DMLC Yearbook 1962-1963

Page 1

.' 1


Jna-rtin Luther <!"oll~s 1?: New Ulm, Jllinnt-?1nta

Contents A dministrat.£on . . . . .5-10 Gradun.tes . ....... 11-23 Student Bodi1 ... ..... 24-.32 ' ' .....l.JJ.1'J -4?_ 0 rganz'zallonJ . •• ' • ' • .M . UJZC




4']-j" -9 •

Sports . .......... 53-70 Activities . ....... 71-88 Graduation ....... 89-92

Foreword Th is ~·ear KXCF.LSIOR ht1.s cho.~u11 wr iL:,; Lbt:me "\i'1!h..c1 l .nthc.:r S.'.l y "I • " TI 11·uugl1out rhc yc.n r 111 u1... lt u f L utller '~ cl r'\•cr rmd ~v o rrhw bile odv1ce s<:rvc.::-i as ou.r gllide in.:rnle .md ounddi..• ol (hl c l3ssr1>om. Thl:i y c·u r v:e s l111 I l le; 1 tho:.: vlu ni s of

Lu 1~K? r gultle- you as yo11 brow ~c..: Lh1•ough tlle JKt~e~ hafnrc you, llr i n~ i ng h.H:k incuwric:"> Df t·hc i 962-J963 Klu..>01 year.

Dedication A dlli.Ll;en~ aud p !i..>U s ,,,c1L1Jul L:!ache r . . . c::.1;111 nc.:v er be 11 :-iuffk icnr1y rt:\'-' n fC'd :rnrJ rC'pnht , • , rh11 :<0 !'l.JY!'I l.utlwr. Such arc oul' tedingh< hi:.:T"c.: at: DMCL thi==-> yc..·::ir aH \\ e hid fan~we l I to a member o( our Cilmpu~ family. H~ l s Profo~~or 0 . lt.!vo1 son \i,,·lw har-J fa 1bl'ully und di I ig(;nl I~ ~I.. rvucl c1 111· t.orct at l lMl .C for manv yc.ars ns ~n En~llsh 111.sttu<;tOT" . To t:hi~ con!3L"'-.: raLc:<l l-:L!r'\llHJt, PTD'ci;.~or Le.\.'on;n11, \'H? <k!d i ::th. lhe L~l(1J 1-:xCEl blOR. 11


Pr~ Lr::h.:.nt

p..,~ rd

C.:arl S12hwcpp1!!

of i\egealS

S'J'.\NDTNCt D. K.11l1•1•L•l 1 H, fuu1uu111'~ '•'• ~N1laif. SE/\Tt::O: H v. E. Pett.!rw·n, k•w. E. Rirkbolx, Ri··.-. 0. En~i::l, A.!.

Tlzose Who Work Toward the Future

.~gain thi:-.

pnff our faculty has

L~n -

FivL! m:v. i11..,tr11...:t<ll'S und lwo tu f(Jr:; ll re r1·e .sen 1 nn ou r r,,;~1mpu"" tl'l ::;bore tlid r knmdedge wirh ll~. Thc.:y ure lltL: t'1Jlluw111~· l'rof. (;"Jbi.: t Fi~l.._. Pror. 13 rgL~tL

l\·teHrihn '/,;i hn, Pl°t.)f. Walaemar '\Joi Li;;:, Proc. Anwld Koelpin, Mr". [::' J !!LI ~ulli.::n, t111d T 11t 1>i-M Vilas Gl • c-~k:c r1110 lon ~a:;t:r...:m!.U.

Uu,.ing 1 ht.· yeu.t· uur iucully h~i::; ni>I ., •. ch, h~1t it h~ ubrn i nvr 1\r'-·d Jr, thr...: progr~ m of rlanning for c:he expan.srnn

only h.JJ 1D

of 011r ~chuul

C. S.Chwtppc, l.:.n~li '• CLl11 •11r fvr.:r r~ H, 13::rkhoL:, Ur,!!htnr, C1m:n::n H, Ard, fLluoo1Llun D, licick, ::lt:ljg.ou 1 Latur

F. f:tll111, Kls1(',I) c



mucb de

'p'Olt ~har~v

lur bab.,·-

~ I tc I 11g 'f'

Teaching and Committees

C:. J-'l!o:chcr, hi 11ct1 l lo~

v. c::r .. l"rl«:' s~ 1~,,cr. l. H...ho ..~ 1

De~n, ~c!ip,inr

T. Hat'l't' ig, Rdigicn , I l inmy

C. 1irck11, uu, EJucJ.tJc:.n. F', Hr lik11cli 1 ~·u 0 1a,1-m·,· 1 Coach

R, I ' Rdigton '!.., Cir.r:- 1\l ~\1.1. • ieo• H . .Kais~:, C":oilch 1 Dliet:Ltn u!




A Koclpk1 , !ilstor)'

Keep Faculty Busy



J, Oldfidd,



Entµ5iJI Jlu~;LL p



Sr~ rl!t.Rf'/.

$<: lr'llr't':


M,, l:nv,lfob

A. Sc 1uh,




Si ~YI! rt 1 l'.duc;iLiur:;

H. Sitt, Llltr 5it1n, l\R, Soc~• l ~t:ud I c:i; H.. S·(\· .. r~t:.z, Sckm: c C. Trapp, L"'



\{C'Ccb 1 ~ce Pri:.sidt:l'..t,

Re Ll~Jutl 1 1.:i.U11 J, l,•fote Li r (:(1;i C'"h 1 'J>tlfS'i C~! l'd I :.C. Lfon


l\:ic:);t:"r i M~fo

W, Xolte, Mmic

0. Sr 1•11]"',


'\1, Zahn, Mw;ic

R. 7.immcrm:iml 1 Miuic

A. A-1.~rn:.r..11, Mui:te R. ,l\ndl!mm, Mw·:io Absent: C:. Null

Music Department



111Uflt I H/(•l illJI •' W: t'1 I QOll• llll i:Mh;, 11

::: r.-N:i Hn1i ~t

'ThiH yc·.1 :r 1mr M11:,h: C1.;111c1· rc~dv~d the Last of its eq11ipment. 'I he three. 1.1 rgci-; I o rga 11iS 11 Lhc bull di 11g v:cn: ·1i.Idcd, 1h<.: Cu s•. '.''-10"" ui'ld rwo Schlicke t organs, r oJ isi ng t be mlP1ber or. ca mr 11 => lu ~lxt<.:cn, Wt.: cun t1 uly UL' j)J oud of r1\11r new fncilitie3 .

M, 1Jrim1 nu

F, T\ro11l1

D. "r i rn.a1

J , Ungrodt

OL!lcc.: :Senff: H. 11 11C!r, R. Stf l ljr.l 1 J. l\lli~.

Also Advances llht:i tJ..U'UI~ 5fo'.A1'EO, t.,


D, Mutlt, 0. Ml!Si:!hlt:,

M, :·upk, S"i"ANDL"\"r:, B, Pfoml, E. Sdmitk...,t, L, Sp~ rlicg,

0. HUl'ttla.11.



"V •p <ft L fk


SluptlS, y ~ nusr:

V'llll C'1~

ntiM: lp, 1'

Peeking Behind tlze Scenes

f\.lr. dc~u ~lliu. 1 OLU tJC'"' l.tuslncra m r.: 11~ gcr, i~ h.:ird at work

h rlc kltr. hcm .;nn16 1nn!:t erft:.hc b~kln.P, . !J ~~u'H Hl.'tu:i ye i"l hc:11.:r '11m , ''lf thi!I Jc..~:.'1\'t. r:i::L l •~in

cl mcl~·

fA.t ~

ncth.~nf. wi~l."

''ThC'lrl'l'J chr.:w !"


rc11Hy:: mane


i~ the (?reeO anO the f.o un t t') f the //

ll.l..EN t\ 1.llJ!.ECI IT:, ,\1ll'4i.n:in. Wi&, Af'ol IR~ 1.2 ,:,, t, r:X1.a~lslo1 &,~ •• ,-ii, 1,t,~ 1 l, Rf:tl l!L fJI,' IU'Cl<I


'"l'ao,;it .... ,i-,·emho 1 W 1, .\1:1<1ll111n l, :.! 13 ,4: ."r!ci.'lill.J1&" r =i, UNIM llTRC, l~rn~tor, Wu. 11,ii:oli 1¥ J 12 ,3, ~; 112,3,.;, l .u !.ft , L. JUDJTI! llOlll..\1ANN••''Jud\'"~ 1\1t1>llnc.I 1,2,:l,'4: Cl Tr~Af, Di; &.crbloJ <!,:J,>t, L.l.L, 1,2~a.4, r:tmlant Council 112, oon0111''1' EIORC$CllhT7., l"l111lLGYtlle, \' 1L1, M1Jlt.1111 L,2,.1, ', L.1.L. l ,2,3, t, (:)AVID ~lt.OBl':·-"'fl.1v•• "'--Fl1:11•, M1oeb. 1. .1.• L. l'l11y n; MuJk HJ.U Cl1cc10 r 4. 0pL.,&:C\I 4; FJ.17.An.t'nt .KRO\".'N--"U1'1--l'-.'r..,.. Ulm, ;..'lrlti, Aicolt.1m l,:.!,3,•1j LJ.,l .. t,~ 1 :l,4; !\.~u· llJ:L'r 1.2,:1,,., ~,,.c._. ~ •.it. JAM~ FJ:NSl\E--"Jlm --~'ti. MlM, CJw J"rei. 3i L.L.L. L,t,3, I. P'1c•, ; 0,M"rcn~ 3,oJ;


t'l11> ~ur~~~ol ~; ~I~· 1/ktt fl't«"s, :I; 1i."r· rl!:~•ll~ tht1• L, V'i:c ('C.e$, 2. M,,i\Y rUNK, 7.irm., J J'('ull1m~ I ,2~:l,4i LL,I, J,2 .:'l,.-41 (;\1 t• ll 2 1.111 l'CI

Cluh 2~.:;, lf",a. 2; S. U. Pr,•t. 2. JANET C:RIOU~C-~ "'t.hhel''--MilYi· iu~cc• Wu. 1\i,;()]1111:15 J ,2,:J,4; .llarnI • ,2 ,:i ,<I; L.J..,L l ,'2 ,~ ,•l. ER,\1A HAMANN; Am~t't'• Wit. J\ooUaru 2,:J,oi, lhnd l,'2 ,3,l. P:\TR.ICJl\ JllLL··"P.ll "··lnk:i.t!!I• '.Hd1, Acoh.2ns l,Z,::J,•': L,t.L. 1,3, &:c I! Isl DI' 3 ,-1,

)(, lll,'!~ki!T

[, Alb1n;hL ii.. Dot'~




College Seniors Look Fonvard to That D. Borbkh, ll ,\.t




J. Ctl 1!.M 1n.1::



E. l-b:1lnnn

J, F.c::yk•·

r. um

C. Hoenecke J. Junke

B. Hoerz M. Kietzer

Triumphant Moment -

R. Jeseritz E. Krause

K. Jeske C. Kutz


CARLA HOENECKE, New Ulm, Minn. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; L.L,L, 1,2,3,4; Operetta 2,4; Student Body Sec. 4; Student Council 2,3. BARBARA HOERZ--"Barbie"--Neosho, Wis. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; L.L.L, 1,2,3. RUDOLPH JESERITZ --"Jack"--Basketball 1,2,3; L,L,L. 4; Marluts 1,4; Vice Pres, 4. KENNETH JESKE--"Ken"--Kewaskum, Wis. Vice 2, L,L,L, 1,2,3,4, Advisory Board 1,2,3,4, Pres. 3; Marluts 1,2,3,4; Operetta 1,3,4; Play 2; S.U. Pres, 3. JUDITH JUNKE--"Junkie"--Appleton, Wis. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2; L.L.L. 4; Pep Club 4; S. U. 1,2,3,4. MIRIAM KIETZER, Vernon Center, Minn. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; Messenger 3,4; Intramurals 1,2,3. EDWARD KRAUSE--"Ed"--New London, Wis. Operetta 4. CHARLENE KUTZ--"Chipper"--Fort Atkinson, Wis. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; L.L.L. 1,2,3,4; S.U. Representative 3. WERNER LEMKE--"Wern"--Fairfax, Minn. Marluts Pres. 3; Pep Club 1,2,3,4; Vice Pres. 1, Pres. 2. MARGARET MAICHLE--"Mike"--Brillian, Wis. Band 2; L.L.L. 1,2,3; S,U. Representative 2. ROLLAND MENK, Nicollet, Minn. Band 1,2 ,3 ,4; Band Director 2 ,4; Forensic Ed. 4; L.L.L. 1,2,3,4, play 1,2,3, Pres. 3, Advisory Board 4; Marluts 1,2,3, Director 3; MesseI].ger 1,2路,3,4, Ed. 3,4; Student Council 3,4. MARIE MENNICKE, Winona, Minn. Aeolians 1,2,3,4; Messenger 1,2,4; Operetta 2. 13

W. Lemke R. Menk

M. Maichle M. Mennicke

JUPl11-I \1£.'i'~I\- _,.Ji:dy4'-• IUsorll, .\ i:im:i. luroll;ua 1~ 1 .:I •-'i l•.l.. L. \ ,2.,l,11; Trns. ·~; P..los ngu 4. KENNE'TIC :X:OL.T.E.•• ''X11n "•-J'\.trw Uln•• Min!!, •.iub'!::£ L,2 ,J. lilaebaJ L 2, 3: Bas ~tb 111 l , ~ ,~; \!.i:L1.1~ nltrc-eto11 ..; 1 o,,~cdt:a ·1. MA RIA.M C)J.SO~- -"'Oko111"--'.DL!Uo L, !I.Lich Af"ol F11JJ1 l ,2,::J. 1-1; 1..1..L. ~ .~ ,3 ,-t. \.' '[SL~' PL\TII-· 'll{n

Cu.nit!.'. f;ilh, M•m\, 13Jit~b..i.ll 1,2,:J.; &zi!h:;b.tll

. ;;

I; Clm rrei. 11 ,\farl111.1. J.·~; (Jp'i.:~"''~ Pep C'ltib 3. OOROTHY RADA1'-"T, ~M~~, 1-IJ!lllll• .Ae.0H.11m 1 ~, :J 1;1; L,l..,1., 112i l'# r><i l .:l ,:J ,of, ri.NN AAUFM.;\.'IN~'A11.11lit'" ·-W~~t AUC , Wli, ..,\eo!l~ es L_t,.L, 1 2 :?,-I. GEORGE ~USCH, Ri.,,..i-Dn, Ohio, l!UlO"I' RO'R8E..RT... "'!Sr'"- 'o'.'it)';a1,1'N'C:H.·' • •,• n, lhse:b.:1111 l ,l, Chee1leoll.dlcag, 2,2,3; M d"'l~ ~. Op~1;1.1 z. DANlEC.. scu.•.u:LJNC •• "0.m"••Big Flib r.111ls. '.:lit, lbs.eb.dl ::;:,:J,i;: &ts.;;l!lhaU 1,2,l; C::l;a1 r:~. :J; LJ... I.. .:i., ll.tuluU" 2,.1, .\~Mll6cr ol, 5'1.ud~t1 Cr:ill l'JC- I l:"r.:s, 4 1 Vlec Ptn, 3, S,U, Vice Pnos. 2, ~prGJ.;1:rfud'l'fl t. JOYCI:: SCHOCHfN.·.~IEJI;~~ "5Ji.t3C'Je t i . 11.a.,,01(R;tl. ;\~hi:i. J\t:()ll.&:'1:> 'l, rumcE SCMUU. •• Wn.i'' •• ().,.J., C°rc';i.:k• 'ol.'iJ. Eb.Ill.! L,~,:Ji,.i; t.L.l.. J,.:!.3,-i; Tr~ n. ~; Cl 1J.J ~i: . 4; fi,~en ~r l ,2 .~,<I, Pep Club





K. Nol.le W. :i'i tb

M. Ohon 0, l\.danl:.


D. Sclun~l I"~ J. Schocbi:mna ll!t" L Sclw.l I


Anticipation Rises As

UIClu.E SE1fr.itT--..Luc~ ". - Cu~c-n ~y, \' •~. At!.oll'ans 18l,3..'4; L.L.t. ?,~; :McK'Jlg~·, .a,:l. JA.NCT .srf.vJ:RT-.. J ~"--Fon: Atkluso::J, •.,o.·1s. A•·"I L;i.:•t. 1 1 ~,J 1 1'1; ~~~ttu ~ .... (.).Iii NJ£l SOUTiiARD- -''D:in .. - -:-:t!.w loeidoa, \\o'ls. JV..vlr.:u :!I; S.U, Rcpn:a.<:;tt;.tlvc: 3; ,\h:sic.ngcr !! , 3 ,•l ~ Cbs.a \'kc J'rei. :?. KATHLU:.~ ~Tt:l.Sl'.·-"J1!1U1Uc:r"'··Awlinn1 .,?,3;-t; E'4~ .ti; J...l.• • J,2.,3,..i: Treon, 2: M~sc:ngn J,2. 3,4; :Pep Cub 1,2,l. KATH£.RlNESTERN'··"\\,'c.Jd. ~cka••....'.hlh• !le-., Mir 11, Acolilllll §;?,3.4• l.L.L. l,2,J; Mr.vt:n,sC'r l ,::!,l.4. x.:1:nt1.f.f.l' STQ\'DT--"J{Q,tk)"'·-~T. Pc:tu, Mir.n. A t-:<>11&~ ·s,2,=iJ·~: Mcssc11gt'1 4, fAULA si,"i'A!\'TZ··"'f",>Uv"'--~ew UJm, ~H11n. C..L,1. l ,2~3 1 -li . il..AL\it I ;1.i,ollnc r Ill ••~.k..~ngcn i o;,t'r«:..a 2 ,1; L.L.iv. 1 ,i.- ,.:i; P1Ar 3, Stuii(]ot Coun~ 1 ~. oo:-;.·~ .Vll>-'DME.Yt. ~- - "Wu¥1y""--~.ip r 1 Mb. Acoll.u 1,!,3, l.l,l, 1,Z. •.~RU.Y 1.AHN--"'Mirl•' •• Ne"' Ulm, ~~lan.. tY.I J,~,l,4t l..L.l. ,l\lh lsDT)' Yo.ud , Opcre1.t, 2~ P..:p Club Sr~.-Trtl:t., :'; ~ietta. Olrectrru ~.NU.­ SON ZD+1Mf.RMAl"--".t-.'c:h", A'il, L.L.:l.. 1,2, .3,4, V1c-e Pr-.: • !'Ii ,M ... rh1LS 1,:J.,•I, ?;i.:r '1 ; ~··;.r:tt4 -4:; $.U. ~r11.t the·~.


r. SI• 1rc1l

J, <;ic.


Stt':!s.c K, 5t lldt


K. Strm

Call . right Approaches


P. !>W;'lnl. !!, 'J"yll~fi'

D. W"'lndmr.ya ~~. Z:2tm :.:, Zfo.m:icrmaru:i


r~rT1~N1m:R, AJ~~. ~.o. A~ol,Jn~ ARLr.-~E J"l/i.ND CU:Y, .... ••F;uu..1)'"--Zwn· nc 1,


1,2,:\. \'l 11. J\colinl"'.S ] ,:.? .~; 1..L.1.. 1,.2; M 1~:-.~r.11o<H 1 .~ ,3. R"Vf'R,l.Y C-1.1.J\tM .. ·''llt:v' 1- - 1.'t'h1osta. 1 Mltm. Aeo\lan~ 1,~.1i L,T.• t. Si:c, 21 Op~:rt!lla l,:l, .l~\~1 lHDI::, Fort Ai:kinsnn, i,•; ~­ Ai:u:i;LDi.: 3; O..iit:retl...3. ~. NANC\' Kl'\JD, H.lo, '•\'Is. St 1tlc:it Unior. ·rrc:u, /uUJlS H.ODl:.'i,• AlD-''Atill ··· '-CjbbfJ11, Mm1J. Acu.1a1,U l,~ ,J: Eklu.J 1,:2,,l; L,l,L. I ,~,:I .

.1o·rc: sc11om:.n 3; L. ,1 •• :.t. U);,5

"Ju~ '


--Sh ·oo.,-gan,



A. F:tud:rey


l l H1 K.•111of)rn, Wis.

,Junior Graduates Furtlzer Their











M. Surges

Education in Practice School

L Tlnu11

J. Zink

,Ii,, \\'c ion

M1tin. '\fARY SHRGES --

• ·Mii vu.u c·, Wl1, AcolJ;mi: 1 11,J: 011.n.J. 2 1 ai F..icc1•1dor ~ 1:1; Opc:ret:tn. ~. U~\NKE T1\o1M, M:WlrOW;:\C, WI!., AeoHi;.ru 1,2,3. A.Nl'l"A WAGN:..H, 'll1ud 1 S.11 .. 1\Dl'l~JNI. WECSS, .~.1a~ o 1 4i .D. A"'n 1i11m I ,2 13. MRBAAA 't'1'f.Y1A:-.."D 1 Mahd.du,e, S .D, At! 1 12 13; L.t.L, 1 1.J., Mc.·mi:i;!C!r 1 11 1 3 i O;t:rdlll l. JUL>l'I • ZINK-- 11 JurM --Kew:1.1u~ee 1 Wh. /\~uliar..! 1,:? 1 :1~ L.!..L. 1. "K:.itt1~·

B. 'ii\'eyl ;mu

l '!'

M,, Ad2au

K. AlbrieeJn: M~ ~¢lee1

Seniors Put Final Touches

J_ Bi Cl.mll.BD C. Bcxfe

J. Dode

R. Bultmann R. &:el C. Danim

MARY ADAMS··"M:i"··Rcd

Yfl~, Minn,

.Mac alc:rtct" O::i!legc. KA TH~'VN

L.L.I-. 11;

&!c~Uia;- ·~ Fi:rac11:;

Al.B~'ECHT- - l\te~Oll,

Wis. Ott'

1',fl'a~&.~lon-" H1,h l '' Mort! D.M. L.C. M \"RNA MC~l~- "Mfo.... \"fi1101H1~ MEim. rl.1~· Olctruess 4; l'rto;c D.M.L.C. J.0.-\X BIES~.·Ji,N,

Z,.J,.t.; f. YO'fl\c


,-- , Wu. .More D.M.L.C. GU:NX BOD'E··"B<.lck·~ctb~::i, Mm;:i_ Phy Dirc(Jtor -i; Sclcllc~ Club ·~I 'Tmo'.k. 2,!1,4. JJLCQUELYN' BODE·-"J~!q;'"-­ Nh::ollct1 MJmi. r11 \•or Ire: C)lptUJ.l(lt!I-- .. NcK. 'Ke.U.ty. Fi.nuru l'.'unlet • ROBERT OOLTMANN-"5> Eb", Mhm. Basclb;iU :Z , .J,~; tocc.'b.:111 3,..;.i ~ICHA'P'J) SRil- IUcb"--Nt"Pt" \nm, .MllDl, Mmo D,M,L.c. CHERYL DA..\.1'\t, s.:~csoavmlf. 1 J,]s. Pep Club Sec, 4;. Cl.a.a: Play 4; M'mt O.M.L .C~ a ~'..!.. T £. JA.'\ICES DUl!:lft.-.. ~TE.R- -11 Ki.;ab.i:"'-- N•collct, Ml1:1~. 1.'r11c 'Z ,3 ,4i R:ut;~b,iill 2:,:Jl.4; Mse r.J .M.t,r;;;. J\.i1.'>tI1-C .Cn~CHEll.--"Ma'!lt;!l('l'"--Ak•~. WlJ. F - tt:~ Ntl""l •

C. EiM!flm~ S , Ellc11bcrger .J. f.utm

On High School Education

J. 't:tl-..:1 M. f itn.S:..C D. fiKh

M. t!r,;e-Jjie M . Fr~ A.Fu~

c. o.:s~ R.. C«mmtr

CARL flSL"I.' 1J\N•• "Qpoo • --ttacJ:ne, Wis. Basket U ~. 4; F00tbill l,2, ~. Trllck 1 1 3, More D.M.L.CT $1JSAt-I' •11.EHRERCER·· "Suth~ "- • :-.'1:fnJ'k, N~b. Fn·m·Jt>e e!xptenioo--"Oh, !!.'U,& r be~~!"' Mt;.tre D .M.L.C , JOl\lli Eltol£R~ "'Ja.tr1h~··--Nlc~lct, Mii;m. Cl~ Sc-o. ~. TteJt. ~: Kno'MI :tor !Mr g.l~l ; r.uireo D.>.tL.C. JA i'E.'\N FAKNINC-~Ch· ..·•••11tl, Mlllll, Cbi?erlcudL~ 2 1 2~:J.,-I; j'.t¢t" D . ~J....C. Mlt:HAE!.. FENSXE··"IA:an.," ··Ei1&&.o.l'I , S.D. Tr.1dt Mgr. 3: fotwe; ~ .. . Dmf.AA FtTCH-- Shomtu.!l" ~Mirmcap.;illa. 1 .\tlrm, Play 4: Pqii Chl.b Vic-ir: fl1tj. 4; ~'!are D.M.t.C .. MYRON FUJ£GGE, Ni; w Ulm 1 Mlml, Blle lR.U 3,'4i Fr'>otball 2,3,•'i •.1ore D.M.L.C . MARU:.fRANK, ~lr.i1t1 1 ~""· Fa..-orltr u..rn: ion~~"'T!oi~\ S J· 'dumml:eolt' !" f11tu:rc; WiiynC' S~[ Te;)c]te"'s CoU.:!ge, KATHERINI. FUI:RST.f):AU , l.&w~t P.;1d. 1 lll, Futw<:.1 C'oncordi~ Te--c~r•J CoHe.g,e, Cll.IA CEIGER.1 llilblo, Ml'l'la. fa.Y'el'Ltc: c-xprcs.s:taa-·" Com• Cl:I, lc.-:1'' o~ ' ' N'Mt- O.M .l..,C. RJT1\ CENSMER~ LowlstM 1 M~l'ln, f!i\!Qrl'-~ ~in:;ulo;J·-"01! 1 ~Oil f;'•ll°' " !'oiCorc D ..M.t..C. 1


Jumrn CR.O..'\'HOl.Z, !lil!W Ulm,

Ml1U1, M


1:1.M.L,.C. FRmfRCCti:


HACKBAlil.TH--"r~~"--'l-gh{i., Mh•~. Cius Pl~)' ..... l-"1»tlull lf~ l.~ ,3,-1; 'furwi.: ~ l'°Ot~h"Vitncm Collieg¢. Mi\ACLJ.\ HALL£.\1tYt;Rl Ote;s;n LA~. W~. future: Buii n ~"' C<Jllese in .\ta<litcm. Or..NNJS HAV.',\Iii.SON- -"H;a.h:c-'" _, Ml,..11r.11pollJ, Mmn. 11.:lse~.all l ,2 .3,.. : &nctb.iU 2 ,3; footbill l ,2,3, 1; r~::un • Nun.l'\w"::IU''r'!'I Co.!Leneo. r F.E H,i\NXf- , ~hl!1~0'1J. Clll;y, .\tir..n, F•vorm~ ex,Ft~Clft - ~Of., (lt11.1~·· Miuftl D.M.L.C:. Rl.ITH ~•f:CK."'AN~, N \'o lJL~. ,\11r'la. Cltr. l"by .;,, Kllo'i'l"'I! lor lter l ugh. fotun1 ; St!cre~r~. RUTI l HEill<iS 1 E.r ~l.e,

Minn, B!lod l ,?,3,4; Fumre 1 Nw:Unp;. JEAN 11 IJ\'INEN'n1AI.., ~1.iDDei~lis, tiUD. F.i~lw ir·llpr.euEci"-- "'Gfi , 110 ! " M«e 0. M .l..C _ tOlS KL.i' WI rt'l'l 1 Lnon~. :V.1 rm, l'!'~'L'ur>[«" rx;prenli;itt--" R.nll~· ?" :'>~ ]) ,..\1.l...C. 11-V. Rlt. \'N • :--; >!l1£- 1 ~chMitJpr "--A 1.~ :.i, W'1. ~ 11d t .~, :l,-11; 11.:.0.* rl . '.'i-t. L.c. ~A"n-lL.fL~ KOCH, Wi~-!.. Mh11"1. f;t~tll~


)'W'ft' JucfiJ in.g~"



The£r Final Year Sz arms



P. !hlY2ao11 L.



Hec:lanami R. Helli;e&

J. l:l•:tnr;itf, •

L, Kl:iwhu 'JI. l(.t'IQ!I pi; Jt. Koci;

TitOMAS KOEPSBl..··"Kocps"-·D.&kotoi, Mlnn. il•uf'.b;a.ll 2 1 J,~: &IA'1tba.ll .2; F'ootbill :!,3 ,4. MERLYN KRUSE, R,cdy,ood f.,LL. &nd :l,:1 1-1~ Tr;ick 1,2 1 :1 1 -1~ Vacr Pres. 4. Re.nun to D.M.L.C • .MARY LAA TSC• ••'"l:atcbct" • ..Jcffcm:m, ~'isco."l!loi n, Pl'p Chili TtellS. '. F:a,-wlle [:q>rc:Dt n • "Yoo know'l \ktr11; D.M.l.C, l0!.5 WETK.E, Nicollet, Mioltes«D, St11d~t CouDCil l Cl.i.9 Pby , f' vorlui e;wprep(an--•Y11h, ~ell, 11nyho11. !' ,\~M'L: D.MJ .•C. AlU~ tiC~UD.-·".M1{(; •"--··· u:, South ri ~''";:ill 2; f'oo~fi~ll l,2.,3,~; ' • Tud: 3,'ii AL1ier..:S ·urt'1Y."Cttt'ft1, VJRGJl MJCHEEL··"ks" \'•'bit~. Soxtth rn'kD • foo::bill ;),..J: Science Club i4i; Traclt ~, 3 .~. l'ibrthYt·e5tfi'D bcraod. RO~AlO .WETZ.a.•• Rr.Jp''--Nc. Ulm , Minn, rhiru to nn.c11d CON$1ANC I', om, !UD-··conn(!! ''--;\e.,, Ulm I l\~n1n. L.lJ•. 4; f.s-vomc cxprt!El'i...1~--· 1 1)oei•t be•• Mori!'. D.:.~ •.. C. i\llllRlY OrtO-"A .. __ ,_~. =t:lln, \'.'b. ~ D.M .• XATI-IRY~ Pf£1..\..El.ER·"'"l(.nhv"·., a , ~ln:n. foti,.-m re: r)IJ>a ·~irm .-"'Ut lp l'' \~'Ill dtlicr loo ch art or K'tum lO D.M.L,C. KATI"IRYN S!\ UER·· "KJlcli}·" •• I tulchlruoo 1 .'•whoa, Enjo:,,; bc=lll;:i; a ''Dr.::u Abbey.'' ~".:Jore D.'., ,L,C.


't. t;

f,lf£th Fun-filled Activities

M. Kra::tt

M. L.1:1.uc h 1.. lltt:!th

A. M c;lu:el

V, .M ~tel fl.. :\1c 1t.:d C. Old!icdd

A, Otto K,


I\. Sa.its


J. S¢111ow.· J. $dttn(llln J. SdU'Oodtt

Farewell and Good Luck

l . .S ieve-n: L.


c. Sommm



$\r'lf ~'It 't:ll


C. :Sti:Ifrn hag; 1::11

D. -t:oer

i: .


JUD~Tii SCHt:.'WE 1 hmi01h. 1 Wh, (.;l. :;i.t:e. Z, u~~s. 4: ,\\me D.M.L.C, J.>\MES SCHMEllNC--"Jn1l::--Blj.1 Nb Fillt 1 'o't'lt. St\llf1:11t. Cou:ncll 3,-4~ Fulun: ; 1oh1 CoAll. OJ;ud. JANET SCH ROWER, F.t Irfr,llr, Ml M, f.a ~Jle t!J:y."e.J:Sloa-.. C<iod :-.:igbt... Futurer NuniJis. LOJS Sl t:vERT 1 N.t:.,..• 1.flm, Mlmi. F.ivQrltr r;r;prcmion·-"Pcrsoa.all~ • l ..• C~ Pa11y 41 '11""'<: D . MJ••C. LOlJIS SI.:. '£1tT -ljll.ou1e•--N1:w Ulm, Mln11. lbs.ketb.dl 1.,2,3 1-4; Fo«b;tll l,2,3,4; fll.t:r.:r~: No.ttJawtlt~fl'I. CAUN SOMMERS, F id:u, 1'.-llr:ui. Fllhlre; Nartbwatem. STUART 'STEfFf.N, Smber-11, Mhtn., 'a:lrid l ,2, °3 1 -l. CERAU> STEYFENHACE..":, P..:d "f'img, Minn, Tr.ack 1.2,l•-l~ .~ c O ..M. l.,C. GERALDINE $ 'rtff NHACE!''--'"CerJ•-St. Croh: Falls, \\'is, f;i. ..·uri~ ito¥pTcnioa-"Oh 1 EEJ\ 1" M.m; D.M.L.C . DAVID

STOKR.Tt-lC:, C!, M.lnn, Track l a2tJ,4; .Mocc D.-1\o'l.L.C, S TEPH~ S.\\' Am-Z--" .R~lph' --~ew Ulm I M!IJJI, Oa.~ P~y 4: Mm-e D.M.• L.C r


.I. Tjrnrngel J, Tjie-mu~·l

To the Class of '63

D. Toepel D, Ti:.mfom 1~~11


w~ r



J. Wu.tchb:

, .... it•r&ott

JA MIS T J.Ei\NAGEJ.~ ''J~m ' 1.... N 1"i' Ulm, Mfoo. &sc!JalJ :.! 1 J"-··~ 8.llJtetb.a.U 1 1.:!:~3 1 ~. Football .i,; Trick l; Sauk11t Cmmcil .l ,;.! ; School t ~Bbto St.lte. JOHN T J ER..'"'l:AGU.-..Nr-w Ulm, 'MJ1111. 8.sdeb::i U 0!.~3,4; Basketbill 1 ~~ .~ 14, DO.R.OTHY TO£PEJ.-- Doc."- -••Hlw ultcro • \'li'h., Pl ::1.1u w 'be ~ rn1;ni!. OIAN£ TO~.n:OJ.f:R--•TQm 4 ''--~d \~l1111t. 0.1~ Ste, .3; F;1v">rlc11: eXJ. ·J.SL"'n.•"'Good ~ld, Oiilrlle ~ I'" MOLll' D.M.L.C . l.M't'RF.HCE u RBAN · "As" ... A.~bo)', .M ina. Ttad 2~3; fotw-e: Stadk:s .it Comcotdh1, St. :P.&ul. BEVE RlY ..1.ACfilR -~.,Bev"'-~Hmkins, Neb1.a:sk.i.. Fa.\•orite cxpreu:icn--'' Oh. 1 sick~' [)A.L.£ w:.i.u., 'rai~, ~~IU1. ~bill l ,~ 1 3,111; &srt:ui ll 2 1 3,4; Cl 'Pf~. '1.. More: 0 _'.'1.1.L.C. J AN"IC[ '•" ,i\TCJ{K!;, Nc:1o1. ULm I M.lnna-1ota. sn~I ('llt CouncU 2 ~J ,-1 i Clm Sc-e. I. f ;n'Ollle C:xpticStiom• •• 1 ~ould Jolt die f" Fu tun:; :J1funiJtsYVONh'E WBK"DORF--• B.:xm1~·· .. -~]daso, New :i.tcri1:lco, F..r..,.Ql"~tr r:qirc.nlon -• Hawd)• Th.u. a Plnu; m 1,,m l -chlttq w m i:d lc.iJ '-"'"h!}DL~'!o'· WAL1'1::R. ZJJl.\.-.JEl\MA~--"\..'.ut,, Clllifumii . Baub;a..U l ~ 1 3 ,4i Coss Pb.,.· •1: footbill l.?,J,4, Scie.:tel!' CJub "1; Seunp Club; MlRI D.M.l,C.




RU'll' I; £. Albr.-:; • J. Piltrcl:hpl 0 1 13. 11i1mo nn, S. Blesrnann 1 C. llnc::h 1 F, Coroo.;i., E. iJu~oidJ, C.. Crnr.:1•.,.,"<"•M. ROW 2 ; 0, ~w~, J. C..:H:>t'1, \A'. lwl>ermann, R. lle.lnL~clli, L). H1 1u1 i;, J. Jacr 11 {. l<cttc::u1c}'.c::r, M. l<oti, Al:JSF.NT: J\. R:l 1mh1tQh 1 n.. lQo;xit.;i 1 (.;. Knhl. K. Kti1.lllC1• S, Mm:;ic lcit, V, Njcdfi:ldt, A. f\;onmu.,tw:m.

Juniors Enhance A uditoriurn for Chr1:stmas

J, hun:i ;~.

Tft nk .

El. Mfllr.r R. Moor

D. M1,th D, l'dt..l D, l'ioi.::el



J\. Pfll r.i K ~;it.h:; I':.. "irr ~1:n: I:'.. Sdml tku


S.chmw D, Scbulh R. ~blllln~ N. VP:1e:l1

L. Vner [. 'ti\'ej!i$

1'. Wllit:.WB c. 7.'lto ((I'•




a.n~•JJ ' ulo



ll. ll."lckr.r ll ~Jte:r

C, Rar11dr 0' 1".4! Jc le


f-1(.:1 1

N', lkeilicg I)




.M, Engl!!!! R. Et-icer

J. F'2.U NL1L



~·'' •




...1.. t"11:y C. Gd6e1 L. Gl1'$Chl"':n A~cnt ; f'.. ~~



Care.Jree K . C1.,1c:i;;iUti l, Ct. •r 1wo11d S, I L1 =r.i;.l, J. Hat\lni u

s. H.}fl&~

G. r rer:kman .t, Hclut:z ,\.1,


S. I k.1 l!bncr

B. Hum

1 11

D. J :u?obe:

v. J·nft.:t:i r, 1<.a1•.,,.,.

t:, Klatt


K.Locktl~ rn


D. Klokt• N. JUiA.1

Ko11 1Ti• 11



Kr.;1~ I





Enliven G'ampus

RO','; 1; R. Kuehn, B. .Lu.ngit1 , S . l..1.:dem.:m, J. l.u~i::..-botsg. RO'.\ 2 ~ C. Lue.tmw, :R.. , M. M.~ 1 .M. Mi:y~r. ROW 3. M, Mlscblie, J, N"u:•d:.J1.c 1 C. ~~~. "o"t. Nolr • li\OW .i, ~ N. t';i>tci~r:qi.. M. hdr.la1 , J. Pl..a"1C:r 1 L f'la.lh. ROW S; C. flj ·s&, L Prul!tz, J. Quast, R.. Fbdu.e. ROW 6;; B, Arr.n.icl>f.' • E.. Rtot:dill, : l,. ~.c~k, .'A. ichmmoer,

Activities of Many 7jpes 0 ccupy Their Ti1ne 1


~ I: K.. Sch'walboe, P. Schwmllei , S, S.chw.1ru; J:. Sll!!cfoldt 1 t:,. SSegle:r, L. SJe,..en, S,-~rob. RO\•.' 2; D,. Strlllkc, J, S.iicvror, B, Trcrh• .S:, Torpel 1 B. V~, '.'lendc,




.F, SllL, C. 5.mlth, .S:. H. \'•.'oUI. A. 1'r"oW"0J. Zaell~

l\OW 1i K. Al lnc.abt, ,I, &dcr ~ K. IUum 1 s. 'l\1'mk 1 M. Anc1mto 1 J. bttoti r; M. Bcil'gloh Cl, D. lka. U'fll'. RO',\' 2; A. ~£~w~u, S. Cu.c!Bua, c. Carm.icb;;.el, F, COii!~, r._ Cox, N. Denni~er, G. DcNo'f~, K. l'1 H:. RO'i• J~ R. JJ~ I.Lil, w. l.i11!!l,•'l1 A• .F... J k, ~ f"•~tll, A. nicblgci, ~· . rre'!-', [. C'..l'C!l:i.j c. rr~eltm.:uin.

Freshrn.en Launch College Career C. Hcfkl? '.'1'. l Cclmrd~b R. l-Gll a Huffi '1 ...un J, Kalb

r.. l{l?'mp

C, Kt:nh:n

E. IO a.nkumkJi K. .Kl j :n<l.41 r L. K.1111 R. h1~1ac1m rt., Klug M. K.tuef

It lfoch P. Knern~H ti.. Krui!gi!T

J. Kro ·g~:r R. Krur.-g-e:r J. l.s:t.'fnnlrn M.


1\, l.e'1iLlil


J. Ua"· R E.. Lod



[). .t.Wchle. I\, M;i.ct.M

H. M!?;.tH .J • f!Af> t10)) P. Mn.rny

p. N'lmi.i: c:

L N1..;• .. m• i ·r l. ~ l 'kcr~ R .r'1c.Tkcrt L Pl .11 .1. l\ .er. rdt



K. Raalt N. 'Rn ii k: Ji l L, Roe kle

D. Hupr ·..:ht 0 . S;t .,.r


~chr11 ts

C, Schmidt



(.:. ::K: hllh:c M. Sc 1• ll tl T', S.Clmlr1 T,





,T \{c

Freshrnen Beg£n Countdown on Graduation ROW

l : ::;. V iii.! Lu r , D. ·~-.·~~:tu, J, \ 1.'h:.srutJ, /4, ·~·,t! is• ,


J . W1_lli, L'. 1,'l1.mkk-=: , M. •,i.'l!tl.:t J . ~"/Jnti.:i. KO',\' :11 (I.. '•'a'qllgrnmer, W. Wc:.1Jt1u u.11 , A. Wrohc-1, N. Y u-5 . HO'••' -i : M. Zal!cJJ, J. Z...iu, M. Zcd1i11J&c:> , S, 7".ni n. ABSENT: C. r !4ht 1 C. ITrlkt.

JAf\'rS 1.'lHl•fl.l.l~fl. l'., ; N11'io·i: rnbe: ':.! f1 1 l !).t (1 Dh:1.h Jaou-~· !f':, 196:1



hn11r o f d:1d:l1C8' 1

\•, l•ch .1 11th

It 1ir:


1 1 i.11


ul y, st• ull.h 11~· 1

All th:.t r:r.:tdc lifr wh11~ It; wn5 1 \ 1.rJwot:il! comd..h ou C()]nfort?

\\'h.. ll t.!11 -:oli.J ~




~h:Ltk wlllL'li'.1'

jn r,rief, dci;p,'l;r, .1nii dislx!licf \'lb.:lt hJ.... LUfOC!tl \;If f tflJnCf. thus I '.'1'r:. ••:l'l'I) at kn ~Ii UtH' 1>uU.,J ~UUtC" of com fern '11t.;.L will nc:vi:r f( .1vr nur Suuh:.• w~

.!'.Un'). r1 t:hl'? pit) h•!; wurd11, gL.uH: ,_.,, The hl·!ping hao;h W:uch !11 • and oei,#ilxm ni~,

nur 'ri'l1011·~·l c;~1n 1 rl1

Allhuu~h '1



1:! t 1 at !).Oh : ~l.IW"t:e of; rnl:i r.c, J1ftyH-1' '"6 Lev wltii;b c:amforoi u1r 'Turne 11m:.11 :a:? :Ill ~·r.: rlwt labor 3oLI ,;ui: .:iea••y ~



/ 1

repl iA.t?I!.,

Tht- iu 111 it· t tftal vi1c I!' ruli:J cur hi: am, And r.1 r li{r. itllrl 1" rt .5 1'ems bill 1 Wflll.t i'l there kt. ro flt 1 'h"' i:'l'll1f't1 1c. 1


!:. C:cu}: R. 01llmaoc IC. Dlttm1 r J. !J.1e'i'ch'!r

J. D..i.ctkI!]





F'n'l11 "

M, Ci:ruu

T. Crot1l1oh.

•1. Q1r. ~fal"t~r" ~t

Ll.oe:ii:cke M. IM Qh E, .fanxcn

A, J1 J.fro

J, K•--m!'f S, Kl!tct

J. J<tt i.:.!IU aAD i;;_




!:'., Sc:bub

,\.t Bww11


Y'01l ru~l.

Thi:nc i: comet I nm (11tl ~·

<... n: ahr S. B:irt:i;c h C. wt..!ker

l will giva


l,. L:!.pplu:


ROVI l; R. Mei~, D. Me~r. J. Nu!te, .J. N•:ilt• , R.. R.utl\$~ M. ~cflnff, D. R:uw·~n~r~r, M, Recdc. l-lOW 2~ lJ. Jtipke~ S. ttodewdJ, J. Seba:p~~ l1m, J. Sch: rkm1U1n, C:. Scblci!, O. Schoenl!C.k. 11. SC!h~ '0"t, n. ~'t:•tt. ~OW :l: F.. '>prln~</tmth, :O. i;talt :r, 1.. 'Uhlb1m1 1 J. Wuml ·11 t, M. W .U, t::.. Wtw:d, Q• •...,, ilC"y, ·.v. z.~ m. AllS ENT; r.. WiC!hcr:i an.n.

Juniors Mourn Loss of Classmate R, &mah M. Bade.


lb«! mi,•

13, lka.mlt

B. &:.1.vl! r I\'. 'Hi ll:ik R. ~lr.$tl



8. IJlle Jt.l,;m II kt s. .CU€l skt hoe fl I .. Fl111~g~a A. Fram~ s.~r A. Cha:1~

J. G!'utb

D. H


M. Hal•!'.'lr



c. llc~al J, .HJ. OD!! D. HMil.

S. H'Wltti P. J:-.cobs C. K.1Jtenil L. Ki£!i;:N:r P. .l{hm C71'.·:;.k.i

A. Kot: P' J.l K.. Koc.par.1]


• • •

and! thi:m I'm i;:ui:ng to sell it lo tb!:!i

JU.Ld1c:i. '

ROW 1: ~. ~arm, M, J{ru!", G. lellf, D. U:tupkc~ P. Ll5.i..le~ mnJIJl. ROVr al n. £.JJ('kl;t~jn, D. l.itt<t~ I (}, \{'1"1111, ilt M<'l 11.JNs I M. M~·~. RO'•" 3~ l". ~.1.t!yt!t, D. :Mueller, n,, Nolte, M. Orth. ABS L.N'"l 1 N. J'IJl:t.

Sophomores - a .JV·oisy, Fun-loving Bunch c.




RO'I.\' I ••1, S'.'11.ttcnon. Jlfcil J I~ R,;i 11br., D. ncd hn, Rui..lcwitld I !lo. R.09 ~. Rom~ I Sttur-J". R.OW 2; M. Sot1 iil, .R.. S.chr;u,..JA:r, D. S.Cln1H:;, S, Schwi.ct1~":"1l:ot=rg, M. Sti=-jnh~f, M. T1'11mm:n, J, TTn.pp, .T, Origrcdt, ROW 3! M. Voclsch 1 A \\l'~gu~r, J. W ·Lnd.o.d, K. y,'e.m:.el, P. w~rut!tJ C, Wllh!, V. ~. H,.


1\01// l c C, fuocm:, J.

'* ~k ••1


fl.. lkclmi 11nn, M.


ROV•' 2: S. Bod r; 1 J. 1\"aun, R. Drb:ikm an, B. l~O'-"'' ~~ !


E1le1n~TP',~t 1

1~0'•\' 4: ROW~:



b. l:.&Jlt~r, S. 1:11tcr, L Fu..IUllllli• 5. E'ru· lillclt, T. <; rc:i~ 1 .T. C i · ·1. r. C.J.1:.n..11.. 1 J. Gn.~nrln,r., C:, 11aln:.il1tfl1 ·~, ~. llcm]">Cl. R(JW &r (;.I~, C. llorlvn, t<. J ·rd1 1 M. ,Toluuor:.,

''Fuchses'' Arfjust to High Scliool Life F.OV1' 1 ! ,J. l.;inon, s . .Mehlb-:::re. M. Micbi::: ... t, L. N~·•ja.Ju, A. Nnlr;e, R.. Ct:to, 8.. l'l1,;h., H. 'Rc5t!, C. ScJ~nrc.k. l\OW 2 ~ S, Scht ·dt!r, P. ~chumil.O~, 1'l Sl~, ~Sommer.:, O. S~d.t1bru1L1t r, D. l'runlt, A. Walti, J. '•'•'eh, C, ~. A~c:; NT:.), Pi:Lcr:lcm, J. :G~~fli-nhut>~n.


1n ~




othtr~. //

Min •,1, Horman

J,4/ariuts and A ,eolians 11lC A<.:o l i::m Chl)rus is a 'w'Oluntccr •roup ot col lege women. Agai n lhis )'~ar , rhe Acolian::i; Coun<l t hemt>cl \.'CS look[n~ urw;.ird ro Christ ma \.:aro• ing and their l';;pring com.:1,.:U. Und~r i\1iklrcd Horman'., direc tion . the} :sp<:nl muny L'nJOynblc houn• :,;in.l'.--ing togcthl·1 _ .\mong their ~ek1..:hon~ wc1c "Strar.ger

on tht: Shore, •• " Who:..i. Mule. Whoa, " "Comin" 'l 'hrough the Rye," "The Liulc OU-!ilm n, "and "" \"'dis Fargo Wa~oJl."

The I\\, rlut Su1~e.r~. undL~ 1 the able dhecrioH uf .Kc;:n Nohe, og.11n too; their plac~ on the conce1·1 stage. ,\fter helping chc AL'Olaans With rhc W(.:Stcrn ball~d '"Cool \\i'ater, .. the~· pr~.sc1ued ~C'u..!rill s:clei.:Lion:> of thci r own. "Mari " nd ''Look in~ ior l lL Lo:sl Chord"' 11.·•.mkcd 11.igh a::> favorHl..!S.

Thr M:uh:U. ue c:~u.s;hl 111 the dri:n ~iell.t!;inal do n~ ;a la: 'I. bll oS fl<Jl iJhi ns.

OfFlC:t.:-1.S.= V. :\fichl!c:I. hi,.;:;h ~cbool ptuiJ~cl t (). Schmo11n , ~· i ll ~g~ pt1.a Jtr~~ VI . .H:1h\li 11 n 1, vlce1•1.:!sidt! nt; c. Hr11•1 1'i'!k1', Sf'r.W.tR!"y ;


~ch·...·.;u:itt!S . 'I.lo.= 01!.-

ur"'r. E:..1c-h hlgh "'..::ho1JI !ind <.:o ll ~l';'(.' {:J~1 ss lJ,u; one

bny und ,>nr..: gl J l rrJ pL'i..:~cnta ti v" in 1h ~ SLu iJulll. Cwu1.dl , t\1 1 oft.i1...~cr~ ot llu: Coundl ;1n? to he o1 Lhc c:n llcgL" <lep.1.H rtH:'ll~ ac d a n ; c:lei.:tt..--d L~r th~ ~l\1<.11.: 1111111...t :~r. u 1 ~tvtsc~ nc1 b H:~spnn!-iihlc Co r the Actlviti~.-, Hanqul~I. I hi.: 111di...:1 i: D t.'1..:GLOI}', ,111d lh. St11d t:11I. Mluttlun j> t'l •t-, I ·1fl) ,

Our Own I-Io11se of l~epresentatives "l'l NI INC• M. J !"lhl'-':Cl)1. J. G•Johri 11 ••


Pl1 nol. v..\.fich1




lk.t: h, .J.





o. Sc:h•ndH •'I}'.

G. lt.H1l)ct:.

R. M1 nk, 1.'l. Hahcrmann , D. T-.cDb.-1, c;. Hn,'ll•'Ck1' J R. Kl oclcll cm I r. Sch·, =.oles I l t. Zilhnl!.1, 'l•'Jlf,• 11,

Tht? I 11thPr I itc!rary I ,(!.Sgl.1f? wa~

fu.r lllL'U ·.vllh lhl rnk .Jl Llllll lL lOl':>Lt.:. 1 inH n ·:; 1 in clr.:i llUOc. J.m11ng t h . mcmUL'.l' .i uf Lhl: i;cudeJlL bodv • To tld.s end it:s mi..!Lnh0r~ fH . .Si..rt i..!IHt..:1 tuin n1cnt ol ·1 l t w:.rar.v 11i.m1n: 1~... 11.·~· :1 month r~JT: Ll1<.: • k·:1~ue it ...;eli i1 nd th..:-y ohm p1~set1ted lf llC~ I i1lily t " I hl W,1 I," incJ .m 1

opic1·otm. "RUDDIGORE. ·· fo.r public:.

'l'he n:Mll l ~ nl tht!:::t.:

du~ llons


pli.:.:.t~lnb bulh



rn tllC•!'i1:

hdp ·cl m.1 T thr-m ro::;l'Jihl llJU ::6-L' hd1fod U1L: Sc.: t.: II(..! s wl1(1


Web~, r;cc1ct:.11~·-Ltc ..umd~

C FlC'EH.S: £. \.'t l.!C-Ft'".SiJ'l!n~.

A. N...,mmcma:I\,

J. Faruk.i.:,

1zN~ i dt.: nl.

Literary League Leads CarnpusDrama

Roil and r...ten.k ~fl!:!.!!lll:J.lluo

t.lin~-c h

oi o:l •


<:.C l


pl II. Y•


Excelsior Stafj,, Captures lvf en·1orieJ on Filn1 llollr.L!,i.: m 1.m:iz,ac iJhcmlu up a11.:I Md.

~tH 11 pp:~cnl.S tl-ib uook, ··yo11r bcuk ··~ 111 Liu.~ ltOJlC d1.1L th 1Ol1~h (h,

Tltt:' Excel.sior


1 J'I tt•gt up.ILeU, R.1 V

rni::dh1 uf pt im nnd p1nlr,wnptiy yn11r nwm1.:irit:s (J Lh1.::. ::....:.1•.nl ••ear ll'iJ > L~ p1c:>c1 \ 1 l:d p:ig·>~

.und hlt,ILJ1"'1Lwd. 11' th1J1 gn lh\.) of t h hook fY· l on~ you, w~; h11v<.:

hdpl.;d yuu r.dh'L' Ilk· t·v~nt~ of the ~d10ol 1~r.:2 ·<>. I h 'fl the 1,!ll'or1 ii QI Wl! I he nxcul ~ iur Std:(i, lmve llr.:cn re\\,\ I l1..:d I



St HJ ....1. /,!Jamii,

~, t'L!1

nlr1g, C.

~~hr. fl ~ t

D. Mirth.

Cv .. EtJ ito1~, .• , .• •••• , ••. , • , , •• , , • , , J. Bv!i rno.u H ~lmr:-cich

R, l.J&.yuu~
















Cul:J)' Edi':.(.1t •. , .. , , • • , • , , •• ,




Hill, K. lla.i..:mbo:ti.:h, C, Schcfr.g,

WO l r:~.

,. , , • , , ..... l\,

P)10 ,••, nJi•".ll'li .••.• • •••••••••••

M• .Kii·



R \ f n11•h1

Ar:l:i st • • •• , •• , • • , .• , , •• • •• , , . . • • . . E. ,'.lbrec 1:.t

\. ufJ}' WrlLcra •.•• D., M. ' urr,cu.; ~. Bode , M. Ad Ru:.ine~:1?.<;





1..t!! , • • • • • . • • • • • , • • .. , • • • • • • • .. , Pz:a.t:t?~ot


•• , , .. , •• , •• , •• , • • .• • , T.

I d~d11 1 1 i i l Ii , J

ST J\NOrNC : M. £cch.'ill:i.Lu , M. Meruikkc, M. Boehme. SI."1.TEO: C, ~cht:!~9t O. Maii.;hl~. J. t.' ·llC•u, .A.. F lk.


Improved lvf essen,ger Lives [lp to .l•./a1ne Wlll~.lni;

tiltiJ, c:d l11,,1r 1 o O o o • • o o ' o I • O I 1 a I o a t O o t H.rJoll 1111 ~\f.'Jlk F.di tnrs • . • . . • • • • • • . • U..: i!rcl'..,'t1, k1it ~ IJC:m:k ' r..u1LI.Ir • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' •• • R•"ln Sh!I Ung

F;dlll):r •

o •

A~1h:r >int

N t'i'I"

f C"alul t! £JLLO.t • • . • • , • , , • • •• , , •••• , .. l:u:i.i<.: t! Sehu!z: .S1 flrUI [ d t r •• , •• , ••••• , , • , , •. , •. l)ti 1 S<!.Lllh:lht 0 13t.:.~in~ss MiLn;i.~c:r . . • •• . ••••••.•••• Slrnr.::71 Ri~n!u.1rn

A l• um


, .•

, , •••

. ,•, . •, .

. Jui.l;•


1,.;;rb '•\' c.yl .nd, Kilt• r Or k , Sr r, m~. :\!ilyn Kni<!lt SUia:i Sehruei..lct, Cs:iiJ! Schef1.1s, Miripr:t l<i1 t .. nr, Ot•r MRlchl(•,}.folrc Mt!u llck , Arluie l'.ia..:11 t!~·, M:"1· h111k, M 11; li(•l I c11 • 1 Oo1r11 a St~Ert1:r: J\dvi~..r . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . •.• Plt•f -.:•"'C·r Trat•P

'•'•'" LcL • • • • • • • ••

5. T /l.f'\DJNG. ii.-. Vi ntc:r , 11. Vl!!)'l anJ, S. Mus~ f• l 1 ~.A. J- t1d1y. Sw T W: .'..t. l{, .tt

S:lcin;:k, K. Stcr11 , M. F ink.

'hi..: f\·1 .SS~~l'\C ER. which b published rnrm1h1y, f'1fre1·~ m.i1cr1. ls to ltN 1..:,1d1.:1·

wnidi wfl l hl~ b<11 h IY.::-ic fic i :J l ~• nd imp1·to Lhern. le. abu alkrnpl!:i Lu k~L·p il s :1l1rnrni infn1n c(I HS 10 i.;::.-1l h.·ge 11fc' 118 ...,..1.JJ u.3 anno11m:ing coming ,;.~v1-n 1~ . Tt




ll lL ~l.fl.!'L.t l '.'~ tm:d l ua~ lot'

fos t •1·1 ng .·chnol . pit ir :inrl :1nJtloin cxprL".Ss ion. 39

The High School :ind Co llege l'cp Club~ l~ J ea1c hllcr~st ln J1iJ spo11so1· vo ~ OU!-i ::;pore~ .1crivith~:., U nde1· the clubs' .-illperv i~ion pep I Hll It.:,, >Ul-ol-l:<>Wll Lrt.1..t .-:1opu 1ta~iu11, :111d llomt:CO• 1f 1 • a~civirie.l-i are :-,>1•c..:;e~ s t'11 I ly 11ndc.:1 l.ah.:n.

C.:OUJ:CJi Otf lc.; ERS1 A. icrlkc, vie e -J'.111! !Jdt: 1~ T1 idcnt

J, f c.nllk , M. M.cycr1


J Spiritet! Pep Clubs Support Tearns





~1. L~ tscl•. ft'1;i•urct R-. C"'n~m rr, pte~ i ~h: nc

O. f' ltL-b.

dc..::-p r<' .;ld ~n t

OfflCEl\.S1 J. J

J.t!fQ I

JlTCElCf' t

N. h'.l 1d. m urci J. Ku 111, s.l:cr.-t AP" J. ?.tu limn,



~· Lldl;'nt:

n~J(Jn anL.

Un Ion h:u1 l>.,;come 1l'lc SCL!nc of many an l.!lljl)yabll! .afti..•r<.:v1.:11log. U11dc.i th~ dlrcx;clo11 of it"! oificen-1 and ndvi~nli;, .ttno

th!'ough (he t::ft'ort>-;: of ic.s memberl:i' the Stucic-3.nt Union nat::i

I1 ,1pr(w~r11cnu. thh.: vcur. 1.l.1 ape::; ro new ~~i 1Hf''1 and [O t1 I I

Sc;cn .S<.!\'L'


hc:;,l! t'UJl(,TC ul L K: way !roH~ fr eHlt p. lnt . 11d 1·er l e:tti1Jn;1 · ""quipnmnt. Membership i~ 01x.:n

on I hi; kmk-ou r for wnoh:smm.: l un.

Eat) Drink, and Be M err.;1 "Whal' do )'fl~ me ao uh,;,.t! l en scn:J.l!!r'/ 11


re g;('ttin3

Thbi year ... gro 11 p nf sd~n~~c!-m i mk:d 1-:iw na m1.;tl Lh(.; ms ...: l vi:~ Lil..: Phln.i;l~tv 11.? iJ na •..::et ;::i bouc tl1e s tffio11 ~ ti11 r: run -rn 1~d h.1 l

<1 1 l ol L!Xplor lub ttilhl l e. 'l 1ch' tnil).11 uuji.::ct1\lc.: Jb ro bi.:lLC' pr~p:Jt , rl1c:m;-;c-h·4.:.., fol' l.' I if~ ny o;i.;.plo1:i ng 4:li ffil:nm t I ides CJ I si;;.icnc(.! J nd ~u J11 1.... 1· Ing tlD l<.: s wl 1h ll1L'lr lrtcui.l"f . Thi,;' cl uh ::"lpansoL ~-·d n & i en ~~ r in l\·lay •Nhh..:1-t was w'-! l 1 \\

ti.:.:t.•h l'.'d 1

b~l tilUlh.:'ul.H


ViH1lOl;; .:.!llk~' ·i

Tho ,o\nmml :-i i.di wii.;hi:~ thi .;.• llt;:W ~=h h l ot or lu~ - i:I nd bopei.; thiJt rbey achieve Lhd1 goal:!!:.

~·.·ANJJLE'C:: JJ\·i::~

L\. HdmL• kl, S"!J . ..\1~1111.; P. •,.·/m •"'llli.i SEA!ffi: 0. S:11••' r, V. Prc:i;.



in 5,cience

F:Lc!Jtron I cs is :i. I arg~ lbt~rt!i.Lui..g f1 ~L.-J o( Tlh"IU! L~11nl.rl r<if111lrl~ u1od





J haue

alura~i" lt10eO~

College (-''hnir I Breaks in •1u1 .M. I.




Choir l anLi tl1l!~ r" ui..:w l.'.H 1 ~.:: Loi•, Pr~'­ Zuru1, ro1·mii.;1 ly or f\.1h.:higri n L,11 hc:;iran Semin!:l.T)'' tmrn:d l ht: rtuee l;)l.:tLr..:~ o{ 1'.llnueout<l, 'Wiscou.su1 r aud Mk I ig.:.i '1~ pr...:t11'nH n14. 1lw l on\· 1,. ro nh{1lJ( 15, UUO UL'Opl!.:! . SoH~t: of the .uUJl'ibera L.hac


11 d. Iway,, r'~ ml'.' mhe r n .re.! • T he Spi ri a ltn I h. l 1 ·LIJ U ~>, " "'lo , l Ju w R~, ::i 1.: , " ''Av;rly in .:i Manger r" ~nd ..Children of rhe WI:.? ..... i


Cl Lr OHkrn: ){. .Tcsltc, i'tc.s i Ji.::1JL f. h!m.k"", Vkl.! Prt.1 bhl1;1 11 r. l rrn , :;.,..crr!tlU)'


Nelv Director Breaks in. College Choir II

Co IkgL! Clmii II is p11')ud 11J pr c:st.!nl


Ut)ing tht! choir JK! 1 ioJ Lu L~ac h us h ow •.•;c !:i h m1 Itl d ir<:c· 11111 ...:l1L1d .;lrn1l s 1n f11urn: yc.ur . 111e c:hoiT nwe 1:s u nl y ti.·.·lee ;i week. nt.::W cJ l;rl:C(i""ll ,

l'rof<'1:-iMff fS..ic ki.::r ].J;

lk::.idc..:::. }h'.11·tldpatlug 111 th! fl;:.; t lvul t.:uu· ..~c.: rt :l , CIK>l r II c.•k""s- itti 11rrJ1 ut Judl o and c:b.."ipel ve::.pc.;r ::.L'1 vkcs.

K.'l:i;~ ai1d J . Sc nch.--wm11t-r rr,rv•'d Chnl r Tr oa pl 1ml.sLr.. Jnd:i: a.k.LLHul ll:;r,cr:1 hdpc<l lo m;V;,t! Lbe oe hl;.i t L.VD?.plt!Lt:,

Hi~h. ~i;;: hmol CJmiir 1, c.:urn Jut:kd oC ..Lppn:ix11L1 tt.:l}' foiry m •mhnn-i, i ~ 1hi .ti year 11nckr the h.!au~rshtp uf Pru!t!'o.:.OL Waldt!rn:1_.. l\1Jlte. H:1ch ~,~::;.~inn bcgi n ti wH h ,, vi~';\~ flJ\J s s1,:C 1t.: J .i Ill fo I 1m.ved by c oncent.ra ~we y or t ht! "''.li.rfo11.'.!i musku. 1 1n1 mbc:r!:i. Eabk l 1111 mbei·s of Lili~ ~1i;a1 im:luLi ..·d sucl1

r.avorite !:i- s ~ •. i:<orsakc Mt: ).JoL~

MJ.JH..l,JI ufa.l ··_k::iuS T1·~.a RU l'f' t





by fl.tH:h '

High School Choirs Comb£ne.for

Mqjor Pe!formances /'\Fi.

in he !1"1:st, High Sr.:houJ Chulr

IT hi ~OIUJ)Of'H.:d O! .lll Llh. 111l1 .. t ~ of I he high sdmo l 1 c.:~~ hJd L1~~ tl1e fr~ ~h trn!tl. TI1lt> year it h.:i s bc.~l,n dh• ick:<l 111[0 cwu ~cp.11 ut · :sr..:~":Hon::i . S1 11d~11l din:ctors 1-..(.!nnct h Jr.:s ke am.l Roh1 nd f\.•1t.·Jik drill ,\11Lb Section I whi l<: Mr. Roy Ziinn 1·Tn -in util y l '-!atls &:ctton fl . Thi s ;..: bo J c: e nhn need rhe P. xr.i tc r111...:nt 111 j11n~ Night with 11s p 11!.!:)t'tLrn'"' I ion of laV~JrlL1.: !>4.: l i.'C~ I Q 11 1) fr'Olll I h

1nusical ..OKL/ HOMA."

Prof. i\'oltc: and Miss l~ , Hacker lt•..itJ Treble: CbOiTS '"A" and "13. •· fhi: c hairs :'.l.;r:i...: oombim:d undc-1 onl': di rL'i:tor for ia.rgc performance:>.




II Form Treble Choirs

The radio 11u.:rvic.:c bcur.J on KNUJ s 1L1ade h~n:· on the co mpus of lJ.r _ f\.farcln Luth 1· Gnl leg~. l~L!l·o1 i.: Li u· a<lvc11t of <Jtu• m ..:w Musk Center. the l'et ording ''';:is m:-ide in th t: ~·> I lcgc arn.l lrn1· 11111. Now that w1: h<'\'C the nP.v,r f.'!Ci lit1es ~ r·he recording!'! ar<; rn.a<l~ ill l11c L holl .ror.Jm. P~rn twrci froiri the surrourdmg area c-omhct 'llie snr vi c<.!::i •. 11.1 he st~H.l!.!1 1 L!-1 u r l)t\·i LC ~11pp1)' thi:.: music , botb vo-.;"l ri m 1 instr.1..nnent.~ l _ 'I his p:rogr 1::1. m 1 !'i Lie r-t to lH h1g tti~ Guspd i nto thL h ornf!~

of the sic -



Radio Service Helps in Mission Program

flCJI,\' L; .M. l\t111't', R. F>~i11lut1:t11, :{. 1-"'.cli:a., I\, Dcun1f!.cr, S. 011.l!m.irm, I. J;;.nzen, J , C JiG:i~I: re, I, K"rrr1> 1 I.!.. \"'c• L. Mu.w, C. l~ll!i.t· l\.O\\' ~! I .. V1 ,,t, L limy,, I), fl.11Jlllll, r.t. :t.111111 , .I. J< '" ll:i hu:.d, M. K;'IL '"1(' 1 r. Tchlu11··1, J. C:<l• ii11~, I\ L)ud1lmi:1cr, 1.: ,, A. f;:.h:?I:, v. Nil'rtfl'.!1•11, ~ 1\lm ..1·h1. !1Cl'fl' :1; I-'_ W1•l 1i...,rl, M_ 'l hc·tUS!!~l, ~ . Jl.w:r, D •.M.:ii<?blc, ]'. M 11r:t}"• E.. All.•11·.:li·,::;.. &;i.:i'.Lll.:, 1'- Hj,1~111.111., M. KcL:..!, M. 3r:.Lt.. ,1.

.:4mbilious Ba11.d 1'1embers

llMLC.: ' · r ~·n 1..:1 rt B:11 d rlii .,. v1 ~ • pn: ~c:mtcd L<;t.'~.t hard a.:um;~r1 ln I ,,, ll:ll1>1 •, \•It 11 JUL ll t.:.JJH:l'~dtln.c: nutulx.·t.:~• a!'I 1 ~<.~l.'<Jy' ••\, lc ·t H1111 s "'1,111dn tflL. 1 fl.a ll ·t' a.oo · :Syncol •ll.'ct c.;11.x:: k,' t.hc


p:w/erful "l\.fo rr:li o.f rile C aiintccr;;," an UE:\ .JUH., ;,1 u1,. 1 111~r11c..~~· 1:>1 ::-n1)i;!:I

L:X~'l"~ from f1 ( 1111 T~m


l1IU)Tlfh1< S CHH\1M. F.Ltch 11•."1011 l1ou r one wu 1111 li11d the .1nmJ "sn n<llng- off" in the ~'1u.:iic CL utt: i • l 'c µ Lki.ntl showt:il I1F1 I11 ~al tY u> Lu1her·~ H.urn 1 1.ll t •r•~k · 1~" II ~" 11·k l1y s •1' l v· i11H Ul:tl ~xu ·1 hr.ir1ot2t when 1t wa.1;, nc•.:dcd.

l)IR.ICTOR ; ~•ry Zhnn1 r-n1 ""

Ldt Lo J:1ghu S. Haour:, G. l.cil'lfiC- 1 fl.. O!!Umrm, S. Rocle.,.·aLd. E. Biu:'.ko-, S. H11p~•·r • R. 'He-c-kmu.111.

Prepare far Big Concert RO\\' 1 ~ ...... ~.... iel, K. Jj.aum, s... Stc-CCc-n, D. Aruso.. ROW -:?: p Hempel. T. Siegitl, 0. H;aad. P. f''*'t'• r. Coe. R.. Hc-llEC$ 1 ~t l« 1 'l.!!~O, B.. Vogt, A. Rodewald, l. Nuccnm~k, , G . Hee-km n11 1 B. Ku•bn, B. Ttcb. fl01 , 3: C. f.ut.t:OW, W. 'nllr, .r. iah:l, K. A.l'IK1•cht, :S. Duc'ltttho<Crt, 0. L!upke, K. St rlse.


Music zn Different Modes

Aha! It's empty.

Miss J. Ungrodt assists the piano.

Here's how you sing "Oh."


prioOu.ce ~Ia~Âąicit~ of the bo Oy an6 prel&erue

the health.


STi\:.~DL:."VC; C.:<>11ch Hi•ld~rlch r M- f'i'lue:t-;.::•e:, /'., K.u.e~dJ, J. Tjr:ni a..1r.l 1 G. Schacmeck, L Siev~rt , A• .\.tlch•~e:l, .S:lltm~mt, 0 . llali;uso12 , AUlsU11t Co11.eb V. Cl;,i.c~li.". KNI..EU.NC! \t.i.n&o~d C. l'.i~c1uu:m, (I, Wll ·.,·,

Ct>ok , .B•



llmmerm1u1n, f', lii.·111p ~ t-'. Hn~lth11nh, ·'· C.Nrihall, .s. G ' tRct 1 .~."~f~L 1 ,.... w. 111• l , P. J cnln, J. Tj ....nH1y.c:l. sr1·n~c.;.; A. J9ffr;rr., o. Sc:bultz., L Fluegge, H. H..O!>!! ID. l:.ute.c. R. SLr..::. P. Wrt11r.r, ..... ~·~Jcl:.!!cl.

Lutlter /{igh Gridders Tt}J Luther vs. Trinity . . . . . . . . . • 12· L~ l.l1llu.·r v~. S .rn b1)2·11 • . • , • • • • • • o-13 L 1tJ1 ~r vs. SltJrd~ rt • , • , • . • .• • ;j::l-li:J. I -') - I~ -') L utlter. v H • Je ft'er~. . . . . l.\!r vs. St. Mary ' s . . LuLhc1 v!;j . GULlt:rtldd .

.. • 12-25

. 12· 7 Luthe1· vs. Winthrop • . . • , • , 6- 0 Luther vs. Comfrey , . . • . • • • 13-13

,, CAPTAINS; P. HcmpP\ , D. Htd ..·:rr.r:111 1 r. llt.i.t!kw


Down I OcC!,


-011 ,

But lYliss the Mark

Clo.;;c c;on L &..:~ts ::.J.llU bar a fou~~ IL ba u:h;.;)

m:.11 kcd tl1e 19o:l fooLb.1 I l s~:1i:.on . Ta11L!.h . 1H11p •UI 1011 Lind tti.;'.'Cl'al 1-::J 1 l) •i..!CISull lnj JI h:.., .ulded up co i'.I )-win , :;-Jo:,s, '1 nd 2-tiP ~e :,.;nn in thl! R~d l{o("k Lon L'r<.!m,;(.!, tr lgh pu InL n ~he.: ·u.. t>r:11 1 Vli! ti cl1u I lo 111c • 1x1ming b:ttt'e with Ho11ttHrfielrL .:\.s 1tiL: limd buzZ1J1 uuuLh..'<l, tfa: vh.:toll. ~· \\ 1...nlt to T.,uthel' 10 ·ontin11 r> lhL· 1mM~~• thvd n•cord of hon 1.:coming victo.tieLI oini..:e iootbi.lll \\'Jli re·eHtJbli.!ihed :it 1

l.11 tl'lc ,••

Among ch~ p1a '>' de.serving :'IP L'(; lal .,,Lteuliou h; Fi·h.z 1th. He ii; the . chunb a Lhlm.1.: of 1ht: y..:~r--ooth htgll ~·1>iJ1t rrrnn \Virh ~ torn I of :'t4 of the J05 c1f l.uth1-:r':,; po l nl s aud high :.1.\'erage rnau ln ~j1~ 1u~h lng iieli.I with 1'HI yn 1·<1~ ill 115 .rttern pt. fo r .in avc..!T <.Lg(.! <>f 5 . ; points.

'' lJ!'..TIEFE.A TED" S TANPJNG: IL Cnnk, &. Schroer, .L ~d1 lrrwl t, M . Rad.luff 1. 'ii i ~·crl . J,

'lJ• 1 t111~· l,

1 utlzer Ifigh School Cagers T1 <1. ik.'1.1 a..r.; c:IJc..: bL"fit Lt:.: a 11 \ l 11 Lbe area. th~

Lu.ther ··A··

Lt. am \l.fijDt undet~ .... ted

Jor thciT l q gn me s ·1-H1on I his y •at'. WhJ lr:: makmg rh r.; L!nviablc .record th..:.: y also s~t a nev.' '-Hi re 1.;:0rd by 21 .1 i nw lni ng a 69. ~ poin s pc.::r ga.mP. 1vcrfig<'.

L1 1t:he1· \'5

ty . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 61-39 Storden. . . . . . • . , • • • . • • . • 57 -38 E<lgc.:non Chrh1tian . 7'2-·~8 On:1lask11 Luthc.r· . . . . 79-Sb Slec·r}' r }'C St. ~tn1·y's • • • . . • ' • 72-51 Gle11 Lake.! • . • . • . • . • . • • • • 88 -·H St • c nl;.; l..HS • . , _83 --12 St. Paul lllS • • • , . . . , . . . . 70-'H Betll~ny _. . ?i7-3 I

L\ 1th~1· \'ti l.u1t11.~r \'9

Ed •...:ru.)n t hr isl.Ian . • • . • 77-~ t a Central Minn. Christian • . . . . . . 62 -5..1


S.. udbol'11 . • •

LUtht!r vi; Tritl


111 ht



luLl.1er vs L 11 h~r vs

: uthr.:r \'8 I uther vs L 11J1 1· \'.R

L 1ther vs


l utfier. \'S Comfrey . • . Lt1the1 ... ~ Tr lmty J.. utJi 1· ... 9 Sle1.:py Ey(! St. LuthcT \'~ Relh~oy

. • • .

. • • • , • . • • , • • , 73 - 7 •. , . . . 78 - 41 Mar~r's . • 54-18 . • • . . 46-l(I

Luther vs Fox Val11.:y UIS Lt1th r v~ Winncbngo Luthera11 AC(ld • Luthe1·


lNGJ 1\. J He1~. J. D. \'/8:lz, J . T~t~flL:t~c.I, Q. WJlc~·, Gro)z1hnlz~

0nly Undefeated Tearn in Minnesota Nu rm.'tl to were


A II Arc.: 1:1. Team thin.

~rnrd~ J~ ;:k

Gronhol7. .nnd y nr. w, now ha Vt! thr..: LL' a vc 1i ng L.t ophy for Lhc.: Tr 1V:1lle}· uonf~ri..:n<.:e and ..:.s Coadl Knlser puCR lL, "We pl a n on k<wp111g it."

D.lle 'N


/'18 10



C•)-C plAli1.-;1 f) . Wab, .T. TJ!!m p:cl. Mu.n:igc':

c. Ci~t:rmiltl,

.. 5 -38 82-49

Croix LlJS . • • • • • • . • . . . • 80-Hl

C:oa.i:h Ka.l~I. K..NW.. •


• 7 1 -6 '.!

The High 5'.:hool lia:skt:tbull ..13'' squ~d fa ke-d Lo lHUtch lh · "A'' ·qund rci..;'-1 ni hy nnc gum... ·rtmir only lo ·~ \';.1 :-1 ro Stonlnn in thf> ,:,; •c;ond gumc uf th.L; :~mason. 1 n<..:y ra.;.;kL·d u1> Lwo l>l'ilHant •.-klorlc.'t> lu ovl.;'rlluu... .icclun ru tr Ing thi,.:it' rally 10 16· J , Co(lch Hck!c·rid.: ("h ow-. · th • tw1~ bt:~I. ph1.,ycr::;' rhU H<.!'nlpei um.1 ALt Koep!-ieH. ;?s the o·.._:~ 1 ~a i ns

nf 1ll u tcu 1, •

~TANDl.I'\'{;: D. U•\!tk.·, G. Wtlle?, L>. Trn.uch, A. Kocpe:cl1, 1(. Victu.t.:l, Jl. J!lcub~, P. !:>el11uu ;1t1, txi; l-11•ld.~ric.k. KNEELTl'-"r.: ~1- Pctc:l'~!,1':1, S. C~ut:~r, C. lcm 1 IJ>. lit:rrlp •J, S, Sdnvl1'hT•~uticn, R. P,.. ckm.11m, R. Otto, Ci.i-C11pt~im: A. Koep:scll, t'. lkrupd.

11/\CK R0'1'1': H . Mc~n, £. Snr~aa, C. C;;mnic[uel, J\. Ki.~hr.. 1 .U. i"it1~t:1. SECOND ROW; ll. T~ch, J. 7.ah:i, IJ. l:Ucick, J, Zoc lloct, M, Wildt!, FUONT H.O'N : I:.. ScJ11111tt~·r, O. Pr.Lr!.


Have pirit

1hosc who Iulluwed our \..:olle~~c Leam d 1)~aly thlH yl,.• 1 will rc.;mcmbc1 the l'iglll ~piri1: 1hu~ Coach jerry Wacc...:rs' hnopst~r.!-i di~phtyc<l 011 t.ihe !1001· . ~~ ..·l.!n though (hL si.:n r~boa1d ~howcd u lo.slug


.g. m • in po tnllit we httd a winning team on t l11: noor. 'The Ll-in..:L"rs tiuioheri off th<.: bn~ke1ba.t1 ::;c:a::ion wilh u l-2L r ci.=on1, cr:m11t!Hg thdr 13~1 gumt.: il s a lon~ '' iCl:o ry. t:AJ"T1\.lNS AND i\-1ANAGF.R~ E- Sdmitkc.i:, 13. Mubr, .:::>.

r. bl.

z hl1

in fo1 a

L y-u"' !

.S'l A.NDlNG; H • .M1 ,.11~, I:'. K<.- "t'Sl!ll, M. '.lcdl.ina.Lo' 11.. L11oo:n.;i.c, J. Zcdlni!r I D. JUeiclc' l. r~:ith. KN~l":l.JNG : 11 'r't'lltf:t IM. 'n'lld r. )L' l!l•tk• '• I'. M .·l'I~ 6. HU!, C.•rmkh~··I~ IJ. r. h:L.



l"ancers Finish Season w£th an 8- 10 Record

I h~ Lui.her OU!iChull l'Cam Lu.rncd out a betc:er tlmn :iveT11ge peTfnr mancr t.,i~ year • .'\ 11 u l Lh<.: games wei·~ J oubh:: -

huadcrs, Out of the 18 encount ·rs, th ,_ LanccT'B managL!u Lo hl6ing home c lgi1t 1lus

1 '.

a. LLd 0 ul-y

boys had


[e ll loss es

F OLrr of the better rh:m ..'30U hutting

avL".i·at,re. Out.:ih


STANl.>lNG; 0. H:tlvanan, A. Ko~p~cll, J), W~l1, J . TJtlli"!)d, T. Kal:"pst!Jl, J r.ra"lhnh. }(NEU.INC : M. rlucr. .~. 7.111 1i11 IJll illll,, P. 1lell jJd, C"::iiu1:c,, Q. Wik~~·.~. sehwtclct1 vli••t,e0, • ljo HJ l!;O.:l.



Luiher Take.r; Con:ference Title Conferenc"' G;:i tnes LUTl I ER I 5 l\fa. vc1 2 LUTI Ii:;.. ~ ~ "I ri11 ii y l l.UTH 5K 20 11Vrtverly 0 LUTI I i:.:R


S lc~py

i-;,. yP.

St. Mary's 0

LU'TllER •1 St. Pa.ul Lulheruu 0 L ( .T Ht-: K 10 ( ;1enn L~ ke I LL'TIIER 2.:! f\]ankarn lkLha..ny



11:\SKF.Til:\J !.

E. Si •"~h.:r t. Pt11.ih S. HudJoer S. TOi•fl·~l J, Niuchkc

I LI~i-1 SOJOOl "A " BASKtTI!i\ll


j ol111l11!i

R. D ;al I:c:i:i:t


Rorl1 1wa1d K. J', lhrccht

Their Byz.vords - · }Jep and Precis£on Hlt::.H SOHOOl.

I'. SchrncJcc,


1~. Ll11dc111•Jill,



H:((;l I

R.. P:illm

1111 1


SC1<10or I OOTRAT.T.

H .nlu·, 'i. Jl.ndc-witld, J. Foihulnp,,

F.. Ju 11..1'U I I\. J\l'btN:bt

Mcmb1. ot 1ho ntue R1icc:f\: STANDINC1 'I/, Lemke, lJ. Schmdi r~i R. Jei>t~l~tL. KNJ::EllNG; K. J':5k•·, J,

F • , k. , I\. No1t• •

Bol.olers Vie in Ophidia League TI1h:> blJ'1,.,Ji11v .-1 ....:l:->on,,•ed Iv he th' mo~ I

L"".Xdi::ing i n yc:J 1...,.. C I C1~c comJX! l ILicm -...·as ~l.!cn whl!n 33 t1owh! 1s -.:omplcri:.:d [hr..: tic .1~on w11 l• , I.~ pin spnJ.1d. !:)oh Hill tonk ttw high gam<-! honors wll~n Ht..' ri

he bo•.•,·IC'<l 238. D[l\•e •:;

PeJ ~l ll,1d th~


t fifl4 ,

D. t\r11.w,.,· 1 TO'llrr.:uucl.'ll 'J.'imu:r.




- -


-- ...

group oi henrty lad9 decided that a lltt1c 11.mni11g anrl jumping wo1..1ld be a lot of tun. so lllty fo 'rnt:J [he.: (L. Kl l l ack [1..?au tl1aL DM l.C .~

has h ac1 for flwhile. Turnr Glaes ke added his talenth .ru1 a 'l.'.oai;:L. i:lud (mrnt.1


LL'am ~omL:

pcoplP to c<lrnpch. . with. .". ltho11gl1 th"" tc.,m did ll t bring hon 1i:: Ll."e m L"11doui;. .... t: wr u:·H , lL: guv·~ nu~ yt;!:l:r ':::. te~ m somerhlng ior a swrt. 1



our rongrnruh11ion8 for and we-11 doue .



~ tte .-npred

College Men Initiate Track 5 l'M'DlNC:: C.:Qttcb Ms,r. T.


Glu.L'!ii<~ ~

C. H1·1.·ku1 lt»tt B. Kud111, [), 'tl~r. .1 , LL ~(')lf.:J.L:i:, R. Kltlcl<~ ••n•t B. Nole a,

KN'F.I.LJ'NG; A. V1'rnhr:l 1 B. Krc:ul!er 1 J . lalln 1 ,L

Ll!<{u~a; ,

C. HdllP, R. Ml'!ll:l e.

l":t ROW ~ .I. llinn, K. W~tucl., 1\. Schroi.: L1 W. Col•. , J Du• r1 L. U1b11 1 , :t111l 1-lOWJ r'. H.i:cltb:irth, Q. WHt!)', L. Skvi!tL, M. Krwe~ J Schr1cllu.s 1 D. H1tt- 1ir~r. '.!rd ROW: G. l(,;;.~cn; 1 \ \1 , ~oui:e, I!. Hri\1 1:1, D ~'' "'' nb 1 A . Mlcl"•~l, A. J, fl.•1,.

High School Track Tops Off Spring "11i s spring founrl many fe I l<>w1:1 ot' thu h gh i:;chool out l'or U'"1ck.. Wl1.h a1 n~o:-H pcrfe..:t weather, beir.g outside running :u1d jl.unping was u '''clGon i..: c hange lrum ~n-:hoo l '"'oi:k.

tJ !;t"Lh\'ll\~ lbt • -!'.ia ·~er rn .1 m Wll8

t\110tl1c 1· 11c·.1o• sport wus lHhkd to

oi wlh.:gc uct1vhies tht y..:nl'. Th


r. o.:i ch~!d hy ri.vo 11lr:1 h::i nds .,t the game , Coa...:h Watt!t!-i a n<l I l e Lnz Z ~kl<.! 1 . 1\ l1hrn1gh I he g~~ m w~s ~· 'I']' rm1~h 0 ltd ( Jl:Uble, th~ bOy.J had 0 l,CJ }' t,"DCJtJ

Hh ly

t im·· .

College Sot;cer Has Its Debute Cu:itJh Wailcf~ I }.,~:r. IL Mohr I n. °N()l l e!, I). (:ih• Llr I I'.. HI ll , J. 'l:il I I ~:. $0t.~:1tl1 c . Ch;.r.t mic:l1...u·L, M. W-;;L'hrnsv11, C(•;1c 1 Zlc:.r. 1 •t KNU:'!.INC 1 t:. Si:hnir.S-. r, o. Wi: r.:t-;,, D. Rroi ..rn,.,...·, P. p. 1z1 , J . 20!!, C. Ot:!r'°)·c.r, L, Pl .;,tJ1, Ii Kui•ht1 . Ii li'h JJJ..NC.

11lia 1h'· 9po t l..Jf tcirnuH ruad~

ks reo.ppeo·riJ ice ;:it l)l't.·1 I .G. W1 rn 1 I mk<•, un ult! ha11d l r.h~, •.•:a!i i..;aprai11 nnd No. l nwn n·

·be cenm. 'Ille team was c.:nmponc:d

R ' Enni.::r w. B. K 1ehn. l<Nr.:. t.J .H~G ; I~. T~d i. K. Nolr~ ~ P. F:rey. ln the




pi "'tun., low \V fhJ(~ K , Nol l :<.:~ a ml W • LIL 1nke d iS; p la y·ing che fon11 1h~1 t an uh tlw m .Nn. ~ unLl No. I




Let ug llope

th;:i c: the four r erur n i 11 g ml.~ n L~an y 011


..i.nd do 1"'01it




th C<.:am tlld


:;ea ·c111.

Luther Creels Return

of Tenuis

I ; it--ar- -is'c L Jl? !


Ku1•lw: Mt!n's: fJ:t:!et:Juow Ch1n ;1p.

l'bylll..1 Scnwanth: WomM's FrtJe• c-h10,.,• Ch:lmp .



lu M mat b b)·. 11

College lntramurals Liven Campus

Tml;· cLan1ps1 Tboe ~upbumaru tOQk" h1 II.LI th r1" ~p·)ttt: Fl unklir~ (S•J baU) .NJ mbli!! Nmc (R.,J< ctb11.U) l'-'ltft"1b,1ll1o. (\' ul.kyba U)



" Mup,vo-u.mpi; 11 t:tl(c H1,s.J1 School &ds "'clli=ylu1.U c l 1 "I• i:••.rushl.µ.

Preps, Too, Are Sports-minded 11

No 1 it 111


fcH,as ! 11


111l't-·f w ri th•

h · cI

Just for the Fun of It!


fine, ~killfuI p~ople.



Thr ttihd )~ ILT cnll c:i;l'! whJI!. h w11 .tg1t L" n pn11



fQr L!he choipcl-11.uwtorium ucc utLLUcni.f, Jcs56Jl d t•,,·u lu.l'•t: ta_•1 t~ill}'Qn1r1· rnutil ls.

Otn' dc.con1.tiom '&'ere dr;i•..,'ll 1 pa.lated, by the fie~ 't'e;u 1.1ulh.!~~


A :i;ruup of enrol




.-1 ~. p1.-p;m -d .,JHJ :ll ~l ::i ~ l.l<..1 b:r·

c:oUas~: t:l11S1,

dr.d< ti!• 11 119 f·Jr


Thi.! ffll'1Tt


'flll iJr.t •

n.J j),. · ~ H1·11k

,.h.-~ ;i~mu.;al ).lcn 1< D orm

,1 • 1•"

rl1.. ''' rr1 -

Chri.-;hn.a.< p;z:rt)•·

Tbe hc:ra.l.d, M.e~iw.:nlt? n 1sl! , .::rov1n, .m<l c.:ru~s tllll•· r1J. •11~')' I I &' I ~JI I 1t

l:CIJ\'t'TI ... d ~ ltib•· 1 1

~yl:• bolh:n~



CI tCJ31°1)1 n.~ Mr.:si::.:igr..

Tn o-rder to cefebTate the festival of Chr islu i.a.111 • Chr ltA.l mm.. ti Lt.: w(Jr!d. uvt:r lu1. v~

estuhl ished

c:11stoms ;:rnd tranitions to ex-

pri:.;ss t heir joy in tne Savior's brrth. One of 'ili~s~ I... LUHO m.ij C<.m rn 1•.':I uhot L~ ll 1L: Lk.~ c IJ. rating of buildings and homes for the Chrl~Lf11.a.l'i


on. l)r . Mtll'Lln Lulht:r

College , as in the pa gt. decor aced its c:a rn pus lO ht:! Ip f lL-y, a LU d~ ta. and \1 i~ itora re member thl: ble1rnltlhTfi of Chr1i;tmrc:1 s . ·1 o aid the students in p:r epar i:a,g theu dc.1., or ut aons t'OT t hr ca mpn s , a tht: m' ·, PROCLAIM MES~IA11 •,s D~I\ Y. wa~ .selected. Wi th d1 is theme In mind, student1:> IX?gan the ta !'I k Of (;(C't:( I ~ HU ltab}e decor atiOJ ISi 0JJ val.' i()1 ts pa'i.ts of the campus _

ft : 11 S d • ..,. I!< ~UP'Jt h•l~ 11ilu11 11 Alo1.•"''' tim•· Jnd h:ir:!: wmll.



lh'C ul!ltiulil.

lot ol

Activit£es Banquet Features f\·Tri}' 18th vniR lhe <lr-ite ~wt for the Acnvities !3auquc:t i:hls yt.:a.r. 1'hL! dc~or. ions

Dnrt chc

tne:ll \\ t.o:l"e

e x..::e lleflt . : '<.·lan !C.:J.' ol C L:r.em()n i es, IJan Si:;hrnel ing, co- ordinated the Ll'111 7'1 'I, ll' f 11itlolpntlv11. lkl(JW t 1'SMIL Yi't! sLroU Lhru IV1a11b11.Lt :m t Of. ~-h ~r ? 11


Abu\'• t C. l'cl71 f li.rhfrt'1 of chi· Yen t . Ril:

11 i


icl"id ~· •~ ~11!1::.1;i•Jouii:.


of. M a12liatten


pl'ot_~ •·.1111 .rnd g\liJ8t qpc: k~r. Rev. I'. Sch l iclu , spoke a f ~..... d10 t.: c:.· words on " E xtr.a ·t:L1rr ic..:u lat J'.i.~tl\' i u~.s _" i\·any stutieucs receiv~d varied ill\/3l"d:=t fo..l' acllv il.ii.;a ln which lh y J>ttr~kipalt:d d\lring the school year.

nJ~lrl ~ P l Hlll : ·~~ ··IY..:~ bu a'f\· • .<l.. tkl c ·,,· 1 OW.. .AS I C'Nr. r. 11

.lune I ~ IJ.u!;tnt'

}"" ,. the l.\1tlPr Liter nry League pre1.hc.: opt:r'-!LLa, Rudigorc.!. Thro .1gh hard ..vecks Ji µrJ.~t:ke aud i:dteurs!l.l LL1c.; i.:d.8t and direcrors perfected something thttt they could Justly be pr·ou<l ol. This WL)l."k wd.d t:ompJllllCllted 01· :'.1 11 e. cellcnc oncl work:ible s:t~gB. ' l"tf


Oir~IJI rt.'!~!ii

M. 7..>1.l 111 1 Ad\'1.~0r I• KrohlC, 11.u~~.ic p. , JL R:.ick ..t".


R. Shi Lliny.,

Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta, ''Ruddigore, '' T lti..: c hurus playc.:d an !:1.Cll\•c p~r~ thrc;mghcmt Lhr::? opi;.:recca. They did ~u excel kn[ . ob uf si.:ttlrtg llte s ...enc and (!n livc 11 i ng t lie •,vi-tole operet tr-1 with their iroh cs o me songs.



lhc 1 !~dll';, W'llh

llnr, d1 lJ


Jii•, tio.:1




Makes a Hit A ti


c:cupl vhlr



I.1fr; ;:; k vcn . ' 1.LJCIND!~ A Nll R r:: •,1,'S ~~th~ Sn11t.!1'. • SUZANN I:. 1oLEH ViJ"gi l Mk·ncl.!1. · u)SPERRY .Stw1n ~"ildfen . J HRR Y Fr iLZ ll 11... · h.11 ·1:11 • • • STFl't I ~~N SANTI~ Y Skpheri SwanLZ .RI • I ' l)c.bwru F 1Li..;h . • P~I \ LLiS

C1.m11m Oldfi Id , /\NNE Lois

l.~1et -(-~


. 01 .. 1\f l-.

D J. Llllll •


WL11lu1: Zi nm1 ·:rm.i 11

Cnr l

l~ tsl.! m:m .

• , •

DICK [} CTOR L'ir\


.\iul'..:io Hol I• ·v11H.:v..,1· .•• :-.'1A H ~~ ~\-1AHSH ..o\ LL I

R11~ .1 1

lkc.kmnn . t>.Hl~. ~1AHSI l ~i\ LL DurQt"h}' 1'11c pd ,J'i !'\GI h Sf·r~ RRV

"Now· y1 ''' It r "11 I 11.!ra • • , '"

Senior Play Starts ''New Fires'J

'l11e story

~1 ·nL{: i·s ill"•J



\,1ho lh~1s 11H,1vc!t.I lo Uk

i.;1J•J11t 1 ~·.

Lh• wild

ul t\1i $8i.mri


from t:Jh.:!

~;x:...: itL'mt::·11t

c i LY family

Thay fiL r ~ a hit ..Jift ·:r nt

1)f Cl1ic!lgo.

he rm1d Wilh to11s and t m L ol •1vcrlo.1il; T 1·a \Ir: ling •;r 11u nd -hr Ol!glL a 11 the.: L(Jwn:-; Wllh t.r•.1 mpl!Ls , ~ mC' Hing s alts , and ggw 11 s - COtlL'L:t t Clmir if. on

\Vr? t.n1\ ,-.1 nll da 1 un H Grcyhrn1nd hus -No CJ nf' hHd m 1Jn~ fan tba 11 L! •., ;

StnmJ fo L li uurs .111d g1 t

0 1·1.: f:....1..~t:

.i\n cl r·very pla

lntfi t.111·.nt:.

·i.: ii;.ln;t'<,•'s

We lL:H•en' L ~ lcpt: l «) J' m:iny ,1 night, Y ,t t··v'"'ry <..lfP' v. ~ mu ~ lc1ok bright ; ;\nd rimv J\ml




Lh:11' s


.s at a d()~ C , DIRTY C!..U T I I bS !



8'1 ~a.t: h'l br~ ('J":i zy-Kiddi . 11d 1oolls h al l duy long, Ain't it gi·eat to be ~;:w~y!

.!~H!t 1t

Arbor Day Announces Spring)s ArrÂŁval





fow qiaNtcr

mnm~ts Rt t.'h~

hip.h .sc:hnol


Hailou1een Parties Combine Horror and }/ilarity 'I he college Ho lll•Wt:am 1x1rLy <Ju U::tulx.: 1· 29 pr n\'UU to lw run t'nr 1J I •

Everyone wore co:-.t trllt.'!-i and whr-i~ Fl. v:1 ri ety I Va d Olts g~ me 3 and skits t lll' nii;h~tl cntc 1·t:i hirncmt, P(J]')C John XX Ill ~md his card!Jlals, ir<.:sh rrnm Rurni.;, ~urn12<l up to .,,..,m the rui7.e for the best CO!:ilULnt!S. A!L:c1• tl1i: Judglug, rcfrc~tJ .. mcnt~


1 piciliul Ci::tnt:in}' ...,.Ul rfjl? :1.iillin liild. 11.ll vtU1 prJ1111' " j1, II '1

were \\•as a

qC'nrc·.. <.t.

-;.icccs.-, .

All ngr'""cd tllilt tlle

"T.ittlr. 0 pep!

Lancer Fans Root for Victory 01\•lLC 's 196~~ Homet:oming b now lli tory, Tho' ""''~ lost th~ ~me• 10 Northwestern, the fc:lh1.s put up .i ~ond fight:! "' l~:1cu1Ly vs. Se11fr,,..J\ u1inl ga.n)c

st·nrtcc1 the h;1 II hounc:ing. l oUowfog Lbc.: guinc.·, Ken Je'll"'° .....;H" l\rtJster nf Cerf'm on ie H al r JIi:.: ann u1:1.l l Io mccotJ 0.:1..n -


E •



School ''Butts Butterfield" to Climax Season

l!:nt hmda sm raa high ou &ptcmbt:.!r

is, Lllu <.Lay '-' th<.: hlgh 1o1cnool '1ou1ccomin.g game with 1:3uttel'ftcld . Tht? fest!vlLlc.:!i hcgan the precedin~ night

.,_,.,;rh the tr.oc.lft1on l


rest. hur.ning

of thi:.: ··L,., ~nd •mak~ dance. Thlng~ 1novc.::~ Imo l11gh gC't11' wlth the b..ic:.k-nff at thr~c otdc)c k the fol lm..•int,;. u.fternoo11. Helit~m

balloonb, whld1 wc.:re given


cur;.;h pct"IOTI II !'I hi.. i(;!Llf~l'C:H.l thL' ~ [Un<.HJ

•.•.ere rel ca scc.1




of rlle



Excitea1t:11t: l"dgri..:.d thr011ghouc 1he t!Ol irc g:imc which endi,;:d in Lu[hl!r victory witb ~t 12-7 !-:{.!ore.

A IM:cnc tC\'m'I tla1 vlor.:,ry l1. nqut<l bclU. latcir th t ~


\' titJ.i.u.b..

ft,1by Stb, the ·..,rno1·s ri1·os~ 1,::~1rly in ~·rdcr tr;, i.;.:ove_r the l'ir'{t kt~ 1 1 r Lhd.f d a:""' tr ip tu the Twin Ci t:ll!' s _ The fir st '-1tnp -.vas ).Voht-Ch.1mhc1 lain fi ld. A1'rcr Luu1 ing tl1e Fon1 "-1fo1or plunt, u picnic r· :vfinnd1.iha Pa1·k wa. he!d. 'I he .Y?nior...; went tO see a Cinerl1 ma



W-cdne, ·<.ta~r,


High School Seniors ' l'hL: SL:nlo1· Bauquct wo H held n• Lhu Cnt and Flc.ldk Supper Ch.'b thi :i year. .After the dinner, Dale Walz. l'rof. Voecktl, and Prof . TTchJcr ch cnc:J1 ~1ddrcHticcl I he gr~rnp. V 1rg11 ~\'lichee! tlCtcd as L11~ cn1cee ond thP. !-1.Pni""T Sext d e 11te rta 1.ttt"d.

B1 ·nvcnl. us- -~uutJ uf tl · r.flr..lar I

Close rear with Many Activities Thl~ I raditiona I Senior tea by t:he Jw 1.H gut:... wu,,; as bc:1 ut i ful n:-c alway!'!. ~red Fallen pro\rlded the a trnospbet~

for• Lhc 1foxicun lhL!mc.





Two of the practice t(!ache1·.s are rlni ng ln-

tllvldual work with their pupil . 'Tht: ci.::cfopiu mo{h pnih.i;hly lc11rned somt:thin~ ul sr:. while attendi111g classei.:;.

Teaching and Learning in Practice Sc/zoo/ A 11 o the p1·ac.tic:e school work i~ l1 St.:L: tJ1 s thut thl:l ~1Jp1..?r­ Vhi( •r Ii hen: iU.'C happy bec:J 1HP t-m1 lt tc.1:1.i.:;he1·s and pupils ;1n;: l~arnlng tot.lay. ~upervbud.

Abovi' 1 I 1 momt:m'~ time cha .r~1ill.Q find for1.1m qu ~~lion .amwercd. l.d"t: ::Jl!iLD l-!al:wke illsc::!usl!3 the ~::;w:11:nU fuUowl~

Ll1c d t!V\.IL1• u:il S\;rvJ •.,;

The Call to Feed God's Lambs Afcer che <.;..~I l 1;1 ha\•l.! bct.:n usslgneli, a di:-1cuH1> on (ollow; to 'iCe iJ ·myon · kmt\\'ti som.ething abcrnt :rny of the: ~alb. The iw~-lcticl.! Mehuul :supe1· 11i ... ror~ lnvitL.: 1l"h! candidates over to cxclwrtgL: u•• y h 1iorrnntion t ha l 1hey fl tlght ha\' e .

June Ni~ght Salutes "America'' l"f1 -Cl'llll.!i:Lt


Hu. o:.!oml::tln~LI 1!'.bohs f.~ to AJ·11~l1C)l1.~ 11 .F1nt

LJ°•l) . "

llMl.C'r:i ha n'1 opened Jlme ni~ht \\1 Hh fastp:;ic:cd prL:!-i;;nnc;4,,:rL mu~1c. 'flu; 01~nmg chcl'r:'~ I ::io lee ti 0111 wci-c s~· crew numbr; 1" ~ from

previous cone.en re~ertoire s. Max k.a ell off pl.i.)'L..'U Chupm •'to hilt! d101..J. 1ucmlx.:1 ~ ch.:u1gl.!d to spring finery. 'rh""n Oklr-hnma ~election~. V:kLu.r Hr.::.rbe.t't ~m•crrltc.:s, 1,utd ~tttdL. r numbens filled the :iir in qt1\ck s1 1cc:e~!i:iion. 1

All t:hoi rs i;.!ombin~d Lh<-::ir \mice~ (or th(::

8thrillg and

'L'ho Gonc1.m Coo.LI. i:.::ang !'.icver=l ol thair n.c:rrul s:l!tac:U flll3.



li.·le Your Tlrcr..ll Your Poor"

A mer jca, the Hea utj fu L• "

Commencement - the End and the Beginning.I

An i111port::1nt <.:hapLL;r in the I ive~ ot .sixty-four collegL!

sl lldP-nl!-i and sixt}r-fh•e

r:hool sL: 1thn·,.; clos:ncl on June fiitll nt ten o~cl(>i;;k ~1 s lhcy received the ir Jiplt:HllUS. J\~ one chripter closes, anetthec open~ Into a !-ic~-nc of mnre IJXt~n::-.ivt: wurld a ·t.I\lli.:Les. 'I 1i s Ls a big step, I.Jut tl1t:sc gn1 c111atcs do not . •Q alone. Tl>,K~·Llr~;r~ chcy a~k. "Terich 1l1e, 0 Lortl, 1h"~ wny nf 'Thy Stu:tutes, " :.J.nd u·u:"t 1n His pro1nlse, "FtJa1· 11ut; l . . . . u1 help 1h~e." -rh1,;; mn.lH ~peukcr, Prof. Kowalke. l>re.sldcnt Emcr· 11.18 of NortlPNC.:Stctn Golle~~e at WciWrlc)"wn, \Visconsin, boughc to the Hll<mtfQn nf the :111dh:m1..:1: nud


gruduutc~ !way g

u t l'Ut: Ti::11du.: r m 11 ~t


thl! Ille ()f c:o11ti1111nl hu vc •



Before and Afterthoughts l'icture:::.; kll



ur t:he t;(IJI'~t.

The fom1 incmorics of your ojm1rn in ciur ''Hn ll of Ivy" are your ... alone. It 1.s ou.1· w1:sh that thi~ boo - \'!nil hrinb thc:su 1'11Crt s111· tble n1rimC11(~ back io you. Ma)' Got,.) chi )' bl ess yo 1, rJu.J gr.ad11ate, and all ,1!"> your l•fe 1 s t'1~k. contim1es.







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