2013-2014 - Commencement Service and Call Service

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Commencement Service Call Service May 17, 2014



To the glory of God and for the good of his Church! Dear sisters and brothers in our risen Lord Jesus! Welcome to Commencement at Martin Luther College. As at other colleges, you will see graduates and gowns, faculties and flowers, diplomas and dignitaries. But look more closely at these graduates, and you will see the glory of God on display! As we worship today, each graduate confesses, I praise you because I am fearfitlly and wonderfully made. Each believe, We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. Each recognizes that a diploma brings the Lord glory,/o r it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Each has been touched by the Spirit with a desire to serve. Whether they receive an assignment today, continue their training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, teach overseas, enter a different vocation or college, or prayerfully wait on the Lord, they see their lives as opportunities to share the good news they've been given, as Christ says: You are my witnesses. These graduates are gifts of God to his people, and he will certainly use them and the training they have received for the good of his Church. Thank you for the prayers and encouragement you have offered to our graduates. May our dear Savior Jesus walk with them as they carry the Word to the world. May he walk with all of us as we live in the light of his grace, to his glory, and for the good of his Church! In our living Lord Christ,

rlac-1 ~- ~ · President Mark WZar l~

*** Mission of Martin Luther College

The mission of Martin Luther College is to train a corps of Christian witnesses who are qualified to meet the ministry needs of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and who are compete nt to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions in the Book of Concord. To meet the current ministry needs of the WELS, Martin Luther College • Prepares men for pastoral training at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary; • Prepares men and women for service as teachers and staff ministers in the synod's churches , schools, and other institutions; • Prepares men and women for other church ministries, both full and part-time, respondi ng to the needs of the WELS; • Prepares international students for ministry in partnership with WELS mission fields; and • Provides programs of continuing education that meet the ministerial needs of the WELS.

To the glory of God and for the good of his Church Explanation of attire Welcome to the 2014 Commencement Service at Martin Luther College. You will see graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Education degree, others with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and still others with a Master of Science in Education degree. This year, though not all are able to be present today, eighteen individuals have completed the MLC masters program and comprise its seventh graduating class. Academic apparel worn by faculty and graduates in any college setting has its origins in the Middle Ages. Because most universities grew out of church schools, both faculty and students wore clothing that was based upon monastic dress and that reflected the need for warmth in the unheated stone colleges. Wearing of such apparel is an adiaphoron, something neither commanded nor forbidden by our Lord in his Word. In Christian freedom we can choose to follow such academic traditions or not. In this 2014 Commencement, the MLC faculties will visibly demonstrate that freedom: Our graduate faculty has chosen to wear academic apparel, and our undergraduate faculty has chosen not to. By a miracle of the Holy Spirit, professors in both faculties have humbly submitted their lives and their educational achievements to Christ for the advancement of his kingdom. Although they no doubt could garner more reputation and remuneration in public settings, they have given their time and talents to train students at MLC for gospel service, to the glory of God and for the good of his Church. They have servant hearts. Though 90 percent of them have advanced degrees, the undergraduate faculty wears normal attire to emphasize that we train students not just for academic achievement but for ministry. The graduate faculty wears apparel that emphasizes lifelong learning, done to God's glory and in submission to the gospel we proclaim. For our baccalaureate graduates, the color of the tassel indicates the field of study: light blue indicates a Bachelor of Science in Education; red and black indicates a Bachelor of Arts degree. The hood is worn by our master's graduates. The colors indicate the area of study and the colors of MLC. The graduate faculty wears apparel with colors that indicate not only area of study but also the degree-granting institution. God has given these gifts to us, to his glory and for the good of the church. SDG

MLC Faculty Undergraduate Salge , Daniel N. Bases, Paul A. Bauer, David T. Boede r, John C. Cox, Rebec ca L. Czer, Lawre nce J. Danel l, James C. Diels, Joyce A. Diersen, Grego ry T. Dose, Brian L. Fredrich, Joel D. Gawri sch, Daniel P. Gosde ck, David M. Grubb s, Paul J. Grunw ald, James R. Hanne man, Daryl B. Hartzell , Jonath an L. Heidtke, Earl R. Henni g, Brian K. Hunter, Thom as N. Klindw orth, Rober t F. Klock ziem, Roger C. Koelp in, Paul E. Krause, Jennif er L. Lange , Dougl as F. Lange , Lyle W. Leopold, Barba ra L. Loomis, Chery l A. Lotito , Lawre nce W. Mehlberg, Jennif er A. Meye r, John E. Molde nhaue r, Kermi t G. Nass, Thom as P. Nolte , John P. Ohm, Ronal d C. Olson , Lawre nce 0. Otters tatter, Micha el J. Pausti an, Mark A. Pekrul , William A. Pope, James F.

Potratz, Robe11 C. Roux, Jonath an A. Rupnow, Kenneth C. Schaefer, Jonath an M. Schmidt, John H. Schmu dlach, Scott D. Schon e, Jeffrey L. Schroeder, David W. Sellnow, David D. Smith , Adrian R. Spurgin, Alan M. Stein, Mark A. Stelljes, Ross A. Tacke, Mark W. Tess, Paul A. Thiesfeldt, Steven R. Unke, James M. Unke, Lori L. Wagner, Wayne L. Wendler, David 0. Wessel, Keith C. Whaley, Cynth ia E. Wiechman, Jeffer y P. Wurster, Miles B. Zarlin g, Mark G.

Tutors Enderle, Jason A. Scharf, Matth ew W. Admissions Counselors Danell, Joshu a M. Koepke, Micha el W. Adjunct Balge, Bethel A. Soede r, Bethel J. Haar, Susan G. Haugen, Jennif er E. Hennig, Grace A. Martens, Judith L.

Melendy, Carla E. Micheel , John H. Nolte, Brent J. Nolte, Lanita M. Ohm, Carlot ta L. Schub kegel , Joyce C. Shilling, Ronald L. Thiesf eldt, Jenean e M. Vogel, Maria nne E. Wiech man, Elizabeth J. Wurster, Kathry n M. Zhang , Tingti ng

Graduate Abrego, Miche lle A. Angell, Carol A. Boehlke, Paul R. Gostc hock, Scott A. Grunw ald, James R. Gulcz ynski, Dennis F. Hanne man, Daryl B. Heiden, Delores E. Juern, John F. Klindworth, Rober t F. Kolan der, John D. Kremer, Kenneth J. Melendy, Carla E. Meyer, John E. Olson , Lawre nce 0 . Pfeifer, Carrie F. Pfeifer, Gene R. Plath, LeDell D. Potratz, Gail M. Spurgin, Alan M. Tess, Paul A. Wendler, David 0 . Whaley, Cynth ia E. Wiech man, Jeffery P.

MLC Governing Board Rev. Micha el A. Woldt, Chairm an Mr. Keith R. Bowe Mr. Jonath an J. Hahm Rev. Jonath an J. Kolan der Mr. Dale L. Kraus e Mr. Steph en D. Loehr Mr. Timot hy A. Peterm ann Mr. Barry V. Price Rev. Duane A. Rodew ald Mr. Steven J. Rosen baum, Secret ary

Rev. Duane C. Schme ichel Rev. Michael J. Seifert Mr. William E. Steinb renner

Advisory Rev. Charle s F. Degner, MN Distri ct Presid ent Mr. Randy E. Matte r, Board Appoi nted Advis ory Rev. Paul T. Prange , BME Admin istrato r Rev. Mark G. Schroeder, WELS Presid ent Rev. Mark G. Zarling, MLC Presid ent


Commencement Service 10:00 a.m. Pictures may be taken during the processional, the distribution ofdiplomas, and the recessional. Please remain seated for the processional. The cross is carried to the altar area to become the focus of worship.

Procession al Stand


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Amen. (spoken)


0 give thanks unto the Lord, call on his name, make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him, tell of all his wonderful works!


The works of the Lord are great and glorious. His name is worthy of praise!


0 Father most holy, gather us together in the name of Jesus whom the saints and angels adore as the Lamb on his throne and whose name is above every name, that all we do might be done at your bidding, filled with your grace, directed by your wisdom, accomplished to your glory.


The works of the Lord are great and glorious. His love endures forever!


0 Father most gracious, bring us together in the name of Jesus, that in him we might be a spiritual temple, founded on him and built together as living stones; that in him we might offer to you the spiritual service of praise and thanksgiving, of lives lived in your love, of proclaiming your words and works, and of sharing your gifts to us.


The works of the Lord are great and glorious. Tell ofall his wonderful deeds!


0 Father eternal, you have sent out an invitation, you have prepared a great feast that all might enter the courts of your presence and the mansions of your paradise. Grant to us your blessing and peace, that we may be witnesses of your truth, the reflection of your glory, and the ambassadors of your kingdom.


The works of the Lord are great and glorious. May our mouths be filled with his praise!


To you, 0 Father, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God from all eternity and to all eternity, be glory, wisdom, power, and dominion forever.


Amen and amen!

Be seated


One Faith, One Hope, One Lord

Text based on Ephesians 4:4-6, 13 Music by Craig Courtney

One faith, one hope, one Lord, one church for which he died, One voice, one song we lift in praise to him who was and is and shall be evermore. There is one body, one spirit, as you were called to one hope. One Lord, one baptism and faith , one God and Father of all. Though we be many people, diverse with various gifts, We are given to each other for the unity of faith, That we grow in the knowledge of the Son of God, in the fullness of Christ.

Lesson: Philippia ns 2: 1-12 Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God. (spoken)


Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Band (p. 8-9)

Sermon Text-1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Resurrection Reality Changes Everything! I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed -in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, 0 death, is your victory? Where, 0 death, is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.


How Firm a Foundation Tune traditional American Choir Setting by Kermit Moldenhauer


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Presentation of Diplomas

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Please reserve applause for the Presentation of the Class of 2014 which occurs after the closing hymn and announcements.


Prayer Minister:

Heavenly Father, we thank you for this school of ministry and for those who support the training of ministers with their prayers and gifts. We praise you for giving your Church men and women who are qualified to serve in the public ministry. We pray especially for our graduates who have successfully completed their course of study at this college of ministry.


Lord, from your hand we are willing to accept the joys and the sorrows of life. Keep us from sin, comfort us with your Word, and bless our service to you.


All others:

You have promised to be with them. Watch over their lives, both now and forevermore. Keep them faithful to your Word, that they may continue to grow in wisdom, righteousness, and holiness.


Bless those who will enter your ministry as teachers and staff ministers, along with those already serving in ministry, with the boldness to speak the mysteries of your gospel. Give those who will continue their preparation for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary patience and diligence. Provide those who will be serving as lay members in your congregations or in international fields with opportunities to use their special gifts and training to serve your kingdom.


Empower all of us to bring honor and glory to your name.


Gracious Lord, continue to bless Martin Luther College with instructors who recognize Jesus Christ as wisdom's highest treasure, and with students who are committed to preparing themselves for the public ministry of your Church.

Faculty and Students:

Help us use our talents and energies in joyful service to you.


Lord God, watch over the lives of all your people. Dispel our fears, strengthen us in our weakness, and finally bring us all to everlasting glory through the merits of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.


In his name we pray. Amen.

Benediction M: C:

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. Amen. Amen. Amen. (sung)


From All that Dwell Below the Skies

From all that dwell below the skies Let the creator's praise arise Alleluia, alleluia! Let the redeemer's name be sung Through every land by every tongue. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Eternal are your mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends your Word; Alleluia, alleluia! Your praise shall sound from shore to shore Till suns shall rise and set no more. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Be seated


Presentation of the Class of 2014


Please remain seated until the graduates and the faculty have recessed . Following the service you may greet the graduates on the mall.



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5 Here the true Paschal Lamb we see, Whom God so freely gave us; He died on the accursed tree So strong his love-to save us. See, his blood now marks our door; Faith points to it; death passes o'er, And Satan cannot harm us. Alleluia! Alleluia!


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6 So let us keep the festival To which the Lord invites us; Christ is himself the joy of all, The sun that warms and lights us. Now his grace to us imparts Eternal sunshine to our hearts; The night of sin is ended. Alleluia! Alleluia!

7 Then let us feast this Easter Day On Christ, the bread of heaven; The Word of grace has purged away The old and evil leaven. Christ alone our souls will feed; He is our meat and drink indeed; Faith lives upon no other! Alleluia! Alleluia!

This important and historic Easter text is set to a new tune with the hope of reviving its use within the church. Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr. Richard Massie, 1800---1887, alt. Tune: NORTHRIDGE (87 87 78 744) Kermit Moldenhauer, b. 1949 © 2005 Kermit Moldenhauer. All rights reserved. Used by permission .

Presiding Minister



Rev. Brian Dose MLC Faculty Secretary Rev. Mark Zarling MLC President

Assisting in the Distribution of Diplomas

Dr. David Wendler MLC Vice-president of Academics Dr. Brent Nolte MLC Music Instructor


Martin Luther College Choir Director

Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer MLC Music Division Michelle Gartner MLC Event Planner

Graduation Marshal


International Service The following graduates have elected international service in various parts of Asia: Hyunje Chang Johannah R. Crass Micah J. Foelske Rachel K. Hein Carlton J. Heling Angela J. Horneber Laurel J. Raether Carina M. Rahn Joanna M. Wordell

The listing of those who were assigned calls will be handed out after the call service.


Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin J. Birner Lusaka, Zambia

Alexander P. Eckert Eaton Rapids, Ml

Thomas P. Gorza lski Appleton, WI

Kyle A. Heise Green Bay, WI

Carlton J. Heling Howards Grove, WI

Joel D. Hering Rowlett, TX

Aaron J. Kristopeit South Milwaukee, WI

David M. Marquardt Lodi, CA

Steven M. Millerman Cameron, WI

Joshua J. Paustian West Bend, WI

Benjamin T. Phelps Plymouth, WI

Peter G. Plagenz Manchester, Wl

Micah J. Plocher Vassar, Ml

Kenneth J. Rodrigue Clifton Park, NY

Aaron A. Schrimpf Zumbrota, MN

William D. Schubert Winnebago, IL


Michael G. Schwab Midland, Ml

Noah J. Willitz Bridgeport , Ml

William R. Scoggins Austin, TX

Jason A. Zuehlke Oconomowoc, WI


Benjamin T. Zamzow Antigo, WI

Seminary Certification

Nicholas R. Mount Milwaukee, WI

Wolf 8. Parsons Box Elder, SD


Sean Z. Steinke South Bend, rN

Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Early Childhood Education

Jessica R. Buller Eagan, MN

Jennifer D. Uhlhom Colorado Springs, CO

Alison M. Filter Cambridge, WI

Rebecca R. Gervais Bloomer, WI

Megan E. Zamzow Appleton , WI


Rachel M. Lindwurm Sioux Falls, SD

Lindsay E. Sandwith Edgewood, WA

Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Elementary Education

Molly I. Aschauer West Bend, WI

Jennifer N. Aulich Mississauga, Ontario Canada

Hillery F. Bristor Williamston, Ml

Katrina A. Buchholz Phoenix, AZ

Jason M. Dutcher Wood Lake, MN

Emily J. Eckley Two Rivers, WI

Megan E. Bauer Sturtevant, WI

Jacob P. Bieber! Neillsville, WI

Hyunje Chang Seoul, South Korea

Johannah R. Crass Watertown, WI

Abby M. Davis Lansing, Ml

Rebecca L. Engelbrecht Yorkville, IL

Bailey A. Fenske Round Rock , TX

Amber N. Flunker Appleton, WI


Andrea L. Biedenbender New Ulm, MN

Abigail L. Gawel Midland, Ml

Anne M. Goldschmidt Milwaukee, WI

Emily R. Hunt Cary, NC

Rebecca A. Hussman Greenville, WI

Karina R. Luthra Simpsonville, SC in Absentia

David A. Porth Jackson, WI

Molly C. Graumann Fort Atkinson, WI

Kelly E. Hauf Manitowoc, WI

Emily M. Hughes Watertown, WI

Ryan W. Klatt New Hope, MN

Elizabeth L. Loersch Watertown, WI

Ruth A. Luehring Lake Mills, WI

Amelia R. Nemmers Allen, TX

Rachel A. Nowicki Bayport, MN

Molly M. Peavy Sparta, WI

Jarrod M. Pfarr Kenosha, WI

Staci S. Putz Lomira, WI

Matthew L. Rieck Caledonia, MN

Danielle M. Ross Sun Prairie, WI

Hannah D. Rothe Watertown, WI


1 1

Ryan A. Rush Benton Harbor, Ml

Charissa D. Scharf Hot Springs Village, AR

Madeline L. Scott Beaver Dam, WI

Jordan T. Siegler Manitowoc, WI

Amanda L. Wiles Freeland, Ml

Kimberly A. Schmill Manitowoc, WI

Nicole L. Schoeneck Rhinelander, WI

Michelle Y. Thierfelder West Palm Beach, FL

Charles E. Ungemach Trevor, WI

Joanna M. Wordell Kenosha, WI




Bethany A. Schultz Waukesha, WI

Mariah R. Wild Fox Lake, IL

Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education

Youngsin Choi Seoul, South Korea Chemistry/Physics

Angela J. Horneber Pittsford, NY Comm unication Arts & Literature

Eun-woo Kim Seoul, South Korea Mathematics

Lucas A. Rodewa ld Simpsonville, SC Communication Arts & Literature

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: K-12 Physical Education K-12 Spanish

Paul D. Durkee Sun Prairie, WI Physical Education

Lucas J. Fricke Mauston, WI Spanish


Alexander J. Mielke Muskego, WI Spanish

Sarah E. Sherod Torrance, CA Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: Elementary Education Early Childhood Education

Young eun Choi Seoul, South Korea

Brittany A. Hartwig Medford, WI

Eryn K. Kriewall Arlington, TX

AimeeM. Ulm Watertown, WI


Stephanie A. Punke Hartford, WI

Rachel E. Rosenow Osceola, WI

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: Early Childhood Education Parish Music

Elizabeth G. Berg Pflugerville, TX

Bachelor of Science in Education Majors: Elementary Education Secondary Education

Jennifer M. Birr Mankato, MN Mathematics

Tyler J. Dom Sturtevant, WI Physical Education

Justin M. Etemick Waterloo, WI Social Studies


Kyle G. Fax Sun Prairie, WI Communication Arts & Literature

Micah J. Foelske Manitowoc, WI ChoralNocal Music

Scott A. Georgson Lebanon, WI Social Studies

Nathan J. Gurgel Mequon, WI Physical Education

Jon T. Kulhanek Wisconsin Rapids, WI Choral/Vocal Music

Jessica M. Lomker Mississauga, Ontario Canada Communication Arts & Literature

Elizabeth J. Murry Onalaska, WI Physical Education

Alexander J. Smith Powell, OH Social Studies

Katelynn M. Steinke Richfield, WI Life Science

Scott T. Zietlow Onalaska, WI Mathematics

Rachel K. Hein West Bend, WI Communication Arts & Literature


Abigail C. Hom Mazeppa, MN Instrumental Music

Laura M. Korth Bay City, MI Communication Arts & Literature

James E. Otto Baraboo, WI Communication Arts & Literature

Carina M. Rahn New Ulm, MN Spanish

Bachelor of Science Major: Sta ff Ministry

Joshua E. Ernst Eugene,MO

Bachelor of Science Major: Theological Studies

Alexander G. Meyer Sussex, WI


Bachelor of Science Major: Educational Studies

Kayla M. Siebert Plover, WI

Christopher A. Krug Dousman, WI

Heidi L. Sprain Surprise, AZ

Isaac T. Bodjanac Phoenix, AZ

Robert V. Ceasar Milwaukee, WI

Candace S. Hoefert New York, NY

Alydia R. Lee Lake City, MN

Daniel J. Lloyd Oak Creek, Wl

Laurel J. Raether Palm Bay, FL

Zachary M. Stowe Oshkosh, WI


William J. Jensen Oshkosh, WI

Jillian M. Sonnenberg Jacksonville , NC

Master of Science in Education The Master of Science in Education program has the goal of contributing to the professional growth of teachers and encouraging them to be reflective, competent, and dedicated educators of children in a Christian setting. The Master of Science in Education degree from Martin Luther College is designed for persons who have an undergraduate degree in education from an accredited college or university. The master's program offers students a choice of four emphases: instruction, leadership, special education, and educational technology.

Adrienne R. Bengel Missouri City, TX Instruction Emphasis in Absentia

Previous service: St. Paul Lutheran School Rapid City, SD Teacher, 20 I 0-20 I 2

Jeffrey K. Falck Westminster, CO Leadership Emphasi s

Michael W. Falk Bay City, Ml Leadership Emphasis in Absentia

Current service: St. John Lutheran School Bay City, MI Principal/Teacher/ Athletic Director/Technology, 1999-

Current service: Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran School Westminster, CO Principal/Teacher, 2013-

New Underwood Elementary School New Underwood, SD Kindergarten/Coach, 2008-2010

Previous service: Riverview Lutheran School Appleton, WI Teacher/Music, 2007-2013

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2007

St. Paul Lutheran School Bloomer, WI Principal/Teacher, 2003-2007

Previous service: St. John Lutheran School Westland, MI Principal/Teacher, 1994-1999 Gloria Dei-Bethesda Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Teacher/ Athletic Director, 1981-1994

Good Shepherd Lutheran School Cedar Rapids, IA Teacher, 2000-2003

St. Paul Lutheran School Moline, IL Principal/Teacher, 1977-1981

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 1999

Calvary Lutheran School Sheboygan, WI Principal/Teacher, 1972-1976

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1972


Timothy M. Gustafson West Bend, WI Leadership Emphasis

Current service: David's Star Lutheran School Jackson, W[ Principal/Teacher, 200 IPrevious service: Jerusalem Lutheran School Morton Grove, IL Principal/Teacher, 1994-200 I First Lutheran School LaCrosse, WI Teacher/ Athletic Director, 1983-1994

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1983

Christopher M. Hintz Phoenix, AZ Leadership Emphasis

Nathaniel D. Kallies Appleton, WI Leadership Emphasis

Current service: Emmaus Lutheran School Phoenix,AZ Principal/Teacher, 2008-

Current service: St. Paul Lutheran School Appleton, WI Principal/Teacher, 2009-

Previous service: Zion Lutheran School Denver, CO Principal/Teacher, 2004-2008

Previous Service: St. Paul Lutheran School Cannon Falls, MN Principal/Teacher/ Athletic Director/Choir, 2003-2009

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2004

Elizabeth M. Koester Temple, TX Special Education Emphasis

Current service: Kennedy-Powell Elementary School Temple, TX Resource & Content Mastery Teacher, 2013Previous service: Reeces Creek Elementary School Killeen, TX K-2 Life Skills, 2012-2013 Kindergarten, 2011-2012

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther Co llege 2003

Calvary Lutheran School Thiensville, WI Teacher/Coach, 2005-2006 Fairview Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Preschool Director/Teacher, 2004-2005 Jerusalem Lutheran School Morton Gove, IL Kindergarten, 2002-2004

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2002


Michael L. Koestler Racine, WI Instruction Emphasis

Current service: St. Lucas Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Principal, 2008Previous service: St. Paul Lutheran School New Ulm, MN Principal/Teacher, 1996-2008 Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Mankato State University 1994 Synod Certification, Martin Luther College 2003

David D. Leonard Eau Claire, WI Instruction Emphasis

Current service: St. Mark Lutheran School Eau Claire, WI Teacher/ Athletic Director, 2005Previous service: St. John Lutheran School Princeton, WI Teacher/ Athletics, 1998-2005

Peter A. Mathwig Weyauwega, WI Instruction Emphasis

Elizabeth A. Naumann Prairie du Chien, WI Instruction Emphasis

Current service: St. Peter Lutheran School Weyauwega, WI Teacher/Coach, 2005-

Previous service: Mapleton Public Schools Thornton, CO Teacher, 20I0-2011

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2005

Luther Preparatory School Watertown, WI Tutor, 2008-20 I 0

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2008

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 1998

Jenni fer L. Schopper Menomonee Falls, WI Special Education Emphasis

Current service: Loving Shepherd Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Teacher/Organ/Choir, 2011Previous service: Atonement Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Teacher/Music Director, 2000-2002 St. John Lutheran School Baraboo, WI Teacher/Music/Organ, 1998-2000

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 1998


Stacy L. Shrum Milwaukee, WI Special Education Emphasis

David A. Snyder St. Joseph, Ml Leadership Emphasis in Absentia

David M . Stoltz Kewaskum, WI Leadership Emphasis

Previous service: St. John Lutheran School Sleepy Eye, MN Preschool/Kindergarten/Music, 2011-2013

Current service: Grace Lutheran School St. Joseph, Ml Principal/Teacher, 1986-

Current service: St. Lucas Lutheran School Kewaskum, WI Principal/Teacher 2004-

Washington Elementary School New Ulm, MN Teacher/Special Ed, 2009-2011

Previous service: WELS Outreach Team Milwaukee, WI Team Membe r, 1985-1986

Previous service: Trinity Lutheran School Bangor, Ml Principal/Teacher, 1995-2004

entury Elemen tary School lovis, CA Preschool Directo r/Teach er, 2008-2009

Undergraduate degree: BS Ed, Dr. Martin Luther College 1985

St. Peter Lutheran School Milwaukee, WI Teacher, 1994- 1995 Grace Lutheran School Glendale, AZ Teacher, 1993-1994

Key to Life Christi an Childc are Weston, WI Preschool Director, 2006-2 008

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Martin Luther College 1993

Emanual Lutheran School Lansing, Ml Preschool Directo r/Teacher, 2002-2006

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther Colleg e 2002


Paul R. Weihing Hastings, MN Leadership Emphasis

Current service: St. Croix Lutheran High School West St. Paul, MN Dean of Students/Teacher, 2003Previous service: St. Paul Lutheran School Cannon Falls, MN Principal, 1989-2003 Immanuel Lutheran School Waupaca, WI Teacher, 1983-1989

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Dr. Marti □ Luther College 1982

Jerome R. Wolff Sturgis, Ml Educational Technology Emphasis

Kevin S. Zimmerman Bristol, WI Instruction Emphasis

Current service: Centerville Elementary School Sturgis, Ml Teacher, 2013-

Current service: Shoreland Lutheran High School Somers, WI Teacherffechn ology, 2006-

Previous service: St. John Lutheran School Sturgis, Ml Principalffeac her, 2004-2013

U ndergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2006

Undergraduate degree: BSEd, Martin Luther College 2004


Call Service 2:30 p.m.


Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest

j I Come, 2 To 3 Your 4 Drive 5 Teach






Ho - ly Ghost, Cre - a - tor you, the Coun - se - lor, we light to ev - 'ry thou~ht im a - way our far WI - ly us to know the Fa - ther,


r r r·

hearts your place gift of God love ev in bid - ing peace both, as Three

r r· heav'n - ly aid, fire of love, mor - tal state tect - ing guide, ev - er bless




make you, shed your you,

our the your a from





blest, cry, part, foe, Son,


of rest; most high; 'ry heart; be - stow; in One



And To And And And

r r

Come with your grace and The fount of life, the The weak - ness of our If you are our pro That we your name may


And fill the The soul's a With death- less e - vii No And in our



hearts which noint - ing might in can with lives the





you have made. from a - bove. vig - o - rate. us a - bide. truth con - fess.

6 Praise we the Father and the Son And Holy Spirit, with them One, And may the Son on us bestow The gifts that from the Spirit flow!

Stand M: C:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who minister in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all his benefits.




Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him, tell of all his wonderful acts. I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.

M: C:

May the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.




hten the minds through Word and Sacrament you both enlig Lord God, source of all abiding knowledge, and women men the on ing bless service. Pour out your and sanctify the lives of those you draw to your and your you from call a ve recei they as day. Give them joy who present themselves for assignment this teaching your grace with faithfulness and zeal. By their people and grant them confidence to proclaim ny of the desti be done and so add many to the dignity and and life let your kingdom come and your will now God one t, lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spiri Elect; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who and forever.

Amen. (spoken)

Be seate d

Lesson: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 M: C:

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. (spoken)

Forth in Your Name, 0 Lord I Go



j 1 Forth 2 Oh, 3 May 4 Give 5 For

I~- J

IJ in let I me you


r r



I Lord, your name, 0 fut me chee r - fut - ly my right at you find bear your eas - y to em joy - ous - ly I



to know you per - feet will your com- mand ter - nal look course with joy

My The Your And What

dai - ly task your eyes see ev - 'ry - ev - er

De - ter - mined on do your good And la - bor on I to things still And run my dai I

sue, signed do. pray giv'n ;

J Ij J In In And And And

go, fill hand; yoke ploy

r r Ir a

or I think or speak all ence pres your s work my all to all my works of - fer to your glo - rious has - ten to close - ly walk with you




r I r r r.

J I ~-

pur to la - bor as wis - dom has I what tru - ly mo - ment watch and in grace have you

l~i J J


r ly and at e ly

I ~do. find! you. day. heav'n.

Text: Charles Wesley, 1707-8 8, abr., alt. d. Used by permission. 1951. © 1981 Barry L. Bobb. All rights reserve Tune: LAKEWOOD (LM) Barry L. Bobb, b.




Matthe w I0:8

Give What You Have Received Lord God, You Have Called Your Servants

Music by Aaron McDermid

Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending; by paths as yet untrod, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Reading of Assignments Hymn Holy God, We Praise Your Name

J I J J J I LJ JI J 1 2 3 4

Ho - ly God, we praise your name; Hark! The glad ce - Jes - tial song Blest Re - deem - er, vir - gin's Son, Ho - ly Fa - ther, ho ly Son,

I~~ r= r J I J



bow be - fore you. bove are rais - ing; vie - t'ry claim-ing, three we name you;

a In un - ceas - ing Judge and king, his Un - di - vid - ed

~ vast one all bend

r I r· do - main, ac - cord: his own. the knee

all, we choirs a death his Spir - it,

JI t±~


All on earth your Proph - ets, mar - tyrs Now as - cend ed Though in es sence

I~~ J JI 4----j J1 Ft J1 J All in heav'n




Lord of An - gel 0 - ver Ho - ly



bove a - dore ~OU. cho - rus prais - mg grace pro-cla im- ing, God we claim you,

seep - ter claim; join the throng, to his throne, on ly one,

I j JI r In fi With the 0 - pens Then, a -

r c I r= r J I r7

Ev - er Ho - ly, Praise and And con -


last - ing ho ly, thanks to fess the

is ho God mys




~ j


nite your Church in heav'n to dor - ing,


your reign. ly Lord! a - lone! ter - y.

Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, 1774, abr., adapt., st. 1-2, 4 ; Ruth M. Glaeske, b. 1941, st. 3; St. 3 © 1993 Ruth Backer Glaeske. All rights reserved. Used by permission . Tune: GROSSER GOTT, WIR LOBEN DICH (78 78 77) Katholisches Gesangbuc h, Vienna, 1774, alt. tr. Clarence A. Walworth, 1820--1900, st. 1-2, 4, alt.



Benediction M:

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.


Amen. Amen. Amen. (sung)

Hymn God's Word Is Our Great Heritage God's Word is our great heritage And shall be ours forever; To spread its light from age to age Shall be our chief endeavor. Through life it guides our way; In death it is our stay. Lord, grant while worlds endure, We keep its teachings pure Throughout all generations. Amen.

***** Rev. Mark Zarling MLC President

Presiding Minister


Prof. John Soeder MLC Campus Pastor

Reading of Assignments

Rev. Mark Schroeder WELS President


Prof. Robert Potratz MLC Music Division Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer MLC Music Division

Martin Luther College Choir Conductor


Almigh ty God, who by your Son Jesus Christ, gave comma nd to the apostles that they should go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature: grant to us whom you have called into your church a ready will to obey your Word, and fill us with a hearty desire to make your way known upon earth, your saving health among all nations. Look with compas sion upon the multitudes that are scattered as sheep having no shephe rd. 0 heaven ly Father, Lord of the harvest, have respect, we beseech you, to our prayers , and send forth laborers into your harvest. Fit and prepare them by your grace for the work of the ministry; give them the Spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind; strengthen them to endure hardne ss and grant that your Holy Spirit may prospe r their work, and they by their life and doctrine may show forth your glory, and set forward the salvation of all people; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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