DMLC Yearbook 1963-1964

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l'l K!SL'. 1mg !S cl1 r•t with pl..:LUJ"C~ t i t.: pro ~T( :;,5 il~· t·h(. ll•~'r't' 1

Wt• 1ll'n d<11"1tll111t)1 , rh1.: mni1L 1 i..·· 1..·111 rddjlinn w .>ur l':llllpL:"i. ">t.:plL'11tbL'1 't).J '.1 ii) lillU .!'1IU i.:,i rl o cnl I ing ll. r[ll: r


Expands Challenge of DMLC's Service w~

pres1 •n

thf "I • dit ion

Ol tlu; I• XCELc;ron.

;J ....


ih1m.: to t hl.! 8 I

yv~ l'


r.'U'fc..: L' \\'Ir I a:]1 Goel Lrn "' !°.i•.;!\.m fit to ~ nmt t o n~ff .'iL."'! ho·~~ I on th 1~ h · n . S j m.:l~ i tos fowu1f ng in I ~H..t, DI'.'. f\•tu dlu LuLhL:'l Cull~~r;t.: ll.i~ eajayt--rl tltt> l:LU'[~ti,111 ILJly :111cJ p1Jvll 'H ·of p r· I ~ilchr-J!-11• I i., V1ord . During ti i ·T imi.: LI c.: ..:olk/·~ h: ~ l·xreri riced c:on -;tant gr·uwtll IH tt~ e111·cdln t!T!l:, Ln lt3 !n tru._.ui..1mtl prngrnm o..1.JLu .:,,W.1, .:H d Ju its f. cilille.:J. Within h M! ri .h bk~l-ilttg!!I lleH u i:hu.Jle11~L'- -a chu llcn,gc '.'lhii.; h llt'f~nt l :~· 1.·uUH u (J r~spt>rn.I 10 ll Lc ·r;.• lucre:·• ~d opporc m!tk!l w~1.h a f. 111 nr<.:c.tsu i:e of dL·votil)n. ~t:



,_,# . . .

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Contents 5 Student Body .. 13 Organizations. 25 35 Music .. . 45 Sports .. . Activities . ... 63 Faculty . .....

Graduation ...


Pwrd¢ &• C.i.rl L. ~ . eppe

~r.>111:,s..• Bo:ird or Co 1111rol ST :-.~NC: H. B.21m1.11.M:,, \.'. fl:culcu{, . t . ~ctt!noll, Re~·. H. Jo.i)1t: , [). K11ippd. Tl:D: Pro!.\'. Vucck!, Re!,.,(). ~!!1 1 ' ' · Gli!ndr!, Jlc..., M. U;om.


Lil O~i LC: ~3\11 In~ rc.:a~<.:d 'C;('P\

msicm :sm:h scparare d('partmc:nt heads . Yer Wt: i:ontinuc: to ~har~ Lhe :-;an1c fncillut.:~ und ~rO~ ls . Hc..:rc Wl! ~how you our f!l~Uh}' .ns ~ . c SC<' them m cl,1~s • nd .1 Nt11tuc~d in 0£€ mQmcnh. r.i•t.:scnl )'CLI

lb. l lt


ef Control and Faculty

Wu~ nC:tL·~~ary





IH~r S1:hool !lol:'!'d Q( Ccnnol l ~: Rev. Sc+ il c, H, H ~~.Rev.(; , Rfrk1:<1l1, F. J Re\·.~. Kat'h,. Prof. I.I !>l~gli:Y, E. \'.'~J:i. ABS£NT: \ • ale:$.


H.i;i:i S.c!iool


Oscu Sicglc.r




F'.1.CUlt)· C< IH o r t ts~ '?'!'tO mi cs.

uc~, d1r. ~ffi


cor:n m 1nutc~

Up-Date E,ducation D. RRICK °Rt• l l'.;§On, !l.:,t.~'TI

H. Bl IUCH0.12. Jt.(;-:-;i:1..rnn, Cl'flt'l an

.L. HAl-L.~ o~:iu, .Rdigloa

C:. FISCli!E R F.d1.1e .1tle>r.


"J I I lAl\TWlC: J-1i...1.1.1ty



Edu IE a.ti IJ .u

F. HI.J.DEJU CH Sdenc.;: Co~(!h

Our Faculty-----They Teach, Th,ey GuzdeJ


mcmbct.s ·1u1u,1rn1

mclhuch: ur




l t. ,JhST~H. Socl~l S\ulJ! ·•

t I. KhlSf l't CCJ:Jcli MOill• ffiA tJ l:S Atb l Uc Dh1!c:t01

A . KOLLl"l.N



'•'t.' , ,NOlrt Mu~'ir:


~]J..X.;J.tio1 1.

.J. (tl OCl£1 t> M al hem :1.1.lo"' I [. PAL\\BACH



R. RA1 IN M1;no



It. LtOJ-:1-lL Als.;e r ~. SCliRC'T~OC I\

f, I


/'., SCl fCJl 2 i:Ji.11: i::. • I cm

W• .sCHUlZ L. lH11 l.r1cdb.h

t i. SI l"l t.ilmuiaai, An., S4.'c~oln~::)'

M . ~n:Fft' I . 1-. ng.UJ1 1

H. !i1,l,'.AJ-1Tl Sc:j l :rlf)Li

C. Tltt\?r l!n ll:":h

V. VC£CK!:i II\~ 1- &J~n1

Lu.tL n

J. WA"l'W Co.~.., 1 1

PIJ..i•. Ed.

Faculty Grows from 2 to 40 in 80 Years " '\\'h~rc 1 !1



rhb buu,7" Mr:., H;tut.!r

t•.nnoe~ CQ

Cu c!i \• ;tU!n 1 :tc.JC!Ut:.

.MI 'Ui.l IN M uuc


I\.. LL'vU.IB LI.MANN M u:iio, 13;aJu.I

Our effl~l~m ofllce 11.ill incl&.tlt $ thttl." :Sl!CTt!lJri ., , '!'bey~ Mn. Swllj ·s, >.1~- I li1Uer1 :mJ M , IR.iUt?,, who .ct as H'a ·u:rtc:c to the ~·, , Pl'\~ldcni: 1 Uld f!:.&5; •i¢$1 M :tn:igC!r, tt.speclivc ~·

Mr. Sdfrrt, our B\aulc» M 13;; r 1 b In ch~rgc oI kccpbi,s ;ii! t!1 - f11unc!J.I rrcorcb of lh K~l. t-h: ~1$0 ove•secs tile lh~nc:c o! . U tt1 • cbsscl,1 clill». ;and wg. i'\i?. tioru.

Right Arms

~f Faculty

and Students

.tect the sm<km I :r:uhm. Thes-c c:hc~rful in:inu uc-, from Jell to rl.gh11 SF.Ji.TED, 0oJlll:i Ste ll1k.e, B tb:lr:\ PC~ .nd to~iise Gn!!cawood . f.t •Ii· II.AC~ ROW 111e Dee ~U\h, O.Clores.MA chle, .md J&?an Qua~ •

Le.!\ 'u rt&Jit :uc Mn. liopm~ . !r.r. Spcrlill:, ~l'Al Ml$$ SclmiUc.cr1 ~st:a.nt libr;ui:nu ~o Mr. SJ-a. Th.ei::: wn1'k u.~ps au:r sm;all bu~~ runnii:ng


Our $Chool "Moms"1 J..Un LR xc, Mn, V. Si, and ,\;Hu A, RiL'lTI n,

A R~R l°ic:lure - -Mr. ll. 11.L E OISI! ! tl\;J• s~ro.,,.h.ll n!< for pL.u1ncJ :it4 imprOmplu p;u1J<1:i, -·h·. l:H 1J\.t h _ Mti nd 1n llC'1:d whcl'IC'\'!.:f proble!ma. 1.trh(! . That ti I!' studenu ;appcecl lite Litt- umJrln:-;. dfort$ a! tlie Jr m uld • t :i l1"nt•· d ~ c.i h shown hy thr 1n•n:">• .: otlrusl;utlc cmn o. 11 coa 1 I 1• recc vies. Be~lde-' c11lln2ii.• d1

These Also Serve

[)oubfo, doubl1? 1 loU ;md troub!L• . .Bolter bt'ilt ;iod w11tr.r boll, J lol show1•r$--OC>mp l int.:1u 0£ thc m:l.i:n:caux:.: crew.

Dltt ·r'J l'.)o.o)m lnv~ntr>ry

Mt>1nbeil'$ or t i,. ki•chC'tl A It l:\k.,; Sony, only ooc. to ;a ~tomer.


oi the dCSKn s tu;zuozi.


IW\... 1 i l'... t1 U!~TJ E. B.tC!T. c. n.;U1<1"TJ c. tll;!ff)cU, I.). Elli! Lt;~. l'. liat:':bnlo,v., .N. n~rn 11J1;, o. Cool:;. [lQ'~' ;.!!! M. CfTlCJ D. Dr-1".acr, D. Dhrm11 ll. l::h11«J J.l • .l:.1:1ll:?u.1H, M . L.ns •J, !~. 'l'IJ:.i:r1 C. Gdp,~1. ROW :"!~ r.. Ci 1 5chen, 1. Gret!n·,..,·ut.tcl, !Ji. Haa.r, J. H-.i:rW:i. n. JuJy H..1.R.iD!.JJft S, .H.:.~t!r U. Hec:.kma.n,. S. Hue~r-

Harmony Blends Tones C11~!1m .11 l I 1d1• d pilrt I !if. !1.l.LJdC!n.1 { fl OIJ1 C1i1 ~ !1,;~t~T JTI ;:i,li;, 11

lt.OW 1; E:I. Hutn m, ,f. JAJ t•t1, V. J(•1d"'{', P. K~huw, J:.. K :I.Lu J\Q'l,•1 :.'1 C , K l'orli, G. l(a.r~ Jf, !.'. Kru._oter, K. Krtl& K, Kua=hn, RCIW J~ .B, f.1:1t:nge, E. l.r,m1c I!, M. Lc.mke, .S. Licdm il.11+ J . Lu~nc­ b12~.


t:. !.'Jel •ow R. l 1tv.11111n S,


J. M tturu M. M1'}'CT M, Mi:.cl1.Ml








w. ~o!tc ~tl'T

.J, Pl

C. rr1ci.s

c. l'ni


J. Quul A, l\c hbi: Ci' .1.L Re t1Dic-l<1.! "l, R1.u 1"'1«1 lm

J. Snge"

L 1

~dun dc•f

t , S choc.ce c.k.

M. oblocLl .... r El. Sd.11.;c l 'L l. Scl111l11 IL ~cbull?. fl., ~c I '"° f', .S cbw a.11tca ~.


Sa ti\.. UJ 11.



Wz'thin Junior Class

ROW It K. Sh.''o·rn, F, SUL, C . Smit~ N. Spriag8'1:11l1, 0. S r.l:.·tiu~, H.OW .!t J. S•c i, .-rul [. SL":tdt, N. l L'Ch, ~ . l<.\~pd, u. Vnt:- now 3: C . Wt.:J.J1 1 T.• \\'r.ndt, IL. Wolif, t\. 'llo1U 1 J, Zo~ liner.

A r. rhy-- Rm: P:wJ

"~ti!. SL I


ROW 1: K. Allu\!cht, S. Blunk, M. ifl.1::>ehmr.. ROW :!1 M. lkirgt;c:hal.'., [. . llr:Lfl.J1, A. Brdtlm!uu ROW ~: s. c r:lson., c. c T11"1icl1ac I r. CeM.. ROV, •lr l: . COJt,, ]{. I) Mt N. JtO\"I ~1 0. D ·Nu)'4Hr K. Or~'k<- 1 Ll. Ou~ • ;1u, I

Sophomores Bubble With

W. Erw;1d L.


£. Fi:lilri11111 A . r lel.d c,1.. r P. Fn:y F. Gn.rcla C, ( •llnd~r.>UJL C. I I re kmatlll C. I [ •fk.r. W, II r.1 riudi.:!b R.. lllll n. Ho[fmal01

I . Ka.l'i

E. Kl.:tnlw"Vnk.i ~ , K 1Clok'1km M. Kri:."'i P. Kucpsi:ll

a. J(711 c:.11: e::r

.1. l'ru '6er R. l\tu ~~<-t J,


[.~foJUOU Lanlc.~llUU


A, I J . 11.' ']Lll"1

J . l lnktn C. l UL:drk D. M. utl11c H. Munthi..


M 1~~1~

1\ Muir y

I'. M11..L! L. N11r~1:1c: r r,, Cfo lkr,r:: R. p ,.. li;rr: £, P lrt1h I:.. Poolo

!\OW 3~ K R:t ~c, L Jtu,.Jlt'k, D. ll.Upl.'l!cht; D. S 'IU.!1 , C. Sch { C . Sc.hmhJL. S. Sehrocdc r. ROW.!~ C.,. ).L Schulft, T. Sehul1.,, S. Su Lw.i1lkb, T.


S lege 1, IC ~i C'•~rl, E. Snrg~t1, ROW ~: l.: • U~.k.: , .1 . Vlck,. !ii . Vlc Lot~ J. We I~ha hl\ A, W t!b!) J. We Jl:s~ P, Wt!rlliil!kt!. RO\".' 4: M. Vi'J ld.i.; J. '•\' b~tt!!r1 B. Wolf ·i am, Vil, WolLm l ltl; A. Wrct 1r-I., M. Z.tb!!llt S • .t,unkct.

!\OW l: J . Aday, K. Alh1tcht, M. R;iclc,i:r, M.IRlsn~tt, 1"1. . lllaucrt, J. Bo~hm. J. Bom~bergcr, O. Br.uSOY."• ROW Z· R. &el, J . &rillli<m~ti. I\, B:ru~ h!J, P. C. rh:on, F,. C11ol"l!:ti1, L. Coll\' rJ, K . Cone. C. D.;11kl,, RO\'' 3~ C. D.amm, /L D.amrow, D. Dcl;111L"}"1 M. DcmJn,g, t<.. 01.:\'ljtt, J. Dey, A . Oot.:rl'llr ~r, J. Ou«!Mm ·h:·r, ROW -t• C. Elnh2rd1 1 C. Eisenman, S. Elk.abergl!'r, J, LlllUr, J. faluling~ C . f :un:n!:r 1 0 . Filch. ,\. f' lui:!).gr.

Enthusiastic Freshmen Accept 1\0\l I : C. frir• bus, S. C ;unrrdl~er, C. Cc gr.~, 0. Cm-

dec'k. S. C:-2.P,1 M. Cr:Wm a.mi. J. GroMIOb_ &OW

2- J. H.J 'blo~• •



d.lmtdf, L. H~, N. H:ut. E. lUJ'twl :-.. D.

H•u-.::h. S. Hadgept!tli. il.O"·.: 3: R,. Hcl:k..H, • H i!'irn! 1 J . He l1g,

K. Henning,.

K. UcroEiit J. lhnnenrh21, \'.

JQfimoo. M\11 · ~ K. Kehl. C . K •.imy~ C. Kie'l' steu_ l.. Kl.a-


,,..;tlf'l, M. KDD1pe, ~.Koe K~HBSEl:"I'~

T. D. C:_


K rtDcy.


a. tuaw:c i·• . R ruJoC H. Kt..utfll P. Kus.Ile

• t . Lutsc-h K. l.z'Wft'.m

B. L...


H. toehnt.:r C.


l. l.l;!



C . . \;ahln ~.~



T. Milkr B. Mmch

J .• ' eSd:wr J_

~IJm~ f:T

O. Nolre

c. Oldfield L. Qn;o;:



L01to 'T,Pfl r i<\.. Pi.t!lm.: iu

a. P !\!:el D. Po1•

N. Prl llwitz

a. R..av;SCh R. Redlin

Challenge of Collegiate Life !R.(r,•.' h S- Rc-11$, 1,. R~mus,, 11.L Sa..m;u,, K. S a.ul?'r, K. Schll!, J • .ScJM!w4! 1 J . .S c:hlom11:1r1 M~ :S eb11.1 ., · r, D. S.chm.c pt~r. ~OW 2'! .A. ~ehmld~, S. S.<.!1lOl~DCck, L Sclm>cdl'r, C. Schuett~, s.. Sdwulti,. .M. S1eg.Loe•, K. Sievcst. I.. Sie'!o·.e n, $. St~lfoJJ, G. S LeHcl'lh~~n. JI.Cl\'.' l! G. ~to(f ~nh~ ~n, D. S.te>e'l'L~, J . Suhr-, S . S"'1:uttZ, J. T rz17u!r1 J TJ~~::i


I, J. TJr11120 c-!, M . Toc-pcl, 0. Tomfohr, J. Vcmderobl!. RO\•,' "11· D. Wii.Lt, L. Weber, L. \'llf! 1-.;i-s. Y. WcicZktlP"''• W . Zlmmcmi11.1U1~ ABS.ENT: O. W«la .

tilior.f:. D., S. Wcum !.:':,.'c:r~ E. Zic:kuJU', J.

ROW l 1 R, R.i11:1r.h, M. Dutlc. ll. liunu'l'.' 1 £ . 8r 1i.Jt.

now ~: s. El1:u:~r, ~en.








N . Briel-..,

D~llm L.L1..

•rl • (r

u. .Hri ~}'!:!, E I (. hOi.L•' I -



S. Dur.'hl-

Oru:: th 1ng th nr

rnrz lini:- <11 t cit> ! 1

Juniors Bolster School Spirit L , r 1u";:rgr: S. C11ugcr

.\. r.;l





1--1 il1t!m~yc1


P. t

c. irC'llk• 1 .1. rn no!•tflal IJ.. Ht1ru

S. I lu 111 r P. JAcnhi:: N, J 1 ;t C. K:1 I 'DI L.

C. T\i:ig A. KOt!pSt!'ll

K. K ·Cpt. •ll ~.

Knrn nnrm



u. ' ~

C.. Lr.m



P. Llt1detu ;m1~ 0 'L1e,k_..,LcJ Cl o. J,, .. ~h.

o. M:~Ldll

T\. Mr h1bcr M . Mr)ri'r

ROW 1: 5'. Me~T 1 U • .MudleT, R. ~;·')1Lt:, M OrdL, B. P.1mpc t1 •\ C. rlt IJ, 'B. 11.:1-'lbc, C:: • Ro('l.-.•,..,·n.M. nu...· :Zt s. l:lcs.:!, 'N. H.m.U<f' I 1' . 5 ucr, Jl.. :S c'hru ~di.:r1 S . ~alt·lt'icih!i: a· be~, M. Si cg~er1 M. Si:.~~1.h.iW1, M . T lin.uth.: 11. RO'll\' :\t I'. 'r mh'n,, ,1, rr.ipp, .l. O;rw;mdt, M. Vo..-J~~t'l;r ,\, 1/.' ~ncT, l;. Wei:;n.J.uiTC, K.




P. Weni.t::r

ROW .:J: L. Wlei..le1lC!L 1

G. WIU1! 0 V Za.Jw, H. ZHlmi!!.r. ABSE;:-..'! M. ~cl1eta.

L.H.S. Enjoy.s Lively Tear R.()\\' l: G. Baecu~ J. 'Rec'.J.:rr, Fl.. l1rcckri1 ::i;oo,, 1L u ROW 2~ s. ~. :_. an,.,n, R.. ISl.'J,. n. F.h1'n1t1 ;.n. L\OV•' :Iii f • .E;lll"oJ1c:i;wc:t, D, Enr~:r. 5 . E.ntcr. P. r-'r11nk.





.E. C.a'N'h .1. Cri &.•' r I". Cl1 ndn

J. Co<' hTi:r+,

C. H b !l'f'l\:llln Y . H.:iur, S.. If •~I'd

c . ~ h)pp

C. Horton [], Ji;HWn

1. •• 1~0001J

K .. J~rd<ic M • J o hnsuJJ K. l\iLh[I li. Ki !!SI!'

J. J. M,q I

Meet the Sophomore Socialites W:J\'I 11 5. Mc blbcrg, M. MJ.alu: ·11 C.. N ('Ujilllht1 lo!,. O tt.0. RO'IN '2; J Pt!tel'flt!<n1 H. Rn~p, C . :'iir:hor ~.., k, S. Sdl.[lMder. itOW ~t I' ,!u;n, J. SdJd K. Sonuu~t, C. T <!cJ1,er. LlUW ... D Trt1.ndr:, A. W;i. •'9 ,J, We~ C. 'Z hn. A$5r.ITT1 1\ , Nolte'.

now . r.. ~ •1ll•. l3i'i


!Jo.Jck. llrttu r,




ROW~~ !



C lyn..,, S. Colr., J.


s. Bi ]j Lt,


J I a1.,1o;1~. R .

r., l\om'5ucl..o;. C. Bnoow, T .

o. tiluilkl •uu.


l'1••lllcl1, L. D1 lu l'.\>llll,

l:lc Ia.n · ro,

ROW 4 · IJ.




' I



ROW 5 .M.. Pit-o, N .

~ u.h.rc.okil.m~



Freshmen Survive Initial Stage RmV 1 J,




.roallr:h, .U. Uui.odm:u· n, .IJ. CrJ int:, D. JI hl'lkl', K . Hn1twl '• S. He<:lun11.on, R. Lti:rmd:r.du1.!1 H~~·e~1 R. Huhc, D. J~1rrc:k. C , K"rJrow, M . Kln11Scci, ."rC i'W'Pc~, M.

RO\'ii' 2: G. Hq:.p 1 I::.

RO''N I: J. 1~011,..., L.. Kmm~ T. Llpp"t'tt J M Liel'll('is;c~ M. Mi.ti! lt'l, C. N1'l'.• . 11.0 '.\' 2: J. Nolr~J r. C.)~J.owak.E, M. F' K. J'o:":Jat M • f'~p-.=;rJ G. P~ th" 1H)'\'/ :I· J • Pli~.r­ w ar, l<'.. E"r.r;hy l:i, C. Recd. L. n~~oft, c.!'L'• J' Sc.11.. rl~­ J'rJ IUm-

''Fuchses" Enliven LHS Clan

l\.O\"/ J1 J. Scl1u 'J~cl. 1 ~. !i-ehoon. e'k.~ 1 0. Sc~ea~t', J , Sohrot?:dcr, D.•~ Lt:i:.

ROW 2~ D. SC'nwei-.tagcr, n. Scuimk.:1 1 J. St.dl4!•lh:.tgL tt.. K. :li1.c1nlui.ui; J S \:•ki.::lbwigJ E. SLTUN1 ROVl 3: N • .Sw11nt?, D.1'1mm, J, Timm, l, T L~.Jpp, G, W<itc~J G . •i11o·~nb1?~ K, Weitt:.t!r. B._Ql~1 4: :P. \•/;•Jl\.i• • lJ. Wur:n:r- n, 1h'l donlL<'Fl, J. Wht.kd, .S. Witt~ S. Z.;rntc. 0. Zllln\C'I' .

Tl11,; L 1thc1· 1..1t~ rtt 1'~" Le: ague ti Cc k tr> pn 1moce tlw c1·e·Hive Dl.:ii.l iticf ot c.111r f>tuc t·nt,.;, b. it dr:tnt."tics, an ..,,.urk, •'.lr ,,.,.· ' l hia y~:i r thcL~dgU(.: JI rod1ll'Cd a tli n.~l! -ac L pl:~y ~ THE MAN \,'[ 10 LJAME TO Dli\Nl.~~ Tho OJ.'t~.: r1i io11 ul l> hu.t, lt; 1.1wr 1x1hlicotin11, t lli.: rnRENSIC I \\1h h.:11 i;:;. still in tile i.::mbJ."YOJ1 le Nli'.lgw . Jn C*dd1tion to ttli::>, mcn1b~n:t l'llt(·rta111 he.;: gro11p Onl'.!e .i month. Such crlort.s <! .J. g n::i I it: UI to Liiv ..: LI I LUTH I ud Voll I...:(.. I !Lil[ Of 0 11 1· cl IJ(J ]. I

I Wf'ICl::H,S1 pre.>lJ~m.

w. l l11hcntli1:1YI

J. K11ho,

p e ,Jdt't1I; R,, W111u. ViCfl• Tr:rasuri:r.

s~crcta.I)', 1~. hdter,

L4L.L. Promotes Dramatic Art Operi.lll.!;. UJ~.hLI lh Ilwl)· ol ucth1H )' ltll!mbc1! of 1J1 • runk ··11p ..:02tW1iLl~1 put fl •· 1 1nuo l 1·~ .,,. 1 •~ C!~~.

r.J. r.• pl


11 Q.~

pcirli:c:Clun u.L'Cc r r ndJ A :rr h~an:Lll{:,

I he; LJM LA• ..,.c;.1 l'hl~(- cHtn II:> 111 o.rganl~ti(ln ~r~ssed l"3ptdly

whll:ll has prri-

o rigiJJ irt 1963. 1c·1 .. onts fur thl


sinL:e lts 'n" (JI the

h, lhi: ~ph.:ndl d 'vork thL· rncrn hcn; an• deiin.i.• in !it:r'ivi ng rn.','d. n. tlw gnr-1 I~ ol

th duh. !-:.L·cklJtg tel p.ta tnOLL:' ch•m:lfh. h t<."Cl..'.S[ in (111 fut 1r1.J l<.:"' :hc·r. ,



h.:cvt2' Dt...L'.) wo.rU11g on mall}' )Jl'i..:"tN. l'h(:! 1t1c11ll1er• lldi.•L• (:Xli.:.:m.lL.:d 1ht'ir eff.orte m prodlh...:~ teaching

L!XCl'I t • rr ['I

ui•I. l'o,r efoment.rl ry ochoDls

lu Lllc Nt.!W l J1111 ilt t•1.1. 'he i;l\1'1 • ::.11 ::pcmso L • Sdc1t1.:c I .ii r in \fay rn ;1 llO\\' it-: 0


.Jud oLh<..r

~ 1 uc1cnt~

tri c.. xhlbic t.h1.;4IJ' y.,11'1 Ju !J(;li·n~~ ·. 11 i:-1 ii plci-tHlff<: ti;.i 1Pe :::.uc:lt a f lri~ hi ~L iu1L ion i11 our.


Girh .;ire: 1nrcr~~· in s"il"t'.'ll'l' po, h Pldmcier 1u1iJ ,f. Schcwa ~"'

lltJ ~ppa.~~·~

( r

1111 L!.)!.pc1i.rncn1 In l't."lu~

Phlog£stonJ Sponsor Science Fair

c.>rFJCERS D. :5;mcr, V P:r~),, R, 1 rc.oa ., t-' - Wi.llemb, Ptll:'t..



'Jnrm. P:inn T\'; ~nd nc11 Muth ponder lLt' pruo ~ u! fln..1 h1i:, ,;1~ ; iib Ii: fic.1h~Hnr:i; ! t l.l firtol d..... i.lli &: : ppw~ 1.:Jl.c!~. .le l l: Ela.rli r11 nl ( 11u.m dLi:cu · ~ llrt \'k tnT L..,I 1}11 11 •~t •\'llli N~Clm i lk111Ji n~.


Designed to Please-Your Excelsior I 9o.1- P•o

P.{Hrnr • . • •.... El .

r XCt' I !-l io r Stn ff Bie~m." nn

l. yQur; Bd itor ... K. &tuntbach l :opy H 11 nr .. , , N . I -<rnnin~

p hn Lng rH rherfl .


l\•1 nthe . M • ~C.ll:H) J f\ l.u:rt1..!11b 1 R. Sff>-Verl



Art StLJfl • • •..•• N. B rc~ lli ng, J. Zc;it lo,..,• Layout Staff . . . . l'. Wlll<:111::;, l{. Ht:l tnrl!k:h 6

.M . SchoL'nL•ck, R. l1e<llfo, }\'f , l1t> ig.:il..'. Ii.I I Z • Copy Sm.IT •••••. D. l\. uth, :-..1 . Engel, f). l\fa lchl IJ. r • ~·] Ul" £{! >' I c • &hcfllb, J. Vonderohu Ty ph:ihi ....... , D. t\·111 ichlc, r.., Klm ko\\ t1k\ . 1

t:umpa.nn.f, old .u:d. ~w photn~ ur,;,....·$_ l.a.ught.~r i 1C1t11 M1111.r1 Llo:y,scti.ill"' Ruir .. :ru~ n•~dll.n, .uw .l•1tt Z.:~~~n""'"

An 1 rii.111.1111 h.u!'H:.l.OJ ~ • R.1y c :.i.ugLl 1 "h(:r ~l(I • of hh• uc.uw 1 t111.

( •tt


EJi1.0r , . • • . . • . . • • A . Ll!mkt! Miln t~lng l·,,l lta; •• , , • .B . .l\HJlr:r F hirt' Fdttror •• • ••••r. Kicrz• r i! \'IJ

Edi,ur , , •• . .•• K, Sbillillf,

13u~l t •!!)i M.u~~t1.r

• . . •• A .


C k 1! •I Son M n: ~i•r • W. 11 li• nnA1U\ G. f ill"c'!::111nn i.'r:Olll,ITt'

11..:id N1•w11 W1 • 11 • , • M. lfo •IYm1, R.. l\u.:!1:11 l). Maic::ili;, S. Mwoiddt-, C, Schdw, l. $lo.:•1.t!11 1 J. i'-it!.lle>w. J , 1

1\'lnl • T,.

••• , , • , r., iJ.11e:or~ R., frnwr, E!. "I !!ch M kc 11\ lp s I ill • ' . . •. K. D hl, I J, lrii.'!.11' ' I Spnr,t~ \\'ri~r.1'1

Cltuul;:i~lol'l~l ff . • • . • /\.

l\,•hhorg1 C.

:Ch:bdu~, ,-,i. _ 13a.-h~H'

, , •• , , K. • .M ~11.tlhc •• , ••• , • IJ. MuLh, Ll. :Stdnk1• , 1 1...•11 J • V n11d1J1'0Jtt.•

f1b.JLUj;f:J;.'tbt!J: T}·pl:ll~

1-J ·Ot: A r'tvl~ 1 •••• • , ••• , • Pro€. Tr.1pp

Messenger Reflects School Image Ou.i [\"ESSENGER .!)• 1JtL'l b 1tc\.. s fru11 1 l liu t'u 1r ~(lrll r'i of lhc: Cii lllptlti ,1 \'l.1C11 =ts ()1~1to:>ide" ... nd f1l'~5ents it in n-=v/:=:priper form to you Oll(;L' .() lllOnllJ • IJ;::. nt~W:i ldGs to kcu p ~ llUt!lll ~~ •h.:lllly. d ltd .uh11rmi '•'&.'o..:ll-[nlu~111 ·~t. Our .MES.S.ENOEI{ It> u11 UVL:tlUc of s LulktLt t•.xp11 L.,,!Jh:HJ, 1J p1·ornl•LL' t of :;d10l~ I sfli 1 It, umr an 11r>por1.unit:y far you11g 0



wrlk· ":J ro express

tClltlll'fl writ~~ !!iLr,~urrrt,


oornnlt ·w:ith


.\nit~ a~1 l 11t1'.1

S, .M.i:~:tfr;Wt -.:ir-c H.. Knclm r:ic:1rrlm~nc Lhcir y;ur.k i.c pr:ioL



jV)' (!~ "Sei:j~

Marlut and Aeolian 1

This year d 1e AC"oU .u1 \\ un L'11 S Cho1·us fJlled the ah• \Vlth be.A'1il rneludlt:s a t.: t\110 m11111.Jl C•Hll~l~.rtl'> m1tl fu I" t hu ~ r"1dit1onal c::i rollng Ht Uti1·1Ht mu.:,. Uudl!-.r' th~ ca p:1hl(! dL L'L't.:rion of Miti!-) f\·1ildr~~d I lor111u. 11 1 n "ll'>i~ l C"J by C.l1 .sab~ tb \ l brL!~~hl. 1 tla~ l~t!Ollilu~ 1ui:>tlly L• ILLY .t\J ' mo, '' "'SI10 h ~l,;,ln, fia 11 g·, J 11i ung u tllt!r LllD U8.t ' ·"u .J 1nJ ..Ir I Loved You . .. If

Voices Say It with Mu.sic l'he Syni;o[JJ.kd Clock, ·· " Mari:iww,"' und "C~nll e AtlJ1h:" \ /l: re J>r'l me 1;.;xu m[1lt::'' of Lh • 1 lty[lll1L l1,; IL d t11<..:lluy, luu~s ;')UU.\i b~ t h!! Mu:rl 111 t lliR y ·:i.r . Undur LhL' di .i c~tkrn ut' Hon -"hilling, l hL :-."' rnu~ic r 1 ,-.11 spem 11 "ll}' i..!11J1>;1t1blc.: huu;n,. in pr. •p11Ta t1nn fnr cbc (WO con1.:<-·n•.; pr·L.:si..:ut;.-J Jo1n1 ly wi t h 1hc b.m I ~rnd :\~ol iri ns •.AL C:hrl :3t 111JLJMI 111r..:, th w••men's cir.>rm1Lorlc-t> we.i:e arOL1:?:-e"tl ea1 lt u11c morning hy thG M.1rl1,at~ l·:s.rmonlzlng Yuletkle 1




J,j•rr. f.JlrL".;:rq Ihm !ilrlllh1r: pJia~·i; hh: latr..i.t ::in.i.c~..,m~o:: im • h1: Mar hu uIIlc en Tri.! UJ. J . H~rorn n, V. f J 1.1. W. Pn~~ 1, ;11 Pft' • () • .s~tmh1c. lli-)l1w M~d11L1;; bn19h up b1:rnr1 Qi"lUOt: r".,

ST.A. . . "1:XNC.. Lcrt to ri~bt--[;>. Sc!tuln, Prof. lla.hnk.e, M. Ji.1h1~n, Pro!. Scht0~1!r, B. Brandl, P. r. pk 11, P. Sehw.uccs. (Tri.::11.), " . Scl1ulLt., N. Kniu, C . 8<1.U<!r CSc.c 1)'), £. I <!m k1: (\'. r..-·s .), o_ S.Cbo~n£ck, Pro£ . SwM•~ L. Coll~ 1ud,. f'rof. N IL~, V, Pi 1 ,-\\' l. SF_A'TE.Di C. ~,' dm c r:, :!:i , M ;ol1 lb\; rg. I l. Z llmi:r, W. HaMnnarna (Prw:1 _,, S. Radt-:'l.v:.a Id, l. LW!lh>, J . \•inm,..,r. All.SENri £. Ehnm!" Id.

Innovations Spring from Student Council nlc: Stuclcnl (;o,mdl i::; in l•O way rt ,governing bod~·. le nw ln caml only lun~tiun ts ro maki.:: caL.:h student ':s day'"' ac our fa:liool t llcir most '-'nJoyablc. h.: i a mediator bee , ·en fo(;uhy nnd ..:::tudt:nt.s. Wlcl1 ~tudc.;nl intt:!'..:Sl:s '11 mind, SC hrlb inno\•at d ,,,ever-al new undc.:rLakings tlds yc:i r . These indutlc a nlOIH.hfy mo.,,,•ic uight. ~1 ::-.LUJL·nl i..:ah:ml:n, and a bus .:il.:1·•,.'kc.:: lO and rrom .;:h~u-ch,

Oth~1· acclviclcs

for the cnJOYm'!.:Ul of C\'Cl)' student Homecoming.3, Lhe i ctlvitics Banq111.:t~ ChrisLLtW • di.::cori..ltion!:i 1 3nt.J a Spr•lng. nd F, II allII h H !-ltut cnt gcL-COg~l L.!l".

an.: Hallowt.·en

J '• ••



mtwon proJ i.:~u ~:rYI.:!

nc r ::icquiZIDl the studl!nt

bod)•"• th 'he mbs o.m our "l aod spo~. h 4o ~ .... ..,~ dte :i;tude :s ,;an opp011unit:,· lO comrlbt.Jtc to thl" - r·~l~loru.

' 01.D





lN A SHOE. w:is 'he priu·wimih s.·mon duri~ Soow (.;!

1hernc 0u1 b)' c

S 1mlc~n1 C111 t1J11 , ttith1ted unu lJpe cne d hy the "II mk;nts,

c.! n ls tb ~ r•L.!t~u la r \\'1J1'k...:r!:! l1 ~n ·k har Llcwly

l-: "'"·' m :Jll} unprltvc..:11 ~·C.'l r·.

l 1:1td

:;crvc t'rom

e q11i1llf:tl w i1 h g l.n~s candy 1.;o mew r·!-; • nd ~ pl1lKt• n1 nrnd1S 1u..~. NC.11\' o pe11 '·'· e .,. k nlghts ufler .st11d~· 11. II h> ci te i.:oJlr_~t 11 i:.s. I. 11 f1L.:r!' we I ,onw t<.'c r t·aH1m nfte r hni tr~ o{ b111• 111 •g- tllc I K)O k.:. _


'~11n~ NS R. 'lo 1•• ~ W. f!'. r.i!1;d K. $1 1•..'i! r t. v.r•.: M. l'.r16cl, ~ 1· C'''r'i V, kr1~r.::C'! 1 Tr11:•:n,

S.U. 'l


P L ·~ ..

tudent Union - Gateway to Leisurely Living 1 I ~ u I 'i.v.r1y~; - I 11-Llem:1nd pr'<d t.u b ll:. J>hw -pu ng Lc1l1lcs~ T . V., .Hui v:1 ri o 1Ls '-"lJr L:s 11f l.1 l"rJc .JJ.!ll"lh' s art: a v1l I.. I) I1~ r r, n 11 ·,.·.w :-1c: c:ll 1s vc.J r v1~ rv me mlwr· 11f r.111.: sc 1di.:1Lt hndv is :1 1(1nm dl'h;;nJi'Y ~ me: in ix.· r uf Student llninn .


• «iol 1 1T " ' d J, Wlm:er .,f'90,,. t heir


et.act~ l o

c J._.,



t ;1bl1~



fJ1~h:ik-c:"1 m1

l?~lrJll!r~ .-ind


l'l1'1L 111 ,J ,

t'he c .. l()Tli!r;

Q1 1;1•~,

dlq.>a.!111•· 1111."J

Pep Clubs Boost Team Morale 0

Cc1!~ia:~ UHii:et£.1

Jt'Hl '11' 1



L. Sih<'"Tr1 ~"~·i F.. R.1trt'hel 1 rn~~.; V.


D. l\•f. I .C. pi..:p '"·oure;<l l• l gh~r th. evet: tltls Y'•::ir• 111c Pep Ch.1[1 st· r rerl en1:li11>"li nflm ;111·1 0ngtlle studen1s U1rn 1gh :.:nutit l cs~ posters am.I 1·o~Jt;H'lg Jk.!J rt:~l~. ] hm1e1..:0L111Ug' flon l !:-l mt<l dt· ~o.L\lt u n .. were mnstcr•m;mk:u hy tlt l:; hardwo 1 klng, tun -loving, ..,;chmi!-:ii!-'I nted group.

l.FFT! I tlp,b scb1:1u1 ihu•.-.•s rb... t lt s J o t woU, 11


Fri it d n f

.r l"ill!T ,., " bip; b~d

lief.()\•/= M. BwW11, !.Ill~.; J. K"lllJ•I, l't.!:M C. l.un1, V, L'tc,, . ... 11 I ,h •~hnol olni;: •r1.

Cho£r I Presents the Passion According to St. John .•\l'lhuugh Lhc crmccrt: i..:hoir <lldn"t go

on to



k0cp bcJth

rc.::11· . thct<.:



plenty to

noel nicrnhets bus)'.

After Lhl! excitenwnl of being T. \'. ~clchr ll ic: s in Dcct:mlx:r. the choi r plunged into the monumcnli.ll t;,1sk of )CD r nl ng ;:ind p;.:rr r;:cLi ng r.•1c St. John P.1sslon by J. S. Bach. ·rhe lust kw \i,,·e~ L;:; c.>I r he ye~ r '''~I' c rc:.-;erveci for sc..:ul'1r songs Lo he sung :u tlie Com mcnLclllCtn Conr..:i.:rt.


1' 1 offlc• 1;1llv ' 11.mnd tfl•• &' nd to pr~\ li•v. " le ct 'on. Leh to 'R 1811' 1 11 , WuU!, V,f',; M. H 1111 n, ~~c: 'y; 14. , '~hlll ng, 11r ~.


Jt.c1x:nop:mlru L. Cre~n\'1·ood lll!d M. Perkins (ll!CITT) .uslp Pro!f'ssoe lbcl«t, dircc.:tor ( litLOWl

Professnr B:ic~'f" develoJX;:d Coll ege Choir II's seml-wecldy rehen.rsa ls 1nrn a ''nH:lhoo:s·· c-ourse by offc.l'.'ing helpful hints for m~ w tng tx:ner choit dircceors and music teachers for the fulurc: . 1\s i true of the olhc-r ~hoir~ on campus , H also advance choral lC'chn iquC'. p:ir tic i pace- in wOl' hip service:.;; ••1nd perfnrn1s m lhc ll"adluonal cono;:e.rts .

Choir II Receives Helpful Hints for Future

·rr ~blc

Choir II

The Trel•le ch(,ir~ nrc c()mpo)sCO ot wo;ncn from rhL! colle?gc lrcZ">hmnn and sophomore classes. The choirs assist in the r.ccord111g of radio ~cr·... 1ces aucl r1t morning chapel c.Icvorion . Jn concen they cumblned under the directinn of ~ 1ss Rulli Backer. 1'he wor k of the (;hoir~ tlcmon:>rratcs U1e mURlC


music t!x.prcbSC!i>

or O'-lt


l..ulh1.,;ra11 heritage. This religious

jo)' and deep

feeling of Davld: "O come, Let u ~ng •mto rh · Lord: let us ma .·c a joyful nc>i~e to the rock of

our saJviltion" (Psalm 95).

Treble Choirs Lift Voices in Song Tteblr.! Cboif I

The high ~chool chuir.,':j, \mdcr th'.! colorful dtrcc.tlon of Prolc:!iisor Nal~e. often corn hmed their \'Oice.s h i p.'lrt cif'-'lle in vnr,ous campus concerts. Borh chmrs rcgula.rll' ta mornlllg chapel i:xitccu;;es, r.:n.lin chmr, and churd1 scrvicC"s. . Throughout the ye::ir , C'hot:r I (picru:red aho\'e) tr.:weled Lo severnl area cJurches lo pnrticipale in ser,•1ces.

H.S. ChoÂŁrs Enjoy ''Staff' Membership

Lutheran Chapel Hour

Th ~L1~wJ 1 the c11111bmeci c;>ffo1· 1s or 1hr ~e\'C'r-D I pLtS C""hr •iT~

dntJ pa !ilL•L'::. of


Ne\'.t l lr11 cJrt:H~ l 1t· Lut 1e1·~ n Chapel Hc.111r h1 fJ;J<l1..:u:,l:i h \'.t'<:.dJ.y ::;Cr\ t.:e (rr1111 Lht..! KNl Tl rndin SI 11111n, G'or fifl<.:C-n ,...... or"' t l1e~ · ~cn· 11.:(:"l hnvl: L"iH'rh:.;J he Gc1 ~pel int :J many hr1mrl.j. Th.:· bn ;1dc. sts n:rP, prt.: -1.L.'L:or<led u•t L~m1x.1s wllh 1l""u :·m1ph.: ~qu pn en t p 'r•\d,l d in •iic.: ~ 1u.s 11.. . L ·l:" lltl:"r. '1'1 l"tJll~I th l."I IHtJc.lhm~ ~\ 0 st 1,h• "' lt I ..

!' ill

1>1 1 1,,;0rtL1L118SlOfi

tu brin,L!. C lu·1sl ~11

till mr 111nfi!,

le ll.. L A~t



'Jl t

org:m t•t

rl1~c11>!: l ;itr •· tn mite

t:.lLunf, •,

Spreads Gospel Message

BACK: \''• No!t.e, P. Hem 1 I, ~'. D~mrow, S. DiJe~crhodt. FRO~'T!



bacht!c, R. Xc!te, C.

lut'ttow, ,.,


Come Blow Tour Horn The ~Ounds Of Jll\ll'iiC rising r1·om the depl h~ Of 1.he ? c Center each noun a..r<.! ltv,ng 1~ro<J( of a bigger and better band. ~L CID, EXODUS, 'TWO WOOf)Lri.NI) ~KETCllES. ~nd WIZARD or oz. mong others. dclighLt.!d. ihc..: Jistcning audit.:ncc. BAC'!-:: J . .7.ictlO\'i , P. Boetu:i ing;, .S. Ste ffen, \\l, f..nge L, f., DDtE: D. • ~cc. D. l-1, F. Co:n,;o-_ fRONT;: .6. 'l/ogtt C. M.. bltr, L. 't.:emne l'T.

8t...CK RQW: 11;..

HD\.,.is, .0. vi.rtTDt1 , E.





N hr, C. Z tin. ~UDDl.fa i\.. Dahl 1


Go-elu -;:, J. Mi'lsd1kc. J. :E.n&Imd,



L VO'b--, G. K~,





.... 51r.s.lef.

Concert Band Emerges from Shell

BA.CK~ P. Wd~dori", /. • Thompsoa, M. Kn:U!, B. Brliese, P. Muiuy. 0. Muth, D. :"A.alch1e.

• ROto-1~ '..\. lbildi. L W i!hn, V. Jolm,.::m, S. Ha.a.r, C. Rode~.-~ld,


I::. J:&11v·i:i, L. WC'ber, z,,,i~.s- SEATED; S. ,, ' f;. ChTht UD'llOD, s.

E. Wcru.1.: I, C. D~J'

Sduoc-dn, N. 0-.a

1-t:i;sho~ft .






1 in,

s . Hw i:, f..

I hmu:r1 E. &q;.;i?r. Sli.r\ Tf:D~ R. J);i Len wtti, .!i. ltadc w otld, 0. L::m.kt!.

1\f'.SEN"J; \\· t:'-.JI• , C. tJ 1:'kn;u1n, .J . i{ict.•.cr, M. l<n11." • I Fi~!r' 1 S. Ga1,1t!T1l1 ·~ct, .t.1 'le tl1..1 ttll, ,I\, Sc 1w1cl~t'-'ll • r..~rs, M, Tu •~pi:-1, r, T rnl' , J, \•,eo ~hal 11,

Marching Band leps Out



aw uy wl! gcJ t D. l\·1 • I.... c . c.hee1·e d 111 r. 1·st ~ I.Pl :J. rnrn.'. of lili.: hu.11d (Ill ll1 IHHJI' I hi~ ( II. 'T'tmiT:' h.1 l(time sl1o•wing nL ]Jorn c~nmiin · pruvcd ~hat ac PHY::i lO pr.:lctice mn ny huur~ .

I· ou ,. l uots


• ~l•LJuW~:: T .•r. Ml! fo:i:, P. ~[L~tr:J.~· , a11tl L. .H.o~k.l.oi! r,it~et

Lii • ilill

Jlri l f-tln l'l R11)1 1l 111~·R1.,1 •~· rii. nir up p~p

•• .

l .ikc ll i.Lup.

:F. H,.id€:tto 1 J Kf: •l\l) f, Q, A •.Jl(l!fcrt. v- . C•?h:, J. Cron I .nh., ·~· . l=n C.

6AC'K ROW; CU:soh

v,· ;.~~)',




S'lhoancc'k, Tri.1.11 dL1 C:Q~Clh H.• l"\u 1•hl, J. CrQI' IJI MS,L ROW "2t R. Otlu, M;;.n:., L. W•"'d"r let. , s. C11usf'r ~ P. H i-l. l, K, ..... JU • l, J. Lll.uu1·1H tJJ 1 • J l.;!Q1l<S I A. J(i.11 E' 1ll , M. Bwl I ' r~. I ll j T. K g-tti:n:o~ 1 I Wi.~J.:n­ udt. !"ilTTING: P. Wcmi:r, D. fnLi:i: , C. B a.t:L-W 1 1. Ll1•11\:r • J. Mt d 1:.d.~r.;:t:1 1 [ ~u-u~:J O. lk1 iLk.11 utrt, J. Nn l tr 1 0, :ikeiWt- n~z. "Cl.I.\. , who UlLLlfilill ·d lli11 clt • ''h' illl lntn th b 1·k ;)r



The High School Football Team: llLLOW1 l1t.u !.!O "C:IEJt.~ill l1k.11tYm1L •1 A. J 1•1f.iu , J. c..; hol:o;1 t>. l [ L' mpi: J,

fo"L 1•1i1I 11

p• int

m !i U j


hr w;I r • U'J"' n'1

l~i PQV«'TflJ l

'1.1 •

Tbc.: .i·t:~ul,Cb u~ L'Utll<.!'.r J ligb 1 s l' iflh ~·t.:W"

ur Iuutb,H 11 kf!p~

in lltep \'t'tth our high ho p~i:. ~ 1 l' Rams cliuclltd th ltd pk1ci;;-: honors in 1ho Reel Rook Conforeucc .:- nd '•"'Otu1d JP 1h~ ye~~ r wilh A J-j ·I r~(;onl. Tiw Hpi rirnd Rq11~ d nevE>T7 ,;1 i lc-d Lq g 1vu

th~lt" unLhusrn~lk 1'.1:1nH n.~1m~th1ng

aooul .

O\tj'01.!ll1\JI :i r;:D!CC'~ .li.o\C."l\ r I'.. •l l!'U1:n 1 ,I. f. ;rqct"rOJz, \"#. Zum. [;itu:NT t J _ K""mpl, Q. WH ~· W. Otiw.

Outstanding Men zn 'Their Field

i:ili.10'.'l'J lfr, I



zr,r, IL!! hn.:tt'I Lmpurtmt. .....·u.~ kft 1ll

to c:hm-!'r.

;)T.<\ N1)1NG: (.~ . S1.:lu;,•\'l 1C<:k , i:.;.;. v~· •r ~I f.~Nl·:l•. 11~(::

,, •

K·---·('»~ 11 ,

JJ ::i<:hu,.11'".;:.,.,, in lllll~~'·T, ;\ , J 'ffcr, , J, 1"1m1 f1f, m •• a ' 1\" to· ilm .

M R;irl lu H,

• 'rVlk) , 5 ,



Snrm:r ••T.


Cnl11h~>I~. CP1ti.:li

fl. l~L·~t'

·nhi:tg, l. . 1•·m, 11', "lt:mJ ·1, :S . Canf:-,:J,

12-0 Record Tops Tri-

Tl tl! H.<.l ms nn i slied I L~ ,'!,,! J 111 \ rLh II I 1 ~ 1pre s.'i lvc.: 19-5 rc<..·wr-d, mid n n :~ wi111 rng :a 1·cak ' ' ' 1Iu rt~· -c, 111~· ~p11111J .- he f 1l f c: g "inµ- d r ,.,.,. n Io tlt'h!'iH . •·\ rwt l cf •rr l-Va U~y Ct 111fe r1.: lli..l' l'hiH !ipforn~l11p i lrnt'hed, t1, ltl1 a 12-lJ re ·11rd. 1 he f1 1U1 r"t! 1 lo<lk~ ;11s1 <l .'i lu·1gllt--i.•" 1heee \'l. ilJ be .a l ot r.J I

'·'·'· H

dc· n1h

in 1he

y<-'111'. ~ t 1cndl

'l'Jtr..: Jui1itJr V11 r flily ul!-40 hnd u fi11L! }'l.:ar, i.:m.llng w 1t '1 a Jh-1 l'~l:urd. ' I 1112' ubj(..1.:1 lvc:· (11' sti~·I• •• n" r ~ Ill) bl 11> rtr •) \.' ide exp ~ r ien~l l'ot 1l· osc.: wlJCJ w ll one do.>t pl ,1y '':\'" tcJm hall, rind 1h i,:; · ·rt:iirtly h·l" hl"C:n 1·cwt:irdh 1~r .... fc1r bnlh I i.;::.i Ill !

,,·;~·vie 'l•t

lcmn "'

•I" "Pl•lt 1h.u n t•cl. !



I!. I ll!!11l'nlf, n. lkdnt111r.n ll. L)U.t>, p Sdmm 11111, i.;, rr.. ud .! C11i.1. hf 111 '1 -Cr• ..:b . S I CCINll I O\\': D. r~\1 t m n ig ·r, . Culi:, I . 't'P · L,:_ l\~.kuw, . Oc~~i11;:., O_ llicitli•·i:t .::i! l 'JL.'it'.h U H··~kn111111, l'l •II krt•1117", f, !i•r11\1 1 lJ, I !nlL1 Ill l R, H1 1111, I I I I' 1tl1l1U'l.t;~r or 11 1., r..::~ 1 IL\,_: I·~


Pct•,:;,.,, .~. l~iJi1,•,




E.11:h c. L!!tht>t 1 6: l!()\LJ.•·1 chi>-:-rh1g •'Ofil'S di d ll 1' i t 111 l f L I~ I 1(l1 1 l flr p,11n 11;111 l\)n. £<.~t uu 1~ 11:H:1•tl 1,1 l l t:f,, ,,rl<':\ dffr~ fr n m 1 1e H5. ''J\"' :11\t.l t< A• tc::ms worltl!'d top;d lu!r ' • "J'•Lf r 111• iP.111U8 1001 llia II u: 11.m rr to ~'lctn;'}·. FRONl t P.. 0.1iln1a:i , $, Rt1d•·w;i1J. l\.'\Ct.., J, llt1 1 1~odl, I'. Urtdt•n . 1i 1 ~:s ..~rm t.ll t,

•l• •.

Luther l..1elterivomen in Action

P. Tlnrl1 m.1•1 , ...


for vlotoiy.


A re


re:.d•;, Mr.

Dille-al? II


Fw~ 11 rr.ber f,• b tn a.ny

ot l~m .1.J

led t.h e ccili:i:;i.: b-.i.H l:i.c!< 'in ml ttJ·J11•11& 'f'4! lh. I kt• £J)t' ul, lUJ i;

c 1 ljlilt r 1 ~ h \ !:..;u 111 I ~ nt 1 1Jt ~in. ST AXDINC: i. tn R.: t:, Pl~tl1 1 I, Fa'1r.lnJ!, K. Albrecht,

I( :tr~l!NCt

j• :s'~}~ li:.1 1 I. Nttsclkc.

Th .. R ::im~ biolc!t.1."tg

\"1rt1iLy l.i~sl< e\


whtOl•. fa•ll P )C~ I TNI T., Rn.dew n Id,

I ,,,.

t;o 'R .1


o;!ll ~ .."U id' I

rrrur Ii IJ'l nk

L• ~1 li} I

I I I I!



le d,


R. D:iUmuTm,


13.;t!hr, R. ~!:' d -~.

All Set? rou Bet! rea,• Team/ l.1



I~• 1 ,.~111)111

Lhcll Ltlam .




lun~ l11

were fnm cmerr,i:t IC! yq1ing l;i:":'ll!r

I ·•t<:h.


Lu R.1

~- u~Ja1111t.:t,


Ch• h •I• ~._-I


l:i~.rt.. ~.

.~ 111)



1... \\ '"'·

RONI •ii''llrrlt,

M~T .,


l •• 1.t, J. Cr\.1l!J,

. '···111, (•I,


1 •

I I r..-.. ,1..,~r •


I . t!ck:m ,, r..r., I) . I l.L'11~k.a: . ltU'o'11 ;!1 S. (i 11,1¥;'1.'.f, J, •I ..-~Oil <.; .

Wille, A "'''' ~JI, G !icho1C' ll("ol: I-, ,l, 1

Grmd;nt:i:, 11. ] uc LIL , I F 11· •:o.~~-, Co f1 Q h.lfi~lo:!.

Rams wing on to Victory

l!.E LOW: mop;

I lu~-;t J e ·.md

11.1 rel

wc1rk g.w

the I . 11. S.

IJ:~i:;eh.L I L L~ .HH il n{.'l' ~a.Usl'y l ng sea~rm.

In ' I r l -Valky <\~11 ra:.:rl..! 11 i..:~ L'l •l1llll .'tl t iu11 11u1 I l • riti won !; Ix i.l nd J J t q 1pcJ tlH' cc • hl 11\' r .. ·1J I Jx. 1•1D t~m ..mi.:i:.: rllo l1oy.-' ...:arnc up wil 11 m c·igllE -{r1 11· •cc..:t 'rel. 1




Jl, J. 11 '.C n.011.


ln ama.

LL'ilJI >•ear fuu t1d t\'l.'cnt~ L, I I . 5 ..

on th< r 11·, nt 1· l111y s flL'I i<m on the cinder =: ~II si;..

11 Ih11 :1c ;.-'iHW

mct~l !i Ind h.1 TH It'd I 11· 'i I pl u Cr> clci...1-.:•rn~: ot tw•> (If th~i,c. lliuh

jmn p, 1·iranr:l jump, .1m.J lnirdles VJJnpd1i..1 • 111 h~gc1fo! 1· \~·i th di.::>c11ti ;'llJd s r11·h1l ing 'l •Uh.• ·l:.i tu)l JCJ.:1 otf 1he ycHr' =: :1th lefi 1~ sensnn.

Cinders Fly for Trackmen


~. ll,.nlcl I.. Iml"r, R.

Jof\t'I Nl t Mllj1,T .. ,

r...~d~1mu1, r v.·, l:'lih'• ,

T , :S:;mer, fl. 111.c:n~, ,I, Wmn.:'!r..thu.J, S 7 >rnLo, .I •.J. 11 t· , S Bil iLz.. 1!.ACK: 9·

.... 11... i I w i.:i.1I1 I M r..-,~F' I HI 'o'.'c~J':'!t p S.t:l!1:1n••mn. M. Jt11d-

[ofl, Ei., :-:.c-h~CdJ, I.). 1.rn.1.dL, A. Jodt1.; l!io, f.. O:..:uu... , L...'u:it. h J lei dcrjo::: 1,


l ANDlNv: R., Kt elm, O. W 1:1, I T!~ma~:cJ, H., C. t:.;.1rniicha.r J, J . Utt• hlu • i• t 1 I . f;'httor, L'o~c.1 J. • a;. KNI-: I I ~G= 1\.t,, t, D <~t1:.Jc:l!k: 1 L>. N.;,llt' , 1. Sthu · ~J~L, M. J:.'lu4!,5gU, l . i.., vi· 1I , l. ~ ll 11115, •"-1.g1 • K. Cutt •.

'I• 11

chool pirit and Enthusiastic Players C1tp1 •• 11 f~.


1 1' 1

1dcrr..1.nd~' l110 ~

tu .. uotl,

I h:;:it'a


(;J.Jl 1,'"' 1 aOLt ~'J 1 $ Sltull. ll 1.s

" £.it.e.t~ le>tt" a ~J

l"q 111 l•ll11fo , h1

I 1•1•-f,11 ..


Ji. baJJ Jcuvi.r.i; \.'uh'a 1..1;1d uw 1Lt·r d1allu. ll.J' I WIJ,

rield l1nproved Season

If m 11 H:i1u1 d dn'1 ex•lC.ll~ F;e( th1,;1 W•11·Jd C•ll ltrc th l::s yc .1 r" J1 rii ct ll dp ::ip~11·i..: the :flan-~~ ' " ;::,.,·h1J,1I >::>J >L l ' l t t 11 11 ...,.. l~dHht..,. Du~hl11 1 .. , 1 , I 1u ·gr. , T j c 1,1illgt ·l 1 ond, re~:n1it8 r11rn lil-.t yj n 1 '·

high ~L·hoci l 1c . 11J1 , l<d'Jli:..:d~:rru1slC L'<.!\; · Pfi r:zc,, S1t:"vert. n r OAUd Nu! w and JUl' old .. UHid -l n, i..: K':.le lm, [\ii.;; ,I ·~I Sdllll ttl 'I r .ind 1 ';,1rinlchnPl I 1 1 I 1 •I'm .1 hurd .. i'ight ing R"JllillL I l. 1y i n~ nr~\'(• r· bc lo 1·t: w11r kf::-d h 1~~lhe 1· .ns o te&1111. the Lrm<.:e f s stiU a ttril u~cl ti I


5 Ollt I I.> ·t.111ding.


·1 he J .

llti.'{! 1' .s'

ter m im1 lid11

dri \t" :ind d( -

wa~ re\\':!

·rkd wllh


•.1 fr:b Ill< n lL\ • hl' Sr1. 1Lht! 1 1 ~Tl11 11~t!(1t 1 IUL Jor C~dl gi...: Cullie rc1i • , Sc ~n i ng ·n p::. ·l1 y i11 t.hC' n,1 - r."'111 111 1;-. gu 1 1L·!'1 1, ns ,,Pr'.H l



h\· lhL' ilLl<l l ~m1 o1 I ilc · d c-h~ 1 :-.

1 hf.;! .r L·~..;u Jll n.i.:, ltirge.r ' :rr nut~ etti.:1,u 1·'" ~L·r.I 111 hny•!-i t <.> J, • ttJC!lr l "St for their i.:im·.

Take Me Out to the

STAN )JNC \\oil•'"'·

l'. e.;; rinid1nd. I' l\11t'L ·ll , .J. 1:11,;, • iJn •it 1 lNC: [). N1,Jt<.•, IJ. ~lekk, L CuJl'r·ar •. M. 1




'I Jf' f111\e, I, U. W b L, nr.:inct M. Flnq~i;;•" i:.; •• L1l1 l, !>ch~~id!!r, W!'1mac1, J, T;.:-rn::1~~1.

'~'-'l i 1k,

J'e ~ti

Jl 1 l'tn ~Tl-

I' r.•nt"i.'

,\.{ ;!,1 ~

Fit•ld ,

I ~pCil1~ ,t.ft<-n11 •"lll

finrh !£1c-

fwi•r·~ prncLH~inr,

nt luhn~1

t.nt lhc

ltnld "'


e.11 a1ltf it


Thb "'C'·1.son". :ih~:L\CC: 1)f c::im1)u~ te-rm(.-: diLJn'1 h(l1,1 b.1t•k rhc tc~m ' ::i; C£Jl1\eh.ack. C3pt~111 l1. Tech .and R. Ertnet" .sJ1i::1sl'tc1.I theff r>P1l1)ncnt:-;; LO t:'lke SP.{'ond pt::i.("c in the SMJCC: doubles rourna111c:nt . "l he LC.rm :1~ :1 whole finished Lh1rd .at the l~onfenrncc met!L PriririJcgcd with hn·'1 kmg iP th.i: nC..>\\' tt?nnis ·c:iurts, next Y"" 11r·!-l lc:'1tn proniisc5 ::in c1i.·cn better · (1urt~

"hr wing.

l,1,1tl1N"~ ''f{,:•. ·J.:i:-ln'f'\ II s·r;~r-~OING ft :!ii '1,'-('(t. £. Lt-mk!!, R . l<udin. ~fIEUXC : R . Euacr, &. Tech.

Tennis, Anyone?

Oiflcen! L to




:Sch"lo. Src.; K. Kuc-h11, 1.!(.ll'lS•~.:-11 tl.,-t: ~ e!lr


E. kmkc, R. Kuehn, E. &cc. J. Sch-JIU' Amenu 0. £.i!dck, R.

Clumpioo f'RO~:T!





Ophidians Slither Through Bowling eason Top ·reo l.cag11c Standings [':a me


I k1de1·tdt, Prc1L l'uclrn, R. Lequia, J. lumc.h, R cv . Steffel, ~ ·r. Shmlng, n. Blcick. D. Iker, E . S hultz. J. EhH;{·. R.

169. 23 J(,9. 04 rn I 160 lS() 1;;Q

15< JSR

158 I 5(1

S:P<"~hil :." :adl.. E. &cz, hi&h g;nnr; F ~fo.dt•rleh,


::a\'Cl~&C': ;ib!.~nl!

Fl'om rhc H:rst ooll rolJed la Scpccn11bc1· w the fu10l pin of th M. rch i" tom·n~mCnl, bO'.\ lmg cornpetlU<Hl '" 3is ext.remel~· hot and mocfcrocd~ elo~e.

D. Blelck, 11;:h ,.,.rie1.

Tlllir1UT11i:nt w bmea. D. C;'l..J"t[;U


D. Ht'c:::.

RIG liT: T"'1· lfLIJ gradt> "Ci, ~l1~n· merge'i1:1.xiou~ '" bal<itlb:all lOU."71ament. BACK; J. Ducschcc, E. Cook, R. Mdtt. \':.Col,.._ J. K-t<mpf, L lcppk.<', J. Nolt~. S. Khn.

UST: CoUq~t I ''~h:irp• shoolrn" Ji\•t>d up to lh~u n;im~ b~

malclth11s th.· "irt~· tu.~l.:L'~ h:1J I 1 &t I c, !iTANOlNC: E. Hut • "' Lg. J _ V ooJ.:rh<h!, D., S, I:llcnbergc1 1 P.

C:u6on, l'. H,..rold, H. 'K1H·hl, KNH.U,"\C: 0. H.: uir::h, '1 • Mi 11<-r, K. K··hl, D,Sc:-hmrckpc:pcr.

1 \\

hcthci- lhroub'11•

or ju st


fm·om lhe 1

o good




a tL"!>l



to get away

Jks, intramurnli.; -.:(·urt.• hi~h

with students from mnlh .rr.adc- w I\' Col!egc. l='nll J inds iXJ}'.!'i' !oolha ll anll girl;;;;' Sllflb::lll making Hfc trc:adn.:rou!'i for woul0-1 stn1Jlers c111 1hf! athletic Held. Cooler weml~r wel ·omes the: ba "'e b..1H scnsori which \'..'tnds up just In ~ 1me for \\' 1>1 len' s i,.•olle~·hn U and men oflb:ill -

Intramural REGHT;


•»' 11:.:ipcw



,i;i~t ..


Col! ..·~!'.' l. STANDLNC: J. Du~hlmC''i t , D. \• ili. J. 1'j~rri~ ,cl, !Ji.•. Knui:, SETTll'\C! D. ~nl!~. T. PHrJ ·c, J. "fJ rn:i.g~I.

Collr ,.-• ll'J "'Cr:lmp'i; &n" s;t;i.b Cirit place in foocb;a.11 in'lr;Smur:'IJ..>. BACK; R. Hill.'.'.'. En._i'l, P. ~11, P. ftt')', [ . So:S"'L:r, ll. :t;jt'\'"t'rt, L Br:ioch. fRONT1 H.;u~, M. Ba~hm.:, C. Bdk1.•, C. C rmlcbacl, J. bquiil, C. Dt>~fo·


~·s"' 'l\'ln ,1g11UJ ! 8.uketb;ill Kocpsrll, P. fr~~. M. \'.'lfd··· Eagd, 8. Ktu('3,1..'"T .




cti~mps :ir.,.,, K.l'\J.. Etr~t;~

S r;•NDtNC: ,\. ','.;l, H. .t lll't;i1£la, C . 0..:No,ct, ',•,_

Cha1nps Are on the Ball "C:i.,.~li.·ts" STi\.~Dl .:"-'G:

dd \'Ollq·baJI to their !ut of trlmnpM. L Cook, R. Scluou, M . R11dlo£!, R. M~·h"t, \'.'.Col~, Kz..:t:f.LJ.-:G; A. Jdfrts, J. KempJ, S. • Wll¢~,

fi I

qftball Babes Have Su;inging Time Crllc-kt "'JI' f:i ~ hi~;J1 pu~1 fl ' u\o·er a m, • . . '' Tile r.eirnl trng flu cry qf ~xdk111c11l an11oun ... es I he ::;llJ 1·t rd t:hu ~-oCtlwll St:Ji:s1111. Cu111pL-llCt0n is kl.·.1!11 ml OIJl 1111k ~ 11•u uptl rn istl~ trn11111g the p l, yrr. . ,\n ·1 • ilrn-ptl.:: ke d 'C:il snn 1hP"'•, gHI~ m·t.: ren dy tc 1-1th 111 lhLTrt h~-i"l'

'C i I l"lli-tnd!i


r:.C U rr-i rJ,s ' beal fnPnd,

ti; S;•o.>nfr.•

C,-<?~ t::ipll1~ '-"l l'

cc.i lk•;c· l ltk ,

R.·\<...'l~· l\ Sln\'t!:-t, 11 . Ku(!hl, J Lla!.sL~ ad J V;ir.d~~: •h'" • .r. ~uhr. 1\0\' :!1 J . 'N.. l11m·r, l.. Weber, s s. I 1lll , • 1.·.·,·s11 11c•, rt n. Kr.111- FJtON' ,1.., O~ 11_cb:to:.:.11' t.


S1'h l omcr, K , K.: hJ, '' . l..h.ucn.

LErwl , n '"' rre!s:l'm Twis ten. ~c :i.b ~ 1-J. S. LlJ}'-,l'vt. Il.l\CK1 t:: t;;.u J k I .J. S1...• ,._., li-:11 ;11t11 1 L

t.:i lu utc:t!i h.. U::r l •

'' l_s. ', 1..,.,. r, B. S• Jltl>id , I. J'T , 11s.c, D. Sch ·: :mk~~T Fl.lONT~ P. lhlu ..:cld, M.



M. \I , S.rh -

'·" :utz, D . ll' hn('T,


1... 1.!qtlu~ llOOra 'i M. M



·r 1• 1 (II 111 ~

•I ui up 11,


P. lo\C•t'p:.;c:U.

The Best ''State A n ~·e l;,.r .:.;tml!i."'n wi:: k :orni 11g p<.u·cy lwl led i.tie Ill~\\' -;~- 1 oo l yL·ut•. Tb~ d~y \'..rt~. m.u·k~I by :I v h-ll tCJ Llle l •U1Jll1:::1 (II,, tt!:,t~.He folr'' •ll d LuppL•d ~•ff Ii) :.1 .., d· ":l l,md ~I 11w wl1lch l11t utl tic .. J '\ t ~ll~;t•l'l pu L ltd pa Il1~ . '1'l1t n 11 Iy 11n<! n ur J 111 u ~e 11 W.t'1 u 1.:1 ·rt.il11g t .. 1.·r·<l pag . C 1.Jrripetit i 11 ri was k"'cn a •.: Hfmh.: n .,. C• il lc1.·t.-.d pninls fl\


v~ 1~iC1 m;

·£1m c•; \\

inn ~r

·\\,'ere rot ·

Fa£rJ' in Our State! fir~l

in tl •t:. lunch llrw



L'loSL' uf the

tJ ftCl' LLUOLL fOUud C\ 0 l.'1'fll\0 CnJD)'ltl!J, , n door pil'n i c. l{f' "'1 des r11 mr i cling n t.:X1."CIJL fll." o ppotbHI i t}' l°or fl l1 {IJ t:•n jO}'

1:-tlll -


tl1er11selve.s witl• tl1ei r rri e11rl9, tile p.ar1 }' w~5 ,'f way o( sny ing "hello" lo R] l 1he~ nf;l'lo\' :.ytrilkn L~ H.'-l \\tc \\IC~knrnu<l 1ht!m I n lo the

DMLC ta 11dl • \

1Tll1' ud


r. r;

"Now OJH.'111



LL 's onl)'


Boys and Ghouls Dig Up


Co!'lt Jmcs nt the :1nnua~ Halloween p;.irtie!i ranged from a •x-~rear·old M3rtian to pig-tai!ccJ pick'1ninn~·. 1"he twQ college p~n1es \\·ere .. kLd--izeJ, •• i.'. omp•e-e ~ · lth apple huhbing. kicl'11e grirnoE.:s, .;:rn<1 lt ipromp<u 1e,11.:h"1g. The hl~h sc.'11001 Jltn•or-senior p:nty featun~d historii.::a 1 or literary char.:iclcr!'I mJ 3 holmenannr. 1 he hi,gh school frc:!'lhman•sophomore parl)' sav. the fuchscE1 Jrc.:.ssc.-d as b.:ibies ~ncl the ~opio­ mores S!i farmers . Pri?;es for' lihe be~t costumes rtnd rcsfrcshmcnts 1111 urnlly comrle ted each p:irl)'.

"\•ll1erc tlte ghls ;m:- lh:at':s whicr..: I Boi.:!1~1h!'

11'1 iles ·w~tll y,



,'" M.

<Mr headtc:~s host, 1ymg ~•l lhe botrnm of the (I r · tairc.a ·e, invited u to "1'1ukc out elves m home... Entering the haunted l10use. \\C \\ere grc-crnd hy ~ mon l •'11us blac · \' iclfr',\ • An e.rr.te J? reen I tgh foi:u S<!<l ancntlun on an occupn.·d coHm. 1' morhl<! m1scrc!-': of c~mcrnrics suru•:yet.I the Hvcl~· ~cene. Won't you n\~ ke y1,ur:> ~ t r ;;11 huitle '?

~ f(r\

h · ')' co

· 1 ~i~

l.U a p.10 km OI

• tuc."' I:>. Stt'ho1.·t,




Dates for a Real L£ve Party ~.

FromJle chldes M. lbbcb for s.ame Jhi.:f~

rroc~ ..'"Cl im::s..

1lie oir rang w cJ1 JO}' a~ the crowds shm.n~d their apprccwuon iof the vactorious Rams who dcJc·ated Jdler~ lu rhe homecoming gam1.: t -0. Activitic~ hat! l.x.-guu the night l>efore "' uh a pep fest and Sn[! ·c diJnce. The evening

of October l"clllh s:lw exi.:1tement :-it its p::nk nl kick·oH tim~. During h:1lf-tirnc, enthus•asm mo anted further ~ ( nl!! band rJI Ltde h f I rf!t marcln ng QJ>PC:l ra nre . An er the ~·, riic, o victor)' banquet .., a held in honor of our might)'



&t , Rorl1·w ld shows the C!l'O\\d how.· lo b·Lck lhc

te ll:D'I.

Rams Tame Wolves with 48- 0

"'Wak1• up, folla' ! Thi& iSn't ~oo&r p._,,• cl!U.$," H~i~rich ch~ ,.•2111 • Bd s~1PJ!Orten; {or the•r c!Joru a.'I. post g 11'1,. b"'n~c.

A new tiigh•l'->1,,:oi· 111t: t:un l err.. m.:e rei.::urd \•::ts !-:Cl ,Jl LltL! hut t~L'.llJ\lHtg g ... me· -3 tot .ii nr 243 JlOhH~ , lt'E tru lllat the

"'''1l1rn1r WorriPr ji,Ol th e m.1jr>rily of ..hese ]:oints, hut our l..~rc.'e r -. credit for a ~am~ w~ 11 - pl •



.'\l;'I, 1 Jl• lu 1 " Hc1,1 II lrrr :'lnri t1l 11 1\11' o surpllc. n·.fog~1A 1 alf-tlme c:n t rrtaJll-

F-;c•il'"i·~'' ''' l' 1t.

Lancer llomecomirtlJ Climaxes S'eason N 11,• Uhn, cu c.• l r'I! -"-.~r Lt•hofb• <l 1ho vnluc ol 11 lift' purpollit

DL '-' 1gu J uf 1


l.J11.uq J.V


A11 .1 lumn1 t. ~ho·, .. how i..:. kc l!p I.he up .. u.tiJ •co ni L11,e:. g.-: 1nr r nn ti.-wm., Tho11f.l tl\1,, v nRy p\.lr ur o b' -:1 fl ht , lrey i::o.ildn•t 11u it e a :.iLch tin• 0:t..:p••rillll•'• llflrl nf th~ !ut1tu11

Lulbet b ·coH.

r uletide

1,','lt h

an•I t.ho

u 11·o~ty L•hni:l, il wltl I f ll f 11 lt1~. jlJ}'Oll ~ s n·~1 tl!l vf "':n~i...ds~ tl1c

}'lil ~11 •1() ~•Hlt pu :q.

t·wa:rnn ~ r ·irlr.9 down nvr·r. Evt·r ~rwl ien..~ one ~.. (! LLSe~

fcell 11g u! .r1Jl1 lclp, UOti.


hntfa1~ l3!:inl ~ •tmt ll ·.·H~ lights

hl•rnr.:i ii~ hr 1gh• ly JJ ~ lh\' 111 the dccut:';:H lonf;. 1\frer r!Jc u.:is t o 1nn.ry thous , ·he i::J!iorto 01 the' _...._urr}'irt;l ("fif)llfli l l""l'S Ill"(; r i n:1 ll y r ;\\'ill"C L'd hy I I (.! <•,»dc1m'1ticni:; lw'.' dH:ir i;.mm p l'-!lC'd work,

Decorations Manifest Essence

of Christmas/

Chrham 1,"1 T ll 1itm1,.. alouc ls H11 r.roundm! by .ri p~ir~·•.ci ut g- J rn~· and brin~!:I lo m ind enoll~~h 1t:i11py m~morie:s rn •Jl,.'!!1'1 J1;i'i!.' u ~ 1 u·1 !-iLmr-ns: 1 til • >rk i ri~. ThcTv n ,.,,1ur.mtl1 r~d I tcd by lh<· sec:t~ull, lht.! i..:3:rn l in?, I h pilrt ie- , hours sr '•n\ rn pr~p;.ir:H:iu n that i=vcn De; ·emher'o b l::i st ~UL

' r •hill, Al

C•VtJ :111

rh •trn thl11g- uni:.1 yet

intr'rm i ngJed wld1 thein, Lli l h.u higtier joy '>d ti cl1 :<;pri ngH frr.)m the Juyuus :messklgc • J~ur u11tu u~ a ch i hJ i H b :irnJ"

AOOVl\1 ,,, r rnl 11tt"11 uf ~· J'Wldi liuwJ,!;m Uld MtJ. lhnke p1n~· l1nf." r.11 t 1 M-=•n'~

Oucm :i::ll1.y ,

EUt.;H'f: ''Oh t 10, cul .wuthl!'t He !''

\l\OVf.: ihi: lmixmiblt! :Mr. "r'~hlt~·~tJ, Ut"l:'s .n1od;cr u t.ltu:.\tlU •) 'l d• fl<"J ln1• 1. F.:FT11\nek~lrrp, JJ' 11;1l1·-q1 1rthh r4'1''" t i l' l''1f.t for 111•' ~lnrL; Qf thc- {ooLli!o;ht~.

Ll L Sta/1,es The Man Who Ca1ne to Dinner


l11e m..1r~:.thl upent:"d~ lhl! play lwg~.m. rid L Jt' otKIJ..:n ·c· w.11·mvd to the r~J!l lt..:kJ1lg hu n1or of "l'llP f\·11rn \<\ h~J C 1rm: lu D rwe ·," The I .11Lhrr LiL.:.;r.1..1ry Leagut.• 's chree·rict cum(..'tl)' .rec<.:' Jvt'd l;!ntbu 1.1 s l ic HL~i...hd m frutll thOS\' ""''Ii<.> utLL'n<luiJ uny one uf l l1c t:h!'I.!" pc!rl~n- r i.-ni.;<.:

• The 1.:ffo.rts worki1 g <.:ast ilnd l~rew wer

1t' J

h.1nJr "11 n: 1,·.11.rdeu,



fo1• lrom the thrill nl o(l<;ning n~ghL to the l:ibt curi.:iili r......L J,! proouL:Llou p.t:o\.'i.:Jd ic-

sclr cu ho unfo1·g;ctt.1 bl •,


1 ,

I 1 M' p.11 c,

Cuudl·nua J. :lh:J Ir. •'I r ""';1 ~·


"ml'f1:i • ('

(! 1

pi1L ~ 11 !(' , "

RlG'-IT~ Til i' dl;rei:..LoT~ fl to R }; Ml 53 f, Crnnk, \ 1• 1I Rlmt:m.~'111\ 1 C. Kohl, &ltul. 11, J~11;'1.N' ,

Lh• l>UrQe:r

chcC'st-. ~ mop,

and a piano producc:d pc~•lto oi 1. ughter from thc.- ~udic-ni..:.i: of ••F:H:IK~r WJs LI

llOUSl.'\'.flflo ."


three-act pla)o' pt'('$Nllt·d b~, the ~{·nior~, 1\1m Hutkr, ~ t.ilc-ntc:d but unsu"c: s!->ful c(1m1x,:-c·r, '1nd hi doctor·wi1c 1 Ann • .slnt~rglci.t lO guade ca1cf::r tccn - ag(• l\\'i1i"' through tiw ''difficuh yc-~u~ . The re uhlng ~Cinfosion pn.1\ 1dt:~I nn ~ntert~lning C'ircning.


pies pltch by H nli:


H.S. Seniors Present ''Father Was a Housewijen RICHT: B, Bart.sch :and J.

~N0111dt'r~ I!

'1a.m up Tom Bt1tlc1''~

!Jitc:Q .:'real lo rt.


F ot Lhe lf t 1K· LIK" 11 gh ..,.cJiuol !-! I 11clu1 t"' werrJ .1b Il::' ro l:'njo;• u barn1 ut.!L LI 11 rhci i· () wn 1 8C'p. r.1 u...: from l lk.' cal k~t: dl ~ pucl mc>nt • .'\ ltho1..1gh f"11,.1tl1 11lgl1ts :;aw rl1w l".r m" b('1rntihil rlecord t1ons~ Ile~ rd 11:1JC'M 1 !-I pc .... kc r 8 Htor T. Henn J1~ of St r.:t,ul ·~ t..::tmg~i..!g.wtion in ~ew Ulm, and e ujoyl!d Li1e !-ia1110 c.Jd1drn].s mel'! L at mo~ phen.· ch.a~ L'J Hl.d ka 11 ~· f rn m om.: n lgh l fo [ht. rwxL. lme ch h1!; Ls c~ J ~aln; ~h1..• wwltlcrful tlLm.! U1 ...• bCUd~m~ huiJ "'""Jll long br. r ·mi..:n1ho.ri..:d.. I

'lhc.< "l11 I Ci' 11 a H.S. [m:r t:i nq11 ·1,

GC'l.i:l 1



Jal,,J.l :Jl the

",.Stairway to th.e Stars" Sparkles }or w.

H :a berm ii I' 11 bl~· •'nl"•... ·cl H1t· ~Ll "rt.fl I nWl1'TI t f t•\H ... lth•:<. Thr following ~·\•,•n Ln;;,: n . .S~o.:·nr: ck IOI mi lllf '1· 1H

Spa1;-J•:.L 111~ foun tann , r~:i;t Fu l V.\if.>dbnrl <)('~ • 1 11 ml wl.nkliu:; did tht' ~d cl-.: in t:umht ~ t l:u ~} m Iratn

•1mJ1..•1J 1J.

ii I tf1111 c.,) ll




A LC'f dinnr.T qii•pf,, r rii.~1 T. H11lll1. cr•mpJt •. aJ \•~rluu!: whoo! :icLiv iLi.c..~ t.-, t."h..:~~tt l')f tcuuls <•• ti 1 It i;li; 1§1 \ Uu::~ hutl1 (lf'~· 'li; t I" q1 111 .. •i; l1f T 1·;U11vou:-1', ~ iiurt , N4'1"~~S"it~·, K •I~·· l'>l', l11~ l~'t.lration, ;1u i.I S.11l1ocdl 1 :H.(' I' •1•111JU.

H . .,. and College Co1nrecl light;;; pl:lyed nn lh hp...trklinglrno11:Ji11,, soft l<m<:~ (.> d. '.'mod lanJ i-1..:~11c.· i_!lOWl:!'lJ 1n 1hL• u l 111 1l~hc, 11Hn.>lu illluJ l11i::

ah' 1

>r~ I nct1'i• iti o.;: h.• nql1er: wn H to be •I n. l he glittering~ :r~vn l yin~· l:lt:rlr1"'"'Y in th • mkld L' nJ lhc gym L~dmed th ev-.; 11111.L:' 1lh:n c UN H c: I d l!d up I L t llt' tt tu r-~ r'.lllnglL'd c1..:tl init. T 1..: eve.ming :,llppL•d hy, • nd r ww i:mly UH. pl ens~'lllt memo.r:Jcc: ~c­ m;J( u oL Lbt. ~nte.ctalnn1ent~ the ~pe~1 l-:ers. th1.;: !-! l ~1d tl"lt!'! ti~ nnrL:d f rJr hLir va 1·iu11s a: .. li\ it i<' .. 1 .rnd lmv1• 11, 11t.: bt!uu1~ uf cJ1c .i J 1c.1


1 1 lt:


' L"(I r •1 j(Jll l'> •


tl u l. lfon:., l\oh1 Cn .::h l\.:1iwr

ul Lh~ Y~ilT prc~nloatinn tn llinfnr


111.•:k~ J


f(11.-•· 1 1,


J. rU l!~l', our


¥ lJcJ ba.d1.~.ttYJ.nt!

o{ lhC' Jl~m mnn•1 1

JJnnc r rnu 1 r


P, Frc~· M. ,•:Hdc punt:~ Co11C! c: ll 11 rt::adlt. . :ii )ob ~111"11111F; ()\It the sr1;1lej.


tudents Divide and Conquer Clean-Up The arrh·al of bnl m) ~pr,11g wcat l1cir announced nr:it one but two .anm;wl .·\rhor. Dav~ . Thi year, tor the..· first rime:: , th .~ high !iChO<ll nd college dcp~rtnu.·nc~ obser,•cd ~cp.1r:ite. clean-up day~ . J\1tllough with .. n ohvious ·cluctancc to leave: their h<>o~s, llK~ S L udem~ ~un1cd out in full force lO whisk .uwny thi:.: la-.:t

ten - t le debrt of whuer.

,.- ..,.

a1..a....1,,-J l:i



rtr. (in_,,.. 拢..J.- @JI .............M.J路l.

____. .,. .,


.'9.J.....1~- -

~ .,..,_



'?l-r.- l...l..J .....J. '"' faJ .1-



A Luc-.-..:-1

ha1'1,lfl Uf I inn ll

IHdy A:irl"_klu:ilu.



1\:1 h:Jt ~- llJll

C;,i,ml>·n lluc;'1



(\i l.ID~l'lO


F:r;u1h. Cur.;;ml

College GraduateJ Look Foru;ard E:. \l.IlR'P.~JlT, Mt'!qUo..>n• Wi•. A1·1,li;uu I, 1, :i ..~; B;11111 1,2,3,'11; n 1oir c 1, i.~ ,. 1 . c.:alt1 'n t<• o·,,'f:• , Mi1;1h. ·'· nAt\C I{ l-TOl 17, S.1r.tn4·.-.·, LV~ch C'1llt!,f i.. Pl,l'ro11 1 MiciL. K.. B.\TJMRACH , Mi~'l\'ll llkee, Wis. '''~""a.u~ 1,2,3, I; Ex.c!!-lsinr 1 , 2 ,:-, •..i; , [ .1 . I , ~ .. 3 ,4. <...\• l '-''~ to ~ mt, Mi<! h, ~. BltSM.11u~N, Ahr;:i m~. ·,vu. Chu It I, 3,~; t::;ico..:~ hkrr 3, tc l\·\r. \i:.enitl!.t ... C.1 Id l( SL, Jamc• 1 111ln" )to\ ~. TiltSM/i.NN, \l•c ms, Wi~. rooir r 2,3,-1 ; L.L.1, 1,2 1 ~1 M•'s~r.-np;•'"r Ji C11LL ·~to .'v1;i~13p ca)' I Lr:H-. •• M. P.R/4tfl"f • .'\nn .>\tbc:u;, .M.lcl1. t\.~li;in.s l ,J I :l ti; Ba nLI l, 2 .~ ,4; p, 11 11.1.nd l ,l ,3 ·""· C:'! Llt:u to ~·c~nAh, Wl!>. C. BUCH, '\:ip,in•lsr'~ Mk•h. AcuU11 1 s , ,:z,:l,.1; l.l.,L L,..:,a, s.t111c111;: t c,111u·• L~.3. S'l'. :.i.t.1 Cret.1!.:, MLL'h. I. CO 11].'\.•\, H1J'°1lll ('nrn r·, Wi•. l I L. l 1 Z13, ~. CAl11ri L<.' Cn l 1111li~11. 1 Wh. , E'HRf.NFfJ.O, l~von i;i 1 ,\.1ll'l1. ,\ •1 1l.1m. 1

l,:.! 1J 1-l, L. f L, 1,2,:i, I;

L. l. L. 1, 2,'"' 1

1,2. Cillkd


C..1 Ilt.!J lo

Ill l'll·~

CuuaL'i. 3,4.


1 '/, •ll.



tn Mm1roe, P,,'ddt. f:C., CANTA, Ma.ndao, r-:.D.

CAP. "J'~i'i.R, 1'.>ot!.s Pl;.du · ;, HI . r..L<l"M Ll 2, !l!mvllti5

l,~ , ~ ;



.«il1, .. 1

lt•'1 ..1111'

ELl1a~ th


IHt11 C.u~l [); n Ir i Golrt ru~r



1~l C"~11n.t!'L I

l.()'l tl~ Cn:c •H.. U<Jd

.I M,., C th Willi;;.m l fabPr ;m11m1

','t'i~. /11•nl1111 1,2, 1 I. Ctdlct.J \0 \':,i.n l>.•oa 1 Wh, .1. cRtJTii, MLl•\,11.tkce, 11'/n. ""1 llt11 tn Nl"~na 1 1 Wli. W. !1-iP..BEJlM.r\NN. Mil,.,·•', '•\'h. Cl.119i Pre:~ . S; V. P7c::S. J ~ Choir t 3, J, 1 .L.t. J 1 • i •'-"eo:,.~oRer ~; 11 fou l Cu1111..:ll 'res. ' ·· l'n!~. J. c."'i.t !Lt? d t.l I Mf'. 1ni:, , 1N.. 11li • . f.lliL.\-UU:ICl l, r.~r.or>ul'11~r.. ,\11t::h. UCl!l.llut ~,3.·'1 Pl ln~ht•lr111 ~ ,4, C11111:'tl lo:.a MCJ liQL• 1 Ill. 0, Jif~1G, M11rr• ·• (.f1u\'r< 1 H I. tiow iini:: 11 ',1, I; Cl1nlT I .:: 1 ~ 1 4 1 <.:k,.; Pr~'· l ; L. LI... J , :•i .t..farl,1u l ~-C:,J. C.: a.Hed ln L.rnnd 1~Lind, ~. h. M. HOl:ol.U..AJ..I~ '•'ic:~l SJ Lem , '.'t.'k, '(1011:111

L.. (:ttJ:J•.NWC"..00, B.irCLtmn ,



2 ,2; dlTl"!d'l' !:Ii: :l,•11 Cln ~ :c; I




,\CKl.n, Cki.:al;ulltA,

; 1,T.,1


• ~,,.;i C.:l lllr l 1,2 ,:J ,·1. c lJNl ln IJt. rn ul , Mlrl1i. J. JUl:.l\N , Morl~ n r.r111.·"· Ill . :J., ~i M~tlnr 3 , I ~ . 1 Jl:' ri t Univn Prc:$. :1. L..altL"d tn Minni'.':" l'J!lt> 1 M inn. i'.-l, :KfTTF.:'\-

.'.'j!<, ,i\1.1 olu~m: l,.!, '.~ ."l




c ... ltC'J tu St:n!.laa, N.-b, J. KCtTlEH,

Vt!tll.LilL C L•cl..:r ,


.Mi1111 . llpn J,2t3.'lt S"r.p;J.: nd l,~ 1 J , ~ ; F<lf\'Ohli' E lll1,1r ·•; L.L.L. ",3,oii Mci~·•np,<'lr ·liu1.1I 1Ll Mllnlu1.~ 1 ~ ; f1.'01 • !)I.ate. R , J\lllNIV,~ S:tJi,ir:m•..·, M~ch, •.\~lh11s 1, :!,3 ,4 < <.:Lai. lrt!':h, ~l Lt.. I .• 1,2 ,J; l1•'P Cl11h 1. C'-illt!d Lo Falrfax ,

.\Un12. C. KOliL, IMJl• :ulhr.: · ~ Wi,,


nli.u:.J ~.J; 1,. 1 L. ~ . '~; S1



CutJ'1. C lli:J ln \';ik m.i, W<J.


To Seniurity Riles H..>111.nd 11..- Imr.~ il::h

l>•t.U'c I

M.Jry Kr:'U<: n. r

Jo 1 Kh

H~ n11 t H·T

MI li.ired Hctni.:am


R·'Xlf m 'l'I'

'T l•



J uc:rn C r<>J Kuh l


Kul~t. ~-

y c111•, ,l\o1kh ..·\r()tjan' l, Z,3 14 ; LL L 1 ,:i,

:1,~; "' 4Jl. d L<i

Ncibvillc, 'Nu.~ KO~S. MLlvt11 1 ~ , {p Gr •t:n B;1~·, ',\'i;. i(, KRAUSlt, 'W11.L.:!:tlo'"'t1, Wit . •i\e~IL11tJ 1,2 ,:"l, I; Bnnd 1,:, 3, l1 Clm.r I ~,~ .I , C lied lu Hld r, N h, J. KUHN, Smlh, Mld1. l:•:u ll:lus m,::!,'.l,.i !. 0 1,•~ L,-,J,4. Lt'I" ttJ S,111k Vlllti,~~. ~.t:•. A. lr.J>..tKE, Ctl!'t!t1l •,Lf, WI,. •, .11.111 :1 1•1; Cf1•°)l r 1 J,·1~ l.. l .L. :1,.1~ Md ''I..& ...' ;~,.:J. l'Jllnr ~ . C;iU<-J l'! :-...'lubd.:.!tc 1 S.D. 13. Mlll.£1:1., Mllwauli;{• ·J Wl1. 1\,•oU;irH ), I, 1.. 1 .I J 1 I, Mn~L!.li~=t!-r !-1 1 4. Cnll• ii ' APmn Cil.y, Mlnri H. Mc •I Ill, Uh 1111 ~ 1<· 1 Ar1 • "L" (.llllb, Ll.L l, :i:::~J ,4. t.; 1111~~1 111 W~o,>n11ng, .{li;:h, S, .\tU::io!>H .LLn, M1hornl11 t. Y•'t. I\• oll:i.11?1: 3,4; L,L,L.


F,..-oe'l$inr l ,'.:' 1 3,'1; caltt'd

J1 M~~· 'II ·~·T ::i,4. Cillo·1 t<t liq.1th Mtl~~t.k(:. I wr~. IJ. MUTH, t-' ..~uor, Mkh. A··nli.111~ 1,2,:1,.1, ll;a.nd l 1 2, :J,4~

l.11.i.:L l,l111 :l.'; [ T.I

L... ,'.l,•1;


3.· .

C~ ll•'•'I tCl '1.driun, Mlc:Jt, V. NIL:DFI t.D I, 011.1laA:.a 1 Wts, A..:=t:1li~D!I 1, :l, E!.urJ 1.2 .~1. Cn llrd Cc11~v11, NIC!!i.


PFUND, Lo :S ll1


M cl1. C .111 d '1> W t1•rloo,

WL~. N~L

piL·\!'J, '\. ~U,vfMF.NSOK, '•/ci;t~, Minn., Choir :t.~i

t:l:h'J V.P. 4; .l..L.l. L,2 ,:J, I; h1 '.'/a1.1'rt•1"m, 'Nh.


c i .:..,

4, Cu.llcd

M~ 1vi.n Ko:;•

nr1ril.te }(...,lw I\ 1ll 11 -.•tt


,,, ,,

Graduates Make the Change



11 1


lu1~ Mfllt.'f

H t'l lh~r'I In

!\b1aon Mu!id«! Ldl

n. tl11r~"·

tu1 h



t~ad.1... r.1

I' fu nri


l>. t•tr\CHL 1 /\pl'I• r11 i , w1,, lntmmu L~; 'it11i.lt1'1l Cni.mcul. Ca.lle.J to Tv·, h IJ;11 kltn, 1.'lii;. K, lUi.,'\TI IS., Kr-tko.")w, WI . /(1~ll.11\ li2; Cl.l .. ~ S·=· l; l:ntr.u:nut lJ l ,!. C;.illcJ 1;0 Bk1omi11 1n11 , ~l in11. V, SC'lill.Ul1r, Ci,L\ 1wr·, ~'b1 •1, Ll!Cl Ii11nr. 1 Choh l; lDLramur.abt C'.d LoeJ tu St . L1Ju1s f-'. rlL,

~11111, D. S t4HL1Z) h:11ch•1'll, w1 ... bunllnb . ,>i~ C l P:r•'f, :>; Cln.• V . l"rc-:s, Z; S;,' C<~tfto t-'to:s. -1; C;.1 ll~L! ln Wor·d t.1:.1Ju!, Mtn1:1. l:., Sl:.J:.C:ER 1 , ~•w1..~~·u , Wh. '· 1(1 ns I, ·,:1 ,•I , L.. L..L. J,:l,'$ 1 I,(..: 11 ·rf r, H ml('tc l , Mich, R, ~CHU LlNCr Flndb)•, Ohin , BDwh:n11, l ,:! 1 :.!o 1-i1 Cho.r I 1,1 1 .1 1•1; M r 11L1 )1Tc1~Lt1r •l) M rtul l,~ , 3 .. ; M" ~t.:lltJcr l,~ 1 :.t,'i; 1.. 1.,1. 1 ,:;>~~: t';nfk. tn Mnl:·d,:tp:.. , SD. [... VOC: T, Mi I wm1lc •r, Wh;. /J., rd hm< 1,2, J •Li llalf.d 1 1~.J ,·l, l,..:,~, jL; I' ., 0 n~i ,• I C11ll • l• K«.:w n • , Wl . I:>, ltU\iC.a~,

S.: uck!10 I ro, S.D. lfa~~ba LI :t; ~i.:h rt~· II M11,L. .! ; Boh·t1ns; lut1:.i1uwd~; "LI Cl1 li: Coll· d t1.1 r l)l 1•ri.":1, Ohl,. I .WF.[S~.

r.rvun1u, Mi..:>f1 • .'\colt 1t.1 l 1:1 ; f111111nt irnh. '.2 ,!'1 1 1 1 ,T 1, 1,Z; ~.:tU~J Lu L:u1 F<ri· MJs&.l0<1\, P, .•HLLT..'-1~, KN1n:o;h:i., Wi , ~liro llor, 11 1: Ji c:il~irir 2,3,•l; M;.irh L .l ,3i Pli l ,i.;L lmu J,4, Callc:d t.o Kew;i:iee 1 Wt$, C. ZW l:.G, \1 ;Hd1 0\~ l , 1,\ 1 . At-• LI, ·'' 1, .!.~~. , L~11m! I ,2,3 , ; Cl1nJT I ..:,3 ,o;; lntn:. 1111.1 lll I ,;:, 1 ~ ; I. ,J .. l .. 1,2, C 11~:! t~ 1\111 ~ ~r.·mn i- lgt •• Ml~l lg:m.

Ku rc.o R:.a.allu

Ou.v rJ Plrigc I VL-nH J 'id1t1!l'I'

l'1~mli •

Fro1n Pupil lo Pedar1~0/5ue


z;a ~tl1 ~i! !!." rr;


I S1• 11ll1 n~ L.ol• \'c •l;,1






P ,1u1 \'ltll :. 1 C:n ol 7.wl~f. •

x JulLLL

.h.IJ •th ~n-df:rsnn

Ll•.is i: .irucy IM! IJ c r Di




\lurl 1 l f'L '; K~lh

, •••

I ( ,,


I\ rp 1TL"t rl!!i:ltc:n~lmf

Three-- Tear Grad5 Embark Vir '1.'i n in l :neb Nottllla


.'h:s Kest:1:i , J.mi! t Knu!ht

,J. ANDT!ltSON, MH ...•1111k•"C! 1 \'lb;, c.: II ~.i l I .\.\i.1l"•' I S,D, R. 13Et. Tl:"R, ll;irab•'•)r 1.•. 1~. /..!!nli~TI-; ~ 1 .•; l..l.L. 1,~, 3; Cill~:.J tu t-.1iW~tuW'tX: I w~ . . - lJ. Lit.~ r•,, Ni t~t. ~


A •>111.1.11 11... t~; L.l.L. 1,2 ,J ; C'hoLr 1; l'i:.p Club t•"> D1 1:i ,.,,, ,\1 111 ••1 h'W :\ lJJ, M n itvwoc,

J,;:: , ::;i C;i 11..-d

WI<.. Ac-1..>l fans 1i 1.. L.L 11 ~; Cu.LI ~<l w t.h~ Sp;mh.n .Wli5In l UCS:lJtJ I !\J h:. M. llr. 'I' I J11o.c 11.<. ,•\z 1•• At"ulh&J::I

'11•X t


J,:1"1:1 1 P.•p Ch1h l.Zi C11lh-,I 1°

Nl•wr•'1 '1t11,;1



(.ii\ EGOR\' 1 \tH ,'"1.lkC:~ ~ WIJ. Cn l l~ J w ,Monj'.litcl'l\·rt, S. D, '\f. c•EcKFNDO::\F, p,.~ ..·ilh Ill · I WSs. A ·ullallS :); P~J I Club J; C'.1...I • oo Tuwn Jot·u.•~, Will. V. HOl:.Ll. Gi!I• r11 111tf.''"'" \'.'I,. t11111 1 "'' 3; t.,;all•~d t~• M.11111~r .. ,, '•\'iii. A. Kf!iTING 1 Cihbnn~ .Mfon. Al.'oll.m5 L1 :1; C.11111".I rn Ki1:11bt!rl·r·1 WL~ . N, KN,\S, Wau~t:i.lut, Wu. L LL 1,2; Sm"'cnt C .me 1 I '), 1; GAH i:~I Ii 1 1t c lnr.1 ','t"r:. J. KA.AClIT }.fo:h2co-t1 '.\"ir . .'\~-:>hlJl'I J,~,3; C!u:Jfrl 3; C hs~ Sl:!C. ~. (';i I led l () Rh I ceJ n.d l! T J \\'ii..


o. MTt.lSR,




IV'.inT•• C;i1l~d ta Wtme·.,·oc I Wh;.

C11LJ~tl Lo.J • IJoi!!, Ill. K. .Nffi O, W 1. A~.,li .1~~ ~; L.L L. ::,i; Ca i.c~l co ).lllW;;w&! e, \'~ u. M. J>l!l.i.ltiNS, l.Jav LSa.>n, Mk~'h , Ar cili.'J •~

P, NP.1.1. 1 I..<.lllflt1:1 1



1,2,:11 n11l ~ LI.I Cl.ill (.;L~t,r 1 ~ Wlr. I.. f'fHFF R1 Crlvitl • w.~' C';il i...d LO L.t1 CrCtt"lt"- \"i·h•• R. fl.AD U F1 M:l-rf ht:: 1~ Wh. i'lll! l 12 ~ L. 1...L l d!; t:1~!'S lnm.i;. ~; Cn ll i:.d L<> 1,•, i L'tnl:o1., ~H 111,

E. Rf.T7 ArT1 M.mitnw<·..c,


1~h. AC!Uli;i..111 l,2; 1..L.i.. L, 2; C' 1 llco:l tn /\II ~n.ittca, ).:tinn. ii.. !::CHU1:.~r:ll:.. t.'Wquo:u11 1!/l.:s. 1\; ~; L. L. l. ,.ii C .lll~J It•> Zhm , I , 13. "f' Fll.01'1 'fli1.t1!~'41 ',\l"js, 1\cOl l.iMI~ jj 0 1~1r 1 Ji Call<:J lo A lg ... rtµ I ..... , • • E.. s mcu;p,, ~(:"I'" U1 :n, '\1Jnn . /..t•vLJJ.11» l,:!;11 L.L.J..., J,.;:,:J.~ Cf1t:"e!rlr.111h · ~ 2-J:li (" UcJ c•:. Nn.• (;>1tidnn. "Wi"i . Noc pic.tured - n. l(f.DKI!.. MahJ1<1n ~.:k. 'Ni;_ C.;.l lcd to r.~1.. Atkia!l'l.ll11., •,'."~y. J'. KRUl:.C.f.Jl,, We:~ s11 lr· rn1 'lr'i~. 1.'i!.U 1 l•) ti ~ f• k Ml~\I rn 11 Ari 1.

Di :ta~ Mlllt!r li:.:tt.hy .N~r··



Mru }' l'I! rl

I 1~

On Teaching Career

'licd:n I'll! iltu It• 11II1 l~u ~lu L-1.rl ir~ ~~r~I 1H

&!1..h Sulwett · ."i o.: 1..: L-: hIt

1-·1 i ~;1

ih s Ie$lcr


t.-. BALHR 1 (;]u,lr It ll 1l:!1 t·~p t'tu b 11, l 2 i Cheecl e:i.~5n?. 12; ln.\r:i 11JW..ili. lJ, 12. Li . l!A LU'S C.:J-1 'Ott~'' r. r1LC!t!villa, \Unn. Choir I HI il L l ~ i Sgi11r~ _, CJL1h 11; n•H PJny, S.O{l.;;. ll 1 l; [ r,1~'k Hl, 1. l:'J.uis Lo ~lt~n.d St:i.U!. 11, c;KF.t~ 11 {,.·11 y" :;.l ,.,..,•ti, , \l11 • l'hoh J JO. u; l\:,> Ch1h IU, L , 1··; Cl M"' i'l-t ~·; Cl.I"' Tr, HJ; 111.rc;;. m µ.rah 11.!, 11, l.t:~ PJ:.:rns th l:ic II tnt• ll'd I o1;in. F. g,Q[)~ C\nud nd 1 li.~Lnn . Chfiir T 10, I Ir l f' I Ch 11 ~i·o, 111 Dt r.::ctren d Cl;i:'..s t'l.;iy I ~; lotTam rr::i.Js LU, J , 12:; M•'JfC D.~t.l .C:. M. URO'•\'N 11 1\1u~.~ 11 Ni:.w Ulr.L1 Mll'to. C'.llolt J 101 l 1, L.:? i J't!f' C.: Li:b '!O 1 11 , t':? ; C' J ;1!.-t l-'l~~·1; i), J',1.!~ l\'"otC" D.M.L..C. \"/ . COLI:.. '.VouoJ LiL.k~, Ml.t111. f\pn!'.I I h I ~, Fn.1 h~111 I 1, ~; T'r;iek J t .J 2 i Pb'" ru .1tt~• id fl.·'liln¥:itn St:ttt!, F.. COOK "Co.'.:IJ.:-f,~ kliln.i._ llilD•kr, 'li'ili. ChDJ: I H, 1 ~; P.up CL11b :'!; 1;..h~ P1~~. l.J, t.inllt•ll 91 IO, l l; U11.~~tb.-U 9'1 JO, I Ii T c: 9, 10 1 t~. Ptrn)'; tn . tbL'l"lol N', .\',C, .R.. DALL.VIA.NN 1 NL~~ Uhu 1 N..l.1tn. Dwi:r[ IL•, t 1~I:• • Per CJ th flJ, 1, l..! 1 .:..·1 l ' I •;1dl11~ 'J, 10 .J l, 12.; lntr :ituw;i.L::; l0,l l,J2i Mme D • .M.f .('.. J, flUTSt:HE.k AbLJ lW 1 Wl.1 . ltiuu u.1:1Ll'J1. b. g, 10, t l , l~ , l'l1un tc ::LfC!:!:nd N . W.C, J. DU\ll'i.1:., ''J<:,cl tl li 11 ~'\'tJ. rlm LLc, Wl:l, l~p (.lubr <: , 1 t. ~~ r Cl it.I;:; Pl.11 '!.'~ LL.L. 12 j liiLt,H)llU' .1.IB 11. l~; fl.'. J• D.M .L.C. J. l..NCL..\ND, lfa.J. wn, MLm1. Cb:m J 11, :~, l"!'Uld "1, 10, 11~ 12 r Cl:.<i:l::'I Pl ·l )'i '.fnrn D.M.l.,C.


Clarl?TI c. I


C :ra.loJh1 Jl.c4:ki:.r



n11r!l A

H.S4 Seniors Reach Crossroads

\.UL~.\.It!-t l!.1 Q'l\ ll



fo g r.1~"'



Rll'll,..a OaH"l1 .r~:mes CAle!I<! hu .rrun U.1 mki .F;m i ri: lie •I 1,1 trd


J.•an Er. Dr Ctt11:1h1..zlt

.t-11-i:i [ wi::not-(.l kt·

.t.L C)' Jbisd1 IJa i nr .J 1\Tt>n AU !'ID Jcffl"' J~m~~


r<c:nip l

ef 64 Discharged with Honors


.:lid i th


Lyl c: r A:tJp kc

Kfatt L •1'1\k


r. ENT I~ '

Ni(lollct I \{im1. M:i.r ]11ts I I Pblni: lrtm1~ l I ~ 12 i TT;i:C?k 10, 1 1.1 ?; ikttrr;Ji nr, to P .M. l ~ ("••1, GRON110tz, "Jutk ' New Ulw, .\ L:w. Chtur I 10 1 lJ, J2; ior.itl.11.i.U <ltl l,lZ1 tbl'Jq:Lh .l 9,10, u~a1 H;1u:bnll '>, 10.i ~ 12, °Tt30A 11. l!uLULC uod>5.;:jr..[tc"d. M. 1-IUENECKF, ''MO" ::-.:i:w Uhu. '1,·,lnn , Ch:i 1 f lu ,ll,lt; f;!Lp tiub \J 1H},ll 1 11: t.::J..:u.! Trl'a~. q, :?., Tnt t11 m~11 1~ fl 1l 01 l J , J 2.; Mor(' V.1\-' .J, t:. M. rn1sc1 I • lbi.; ch II Cnhrmhns, W1i; . Clio l T 'll J l;!. Pep

Crt.1b 10,U,l:!.; l'klnil l},JU.1 U ,U; l~rr. 1nw. l~ ";1,li.).!hl~. l1S11.n:i to :i.tte-n~ M. r•• T .c. t:, .r A C\7. EN. R1ttr tfi r lrl, Mfo1l. Choir l 12; &l1Ll !J 1 10, l.11 ;t.:2; lJt!p CJub !ilJ ?<J tl 1,:2 t ClH! l!ll 1'.1d tng JO: lnlr,, 1T1ur1.1 i. 9 , Or 11 112. Rclll ttdt1g L~1 D. \f. l .C. A...TF'H'E~S, ''A 1'1 B!i;Y111~in·.:::i.1,,on, ....1i:n~. Jtwibn.Ll lU, l r. l :L, Eku:htb~l l H1rn1 Tu~ 'Y,10 , 1~ 12' ,.i.i:::-2"1! D.,M, l.• C. J. Kll:MPf.1 "J•:m " l~,J'l{'llietou . Wit, C1uu 11 J, l ::ti CJ-ii u rhy 12, Font hn I U; Tn1 c-1" IJ, bier.- m"r.ili; I h 12 i rul:ILTe wnde ~ided. li1.A TI I 'St-.:v~ I s It;il?.J>'r' L]'t:, Mlnn. CluJJJ I ll r J2 ; Coif 9,] Qi mu •m11111.l11 91 11) , 3I.I:! , i'l04n Lr.> uLl••t...d N\"lt:. J. J(~~-nr..·1.;\t'(N, "Kri:~li Cret~; llJ . ClLolr I l 1112> P~p Club :1 , 1zi el~ l'lil.'!o' J2t Cl.:11:1 Sr-". i; Pl1rns to rt lJtt i\>1.L.'f .c. c . .1..£1,,1~, F11i rf11 x:~ M~-1'TJ. Cli,,ir I rn, Ir 12; S1:.uu•'JH O:lw:t.noe.: ~l l 01 ! l f l\r!"1d IO, I 1, 12; ITI~!'<lmw111 Ii; <.i. Jt1, U .12 ~ U. r:>f P,,.Utm . L r.F.rrKf', Mlrmenc.n, Minn., C'h.olr 1 10J 11 1ltl'l fu~.,b~l l 1(1 , l l, 12; N. 'n'.C,




M Ell::H., "&Jli II Wl.JHedvt.r, ,\rb, r.1o: m t.:C.u1~~ I; .1-'r X• li>iJL lCI; ln'lr1u1ruc~ ID, l l 1 I" I 17 1tnri! 1111t h•1. I h ii . .U. ME~ EK I "ti.' . }'l.' I ' K:lw~il I M inl'. I cti..ojr 1 11 •ii I ' 121 Ctri!'-" Sc~c. 1U; '1cp Cld.1 CJ,Jr:i,11,12i .l!Jt:r,~.i.Ls 9; JO, 11. J;• N1 ug, J Ni ·1L J E 11 1:'..i 111..t' 11 ltmottL, :-.urnt.. Choiir r I h , , I Ch~li Pl a:,• i'.:! i Mi.II lu~e 1:?; n:p Pk 9 I JO; P,\.i.i..C, \.1, RADJ.Ot F Hlgl Brldg'-" 1 '.'i Is, l.fa..s~l!tbalJ 10,1 til2, <.1.1e1>, L..: irnl'I• 11 11; <.:J ,1r I ll,12; C iS Pr••i.:. l.2 b!.tr 1t mui:. L~ 'J, I U111 ~ I ;;q Trtir- l. 1~· r iWt' ··~11", C-:-11kl!;e • .IJ. RA!\'ZJ:.NL!LRC: ER. tllJoL 11 Spci nP,, Cm1,•.: 1 Mini • 0101 r l I ) , rI h I 1,1 11.1h J ~ 10 1H 1 l1c l-' {.' lu b ] lJ 12 ; M,f.,,T,C. M, RF'[l)F. 1 W;1w;;'!, 11 Wis. t,.'l1ui'I' l; JJ.,.,.t.L.C'.

D, H..J!'-KE, Nt!l l!iv~!Je; WLc. t..--:J1nl1 (, {.'la:u P!;.'.}' 12J lll{l ,, lllf~ I l t121 n. M. L.C. ::i. I~ on rv: ALr>, (.. ll1,.11 I 1 \.ll1111, ] o. 11 'i Z; C~u:erle.:idcr Hl' I l 1 I '' r lct l I E IOrll1i::!; Cl11~>:; l!'Li.y 12; l:t;us .Sec. <'J; biu.-mi t'lJ.;, li:-11t C~ mcll 12l J.i:.ubLu .•r, Sl IJA f.KldlMj It .l;1,1 i" Nl'I'· '' Ul rn r \.ti IUI. Cl• Oit ] n ' l 2 D.M.1~ C~ J. C:Crt1•.P.L£.:l'.-,1/\:-..'N, 'Jcrin" N«': ·: UJ.111, Mhm. 0.ui.r l 111 I 1; t'l.1~ l•!a)' 12• M1rnl1J1.t(1 l>tiu,. C, !i<.:IU.elf Lvt\ll~u­


Mli' 1, t.1u.ilr l. 12 r !)turlcm- r:llml" I qi Pro fl'1fil1m·• J 131.1,i. nl.'!\i J1i,tf Lull! •

Jli,Jb ·:rt Melt!]'

[)in fltt }..''iw1u

M..1~ Rn~l~t

1k•l:.1:. .NolLi:

Business Bel·kuns Some

:Xulll) Llu.ll~H "-~r Llyn

ib r

J• Pon nn fhrlu:%:ifi(1!1


'R.1 L


°SC!h.oi: t!'ka.lm1

Jl•f t.! 1uy SeJu []c ~u.-rm GlurL11. ScM•-. U



Sc.fool' L at• le s"r1 ·~~w '""




rr ScfjJ ~*'r

L:u:1 it :1 lP.i I hor1 J~mL1

'i.\'1111LI I! r·.~'l!

Others Choose Colleg£ale Ma!U~u Wrh '.\~~111,1 }' \VI Li1~·




'•'f :l'r'IX! Z.:.:m 1

LJ. SCI lOl~J.CK~ New Hlni., l'r.'1im1. Chtilr l ~ lk kc:.lull mgr. 12: 'l'hlo.P;i,l111u. 1lil:J.:!'1t.:!~1~t ~1ni:tU 1:• 1 D.M.LC. Jl. S Cl t~Orrn,, 1' 13ab" Bta~lte5t , M na. Gn.d;.etba Il 9, H:• , 11, L2; dt.r.ii • L I~; CL;; sro \'. f".rl!!J. 'I, I J ; "ru1.d4 9, I 0; .E L, I~. D.M. l..C'. !.\'CSTnOll "Sµrn.g' SL. huJ, )..hm1.. (.;huit J• pta1n ~u b co 1rtr l ~ 11 · LoJ•.> •ls11.. IJ .

N i... Ul 1l1, ~Ut111. Q;r:l1 I ][J ,l i,1:.::: Ct:lfS trl:.i·,·.1 CJ ~ ... V. P1r, 12, Mur1ut1 l~: Tr11ek 1Ur111 D.>-U .C. I. mJiORN Nit1 11 D:lr{t1T 1 M inn. C"'loir 1 t~; P~p ('luh rn.11 1 1!!; J11tr1110 1•;1;)1>; D.M..L.C. J. 1.'t.'Af\""DERSF.F. ".Jhn'' Ne.,.,• CTittt1 Mli~n. RJ~1rl !>~ C ol r i 1 ~ CJ ·~~ Pl rt'°·;

~Tf:L TEJI.,

Phlc~h~-; 11, 12: [n r mnul,; W..1r;ik,1tl'I St.uLC. M. '.'lo'~• ~i:v.• UJ m, Mii:nl, Ch.o~;r .L l 1, ~~; N'l~rsC:S 1 t:r:t ini np;, t, Wf.NZJ:.I. 11 Wl!oit. 11 R•:ti\'J lb:~ Mltm. 1!:;1.uu 9 , 10 ,l ! , 12 i i,.1 10



IutuJ.t•l\11 ul~< t' l' C.:h1li

~hlO . l ltl~;

U11 -

fuiU:r'1. Q. WUI.Y 1 QuhLC() 11 S~11 Ca rk.,; ~ Arli . R3.$Cb$1 I! 10.111 e..-~ 4r t 1..i l ! u. l 2;: Font-0.;.U rn~ 11112 j Trllolc ll 1 I ~; N. W.C, W, Z~'t.'R,N", 'New Tnrn., ;-...fitm. Bit rul Iii~ llil!'ketb,;aU 101 C6 s-!I fla,-.·; fDcil:i!;;a~C U; St!lte,

'!i~1.1 .... d


Behind the .ro:sc u-c11ls right [n the midst of that big ·otmn field, ··My Old Pl;.mtiition I lonH.:·· UU"C\\ open h:s doOI"" lO ChC S!..."ILiO.r rj .ti. l lhCf r honorary tea 'llll: beuurifu1 dre~::i;e , rlvcroo c,. and rhe gene r'' J glO\'- of southern ho::>· ll•la lity \1i' uuhl ha vc de! lghted an~· old~~yk plantation O\rncr.

The Meniories

of 64 H.S. Seniors P. Undenucn ~ smUe :1a.i o! south~ hc::s)>iu.Ht} ui«> itvitl") cup.


"'f\,"O ~hem

"'w~iten'' sac:ak ofJ dut)'



llttle nm.

11n: sen ors• trip lo the Twin Cities goL off ro a bright nd ear:Jy Sl~rt . Their fun - f"ilk'tl da)' included stop:s at Wold-Ch mherlain Field , the.: publh: l ibri.lry, mu ·um. and art instlrnte. After lunch at J)ayt'm '.::i Slyroom; IJENR'\' \' , a1 L11e Tyrone G\1thric "lbear.rc; arid a \i.•in~ gan,e-~ n ch'~~ hut h11ppy bu!';Joad wa~ ready to rcturn .

re j\,fade of This

~I. • Puu I '.s i; c11i. m I in dnw n rown Nr:w L"lm l1.i tii lo 11g bi..•(!11 'I he• h-ole t eoti 11.f:. ~l'otmd fo1· D.f\.·1 .L .l~ , ~s :..;.1,u dc nt teacher >':> . [fuw~ve t', clfte 1• tllL'


J9riJ -4

yc~ 1·

ftt'- fJ , 11 tic s wUI lc.1 !:it, ~ xte n.-.iv e 1y . b' r o m thJ S LL me u 11 \\".1 .t'LI p:tcJ i. pi...!1..: Li Ve lC:l~ ll~'l''6 Wnl ..1ldO be.' bl'fll' W a rua :-;,,; hocJ h.; fuI" r r ~C! ri ''""

hL~ rn-: ~d

it.'i.1~h hlf. .

Practice School Links College and Career


eventy . . one An- ~,iver tlie Cat l f\.l> nf the IU and I\' i..;nl h:g • l![rild1111 ung long-.i .,. oltecl cuH a· Jltmrn ·111 ant. icip 1 ~ion. ·1 he .bcJl ':s at1nullth.:em'-! nl Lhal m.~.,,.,,·~ tJI I h~ c~ I l8 b. d beeu l'eCdv~d l>l·uu~hl th i.;and ld<.1L~ ~ • CJ.m l t heh" ri~nd to th~ cll.1 pe l fi:lr a cl<.: vmJou~il SL'r vk ._. • .Alt.bough t h · ut1l. ·1· ninly Jmc.I h ·11 rdhJVL•d, Ll lL' ultcrrn;.1 11• h •ld u11 l!X ·It ~mfnl u t 11 .

c.~1 as.;cto r ec 1vvd ttwir afler 2 t},pkal ~·.vcl 1 o



T•) rhc: ir c i'll h: re km 11J lrn)'l'l' rn ·111<.llJi ·~ Lti c gn.1,J • 1.1:.i.l i:s a! b alb ll1e ~unioc and ~ c 11[0L cla!-~o-; ~ b:1v~ -d lt:.J L.111..• \>31Ll jll• I ~ 't 'II lt1 ithc t hi'.) 11')f: t Ordd I r 11 li)' tl1° :fa~1 r'(.

Judglni.; l wut .1<:



•lp i n1


'~f:~f l

11 1

Knh l

:U • m~ ':...X.•"11: rlun of ctui..:~c Prof • I IU:.:~ hv1 l i:t him i:n OT ll'T .. . . ... c:

' ·

College 'Tl1I~





nty b~1-~ i;tde, 11 M:otch Mttlec, ~iii:~ f>ro~. Z.tJL.'11 h1er t:-.11ded 11 lk..: lot ~ b:iu1u tu wit d ll1C! 'Sina lu=1.,.'


drin l r an..i he l"l•l.' ITY1' 1 !li1)' lhMC: 11.S. r;c:'!l i p,:-;i...£ icm h ;inq:11?t. II

Jfonors Grads



Ih • iy i Lfon l


As Enclianted Evening cl ·.n· Juit

cvJJu J o~

On a b r i¢11 si.:rnJn·. o f li~u td

11 11l ~ic u nnouni.::•.·d 1lw

co m menc~ inent

of the ye..:11· ' s fl n;.11

t;on...:1..:rt • <:11., r 1· I h~ga r\ t h~ d\1 J1·u I prot.h.; Vt: r~ I 6 \! ri;.:J ~u n!rli ( rt"J n 1 "' fhe P.i !:iSfon >\cco r cilnp t o St . Ja lw , ·· l'.cld l I lgh ~...:h uo il 11cl ~~o l 1,:gE..! •hu ir !i~ngo Se..:ttl. r f.l 1ufJ ti. .• ::: l '.:lU.g'IJLg fl'Ul l !~ ltUW 1 ~m ·~ 10 l•.1H tmngs , ,\II rhc i:h<>1l'8 c o mhint~cl w lt h the a uu le ru;(.· i.luu il. l-J111 11 b:.u 1d LO t h . nn t.c i; <~ " / •. m er ic'' " M1;1 Iing Lluvugh thL' uJg ht: J.l 1" .

g r· q 1L wILh


Q il y i.:wu S• (I I.> 11.:'Li.. .. -tm 11c Mil 11 li•'ni"I ••· .J. Nu • ~·' r I cfu-1 t•~ Lh.~ com::ert p,nl!T ,


1 l •Ll':-1.1 11t1


rnl ;1;:1 I

of d1phn1:J:&


Ii ~· 11~ .

• t 11 l II \'111 1~1 11) '" , llu ~.,r r !:~ hs~:h ""hnoJ ll~ Prd. C.: c

&:I w"-'H"t.: l•J thi: f 11(•'.•.t lJ \lllll di, . !'IT

Si e r,IC"r.

One llundred Thirteen Graduates R cezvl'


1·1;~ Rev. lk:rg , Pl)tino 1.h ri.Hch • •

J.)l'l.:lSllll'nt 1 f LI \~ Mh..h1gJ.n


~·c:il I


·w ·

Dl •·tdi.:t.


mi 44 bi~~h .-;i,;hoo l g 1'<Ld11ut •s 1.m a t. kt.m i'r.nm I t:!bt:l:!W!:> t ·~:ti, "Je:>u~ Chrb l •

Ll11,; •j'llll


yw·nc.:1.:d y.

\oUO}' , i lHd '••I'\.'VUJ ...

l'.rii-.t,'1r l)u1~.g !:l~irl 1 h! ChTi sthrn c:rt~1L~awm i .· not de tL'tL<.lt...•JlL on ll11t 1..: ILaJJglug plall • 1:Jopl1lr.:~ uf m.:..111.

b 111. (rn Cl11·i1>l ':;ch ngd


lo,,..._. f,.;r !-iinh1I man.

Diplo1nas and Farewells

:1 l 01 tl I ·s. 11 1. U:'~ i= grui.h ~ock 1Jrn r.I tc• lcC~ or 11L fll 1 11 'lli• l1w l.h• r Lia~ ~tu! nltiw ti r h.~p •y p.ul.


l'-.· rL~ 11J ~t:a d d!I Im .l d Vuf.J\S. 'ii\•AG F,..~ 10 Iiii Ilse. vi 11 z-:... ,·e:: a:,,:i.ira . "


Pt~~:id !'>~hw e ,''>Jl' I 3, 1d rl~ cor;wnu;nne ~i· l!tl b ·r· u. W. :£1.g~I, cf'lairn· no~ the Collegi: &.ud uJ (..ouL11}f,

• Li 1. n 1•ns •mh Ic: 11 nJ r I he d IT1.!e1:£1 n uJ l"rt.1i. luJ r.ho con~rcgnrlnna I ~ ~n.=!in~~.

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