2002-2003 - Commencement Service - Pictorial & Call Service

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Commencement Service Pictorial & Call Service

May 17, 2003


Message from the President Dear Families and Friends of Martin Luther College, The governing board, faculty, students, and staff of MLC welcome you to your college of ministry at this exciting time. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." We, along with you, pray that our gracious Lord will hold his protecting hand over our graduates as they follow his lead to wherever it is he will take them. They are the future of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. This afternoon we welcome you to the Call Service at 2:30 p.m., again in the Luther Student Center gymnasium. We pray that the Lord of the church will use and bless those assigned as gifts to his church. May they boldly proclaim the gospel per the injunction of our Savior. Yes, it is an exciting time at MLC. May we all be edified by God's Word as it is declared in both our commencement and call services. We thank the parents of the graduates for the encouragement given their sons and daughters to pursue their education toward the goal of public ministry. "Not to us, 0 Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory . .. "

Mission of the Colle1?:e Martin Luther College exists to serve the ministerial needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) by preparing men for pastoral training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and by preparing men and women for service as teachers and staff ministers in the Synod's church and schools so that the WELS may be served by candidates both qualified and competent to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord

MLC Faculty Tenured Ash, Richard F. Balge, Daniel N. Balge, Jonathan R. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Bode, Glenn E. Boeder, John C. Brutlag, Ronald D. Buck, Drew M. Cherney, Kenneth A. Czer, Lawrence J. Dallmann, Gary L. Danell, James C. Deutschlander, Daniel M. Dolan, John H. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Goeglein, Mark A. Gorsline, Dennis D. Gosdeck, David M. Graf, Terrence A. Gronholz, John H. Grunwald, James R. Haar, Beverlee M. Hartzell, J. Lance Heidtke, Earl R. Hermanson, Jodi L. Heyer, Kurt A. Hopf, Stephanie A. Hunter, Thomas N. Hussman, Charles E. Isch, John R. Klockziem, Roger C. Koelpin, Paul E. Koestler, Arlen L.

Kresnicka, Judith Krueger, Robert H. Lange, Lyle W. Lenz, Mark J. Leopold, Barbara L. Levorson, LeRoy N. Leyrer, Philip M. Loomis, Cheryl A. Lotito, Lawrence W. Luedtke, Charles H. Mattek, John Meihack, Marvin L. Melendy, Carla E. Menk, Rolland R. Micheel, John H. Minch, Jack N. Moldenhauer, Kermit G. Monday, Earl W. Nass, Thomas P. Nolte, John P. Ohm, Ronald C. Olsen, Theodore B. Olson, Lawrence 0. Paulsen, John W. Paustian, Mark A. Pekrul, William A. Pelzl, David J. Pfeifer, Gene R. Plitzuweit, Jerald J. Pope, James F. Potratz, Robert C. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schmidt, John H. Schone, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, Timothy J. Schubkegel, Joyce C.

Sellnow, David D. Shilling, Ronald L. Sponholz, Martin P. Spurgin, Alan M. Thiesfeldt, Steven R. Unke, James M . Wagner, Wayne L. Wendland, Paul A. Wendler, David 0. Wessel, Keith C. Whaley, Cynthia E. Wittmershaus, Kurt A. Instructor Scharf, Jonathan E. Tutors Ericson, Nathan R. Vogel, Michael J. Werner, James M. Adjunct Balge, Bethel A. Kieselhorst, Janet L. Leyrer, Beth E. Mattek, Ruth J. Nolte, Lanita M. Ohm, Carlotta L. Olsen, Joanne H. Schubkegel, Francis L. Thiesfeldt, Jeneane M.

MLC Board of Control Rev. Ralph E. Scharf, Chairman Rev. Raymond R. Beckmann Rev. Roy M. Beyer Mr. Keith R. Bowe Mr. Steven Danekas Mr. Jonathan J. Hahm Mr. Robert D. Hinnenthal Mr. Scott R. Huebner Mr. Stephen D. Loehr Rev. Carl T. Otto, Vice Chr.

Mr. David A. Sauer, Secretary Mr. Michael D. Schultz Mr. William Steinbrenner Advisory Rev. Larry E. Cross, MN District President Rev. Karl R. Gurgel, WELS President Rev. Peter H. Kruschel, BME Administrator Rev. Theodore B. Olsen, MLC President 2

Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional.

Processional Stand Leader: In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. (spoken) Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. People: We will rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Be gracious to us and bless us. People: May your ways be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People: Show us your ways, 0 Lord, teach us your paths. Then we will walk in the light of life. Leader: Holy Spirit, you alone know the thoughts of God. Be our Counselor and guide us into all truth. People: Sanctify us through the gospel, that we might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.





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Lesson: Matthew 28: 16-20 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Be seated

Choral Response: "Jesus, Lead the Way"

setting by Richard Proulx

Sermon: Isaiah 41: 10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Hymn: "How Firm a Foundation" Please stand for the singing of the hymn. 1. How firm a foundation, 0 saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word! What more can he say than to you he has said Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled? 2. In ev'ry condition, in sickness, in health, In poverty's vale or abounding in wealth, At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea The Lord, the Almighty, your strength e'er shall be. 3. "Fear not, I am with you. Oh, be not dismayed, For I am your God and will still give you aid; I'll strengthen you, help you, and cause you to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand." 4. "Throughout all their lifetime my people shall prove My sov'reign, eternal, unchangeable love, And then, when gray hair shall their temples adore, Like lambs they shall still on my shoulders be borne."

Be seated

Presentation of Diplomas Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of 2003 which occurs after the Benediction.


The Class Hymn: "Christ Be My Leader"

arr. Sterling Procter

The congregation will join in singing the hymn as noted. Class

Christ be my leader by night as by day, Safe through the darkness, for he is the way. Gladly I follow, my future his care; Darkness is daylight when Jesus is there. Christ be my teacher in age as in youth, Drifting or doubting, for he is the truth. Grant me to trust him, though shifting as sand. Doubt cannot daunt me - in Jesus I stand!


Christ be my Savior in calm as in strife; Death cannot hold me, for he is the life. Nor darkness nor doubting nor sin and its stain Can touch my salvation - with Jesus I reign!


Prayer Leader: Heavenly Father, we thank you for making this day possible. We thank and praise you for this school of ministry, for the blessings of the school year, for parents and all who support the training of ministers with prayers and gifts, for faithful students who prepare for public ministry with dedication, for dedicated teachers and staff who follow your ways, and for a church body which sees its mission to spread your Word among all peoples. People: Above all we thank you for our Savior whose forgiveness alone makes it possible for sinful people to serve a holy God. Leader: 0 Lord, bless these graduates. Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers with the ability to fearlessly speak the mysteries of your Gospel. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with patience and diligence. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will be serving you as lay members in your congregations with opportunities to use their special gifts and training. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Be with us all, gracious God, as we serve as your ambassadors that we may do and say only that which will bring glory and honor to your holy name. People: We bring these requests to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen


Benediction Leader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.





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Be seated

Announcements Presentation of the Class of 2003 Recessional

Please remain seated until the graduating class and the faculty have recessed. Following the service you may greet the graduates on the mall.

***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Theodore Olsen Martin Luther College President


Rev. John Guse South Atlantic District President

Assisting in the Distribution of Diplomas

Rev. Jerald Plitzuweit Academic Dean for Studies in Pastoral Ministry Prof. Kurt Wittmershaus Academic Dean for Studies in Educational Ministry


Prof. Robert Potratz

College Choir Director

Prof. Kermit Moldenhauer



Class Verse

Isaiah 41 : 10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Class Flower

Impala Lily/Desert Rose

Class Colors

Crimson and Ivory

Class Hymn

"Christ Be My Leader"


Bachelor of Arts Degree Quinn, Jonathan D., Watertown, WI Raddatz, Nathan R., Kaukauna, WI Radtke, Benjamin A., Tucson, AZ Rathje, Christopher J., Saginaw, MI Richards, Brian J., St. John's, Antigua West Indies Rogas, Clint A. Jr.*, Austin, TX Scharf, Nathanael R., West Allis, WI Schroeder, Eric D., Appleton, WI Schroeder, Mark J., Saginaw, Ml Schupmann, Paul W., Aurora, IL Schutz, Mark E., Menomonie, WI Seelow, Nathanael P., Rice Lake, WI Sievert, Dustin D., Watertown, WI Stem, Jesse A., Flagstaff, AZ Taylor, Bradley P., Watertown, WI Tomczyk, Daniel H., South Milwaukee, WI Valleskey, Karl T., Houston, TX Wilcox, Patrick J., Seattle, WA Wolf, Matthew A., Jarrettsville, MD Zimpelmann, Jonathan G., Eagle River, WI

Backus, Steven A., Hemlock, MI Bare, Jonathan M., Owosso, MI Berg, David J., Oshkosh, WI Berg, John C. *, Winona, MN Bergemann, Scott W., West Allis, WI Berger, Benjamin J., Slinger, WI Bolwerk, Jeffery G.*, Hartford, WI Burgess, Emile J., Sacramento, CA Burk, Paul M.*, Lafayette, MN Casmer, Philip J., Phoenix, AZ Diring, Brian K. *, Windsor, WI Dolan, Aaron J., New Ulm, MN Draper, Kevin L. *, New Ulm, MN Graham, Chadwick L., Bay City, MI Gumm, Joshua A., Rockford, IL Hackmann, Brian P., Greenfield, WI Holub, Aaron J., Brooklyn Park, MN Huebner, Philip J., Wauwatosa, WI Janke, Philip E., Iron Ridge, WI Jenkins, Paul W., Wauwatosa, WI Koschnitzke, Christopher E., Menomonee Falls, WI Krause, Brad D., Watertown, WI Kuschel, Michael J., South Milwaukee, WI Lindemann, Nathan E., Bismarck, ND Maglietto, Nicholas C., Oceanside, CA Mattek, Paul J., New Ulm, MN Munson, Jonathan L., Mesa, AZ Novotny, Michael T., Green Bay, WI Phillips, Lynn*, New Ulm, MN Pollesch, Scott J., Kingston, WI

*Completed Seminary Certification Program


Photo not available John C. Berg Winona, MN Seminary Certification

Steven A. Backus Hemlock, MI Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan M . Bare Owosso, MI Bachelor of Arts

David J. Berg Oshkosh, WI Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin J. Berger Slinger, WI Bachelor of Arts

Jeffrey G . Bolwerk Hartford, WI Seminary Certification

Emile J. Burgess Sacramento, CA Bachelor of Arts

Paul M. Burk Lafayette, MN Seminary Certification

Philip J. Casmer Phoenix, AZ Bachelor of Arts

Brian K. Diring Windsor, WI Seminary Certification

Aaron J. Dolan NewU!m,MN Bachelor of Arts

Kevin L. Draper New Ulm, MN Seminary Certification

Chadwick L. Graham Bay City, MI Bachelor of Arts

Joshua A. Gumm Rockford, IL Bachelor of Arts

Brian P. Hackmann Greenfield, WI Bachelor of Arts

Aaron J. Holub Brooklyn Park, MN Bachelor of Arts

Philip J. Huebner Wauwatosa, WI Bachelor of Arts

Philip E. Janke Iron Ridge, WI Bachelor of Arts

Paul W. Jenkins Wauwatosa, WI Bachelor of Arts


Scott W. Bergemann West Allis, WI Bachelor of Arts

Photo not available Nathan E. Lindemann Bismarck, ND Bachelor of Arts

Nicholas C. Maglietto Oceanside, CA Bachelor of Arts

Christopher E. Koschnitzke Menomonee Falls, WI Bachelor of Arts

Brad D. Krause Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Michael J. Kuschel South Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Arts

Paul J. Mattek New Ulm,MN Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan L. Munson Mesa.AZ Bachelor of Arts

Michael T. Novotny Green Bay, WI Bachelor of Arts

Lynn Phillips NewUlm,MN Seminary Certification

Scott J. Pollesch Kingston, WI Bachelor of Arts

Nathan R. Raddatz Kaukauna, WI Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin A. Radtke Tucson, AZ Bachelor of Arts

Christopher J. Rathje Saginaw, MI Bachelor of Arts

Brian J. Richards St. John's, Antigua West Indies Bachelor of Arts

Nathanael R. Scharf West Allis, WI Bachelor of Arts

Eric D. Schroeder Appleton, WI Bachelor of Arts

Mark J. Schroeder Saginaw, MI Bachelor of Arts

Paul W. Schupmann Aurora, IL Bachelor of Arts

Photo not avai lable Jonathan D. Quinn Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Clint A. Rogas, Jr. Austin, TX Seminary Certification


Mark E. Schutz Menomonie, WI Bachelor of Arts

Nathanael P. Seelow Rice Lake, WI Bachelor of Arts

Dustin D. Sievert Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Jesse A. Stern Flagstaff, AZ Bachelor of Arts

Bradley P. Taylor Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Daniel H. Tomczyk South Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Arts

Karl T. Valleskey Houston, TX Bachelor of Arts

Patrick J. Wilcox Seattle, WA Bachelor of Arts

Matthew A. Wolf Jarrettsville, MD Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan G. Zimpelmann Eagle River, WI Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education Graduates Alf, Sadie L., New Berlin, WI Baade, Brett M., Milwaukee, WI Backus, Sarah E., Hemlock, MI 103 Bain, Rachel C., Coon Rapids, M N · - ~ ~ 11 11 1 Benoit, Crystal A., Coleman, WI 1 '' Berg, Derek A., Campbellsport, WI Berg, Rebekah M., Waupaca, WI - ~ _,,./,.. ~ ' 03 Bertolus, Rebecca L., Watertown, WI Biesterfeld, Timothy M., Crete, IL Breinling, Jeffery C., Stevensville, MI , 03 Briney, Jacob R., Stevensville, MI - ~ ~ h Carlovsky, Benjamin L., Crystal Lake, IL Carolfi, Jessica M ., Marshfield, WI , Curia, Luther P., Citrus Heights, C A - ~ ~ ~ 03 Dins, Sara L., Tempe, AZ Dittbenner, Hayley J., Phoenix, AZ Duncan, Sarah E., Fort Atkinson, WI Ehlke, Mark D., Appleton, WI Erdmann, Mandy S., Appleton, WI Evanson, Stephanie A., Kenosha, WI Fillner, Melissa A., Shelby Township, MI Frey, Melissa S., Belleville, MI Gohr, Rebecca J., Menomonee Falls, W I - ~ ,.,.,,.4.- ~ 'o3 Gosdeck, Rachel L., New Ulm, MN Gray, Erin M., Tempe, AZ Groth, Sarah A., Manitowoc, WI Haakenson, Erin I., Wauwatosa, WI Haberman, Sarah A., Helenville, WI Hartzell, Luke J., New Ulm, MN Hartzell, Sarah J., Georgetown, TX Heller, Hattie J., Madison, WI Hess, Brenda R., Oshkosh, WI Hieb, Angela B., Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki-ken, Japan Hochmuth, Philip A., Watertown, WI Holman, Christopher M., Citrus Heights, CA Hultman, Tracey L., Lenexa, KS Jabs, Jill E., Evansville, WI Johnson, Daniel R., Corona, CA Johnson, Lesley J., Tyler, MN Johnson, Nancy M., New Ulm, MN Kallies, Nathaniel D., Cudahy, WI Kassebaum, Sarah M., Duncanville, TX Kerkow, Janelle R., Brisbane, Australia Klug, Nyre D., Beaver Dam, WI Koch, Rebekah A., Fond du Lac, WI Kolb, Alyssa B., Prairie City, SD Korth, Mary R., Bay City, Ml Krug, Nathan C., Naperville, I L - ~ ,-.L fL/ 103 Kuehl, Andrew J., Hartford, WI Kunz, Maura L., Burnsville, MN Lacher, Kimberly A., Gilbert, AZ LaViolette, Jill M., Manitowoc, WI Lawrenz, Susannah I., Mequon, WI Learman, Sarah E., Peshtigo, WI



Lindholm, Jennifer J., Delano, MN Lotito, Karen E., New Ulm, MN Marcouiller, Renee M., New Berlin, WI Mueller, Katie M ., Livermore, CA Mueller, Kiara R., Manitowoc, WI Nehmer, Laura M., Columbus, WI Nelson, Joshua J., Milwaukee, WI Noack, Jennifer E., Hudson, WI Palmer, Amy L., Oconomowoc, WI Paschal, Gillian L., Oconomowoc, WI - ~ _.J_, ~ Pate, Rebecca M., Wauwatosa, WI Pavelchik, Adam D., Milwaukee, WI Pavelchik, Mandy L., Oakfield, WI Petermann, Lisa M., Eau Claire, WI Petermann, Rachel A., Saukville, WI Petrie, Khrista J., Ottawa, Ontario Canada Poston, Kevin S., Watertown, WI Rausch, Elisabeth L., New Ulm, MN Riesop, Justin E., Whiteriver, AZ Rimpel, Joshua T., Crete, IL Roeller, Nicole M., Lino Lakes, MN Schmeling, Amy B., River Falls, WI Schmidt, Elissa E., Janesville, WI Schmidt, Heidi R., New Ulm, MN Schmitz, Julia K., Fond du Lac, WI Schumann, Molly B., Prior Lake, MN Seeger, Elizabeth A., Sioux Falls, SD Seeger, Emily A., Sioux Falls, SD Seeger, Stephanie J., Manitowoc, WI Seifert, Sarah J., Midland, MI Sheridan, Marsha L., Sodus, MI Smith, Adrian R., New Ulm, MN - ~ . , , , , J . . J-7 'o? Snell, Amy L., Brookfield, WI Spier, Anneliese M., Titusville, FL Springstroh, Kim A., Appleton, WI Steffen, Amy R., Glenwood City, WI Sternberg, Rachel M., Rhinelander, WI Strackbein, Sarah R., New Ulm, MN Tarver, Jessica L., Kenosha, WI Templeton, Lucy H., Lesueur, MN Thies, Timothy J., Schofield, WI Uecker, Ann M., Neosho, WI Underwood, Sarah M., Omaha, NE Vogel, Timothy V., Kennewick, WA Wardell, Kelly J., Cambria, WI Warning, Katherine L., Greendale, WI Wegner, Crystal M., Morrison, WI Wendland, David T., New Ulm, MN Wendt, Rebecca A., Neenah, WI Westendorf, Kathryn J., Mequon, WI Weston, Donald S., Glendale, AZ

'1!> 3




Sadie L. Alf New Berlin, WI B.S. in Education

Brett M. Baade Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Backus Hemlock, MI B.S. in Education

Rachel C. Bain Coon Rapids, MN B.S. in Education

Crystal A. Benoit Coleman, WI B.S. in Education

Derek A. Berg Campbellsport, WI B.S. in Education

Rebekah M. Berg Waupaca, WI B.S. in Education

Rebecca L. Bertolus Watertown, WI B.S. in Education

Timothy M. Biesterfeld Crete, IL B.S. in Education

Jeffery C. Breinling Stevensville, MI B.S. in Education

Jacob R. Briney Stevensville, MI B.S. in Education

Benjamin L. Carlovsky Crystal Lake, IL B.S. in Education

Jessica M. Carolfi Marshfield, WI B.S. in Education

Luther P. Curia Citrus Heights, CA B.S. in Education

Sara L. Dins Tempe,AZ B.S. in Education

Hayley J. Dittbenner Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Duncan Fort Atkinson, WI B.S. in Education

Mark D. Ehlke Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Mandy S. Erdmann Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Stephanie A. Evanson Kenosha, WI B.S. in Education



Melissa A. Fillner Shelby Township, MI B.S. in Educatio n

Sarah A. Groth Manitow oc, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Hattie J. Heller Madison , WI B.S. in Educatio n

Tracey L. Hultman Lenexa, KS B.S. in Educatio n

Melissa S. Frey Belleville, MI B.S. in Educatio n

Erin I. Haakens on Wauwatosa, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Brenda R. Hess Oshkosh , WI B.S. in Educatio n

Jill E. Jabs Evansvil le, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Rebecca J. Gohr Menomo nee Falls, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Rachel L. Gosdeck New Ulm, MN B.S. in Educatio n

Sarah A. Haberma n Helenville, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Luke J. Hartzell NewU! m,MN B.S. in Educatio n

Angela B. Hieb Tsuchiu ra City, Ibaraki-k en, Japan B.S. in Educatio n

Daniel R. Johnson Corona, CA B.S. in Educatio n


Philip A. Hochmu th Watertown, WI B.S. in Educatio n

Lesley J. Johnson Tyler, MN B.S. in Educatio n

Erin M. Gray Tempe,A Z B.S. in Education

Sarah J. Hartzell Georgetown, TX B.S. in Education

Christop her M. Holman Citrus Heights , CA B.S. in Educatio n

Nancy M. Johnson New Ulm, MN B.S. in Educatio n

Nathaniel D. Kallies Cudahy, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah M. Kassebaum Duncanville, TX B.S. in Education

Janelle R. Kerkow Brisbane, Australia B.S. in Education

Nyre D. Klug Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education

Rebekah A. Koch Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education

Alyssa B. Kolb Prairie City, SD B.S. in Education

Mary R. Korth Bay City, MI B.S. in Education

Nathan C. Krug Naperville, IL B.S. in Education

Andrew J. Kuehl Hartford, WI B.S. in Education

Maura Lyn Kunz Burnsville, MN B.S. in Education

Kimberly A. Lacher Gilbert, AZ B.S. in Education

Jill M. La Violette Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Susannah I. Lawrenz Mequon, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah E. Learman Peshtigo, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer J. Lindholm Delano, MN B.S. in Education

Karen E. Lotito NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Renee M. Marcouiller New Berlin, WI B.S. in Education

Katie M. Mueller Livermore, CA B.S. in Education

Kiara R. Mueller Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Laura M. Nehmer Columbus, WI B.S. in Education


Joshua J. Nelson Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Jennifer E. Noack Hudson, WI B.S. in Education

Amy L. Palmer Oconomowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Gillian L. Paschal Oconomowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Rebecca M. Pate Wauwatosa, WI B.S. in Education

Adam D. Pavelchik Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education

Mandy L. Pavelchik Oakfield, WI B.S. in Education

Lisa M. Petermann Eau Claire, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel A. Petermann Saukville, WI B.S. in Education

Khrista J. Petrie Ottawa, ON B.S. in Education

Elisabeth L. Rausch NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Justin E. Riesop Whiteriver, AZ B.S. in Education

Joshua T. Rimpel Crete, IL B.S. in Education

Nicole M. Roeller Lino Lakes, MN B.S. in Education

Elissa E. Schmidt Janesville, WI B.S. in Education

Heidi R. Schmidt NewU!m,MN B.S. in Education

Julia K. Schmitz Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education

Molly B. Schumann Prior Lake, MN B.S. in Education

Photo not available Kevin S. Poston Watertown, WI B.S. in Education

Amy B. Schmeling River Falls, WI B.S. in Education


Elizabeth A. Seeger Sioux Falls, SD B.S. in Education

Emily A. Seeger Sioux Falls, SD B.S. in Education

Stephanie J. Seeger Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah J. Seifert Midland, MI B.S. in Education

Marsha L. Sheridan Sodus, MI B.S. in Education

Adrian R. Smith NewUlm, MN B.S. in Education

Amy L. Snell Brookfield, WI B.S. in Education

Anneliese M. Spier Titusville, FL B.S. in Education

Kim A. Springstroh Appleton, WI B.S. in Education

Amy R. Steffen Glenwood City, WI B.S. in Education

Rachel M. Sternberg Rhinelander, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah R. Strackbein NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Jessica L. Tarver Kenosha, WI B.S. in Education

Lucy H. Templeton LeSueur, MN B.S. in Education

Timothy J. Thies Schofield, WI B.S. in Education

Ann M. Uecker Neosho, WI B.S. in Education

Sarah M. Underwood Omaha, NE B.S. in Education

Timothy V. Vogel Kennewick, WA B.S. in Education

Kelly J. Wardell Cambria, WI B.S. in Education

Katherine L. Warning Greendale, WI B.S. in Education



Crystal M. Wegner Morrison, WI B.S. in Education

David T. Wendland NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education

Rebecca A. Wendt Neenah, WI B.S. in Education

Kathryn J. Westendorf Mequon, WI B.S. in Education

Donald S. Weston Glendale, AZ B.S. in Education

B.S. in Education in absentia

Jessica L. Moldenhauer Jackson, WI B.S. in Education

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary-Secondary Education English Bater, Amanda M., Lansing, MI Krell, Erin C., Newburg, WI Schiller, Renee C., West Bend, WI Vik, Karyn M., Appleton, WI

Gibson, Leigh E., West Saint Paul, MN Hutchinson, Ethan S., Sterling Heights, MI Zimmermann, Deborah D., Brooklyn Park, MN Foreign Language/Spanish Bode, Sara J., Hutchinson, MN Gunderson, John C., Wood Lake, MN

Mathematics Becker, Paul H., Crete, IL Corona, James W. II, Milwaukee, WI Kirchner, Alana J., Little Chute, WI Wetzel, Bradley P., Milwaukee, WI

Social Studies Breitkreutz, Timothy A., Watertown, WI Dixon, Kyle J., Placerville, CA Ehlke, Mark S., Watertown, WI Glaesemann, Robyn E., Saint Paul, MN Jacobson, Brigitta L., New Ulm, MN Kaesermann, Eric J., Watertown, WI Lewis, Carlita S., Whiteriver, AZ Monday, Andrew J., New Ulm, MN Oakland, Eric J., Winthrop, MN Stoering, Josiah D., Courtland, MN Toepel, Jason T., Lake Mills, WI Wurster, Matthew E., Hillsboro, WI

Physical Education Diestler, Jason R., Shawano, WI - ~ ~ ~ 'o 3 Loberger, Jeffrey J., Manitowoc, WI Neitzel, Jocelyn E., Delafield, WI Schulmeister, Nathan F., Antioch, IL Steinke, Craig M., Helenville, WI Vanderhoof, Justin J., Appleton, WI Walta, Kristian K., New Ulm, MN Science Carran, Patrick J., Beaver Dam, WI - ~ ~ Clemons, Benjamin P., Milwaukee, WI






Amanda M. Bater Lansing, MI B.S. in Education STEP

Erin C. Krell Newburg, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Renee C. Schiller West Bend, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Karyn M. Vik Appleton, WI B.S . in Education STEP

Paul H. Becker Crete, IL B.S. in Education STEP

James W. Corona, 11 Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Alana J. Kirchner Little Chute, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Bradley P. Wetzel Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Jason R. Diestler Shawano, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Jeffrey J. Loberger Manitowoc, WI B.S . in Education STEP

Jocelyn E. Neitzel Delafield, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Nathan F. Schulmeister Antioch, IL B.S. in Education STEP

Craig M. Steinke Helenville, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Justin J. Vanderhoof Appleton, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Kristian K. Walla NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education STEP

Patrick J. Carran Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Benjamin P. Clemons Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Leigh E. Gibson West Saint Paul, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Ethan S. Hutchinson Sterling Heights, MI B.S. in Education STEP

Deborah D. Zimmermann Brooklyn Park, MN B.S. in Education STEP


Sara J. Bode Hutchinson, MN B.S. in Education STEP

John C. Gunderson Wood Lake, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Timothy A. Breitkreutz Watertown, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Kyle J. Dixon Placerville, CA B.S. in Education STEP

Mark S. Ehlke Watertown, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Robyn E. Glaesemann Saint Paul, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Brigitta L. Jacobson NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education STEP

Eric J. Kaesermann Watertown, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Carlita S. Lewis Whiteriver, AZ B.S. in Education STEP

Andrew J. Monday New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Eric J. Oakland Winthrop, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Josiah D. Stoering Courtland, MN B.S. in Education STEP

Jason T. Toepel Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education STEP

Matthew E. Wurster Hillsboro, WI B.S. in Education STEP


Bachelor of Science Degree Elementa ry-Early Childhoo d Educatio n Choate, Candice K., Citrus Heights, CA Festerling, Melissa M., Marshall, MN Greenlee, Rebecca L., Baton Rouge, LA Hoernlein, Tina J., Bay City, MI

Candice K. Choate Citrus Heights, CA B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Melissa M. Festerling Marshall, MN B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Knoll, Heather J., Appleton, WI Lowrey, Erin E., Saginaw, MI Olson, Rebecca L., Royal Oak, MI

Rebecca L. Greenlee Baton Rouge, LA B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Tina J. Hoernlein Bay City, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Heather J. Knoll Appleton, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education and Staff Ministry Erin E. Lowrey Saginaw, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Rebecca L. Olson Royal Oak, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Meier, Amanda J., Phoenix, AZ Reinhard, Adam P., Greenfield, WI Towner, Amy L., Appleton, WI

Amanda J. Meier Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Education Staff Ministry


Adam P. Reinhard Greenfield, WI B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Amy L. Towner Appleton, WI B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Bachelor of Science Degree Staff Ministry Schultz, Matthew E., Watertown, WI Schulz, Juliane A., Cottage Grove, WI Walker, Kevin M., New Ulm, MN

Blumer, Noelle A., Orlando, FL Delamarter, Jeremy G., Corvallis, OR Kumm, Diane M., Round Lake Beach, IL Perry, Garth A., Phoenix, AZ

Noelle A. Blumer Orlando, FL B.S. in Staff Ministry

Jeremy G. Delamarter Corvallis, OR B.S. in Staff Ministry

Diane M. Kumm Round Lake Beach, IL B.S. in Staff Ministry

Garth A. Perry Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Staff Mini stry

Matthew E. Schultz Watertown, WI B.S. in Staff Ministry

Staff Ministry Certification Juliane A. Schulz Cottage Grove, WI B.S. in Staff Ministry

Kevin M . Walker NewUlm,MN B.S. in Staff Ministry

Hofferbert, James E., New Ulm, MN

James E. Hofferbert NewUlm,MN Staff Ministry Certification


Call Service 2:30 p.m. Preservice Music: "Lift High the Cross"

setting by Joel Raney

Opening Hymn: "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"


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A - round and In us We faith - ful wit - ness 111 love and And live


To joy Your glo From you

we May be us, Cheer us grace And peace

J J J J uff Praver un - ceas - ing And Christ


Your dwell - ing place now make us . it may As fire be glow - ing, In us be strong - ly burn - ing

shine, may be, ly faith ,




r r r


And In our heart5 yo ur That In our hearts from Let your dear Word, in

the soul, 0 Light di - vine. true Chris - tian u - ni - ty un - to death be faith - ful ~

es ho

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Ho - lv ~pir - it en - ter 111 2. Give to your Word im - press - ive pow· r 3. 0 might - y Rock, 0 Source of life,









and glad - ness wake us ry ev - er show - ing. true wis - dom learn - ing.

J J J J J J J liv - ing, ly your teach - ing; us show - er;



And 111 love be Praise you, Lord , and Let us see our

To Let By


giv - ing you our preach - ing your pow - er -I


u sti II m · - creas - ing. serve our neigh - bor. Sav- ior's bless - ing.



Leader: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles,

People: So that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.


Leader: Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. People: He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Leader: Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. People: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

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min - is




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not a soul be

hands are few for


reap - ing, I

sheaves to

gath - er


you have come to










work- ers forth, 0

har - vest days are keep - ing;










Prayer Leader: Jesus, Master Teacher, how precious are the words you speak to us. From the storeroom of your wisdom you bring us treasures of your truth. And chief among these is your heavenly Father's plan of salvation which you revealed to us by your teaching and life. People: You have exalted us to be members of your kingdom now and forever. Leader: The words you have taught us- they are spirit and they are life. People: Forgive us for letting the cares and concerns of this life distract us from your teaching. Give us hearts which cling to your word as the one thing needful. Amen.

Be seated

Lesson: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)


Hymn: "Dear Lord, to Your True Servants Give"



J ) j J


1. Dear Lord, to your true 2. They glad - ly go at 3. When all their la - bor



free with when




go heal keep

to share your sin's ills, to them hum - ble,

to pro - claim wind and wave, judg - ment seat




liv - ing right the Lord, and

j j

all may might - y lay their


serve make what

you, Lord, They them strong To they do, Oh,





Word, The wrong. Your Un true



That And They

f f j to you a -

ser - vants give The grace your com-mand To spread your Word o'er seems m vain, Re - vive their sink - ing

from sin to them, Lord, and sue - cess crowns




J. J1 j


lone to live. Set and land. Be sea hopes a - gain ; And




gos - pel mes - sage rule 1s o - ver ti I be - fore your



know your 1s your tro - phies

J. J J


sav - ing name. arm to save. at your feet.

Address: Isaiah 50:4 The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.

Choral Response: "They Follow Me"

Leland Sateren

Reading of Assignments Benediction


with us, God the



ther; Be


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with us, God the

J J And

God the Ho - ly

Spir - it, Most

j Make


your faith - ful

bless - ed Three m


ser - vants You







right - ly to

a - dore,



us with your

bless - ing Both


now and ev - er - more.


***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Theodore Olsen MLC President


Rev. John Boeder MLC Campus Pastor

Reading of Assignments

Rev. Karl Gurgel WELS President


Prof. David Bauer

College Choir Director

Prof. Kermit Moldenhauer



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