2001-2002 - Commencement Service - Pictorial & Call Service

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Commencement Service Pictorial & Call Service

May 18, 2002


Message from the President Dear Family and Friends of Martin Luther College, The faculty, staff, and students of MLC welcome you to your college of ministry at this exciting time. We ask your prayers that the Lord will bless all MLC graduates with his protecting hand as they follow the direction in which the Lord leads them. They are the future of the church. This afternoon we welcome you to the Call Service at 2:30 p.m., again in the Luther Student Center gymnasium. We ask your prayers that the Lord of the church will use and bless those assigned as gifts of the church. Pray that He will protect and guide them as he sends them to proclaim the gospel wherever he takes them. Yes, it is an exciting time at MLC. We pray that all will be edified by the Word as it is declared at our graduation and call services, and that the Lord's Word and presence will enrich and strengthen us. We thank the parents of the graduates for guiding and giving their children into the Lord's service and know they shall be blessed because of it. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

President Theodore Olsen

Mission of the College Martin Luther College ministerial needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod tWELS) by' preparing men for pastoral training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary 'and by preparing i:nen a:ncCwomen for service as teachers and staff ministers in the Syn~d's churches and schools so that the WELS may be served by candidates both qualified and coi:npete:nt to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and in Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord.

MLC Faculty Tenured Ash, Richard F. Balge, Daniel N. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Bode, Glenn E. Boeder, John C. Brutlag, Ronald D. Buck, Drew M . Cherney, Kenneth A. Czer, Lawrence J. Dallmann, Gary L. Danell, James C. Deutschlander, Daniel M . Dolan, John H. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Goeglein, Mark A. Gorsline, Dennis D. Gosdeck, David M . Gronholz, John H. Grunwald, James R. Haar, Beverlee M. Hartwig, Theodore J. Hartzell , J. Lance Heidtke, Earl R. Hermanson, Jodi L. Hermanson, Roger A. Hopf, Stephanie A. Hunter, Thomas N. Hussman, Charles E. Isch, John R. Klockziem, Roger C. Koelpin, Paul E. Koestler, Arlen L. Kresnicka, Judith

Kru eger. Robert H. Lan ge. Lyle W. Lenz. Mark J. Leopold. Barbara L. Levorson , LeRoy N. Leyrer, Philip M. Loomi s, Cheryl A. Luedtke. Charl es H. Mattek. John Meih ack. Marvin L. Melendy. Carl a E. Menk. Rolland R. Meye r, Edward H. Micheel, John H . Minch , Jack N. Moldenhauer, Kermit G. Monday, Earl W. Nass, Thomas P. Nolte, John P. Olsen, Theodore B. Olson, Lawrence 0. Paulsen, John W. Paustian, Mark A. Pelz!, David J. Pfeifer, Gene R. Plitzuweit, Jerald J. Pope, James F. Potratz, Robert C. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schibbelhut, John H. Schmidt, John H. Schone, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, Timothy J. Schubkegel, Joyce C. Schulz, Arthur J. Sellnow, David D.

Shilling, Ronald L. Sponh olz. Martin P. Spurgin , Alan M. Thiesfeldt, Steve n R. Treptow. Ea rl e D. Unke. James M . Wagner. Way ne L. Wendl and . Paul A. Wendl er, Dm,id 0. Whal ey. Cynthia E. Wittmershau s, Kurt A.

Instructor Scharf, Jonathan E. Tutors Seager, Paul M. Werner, James M . Westendorf, Timothy J. Adjunct Balge, Bethel A. Carmichael, Gary G. Kieselhorst, Janet L. Mattek, Ruth J. Nolte, Lanita M . Ohm, Carlotta L. Olsen, Joanne H. Schubkegel , Francis L. Thiesfeldt, Jeneane M.

MLC Board of Control Rev. Ralph E. Scharf, Chairman Rev. Raymond R. Beckmann Rev. Roy M. Beyer Mr. Steven Danekas Mr. Robert D. Hinnenthal Mr. Scott R. Huebner Rev. Carl T. Otto, Vice Chr. Mr. David A. Sauer, Secretary

Advisory Rev. Theodore B. Olsen, MLC President Rev. Karl R. Gurgel, WELS President Rev. Larry E. Cross, MN District President Rev. Peter H. Kruschel, BME Administrator


Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional.

Processional Stand Leader: In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. (spoken) Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. People: We will rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Be gracious to us and bless us. People: May your ways be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People: Show us your ways, 0 Lord, teach us your paths. Then we will walk in the light of life. Leader: Holy Spirit, you alone know the thoughts of God. Be our Counselor and guide us into all truth . People: Sanctify us through the gospel, that we might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Lesson: Matthew 28:16-20 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Be seated

O.C. Christiansen

Choral Response: "God Is My Salvation"

Sermon: Joshua 1:9

Onward, Christian Soldiers I. Your marching orders are clear. II. Your preparation has been superb. III. Your victory is already assured.

Hymn: "Onward Christian Soldiers" Please stand for the singing of the hymn. I. Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Christ, the royal master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle See his banners go! Refrain: Onward, Christian soldiers, Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. 2. Crowns and thrones may perish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of Jesus Constant will remain. Gates of hell can never 'Gainst that Church prevail; We have Christ's own promise, And that cannot fail. Refrain 3. Onward, then, ye faithful; Join the happy throng, Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song; Glory, laud, and honor Unto Christ the King; This through countless ages Saints and angels sing. Refrain

Be seated

Presentation of Diplomas Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of 2002 which occurs after the Benediction.


The Class Hymn: "Lord, You I Love with All My Heart" The congregation will join in singing the hymn as noted. Class

Lord, you I love with all my heart; I pray you ne'er from me depart With tender mercies cheer me. Earth has no pleasure I would share; Heaven itself were void and bare If you, Lord, were not near me. And should my heart for sorrow break, My trust in you no one could shake. You are the treasure I have sought; Your precious blood my soul has bought. Lord Jesus Christ, My God and Lord, my God and Lord, Forsake me not! I trust your Word.


Lord God, 'twas your rich bounty gave My body, soul, and all I have In this poor life of labor. Lord, grant that I in ev'ry place May glorify your lavish grace And serve and help my neighbor. Let no false doctrine me beguile; Let Satan not my soul defile. Give strength and patience unto me To bear my crosses willingly. Lord Jesus Christ, My God and Lord, my God and Lord, Forsake me not! I trust your Word.



Lord, let at last your angels come; To Abram's bosom bear me home That I may die unfearing. And in its narrow chamber keep My body safe in peaceful sleep Until your reappearing. And then from death awaken me That my own eyes with joy may see, 0 Son of God, your glorious face, My Savior and my Fount of grace. Lord Jesus Christ, My prayer attend, my prayer attend, And I will praise you without end.


Prayer Leader: Heavenly Father, we thank you for making this day possible. We thank and praise you for this school of ministry, for the blessings of the school year, for parents and all who support the training of ministers with prayers and gifts, for faithful students who prepare for public ministry with dedication, for dedicated teachers and staff who follow your ways, and for a church body which sees its mission to spread your Word among all peoples.

People: Above all we thank you for our Savior whose forgiveness alone makes it possible for sinful people to serve a holy God. Leader: 0 Lord, bless these graduates. Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers with the ability to fearlessly speak the mysteries of your Gospel.

People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with patience and diligence.

People: In your mercy, hear our prayer.


congregations with opportunities to Leader: Bless those who will be serving you as lay members in your use their special gifts and training.

People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. that we may do and say only that Leader: Be with us all, gracious God, as we serve as your ambassadors which will bring glory and honor to your holy name.

Jesus. Amen People: We bring these requests to you in the name of our Savior,

Benediction shine on you and be Leader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face you peace. give and favor with gracious to you. The Lord look on you

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Be seated

Announcements Presentation of the Class of 2002 Recessional

recessed. Please remain seated until the graduating class and the faculty have mall. the on Following the service you may greet the graduates

***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Theodo re Olsen Martin Luther College President Rev. David Valleskey n Seminary President Luthera in Wiscons

Preache r

Rev. Jerald Plitzuweit Academic Dean for Studies in Pastoral Ministry

Assisting in the Distribution of Diplom as

Dr. Arthur Schulz ional Ministry Educat Academic Dean for Studies in Dr. Charles Luedtke

Organis t

Prof. Roger Hermanson

College Choir Directo r



Class Verse

Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Class Flower

Sterling Rose

Class Colors

Navy and Silver

Class Hymn

"Lord, You I Love with All My Heart"


Bachelor of Arts Degree Manian, Adam S., Germantown, WI Minzlaff, Matthew C., Pleasant Prairie, WI Mueller, Andrew W., Oconomowoc, WI Naumann, David C., Benton Harbor, MI Odya, Aaron J., West Allis, WI Oldre, Steven R. *, Utica, MN Olson, Daniel S., Cudahy, WI Park, Dam, Seoul, Korea Prell, Bryan L., Hillsboro, WI Pufahl, Greg E., Lake Mills, WI Sand, Christopher K., Sussex, WI Schmeling, Benjamin P., River Falls, WI Schmidt, David W., Noblesville, IN Schroeder, Carl J. *, Parma, OH Schultz, Aaron C., Juneau, WI Schurman, Fred G. III, Rawlins, WY Seelow, Adam J., Saginaw, MI Snyder, Mark P.*, Sauk City, WI Spike, Aaron C., Swartz Creek, MI Stelljes, John W.*, New Ulm, MN Tess, Daniel P., Manitowoc, WI Tobison, Gregory A.*, Coleman, WI Tomczak, Benjamin J., Monroe, MI Wahl, David E., Cambria, WI Walters, Daniel J., Savage, MN Weitzel, John P., Loveland, CO Zahn, Benjamin J., Maitland, FL

Backus, James D., New Ulm, MN Barkow, Brian J., Green Bay, WI Becker, Joshua J., Milwaukee, WI Berg, Timothy R., Oshkosh, WI Bigelow, Philip J., Lake Villa, IL Bode, Adam M., Saginaw, MI Burgess, Daniel R., Anderson, CA Cloute, Eliott D., Fort Atkinson, WI Cortright, Geoffrey C., Van Nuys, CA Davisson, Caleb C., Belhaven, NC Degner, Seth D., Santa Maria, CA Dowling, Keegan J., Benton Harbor, MI Enderle, Joel P., Dix Hills, NY Evans, John A. II*, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Ewart, Matthew A., Broken Arrow, OK Fager, Nathan E., Fort Atkinson, WI Feuerstahler, Michael A., Menomone e Falls, WI Fischer, Jonathan D., Wilmot, WI Frey, Matthew P., Seward, NE Hennig, Matthew S., Campbellsport, WI Jansen, Paul D., Onalaska, WI Johnston, Andrew M., Spooner, WI Kesting, Peter J., Boltonville, WI Koehler, Jeremy M., Watertown, WI Koester, John R., West Allis, WI Kuerth, Benjamin J., Watertown, WI Lange, Douglas M., Fond du Lac, WI Leyrer, Carlos C., Miami, FL Luehring, Andrew T., Appleton, WI Luetke, Matthew D., New Ulm, MN

*Completed Seminary Certification Program


James D. Backus NewUlm,MN Bachelor of Arts

Brian J. Barkow Green Bay, WI Bachelor of Arts

Joshua J. Becker Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Arts

Timothy R. Berg Oshkosh, WI Bachelor of Arts

Philip J. Bigelow Lake Villa, IL Bachelor of Arts

Adam M. Bode Saginaw, Ml Bachelor of Arts

Daniel R. Burgess Anderson , CA Bachelor of Arts

Eliott D. Cloute Fort Atkinson, WI Bachelor of Arts

Geoffrey C. Cortright Van Nuys, CA Bachelor of Arts

Caleb C. Davisson Belhaven, NC Bachelor of Arts

Seth D. Degner Santa Maria, CA Bachelor of Arts

Keegan J. Dowling Benton Harbor, MI Bachelor of Arts

Joel P. Enderle Dix Hills, NY Bachelor of Arts

John A. Evans II Ft. Lauderdale, FL Seminary Certification

Matthew A. Ewart Broken Arrow, OK Bachelor of Arts

Nathan E. Fager Fort Atkinson, WI Bachelor of Arts

Michael A. Feuerstahler Menomonee Falls, WI Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan D. Fischer Wilmot, WI Bachelor of Arts

Matthew P. Frey Seward, NE Bachelor of Arts

Matthew S. Hennig Campbellsport, WI Bachelor of Arts


Paul D. Jansen Onalask a, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Benjami n J. Kuerth Watertown, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Adam S. Maruan Germantown , WI Bachelo r of Arts

Steven R. Oldre Utica, MN Seminary Certification

Andrew M. Johnston Spooner, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Peter J. Kesting Boltonville, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Douglas M . Lange Fond du Lac, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Carlos C. Leyrer Miami , FL Bachelo r of Arts

Matthew C. Minzlaf f Pleasant Prairie, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Andrew W. Mueller Oconom owoc, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Daniel S. Olson Cudahy, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Darn Park Seoul, Korea Bachelo r of Arts


Jeremy M. Koehler Watertown , WI Bachelo r of Arts

John R. Koester West Allis, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Andrew T. Luehring Appleton , WI Bachelo r of Arts

Matthew D. Luetke New Ulm, MN Bachelo r of Arts

David C. Naumann Benton Harbor, Ml Bachelor of Arts

Aaron J. Odya West Allis, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Bryan L. Prell Hillsboro, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Greg E. Pufahl Lake Mills, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Christopher K. Sand Sussex, WI Bachelor of Arts

Fred G. Schurman, lll Rawlin s, WY Bachelor of Arts

Daniel P. Tess Manitowoc, WI Bachelor of Arts

John P. Weitzel Loveland, CO Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin P. Schmeling River Falls, WI Bachelor of Arts

Adam J. Seelow Saginaw, MI Bachel or of Arts

Gregory A. Tobison Coleman, WI Seminary Certification

David W. Schmidt Noblesville, IN Bachelor of Arts

Mark P. Snyder Sauk City, WI Seminary Certification

Benjamin J. Tomczak Monro e, MI Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin J. Zahn Maitland, FL Bachel or of Arts


Carl J. Schroe der Parma, OH Seminary Certification

Aaron C. Spike Swartz Creek, MI Bachelor of Arts

David E. Wahl Cambria, WI Bachelor of Arts

Aaron C. Schultz Juneau , WI Bachelor of Arts

John W. Stelljes New Ulm, MN Seminary Certification

Daniel J. Walters Savage, MN Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education Graduates Backus, Jessica A., New Ulm, MN Bahn, Sarah M., Sun City, CA Bare, Rebecca M., Owosso, MI Bendix, Bradley R., Echo, MN Benrud, Jana L., Lacrosse, WI Boehm, Anna K., Saginaw, MI Brien, Rebecca L., Fond du Lac, WI Brooks, Jenny E., Milwauke e, WI Buschkop f, Rachel L., Milwauke e, WI Cook, Erica B., Milwauke e, WI Cordes, Ami J., Portland, OR David, Tanya M., San Antonio, TX Dittrich, Nathan K., Phoenix, AZ Dohm, Erick C., Cassopoli s, MI ., __ , ; . J u } ~ · DuFore, Joseph D., Milwaukee, WI - w,,.,,--~ Eckert, Kristen R., Tucson, AZ Ehlke, Kevin P., Appleton, WI Fein, Sarah E., Saginaw, MI Ferch, Emily A., Carmel, IN Geiger, Joanna C., Belmont, CA Gibson, Jason T., New Ulm, MN Gibson, Sara N., Marshall, MN Glodowsk i, Emily L., Fountain City, WI Goodger, Kara B., Milwauke e, WI Gosdeck, Debra A., New Ulm, MN Greschner , Alicia L., Milwauke e, WI Haakenso n, Lora J., Sierra Vista, AZ Haar, Mary E., Toronto, Ontario Canada Haase, Jennifer L., Apache Junction, AZ Hahnke, Seth M., Manitowo c, WI Harris, John M., Hartland, WI Hayes, Julie A., Watertown, SD Heiges, William B., Watertown, WI Holub, Christa J., Brooklyn Park, MN Hosbach, Andrea R., Medford, WI Hulse, Gretchen M., Belleville , IL Janke, Sarah J., Iron Ridge, WI Kendall, Andrea K., Sparta, WI Kirstein, Ruth G., Morton Grove, IL Knickelbe in, Kathryn E., West Allis, WI Korthals, Rachel A., Mequon, WI Kramer, Rachel G., Gibbon, MN Kremer, Emily B., Brookfield , WI Kuphal, Emily J., Eagle River, WI Laurin, Candice L., Manitowo c, WI Lewis, Jennifer L.E., Adel, IA



Lindke, Sarah E., Montrose, Ml Lotito, Rachel L., Wrightsto wn, WI Luebke, Kathryn L., Bremerton, WA Macdonal d, Valerie R., Mayville, WI Micheel, Sarah L., Milwauke e, WI Needham, Kevin A., Watertown, WI Nelson, Jeffrey D., Red Lake Falls, MN Nelson, Sarah E., Saginaw, MI Oakes, Lisa M., New Berlin, WI Pederson, Mandy L., Zumbrota , MN Pelz!, Alyssa A., New Ulm, MN Pliner, Kelli R., Tomah, WI Poston, Jennifer L., Medford, WI Pranschke , Jennifer L., Ottawa, Ontario Canada Rainey, Jennifer M., Stevensville, MI Rathje, Jared E., Port Huron, MI Ross, Kristin L., Milwauke e, WI Schaefer, Jonathan M., Minneapo lis, MN Scharf, Sarah E., New Ulm, MN Scherbarth , Sarah A., Colgate, WI Schoell, Lisa K., Libertyvil le, IL Schramm, Amy L., Redwood Falls, MN Schroeder , Jill M., Parma, OH Schultz, Melinda C., Watertown, WI Schultz, Melissa M., Watertown, WI Shaw, Deborah J., Neillsville , WI Sievert, Jana K., West Bend, WI Stern, Hannah H., Adrian, MI Stern, Mollie L., Adrian, MI Strassburg , Jeremiah S., Kewaskum , WI Strassburg , Julie E., Jackson, WI Sulzle, Rachel K., Wautoma, WI Thies, Steven J., Wausau, WI Thiesfeldt , Andrew S., New Ulm, MN Thiesfeldt , Janna L., New Ulm, MN Thomas, Laura A., Fort Collins, CO Traudt, Rachel M., Longmont , CO Uecker, Alissa J., Waukesha, WI Walta, Jamie C., Bonduel, WI Weis, Jodi L., Nicollet, MN Westendorf, Lisa A., Mequon, WI Wilke, James S., Redwood Falls, MN Zahn, Kristina L., Maitland, FL Zimmerm an, Frederick P. III, Kawkawli n, MI




1 J

Jessica A. Backus New Ulm,MN B.S. in Education

Sarah M. Bahn Sun City, CA B.S. in Education

Rebecca M. Bare Owosso, MI B.S. in Education

Bradley R. Bendix Echo, MN B.S. in Education

Jana L. Benrud La Crosse, WI B.S. in Education

Anna K. Boehm Saginaw, MI B.S. in Education

Rebecca L. Brien Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education

Jenny E. Brooks Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel L. Buschkopf Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Erica B. Cook Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Photo not available Joseph D. DuFore Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Ami J. Cordes Portland, OR B.S. in Education

Tanya M. David San Antonio, TX B.S. in Education

Nathan K. Dittrich Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Education

Erick C. Dohm Cassopolis, MI B.S. in Education

Kristen R. Eckert Tucson, AZ B.S. in Education

Kevin P. Ehlke Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Fein Saginaw, MI B.S. in Education

Emily A. Ferch Carmel, IN B.S. in Education


Joanna C. Geiger Belmont, CA B.S. in Education

Jason T. Gibson NewUlm , MN B.S. in Education

Sara N. Gibson Marshall, MN B.S. in Education

Alicia L. Greschner Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Lora J. Haakenson Sierra Vista, AZ B.S. in Education

John M. Harris Hartland, WI B.S. in Education

Julie A. Hayes Watertown , SD B.S. in Education

Gretchen M. Hulse Belleville, IL B.S. in Education

Sarah J. Janke Iron Ridge, WI B.S. in Education

Emily L. Glodowski Fountain City, WI B.S. in Education

Kara B. Goodger Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Debra A. Gosdeck NewUlm, MN B.S. in Education

Mary E. Haar Toronto, Ontario Canada B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. Haase Apache Junction , AZ B.S. in Education

Seth M. Hahnke Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

William B. Heiges Watertown , WI B .S. in Education

Christa J. Holub Brooklyn Park, MN B.S. in Education

Andrea R. Hosbach Medford, WI B.S. in Education

Andrea K. Kendall Sparta, WI B.S. in Education


Ruth G. Kirstein Morton Grove, IL B.S. in Education

Kathryn E. Knickelbein West Allis, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel A. Korthals Mequon, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel G. Kramer Gibbon, MN B.S. in Education

Emily B. Kremer Brookfield, WI B.S. in Education

Emily J. Kuphal Eagle River, WI B.S. in Education

Candice L. Laurin Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. E. Lewis Adel, IA B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Lindke Montrose, MI B.S. in Education

Rachel L. Lotito Wrightstown, WI B.S. in Education

Kathryn L. Luebke Bremerton, WA B.S. in Education

Valerie R. Macdonald Mayville, WT B.S. in Education

Sarah L. Micheel Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Kevin A. Needham Watertown, WI B.S. in Education

Jeffrey D. Nelson Red Lake Falls, MN B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Nelson Saginaw, MI B.S. in Education

Lisa M. Oakes New Berlin, WI B.S. in Education

Mandy L. Pederson Zumbrota, MN B.S. in Education

Alyssa A. Pelz! NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Kelli R. Pliner Tomah, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. Poston Medford, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer L. Pranschke Ottawa, Ontario Canada B.S. in Education


Jennifer M. Rainey Stevensville, MI B.S. in Education

Jared E. Rathje Port Huron, MI B.S. in Education

Kristin L. Ross Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Jonathan M. Schaefer Minneapolis , MN B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Scharf New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education

Sarah A. Scherbarth Colgate, WI B.S. in Education

Lisa K. Schoell Libertyville, IL B.S. in Education

Amy L. Schramm Redwood Falls, MN B.S . in Education

Jill M. Schroeder Parma, OH B.S. in Education

Melinda C. Schultz Watertown , WI B.S. in Education

Melissa M. Schultz Watertown , WI B.S. in Education

Deborah J. Shaw Neillsville, WI B.S. in Education

Jana K. Sievert West Bend, WI B.S. in Education

Hannah H. Stem Adrian, MI B.S. in Education

Mollie L. Stern Adrian, Ml B.S. in Education

Jeremiah S. Strassburg Kewaskum, WI B.S. in Education

Julie E. Strassburg Jackson, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel K. Sulzle Wautoma, WI B.S. in Education

Steven J. Thies Wausau, WI B.S. in Education

Andrew S. Thiesfeldt New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education


Janna L. Thiesfeld! New Ulm,MN B.S. in Education

Laura A. Thomas Fort Collins, CO B.S. in Education

Rachel M. Traudt Longmont, CO B.S. in Education

Alissa .I. Uecker Waukesha, WI B.S. in Education

Jamie C. Walta Bonduel, WI B.S. in Education

Jodi L. Weis Nicollet, MN B.S. in Education

Lisa A. Westendorf Mequon, WI B.S. in Education

James S. Wilke Redwood Falls, MN B.S. in Education

Kristina L. Zahn Maitland, FL B.S. in Education

Frederick P. Zimmerman III . Kawkawlin, MI B.S. in Education


Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary-Secondary Education Physic al Educa tion Biesterfeld, Chad A., Crete, IL Hagenow, Jason K., Green leaf, WI Hahnk e, Emily L., Manit owoc, WI Holub , Marti n J., Green Bay, WI Meyer, Kristal A., Maribel, WI

Englis h Hartw ig, Aaron M., Marib el, WI Jansen , Ruth A., New Ulm, MN Kirchoff, Ryan A., Hustis ford, WI Mathe matics Carlovsky, James D., Crysta l Lake, IL Dretsk e, Philip J., New Ulm, MN Fergu son, John E., Fostoria, MI Koester, Laura M., West Allis, WI Peder son, Joshu a J., New Ulm, MN Vasold, Steven T., Saginaw, MI

Scienc e Nickels, Jason J., Manit owoc, WI Social Studies Belon gia, Natha n J., Park Falls, WI Gruns t, Megg y S.R., New Ulm, MN Kelley, Jason W., Mayv ille, MI Molde nhaue r, Mark R., Watertown, WI Rahn, Jared J., Stratford, WI Troge, Benja min K., New Ulm, MN

Mathe matics /Scien ce Kutz, Gregory C., Hudso n, WI Music Borgw ardt, Elizab eth M., Cedar burg, WI Denni ngs, Jerem y L., Hemlo ck, MI Flister, Abiga il M., Antioch, IL Music /Engli sh Bernd t, Hillar y Heidi S., South Haven, MI

Aaron M. Hartwi g Maribe l, WI B.S. in Educat ion STEP

John E. Fergus on Fostori a, Ml B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Ruth A. Jansen NewU lm,MN B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Laura M. Koeste r West Allis, WI B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Ryan A. Kircho ff Hustisf ord, WI B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Joshua J. Peders on New Ulm, MN B.S. in Educat ion STEP


James D. Carlov sky Crystal Lake, IL B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Steven T. Vasold Saginaw , Ml B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Philip J. Dretske New Ulm, MN B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Gregor y C. Kutz Hudson , WI B.S. in Educat ion STEP

Elizabeth M. Borgwardt Cedarburg, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Jeremy L. Dennings Hemlock, Ml B.S. in Education STEP

Abigail M. Flister Antioch, IL B.S. in Education STEP

Hillary Heidi S. Berndt South Haven, Ml B.S. in Education STEP

Chad A. Biesterfeld Crete, IL B.S. in Education STEP

Jason K. Hagenow Greenleaf, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Emily L. Hahnke Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Martin J. Holub Green Bay, WI B .S. in Education STEP

Kristal A. Meyer Maribel, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Jason J. Nickel s Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Nathan J. Belongia Park Falls, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Meggy S. R. Grunst New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Jason W. Kelley Mayville, MI B.S. in Education STEP

Mark R. Moldenhauer Watertown , WI B.S. in Education STEP

JaredJ. Rahn Stratford, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Benjamin K. Troge NewUim,MN B.S. in Education STEP


Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary-Early Childhood Education Brown, Debra L., Dryden, MI Gut, Kathryn S., Wausau, WI Kraemer, Hortense L., Norfolk, NE Perry, Rachel L., Houston, TX

Debra L. Brown Dryden, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Kathryn S. Gut Wausau, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Stacy L. Scott Bay City, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Minori Yamaki Okinawa, Japan B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Schleusener, Teresa R., Grand Island, NE Scott, Stacy L., Bay City, MI Yamaki, Minori, Okinawa, Japan

Hortense L. Kraemer Norfolk, NE B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Rachel L. Perry Houston , TX B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Teresa R. Schleusener Grand Island, NE B.S. in Education Early Childhood

r 20

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education and Staff Ministry Maxfeldt, Tiffany L., Loxahatchee, FL Roth, Joshua M., Yakima, WA

Recommended for Synod Certification

Tiffany L. Maxfeldt Loxahatchee, FL B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Early Childhood (in absentia) Biersack, Laurie, Elkhorn, WI Bonow, Ginger, Dodge, WI Secondary (in absentia) Amundson, Nathan, Onalaska, WI

Bachelor of Science Degree Staff Ministry Hassel, Amanda L., Vadnais Heights, MN Luetke, Charity L., New Ulm, MN Mundstock, Michael J., Waukegan, IL Wink, Benjamin A., Fond du Lac, WI Sedaghat, Ahmad A., Tehran, Iran (in Absentia)

Photo Not Available Benjamin A. Wink Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Staff Ministry

Amanda L. Hassel Vadnais Heights , MN B.S. in Staff Ministry

Charity L. Luetke New Ulm, MN B.S. in Staff Ministry

Michael J. Mundstock Waukegan, IL B.S. in Staff Ministry


Joshua M. Roth Yakima, WA B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Call Service 2:30 p.m. Opening Hymn: "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"




r fin ourF hearts

f f en - ter



f be - gin .

Sun That That



of in we



0 the soul, true Chris - tian be faith - ful

J f f bright - ly shine, es ho

j That Hear Your






Prayer un - ceas - ing la - bor our And Christ con - fess - ing,


F f and A - round We And

u-ni-ty un - to death


-r I

To joy Your glo From you I





faith - ful m live


r r

us in wit - ness love and



us and glad - ness wake ev - er show - ing. ry true w1s - dom learn - ing.

J J J J J J J J liv - ing, Tru - ly By your teach - ing; us show - er; On

be May we us us, Cheer grace And peace



f f Light di - vine.


may be, - ly faith,



us. now make Your dwell - ing place be glow - ing, it may fire As be strong - ly burn - ing us In

work good hour this doubt and strife,





your And our hearts from That in Let your dear Word, m

in Spir - it, Ho - ly your Word im - press - ive pow'r 2. Give to Rock, 0 Source of life, might - y 3. 0 1. 0



To Let By


love be in And Praise you, Lord, and see our us Let

giv - ing you our preach - ing your pow - er




still in - creas - ing. serve our neigh - bor. Sav- ior's bless - ing.

Stand Leader: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles,

People: So that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. Leader: Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.


People: He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Leader: Christ ' s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all , and therefore all died .

People: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

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Pre - serve this







I min - is

- try





s ince the fields are





hands are few for

reap - ing,






work- ers forth , 0



har - vest days are keep - ing;







not a soul be

sheaves to

gath - er






you have come to



Prayer Leader: Jesus, Master Teacher, how precious are the words you speak to us. From the storeroom of your wisdom you bring us treasures of your truth. And chief among these is your heavenly Father's plan of salvation which you revealed to us by your teaching and life.

People: You have exalted us to be members of your kingdom now and forever. Leader: The words you have taught us- they are spirit and they are life.

People: Forgive us for letting the cares and concerns of this life distract us from your teaching. Give us hearts which cling to your word as the one thing needful. Amen.

Be seated

Lesson: l Peter4:7-l l Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)


Hymn: "Dear Lord, to Your True Servants Give"


J ) j JI J Dear Lord , to your true

2. They 3. When

glad - ly go at all their la - bor




free with when




go heal keep

to share your sin 's ills, to them hum - ble,

to pro - claim wind and wave, judg - rnent seat

Address: Luke 10:38-42






That And They



all may might - y lay their


serve make what

liv - ing Word, The right the wrong. Your Lord, and true Un



f you



from sin to them, Lord, and sue - cess crowns



ser - vants give The grace to a your corn -rnand To spread your Word o'er seems in vain , Re - vive their sink - ing



lone to live. Set sea and land. Be hopes a - gain; And



you, Lord, They them strong To they do, Oh,

J ) J J gos - pel mes - sage rule 1s o - ver til be- fore your



know your is your tro - phies

J. Ji J sav - ing name.

arm at


to save. your feet.

Sit Before You Serve

Choral Response: "Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling"

arr. Edward Broughton

Reading of Assignments Benediction

j Be

with us, God the



J J f J J I J.

ther; Be

with us, God the


IJ And

God the Ho - ly



j And



Spir - it, Most


f your faith - ful

ser - vants You

J J j JI j fill

us with your






Df •I

right - ly to


bless - ing Both


bless - ed Three m



a - dore,




now and ev - er - more.


***** Presiding Minister

Rev . Theodore Olsen MLC President


Rev. John Soeder MLC Campus Pastor Rev . Karl Gurgel WELS President

Reading of Assignments

Dr. Edward Meyer


Prof. Roger Hermanson

College Choir Director



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