2008-2009 - December Commencement Service

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Commencement Service

Martin Luther College

December 18, 2008 10:00 a.m.

Morning Praise

M: Behol

Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution of diplomas, and the recession al. Please remain seated for the processional.


Process ional


Openin g Hymn



Hosanna to the coming Lord! Hosanna to the incarnate Word! To Christ, Creator, Savior, King Let earth, let heav'n hosanna sing.


0 Savior, with protectin g care Abide in this your house of prayer, Where we your parting promise claim, Assembled in your sacred name.


0 Advent King, our sins forgive; Come in our lives and hearts to live, And let our humble souls become A temple worthy of your name.


Then in the last and dreadful day, When earth and heav'n shall melt away, Your flock, redeemed from sinful stain, Shall swell the sound of praise again. Stand


0 Lord, open my lips.

j C: M:


And my mouth



shall de - clare your praise.



Hasten to save me, 0 God.

,~-ff )'; j C:




J J 3

come quick- Iy







M: Behold the King comes: let us worship him.




make a joyfu l noise to the rock of Oh, come, let us sing to the Lord , let us

our sat - va - tion.

- ing, Let us come into his presence with thank s-giv

J ) s of praise. let us make a joyfu l noise to him with song

For the Lord is a

. The deep places of the earth are grea t God and a grea t king a-hove all gods

J ) FJ J I.~ in his hand ;

the heights of the hills are al - so his.

made it, and his hand form ed the dry

The sea is his, for he

land. Oh, come, let us wors hip and

mak - er. bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our

For he is our God,

J J .f J J '--'

shee p of and we are the people of his pastu re and the Be seate d


hand .


Ps alm 121 (sung by the choir) Setting by Walter Pelz

I lift up my eyes to the hills. Fro m whence does my help come. My help com es from the Lor d, who made heaven and ear th. He will not let you r foot be moved, he who keeps you wil l not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor slee p. The Lor d is you r keeper; the Lor d is you r shade on you r right hand . The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by nig ht. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep you r life . The Lord will keep you r goi ng out and you r com ing in Fro m this time forth and fore vermore.



Lesson: Deuteronomy 7:7-9

Choral Response: I Will Pra ise You, 0 Lor d

Text: Psalm 9:1-2 adapt. Music: Knut Nystedt


Sermon: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 Bu t as surely as Go d is faithfu l, our message to you is not "Y es" and "No ." For the Son Jesus Christ, who wa s preach of God, ed am ong you by me and Sila s and Timothy, was not "Y es" but in him it has always bee and "N o," n "Ye s." For no matter how ma ny promises Go d has ma "Y es" in Christ. An d so thro de, they are ugh him the "A me n" is spoken by us to the glory of God. No Go d who makes both us and w it is you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ow us, and put his Spirit in our nership on hearts as a deposit, guarantee ing what is to come.

Sta nd






LUTHER December

Bachelor o

Bachelor o



f Arts

Seth A. Sc he ue rl ei n T hi en sv il le , WI

f Science in Education

Major: E l e mentary E

Jo rd an J. D an ne ck er M il w au ke e, WI


Je re m ia h D . D re w s A dr ia n, M l


A nn a J. K ie ck ha ef er H ar tf or d, W I

David L. Neuma nn New Ulm, MN

Amand a M. Rohde Colem an, WI

Anna M. Zarlin g New Ulm, MN

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors:

Elementary Education Secondary Education

Emily R. Timme rmann Janesville, WI

Laurel E. Utecht Green Lake, WI

nce in Bachelor o f Scie


ry Education ta n e m le E : s r Majo d Education o o h d il h C ly r a E

Ni co le A. Ro pe r Red Wing , M N

Bachelor o f Scie


inistry Major: S ta ff M

Ryan A. Ku mm ero M ark es an , WI


Recommended for Synod Certification

Early Childhood Jessica K. Busack Deborah S. Heiderich Kristie K. Rhoden

Mankato, MN Manitowoc, WI New London, WI

Elementary Tally J. Clobes Lisa S. Dunsmoor Roxanne Stemaman Becky J. Swanson

Fairfax, MN Eagle River, WI Oak Creek, WI Vancouver, WA

Postsecondary Kristin A. Gjerdset

West Allis, WI

Te D eu m

alter Pelz


cre ati on wo rsh ips you, laim you as Lo rd; all acc we d, Go 0 u, yo We pra ise






the pow' rs of he av 'n, To you all angels, all

ing. Fa -th er ev -er -la st -

Err r

holy Lo rd, Go d of -less pra ise : Holy, holy, end in g sin , him ap ch eru bim an d ser


1 he av 'n - ly



of yo ur glo - ry.

l heaven an d ea rth are ful



~I you. y of apostles pra ise Th e glo rio us co mp an

n 9:1-2 adapt. Knut Nys ted t

l~~I, l J r pro ph -et s


pra ise

hey are

ow it is ership on


Ci r


of ma rty rs pra ise Th e wh ite -ro be d arm y

t, ~I Th rou gh ou t

>fGod , 'an d "No,"

rI the

Th e noble fellowship of

wo rld the





s ly Ch urc h ac -cl aim


J you:

e, an d on - ly Son, d, yo ur glorious, tru de un bo un ty jes ma Fa the r of

CJ r r ride.

- vo - cat e an d gu an d the Holy Sp iri t, ad

ng of You, Ch ris t, are the Ki


Or glo - ry,


the eternal Son of the Fa - ther.

When you became man to All:


set us free, you humbled yourself to be born of a vir-gin. You overcame the


Pl sting of death

and opened the kingdom of heaven to all be - liev - ers.





You sit at the right hand of God

All o


in the glory of the Fa

J -



.F1 We believe that you will come



Come then, Lord, and help your peo - pie,

.F p J your own blood, and bring us with your saints



Minis bought with the price of


Choir: Speak, 0 Lord

Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class.

Text and Music: Stuart Townend, b. 1963 and Keith Getty, b. 1974 Arranged by John Ferguson



to glory ev- er- last - ing.

Be seated

Conferr ing of Degrees

Facul Stud

Benedic1 M:

Thei with


r Church men and thank you for giving you Heavenly Father, we praise public ministry. are qualified to serve in the


as the ris t cru cifi ed for sin ner s r Wo rd wh o pro cla ims Ch Ble ss eve ry ser van t of you d. wis dom and pow er of Go

All :

and women who

Minister: Graduates:

pleted their course of tes who have successfully com dua gra our for ally eci esp y We pra y. study at this college of ministr s ofl ife . Keep us accept the joys and the sorrow to ling wil are we d han r Lord, from you e to you. r Word, and bless our servic from sin, comfort us with you

All oth ers :

ir lives, bot h now and wit h the m. Wa tch ove r the w in wis dom , Yo u hav e pro mis ed to be r Wo rd, tha t the y ma y gro you to ul thf fai m the ep for eve rm ore . Ke ss. rig hte ous nes s, and hol ine


ize with instructors who recogn bless Martin Luther College are o wh ts den stu Gracious Lord, continue to h wit hest and noblest treasure, and Jesus Christ as wisdom ' s hig of your Church. y istr min lic pub the for elves committed to preparing thems

Faculty and service to you. talents and energies in joyful Students: Help us use our rs, strengthen us in our your people. Dispel our fea all of s live the r ove tch wa Lord God, the merits of Jesus Christ, Minister: to everlasting glory through all us g brin lly fina and , weakness your Son, our Lord. en. In his nam e we pra y. Am


Benediction M:

be fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the love of God and the rist Ch us Jes d Lor our of The grace with you all.













974 son

Be seated

Closing Hymn ssly Father, And the Spirit ceasele Christ, to you, with God the ises be, pra ng ndi une d An ing nksgiv Hymn and chant and high tha And eternal victory Honor, glory, and dominion Evermore and evermore.

Presentation of the Class

Recessional on in the duates are invited to a recepti Friends and relatives of the gra ice. ng the serv Lut her Student Center followi

***** Presiding Minister

Professor John Boeder President Mark Zarling


Dr. David Wendler

Presenting degrees

Prof. David Bauer


Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer

Conductor Martin Luther College Cho ir

Professor Ronald Brutlag

Graduation Marshal


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