1983 EXCELSIOR Doctor Martin Luther College New Ulm, Minnesota
Table Of Contents Events
....... 3
Fine Arts
.... 61
Staff . . . . . . . . 15
Groups . . . . . . 75
Seniors . . . . . . 23
. . . . . . 89
Classes ...... 41
...... 104
Homecor1W19 1982 proved lo be' a definite S!rcess The week began With freshman 1nttlat1on and ..shock the gods day" under lhe theme Greek Mythology The oiass of 1984 took 1he spirit award lor the third year in a row, de1C11t1ng the other ctasses ln powder pull too: b8I.. float build;ng. s!d! oerklrming. ena school fP'ri\ In ~ The dmax Of :he wee!< was :t.e deleot of :he NWC Troians. 10-0. Saturday afternoon. The fes11vitles ended wllh a banquet of "Oreclan GoocMs," followed by
a display of studcnl talent. Yes. Homecoming week cerlatnfy
showed Lile reRJl!s of much prep-
aration. and ii was an wor1h 11. loncerl acn I gl'te up
f-IA1t·t11M: ~I
Fiewvnan CS. p:esenta 11\e- Arma
''Here She Comes
Irene O'Dare!''
Bock R°"'
-k.l(Jn ( Cnon..)
Janti» V. 'et (Mrs. Ge<llldine O'lle>el
fl.In J.tant TIClle IQeolJm'tUf 6. O-vru~) Oan IJJnlmy & Chorus)
Ro"""'°n I - &n<tl
MMk Koolpin ((;J"r!\'"'" ..... ~ & C11onis) 8'!lll l.aue!ldo<1 (DeblllB"te & O!orus) Mjd(ji9 Row Kem L°"""" (Ma- luc)o) Bo<h Waga...d (Mrs. M a - & Chants) Troy y.,.. IPa1<11er & Chorus)
·-••'II ·~- O'Dtn)
Kun Rosenbaum (Donald S - - 1111 Kar<n
KUrl -
Kn'"9'l' (Jane l.lcfudt:ll IOu>t! Ba!llOn & °"""51
Jenntl« IAe)'WI (OebUlaole & a>orusJ
Jo!! Timn\ (Wa 1or & Ou\$)
Kai• T - - !A<llbella & CIDU5) """1dy Bode IPa1n1 & °"""")
G..,.,.,..,., W.Ue (Dobular"• & Choru$) ca.. Ebs1 (Phono Man ~ Cl"ouSl Ila<• illebul>rl• & Cllorus)
The weekend of November 12-14 broughl the musical, ~ to the stage of OMLC. The orchestra stnkes up the Ollerture. While tne audience sils in amlcipatlon walling for the curtrun to open, the <:ast wonderS If their two 8f1d a half months Of work will be sppreoated. Irene makes her entrance, trips, and the aud.ence laughs, puning the cast at ease. Irene is hired to turui a piano at the m Uonalre mansion of Donald S Marshall Ill. They meet, and he falls in IOI/a. Donald's a rheaded cousin, OZZJe. comes In w1tn the opportunity of a lifetime tor Donald. A dress designer named Madame Lucy wMIS 10 open a New Yori< dress salon. MO<lels are needed so Irene and her two 9th Avenue friends. Helen a11t.I Jd'"'· dll;t lmltt.I. Mlitlllllllf LU<:y l~t:hw UIHlll IU model hls deSlgns. The girls pose as prominent members of society at the Palals Royale, and they get away with It. However, Irene wanis n'IO<e 11\an a business relationship and leaves. Donald realizes his IOve for Irene after bemg taught the Great Lover Tango al Mrs Msr$11all's garden party. While there, Mrs. O'Oare realiZes that the great Madame Lucy Is her long lost lover, To ma~e the happy ending complete, Irene's true ldenu-
ty sod etlgageinent 10 Donald are revealed. The em1re cast eelebtates the event with a final chorus of "Allee Btve Gown" The mUS1Cal was directed by I.Ors Abel and produced by Laura SJetner. Much thanks is e~lended to Prof. Hermanson. who directed the first-rate orchestra. and to Mrs. Schubkegel, lor her help with the chorus. Thanks alSO to the various crews and AVCO AU these people donated many hours of their time and worked together to make the p<oductiOn a success.
··1 - · , , _ <mien chin 10 lie b 000« ••
The Spirit Of Christmas At DMLC
Bits And Pieces That Made The Year Unique
Somo Special E Pastor I.Im~ Zeon Roel< Ml.IOiC ancl Satan" 15 Or Wanen Scil""'1 - O.gon Roe lill - Sept 19 .bMt1 KreanlQ.& - Facuay Drgnn R«lW -- bept Clpe<etta - "Naugl>ly M>t.,11•" - Oct t3 Jm Zomdara - PllllO Rocltal - Oct 2• l)<ltl and Oous ~ - Jolnr O<gan Rodia!Abbey M ,,.,,.,. - W;).. l/'q> and PiWlot11•a lle1h Zabel! - Plano - I - Ja'1 9
l.ln."188J)O/IS Clldal8n°l TheilOI
Co -
6tpL 214 Nov 21 Dee. 6
~flC() -
Amel Anderson - F - Organ - .i.n tG C>ll'Q ..._,_,., - ~I 0.Q8fl Rod:af - Jan 30 Ula - - · Organ RoO•ll- MN 1~ ~ SflEj(~ ~ - Perlaaua:a M.tr 20
J8PQ1i& Olldrw(a Tneater CUnc•IJ'
Special In The Eyes Of The Beholder
ProftBSOr Erich Slevef1
On October 3, 1982, Professor Erich Slaven was honored In a special Anniversary service for filly years or service to the Lord. President Lloyd Huebner as liturgist led the congregation In worsn1p as Rev. Carl Mischke, President of the Wlsconsln Evangelical Lutheran Synod, preached a sermon on John 15:16.
Professor Sievert graduated from DMLC in 1932 and accepted hls tlrsl call to Neillsville, WISconsin. In 1950 he became a faculty member In the education dlvlslon at DMLC where he has served till the present. We ask that the Lord may continue to guide him In his calling.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you. " John 15:16 14
&uce Backer M"5oC
Freel 88rlel
Gerhard Blwer
Reirglan-Social SltKlles
John Brug Aeliglor..soc.a Srudles
Rlchatd Buss
Gary Ganrichael
Gary Dalmafln
Physical ~llOO
Geratd h : :C:«' ,
Lyle LaOQe
Mark Lenz
Rellgion·SOCUll S1ud1es
Rel>QoOO-SOCllll Sludies
MaMo Methacl< Rel1glon-Soci.at S1ud1es
LeAoy LCYorson Eno11sM!al.·Soe. S1.
Barbam Leopold Piiywcal Education
Jooo Mlaheel Mathoma1tcs·Soience
tnstrumeru.at Mus:tc
John Pau!Setl Mothemalics&lence
DaMn Fladdatt ROligiOO-Soc"'1 Stooas
Roll;m<I Menk
John Oldl•ld Mathematlcs.-Science
GefUude Nolle
Ma.r;orle Rnu IMINment&I MUSIC
Irmo Paap D1rec1Gd Teachtng
Ouo Schenk Music
loos8c1Voed1< ln&tturnent&I Molle
Manin Schtoeder Eogllsl>
Morton Sct!'oedet En{!...,
Francis 8chubl<egel Music
Joyce Bchubi<ogol tMlruf'n')nta.1 MUilC
. ,_
AoNld Shilllflg
E11en S1M11
~- :
v~~.._ _.
Robe<I Slolll
Behind The Scenes
Kitcllen Stafl Vercllle Class. IJ'1Cl8 - · k.,,. S.•'-t Delot• Hempel. H•lon Ncnnorna<ltof. R•ll W.lWwt. e ..net ~ Kati
T - Bltb 8Ne5i<e
The Joel< ot All T111d00 - 1,h. -
8""".•tore S1att Pam F1o1o1t. Pa;r!Cla ........... ~ l.0.Dcrocny G,_ ~- - · ~ Roelr1a. -·Ganino. ~ fiacher: lli!tty lkm Back Ac>• Ur'dl Leoer; Slwi.y Oickwy, Olano Burt, Mac1yS Aooenl<r. Gwen bnrMrmAn, Ginger l.leizlf
S-wtailoil. fronl -
i'IU188 Lori Tague
Pr1<11 Shop C<aw路 IArs. Shilling: Los Rmg; Lynn Boescll: MI'S. Stelhas..
Lfbrary Staff: Miss H.amann: Mrs. Du!hltru!:lef: Mrs. Psath: Pro! Jacobson; MtSS Daley; Mts. Arras: Mrs. l-f.artw~; Prof. Fl8cher, Mrs
.iu""" cia..
°'"""'" T•rM•• weonet. rr..a
w10 Aubin. Ste
0onn1d ~oill!1det, Vlc9 Pros.. c;1..,n Davos, Pres . c.11>er·
JUnl"OrS lolS Abel M8'$ha Abel
$1\tr• Aknght
Jool Bablnec
Brenda Bnuet
SU.On Benzel Juli.e Sergemenn Rebe<:ca Bledent>ender Lynne Bd1er
Jol>n Bllovornlehl
Chf1s11na Botlholz 81ende Bode
oan101 llfodtndlek Anntuo 81endahl Evelyn &O<lhaoen
usa 8'JCl1tiot•
MICllele CeraJo Jean ClviSlM.SOO Glllf'n Do'l\o
.,__________________________________________ David Ooelge•
Edna Dorn
Sonya Dutt Joyce Ecl<"'1
Ract>olle Ehlon Baibara Elc1<Stead1 RoneeElse loooard Epple
Glendo f"'1Ske
Diano Flckeu ll18 FISChor
Bewrly Fral~ David Gao<ge
Dawn Grcnholz Denio Habeck Philp Hacl<barth
Debra Hadler Torri Moll
Debolah Hanel Ellzabe1h He!nltz Wendy Henijg Craig Hltaehmann
Ann tiofstman .kllle Jacob
Gwen Kanvnueller Janice Konl
Karen Kan
Jonet Kindl
Lynn l<lturow Eunioa Kilvnann Rebecce Klockzlem Janel Koeller 00!181d KOlar>dar
eoraw KOOOw
-Kram KurKKt-
Kt. . .
Rebe«8 Kruogor Liii Kuehl Amy Kuehll
Kevin l<l.Jli K.,..,.th Lohmen
Stacy Lall""'
Patnda Lemkt
~ ~Linll<erW
Robocca l.oocl!
Heidi kWWhUf U.0 Mo"° Hooen Makinwi
CM>t"" Mat81Ch JoMnl MlllAlllk Joo
SharonM.laler Mlcllael
Lai Naatt
OeborahPe!ason Lynn Pc;Aeusac7 KatM'-1 Pnce
JaNel OUlm
Ct8'Q James- Ral1n RobeflBcendaAlcnmond
Connoe Richie<
Susat1Ku<1 Rosenbo&lm Jane1 Aoseruhal
Calny Fllbon Ellen !\hand
Coln ScHlng Slra'a Sd'>oel•llllAf
E-saYJlz -Sct<wanai en.o.sa-1<
-Lydia Spettel
JoOS•ecnm•m " ' - S!Mberg ~Sloog
LMn Stoormger ,,_,K. P SlOIO
0-.T-'> 1... Thoml• AamnTmnl
................................................................................................ , K1osty Watc'11<e Tama'8 Wogt1« Amy v.reruet Judy \Veste!!naus
Judy We12'11
Karl!'I"\ Wl'vtlier
Enyn '-'lilkens Bnen Vo' 1lhams Ji.lie W1I 12 Kathy Witsmann
J.arace W1n1er
GloflllWW'ie Wille ~Wolff
Klmbe11e Wolfgang Debra Voikson Ctieiyl YOllet
9.,, Zani< Char1otte Zuberb•er
NOT P1CTURID John Golc!Otl Ka1e
tlA arc~
TlmCJlhy Motl"" J.. T""°'hy P>epeo DaW11 Recl0\ RerM!ele
M•tehe! Salzwede-1
Tony Sclialle<l .Jeffrey Sl>ange<1berg Karen We!X>
Sol>IO•""• Class Ofla<s; Deb UhlhOm. !'Jes : oa... Scllr-. v;ce P198.: Kim -
Kklg. Treas.
· Sec . Koren
Sonhomores I" Rhonda Atchison sieven Balf\es
car- BaUl!f
.ie..oea llalJmgertener LA Behlmer -Belongl8
Kim Bendor
cmsune Bennen Nfla Berner er.an. Bernier Patty Binlt
Sool1 Bleicllwehl
Trnothy Boemeko
llCqo Nillne Borth
Knolen tle&well
ee.erty&c.ol BredemaM Klttyn &1sso Belh Suchbergo<
Jonalhan Bookowsl<e
SualJ" Calbway Sheron Ca" $andf11 Davidson
0eroo1 OoltmaM Beltlany Doelonr Tammy Ollnn
ieteM Ek&ae1n Jane Falci< Aobort Fiwonle
P&llleia Albef Miiiy Fril~
Stephen f'1ltte FrM'll.&lt.a f\lhtl'Mn
SNirooi G;aitya T""'째ro. Ol-Of'G.._, ~Grca9CI
Vlc:kle CklnOilMlfl
t.-ida Gustah1on lon-
Cil'lidf tlerlfie*90l'I
Ke1tt1 Morman Mane)'
Suzanne Hougll Patric.. Hubbard
Tlmolhy Ht.111 James Hussman Klmt>ar!y Jlitclk
Bladley Jur1< Lynda Kaple< Tlmolhy Kenulke
Tina Keske
Lori Kllber James W:ing
Kaie11 Klug Penny Knuth
C!VOlyn K -
S<Joan Koepke Sandra Kohrs
Ruth l<oolrosky
John Kosanke
Sarati Krarbeh Rena Krueger Bonnie Kuehl
Jeanne Kunh AM Laebo Danieâ&#x20AC;˘ Lango
Jane Lange Kattlerlne Lange Cynthia Lohman
Diane Lehman CsrOI le4M
Julie Lll"ldeman
Oani:OC Lueck LJSa luod!ke Sm-eh LuodlJir.o
Debra Luhman
Joseph Martin Jcel MaHek
MoryElleo Meeboer Jenn!IEK Meyer Sally Mose
Sandra Neuwirth
RebeOCa Nommensen Michael C>esch Sonja Oldre Karen PaC)(>enfuss
Ruth Petermann Beth Petersen Villa Pitcher KB!& Pochc>p
Renee Ponalh Gwen Proeber
Lauri8 Putz Kar.., Remick Noami Ropp Kr1511n Redlin Chefyl Reno
David Ring Kathleen R""'h
Manha Schaible BlaJr Sohape< Stephaniâ&#x20AC;˘ Sehen:berg !lan!h S.hlmming
Sco11 Schmudloch Elisabeth Sehnelder DavldSchroede< Kolth Schroeder Catho<lne Schubk011el
Al"Y Schultz Jof!rey Schultz Rachel Set.JI.? Jann Sebald
lllaSleben RebeccaSdegler Katon Sml1h e...Speudc Tomora Spoldol Jef!<ey SpiaSO<
Oebo<ah Sp<a>n Karen Stab AmStra~an
Tdlany Slraseoke
hmo!hy I al>aney Martnalean Talkafa1 Be!l1 Teutebe<g
Debra lHnorn LA Varney Sosan V01g1
Kane Walohke Belhel WeigMd
1-W*ll llMcy Welke
HeodlWLaur'• Wd:en Anne Wlebulch
""°lthoWWSl'°"9)' Wootf i<.·~ Wordall y..,._y.._
"'"" ZAlbol
Thor- Zahn
G1t1ldZeam0< Annette Zeltlef
o.....i Al:nott
Kat.., Becki< BenhaBSlle<ry
Elilln MCCullough A.my Pappwnh,••• Conn.e Schick Devld Sctvnlel TlmorhySchuh
°"""" n.or
r-o..""-"'"'-~--: ... ToeuT--~.... VD Pi-. ~ 0Mi P'9tft, ,._
Freshmen lt'I" ....... Mct"c.it Nlldl
............ U.-811
Katlf'I 0.,!K;I\ C~IN• Bauder Ku11 Btuer ~nda DMUdt'I
Ptitilelit 99Qkltf
Pattlcia Burau Joel But!noiot•
caryt Cady EflS8beth Caite< Jolwl Ciglor
°"''"" °""'°'
.Nlie Adele
SU.On Dobbersh!w\ Jeffrey Dorn Danica Ort!W5 Teresa OrOSls Tttrrl 0serl'nann
Bart>ata FWw AllrOd Foc1tolt Chrti-tlne Frankenstein
carta Free Scott ff"'9 Guy Gas1
PhiilP Ga .... Sharen Ge<tldl Belh G11es!>oe SueGoons l'Ut:llUIU OUuUidl
Jul1e <>-.on OoJ1a Hanel
Cynit>a Harder
ElaineHayes llelll~
/WIHemch Kolhryn ffooderat Jacqueline H..-..c:hs
Gina Ho&••v LlnmoJle Hopman
<:atolyn Hoppe Elise Hatvedl -Hubel
PN Huii1er
Kay Joseph
oa..... .Mian
a.... l<aeime)"' !loin l(eelin o.-.nKeeley
째""""Kell Pa!AKatm
lOri l<e'lelz Tmothy l<lttmann Pa_fT'lelia
M.,._ Koeil>'n
째"'"' 째"""'
Koepsell 1(-
PU Komrooky
-K008l1ke .IOKollowll\e
Bethany Krenke Karen l(r\Jeger Phllp Kl\legef
aa-h Kuehl Pet@r KVSke
Thetesa Lelme
KlmbetlV Lemke u..y U!wlS!on Karen Lindeman Sarah Llndl>on;I L"'1 LOer$Ch
Sara Ulwl Tmothy MacKain Cerol Mann Doniel Markgraf
s-w. oeora ....
M1rgettt Nath
Don """' T-Plllh
Lon"'T-Pugh Ml<)'"""
Bel!\ "--"
OeW! Relzlall Timothy Ristow
Peuta Robinson Deborah Roemhildi Bl"'1d4 Rdl
Jellrey Rdotl S10'19nAOOMb&um Ann Saoer Cht1s1lna Scharkow Sherle SCl>erzbe!g
Johanna SChlbbalhu1
Kl!lrh Scllmidl Karen Schneldef
Raehet Sehroeoer Arny Scllul12
June SCh._.,, fnGCk18 $d'IUll?
Lorie Sciiulz
Pau1 Settver Joel Sebald
Cathenne Sechrt.'SI JUiie S.1112
-oySi.g Ru1h Slmon$1TI8ler
Aebe<ce Smith Jon Sonn1ag
Ruth Spann&g<1i Allyson Spriggs EJa)ne S1adler
Heidi S1ell)ff Phnip Stern
8'cnda Thomsen ~.. Tho! KanlTld<nar JamosTll!ll Lyle T"""'
Allen Tonai<
Btien Treptow Koreen \Jtllenbrauck Mary I.Inch ~ lk"Jte Jane1V-
Jennifer WHl!lt'l Susan Wantocn Juliet»\Namoo
PamelaWMonlca We.ss
BethW"""""" Laurie 'W@r\tz Chrt5'ine WE!$Slllll
MlriamWAMe Wetzel Debr.o Wm
Martene ¥t ,nig Tn>yYerlu Laurllt!! Zachaw Patti Zahn KameZak
Debra Zimnw11•1 Jane b1uo1011&11
BOM>OZRael>el ;r.,..,,...
Scou Anlonel11 T'"'°"'Y Arnot S.-Brockliam Gayle
MOty Held ,,.,_ lienriel<SOO PU Hertian
KattPJ JohnSton Brenl Maxwell Nancy -Mari< McCo<mlCI<
°""" ......
Jasepll Prtonak John Schlavensl<y
________________________________.....r 60
Wind Ensemble: TOURftG TIE MIDWEST n.e actMties or Ille W"CI Ensemble tor '82 '83 included !he ano..a.1 fall conce<t and Ille 'May Night" per!ormancas In aoonlOn. thBgroup tOOk 11 10-IJHY corlVl!ll
tour duc'rng the m1d_,_1er recess The tour took them to churches. grade schools. and hlgh schools of our Wrscon&ln Synod in the Upper Midwest It was a lantastJC expenence lor lhe membes s. and we hope It served 10 lurttlef Inform the people of our supporting cor9 egatlons of our unique n · ·on here at OMLC ~Wind
Ensemble returned from rts tour
to ptesent a "homecoming" concert on
L Y,""'*t; J. ~ L Tho!: K. w.icl>o• S..:or<)- H. , , , _ J W'llU; C. R Boele; n - . 6. - . B - - · L NmU; a lJ4tt; J. l<loko; P ~ G. - . . K. smm: J. 8rBl61; "- sa. F<Ml!l Aow l n Rerzla't. n ~ c. -l!l;K v.._Rmi_,K. n J. - · a VQ;gt,R.BoOO;T -m;J.U-retP Hen""'K.Ket:J.Noujllv;D.K.a;l At>otO ~S Ros ~ J Sonntag. - Pictured: B ~ L Wier; f' 0.-...
W m £ - Fnl Row 6. -
~ K "'
l Yonggon: 8 Wliglnd; J. -
8. Gildea; A. Spigg5; B T - T
z.m "*" -
Symphonic Band: ANOTHER GREAT YEAR The Symphonic Concert Band performed In the fall bend concert and In the Chrlstrrlas concerts as It h"~ for mAny y"'1rN. New to the SCB's actlvlties this year was the involvement in the annual Choral Vespers w~h the Chapel Choir, College Chorale, and Treble Cholrs. This provided lhe band members Iha opportunity to e><perlence some of the fine sacred literature written ror the wind band while noting how the band can ma<e a worthwhile contribution in a worshlp settlng
S)""Ptionoc B..-.Q, Fl>ol flow. K. WO!ohko: J ~ T Yangge« L. Wlckllfl: S 61ermeier. B Laoorsdort. J. Pansoh. Second Row' S. Gany« M Wolsa: O. Uhtlo<n; K. Bendel: B. GUl!Ox: C. Rubin; J. z,_,,; T Zalln: P lortike; J. W'lllllZ H. Wessel Thl!d Row: ft. BodO; 0. A Spr~ S W..tt: L. NlllllZ; 9 Biluer. J Spbloo<: J Wamer; $. Lutto:.J. Kloko: G. .-S: J. &auo: K, Smrth: A. Laabs; J. Woslefhll""- Foorth ROW" K. $Qhmldl; T, R"1ow: C. tl11tde<; G. KammU<lller. 0. Ro-1; O. l<oopsell, J. nmm: R. Spa,,,_i: T Yerko: T. HUnt, K Ll!idernan; 0. &lhroeder. T. KaSSUlko: J Lindemln: K Koll; ft. Bock>; L Abel, 0 Kol!; A Sauer. 8. A0$$<1be!Jm. 0. Aussen. K. Watchtte Fifth Row- J, S<i<mlal); K. l!<J<:h: Schor<betg. Nol PlcNrod' A W"°"'I; B Telrtilbotg; P. Heman: P DanUse<; L. Millef
Pep Band:
Once aga1n lhe Pep Band rallied its support to ttven up home foo1baU and basketbafl games. Paul Danuser end Jim Neujahr directed the band of abool thirty players. Sounds of Old favorites such as "Bud" and "Beer Barrel Palka" ffiled the air and added pep to the games. A hearty salule Is offered 10 those musicians who gave their time for the oause of their favortte team!
Jazz Ensemble: rr'S BACK! After 111. absence of one year, the Jazz Ensemble returned to the muSICSI scono In '82-' 8~ w•1h a Ml comp19m9nt of players. In addition to presenting two llAl-length concerts this year, the group pa'l1C1pated with the Wind Ensemble tn .ts mid-semester tour ot the M~ and In me tollowtng "tlom&c:onq·· concert riere on carr.pus. The memberS were happy to have the ~ portun!ty once agam to share the special exo1ement ot jazz ITlUSIC: whh others.
~ Y.
031 ! . - . ; Jone F,__ llolh Yi_,c; Alyse
-cond lbr PU~
Joel- Jim""""'- Jon~ AM6aler: LOil Abo!. 11*4Raw- OMl Rol&!t T i n - . 0 Tm~ .._u.,.,._ fad-""' Jc: -
Fn1 flr;-. Lori NaaZ .left IQo;.
F'lcMOd lllltlln K.-; Randy -
Chapel Choir: PRAISE HIM WITH PSALMS! CMpef ChOlt. I juu Fle>w L."11.1t11 Polllf5; Kar•r \1/dit1:t*.- Kathy H 11..J~rt1 Julie s.Jlir. Dale Hnmp1on. 0 1,,.q. Rct.·blt, OQn 1tacy, Ktv!n Such. Jett 8pn11g111.a...e1A. lli>tJor Smnh; WM Sla1t1berg: Ttm Zf!P11w•r. Lednr~ L.!"f, Jionn NOttfdt\Of; Sharon Bm:ket; Ka1ie fff'SSttiCf, Socond tlow fJnlne Ma~ M1rUt111 Wttt.:lttndatf Doh W1tfa; Matgiltl!'f Nath; Sue fhlc:l-,P1a1H· Jol'\r1 Oordofr J(Jhti 1-:.0UM:~ Phil Nuegf"t, l<el'ln 831$nfd; Do\ikt Koop&t-11 Amy Schultz: Cynthia Blludr.or Ca1la Free; O&yna Aswege. Not PltlucOO Vl(~I Arncn Barb Gude• Rachel ZoellniM oa. . a Gtorgo
At various t1Tnes throughout !he week, cllOtr members wHT1ogly give up hours ol their free tl!Tle 10 sing In one of the lour chollli or: campus. Chapel Choir Sings psalms and anthems each week In the Thursday morning chapel service. The other choirs participate regularly 1n chapel setVlces on WedneSdays. For reheari;als !he Freshman Women's Choir and !he Treble Choir, consisting of upperclassmen. are separate there just Isn't a room large enough 10 hold !hem all at one lime - but for performances Iha two chairs comblne lo produce a ~aullfully unique sound. College Chorale, the largesl choir on campus, Is directed much like 8 church choir College Choir Is th9 olf1clal ch0<el representallve of DMLC Every year this choir goes on a lour This year's tour was during !he Polm Sunday weekend and Easte< vacation. AU the chO<rs Sing 111 varioua churches lhroughout the New Ulm aree and jOin 1ogetlter with the band 1n the annual Chns1mas and ~ay Night concerts. The Chief purpose and great ,oy of ao the choirs at DMLC is to Slllg lhe praises of our Trame God and to sllara Chrough roosic lhe Gospel message of satvallon w•th people rear and far
m ~
s ............................................................ _ _ _ _ _ _I
College Choir: RESOUND THEN, 0 VOICES!
Coll41ge Ch0>r. Fl~t Row Bern W.,ganol; Cor•t Cady, LaUrl Volt: F!aohcl Borgwardt Becky Loocl<: Sarah Lin<!~~ Kathy A>l$CI>. Lynn KJtz.erow, Jull<i Lindmnan; 5ony1I Dutt; Kirn Wolfgang; Ao$eman~ Pecltln; Kaen Janko; ~ i.aue<sdort C.rol Lein$; Julie W1 it1. second Row. JOl!llelle Am"°"y Jonny Me~r. Barb Wetzel; l.8ura S!Olner, Amy label; B~rh Bucllbf>rgoc .Janice Winter Glorlanne Wille. Dawn G'°"hOt::; Fran FulVmnn G""'n Kammu&tlor; U.. 8uchholZ; Kell, Roel>el N_,,.nn; Lor. Abe. Th•d Row· °"""Schroeder: ~1n LC<!...:h: O..n llencler. Jim Bmn<!L Kuu Rosenbaum. Ctaig 'l•rschmann: Jerry Zeamer. Jo1I SO!mlag. J"'1 Henr1Ck...,; Tim MecKaln; OM Ebe<!: Tom Pugh:
Troy Vilrlut J:'ourth Row· ~nd)' Abdw Kf"lh f;n.hn\if'it' l<.-n l- i::rihml'ln, i...H Timm, lnn-U~~- ~ Mn.har.h; Pru1f M.raul111n, Sttv-t ~ln11.1rr-~
Tim llessUll<e; Trm Soemehe; Ma'k Koetp!o Not Plclurod. l.8utla Miiier. J.ttt Ourr.s, Jell Kloko; Mn11 il<><11t. J . - Muencih; Be1h Worgult Cindy Kuecker. Kar<n Slollenberg; Dean Tesch.
·;r::s -~
Frestm'lan Woroon·~ ChOr Ari>t Raw (:or.ti Qiga.. Bony canrwr: Ceryt C8<fy, Ko11ien \Jh)ttn~rauck: Pauta RobtnSIQIO; Brenda Tllo"""'n: 9'i1h M•nl, Oewn -"iilan Second Aaw· Sarall Peter, MaMIM B<lrg St>o<yl Rauoth, Ell&e Ho!Wdl. Saroh B•"'""'"''
flt1..,.l SchrOO<let Jo K0$1C\\'S~e, Sandra llw••~ ~- Celt Thl!O Row: ~on Loorsoh: Grace Loescher: Bath Kraike: Janel VahlO", LQ<Jlse Ou Flulh SpanMgel: Karen SGl>nel<l<'f, Bo"";e Zoolnor, Oeb Z1rnroormno. l;lelh A111!1Ch. F"""" Row· .MIO Po,,..,h, i..orte Scitiu!:: LftUf14'! z.ncnow MiCltloflo Atndt Debbie ~~&y: 06n1cs Drews; Oertn Hanel; Oma Hoeflling Mon1CO Wei~; ~ Utt1ch; Jane Zimmetmnn F'tfln Row· C&tole Z1~. ntbtu Keehrr,. l '1Ur""f"1 Jaeger. Sue Goens. Jt.i~ Warner-, Chrti Scharkow; c ndy Brun<!; K.ll•eoi llnclomen. llier'eSa lahne: "'" Tllo1 Sne!h RQV/C A"'1 Saue<. 5'Je lllaal•d: Renee Halle<: Su• Nel&Gll: All):IQn Spriggs; Pally ~ker. !'la.., Stedler; S<i<en Wantoch. Kman Krueger. M•ry Lew<•on. S.V•nlli Row O!!b 1.llllOr, S.m1h LU11'1. Ct.rasrm fr&nkA'fSlrin; Lori F>-lil!'WI~ Ruth Simonemeer. Amber-~: Cerol Manni Lon J.tefnoke. Elgl'\rh Row· Lynn Attei41: Tern Ea!nmonn; Paul Zahl'( Terri Oros1t1r: /\/ma Wat"'I: ll<!tn W......,,d, Cindy H;udot. COlleCtl Radli«I NOi PlctUTod. C.rolyn Hoppe: Kay .lc>Miph: Kruen Bat1sch: AIYI Hanrieh.· JOh.llnNI Sohibbelhut Jenny Bra111; Pam Klocla1em Hl!tdl Sroff;e&; Glendu BoK:krn. Chnstm Wessel. Sue Oobbecste!n, Baro Fs:her: Calhy AaU&Ch Beth ttelwiQ
fteblt Choi,, Flr111 Row. Diano Fic.lmu; Juli~ Jacob Tnrnrnio Yaiiiggoo; Karen Sm•1h; Jane Fran" Jlldy Oel•hBI. Oeb Sc1>1uiog Socond Ro.-. Debra Luhmon; Teresa El<"""n; Cyn· 1hl• $HaCkt;ioin; Jonouo Sc~I: Oob
SCh\lllz Juhe Mammol Thitd Row Ael(!!e Berg1er..., Lou Hemphi91, l<tlren Slob, Mnrll SCha1b1e; Val~ Geotg: Nnom! ~IW; Diane
Lehman. Ttitl lehl'I, Fout1h Aow· Jati9t Kindt, Jan•oe Kant Julie Stteg; EuniC& l<ilzmnrvt Brenda Bnoo1. K~ihy W1l&mann. Vic~I Krenkrr; Cheryl Tabbert Flf11\ Row- Annotte Brcndohl; FWnfl l<Nege<; C~IS l.oef;oher, Te1r1 Krueger, Cerol Bnl<lemenn: VICldo G<Jnderson; En<1n Seidl Sl•tn Row OOnna Knu1h. Kimoo1ty Strobel; Shaton SOlll. Barb £1cl<· \il6adl. Conriln Riehtttr, Dawn KrP.flke. Sev· on!h flow. AM U.bs· Karen S.Owert' 5andy Arnd1. Ann Horsimun, Kim Bender. E1gh1h ~ow: Arrrt Mchncrt; Bev Fralrmg. Cnn& ~tur • "5th St1artm. earl: Chus Sennen. Pa1r1Cla Hubbard. Lynda Klij)I« Not Pic!Ured P"911Y HA$&1flr. Ka1an Becket, Jar~ LangP. Karen Rnm1ck; Elleon Spaude: i,.... Var..,y, Cathy ~bin. Br<lg•t Storey: Bejonoie Nina 9.Qrf'\er; Mon! &a'Walt. J<f• .Arf'O!d. Jane Nellt
Oawn FIOMmau; Mory Frith'! Toffil1'1)' Glosabrenrter. Jnne Grosse: Susan Koepke, Amy
SetiutU. S\llo<• B<lnzc• Wonay Patrritaa; Mir· 1am Zimrnemiarn G.1ondn ~n&ke'. Tora
~~;:R:.::. ~::.,.~~~:.~~~ 0
Swa!'l60Cl; Ha.di \\'esr.ct.
Treble Choirs:
Cologe Q-aa!o. ~ flowo ~ Lerw-. Racnol "'alll. Aol*Ca Siegler Deb Roel<"'. Sandy Nou""'111; Kim Ja<cik, Sarah "'anlch; llelh Doelgor seoond 6topllnnio Sc~ Joyce &i<•t. A - W'ebuXll; Suson Lmmennann; LIXI Klbor, Rona• &chWarw:t, .i.J;o B0<gemonn Owen Ptoober. """' WignQf !INO Pot..- Th•d flow Lyea Spollot; Deb Deb lueol>e Splege-;. Fllt'n lonk Janot K - K.hn H«mnn, S~ Wo!ll Kllhy l"tlce. rOU11~ Row Bocl<y ~. Cftthy 8<.hubi<ogel: T.,,,my Speidel: Krd;ly W•tt~.l<o; l.autiO Wc•O<I. Amy Kuohoi. Anneuo z ..tlet". ODnln Habtc.k; Becky 81iedenl:>fll'ldet; lill O\inm n1111 Ro"' Ptllollla M.s1;1;tr. ~ L.ueotke. Norevn las.how NllOITll Rapp, Lynn POien .](y, Ktrti FloC11n; RaoN!C zom..er, Jeanne Kur1'i; LIM Bf!hlmer, Si•lh Row Ci1101yn V~ Jud'I Welzel. Tammy Wf'Unot, lOONltd EppM: Jon OiadQl!'lblndor, Duvtd µCi{n, Mn1lhO'N Wlr\kter, ~ Ki11ma11n, ~t.1t"ltn Abe 6ev91llh Row AObefl AF.bf.n; JeAri Chti~h'll'lMn, 8N11on Ganyo; Chafl(tl Lucibl10; Jahn Sebft5d; Jo8' Manek; John Merso. flgh1h Aow D1v1d ~ekmontl, Paul Oanu&er~Jon WOidt Nol P1Ctu1od: Kftily M~lzrwtr; Susan $pat.ide. ~Jlti Olml"I~' C01olyn ~~Jlf!1, Oebm Uhthotn, Arny Tot04.71aon; 6ue Pn111azon. l<i"' Tacke, Jane Falck, 81 .:idley Ju1to., J11n Nouji\tlr; OQn t<ol.lnck't, Phlt Hic1ekbo11n. Paul Wilde; Dan Kell, Dov.. f(.olondtr; 81• Sc Mt I, "41tehef SlllW"Clel SCo1t Monroe; Paul P•pPOnhJI&; ~nlh'1' Cotws; Kim .10«.~~ S..oh l ..,dt••. 61.- \/olght: Dione Bomlcr. S.1h Teuteberg: Aoy~ Roos. Doniel Br.oendlC•, J"" Rann: J•r &.101•0, Scott SloVOft, Iha Sci war•. Kally V - llf11y Frck• Elyn W•lkens. lcol N Uitz: Klm l<JOU'JO Kal111 luckw.11dt M•lam Uttgemad't: Oewn ~...t. &dlW. Deb Belbdl. AQLIUl Ou:al Lea ~flillit'll.J. Lynn $c.hmldl, Sotl'ldy Joml'la't1!; Pot lomk•, Jocs. SIO(;i'w'Mrv\
The DMLC Handbell Club consists of 42 SIU· lhtee levels
denlS organized into four choirs oo
beginning, 1nlermedla1e, and advanced.
Presently, the choirs use a four octave (49 note) set of bells and have recenuy received 1heU fiftieth bell. the lowest 1one of the fifth octave. The choirs play on campus in chapel se<vlces and concens. They have also joined in worship services. played worahip ccocerts. and presented lnformatk>nal demonstratJons al WELS oongrcgatlOn:i In MIMC30lo, W(ICOn:;in, and South Dakota
....... ·; ...............-z=rnl eeg..,.. Chor. s....,,,.. Denlca [)rows; Ktlit<i Arnold: •la<y - · 5ve Brocl<ham; Caria Free-, S....n Wan1oclr Peggi Nat" PdL.red Balf\9 Hayes
Noreen Zas!.."'OW Nol
e.~ CM..-, Slepl>anie ~g: lllc<.ie Gundenon; /<Jny \lellnert, Te: Zam; JtJIJe Wd&a; Aclemat>e Peot>in; Kim Joseph: Karen Klug: Prisallia Maiae; Penny Baslol; Da"" l("'nk• Not PlcwtO<t Robin Gt.st. Dllt Hamp1on, Launt -
'"" n..t.ue Olclr 0ns Bemo!t. l<n! Jattil<; W.... Ka...-C llll!1 Doo<goi-, Sharon Ganyo; M>fiam W Sia ll«lz
-· 8
il>etde" Ctd<y loe<:IL NOl ~ Kathy Cclln.
JOO<!. Cltol Brtcleta:'4 AM l&>OO;
.,.......... ....,,, . ~~
) eeg. .... CrQr Fton! N.!111; Jane
I (
w- Rvt' 5\>ai•ugol; -
la'"''°'"*' - - W41e; EClnO Dom
l~ •
w-. Bacl< ~.. Pew
Drama Club And Reader's Theater: PERFORMING THE ARTS
ExCltemem filled 1he aud11onum as
once aga.., 1he Drama Club producllOnS came 10 1he DMLC s1age. From
1he muslcal wains of !LB 10 the comi-
cal mcstaken ldenhtieS o! ~ lance of Beino Earnest auoiences were able to be caugh1 up WI 1he WOfld
of drama This year, as e11ery year. nir merous s1uden1s became ltll/Ol\led w1lh eilher behind Iha scenes work or 1he play 11setf. Tho cooperalion •nvolved makes aoy play a Sl'Ccess
llrnmo OJI>. front Row Kathy Jenny~·~~: ~lh Sct>toeoor. ~ M•I"', Lois Abel; C<i<la Free Bac:k Re" Deb M lie<. C... lk!ieB, R•ooy Bodo KIMI~ Bod<y ~.Dan-: De,.., -
Rcaoef•1 Theater. Front Ao"' &oc:ky B•edenbendef, Sli• Berwtt Dawn l<t..,.e, P - Rot>nson. Baek Re-.. Deb Rc•n'tldl; UN &ochhdz; Elyn ... . _ """"""' Ce<olo
Reader's Thea1er is based on an 111!ormal rype of drama w.111 lhe scnp1s before 1hem. lhe cast IS able 10 make lhe WOids come afrve. Oo Feb<Uary 61h al 2 and 7 o'clock. lhe group gave the performance of "See as a Chtld Sees lhe Joot. 1he Wonder. 1he Hope.'' This play explored lhe d1fferen1 aspects of life from a child's po4n1 of view
_ ..__.... l
n-i.. Ano RaN s.. Goonl: 0.. ..... I ~~ .. Zime11•" 6ocoflC "'~"mot. Lynn Af!e!dl; rem a.. L .....,_,Torn~ Oun Bie::n"'*"" Sarah Pe!'er: Qwy4I R9ulich. .Joo St«""'"'*"'l Third Ao. JMirww Mnlw'c Flan la.'* ~ Dckhatt: UU WOl!t 1,1.oty l - Orn Wlur9; T"" l.onn; Katen " ' -
_, S.1t1 stlea:. Klr<an
Children's Theale< tS an ac11ve group dedlca led to the children of today. For Homecom1r\g the group dressed up 111 costumes for the parade At Christmas a pack· age was sent to East F0<1< Lutheran Nursery In Atllona The ma:ior productl()O, howevet, was "The W1ZBrd of Oz" wt.ch delighted the child In e-.ury one of us.
Pro Musica: RENAISSANCE REBORN! Concens. worl<shops. lairs • • Yes. Pro Musaca has been quite ac~vel They played tor the St. Paul"s ChnsL'TlaS concert. tOOI< part In a conce•1 at Bethany
~ and played several local churches. Early In December the Abbey M.ns11ets gave a workshop and jlfesented • concer1. The rest ol the yoor was spent planning lor the Renaissance Faire to be held on camp~ in September, 1983
c ..... - . °""" on.
~ Oell<At Lori Naau; Ten Zam; HeG w....i; Owlt BemeU; Jim ~ LCU11e
Pro -
Art Club:
The Art Club memberS create many mast.;rptt!Ce5 wrth the1t scissors. gJOe. pai'lt and crayons. Selling Chti3tmaa eards de~IQned by OMIC ~tudi.Otli "' uni. of the many yearly club activities Other act1vl11es include allendlng various art shows and vis.ting museums Many hours are also spent expenmenting w1th the more UOU9UBI artistic techniques.
0e.... Lango;
Collegiate Council:
~ COutd. rni - - - ICur1 ~ lla:ll MM!i: Don Blmlr; Kan~--· 6ecor>O Al>w Del> _ . , . ~Lyme-. Jell Tomn; _.__,re ..;...., ~. Karen li$1•c Kur! n..o Ibo .11!1 RatJff. Pral 1.aniio; Man Wn.lor. Tom Wiich; 8"1> Rel>orsc Slellfllw>e SchaJbellO Jett S e t - h3 Plct:lred. Dove Scn1oet. ~ ct>ett, .lone """'"' - . Tnwn; 0.b - -· i<Al!>y KMlS ~ Under tne leedel$h1p of ptesident Kurt Rosenbeum, Collegiate Council produced another wen organtzed school year Many don't realaB 11 but these are the people responsoble for lhe student picnics, Snow carnival, Mov1e Nights. Gym Nights. and a host of other exciting actlv111es Ttie.r main role, howOYllr, IS 10 represent the student• And SChOOI organizattOns when there is need If necessary. they can also make any changes w tn Student SeMce Counol apl)foval.
AVCO L,...,., Radlchel. Bedly S1egr, Cl\ns Bemott. Sharan Ganyo: G"""1 Kammuefle<. PN t<rueoer· Kim Ktaus. Dan Tracy; Kelln Sctwnod1. Bin Schall SU Board. Fron: Row
Ga"J'e Blown: El<se Sa..er. Bael< Row Paul Pappenluss John
The Audio-Visual Committee (AVCO) offers audio-visual services 10 formally organized studenr or faculty organlzations. Although atso responsible for running 1he various AV equ1pmen1 available on the DMLC campus. AVCO members are mainly concerned wilh lhe cau• and rruuntenance of the various systems.
SU Board: KEEPING AN EYE ON THINGS The Student UniOn Board members are concerned mostly with the upkeep of tho SU (dooldlng on fumi&hlngo, delerminlng pollcles. and decorating for Christmas). Much 10 the students' delight, the SU Board also sponsors s~ cial nights at the Round Table. Game room tournaments and rules are also governed by this group.
Der Germania Verein: WIR SPRECHEN DEUTSCH!
Oer Germania Verein'. Sharon Ganyo: Raahet KraJ!I: Raohel 6ofgwardt. Gwen Kammue9er: Annette Zeitler: S\lsan Zlmmelmann: Barb 8cks1ead1, Karen Slower!; leooard Epple: Mn HOr$lmal\ Jan<! K1nd1, Ma')' Hele!. N<>I Pict'"ed R. Pecllln; K Ba!latd; 0 Krenke. J. Oellkal. B. Biedenbender K. Joseph,
Der Germania Vereln, the newest member of the DMLC extra-curricular family, was organized In mid-September. Interested persons met once a week to review and practice the German language. The first semes路 ter ended with an evening spent singing German Chlistmas carols In the nursing home. viewing some of Prof. Koelpln's slides from Germany, and performing two short skits in German. Plans to promote German heritage and culture solidified second semester In the lorm of lour thirty-minute fllmc on difleront aspects of Germany.
S>uClubOtnce~ F1"'"째"' She<1eSGIWzbelg. AmSau@t - - TomWe!Ch, p...
Although WISConSin had a brown Christmas. Minnesota suffered no lack ol snow. Skl CIUb managed to schedule three ~ful outings. Twiee courageous students were bussed to Mt. Kato, and one time a group headed tor the Afton Alps. For quite a few, Ski Club gave them their first acquaintance with the sport. Most beginne.s agree that the hardest thing abou1 learning to ski is gethng off the ski tiltl
Bowling Club:
ALLEY CATS! Every Monday at 9:00 the members ol the DMLC Bowling League forgoi their studies and headed OU1 to the Clover Leaf Entertainment Center. Participants enjoyed an evening of fun and relaxation, as they patiently waited for that first
e o..\ng C1ub Otfr:ers: S... Benlel, A"'}' ...- . . Rncl>el NeumaM Milty Poch.
Porn Pons:
The Pom Pon Squad Is composed of slx1een girls who perform during halflimes of football and basketball games. Sound easy? Nol In 1he leasll Practice takes up 4-6 hours per week - and lhal doesn't Include all the ex1ra praclices before a performance! The girls divide inlo groups and take turns making up lhe routines that so delight the crowds. Yes. the finished product makes ail the effort well worth It!
Footbal Pom Pons. Fln;t Row: JIJlle Be<gemam. Ba!b Zink: Ruth Dennlng01; Kirn Tacke. $ea><id Row· Wand• Dorn; C..thy Seoobkegol Elise Souor; Bl!Cky Spaude.
Third Fiaw Penny Knuth; Lisa LUl'Kllke~ Lygia Behrmervi. Beth Seh1bbelhul Founh
Row· t<aren Ramick; Jean Boerneke; Amy Zabell; JuiJe Moeller
Basketb81 Pom Pons. Fronr Row KBren Krueger. Lisa Luedtke. Amy Zobell. Sharon Ge~ru:h: Rllth Ooonlnger. Penny Knuth; Ellee Souer. Beth Schneider Baci< Row Julie Bergemann: Garolyn Koeller. Kathy Ru$eh: Becky Smith; Sarah Luedll<O: Catny Schubltege~
Brenda Bode; Karon Aam;ck
CClor Guard. front Row Saran Sc'1irrmng. Jadoe Hirlrie1<1; .;ane1 - h a l (sectellll)'I. Bev F"iiling (_..1111, c..dy Hat- Allysor>Spngg10. s.cond ~ -B<wgwsrdt; MMbScha-. Naomi Rapp; Sl1lC8)' Latiner; Amy Sctl4llz; Un Hopman; NO<een Zastro-N: Ju!oe Jacob; Chns Bobholl: L.aune Wt!nll.
You may have noticed some changes 1n the Color Guard lh.s year Rrst of all, they have Increased the siZe ot thelr squad from ten to sixteen members. Working with a larger squad IS a lltlle more difficult. but ii Is more elfecllve when 11 comes 10 perf0tm1ng dnJIS. The COior Guard also purchased new hats and white glOves lo complete their uniforms They have been working on some nlcky new manewers which require quite a bit of practice. They have presented the American tlag at thirteen home football and basl<etbaU games. and have also performed several exciting halftime drills. Color Guard takes a lot of time and hard work. but the members have found that it's all worth 1t The Color Guard has much to be proud of. Hats ofl to you!
Women's Athletic Club:
The Women's Alhletlc Club iS an organizatKlO made up of women who participated in interscholastic SPOns. They are actrve as an lndi111duaf groop, but they also cooperate with the L路Ctub on many projects.
L-Club: SPORTS路MINDED L路Club Is an organization designed for male varsity letter winners In the OMLC athletie program. This club sponsors the annual Minnesota District WELS volleyball tournaments, donates money to the athletic program. and is in charge of the concessions ar aR spons activitteS.
WAC Ot'cers: Patty Binti; s.>dy NeuWltlh. Daria HabocL
L-Club Ollces John Sebald, Ke.w\ Kua; Joel Mallek
Pep Club:
Pep Club IS tl'>lt largest Ofganizaton al OMLC since everyone Is a member Thew ma•n acl1V1ty was organmng 11 Homecoowlg of delig~ts 111 for
a Greek god Yes. these are the peop4e whO arranged the masterpieces that decorated the gym, planned the delicacies on the banquet menu, and caught an 1he l1n1e details thal wen1 unnoticed by mosl sludents. Pep fes1s were atsu l11c1uu1K.1111U1ttil111111•'1l"'•M•I,,. Thtt 6Ghoo4 spirit was kept a•ive for ano11w1< year!
Camera Club:
Twice 11 ,......,111. the Camera Cklb membe<s convened 10 delve Into the anistc: world of pho1ography Operating a camera led in10 lhe 01her areas studied by the group-composmg pho1ographS. processing film, and, lhe most Q<tCltlng of C'll. t"•nhng
....., Oub Olloce<a: S.'*on Cart, Viet pt,.. AM ?"'""
lluicl\ Sec. Bob -
In lhAlr Mrk·
room. On lhe campus, the club appeared Bl lhe banque1s 1a1ong portraits and a1so as sponsors or 1helr February pho10 show Who knows. maybe YOU were one of the.. SUbJllCIS!
. .. .. .. .
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C.-. Qlb. Fim - - emtiy ~ ~ O.• ~ l.l::.« Or1C1r l - Soco>CI Rc>w: Ed Sd'>,,_, PU K8n; !Ml Sclwl. Nol Pldurect TllTJ &ct-•t llely ~ A - Doll l'tll Klw9fr; l..,,.. ~ Ka., luc.. w-.ldl
Sign Language:
Gigtl l.onguago flt11 Ac"' Polly llocl<t<. Det>l>G W~le, Mw\Otn Wtst...-1; Janot Klncll, Kin Woll· The Sign Language Club has gang Second Row N•llC'f Filer. Kns Arnold: Lauria Radchel; Adele Be<gion; Debbie K-,.: AM been very bUsy this year. The group Ho<stman Ttlltrl Rec"' Clw1I frank«Wtt!in; Tim 7 - : Kalen Wolf~ AtWI IA•bl: Wt16tclnblfg: TfO\I put on a •k•t for the homecoming YtKks. I or1 P1iiWO banquet and also sang and signed Chrls1mo~ enrols for the campus Org.it'I Club. F1ra1 Row John KOMnite; Becky Siegler. Tefl luhn. Gwtln )l;•rnrnuoaor Keith Schmktl cond How Anr.fille 1ttlll0f; l11mrn1r-i Yu~. Jano1 KtncJt 1 .hJol)' Dol1!i..li1. Alltt!lf Krtttrt. Sl'WJron Chrlstme& party. During the year, Gor1yo ltl•rd How leMy lpplfi. 014n4t fk;kn\J, C.ulg H111ehmnnn; Aown11rlo PP.Chin
J<111t1 Du111, d b1Jt1"c.;t1
Olenooo, holped tho club with signing nnd broadnnlng their vocabularies. Such skills will definitely be advontngoou~ In the future.
Organ Club: MAKING MUSIC How the organ plays tor you (instead of how you play the organ!) was the topic ol many diScusSions held this yoar by 1he Organ Club members Acllvlllos ol lhla yoar In· eluded A lrlp to the Cities. allendlng recllals, And lhe annual oarollng pony al Chr1s1maa lime.
PrilOg!Mcww: Oen it.rd!: l(;r'D. KtaA-. John ~. Le.In Ulr ~ 11 OOf!r:lli«; S.O U:kstl!OOI. P!io1_ SocrilC11,r, ~ M.lrun: Pral s...tt. HOI Pcf\lf8(J O!L ~. Al Oot1l'lt .ICW'ln Oof()QI!' "9ctiel l<.ta& Kely M1!2n81: A6f ~ T9fY'( ~: ~~·.-in
Phlogistons: EXPLORING HORIZONS Tbt ~« pr~s a1• tM fesot#'Q8. providing a number oC
Phtog!l1ons' bKl preser11a!JCJni: on topics tha1 are of interest to CIUb members. The Cl.lb also sees a variety ol movies from various fleids ol &Cienoe. The largest acttvity fOf the Wb. howe.er. ii IM Soonce Fal" which Is held In F"<tbruaJY. The purpose 0: !hio lair Is 10 help deveiop lhe hofil0f1$ o< our future &cien.tists. Colecbori and sale of campus ahJ.. """""' provides fl#1ds for actMLoeS 5'JCl1 as ttw flald trip to the 9Clence m.iseum in the twin cities.
. . . ' " " " Stall. ,..,,, Filler. """ SUdlT. Kim l'"*"' Hugla; llol>ey Kodn Wes~ Doi> ,,..., cr ·- ~ Dolilutt Ka.'hy Cdws; Paul Wlde; ..... ~ l vnn A!lilO!: Karen l!attldl; ICM., K/IJegef; Pai.I ltlru«: Pa!ll lam; Gloria lllhll<.r.
Jane NH&; Tm Z -; Sheryl Rau&d< K.m JOMJ>h; Scon $cllmuGlecl\; S!e-•O fttUC JOO• S10Chi111'* ~ Jan Kindl, Koten s..-t. Guo /itnmmmann; ~ Sci'lepur No1 Pc::ured M1flam Zimmermam (Ed!IOC'..ft.Cbef): Dave Sditoeder. Joyce Ecken, AJ Donn; Janelle Schme- Joe P>tonak; Katny Oe"'n A - CM1dy lehmen; M•dllle Coral>. Otck ~ l""Y Scl\alofl. KnW1 Bii Schart. Sue ~ Wondy Pa'm1atJ
Extra! Extra• The OMLC U e5!1 lg8I' really goi involved tnis year. Aside from putting out tnetr monthly Issie. the staff worke<I on a display tor the ReMJS&allCll Faore (Sept .• '83), sponsored an art contest. and held a bar t>akeoff. They
also bought some new eq11<pment to make thetr page layouts easier and more attractive
Excelsior: GETTING IT TOGETHER! The 1983 Elcel~IOf was produced by one of the largest stalls In several years. Approx•· mately 30 nev. people joined the 3 veterans to put together what they thlnktt yea1book sllould be - a book of t1easured memones to last a llfellme. Unlorlunately, funds weren't abundant so creatlvlly was somewhal limited. But, tn tho end. the dedicated members polled lhiough Bild pr~ a book thal we are proud ol
hcelslol EotO<I.
Cleek,...., &om Baci.:
SChroedar, Photogtaphy Ed1ICJf. St-Ir Sch.1p€!11', Darkroom Editof, A.Meno leiUcr.
fdlt0f'*l·Ch11t; RachN Borgwardt. AMIHnl
f d•IO<
Exce<sior SIAH Fd Row ~ Zaiw1en•~ Bed<y Loecl<. Body N,.,,,..... sen; a..·n ~Second lllw Ratnel l<raht T"""""' Y""OQO!t\ Karyn 8r"90: ~Lemke; S..8' l<ranic:h. T - Row' Ool1 - · M")' Low<ston; .Im Honricklon: kun B.itJtt. fOJrlF'I Aaw letrt Bsenmann. Stuito Jone$.; Ed Sttwoeoer. Colleen Radtke. ri1h Ro..., Amy Pappentuss: Befl fJlet>er Not ...icruteo 1.tictiene Amel!, R11chef Scivotdef. Gte<lda"""""' Debbie! Koefey; Beclty S""th; P""' Keim, Janr.I Vnhlt, Cnlhy Aouech
Chapel Committee: PREPARING FOR WORSHIP The Chapel Committee's main !unction Is 10 prepare the chapel for worship service rwice each day. Not only do they prepare the chapel. but they also design bulletin boards and display banners In the chapel to help beautify the services. Al ol their contrlbutiOns help to make our chapel a fitting and pleasant place to worship.
Chapel Commo1too. Front Row Chtll t-= Else. EllMn Spaude. Back Raw' Mâ&#x20AC;˘oam Ungemacll; ~Alter. Ra~Ehlel1. Beth Barenz. NO! Poctwod s..osan Speude; Betsy Fr1Cl<k. Kls Arnold; Kim Jatok; Betsy H....tz; lleb W1man; Deb Sp.an
Abel leis Ill 43, 62 63 6S 67 72 Abo! M"1hil m "3. 69 102 May. l.ONn:o ~~ Lym~ 55, 68 73 86 Aluiglll. •3. 93. 100 AfthOll Mllleny ~ (111) N 67
""'"""' Sam .,_
5S. 68 73
"""'' Coll.) 68 Arndt -Tm Amell ~ 2• Amole, Ktio:tn IV) ?•. 70 84 ..._,,,..._ Jol1n (IV) 24 A •oO Clo'jTla I) M AlchilOn A1or1clo ID} 49
Bobic. Rnondo IV) 2' lleb._ Joel (II) 43 llelltltd, l<.W. (II} 68 Bame CinclY (1J 55 68
11toc:_., E...,,. llll •l
BtCW1. Gayle IQ 77, &.: llt.ctt. ~ ~· 83. 1111 ~ (11•9 67
8' M ..... Lbo (IUI 43, 67 72 Jonurhan (II) 49 P11tricil (I) 66
Burt>ad\. ""'1jean (IV)
l!unneC:Of Joo! (II 66. 96 Busl<e. DeOotah (IV) 25
a.-. °""'" (Ill 50
Cadv. CIM)'I <II 68. 68
C8<1y Colal (II) 50, 87
Bana..1a1<.1,.,,,.., (IJ 55 Batonz. Bell> I l 43 68
c.ii..ay, SUsnn (II} 50 Carl. Sharon 1111 60. 68. 83 Cet-..ky. J I (1\1) 2S Cc1I< Ellut>eth (II 56 118. 94. 99
B&lel, - . C} 55. 68 Elt>r " ' Pt<V>)' IV) 2. 70
Clwlotenson. .!-. (Ill) 43 Oaler Jol1n Ill 66
8a"1eS, 61"""' (IQ 49
!Wli<h, .,.._... IV) 24
llart1Ch, KMen 5S. 68 lla!rio< ~ 55 66 •3 63. 68. 16 Oierl 2• Bauer - · Cc<ll1io Kur1 5S. 43 76.. 87
,lla<>tna<o I"""' Jo:olca (U} 49
_ . . . . _ 155.94.99 Beckll< Kar... • fl«:lcot Pa:ttcla I 5S. 68, 84
BeCl«er. Shlron (IVI 2• 66 &hlmor u.. (I} •9 69 lk""nvrnn. L'l98 (IV} 24 SO Bt-IO"l!IA. (11) 49, 93 Bt<ldtlr. Oonlttl (II e 55, 67, 72. 75. 67 - " " ' · Kim (Ill •9 83 68 lk<ln~u. Chr...,. Pl! 49, 68. 11. u
llotti.l. Tlmottly (c.ert } 24. 91 Benzol. &an (1) "3. 7 I, 72. 79 Berg, I.< '1Jne (I 55, 68 Bergtm1111111, ~ (If) 43. 69. 80 aerwen. .t.dolo Q 55. 68. 84 Berner, tlna •9 t>.ane .q 62. 83 llorlhl 87
a-ilkf- """ (I) 55, 69 -
Rol>la:otl (RI) <.'.! 69. 71.
llior...... 65 63, 68. 73 ~ eo.;.. 66. 68 Blnll. Pally •'l. 82. 94 e.u... l,..., II) 43. 78 94 -lid. Suo Cl I 55, 68 Blolcl<weltl, Scall I 49 ar....om1¢1!1 Join (IQ) 43. 90 8obhol1 C1w81ine CUI) 43, 8 I Dodo, Biondo (II> 43. ao Bodo. llanc!y(Q8. 55,62, 63, 67, 72 Bodi>. Robin 11 55. 62, 63 Boomeko Jean (IV) 25
Cotat:>. -
(Ill 43. 72
~ KriSlt~IV) 25 ~ 99
C<lhoon. Wldo (I I
Cdn. Ka!lw)ft { 25 1111 Cc<. T:nlClr.'ly (111) 25 CW=. (IV) 25. 74 C..U. S.-.CJ} Qi(la' Ol'#!'I
llVJ 25
0ott0<e. <>uia CIV) 25, 86 Ila..- PN IV) :;" 65, 69. 86
Clavldlorl, S>ndre (I ) 50 Du Glom •3. ll6 Doll, Andrea I) &6, 68 Oolkal Kuc: rn (II) 50 118. 7• 84 86 Dm>sion Anno CIV) 0<....-.g. Rutn (Ill 50 00 I) lion. ,_,.. (lj bes. 9.; 0eu,,..,, Da"'•I M 50. 111 Diotrtch. A - (I) 56, ~ Oobbon'etn. Mntk (IV) 29 Oob1J011:e!n. Sc=ln (II 56 Ooelger Belhany (I I 50 89 71
1 "°
OoelQor °''10 (1111 0
Ootm. ......, (IV) 26. Dem. EJlno c •1 71 Dom. Jo!lrey CI 56 88 90 Dem. (IV) 26. SO Don -
(!VI 26 0onca. (I) 68 68 70
er...... DeOotah (IV) 26. 69 0rouf'f Tfl'at:a (I) SS,, 68 Ill!!. ~ (Ill) .. 87 li3
Din\ Tamuy (11) 50 (lJer1. Do-dd 1\1) 6 26. 67
£_,_ Joyco 1111 4• es
E0:10.,.t. Sal"tlrl CM 26
El*r1. Ract>Oll• (Ill) 44 88 ElcllrNlm.~le(IV}26
EIClo.holt Karun (IV) 26. 73 Eick:;toe<l1. BorbllNt 11111 44 ~:;. 71, 78 Eldo< Pol1)'Sutl (IVI 28 Eioenmom. Tetll (I) 56 68 73. 87
Boomek• T'"10Chy (II} 49. 87 80 Bolcktlfl, Glondo (I) 55
Eh,..,, Ter0$11 (II} 50. 68
llOikMu. "'•"" IVI
Elle. -
Boolt. I.<
n.- (ii}
98yw•fdl. -
VI 49. 67 78. 81.
Geo...... 2!> Bor•n e' 11 ( l •9 Borlh
·~ :1
9or;wall.. KltslOlt (I) •'l. 94 Braat>e. ~ !>S fl<&:101. Jama •9 67, 90. 100
Braun. -
ill 56. 62. 63 102
Bi-••*' 01tc1 cr1 •a. &e. es 11
llredendlck. Daniel! (WI •3 ~ Amelio I I) •3. 68, 69 llrend31ll,-(l 56 •llreo::lor. Vici< (IV) 25 Brlc."'"'"1. {I) 6-0. 70 Or.... KM,n (II) •9 87
(IUJ 44 88 [oP'C l.ea>tlrd (HI) 44 159 78, 81 Eas1g. ~ (IV) 27 Falck Jana (I) 50 !M FllllSl.Aobon{ll/)27
Fa-- G1<1C10 - ·(Ill) (It) "4 50 62 e3 ftl'llM.
°'""" <•>m1 •• Ee.
r,...au. ,_. -
8' 50. 86 Not'cy IV) 27, ~ FW<. ~ (IV) 27 , _ lloo(1'}«
l.Dend1111, lleldl (Ill) 45 LUCkwaldt, Karen (IV) 30 Luebbe, Charlel (II 07. 69 Luebbe, O.borah (1111 31, 69 Lueal<. l:>s<liel till 52 <JO Luedlkt. Ll$8 (II) 52 69. BO
L>.1ecllke. S«rah tll\ 52. SO
Luhn,.n, Debra (II 52. 68 Lutze. Paul (IVJ 31. 90
Lulze, S«ra (II 57. 63, 68 1"'nolhv ti\ 57 67 Mallo, Usa (Ill) 45, 73 Makinen, Flobe<t (1111 •~ MaoKain
H"'11, T'fno1i1y (11) 51 63 Huntar, Paul (IJ 57. 90 M:umt,. Cynlr'llOI UV) 29
Hus&m11n, James 1111 51 Jaoob Jur.., (Ill)••. 58. a1 Jaegur, LuuloonJI) 57, 08. 9• 99 Jammer, Claot (I ) 29 Jank9, Kll""1 (IV) 29, 57 Ja1clk, l<Jmborty (II) 51. 69, 71 .,..,_,Jeanna(!) 73 Jesko. LIM (IVJ 29
.lohsist..,, Kathy (I) JQ<les, Stuao (II 57. 87 Jooeph, Key (II 57, 94
Jooeph, Kim (IV) 29. 70. 86 Julwlo, Dev.n tll 67, 68 Jur1< Bradley (ii) 61 Keestney<lt. ~ ti) 57. 96
l<llmmuollor. GwM (Ill) 44, 62, 67, 7 t, 7• 77, 78, 84 l<ant Janice (1111 44, 68. 93 Kapfel, Ly""" till SI, 68
t<aSS1J••. Tlmo11>y (II) 51 62, 63, 65,
67 K""'1!\ Oeb!a (I) 57, 68. S6 Kealey. Oel)orah (I) 57 68 84
Kool. Joon (11/J Kel. 0.11>ol (I) 57, 62. 63 Kol, Kmen (Ill) 44 62, 63. 1i7 Kalm. Paul (I) 67 79, 83 Keske, Tm• (II)
Kl....11. lot• tll 51 K1lbe1. L0t1 till 5 I, 69 """"- J•not tfllJ <<. 88, 711, 8•. 86 K111g, James (Ill 51. 96 Kl~ow Lynn (Ill) 44, 67
KJllmonn. Eimlee Oil) u 68
KilmlRM. Tl111Clhy (I) fir. 69 Klocll>Jem Pamela (I) 57 Kloek2lorn. P.•beeoa (Ill) 44 t<IOko, J•ffOly (M 29. 62, 63, 65 KIUg. i<aren (II) 49. 51, 69. 70
Kn<nh. Do<lnn (IV) 29. !39, 68 Knuth POtlny (Ill 51, SO KnulSOt>, Ma.y (IVJ 29 Koch. Susan (IV) 29 Koellet, Ca•ol)'fl till 51. SO ~lier, Janot (lllJ 44, 69
Koelpln. Mork (fl 6, 57, 67, 96 t<oepkv. SutAtu (ti) 51 t<oopsel~ Da'i<d \11 57. 62. 63. 66 Koti•s. Sandra ti') 51 Kolander. David (II b7. 96 KolaMer. Donal<! (Ill) 43. 44. 100 KolbOw. Cor.l!ett (111) 45 Konuooky, Pool (I) 57 t<Oll'l'osky. FMh 1111 51
Kopozynolo, l<Dilh (I)
Koo&nka, Amalee (I) 57 t<o.anko, Jo~" (Ill 51. fl;, ? I, 8• Koslow<l<e. Jo (II 67. 66. 73
Krollt, Rac:llel (Ill) 45. 69. 78, 84 87 Kmmei Kurk (Ill) 45 Krao!Ch, Salah Iii) 51, 69. 87
llV) 29. ?1. 77
KrllUMI, ~l&ncy (I) Krenl\•. a.many !II 57. 68. 93 Kreol<e. Dawn 11"1 •S. 68. 70. 72. 73 Krenke. Vl•k' (1111 45, 6a Krooger. !\(!fly (IV) SO. <O lllotl. Danlel 111/J 30. 71 Krueger, Karen \II 6. 57. &l!. 76, 80, 68 Kruogcr Philip l l 57. 66, 77 Krueger, Rl!beooe (lllJ 45, 69 72 Kl\leger. Ren!! \11151 68 1<rueger. Terr• 1 V1 30. ea. 73 Thomas (IV) 30 Kuecker. Cindy tlVJ 30 KUOlll. Boonit (II) 61 KU!ll>I. er11abe1Jt (fl 57 99 !Wehl. L•u1a \IV/ :lO KuOlll. Losa tn) 45
Kuet>n. Amy tllll 45, 69
l(uroh .lea""" \Ill 51, 69, 93 Kutlke, Pe1er {I 57 9 I Kutz.. KfJ\11n (Ill) <45~ 82. 90
LaabS, Ann 111) 51, 63, 58, 71. 84 Lange, Doroic;e (Ill 51, 74, 93 Longe, Jano (Ill bl Lanae. l<nlheriOO (111 51
lanoay, Lon (IV) 30. 40 Louore<jOtf, lklh (IVJ 6, 30, 83 67 LaMien, Cynlhlo (II) 51, 83 LaiVMn. OIBll<! (11) S1. 68 Lolvnnn. Kervwilh (Ill) 40, 67 76, 96 Lehne. Theresa (I) 57 Lehnllr, Slacey (1111 45, &9, 81 lelnb&<!l<)r. .ju.,. (IV) 30 Leino. CGtol (10 51. 67, 102 Lemke, 1(1mberty 57 87 Lemke. Parrla11 (RI 45. 62, 63. 55 W>WiSI..,, Milly (I) 67. 68. 73. 87 Llor, lllann (Ill) 48. 66, 71 Lrool<e, Pe•er tlV) 30
Undomnn. Ju&o (II: 62, 63. 65, 67 Lindeman, Kll""1 I) 57. 63, 68, 76 Ll'J0'10ISI. 6a<Bh ( ) 57, 67 Llrid•Lmnd, Sheroy Ill) Uns1<on1. Dorulld (Ill) 45. 96
~oeci<. Rebeooa 11111 •5. 6IL7t. 7•. 87 L'*""1. K""" (Ill) 6. 45 01, 72 loerllch, Lori (II 57, 68 U>escher. Cl!sa (11\ 52, 68 Loeschor, G""'• ( J 57, 66
MakSZkO, Bonnie (Ill) 4!> MMllmot Julie (Ill) 45, 68. 74 Monn Carol (If 57, 68. 102 M;uasi:h. Cliri&llne (Ill) 45 68 Mntl<graf, Denlel OJ !i7 Mani, Both {I) 58. 68. 78 Marlon, ,Jo$0ph !Ill 52 Man111. Kat• (111/ 48. 11. 93 Martin, LCl•olen 111) Ma11ek. Becky OJ sa Mattek. Joel (II) 52, 69, 82, 90 Mottltles, Tlmolhy \IVI 31 Mau,..ak, JearoJe Ill) 45, 93 Morzfl.o. Pri...c;1n.:a (IV) 31. 60. 70 Ma•-1~ Bien! (IJ MqCormlck. Matk (II 9Q M{:Qiloogn, Ellen (II) 4!i, 57 M<IGhghy, Joe (IA)
Melnturlf. Cynlhla IV) MCNiell. Tlmolhy (Ill) 48 M<"1b0tlf Ma.yEllen Iii) 52 $4. 99 Mehnen. Amy 11111 4&. 68, 70, 79 Meler$. 58. 59. 72 74 Molnel<o. loll I) 58, 68. 94 Melso Cliris11ne (Ill) 45. !13. 99 Melso. Jotln Ill 58. 69. 90 96 MOJ~1. Kim (IV) 31. 40 Meyer. Jenrnfor (II) 6, 52. 62. 63 67, 72
David! )
M&fet ouean
M 110<, Bnan !II 58 M 11"1. 08.,., 11/ 94 M·llef, llebrll ! ) 58. 68. 72, 86 Maler. ~aur.u (IV) 31, 72 MUZ11er, Kelley (IV)~ I, 83 Moe<le<, Julie (Ill) 48, 80 Mohr• .le" (IV) 31 Motlr, lina (II~ 45 Monroe. Scon (Ill) ••
M09e, Sally till 52. 52
MUClll!lll. Lynne \111) 45 Mueller. Shc1on f Ill 40
Muench. JOM>n tlll)
Mundolock. M,.l>Bel (Ill) 46 f>l33b. Metty tlV} 51
Na.m, lOh (Ill) 46. 6?., 63, 65. 74 N·11h. >.lelga1e1 ti) 68, 66, 70. 71
Nallke1 SUsanCtv)3t Nellb. R1Cluuo l•llj •It
NOjls. Jane (IV) 3 , 86 N....,.., Karen (Ill) 48 NefliOll, Suzanne (I) 58. 68, 70
Neujahr Jameo (lllJ 46 62, 65
Noumann. Rachel (IV) 32. 8'1. 79 Nou,...nn. Sal1dr• (Ill 52 59 62 Nlt;i. MilCS tlVJ 32 Noelclnor, J..,, (fl 58, 62 68 ~- A•"- (II) 5?. 87 Noon. £<!ward (I) 68. 91, 96 Nyman. Jeflrty (I) 58 Oeahler. 0oi.. 11111 •e
Oe5ch, Mrahael (II) 52. 90
Oflr. Mar• (I) 58 Olclio. So"ja \Ill 52 OIL Loui&o (I) 58 66. 74. 83 P!llllll Kt1.i1 (Ill) 3~ Pan.neu.. F1edtlriek (I) Paloosko. Linda (Ill) 46
Pan.tag. Weoo-t (IV) 32 7A 93 Par>kow Laura llVI 32
Panool>• .)J"8 {I) 58 63. 68. 73 Pantazon. S...... ( ) •6 PappentU9&. Amy ( ) 87 PeWMluss. Kar<!n (I) 52 Pappenlusa, ....,, (l'J) 32. 39. 71
Pa"isen. Nancy {IV) 32
P'ecftin. Ro5ert'lane. ( I) .t8. 67 70.. 8A Peier. Saran II) 58. 68 73 Petermann. Pholip (I) 58 ""'..,..,""· Rt.:Jl (III 52 90 Pote<s. L8U<a (I) SS 66 """"""'· Setn (ll) 52. 62. 69
""'~· O.borah cmi A6
Pici.e!"'!I Uoa {IV) 32 Flope< nmoiov cm> .ie Plon;e. Ta.m (IV) 32
Pnol>o" Villa Ill 52
Pitonek. Josf!ph Ill Pl>th. Daniel ill SS. 58 Pllth Thom45 (I) 58 ~ Mary (IV) 32, 19
Pochop, l<ala (U) 52
Pcleosl<y, LVM 11 ) •e. 69 Ponatll, R.,_
c-. (IV) 32
Ptiet!. Kaltlleen Ill) 46. 69
~"· Lan {I) 58. 68 84 Proebet. G,_, (DI 52. 69 Pugh. Thomas Ill 58. 67 Pull. JUdy (!fl) 46, iO< 99 PuU t..aurk! (II) 52
Pu!L Mary In 58 94 99 Putz, Rita (IV) 33 0uam. uaa u11 A6. s.<. 99 JaN<lt (Ill) A6 - . Be•n (!J 58. 68
Russen. Cry$lll (Ill) 47
- °"""
m1) ca. 62. 63 Saar DaviO [111) 48 Saar Slw<>n (IV) 3A. 68
Sa~ t.Lldllll (Ill) •8 Solle<, A'1n (I) 59. 62, 63. 6S. 68, 79 Saue<. EIM {Ill) '7. 77. 80
Amnone 1111) 47
llchaclll. Br.,.
Schnle<, MctlU (IV) 3A Schm'ar. Alan 1111) 47
Scha:ffo<. K<>•nryn OVI 34 SQhaollle lhr!IUI (II)
68. 81
Scholler1. T""J' (Ill) 48
$(:nape<. 8iair {II) l\2, 66, 87 Schatt, W:5otn (tn) 47, 77. 63 Sc'1af>qw. Chrlil1na (I) !'>9. 68 ~ Sherie (I) 59. 63 79 Scho<Ztleig S!ophMIO (II) 52. 69 76.
Sc-.-(111)<7 :;crv- ue"'° 1111 4'3. s.. &.z.
Aaoicnel. Laurio ftJ 58. 77. S.
Ra-. Ra-.
Karen (U) 52. SO Ropp. Nncmt (U) 52. 69. 81 - · Ga•heme (I) 58. BJ - · Sl1er)I (1) 58. 68. 73, 86 - · Robert (111) •6. 69. 76, 83 gs llalruck,
RecJU>n. Dawn (II) 48 Recl<?1ll. Diame (1\,1 33 Redfin, Kr<S!Jn I•> 52. 69. 94. 99 Flefnme1e. S1even fWl "8
Aono. Clleryl {II) 52 Flilm:tatt, oa . . -o (IJ 59 62. 631 GS. 66 Rdlmond. (111) 46 Rtch!l!f, Corne (II) '6 68 Riel\ter. Sheryl !IV\ 33 Ring. David (d) 52. 90 R1sc11em>. Loo (IV) 33 Ristow, Tlmollly (1) 59 62. 63. 65 Rob<.-i Pal.Ca IO &. S9. 68. 72 R_..,,ld, L"" llV) 33. 91 Roekle. ()eborar. (IV) 33. 69. 76 Roembke. Da>ld !IV) 33 RmmllOldt, Oebarih (1) 59, 72. 93
· &158n {II)(IV) 48 33 Rotmol< Mochael Relf. Brenda (11 59
67 87
Oebm \IVI 35 ScMleder E<tNGrd (I) 59. 8:L 67 Scii<oedet, Ke-!h (II) 52.
Sch<-. -
\ll 59. 68
Soh<Jlll<ogel. ca1hlt nc ur 52. 69 80 Sch<Jh. T'"'°"'Y (II) Solluttt. Amy K (I) 59. 66, 81 Sctiu ll. Amy R (II) 53. 66
S<Nl1Z. °""'91 (IV) 35 Schu<tz. Doborah (IV) 35. 68. 74 Scruttz. Jolny (H) 53 S~IZ,
.u.e (I) 59
u.. (lV) 35 Sc.... 11. 1 - (I) Schuiz. £-. (ti~ •7 Schul<. Lone (I) 59. 68. 73 SctUz. Aache4 (llJ 53 Sctaulll.
~ Bein (IVJ
Schwao Jayne (IV) 35 Renae (Ill) 47. 69 Sellwatl<. Brvce (Ill) 47
Je!lrey (IVJ 35. 76 Semis. PaU (I) 59, 95 Sebald, . - (1) 59. 9 1 5ebaJd. Jcm (H) 53-, 69. 71, 82 90 Sebald. IQ!.....,. (IVJ 35, 91 Seclvlsl. (I) 59 Secht1o:. {Ill) 47
Rdall. Jettrey Ill 59 76. 91 Rllse....u, Dawn (IV) 33, 72 78 Aosenb•uno. Kl>'! 1111 6. 46. Ill!. 67. 76 - u m 51...., (I) 6. 59. 62 63 fS1
5-ff. Pelar llVI 35 $ad!. Ben (11} 53 68
P.oso. Floyd (IV) J3
Siegle<,A<>becca(U)53.69. 77.S.
sem. ..... II) 59. 66
Rosenthal, Jane• I l •6. 61
Slloop. Hatwy (Ull 47 s.men. u.a (111 53. 13 Slog. Rodney Ill 59
Aooa. James (lV) 34
Roth, Chetyt (IV) 3.t RJ'*'. Cathetlnlt (1111 •3. 46 62. 63
(1) RJhland. Ellen {Ill 411
llavod (IV) 35. 69 Scott (IV) 36, 91 Siewert. 1111) 47. 68. 78, 86
Simon•...,.,. Ruth (I) 59, 68 Smith, l<aTen (II) 53, 62. 63. 68
Speng!'Ober Jellrey (II) 65 Spannogol. Ruth {I) 59 63. 68. 71 Sp..,. n._, cui SJ 88 ~ RnbOCCl8 (lD) '7 80 $j)eude, SUMn (IVI 36 Speidol. Tamara (II\ S3. 89 SpolJtl. L)'tlle (IUJ 47. 69 ~. Joffroy (II) S3 63 SpegelberO, ~(IV) 36, 59 Sprain. Oebo<an Ill) 53 Spr~ Aliysotl !I) 59. 62 63. 66. 68,
81 S - . Elaine (II 59 68 Stecnmantl. Jod (111 ~7 88. 73 S l - g Weslrf (111) •7. 66, 8-1, 88
Siem. f'!1
SclvneW;hel. Jarelto (Cat1 j 34 66 SChmldl. Brent llVI 34 73 SchmoOt. Ka!/l in 59, 63. 67. n 64 Schmlcn. Lynn !IV) 3• Sclwnlel. Da.;o (II) Schm11zar Monoca (IVJ 35
Rusen Jol!I !IVI 33
Sl1ltll. Timalhy (1)
- _ Joan (Ill) 47 Sorwnag Joo (I) 59, 62 63 65 67 Sorw>tag l<evon (IVl 36
Slflljoo. Heodl to 59 Stem. JM&than (IV)
~1.John\I) Sch ~ Oallld (IV) 34 39 ~. Petor \IV) 34
Smo'"I. RetlGCC8 (I) 58. 80 Snim. Roget 1111) • 7 66
Sr...,..., laura [IV! 36 67
5cllobbol1ut. Btl/\ (IV) 34. 80 ScNb-..i. Johanna (I) 59 Scilocl<. Corne !Ill Scllif~ Dem c1111 47. 68 Schmn*1g. Swatt {II) S:i.'. 81 99
ScllmudOcll. Scon (II) 52. 86 Sc,,_ EliDllelh (II) 52. 80 Schr>lid« Karen {I) 59. 68
Aa01<4, COiltmn (I) S5. 58 68. 67 Craog (1111 A6 Jo.I (II 58. SS Rahn. James Cll!J A6
Rusell. Ka!- {II) 52. 67 l!O
1p (I)
~ Jul. (llll 47, 68. 73 Stoo. Karen (II) 53, 68 SkJorzirrger. LMa. (lBJ 47 Stll':o<;tierg. Kl!f9f\ !IV) 36 So<ey 8rldge! ~V) 39. 102 S~boin. Cynlhia (IV) 68
Sldngm4n. Arn
s.r-ke. T1frany (PJ 53 ~. Kimberly (IV) 36 68 S""'9. Gerald (IV) 36
S.....,son. OGbra IHI 53 Szelo. Albert K. P (lBJ • 1
TabtWI, ChDtY' !WJ 47 68 Ttld<e. Kim (Ill} 6. 47 80 Tal•tey. Thuuu11 (W) 63
181<8181. Martha.lea" (I) 53 T"""1. 0$1n (Ill) 4 T
r.......,.. Kat- !IV) 6
36. 66
T~. Be!h (UJ S3 62, 93
lloQe< (II) S3
Thel Den•el (Ill ~. Ksrfl
{IV) 37
Keilty (UJ 53 Thoma. Gary (JV) 37 T - Tata (!Iii 47 ~.
Brenda (IJ flll. 68 ,,... (1) 60. 62, 68 n.ams. JUd1tn !IV) 37 Tlckf1ot, Kara (I) 60 Tllo~
r..,,_ Jarnn (ll 55. 60. 90 Tmm. Jellrey (111 6. 53. 63. 01, 76 T"""1. Ly!~ {I) 60 90
romn. Rolon 11111 47, 90
Bline (Ill)
rll'._i G~ (IV) 37
Iobrna.n. Robert (I} T-"""&. Sandra !IV) 37
r-. TOfVo"Oll,
TONICj(,Allen(l)60 ArTf't (M) 53
Timothy llVl 'ST, 96 Tracy. Don'ol (IOJ 47, 66, 71 Trep!O'H, Illian (I) 60 Tynd8I. CalhOflt'e IV) olO Uld<en. Jolin (Ill S3 ll1llllllta11Ck. (I) 60. 68 t.N>om. Dell<& (Ill •9. S3. 63. 73 Linch. Ju!Jo (IV) 37. 39 ~. Mary (II 60. 68
Ungom..,,,, Mir- (IV 37. 68 Un>• James (IV) 96 IJnk• .llbl (I) 66 Unka. Lori (IV) v....,. Janel (I) 60. 6B v~ Usa (11)33 Voogl. Slmn (II) 53. 62 VOil. o.n... (Iii) •7
Wene!. • -
60. 68
Wettel S..... (IV) 6 38. 67 Well!I, ""4'/ II) '8. C1l 83 Wtft'"" Katen (II) 48, 73 WCkert,, ~
6' 12 63. e9 SI e9 83 w........ ~ IVJ38 w Ille Pal.- (IV) 38. 8G ...,.a... Drn tw 44. 1: 73 W<l!lml. Bra> (111) •8 Wiitz, JIM • .S. 62 63. 6S. 67 70
w'"""""- ,,._
W l!IOfW>. !<JI (Ill) •S 68. 100 W<>kler Mal"- 1111 M 69 76 W1otot Jlnice (1111 6, 48, 67 76 Woll" Oobla (I) 00 66. 64 W1ho, ~ (1116 48, 67 71 W1lllQ U-.. (I) 00 Wok!t Jon (IV) 38 69 WOHi ~Men W) 48. 73, 8" Woftt 6l18l:ey IQ 5.t 62 83 E9 WO'lgang. Klmbecte (Ill) 67 64 Wardell. ~ (I) 5.t, 8? War~ e.ttl (I\/) 38 Wtwt'h C'.ard IM 31 v.._ r.,_ (llJ 62 63. 68.
84.-87 Ytrt;. Trq
6, 60 63. 67 ..
The Exce!sio< stall of 1983 would ld<e to lhanl< everyone V.00 he1oped us produce this book. Our goal was 10 Improve, atld this COUIO not nave oe@O oone w1nou1 1ne neip of pi ol~orr. and club heads wt>o cooperat. ed with the p<cturetalong end copy·v.nmg We hope 1ha1 our effetts to achieve llllS goal Show lhrough rhe pages of this, the 1983
Selving God end Country -