DMLC 1988·1989
Dr. Martin Luther College, A Bicentennial Campus
Dr. Martin Luther College College Heights New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-8221
The 1988 freshman class will be the first to choose one of two teacher education programs: -
the four-year elementary teacher education program, or the five-year secondary teacher education program.
The Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) offers teaching majors in English, mathematics, music, physical education, natural science, and social studies. A major in congregational church musicianship is also included in the program. The five-year program will prepare students as: o HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS o ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS o CHURCH MUSICIANS
A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The center of life today is education. Besides the millions of children and youth who attend classes in schools and colleges in this country, there are literally thousands of adults in America taking advanced schoolwork of some kind. Information is received, skills are being developed and learning is going on causing lives to be chanqed by numerous and pervading forces that have an effect on mankind today. All of this is molding the people of our land and making us what we will be. But where does the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of our almighty and gracious God come in? It is written: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding" (Ps. 111:10). The apostle Paul tells us that in the last days men shall be "always learning, but never able to acknowledge the truth" (2 Tim. 3:7). Not willing to accept the most significant truth there is in or about life, the truth of God's Word, hundreds and thousands of people today continue to follow a path of Christless education which leads them farther and farther away from God, molding and shaping minds and hearts to become self-centered and self-gratifying. Futhermore, there is considerable emphasis today on striving for excellence. The athlete, the scholar, the businessman, all strive for excellence and for great achievement. While we commend them for their effort to do the best they can and to become successful, what about their spiritual well-being and their hope of eternal life? Progress is commendable and is something for which all strive. But who is there to suggest that progress with a wrong emphasis and pointing in the wrong direction can be disastrous? Our Lord once put it this way, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his soul?" (Matt. 16:26). The education given at Dr. Martin Luther College rests on the conviction that every area of academic endeavor must be tied to the cross. Christ is the center of all learning. His redeeming love and unmerited grace gives meaning and purpose to our lives and all our learning. The unique purpose of Dr. Martin Luther College is not only to provide a Christian education but to offer such an education to young people who upon graduation will serve the Lord in his kingdom as teachers in our Lutheran schools, where the One Thing Needful is the heart and core of classroom lessons and discussions and is put into practice in everday life. The staffing of the faculty, the curriculum, the student activities, and the physical facilities are so designed as to offer students a thorough and well-rounded program in preparation for the high calling of serving the Savior in the teaching ministry. When hesitation or apprehension set in to turn their thoughts away from this glorious work, the apostle Paul offers a word of encouragement when he says, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching" (1 Tim. 4:12-13). To this end we shall strive to serve young people in the coming year.
~L~~ Lloyd O. Huebner President
Calendar for the Year
1988-1989 First Semester JULY
SMTWTFS 3 10 17 24 31
4 11 18 25
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6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 30
SMTWTFS 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23.24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
SEPTEMBER SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
3 10 17 24 31
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
NOVEMBER SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30
DECEMBER SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,.. JL12 13 14;5 1£ 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30
• August 27, Saturday 8:30-11 :00 a.m. Sophomore registration 1:00-3:30 p.m. Junior and Senior registration • August 28, Sunday 2:30 p.m. Opening service in Academic Center Chapel • August 29, Monday Classes begin • October 20, Thursday Midterm - Vacation begins after classes • October 24, Monday Classes resume
OCTOBER SMTWTFS 2 9 16 23 30
• August 26, Friday 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Freshman registration in Luther Memorial Union 6:00 p.m. Faculty welcome buffet for all new students and their families in the Luther Memorial Gymnasium
8 15 22 29
• November 23, Wednesday Thanksgiving recess begins after classes (Class Day: 7:10-11 :05 a.m.) • November 28, Monday Classes resume
5 12 19 26
10 17
24 31
• December 16, Friday Last day of classes • December 17, Saturday to 12 m, Thursday, December 22: Examinations • December 22, Thursday 1:30 p.m. Midyear Graduation Service in Academic Center Chapel 7:30 p.m. Christmas Concert in Luther Memorial Gymnasium
Second Semester
1989 JANUARY SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i6TrT8111~ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
• March 3, Friday Midterm • March 17, Friday Easter recess begins after classes
• January 9, Monday Classes begin
3 4
5 6 7 89To 11 12 13 14 15 16JJ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 _gz__g8
• April 3, Monday Classes resume • May 12, Friday Last day of classes
MARCH SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
• May 13, Saturday to 9:50 a.m., Wednesday, May 17: Senior examinations • May 15, Monday to 12:00 m, Friday, May 19: Examinations for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors
APRIL SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
• May 19, Friday 7:30 p.m. Commencement Concert • May 20, Saturday 10:00 a.m. Commencement Service
1989 Summer Session
MAY SMTWTFS 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
• June 18, 'Sunday 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Registration • June 19, Monday Classes begin
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
• July 20, Thursday 9:30 a.m. Summer Session Commencement Service in Academic Center Chapel • July 21, Friday Summer session closes
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 23 30
10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31
THE JOY OF TEACHING "I thank the Lord that I have been given the opportunity and the privilege of working with Christian young people as I do here at Dr. Martin Luther College. I thoroughly enjoy my work and also the challenges that are given to me. Working for the Lord is a satisfying and rewarding occupation which I hope more young people will consider."
Professor John W. Paulsen
Administration Board of Control Pastor Warren J. Henrich, Chairman (1989)" Redwood Falls, Minnesota Pastor Clarence Koepsell, Vice Chairman (1989) Oshkosh, Wisconsin Mr. Darrell Knippel, Secretary (1989) Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Gerald F. Kastens (1993) Lake Mills, Wisconsin Mr. Alvin R. Mueller (1991) New Ulm, Minnesota Mr. John Schwertfeger¡(1993) Mankato, Minnesota Pastor Roger E. Woller (1991) Fairfax, Minnesota • Indicates year in which term expires
Advisory Members Pastor Carl H. Mischke Milwaukee, Wisconsin President, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Pastor Gerhard W. Birkholz Litchfield, Minnesota President, Minnesota District, WELS Pastor Wayne M. Borgwardt. Brookfield, Wisconsin Administrator, Board for Worker Training, WELS Professor Lloyd O. Huebner New Ulm, Minnesota President, Dr. Martin Luther College
Committees of the Board of Control Executive Committee: Pastor Warren J. Henrich, chairman; Pastor Clarence Koepsell, Mr. Darrell Knippel Service Review Committee: Pastor Warren J. Henrich, chairman; Pastor Roger E. Woller Visiting Committee: Pastor Clarence Koepsell, chairman; Mr. Gerald F. Kastens, Mr. Darrell Knippel, Pastor Roger E. Woller Representative to Ladies Auxiliary: Pastor Roger E. Woller Campus Planning Committee: Professor Francis Schubkegel, chairman; Mr. A. R. Mueller, Professors Robert Stoltz and John Paulsen; Advisory: Messrs. David D. Stabell and George Schimmele
Lloyd O. Huebner Arthur J. Schulz Thomas F. Zarling Beverlee M. Haar Ames E. Anderson Glenn R. Barnes Robert H. Krueger Howard L. Wessel John R. Isch Arlen L. Koestler Gerald J. Jacobson John W. Paulsen Gary L. Dallmann Barbara L. Leopold Morton A. Schroeder Administrative
President Vice President for Academic Affairs Dean of Students Dean of Women Acting Secretary of the Faculty Registrar Financial Aids Officer Director of Student Teaching Director of Special Services Recruitment Director Librarian Media Services Director Director of Athletics Assistant Director of Athletics Archivist
David D. Stabell Karl Tague George Schimmele Roger Blomquist. Roman Guth Diana Burt Pamela Kitzberger Lester Ring Lore Tague, R.N
Business Manager Food Service Manager Chief Engineer and Maintenance Officer Superintendent of Custodial Services Maintenance Supervisor : Secretary to the President Book Store Manager Manager, Graphics Health Services
Tenured Faculty¡ Anderson, Ames E., D.M.A. (1961) Averbeck, Robert L., M.S. (1977) Backer Bruce R., M. Div., M. Mus. (1956) Barnes, Glenn R., Ed. D. (1966) Bartel, Fred A., M. Ed. (1978) Bauer, Gerhard C., Spec. Ed. (1973) Boehlke, Paul R., Ph. D. (1972) Buck, Drew M., B.A. (1983) Buss, Richard E., M.Div. (1970) Carmichael, Gary G., B.S. (1964) Dallmann, Gary L., M.S. (1964) Engel, James E., M. Mus. (1975) Gronholz, John H., M.S. (1985) Haar, Beverlee M., M.S. (1974) Hartwig, Theodore J., M. Div., (1955)
Music Education Music Education Music Education Mathematics-Science Physical Education English Mathematics-Science Physical Education Music Physical Education Education Religion-Social Studies
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Arras, William D
Brei, Raymond A. Brick, Delmar
1969-1982 1960-1978
Fischer, Gilbert F
Frey, Conrad 1
Glende, Arthur F
Grams, A.
Roland H
Nolte, Gertrude E. Nolte, Waldemar Oldfield, John
Rau, Marjorie Sievert, Adelia
Sievert, Erich H
Swantz, Ralph E
Wacker, Victoria E.
Clara E.
Wilbrecht, Adolph F
* Dates indicate years of service to the college.
View of Old Main from near the top of Excelsior Steps
History of the College Dr. Martin Luther College, now owned and operated by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, was founded by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Minnesota and other States. During its 1883 convention the Minnesota Synod resolved to establish an educational institution for the purpose of supplying ministers of the Gospel to its congregations and mission fields. Besides the ministerial course, other courses were to be included in the curriculum. Because of the zeal of the Rev. C. J. Albrecht, pastor of St. Paul's congregation in New Ulm and president of the Minnesota Synod, the new college was located in New Ulm and was ready for dedication and occupancy in the fall of 1884. The second phase of the history of the college began eight years later. In 1892 the Minnesota Synod entered into a close federation with the like-minded Wisconsin and Michigan Synods for a more effective stewardship of resources. At the time Dr. Martin Luther College became the teacher education college for the newly formed joint synod, a function it has fulfilled without interruption for over ninety years. After the Nebraska District Synod had become the fourth member of the joint synod in 1904, the federation formally organized in 1917. This organization, then known as the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and other States, became the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in 1959. At the time of the original merger in 1892, a three-year preparatory curriculum and a twoyear college course were adopted, both of which were open to male students only. The need for women teachers led the school to become co-educational in 1896. The preparatory department was expanded to a four-year high school in 1919, while the two-year college curriculum was retained with the hope of expansion to a four-year college as soon as possible. The first of two steps in expansion was realized with the graduation of the first three-year class in 1931. The completion of the expansion was sidetracked by the effects of the great depression and by World War II. As a result the addition of the fourth year was not accomplished until 1950. The first four-year class was graduated in 1954. As a result of a synodical resolution in 1962 the separation of the high school from the college, each under its own administration, was effected. Both schools continued to use the same facilities until the 1979-80 school year. In that year the high school, known as Martin Luther Academy, was moved to Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, and re-named Martin Luther Preparatory School.
Philosophy and Purpose The existence and function of Dr. Martin Luther College rest on unalterable convictions regarding man, as drawn from the God-given Holy Scriptures. We believe man to be the crown of God's creation. As such, he was made to know God and to share His company. He was endowed with gifts that permitted him to become acquainted with, enjoy the use of, and find cause for wonder and gratitude in everything that God fashioned for human service and delight.
We also hold to the reality of sin, a persistent hereditary wickedness
in man which compels
him to oppose his gracious
cause for all evil. Sin
In sin we find the underlying
ruptured the Creator's design for man, frustrated the creation's service to man, and fixed on man a guilt and helplessness
from which God alone could set him free. This He did through
His Son, the God-Man Jesus Christ, who entered human history and restored the Creator's eternal design for man. In the historical verities of the person and work of Jesus Christ as unfolded in the Scriptures, we find the basis for our Christian assurance that man, the Sinner, was redeemed come.
and reconciled to God to share His company
As believers in Christ we count ourselves
in this life and in the life to
people of high privilege imbued with a gratitude
to our Savior-God that shapes our lives in every direction and that enables us to carry out our various God-given responsibilities: to ourselves - the duty to cultivate our potentialities to be used to the glory of God; to our fellowman as our equal before God -
of body and soul as divine gifts
the obligation to proclaim the freedom-
bringing truth in Christ and to assist him in whatever other manner we have opportunity; to the world apart from man of God to be investigated, design. These Christ-centered
the respect that recognizes all created things as gifts
used, or enjoyed in a manner that harmonizes
with divine
convictions guide us in every sphere of human thought and achieve-
ment. Thus, we view the study of man and his culture, together with the pursuit of other knowledge,
as not only beneficial but obligatory. We humans have been appointed lords of
all things; although weakened by sin, we are still enjOined to search out whatever is useful and wholesome in this life so that in our whole being we may continually draw nearer to the potential for which God made us. We engage in this pursuit not merely for its own sake or to contribute to the kind of wisdom by which man hopes to overcome
the deep problems of human existence
on earth. Our
pursuit of knowledge is aimed primarily at growing in the wisdom which God teaches in His Word: first, that through the study of man and his culture we may see in broad context man's persistent weaknesses
and failings, and his continuing
need for the Savior;
second, that despite the crippling effects of sin we may appreciate the wide range of man's God-given talents for doing, thinking, and speaking what is beautiful, praiseworthy, profound, and mentally and emotionally satisfying; third, that we may come away from this experience
with a larger understanding
God's ways among men and a heightened awe for the majesty, goodness, and wisdom of God. These convictions
regarding God and man are cherished
by the teachers
and students of
Dr. Martin Luther College as well as by the members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod who own and maintain the college. These convictions are the reasons for the existence
of the Synod and all of its schools. Because these convictions derive from divinely revealed truth, we count it our God-given respensibility them en each new generatien equate education perspective
to share them with every man and to impress
ot the church.
with Christian
Indeed, because
of these convlctions,
which puts all learning
and wisdem
into the
ot Christ and His Werd. Since this requires the service of Christ-imbued
cators, all who are called to teach in the schools ot our Syned are expected to share our Christ-centered
and to demenstrate
them by the testimeny
their lives. At the same time, our Christian duty to church and society obllqates us to staff the schools of the Syned with educators is necessary for meaningful
and responsible
in whatever ether learning
life in teday's werld. Therefore
To carry out this assignment Dr. Martin Luther Cellege has built its curriculum and its program ot student life around the proclamation
ot Christ in the Scriptures.
In the curriculum all subjects find their unity in this proclamation,
especially through a select
group ot required religion courses which deal with the Scriptures as the record ot God's acts among men and the revelation of God's truths fer all men and fer all time. These divine acts and truths are viewed and pursued in the wider setting of man's history and cultural milieu through the ages because we held that the proper understanding conversant
with the bread theater of human affairs, particularly
of man requires us to be in these places where the
of Christ has been histerically most visible. Dr. Martin Luther Cellege therefere
otters one basic curriculum of general education
courses in religien, music, science, mathematics,
and the hu-
manities; of area of concentration follewing:
courses fer elementary
English, mathematics,
major courses fer secondary mathematics, ot professienal
selected frem one of the
music, science, and social studies; and of subject
teachers selected from one of the follewing:
music, physical education,
science, and social studies;
education courses in the feundations,
the practical methodolegy,
the art ,of teaching. Threugh this program, Dr. Martin Luther Cellege desires 1. to strengthen
in the student a consecrated
spirit of love fer God and His Werd;
2. to educate the whele person for faithful, capable, intelligent citizenship
in today's
world; 3. to permit the student some beginning oppertunity for personal experience
and enjeyment
4. to equip the student with the pedagogical permit him cempetently
to cemmunicate
at academic specialization
and for wider service as a teacher; skills and the practical training that will Christian truth, knowledge,
an attitude of
wender fer the created universe, and love for God and fellowman; 5. to assist the student in develeping
the understandings,
attitudes, and skills that
are necessary fer meeting the worship needs of the Synod's congregatiens,
keeping professional training in church music an integral part of teacher education.
Primary responsibility
for the instructional
who hold their office as accountable superintendence responsibility
program rests with the members
of the church. In discharging
for improvement
of the faculty
to God through a divine call administered
under the
this trust, the faculty recognizes a continuing
through private study, through further study at other places
of learning, through attendance at meetings of scholarly societies, and through participation in various in-service programs on the campus. These are encouraged satisfaction
but also for effective
of personal
not only for personal
By demonstrating
among the students the love for learning, the spirit of inquiry, and the cultivation horizons that characterize
a respect for
of wider intellectual
and by the example
a wholesome
the faculty hopes to
college atmosphere.
In matters regarding general student life, Dr. Martin Luther College carries out its work on the basis of truths enunciated
in the Word of God. Thus, the college is obligated to show
concern for every student's well-being under Christ, and every student has the responsibility to give respect and obedience to the school and its policies. Christian citizenship
at Dr. Martin Luther College is nurtured also through regular formal
worship that draws its message directly from the God-given
Worship services
are held every academic day to edify the whole college family and to rehearse divine truths in which school learning and life are unified. For the further training of the whole person under Christ, Dr. Martin Luther College encourages student participation
in programs of physical and cultural activity, and in student gov-
ernment. These programs, intended primarily for the benefit of students, also serve, edify, and provide recreation for the entire campus family, the local community, at-large. In their role of subservience also organized and administered In its total educational
and the church-
to the school's chief task, non-academic
in conformity
activities are
with the spirit of Christ.
program Dr. Martin Luther College views its faculty as more than an
instrument to aid students in acquiring knowledge. The faculty member is expected to serve as student adviser in academic matters and as Christian counselor in other capacities where assistance well-being
is desirable
or mandatory.
Dr. Martin Luther College further sees the general
of school and student body strengthened
neous faculty interest in all aspects of student life -
and preserved
by strong and sponta-
an interest which the faculty shows by
being sociable with students, by attending or participating students an example of a God-pleasing life in Christ.
in student activities, and by setting
Thus, in every aspect of school life, Dr. Martin Luther College seeks to fulfill its assignment: to furnish the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod with teacher candidates thoroughly qualified for discharging the high responsibilities of Christian education in a manner that is God-pleasing
and worthy of the world's respect. Such preoccupation
awakens a variety of auxiliary enterprises both their constituency
with teacher education
whereby the school and its faculty freely serve
and the general public. As the only teacher education
institution of
the church it serves, Dr. Martin Luther College recognizes an obligation to furnish educational leadership professional
to that church in whatever
manner the faculty's
of scholarship
expertise can be utilized. Dr. Martin Luther College also stands ready to give
of its time and its facilities to church and society wherever and whenever this may be done without sacrificing
its assignment
or compromising
its Christian pnnciples.
Function Consistent with its philosophy and purpose, Dr. Martin Luther College in its regular sessions offers a four year curriculum in elementary teacher education, and a five year curriculum in secondary education, both culminating in a degree of Bachelor of Science in Education and enabling graduates with synodical certification to teach in the schools of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Its summer sessions offer undergraduate courses, a program of selected subject-matter majors and minors, advanced study programs, enrichment courses and workshops. Its synodical certification program offers those who have the necessary academic background an opportunity to pursue the religion and related courses required to achieve the status of a certified teacher in the Synod. Courses offered in the summer sessions accommodate themselves also to the certification program. It is primarily in the interest of synodical certification, as well, that a fourth program, that of correspondence study, has been inaugurated.
Administrative Organization Dr. Martin Luther College is owned, operated, and maintained by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. This church body has its headquarters at 2929 N. Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53222. The administration of the college is vested in a board of control elected by the Synod in convention. This board consists of three pastors, two male teachers, and two laymen. Briefly stated, the Board of Control is responsible for the calling of faculty personnel; for approval of major curriculum revisions; for property acquisitions, building construction, and major maintenance; and for the general policies under which the college is to operate. The Board of Control discharges most of its functions in consultation with and through the president of the college who represents the faculty and is directly responsible to the board and to the Synod.
Academic Organization Faculty - The faculty is primarily concerned with the academic life of the institution and with such policies as are an integral part of campus life in keeping with the stated philosophy and purpose of the college. Normally the faculty discharges its responsibilities in these areas through regularly scheduled meetings and assignments to its standing committees. Academic Council - The work of the various academic divisions within the college is coordinated through the academic council. It is composed of the division heads, the registrar, and the vice president for academic affairs who is the chairman. This council is responsible to the faculty and the president.
and Membership
Dr. Martin Luther College is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Dr. Martin Luther College is on the list of schools recognized by the United States Department of Education. It is also approved for nonimmigrant foreign students by the Immigration Service of the United States Department of Justice. The college is a member of the American Council on Education. It also holds membership in the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
Location New Ulm is located in the south central section of Minnesota, 100 miles southwest of Minneapolis-SI. Paul. It is accessible by two major highways, US 14 and State 15, and by bus service with connections to all parts of the United States via Mankato. Commercial air travel is available at Mankato and at Minneapolis-SI. Paul International Airport.
Campus The fifty-acre campus, with a beautiful natural setting, lies on a wooded range of hills overlooking the city. It is truly a park, softening the austere lines generally associated with a complex of institutional buildings. Across the street from the campus is Hermann Park, and adjacent to it is Harman Park with fine recreational facilities. Directly below the hill on which DMLC is located the city of New Ulm has erected a recreational center. This includes an indoor swimming and diving pool, an arena which has an indoor ice rink, and racquet ball courts. These are available for student use. Picturesque Flandrau State Park, with good hiking, picnic, and camping areas, is situated within easy walking distance of the campus.
Buildings Old Main - The building in which the college carried out its mission in its first twenty-five years, is now one of a complex of eleven buildings. Dedicated in 1884, Old Main now functions as the administration center. All administrative and most faculty offices are found here. Academic Center - Erected in 1928 and remodeled and enlarged in 1968, the Academic Center is the primary classroom building. Its well-appointed auditorium accommodates 900 persons and is the setting for the daily chapel services. This auditorium houses a threemanual Casavant pipe organ and a smaller pipe organ. In addition to classrooms, lecture rooms, science facilities and art area, the Academic Center houses the campus bookstore and health center.
An Aerial View of a Portion of the Campus
President Lloyd O. Huebner beside aerial photograph of the DMLC campus Music Hall - One of the older buildings on campus, the Music Hall contains organ and piano practice facilities, as well as a class piano laboratory. Music Center - This specialized structure provides outstanding facilities for a well-balanced music curriculum so necessary to prepare qualified graduates for the teaching ministry. It contains music studios, piano and organ practice rooms, 100-seat choral and instrumental rehearsal rooms which double as classrooms, and faculty offices. The two music buildings house thirty-one pianos, seventeen pipe organs, and sixteen electronic pianos as well as a harpsichord. Luther Memorial Union - Dedicated in 1968 and made possible through the generous response of the members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod to the Missio Dei Offering, the L.M.U. is a center of campus activity. This building provides multiple facilities: a gymnasium complex which can also be used as a large auditorium, the kitchen and cafeteria, and the student union with a snack bar, large lounge, game area, campus post office, and meeting rooms for student organizations and the college newspaper and annual staffs.
Library - This two-level, air-conditioned building is the learning resource center. Its upper level houses the reference and bibliography sections, an elementary school curriculum library, several student conference rooms, and a multi-media projection room. The lower level contains the main book stacks, a special room devoted to the study of children's literature, and a modern media center. The media center provides a computer laboratory, a television studio, audio recording facilities, and a general graphics and work area. Interlibrary loan service allows faculty and students to borrow items from all over the United States and from other countries. Presently the library's total collection, including print and non-print items, has more than 114,000 items. By consulting brarian),
Erma Hamann
Gerald Jacobson (cataloger),
(DMLC Librarian),
or other members
Evelyn Daley (reference
of the well-qualified
library staff,
students learn how the library services can enhance their areas of interest or study. Professor John Paulsen and his competent
staff offer helpful advice on the use of media, microcom-
puters, and the television studio.
New DMLC Library Addition The Children'S Literature Room provides a place where students can enjoy and explore the world of children's books provides a place where students can practice storytelling and reading stories to small groups of children 19
provides a place where students can review audiovisual stories
of children's
provides a place where students can examine the work of illustrators books
of children's
LEGEND Children",
E • Storytelling
Children's Literature Endowment The Children's Literature Endowment Fund amounts to $51,000. The earnings of this endowment provide funds for children's literature materials and thus permit the librarian to purchase more items for the main library. The endowment fund was established through gifts received from alumni, friends, WELS congregations, and WELS schools as a centennial thank offering in the year 1984.
Campus Housing Several large dormitories and a number of residences provide on-campus housing for students. Centennial Hall - An attractive two-story residence hall which accommodates 135 men. 20
Highland Hall- Sharing a common lobby with Hillview Hall, this modern four-story women's residence hall accommodates 228 students. Hillview HallSummit Hall-
A modern four-story residence hall which accommodates 220 women. Recently remodeled and refurnished, this is a residence hall for 150 students.
Several former faculty residences along Waldheim Drive also provide on-campus housing for male students.
Admissions Policy - Because of its singular function and purpose, Dr. Martin Luther College must consider carefully the vocational goals of all applicants. Therefore primary consideration is given to qualified applicants who intend to prepare for the teaching ministry in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. The college is also dedicated to receiving qualified applicants who intend to prepare for the teaching ministry in church bodies or congregations which publicly share the doctrinal position of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Classification - Because they are enrolled in courses preparatory to full-time service in the church, all students are classified as divinity students. As a result, on completion of the prescribed curriculum, all qualified graduates are presented to the Church as candidates for assignment through a divine call. Nondiscriminatory Policy - In view of the fact that the sole purpose of this college is to educate students for the teaching ministry of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, this institution does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, 21
sex or marital status in administration arship and loan programs, institution
of its educational
policies, admissions
athletic and other school-administered
serves all without exception
policies, schol-
who meet the Biblical and synodical
Hence this
service in the Church in the teaching ministry.
Agreement - Because the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod underwrites a substantial portion of the educational costs, the Board of Control requires all full-time students to state that 1) they agree to the objectives and policies set forth in the college catalog; 2) they agree to pursue the college's program of studies which is designated to prepare students for the teaching ministry in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod; and 3) they will as graduates submit to the decision of the assignment committee of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and when assigned assume their calling in the church wherever placed unless as members of a church body in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod they are to be assigned by their own church body.
Procedures for Application 1. Submit a completed application blank together with a $25.00 deposit. This is a nonrefundable deposit, but will be applied to the student's cost of tuition and fees upon enrollment. Application blanks may be obtained by writing to Admissions Office, Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN 56073. 2. All entering freshmen are required to participate in the American College Testing program, commonly called ACT. The student should request that the results of the test be sent to Dr. Martin Luther College (code number 2127). Additional information about this test can be obtained from the guidance office of the student's high school. For the convenience of entering college freshmen, the ACT registration and testing dates are listed: Test Date
Registration Deadline
October 22, 1988 December 10, 1988 February 11, 1989 April 15, 1989 June 10, 1989
September 23, 1988 November 11, 1988 January 13, 1989 March 17, 1989 May 12,1989
3. When submitting an application, the prospective student should arrange to have the high school send a transcript of credits directly to Dr. Martin Luther College. Transfer students should also arrange to have all necessary transcripts sent to Dr. Martin Luther College. 4. When an application is received, a recommendation form is sent to the applicant's pastor for completion and to a teacher, counselor, or principal of the applicant's high school.' The completed recommendation forms, together with the transcript of credits and the results of the ACT, is the basis for decision by the admissions committee. 5. An application must be received by July 20 in order to be considered for acceptance for the fall semester.
6. Prior to the beginning of the academic year, each accepted applicant is mailed a physical health form as well as other necessary completed
The physical health form is to be
and returned at least ten days prior to the assigned day of registration.
Foreign Students 1. The applications of foreign students from missions or congregations associated or in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod will be processed in the normal manner. 2. Applications from other foreign students will be considered strictly on an individual basis. To be considered at all, such applicants are to submit valid reasons for wishing to attend a special purpose college of this kind, must demonstrate the educational background necessary to meeting this college's academic requirements, and need to prove financial ability to meet all financial requirements. 3. This college offers no international scholarships or grants-in-aid of any kind. Registration - All students are expected to register at the time stipulated. A late registration fee of $25.00 will be assessed those who fail to meet the designated registration time. Under no circumstances will students be permitted to register later than two weeks after the beginning of a semester. The college reserves the right to determine the validity of late registrations.
Entrance Requirements High School Graduates - A cumulative grade average not lower than a C (2.000) must have been earned in grades nine through twelve. A total of at least twelve credits must have been earned according to the following schedule: English Laboratory Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry) Social Studies Academic Electives (English, Mathematics, Science, Music Fundamentals, Social Studies)
4 2 2 2 2
A credit is defined as one year of study in a subject. Although not a requirement, previous musical experience, especially in piano study, would be beneficial to the entering student. Transfer Students - Transfer students meeting the general entrance requirements are welcome. Transfer credit is granted for each appropriate course in which the transfer student earned the mark of C or better. No grade points are granted for transfer credit. Transfer students who have received transfer credit for Edu 1, Introduction to Education, will be required to take the Dr. Martin Luther College observation-participation experience without credit. Transfer credits of D quality are given only a provisional acceptance. They can be validated by a year of residence work with a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or better.
Costs 1. Board and room per semester
2. Tuition per semester (in state or out-of-state)
Note: Actual total cost for room, board, and tuition for each student amounts to $8,168 per year. Of this amount the student is expected to pay a total of $3,925. The balance of $4,243 is subsidized through the budget of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In short, all students at Dr. Martin Luther College receive financial assistance as a result of this WELS policy.
3. Fees a. Matriculation (payable at entrance and non-recurring) b. Payable annually by all students Incidental Athletic Newspapers and Magazines Medical - resident student non-resident student Use of microcomputer and media equipment (A one-time user fee; transfer students pro-rated at $7.50 per year.) c. ReSidenceand activities (payable annually by all resident students) d. Course fees: Art Microcomputers in Mathematics SCience,per course Piano or organ instruction, per year Organ instruction, course three e. Automobile registration
10.00 49.00 30.00 6.00 50.00 40.00 30.00
8.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 100.00 125.00 20.00
4. Variable Costs These include items such as books and supplies, travel, personal and miscellaneous expenses. These vary according to the individual but are estimated for 1988-89 to be about $775 per semester.
5. Class Dues Class dues are payable at the time of registration. Each student is responsible to pay a nominal amount for class activities. These funds are deposited in the business office for safekeeping and proper accounting.
Refunding Policies - When a student voluntarily withdraws from college, room and board and tuition charges will be calculated on a per diem basis.This policy applies on a semester basis to room and board and tuition. However, in addition, a $25.00 severance fee will be charged. NO FEES WILL BE REFUNDED IN CASE OF WITHDRAWAL. Refunds will first be applied to reimburse financial aid grants and loans as may be required.
1. Installment Program Fees (item 3 under costs) are due in full on registration day. Charges for room, board, and tuition may be paid in ten equal monthly installments August through May. The first installment is due at registration along with the fees and subsequent installments by the fifteenth day of each following month. 2. Payment Policies A penalty fee of $5.00 will be assessed on all accounts where the scheduled payments are not met. Financial aid which a student will be receiving may be used to satisfy payment requirements. In extraordinary cases a student may be granted an extension for payment for a reasonable amount of time by the president or his designate. Students will not be allowed to enroll in a new semester if a balance is due on a preceding semester. Prevailing interest rates will accrue on unpaid balances following the completion of a semester. No transfer of credits or final grade reports will be issued until the student's financial obligations have been met or satisfactory arrangements to do so have been made. The college bookstore does not permit charging but does accept Master Card and Visa credit cards. The charge for room and board and for tuition may be revised by the Board of Trustees of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod at any time as changing economic conditions may demand.
Financial Aid Dr. Martin Luther College believes that the primary responsibility for financing a college education lies with the student and his or her family. However, the college does not want anyone who wishes to become a Christian day school teacher to be deprived of the opportunity for lack of financial resources. For this reason the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod bears a large share of the costs (about one-half) to keep them as low as possible. In addition a financial aid program and a financial aid office are available to assist the student. 1. DMLC Administered Sources of Financial Aid Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants-in-aid, loans, and employment. For this DMLC makes use of its own funds and resources and of synodical funds and programs. The college also will assist the student in making use of state and federal programs, such as the Minnesota State Scholarship and Grant (for Minnesota residents only), Pell Grant, Supplemental Grant (SEOG), Perkins Loan, Guaranteed Student Loan, Minnesota SELF loan program, PLUS and SLS loans, and College Work¡Study.
2. Outside
of Financial
The student may also be eligible for assistance from other state and federal programs, such as Veteran's Benefits. Bureau of Indian Affairs, or Vocational Rehabilitation. Individual congregations, schools, and businesses have scholarships for members, graduates, or children of employees.
3. Application for Financial Aid Each applicant to DMLC will receive a financial aid application and brochure. A more detailed description of the sources of financial aid and the requirements for receiving it may be found in the Financial Aid Brochure. Most forms of aid require basically two items:
a. A completed DMLC Financial Aid Application. b. A completed financial needs analysis: the Family Financial Statement (FFS) of the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the Financial Aid Form (FAF) of the College Scholarship Service (CSS). These should be available from high school guidance counselors or one will be sent upon request. For further information write to the Financial Aid Office at the college. 4. Funds a. Synodical Funds Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Scholarship Fund Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Educational Development Fund b. Annual Grants (1987 - 88) Aid Association for Lutherans Lutheran Campus Scholarship Dr. Martin Luther College Ladies' Auxiliary Maria and Theodore Precht Scholarship Lutheran Brotherhood Senior College Scholarship c. Scholarship Funds (Principal as of 11/1/87) The Anderson Fund' The Reinhold Bartz Fund' The Francis Cooper Estate Scholarship Fund' The Luehrs Fund The Bertha Nederhoff Scholarship Fund' The Schroer Fund' The Schweppe Fund' The Voecks Scholarship Fund' The John Wischstadt Scholarship Trust Fund' The Fred W. Riek Fund' The Sievert Scholarship Fund' The Hulda M. Koch Estate Fund'
$15,500.00 1,250.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 16,285.00 500.00 13,996.00 4,420.00 18,350.00 829.70 23,283.00 4,855.00 75,336.00 3,151.00 4,959.00
, Only the income earned on these funds is used for scholarships and grants. d. Other Gifts and Scholarships Dr. Martin Luther College General Scholarship and Grant Fund (Donations are received from schools, church organizations, and individuals.)
Student Classification - Students are classified prior to the fall semester each year and retain their classification through the spring semester regardless of the number of credits earned. The classifications follow: Freshman: Sophomore: Junior: Senior:
28 or fewer semester hours of credit 29-64 semester hours of credit 65-98 semester hours of credit 99 or more semester hours of credit
Grading System GRADE LETTER A
Bc+ C
cD+ D
DF Failure I WP WF
GRADE POINTS 4.00 per semester hour 3.67 per semester hour 3.33 per semester hour 3.00 per semester hour 2.67 per semester hour 2.33 per semester hour 2.00 per semester hour 1.67 per semester hour 1.33 per semester hour 1.00 per semester hour 0.67 per semester hour 0.00 per semester hour Incomplete Withdrew Passing Withdrew Failing
Work not meeting a credit level of achievement but progress is satisfactory.
Work not meeting a credit level of achievement and progress is unsatisfactory. Audit
Incompletes - The temporary grade I (Incomplete) is issued when a student doing otherwise acceptable work is unable to complete the course assignments for reasons deemed cogent by the instructor. A first-semester Incomplete must be converted into a permanent grade by the end of the second semester, and a second-semester Incomplete by the end of summer school, or the permanent grade is recorded as an F. Academic Standing - Academic standings are computed each semester on the basis of grade points earned to date. Both the semester grade point average and the cumulative grade point average will be computed at the end of each semester and at the close of the summer session. To be a student in good academic standing, the student must earn the minimum semester as well as the minimum cumulative grade point average as indicated in the table below.
Grade Point Average
A grade-point
system is used as a convenient
method of deter-
mining whether a student has done work of C average, 2.000. The grade-point
average is
computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours taken. A minimum
final semester
and cumulative
average of 2.000 is
Academic Standing Good Standing Probation-below
1.600 1.600
1.700 1.700
1.800 1.800
1.900 1.900
2.000 2.000
2.000 2.000
All Other
Policies Regarding Academic Standing - A student on probation must become a student in good standing by the end of the next semester of residence. Normally, if he fails to gain this status, he will be required to withdraw. Application for readmittance will be considered only after a lapse of two semesters. A student on probation shall discuss with his adviser the desirability of reducing his course load to aid him in acquiring good standing. If the course load is reduced, consultation between the student and his adviser and the advice of the registrar will determine the course(s) to be dropped. In the interest of the student as well as in the interest of maintaining proper academic standards, a student on probation shall also discuss with his adviser the extent of his extraclass activities and outside employment. For participation in such activities and employment, both of which can make increased demands on the student's time, the student shall secure the approval of a review committee consisting of the student's adviser, the dean of students, and the vice president for academic affairs. Credits and grade points earned in residence during a summer session are added to those earned during the last semester of the student's attendance. They may apply toward the removal of an academic probation status. Repetition of Courses - A student must earn credit in a course which has been failed and is required for graduation either by repeating the course or by successfully completing an approved substitute. A course may also be repeated if a student desires to better his grade point average. The grade earned in repetition will be figured in the student's average, but the original grade will remain on the record. Courses taken to remove a failure or repeated to better the grade point average can be taken only in residence or, in extraordinary circumstances, through the Dr. Martin Luther College correspondence program. Credit Hour Load - To be classified as full-time, a student must be enrolled in at least twelve hours for credit. The maximum academic load per semester is as follows:
Freshmen: 16'/, hours; sophomores: 19'/, hours; juniors: 19 hours; seniors: 18 hours. A student may be permitted to carry an additional course if he has a cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or better and if other conditions make this advisable. Such permission is obtained by the student from his adviser and the registrar.
A student may register to audit a course if in good standing and with the consent of his adviser, the instructor of the class he wishes to audit, and the registrar. An audit may be changed to a course being taken for credit if the student has a cumulative grade point average of 3.000 and makes such change for credit in the time allowed. Procedures for withdrawing from a course taken for audit are identical to those followed when withdrawing from a course taken for credit. Change in Course Registration - A student may make a change in course registration through the first two weeks of the semester with the approval of his adviser and the registrar. Advanced Placement Examination - High school students who receive a grade of three, four, or five in the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Test may receive college credit. For particular details, the high school student should write to the registrar. Withdrawal from Courses - A student may withdraw from a course with the approval of his adviser, the instructor of the course, and the registrar. Withdrawal from an elective keyboard course also requires the approval of the music division chairman. Such withdrawals may be made without academic penalty during the first three weeks of a semester. After the first three weeks and up to mid-semester, withdrawal may be permitted und.{r special circumstances. For such courses the student's record will show either WP (withdrawal passing) or WF (withdrawal failing). Neither the WP nor the WF will be counted in computing the grade point average. An unauthorized withdrawal from a course will be recorded as an F. Such an F will be counted in the grade point average. Withdrawal from College - The student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the college must first report to his adviser for instructions on procedures. When a student does not follow official procedures in voluntarily withdrawing from the college, a note recording the unauthorized withdrawal will be transcribed on the student's permanent record. Students are not permitted to withdraw officially during the last two weeks of any semester. Transcripts - One free transcript is available to each student. A fee of $2.00 is charged for each subsequent transcript. Transcript requests must be made in writing and must be signed by the applicant.
Teacher Education
Entrance into the Program - Because Dr. Martin Luther College expects all students to pursue a program of education to become elementary teachers for the public ministry of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, a student must pursue the prescribed elementary teacher education program. Policies Regarding the Professional Semester - The professional semester makes up one semester of the senior year. One half of that semester is devoted to student teaching, and the other half is devoted to professional education course work. The following policies apply to students entering the professional semester: 1. Students register for student teaching early in the second semester of the junior year. 2. Before students register for student teaching, the faculty will determine their eligibility to do so. This eligibility will be determined on the basis of recommendations from the faculty screening committee which will consider other factors in addition to academic standing. 3. Students must have attained the status of good standing (cf. page 28) before they can enter the professional semester. Note: Students who also elect to take the secondary teacher education program will be guided by similar policies for the additional professional semester in their fifth year.
Requirements For Graduation* (Questions regarding requirements in effect from September 6, 1955, and applicable to all who began their college programs before September, 1968, may be directed to the registrar.) Academic Requirements 1.
Credits in General Education English Mathematics-Science Music Physical Education Religion Social Studies
82 15 18 11 2 18 18
Credits in Professional Education Student Teaching Other Education
42 8
Credits in an Area of Concentration This work can be done in one of the following fields: English, mathematics, music, science or social studies
14 to 15
Total credits required for graduation .......................................................................•..................138 to 139
Policy - Because the college considers the ability to express oneself clearly, correclly, and responsibly in writing to be a necessity for college work and a characteristic of the competent, qualified Christian educator, it strives to teach and maintain good writing practices. In keeping with this policy, all students must attain a passing grade in a college composition course. Students are advised that grades on poorly written papers, regardless of the course, may be reduced because of the quality of the writing; in extreme cases, a failing grade may be given for this reason. Writing
Policies Regarding Graduation 1. The final thirty semester hours of credit must be earned in residence at Dr. Martin Luther College. 2. A minimum average of 2.000 for the total number of courses taken during the college years is required. 3. A student must be in good standing in his final semester to be eligible for his degree. 4. The student accepts full responsibility for meeting all requirements for graduation. Degree and Certification - Students who satisfactorily complete the college curriculum are graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. Graduates recommended by the faculty for assignment to the Christian ministry have also met the teacher certification requirements of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Though Dr. Martin Luther College is accredited as a baccalaureate degree granting institution by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, this degree does not qualify its graduates for state teaching certification without some additional course work. *These requirements apply only to students who elect to pursue the four-year elementary teacher education program. The graduation requirements for the five-year secondary teacher education program are found in a special bulletin for that program.
Assignment to the Christian Ministry Graduates of the college are ready for assignment to the Christian ministry upon recommendation of the faculty. The committee on assignment of calls, consisting of the praesidium of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the presidents of its respective districts, determines the placement of the graduates. The college administration and faculty are represented at the meetings of this assignment committee in an advisory capacity. The committee on assignment of calls pursues the policy of not considering for assignment women graduates who intend to be married prior to the next school term. However, they may later be called by congregations through their respective district presidents. Prior to 1981, all graduates who were eligible and available for assignment did receive calls. Ninety-one percent of such graduates of the years 1981-87 have received calls. Assessment of future needs and enrollment shows that there may again soon be a shortage of eligible and available graduates.
Student Life Spiritual Life of the Student - Student life is to be Christian life, an outward expression of inward, Spirit-worked faith in Christ. Because such faith needs continuous nourishment, life at Dr. Martin Luther College is centered in the Word of God. Students attend divine services at St. John's or St. Paul's Lutheran churches, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod churches in New Ulm. These congregations also invite the students to commune regularly at their altars. Chapel services are held each school day in the Academic Center auditorium. These devotions are designed to focus the light of the Word on student life and on the students' future vocation, as well as to meet their overall spiritual needs. Students are expected to attend Sunday services and chapel services regularly. Class Attendance - Dr. Martin Luther College requires regular class attendance. Each absence from class is recorded and must be accounted for by the student. The calendar for the school year determines class days and vacation periods. Early departures and late returns at vacation time are not to be requested unless emergencies or very clear cut and acceptable reasons exist. Conduct - A maturing Christian who is preparing for the teaching ministry is expected to exercise an increasing degree of self-discipline and sound judgment. Hence it should not be necessary to surround him with a multitude of rules and regulations. Nevertheless, fruitful preparation for service in the Church requires the proper environment which develops from following certain fundamental policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are summarized in the student handbook. The dean of students, particularly in his function as campus pastor, concerns himself with campus life and activity so that they are consistent with a Christian profession. He and the dean of women, together with their staffs, function to serve in the most effective ways the best interests of each student. Inconsistencies in Christian life and principles are reasons for dismissal and are handled by the dean of students and the president. Housing - Except for those students whose homes are in New Ulm, all housing is under college supervision. Dormitories are closed during Christmas, early spring, and Easter vacations. On graduation day, students are expected to be checked out of the dormitories by 5:00 p.m. Married students are responsible for making their own off-campus housing arrangements. Personal Belongings - The college provides a bed and mattress for each student. Besides personal effects, the student provides mattress pad, pillow, blankets, bedspread. The student also provides a desk lamp, unless assigned to Hillview Hall. The college cannot and does not carry insurance on the student's personal possessions. If there is concern about such coverage, the student is advised to check with the family's insurance counselor.
Linen service is available to all students for $39.50 for the school year, payable in full at time of registration.
Each student receiving linen service is furnished freshly laundered, each
week, two sheets, one pillow case, two large bath towels, one small hand towel, and two wash cloths. Students not using the linen service furnish and launder their own sheets, pillow cases, and towels. Laundry facilities are available on the campus. The college business office operates a check cashing system for the students' convenience.
Motor Vehicles - Use of motor vehicles by resident students is permitted when in conformity with established policies. A request to register a motor vehicle is to be made of the dean of students at least two weeks before the vehicle is to be brought to campus. Motor vehicle privileges entail a $20.00 registration fee and proof of adequate insurance coverage, including coverage for passengers. More specific information regarding the possession and use of motor vehicles is available upon request from the office of the dean of students.
Student Services Orientation - An orientation program is conducted during the first days of each academic year and is continued at regular intervals during the first semester. The purpose of the program is to provide information relating to student life and responsibilities at Dr. Martin Luther College. All incoming freshmen and all transfer students are involved in this program. Counseling - Each student is assigned a faculty member as an adviser. The adviser assists in selecting the area of concentration and course electives. The student is encouraged to utilize every aspect of the counseling program. Personal problems may also be discussed with the adviser as well as with the dean of students or dean of women, both of whom maintain daily office hours. Students receive grade reports at the end of each semester. In addition, students may receive mid-semester evaluations from their advisers. At registration, students may sign a request that their parents also receive copies of the semester grade reports and any correspondence pertaining to academic standing. Since the college is concerned about its students and their performance, preparing as they are for the teaching ministry in the church, and since students are accepted by the college only upon written recommendation of their pastors, pastors of those students who are experiencing difficulties may be consulted in order to serve the students' spiritual and academic best interests. Health Services - This unit is staffed by a registered nurse who has on file the completed health data and physical examination forms required of all entering students. A medical fee to cover authorized medical services is assessed at the time of registration along with other fees. Included in the services is a secondary insurance coverage and some basic medical supplies. Normally, the insurance provides for those involved in any sanctioned on-campus or off-campus activities. The maximum coverage is $1,000.00.
Dramatics, Concerts, and Lectures - The academic community of the college presents cultural and educational events throughout the year.
Numerous musical events are scheduled: recitals by staff members, solo performances by advanced students in organ and piano and concerts by the choral, band, and handbell organizations. From time to time outstanding artists are also engaged for campus performances. In addition to frequent activities by various academic divisions, the college sponsors an annual lyceum series, representing various fields of interest. Mankato State University, Gustavus Adolphus College, colleges in Minneapolis-St.Paul, the University of Minnesota, the Walker Art Center, the Tyrone Guthrie Theater, the Ordway Theater, and visits to the MinnesotaOrchestra offer excellent opportunities for cultural growth.
Student Activities Extracurricular activities are an integral part of college life and contribute to the educational process; participation is encouraged. All activities and the organizations sponsoring them are under the supervision of the faculty's student service council and the student-oriented collegiate council. Collegiate CouncilThe collegiate council, whose membership is student elected, exists to serve the best interests of the college and its campus family. It meets regularly to discharge this responsibility and to plan student activities. Student Union - Sociability and entertainment keynote the student union. The Joust-about (a game room), lounges, offices for student organizations, the Round Table (a snack shop), and a post office are housed in this facility. A student union board sponsors recreational activities in the union and governs its general operation. Student Organizations - Music activities are many and varied. The band program includes the DMLC Symphonic Band, the Wind Ensemble, the Jazz Ensemble, a pep band, and other small instrumental ensembles. Other musical groups include handbell choirs and a recorder club (Pro Musica). Students belong to one of three choirs. The college has excellent facilities for theatrical productions. Plays and musicals are staged by the drama club. A drama group which gears its programs to an elementary school audience, the Children'STheater, is an organization whose objectives are especially relevant for prospective teachers. Representing the school through its publications is the privilege of those working on the D.M.L.C. Messenger, the college paper. Journalistic skills of another kind are developed by working on the ExcelSior,the college annual. Student organizations which provide for a wide range of interests are organized for students with special interests, skills, and abilities. Funds collected by the treasurers of all student organizations are deposited in the business office for safe keeping and proper accounting.
- A comprehensive program of intramural and intercollegiate athletics is offered both men and women. The college holds membership in the National Little College Athletic Association which offers national championship competition for men and women in selected sports. Athletics
The women compete in intercollegiate volleyball, cross country, basketball, softball, tennis, and track with members of the Midwestern Women's Collegiate Conference. The intramural program involves basketball, softball, volleyball, tennis, horseshoes, touch football, track and field, and golf. Men's intercollegiate sports include football, basketball, baseball, tennis, and golf. The college competes in the Upper Midwest Collegiate Conference. In order to compete in any aspect of intercollegiate athletics, a student must be covered by an insurance policy which would adequately cover any medical or hospital-bills resulting from injury. Facilities include gymnasiums, six tennis courts, baseball diamond, outdoor basketball court, intramural activities areas, football practice field, a football bowl, and a softball diamond.
Varsity Football 1987
Dr. Martin Luther College nose guard Kurt Callaway (63) sacks Trinity Bible College quarterback Brad Phillips for an 11-yard loss while an unidentified teammate is blocked by Trinity's Larry Agee (31) in Upper Midwest Collegiate football action. The Lancers, coached by Professor John Gronholz, won the game by a score of 46-7.
Varsity Men's Baseball 1987
Varsity Women's Basketball 1986
There is no shortage of school spirit at DMLC! This mammoth inflated plastic jukebox was constructed by the senior class for the 1987 homecoming parade and actually played music from the 50s. It was powered by a gasoline generator and inflated by a turbo fan. It was the first inflatable float ever built at DMLC.
Athletics Over 50% of DMLC's students participate in intercollegiate or intramural sports. Sports are both entertaining and educational at DMLC since most graduates will either end up teaching some physical education or doing some coaching at the elementarv school level.
The following were head coaches for interscholastic teams at DMLC for 1987-88: Football - Jack Gronholz Volleyball - Drew Buck Golf - Karl Tague Women's Cross Country - Paul Boehlke Men's Basketball- Drew Buck Women's Track - Jack Gronholz Women's Basketball- Barb Leopold Women's Tennis - Gary Dallmann Men's Tennis - Arlen Koestler Softball - Barb Leopold Baseball - Marvin Meihack
Regular Sessions Basic Curriculum - Dr. Martin Luther College exists to prepare qualified educators for the teaching ministry in the Lutheran elementary and secondary schools of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. Therefore, the college offers one basic curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science in Education degree. The first two years of this program provide the student with a broad general education. The final two or three years add to general education, but they also include specialization in the field of education and a concentration or major in one academic area. The areas of concentration from which a student may select are English, mathematics, music, science, and social studies; students in the elementary and secondary program select a major from English, mathematics, music, physical education, science, and social studies. Included within the basic curriculum are music courses so that, as far as gifts and abilities permit, students may in the future serve as organists and choir directors in congregations of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree Education:
42 credits
1. 20. SO. 51. 52. 53.
Introduction to Education 2 The Psychology of Human Growth and Development... 3 Psychology of Learning 3 Teaching Reading ....................................•............................................................................3 Teaching Religion...............................•.•................................................................................3 Children's Literature 3
54. 55. 56. 75. 80. 85. 57. 93. 97.
(Cross listed with English 93) Teaching Music in the Elementary School. Art in the Elementary School Physical Education in the Elementary School Elementary Curriculum History and Philosophy of Education Student Teaching Teaching Mathematics Teaching Kindergarten and Primary Grades Elementary School Administration
Physical Education: 1 and 2. 20 and 21.
English: 1. 2. 20. 21. 60.
credits credits credits credits credits credits
2 credits 2 credits 2 credits 6 credits 3 credits 8 credits 2 } 2 2
Elect one
2 credits
2 credits
Physical Education Physical Education
'/2 and '/2 credit '/2 and '/2 credit
15 credits
English Composition Speech Fundamentals Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama Introduction to Literature: American Fiction The English Language (Education 53 and Religion 21 are cross-listed as additional English courses.)
3 3 3 3 3
credits credits credits credits credits
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Area of Concentration: Each student with his adviser plans his program so that he earns a total of 14 or 15 credits in one academic area: English, mathematics, music, science, or social studies. English:
15 credits
A student must choose at least one course from each group. All students must take English 91 Religious Perspectives in Modern Drama. 50. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
Literature of the Ancient World Shakespeare The Age of Romanticism in England The English Novel. American Literature: The Social Phase The Twentieth Century American Novel.
3 ( 3 3 3 3 3
Elect 1 to 3 courses
3-6-9 credits
~~: ~:~;~e ~~i~i~~.~~.a.~.~.~r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~} 81. Language, Thought, and Meaning 3 85. Argument and Advocacy in Writing 3
Elect 1 to 3 courses
3-6-9 credits
67. English History and Culture I. 68. English History and Culture II.
These courses satisfy the minimum requirement for either group above.
.4 } .4
91. Religious Perspectives in Modern Drama
Mathematics: 21. 55. 56. 61. 69. 75.
3 credits
15 credits
Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 credits Mathematical Analysis 1 3 credits Mathematical Analysis 11 3 credits Microcomputers in Mathematics: Elementary Level Elect 3 credits Microcomputers in Mathematics: Advanced Level one Modem Concepts of Geometry 3 credits Teaching Mathematics See Education 57 (Must be taken by students concentrating in mathematiCS)
15 credits
A student shall have earned two credits in piano or organ by the end of his freshman year in order to qualify for the music concentration. Exceptions must have the approval of the chairman of the music division. 55. 56. 85. 60. 61. 62. 57. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.
Theory of Music 1 Theory of Music 11 Choral Conducting and Repertoire Organ Literature Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation Organ Registration and Design Counterpoint for the Parish Musician Music in the Baroque Era Music;in the Twentieth Century Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven Music in the Romantic Era Music in the Renaissance Johann Sebastian Bach
3 credits 3 credits 3 credits 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Performance: Organ
Elect one two-credit or two one-credit courses
2 credits
..........4 - 7 credits
Science: 30. 60. 71. 81. 90.
14 credits
General Chemistry Earth and Space Science...................................................................... Botany Human Physiology Science in Our Society
Social Studies:
3 3 3 3 2
credits credits credits credits credits
15 credits
Students must elect one course from each of the first two groups. A student may elect as many as three courses from either of these groups. A student may take courses from all three groups. All students must take Social Studies 90 Foundations of History. 51. 52. 71. 80. 85. 55. 56. 60. 61. 65. 67. 68. 76. 77. 58.
The Union in Crisis American Government American Diplomacy Lutheranism in America America in the Gilded Age Geography of Monsoon Asia Geography of Africa The Age of Discovery The Reformation Era Modern Russia English History and Culture I. English History and Culture II Twentieth Century Europe History of Modern China Economics
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .4 .4 3 3 3
Elect 3 to 9 credits
Elect 3 to 9 credits
Elect 0 to 3 credits
90. Foundations of History
3 credits
Courses of Instruction Courses numbered 1 - 49 are primarily for freshmen and sophomores, 50 - 99 for juniors and seniors. Division of Education and Physical Education Roger C. Klockziem, Chairman Professors Averbeck, Barnes, Bartel, Bauer, Haar, Isch, LaGrow, Menk, Meyer, Paap, Pelzl, Schulz, Stoltz, Wagner, Wendler, Wessel. Physical Education: Professors Buck, Dallmann, Gronholz, and Leopold. Education 1. Introduction to Education
2 credits
An overview of the field of education: the theological, psychological, and sociological foundations of education, as well as the school and the teacher and teaching.
20. The Psychology of Human Growth and Development
3 credits
A study of human physical and psychological growth and development, with particular emphasis on the developmental needs of children and early adolescents, as revealed in the Scriptures and in the findings of psychological research.
3 credits
50. Psychology of Learning
Psychological findings and concepts regarding the learner, the learning process, and learning situations. 3 credits
51. Teaching Reading
The reading process and the objectives, methods, and materials employed in teaching reading.
3 credits
52. Teaching Religion
Objectives, curriculum requirements, materials, and basic methods of procedures in conducting classroom devotions and in teaching Bible history, catechism, and hymnology in the Lutheran elementary school.
3 credits
53. Children's Literature
The approach to children's literature, criteria for evaluation, methods of selecting and presenting literature for enjoyment and enrichment. (Cross-listed with English 93.) 54. Teaching Music in the Elementary School
2 credits
Methods and materials beneficial to a successful music program for Lutheran elementary schools. Prerequisite: Piano 2 or its equivalent. 2 credits
55. Art in the Elementary School
Exploration of a variety of art media useful in the Lutheran elementary school; teaching methods; and the history and appreciation of modern art. One lecture period and two laboratory periods per week. 56. Physical Education in the Elementary School
2 credits
Curriculum planning and methods of teaching physical education in the Lutheran elementary school. 2 credits
57. Teaching Mathematics
The objectives, basic teaching techniques, and materials of the mathematics program for the elementary school and the junior high school. 6 credits
75. Elementary Curriculum
The curriculum for grades one through eight with special emphasiS on principles and techniques of teaching in the areas of mathematics, science, the social studies, and the language arts other than reading. Students also become acquainted with teaching materials pertinent to these areas. Professional semester. Twelve class periods and six additional periods for laboratory experiences per week for one-half semester.
80. History and Philosophy of Education
3 credits
An examination of the sources, the content, and the significance of educational theories and practices from a historical perspective and in the light of Christian principles with emphasis upon the American scene. 85. Student Teaching
8 credits
A full-time professional experience in cooperating Lutheran elementary schools during one-half of the student's professional semester, providing an opportunity to learn effective teacher behavior through observation and practice under the guidance of Lutheran elementary school teachers and college supervisors. 93. Teaching Kindergarten and Primary Grades
2 credits
Objectives, methods, and materials for teaching in the kindergarten and primary grades. 97. Elementary School Administration
2 credits
Administrative principles and their application to the organization and management of the elementary school in the Lutheran congregation. Physical Education 1 and 2.
Physical Education
'/2 and '/2 credit
Activity courses in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and body-building for men; tennis, volleyball, gymnastics, and softball for women. 20 and 21.
Physical Education
'/2 and '/2 credit
Activity courses in golf, gymnastics, and tennis for men; track and field, golf and badminton for women. The American Red Cross standard first aid course for both men and women. Physical Education in the Elementary School
See Education 56
Division of English Richard E. Buss, Chairman Professors Jacobson, Koestler, Kuster, Levorson, Martin D. Schroeder, and Morton A. Schroeder. 1. English Composition
3 credits
Emphasis on effective writing with additional attention given to grammatical concepts and writing conventions. 2. Speech Fundamentals
3 credits
Practical application of techniques and principles governing critical listening to and delivering of public addresses as well as participation in group discussions. 20. Introduction to Literature:
Poetry and Drama
3 credits
An analysis of the poem and drama, with emphasis on problems of content and form that the student encounters.
21. Introduction to Literature:
American Fiction
3 credits
American fiction revealing American ideals and culture, together with an introduction to the novel and short story as literary forms. 3 credits
22. New Testament Epistles (Cross-listed with Religion 21.)
3 credits
60. The English Language
An examination of the living, changing nature of the English language and varieties of regional and social usage, as well as an introductory study of structural and transformational grammar. 3 credits
93. Children's Literature (Cross-listed with Education 53.) English Concentration Courses
3 credits
50. Literature of the Ancient World
A concentration upon and an evaluation of a significant part of world literature which has contributed to Western thought and culture. 3 credits
52. Shakespeare
The dramatic and poetic writings of William Shakespeare with emphasis on the great tragedies. Focus on the author's view of man and his contributions to literary art as revealed in selected narrative poetry, sonnets, and plays. Prerequisite: English 20 or consent of instructor. 3 credits
53. The Age of Romanticism in England
The Romantics, their ideals as opposed to those of the Neo-classicists, and their impact upon nineteenth and twentieth century thought and action. 3 credits
54. The English Novel
The origin, development, and influence of the most flexible narrative type of British prose. 55. American Literature: The Social Phase
3 credits
America's social ideals and problems as presented in American literature from colonial times to the present. 56. The Twentieth Century American Novel
3 credits
An investigation of this literary form as it contributes to and reveals current thought and culture. 3 credits
65. Modern English Grammar
An intensive study of generative-transformational grammar, its theory, and practical application. Prerequisite: English 60 or consent of instructor.
and Culture
An interdisciplinary
4 credits
course. England from Celtic Britain to the Glorious Revolution, 500
BC to AD 1689. (Cross listed with Social Studies 67.) 68.
and Culture
An interdisciplinary (Cross-listed 76.
4 credits
course. The British Empire and Commonwealth
from 1689 to 1945.
with Social Studies 68.)
An opportunity
3 credits
for the student as writer to communicate
introspection, 81.
and conviction, Thought,
literature born of experience,
to afford him the discovery of power of expression.
and Meaning
A study of language symbols:
3 credits
how they develop meaning and how they affect thought
and behavior. 85.
and Advocacy
While developing
in Writing
3 credits
a sound background
practices the discovery
in argumentation,
of warrantable
style, and ethics, the student
improves them in discussion,
ultimately sets them forth in polished and powerful written form. 91.
in Modern
3 credits
An analytical and critical survey of modern drama with its religious implications. Required of all students
in the English area of concentration.
Senior standing
or consent
instructor required. Division
of Mathematics-Science
Harold D. Yotter, Chairman Professors
Boehlke, Carmichael,
Meihack, Micheel, Paulsen, Pelzl, Sponholz,
Wandersee. Mathematics 1. Introduction
to Number
4 credits
The modern treatment of the number systems of elementary 3. Foundations
of Mathematics
4 credits
The importance of the real number system to the many complex and useful structures of higher mathematics. 20.
is determined by evaluation of previous experience.
3 credits
Equations, functions,
and matrices, as well as mathematical
all mathematics
courses. Open only to students concentrating
of Contemporary
procedures that pervade in mathematics.
The topics which make up the contemporary
school. Required of all students not concentrating
3 credits
program of mathematics in mathematics.
in the elementary
21. Introduction to Probability and Statistics
3 credits
Interpretations of probability, techniques of counting in determining equally likely outcomes, conditional probability and independence, random variables, and statistical applications of probability.
3 credits
52. Linear Algebra
The study of matrices, determinants, vectors, and linear transformations with applications of each.
3 credits
55. Mathematical Analysis I
An introduction to analytic geometry and single-variable calculus, with emphasis on limits and on differentiation and its application.
3 credits
56. Mathematical Analysis II
A continuation of Mathematical Analysis I extending to integration of algebraic functions as well as differentiation and integration of trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions. 61. Microcomputers in Mathematics:
Elementary Level
3 credits
A study of the operation, mathematical applications, and elementary programming of the microcomputer. Prerequisites: Mathematics 1 or 3 and consent of instructor.
69. Microcomputers in Mathematics:
Advanced Level
3 credits
A study of the operation, mathematical applications, and advanced programming of the microcomputer. Prerequisites: Mathematics 20 and 21 and consent of instructor.
3 credits
75. Modern Concepts of Geometry
A study of geometric theory from the axiomatic point of view, with emphasis on Euclidian 2- and 3-space geometry. See Education 57
Teaching Mathematics Science
4 credits
1. Physical Science
The physical principles that govern the interchange of matter and energy. Two lecture periods and four hours laboratory work per week. 4 credits
20. Biological Science
The study of life in the biosphere, with emphasis on the unity and diversity of living things from a cellular perspective. Two lecture periods and four hours laboratory work per week.
3 credits
The interrelationship of air, water, soil, and vegetation, their distribution in space, and their relation to men. Two lecture hours and one two-hour laboratory period per week. (Cross-hsted with Social Studies 24.) Science Concentration Courses 30. General Chemistry
3 credits
Study of structure, composition, and transformation of matter. Two lecture periods and two hours laboratory work per week. 60. Earth and Space Science
3 credits
Laboratory-oriented approach to geology and astronomy. Two lecture periods and two hours laboratory work per week. 71. Botany
3 credits
Introductory plant biology emphasizing plants' structure, reproduction, and function in the biosphere. Two lecture periods and two hours laboratory work per week. 81. Human Physiology
3 credits
A study of the chemical and physical processes in the human body. Laboratory work includes an introduction to physiological instrumentation and procedures. Two lecture periods and two hours laboratory work per week. Prerequisites: Science 20 and 30. 90. Science in Our Society
2 credits
An examination of science and scientific problems from the Christian perspective. Current areas: Nature of Science, Energy, and Health Issues. DiviSion of Music Edward H. Meyer, Chairman Professors Anderson, Backer, Bartel, Engel, Hermanson, Kresnicka, Luedtke, Nolte, Schenk, F. Schubkegel, J. Schubkegel, Shilling, Tjernagel, Wagner. 15. Elements of MUSic
2 credits
Recognition and construction of melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic components of music. Offered on several levels: placement is determined by evaluation of previous experience. Students having extensive music background may substitute credits in Music 55. 16. Vocal Skills
1 credit
Individual and group performance, hymn singing, sightsinging, and ear training. Offered on several levels: placement is determined by evaluation of previous experience. Two class periods per week.
0.5 credit per semester
17. Choir
Training in vocal and choral techniques, sight reading, and memorization by rehearsal and performance. Membership determined by audition. 3 credits
20. Perception of Music
This course trains the student to perceive the elements of music and to apply them to various types. It supports this training with historical insights. 2 credits
75. Lutheran Worship
The Sunday service, other orders of worship, and hymnody are studied and applied to the life and work of the Lutheran teacher-church musician. Significant developments in the history of Western worship are given consideration. Teaching Music in the Elementary School
See Education 54
Music Concentration Courses 3 credits
55. Theory of Music I
A study of the vertical and linear construction of triads in the major and minor modes based on the period of "common practice." Included are part-writing and keyboard application. Prerequisite: Music 15 or its equivalent. 3 credits
56. Theory of Music II
Continuation of Theory of Music I. Use of seventh, ninth, secondary dominants, and more advanced chords. Modulation in theory and practice. Keyboard and aural drill. Extensive practice in part-writing. Prerequisite: Music 55. 2 credits
57. Counterpoint for the Parish Musician
Development of compositional skills necessary to combine several melodic lines into an intelligible musical unity. Emphasis on practical composition for use in the parish. Prerequisites: Music 55 and 56. 1 credit
60. Organ Literature
Studies in organ literature, including stylistic characteristics of historical periods and national schools. Selection of music for public performance. Prerequisite: Registration in Organ Course Three or consent of instructor. 61. Keyboard Harmony and Improvisation
'/2 and '/2 credit
Improvisation techniques useful to the parish organist. Figured bass realization; varied hymn harmonization; polyphonic hymn settings in 2 and 3 voices. One hour per week for two semesters. Prerequisites: Music 55 and 56, registration in Organ Course Three, or consent of instructor. 1 credit
62. Organ Design and Registration
Pipe families and scaling practices, aspects of registration. Principles of tonal design. Prerequisite; Registration in Organ Course Three or consent of instructor.
and Repertoire
3 credits
Basic choral conducting and rehearsal techniques, rehearsal practice, interpretation of choral literature, proper choral literature for Lutheran worship. 90. Music in the Baroque Era
2 credits
Broad survey and analysis of representative compositions, especially those relative to the traditions of the Church. Development of perceptual and analytic skills. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. 91. Music in the Twentieth Century
2 credits
Examination of styles and trends in Western music since 1910, with focus upon American music. Development of listening skills through analysis of representative cornpositions. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. 92. Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven
2 credits
A study of Viennese classicism within a religious, historical, and cultural setting. Recognition and analysis of selected masterworks. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. 93. Music in the Romantic Era
2 credits
Nineteenth century Europe after Beethoven: the mainstream tradition and the devel· opment of alternative musical languages. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. 94. Music in the Renaissance
2 credits
Monophony through Palestrina: the roots and development of early western European music through the Reformation. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. 95. Johann Sebastian Bach
2 credits
Survey and analysis of Bach's keyboard, orchestral, and choral works as they relate to his creed, career, and cultural milieu. Prerequisites: Music 15 or its equivalent and Music 20. Organ
See page ••.
Choral Work One credit earned in two consecutive semesters of satisfactory choir participation is required of all students. Normally this credit is earned during the freshman year. Continuous choir membership is required of all students electing the music concentration. Choir participation is elective on an annual basis for all others. No minimum gradepoint average is required for this election. Rehearsals are held during the academic class schedule. College Choir: Treble Choir: Chorale:
Four periods per week Two periods per week Two periods per week
Piano and Organ - In the general education program, all students are required to earn two semester hours of credit in keyboard. Keyboard work begins in the first semester of the
freshman year and continues in consecutive semesters until requirements
are met. Students
begin keyboard work (piano or organ) at the level at which their previous experience places them. Placement
is determined
by the music faculty.
Students with little or no previous keyboard experience, minimum requirements many as two additional
who may not be able to meet the
as set forth in Piano 1 and Piano 2, are permitted, semesters
to complete the work. The minimum
designed to indicate sufficient facility to teach classroom
music and conduct devotions.
semester of work not meeting the minimum course requirements progress is satisfactory
if necessary, requirements
as are A
receives the grade of S if
or U if progress is unsatisfactory.
Piano and organ instruction is given on an individual lesson basis. A minimum of fifteen onehalf hour lessons
per semester
is required
in order to earn credit. Some instruction
beginning piano is given in a group situation with three class meetings per week. Special considerations
may allow a student to take double lessons in organ and piano
courses. Permission for this privilege is granted by the instructor, adviser, and registrar under the guidelines for "credit hour load" on page 30 of this catalog. Additional fees are required. Students having completed Piano 2 or its equivalent may take organ instruction. Credit toward graduation
is granted for keyboard work required in the music concentration.
elect keyboard
work for credit or no credit (audit). No minimum
Others may grade point
average is required for this election.
Piano 1 and 2.
1 and 1 credit
Courses designed to help prepare the student for classroom keyboard responsibilities in Lutheran elementary schools. The student plays piano literature, scales, chords, accompaniments, and hymns. 1 credit
15. Classroom Piano Skills
Further development of basic piano skills for elementary classroom teachers. Individual assignments including hymns, classroom songs, review of scales, chords and literature. Three class meetings per week. Prerequisite: Piano 2 or its equivalent. The course may be repeated for credit. 1 credit
20. Piano
Appropriate literature, scales, chords, accompaniments, hymns, and songs designed to improve the student's ability to manage elementary classroom music responsibilities. Prerequisite: Piano 2 or its equivalent. 1 credit
21. Piano
Appropriate literature, hymns, and songs; further development of technical skills. Prerequisite: Piano 20 or its equivalent. 1 credit
30. Piano
Appropriate literature, hymns and songs; further development of technical skills. Prerequisite: Piano 21 or its equivalent. The course may be repeated for credit.
Piano Instruction
Instruction at the level of the student's ability. Entered as "audit" on student's
record. Open to students who have earned two credits in keyboard courses. Not open to students in the music concentration
unless also enrolled in an organ course for credit. Organ
The organ curriculum
seeks to prepare the Lutheran teacher to assist with the art of the
organ in congregational
worship. Individualized
instruction is offered on three levels:
One, Course Two, and Course Three. The student develops
at his own pace. Successful
completion of any course certifies the candidate as church organist with Course One, Two, or Three proficiency.
1 credit
Organ fundamentals,
sight reading, keyboard harmony, registration, Order of Holy Com-
munion, hymns, and service music. Completion credits. Course
Organ fundamentals
per semester
of Course One normally requires 5-7
1 credit
per semester
and technical studies; sight reading; modulation and bridging; order
of service in The Lutheran Hymnal; accompaniment, intonation, and transposition of
hymns; service music, choral and solo accompaniments. Completion of Course Two normally requires 5-7 credits. Course Three
1, 1.5, or 2 credits per semester
Course Two plus increased practice hours, library research, and organ laboratory. Penetration into advanced literature and three of the following areas: keyboard harmony and improvisation, registration and organ design, orders of worship, hymn interpretation, practical literature, service playing. Organ Instruction without Credit
Instruction according to Course One or course previously begun. Entered as "audit" on student's official record. Open to students who have earned two credits in keyboard courses. Not open to students in the music concentration. Division of Religion - Social Studies Theodore J. Hartwig, Chairman Professors Heckmann, Koelpin, Krueger, Lange, Lenz, Levorson, Meihack, Raddatz, Wulff, and Zarling. Religion 1. The History of Israel
3 credits
God's plan of salvation as presented in the historical books of the Old Testament. (Cross-listeo with Social Studies 22.)
3 credits
2. The New Testament History
The life and work of Christ and of the founding and growth of His Church through the work of the Holy Ghost. (Cross-listed with Social Studies 23.) 3 credits
20. Christian Doctrine I
A study of those truths which the Bible, as the divinely inspired source of doctrine, presents concerning the Author, the object, and the Mediator of salvation. 3 credits
21. New Testament Epistles
A study of selected New Testament epistles, with emphasis on understanding their content in context. (Cross-listed with English 22.) 3 credits
50. Christian Doctrine II
The Scriptural truths concerning the blessing the Holy Ghost showers on believers, individually and collectively, in the presentation and appropriation of the gift of salvation. 3 credits
75. Lutheran Confessional Writings
The origin, content, and significance of the confessions of the Lutheran Church as contained in the Book of Concord (1580). Senior standing required. Social Studies 3 credits
1. Western Civilization I
A study of the civilizations of the Near East, Greece, and Rome to 31 B.C. with special attention to their relationships with the Hebrews. 3 credits
2. Western Civilization II
Developments in the Christian church and among the nations of western Europe from the birth of the Roman Empire to the sixteenth century. 3 credits
20. Europe in Modern Times
An examination of the European world since the Reformation with emphasis on the political, social, intellectual, and religious changes of these centuries. 21. The American Scene to
3 credits
An examination of the American way of life from the nation's colonial foundations to the cementing of the Union after the Civil War. 3 credits
22. The History of Israel (Cross-listed with Religion 1.)
3 credits
23. The New Testament History (Cross-listed with Religion 2.)
3 credits
24. Physical Geography (Cross-listed with Science 28.)
29. Geography of the Americas
3 credits
The physical and cultural geography of the Western Hemisphere with special treatment of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. Prerequisite: Science 28. 50. Twentieth Century America
3 credits Our country's role in the world affairs in this century, with sufficient attention given to domestic and foreign developments to make possible the clarification and elaboration of this theme, and with religious implications receiving special stress.
Social Studies Concentration Courses 51. The Union in Crisis
3 credits The struggles and trials of the Federal Union during the Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction periods of the 19th century with emphasis on the problems of sectionalism, slavery, recession, warfare, and stresses of reunion.
52. American Government
3 credits
The development, form, and function of our American federal government. 55. Geography of Monsoon Asia
3 credits
The physiographic and cultural features of China, Japan, India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia, stressing the problems of population pressures, development of resources, and international relations. Prerequisite: Science 28. 56. Geography of Africa
3 credits
A study of both physiographic and cultural features of Africa to clarify the position of that continent in the world today and its potential for the future. Prerequisite: Science 28. 58. Economics
3 credits
An examination and application of the basic principles of economics and economic systems (macroeconomics) and an analysis of economic problems and issues and their social and historical significance both past and present. 60. The Age of Discovery
3 credits
The forces, attitudes, and achievements associated with the civilization of the Renaissance in Italy and the European voyages of exploration in the era between 1300 and 1600. 61. The Reformation Era
3 credits An in-depth study of the Reformation. Examines at first hand the concerns and conviction of those who participated in the Reformation.
65. Modern Russia
3 credits An introduction to the history of Russia and the Soviet Union from the sixteenth century to the present.
67. English History and Culture I
4 credits
(Cross-listed with Eng. 67.)
4 credits
68. English History and Culture II (Cross-listed with Eng. 68.) (See p. 48 for full descriptions.)
3 credits 71. American Diplomacy The role of foreign relations in our country's history, especially in this century. 3 credits
76. Twentieth Century Europe A penetrating view of Europe and its culture in a century of crisis.
3 credits
History of Modern China
The evolution of modern China from imperial times (1644) to the present. An ancient civilization emerges as a provocative power. 3 credits
80. Lutheranism in America
A study of how Lutheranism transferred to and developed on the American scene, with special attention to the role of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. 3 credits
85. America in the Gilded Age
Political, social, economic, and cultural history of the United States from 1865-1905. 3 credits
90. Foundations of History
An investigation of the historical method, the historical approach, the meaning of history as viewed from the Christian arid secular perspectives, and various problems of interpretation. Required of all students concentrating in social studies. Senior standing required.
,sOd~I StudIeS
:Req_uirements fo'(" <frodua.tion by .subjec.t
Req,u'\ fement5 for <prClduation b:J Cate'jo,"';:1 57
Special Services The division of special services offers programs which supplement those of the regular academic year. These include the summer session, the certification program offered in conjunction with the summer session, the correspondence study program, workshops, independent study projects, and extension courses.
Synod Cert~fication Dr. Martin Luther College Summer Session also ai to assist individuals teaching in schools of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in .eeting the requirements for synodical certification. Further details may be obtained by writi to: Clearinghouse for Teacher Cerification Dr. Martin Luther College New Ulm, MN 56073 \ The following courses offered in the 1988 summer session m~y be applied toward synodical certification requirements: Rei 2 Rei 20 Rei 75 Edu 52 Edu 410 Mus 75 Edu 287wk
The New Testament History Christian Doctrine I Lutheran Confessional Writings Teaching Religion (elementary teachers) Principles of Christian Education Lutheran Worship (elective) Kindergarten Workshop I (kindergarten teachers)
Summer Session Calendar, 1988 June June
12 13
June June July July July
28 29 4 14 15
3:00 - 5:00 and 7:00 8:00 a.m 9:15 a.m
9:00 p.m
First term ASP ends at noon Second term begins for ASPCM No school Graduation and closing service Final Examination
· 9:30 a.m · 7:50 - 9:35 a.m
Registration Opening service First classes
· ·
Purpose - Dr. Martin Luther College Summer Session, a department of the division of special services, shares with the college its purpose of preparing qualified educators for the teaching ministry in the Lutheran schools of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In sharing in this aim, it offers a program which 1. provides opportunity for further study and professional education to persons already involved in the work of Christian education; 2. assists individuals teaching in Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod schools, both elementary and secondary, and those desirous of becoming teachers in these schools, in meeting the requirements for certification; and 3. assists students enrolled in regular sessions to attain their vocational goal.
for Enrollment - Applications for enrollment may be made to the Director of Special Services, Dr. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN 56073. New students are asked to file a transcript of credits with the registrar. This is particularly true if the student wishes to obtain a degree from Dr. Martin Luther College. All matters relating to credits and graduation are to be referred to the registrar. Program _ The maximum number of credits which a student can normally earn during a
summer session is six semester hours. A complete class schedule and a detailed description of all courses, workshops, and independent study projects is available in the summer school bulletins. Costs - The following schedule of fees shall be in effect for the 1988 session of the summer school. The same rates are pro rated for the Advanced Study Program. Registration fee Room rental per week Fourteen-meal plan per week Dinner plan (five meals per week) Tuition fees per semester hour Music lessons - five lessons ten lessons twenty lessons
··..········ ·
Materials fees Discipline and Classroom Management. Meteorology Nuclear Physics Problem Solving and Manipulatives Service Music Workshop Kindergarten Workshop Teaching the Gifted Child Computer Applications, Teachers Computer Applications, Administrators Teaching Art Appreciation Tuition fee for each two-week workshop Tuition fee for each one-week workshop or institute Surcharge for off-campus workshops (per week) Independent study (per credit)
·..· ···
···· ·······
$10.00 20.00 40.00 ·20.00 45.00 25.00 50.00 100.00
·····..·10.oo 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 ···· ·· 10.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 135.00 · ·67.50 · 35.oo 70.09
Normally, ALL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS are expected to live on campus and participate in one of the two meal plans available. The registration fee of $10.00 must accompany application and is not refundable. All checks should be made payable to DMLC Summer Session.
1988 SUMMER CLASS SCHEDULE Regular Five-Week Session (3 Credit Courses)
7:50- 9:35 Edu Edu Eng Mth Mth Mus Rei Sci
410 81 89 50 53 75 20 67
Principles of Christian Education - A. Schulz Reading Methods for Teaching Comprehension - D. Wendler Major English Authors Before 1700 - Martin Schroeder Fundamentals of Contemporary Mathematics - H. Yotter Discrete Mathematics - D. Pelzl Lutheran Worship - B. Backer Christian Doctrine I - R. Krueger Meteorology - M. Sponholz
10:15- 12:00 Edu Edu Eng Mth Mus Rei Rei SSt Sci
20 52 79 52 20 2 75 20 73
Psychology of Human Growth & Development Teaching Religion - J. Isch Traditional Grammar - R. Buss Linear Algebra - D. Pelzl Perception of Music - O. Schenk The New Testament History - T. Zarling Lutheran Confessional Writings - D. Raddatz Europe in Modern Times - R. Krueger Nuclear Physics - G. Carmichael
Hours Arranged Organ Lessons - R. Shilling Piano Lessons - O. Schenk Choir - A. Anderson
D. Wendler
The Cologne Chamber Orchestra Performing "In its century-pius
at DMLC (October 7, 1987)
existence the College has never before hosted such an internationally
recognized group of performers nor presented such a program of exhilarating
music. Words
utterly fail to describe its unbridled ecstacy. Bach said that music existed to 'glorify God and refresh the human spirit,' and this concert surely proves his point. . The program features five often-recorded
by 'our own' Johann Sebastian Bach."
Ames E. Anderson,
Otto H. Schenk, _ Charles H. Luedtke, and Roger A. Hermanson, DMLC MUSIC 20 INSTRUCTORS
ADVANCED STUDY PROGRAM IN THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY (All Advanced Study Program Courses are 1.5 credits). First Term June 13 - June 28
7:50 - 9:35 Edu Rei
522 520
Counseling in Christian Education - G. Barnes The Sermon on the Mount - D. Raddatz
10:15- 12:00 Edu
An Evangelism Perspective of the Lutheran School- Paul Jacobs Organ Works of Bach I-B. Backer Second Term June 29 - July 15
7:50- 9:35 Edu Rei
591 528
Ethics of the Christian Teacher Galatians - D. Raddatz
G. Bauer
10:15-12:00 Edu Mus
581 577
The Family in Christian Education - A. Schulz The Use of the Psalms - B. Backer
WORKSHOPS (1.5 June 13-17
Edu 303wk
June 13-24
Edu 291wk
June 20July 1
June 27July 1 July 5-15
Problem Solving and Manipulatives - Intermediate Grades - D. Pelzl/H. Yotter Coaching Interscholastic Sports in the Elementary School- J. GronholziB. Leopold
Edu 181wk Edu 287wk Edu 317wk
Teaching the Gifted Child - D. Schmeling Kindergarten Workshop I-B. Haar Computer Applications for Elementary Teachers Micheel/J. Averbeck
Edu 290wk Edu 491wk Edu 163wk
Playground Development - J. Gronholz Teaching Art Appreciation - R. Averbeck Exceptional Children in the Regular School - R. Klockziem Discipline and Classroom Management - G. LaGrow Computer Applications for Administrators - J. Micheell J. Paulsen Service Music Workshop - R. Shiliing/A. Anderson Workshop for Supervisors of Student Teachers - H. Wessel
Edu 165wk Edu 318wk July
3 credits)
Mus 155wk Edu 98wk
Milwaukee Edu 308wk
July 25 - August 5
Art and Children's Literature -
R. Averbeck
INSTITUTE (1.5 credits) July 11-15
Edu 221in
The Law and Lutheran Education -
G. Barnes
On Campus -
June 13 - July 1
7:50-9:35; 1:30-3:00 Edu
School Administration and Supervision -
R. Stoltz
10:15-12:00; 1:30-3:00 Edu
Design and Development of Curriculum -
G. Bauer
Hours arranged Edu
Problems in Supervision -
OTHER Independent Study (credits arranged) - Staff Workshops in Effective Instruction (1 credit) - Staff Evangelism and the Lutheran Elementary School- June 17-18
STUDY TOURS June 13-July 26
European Civilization and Culture VI (6 credits) - T. Hartwig/A. Koelpin June 12-June 24 American Study Tour-Hawaii (2 credits) - F. Wulff/M. Meihack
Study Program in the Christian
Dr. Martin Luther College offers the Advanced Study Program in the Christian Ministry for men and women of the Church to enlarge their service to the Lordand better equip themselves to meet the challenges of our changing times. Eligibility - This program is designed for graduates of Dr. Martin Luther College, graduates of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and others who have completed a baccalaureate program of education and have also earned synodical certification.
Requirements - A minimum of eighteen semester hours of acceptable academic credit must be earned to complete the advanced study program. So that the student may pursue his interests in a manner which exposes him to as broad an experience as is possible, he will be asked to do his specialized study in three broad areas of course offerings: 1) Studies in the Scripture, 2) Studies in Religious Thought and Life, and 3) Studies in Communicating the Gospel. Course
Since this program focuses on the Christian ministry, a minimum of six semester hours of credit in the area of Studies in the Scripture is required. A minimum of three semester hours of credit should be earned in each of the other two areas of study with freedom of election for the remaining six semester hours of credit. Program Availability - The Advanced Study Program in the Christian Ministry is run concurrently with the regular summer session of Dr. Martin Luther College. It is offered in two terms over a space of two and one-half weeks per summer session. Students may enroll in either or in both terms.
The Supervision of Instruction Program The Supervision of Instruction Program offers an opportunity for administrators of WELS Lutheran schools to gain expertise in the supervision of instruction. The primary goal of this program is to provide the participant with a basic understanding of the nature, methodology, dimensions, and problems of supervision so that he may better be able to define and enact the role of Lutheran school supervisor of instruction best suited to his personal characteristics and talents, the needs and expectations of his congregation(s) and community, and the scriptural concept of supervision. Eligibility - This program of advanced study is designed primarily for individuals who are interested in the supervision of instruction. All participants must be synodically certified. Admission and Credits - The program contains 21 hours of credit. Fifteen semester hours of credit must be earned in the specifically designed courses for supervision of instruction in Lutheran schools: Introduction to Supervision (3) Design and Development of Curriculum (3) Improving the Quality of Instruction (3) School Administration and Supervision (3) Problems in Supervision (3) Since this program is a study of supervision of instruction in Lutheran schools, six semester hours of credit in the Advanced Study Program in the Christian Ministry are required. Four courses (1.5 credits each) must be chosen: two from the area of Studies in the Scripture and two from the combined areas of Studies in Religious Thought and Life and Studies in Communicating the Gospel.
Subject Matter Majors and Minors Program Dr. Martin Luther College, since 1972, has enhanced the value of the Bachelor of Science in Education degree, awarded to graduates, by requiring each student to pursue an "area of concentration" in one of five subject matter areas. Now, particularly with the expansion of the Synod's secondary school system, more of the Synod's teachers, present and future, have felt the need for the additional learning and credits that would provide a complete subject matter major. Since the summer of 1983, the college has offered interested students, graduates, and others the opportunity to earn enough credits to complete a subject matter major in English, social studies, or science. Minors in biology and physical science are also available. Requirements for Major - To qualify for the subject matter major in English, a student will have earned a minimum of 36 credits in English. To qualify for the subject matter major in social studies, a student will have earned a minimum of 42 credits in social studies. To qualify for the subject matter major in science, a student will have earned a minimum of 48 credits in science. Minors in biology and physical science require the student to earn 27 and 29 credits, respectively. Eligibility - Teachers and others who have already graduated may apply for admission to the program through the director of special services. Normally, they will earn credits toward the major or minor by attending summer school. Undergraduateswho wish to graduate with a subject matter major or minor will, in consultation with their advisers, begin in their freshman or sophomore years to select courses with this goal in mind, and to start earning credits toward it by attending summer school. Formal request to enter the program will be made during the second semester of the Junior year, and will be considered at a meeting of the student, the adviser, and the concerned division chairman. Dr. Martin Luther College undergraduates who wish to earn subject matter majors must also meet all the other requirements for the B.S.Ed. degree. In effect, then, an undergraduate student may earn a double major, one in elementary education, and another in English, social studies, or science. Available Courses - Many of the courses which may be taken to earn the subject matter major are already available as electives in the English, social studies, or science areas of concentration. While area of concentration requirements can be met by a selection from these courses, a student earning a subject matter major will have taken most of them. Additional new courses will therefore be added from time to time and offered in summer sessions. For Further Information services.
For information or application, write the director of special
Study Program
In an effort to serve better the church and more specifically the members of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Dr. Martin Luther College has established a correspondence study program. This program is intended to provide opportunity for additional study for men and women to become better qualified as teachers in our Lutheran elementary schools and high schools or as lay leaders in our congregations. The courses currently available: Rel25C Rel20C Rel50C
3 credits 3 credits 3 credits
The Life of Christ Christian Doctrine I Christian Doctrine II
Description - Correspondence courses aid an individual in achieving an educational goal through home study under professional guidance. The correspondence courses offered by Dr. Martin Luther College are prepared and taught by members of the faculty who usually teach the same courses on campus. The content, work requirement, and credit offered for courses in the correspondence program are equivalent to the same courses in the regular program of the college. Normally, a three-credit correspondence course is divided into 24 lessons plus midterm and final examinations. Eligibility - Enrollment in the correspondence course program for credit is open to all who would qualify for admission into regular and summer school sessions of Dr. Martin Luther College. Sunday school teachers and laymen are also encouraged to apply even if they are not interested in academic credit. Admission -
Application for correspondence study may be made at any time.
Cost - The fee for a three-credit correspondence course is $120.00. Other costs to the student include textbooks, materials, and mailing expenses. Further Information - Complete information concerning the correspondence study program may be obtained I;>yaddressing your request to the director of special services.
Independent Study Projects (ISP) The independent study program offers an opportunity for individuals or small groups (school faculties or persons with common interests) to engage in on-campus, guided study and discussion of topics of interest to them but not included in the current summer session offerings. Eligibility - The independent study program is open to all certified teachers. A maximum of three credits earned in appropriate independent study projects may be applied toward the Advanced Study Program in the Christian Ministry. Admission and Credits - Arrangements for independent study projects with one or more faculty members to serve as advisers should be made through the director of special services by May 15. This will provide time for student(s) and adviser(s) to agree upon a topic, goals, credits to be earned, and standards of evaluation for the independent study project. From one to three credits may be earned over a period of from one to five weeks. The cost is $70.00 per credit.
in Effective
Dr. Martin Luther College offers interested faculties or groups of teachers an off-campus program of workshops in effective instruction. The main purpose of these workshops is to acquaint teachers with what research, theory, and practice suggest are effective procedures, techniques, methods, and materials for particular content areas. Schools may wish to incorporate these workshops into their faculty in-service programs. For further information, contact the director of special services. The deadline for scheduling the workshops is March
Graduates BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION MAY 1987 Mundstock, Robin, Waukegan, Illinois
Atshouse, Linda, Gurnee, Illinois Altergott, Kris, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Mundt, Sharon, Kenosha, Wisconsin Nell, Christine, Johnson Creek, Wisconsin Petermann, Marianne, Appleton, Wisconsin Plath. Daniel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Pruess, Kathleen, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Raabe, Michael, Onalaska, Wisconsin Raddatz, James, Danube, Minnesota Radloff, Lynn, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Redlin, Kara, Tucson, Arizona Renner, Becki, Madison. Nebraska Ristow, Dawn, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Anderson. Judith. Lake Benton. Minnesota
Baganz, Peter, Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin Ballard, Kevin, Benton Harbor, Michigan Bauer, Elisabeth, Two Rivers, Wisconsin Bauer Kart, New Ulm, Minnesota Biedenbender, Steven, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Birkholz, Carol, New Ulm. Minnesota I
Birkholz. Gregg. New Ulm. Minnesota
Bitter, Alan, New Ulm, Minnesota Blauert, Susanne, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bleichwehl. Judith, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Rockhoff, TImothy, Tawas City, Michigan
Bremer, Steven, Gretna, Nebraska Burmeister, Joel, New Ulm, Minnesota
Rogotzke, Kristie, Sanborn, Minnesota
Carter, Susan, East Jordan, Michigan
Rate, Alicia, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Ruch. Bonnie, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Schaewe, Peter, Yale, Michigan
Roloff, Jeffrey, New London, Wisconsin
Degner, Vonda, Jefferson, Wisconsin Dalbey, Ruth, Beloit, Wisconsin
Dyrssen, Dale, San Diego, California
Schlavensky, John, Appleton, Wisconsin Schmick, Beth, Markesan, Wisconsin
Ebel, Patti, Bay City, Michigan
Scholz, Kiersten, Kial, Wisconsin Schultz. Oara, West Bend, Wisconsin Schultz, Thomas, Saginaw, Michigan Schumacher, Laury, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin smith, Kristine, Kenosha, Wisconsin Sonnenburg, Jeffrey. Manitowoc, Wisconsin Sordahl, Peter, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Spiegel, Connie, Neenah, Wisconsin
Fenske, Daniel, Jackson, Wisconsin Frank, Janice, South Haven, Michigan Fritze, Stephen, St louis Park, Minnesota Fryer, laura, Houston, Texas Gerbing, Robyn, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin Goldschmidt, Anne, Northfield, Minnesota
Grat, Terrence, St. Paul Park, Minnesota Guenther, Amy, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Heiderich, Nancy, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Helwig, Carol, Woodruff, Wisconsin Hepner, Karen, Brookfield, Wisconsin Hirschmann, Annette, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hoewisch, Allison, Hortonville, Wisconsin Hohler, Uncoln, Newark, Delaware
Spiegelberg, Cynthia, Larsen, Wisconsin Starke, Cathleen, Saginaw, Michigan
Sternhagen, Beth, Neenah, Wisconsin Strutz, Paul, Neenah, Wisconsin Svehla, Sandra, Waukegan, Illinois Timm, Christine, Morgan Hill, California
Janosek, Tanya, Blantyre, Malawi, Africa Kammholz, Jodi, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
TImm, Lyle, Wood Lake, Minnesota TInkey, Cathy, Dowagiac, Michigan
Keibel, Heidi, Concord, California Klatt, Ann, Menomonie, Wisconsin Kriewall, Tracey, Madison, Wisconsin Kroll, Constance, Beloit, Wisconsin Krueger, Dale, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Towne, Steven, Saginaw, Michigan Uher, Alan, Caledonia, Wisconsin von Stein, Brenda, Jenera, Ohio Wagner, Scott, Chicago, Illinois
Wehausen, Cherie, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Wilde. Annette, New London, Wisconsin Willitz, Jane, Spring Valley, Wisconsin
Kruschel, Sarah, Port Orange, Florida Kuske, Linda, Goodhue, Minnesota Uerman, Cynthia, Menomonte,~Wisconsin Lindemann, Michelle, New Ulm, Minnesota
Wordell, Karen, Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin Wurst, Faith. Osceola, Wisconsin
Yanz, Theresa, New Ulm, Minnesota Zabel, Tamara. Delano, Minnesota Zahn, Phillip, Downers Grove, Illinois Zeamer, Julte, DePere, Wisconsin Zenker, Ruth. Brownsville, Wisconsin Zibrowski, Craig. Caledonia, Minnesota
Loeffler, Kristen, Sebewaing, Michigan Maurice, Brian. Hartford, Wisconsin Meihack, Anne, New Ulm, Minnesota Menk, Mana, New Ulm, Minnesota Meyer, John, New Ulm, Minnesota Moungey, Michelle, DeForest, Wisconsin
Hummel, Sonja, Daykin, Nebraska
RECOMMENDED FOR SYNOD CERTIFICATION JULY 1987 Elementary Teacher Winkler, Nancy, Plymouth, Michigan
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION DECEMBER 1987 Grand Marais, Michigan White Heath, Illinois Milwaukee, Wisconsin San Jacinto, California Unionville, Michigan Webberville, Michigan Waukegan, Illinois Mequon, Wisconsin
Bule, Katrina Gast, Guy Gray, Beverly Hanel, Marilyn Martens, Eugene Mosher, Wendy Russell, Julie Valleskey, Rebecca
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION, in Absentia Watertown, Wisconsin Watertown, Wisconsin
Saeger, Brian Saeger, Deborah
Jackson, Wanda
Regular Session 1987-1988 Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Part-time Sophomore Part-time Senior Totals
Women 91 86 61 68 0 0 306
Total 125 119 102 93 1 441
Faculty Focus
"Pastors and teachers learn to rely on the effectiveness of the tool they are privileged to use. Hence, the Christian ministry is a happy career. The individuals within the office are not required to produce results. The results come from the power of the Holy Spirit working through the tool, the Word of God."
-Thomas Zarling, Religion and Dean of Students-
"Responding to the creative impulse is a natural and an ongoing function within a living church."
Because he is an accomplished composer, Professor Engel's work has been published and widely used by Lutherans. -James Engel, Music, Composing at the Organ Keyboard-
READY REFERENCE GUIDE For additional information write directly to the following persons:
Admissions, Philosophy and Purpose Lloyd O. Huebner, President
Academic Policies, Synodical Teacher Certification Arthur J. Schulz, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Courses, Transcripts, Evaluation of Credits Glenn R. Barnes, Registrar
Financial Aids Robert H. Krueger, Financial Aids Officer
Student Housing, Automobiles, Student Registration Thomas F. Zarling, Dean of Students
Summer Sessions, Correspondence Study Program John R. Isch, Director of Special Services
Recruitment, Informational Presentation Arlen L. Koestler, Recruitment Director Correspondence to each person may be addressed as follows:
Name Dr. Martin Luther College College Heights New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone: (507) 354-8221
Tours of the campus are available at any time. It is best to write in advance, stating the day and approximate time of arrival. A tour will be arranged.
Index Academic Organization Academic Policies Accreditation and Membership Administration Administrative Organization Admissions '" Advanced Study Program in the Christian Ministry Application Procedures Assignment to the Christian Ministry Athletics : Buildings Calendar Campus : Certification Correspondence Study Program Costs Courses of Instruction Education English Mathematics Music Physical Education Religion Science Social Studies Enrollment Summary Entrance Requirements Faculty Financial Aid Function Graduates Graduation Requirements History of the College Housing Independent Study Projects Location Map of Campus Philosophy and Purpose President's Message Regular Sessions Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education Degree Secondary Teacher Education Program Special Services Student Activities Student Life Student Services Subject Matter Majors and Minors Summer School Calendar Summer School Schedule Supervision of Instruction Program Teacher Education Program Workshops
15 27 16 7 15 21 63 22 31 40 16 4 16 58 66 24 .44 44 46 48 50 46 54 49 55 68 23 8 25 15 67 30 11 20 66 16 17 11 3 41 41 2 58 34 32 33 65 58 60 64 30 62, 67
Engaging in a short battle (it didn't take long to run out of snow last winter) during Snow Carnival are (L to R) Becky Zunker, Paul Lange, Deanna Holsen, Bryan Schneck, Jon Meyer, Darrell Berg, and Pete Lemke.
Students Pictured on Front Cover Sitting - Doug Plath - Sodus, Michigan Standing, (L to R) - Jill Schmidt - Eden Prairie, Minnesota Kris Bame - Benton Harbor, Michigan
~ color photos - James Wandersee; front cover lighting, Rick Grundman p.t artwork - Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution p.6 photos - James Wandersee; DMLC Excelsior p.10 photo - James Wandersee p.17 map - DMLC Graphic Arts; updated by Paul Boehlke p.18 photo - James Wandersee p.19 photo - James Wandersee p.20 artwork, photo - Delmar Brick; DMLC Excelsior; James Wandersee p.21 photo - James Wandersee; seal carved by Mr. Wayne Boldt p.36 photos - DMLC Excelsior; collage: James Wandersee p.37 photo - Doug Sutton, The Journal p.38 photos - Dawn Shorey; Doug Sutton, The Journal; collage: James Wandersee p.39 photos - DMLC Excelsior; Amy Jo Brandel, The Journal p.40 photo, diagram - James Wandersee p.57 diagrams - James Wandersee p.61 photo - Jerry Sobotik, Tlie Journal p.69 photos - James Wandersee p.72 photo - Kevin Sweeney, The Journal