2000-2001 - Commencement Service - Pictorial & Call Service

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Commencement Service Pictorial & Call Service

May 19, 2001


Message from the President Dear Family and Friends of Martin Luther College, The faculty, staff, and students of MLC welcome you to your college of ministry at this exciting time. This morning we welcome you to our graduation service at 10:00 a.m. in the Luther Student Center gymnasium. We ask your prayers that the Lord will bless each and every graduate from MLC with his protecting hand as they leave these halls of ivy and follow the direction in which the Lord leads them. They are the future of the church. This afternoon we welcome you to the Call Service at 2:30 p.m., again in the Luther Student Center gymnasium. We ask your prayers that the Lord of the church will use and bless those assigned as gifts of the church. Pray that He will protect and guide them as he sends them to proclaim the gospel wherever he takes them. Yes, it is an exciting time at MLC. We pray that all will be edified by the Word as it is declared at both services and that our lives will be impacted by the Lord's Word and presence. We thank the parents of the graduates for giving their children for the Lord's service and know they shall be blessed because of it. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

~L-~ President Theodore Olsen

Mission of the College

MLC Faculty Tenured Ash, Richard F. Balge, Daniel N. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Bode, Glenn E. Boeder, John C. Brutlag, Ronald D. Buck, Drew M. Cherney, Kenneth A. Czer, Lawrence J. Dallmann, Gary L. Danell, James C. Deutschlander, Daniel M. Dolan, John H. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Goeglein, Mark A. Gorsline, Dennis D. Gosdeck, David M. Gronholz, John H. Grunwald, James R. Haar, Beverlee M. Hartwig, Theodore J. Hartzell, J. Lance Heidtke, Earl R. Hermanson, Jodi L. Hermanson, Roger A. Hopf, Stephanie A. Hunter, Thomas N. Hussman, Charles E. Isch, John R. Klockziem, Roger C. Koelpin, Arnold J. Koelpin, Paul E. Koestler, Arlen L.

Kresnicka, Judith Krueger, Robert H. Kuehl, Daniel J. Lange, Lyle W. Lenz, Mark J. Leopold, Barbara L. Levorson, LeRoy N. Leyrer, Philip M. Loomis, Cheryl A. Luedtke, Charles H. Mattek,John Meihack, Marvin L. Melendy, Carla E. Menk, Rolland R. Meyer, Edward H. Micheel, John H. Minch, Jack N. Moldenhauer, Kermit G. Monday, Earl W. Nass, Thomas P. Nolte, John P. Olsen, Theodore B. Olson, Lawrence 0. Paulsen, John W. · Paustian, Mark A. Pelzl, David J. Pfeifer, Gene R. Plitzuweit, Jerald J. Pope, James F. Potratz, Robert C. Raddatz, Darvin H. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schibbelhut, John H. Schmidt, John H. Schone, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, Timothy J.

MLC Board of Control Rev. Ralph E. Scharf, Chairman Rev. Raymond R. Beckmann Rev. Roy M. Beyer Mr. Steven Danekas Mr. Robert D. Hinnenthal Mr. Scott R. Huebner Rev. Carl T. Otto, Vice Chr. Mr. David A. Sauer, Secretary

Advisory Rev. Theodore B. Olsen Rev. Karl R. Gurgel Rev. Larry E. Cross Rev. Peter H. Kruschel

Schubkegel, Joyce C. Schulz, Arthur J. Sellnow, David D. Shilling, Ronald L. Sponholz, Martin P. Spurgin, Alan M. Stoltz, Robert J. Thiesfeldt, Steven R. Treptow, Earle D. Unke, James M. Wagner, Wayne L. Wendland, Paul A. Wendland, Paul 0. Wendler, David 0. Whaley, Cynthia E. Wittmershaus, Kurt A. Adjunct Backer, Bruce R. Balge, Bethel A. Carmichael, Gary G. Hermanson, Lynn L. Kieselhorst, Janet L. Mattek, Ruth J. Nolte, Lanita M. Ohm, Carlotta L. Olsen, Joanne H. Schubkegel, Francis L. Thiesfeldt, Jeneane M. Wessel, Howard L. Zimmerman, Larry J. Tutors Brauer, Bart A. Seager, Paul M. Westendorf, Timothy J.

Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional.

Processional Stand Leader: In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. (spoken) Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. People: We will rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Be gracious to us and bless us. People: May your ways be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People: Show us your ways, 0 Lord, teach us your paths. Then we will walk in the light of life.


Leader: Holy Spirit, you alone know the thoughts of God. Be our Counselor and guide us into all truth. People: Sanctify us through the gospel, that we might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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ho - ly.


Lord of glo - ry!


Lesson: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Be seated

Choral Response: "Where E'er I Go, What E'er My Task"

James Engel

Sermon: Acts 20:24

Hymn: "Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" Please stand for the singing of the hymn.


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j. grace! name. peace. heav'n.

Be seated

Presentation of Diplomas Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of 2001.


The Class Hymn: "Forth in Your Name, 0 Lord, I Go"

setting by Casey Pufahl and Ryan Stangl

The congregation will join in singing stanzas 1 and 5. The class will sing stanzas 2, 3, and 4.




1. Forth

2. (Class) 3. (Class) 4. (Congregation) 5.

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Prayer Leader: Heavenly Father, we thank you for making this day possible. We thank and praise you for this school of ministry, for the blessings of the school year, for parents and all who support the training of ministers with prayers and gifts, for faithful students who prepare for public ministry with dedication, for dedicated teachers and staff who follow your ways, and for a church body which sees its mission to spread your Word among all peoples. People: Above all we thank you for our Savior whose forgiveness alone makes it possible for sinful people to serve a holy God. Leader: 0 Lord, bless these graduates. Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers with the ability to fearlessly speak the mysteries of your gospel. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with patience and diligence. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer.

Leader: Bless those who will be serving you as lay members in your congregations with opportunities to use their special gifts and training. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Be with us all, gracious God, as we serve as your ambassadors that we may do and say only that which will bring glory and honor to your holy name. People: We bring these requests to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen.

Benediction Leader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

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Be seated

Announcements Presentation of the Class of 2001 Recessional

Please remain seated until the graduating class and the faculty have recessed. Following the service you may greet the graduates on the mall.

Presiding Minister



Assisting in the Distribution of Diplomas

Rev. Theodore Olsen MLC President Rev. Peter Kroschel Administrator for Ministerial Education

Rev. Jerald Plitzuweit Academic Dean for Studies in Pastoral Ministry Dr. Arthur Schulz Academic Dean for Studies in Educational Ministry


Prof. Ronald Shilling

College Choir Director

Prof. Roger Hermanson


Acts 20:24

Class Verse

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace. Class Flower

Fire 'n Ice Rose

Class Colors

Red, Black, and Silver

Class Hymn

"Forth in Your Name, 0 Lord, I Go"

Bachelor of Arts Degree Arndt, Shaun M., Watertown, WI Bendix, David C., Echo, MN Biedenbender, Paul T., Juneau, WI Boettcher, David M., Chester, NJ Bonow, Jared M., Brown Deer, WI Bortulin, John P., Saginaw, MI Caauwe, Johann W., Bloomington, MN Carter, Douglas M., East Jordan, MI Degner, Samuel C., Saint Peter, MN Douglas, James E., Grayling, MI Guillaume, Nicholas J., Sioux City, IA Gumm, Jeremiah J., Yuma, AZ, Hacker, Jason C., Bay City, MI Hoogervorst, James R., Neenah, WI Horton, David T., Watertown, WI Juergens, Gerhardt H. *, Ladysmith, WI Kampman, Michael L., Rio Rancho, NM Kassulke, Nathan P., Inver Grove Heights, MN Killinger, Michael A., Sebewaing, MI Korthals, Peter J., Mequon, WI Langebartels, John P., Imlay City, MI Learman, Timothy D., Friendswood, TX Martin, Micah A., Muskego, WI Mattek, Gregg T., New Ulm, MN Moore, Phillip V, Milwaukee, WI

Naumann, Brett G., Wauwatosa, WI Naumann, Stephen P., Benton Harbor, MI Peil, Tyler R., Midland, MI Pfeifer, Mathew R. *, Oskaloosa, IA Prahl, Steven H., Eau Claire, WI Scherbarth, Benjamin A., Two Rivers, WI Schmidt, Daniel T., Kenai, AK Schultz, Scott M., West Bend, WI Spiegelberg, Marcus W., Grand Junction, CO Sternberg, Peter D., Rhinelander, WI Tasma, Christopher J., Middleville, MI Van Kampen, Korey D., Kingman, AZ, Vanderhoof, Collin J., Appleton, WI Vogel, Joel T., Kennewick, WA Wagner, Timothy R., Burlington, WI Welch, Clayton G., Tucson, AZ, White, Christopher D., Saginaw, MI Wigley, Brandon A., Milwaukee, WI Wilke, Nathan L., Redwood Falls, MN Winkelman, Aaron R., Fort Atkinson, WI Wolfe, Ryan C., Colfax, WI Yahnke, Dustin B., Kendall, WI *Completed Seminary Certification Program

Shaun M. Arndt Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

David C. Bendix Echo, MN Bachelor of Arts

Paul T. Biedenbender Juneau, WI Bachelor of Arts

David M. Boettcher Chester, NJ Bachelor of Arts

Jared M. Bonow Brown Deer, WI Bachelor of Arts

John P. Bortulin Saginaw, MI Bachelor of Arts

Johann W. Caauwe Bloomington, MN Bachelor of Arts

Douglas M. Carter East Jordan, MI Bachelor of Arts

Samuel C. Degner Saint Peter, MN Bachelor of Arts

James E. Douglas Grayling, MI Bachelor of Arts

Nicholas J. Guillaume Sioux City, IA Bachelor of Arts

Jeremiah J. Gumm Yuma,A'Z Bachelor of Arts

Jason C. Hacker Bay City, MI Bachelor of Arts

James R. Hoogervorst Neenah, WI Bachelor of Arts

David T. Horton Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Gerhardt H. Juergens Ladysmith, WI Seminary Certification

Michael L. Kampman Rio Rancho, NM Bachelor of Arts

Nathan P. Kassulke Inver Grove Hgts., MN Bachelor of Arts

Michael A. Killinger Sebewaing, MI Bachelor of Arts

Peter J. Korthals Mequon, WI Bachelor of Arts

John P. Langebartel s Imlay City, MI Bachelor of Arts

Timothy D. Learman Friendswoo d, TX Bachelor of Arts

Micah A. Martin Muskego, WI Bachelor of Arts

Gregg T. Mattek NewUlm,M N Bachelor of Arts

Phillip V. Moore Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Arts

Brett G. Naumann Wauwatosa, WI Bachelor of Arts

Stephen P. Naumann Benton Harbor, MI Bachelor of Arts

Tyler R. Peil Midland, MI Bachelor of Arts

Mathew R. Pfeifer Oskaloosa, IA Seminary Certification

Steven H. Prahl Eau Claire, WI Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin A. Scherbarth Two Rivers, WI Bachelor of Arts

Daniel T. Schmidt Kenai,AK Bachelor of Arts

Scott M. Schultz West Bend, WI Bachelor of Arts

Marcus W. Spiegelberg Grand Junction, CO Bachelor of Arts

Peter D. Sternberg Rhinelander, WI Bachelor of Arts

Christopher J. Tasma Middleville, MI Bachelor of Arts

Korey D. Van Kampen Kingman,AZ Bachelor of Arts

Collin J. Vanderhoof Appleton, WI Bachelor of Arts

Joel T. Vogel Kennewick, WA Bachelor of Arts

Timothy R. Wagner Burlington, WI Bachelor of Arts

Clayton G. Welch Tucson,AZ Bachelor of Arts

Christopher D. White Saginaw, MI Bachelor of Arts

Brandon A. Wigley Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Arts

Nathan L. Wilke Redwood Falls, MN Bachelor of Arts

Aaron R. Winkelman Fort Atkinson, WI Bachelor of Arts

Ryan C. Wolfe Colfax, WI Bachelor of Arts

Dustin B. Yahnke Kendall, WI Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education Graduates Bauer, Joshua J., Lake Mills, WI Christensen, Jared D., Sleepy Eye, MN Davis, Jennifer L., Star Prairie, WI 1 Dittbenner, Clark D., New Ulm, M N - ~ ~ 1/tc;;o1 Enter, Erin A., Nicollet, MN Filiere, Sarah A., Adrian, MI Fischer, Heidi J., Appleton, WI Fischer, Jamie L., Watertown, WI Fischer, Wendy L., Fremont, WI Gawrisch, Kelly M., New Berlin, WI Gentz, Crystal E., Juneau, WI George, Kristin M., Brookfield, WI Grebe, Naomi A., North Mankato, MN Hahnke, Gretel E., Fond du Lac, WI Harris, Melissa A., Hartland, WI Hartwig, Meredith C., Greenville, WI Heidtke, Kristina N., New Ulm, MN Hermanson, Rebecca A., New Ulm, MN Hintz, Angela M., Kenosha, WI Huebner, Misty S., Watertown, WI Kassulke, Sara K., Inver Grove Heights, MN Krause, Cindy M., New London, WI Krieger, Rachel M., Tecumseh, MI Krueger, Tracy L., Waupun, WI Kuschel, Elizabeth J., South Milwaukee, WI LaBair, Carla S., Mayville, MI Lamb, Michelle K., Eldorado, WI /, /. Lemke, Jennifer L., Weyauwega, WI - ~~ 7 19 01 Luckow, Angela M., Beaver Dam, WI Luebke, Christopher J., Kaukauna, WI Marten, Rebekah J., Wyoming, MI Mattek, Heather A., New Ulm, MN

Mensching, Brian A., Marshfield, WI Mueller, Michaela M., Neenah, WI Mueller, Paula R., Jefferson, WI Natalie, Anthony J. Jr., Waukegan, IL Neuman, Jennifer E., East Troy, WI Parsons, Sara E., Eagle River, WI Peek, Michael H., New Ulm, MN Pieper, Cari E., Columbus, OH Pundt, Amy S., Globe, AZ Ristow, John S., Hartland, WI Ross, Michelle L., Nicollet, MN Schaefer, Gina T., New Berlin, WI Scharrer, Amber L., Hemlock, MI Schramm, Stephanie A., Ixonia, WI Schwartz, Gena E., Saint Paul Park, MN Smith, Nathan J., Zumbrota, MN Spevacek, Anna J., Whiteriver, AZ Spevacek, Tanya J., Whiteriver, AZ Tess, Stephanie E., Green Bay, WI Tiarks, Karin B., Burnsville, MN Tjernagel, Julie L., Cottage Grove, MN Treder, Amanda C., Stevensville, MI Uhlenbrauck, Jill S., Appleton, WI Vetting, Elizabeth A., Appleton, WI Warmuth, Sarah R., Jefferson, WI Weber, Stephanie A., Midland, MI White, Brandy E., Chesaning, MI Wiedmann, Alison L., Guntur, India Wiedmann, Heather L., Guntur, India Wolfe, Jessica A., Goodhue, MN Zastrow, Erin J., Hustisford, WI - W7•rM~ Zschernitz, Kristine M., Neillsville, WI


Joshua J. Bauer Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education

Jared D. Christensen Sleepy Eye, MN B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. Davis Star Prairie, WI B.S. in Education

Clark D. Dittbenner NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Erin A. Enter Nicollet, MN B.S. in Education

Sarah A. Filiere Adrian, MI B.S. in Education

Heidi J. Fischer Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Jamie L. Fischer Watertown, WI B.S. in Education

Wendy L. Fischer Fremont, WI B.S. in Education

Kelly M. Gawrisch New Berlin, WI B.S. in Education

Crystal E. Gentz Juneau, WI B.S. in Education

Kristin M. George Brookfield, WI B.S. in Education

Naomi A. Grebe North Mankato, MN B.S. in Education

Gretel E. Hahnke Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education

Melissa A. Harris Hartland, WI B.S. in Education

Meredith C. Hartwig Greenville, WI B.S. in Education

Kristina N. Heidtke NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Rebecca A. Hermanson New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education

Angela M. Hintz Kenosha, WI B.S. in Education

Misty S. Huebner Watertown, WI B.S. in Education



Sara K. Kassulke Inver Grove Hgts., MN B.S. in Education

Cindy M. Krause New London, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel M. Krieger Tecumseh, MI B.S. in Education

Tracy L. Krueger Waupun, WI B.S. in Education

Elizabeth J. Kuschel South Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Carla S. LaBair Mayville, MI B.S. in Education

Michelle K. Lamb Eldorado, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. Lemke Weyauwega, WI B.S. in Education

Angela M. Luckow Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education

Christopher J . Luebke Kaukauna, WI B.S. in Education

Rebekah J . Marten Wyoming, MI B.S. in Education

Heather A. Mattek New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education

Brian A. Mensching Marshfield, WI B.S. in Education

Mich aela M. Mueller Neenah , WI B.S. in Education

Paula R. Mueller J efferson, WI B.S. in Education

Anthony J . Natalie, Jr. Waukegan, IL B.S. in Education

Jennifer E. Neuman East Troy, WI B.S. in Education

Sara E. Par sons Eagle River, WI B.S. in Education

Michael H. Peek NewUlm, MN B.S. in Education

Cari E. Pieper Columbus, OH B.S. in Education



Amy S. Pundt Globe, AZ B.S. in Education

John S. Ristow Hartland, WI B.S. in Education

Michelle L. Ross Nicollet, MN B.S. in Education

Gina T. Schaefer New Berlin, WI B.S. in Education

Amber L. Scharrer Hemlock, MI B.S. in Education

Stephanie A. Schramm Ixonia, WI B.S. in Education

Gena E. Schwartz Saint Paul Park, MN B.S. in Education

Nathan J . Smith Zumbrota, MN B.S. in Education

Anna J . Spevacek Whiteriver, AZ B.S. in Education

Tanya J . Spevacek Whiteriver, AZ B.S. in Education

Stephanie E. Tess Green Bay, WI B.S. in Education

Karin B. Tiarks Burnsville, MN B.S. in Education

Julie L. Tjernagel Cottage Grove, MN B.S. in Education

Amanda C. Treder Stevensville, MI B.S. in Education

Jill S. Uhlenbrauck Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Elizabeth A. Vetting Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah R. Warmuth Jefferson, WI B.S. in Education

Stephanie A. Weber Midland, MI B.S. in Education

Brandy E. White Chesaning, MI B.S. in Education

Alison L. Wiedmann Guntur, India B.S. in Education

Heather L. Wiedmann Guntur, India B.S. in Education

Jessica A. Wolfe Goodhue, MN B.S. in Education

Erin J . Zastrow Hustisford, WI B.S. in Education

Kristine M. Zschernitz Neillsville, WI B.S. in Education

Bachelor of Science Degree in Absentia Rochelle M. Fischer Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary-Secondary Education English Achey, Melanie A, New Ulm, MN Grubbs, Paul J. M., Minneapolis, MN Nolte, Jenise E., Manitowoc, WI Mathematics Foxen, Justin S., Crete, IL Grubbs, Michelle S., Minneapolis, MN Nolte, Daniel C., Manitowoc, WI Music Brown, Kristi J ., Wisconsin Rapids, WI Kroening, Nicole M., Sussex, WI Moldenhauer, Lara K., Jackson, WI Pufahl, Casey D., Lake Mills, WI Schwanz, Brian J., Neillsville, WI Snodie, Jason A, Watertown, WI Stangl, Ryan J., Beaver Dam, WI Physical Education Bauer, Aaron J., New Ulm, MN Berg, Hannah L., New Ulm, MN

Berge, Michael D., Appleton, WI Bigelow, LynnMarie K. R., Lake Villa, IL Daylo, Hedy L., Tomah, WI Fischer, Christopher D., Watertown, WI Hahm, Kevin E., Ixonia, WI Mulinix, Jennifer L., Minneapolis, MN Wilcox, Heather E ., Des Moines, WA

Science Gut, Justin G., Mosinee, WI Luebchow, Catherine E., Tomah, WI Willems, Matthew J., New Ulm, MN Social Studies Diersen, Jayson J., Caledonia, MN Hemling, Timothy J., Beaver Dam, WI Homan, Michael S., Madison, IN Lemke, Michaela A, Ocala, FL Mielke, Sara M., Loveland, CO Rank, Benjamin L., Oshkosh, WI Walz, Justin C., Wauwatosa, WI

Melanie A. Achey NewU1m, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Paul J . M. Grubbs Minneapolis, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Jenise E . Nolte Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Justin S. Foxen Crete, IL B.S. in Education STEP

Michelle S. Grubbs Minneapolis, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Daniel C. Nolte Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Kristi J. Brown Wisconsin Rapids, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Nicole M. Kroening Sussex, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Lara K. Moldenhauer Jackson, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Casey D. Pufahl Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Brian J . Schwanz Neillsville, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Jason A. Snodie Watertown, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Ryan J . Stangl Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Aaron J . Bauer NewU1m,MN B.S. in Education STEP

Hannah L. Berg NewU1m,MN B.S. in Education STEP

Michael D. Berge Appleton, WI B.S. in Education STEP

LynnMarie K. R. Bigelow Lake Villa, IL B.S. in Education STEP

Hedy L. Daylo Tomah, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Christopher D. Fischer Watertown, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Kevin E . Hahm Ixonia, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Photo not available

Photo not available

Jennifer L. Mulinix Minneapolis, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Heather E. Wilcox Des Moines, WA B.S. in Education STEP

Justin G. Gut Mosinee, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Catherine E. Luebchow Tomah, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Matthew J. Willems NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education STEP

Photo not available

Jayson J. Diersen Caledonia, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Timothy J. Hemling Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Benjamin L. Rank Oshkosh, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Justin C. Walz Wauwatosa, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Michael S. Homan Madison, IN B.S. in Education STEP

Michaela A. Lemke Ocala, FL B.S. in Education STEP

Sara M. Mielke Loveland, CO B.S. in Education STEP

Bachelor of Science Degree

Bachelor of Science Degree

Early Childhood Education

Elementary Education and Staff Ministry

Deglow, Kari M. C., Johnson Creek, WI Martens, Sandra L., Marquette, MI Miller, Heather A., Oshkosh, WI Nelson, Amanda L., Mukwonago, WI Swenson, Kara L., Neenah, WI Wolter, Tricia L., Hustisford, WI

Kari M. C. Deglow Johnson Creek, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Sandra L. Martens Marquette, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Plitzuweit, Nathan A., Kansas City, MO

Nathan A. Plitzuweit Kansas City, MO B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Recommended for Synod Certification

Heather A. Miller Oshkosh, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Amanda L. Nelson Mukwonago, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Early Childhood (in absentia) DeCleene, Rhonda J., Denmark, WI Markwart, Jo A., Plainwell, MI Elementary (in absentia) Lochner, Debbie A., St. Paul, MN Rosin, Janet L., Wyoming, MI Secondary (in absentia) Kren, David A., Waukesha, WI Pluger, Christopher J., Milwaukee, WI Post-Secondary (in absentia) Glaeske, Kevin W., Milwaukee, WI Nowack, James A., Wauwatosa, WI Papenfuss, Marvin C., New Berlin, WI Poppe, Gerald L., Milwaukee, WI

Kara L. Swenson Neenah, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Tricia L. Wolter Hustisford, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Staff Ministry Erdmann, Robert H., Milwaukee, WI

Robert H. Erdmann Milwaukee, WI Synod Certification Staff Ministry

Call Service 2:30 p.m. Opening Hymn: "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"



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J It J

Ho - ly Spir - it, 1. 0 en - ter in 2. Give to your Word im - press - ive pow'r 3. 0 might - y Rock, 0 Source of life,




work be - gin. this good hour doubt and strife,


j Sun That That

of in we

r r


That Hear Your




r r j

Your dwell - ing place now make us. As fire it may be glow - ing, In us be strong - ly bum - ing




It J



the soul, 0 Light di - vine. true Chris - tian u-m-ty be faith - ful un - to death

It J


bright - ly shine, may be, es ho ly faith,



And in our hearts your That in our hearts from Let your dear Word, m

J j




To joy Your glo From you



we May be us, Cheer us grace And peace

J J J J Prayer un - ceas - ing And our la - bor Christ con - fess - ing,






r r j

and glad - ness wake us ry ev - er show - ing. true wis - dom learn - ing.

J J J J J J J J Tru By On


J j



A - round and m us We faith - ful wit - ness And live in love and


ly liv - ing, your teach - ing; us show - er;



And in love be Praise you, Lord, and Let us see our

To Let By

you giv - ing our preach - ing your pow - er

J J j

u still in - creas - ing. serve our neigh - bor. Sav- ior's bless - ing.



Leader: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, People: So that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. Leader: Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

People: He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant- not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Leader: Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. People: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

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Prayer Leader: Jesus, Master Teacher, how precious are the words you speak to us. From the storeroom of your wisdom you bring us treasures of your truth. And chief among these is your heavenly Father's plan of salvation which you revealed to us by your teaching and life. People: You have exalted us to be members of your kingdom now and forever. Leader: The words you have taught us- they are spirit and they are life. People: Forgive us for letting the cares and concerns of this life distract us from your teaching. Give us hearts which cling to your word as the one thing needful. Amen.

Be seated

Lesson: Isaiah 6: 1-8 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Hymn: "Dear Lord, t<? Your True Servants Give"

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Address: 1 Peter 2:9-10 Choral Response: "I Hear the Savior Calling"

text by John C. Lawrenz music by Martin Albrecht

Reading of Assignments Benediction

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bless - ing Both

now and ev - er - more.


***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Theodore Olsen MLC President


Rev. John Boeder MLC Campus Pastor

Reading of Assignments

Rev. Karl Gurgel WELS President


Prof. Robert Potratz

College Choir Director

Prof. Roger Hermanson


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