2004-2005 - Commencement - Pictorial & Call Service

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Commencement Service Pictorial & Call Service

May 14, 2005


Message from the President Dear Family and Friends of Martin Luther College, What an exciting time to be on the campus of MLC, your college of ministry. Another generation of heralds graduate and we implore the Lord of the Church to hold his protecting hand over them as they follow his lead to wherever it is he will take them. May they, prepared for proclamation, spread his saving gospel in all places and at all times. This afternoon we welcome you to the Call Service at 2:30 p.m. in the Luther Student Center gymnasium. We pray that our Lord will use and bless those assigned as gifts to his church. May our gracious Savior continue to bring men and women to Martin Luther College to pursue the goal of public ministry to his glory and the benefit of his church. We thank the families of our graduates for the encouragement given them as they faithfully completed their studies.

Mission of the College Martin Luther College exists to serve the ministerial needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) by preparing men for pastoral training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and by preparing men and women for service as teachers and staff ministers in the Synod's church and schools so that the WELS may be served by candidates both qualified and competent to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord.

MLC Faculty Tenured Ash, Richard F. Balge, Daniel N. Balge, Jonathan R. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Bode, Glenn E. Boeder, John C. Brutlag, Ronald D. Buck, Drew M. Czer, Lawrence J. Dallmann, Gary L. Danell, James C. Dolan, John H. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Gosdeck, David M . Graf, Terrence A. Gronholz, John H. Grunwald, James R. Haar, Beverlee M. Hartzell, J. Lance Heidtke, Earl R. Heyer, Kurt A. Hunter, Thomas N. Klindworth, Robert F. Klockziem, Roger C. Koelpin, Paul E. Koestler, Arlen L. Lange, Lyle W. Lenz, Mark J. Leopold, Barbara L. Leyrer, Philip M. Loomis, Cheryl A. Lotito, Lawrence W.

Luedtke, Charles H. Mattek, John Melendy, Carla E. Menk, Rolland R. Meyer, Sarah E. Micheel, John H. Minch, Jack N. Moldenhauer, Kermit G. Nass, Thomas P. Nolte, John P. Ohm, Ronald C. Olsen, Theodore B. Olson, Lawrence 0. Paulsen, John W. Paustian, Mark A. Pekrul, William A. Pelzl, David J. Pfeifer, Gene R. Pope, James F. Potratz, Robert C. Rowe, Jodi L. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schmidt, John H. Schone, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, Timothy J. Schubkegel, Joyce C. Sellnow, David D. Shilling, Ronald L. Sponholz, Martin P. Spurgin, Alan M. Thiesfeldt, Steven R. Unke, James M. Wagner, Wayne L. Wendland, Paul A. Wendler, David 0.

Wessel, Keith C. Whaley, Cynthia E. Wittmershaus, Kurt A.

Tutors Gunderson, Mark D. Kuckhahn, Paul M. Vogel, Michael J. Adjunct Balge, Bethel A. Hussman, Charles E. Isch, John R. Mattek, Ruth J. Nolte, Lanita M. Ohm, Carlotta L. Olsen, Joanne H. Raddatz, Darvin H. Schubkegel, Francis L. Thiesfeldt, Jeneane M .

MLC Board of Control Rev. Ralph E. Scharf, Chairman Rev. Raymond R. Beckmann Rev. Roy M. Beyer, Secretary Mr. Keith R. Bowe Mr. Steven Danekas Mr. Jonathan J. Hahm Mr. Robert D. Hinnenthal Mr. Scott R. Huebner Mr. Stephen D. Loehr Rev. Carl T. Otto, Vice Chr.

Mr. David A. Sauer Mr. Michael D. Schultz Mr. William Steinbrenner

Advisory Rev. Larry E. Cross, MN District President Rev. Karl R. Gurgel, WELS President Rev. Peter H. Kruschel, BME Administrator Rev. Theodore B. Olsen, MLC President


Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional.

Processional Stand Leader: In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. (spoken) Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. People: We will rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Be gracious to us and bless us. People: May your ways be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People: Show us your ways, 0 Lord, teach us your paths. Then we will walk in the light of life. Leader: Holy Spirit, you alone know the thoughts of God. Be our Counselor and guide us into all truth. People: Sanctify us through the gospel, that we might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Lesson: I Timothy 4:9-16 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Be seated

Choral Response: "One Faith, One Hope, One Lord''

Music by Craig Courtney

Sermon: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Remember that your labor in the Lord is not in vain ... I. because Jesus rose from the dead. II. because you will wander and forget. III. because it is the work of the Lord.

Hymn: "Lord Jesus Christ, the Church's Head" Please stand for the singing of the hymn. All

Lord Jesus Christ, the Church's head, You are her one foundation. In you she trusts, before you bows, And waits for your salvation. Built on this rock secure, Your Church shall endure Though all the world decay And all things pass away. Oh, hear, oh, hear us, Jesus!


O Lord, let this your little flock, Your name alone confessing, Continue in your loving care, True unity possessing. Your sacraments, 0 Lord, And your saving Word To use 'er pure retain. Grant that they may remain Our only strength and comfort.


Help us to serve you evermore With hearts both pure and lowly. And may your Word, that light divine, Shine on in splendor holy That we repentance show, In faith ever grow. The pow'r of sin destroy And evils that annoy. Oh, make us faithful Christians. And for your gospel let us dare To sacrifice all treasure; Teach us to bear your blessed cross, To find in you all pleasure. Oh, grant us steadfastness In joy and distress. Lord, for your mercy's sake, Let us by grace partake Of endless joy and glory.

Be seated

Presentation of Diplomas Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of 2005 which occurs after the Benediction.


The Class Hymn: "Dear Lord, to Your True Servants Give" The congregation will join in singing the hymn as noted. Class

Dear Lord, to your true servants give The grace to you alone to live. Set free from sin to serve you, Lord, They go to share your living Word, The gospel message to proclaim That all may know your saving name. They gladly go at your command To spread your Word o'er sea and land. Be with them, Lord, and make them strong To heal sin's ills, to right the wrong. Your rule is over wind and wave, And mighty is your arm to save. Interlude


When all their labor seems in vain, Revive their sinking hopes again; And when success crowns what they do, Oh, keep them humble, Lord, and true Until before your judgment seat They lay their trophies at your feet.


Prayer Leader: Heavenly Father, we thank you for making this day possible. We thank and praise you for this school of ministry, for the blessings of the school year, for parents and all who support the training of ministers with prayers and gifts, for faithful students who prepare for public ministry with dedication, for dedicated teachers and staff who follow your ways, and for a church body which sees its mission to spread your Word among all peoples. People: Above all we thank you for our Savior whose forgiveness alone makes it possible for sinful people to serve a holy God. Leader: 0 Lord, bless these graduates. Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers with the ability to fearlessly speak the mysteries of your Gospel. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with patience and diligence. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Bless those who will be serving you as lay members in your congregations with opportunities to use their special gifts and training. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Be with us all, gracious God, as we serve as your ambassadors that we may do and say only that which will bring glory and honor to your holy name. People: We bring these requests to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen


Benediction Leader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

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Be seated

Announcements Presentation of the Class of 2005 Recessional

Please remain seated until the graduating class and the faculty have recessed. Following the service you may greet the graduates on the mall.

Presiding Minister

***** Rev. Theodore Olsen Martin Luther College President


Rev. John Seifert President of the Michigan District

Assisting in the Distribution of Diplomas

Dr. David Wendler Vice President for Academics


Prof. Ronald Shilling

College Choir Conductor

Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer



Bachelor of Arts Degree Arnold, Gerald P. Jr., Woodstock, GA Backhaus, Jeremiah W., Kenai, AK Backus, David A., Hemlock, MI Barkow, David J., Green Bay, WI Barthel, Thomas J., Shirley, WI Bater, Noah M., Lansing, MI Biebert, Nathaniel J., Neillsville, WI Cavalea, Michael A., Belgium, WI Degner, Abram J., St. Peter, MN Degner, Isaiah W., St. Peter, MN Derme, Maurice J., Des Moines, WA Enstad, Benjamin A., Andover, MN Foxen, Benjamin A., Watertown, WI Frelitz, Don F., Chesaning, MI Goelzer, Steven K., Beldenville, WI Habeck, Charles A., Green Bay, WI Hagen, Kurt W., Appleton, WI Hansen, Eric S., Kiel, WI Headrick, Noah M., Manitowoc, WI Hieber, Toby M., Goodlettsville, TN Huet, Kelly B., Thiensville, WI Italiano, Luke D., Fargo, ND Klein, Jonathan M., Lake Mills, WI Klusmeyer, Nathan T., Wautoma, WI Koelpin, Joseph D., New Ulm, MN Krause, Shane C., New London, WI Kruschel, Stephen M., Redwood Falls, MN Lahmann, Kirk E., Owosso, MI Learman, Jonathan A. , Peshtigo, WI Lehmann, Stephen C., Sussex, WI Martens, Jonathan D., Guayama, Puerto Rico Neumann, Robert R. , Brodhead , WI Nitz, Adam F., Slades Corners, WI Odell, Joshua R., West Bend, WI Parsons, Mark R. , Montrose, CO Phetsanghane, Souksama y K. , St. Petersburg, FL Redfield, Timothy J., Oconomo woc, WI Schaefer, Benjamin P., Minneapolis, MN Schmitzer, Silas J., Jenera, OH - ~ ""1J>1L 1 ',tJs

Gerald P. Arnold, Jr. Woodstock, GA Bachelor of Arts

Jeremiah W. Backhaus Kenai , AK Bachelor of Arts

Schnake, Kevin P. , Findlay, OH Schroeder, Andrew B., Hemet, CA Schumann, Aaron D., Prior Lake, MN 1 Sprunger, Matthew J., Bay City, MI - ~ ,_,,/,,7 ,t;!, Stelter, John M., Montello, WI Thoma, Adam S., New London, Wl Tiefel, Mark W., Mequon, Wl Timmermann, Nathaniel T., Janesville, WI Ulrich, Jeffrey P., Lakeville, MN Vik, Matthew T., Appleton, WI Weinkauf, Brian S., Mukwonago, WI 1 _ ___ .J.;a_ Welch, Ian M., Beaver Dam, WI - ~ · ~ 7 OS' Wendt, Michael G., Jackson, WI West, Aaron J., Indian Ridge, TN Winkel, Nathaniel J., Arvada, CO Zarling, Joshua M ., Mequon, WI

Seminary Certification DeGier, Andrew S., Lacrosse, WI Feldhus, Patrick G. , Pawtucket, RI Rosenau, David R. , Benton Harbor, MI ____ ,.;.-:fu!J/ Walz, Christian J., New Ulm, MN - ,...,,.Iv --1--cv"T" "'-- ·

David A. Backus Hemlock, MI Bachelor of Arts


David J. Barkow Green Bay, WI Bachelor of Arts

Thomas J. Barthel Shirley, WI Bachelor of Arts

Noah M. Bater Lansing, MI Bachelor of Arts

Nathaniel J. Biebert Neillsville, WI Bachelor of Arts

Michael A. Cavalea Belgium, WI Bachelor of Arts

Abram J. Degner St. Peter, MN Bachelor of Arts

Isaiah W. Degner St. Peter, MN Bachelor of Arts

Maurice J. Derme Des Moines, WA Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin A. Enstad Andover, MN Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin A. Foxen Watertown, WI Bachelor of Arts

Don F. Frelitz Chesaning, MI Bachelor of Arts

Steven K. Goelzer Beldenville, WI Bachelor of Arts

Charles A. Habeck Green Bay, WI Bachelor of Arts

Kurt W. Hagen Appleton, WI Bachelor of Arts

Eric S. Hansen Kiel, WI Bachelor of Arts

Noah M. Headrick Manitowoc, WI Bachelor of Arts

Toby M. Hieber Goodlettsville, TN Bachelor of Arts

Kelly B. Huet Thiensville, WI Bachelor of Arts

Luke D. Italiano Fargo, ND Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan M. Klein Lake Mills, WI Bachelor of Arts

Nathan T. Klusmeyer Wautoma, WI Bachelor of Arts

Joseph D. Koelpin New Ulm,MN Bachelor of Arts

Shane C. Krause New London, WI Bachelor of Arts

Stephen M. Kruschel Redwood Falls, MN Bachelor of Arts

Kirk E. Lahmann Owosso, MI Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan A. Learman Peshtigo, WI Bachelor of Arts

Stephen C. Lehmann Sussex, WI Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan D. Martens Guayama, Puerto Rico Bachelor of Arts

Robert R. Neumann Brodhead, WI Bachelor of Arts

Adam F. Nitz Slades Comers, WI Bachelor of Arts

Joshua R. Odell West Bend, WI Bachelor of Arts

Mark R. Parsons Montrose, CO Bachelor of Arts

Timothy J. Redfield Oconomowoc, WI Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin P. Schaefer Minneapolis, MN Bachelor of Arts

Silas J. Schmitzer Jenera, OH Bachelor of Arts

Kevin P. Schnake Findlay, OH Bachelor of Arts

Aaron D. Schumann Prior Lake, MN Bachelor of Arts

Matthew J. Sprunger Bay City, MI Bachelor of Arts

John M. Stelter Montello, WI Bachelor of Arts

Adam S. Thoma New London , WI Bachelor of Arts

Souksamay K. Phetsanghane St. Petersburg, FL Bachelor of Arts

Andrew B. Schroeder Hemet, CA Bachelor of Arts


Mark W. Tiefel Mequon , WI Bachelo r of Arts

Ian M. Welch Beaver Dam, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Nathanie l T. Timmer mann Janesvil le, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Michael G. Wendt Jackson , WI Bachelo r of Arts

Jeffrey P. Ulrich Lakevill e, MN Bachelo r of Arts

Aaron J. West Indian Ridge, TN Bachelo r of Arts

Matthew T. Vik Appleto n, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Nathaniel J. Winkel Arvada, CO Bachelo r of Arts

Seminary Certification

Andrew S. DeGier LaCross e, WI Seminar y Certifica tion

Patrick G. Feldhus Pawtuck et, RI Seminar y Certifica tion

David R. Rosenau Benton Harbor, MI Seminar y Certification


Christian J. Walz NewUlm ,MN Seminar y Certification

Brian S. Weinkau f Mukwon ago, WI Bachelo r of Arts

Joshua M. Zarling Mequon , WI Bachelo r of Arts

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education Graduates Martinez, Jessica R., Milwaukee, WI Mattek, Kathryn L., New Ulm, MN Moak, Sarah R., Appleton, WI Moll, Amy L., Winona, MN , Mullen, Virginia A., Minneapolis, MN Murray, Kristina L., Eagle River, AK ~ - -~ , - , / . , 7 os Naumann, Meagan K., Vassar, MI Naumann, Melissa S., Wauwatosa, WI Neubauer, Hannah L., St. Peter, MN Pagel, Stephanie S., Moline, IL Petermann, Katherine D., Saukville, WI ,_..,...,, ~ 1~, 0 t/ Pfeifer, Alissa L., Lake Mills, WI Pieper, Ahnsharee B., Campbellsport, WI- ~ Rathje, Melanie B., Port Huron, MI Reils, Rebecca L., Ontario, WI Rimpel, Rebekah A., Crete, IL Robinson, Jennifer S., Mishicot, WI Rust, Teri K., Salem, OR Ryan, Rebecca A ., Neenah, WI Scharrer, Anna R., Fort Atkinson, WI Schauland, Kirk D., Lewiston, MN Schwartz, Angela R., Sherwood, WI Seehaver, Rebecca L., Manitowoc, WI Seelow, Rachel J., Port Huron, MI Smith, Andaiye U., Georgetown, Guyana Stegner, Rachel L., Grass Valley, CA Stoering, Emily R., New Ulm, MN Stuebs, Andrea L., Platteville, WI Underwood, Rachel A., Johnson City, TN Varnum, Elizabeth R., Pelican Lake, WI Wainwright, Kristi N., Tawas City, MI Waldschmidt, Rachel L., Fond du Lac, WI Wendt, Tiffany S., Aurora, NE Westendorf, Rebecca L., Mequon, WI Westphal, Greta M., Fond du Lac, WI Zahn, Joel R., Wrightstown, WI Zahn, Rachel E., Howell, MI

Ahlers, Julie K., Tirana, Albania Anderson, Jennifer L., Neillsville, WI Balza, Mary M., South Haven, MI Bauer, Bethany J., Lake Mills, WI Beilke, Jonathan G., New Ulm, MN Beilke, Sarah K., New Ulm, MN Bertolus, Elizabeth S., Watertown, WI Bertoni, Kelly M., Watertown, WI Biebert, Cara A., Inver Grove Heights, MN Brandt, Tyla M., Kirkland, WA Davis, Audra E., Lake Mills, WI De Frain, Sheena R. , Phoenix, AZ Dodge, David L., Sullivan, WI Ebeling, Elizabeth E., Hortonville, WI Edwards, Charlotte L., Beloit, WI Ganey, John M ., Milwaukee, WI Gorm, Sarah D., Sheridan, WY Gunn, Abigail M., Phoenix, AZ Hatzung, James M ., Maplewood, MN Heldt, Kimberly S., Butterfield, MN Hemling, Amanda M., Beaver Dam, WI Hering, Rachel A. , Grafton, WI Hoppe, Kurtis B., Rollingstone, MN Huebner, Bethany A., Greenville, WI Hulse, Ryan M ., Belleville, IL Jaeger, Nicole L., Tucson, AZ Janke, Jennifer M., Modesto, CA Janke, Rebecca L., Iron Ridge, WI Kock, Seth L., Saginaw, MI _, Koepke, Dania J., Mount Calvary, WI ,, __ ,;,t:;;_, t,J-VUV z z . · · Kreis, Rachael M., New Ulm, MN - ,3,v,.--,,---- Krug, Benjamin J., Caledonia, WI Kuerth, Karen M., Watertown, WI Lange, Elise C., Vassar, MI Leonard, Jessica D., West Richland, WA Lindloff, Jennifer S., Watertown, WI Martin, Eve J., Muskego, WI


Julie K. Ahlers Tirana, Albania B.S. in Education Elementary

Sarah K. Beilke NewUlm ,MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Audra E. Davis Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

John M. Ganey Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Jennifer L. Anderson Neillsville, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Elizabeth S. Bertolus Watertown, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Sheena R. De Frain Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Education Elementary

Sarah D. Gorm Sheridan, WY B.S. in Education Elementary

Mary M. Balza South Haven, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Kelly M. Bertoni Watertown , WI B.S. in Education Elementary

David L. Dodge Sullivan, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Abigail M. Gunn Phoenix, AZ B.S. in Education Elementary


Bethany J. Bauer Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Cara A. Biebert Inver Grove Heights, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Jonathan G. Beilke New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Tyla M. Brandt Kirkland, WA B.S. in Education Elementary

Elizabeth E. Ebeling Hortonville, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Charlotte L. Edwards Beloit, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

James M. Hatzung Maplewood, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Kimberly S. Heldt Butterfield, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Amanda M. Hemling Beaver Dam, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Nicole L. Jaeger Tucson , AZ B.S. in Education Elementar y

Rachael M. Kreis NewUlm ,MN B.S. in Education Elementar y

Jennifer S. Lindloff Watertown, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Rachel A. Hering Grafton, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Jennifer M. Janke Modesto, CA B.S. in Education Elementar y

Benjamin J. Krug Caledonia , WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Eve J. Martin Muskego, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Kurtis B. Hoppe Rollingstone, MN B.S. in Education Elementar y

Rebecca L. Janke Iron Ridge, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Bethany A. Huebner Greenville, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Seth L. Kock Saginaw, MI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Karen M. Kuerth Watertown, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Elise C. Lange Vassar, Ml B.S. in Education Elementar y

Jessica R. Martinez Milwaukee , WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Kathryn L. Mattek NewUlm ,MN B.S. in Education Elementar y


Ryan M. Hulse Belleville, IL B.S. in Education Elementar y

Dania J. Koepke Mount Calvary, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Jessica D. Leonard West Richland, WA B.S. in Education Elementar y

Sarah R. Moak Appleton, WI B.S. in Education Elementar y

Amy L. Moll Winona .MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Virginia A. Mullen Minneapolis, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Hannah L. Neubauer St. Peter, MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Stephanie S. Pagel Moline, IL B.S. in Education Elementary

Melanie B. Rathje Port Huron, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca L. Reils Ontario, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca A. Ryan Neenah, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Anna R. Scharrer Fort Atkinson, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Kristina L. Murray Eagle River, AK B.S. in Education Elementary

Katherine D. Petermann Saukville, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Meagan K. Naumann Vassar, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Alissa L. Pfeifer Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebekah A. Rimpel Crete, IL B.S. in Education Elementary

Jennifer S. Robinson Mishicot, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Kirk D. Schauland Lewiston , MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Angela R. Schwartz Sherwood, WI B.S. in Education Elementary


Melissa S. Naumann Wauwatosa, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Ahnsharee B. Pieper Campbellsport, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Teri K. Rust Salem, OR B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca L. Seehaver Manitowoc, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel J. Seelow Port Huron, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Andaiye U. Smith Georgetown, Guyana B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel L. Stegner Grass Valley, CA B.S. in Education Elementary

Emily R. Stoering New Ulm,MN B.S. in Education Elementary

Andrea L. Stuebs Platteville, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel A. Underwood Johnson City, TN B.S. in Education Elementary

Elizabeth R. Varnum Pelican Lake, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Kristi N. Wainwright Tawas City, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel L. Waldschmidt Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Tiffany S. Wendt Aurora, NE B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca L. Westendorf Mequon, WI B.S . in Education Elementary

Greta M. Westphal Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education Elementary

Joel R. Zahn Wrightstown , WI B.S. in Education Elementary


Rachel E. Zahn Howell, MI B.S. in Education Elementary

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary and Secondary Education Miller, April L., Winchester, WI Miller, Kristine K., Belle Plaine, MN Mischke, Darik K., Hazel, SD Muchka, Richard C., Greenfield, WI Odya, Renee E., West Allis, WI O'Laire, Sandra L., Oakfield, WI Pastorek, Matthew R., Grafton, WI Pautz, Amy L., Helenville, WI - ~ u,,n/,., , ;;.. Pickart, Joshua L., Fond du Lac, WI Pufahl, Glen A., Lake Mills, WI Ross, Jonathan P., Milwaukee, WI Sankey, Erin R. , Oakfield, WI Schapekahm, Jason L., New Ulm, MN Scherschel, Luke D., Spokane, WA Schleusener, Aaron J., Utica, NE Schlomer, Amber D., Gillette, WY Schultz, Nathan L., West Bend, WI Schulz, Paul E., West Bend, WI Som, Brent W., Cincinnati, OH Stephens, Amy C., Far Hills, NJ Tkachenko, Olga V., Temopil, Ukraine Vick, Joshua M., Appleton, WI Wahl, Rebekah R., Cambria, WI Wetzel, Jeffrey W., Milwaukee, WI Wrobel, Timothy A., Appleton, WI Zamstorff, Tyson J., Anchorage, AK

Archer, Brent J., Beecher, IL Brunk, Melanie J., Lake Mills, WI Drkula, Tony P., West St. Paul, MN Duin, Jill R., Watertown, WI Elisseev, Petr L., No'vaya Usman, Voronezh Russia Finke, Rene W., Milltown, NJ Fischer, Sarah J., Milwaukee, WI Foxen, Matthew B., New Ulm, MN Fritz, Naomi R., Harrisonville, MO Gebert, Emily E., Georgetown, TX Giddings, John A., Winneconne, WI Glodowski, Adam M., Brooklyn Park, MN Groth, Justin E., West Bend, WI Kanzenbach, Matthew R., Watertown, SD Kneser, Christine E., Jackson, WI Kramer, Joshua R., Greenville, WI Laabs, Naomi E., Kiel, WI Lange, Katie M., St. Paul, MN Leitz, Andrea L., Mason, MI Lemke, Carrie S., Cedarburg, WI Levy, Jennifer M., Conyers, GA Malkuch, Rachel J., Pennock, MN Martin, John E. III, New Ulm, MN Mathwig, Peter A., Fond du Lac, WI Mattes, Dane C., Fairfield, OH McEachem, Timothy J. , Milwaukee, WI

Brent J. Archer Beecher, IL B.S. in Education Science/Physical

Melanie J. Brunk Lake Mills, WI B.S. in Education Mathematics

Tony P. Drkula West St. Paul, MN B.S. in Education Physical Education


Jill R. Duin Watertown, WI B.S . in Education English



Petr L. Elisseev No'vaya Usman , Voronezh Russia B.S. in Education Mathematics

Rene W. Finke Milltown, NJ B.S. in Education Mathematics

Sarah J. Fischer Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education Music/ChoralNocal

Matthew B. Foxen NewU!m,MN B.S. in Education English

Naomi R. Fritz Harrisonville, MO B.S. in Education Music/ChoralNocal

Emily E. Gebert Georgetown, TX B.S. in Education English

John A. Giddings Winneconne, WI B.S. in Education Mathematics

Adam M. Glodowski Brooklyn Park, MN B.S. in Education Social Studies

Justin E. Groth West Bend, WI B.S. in Education Music/Choral/Vocal

Matthew R. Kanzenbach Watertown, SD B.S. in Education Mathematics

Christine E. Kneser Jackson, WI B.S. in Education Mathematics

Joshua R. Kramer Greenville, WI B.S. in Education Music/Instrumental

Naomi E. Laabs Kiel, WI B.S. in Education Music/Parish

Katie M. Lange St. Paul, MN B.S. in Education Science/Life

Andrea L. Leitz Mason, MI B.S. in Education Mathematics

Carrie S. Lemke Cedarburg, WI B.S. in Education Foreign Language/Spanish

Jennifer M. Levy Conyers, GA B.S. in Education Mathematics

Rachel J. Malkuch Pennock, MN B.S. in Education Science/Life

John E. Martin III NewUlm,MN B.S. in Education Physical Education

Peter A. Mathwig Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education Social Studies

Dane C. Mattes Fairfield, OH B.S. in Education Music/Parish


Timothy J. McEachern Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education Science

April L. Miller Winchester, WI B.S. in Education English

Kristine K. Miller Belle Plaine, MN B.S. in Education English

Darik K. Mischke Hazel, SD B.S. in Education Music/Choral/Vocal

Richard C. Muchka Greenfield, WI B.S. in Education Mathematics

Renee E. Odya West Allis, WT B.S. in Education English

Sandra L. O'Laire Oakfield, WI B.S. in Education English

Matthew R. Pastorek Grafton, WI B.S. in Education Music/Choral/Vocal

Amy L. Pautz Helenville, WI B.S. in Education Foreign Language/Spanish

Joshua L. Pickart Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education Music/ChoralNocal

Glen A. Pufahl Lake Mills, WI B .S. in Education Music/ChoralNocal

Jonathan P. Ross Milwaukee, WT B.S. in Education Mathematics

Erin R. Sankey Oakfield, WI B.S. in Education Foreign Language/Spanish

Jason L. Schapekahm New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education Social Studies

Luke D. Scherschel Spokane, WA B.S. in Education English

Aaron J. Schleusener Utica, NE B.S. in Education Physical Education

Amber D. Schlomer Gillette, WY B.S . in Education Music/Instrumental

Nathan L. Schultz West Bend, WT B.S. in Education Physical Education

Paul E . Schulz West Bend, WI B.S. in Education Social Studies

Brent W. Sorn Cincinnati, OH B.S. in Education English


Amy C. Stephens Far Hills, NJ B.S. in Education English

Timothy A. Wrobel Appleton, WI B.S. in Education Foreign Language/Spanish

Olga V. Tkachenko Ternopil, Ukraine B.S. in Education Foreign Language/German

Joshua M. Vick Appleton, WT B.S. in Education Social Studies

Tyson J. Zarnstorff Anchorage, AK B.S. in Education Mathematics


Rebekah R. Wahl Cambria, WT B.S. in Education Mathematics

Jeffrey W. Wetzel Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education Physical Education

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary and Early Childhood Education Barnes, Diana M., Lomita, CA Bauer, Michal M., New Ulm, MN Berg, Angela E., Fond du Lac, WI Blum, Pamela J., Bonduel, WI Eberhardt, Lydia M., Sheboygan, WI Mantey, Jessica M., Port Orchard, WA Marquardt, Anne E., Campbellsport, WI Mattes, Joanne E., Sebewaing, MI

Diana M. Barnes Lomita, CA B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Michal M. Bauer New Ulm, MN B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Angela E. Berg Fond du Lac, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Jessica M. Mantey Port Orchard, WA B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Anne E. Marquardt Campbellsport, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Joanne E. Mattes Sebewaing, MI B.S. in Education Early Childhood


Pamela J. Blum Bonduel, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Lydia M. Eberhardt Sheboygan, WI B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Bachelor of Science Degree Elementary Education and Staff Ministry

Staff Ministry

Goodger, Jennifer J., Milwaukee, WI Koepsell, Amanda S., Madison, WI Mozak, Michelle K., St. Albert, Alberta Canada

Jennifer J. Goodger Milwaukee, WI B.S. in Education Staff Mini stry

Amanda S. Koepsell Madison, WI B.S. in Education Staff Ministry

Bachelor of Science Degree

Cox, Catherine A. , Appleton, WI Hennig, Michael W., Green Bay, WI Jaeger, Joel A., Tucson, AZ Kohls, Benjamin S., Wausau, WI

Michelle K. Mozak St. Albert, Alberta Canada B.S . in Education Staff Ministry

Catherine A. Cox Appleton, WI Bachelor of Science

Michael W. Hennig Green Bay, WI Bachelor of Science

Staff Ministry Certification In Absentia Meyer, John A., New Ulm, MN

Joel A. Jaeger Tucson, AZ Bachelor of Science

John A. Meyer New Ulm , MN Staff Ministry Certification

Recommended for Synod Certification (in absentia) Early Childhood Nolte, Marilee J., Longmont, CO

Secondary Bakken, Kelly A., Milwaukee, WI Hall, John H., Brownsville, WI

Elementary Graf, Wendy J., East Troy, WI Thompson, Donna M., St. Peter, MN Yttri, Karen M., West Bend, WI

Katherine A. Reinke Milwaukee, WI Synod Certification Elementary


Benjamin S. Kohls Wausau, WI Bachelor of Science

Call Service 2:30 p.m.

Opening Hymn: "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"



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Prayer un - ceas - ing la - bor our And Christ con - fess - ing,



r r


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us and glad - ness wake To joy ev - er show - ing. Your glo - ry true w1s - <lorn learn - ing. From you

bright - ly shine, may be, es ho - ly faith,


J j



Light di - vine. 0 the soul, u - ni - ty true Chris - tian un - to death be faith - ful

r r



us. now make Your dwell - ing place be glow - ing, may it fire As be strong - ly burn - ing us In

be - gin. work good hour this doubt and strife,




r r r r






love be in And Praise you, Lord, and see our us Let

To Let By


• J I

giv - ing you our preach - ing your pow - er

J J j

u still in - creas - ing. serve our neigh - bor. Sav- ior's bless - ing.



Leader: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles,

People: So that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.


Leader: Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

People: He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant-not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Leader: Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

People: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

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sheaves to



reap - ing,



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you have come to







win .

Prayer Leader: Jesus, Master Teacher, how precious are the words you speak to us. From the storeroom of your wisdom you bring us treasures of your truth. And chief among these is your heavenly Father's plan of salvation which you revealed to us by your teaching and life.

People: You have exalted us to be members of your kingdom now and forever. Leader: The words you have taught us- they are spirit and they are life.

People: Forgive us for letting the cares and concerns of this life distract us from your teaching. Give us hearts which cling to your word as the one thing needful. Amen.

Be seated

Lesson: Colossians 1:9-14 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)


Hymn: "Send, 0 Lord, Your Holy Spirit"

if if if if


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I. Send, 0 2. Help, Lord



pray; Word,




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feed your lambs, dear grace to them IS


now, with

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pro - claim, be - stow

to teach - ing bless - ings, Lord,


On your Our dear

shep- herds serve you

be faith - ful all con - stant love they

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Ho - ly help them

Lord, your Je - SUS,

Let them That in

stray. heard.


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en - deav-or. of heav-en.

Address: Joshua 3: 14-1 7 Choral Response: "Lord God, You Have Called Your Servants"

Aaron McDermid

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending; by paths as yet untrod, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Reading of Assignments Benediction

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with us, God the

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with us, God the








vants You






ing Both



right - ly to

a - <lore,


now and ev - er - more.


***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Theodore Olsen MLC President


Rev. John Boeder MLC Campus Pastor

Reading of Assignments

Rev. Karl Gurgel WELS President


Prof. Robert Potratz

College Choir Conducto r

Dr. Kermit Moldenha uer



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