2001-2002 - Mid-year Graduation

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Mid-year Graduation

Martin Luther College

December 20, 200 l 9:30 a.m.

Morning Praise

l. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recessiona nal. processio the for seated Please remain

Processional Opening Hymn


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A Hark! the 2 Lo, 3 That, when 4 Hon - or,

thrill Lamb. next ·glo -

ing so he ry,

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hear down wrapped and

near,'' we par - don is world Fa - ther

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of of his ing

dark-ness ; sor - row, mer - cy Spir - it

" Cast Let He With

say. it from heav'n. fear, in Son the

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chi I - • dren are You One and ,.·"' all , • to I And with words of While e - ter - "'nal


Stand 0 Lord, open my lips.


J J J ) J

J C:


And my mouth


shall de - clare your praise.

Hasten to save me, 0 God.

~I C:

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Lord, come quick- ly

"Christ is Comes with the And the T6

is sound - ing; voice long - ex - pect - ed, comes with glo - ry mignt; do - min - ion



J me.



a - way haste, us may shield ev the

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day." giv·n, near. run!

M: Behold the King comes: let us worship him.



A ELl C:

Oh, come, let us sing to the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of

our sal - va - tion.

Let us come into his presence with thanks-giv - ing,

J ) let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise.

For the Lord is a

great God and a great king a-hove all gods. The deep places of the earth are

J l FJ J I,_ in his hand; the heights of the hills are al - so his.



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The sen is his, for he

J I ,_

made it, and his hand formed the dry land. Oh, come, let us worship and

bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our mak - er.

For he is our God,

J J .FJ ...__, J and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of Be seated




Psalm 71 All will sing the Refrain and the "Glory be to the Father." The choir will sing the verses.


t@& J J J I F r who Bless-ed they are

IA hope,

J I EJ J I J who

hope in

the Lord.

Psalm Tone



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In you, 0 LORD, I have taken ~fuge* Jet me never be Q!!! to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness:* tum your ear to me and save me. Be my rock ofrefuge to which I can ruways go:* for you are my rock and my fortress. Refrain

Since my youth, 0 God, you have taught me.* and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake~ 0 God, till I declare your power to the next gener!!_tion, * your might to all who ~ to come. Glory be to the Father and !Q the Son* and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the begmning,* is now, and will be forever. Amen. Refrain Rt!/rai11: Copyright © 1986 GIA Publicatio11s, Inc. All rights rt!served. Used by pen11issio11.

Lesson: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Choral Response:

"Thy Holy Wings'; arranged by Karle Erickson.

Sermon: Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.




We praise you, 0 God, we acclaim you as Lord; all creation worships you,

Fa-ther cv-er-last - ing.

To you all angels, all the pow'rs of hcav'n,

cherubim and seraphim, sing in end-less praise: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of

hcav'n- Iy

0 J) J




heaven and earth are full

of your glo - ry.

!Oi The glorious company of apostles praise you.



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r I ,~ you.

The noble fellowship of

Q r

The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

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Throughout the world the



ly Church ac-claims

Jd you:

QLl Father of majesty unbounded, your glorious, true, and on - ly Son,

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and the Holy Spirit, ad - vo - cate and guide.


You, Christ, are the King of

glo - ry, the eternal Son of the Fa - tiler.

When you became man to

set us free, you humbled yourself to be born of a vir-gin. You overcame the

J I !'IJ sting of death

and opened the kingdom of heaven to all be-liev - ers.

c:: ::J-

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You sit at the right hand of God

in the glory of the Fa -


.JJ J l.h£J.i33r We believe that you will come



Come then, Lord, and help your peo - pie,


bought with the price of

rp J 1~ your own blood, and bring us with your saints Be sealed


Ur r II

to glory ev - er- last - ing.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Elementary Education Christensen, Katherine S., Rochester, MN Grass, Bradley W., Tucson, AZ Hawley, Jessica L., Appleton, WI Herlich, Elizabeth K., Manito, IL

Raymond, Stacie L., Mitchell, SD Schulz, David R., New Ulm, MN Tilbury, Tiffany D., Fort Worth, TX

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Elementary-Secondary Education Fischer, Richard D., Weyauwega, WI Heyn, Aaron T., Moorpark, CA Nolte, Nathan P., Manitowoc, WI

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Early Childhood Education Moldenhauer, Julia M., Jackson, WI


Elementary Teachers Clark, Martha A., Lacrosse, WI Tafel, Joyce A., Midland, MI Secondary Teacher Potratz, Elisabeth S., New Ulm, MN


Elizabeth K. Herlich Manito, IL B.S. in Education

Bradley W. Grass Tucson, AZ B.S. in Education

Jessica L. Hawley Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Stacie L. Raymond Mitchell, SD B.S. in Education

David R Schulz NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Tiffany D. Tilbury Fort Worth, TX B.S. in Education

Richard D. Fischer Weyauwega, WI B.S. in Education - STEP

Nathan P. Nolte Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education - STEP

Julia M. Moldenhauer Jackson, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Aaron T. Heyn Moorpark, CA B.S. in Education- STEP

Conferring of Degrees

Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class.

-Hymn The co11gregatio11 sings sta11zas I a11d 3. The graduates sing stanza 2. I. Send, 0 Lord, your Holy Spirit On your servants now, we pray; Let them all be faithful shepherds That no Iamb is led astray. Your pure teaching to proclaim, To adore your holy name, And to feed your Iambs, dear Savior, Make their aim and sole endeavor. 2. You, 0 Lord, yourself have called them For your precious Iambs to care; But to prosper in their calling, They the Spirit's gifts must share. . Grant them wisdom from above; Fill their hearts with holy love. In their weakness, Lord, be near them; In their P.rayers, Good Shepherd, hear them. 3. Help. Lord Jesus, help them nourish Our dear children with your Word, That in constant love they serve you Till in heav' n their song is heard. Boundless blessings, Lord, bestow On your servants' work below Till by grace to them is given Their reward, the crown of heaven.


Prayer Minister:

Heavenly Father, we.praise and thank you for giving your C~urch men and women who are qualified to serve in the public miqistry. .


Bless every servant of your Word who proclaims Christ crucified for sinners as the wisdom and power of God.


We pray especially for our graduates who have successfully completed their course of st~dy at·this college of ministry.


Lord, from your hand we are willing to accept the good and the bad, the joys and the · sorrows of life. Keep us from sin and comfort us with your Word.

All others: You·have promised to be with them. Watch over their lives, botli now and forevermore. Keep them faithful to your w'ord, that they may grow in wisdom, righteousness, and holiness. Minister:

Gracious Lord, continue to bless Martin Luther College with instructors who recognize Jesus Christ as wisdom's highest and noblest treasure, and with students who are committed to preparing themselves for the public ministry of your Church.

Faculty and Students: Help us use our talents and energies in joyful service to you. Minister:

Lord God, watch over the lives of all your people. Dispel our fears, strengthen us in our weakness, and finally bring us all to everlasting glory through the merits of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.


In his name we pray. Amen.

Benediction M:

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with ·you all.

,J . C:




Be seated

Presentation of the Class Recessional Friends and relatives of the graduates are invited to a reception in the Luther Studellt Cellter following the sen•ice.

***** Presiding Minister Preacher Degree presenters

President Theodore Olsen Professor Lyle Lange ·President Theodore Olsen Academic Dean Arthur Schulz Professor Wayne Wagner Professor Roger Hermanson

Organist ·College Choir Director

** ***


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