovel. sand. warm clothing and footwear. 10 Musical "Little Johnny Jones' These driving tips may help avoid some 2:00 &'7:30 p.m. of the hazards that come with winter driving. Be prepared for your safety and ,12, Gustavus Adolphus Jazz Ensemble the safety of others on the road. - 8:00.p.m.

Arts and Activities Calendar


Page 8

October 1985

Dr. Martin Luther College

Pieces of Late

STUDENT TEACHING SCHEDULE - SecondQuarter, 1985-86 October 28 - December20

Hey, freshmen - you made itl Welcome (officially) to the student bodyl

ST. PAUL'S, NEW ULM Students Carla Free Jonathan Biedenbender John Quint

Congratulations to the football team on a great Homecoming victory!

So - did everyone make it through midterms? They're not so bad, are they?





Supervisor Sarah Peter Miss Paap· Mark Schultz Prof. Klockziem Jane Zimmerman Prof. Stoltz NEW ULM AREA - Prof. Meyer, College Supervisor

1, 2. 3,

Student Kuehl, Elizabeth Stern, Philip Zoellner, Bonnie

Location Delano New Ulm Delano

1. 2., 3,

Student Lutze, Sara Radichel, Laurie Ristow, Timothy

Location New Ulm Fairfax Fairfax

Congregation Mt. Olive 51. Paul Mt, Olive Prof. Wessel, College Supervisor

Grade 1-2 5-6 7·8

Principal G.Schmill D. Markgraf G. Schmill

Supervisor Miss Petermann Mr. Blauert Miss Ruege

Grade 5·6 5 3-4

Principal' D. Markgraf D. Nack D. Nack

Supervisor Mrs. Wendler Miss Altergott Mr. Nack

Grade 3-4 K·2 6·8

Supervisor Miss Hopmann

Grade 1

Supervisor MissWheeler Mrs. Weigand Mrs. Koeller Mrs. Mahnke Mr. Busse Miss Dunsmoor Mr. Koepsell Mr. Kremer Mr: Feuerstahler Mr. Roemhildt MissStuedemann

Grade 1·2 3-4 1·2 2·3 5·6

teachers. Are you excited? nervous? (Not

a bit, right?)

Mark your calendars and don't miss the Dakota String Quartet on Tuesday.

Prof. Schulz, College Supervisor

Goodbye, Jane, and thanks for all your work as Messenger editor. Best wishes to you in the future, and good luck \0 Patti, our new editor!

Get the scoop

Congregation St. Paul St. John 51. John

1, 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. :14.. 15.

Student Westendorf, Miriam

Location Congregation Principal New Ulm St. Paul D. Markgraf MILWAUKEEAREA - Prof. LaGrow, College Supervisor

Student Bame, Cynth ia Bieber, Bertha Goens, Susan Hanel, Darla Hinderer, Kathryn Hoppe, Carolyn Jones, Stuart Koepsell, David Kolander, David Markgraf, Daniel Pansch, Julie Radue, Joel .e.' • Schroeder, Edward Ulrich, Mary Unka, Julie

Location Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Jackson Caledonia Lannon Caledonia Milwaukee Lannon Milwaukee Hales Corners Jackson West Allis Menomonee Falls Hales Corners

Congregation Christ Redemption Redemption David's Star Trinity 51. John --.r' Trinity Gethsemane St. John Christ St. Paul ,..QAv~c!:! Star Good Shepherd Pilgrim St. Paul I ~ ,,',

Principal . V. Roemhildt G. Heiman G. Heiman F. Mahnke T. Koepsell D. Feuerstahler T. Koepsell K. Krem!1f' D. Feuerstahler V. Roemhildt O.Dotn 1'. Mahnke O. Hand';" M. Eternlck O.Dorn;

'. ":1;.MJ'~~ke. Mi.Splirgin Mrs. Aronson Mrs. Jaber

7·8 7·8 7·8 7-8 3 8 5-8 K·3

APPLETON AREA - Prof. Bauer, College Supervisor

at the Round Table!





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Student Arndt, Michelle Banaszak, Thomas Bartel, Sandra Bintz, Patty

Location Kaukauna Appleton Kimberly Manitowoc

Congregation Trinity Immanuel Mt. Calvary Bethany

Prlnciplil S. Rodmyre R. Huebner V. Fuhrmann F. UttllCh

Blaalid, Susan Buch, Kevin Fuerstenau, Brian Gninberg, Stephen Kelm, Paul Lindeman, Karen Rapp, Naomi Robinson, Paula Rosenbaum, Steven Simonsmeier, Ruth Sonntag; Jon

Manitowoc Wrightstown Kimberly Manitowoc Greenleaf Kaukauna New London' Two Rivers Manitowoc New London Two Rivers

Trinity St. John Mt. Calvary Bethany (Morrison) Zion Trinity Emanuel St. John First German Emanuel St. John

S. Lemke H. Runke V. Fuhrmann F. Uttech M..Gilmore S. Rodmyre E. Krause D. .Bleick ., W. Sievert E. Krause .0. Bleick

DMLC(Delightful Moments of Life on Campus)

Supervisor Mrs. Ring Mr. Huebner Mrs. Fuhrmann MissManthey Miss Kemnitz Mr. Lemke Mr. Runke Mr. Fuhrmann Mr. Uttech Mr. Radichel Mr. Lohmiller Mrs. Gerndt Mrs. Bauer Mr. Sievert Miss Ludwig Mr. Bleick

Grade 1 6-8 1·2 K·l 5-8 7-8 6-8 7-8 4-6 5-6 3 4 7-8 4 8-


mEssEngEr Vol. 76. No.3.

November 1985

Dr. Martin Luther College. New Ulm. MN

Martin Luther

Seniors To


Experience October 31 st is a date which has been permanently etched into the mind of ChristIanity. It is the date on which a miner's son turned monk decided to publicly question "The Church" of his day. The grace of God was being withheld from people and had been replaced by an intricate system of seven sacraments which presented God as an angry judge who needed to be appeased. Fear. uncertainty. gloom and superstition had taken the place of the fruits of the Spirit in the hearts of people. Priests. bishops. cardinals and popes lived in splenc!id'r< luxury while their parishoners often had to wonder where their next meal would come from. Cries of outrage had been raised before by the likes of Wyclif and Hus. but these cries were quickly terminated by martyrdom. This was not to be the case with the son of Hans and Margarethe Luther who was born on November 10. 1483 in the little town of Eisleben. Germany. It would appear that father. Hans. recognized or at least dreamed of the future greatness of his son. Martin. The finest education available in all Germany was made available to young Martin by his hardworking father. A bachelors degree althe age of nineteen. a masters degree at the age of twenty-one and then it was on to law school at the University of Erfurt. The practice of law was not. however. the destiny of Martin Luther. After s~veral life-threatening experiences. Martin decided to become a monk. His eternal soul was at stake and he felt that this had to be the way to safeguard it. But. a trip to Rome. a constantly troubled conscience. and endless hours of seemingly unful-


Little band members. go blow your horns.

by Karen Krueger Staff Writer "All in favor say I" - "I" - "Those opposed say nay" - (silence) -" Alright, then _it'ssettled. The senior class activity will be a trip to the Chanhassen." For those-seniors who decide to go at this time, "The Chanhassen Experience" will become a reality to them on December 5. Those seniors, most of whom are in their academic semester now. will experience a night of good food, good entertainment, and good memories

(Photos by Sue Carter)

******~*********************************** filling self-denial. certainly placed doubts in the mind of Martin Luther. "What must I do to be saved?" was a constant. painfully real question which" plagued him and drove him to despair. In the midst of this despair. the Word of God. which had' become Martin's love and livelihood. brought him 'the answer: "The righteous will live by faith." Spurred on by the rediscovery of the grace of God.: Martin's life was to be dramatically changed. First. the nailing of the 95

theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg on October 31. 1517. and then the Diet of Worms in 1521 when he was declared a heretic after refusing to take back his writings. Martin's life was changed but so. too. was the life of the Church. Martin Luther truly was a gift of God. Taken from the October 26. 1985. church bulletin of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church. St. Paul Park. Minnesota. Compiled by Pastor Martin L. Schwartz.

In This Issue Poll Results



Student Teaching Experiences



Sports Highlights



to follow. The Chanhassen is a dinner theater located just outside the Twin Cities. Guests have their choice of dining on five different menu entrees cooked to perfection as they view a choice of four musical productions. On stage this fall are a combination of laughter, love, excitement. and energy. "I Dol I Dol" is celebrating its 15th year of success and the ever-applauded "West Side Story" fills the audience with vivacious enthusiasm. "Mass Appeal" is going strong after two years. making it the second longest run in the theater's history. The new kid on the block is a comedy called "The Foreigner." It is a zany adventure about an Englishman's visit to a fishing lodge in Georgia. So as December 5th marches closer and closer. the seniors look forward to a night of culture. a night of NO HOMEWORK, a night of intrigue. a night to • experience the Chanhassen.

- Page 2 • r,

November 1985 :'3~f,'· « -)::1

". ~'.,


From the Editors

teacher Gives a Test by Patti Zahn

Co-Editor Classl Classl Sit up straight arid fola yOur tlllnd._' ... Be 'quiet or you will lose your recess.... Your assignment for tomorrow is ... Wait a minutel I am not teaching anymore. I am writing my first editorial of the year! You will,have to excuse my introduction. I think it is a habit I picked up while student teaching first quarter. Now that I have returned. the classic question seems to til! "How was your student teaching?"' If only I could have a penny for each time I heard that question. I 'could retire earlyI Student teaching seems to have an aura of mystery about it. Well. to uncloud the mystery and give you a taste of what teach'ing twenty·nine second graders was like. I thought I would give you a little trivia test on student 'teaching. Sharpen your pencils and your brains and see how weil you can do. Put your name on your paper (make sure you make your letters correctly) and do not forget to answer in complete sentences. You may begin.


What is the average length of a recess. in minutes?


Do student teachers generally gain or lose weight during their student teaching experience?


On the average. how many ice packs might a school go through in a week?


What is the attention span of an average seven-vear-old, in seconds?


What is the second easiest hymn in the hymnal to play for a devotion?


Howmanygray hairs show up on the typical student teacher during the student teaching experience?


Who wrote Pippi Longstocking?


How many primary colors are there? Name them.


What word do the names for the space notes spell?


How many bathroom breaks are needed in a day on the primary level?


On the primary level. who is generally better at kickball. girls or boys? Why?


Which color crayon diminishes most quickly?


To the nearest hundred. how many times a day does the average teacher need to reprimand the class?


What is the most popular color for the background of a bulletin board?


How long does it take the average student to polish off a half pint carton of milk?


What furry little creature likes to gnaw on the cardboard rolls let! over from paper toweling?


How many times during a day does the teacher need to repeat assignments?


What is the average number of discussion questions for a Word of God lesson (First Day)?


What is the most popular variety of fish for a classroom aquarium?

20'- To what extent does the averagestudent teacher miss his or her class after the student teaching experience?

Thank You., ~()fl,..for ABC's ~~-~~.~ .~').. ~"_,,, ..";.~?,1'

For Christmas carols and choirs. Thank you. God. for DMlC For ears that hear and eyes that see For families and,friends:and football. Thank you.,Goddor goldfish For grade SChool and for grass " For,hearts and hands and harpsicords For ice cream and for ifs. Thank you. God, for Jesus For jelly beans and for _juniors For kites and, kittens and Kiddy lit For lutherans andfor love. Thank you. God. for moms For musicals and for missions For nuances and newspapers For,orchestras. oranges. and organ lessons. Thank you. God. for profs For,peanut butter and pigs For queens end quilts and quality For religion classes and rules. Thank you. God. for sisters For Seniors. sweaters. and snow For turkeys and fo~ teachers For underclassmen and uncles. Thank you, God. for valentines. for volleyball and victories For winter weather and woekend fun (And those.X-TRA hours of sleepl) .• Thank you, God. for You For yams and yesterday .For zoos and zeros and zippersWe thank, you. G.".d.fo,~~,BC's. , by' Seth Schmick

Feature Writer

mEssEngEr Co-Editors ...•.•.•..•.•..•••.••......•••. Patti Zahn Jane Zimmerman News Editor ....• _...•..•••••••...•••••.•.••....••.....•.•.... Cindy Hahn Feature Editors ...•...••.•.......••.. Karen Undeman .•••.. luAnn Vatthauer Sports Editor ••••••.•••.••••••••...•••••....•......•••...•••. Dick Goodall Photography Editor ... '.•••••••....••••.•..•••....••........•.... Sue Carter Circulation/Business Manager .•••...•.•••.•..•.•....•• ',' ...•• Sheryl Rausch WRITERS Trina Bufe •.•..• Patty Hennig Kathy Hinderer •..••• AnnMarie Krueger Karen Krueger ••.... Paul lange Todd Palmer ..•... Joy Panzer ..••.. Jim Raddatz .••... Greg Rush ...... Pete Schaewe .....• Beth Schmick , .. Cathy Starke laurie Zachow PROOFREADING

Michelle Amdt .•••..

Trina Bufe

Terri Droster •.••.. laura Fastenau .•.••• Jo Koslowske •..••• Sue Nelson Dawn Nollmeyer ..•.•. Sarah Peter ..••.• Ruth Spannagel ....•• Susan Warner Paula Robinson LAy·OUT ...•.............••••...••••.•...••••• Trina Bufe .••••• lisa Esch laura Fastenau •..•.• Kathy Hinderer .•.••. Shelly Karstens ...•.• AnnMarie Krueger Paul lange •.••.• Todd Palmer ••...• Jim Raddatz ..••.. Pete Schaewe .••.•• Sally Smith CIRCULATION •.......•..•••....•.•......•• Sue Nelson ..•... Dawn Nollmeyer •••••• COMIC .......•.•.••.•••••.•..•••.•••••••••••.•.•••..•.•••. ADVISOR ......••••.•••••••••••..••••••••••••••••..•••

When you are finished. turn your paper over. The other seniors who were out student teaching may already know the correct answers to this test. The rest of you will find out what the correct answers are whenever you experience student teachingl


Thank you. God. for ABC's , For.acorn ·squash and angels :;: FOf ~ki and brothers and raisin bagels

Lisa Esch •..•.• Shelty Karstens laurie Zachow Pete Schaewe Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMlC Messenger is published during the months of September, October. November, December. January. February, April, and May. The subscription price is two dollars per year. Single copies are twenty-five cents. We request payment in advance. All business should be addressed to the Busin ••• Man.ger.

Page 3

November 1985:


The Results




Take a break by Todd Palmer ,Staff Writer

by Trina Bufe

Each year, our college awards special

Staff Writer scholarships to recognize the top ten In the past few weeks tryouts have people in the sophomore through senior been underway to choose the new 'classes who C distinguish themselves Cheerleading. Color Guard and Pom Pon through outstanding academic excelsquads who will support our teams in the'" • fence. The'listing for this year has been 1985-86 season. starting with basketball- ..' made public; and running until the completion ,,:of 'Sophomore' honorees include Andrea football next fall. The results are now in Fastenau; ',[oma Fenske. Deb Frisqua, with the exception of Color Guardwho is" Gary' Goessner; Brenda .Hemrnelrnan, staging another tryout for additional ,,', Mike Koe~ter. 'Tim Kuehl. Dawn NolImembers. Their list is therefore only meyer.' Kurt' Wittmershaus., and Donna partially complete. The new squads are Zimmerman. (envelope. please): Junior scholars include Alan Sitter. CHEERLEADERS:Kathy Pruess (CapLaurie Gauger. Bill Giles. Carol Hdlwig. tain). Anne Gabb. Kelly Gillespie. Amy Allison Hoewisch. Tanya Janosek. Gronholz. Kara Redlin and Carrie Kristen Loeffler. Pete Schaewe. Kristen Schmeling. Smith. and Aririeti~ Wilde. COLOR GUARDS: Kelly O'Connell Senior recipients include Lynn Affeldt. (Captain). Laurie Forbeck (Sgt.). Carrie Elisabeth Carter. Carla Free. Dan MarkBullard. Carol Drumm. Marilyn Hanel. Deb graf. Sheryl Rausch, Tim Ristow. Steve laGrow. Dawn Nollmeyer. Rosenbaum. Karen Schneider, Patti POM PONS: Jodi Kammholz (Co: Zahn. and Jane Ztmmerman. captain). Linda Kuske (Co-captain). A word of congratulations is in orderfor Shelly Brickham. Lorna Fenske. Amy all these outstanding students. These . people hive used their God-given talents Guenther. Sheri Isensee. Kris Jaeger; to the best of their ability. and it has paid Anne Meihack. Maita Menk. Shelly off for them. Keep up the fine workl Moungey. Lynn Radloff. Linda Schapekahm. Becky Schultz. Kim Wagner. Theresa Vanz. and Donna Zimmerman. Congratulations to these new squadsl And congratulations to ail who participated in the work and nervousness. fun and friendship that comes with tryouts -: for everyone who gets involved is a winner.

What do you mean this car doesn't have a carburetor?

and get a treat at the Round Table.

National Competition for Bicentennial of the Constitution

The 200th anniversary of the Constitution offers a singular occasion for the National Endowment for the Humanities to encourage renewed scholarly interest in and public reflection on the history. principles. and foundations of constitutional government. To commemorate that occasion. the Endowment is pleased 'to announce a special nationwide competition for high school and college students to conduct research and writing projects on the U.S. Constitution. The deadline for the special competition is December 5. 1985. Awards will be announced in March 1986. Proposals are expected to meet the, guidelines of the' Vounger Scholars program except that they should fall within one of the following areas of constitutional study. 1. The philosophical. historical. jurisprudential. political or literary origins of the Constitution. Example: A study traces the evolution of James Madison's thoughts on democratic government, focusing on his reflections during the "Critical Period" before the Constitutional Convention. his speeches and notes at the Convention, and his essays and speeches in favor of ratification of the Constitution. 2. The substantive intent, meaning and history of one or more of the principles or provisions of the Constitution. Example: After making a careful study of the argument for separation of church and

state in John Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration. a college student traces the similarities between Locke's argument, and the case for separation made by proponents of the First Amendment. 3. The relation of the structure of the Constitution to American political. social or intellectual culture. Example: A study is made of the argument in The Federalist that the proposed U.S. Senate was to be "the sheet anchor" of the republic. The study will focus on the original intention of the framers about this institution and will also consider to what extent their expectations for American democracy have been realized. 4. The connection between selfgovernment and the purposes of human life. Example: A study is made of the debate between the Federalist and the AntiFederalist writers over the role and importance of civic virtue for the wellbeing of the American republic, Applicants are expected to discuss the way in which their projects engage one of the above four areas of emphesis. For further information write to:

National Bicentennial CompetitionVounger Scholars Office of the Bicentennial Room 504 National Endowment for the Humanities Washington. D.C. 20506

Page 4

November 1985'

Little Johnny Jones

Presents Some


Musical Questions

"You have the money?"

(Photos, by S~e Carter) ,

"Well. really. are you addressing me?" (Photo by Dawn Shorey)

"Who needs naval romance?"

(Photos by Sue Carter)

Page 5

November 19851

Student Teachers Tell Tales


tion of Ms. Zahn, due to the difficulty of saying the sand z sounds separately. One boy, who called me Mrs. Zahn (even on my last day there) was the first to notice my ring. He innocently inquired, "Is your d!amond real? How much did it cost?" My mind immediately questioned the pos'sibility of an eight-year-old gemist. Did he know something which I didn'tf To add to , this tale, one girl,when she learned I was :.g~tting marrie<j;next summer, looked at warning eyes: and wisely ':pon't rush itl" Again I won-just how smart are the kids

If you were another person, would you like to be a friend of yours?

Mystery Prof

"Mr. SZlubhas to itra!! hl~~~<, •", >,,.:Q?Y!lId~YSI?1 " , to cia. on Mondays. ;..' , .... ," ',' "'."AnneWetzel was a student teacher In -.


.. the -W~~eclassroom at St. Matt.hllllV-&chool.ln.Winona: MN. This is what_Anne h~ say about one of her expe;i~nq~: )~S!' as I thought that


by Laurie Zachow


Sta ff Writer nothing; ~~~id ~ :Vvould go wrong, the highly u~iJ'su"aJ:occur;ed.Our playground Whenever one thinks about Senior year at DMLC the first thing that usually was quit.; ~o:s'';'all that roadblocks enters one's mind is student teaching. were use':I:~ e)l~!ge ,the:playground. All was going well.·1 thougnt: 'Most of the What is student teaching really like? For. twenty-two of our" Seniors, student kids were" :PI-;'ying'i.i~kbail- (the WELS teaching is history as they have all game). As I was watching them, I heard returned to DMLC after surviving their many of the fifth grade boys playing first quarter student teaching experiRambo behind me. The bell rang, the ences. I asked several of them to share children lined up, and I reminded some of some of their special moments in the the boys to get the roadblocks in. I waited classroom with us. ' and waited for some of the boys to line Sue Nelson, who taught first grade at up. I encouraged them to hurry, and one St. Paul's School in Tomah, WI tells us of them said, "We can't come, Um ... this: One .,day~f!er recess' was trying to could you come here?" I heard one boy yell, I walked over to where they, were, hurry some of the boys in my classroom so we could get started with class. One and what did I see? A fifth grade boy handcuffed to apolel The best part was boy asked a question addressed to Mrs. that the keys were'lostl I'll tell you now, Nelson. I said, "My name isMiss Nel~on, I'm not married." Michael looked at me these w~r~l1o~pla.tic handcuffs that you and asked, "You do have a boyfriend, buy in' the store. These ';"ere as real as don't you?" they could get. I thought I'd go crazyl "No," I said. Luckily after five minutes of search, we Michael thought for a moment and found the key in the grass, and the day then said, "Miss Nelson, you. had better continued on as normal. I'm just glad we hurry, you're getting old!" didn't have to cut off his hand to get him Beth Raasch, who taught third grade at out! St. Paul's School in Tomah, had this to ' So. as yO\! can see, student teaching say: I had always managed to keep a~-. , can have some pretty. interesting experistraight (ace when something came.up in ences and some long lasting memories. my third grade room. With 32 students" Congratulations to all of the first quarter heard quite a few excuses for lost papers, student teachers who have survived, and but Tina's had them all beat. One good luck to all the seniors who are still Thursday Tina shyly came up to me and lopking forward to student teachingl explained that she had put her English' paper in her book bag before she left for school. On her way to school, right before _ getting on the bus, her dog jumped UP and stole itl How could you help but not believe a 'wide-eyed smiling nine year


old? Patti Zahn, who was also at St. Paul's School in Tomah, student taught in the second grade classroom. Patti writes:.My most memorable experience while student teaching 29 second graders concerned my engagement, of all things. I was introduced to the class as Miss Zahn. However, when a few .bright youngsters discovered I am engaged to be married, they automatically called me Mrs. Zahn, thinking that was my married name. It took them several weeks to grasp the concept that I was not a Mrs. yet. They finally settled on a pronuncia-

Hi everyonell Seems as though the student body had a tough time attempting to guess the mystery prof for October. Since no one :was c~rrect, I thought' I would give you one more hint, and see if you could logically come to a conclusion. The October Mystery prof may not always be thought of as a professor, but does have the title. This person is not a professor that stands behind. a.podium to teach the class. We hope that the clue helped. If you cannot remember the rest from before-l;lig-~-Otlt-_-those old

from all four of the classes on campus,

Enjoying basketball and gourmet cooking, this prof has amazed many of his colleagues in the past and surprised many students with his abilities. This prof is. one that is seldomly addressed as Messengers. -... ... ..., .. '. "PrQf. ' " by students on campus _~ Now for the·-N~.mber-.Mvstery':'Prof. but·i.thought-of by other •. " .... ucfJ.,.... Good luck at your logical guesses, I am This prof was' born in the state of looking forward to receiving your Michigan but is thought of being from the answers. Please return them to box 759 state of Wisconsin. This prof has not been and also indicate which month's prof you on the campus as long as many of our areattemptinq to solve. Happy huntingll!! other professors, but has taught students

FREE T-Shirts Buy a Maroon Sweatshirt (with zipper) and get a T-shirt of your choice,

FREE. November 18-November22. OM LC Bookstore "Try II this way: How many video games can you play for S 2.501"

November.1.986 Page 6



Sports Beat



by Dick Goodall Sports Editor Lancer





National Tournament Even as we write this. column. the DMLC Lancer Volleyball team is enroute to St. Louis. MO. and the National Little College Volleyball tourney, The L~dy Lancers capped a strong 14-4 season by capturing the NLCAA Northern District tournament championship, thereby earning a berth in the national tournament, Even though the Lancers will face an old nemesis, St. Scholastica, one of, three teams to defeat the Lancers in regular season play, Coach Buck and the players are confident that they can do well in the tournament. One reason for Coach Buck's enthusiasm is the team's balance. Although Sue Carter has been at or near the top in all offensive categories, she has had lots of help from the rest of the team. Sue leads the team in serving and hiiting路 percentage, ace blocks, and is second in ace serves and attacking effici~w:tcy.~arol Helwig leads the team in ace spikes. But Coach Buck credits the outstanding d..r.m..ive 路play路of vvonca Beaudir{ and" BettY Carter for helping the Lancers to get where they are. Beaudin 'leads in defensive saves, and Carter is second. Juli,e Detjen and .Shelly Lindemann are the top setters on the team. Freshman Becky Huhn also has turned in a superlative job in filling in forthe injured Laureen Jaeger. No team can go far without a strong bench, and the able play of the misses Julie Zeamer, Maria Habben, Lynn Stobbs, Becky Vallesky, Heidi Shuster, and Carol Reichow, has contributed to a fine season. Lancer Title Bid Falls Short A first ever football championship in the Upper Midwest Collegiate Conference slipped through DMLC's grasp on Saturday, October 26th, as Mount Senario Co:lege used a powerful rushing attack and tough defense to subdue the Lancers, That notwithstanding, the Lancers are assured of finishing no less than second in the conference, they will

have gained a second consecutive winning season, and will have attained the winningest record in its football history, A number of factors have contributed to the team's banner year. Obviously the skill and play of the players had much to do with it. Their dedication and a willingness to accept a new coach and a new system were also factors. We like路 to think that the new motivational training program which Coach Gronholz introduced this year also had somewhat to do with a winning season, All of these things in combination helped to achieve

success. With one game 'remaining, team leaders are: Tom Plath, who has hit B9 of 176 passes for 979 yards; Paul Hunter, who has rushed 144 times for 524 yards, and Tim Schubkegel is the top pass catcher with 36' for ' 467' yards. Defensively, Randy Cox leads in tackles with 24 solos and 77 assists, Mark McCormick"is close behind 'with '-9 an-d' 79. Randy also leads in in'terceptions with 4. Several players 'are credited with two or more quarterback sacks. Basketball Teams Start Practice The men and women's basketball teams have held organizational meetings and regular practice got underway starting on November 4. The men's team has thirty candidates vying for a position on: the .the team, while the women's team has twenty-five hopefuls. Both coach Buck and' coach Leopold will have the unenviable task of trimming their 'rosters, something that they don't often have to db, Both teams will open their seasons with the annual alumni games on November 16th.

(P~oto by Dawn Shorey)

1985 Volleyball Team

NLCM Champions

Parting Shots Becki Renner was the top Lancer finisher in the Lancer Invitational, finishing fifth with a time 19:51. Rebecca Maurice was 15th with a personal best time of 21 :44, The Lancer golf team finished third in the UMCC Golf Tourney held at the New Ulm Country Club, John Schlavensky was the top Lancer golfer with a score of 166,

(Photo by Dawn Shorey)

1985 Football Team 2nd Place Tie


Page 7 . ";1

November 1985 : ,

. ~::.::: ';:::~~

~ . i.:. ~-









by Annmarie Krueger and Joy Panzer, Staff Writers With winter rapidly approaching and autumn coming to a close, we see the many changes that God has brought about in our world. The trees are losing their leaves, the sweaters are coming out of the closets and the birds have left for the winter. But' where do they go?

~rds go to Texas in the fall and to Fiorida .sc they do not freeze and so they get food. ' Brian Jedele - Grade 2

When birds fly south for the winter. I think they go to Florida. where it is warm and not much snow falls. Heather Highland - Grade 3

Th.y go where it is warm and why-so they don't fr~eze. Keith, Teachworth - Grade 2

Birds fly south in September. I think they go to an island where there is water and real warm weather. They go south for tn this issue the first through thi'!l The, birds, go 'to Florida, Texas, and graders of Faith _Lutheran School 'in' , '.Panllinii:tiecaus~ it~ wa,fo, Bod,they 'cali ' , the' winter because they're scared of the snow and so they don't get cold. Also, Dexter, Michigan, write about where they , ~'get lood." -, " that they don't run out of food. think birds, fly for the winter and why. : jennife; Knight - Grade 2 Karl Frinkle - Grade 3 The birds to to Florida because it is I t~in,k!hey ,g'!.t~ Cali!o!n[a,:SQtl:!ay(:)1,11. :_ I think they fly to California. Why? cotdbere, .eat a~ h,ot:get:cqld.: :::, " • -: : '. ,::' Because they won't get enough food up Christi Parker - Grade 1 • Christopher Maybee - Grade 3 north in the snow. AI,so, they might They go someplace where it never I think birds fly south because when it's freeze. The Lord made them so they know snows or gets cold. They don't want their winter it get's cold here but down in when to Ilo south. babies to get chilled. ,; • South America it is warmer. Jon Glynn - Grade 3 ~ • ; Usa Jones -e, Grade 1 James Southwell - Grade 3


They go in a nest, in' case they have babies. Rebekah Diedric/> - GrtJd« 1 <

by LuAnn Vatthauer Feature Editor This month's poll was dealing with the theme "Are DMLC students too passive?" This poll was far ahead of the first two polls in the response category with 132 or 26% responding. The first question was concerned with how often students feel they doubt what a professor says in class. Five percent responded with never doubting a professor. while 37% said seldom and 42% said occasionally. The next question was on how frequent students think they actually challenge a professor. 21 % said never, while 39% and 33% responded with seldom and occasionally, respectively. The response for question three was spread fairly evenly between all five ofthe choices. The question was "How frequently do you find yourself reluctant to express negative feelings toward a school policy to the college administration?" The range was between 16% (never) to 27% (often). Next, students were asked if they felt the


evalua_tol"lJ' comment,


DMLC students being unusually passive was a compliment or a negative comment. MorJ than half thought that it was negative. Finally; the students Were asked why they were reluctant to state their views. One of the answers to this question was fear of getting laughed at by their cl~ssmates. Another response was that they respect the professors. One of the most popular replies was that students feel that even if they state their opinions, things won't be changed. The other most popular reply occurred mostly in the junior class. This response was the fact that if students become too outspoken. they will not get calls. We should remember that it is good to speak up, but only when it is proper.

I think birds go in the woods, because they can't find food under the snow or they' II die. Only some birds go south. , ,Edc Bendey '7 Grade 1 The birds fly to Florida, Texas, New Mexico, and Korea. The reason why go is because they need food and God made them that way. Leigh Gibson - Grade 1 They go in the trees, so they can get food. get their nest ready, and stay warm. Andy Frinkle - Grade 1 They fly to Mexico because they are hungry. Elizabeth Prinsky - Grade 1 They fly to Florida becausa it is warm there.


Scott Studer - Grade 1 They go where it is sunny because they don't like it when it is so cold. Ryan Chase - Grade


They go to where there is beaches, so they can stay warm. They can eat good food. 8ecause they will turn in to ice and if they do not get cold they will not turn to ice. Aaron Brown - Grade 2

Now that we've studied for Procrastination something else?

101, should we go on to (Photo by Sue Carter)

A correction is noted for the October issue of the Messenger. The front page story covering St. Paul's Centennial celebration incorrectly reported that in the 1940's there were up to ten student teachers in a room at one time. This should have read that this occurred in the 1910's to early 20·s. By the 1940's the student teachers would teach all classes and would not include 10 teachers per room, but rather one or two. as it was indicated in the pageant. The Messenger apologizes for this error.

November 1985

Page 8

Pieces Arts and Activities Calendar


.. Late

November 27






11:05 Welcome

back first quarter student



teachers! How does it feel to be on the other side of the desk again? A Reformation Service was held in the LMU on Sunday, October 27 at 7:30 p.m. One ofthe campus choirs performed at it, that choir being the College Chorale under Prof. Luedtke's direction. Congratulations to the 1985 Volleyball Team - NLCAA Champions! Way to go.

December Lancer Classic is coming up very soon. Mark your calendars for December 6 & 7. NOTE: DMLC vs NWC at 9 p.m. on Friday. December 6. Who will win this year?


Classes resume


Lancer Clasaic


Jazz Ensemble Auditorium




Seniors, ready for Chanhassen? It's on

ladies! Another fine performance by the cast and crews of this year's musical. "Little Johnny Jones. "Congratulations on a job well done! Who were the visitors on campus on Tuesday, November 12? None other than the Gustavus Adolphus Jazz Ensemble for an evening of musical entertainment. How many days until turkey time? Only 12 more. Only 34 more until Christmas vacation. Travellers. pray for good wf!flJther!

December 5.



Here's your chance to hear the mellow music of the 1985-86 Jazz Ensemble: Sunday. December 8. at 2 p.m. in the Auditorium. Don't miss out on it!


Christmas Party

Get your courage up because the Bloodmobile is coming on campus on Tuesday, December 10. It could be a lifesaving Christmas gilt to someone. Campus Christmas Party is on December 12. Prepare your talented acts. songs, etc. for this annual event.



If you wish to be expert at some difficult skill, teach it to another.

• Serious Viewing "Who can tell us where the English Channel is?" queried the professor. One hand shot up and the student replied, "Must be in England. We don't get it on American TV."

Keep this is mind: These are the good old days you will fondly remember in 2005.


Each morning, rise and shine and get here on time.


• ••


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Want a great future? Learn about the great past.


Girls. you're not supposed to pose for candidsl

ill s ~


i~a.~!! z;:j


DMLC(Delightful Moments of Life on Campus)


(Photo by Sue Carter)

'111£ Dm£C

mESS Vol. 76. No.4.

Dr. Martin Luther College. New Ulm. MN

December 1985

. '"


"Christians, RejoiceChristmas 1985"

Graduate at Mid-Year

by Paul Lange and James Raddatz Staff Writers As preparations begin for the celebration of the anniversary of Christ's birth among families and friends, our campus family prepares to perform its annual Christmas Concerts with the them "To Us s;Child is Born." The dates for this vear's musical celebration are Tuesday, December 17 and Thursday, December 19, Both performances begin at 7:30 p.m. with a thirty-minute prelude by the Sympho,nic Concert Band intne Luther

b~ Cathy Starke Staff Writer December 19th will be a very special day this year. No! only does it mark the end semester exam's and the beginning of vacation. but for eight people it also marks the end of their colljlge careers at, DMLC. This is the 'day they will be receivin;g, ;!h.,~deg~e,;,;.'t'~.J::l!l<!.:.iIl¥l~II...·


Science in' Education. These are Bertha Bieber. Patty' Bintz. Frederick Pahm,ier. John Quint. Naomi Rapp. Brent Schacht, Jane Zimmerman and. in absentia. Stephanie Scharzberq, The graduation exercises will commence . at 1:30 in the auditorium. President Huebner will give the address. Prof. Anderson will play the organ. and the College Choir will sing under the direction of Prof. Hermanson. The class has chosen as its hymn number 649. "Jesus Savior Pilot Me". The graduation verse is Ps.143:B "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go. for to...you I lift ~p my soul." After the ceremony. the faculty will give a reception for the graduates in the Luther' Memorial Union. Though _this graduation does not attract as much public attention as the one in May. it also represents thp culmination of years of study and dedicated work for the high purpose of preparing to feed Christ's lambs. We congratulate these people ,On their achievements· and wish them God's' richest bleSSings. They may be assigned cali,Sany time after their graduation: • Most articles are written in the past tense. looking back to what has been. This article. about an event that has not yet taken place. had to be written in the future tense, which suggests the idea of looking forward to what will be.-not only the graduation itself, but all the life of service that is to follow. Graduation is not only an ending. but as the old word for it. commencement. implies. also beginning.


Christmas decorations beautify the dorms. (Photo

by Sue Carter)

Our Traditional Christmas by Katrina Sufe Where did this tradition come from? And Staff Writer what does it mean? With all the commercialism Christmas This tradition is attributed to having can (and does) bring with it - Christmas started and come from Germany. at or carols repeatedly blasted in shopping slightly before the time of Luther. And it malls. grocery stores. offices; Santa has been thought of as a Clauses ringing bells in every entry way. '_originally symbol of immortality because of its on every comer; and decorations up even . always green needles - a symbol of before we have a chance to celebrate Christ. the tree of life. Yet this Christian Thanksgiving - it is easy to get tired of thought gets hidden under bulbs. lights. the seasonal hustle and materialism. tinsel. garland. and fake snow. being Right now most of us are very excited to replaced with the common thought of a be nearing Christmas. It is a time for Christmas tree as a place to put gifts vacation. seeing the folks. having parties under. and opening presents .. Yet sometimes. Mostly. we see a lot of traditions that maybe just in that hectic last day before or don't reflect the "Christ" part of in those days after. we get tired of it aII; Christmas. Mistletoe, Santa Claus. and we get 'a good case of the "Bah Hum chestnuts roasting over a fire - what do Bug·s." This causes some people to these traditions do but cloud over the real regard this season and its celebration'as a message and reason of our celebrating? big money-making greedy headache. As we start this Christmas season. let's It is time right now. in the midst of our take time to think about (and rethink) our preparations. to look around and see why traditions. remembering why we do we do the traditions we do at Christmas. them, so we can fully enjoy the season It is time to look for the Christianity of the celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. our season. to 'see it shining through all the Savior. rest. Take for example the Christmas tree.

presentation will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m. All four DMLC choirs will individually and collectively raise their voices to, rejoice over the birth of Christ in Bethlehem's lowly manger. The Handbell Choir will provide the Offertory following the Christmas Message by collegePresident Lloyd Huebner. Three special selections for the Mass DMLC Choirs commemorate the anniversaries of three composer's births: the 400th anniversary of Heinrich Schutz is celebrated by "Psalm 96." the 300th anniversary of J,S. Bach by"To Us a Child is Born." and the 300th anniversary of G. Handel by "Hallelujah Chorus." This opportunity to sing praises to the Lord of lords in such a setting should be enjoyed I;ly all, "Oh, come. all ye faithful. triumphantly sing: Come, see in the manger our Savior and King/" Join the DMLC campus worshipping Him.



.. Page 2


From the Editors

• • •

December: The Fastest Month in the Midwest by Patti Zebn Co-Editor "Tis the season to go crazy ... fa la la la la, la la la la." I caught myself humming a modern version of that old familiar Christmas tune on my way back to school after Thanksgiving break. How come the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas always seem to fly right by? Could it possiblv be the fact that three months' worth of activity is crammed into three weeks of school? J mean, let's look atthe life of a "typical" DMLC student in the month of December. Supposing that student had the time to write a diary,

********************************"I'''I'''I'''I';''''I''F~ w .:


There is nothing wrong with havi nothing to say unless you insist -

*! .,' .on saying it: t************************************:~*~,~ .

Poetry Corner Submitted by Keren Krueger

here is what he/she might write in it for the month of December while at DMLC: December Big Snow Stonm. Stayed home an extra day to finish off those leftovers. 1 I finally made it back to school. Boy, was I sleepy all day. Must have eaten 2 too many leftovers .yesterday. Is it December already? . Finally finished that big fifteen page paper. Found a few minutes to get up 3 some Christmas decorations: in the dorm, hallway, etc. Almost forgot


choir/band rehearsals. Read that article and wrote my reaction paper about it. Almost forgotto pick up some Christmas cards. Went to the first Advent service tonight. Handed in my class project. What a reliefl Time to start some Christmas


shopping, too. Studied for a big test. Big test. Lancer Classic is this weekend. Have to make sure I get to at least



my audition. Had my organ audition today. Also gave blood. (Don't know which was


worsel) Studied for my last test of the semester. Last test of the semester. Finished reading that book for class. Attended


another Advent service. My choir sang tonight. Tonight was our Campus Christmas party. Good food I Ate toomuch, then, went to my floor Christmas party, where I ate some more. I found out who my


spirit was. What a surprise! Today was the last day of classes this semesterl But, I couldn't rejoice too much, since exams start tomorrow morning - a Saturdayl No cartoons

15 16

A shining star, A stable rude, The door ajar, Yet in this place. So rude, forlorn, The Hope of all The world was born

In October, when they know • That very soop ,tfiere will 'be snow, Cows and horses, sheep and goats Start to grow their winter coats.

tomorrowl First of my exams today. Went to the basketball game, too. Fi.nallyfinished my Christmas shopping. But when am I going to find time to wrap everything? Went to early church. Had a choir rehearsal today. Studied for exams. Exams, episode two today. More choir rehearsals. Hit the books to study for

'17 18 19


more exams. More exams. We had our first Christmas Concert tonight. Stayed up late studying for more exams. Exams. Took a few minutes to wrap my Christmas gifts. Wentto church. (My choir sang again.) Started packing for home. Last day of Exams for the first semesterl Attended the Mid-Yeargraduation. Bid farewell to my senior friends who graduated. Finished my packing for' home. Sang at our last Christmas Concert tonight. Almostforgot to clean my room. Went to bed early, Got up very early to go home. Today's the 20t! " Only a few days before Christmas. Where did December go? Wasn't it just Thanksg"ing?

Where did the month of December go? I always ;hink of December as "the fastest month in the West"" - rather, make that the midwest. It's here and gone before you have even had a chance to enjoy it. With a calendar as busy is this one, no wonder so many people tend to overlook, if not forget. the true meaning of Christmas. Do DMLC students become too busy with writing papers and reports, shopping. studying for tests and exams, practicing for choir/band. attending school functions and sporting events, and preparing to go home. that they cannot find time to celebrate Christmas and its true meaning? Are we celebrating the end of the semester instead of the birth of Christ? Take a look at your calendar and see what you have been celebrating in the month of December.



Each year they grow them, fine and new, (And fitting very nicely too), But with no buttons to undo.


Nor pockets for a handkerchief. ~nd $0 they htwe to snort lind .sniff.

members. Went t!l.!:..t).!lm!1~Almostforgot to ge_t.E!!!my first spirit gift, Worked some more on that class report. ~...H "'ICI:;~ report. Another Monday today, but the last one of the semester. Gave our class report today. It went O.K. Choir/band rehearsals this week too. Practiced for



Winter Coats

A little child,

one of the games. Went to an exciting LancerClassic. Also did some more Christmas shopping today. Nearly went broke. Worked on my class report with my committee





Co'-Editors ••.• ; .•.•.•..••••••••..•..•.••. Patti Zahn ••.•.. Jane Zimmerman News Editor .••..•..•....• '.' ••.••••.•••••••..•...••.. , .' .••..•• Cindy Hahn Feature Editors ....•..••..••••••••••• Karen Lindeman .....• LuAnn Vatthauer Sports Editor .......••..•••••••.•••...•••• , .' •••.•......•..• , • Dick Goodall Photography Editor ..•....•.•••••• ,•••... ': •••....• ,' •••...•..•...• Sue Carter Circulation/Business Manager ...••...••••••••••...... , • , ..... Sheryl Rausch WRITERS: : Trina Bufe, .•.•. Patty Hennig Kathy Hinderer .,.•••. AnnMarie Krueger .••••. Karen Krueger ....•• Paul Lange Todd Palmer ..•..• Joy Panzer ••.... Jim Raddatz •..... Greg Rush •••••• Pete Schaewe , .. _•. : Beth Schmick ..• ; •• Cathy Starke Laurie Zachow PROOFREADING Michelle Arndt .•.... Trina-Bufe Terri Droster ••••.• Laura Fastenau '! •••• Jo Koslowske ••..•• Sue Nelson Dawn Nollmeyer .•.••• Sarah Peter ..•••• Ruth Spannagel •.•.•• Susan Warner Paula Robinson LAY-OUT ....•.••.....••••.•••••• ; •••••••••.•.. Trina Bufe •••... Lisa Esch Laura Fastenau ..•.•• Kathy Hinderer •.•••• Shelly Karstens .••... AnnMarie Krueger .•.... Paul Lange ..•••• Todd Pel mer ••.••. Jim Raddatz ••..•. Pete Schaewe' .••...

Sally Smith


CIRCULATION ••.....••••.•••••••••••.••••• Sue Nelson' ••.•••

COMIC .......••••••.••••..•••.•••••.••.••.•• ADVISOR .....••••...••....

Lisa Each ..•.•

Dawn Nollmeyer

, ••..••

' Shelly Karstens

Laurie Zachow " ..••••••••••

, • , ....•..•..•.•••..

Pete Schaewe Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMLC Messenger is published during the month ... of Septe":'ber" October. November. December. January. February, April. and May. The subscriptlon price i. two dollars per year. Single copies are twenty-five cents. We request payment in advance. All business should be addressed to the Business Manager.


Page 3

December 1985

'.• The·Bad Dream

.-----------------------------------------. •• • -----11'" _'.



•• •• • •••

to 'the

Editor Dear Editor,' I don't want to come across as a rebellious "women's libber" or anything,

• • • :


but I've been wondering about something for quite awhile: Why is it that newlycalled women teachers are "inducted" while the men are "installed"? Aren't the calls the same? Also, why aren't women teachers addresses listed in the Northwestern Lutheran like the men's are? Please don't sign my real name. Just-call

• •

me ... Not wanting to seem a women's libber


Dear, Not Wanting, Your questions are legitimate ones,' Since you asked about two topics, I will tryto answer them separately. Your first two questions 'deal with the topio of installation/induction. I did some looking

into this topic ~nd'.disc()ver,ed that. in ,QU( synq<;l:suse of these two words there is essentially no difference in meaning. A call is a call, regardless of the word used

•• ••


•• •• •• ••

• • :




•• •• •

• ~

~..;:.,. ~,,_,;.,~,",:

to describe the rite of recognizing that ,.:','._;'

Was a Good "Dream" by Peter Schaewe Staff Writer

If you suddenly awoke to see a totally red world, an imposing black woman with a Grace Jones haircut, fairies dressed in . black leather, switchblades, and a man person as a properly qualified and with the head of a donkey, you have properly oalled public minister of, the several possible explanations for what church, The proper term for this rite is you see: 1.) you're a raving lunatic; 2.) installation. Some congregations may you're still asleep, and the whole still desiqnate the installation of female experience is a dream; 3.) you're in the teachers into the office as an induction. If union watching MTV; 4.) you're these congregations use the term in- : duction, it may be a local preference or • experiencing Shakespeare at one of the finest theaters in the nation. even a throw back to the older usage. For a group of people from DMLC, when a female teacher's call was. numbers two and four are both correct. It generally considered to be a short term: was a dream, and it was Shakespeare's one due to marriage and/or family plans .• work that these people viewed at the It has more recently been recommended. Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis on that the use of the term induction be • October 11, discontinued. In any case, the use of the • The play was Shakespeare's "A Midword to describe this rite of installation: . summer Night's Dream" under the into the teaching ministry has nothing to direction of Liviu Ciulei his final do with the·divinity of the call. production as the Guthrie's resident With regard to your second question, I Artistic Director. have, as ofthis deadline, writtenand sent And what a production it was! a letter to the editor of The Northwestern Cieulei departed from the conventional Lutheran asking him about the matter. I romantic interpretation'of ene. play .end will respond to your .question when I forcefully presented a world of restlessreceive a response from him. _. The Editor ness much like you would experience in a bad dream, Ciulei's interpretation emphasized man's struggle for .power, showing how far some people will go to be in control, be independent, have their way, not realizing the feelings of others, their dependency on others, From the very outset. tension was implanted as the conquered Amazon queen, Hippolyta is stripped of her

.--------------------------------------------Review: Sweet Olivia No More

identity and forced into a marriage with the Athenian ruler Theseus, From here complications continue to grow, Egeus wants to force his dayghter Hermia to marry Demetrius even though she loves Lysander. Helena, on the other hand, does love Demetrius and tries to force him to reciprocate, Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, magically forces his queen, Titania, to give up a "changeling" boy she has adopted. Aside from the story, the idea of the" power struggle was also brought out in many other aspects of the drama, Actions were forceful and abrupt. The fairies didn't flutter about lightly; they did their share of stomping, The application of the love potion tothe eyes was especially forceful, almost torturous. Costuming was dramatically forceful. There were no frills, Every costume was either white, black, red, or, in the case of the lower class mechanicals, a washedout gray, And who would expect to see a fairy dressed like a teenage member of a street gang? Music lent another aspect of restlessThe scors resembled a modern version of the old "Twilight Zone" theme, ness, ..ro..... ~thiB,....bad ,_dream.'

Though the play was presented as the restless, forceful world of a bad dream, yet it was delightful to see Shakespeare in a new light, pleasantto see the modern implication of a nearly 400-year-old drama, inspiring to experience a' live performance with professionals, -





It was a good "Dreaml"

by Todd Palmer Staff Writer Everyone remembers the sweet, doeeyed girl next door who promised us her sincerity in the 1974 hit"l Honestly Love you ....Forget about those days, The new album by Olivia Newton-John should

Arts and Activities Calendar

make people forget her squeaky clean image once and for all.


"Soul • Kiss," the Australian' _bred singer's fifteenth album is a collection of a few meltow, uplifting numbers; suoh as the stirring "Emotional Tangle," and the beautiful, inspiring "The Right Momen't" . The, album also, ~~~tains a few, 4Ptempo tunes, which seem to have been the singe(s.trademark during the past few years, such as the, funky "Moth To A. Flame," the bouncy "Driving Music," and the mysterious "Toughen



Final Exams


Christrnes Concert Gym


Midyear Graduation - 1:30 p.m. - Chapel Christmas Concert - 7:30 p.m. Gym


Christmas Vacation


If the album stopped there, it_would be one of her best. But, as we all know, Olivia li~es to croon about sexual situations, It is really unfortunate that her .talent cannct be put to' more creatilie use. If her career keeps going in this direction, I'm sure' many people will be turned off, If these suggestive songs are overlooked, "S'oul Kiss" is well worth your time.

7:30 p.m. -




''Think what you Will, but he's the most effective kindergar' ten teacher In the district,"

Classes resume


Movie Night Cairo"

"Purple Rose of


Movie Night Cairo"

"Purple Rose of

Page 4

Students React: The Joy of Christmas by Patty Hennig Staff Writer This month's poll on Christmas was answered by ten percent of the student body. It was . concerning secular Christmas activities in a Christian atmosphere. The first question asked whether traditions like Santa Claus. Christmas trees. and presents belonged in a Christian atmosphere. Seventy-six percent felt that they do belong. Gifts show the principle of giving out of love. The traditions put festivity in the air and do not detract from the true meaning of Christmas if they are'taught to be 'secular, Seven percent said they do not belong and. surprisingly, seventeen percent voiced an opinion against Santa Claus. They felt Santa detracted from Christ's birth. The second question \)vas"Do you feel that these traditions should be emphasized less in Christian Day Schools?" The response to this' question was almost

equal: 57% said yes. 43% said no. One comment stated that t.heydid not have to be emphasized less, just make sure it is taught correctly as secular. "Is the true Christmas story put in second place to Santa Claus?If so, where do you feel this occurs most often?" Sixtyone percent 'answered yes to this question and thirty-nine no. They felt it occurred most in shopping malls and public decorations. The final question asked what could be done to emphasize the true Christmas story while still keeping these traditions. The answers varied quite a bit. Some felt that religious carols could be taught or have "Baby Jesus" bring children their gifts instead of "Santa Claus." Teach the true story of Christmas a,smost important .and emphasize it most. We hope everyone has a Merry Christmasl

(Photo by Sue Certer'

Just Clowning Around

by Todd Palmer Staff Writer With this issue of the Messenger, we begin a series which will focus on the various groups and organizations on campus. This month we feature Clowns At Heart. Clowns At Heart is one of the rather' new organizations on campus, and as such, they have not gained club status. But. according to chairperson Scott Wagner, they have submitted jhe necessary information and should be

Mystery Prof Welcome' once again to the great trivia game on campus - Guess the Mystery prof. Seems as though many have had a few difficulties in the past guessing the October Mystery Prof.. and no one has answered it correctly, so we have decided to give you the answer to relieve your minds and look on to the newer and more recent featured profs. The Mystery Prof for October was none other than Coach Leopold. (Remember that the Mystery Profs that we have featured in the Messenger are not only the profs with that title. but anyone who teaches or instructs us in and on our campus.) We did have a few correct responses for the Mystery Prof for November who was none other than Tutor Otterstatter. Yes. he also does not have the title of Mystery Prof. but he teaches us in our college classes. Thanks to all those who have responded. please try again for this

Keep 'em smiling, guysl

hearing something soon. In addition to Wagner, Clowns At Heart is a main project for secretary Su~ Petermann. The club boasts 30 members in ali, with 15 actively participating. According to Wagner, the purpose of the club is to learn about the art of clowning, such as juggling, makeup

techniques, and costume design. Past appearances for the group include marching the Homecoming parade, and performing to a delighted 'audience at Highland Manor in New Ulm. Future plans include performing at the campus Christmas party on December 12th and at any other functions which require entertainment. Do members enjoy the club? When asked for their feelings on the club, Cliff Lagerman said, "It is by far the most unusual club on campus.iand that's why I fit in so welL" Lee Pe,chinlikes th'e-group because "it's creative and it's fun, and yet at the same time it's somewhat of an educational experience." • Tony Kufahl stated that "it's a joyful experience; it's great to make someone smile!" Keep 'em smiling, guysl

Anyone who would like to submi't their' intellectual answers for this months Mystery Prof. may send them to Box 759. If you think it is right, but don't want to take the chance ,of it being wrong - try it anyway. To try and not succeed is better than to not try at all. Have a Very Merry Christmas and A Blessed New Year.

months prof and hopefully soon, everyone will be successful. The Mystery Prof for December was born in Wisconsin, and has attended many colleges, among which included DMLC and Union College in New York. Thi~ prof enjoys photography and model trains. likes to try his efforts at working with the computer. and enjoys camping and spending time with his wife and family. In the future this Mystery Prof is planning to write a book, but is not exactly sure when, this will be.

New & Recommended BroIMn .... tc.pn, by John Edpr Wkiem&n. (PenguIn. $8.16.) A ~i,*",bIIIcIt wnw 1ookI8' 1M eÂĽents that led tw. ~topriMltl. _

"'* A Conwdr at ....... Robert A.. ..... nIeIn. $4.50.) ......... ""'._agoInoI_"'_. ' by


(Del Rey,

'.....,~byDwldL.eavttt.~.$3.96.)Shott IhII 'take you deep IntO 1M troubled tt.r1 of __

(~hotos courtesy the Excelsior)

.. _~





-----'~------ -



- December,1985

Page 5

Student Teaching


Episode Two

Pieces of Late

by Laurie Zachow Staff Writer Once again it is time to turn to several thing from beets to lima beans." There seniors who have experienced student were still nineteen hands in the air. I teaching and learn of a few amusing, - finally chose three children. I had one interesting and - memorable incidents taste some apple slices, another taste they have agreed to share with our some orange slices, and the last one taste readers. This month's storytellers are some banana slices. The experiment Lynn Affeldt, Chris Frankenstein, Jo proved to be a success. Each child Koslowske, Jean Noeldner, and Deb correctly identified his or her fruit. The Witte. ~ lesson went on and everyone was Who ever said things would be easy satisfied, or so I thought. One of my during the first few days of student volunteers came up to me after the lesson teaching? Jo Kowlowske taught second and said, "Miss Frankenstein, next time I grade at Mt. Calvary in LsCrosse, 51H! tells volunteer, can 'you give me the apple? I of her first day at school: She was trying don't like bananas." desperately to help her students proStudent teachers, like all teachers, nounce her name, Just when they have to really be on their toes when it seemed to get it right, one small student comes to asking questions. Lynn Affeldt blurted out: "Miss Kawa ... saki?"



What about the second day of teaching? On her second day of student teaching in Winona, MN, Debbie Witte was told to lead her first and second graders out of the room for a fire drill, When the bell rang, the class followed her out of the room, down the hall, and up a back stairway, only to discover that the door at the 'top ofthe stairway had warped shut.' So Debbie had to. turn aU-sixteen children around, send them btick do;"n the stairs, down the hall, and out a different door. Chris Frankenstein -may brag that the students she taught were a very tasteful group, She -relates of her experiences right here in New Ulm: I was teaching my nineteen first graders a science lesson on the sense of taste. They were to learn that some things can be-identified simply,by the way they taste. The experiment was to consist of three Volunteers closing their eyes and tasting some kind of food, then tell the resrot the class what il'was. When I asked for volunteers, I had nineteen different hands shoot up. (I.had secretly hoped that there'd be ollly three.) I thought 1__ could, narrow down t,h_e cholces by stressing some ofthe dangers of being a volunteer. "You have no idea what you'll be tastinq. It could be any-

taught grades K-4 in Cochrane, WI. She informs us of the following incident: One day I was worki"g with Ben, a veryoutspoken kindergartener. We were putting some shapes together to make a little farm scene. After we had finished the tractor, Ben informed me that we forgot to make a fork. Without really thinking I asked why we needed a fork. He looked at me as if he thought I didn't know anything and said, "Well, to spread manure:' Of course he said it as loud as he possibly could, much to the amusement<;>ftherestofthe class. I guess that's what I get for growing up in the city. Honesty is the best policy, right? Jean Noeldner student taught at St. John's, Sparta, WI. She tells us: A week before my siudent teaching experience ended, I "stumbled" upon the idea that there might be a surprise party before my departure, The students were coming in after recess, and my supervisor had been secretly talking to each of them in the hall (which I didn't know). As they walked into the room, they were really quiet and had little grins on their faces. Then o~e of the first grade boys came up to my desk and said, "Miss Noeldner, next week is your last week to be with us, so we're all bringing money so we can have a surprise party for youl" Who says kids aren't honest little angels at heart?l?

Thank you to the blood donors and those who volunteered their time for the Bloodmobile on Tuesday, December 10th. '(our generosity was greatly appreciated. Good luck with Final Exams, everyon<;1 Congratulations to the 1985 Mid-Year graduates. Happy Holidays from the entire Messenger staffi Have a blessed vacation and we will see you in 1986. Only one semester to go, seniors. How many days until Call Day?

Gustavus Musicians Visit Campus

by James Raddatz Staff Writer Three generations of music fan's were mesmerized by the Gustavus Stage Band on November 12 in the DMLC auditoriu;". Approximately 200 people attended this third lyceum of the school year to hear music from the '30s to the ¡SOs.Dr. Mark Lammers; Department of Music faculty member at Gustavus Adolphus College. St. Peter, Minnesota, conducted the twenty member band's 90¡minute performance of jazz, popular, and Christian music. Some of the songs performed were composed by such "music greats" as Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Henry Mancini, AI Jareau, and Amy Grant. Those in attendance

also heard the

premiere performance of a composition by a 1985 Gustavus Graduate. The Gustavus Stage Band has toured Europe twice since 1970; as well as touring the Midwest, California. Florida, and Hawaii. The performance was a complete success and thoroughly enjoyed by all student body members and visitors in attendance. The band rnernbers and Dr. Lammers also expressed their joy at playing before a very energetic crowd of cultural enthusiasts. The lyceum was arranged by Professor Mark Lenz, Lyceum Director of DMLC. The next lyceum, entitled "Poe in Person," is scheduled for March 18 at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium.

Your used textbooks are worth Bring .them .to the Bookstore Monday, -Dec. 16

Thursday, Dec. 1s

(Remember gift certificates are available for Christmas gifts)

Page 6




Sports Beat Basketbalt At thi~ writing. the women's basketball team has compiled a 3 and 1 record in the young season. After an opening loss to St Benedict. the 'Lady Lancers have reeled off three consecutive victories.

Sports Beat

The men's team has evened its record at 1 and 1. and is now preparing to host the Lancer Classic on December 6th and 7th. The Lancer's dropped a heartbreaker (62-60) to North Central' in its opening match. and then traveled to Ellendale. North Dakota. to gain a solid 65,52 victory. North Central is one of the four teams in. the Lancer Classic. so the Lancers may have an early opportunity to avenge the opening loss, In addition to North Central and the Lancers. Northwestern (WI) and Bethany College from Mankato. MN. will round out the field in the Classic.

by Dick Goodall Volleyball It was a dream come true for coach Drew Buck and his Lady Lancers as they pulled off an upset and won the NLCAA volleyball national title. After suffering yet another loss to past nemesis St. Scholastica in the opening round. the Lancers fought their way into the championship match by defeating Black: burn College and then subduing Fontbonne College for the title. The first two games of the championship match were close. hard fought battles in which the Lancers recovered from early deficits to win. The final and deciding game was a runaway for Lancers. Fontbonne's morale was so badly shaken after the first two games that they simply could not get untracked in the final. Defense was a key. The Carters. Betty and Sue. and Yvonda Beaudin combined for 7B defensive ¡saves. Yvonda was named to the.AII-Tournament team and was named Most Valuable Player. The Lancers finished their season with a 21-5

Lancer Classic Action. (Photo by Dawn Shorey)


Football Six Lancer footballers were named to the All-Conference team in the Upper Midwest Collegiate Conference. Seniors Tom Plath. Pete Kuske. Paul Hunter. and Ed "Skip" Noon. Junior linebacker Mark McCormick. and sophomore linebacker Randy Cox; were all named to the first

(Photo by Sue Carter)

team. Earning second team honors were Paul Hernan, Phil Petermann. Tim Schubkegel. and Gregg Birkholz. Jim Tietz. Linc Hohler. Jeff Dorn. and .JohnMelso, received honorable mention honors. In a year end football banquet. Tom Plath and Randy Cox were selected as the Lancers' most valuable players. and Jeff Zilisch was cited as the most improved player. - Four captains were named forthe 1986 squad. They are: Gregg Birkholz. Randy Cox. Linc Hohler. and Mark McCormick.

Enthused fans attend Lancer Classic,

(Photo by Sue Carter)




Page 7

Decembolt 1985

,,' .>




With the holidays quickly approaching. many thoughts tum to Christmas and festivities involved throughout, the Christmas season. Participants in this month's issue of Glimpses were asked. "What do you like best about Christmas?" Here are the replies of Mr. Timothy Hunt's students. grades five through .eight at Peace Ev. Lutheran 'Michigan.



What I like about Christmas is Jesus' birth. And going to the Christmas Eve Service. Having a dinner with relatives and opening presents. . Doris Chester, Grade 5 I like getting all the presents. ," Andy Holewa,.' Grade '5, ....:-·~,,~ ...,...;;.,;.__:"'~"'_ .....

people-l know. Jerry Rininger, Grade 7 My best thing l like about Christmas are toys. The best toys Ilike are transformers. Brian Schwartz. Grade 7 What do I like best about Christmas? You get more food at Christmas. The food, tastes better. Also knowing the coming of the Savior. John Chester. Grade 8

There are two things I like best about Christmas. I like giving presents or receiving them. I also like it because of the birth of my Lord and Savior. Louise Kling, Grade 8

~i...,_'. ' ...~7-':'.~..:.,;;,.-:'.. ;"-~

I like Christmas because people are so nice when you get in trouble. Chad Hoemlein, Grade 6 I like Christmas because Jesus came to earth. And relatives' come to open presents.

like getting up in the morning and rushing out to the tree. Paul Myers, Grade

I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. I like, the music and I like to get presents.

some kind of food. Hungarian noodles Judy Bleichwehl Hungarian pretzel Dan Fenske Mexican bird Marlene Wittig chest of drawers. dresser Mark Ohr

something to do with the Inca Indians I like presents and I like to see my and the professors were relatives. It is Jesus' birth and he is Dr. Isch special. mythological ~ird of Mexico Tammy F.. age B

I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birth. And there are presents and music. Scott p.. age 8

Professor Yotter a mischievous seal Thank you to all of these individuals for their answers.

I always like Christmas lights and the presents. I especially like.Jesus' birthday, Scott 0., age B I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birth and because we get presents from our relatives and parents. It is fun on Christmas because ;"_eget a week off of school and we get to play with our toys. 'Aron. age 7 I like Christmas because I get lots of presents on that day. and it is Jesus' birth. I get to make cookies too.

Laurie, age 8

Julie. age 7 I like Christmas because it is the birth of Jesus. And we get presents. I like to get together with my relatives. I like the lights so that when I go outside I can see better. It is very exciting and fun. Billy. age 8 I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday and my mom bakes cookies too.

Hit's a new educational

Happy Holidays

Walter, age 8 I like Christmas because of the music and the sparkling lights. I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. I like Christmas because Santa gives me pretty


Robon, age 7


h. -. presents:

The bestthing I like about Christmas is Jesus Christ who was born to save us from sin. I also like giving presents to the

On C~ristmas we. get presents and we get to see Santa Claus. but even though we have those things. the most important one is Jesus' birthday, Charity. age B

With this issue. the Messenger is starting something new. Different students and professors are asked whata certain word means. The word for this issue is quetzal, which is a Central American bird that has brilliant goldengreen and scarlet plumage. The responses from the various students were Lisa Buch mineral or drug Craig Sonntag some kind of food Dawn Shorey some kind of food Kurt Wittmershaus

the music is nice.

dad. Then we go to open our presents. Mike Schwartz, Grade 6

should love Jesus' birthday. , Nicholas, age 7

Tammy W:, age 9

Tom Raschke, Grade'6 I ,like to get up at four o'clock in 'the ,moming. Then I wake up my mom and


What do I like best about Christmas?

" I ,like giving presents to ITIY family and ' friends; doing our Christmas· play 'at' With, a contrast: we also have replies church, and rejoicing the birth of our from students in grades 2 and 3 from Bay Savior... ..' Pines Lutheran School in Seminole. Nicole Northrup. Grade 5 Florida. Here is what a few of those ,stu'denta think of Christmas: The things I like about Christmas are getting all the presents. all my relatives in I like Christmas because the music is different states sending a card. and that pretty and special. Jesus was born on Jesus was born into the world. Christmas. And we get presents from our family and they are nice, Ryan Rininger, Grade 5 Stephanie. age 8 I like the end of church \lIhen the lights dim and the church sings Silent Nightl I like Christmas because of the lights Holy Nightl and ,music. Christmas is important Charlie Valleau, Grade 5 because it is Jesus' birthday. , Angel. age 7 I like Jesus who was born in a feeding trough 'and I like the food and all the I like Christmas because it is Jesus' presents. birthday. And the pretty lights glitter. And Art Chester. Grade 6

Daffy Definition

Uike Christmas because the lights a.nd the music are nice and I think everybody

cam •. "


Page 8


Dr. Martin Luther College STUDENT TEACHING SCHEDULE - Third Quarter, 1985-86 January 13 - March 7 ST. PAUL'S, NEW ULM Students Andrea Delf Elaine Stadler Jeffrey Dorn


Supervisor Miss Paap Prof. Klockziem Prof. Stoltz

Sheryl Rausch Troy Yerks Keith Kopczynski

,·2 5-6 7-8

NEW ULM AREA - Prof. Mever, College Supervisor

1. 2.

Student Best, Diana Tietz, James,

" Congregation

Location Marshall Sanborn

Christ Zion

Principal J. Kolander G. Warning

Supervisor Mrs. Ellingson Mr. Warning

Grade 1·2 6-8

SOUTHERN LAKE MICHIGAN AREA - Prof. Menk, College Supervisor Student Drews, Danica

Location Crete,lL

Congregation Trinity

South Haven, MI Benton Harbor, MI Waukegan, IL St. Joseph, MI South Haven, MI Burlington, WI Burlington, WI St. Joseph. MI Antioch,lL Chicago, JL Antioch,lL Crete,lL

St. Paul St. Matthew Immanuel Grace St. Paul St. John St. John

10. 11. 12. 13.

Droster, Teresa Eisenmann, Terri Hunter, Paul Kuske, Peter Lewiston, Mary Loersch, Lori MacKain,'Timothy Mann, Carol Marti, Beth Plath, Thomas Retzlaff, David Schneider, Karen

14. 15.

Schultz, Theckla Wittig, Marlene

WaUkegan, IL Stevensville, MI

Immanuel St. Paul

1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Faith St. Andrew Faith Trinity

Principal T. Rimpel (Interim) D. Brohn H. Johannsen R, Priebe K.Nolte-

0, Brohn W. Vilski W. Vilski K.Nolte M. Schwartz J. Moeller M.Schwartt T. Rimpel (Interim) R. Priebe C. Buege

' Grade 5

Supervisor Miss Geiger Miss Habeck Mrs. LaGrow ' Mr. Priebe Mr. Hahnke Mr. Holzhueter Mis~Hintz ,;.... -:.. Mr. Vilski Mr. Heckman Mrs. Johnson' "Mr'. Moeller' Mr. Baumgart' Miss Griepentrog


Mrs. Gawrisch Miss Hasbargen

1·2 1·2 7-8 6 3·5


, , 7-8' 4 2-3 7-8 6-8 34 K,34 1·2


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'fbE DID£C

mEssEngEr Vol. 76. No.5. Dr. Martin Luther College. New Ulrn. MN

January 1986

Library Expansforr'Poses Quesfions-' _..........._ __ ...,._ __..


by Patti Zahn Editor-in-Chief What comes to mind at the thought of April 15? The national deadline for income taxes?Tom Banaszak's and Brent Maxwell's birthdays? The closing of the DMlC library? Upon returning from Christmas vecation most DMlC students received word

that aU library materialS were to be returned by April 15. for it ison this date that the library would be closing. This issue has sparked a number of questions among students. Why is the library closing? One of the reasons for the closing is that the heating and air-conditioning systems are going to be replaced. It was first planned that such work could proceed without closing the library building itself. However. construction officials have since informed the school that all library materials will need to be packed and moved out of the building before work on the new systems can begin. A second reason for the closing of the .Iibraryis to enable construction crews to expandthe library facilities. A fifty by one hundred twenty-five foot addition on the front of the library (toward the academic center) will greatly increase the total area of the library. This new addition will consist of w.o stories which will include many special rooms. New features on the upper level will be a map room. 3 conference rooms. listening/viewing room. offices. and a curriculum area. Included in the lower level. will be a darkroom. TV studio. expanded shelving. an expanded media . center. seminar room. and a computer center with a number of ne,wcomputers.

How much will it cost? Funds for the project are coming from the Reaching Out program. Estimated cost for the complete project is set at

An outside door leading directly to the Hillview basement will serve as the only entrance to the library. The other doors leading to the basement areawill be used

$1.198.000. What will be available to students in

as emergency exits only. How will the library materials

the meantime? While the library buildinq itself will be closed as of April 15. the library services will still be available. but to a limited degree. Professors have been encouraged to take 100 books each which will in some way be made available for student use. Hence. after April 15. assignments will be . somewhat scheduled according to the "limited book collection." The rest of the librarv books will begin to be packed on April 15. After this date. no students may check out h')oks. The estimated 100.000 items will be packed and stored in over four thousand beer oases from Schell's Brewery. New Ulm. Where will the books be stored? The cases of books will be moved from the library to the basement of Hillview Hall on a tentative date of Thursday. May 1. The cases will be stacked on pallets where they will remain until they are moved back to the library. It is also in the basement of Hillview Hall that a temporary library will be operated. Smaller rooms in the basement of the dorm will be designated as rooms for using the computers. laminating machines. and other equipment. A temporary checkout desk and shelves for the limited book collection will also be included in part of the basement. How will students get to and from the temporary library?

moved to the temporary library? The moving of materials will more than likely include student involvement. The exact details of the move have not yet been decided. but will be announced to the students as soon as available. What if students find' that the temporary library does not have the materials that they need? The library has checked into establishing a library service with the New Ulm


Public Library. Mankato libraries. and the Gustavus Adolphus Library. It is hoped that some type of interlibrary service can be set up and maintained to best suit the needs of DMlC students during this time of transition. When will the addition and change be completed? It is hoped that the library will be completed by February 1. 1987. though it may be ready at the beginning of January. What will the new library look like? The addirian will be made on the existing concrete structure; however, the front of the new addition (as seen in the picture) will be finished with brick to match the other buildings on campus.

"Curtain! Curtain!" by Beth Schmick Staff Writer For about a week in December DMLC student~ and professors had to tread carefully upon entering the college chapel. Lying on the floor in the aisles were curtain tracks. boards. and numerous other objects not normally found in a chapel. The mystery surround· ing the apparent reconstruction on stage was soon solved by means of a typical "after-chapel" announcement: New stage curtains were finally being installed. The story: In the fall of 1984 the DMLC Drama Club decided to purchase new curtains for the auditorium stage. Plans began to formulate in the minds of·the Drama Club officers. Pete Schewe. president of the club. informed me that he presented his ideas to President Huebner. business manager Stabell. and DramaClub advisor

Richard Buss in the spring of 1985. They discussed the plans and agreed to go ahead with the operation. In August of this school year Bill Chindlund. a sales manager from Northwestern Costume Co., came to the college to examine the stage. meet with the above-mentioned men, and take an order if there was agreement. After some discussion as to what the purchase would include. Mr. Chindlund went back to his headquarters in Minneapolis with an order. The curtains and accompanying tracks arrived at the college in December and were installed. Funding for the project was provided through a joint effort by the Drama Club. Children's Theatre. and the college itself. The total cost was estimated at about $12.000.

Page 2

From the Editors


Christ Centered Resolutions by Cynthia J. Hahn News Editor As the month of January comes to an end and we begin to look forward to spring. we oftentimes also look back overthe past month to see what we have accomplished in the new year. Many of us have set New Year's Resolutions for ourselves which we are attempting to keep. As you look back. how many of your resolutions have you been able to keep?Havevou been slacking off. only doing them when you want? Have you decided to put them aside and try again next year?If you look at these resolutions that you have made. many of us will find that our resolutions are self-centered on worldly things. We are all guilty of it. BUT they need not center only on us. but include God in your resolutions. Let me explain. On New Year's Day I was sitting in church reading the bulletin and I came across a short quotation entitled "1 9S6 Resolution s'·. Anxiously I read them and tried to relate them to my life. Let me share them with you: During the new year with God's help I will: Like Paul. forget those things which are behind and press forward. Like David. lift up my eyes to the hills from which my help comes. Like Abraham. trust my God implicitly. Like Enoch. walk in daily fellowship with my heavenly Father. Like Andrew. strive to lead my brother to Jesus. From this we can see that we can center our resolutions on a God-centered life in the new year. Daily. each one of us try to be a better Christian and yet at times we may feel that we are getting nowhere. This is when we tum to God. He is our strength and power! Our forefathers from the Sible have set good examples for us to follow. If we are not able to keep the other new year's resolutions we have set for ourselves. maybe we ought to work harder at them. but do not forget about our lord in the process. I think that we can all find comfon in these resolutions brought about through the Bible. If you have not been following these resolutions. Jhen proceed to do so. for the glory of the Lord in heaven. Hopefully these resolutions will hold with you not only this year. but for a lifetime.

Letters to the Editor Dear Readers. In our December issue a reader inquired why The Northwestern Lutheran does not print the new addresses of women teachers .. I sent a letter to the editor of that publication asking about the issue. I have recently received a letter of reply from Pastor James P. Schaefer, Editor-inChief of The Northwestern Lutheran. He

writes. "I think your enquirer is'mistaken' and not a very faithful reader of The Northwestern Lutheran. For about two years now we have been publishing changes of address also for our women teachers," (Pastor Schaefer also enclosed a page from an issue which lists addresses of several women teachers.) Pastor Schaefer continues. "We get the changes of address for all - all teachers from the BPE [Board for Parish Education[ and print them all- men and women. Of course. there are peak periods for changes of address. and fall is not one of them!" I hope this reply answers the question posed about listing changes- of address. Thank you to the enquirer for writing and asking. Thank you also to Pastor Schaefer for his helpful reply.

What Did You Do Over Christmas Vacation? by Karen Krueger Staff Writer

The shopping malls were also Tried by those who dared. And. oh. the pushing and shoving As if nobody cared!

***************************************** ~ * * You can't control the length of your * *! life, but you can have something *! ! * to say about its width and depth. *! * * ~***************************************>


Poetry Corner

by Dawn Nol/meyer Guest Writer

by Darin Menk Guest Writer

Sometimes when I am all alone, I think of you and me; And if we weren't so far apart How different things would be. But you have your life. I have mine; They'll never meet again. But I am very glad to say That you are still my friend. Some people pan on spiteful terms. But never you and I. There just was too much caring there Andwill be as the years goby. I never will forget you. And I hope we meet again. For nothing is so dear to m.e As knowing you're my friend.

A symphony begins with one note. Staning simple. Gaining confidence. a melody forms. Gelling harder. Complicated changes and rhythms begin. Secoming difficult. Finishing touches are made. Sounding good. And. finally. the finished work is created. Sounding beautiful:

Was filled with lots of rest. Turkey. gifts. and family Homelife at its best! Many were adventurous And tried the outdoor sports. But a day of sut~ exertion left one feeling out of sorts!

But now we're back to '01 New Ulm And to our college dear. And though we might complain a bit It's good to have friends near!


Editor-in-Chief News Editor Feature Editors Karen Lindeman Sports Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .....•................ Photography Editor Circulation/Business Manager

Patti Zahn Cindy Hahn LuAnn Vatthauer Dick Goodall Sue Carter Sheryl Rausch

WRITERS .......• , Patty Hennig Annmarie Krueger Karen Krueger Paul Lange Joy Panzer Jim Raddatz Pete Schaewe

Kathy Hinderer Todd Palmer Cathy Starke

PROOFREADING ........•............... Jo Koslowske Sue Nelson Paula Robinson Susan Warner

Laura Fastenau Sarah Peter

LAY·OUT Annmarie


Paul lange

Terri Droster Dawn Nollmeyer Laura Fastenau Joy Panzer. _

Kathy Hinderer Pete Schaewe

Shelly Karstens

Sue Nelson

Laurie Zachow

COMIC: .......................•........................... make!

So is life. We .are born. Staning simple. learning wisdom and knowledge. Gelling harder, Families are created. Becorninq difficult. Children are added. Sounding good. Reaching your prime. Sounding beautiful.

CIRCULATION Dawn Nollmeyer

Travel was experienced By quite a few this break. Seeing exotic places Did them more accomplished

For many, Christmas va-cation


ADVISOR ...............•.•...........................

Pete Schaewe Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMLC Messenger is published during the months of September, October. November. December. January, February, April, and May. The subscription price is two dOllars per year. Single copies are twenty-five cents. We request payment in advance. All business should be addressed to the Business Manager.

Page 3 January 1986

Daffy Definition

Students React: The Library Closing On Monday. January 13. the Messenger issued a poll which dealt with questions regarding the library and its closing. While the questions in the survey may havebeen a surprise to some. 85% of those that responded were already aware of the fact that the library was closing. A second question asked how this event would affect students this school year. For the most part those who responded felt it would be a great inconvenience. A number of students stated that it puts a little more pressure on them to get work done early and that they would not be able to procrastinate. Others wondered about the use of the computers and if they would have an airconditioned place to study for exams. The third question of the poll asked underclassmen how this would affect them next year. The majority of students felt it could again be an inconvenience in that it may be difficult to obtain all of the best materials and research books since not all may be kept out. Othersfeared that the few books taken out will not be enough. In addition. a number of students hoped the professors schedule work around it. according to the-availability of materials. The final question on the poU asked students if they felt expansion would be helpful in the future. An. overwhelming majority felt that while it is an inconvenience now. expansion would be extremely helpful in the future. Many hoped to see expanded resources, more books and materials. and also more computers. On the other hand. a few disagreed with the expansion. noting that the library was fine the way it is andthat it

For Valentine's Let 'em know by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer She' is very nice. And funny. And pretty. And talented. I've seen you staring and quickly turning away when she looks up. I've seen you strategically place yourself to get a seat near her at lunch. I know you sometimes take "the scenic route" so that you just happen to run into her; then you exchange friendly greetings and try to strike up a little witty conversation. No. it's not real obvious - but it's noticeable. Do you think she noticed? Maybe she needs to hear it. Have you told her how you feel? Does she know you care? Here's another one. Do you remember the other person who lives in your room? You know - the one who wakes you up when you oversleep. who sits up talking with you until the darkest pan of the night; the one who lets you borrow her clothes. shares her food. and drives you where you need to go. 'Do you ever thank

Wendy Mosher already has enough room. Others felt expansion should be done in other areas first or that the college should utilize other vacant buildings and facilities on the campus. .The day after this poll was issued. the Messenger was informed by the administration that more details on the closing were recently made available. This new-found 'knowledge affected the previous day's wording. Hence. to uncloud the issue and set the record straight. the Messenger issued a-second poll in which they admitted an oversight and released new information about a temporary library area in Hillview Hall. In regards to the second poll's questions. an overwhelming 93% of the students that responded were aware that the library was closing orr April 15. Of those that were aware of the closing, 65% were informed by faculty members. 9% by the Messenger (poll or staff member).and 26% by some other means. A final question on the poll asked students if they felt the student body had been adequately informed concerning the moving of the library. Ninety percent of those who responded felt the students had not been adequately informed. whereas 10% felt the students had adequate information. Editor's Note: In interviews with members of the administration it was regretted that more information about the library had not been passed on to the student body. This was due to the fact that many details had not yet been finalized and are presently being worked out. We thank the administration for their cooperation in this matter. We also thank the few students (14% of the student ~odyJ who responded to the polls. Your comments. both positive and negative. were greatly appreciated.

Day her for being a great roommate?Ooesshe know you care? College would never be the same without that special friend. He's always ready to listen when no one else will. always ready to drop what he's doing and spend time with you - always there. But have you 'told him how much his friendship means to you? Does he know you care? Your loving parents. siblings and other relations. your fellQw students. professors and many others have had a profound influence on your life; without them your life would be radically different. Do they know you appreciate them? Do they know you care? Valentine's Day ls coming - a day set aside for showing love and appreciation. Why don't you get some cards - Dr even better, personally tell the special people in your life how much they mean to you. Let them know you care! (.Gender-related pronouns may be changed to suit the reader.)

This issue's word was kiosk. A kiosk is a small building with one or more open sides. This building is commonly used to sell fruits. vegetables and newspapers. Also. a kiosk can be a Turkish open summerhouse. The answers received were: Beth Pittenger Cliff Lagerman

German sausage kind of Polish sausage

Student Teaching by Kathy Hinderer Staff Writer Another quarter passes. another set of seniors returns from student- teaching. Whether they come back with a humble new respect for the challenges of teaching • or full of confidence. like conquering heroes. or perhaps a combination of both. most have some interesting stories to relate to friends and classmates. Here are a few anecdotes that second quarter student teachers were kind enough to share: During the course of her experience. Laurie Radichel was invited to attend a party with other teachers in her area. There they played a game called "Vegetables" in which each player takes the name of a vegetable. The plavers sit in a circle. in the middle of which stands "It." armed with a toweL"I!" is supposed to hit the correct player with the towel when that players vegetable name is called out. It wasn't long before Laurie was "It." The word "parsnips" was called out. Lauriemoved to do her number with the towel, but as she did. she tripped and landed right in "Parsnips" lap. Laurie does not recommend "Vegetables" for a quiet indoor recess activity. Accidents seem to have been a common cause of embarrassment for last quarter's teachers. In first quarter curriculum class. Prof. LaGrow reminded his stadents that they would still be covered by the college's regular insurance policy while they were out teaching. Sue Goens asked. "What could happen?Are you expecting us to wipe out on the playground or something?" Prof. LaGrow replied. "Don't laugh-it's happened." Sue did laugh. but not for long. The first time he came to observe her in the classroom. Prof. LaGrow noticed Sue had some nasty cuts and bruises on one leg. "What happened?" he asked. "I wiped out on the playground." said Sue. Carla Free took a similarfall and ended up with her lett wrist in a cast for five weeks. To make matters worse. Carla is left-handed. Herfirst and second graders were all quite concerned for her, especially' one young gentleman who ,offered to tie and untie her boots for her at recess times. Apparently chivalry isn't dead. it's just become considerably shorter over the years. It seems to be selective. too. Miriam Westendorf also taught first grade. She received a Christmas present from a student. who said, "Here's your present. It's Avon and you don't even have to pay

Jerry Marowsky

Faith Wurst Dale Dyrssen Sharon Ganyo Randy Bode

a fruit and vegetable stand a Russian manuallabor pencil sharpener found in Siberia Russian bread Polish boxer a little building in a parking lot Norwegian skiing gear

Saga Continues for it." Then he turned to Miriam's supervising teacher and added. "You have to pay for yours. though," Steve Rosenbaum taught seventh and eighth grades. He tells this account of his embarrassing moment: "It all began with an innocent exercise- in Reading. The class couldn't think of a synonym for 'unyielding,' Finally, one of the girls offered 'submissive: which is an antonym. I suggested 'unsubmissive' and spelled it out loud; U-N. SoU-B.M-I-S-S-IV-E. It sounded like a cheer. so I jokingly told the girls they could use it at our next basketball game. About two weeks later, I was sitting in the bleachers at a game when the cheerleaders lined up before me and yelled. 'Hev, Mr. Rosenbaum' UN, SoU-B. M-I-S-S-I-V-E! Unsubmissive. unsubmissive!'" Steve, being the good sport he is, cheered right along. Beth Kuehl knew right away it was going to be .a~ interesting quarter in her fifth and sixth grade classroom. In the second week of her experience. she was observing a Reading class taught by her supervising teacher. The teacher asked a question about the story. "Why was Gramps so upset?" A sixth grade boy raised his hand and said, "Maybe he was constipated." Apparently the teacher couldn't believe she had heard right. because she asked him to repeat his a.nswer. "Maybe Gramps was .constiDated:' he said. "He was under a lot of pressure. he was tense. you know how it is .... " Your reporter also went student teaching last quarter. There were plenty of times I embarrassed myself, but the wildest thing happened on the last day. My supervising teacher was leading the class in their recitation for the Christmas Eve service when a knock was heard on the door. One of the fifth grade girls answered it. then turned to me and said. "Miss Hinderer. it's for you." Iwent to 'the door. and what to my wondering eyes should appear but Santa Claus. holding a beautifully decorated sheet cake. I wasn't the only one who was surprised. My supervising teacher and the class had known the cake was coming, but not who was going to deliver it. Despite embarrassing



surprises both pleasant and unpleasant, everyone survives student teaching and comes awaywith valuable insights. And if you want to hear a funny story. they usually have those. too.

January 1986

Page 4

Presenting the 1986 Snow Carnival Court . • • (Photos by Dawn Shorey)

-.Jodi Kammholz of Oshkosh, WI is a graduate of Winnebago Lutheran Academy and is an English concentrate at DMLC. While at school, Jodi is on pom-pons, wind ensemble, jazz ensemble and teaches saxophone to children at SI. Paul's school. Jodi also enjoys cross-country skiing and writing letters to a German friend. A favorite place to vacation is at her grandparent's cottage in northern WI and someday she would like to vacation in



Jodi will be escorted by Alan E. Uher of Caledonia, WI. Since AI graduated from Shoreland Lutheran he has been involved.in I.F.L., drama-children's theater, and has been class president for three years. AI is concentrating in Social Studies and enjoys Python movies and visiting Prof. Buss. Three Lakes, WI is AI's favorite place to vacation but AI is hoping to someday vacation in Iowa or Wyalussing State Park. While still on campus, AI will be living in a Waldheim house nex! year and is presently suffering from withdrawal

- he hasn't done a crossword

puzzle in over a year.

Kristie Kay Rogotske of Sanborn, MN graduated from Sanborn High School and is a Math concentrate at DMLC. Kristie loves the outdoors and country life and stays active on campus by playing intramural basketball, volleyball and softball; participating in band and is an RA. While Kristie isn't vacationing in Phoenix, AZ, she enjoys playing piano. basketball, singing, Calculus. eating and meeting new people. Someday Kristie would like to experience a vacation in none other than - Hawaii. Kristie's escort is from Menomonee Falls, WI- Steve Biedenbender. Steve graduated from Kettle Moraine Lutheran and participates in football, basketball, baseball and band (co-incidentally being a Music concentrate). Enjoying vacations in Rocky Mountain National Park, Steve also likes to read western stories, eating Pistachio Almond Fudge ice cream and playing the organ. Someday Steve wants to actually vacation in a place colder than the artics of Minnesota - he wants to go to Alaska!

Connie Kroll,from Beloit, WI is a graduate of MLPS and is very active at DMLC. Some of her activities in campus include: Collegiate Council secretary. musical, children's theater, wind ensemble, and being a terrific R.A. Connie likes to' vacation in the Ozark Mountains or San Diego, CA, but would someday like to vacation in Europe. While still in the U.S. Connie is concentrating in Music at DMLC and enjoys teaching piano, scary movies, Sylvester Stallone and Laurie Gauger's profound wisdom. In the near future Connie is also hoping to finish eating 'all the macaroni that she has left overlrom being on "The Price is Right!" Connie's escort (who may receive a generous portion of the macaroni) is Steve Towne of Saginaw, MI. Steve graduated from MLS and likes to vacation in northern Michigan. At DMLC Steve is concentrating in math and is involved in intramural football, basketball, volleyball and softball; and is a member of the track club. Enjoying outside recreation, Steve likes to spend time hunting and hopes to someday vacation in Europe, tooll



Page 5

Kathy Pruess, from Menomonee Falls, WI is a Kettle Moraine Lutheran High graduate. While attending DMLC Kathy is in her third year of cheerleading, and is academically concentrating in English. In her free time, Kathy enjoys running, camping, and water skiing and especially likes to vacation at her grandmother's cottage at Pickeral Lake, WI. Someday Kathy also hopes to vacation in Europe, Kathy's escort will be Daniel Plath from Milwaukee. WI. A graduate of Northwestern Prep, Dan is involved in tennis and intramurals at school and also likes duck hunting, water skiing and cross-country skiing. While at DMLC Dan is concentrating in Science. Although Dan hopes to vacation in Hawaii someday, Dan's favorite place to vacation is New Ulm, MN.




California is a favorite place to both live and vacation for Heidi Kelbel of Concord. CA. As a graduate of MLPS, Heidi is involved in musicals. plays. intramurals, and Collegiate Council and enjoys cutting hair and traveling. This past summer Heidi went on the DMLC European/Israel Studies Tour. Someday Heidi would like to return to Europe to vacation in Oahu, Switzerland. or spend some time in the Sierra Nevadas. John E. Meyerfrom New Ulm, MN is a graduate of MVL and is involved in football. golf and was in the musical this fall. After living in New Ulm for 16 years. it is still John's favorite place to vacation. john is a Music concentrate and enjoys checking his mailbox to eagerly await his memo and Messenger. John is hoping to vacation in Klossner, Concord, CAl (Wonder why John?!?!?!)

Beaver Dam, WI. is the home of Amy Guenther, a graduate of Lakeside Lutheran High School. Amy is an English concentrate and is involved in pom-pons and the musical. A favorite place to vacation for Amy is Mackinac Island. MI. and she would someday like to vacation on another island- Hawaii. Amy and her escort Dare Krueger like to spend time eating and playing with Mr. Potato-head. Dale lives in Manitowoc. WI and received his diploma f~om Manitowoc Lutheran High School. As a math concentrate, Dale uses his counting abilities while participating in intramural basketball. football and volleyball; interscholastic baseball and plays trombone in the DMLC Jazz Band. Dale likes music, fishing. watching people and procrastinating. A favorite place to vacation for Dale is in the Windy City (Chicago.IL), and someday Dale hopes to vacation in Sweden. Austria. or France.

Kettle Moraine is Laurie Gauger's graduating high school. Laurie is from Rockfield, WI and is an English concentrate. Florida is Laurie's favorite place to vacation but while at DMLC she participates in musicals, intramurals. and band, During herfreetime, Laurie also enjoys movies. plays. reading and coloring. Europe or the Caribbean Islands are two places where Laurie would like to vacation at someday. Dale J. Dyressen of San Diego, CA likes to vacation at the beach and will someday vacation in Hawaii. but presently he is a Science concentrate who enjoys hunting and fishing. Dale graduated from California Lutheran and is presently involved in intramural football and basketball and intercollegiate baseball.

Page 6

January 1986



Sports Beat by Dick Goodall Sports Editor Both the men's and women's basketball teams have had their ups and downs this season. At this writing, the women have fared a little better than the men, compiling a 6 and 4 overall record, while the men have fallen to 3 and 5. To the men's credit. four of their five losses were by two points or less. proving their competitiveness. The fifth loss came against Pillsbury College on a night when the Lancers shot a frigid 36 percent from the field. Up to that particular game. the Lancers had been shooting well enough from the field to win. and it was their free throw shooting that spelled their doom on the court. But against Pillsbury the Lancers reversed that trend and still ended up a loser. That's enough to give the coach gray hairs. All of this notwithstanding. the Lancers are a good ball club and when they finally shake off their

lethargy, they could prove to be unbeatable. Coach Leopold's Lady Lancers have had a better time of it. though not necessarily an easier time. in gaining six victories. Three of those victories have come since Christmas break. including two on an arduous weekend roadtrip to Northland College at Ashland. WI. and Mount Senario College in Ladysmith. WI. The win over Mount Senario was a lopsided victory. After getting off to a slow start the Lady Lancers have played some good basketball after coming off break. They are shooting more from behind screens, rebounding well. and making fewer mistakes and turnovers. Each victory seems to have had a different leader. making this. a better balanced ballclub than in past seasons. with no one individual standout. That should be a good sign for a fine season to come.

***********************~ ,.. Congratulations to Julie Detjen "Dutch" ! : ,.. : ,..


~ lANCERS vs Sf. scmASl'IC'A 7:00


ticket one


to the that



is and





:3bqlb~ ~









vs IDR1lIIFS'l'ERN 7:30




for being selected NLCAA All-American ,.. along with 11 other members. She was'! one of three setters to be selected in this ,.. group. ,..

Fp.h 15



I1INC:J:: (l-:rrE3








Player D. Biedenbender M. Koelpin E. Noon D. Johnson D. Kaesmeyer S. Biedenbender J. Zilisch M. Eisenmann M. Vatthauer R. Tobias S. Unkefer N. Kieselhorst R. Wintrone E. Paulsen








64 71 54 63 41

27 88 96 38 37

10 38 41 13 15






96 35 39

43 37 38

12 14 12 7

17 26 19 17.




9 5





25 3

68 17

37 18











132 8


9 4 2

5533 33

2 45



1 24

3 2

5 3

60 67




50 50

PIG 3 11' 12 5


9 2








17 3 1 2

9 6 2



Intramurals Update by LuAnn Vatthauer Festure Editor

. (Photo Player S. Carter B. Carter C. Reichow B. Wendland A. Klatt Y. Beaudin B. Huhn S. Myers

L Zimmermann L Noon A.Woldt K. Westendorf D. Kiecker J. Russell J. Rogotzke

by Sue Carter)

FGM FGA FG% FTM FTA FT% PTS PIG 31 44 26 39 45 16 30 1 2 1 3

BO 107 3 67 94 148 60 85 3 13 8 12

39 41 33 39 41 30 27 35 33 15 13 25




6 9

50 11

6 2 0 28 28 29 20 i2 0 3


55 '29 0 58 64 57 51 75 0 75













2 0

'1 7 48 44 51 39 16


68 90 2 80 106 119 52

8 9 0 8 11 12 5




7 2 7 0 8 2

a 1 0 4

Even though a new semester brought about many changes. intrarnurals continued where they had halted for vacation. Recently. the women had their volleyball championship game. The game was between Beth Marti's Mogwai and Beth Affeldt's A-Team. The Mogwai won after two very close games. Also. all the top eight teams in the playoffs had close games. For men's basketball. the season is almost over. Two teams appear to have the best chance for the championship. which will be held in late January. Aufder Flucht with Dave Kolander as captain and Phil Stern's Luebbe's Little Lambs are the

two teams. Presently, the women's basketball season is just beginning. Shelly Lindemann's Swanke Franks and Ruth



Team Auf der flucht Luebbe's Little Lambs Dukes The Fat Boys Urban Surfers Agent Orange Bust Heads Magnum 440's Nads



8 7 6



3 4

4 3 2 1 0



5 6 7 8

Simonsmeier's Kuckla's Klan have a good possibility of being the leading teams in Division I. In Division II. Julie Detjen'S Pluegdes and the Bean Sprouts captained by Tina Nell have the potential of doing quite well also. Come cheer your favorite teams on to victoryl

Page 7

January 1986



Student Teaching Registration Nears by James Raddatz Staff Writer

find the antidote and put it into his mouth.

Gretchen Sheirok, Grade 4 by Karen Lindeman Feature Editor Each of us probably has a story or two which we could tell about creatures hiding in our closets ormen lurking under our beds. The basement has long been a good hiding place for all kinds of monsters. and how many times have you caught yourself running up the steps as fast as you could because you were sure there was a monster only steps behind? Well, things haven't changed, Mrs. Barbara Kock's and Miss Adele Dietrich's first through fifth grade students from Jerusalem Ev. Lutheran School in Morton Grove, IL, write to us about fears they have had in the depths of the darkness. Perhaps the man under the bed and the monster in the closet will live forever. This is what scares me: A monster that is green and has a runny nose and sings "It's not easy being greenl"

Jenny Cole, Grade 3 Sometimes I am afraid when I turn off the lights. Some things look different. When I tum on the lights, I'm not scared.

Joanne Ceisel, Grade 4 My fear of the dark is not to put my head under the covers. A monster will take my stuff if I go under the covers.

CarrieJoyce" Grade 4 We have a pet in our classroom. One day he started to grow and grow. I had to

When I was five I would 'not go in my room because I thought someone would come through my window at night.

Sherry Martin, Grade 5 Fears in the Depths of the Dark In the dark I think a monster will grab me and take me to his dungeon. I see people getting killed and I'll be next.

Diane Ceisel, Grade 5 One night I was dreaming that a man was under my bed and he caught my legs. He started to chew on them and it was my mom. She was trying to get me up.

Stacy Boldt, Grade 3 I was scared of the dark in the basement. I tripped over things. I couldn't get the door open. I climbed out the window and I ran in the front door and told my Mom what happened.

Ryan Parker, Grade 2 One time when I was in my room the electricity went out and I got really scared. At first I thought it was my brother. He' was too far away from the light switch. So I thought it was a ghost. I ran to my Mom. We got flashlights so we could see.

Once when I was in the basement my sister Katie turned off the ,light; I tripped over the buggy. Katie turned the light on when she heard the crash.

CarrieKleist, Grade 1 r was reading a story about a monkey in the zoo. The lights went off. I screamed' for my Mommy. She gave me a flashlight so I could see.

CariKnuth, Grade 1 When I was in my room my brother turned off the light. I asked him, "Why did you turn off the light? I went out of the room and told him to go in and the light went on, I turned out the light. He came out and asked, "Why did you turn out the light on me?" I said, "I thought you were out." Jennifer Leu, Grade 1 We were in the baseme~t."~Megan turned off the light, I thought there was a ghost. I thought Megan was a monster. We screamed for Mom to open the door.

Katie Parker, Grade 1 I went into my room and made my bed. I ran out of my room because I was afraid. I ran to Mom. When I went back to my room the monster was gone.

Dawn Stevens, Grade 1

As the new semester begins to run smoothly. many students are once again updating their immediate life goals. For our seniors at DMLC this may mean making final preparations for marriage or to enter the "real world" of education as a teacher. But for DMLC juniors this means beginning to make preparations for student teaching. On Monday, February 3, 1986, ali eligible juniors are asked to meet in the Academic Center Auditorium at 7:15 p.m. for a meeting on registering for student teaching. This meeting is to provide students with the necessary information concerning course electives 'and when they will be offered in the upcoming academic year. This information is necessary because some classes will be offered only during one semester, making it necessary for students to decide what classes they wish to take. and thereby determine -\;yhichsemester wi" be their academic semester. This meeting will also provide students an opportunity to seek additional information on student teaching and to receive a registration form for student teaching. All students eligible for student teaching are to attend the meeting if possible. If they cannot attend. then they should contact the director of student teaching.

Paul Ceiset, Grade 1 Once my cousin Michelle turned off the lights. I called for my aunt because I couldn't get the door open. I could still see because the fish tank light was on. My cousins opened the door.

Tennille Doll, Grade 1

Slipping Down the Slopes by Paul Lange Staff Writer

Ski Club OffIcers (Photo by Dawn Shorey)

Recently, a downhill ski club was organized here on campus. At the first meeting, the following people were elected as officers: "Skip" Bremer (President), Dan Domson [Vice-President), Daneen Enter (Secretary), and Rebecca Maurice (Treasurer). Professor Meihack is the faculty advisor for the club. The purpose ofthe club is to determine times and set up transportation for all students and faculty members and their spouses that are interested in going downhill skiing. If enough interest is shown, the club may also be able to obtain special group rates. The club hopes to plan trips to Mount Kato and Afton Alps. Come on and beat those winter blahs. Join us for a great time skiing I

(Photo by Sue Carter) MID-YEAR GRADUATION: December 19th marked the day of Mid-Year Graduation for eight DMLC students. The 1:30 commencement exercises were held in the auditorium with President Huebner delivering the address. The eight graduates to receive a B.S. degree

in Education were: Bertha Bieber. Patty Bintz, Frederick Pahmeier, John Quint, Naomi Rapp, Brent Schacht, Jane Zimmerman and. in absentia. Stephanie Scherzberg. Presently, calls have not been received by any of the graduates.

January 1986

Page 8 COllEGE Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

CHOIR SPRING TOUR ITINERARY February February February March March

26 27 28 1 2

7:30 7:00 7:30 7:00 8:30 10:30 4:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Trinity. Crete. IL Rock of Ages. Madison. TN Sola Fide. Lawrenceville. GA Peace. Holiday. Fl Christ the lord. Clearwater. FL Faith. St. Petersburg. FL Bay Pines. Seminole. FL Peace. Brandenton. FL Bethany. North Ft. Myers. FL Ocean. Drive. Pompano Beach. FL King of Kings. Maitland. Fl Good Shepherd. Jacksonville. Fl

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

March March March March March March March

3 4 5 6 7 8







Fri. Sat.

March March

21 22




Don't study until you "crack up" come in for a break

travel day - no concert 8:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. morning services 4:00 p.m.

Trinity. Jenera. OH Peace. Granger. IN St. Andrew. Chicago. IL St. Paul. Hales Corners. WI travel day back to DMLC

at the Round Table.

ITINERARY Good Shepherd. Burnsville. MN St. Peter. Weyauwega. WI Trinity. Brillion. WI

Arts and Activities Calendar

Grace. Oshkosh. WI St. John. Neillsville. WI



Pieces of Late Snow Carnival festivities will soon be underway. Take a "European vacation" and join in the fun! Good luck to the Court and especially the Queen candidates'

register Juniors teaching

Band Concert -


p.m. -




Snow Carnival Week


Ash Wednesday


21-22 Movie Nights - Willy Wonka 7:30 p.m. -


Choral Vespers Auditorium


Spring Break begins after classes

Valentine's Day is coming soon. Have you bought your sweetheart something



Note the upcoming Band Concert on Thursday. February 20 .!It 8:00 p.m. Fine music from your classmates will be featured. Don't miss it! Choral Vespers is scheduled for Sunday. Feb. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Here is a, wonderful opportunity to join in worship to our Lord.



student teachers!



Less than a semester to go, seniors' The Countdown Begins: 28 days until Spring Break 28 days until 4th Quarter student teachers leave DMlC 74 days until your income taxes are due 104 days until Call Day 106 days until graduation

Mystery Prof. _ Happy New Year' Welcome back to semester two of the 85-86 school year! Ready to start your minds going on the new Mystery Prof for January? Hope so. but first I would like to congratulate John Meyer for being the only one to correctly guess December's Mystery Prof, It was Prof, Paul Boehlke, Now. for the January. 1986 Mystery Prof, This person was born in Minnesota and attended a country grade school and a public high school. After finishing two years at OMLC he 'attended summer school for many years and also attended other schools ,of higher education 'in states such as Colorado. Nebraska. and Wisconsin - states in which he has also taught, Some special interests of this prof are winter, reading and travel. If you have any guesses on'this prof for

DMLC(Delightful Moments of Life on Campus)

January's Mystery Prof. please submit them to Box 759, Thank you and good luck!


mEssEngEr Vol. 16, No.6, Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN

February 1986

Symbols Convey Our Lord's Passion

A Royal European Vacation I

by Karen Krueger Snow Carnival 1986 is now history. The travel, trama, and tears are behind us. Gina Hoerning, the departing queen of 1985, has made way for Connie Kroll, the n.ew 1986 Snow Carnival Queen. In her departure, Gina had words of thanks, praise, and well-wishes. "The court was great to work withll" "Each girl is a winner." "Emceeing on Friday night was a blastll" The competition was tough and the voting 'was extraordinarily close. Heidi Keibel in Russia opened the iron curtain. Kristie Rogotzke wiggled out from under Coach Gronholz's scrutiny. Amy Guenther valiantly saved.Senor Kruegero from tlie fierce bull. Laurie Gauger proved she was ready to work as the President's aid to foreign affairs if teaching doesn't turn out to be all she hoped for. Jodi Kammholz met Dean eve-to-eve-wlth or without her contact. Connie Kroll stole the hearts of all as she remembered lier mother's guidance. And bubbly Kathy Pruess proved to be too much, even for the mafia.

Handbells to Travel

by Todd Palmer Staff Writer As we all know, symbols in our churches constitute a large part of the

Queen .Connie Kroll and her escort Steve Towne.

The ballots were cast and it was an . anxious evening of super entertainment on Coronation Night. Frank and Miles started off rocking the ratters singing "Amanda Ruth." Deb Birsching performed next to mellow things out a little, but up-carne the Pom Pons moving to that classic Lancer beat. B. C. shuffled their intentions of being good teachers and Gary Cindiana sang a beautiful duet. The emcees, Gina Hoerning and Randy Bode, did a fantastic job of portraying the model Queen and escort along with explaining

by Kathy Hinderer Staff Writer On the weekend of April 4-6, members of DMLC's handbell club will travel to Appleton, WI for the annual WELS Handbell Festival. The handbell choirs are directed by Prof. Wayne Wagner. The busy itinerary for the festival begins for the DMLC group on Friday night with demonstration in Winnecone, WI. The choir will play several selections and Prof. Wagner will give an informative presentation on the. bells. On Saturday, the participatinq groups will assemble at FoxValley Lutheran High School at 9:00 a.rn. The day will be devoted to mass rehearsals and clinics, including one given by a representative from a company which manufactures handbells, Opportunities for the different groups to compare music and enjoy fellowship will also be given.

The Bell Chamber, as the traveling group from DMLC is known, will add the music of their bells to Sunday morning services at Martin Luther and Trinity Lutheran churches in Neenah. The festival concert will begin at 2:00 p.rn. In past years each participating choir would have a solo number and there would also be several mass numbers. This year's festival will be different. The ringers will be divided into two large choirs, the Jubilate and Exaltate Choirs, with Exaltate being the more advanced group. There will be only one solo spot. Three DMLC students, Carla Free, Ruth Spannagel, and Miriam Westendorf, will play three pieces on the bells. Prof. Wagner will accompany them on piano. After the concert. the choir will load up and head back for a late night return to DMLC.

AN 0 Bl 1\-.\\01'.lliND

meaning and enjoyment that we receive from church. The Lenten season has many symbols to convey meaning and to bring about a better understanding of our Lord's Passion. Perhaps the best known symbol seen lLLEGol'fing this season is the cross, which of

RO~urse demonstrates the sacrifice that Jesus performed for all men. In the same vein, the crown of thorns demonstrates the intense suffering inflicted on Jesus by the hands of men. (Photo by Dawn Shorey) Some of the symbols that usually are not as well known include bunches of grapes with ears of grain which symbolize the institution of Holy exactly what the Snow Carnival Queen does during her year of reign!! Communion, and a chalice containing a Finally the time came and Gene cross, which depicts the agony Jesus Martens was singing the "Theme from Ice went through in the Garden of Castles" to Queen Connie Kroll and her Gethsemane. Other lesser known court. It was a week of work. It was a week symbols include a torch, which of fun. It was a time of honor. symbolizes the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, the crowing rooster, which Over is the vacation depicts Peters' denial, and the pitcher The girls are back in the nation and basin. which reminds us_of the handwashing of Pilate. To everyone thanks As we begin another Lenten season, let Who worked in the ranks us all realize how truly great God's love It turned out to be a sensation II for us was, and still is. As Jesus told His disciples on the night He was betrayed, we should love one another as He has loved us. ,,"L'


Wl 53226

::::: :

In This Issue:


Talk with Your Hands



Hobbit Happenings



Cookie Bake-Off






:::::::: ::::

::: ::0:::


: ::::D::;O::


Page 2

February 1986

From the Editors Dr. Martin Luther



by Patti Zahn Editor-in-Chief It finally happened. I had waited four years for that historic day. On Tuesday, January 21, I eagerly approached my mailbox in hopes of some type of mail - even a leftover campus memo would dol I peeked in my box and alasl a real live letter was nestled. among the cobwebs. I quickly checked the return address - it was from a lady back home. As I turned the letter over to open it, I noticed that my campus address looked different, and rather long:

Education ought t~;~cr~ate.;·peoplewho can see clearly, imagine Ivividly, think steadily, and act nobly.


Poetry' Corner

Oh lord, Thee I adorel Praises from these lips I pour Lips unworthy to sing Thy name, my ruler, my kingl

Patti Zahn Dr. Martin luther King College Box 971 New Ulm, Minnesota 56073


King? Dr. Martin luther King College? Since when did I attend Dr. Martin luther King College? I thought it quite ironic that I receive a letter with Dr. King's name on it. The day before our nation honored the late Dr. King's birthday as a national holiday: the banks were closed, no mail, special segments on the news, articles and pictures in the paper. All the specialties might even cause an unaware individual to wonder if the school(s) named after the man had classes on that day. You may have had similar experiences with people calling your school Dr. Martin luther King College. Then perhaps you can relate to a memorable incident I had over Christmas break of my freshman year. In meeting a few of my brother's friends, I was asked where I went to college. My reply, Dr. Martin luther College, met many questioning looks. One friend innocently wondered, "You must have a lot of black people on campus." When I informed him of the error in his thinking and noted the differences in the names Dr. Martin luther and Dr. Martin luther King, he asked, "You mean they're not the same person?" I explained that Dr. Martin luther was a religious reformer who lived in the 1500s, whereas Dr. Martin luther King was a social reformer who lived in the twentieth century and was assassinated in 1965. They are definitely not the same person! (I didn't even attempt to explain why my college is located in southern 'Minnesota _:_ most assume it is in some southern town, like Atlanta!) When someone asks you where you go to school, do you tell them "Dr. Martin luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota," or have you limited it to just "a small college in Minnesota"? Perhaps you've just shortened it to a mere "Minnesota," leaving others with the impression that you attend the large, more popular University of Minnesota. As a senior, I realize that it tends to be tiring when you need to explain, "Dr. Martin luther College is in New Ulm, Minnesota. It is the Wisconsin lutheran Synod's teachertraining college where I am preparing to be a Christian dayschool teacher." Yet, is it impatience that makes one, when asked where one goes to school, shorten the lingo to "l'rn studying to be a teacher at a small college in Minnesota - you've never heard of it." Is this the best way to inform people of our school, our teacher-training program, even our Wisconsin Synod? Aren't we all at some time or other embarrassed of attending DMlC? Haveyou ever worn your DMlC or lUTHER shirts proudly among a crowd of UWlaCrosse, U of M, orWISCONSIN shirts? Is it a matter of school spirit, or shame of being a future minister of the Word? It doesn't take much to inform others of our school. When I returned that lady's letter I enclosed a short note telling her the correct name of my school and asked herto drop off the King in the address. I briefly explained the differences in the names and noted that a school by the name of Dr. Martin luther King College did not exist. Yet, suppose a school named after Dr. Martin luther King did exist: Dr. Martin luther King College. Do you think any of its students would mistakenly receive letters addressed to "Dr. Martin luther College"?

Please Don't Let Go of My Hand Lord I feel like I'm on a beach, walking On the shore, And I want to go play in the water But I can't because I have to keep walking. I don't know which direction to go _ Should I go back or should I keep going onward. It's endless - the shore is endless, and I keep falling down in the sand. But the lord picks me up and k~eps Pushing me forward until I reach the end. I can't see the end now but I know it's there. lord, please don't let me folly in the water, Please don't let me turn back giving up my goal, Not until I reach my destination. Oh lord, please don't let go of my hand. Debbie Birsching

My iniquity stands Not one thought or deed of hands Can claim a righteous hue. My soul is black through and throuqhl Wondering blindly, lost, Trying to pay my own cost Yet silver, gold, or gem Couldn't pay for one of them.

How weak my human heart When oft I set apart Sins, not trusting Your Word. Doubting feeling unassured. But, even sins as these Were forgiven midst two trees! The highest price was paid When Your sacrifice was maoe! Oh lord ..Thee'l adorel Praises from these lips I pour lips made worthy to sing Thy name, my SAVIOR, my Kingl


Carrie Bullard



Editor-in-Chief ••.... , , ..••• , , ..•. , , , • , .• , , , , .... , ..•.........•. Patti Zahn News Editor ................•••....•......••...............••• Cindy Hahn Feature Editors ....•....•...•......•. Karen Lindeman LuAnn Vatthauer Sports Editor ........•.........••....••.•.................... Dick Goodall Photography Editor Sue Carter CirCUlation/Business Manager ...•...•.....••..•.............. Sheryl Rausch WRITERS ......•.....••.•.•.......•..... Patty Hennig Annmarie Krueger .....• Karen Krueger ••.... Paul Lange Joy Panzer •..•.. Jim Raddatz •.•.•• Pete Schaewe .•.... PROOFREADING .••....•..•••••....••••• Jo Koslowske ..•.•. Sue Nelson ..•.•. Paula Robinson .••••• Susan Warner

Kathy Hinderer Todd Palmer Cathy Starke

Terri Droster •••... Laura Fastenau Dawn NoUmeyer ..•... Sarah Peter

LAY-OUT ............••••••••...•..••• Laura Fastenau Annmarie Krueger •.•..• Paul Lange ••••.• Joy Panzer CIRCULATION .....••..•.•......... : •.••. Dawn NoUmeyer .•••.. Laurie Zachow COMIC .....•.....••....••••..•••.•..•......•••.••••.•..... ADVISOR .......••••.•.••.••.•.••••.•.•..•••.•••••....

Kathy Hinderer Pete Schaewe

Shelly Karstens ...•..

Sue Nelson Pete Schaewe

Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMLC Messenger is published during the months of September. October. November. December, January, February, April. and Mey. The subscription price is two doUars per year. Singla copies are twenty-rIVe cents. We request payment in advance. AU business should be addressed to the Business Manager.

Page 3

Letters to the Editor



New Teachers, Take Note!

Sign Language Club

Signing Their Lives Away by James Raddatz Staff Writer After He took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears, Then he spit and touched the man's tongue, He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, "Ephphethe!" (which means, "Be opened!"), At this, the man's ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly, (Mark 7:33-35) This very familiar Bible lesson is well known to the members of Sign Language Club-It's what they do best. Opening the doors of communication to the deaf and hard of hearing is what happens once a week to the near-thirty members of the six-year-old club. Through three dedicaied studentteachers the education in sign language occurs so that some day our Lutheran grade schools and churches to may do a better job of "spreading the Good News to all corners of the earth:'especially to the deaf or hard of hearing. DMLC's Sign Language Club is not only a club where people with like interests

get together to talk about what they have in common, but it is a means of educating. the entire synod about a ministry that needs all the help you can offer to give. Once a month Miss Jane Dorm, a teacher in the Glencoe, MN school district and a WELS member, comes to the campus where she teaches the club and gives them insights into teaching the deaf and hard-of-hearing as she does in her classroom. Once a year the Club members take a field trip to Miss Dorn's classroom to view her teaching and gain more ina formation about what the synod is doing to bring the Gospel to the hearing handicapped. Although this year has brought many new faces to Sign Language Club, they are still eager to gain more students into their educational club. This year's 'Sign Language Club president is Annette Hirschmann. She teaches the weekly meetings with the help of Danica Drews and Sue Petermann. Thectub's advisor is Professor Martin Schroeder,

Minnesota Blues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

I came, I thawed, I tra~sferred. Survive Minnesota and the Rest of the World is Easy. If you love Minnesota, raise your right ski. Minnesota - where visitors turn blue with envy?? Save a Minnesotan - eat a mosquito. One day it's warm the rest of the year it's cold. Minnesota - Home of the blond hair and blue ears. Minnesota - Mosquito supplier to the free world, Minnesota - Come fall in love with a loon, Land of many cultures - mostly throat. Where the elite meet the sleet. Minnesota: Closed for glacier repairs. Land of 2 seasons: winter is coming - winter is here.

14. 15. 16.

Dear Readers, As Editor of the Messenger I have received many surprises in the mail. One such delightful surprise is from a DMLC graduate, Kevin Loersch. He writes, "I graduated from DMLC in '84 and am presently teaching grades 6 and 7 in Hortonville, WI. As a writing project (and partly an encouragement to consider DMLC and teaching) I had them write my sister, Lori, letters of encouragement during her student teaching experience, "Enclosed is herreply. I feltitwas a fine letter summarizing her teaching goals and the first part of her student teaching, and thought you might possibly use it for the Messenger. (I am not telling her I'm doing this, so if you do use it. she will be rather surprised!)" Lori, I hope you are not too surprised. I felt that your letter does indeed summarize in a nutshell the teaching goals and teaching experiences many of us shar'8 with you. The Editor Dear Sixth Grade Class, First of all, I want to thank you all for your letters. They really brightened my day! It's not often a person gets 14 letters in one day. They came at the perfect time, too. I was sitting at school correcting papers and trying to figure out how. to grade something because they either did really good or really bombed out, and the principal walked in with your package. I was smiling ear to ear the whole time I read your letters! Now, I'll try to answer all or at least most of your questions. When I started college at DMLC I wasn't sure I really wanted 'to be a teacher, but I suppose I didn't know what else to do. It ran in the family, and a lot of my friends were going there, too. Not until my junior year did I really feel this is

used to - living with strange people, constantly meeting new people, etc. but it's all worth it when you see the kids learning and liking it. That's what I really like about teaching 1st grade. They're so enthused about learning and eager to volunteer for things. Sometimes if I want someone to come up to the front, or write on the blackboard, their hands are all raised even before I ask the question. Then, when I call on them, they don't even know the answer. We playa lot of little games in classes like Reading and Math. Sometimes the kids get so excited and are jumping up and down so funny that I can't help laughing! It's not always fun and games, though - at times it gets frustrating" but the good outweighs the bad! The first week or two I had only a few classes, but now I'm reaching most of them. The last week I'm here (March 3) I'll be teaching the whole day without the other teacher around at all. That will be neatl As for funny things happening to me, , haven't done anything too stupid yet,'but there's still time! One boy Ihave is named Chance, and he fits his name to a tee. You never know what he'll say or do next. You're always taking a chance with Chance! The children call me Miss Loersch, of course, but I also get called Miss Hintz (their teacher), and I've even been called

what I want to do. I really love student teaching. It's a lot of work, and there's a lot of things to get

Mom once or twice! Well, that's alii can think of right now. I really like it here and am learning a lot. Your letters were great, and I urge you to write more whenever you have time. It really helps to know people are thinking of and praying for mel Tell my brother not to give you so much work, so you have more time to write! Miss Loersch P.S. Good luck on your basketball tourneys that I'm sure are coming up for you, tool

Arts and Activities Calendar March 11

Classes resume

Minnesota - Glove it or leave it. Minnesota - Have you jump-started your kid today? There are only 3 things you can grow in Minnesota: colder, older, fat.


Movie Nights - Phar Lap

17. 18. 19.

Many are cold but few are frozen. Why Minnesota? To protect Ontario from Iowa. You are entering Minnesota: - Take an alternate route.


College Choir Homecoming, Concert - 7:30 p.m. - St. Paul's Church

20. 21.

Minnesota - Theater of Sneezes ' Jack Frost must like it in Minnesota - he spends half his life here.

22. 23. 24.

Land of 10,000 Petersons. Land of the Ski and HO"1eof the Crazed. Minnesota - Home of the Mispi Mispp Missispp (Where' the River Starts)


10,000 lakes and no sharks.



Poe in Person - 8:00 p.m.


Spring Play


Easter break begins after classes

Classes resume Messenger Cookie 8ake-Off!! Enter your bakery delights! 1112

Movie Night - Witness

Page 4

February 19B6

Students React:

Mystery Prof

Admirable People

Are all of you ready to get on your thinking caps for another Messenger mystery prof? I hope so, but first we need to congratulate Prof. Brick for being the only person to correct Ii identify the mystery prof for January. The very wellknown prof for January was none other than Dean Beverly Haar.Thanks to those who submitted their guesses. Here is another prof for you to correctly identify: The Mystery Prof for February. February's mystery prof was bom in Appleton, WI, and attended a public kindergarten while finishing the rest of his grade school years at a parochial school. This prof attended both Northwestern Prep in Watertown and Winnebago Lutheran Academy in Fond du Lac.College years for this prof were spent at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, St. Norbert's College and Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. Interests for this prof include bowling, books, movies, and music. With a family of four children, this prof is kept quite busy between his

Dean Haar time spent with them and the time spent with our college family - always trying to lend a helping hand. If anyone has any guesses on this prof, please submit them to Box 759. Remember: correct guesses are rewarded with gift certificates from none other than the RoundTable! Good luck! Hope to hear from you soon!!!

A Hobbit's Holiday by Cathy Starke Staff Writer Elves, dwarves, goblins, trolls, a dragon and a hobbit - not exactly what you would expect to find in a quiet town in Minnesota, but they'll all be here, on the DMLC stage, for the Children's Theater production of "The Hobbit". On April 23rd, 24th, and 25th for a total of six performances, the campus will be crowded by area school children who will be coming to enjoy this magical experience. There may even be a seventh performance on the following Saturday.

smaller. The timid hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, is dragged on an adventure by thirteen dwarves and a wizard, to slay a dragon and recover a fabulous treasure. ~ith the aid of a magic ring that he finds, Bilbo rescues the dwarves from many perils before they reach the mountain. By the time they arrive he has grown bold enough to try to do the right thing even though it isn't very popular with his friends. This ending has been radically altered in the play, perhaps because it would have been extremely difficult to stage.

Allison Hoewisch, director of the play, sees the undertaking as a very exciting challenge. She wants the kids not only to be entertained, but also to learn something from the meaning of the play. The hobbit begins being timid, she says, but in his quiet way he teaches everyone gentleness and mutual respect. Allison thinks kids will love the hobbit, because he stands for good and will leave the kids feeling good.

Several side adventures have been left out of the dramatized version, probably for the same reason and also to prevent the play from being too long: But many of the lines have been lifted directly from the book, which helps to preserve the atmosphere. The production staff of the play includes Allison Hoewisch - director, Elisabeth Bauer - co-director, Sarah Knobloch - coordinator, Beth Schmickco-coordinator, Becky John - properties producer, Katrina Bufe costume producer, and Karl Bauer- set and stage producer. The large cast features Christine Desens as Bilbo Baggins: Mark Koelpin as Gandalf; Pete Markgraf as Thorin; Connie Lauber, Joy Panzer, Sue

The play was written by Patricia Gray, but it was adapted from a tremendously successful children's book by the late Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien. While Prof. Tolkien taught Anglo-Saxon at Oxford he was creating his own mythology around a language system he had made up. The Hobbit, written for his children, and begun almost on a whim, was the first manifestation of his vast secondary world of Middle Earth. The book was first published in 1937 and has become a classic in children's literature. It tells of the journsv of a hobbit, who is very like a human, but

Blauert, Trudy Hoeft, Holly Hempel, Joanie Carter,Tina Nell and Naomi Buege as the other dwarves, Clayton Raasch as Gollum, Kara Redlin as the Elven Queen Scott Wagner as Smaug, Lee Stroschin~ as Grocery Boy, Phil Rehburger and Paul Haag as goblins, and Connie Kroll, Judy Anderson and Beth.Sellnow as trolls.

by Cynthia J. Hahn I News Editor Who would you consider to be the most admired man or woman in your-life? If you had to make a list, who would you include? Can you easily find five men or women that you would put right on the top of the list? The DMLC students were given this opportunity in the past couple of weeks to come up with five top men and women who they admirer the most. These people did not have to be from our campus family, or from the United States, but anyone in the world that they sincerely admired. Before reading on, think of who you would have or did put down on one of these questionaires. Our campus student body came up with some rather unique and interesting answers. Out of all the polls submitted oiler this past year, this has been our best response with 126 ballots returning. After totalling up the scores for all of the men and women the results were quite different from that which might be published in a national magazine, Let us take a look at the results on the .DMLC rating scale. We will begin with the top five men. Leading off the race was Burger Ki"g's "Herb" with 8 23.2% followed by OMLC's own senior -Steven Granberg with a swooping 19.2%. In the third place rating forthe men was our nation's president, Ronald Reagan, with a 15.2% overall. Following Pres. Reagan was Larry "Bud" Melman with a 12% rating, while Bruce

Springstein took the number five spot with B.B%.As you can see, overall there was quite a unique difference in the professions and personalities of the men ranking in the Top Five Most Admired Men according to DMLC students. As for the women, none other than Lady Diana lead off the chart with a smashing lB.4%, who was closely followed by a women named Gwendoline with a 15.2% rating from our campus body. The middle spot was .taken by the first lady of our country, Nancy Reagan, with an even 12% vote. The fourth and fifth spots were shared equally by two women both receiving a 10.4% rating. These spots were shared by our student body mothers ("mom") and our student body mother away from home - the infamous Mrs. Siegler. Again, overall we can see that there was a variance in the women that were chosen by ous polled student body, From this poll it is evident to see that each one 01 us has different interests and tastes. Look over those answers again. Would you have answered any of them this way- or who would you put at the top of your list? Editor's' note: If sny otvou neve sny good, noteworthy end newsworthy subjects thet you would like to see in s Messenger poll, send your idea to one of the editors snd we will be happy to try to consider your idees snd use them whenever possible.

Need a

bright idea?





Join the fun at the Round Table!


February 1986

Page 5

Three Plays for the Price of One Confirmation is March 23

by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer To parallel the new stage curtains in the auditorium, the Drama Club thought it would try something new this spring. Rather than the usual full-length spring play, three one-act plays will be presented at the end of March. The first play of the set is Lord Dunsany's "Two Bottles of Relish," adapted for stage by Edward Darby. Starring are Phil Zahn, Jo Koslowske, Jodi Kammholz, and Peter Schaewe. The play is being directed by Alan Uher. In this suspenseful drama, the characters and audience use newspaper- accounts and personal acquaintances to fit the pieces of a puzzle together and discover how a gruesome murder was committed. Play number two is O. Henry's classic tale "The Gift of the Magi," adapted by Brainerd Duffield. It is a touching story of two people who show their love for each other through selflessness.' Directed by Andy Willems and starring Phil 'Zahn, Heidi Graf, Robin Stuhr, and Bonnie Yotter, this play is a must for all die-hard

romantics. The third production is Jurgen Wolff's "Old Detectives Never Die," directed by Cathy Starke, and starring Jim Bra,un, Annette Wilde, Todd Stoltz, Heidi Keibel, Kristen Loeffler, Tracey Kriewall, and Cliff' Lagerrnan. This hilarious comedy (with a little mystery added) presents Sherlock Holmes at 118 years old. He sin't the sleuth he used to be as he tries to help the Tupperware lady, whom he believes to be

a damsel in distress, and solves the case of .the baffling brooch. All three plays are being produced by Peter Sordahl. The reason for the change from full length to one-acts for this year is simply that it is a change for the DMLC Drama Club, and a breath of fresh air for the audience. The phange,accomplishes other goals, however. The variety of plays presented have something for everyone: a little drama, romance, comedy, and mystery. It is hoped that tliis novelty will bring a greater number of people to the performances. It was also" desire of the club to get a greater number of people involved in production. Because of the nature of oneacts - short, with limited sets - less time will be needed for preparation, which encourages more time-conscious college students to take part. And, with one-acts, not only are more persons needed to fill the roles of three plays, but the situation also gives three different people the opportunity to experience directing a play. Performances are scheduled for Friday, March' 21,' and Saturday, March 22, at 7:3~,' p:";'; 'in' the DMLC Auditorium. Ticket. can De purchased at the door. Prices are $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children under 12. Come share the excitement of live theater and get three experiences for the price of one I

Cookie Bake-Off Dig out your favorite cookie recipe and start baking cookies! The, Messenger Cookie Bake-Off is fast approaching. This vear s judging will take place on April I, 1986. This will allow all contestants to make their "famous" cookies at home

with a familiar kitchen and equipment. Contestants should submit their recipe along with four cookies. Prizes will be awarded for the top three recipes. Don't be shy - give it a tryl

Show off your culinary talents!

Daffy Definition

Randy Cox

This month's word was donqÂť. A donga is a ravine formed by the action of water. It can also be a deep river channel or gully. The responses for the definition of donga were: Sheryl Gallipeau the sound a bell makes in Italy a Polish ti~tdanc~ . Todd Palmer Kayla Patterson an Indian headdress from Pukwana, South Dakota, that contains harvested fruit from our bountiful yieldings

'Jan Frank Phil Zahn Monica Weiss Vern Gentele

the name of Dan John' son's pet sand lizard which he keeps tied up in his front yard back in Phoenix. Arizona. Dan feeds it Donga Chef Salad imported from DMLC. thank you in a foreign language an ancient pygmy floor chair when a ding-a-ling hits a wrong note ..soundmade by a Polish bell

The Bookstore has a variety of Bibles and Hymnals on hand for Confirmation.

Special orders are accepted but 2 weeks must be allowed for shipment CONFIRMATION

Engraving is also available at $1.00 per line,

More Tales from Teachers Student teaching i~ indeed a memorable experience. Ask any senior who has been out student teaching and I'm sure you will receive an earful. In this issue more second quarter student teachers share some of their more memorable incidents. Cindy 8ame tells us: While I was student teaching, I caught a very bad cold. I was I~ing my voice too, but because I was in my final week of student teaching, I thought I'd try to teach (even with half a voice!). That week we had just started the New Testament Bible lessons. I was struggling through "The Birth of John Announced" and was explaining how Zechariah lost his voice because he didn't believe. One of my first-graders, in all sincerity, raised his hand and solemnly asked, "Don't you believe, either?" Sarah Peter recalls the following incident: I was scheduled to teach my first lesson before I was completely comfortable with all of the children's names. Knowing I couldn't call only on the ones I knew for certain, I did my best to think quickly. In one row three first grade boys sat next to each other; one must beAdam, I surmised. I called on him and. much to my suprise, a voice from the other side of the room answered. Unable to track it down, and still looking at the wrong boy, I merely replied, "Right!" and continued the questioning. Paula Robinson shares one of her experiences: I was teaching the children about immigration in Wisconsin History. We were on the section titled, "Blacks in America." I asked the children, "What was unique about blacks who came over to America?" (They were brought over as

slaves was the correct answer.) One of the children raisad his hand and said, "They're darker?" Ed Schroeder remembers a few embarrassing situations which he found himself in while student teaching. He informs us: The most embarrassing experience I had while student teaching occurred on a Wednesday afternoon. The thermostat in the room went haywire and within ten minutes the temperature soared to 95 degrees. Luckily I only had one class to teach: News Currents. Sweltering in my suit and tie, I decided to show the new filmstrip downstairs in the lunch room. On the way downstairs, a mischievous sixth grade boy asked permission to use the bathroom. I firmly replied "No." Just afew days earlier I :,ad caught him fooling around il1the hallway while supposedly on the same mission. There was no way I was going to let him pull the wool over my eyes again! Toward the end of the filmstrip he meekly came up to me and whispered in my earthat he had had an accident. Needless to say, we both learned a lessonI On another occasion. I was given the responsibility of preparing my students for the Christmas Eve services. Every day we practiced our recitations and songs. Finally the big moment of the first mass rehearsal in church arrived. I beamed proudly as the class recited without a mistake in front of the entire school. But 10 and behold, the principal/organist started introducing hymn 85. All twenty pairs of fifth and sixth grade eyes looked questionably in my direction. I soon learned I had forgotten to teach them stanzas eleven and twelve of "From Heaven Above to Earth I ComeI"

February 19116

Page 6





Sports Beat by Dick Goodall

Sports Editor Lady Lancers Cruise DMLC's Lady Lancers have very quietly put together a most successful 12 and 5 record going into the final week of the season, assuring themselves of a winning season. With just two games remaining at this writing, the ladies seem assured of a high seed in the forthcorninc NLCAA tourney, Yvonda Beaudin leads the Lady Lancers in scoring with 206 points for a 13 points per game average, Ann Klatt is close behind with an 11 point per game average. Ann also leads the team in field goal percentage, hitting on 73 of 150 shots for 49 percent. The Lady Lancers have outrebounded their opponents 716 to 496, Tops in rebounding is Ann Klatt with 133, but Beth Wendland has 131. Yvonda Beaudin is the assist leader with 98 and BettY Carter leads the team with 53 steals.

A Season of Frustrations While the ladies have enjoyed a seasonof success, it has been a season of frustration for the men's team. The men have the exact opposite record of the women, 5 wins and 12 losses, Of the. twelve losses, seven have been by 2 or fewer points, and another was by just four points. At At first.' poor field goal arid free throw shooting proved costly, but Coach Buck worked in plenty of shooting practice during practice sessions to help the team improve in both categories. Now it is a case of eliminating a high turnover rate, sixteen per game, and reducing the number of fouls per game, 21, Reggie Tobias. who is playing his final season of eligibility, leads the team in scoring average with 17, and he is the top rebounder with 122, Mark Koelpin is tied with Reggie in field goal percentage at 54 percent. Ed Noon is tops in the theft department with 31 steals, This triumverate has been the heart and soul of the team and they will be sorely missed


next year.

Hoop Action by Paul Lange Staff Writer The men's intramural' basketball season has come to a close with the Dukes defeating the Auf der Flucht in overtime in the championship game. For the women, the season is almost over. There are only a few games remaining on the regular schedule although there are several that have to be made up. Presently. the Swanke Franks are in first place in division one with a 4·1 record followed by Kuckla's Klan who are 4·4. In the second division, the Pluedges have jumped off to a 6·0 mark followed closely behind by last year's champion, the Bean Sprouts, who are 5·1. Congratulations, Dukes, and good luck, girls, in the tournament.

Hear no evil. see no evil, speak no evil,

(Photo by Dawn Shorey)

Tournament Swanke Franks Kuckla'a Klan B.W:' Dorm Ratts Division 2 Pluedges Bean Sprouts C.C. and the T.A. Scare Bears Looney Birds

4·1 4·4 2·4 0·7

6·0 5·1

4·3 ~ 2·3 "::" 1·6


February 1.986

Page 7

parents blame yeu (teachers) that you've been not deing anything about this. Your truly. Ryan Dear New Teachers, I am a student from Pilgrim Lutheran


by Karen Lindeman Feature Editor All our lives we look forward to things and can hardly wait for them to take place. Sooner or later these things are over and past, and a new set of expectations await us. There is something which all of us have to looldorward to - something which will never come to and end. That is of course our life in the kingdom of heaven. We probably have our own ideas as to.what our life there will be like, but 'no one will really knew until we see it with our own eyes. Mr. Frederick Blauerfs fifth grade students of St. Paul's Lutheran School here in New Ulm share their thoughts and ideas of what they picture heaven to be like.

,singing in the sky with love and best of all praising the Lord. Janelle Stoltz

Heaven 'is: a beautiful resting place a peaceful house with loving people a pretty throne with God sitting in it with .Jesus at His right side. Angels

Dear New Teachers. I am the same child frem Pilgrim Lutheran School, Pleasedon't get mad at the children if they aggravate vou, And you shouldn't whip them but make them write 100 times. Goodbye.

Jimmy Kuster In heaven there will be a gate made from a pearl. When you come in there is a gold building and gold streets. Then there is a big throne and the Son of Man upon it. Then angels will be sitting and praising God. Garrett Ebling

I think heaven will be a wenderful paradise. It will have gelden cities. It will have angels flying around, playing their golden harps. Most wonderfully, God will be sitting 'on his golden throne wearing a crown with diamonds, the most precious jewel of all. Mike Isenberg Heaven is a bunch of clouds with G,od..-:.---¡ '.on top, His kingdom is a castle on top of I cannot really describe what it looks the clouds. He sits on a throne covered like, but I think it looks like bright lights and so.bright you would be scared to.look with beautiful jewels. His angels are all at .them. When I was little I always around Him. There are little houses for thought we would walk on the clouds and people or families, Jesus would be on the highest one, Becky Karnitz Everyone weuld be perfect and no. one I think heaven will be a beautiful place would cry. Everyone weuld be dressed in with the Triune Ged sitting en a throne in white and everything would be white, I the middle of everything. All the angels also know we must have a time set aside will be blowing trumpets and we will be that we would praise God, fer He is so giving praise to.God. It sort of seems like great. there's a big sign on top of the doer- just Lucas Moldenhauer like when you welcome somebody home To.me heaven is like a newwerld that is after they've been gone for a while. filled with beautiful things, and it is like Heaven will be a beautiful place, I just being with God and never leaving Him. It knew itl is also like when we are in danger He will Deborah Shilling have his angels there to guard us. Well, I'm not sure what heaven will Beth Schroer really leok like, I theught it looked like a I picture heaven to. be a great big bright place with angels standing all garden full of flowers, with all the angels around watching, and God would come singing praises to.GQd.We sit around and and ask yeu questions, I also.thought that .listen and join in. We would all be in we could look allover the universe and on white gewns and the girls would wear every part ef the earth at the same time. flowers in their hair, Also. the garden. We all ceuld leek at hell and see all the would have golden walls areund it. When peeple suffering. I theught we would be God would sit, he weuld sit en a high in a place with. beautiful flewers and beautiful plants and trees. After a while it .' throne and listen as the angels sang praises to Him. This is what I pi~ture would be like earth, butthere would be no <heavento be like. pets, sin, or vehicles and God would be Jana Fluegge the King. Mark Lough

sing to God and will hearthe other angels singing to.Ged. We will all see hew Jesus and God look,

School. Don't give hemewerk to the children on the weekend. It felt uncomfertable. It is bad because they want to. be away frem school. They were like yeu when you were a child, andthev are still. So. be nice to them or mean to them you ask? I say. be nice to them.

I think heaven is on a 20 foot large cloud. It is all white with crystals which are made Qut of a palace with hundreds and hundreds of doors. :The deors will have names on thern of aII the peQple whom we knew and leve. We will want to.

I picture it to. be like a big motel, and GQdwill be the manager. Ged will let us in if we love and trust in Him. Darin Frenzel Heaven is a white place with smoke and sweet perfumes. God is the King and is wise. He has angels at his side. Angels are singing beautiful sengs and there is everlastingpeace. Everything is perfect, Ryan Ellevein Heaven would be perfect. There weuld be no.sin. colds or flu, or anything bad or awful. Heaven would be glorious and brighter than the sky. We wouldn't need anything in heaven, beceusewe would all be perfect like Ged. There weuld be temples everywhere. There might be church services everyday. Best of all I would love to be in heaven because we weuld be with God. Rachel Schwantz


think heaven will have gelden city gates, huge grassy plains with Jesus and animals. There will be fruit trees and plants. There will be angels flying around in heaven. Aaron Beck I think it is nice up there. How it is I don't know. All I know is that I'll like it! Holly Borth

The third and fourth grade children of Pilgrim Lutheran School, Minneepelis, recently had hymn study en Hymn 496 ("Hark! the Veice ef Jesus Crying") . Various things were discussed. Thechildren were surprised and delighted to. knew that teachers are real peep Ie peeple who actually wear jeans, go to.the beach, know the tep 10 songs en the radio. and yes. even go home at night to watch Bill Cosby. New that the children know these things about teachers. they thought that new teachers sheuld know a few things about children. Their teacher, Wendy Ristow, submitted these letters: Dear new teachers. Semetimes kids act like angels at schoo.l and mensters at home. Then their

Dear New Teachers, I want you to. know something about kids. All kids are diHerent. Some are very smart and some are very dumb. I want to be a teacher when I grew up. I knew vou will be a geed teacher. From Neza Dear New Teachers, I am a student at Pilgrim. I will tell yeu about children. Well, kids like great teachers. And they like going to the park. I'm in third grade, so I should knew. Sincerely. Tanya Campbell Dear New Teachers, I am a student at Pilgrim Lutheran Scheel. I am in 4th grade. I am writing to tell you about seme kids. New seme kids may act like they are not afraid of anything, but when they go. home they might be afraid of the dark when it's time to. go.to. bed. Or they might jump up and say"l knew, I know" to.questions vou ask. without raising their hand. I hope you do a great job in teaching. Signed. Adia Holloman Dear New Teachers, Seme children like to. have a let of attention. But some don't care. Children like to make the teacher.. mad. But that doesn't make them that mad. You have to be streng and vou can't let them make yeu mad! Some children the mere you punish them the mere they act up and seme children the more yeu punish them they act right. Children are sensitive. They cry when they get in treuble but that doesn't matter. For recess, now you can have fun on recess. Some teachers pile up work on them. They wen't likft you. But if yeu den't they will like yeu. Well, that's alii have to. say abeut that! Sometimes your'children have good cempliments. Well, that is alii have to. say. Signed. Kamilah Ceaser Dear New teachers. I go.to.Pilgrim Lutheran Scheel and I'm jn feurth grade. Seme kids think their teachers don't like them and like the other students better than them. Signed. Amy Benoon

Page 8



Dr. Martin Luther College STUDENT TEACHING SCHEDULE - Fourth Quarter, 1985-86 March 10 - May 9 ST, PAUL'S, NEW,'*LM Students Susan Brickham Richard Goodall Duane Schlender

Student I, .Bauder, Cynthia 2. Beaudin, Yvonda 3. Bode, Randy 4. Dobberstein, Susan

Pieces of Late Welcome back, third quarter student teachers; good luck to those going student teaching fourth quarter. The College Choir's tour to Florida takes places February 26-March 1O. Their homecoming concert will be at St.Paul's Church at'7:30 on March 16. Don't miss itl The Spring Play will be the 22nd and 2.3rdot Ma~h. The play consistscof three one-act plays: "Two Bottles of Relish:' "The Gift of Magi," and "Old Detectives Never Die,"

The Countdown Continues: 46 days until your income taxes are due 46 days until the library closes 76 days until Call Day 78 days until graduation

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Hoerning, Gina Kell, Daniel Lehne, Theresa Melso, John Petermann, Philip Radtke, Colleen Rausch, Catherine Roemhildt, Deborah Scharkow, Christina Seidl, Ellen Warner, Juliene

Student Bauer, Kurt Bodi, Patricia Carter, Elisabeth Detjen, Julie Freudenwald, Karen Ganyo, Sharon Henrich, Ann

Herrian, Paul Keller, Kevin Lange, Denice Schultz, Amy Stelljes, Heidi Weiss,Monica White, Kenneth Zachow, Laurie

Location Milwaukee Hales Corners Milwaukee Waukesha

Congregation Salem St. Paul Mt. Lebanon Trinity

Prlncipel G, Lanphear O.Dorn T. Zuberbier S. Uecker

T. Zuberbier Mt. Lebanon Milwaukee H. Meyer St. John Milwaukee R. Manthe Zion So. Milwaukee R. Wiegman St. John Oak Creek S. Uecker Trinity Waukesha O.Dorn St. Paul Hales Corners H. Meyer St. John Milwaukee R. Manthe Zion So. Milwaukee G. Lanphear Salem Milwaukee R. Wiegman St. John Oak Creek G. Lanphear Salem Milwaukee WATERTOWN AREA - Prof. Bauer, College Supervisor Location Columbus

Congregation Zion Zion Trinity-St. Luke St. John St. John St. Paul St. Paul Bethany St. Stephen St. John Bethany St. Stephen St. Matthew Zum Kripplein Christi St. John

Principal J. Buege J. Buege R. Moldenhauer A. Boll M. Buch G. Kastens

Columbus Watertown Watertown Waterloo Lake Mills Lake Mills J. Wilsmann Hustisford A. Voigt Beaver Dam F.Schuitz Juneau J. Wilsmann Hustisford A. Voigt Beaver Dam D. Klitzke Iron Ridge B. Braun Iron Ridge F. Schultz Juneau NEW ULM AREA - Prof. Meyer, College Supervisor



Supervisor Mrs. Sprengeler MissDeglaw Mr. Zuberbier Mrs. Baer Mrs. Kissinger Mr.Saatkamp Mr. Ehlke Mrs. Berg Mr. Wiegman Mr. Uecker Miss Klukas Mr. Strehler Mrs. Kuhl Miss Koeller Mrs. Proeber MissStrieter

Grade 1 6 8

Supervisor Mr. Bakken Mrs. Marks Mrs. Zuleger MissWynkoop Mrs. Krueger Mr. Glock ·Miss.8erg Mr. Wilsmann Mr. Beilke Miss Pauly Mrs. Grulke Mrs. Brace Mr. Klitzke Mr. Braun Mrs. Knobloch

Grade 34

5-6 7 2 6·8 8 5 34 3 1-2 5

;-2 1-2 4 2 2

4 7-8 7 3-4 1-2 6-8

1-8 2

Gr~ K-l

Principal Rev. R. Kuckhahn (lnteriin) R. Carver St. Paul Cannon Falls R. Carver St. Paul Cannon Falls NEW ULM AREA - Prof. Schulz, College Supervisor

Supervisor Mrs.Strackbein Mr. Carver Mrs. Buck

3-8 K-3

Student Held, Mary

Congregation Principal Location D. Markgraf St. Paul NewUlm NEW ULM AREA - Prof. Wessel, College Supervisor

Supervisor Mr. Plath

Grade 6

Student Blga, Corin Scriver, Paul Zimmerman, Debra

Location Redwood Falls NewUlm Redwood Falls

Supervisor Miss Brummund Mr. Hauf Miss Price

Grade 1-2 7 3-6


Student Freudenwald, Kathryn

2. 3.

Krueger, Karen Zink, Carol

1. 2. 3.

Grade 1-2 5-6 7·8

Supervisor Miss Paap Cathy Yerks Prof, Klockziem Timothy Zellmer Prof, Stoltz Mark Williams MILWAUKEE AREA - Prof, Wendler, College Supervisor

Location Gibbon

Congregetion Immanuel

Congregation St. John St. Paul St. John

Late. one. ni9h+ ... in 1't1e faculty lou"9e. ... -",hat you'_ always SIJSpeef.ed - bvt neve,- wanted

Principal G. Vetter D. Markgraf G. Vetter


mESSEn gEr Vol. 76, N~. 7, Dr. Martin Luther College, N,ew Ulm, MN

March-April 1986

Advocacy in Action

Guest Writer Spring Breakl Seems like OMLC stu" dents were everywherel Some were on tour, some went home. some' traveled to exotic places, some even did a bit of homeworkl Six OML~ students did something out of the ordinary, they traveled to Marrietta, Georgia,.on a Travel-CanvassWitness team. The team members were Carrie Hoppe' IV, Beth Rauch IV; Zoli Pethes II, Scott Wagner III, Brenda Hemmelman II. and Judy Anderson The slightly odd crew was chosen for a very special purpose: helping a congregation with evangelism. The congregation was Beautiful Savior Lutheran in Marrietta. Georgia. The congregation sent a call to the Special Ministries Board requesting a group to help their growing community. The 5MB then sent a call to OMLC asking for willing students. Those six we(e chosen from over 30 who were willing to serve the Lord with their time and energies, and off they went to


Georgia! The Travel-Canvas-Witness team does just what its name implies ... and more. A team travels wherever it is needed and 'canvasses a community. They took a survey so the congregation could find the unchurched in the area and those looking for a church. This involved knocking on every door in a given area, taking the information survey, and trying to leave a message of Jesus Christ with each person. The witnessing was new to almost all the canvassers, and, was

day. tal,king about our Savior and what He did for us became easier and we felt more comfortable sharing the good news of Jesus. The unchurched yet interested people which we surveyed were visited later by the Pastor, vicar. or congregation members. Hopefully. a few will be moved ,by the Holy Ghost to join the family of believers in their local congregation. At any rate. people have heard about Jesus. and we know how the Holy Ghost works in the hearts of people. We can only pray for good resuIts! This work is very important to new congregations. as well as to established congregations. Any time we can help spread God's Word to anyone. whether in a team or privatelv, we are following God's command to spread His Word. The team stayed with members of Beautiful Savior and enjoyed real Southern Hospitality. As well as spending many hours beating the pavement every day. the team visited Atlanta. saw the historic cyclorama and ate at a historic southern restaurant. Time spent with the host families was also very special and helped develop the bond between six college students and a family of believers in the South. This experience was truly a rewarding one. Not only did we see the South with all its specialties and interests. but we were able to share God's Word with other people, people that weren't strangers. but were children of God. His lambs.

interesting sights included angry groups of women protesting AFOCcuts and verbally attacking and capturing various congressmen; and dram shop (bar) owners with neat hats

government. argument and advocacy became much more real.

Keely Brings Poe to Life by Todd Palmer Staff Writer The OMLC stage was transformed into a dwelling in Baltimore on March 18. as Scott Keely brought his unique dramatization of the last days of Edgar Allen Poe's life to our campus. Keely's repertoire included a distinct mixture of humor and horrific realism. His excellent presentation brought out the fact that Poe was often a very humorous man. whether willingly or unwillingly. The show also pointed out how disturbed Poe really was. and how much he depended on alcohol for daily living. The highlight of the evening. however. was the presentation of various pieces of Poe's literature. including "The Raven." "Annabelle:' and "The Bells." Keely brought an intense feeling to these pieces. and to the show in general. which made for a most interesting and enjoyable evening.

In This Issue: f

Recitals Recognized ...........


Spring Plays Successful ...........


Spring Sports Outlook ...... 6

Bake-off Results ...........
















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From the, Editors Making the Difference


HUmor makes the educated mind:

• ••• •• a safer mind. • ................. ~ ...................••

by LuAnn Vatthauer

Feature Editor Spring is such a beautiful time of year. but at the same time it is a very hectic time of year,Take a moment to look at your calendar and see how much you have to accomplish in five short. speedy weeks. Every year you think "How am I ever going to get it all done?" You have the problem of doing the usual schoolwork, preparing for May Night, packing for the summer, going on picnics, enjoying the spring weather, spending time with friends you will not see for awhile, and taking part of various other activities. Are you worn out just thinking of all the necessary things to be done before May 117 If you are, you are not alone. This time of year everything seems so overwhelming. When will everything get done?Will you get the grades you are trying to receive?Will you be able to get any sleep? With all these pressures, you need help to keep you from going crazy,

Thank you for helping me today. I admire your understanding And, at times, wish it were mine. Thanks for your seemingly eternal patience; I feel I often don't deserve it. Thanks for the beautiful music you make; It warms my heart, Whenever lsee you and the sparkle in your eyes, I am happy and content. I care so much, You're special.

While you are trying to get everything accomplished, it is easy to forget about your Best Friend, If you stop and think about it, do friends forget about each other? Do you neglect your group of friends? Why would anyone want to? Doesn't that just make life worthless and hopeless?Your Best Friend wants to be included in all your activities this spring and the rest of your life. Remember to take time out of your busy life to talk to him and listen to his words. Doing this will make a difference.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is Thank vou for being you.

Daffy Definition

"I was sick and you visited .me" by Deb LaGrow

Guest Writer "I was sick and you visited me." These words of Jesus are very familiar to us. But have you ever really thought about these words or applied them to your own -life? You may say, "I'm a college student. Where do I have the opportunity to visit sick, people?" Let me tell you - "visiting the sick" can be so much more than bringing your roommate a sick tray when he or she has the flu. There is a world of sick and lonely people out there; people who are real and alive. and need love and attention. And they are living only four blocks from this very campus! They are residents of a nursing home, If you've never been to a nursing home. the idea may scare you. Becauseyou are living in a world of young people, the elderly at a nursing home may seem like another species to you. But most are no different from you and me. They are human men and women who have a sense of humor, like to get together with friends, keep track of their soaps, complain about the food their cafeteria serves, and enjoy a good party, just like you and me. There is only one difference. Because their bodies are not as young and healthy as they once were, they are placed in the nursing home to be taken care of'by trained nurses. This is where the sad part comes in. Once the family has placed Grandma or Grandpa in the home, they forget them and perhaps send a lener or two a month, Just imagine yourself in the position of these people. Many of them get no visitors at all, except a visit per week or per month by their clergyman. What would you do 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, with no school or job to keep you busy?You think you get cabin fever here in the winter. What if you could never go outside. never leave your dorm room? How long could you take doing nothing but watching TV and playing cards for the rest of your life? Couple that with total separation from all family, and you may get some idea of what they feel. What can you do?You are young and healthy. living your busy lives. You are so active. having so much fun. Can't you spare even an hour a week? Callthe nursing home. Ask if they know anyone who might like company, Go over there with a group of friends, or just by yourself. Make a new friend - a friend different from any you've ever had before! Don't think you'd have anything to talk about? Nonsense! That person has lived in times you are now studying about. and believe me. he or she will have much more amusing. poignant. or interesting stories and concepts than you'lI ever learn from a textbook! And you have 50 much to offer them - a fresh view of the outside world. a remembrance of themselves as youth, and a glimpse into a far more interesting life than their own. And you have something to offer each other - love and friendship. So please, don't dismiss this idea as not for you without even thinking about it. Visit a lonely person in a nursing home. I guarantee you it will make you both feel happy! (Phone numberlor HiQhland Manor Nursing Home is 359-2026. It is located at405 N. Highland, four blocks from Center Street.)

Once again "Daffy Definition", was responded to positively by many stu.' dents, Maffick was the' word for this issue. Maffick means to celebrate with boisterous rejoicings and hilarious behavior, as did the people of English , cities after the relief of Mafeking, May 17, 1900, Below are the definitions received. Tresa Buz

Kelly Sturm Great quantitY: big amount Jim Babiriec M'afia staff car Judy Anderson Saggy manress Peter Baganz Head of Mafia Andrea Delf What is on the street when a lot of old ladies are driving Ed Schroeder

Dude named Rick in the Mafia Jon Beagle Ethiopian junk food

Karl Tague's Sunday,night special

Editor-in-Chief .....••. , , ...••• , , .. , ...••• , , ....••........ , , Patti Zahn News Editor , .. , •..• ', • , .. , • , .. , ,', • , ••. , ..••. , , .. Cindy Hahn Feature Editors , , ..•... , , • Karen Undeman ,luAi", Vattflauer Sports Editor , ......•........•••• , .............•..... Dick Goodall Photography Editor, , ......• , ...••... , . , • , .•...•.......... , , .. , . Sue Carter Circulation/Business Manager .•• , , , .... , , , .•....•. , .. ',' .•.... Sheryl Rausch WRITERS ..........• , , , ....•. , ..• , ...••• Patty Hennig ....•. Kathy Hinderer Annmarie Krueger ... _.. Karen Krueger ...••. Paul lange . , •.•. Todd Palmer Joy Panzer .....•

Jim Raddatz •.••••

Pete Schaewe

, , . Cethy Starke

PROOFREADING .. : .•...••.•.•••.... , , .. Terri Droster Jo Koslowske , •.... Sue Nelson, •.••. Dawn Nollmeyer Paula Robinson ..• , .. Susan Warner

laura Fastenau , . Sarah Peter

LAY-OUT., .. ,..... ; ... , ...•• , ..•• , .••• laura Fastenau .... , . Kathy Hinderer Annmarie Krueger .•..•. Paul lange •...•• Joy Panzer ..•... Pete Schaewe CIRCULATION .......•...•. Dawn Nollmeyer .••...

, , , ••• , ..•• ; , , Shelly Karstens laurie Zachow

COMIC ...............................•......•.......... ADVISOR ......•


',' .'

Sue Nelson , .. Pete Schaewe


, , . Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMlC Messenger i. published during the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, April, and Mey. The subscription price is two dollars per year. Single copies are twenty-five cents, We request payment in advance. All 'business should be addressed to the Business Manager.


Choir Tour Journal

todavs itinerary. We saw the pad from which Challenger was launched for th'e last time. I kept thinking how blessed we are to have in our hearts and in our music the Word of God that sustains us through all the disasters of life. Tonight we shared that Word with our brothers and sisters in faith at Good Shepherd. Jacksonville.

by Kathy Hinderer Staff Writer 'Wed.2/26 Last night we packed the bus. Everyone was in a happy. eager mood. This morning we pulled out of campus a few minutes after seven. There was a surprise sendoff from a group of Junior girls dressed in tropical shirts. bikinis and long johns. They had stretched a huge banner across Highland Avenue and carried siqns that read "Florida or Bust" and "Bring Back Dan Moreno." Everyone loved it. Around here we toss off the phrase "campus family" pretty easily. but it takes somethinq like that to remind you of what it really means. Tonight we sang, our first concert at Trinity. Crete. IL. I think it will be a good tour. Thu, 2/27 It was a long day in the bus. but we made it to Madison. TN and Rock of Ages Lutheran, It is a small. new congregation and they have really bent over backwards to accommodate us. Members took 4.6, even 10 people into their homes for the night. They gave us a scare, though. At 7:25 there were only ,15' people in the church besides the choir. By the end of the concert there were about 45., O.ur hosts explained "Southern time" to us: you leave home when you are supposed to be at your destination. I think I could be real comfortable down here,:,", Fri. 2/28 Our concert tonight was part 6f the church dedication festivities at Sola Fide, Lawrenceville, GA. On' Sunday they will


dedicate 'their ibvel\t'new chapel;What joy to share in the hopeful spirit of faith -we sawall around us!

Sat. 3/8 Yesterday was a travel day. We went from Jacksonville to Knoxville. TN and stayed at a motel last night. Tonight we are hosted by Trinity Lutheran, Jenera, OH. and there is snow on the ground again. Sun. 3/9 Another busy Sunday. and our last day on tour. We sang in three churches in three different states: Granger. IN; Chicago. IL; and Hales Corners. WI. We

Sat. 3/1 Today we entered Flonda' Of course everyone was "soaking up rays," even though it was only in the 40·s. "You can't wear a coat. this is Horide!" We sang to a packed church in Holiday, where at dinner we found postcards and crossshaped chocolates at our places. Sun. 3/2 Sundays on tour are not days of rest. We sang in services at Clearwater, St. PeterSburg and Seminole and were late for our concert at Bradenton. It was worth it, however, to see the beautiful sunset over Tampa Bay and know that we had shared the Lord's Word with many fellow believers. Mon. 3/3 Our route 'today was south to North Ft. Myers. Bethany Lutheran paid our way into the winter home of Thomas Edison

there. We also spent time on the beach at Sanibel, picking up shells and other souvenirs. Tue. 3/4 We took Alligator Alley across state to Pompano Beach. On the way, we saw Ocean World in Ft. Lauderdale,where you can pet dolphins and baby ·gators. We also had a couple hours at the beach before our 7:30 concert at Ocean Drive Lutheran Church. Wed. 3/5 Today we hit the EPCOT Center enroute to. King of Kings, Maitland. We didn't really have time to do it justice. but it was a lot of fun, anyway. Today our route turned northward. Our days in the South are numbered. Thu. 3/6 The Kennedy Space Center was on

saw many familiar faces in the congre· gations - friends. relatives and school mates. Feelings were mixed. There was joy in "coming home" and sadness at ending the experiences we had enjoyed on tour. But mostly there was gratitude: to our leaders, Profs. Hermanson and Brick; to all the gracious people we met along the way;' and of course to our Lord. for a safe and enjoyable trip and the opportunity to share our faith and His Word with others. May the seed which He planted through us grow and bear much fruit. Glory and honor, praise, adoration. now and forevermore be His. On their 1986 tour the DMLC Chait covered over 4000 miles and sang to 3000 people. On the weekend of March 21-23, they brought their concert orogram to five congregations in Minnesota and Wisconsin on a mini-tour. They have also sung for church services in the New Ulm area and presented a homecoming 'concert March 16 at St. Paul's, New Ulm.

Mystery Prof

First Music Symposium

Held at DMLC by Jiimes Raddatz


Writer As future and present educators in Lutheran Schools we are all aware of the importance of music in our systems, as it rightly should be. For this reason we find that the first Symposium for Leaders in Lutheran Church Music is planned forour campus on April 10-12, 19B6. This symposium seeks to make available to WELS leaders in church music the expertise of several recognized Lutheran musicians and musicologists. It will also provide discussions on varying views, mutual problems, and challenges that arise within the sphere of Lutheran Music.

Now for this month's prof. He is very well· known by all students, whether they have already had him or not, he stresses one basic ability of a person and makes

Scheduled as guest speakers are Dr. Karle Erickson, Dr. Paul Bunjes, and Dr. Richard HiUert. All of the speakers are specialists in certain aspects of the music olthe Lutheran church and will bring their expertise to bear in their presentations. Other speakers for the musical symposium will be Professors Edward Meyer and Bruce Backer of our own faculty. According to Professor James Engel, Chainman for the Symposium, approximately one hundred Lutheran teachers will be in attendance for the three-day event, These interested individuals will represent nearly every aspect of the Lutheran education, including professors, instructors from high schools and grade schools, organists and choral conductors. The program opened on Thursday with registration, a concert. and a reception. Friday"sactivities include four essaysand various discussions throughout the day. All essaysand discussions will take place in the Music Center Choir Room and will be open to students only if there is ~seatingavailable.

Prof. Jacobson

Welcome' once again to the Mystery Prof! Last month's mystery prof was correctly identified by two students: Jodi Kammholz and Joy Panzer.The professor that we featured was Prof.Jacobson, who works in the library and loves to help the students in any need, such as searching out information for those many papers that are assigned each semester. Thank you to Prof. Jacobson for participating, and the people who entered their guesses.

that a priority in his classroom, so that we will also make it one in ours. Thanks to this prof, many students have progressed considerably in this and are commended for it - especially by friends and their supervising teacher. Besides this. this prof has been in teaching for over a half of a century and is able to relate many of his early teaching years with his young students and show us how development of a child can vary from student to student. All this combines to bring us a better perspective on how to deal with young children and why they develop in life as they do. One more hint: this month's prof is also an exceptional organist. althougp you will not see him playing on campus or in any.churches any longer. He learned to master his abilities on his own while attending DMLC many years ago. If you know who this prof is. please submit your answers to Box 759. Thanks!!!

-Musical Madness in March

Old Detectives Never Die, but they may certainly look like it. (Photo by Sue Carter)



by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer There was no "Spring Play" this year. Drama Club produced Spring Plays three one-acts - held on March 21 and 22 in the DMLC auditorium. The lirst 01 the three was O. Henry's classic "The Gift 01 the Magi:' directed by Andy Willems. In spite of a vow to buy no Christmas presents. a loving wile (played by Heidi Gra!) cuts and sells her beautiful 'hair to buy a watch chain.lor her husband (Phil Zahn). He. however. had pawned his watch to buy combs lor her hair. After a quick (and rather unique but effective) stage makeover. the audience was horrified by Lord Dunsany's "Two Bottles 01 Relish:' directed by Alan Uher. Willie Smithers (Pete Schaewe) is sure that the missing girl he read 01 in the newspaper was murdered by her husband. But what did he do with her body? Willie's roommate. David (Phil Zahn). is skeptical. but using newspaper accounts.

the landlady's (Jodi Kammholz) stories. and his vivid imagination. he discovers how the man covered up the murder in ... well ... a most cannibalistic way. A linal scene change brought laughter once again with "Old Detectives Never Die:' written by Jurgen Woll and directed by Junior Cathy Starke, In this comedymystery a 11B-year-old Sherlock Holmes (Jim Braun) is baffled by the case 01 the missing brooch. The old .sleuth tangles with a'Tupperware lady (Annette Wilde). is faced with mistaken identity and gene'ral household chaos. only to discover in the end (ssshhhhh!) that the purloined brooch had been keeping his shirt closed the whole time. Although attendance was moderate due to other happenings on the Palm Sunday weekend. the productions were well received by the audience. The novelty and variety olthe one-acts proved quite successlul.

by Joy Panzer Staff Writer During the month of March, our campus was filled with an abundance of various musical events. One could enjoy anything from piano recitals to chamber music concerts, to a sacred concert. The month of March started off with a piano recital. On Tuesday, March 11th, John McKay presented a Beethoven Sonata program..Mr. McKay is a student at Gustavus Adolphus College. This year's Faculty-Student Chamber Music Concert was held on Thursday, March 13th at 8:00 p.m. Those of you unable to attend this concert received a taste of it in chapel the morning of the concert. That piece was the "Concerto for Organ and Brasses" by Norman Lockwood. There were three movements to this piece. Andante con moto declso, Largetto, and Allegro. Featured players were Professor Charles Luedtke onorqan, Steven Biederibender on trumpet, Peter Sordahl on trumpet, David Biedenbender on trombone and Da_le Krueger, on trombone: Another piece was the- "Trio Sonata Movement in F Major" by George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759_ Players of this piece were Susan Amdt on flute, Rebecca Maurice on violin, and Tami Engel on organ. Compositions of Corelli, Buxtehude, Bach, and Mozart were also featured. The highlight of the March musical events was the Dr. Martin Luther College Choir Homecoming Sacred concert. This was held at SI. Paul's Church on Sunday, March 16th, at 7:30 p.m. The choir recently completed a tour of the southern states over Spring vacation. Under the direction of Professor Roger Hermanson, the choir performed a wide variety of

songs ranging from Christmas to Easter selections. They performed "The First Song of Isaiah" by Jack Noble. with help of a chorus from St. Paul's grade school. Their program also consisted of some favorites like. "Go to Dark Gethsemane." "Beautiful Savior," and "If Thou but Suffer God to' Guide Thee." These are just a small sampling of the songs they sang. I'm sure that all those in

attendance could see why this choir is so '''.. popular. On Saturday, March 22nd, at 2:00 p.m., Darin Menk gave a piano recital. He presented Edward -MacDowell's "Sea Pieces" Opus 55. No. 1-8. As we learned in the lecture before the recital. MacDow'el( sought to put the wonder of nature into music. For every .piece he wrote, a poem was written to go along with it. "Sea Pieces" brings the sea to life in eight different areas. Piece No.1, "To the Sea,"_has the poem, "Ocean Thou Mighty Monster." Other pieces portray a fairY sail and a fairy boat, and the yellow setting sun. Those who attended the recital could enjoy an afternool). on the

sea. Monday, 'March 24th, the auditorium was filled with the sounds of the "Con Spirito" Woodwind Quintet. It featured Barbera Kemper onflute. William King on clarinet. John Ralston on oboe, Erik Ludwig on bassoon, and Lori Johnson on horn•. Some! of .the songs. they played varied from "Trios Pieces Breves" by Jacques Ibert and "Restless Winds" by Faye-Ellen Silverman to name a few. This was an enjoyable evening for' all in


April 11-

Movie Night - Witness

12 13

Anniversary Service - 7:30 p.m.


Community Concert Auditorium


Upcoming Lyceums Highlight Drama and Music by Todd Palmer Staff Writer On Tuesday, April 8, the DMLC stage was the setting for a dramatic tale of dictatorship, flight, and fear as Elvira Reuer told her tale of her flight from an approaching Russian army prior to World War II. She and her family had lived in southern Russia until 1940, when it was decided that she and her fellow Germans were no longer wanted' in the country. On April 22, at 8 p.m. the Prairie Arts Chorale will be presenting a "European Heritage concert" in the auditorium. The show will include music from a wide span of time and styles. The program will feature Benjamin Britten's "Hymn to St. Cecilia"; Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Loch

8 p.rn, Jazz Ensemble - 8 p_m.Auditorium


Prairie Arts Chorale - 8 p.m.


Children'S Theater






Spring Banquet


Election of Collegiate Representatives


Last day of classes



Officers Lemond" and "A Choral Flourish"; and the Irish folk tune, "London-derry Air." Included in the show will be works by Brahms, Monteverdi, Gabrieli, and Hernbers. According to the musical director of the Chorale, Peter' Hendrickson, the concert will be a celebration of the European heritage which has so strongly influenced the people in southwestern Minnesota. In addition to the terrific music, aMother unique aspect of the show is that all of the performers are from the area. Hometowns of the performers include Mankato, Olivia, Redwood Falls, and Tracy. Be sure not to miss these two very special and educational performancesl

Want something. to do for your "DREAM?" Bring him/her to the Round Table for some luscious ice cream!



Teachers Tell It All Once again the tales roll in from the newly-experienced student teachers. At this time the final group of seniors are participating in the student teaching program. The following stories come from. a group of seniors who were out student teaching in the third quarter of the school year in the southern Lake Michigan area as well as the New Ulm area. Danica Drews tells us, "I found that when working with fifth graders, you can't use puns during class, or the students will take you seriously. I was teaching the three types of angles, and I said that the smallest angle is "acute" angle. Then I drew a happy face in it and said, "Isn't it cute?" On the test the answers all came in - "a cute" rather than acute." Who says students don't listen? Terri Eisenmann relates the following incident about her experience in Benton Harbor, MI: I was-reminding one of my second 'grade boys to sit down and be quiet: This student argued, "But Miss Eisenmann, I just can't. My mom always says the same thing. She even calls me Motor Mouth because my mouth' fs always' .running and I can't keep qulet." Later on that day I caught him sitting in his seat QUIETLY.'After five minutes of silence, I told him he better get up. and write his name, on the Good Job List on the board for sitting there so¡quietly. The student ~cknowledged -his finIJ:ajlcori1p; lishment, ,but',c;ornplaJned,"My,I~gs..hu.n from sitting like this." He had apparently been trying to get his legs to touch the ground to k'lep, them tram' swinging. Dave Retzlaff recalls that athletics played a big part in his classroom, but not as he, had wished, One day one of the. ever-popu'lar .Paper fo.olballs landed on his delik: Dave approacti"d the culprit In a truly 'unique man~er:' h...¡ wrote on"the paper: "6~e 'more time, a';,<1\ll)u're dead meat:' The" he.kicked it back 10the gUilty party. After school that day Dave discovered a note attached to his car window. It said, "You're a dead man." Whatever became of sportsmanlike conduct in contact sports? Ask Jim Tietz about one of his more memorable days while student teaching. Student teachers are allowed to get sick too, aren't they? Jim just happened to be attacked by a case of illness in thefacilit,ies right after he finished teaching one day. However; it happened to be the day his supervisor, Prof. Meyer visited. When discussing the incident, Prof. Meyer wondered if itwas a case of nerves caused by his obserVance. Diana Best relates her shocking student teaching experience, "Student teaching had its moments - including those which even an inexperienced person could use to her advantage. Let me explain. I believe it was about the third week when my' sixteen first and second graders began to show their reluctance to come near me. I contemplated this action but continued with my work while' observing carefully to discover the reason. Then their actions became clear as I touched Jesse on the'

shoulder. He immediately exclaimed, "Ouch!' You shocked me, Miss Best." I apologized and smiled while the other children began to laugh, From then on it seemed to be a game with them - Shock and Tell. Day in and day out the shock treatments continued as students meekly rubbed their arms and shoulders, giving onlya little cry. But soon they learned that making a big fuss over being shocked gave them more attention. So their little cry turned into a loud "Ouch!" As each week passed, the students became braver and I began to feel more like a living Bible story. That is, as I passed each student" he/she would deftly reach out a hand to touch even the hem of my skirt to see if I would give off a shock. Enough is enough, I thought to myself, and put to practical use this newly-acquired skill. Without so much as a word I could quiet a child caught in the act of misbehaving by a single tap on the arm. You might say it's the Best shock treatment for disciplining children." Terri Drosteralso shares a light-hearted tale. One of her male students brought a light-sensitive doll named Chubbles to school. Whenever a shadow passes over the doll it makes a little bleeping noise. Herstudents liked \0 purposely set it off by passing by it on their way to hand in papers. Then Terri stored it under the podium, usually face down. One day she set it with the face up. That day the students were being very noisy, so she waited. for complete silence before beginning her devotion, Once it was quiet she made her way to the podium. Just then the sun came out. enlightening tho entire room. You guessed it: as Terri moved to the podium, her shadow passed over Chubbles' anc;l"bleep," Terri had to wait another five minutes before the room was silent again. Sheryl Rausch claims that student teaching was quite memorable for her. "Student teaching was fun ... I think ... maybe? Having 26 first and second graders in my classroom at SI. Paul's certainly meant that there was always plenty of action going on! For starters, came the invasion of the Cabbage Patch dolls - instead of having just 26 new names and faces to keep track of and only 26 people demanding my attention at the same time, somedays I know there were at least 52 kids in that rooml Then it was Pet Day in show-and-tell. Have any of you ever tried to teach math or spelling when a 'different enimal is parading through your doo" every 20 minutes?! However, I did survive both of these, only to be faced with the hysteria surrounding an outbreak of the dreaded loose tooth epidemic, Everyone wanted to lose more teeth than anybody else, and what better place is there to lose teeth than at school7 "Probably the most exciting days in the whole third quarter were Valentine's Day and Circus Day. Both of these days were absolutely unforgetable, but my fondest memory happened on Valentine's Day. aeing almost as excited about the holiday as the children, I had, of course, stuck little cards and treats in everyone's overflowing Valentine bag. While the children

Praises Rung by Patty Hennig Staff Writer The Handbell Ringers are in their eighth year as a DMLC club. The director of this club is Professor Wayne Wagner. They have performed during morning chapel services and for the Christmas concert. They also will be on tour from April 4 to 6. No experience is needed for this club. Professor Wagner conducts a beginner's class which includes eight freshmen this year: Liz Eckert, Laura Fastenau, Ruth Genz, Jade Heiderich, Kristi Jacobs: Annrnarie Krueger, Joy Panzer, and Lynn Schattschneider. This choir practices once a week and after one year has the opportunity to advance to the traveling choir. In past years there has also been an intermediate 'choir. The traveling choir has eighteen

(Photo by Sue Carter)

members. The fourth year members are seniors Danica Drows, Carla Free, Ruth Spannagel, Monica Weiss, and Miriam Westendorf. Third year members include

juniors Tanya Janasek. Kristen Loeffler. and Cheri Wehausen. Rounding out the choir are the second year sophomore members: Sue Arndt, Sue Atwell, Darrell Berg, Andrea Fastenau, Deb Frisque, Laurie Jeske. Sue Petermann. Dawn Shorey, Beth Vogt, and Donna Zimmermann. This choir also practices once a week under Professor Wagner's direction. This year's officers include Carla Free president. Kristen Loeffler vice-president, and Donna Zimmermann - 'treasurer/secretary. The Handbell Choir was started with the donation of their first two octaves of bells. The amount of bells has increased over the years through donations given and the money received from churches after traveling expenses were paid. The Handbell Choir does travel for performan.ces upon request. Such performances are an interesting, new way to praise our Lord through music.

were busy "tearing into" both food and valentines, I eventually noticed that Adam L was standing near my desk and looking very intently at me. This particular boy is a little tough guy - the kind who never expressed much emotion. so I was completely surprised when he suddenly flung his arms around my neck, hugged me, and fervently said, "Thank you, Miss Rauschl" I told him that his hug was definitely my best valentine that day. "My most embarrassing moment naturally happened during my first day of teaching by myself; After I had dismissed all the children to get washed up for lunch, I saw that Kyle was still sitting in his desk with his hand raised. "Miss Rausch," he said, "I'm stuck." And he was

right. The shoestring of his left shoe was caught between some of the bars on the right side of his desk. To this d,\y, I have no idea how he got his foot in such an awkward position, but we could not separate Kyle's shoe from his foot or Kyle from his desk, By now all the other children had returned to the classroom and were watching Miss Rausch take on Kyle's shoelace with great interest. Just as I was ready to give up and call in a janitor to take apart his desk, Kyle's foot suddenly came out of his shoe. With a few good yank.$, his shoe came out of his desk. Kyle's and my embarrassment was complete when the rest of the children began to clap, That was the day I fully appreciated velcro shoesl"

Pieces of Late

May 1 will b'ethe day to pack and move the booksout ef the library. Warm up your


muscles ferit. On April 13, 1986. there will be an anniversary service for nine professors. The list includes professors Grams (50), Nolte (50), Engel (40), Anderson (25), Boehlke (25), Jacobson (25), Koestler (25), Krueger (25), and Wichman (25). Financial aid forms should be in the Financial Aids Office by May 15,

Arbor Day is 'coming soonl Get your rakes readyl The Countdown Continues: 4 days until your income taxes are due 4 days until library closes 34 days until Call Day 36 days until graduation



SPORTS . Updating

Sports Beat


by Sherman U,{ke'er Sports Writer "Chief" Goodall and statistician Tim Zellmer, Thanks for a job well done.

BASKETBALL Men's The men's varsity basketball team completed their first season under new head coach Drew' Buck with a 6-15 record, This was a season which saw the Lancers drop 8 games by 2 points or less, Coach Buck attributed many of the losses to inconsistency and turnovers, "If we just could have hung on to the ball we might have had a few more W's than L's." said Coach Buck, Although the Lancers are losing their top three scorers, Reggie Tobias (15,9 ppg), Skip Noon (12.9), and Mark Koelpin (12.2), Coach Buck feels next season's squad should fare a lot better due to the experience gained this year. Sophomore Mark Eisenmann had another solid season, and freshmen Sherman Unkefer and Nate Kieselhorst showed promise. This season was highlighted by capturing the Lancer Classic, as well as the individual play of Reggie Tobias (1 st team All-Conference), Skip Noon (AIIConference Honorable Mention), and Mark Koelpin (All-Conference Honorable Mention), Great job, guys! Also, a tip of the hat to graduating manager Dick



Women's When the women's varsity basketball season began, no one knew really what to expect. The Lady Lancers were a very young team with a lot of talent. Thanks to some hard work on the part of all, and some great teamwork. the Lady Lancersgained an at-large berth in the NLCAA National Tournaments in Kalamazoo. MI. Unfortunately, in their first game they ran into a team that shot 80% from the floor in the first half. Although the Lady Lancers, played well, they were unable to offset their opponent's hot shooting. In their next game. the Lady Lancers dropped a 3-point decision to Concordia St. Paul. Coach Leopold felt the loss of Yvonda Beaudin and Beth Wendland for fifteen minutes due to ankle injuries contributed to the loss. The Lady Lancers also lost the third game, Ann Klatt was named to the All-Tournament team. Beth Wendland completed a fine career by being selected to, the AIIConference FirstTeam. Ann Klatt, Yvonda Beaudin, and Betty Carter received


Sports Writer TENNIS Men's Coach Koestler's crew for this season features seven seniors. including two who are out for the first time, Having only lost two players from last year's team and picking up many talented new players, this is a solid team ready to challenge for the conference championship. The men's team is: Dan Plath Mike Koester Kyle Dahlke Nate Kieselhorst Clay Raasch Marv Wittig

TRACK A new women's track coach, Coach Gronholz and his assistant, 'Ed "Skip" Noon, have twenty wome'~ out for the team this season, With:'tIlllrrelght of the, twenty women returni~g ,,;..from .last season, the coaches describ~ team as basically "young and "ard' working." Leading this group are seniors Terri Droster (shot, discus), Sarah Peter(1500, 3000), and Betli Wendland (100 (t 400 hurdles, triple jump). The strength 'of the team will be particularly seen in the distance runners. This team j's ready for an enjoyable season, As one of the freshmen team members said, "Great coaches, great fun, everyone should come out and run:'


Women's After finishing 3rd in the conference tournament last year. the women's tennis team, with eight returning players, hopes to continue their winning ways under Coach Dallmann. The roster is: Laura Fryer Shelly 'Karstens Lori Loersch Beth Sellnow Kristine Smith Annette Wilde

by James Raddatz Staff Writer As the year slowly grinds to a halt, almost every week night and many a weekend day numerous members of the student body may be found in the LMU gymnasium taking part in or watching an intramural game. Some of the most recent activities that haveconcluded for the year are men's and women's basketball. The men's bracket was won by The Dukes, Greg Birkholz, junior, captain, The women's bracket went for the second straight year to The Bean Sprouts, Tina Nell, junior, captain. Both of the championship games were well worth the time and effort of the players. Congratulations to all of' the teams who participated in both tournaments! Currently the men are involved in volleyball. The day-long tournament has been scheduled for Sunday, April 6 in the LMU gym, Within days the badminton season will begin with women's singles, women'sdoubles, and mixed doubles,

Andrea Fastenau Jeanne Jensen Sarah Kruschal Maita Menk Ruth Simonsmeier

Ohr's Roland and Thompson Gunners 5-0 Kolanders's Six Pack 5-0 Vatthauer's Load and the Gang 4-1 Dyrssen's Six Shooters 3-1 Zibrowski's S,M.A.S.H. '3-2 Schuch's Bust Heads 2-2' Kieselhorsfs P.O.E.T:s Club 2-2 Saeger's Agropeltens '2-2 Thiesfeldt's S.O.M,F. 2-3 Zahn's S,O.U,P. 1-2 1-2 Birkhotz's Dukes 1-3 Rehbengen's Ask Andy 1-4 Buch's Nads 1-4 Ungemach's J.D:s 0-5 Pechin's Ausgezichnet

the participants: Thanks should also be given at this time to the planners orthe respective/ activities who do more work than is sometimes thought in scheduling the activities.


With only six of the fourteen players having played last year, Coach Leopold has a young team to work with this season. Letter winning catcher Ann Klatt. pitcher Cindy Lierman, and first basemanoutfielder Shelley Myers lead this group. After a yea( away from the team, Carrie Hoppe returns as the only senior. Coach Leopold says the strength of the team lies in the battery of Ann Klatt and Cindy Lierman, with many promising younger players filling out the other positions.

Coach Meihack enters this season with optimism, Many new players will be given a chance to improve on last season's 1010 record. The team lost many key players, including All-Conference pitcher Steve Jensen, who suffered a severe knee injury during the basketball season, and will have his second operation this month, The return of Junior pitcheroutfielder Joel "Train" Burmeister after a year's absence will somewhat lessen the loss of these players. The pitching staff is deep, but basically unproven, In addition to Burmeister and Gregg Birkholz, Dale Krueger, Dave Biedenbender, Linc Hohler, Craig Sonntag, and Jeremy Thiesfeldt will be given a shot at pitching, Both the returning infield and outfield are basically stable. This should be an exciting team to watch. The highlight of the season will be the April 24th double-

The roster is: Michelle Steinberg Becky Vallesky Chari Buhman Maria Habben Linda Noon Carnie Schwerin Amy Woldt

Men's Intramural volleyball ection (Photo by Su~ Carter)


Carrie Hoppe Judy Bleichwehl Ann Klatt Cindy Lierman Shelley Lindemann Shelley Myers Julie Russell

Future events include men's softball and women's soccer. Overall involvement in intra murals this year, as in the past, has been high and it is hoped that it has been enjoyable and worthwhile for all

Intramural Volleyball

honorable mention.

by Darren Zastrow

Kevin Buch Paul Keirn Dave Kolander Mark Ohr Tom Plath Dave Retzlaff Phil Stern


header at the Metrodome in the Twin Cities, home of the Minnesota Twins. The roster is: Seniors: Tom Banaszak,Jon Biedenbender, Jeff Dorn, Guy Gast, Tim MacKain,and Joel Radue Juniors: Steve Biedenbender, Greg Birkholz, Skip Bremer, Joel Burmeister, Dale Dyrssen, Linc Hohler, and Dale Krueger Sophomores: Dave Biedenbender, Randy Cox, Paul Lange, and Mike Vatthauer Freshmen: Jim Burow, Andre Gosch, John Kaesmeyer. Andy Plocher, Craig Sonntag, and Jeremy Thiesfeldt.



treated them like they were his family . Staci Schwittay, Gr. 6 I like David. He is a righteous person. Even when he got kidnapped and sold he stayed with God. He pleased everybody where he went. When he was being chased by the king he didn't even kill him when he could have. He was a real Godpleasing guy. Shane Seefeldt. Gr. 7

My favorite character in the Bible is Peter because he wasn't afraid to tell people about God and because he always obeyed Jesus and he was a good disciple. Jeremy Biehl, Gr. 3 Think back to the many Bible lessons you've learned, Do you have a favorite lesson and a favorite Bible character, besides Jesus? This month we hear from students at St. John's Lutheran School, Peshtigo, WI. Their teachers are Peter Wentzel (5-B), Linda Nowack (1-4), and Laurie Wentzel (Kindergarten), I like Mary. She got to see Jesus. Sabrina Biehl;' Kindergarten I like Joseph. He got to see a king. 'Brad Jeshinsky, Kindergarten I UkeMary, She watched him die on the cross. Shayn Kaempf. Kindergarten I like Mary, 'She got to visit Jesus, Je;.,ef/1Y' 'Sehwittay, Kindergarten like Mary. She was Jesus' mother, Shewanted to see Jesus die on.thecross. .

," r


Jai:!":f§~ker, .



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My'favorite'e~cter in~tF\e>Bible is Mary b!!cause she ls-nice, and prettY., -. Jamie Seefeldt, Gr. 1 "


I\I'Iv' 181(0rit8~Iyl;a.c~er in the Bible is Davicj:because .h~~I"e(j,Goliath. Jason Biehl, Gr. 1 MY'favorite character in the Bible is Peter because I ~ike 4he name. Michael Devener, Gr. 1 My favorite character in the Bible is Mary because she had the Savior and she had strong faith that she was going to have the Savior. Elyee Niscbke, Gr. 1 My favorite character in the Bible is Mary because she is nice and she had the Savior of the world, Stephanie Hartwig, Gr. 1 My favorite character in the Bible is David because he killed Goliath, Jeremy Kaus, Gr. 1 My favorite character in the Bible is Mary because she is nice and because she is Jesus' mother, Amanda Artz, Gr, 1 My favorite character in the Bible is Mary because she was the one who had baby Jesus and baby Jesus was the son of God, and Mary is a very nice woman. Janell Hurley, Gr. 3 My favorite character in the Bible is Goliath because he is very tall and a strong warrior, He was about S feet or 12 feet tall. Chuek Ihde, Gr. 3

My favorite character in the Bible is Peter becausa he preached to the people and wasn't afraid, and his faith was very strong, He also loved Jesus very much. (Christine Devener, Gr. 3 My favorite character in the Bible is Moses because when he stuck his hand in his pocket it turned white. Jason Keempt, Gr. 3 My favorite character inthe Bible is Peter because he had very strong faith and he always thought of God and asked for forgiveness. Bryan Holder, Gr. 3 My favorite character in the Bible is Benjamin-because my brother's name is Benjamin, Also the name sounds very nice. Ellen Seefeldt, Gr. 3 My favorite character in the Bible is Peter because he was a very popular disciple, It is also in my belief that Peter had the strongest faith of any of the disciples. All through my listening to Sible History I've liked Peter best, besides Jesus. He was tha one who drew his sword' at Jesus' enemies in the Garden of Gethsemane, He stuck up for Jesus almost all the time. That's why Peter is my favorite character in the Bible, besides Jesus. Jeremy Artz, Gr. 4 My favorite character in the Bible is Samson. He was one of the strongest people in the Bible. He killed a lion with his bare hands. Jason Schwittay, Gr. 4

I like Peter. To me it seems that Peter has faith in God and in himself. And when he talked it seemed he really meant what he said. And you could see that he was a firm believer in God and in Jesus. And he had courage to preach God's Word. Michelle Randall, Gr. 5 like Abraham. I like him because he always talked with God. He was also nice to people he didn't even know. The stories about Abraham are also great. He also lived a long time. Kara Wenzel, Gr. 5 Stephen is my favorite Biblical person because he stuck to preaching even though he was beaten and was finally killed because of it. He kept going and I think we should be like Stephen in some ways. Anne Cooke, Gr. 5 I like Zaccheus because he climbed a tree just to see Jesus. He climbed a tree because he was very short. And he wanted to see Jesus. Chad Stange, Gr. 6 I like Joseph because he was sold by his brothers and was put in prison for something he didn't do and still kept his faith in God. And God put him 2nd in command. Heath J. Rickling I like Paul because he was always willing to do something for Jesus. And no matter what, if it was a matter of life and death, he would always preach God's Word. Tim Seefeldt, Gr. 6 I like Abraham because he brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. He also performed miracles. Aaron Holder, Gr. 6

My favorite character in the Bible is Mary because she was the mother of Jesus and she took care of Jesus the best way she could until they moved into a house. Andher son was perfect. Heather Seefeldt, Gr. 4

My favorite Biblical person is King David. The reason I chose him is because he always illustrated that he trusted God and was a Christian. Like when he fought Goliath he didn't come in armor or with a whole army. He came with God. And if you read that story you learn how much of a loving Father God really is. And even when he had Uriah killed so he could be with Bathsheba, he repented. And also he wrote the book of Psalms which is an interesting book. The story of Bathsheba shows us how much of a forgiving Father God is. Because if we know God forgives us, we won't be like Judas who killed himself. Tirsa Kaminski, cr. 6

My favorite Biblical person is Moses, I like him because he led the people away from Pharoah, I also like him because he was a prophet and he did a few miracles with God's help, Janelle Kaempf, Gr. 5

Moses is my favorite Biblical person, because he led the Israelites. He got hun and didn't eat for a.lonq time, but he still led them. He repented of his sins, He made some of the Israelites believe. He treated them good sometimes and

My favorite character in the Bible is Esther because she was beautiful and brave. She kept her secret for a long time. She helped to save her people, the Jews. Kara Puuri, Gr. 4 My favorite character in the Bible is Ishboseth because his name sounds neat, Jerome Hurley, Gr. 4

I like King David. He was a good king, and a good fighter. He was always good to his people and was just with them. My favorite thing about him is how he always went to war and won. So you might as well say I like the wars he fought. G. Gannigan, Gr. 7 My favorite person is David. In everything he did he almost always remembered the Lord. After he killed Bathsheba's husband and married her, he asked the Lord for forgiveness. He also wrote many Psalms for our enjoyment and comfort. Ken Seefeldt, Gr. 7 Moses is my favorite Biblical person. He, with God's help, led the Israelites out of Egypt. He also helped God make the ten commandments. The best thing I like about Moses is that he made a path in the water with God's help. Moses was a firm believer and I like him. Joel Hurley, Gr. 7 My favorite person from the Bible is Job because he lost so much of his treasures but still trusted in God. For that trust, afterwards God rewarded him for it. If everyone would be like Job, the world would be a much better place. Jean Kamps, Gr. 7 Job is my favorite Biblical person, probably because I remember him and the story the most. He can also be looked up to because of his great faith. When I think I've got a tough life I remember how much Job went through and my problems don't seem so big, Jill Wenzel, Gr. 7 My favorite Biblical person is probably Moses, He obeyed God and he also brought us the commandments. Moses built the ark and brought two animals of every kind in the ark. Then he died secretly and God buried him. i ,Robert Bartels, Gr. 7 My favoritj


person is Job

because'no ri)atter what Satan did to him, he would>not fall away from God. . Lisa Randall, Gr. 7 My IavoriteBtbhca! person is Peter. I like him becausehe always thought he knew everything but he always made a fool out of himself' whenever he said something. He makes you laugh when you read some of the things he said, ~tie

Hoffman, Gr. B

Paul is my. favorite Biblical person because I feet' he made some very great achievements. He devoted his life to God in its richest and fullest measure, He also liked spans as we can tell through his letters. Paul was also very courageous in what he did and I look up to him for this. Byron Schwittay, Gr. B

Page 8

Cookie Bake-Off What a way to satisfy the taste budsl Once again the Messenger sponsored its annual Bake-Off. This years category was cookies, and the response was overwhelming. The judges for the contest were Prof. Koestler, Patti Zahn, Sheryl Rausch, and LuAnn Vatthauer. The cookies were judged in five categories: flavor, texture, appearance, originality, and homemade appeal. Prizes of cook-

books and various cooki~-baking kitchenware were awarded to the top three winners. First place went to Karen Hepner's "Chocolate-Dipped Cookies." Heidi Keibel's recipe claimed second place. Her recipe for "Grandma Stuhr's Oatmeal Scotchies" appears .below, Our third place prize .went to Carrie Hager for her "Sour Cream Cookies."

CHOCOLATE-DIPPED COOKIES 1 cup butter Powdered sugar, 1 cup melted chocolate bits Chopped nuts, coconut,

y, cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Yo teaspoon salt 1 cup cornstarch 1 cup sifted all-purpose .flour


Cream butter; add sugar gradually; add vanilla. Sift salt, cornstarch, and flour together. Blend into creamed mixture. Chilll to 2 hours. Shape into small bails. Place on greased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 degrees about 12 minutes. Cool. Dip bottom and sides of each cookie in powdered sugar. Dip top in melted chocolate, then in nuts. coconut, or jimmies. Allow chocolate to harden before storing. Makes about 5 dozen.

Kristie grits and bears her lesson plans


by Sue Carter)

GRANDMA STUHR'S OATMEAL SCOTCHIES 1 c. all purpose flour 1 t. baking soda Y2 t. salt Yz t. cinnamon 1 c. margarine :y. c. sugar '% c. brown sugar

1) Combine dry ingredients 2}-Cream margarine 3) Mix in next ingredients well with margarine 4) Stir in next four ingredients 5) Drop dough by teaspoon and roll in coconut 6) Place on ungreased cookie sheet 71 Bake at 375° for 9-10 minutes. Makes about 4 dozen.

2 eggs 1 t. vanilla

2 c. oatmeal 1 c. chow mein noodles ~ c. butterscotch chips ~ c. chocolate chips 2 c. coconut


Students like you

Harvest Work:

Vacation Bible School

Harvest Field:

Milwaukee Inner City

Harvest Season:

JUNE 15-29, 1986

Harvest Experience Includes:

SOUR CREAM COOKIES 2~ cups all purpose flour 1y, cup packed brown sugar , cup dairy sour cream y, cup shortening 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanilla

y, tsp. baking powder 2 eggs y, cup chocolate chips y, cup chopped maraschino cherries

Maple Butter Glaze Heat y, cup butter over low heat until brown; remove from heat. Stir in two tsp. maple flavoring. Beat in 2-4 tbs. of hot water until smooth and of desired consistency.


'. '" -.



Brewers Baseball

Cross Cultural Ministry

Bible Studies

Lakeside Activities


Milwaukee Zoo

Harvest Benefits: Spiritual Growth (You and others) Deeper Appreciatidn for the Word of Life

Mix all ingredients together. Heatoven to 375°. Drop by the TBS. abouttwo inches apart onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake about 15 minutes. Immediately remove from cookie sheet; cool and then spread with maple butter glaze.





"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out. workers into his harvest field." (Mt. 9:37-38) NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!!!!!! APPLY NOW WITH YOUR DEAN!!!!!!



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IT's 1&:30-·"". vJ


HALL ..• IF IT ""A~~

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T.,e $6 GlltLS ""E"'£ "" C.LASS, WOULD THEY BE




walsJtoi'Ja,oj~e9 ,)lY Collegiate, Council under,; the, pir~,ction"oL Prof~sor 'Lyl!! Lang'e.' Entertainment Bonanza was part of~prfng Banquetthis year. "(his was due totl)"'uriavaiiabillt\fof a separate weak- end~~There ,was a dinner in the gym followed by an awards presentation for this ve.r·s spo(ts and ,the E~e(tainrn~"nt , Bonanza finalists." " ,.' ' '. : , ; An, aUdition:was held 'on April '30 i,O screen all gro'ups and keep then~mb~r~i ' reasonabl~. The judges, f,or this,

" ,,~V''''''~'''U' of ,four',faculty

members ,and 'P,"EII91I1t'UUOl1.l!u·,,' g;oupS were aske,g'to perform witl! the .therne of tnebanquet "Out of the Orient:;, put it was, not .e requirement. Any type of, group could perforrm solo'Jore group ,. singi'ng.:



else 'Ii: group

syncing. skitS/'oranything'

."_.".,, .... st few weeks our campus has

The chapel-auditorium was filled with faculty. students. family and 'friends on

could think of. 'First' place was given '. prize of $40.00 while second received $20.00 and third $10.00.' The MC's for

~q,l1¥~n~~~1!,8Wt~eO attraction that all need sC,hooL year 'we can':se~ all of, the , ,c,oming to '-clos~ ,

Sunday night. April 20. as some of our prof were recognized in a special service for the many years of teaching that they gave dedicated to the Lord. These profs

E~te~inmeni" !lonall~a., w~t~~;.P;~Q • Ristow and4ury Schumacher,'" _~, Thank you C~II~gi~te C'o'u-ncil on 8 job well done; tc{AVCO"f,o'r lighti~g

included: Prof. A. Kurt Grams, Prof. Waldemar Nolte. Prof. James Engel. Prof.· A;"'es Anderson. Prof. Paul Boehlke. Prof.

and .,o.und .wo,k,·,to,all. the,Jlldjvilll,l,l com~itt~e chai~en J',who wganized everyt,hing.,. :anch eYaryo!)e \,.Is'~~wllo

!\!,!},r;~~IO:q!rti!:iR~' 'i~l-the

An .... ·'


a logk.back.on, , .k •• should receive'


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Gerald Jac:obs,on. Prof. Arlen Koestler, ' ~elped make S,pring Ijanqu.t,a SIII;CeSS, Prof. Robert Krueger and, Prof. Clara , {. ,Wichmano.~, May,: •.th~,'Lord ble~s.,.their ".,., "",',; ",-,:, ..:l'> ;future"teaohingdn ,his,namer ,nG' e_ve.,", , ""'! _ ,though some are retiring. they ~jlr al\(olays.,', b. remembered' by students and faculty.;;,., " aad also tru.ly l!lessed by God for all of the work that they have devoted to him., Finally; ai-,,;_·e'all'know. library 'moving , ~ day was held Tuesday. April 29. I am sur. it was a day not many will forget. How often can you see a line of students extending from -the library to Hillview, ", bas.ment, passing boxes _filled with books777 Hope that everyone has ,recuper.ated and their.'muscles now back tousual."-'~;,_t~::! ~ ~_;,~ ",

-:7 ,',


~Now. we look forward to the clos. of CCllislai'lte ~' :the school,yeJlr, ;e;"'ember. 'w. only have , a f.w mor4! days of mental work, and we can' all go out this summer, and do physical work.' in ordertobe able to ~eturn ,to mor., m.ntal work in fall againll :,;," ;, ,Good'Juck in the future to 'all. of the



19861 Have' a wonderful

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Page 2


May 1986 j


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From the,EditOrs


'I i~rn~t,the endbOl'the


ining of

A Little Farewell by Patti Zahn Editor-in-Chief , Look around campus. The signs of a school year coming to a clo~e are quite.apparent, Garbage cans line the hallways, the dumpsters are full, and the stacks of inswer sheets fodinal exams are ready. One may' also see several anxious .eniors counting the hours until Call Day or Graduation. The end of the school yea.rmeans irs time to bid farewell to friends and faculty. To the underclassmen it'may only be • three-month parting, but it may be much longer for such a ;'unlon among the seniors. Yet, 'while we may .ee our classmates again, there are a few things on campus we""ay never .ee again. On behalf of the graduating class of 1986 I would like to bid !l0od-bye to 'the follo~ing fond memories. Farewell to swanky franks, french' fries, And Karl Tague's roast beef. We're moving on to other dishes And turning o'er a new le.f. Farewell to weekly campus memos, We'll miss you without a doubt. Like tuition statements in our boxes, You kept the cobwebs out.


an educatlon...

fp.oet: co, /~; o-, if I were a little ~' y again" .," To have no troubles nd be free. Not to ~or~ about s h,ool, h~me or peace of mind. The little mind cares or nothing but What to do today. They see no need for tomorrow. It will corTIe in time. They take things as you tell them Never wondering, "Why?" , The need to be carefree, Is one that runs wild in me. Thomas F. Bradley'" '

Farewell to dormitory duties, , Pink parking t;ckets, !tAo, Highland showers, and the sun roof. Your memories filled our days. F.rewell to organ practices At;1!f-tlli''M118Ic Center; '.",well.· We'" miss the memorial organ, And that blaring chapel bell.

i .~.,. '0

Peace 'comes not with places and things, P&ltce can only-come with people. Peace ,sometimes ..Bu~people is the That 'sweet peace But now its gone"


comes when both are mixed, beginning 'of peace. I orice- knew, for you are too. ,



Farewell to life in the LMU, Daily memories you will be From Rouhd Table treats to ping pong games To videos on the TV. Farewell to all our campus friends The Business Office girls, ' Mrs. "B" and her fresh donuts, The janitors and squirrels.


Farewell to little things on campus, Farewell to everyone. Our years within your midst seemed long. But you really made them funl Editor's Note: With this issue I would like to turn over the reins of the editorship to Cindy Hahn and LuAnn Vatthauer, next year's co-editors. Their superb dedication and undying support to me in this school year was greatly appreciated and it assures me of some fine issues in the years to come. God's blessings to 'youl

Editor-in-Chief .•.••.•••••• : •••••••.•••••••••.••..• _ .•••.••. ; ••• Patti latin News Editor .••.••••.••••••• '•••••••.• ; .', •• : :. Cindy Hahn Feature Editors .•..•••••.•• '•••••••••• Kar.n Undeman .. r, ._ .1.uAnn Vatthauer Sports Editor •••••• , ••••• '•••• '••••••••• ;: '..••• ; • , ••.•• Oick Goodall Photogrephy Editor •••• : •••.•••••••• , ••• " -•••••• '•••••.. '••••..•.•• Sue Carter Circulation/Business Manager.; •• ; •••••• ,'d •••• '••••• ,,; •••• '•• Sheryl, Rausch ,

Ensemble's Year Ends by Pete Schaewe Staff Writer After hours of long and late practice, the DMLC Jazz Band finally had the 'opportunity to show what they have been working on in a concert held on Thursday, May 1 In the auditorium. The Jazz Band, directed by Prof. Roger Hermanson, is a group of students interested in jazz and performance .•They have no scheduled rehearsals, but meet whenever possibla - especially close to concert time.



WRITERS : '••• PattY Hennig •••• ,. Kathy Hinderer Annmarie Krueger •••••• Karen Krueger ••• ; ; • PaiJl Lange. ; •••• 'Todd Palmer Joy Panzer •.•••. Jim Raddatz •••••• Pate Schaewe •••••. Cathy Starke PROOFR'EADING ••••••••• JO,Koslowske •..••• Paula Robinson ••.••. On Sunday, April 13, the group had a dress rehearsal for iheir concert, travelling to St. Croix Lutheran High School in the Twin Cities to perform for an ica cream social/entertainment

LAY-OUT .•••••• Annmarie Krueger; •

',' •••• Sue Nelson, ••••• Susan Warner 0



Laura Fastenau ••••• ',Kathy Hinderer Paul Lange •••• 1,,Joy Panzer ••..•. Pate Scheewe






CIRCULATION •. :.; ••• : •••••••• ; ••••••• Dawn Nollmeyer .•.... La,iris-Zachow



Among the numbers performed both at St. Croix and the concert were "Stella by Starlight," "Ease Oil Down the Road" from tha musical The Wiz, "Evergreen," '''Pavane.'' "Can You Read My Mind" from Superman, and "Tuxedo Junction."

ADVISOR ••.••••••••

Terri Droster .••••• Laur. Faatenau Dawn Nollmeyer ••.•.. Sarah Peter_,







,:-•••• ';' ••• "',' .~"•• ; •.•• : , .....










','.; •





, Sue Nelson ,

Pate Schaewe "

Prof. Arlen Koestler

The DMLC Messenger Is published during th. months of SePtember. :October. November, December. ,january. February. April. and May. The subscription price is two dollars per year. Single copies are twenty-rIVe cents. We request payment In advance. All business should -be addressed to the Business Manager.

Page 3

May 1986


Class VErsE: UlhatEuEr you do, work at it with all your aean, as working for the £ord, not for mEn, stnre you know that you will rECEiuEan inhEritancE jTom the £ord as a rEward. It is the £ord JESUSyou are sEruing. (Colossions 3:23-24) Call Day SErUiCE: may 15, IQS6, 3:30 p.m. CommEnCEmEntConcErt: may 16, IQS6, 7:30 p.m. COmmEnCEmEnt5eruicE:

may 17, IQS6, 10:00 a.m.

Class flOWEr: UlhitE rnse Class Colors: Class hymn:

Burgundy and Iuory

God Our ShEphErd, GuidE and 5auior

GUEStSpEakEr: pastor GErald frEE, prEsidEnt, nEbraska District

Lynn Affeldt Germantown, WI


Cynthia Bame SentonHarbor,MI

Thomas Banaszak Colgate.WI

Sandra Bartel New Ulm, MN

Cynthia Bauder Granger. IN

Kurt Bauer Kawkawlin, MI

Yvonda Beaudin Racine. WI

Diana Best Santa Maria. CA


Page 4

May 1986

Corin Biga Milwaukee. WI

Sue Bt881id New Ulm, MN

Randy Bode Tacoma. WA

Patricia Bodi Milwaukee, WI

Andrea Oelf Burnt Hills, NY

Julie Detjen Combined Locks, WI

Susan Dobberstein Medford. WI

Jeffrey Dorn Hales Corners. WI

Kenneth Borchert New Ulm. MN

Susan Brickham Neenah, WI

Kevin Buch Waterloo. WI

Elisabeth Carter East Jordan. MI

Danica Drews Milwaukee. WI

Teresa Droster lake Mills. WI

Terri Eisenmann Johnson Creek. WI

Christine Frankenstein Beaver Dam. WI

CLASS HYMN Text: Susan Blaalid Music: Cynthia Bauder

Carla Free Omaha. NE

Sharon Ganyo Mequon, WI

God our Shepherd, Guide and Savior 8y Thy blood we are set free, Through temptations, pain, and sorrow Safely let us walk with Thee. Lead us onward in Thy Kingdom, Like a Shepherd leads His sheep, Guarding us from ev'ry danger, Watching o'er us while we sleep.

Karen Freudenwald Caledonia. WI

God our Shepherd, Guide and Savior, Train our hearts to seek Your Will. Help us in the time of trouble; Stronger faith in us instill. Grant us grace to preach Thee boldly, Lead the little ones to Thee. Guide our hands to serve Thee only; Fruitful let our labors be.

Susan Goens Clear lake, SO

Kathy Freudenwald Caledonia, WI

Brian Fuerstenau Racine. WI

Richard Goodall New Ulm. MN

Stephen Granberg Greenfield. WI

God our Shepherd, Guide and Savior, Thanks to Thee for boundless love. Families, friends You have provided, Richest blessings from above! Always be our Guide and Savior, Lead us where you think it best. Fin'IIy bring us to Thy Kingdom, Safely in Your arms to rest. Darla Hanel Prior Lake, MN

Cynthia Harder Big Bend. WI

James Henrickson Bloomington. MN

Paul Herrian Jackson. WI

Mary Held loveland. CO

Gina Hoerning New London. WI

Carolyn Hoppe Victor. MT

Paul Hunter St. Paul Park. MN

Jeanne Jenaen Waupun. WI

Stuart Jones Neenah. WI

Ann Henrich Delano. MN

Daniel Kell Watertown. WI

May 1986

Kevin Keller Menomonee Falls, WI

Milwaukee. WI

Mark Ohr Greensburg. PA

Page 5

Paul Kelm Bloomer, WI

Watertown. WI

Julie Pansch Graceville; MN

Joel Radue

O.niel Ragan

Neenah. WI

New Ulm. MN

Mark Koelpin New Ulm. MN

Grove City. OH

Sarah Peter Sodus. MI

Catherine Rausch Forest Grove. OR

David Koepsell Oshkosh. WI

Hartland. WI

Laura Peters

David Kolander Appleton. WI

Keith Kopczynski Gibbon, MN

Jo Koslowske Moline. Il

Lamberton. MN



New Berlin, WI

Milwaukee, WI

Sheryl Rausch Benton Harbor, MI

David Retzlaff Lomira. WI

Karen Krueger Greendale, WI

Howards Grove. WI

Goodhue. MN

Laurie RadicheJ Prescott, AZ

Timothy Ristow West Allis, WI

Paula Robinson Milwaukee, WI

Beth Raasch

Colleen Radtke Scotia. NY

Steven Rosenbaum Saginaw, MI

May 1986

Page 6

Duane Schlender Watertown, WI

Christina Scharkow Saginaw. MJ

Ruth Spannagel Bay City, MI

Julie Unke Manitowoc: WI

Juliene Warner Livonia, Ml

Monica Weiss Warren, MI

Debra Witte East Troy, WI

Marlene Wittig Hartford, WI

Catherine Yerks Flagstaff. AZ

Ruth Simonsmeier Howards Grove, WI

Mary Ulrich Burnsville, MN

Mark Williams

Debra Zimmerman Fox Lake. WI

Carole Zink Hales Corners, WI

Amy Schultz Wausau. WI

Edward Schroeder Green Bay, WI

Jon Sonntag Milwaukee. WI

Ellen Seidl LaCro1S8, WI

New Vim. MN

Karen Schneider Prairie du Chien. WI

Bonnie Zoellner New Holstein, WI

not Picturtd Jonathan Biedenbender Benton Harbor. MI

July GraduatE

Kathryn Hinderer Puyallup, WA

Joyce Rouce Burlington. WI


Mark Schultz New Ulm. MN

Theckla Schultz Merrill,WI

Elaine Stadler Durand. MI

Heidi Stelljes New Ulm. MN

Philip Stern Waukesha, WI

Beth Wendland Hillsboro, WI

Mlaarn Westendorf Milwaukee. WI

Anne Wetzel Benton Harbor, MI

Troy Verb Hutchinson. MN

laurie Zachow Brown Deer. WI

Patti Zahn Oconto. WI

Paul Scriver New Ulm. MN

James Tietz Juneau, WI

Kenneth White Caledonia, W'

Timothy Zellmer Black Creek. WI

Page 7


Mystery Prof


by Cynthia j. H_ahn NfJwsEditor


I would invent a seed that could be planted anywhere. That would stop the hunger in the world.

by Joy.Panzar Stafl Writer


Aron Pabst, 2nd Grada

There are times when'we all wish we . I would like to invent a robot because I had a device' that could'take care of 'a don't like doing my chores. I'm sick of ·them.·· certain problem. We as.ked the .econd

Julie Col/ins, 2nd Grade.

and third graders at Bay Piries LUtheran School' the .following question; ·If. you could invent a device to help you, what would it be and what would it do? They responded with the following variety ot answers. would like to, in~ent hamate," deodorant because hamster deodorant makes hamster c~giis;smell


I. "Yould invent a go-cart



would fly 50 miles per hour, It would be a soft ride and' it would fly over the trees.


Nich~/as Lawson, 2nd Grade

I Would, invent a candy machine. I ,wlluld,invent more and more ice cream.

' ', •.;'The~'1 would pattlesl


more peppermint

I would invent an automatic machine that will take out the garbage because I do not like to take cutthe garbage. ltis boring. ' .. ' .

.Stephaf!ifJHatch, 3rd Grade I would like to inv,ent a push buttom panel for ..my.' home ';because I could control robots to do 'my work.

.WaltfJrK. Dreksler, 3rd Grade I would like to invent an automatic flea swatter. It might hit me but itwill kill the fleas.

Tammy Whitney, 3rd Grade I

would like to invent Super Sand Robin Runkle, 2nd G~8de, Scatter Spray, because whenever I go to' 'ry~~.; .... /y1{}_el!8fJC~mBn,2nd Grade, the beach I get sandin my shoes. I wou.ldhke to Invent a booter-1Ikoote.r."-, .-,' '..,,; . . to'span'lttha dog'instead ~!lne;;.~~-; ...., ,.11ll!0~ld Ijke to m,ake an ~, . . Laurie (ehmari/'2nd" G;ade that would help my Dad get a screwdriver I would like to invent a robot dog to' . . .. ....;. 'i" . ... and other junk. scrape the food away that I don't like into I would inv.nt an elec~ric per{ci! so Yll}lr Scott F. Olsen, 3rd Grad~ the dog's mouth to eat it for me. Like lima hands won't get tiredcin· school." C .... beans or burned foods. Only if my mom .1Wllntto invent an automatic ice cream TammyFaurote, 2nd ,Grade , \; ,-. and dad aren't looking. I can feed the dog l1)aker, "That,way I could g~t ice cream the food I don't like. •



• _,




ut..Q,rn~ti<;.<Olb", ...._~,._""","';'~..$~a;~~.~''':';;';;:G'''d.;''it~~~j


Charity 8aumgart~3rd Grade

Sports Beat 1~ :; ;,.-


:;. ,; ;..,_J'~'


by Sherman Unkeferand DarrenZastrow Sports Writen


Uerman is leading the pitching staff with MEN'S BASEBALL a 6-2 record and a 2.05 earned run The Lancers are enjoying a fine spring ; aV8{age •. Julie RusselJ is the top hitter, on the diamond. Atthis writing, the team "boashng' "8' .600 c e~erage and 9 runs is .5-3 overall,,-apd 5-1' ip confer"nce,Jeff~·. ,'batte<t·in,· Coach Leopold stressed that • Oom is the'leadil)g hitter .81:.46.4,;,l!ncl.<~ this is 8 young team with great promise ; Joel Radue feads the squad. in RBrawith';;'; for the fut(ire:-:'" 10, Joel Burmeister leads the~pitchi'n9··i: ~-~"'--' staff with a,3.09 earned nm average~ ifthe>,::": Lancers continue their tough play in. ,<




. ;" SOFTBALL ,;'.


,W> hetea'tOMLC:

In their second meet of the :;;;':':'-yea; 'at.th~~ University of Minnesota at 2; :';" Wa~ii~alhey pulled out a victory. In their

The ~oftball tl!am hljibeen,:·" inconsistent -'defensively 'at timell} this • ,Co 'year, bUt a.7-5 overall ~nd2-2 conference,' mark.is nothing to be ashamed of, ,Ci~dy' .-,'.




This year's men's tennis team is very solid, and their 5-1 overall and 2-0 conference record proves it. Senior Dave Ret;il~ff continues' to frustrate his competition, keeping his singles' winning streak alive at.27 straight, having never .Iost in his college career. The team looks forward .to taking conference if it can continue to play well.


, conference: theYBhou~dbein tll,~~~n~f~r., ;,~i~~met''-track h~s done surprisingly the champloflShip., .,...,. ,,<;c.: "l'~~'II:~~apite the lack of training facilities

>:)f;, _.

Welcome to Mystery Prof.! I must begin by commending everyone who correctly responded to the March/April ~ mystery prof - that being Prof. Sievert. I wish we could have given a'gift certificate to all of you, but since we had such' an overwhelming response, the Messenger would go into major. debt. We are not about to do' that, so the prizes were awarded to the firat four correct 'r•• pon.e. received,

'othert~o .mettts, they finished 4th and 5th. ,Deb Kiecker established a new record in the' 100 yard dash with a clocking of 12.8 seconds.



The women's tennis team is 5-2 overall, and 2,0 in confereflce. They have been playing very well and this can be attributed to their oyerall depth. Coach Dallmann says if this team can play up to . their potential a conference ship is not out of reach;


Now for May's Mystery Prof. This prof is known by all of the students on campus, even if they have never been instructed by this prof. At one time this prof taught in the inner city of Milwaukee to very young children, but now deals with the students of OM LC both on a oneto-one basis and also in a very large group. This prof has two daugt>ters and two sons, with whom this prof dedicates much time. Of all the profs on our campus, this prof is one who stands on a pedistal to instruct as some of the students look up at the prof and still others must yet look down to see him. Any guesses on the May Mystery Prof please. submit to box 759. Thanks for • participating in the mystery prof and we are looking forward to hearing from you again next year. R~member, don't forget to submit your intelligent guesses to Box • 7591 ." / .."

May 1986

Page 8

Pieces of Late

," :

by Paul Lange end Todd Palmer'

., -~ ..).'

i:; .•

Staff Writers . ... .• On April 10th 'at 6:45, the ClI,ITIpOs ':,c' ~~ familywas awakened to the sound I!f..


Arbor Davl" Students worked fodial! tile . day to help beautify .the campus' a"d surrounding area, Thanks" lot to 'e\;, .... one thatol>elped. The campus looks gro\all The Red Cross bloodmobile ~isite~our campus for the second time this year on' April 17th, colle~ting blood ilcinations" from 166 willing and abl~ students. Of" those donors. 33 donated for the first time. .:-,. ,Utx,a1Ymoving day was held on April 29th. Students helped to the clear the way for, a spacious new addition to the present building. The new library is hoped to be opened around the beginning of 1987.

Kurt, are you studying or -.sleeping7

Daffy DefiIIiti"~n:';"

Elizabeth Wildauer noise used on a game show Steve Eddy someone who i~ 'stupid Vicki Humann strong and urgent desire to return home for the summer


.. .May8anquet

1986 was held on May 3

with students joining their friends in,a delicious. meal and some -first . rate entertainment, . Don't forged Financial aid forms should be in the Financial Aids Office by May 1,5. '. The, Countdown Continues: Coo), 6 days until Call Day ." ,8 days until graduation



The word forthislssue isblype. A blype is the skin that peels' off after a bad sunburn. The answers received were:

\: .. -' ••

our used textbooks ~~ worth: moneyl!

Tony Kufahl something Gizmo would say Karen Hepner miniscule amount of time Pete Schaewe to' censor a typed composition Sara Lutze a type-o Mark Koelpin electronic ping-pong game

.Bringthem to tlteBookstore""'-' Monday, May 12 - Friday, May 16 'I I I


I I I I I I I I ..M


.. .., a:,,, ..e •


Icj . I.J .§

I . ::I


::i ~

DMLC (Delightful Moments of Ufe' on Campus )

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