2021-2022 MLC Catalog

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Student Life A Christian Community In this world where sin separates and divides, we thank God for gathering us together as his people in Christ. God enables us to live with each other in a Christian community and enjoy the blessings of worshiping, working, laughing, and even crying together. God gives us the opportunity, as a campus family, to encourage and admonish, forgive and befriend, help and assist one another. Common to all Christians is the struggle between the new man of faith and the old sinful nature. The new man wants to love God and people perfectly. The old Adam hates what is good and is completely selfish. God’s Law uncovers and exposes sinful selfishness, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ covers, heals, and comforts with the message of forgiveness won on a cross. Moreover, God’s gracious forgiveness provides the power for godly living, and maturing in faith and life. When hundreds of people share close quarters on our campus, opportunity abounds for selfishness to wound. But God the Holy Spirit uses his Word on our campus to turn us away from sin, turn us back to Christ in repentance and faith, and turn our hearts and hands toward others in love.

Worship Martin Luther College plans its day around the worship of our Lord. Morning and evening chapel services provide our campus family with opportunities to gather together around the Word, to sing, to pray, and to praise God and to encourage one another in the faith. Students also have the opportunity to attend worship services at one of the area WELS congregations. In addition, the faculty and the student life staff provide organized opportunities for small group Bible study.

Class Attendance Martin Luther College expects students to attend their classes. The public ministry calls for faithfulness, and regular class attendance is one training ground for that important requirement. Illness and emergency, of course, may necessitate absence from class. The academic calendar specifies when classes are in session. Students and their parents and families are expected to follow the academic calendar, particularly when making travel arrangements and vacation plans. Travel arrangements should be made with the semester examination schedule in mind, that is, no one should plan to travel until all of their exams have been taken. Students who need to make airline reservations should do after consulting the shuttle times posted by local airport shuttle services.

Vacations Dormitories and the cafeteria open the weekend before the first class in fall and close on graduation day in spring. Facilities are normally closed during the longer Christmas and spring breaks and the shorter Thanksgiving and Easter recesses. Students are encouraged to travel home during these holiday recesses. Those who live farther from home are encouraged to spend the break at the home of a friend. Students and parents are often concerned about winter travel back to Martin Luther College after major vacation breaks. When winter weather causes travel concerns, students and parents are asked to check the MLC Portal (www.portal.mlc-wels.edu) for information concerning school closing, or phone the college information desk at 507-354-8221. The college will also make use of its messaging service (email, text and voice messages) to alert students of school closing information.

Housing In general, college policy states that students live in the dormitories provided by our synod. Unmarried students live with a roommate in one of the residence halls operated by the college. If enrollment numbers are greater than dormitory capacities, then single students who are four or more years out of high school and have reached the age 99

Student Life


2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

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