2009-2010 - Commencement Service and Call Service

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Commencement Service Call Service May 15, 2010



To the glory of God and for the good of his Church! Dear sisters and brothers in our living Lord Jesus! Welcome to Commencement at Martin Luther College. As at other colleges, you will see graduates and gowns, faculties and flowers, diplomas and dignitaries. But look more closely at these graduates, and you will see the glory of God on display! As we worship today, each graduate confesses, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Each believes, We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Each recognizes that a diploma brings the Lord glory,for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Each has been touched by the Spirit with a desire to serve. Whether they receive an assignment today, continue their training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, teach overseas, enter a different vocation or college, or prayerfully wait on the Lord, they see their lives as opportunities to share the good news they've been given, as our Christ says: You are my witnesses. These graduates are gifts of God to his people, and he will certainly use them and the training they have received for the good of his Church. This past Thursday we commemorated the Ascension of our Lord. Remember also to praise Jesus for his goodness in his Church. "To each one ofus grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says: ' When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men.' ... It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers to prepare God's people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up" (Ephesians 4).

Thank you for the prayers and encouragement you have offered to our graduates. May our dear Savior Jesus walk with them as they carry the Word to the world. May he walk with all ofus as we live in the light of his grace, to his glory and for the good of his Church! In our Savior Jesus,

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President Mark G {iarliq

*** Mission of Martin Luther College Martin Luther College exists to serve the ministerial needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) by preparing men for pastoral training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and by preparing men and women for service as teachers and staff ministers in the Synod's churches and schools so that the WELS may be served by candidates both qualified and competent to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord.

To the glory of God and for the good of his Church Explanation of attire Welcome to the 2010 Commencement Service at Martin Luther College. You will see graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Education degree, others with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and seven students with a Master of Science in Education degree. These seven individuals comprise the third graduating class of the MLC master's program, a program authorized by both the 1999 and the 2003 synod conventions. Academic apparel worn by faculty and graduates in any college setting has its origins in the Middle Ages. Because most universities grew out of church schools, both faculty and students wore clothing that was based upon monastic dress and that reflected the need for warmth in the unheated stone colleges. Wearing of such apparel is an adiaphoron, something neither commanded nor forbidden by our Lord in his Word. In Christian freedom we can choose to follow such academic traditions or not. In this 2010 Commencement, the MLC faculties will visibly demonstrate that freedom: Our graduate faculty has chosen to wear academic apparel, and our undergraduate faculty has chosen not to. By a miracle of the Holy Spirit, professors in both faculties have humbly submitted their lives and their educational achievements to Christ for the advancement of his kingdom. Although they no doubt could garner more reputation and remuneration in public settings, they have given their time and talents to train students at MLC for gospel service, to the glory of God and for the good of his Church. They have servant hearts. Though 95 percent of them have advanced degrees, the undergraduate faculty wears normal attire to emphasize that we train students not just for academic achievement but for ministry. The graduate faculty wears apparel that emphasizes lifelong learning, done to God's glory and in submission to the gospel we proclaim. For our baccalaureate graduates, the color of the tassel indicates the field of study: light blue indicates a Bachelor of Science in Education; red and black indicates a Bachelor of Arts degree. The hood is worn by our master's graduates. The colors indicate the area of study and the colors of MLC. The graduate faculty wears apparel with colors that indicate not only area of study but also the degree-granting institution. God has given these gifts to us, to his glory and for the good of the church. SDG

MLC Faculty Undergraduate Ash, Richard F. Balge, Daniel N . Balge, Jonathan R. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Bode, Glenn E. Boeder, John C. Brutlag, Ronald D . Cox, Rebecca L. Czer, Lawrence J. Danell, James C. Diels, Joyce A. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Gosdeck, David M . Gronholz, John H. Grunwald, James R. Haar, Susan G. Hartzell, Jonathan L. Heidtke, Earl R. Hunter, Thomas N . Klindworth , Robert F. Klockziem, Roger C. Koelpin, Paul E . Koestler, Arlen L. Lange, Douglas F. Lange, Lyle W. Lenz, Mark J. Leopold, Barbara L. Leyrer, Philip M . Loomis, Cheryl A. Lotito, Lawrence W. Melendy, Carla E. Meyer, John E. Minch, Jack N . Moldenhau er, Kermit G. Nass, Thomas P.

Nolte, John P. Ohm, Ronald C. Olson, Lawrence 0 . Paustian, Mark A . Pekrul, William A . Pope, James F. Potratz, Robert C. Roux, Jonathan A. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schmidt, John H . Schone, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, David W. Schroeder, Timothy J. Sellnow, David D. Shilling, Ronald L. Sponholz, Martin P. Spurgin, Alan M . Stelljes, Ross A. Tess, Paul A. Thiesfeldt, Steven R. Unke, James M . Unke, Lori L. Wagner, Wayne L. Wendler, David 0 . Wessel , Keith C. Whaley, Cynthia E. Wiechman, Jeffery P. Wittmershaus, Kurt A. Wurster, Miles B. Zarling, Mark G.

Tutors Lehmann, Stephen C. Stem, Jesse A.

Adjunct Balge, Bethel A. Boeder, Bethel J. Martens, Judith L. Micheel, John H . Nolte, Brent J. Nolte, Lanita M. Ohm, Carlotta L. Schubkegel , Joyce C. Thiesfeldt, Jeneane M. Vogel, Marianne A. Wiechman, Elizabeth J. Wurster, Kathryn M . Graduate Angell, Carol A. Brandt, James A. Buelow, Ronald A. Gostchock, Scott A. Grunwald, James R. Heiden, Delores E. Isch, John R. Juem, John F. Klindworth , Robert F. Kolander, John D. Kremer, Kenneth J. Melendy, Carla E. Menk, Rolland R. Meyer, John E. Olson, Lawrence 0. Pfeifer, Gene R. Plath, LeDell D. Spurgin, Alan M. Wendler, David 0. Whaley, Cynthia E.

Admissions Counselor Sievert, Dustin D.

MLC Governing Board Rev. Michael A. Woldt, Chairman Rev. Roy M. Beyer, Secretary Mr. Keith R. Bowe Mr. Steven Danekas Mr. Jonathan J. Hahm Mr. Robert D . Hinnenthal Mr. Scott R. Huebner Mr. Stephen D. Loehr Mr. Barry V. Price Mr. Steven J. Rosenbaum , Secretary

Rev. Michael D. Schultz, Vice Chairman Mr. William Steinbrenne r Rev. Jeffrey D . Wegner

Advisory Rev. Charles F. Degner, MN District President Rev. Paul T. Prange, BME Administra tor Rev. Mark G. Schroeder, WEbS President Rev. Mark G. Zarling, MLC President

Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution ofdiplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional.

Processional Stand Leader: In the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. (spoken) Leader: This is the day the Lord has made. People: We will rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Heavenly Father, we praise you as the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Be gracious to us and bless us. People: May your ways be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. People: Show us your ways, 0 Lord, teach us your paths. Then we will walk in the light of life. Leader: Holy Spirit, you alone know the thoughts of God. Be our Counselor and guide us into all truth. People: Sanctify us through the gospel, that we might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.








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sto - ry




Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)



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his prais - es


his grace


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Lesson: Ephesians 1: 16-23

Be seated


Ring - ing:

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Sing - ing,

Spread the




an - gel

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f f prais- es



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ho - ly.


Lord of glo - ry!


Choral Response: "Children of the Heavenly Father"

Sermon: Psalm 139:8-10

Text by Carolina V. Berg, trans. E.W. Olson Music arranged by Norman Myrvik

Where You Go, He Is! If I go up to the heavens, you are there; ifI make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Hymn: "In Christ Alone"

Text and music by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend Reprinted by permission.

Please stand for the singing of the hymn.

In Christ alone my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My Comforter, my all in all, Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone--who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe. This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones he came to save. Till on that cross, as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied; For ev'ry sin on him was laid. Here in the death of Christ I live. There in the ground his body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain; Then bursting forth in glorious day Up from the grave he rose again! And as he stands in victory, Sin's curse has lost its grip on me. For I am his and he is mine--Boug ht with the precious blood of Christ. No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the pow'r of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from his hand; Till he returns or calls me home, Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

Be seated

Presentation of Diplomas Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of2010 which occurs after the Benediction.

Hymn: "Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices" The congregation is invited to join in singing the hymn as noted. All

Oh, that I had a thousand voices To praise my God with thousand tongues! My heart, which in the Lord rejoices, Would then proclaim in grateful songs To all, wherever I might be, What great things God has done for me.


Dear Father, endless praise I render For soul and body, nobly joined; I praise you, Guardian kind and tender, For all the daily joys I find So richly spread on ev 'ry side And freely for my use supplied.


I praise you, Savior, whose compassion Has brought you down to ransom me. Your pitying heart sought my salvation; You bore the cross triumphantly, Brought me from bondage full release, Made me your own, and gave me peace. Glory and praise, still onward reaching, Be yours, 0 Spirit of all grace, Whose holy pow'r and faithful teaching Give me among your saints a place. Whatever good by me is done Is worked by grace divine alone.


Prayer Leader: Heavenly Father, we thank you for making this day possible. We thank and praise you for this school of ministry, for the blessings of the school year, for parents and all who support the training of ministers with prayers and gifts, for faithful students who prepare for public ministry with dedication, for dedicated teachers and staff who follow your ways, and for a church body which sees its mission to spread your Word among all peoples. People: Above all we thank you for our Savior whose forgiveness alone makes it possible for sinful people to serve a holy God.

Leader: 0 Lord, bless these graduates. Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers with the ability to fearlessly speak the mysteries of your Gospel. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer.

Leader: Bless those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with patience and diligence. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer.


Leader: Bless those who will be serving you as lay members in congregations or in internatio nal fields with opportunities to use their special gifts and training to spread your Gospel. People: In your mercy, hear our prayer. Leader: Be with us all, gracious God, as we serve as your ambassadors that we may do and say only that which will bring glory and honor to your holy name. People: We bring these requests to you in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Benediction Leader: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.

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Be seated


Presentation of the Class of 2010


Please remain seated until the graduates and the faculty have recessed. Following the service you may greet the graduates on the mall.

***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Joel Fredrich MLC Faculty Secretary

Rev. Mark Zarling MLC President


Dr. David Wendler Academic Affairs of esident Vice-pr MLC

Assisting in the Distribution of Diplomas

· Prof. Ronald Shilling MLC Music Division


Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer MLC Music Division

Martin Luther College Choir Conductor

Prof. Ron Brutlag MLC Director ofAdmissions

Graduation Marshal


Bachelor of Arts

Neal C. Behm Beaver Dam, WI

Neil P. Birkholz Thornton, CO

Jeffery J. Drake Redding, CA

Benjamin P. Ehlers South Windsor, CT

Ryan D. Kolander Brookfield, WI

James D. Roecker Saginaw, MI

Nathaniel R. Buchner Whitelaw, WT

Titus I. Buelow Lansing, MI

Evan S. Chartrand Manassas, VA

John T. Fields Bradenton, FL

Justin H. Gran Cromwell, CT

Jacob S. Haag Fond du Lac, WI

Dustin J. Lloyd Milwaukee, WT

Nathan D. Moldenhauer Manitowoc, WI

Samuel E. Pappenfuss Sebewaing, MT

Benjamin D. Reichel Mitchell, SD

Timothy D. Rosenow Manitowoc, WI

Troy R. Schreiner Hemlock, MI

Tyler J. Shinnick Appleton, WI

Richard D. Starr Bay City, MI

James R. Thrams Watertown, WI

Steven L. Waldschmidt Greenfield, WI

Nathaniel F. Walther Watertown , WI

Jeremy D. Wosje Champlin, MN

Seminary Certification

Brock D. Groth Hasting s, MN

Brian L. Wrobel Holmen, WI

Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Early Childhood Education

Stephanie L. Buege Crete, IL

Kathryn 0. Dickson Virginia Beach, VA

Ashley D. Mozak Sa int Albert, Alberta, Canada

Karly J. Neshem Bremerton, WA

Anna C. Greanya Burton, Ml

Cheree L. Koenig Anchorage, AK

Kristin J. Steinbrenne r Livonia, Ml

Stacey J. Kreckow West Allis, WI

Catharyn 8 . Waggoner Fort Madison , IA

Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Elementary Education

Daniel M. Albrecht Winneconne , WI

Rebecca R. Amann Greenfield, WI

Rebecca L. Salge NewUlm,M N

Deborah K. Beadell Redwood Falls, MN

Michael J. Fetcenko Rochester, MI

Sarah A. Foelske Menomonee Falls, WI

Jill N. Anding Neillsville, WI

Michella L. Christenson Eagle, W I

Samuel R. French New Ulm, MN

Amy M. Arnhold Saginaw, MI

Suzanne J. Bahr Salem, OR

Laura M. Dietrich Saginaw, Ml

Danielle N. East San Jose, CA

Melissa A. Gehl Mason, MI

Marie C. Gehlhar Hager City, WI


I Allison L. German Allenton, WI

Sara B. Hoffman Aurora, CO

Bridget L. Kamp s Coleman, WI

Ryan W. Loberger Maribel, WJ

Steven C. Haag Fond du Lac, WI

Sarah J. Huggard Saint Charles, MI

Katherine A. Kogler Fallbrook, CA

Karen A. Luehring Lake Mills, Wl

Sarah A. Hadler Hartland, WI

Brianne N. Jeffers Litchfield Park, AZ

Joanna B. Kramer Greenville, WI

Laura L. Lundgren Burlington, WI

Rebecca L. Hagglund North Saint Paul, MN

Brittany L. Jensen Hortonville, WI

Benjamin H. Leib! West Salem, WI

Anne R. Margg raf Sussex, WI

Kate L. Hieb Middleburg Heights, OH

Rachel S. Jones Oklahoma City, OK

Elyse M. Limpert Rochester, MN

Elizabeth M. Meier Genesee Depot , Wl

Peter C. Nolte Longmont, CO

Sarah R. Nottling Fox Lake, WI

Michael B. Pingel Puyallup, WA

Carol L. Putz Fond du Lac, WI

Mikaela B. Raddatz Hastings, MN

Emily M. Rasmussen Oak Creek, WI

Micah J. Ricke New Berlin, WI

Bethany S. Saatkamp Milwaukee, WI

John T. Schleis Green Bay, WI

Jordan M. Schmitzer Arlington, OH

Emily S. Schroeder Roscoe, SD

Nicole A. Schulz Denver, CO

Andrew P. Seefeldt Ringle, WI

Elizabeth J. Snyder Holmen, WI

Katherine R. Spaude Antigo, WI

Andrea J. Steinbrenner Fort Atkinson, WI

Philip J. Strong Greenfield, MN

Alexander J. Vandenberg Appleton, WI

Stacy C. vonDaggenhausen Flint, Ml

Deborah G. Wahl Cambria, WI

Jared J. Wales Saint Pau l Park, MN

Danielle A. Weber Park Ridge, IL

Elise A. Wordell Kenosha, WI

Nicole R. Wendt Morrison, WI

Bonnie L. Whittaker Monroe, Ml

David A. Zuberbier Appleton, WI

Ho Yi Wong Hong Kong, China

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: Elementary Education Early Childhood Education

Sarah B. Carter Brownsville, WI

Chelsea M. Fraley Lyons, OH

Kerin E. Gast Manitowoc, WI

Melissa A. Harris Lomira, WI

Jessica M. Gierach Brownsville, WI

Heather A. Krug South Range, MI

Claire R. Hagen Appleton , WI

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: Elementary Education Secondary Education

Bradley S. Evers Two Rivers, WI Social Studies

Amy L. Georgson Lebanon , WI Spanish

Brian M. Gephart Saint Joseph , Ml Mathematics

Audrey J. Gunn Phoenix, AZ English

Charles G. Hartwig Prior Lake, MN Life Science

Amanda J. Koch Downers Grove, IL Physical Education

Nicole M. Lehman LaCrosse, WI Mathematics

Angela E. Priewe Milwaukee, WI Social Studies

Ellen R. Raasch New Ulm, MN Spanish

Sarah E. Sauer Green Bay, WI Spanish

Aaron D. Schultz Shakopee, MN Mathematics

Steven A. Springborn Cambridge, MN ChoralNocal Music

Jonathan A. Weber Dowagiac, Ml English

Bachelor of Science Sta ff Ministry

Matthe w J. Werner Watertown, WI

Recommended for Synod Certification Elementary Education

Laura B. Keller Apach e Junction, AZ

Secondary Education

Raymo nd W. Krueg er Milwaukee, WI

Master of Science in Education The Master of Science in Education program has the goal of contributing to the professional growth of teachers and encouraging them to be reflective, competent, and dedicated educators of children in a Christian setting. The Master of Science in Education degree from Martin Luther College is designed for persons who have an undergraduate degree in education from an accredited college or university. The master's program offers students a choice of three emphases: instruction, leadership, and special education.

Benjamin P. Bain Red Wing, MN Instruction Emphasis

Current service: St John Lutheran School RedWing,MN Principal/Teacher , 1998Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 1998

James D. Carlovsky West Bend, WT Instruction Emphasis

Current service: Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School Jackson, WI Teacher, 2006Previous service : St. John Lutheran School Sparta, WI Principal/Teacher, 2002-2006 Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2002

David D. Gartner Redwood Falls, MN Leadership Emphasis

Steven J. Gartner Springdale, AR Leadership Emphasis

Current service: St. John Lutheran School Redwood Falls, MN Principal/Teacher, 1992-

Current service: Grace Lutheran School Lowell,AR Principal/Teacher, 2004-

U ndergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1992

Previous service: St. John Lutheran School Lannon, WI Teacher/Athletic Director, 19992004 Woodlawn Lutheran School West Allis, WI Teacher/Athletic Director, 19951999 Beautiful Savior Lutheran School Cincinnati, OH Principal/Teacher, I 994-1995 Emanuel Redeemer Lutheran School Yale, MI Principal/Teacher, 1988-1994 Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1988

Andrea K. Hahm Belle Plaine, MN lnstrnction emphasis

Kristin L. Strong San Diego, CA Special Education Emphasis

Craig C. Winkler Helenville, WI Instruction Emphasis

Current service: Trinity Lutheran School Belle Plaine, MN 2002-

Current service: Refonnation Lutheran School San Diego, CA Teacher/Athletic Director, 2002-

Current service: St. Peter Lutheran School Helenville, WI Principal/Teacher, 1995-

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2002

Previous Service: Reformation Lutheran School San Diego, CA Teacher, 1994-1995

Previous service: First Lutheran School Green Bay, WT Teacher, 1985-1995

East Fork Lutheran School Whiteriver, AZ Teacher, 1985-1986

King of Kings Lutheran School Garden Grove, CA Teacher, 1979-1985

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1985

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1979

Call Service 2:30 p.m.

Opening Hymn: "O Holy Spirit, Enter In"

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Ho - ly 1. 0 Spir - it, en - ter in 2. Give to your Word im - press - ive pow' r might - y 3. 0 Rock, 0 Source of life,




work be - gin. this good hour doubt and strife,



Sun That That

of in we


That Hear Your






the soul, 0 Light di - vine. true Chris - tian u - ni - ty be faith - ful un - to death


bright - ly shine, may be, es ho ly faith ,


And in our hearts your That in our hearts from Let your dear Word, in


Your dwell - ing place now make us . As fire it may be glow - ing, ln us be strong - ly burn - ing








and glad - ness wake To joy us Your glo - ry ev - er show - ing. From you true wis - dom learn - ing.


liv - ing, Tru - ly By your teach - ing; On us show - er;

May we be us, Cheer us grace And peace


Prayer un - ceas - ing And our la - bor Christ con - fess - ing,



A - round and in us We faith - ful wit - ness And live m love and


To Let By

you giv - ing our preach - ing your pow - er


And m love be Praise you, Lord, and Let us see our


u still in - creas - ing. serve our neigh - bor. Sav- ior's bless - ing.




0 give thanks unto the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him, tell of all his wonderful works!


The works of the Lord are great and glorious. His name is worthy of praise!


0 Father most holy, gather us together in the name of Jesus whom the saints and angels adore as the Lamb on his throne and whose name is above every name, that all we do might be done at your bidding, filled with your grace, directed by your wisdom, informed by your truth, accomplished to your glory.

People: The works of the Lord are great and glorious. His love endures forever! Leader:

0 Father most gracious, bring us together in the name of Jesus, that in him we might be a spiritual temple, that founded on him we might be built together as living stones; that in him we might offer to you the spiritual service of praise and thanksgiving, of lives lived in your love, of proclaiming your words and work, and of sharing your gifts to us.

People: The works of the Lord are great and glorious. Tell of all his wonderful deeds! Leader:

0 Father eternal, you have sent out an invitation, you have prepared a great feast that all might enter

the courts of your presence and the mansions of your paradise. Grant to us your blessing and peace, that we may be witnesses of your truth, the reflection of your glory, and the ambassadors of your kingdom.

People: The works of the Lord are great and glorious. May our mouths be filled with his praise!

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not a soul be

Be seated

Lesson: Ephesians 4:7-16 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)







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J sheaves to gath - er

F I F J Which



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Hymn: "Send, 0 Lord, Your Holy Spirit"



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I. Send, 0 2. Help, Lord


pray; Word,

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Your pure Bound- less

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And to T ill by

Spir - it nour - ish

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teach - ing to bless - ings, Lord,




feed your lambs, dear grace to them is

That no Till in

pro - claim, be - stow


~ ~


now, with

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lamb is led heav ' n their song




en - deav - or. of heav -en.

Music by Aaron McDermid

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending; by paths as yet untrod, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Reading of Assignments Closing Hymn

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with us, God the


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your faith - ful

I ~~~ J I •~ J J And




us with your

ser - vants You


right - ly to

a - dare,


bless - ing Both

--k- '

.o I a is

J)I J j l II

Sav - ior, Make their ai m and so le giv - en Their re - ward, the crown

Choral Response: "Lord God, You Have Called Your Servants"

with us, God the

we your

To a - <lore your ho - ly On your se r - vants' work be

Address: John 4: 7-13 Come to the Well


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On your Our dear

shep- herds serve you

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Ho - ly help them

Lord, your Je - S US,




r r f

now and ev - er - more.


***** Presiding Minister

Rev. Mark Zarling MLC President


Prof. John Boeder MLC Campus Pastor

Reading of Assignments

Rev. Mark Schroeder WELS President


Dr. John Nolte MLC Music Division Chairman

Martin Luther College Choir Conductor

Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer MLC Music Division


Almigh ty God, who by your Son Jesus Christ, gave command to the apostles that they should go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature: grant to us whom you have called into your church a ready will to obey your Word, and fill us with a hearty desire to make your way known upon earth, your saving health among all nations. Look with compassion upon the multitudes that are scattered as sheep having no shephe rd. 0 heaven ly Father, Lord of the harvest, have respect, we beseech you, to our prayers , and send forth laborers into your harvest. Fit and prepare them by your grace for the work of the ministry; give them the Spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind; strengthen them to endure hardness and grant that your Holy Spirit may prospe r their work, and they by their life and doctrine may show forth your glory, and set forward the salvation of all people; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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