Doctor Martin Luther College New Ulm, Minnesota
RENAISSANCE FAIRE: The es~l\a! of the Re· na.issance wafted over Luth•r Hollow on Sunday afternoon, September 18. II\ Ol\e comtt the Punch al\d Judy show was taking place; in al\other, "A Mid· Summer Night's Dream" was being performed. Spectators tried their luck at Jacob's Utdder, King of the Log, Darts, Bowles, and ma th games ii\ betweel\ watching the dances and Usrentng to !he Madrigal Singers, the Col\Sort of Pipes (Pro Musical. and ars ludendi organo (organists performing on a Renais· sance-style organ). At 3PM the turkey drumsticks, beef sandwiches, munchkins, and c~died apples apJ'<'ared. As the sun began to set, participants and spectotors headod back to the modem centmy. How wonderful it is to travel in
TactTQin t; 1
Fit For A King
l Loi~ Abel, Torn Wdc:h.. Kun &un. and CkncLa ftntlt In • .. ~11d-Summtt NlaJ'l1' Drtem ... 1. Profnsor Koetdtr I.her.illy gttJ into th~ act. J Tim Talu.IM')' lht:t hit 11.Kk •t Bowin. 4 Ot.tnt Ftck•u dtmonttr•ttt the art ol. £~ painting'· Monk l4trm11nson pondttt iht prOgRm.
HOMECOMING: Return Of The 50's During the week of Octo~r 3-8 the campus was transported back into the so's. Poodle skirts and leather jackets ddo1nt'.J ittudt:nti; during the week as the
dress-up days followed the so's theme. After Saturday morning's parade, the Lancor team challenged the Concordia Comets. Our team was not tough enough; they took the loss. 1.ater that night Rollin Timm won - the Mr. Irresistable award anyway. Laurie Wickert and Beth Teute~rg hosted the post-feast entertainment provided by the Dmlc student body. The Junior class of 1985 walked off with the spirit award as the campus returned to the so's.
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I Th• fnsi.-.. cbs, .i..,.., tl,.u loy>hy to OMLC 1'y "II&'"& 1h.AJ....M..,..
2 John 81........,.,h, ..u. 1h• ....... body_.., IM '-boll
It.mt. i ..
all ~bout.
.> John S.bU:t ,, dt~nmmed ' 'Jlw. wl.nft""& w-nj« Ro.1
hold 1ht COt"M"t~ b.l
5. Pompon ~ provides hA1J-t1mt tnttrt.unmtnt • TIM DMLC calor31Urd .,ho....·i. ' ' ' f'Gf~,, 11\ ch• fM'...k
Once Upon A Time CAST
Al•n Uhitt'
Rondy Bodo
l<.Jns Q......
C:hrl•tY V.HMI Bnh T.,....l«g QIU tf°"'fti..
Joy 11<.dl MO.I Ponio N..,...,.n ZMuow Cod.motlwi 11<.J AO.I. Kwt 11..n . Jua HoantL.an. K.thy Hla· m ... "''''"' ~U\, C.uol lc1ru. )mfty '-1ir,t1 , , ..... ~t1.M'n<h . Suw llowftb.um. PmSmd.lhl Glori \'\1tlt' Tl-nf"W "•"' Phil Z.hn, Peer 0(1:WT. LI Schrotd<r
Tht WttkMd of Nowmber 11-13 ~1comtd the musical "Cindettlb" to the DMLC t11gt. The Rodgers and Hammer· t.ttin •dQpt~tion of lht -.buit0 hiry •~It w.i•
directtd by Ktith Schroeder and productd by Cindy Lehm1n. Charles Lu•bbe. Nin• Berntr, Professor Herm.nson, ind Mrs Schubktgtl l!so playtd viw roles ln tht suc.,.,ss. All ptrformances wen filled nearly to e1pocity u tht capti~ttd audience tiger· ly witched u Prince Churning fit the slipptr 10 Cindtrtlt.·s delica~ foot.
1 T1w .._Ina tR.fth lodirt &.ughs • t dw tChritt, ,, ... ~.,.de.• l Coftoln.U. .....,.,. Gmgr•> md Prinn Cluh1ophn W... Ulwr) .,... •I U.. kll. ~ Thor <ot.,,m«ho 111oth T<U~ md hn • - d•oJh!<n (QNO llonmn~ md Hhd. kir11-IJ cm ,.,_,, --.d\g .itrr 4 anJ,.,11.. Mft hn awck 5. Th4" 11ottJMl'u)t:bri: md Mt d•:ughlttli •Jtmt.inr owr iht -wn 9' th« ..1ippt'I'
CHRISTMAS "Let Us Give Glory To The Newborn King"
uch year the Chri•tmas season is • tim• of special joy on the Dmk umpm.. As Vdcation draws near, students and faculty both en1oy the holiday •x· c1tement. Once Again the campus f.im· ily frosted on cooki.,.; and ice cream to culminate the c..unpw. Christmas SHTty on December 7th. Finally, after a week of exam<. the Nnd and choir joined together to pre>enl • special program of mu>ic to fit this ye.tr's theme. "Glory to thr Ntwborn King
' -
Mid-J<U CuJ ..... JUI! 0..1.......... R.odwl .....f!L R..bttt "1•l-.. lnu.l<.; i.in..i Rohncl. T S<IWl<n ~ Pui S...O. l<,,m T och
r ... Mohr
dass Verse Follow me, and l will mak• you fishers of men:· (Matthew 4: 19) Class Hymn "How Flrm a Foundt .ion. Ye Saints of tie lord"
Sptaker Liturgist
Lloyd Hcubncr, Pres. Thomas Zarling, Dean of Students
SNOW CARNIVAL: Mid-Winter Magic
·• • •
:j '
Febrl!M)' S-10 featured the 1984 Snow Carnival and its theme "Breakfast in Llncerland." Events began on Sunday evening with • senior-faculty basketball g.,,,., and culminated at the Friday evening queen coronation ceremony. During the week some students worked feverishly to crute a snow toculptur-e out of the quickly melting snow1
while others n•hearsed skits. The juniors' '"Dig 'Em" took the sculpting prize while the freshmen took top honors in the skit category. F"lnally, on Friday evening, many ~ watched as 1983 queen Lynne Bitter placed the crown on Coral Cady's head. The singing of the Snow CamiY3I theme, "'Ice Castles" by Beth Buchberger brought tears to many eyes as th~ magical week Y..-as
drawn to a close. ti.1...mhn.
,,,r 1h.- lO!U Gnnw C•rnlv,t C'nnrt-r
Conl C1dy and hm Hui"sm.an Uu Luedtke •nd Tim Hunt
IY\h)' Ru'4:"h and Jun Sr-andt IUron Htrm<11 tad Joo Mind<
C..rol)-n Ko.lit• aod )tuy Z.•mer Ruth Ot-nnlng~r •nd 81.it Sc-h.a~r C..thy Schubktstl •od John Stbold
..._tYln Lou~ •nd Loa, Ab.rt 1n
u •. """1-t1t~f'lr 2
fti.r malC' m4'mhr1• of th~ (,1M1t 1"'4.·d<um theu utlAin•I ho
J tr...1ng Jim tiu•"m"n oind Qutr-n Curl
c..J~· lt•l('R .... !ht' ~.,~
(.".' -1nn.... J 1ht-mt" '" •ung .a Tlw Sn"" C.rruv.. ~ Coun
•Pr·l.u.1111 Cor.t • .. hh..,.r1bNne"d
A Thriller In Two Acts I Tlar t•mou
(flm I fun1 .u.. ... , h puptl tSc
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:. th-• -k~ l . 11>• nnt door p.,.:hlc <Mthy tt....i...r) mn 10 1<ll 1h< pl.~1 wti(' l>\..t1t'n NU) lb.I J.tf\gtt It> IW.tT
··outhtrop" - • m11IJer my· .iery wntt~ about • m11Ider mystery ·writer who murdeo an· other murder mystery writer becau5" of the murder my<tery he has written. Yes. it's an involved story. but u·s al<O • scary and suspenseful one complete with thunder<toma and J>O"o'Cr ou· tages. The ust of fl~ under the guidance of Jim Hendrickson and Lois Abel presented the masterpiece before three audiences during th• l•st "tti..end in March. No one lert without fttling a chill running up and down the •pine! CAST MlMllERS Tim., ....., futrm .._.,U Stou \.\~ K..1hy H1ftoiat'f
SNOW WHITE On April 26 and 27 the Children's Theater presented "Snow White and the Seven Dwan-es" in the DMLC auditorium. Hundreds of area children were ushered in to see the magical performances of beautiful Snow White, her faithful animal friends, the seven happy dwarves, King AbsentMinded, ftis wicked wife, her faithful but "dim-witted" servant, and, of course, the Princr. Though the power went off in the middle of one of the performances, the show went on - and successfully! CAST Ml.MSERS.: Kim lifnder, Scott Seytf'!odorr, Randy Bode, Adele Dietrich. C•rl• Frt't', P1ul• ~lcid.,, H('ldl Keibtl, C;1ro.lyn KCX"ller, M.lrl Koelpin, CoJ\nit Kroll; Cotrol UIM; Chuck lucbbt-, Arny P41ppel\(ut11; KArtn Rutht'; S.n.dy Sch0tnnaue1; P~lf Sord•hl; Beth Teut('btrg: Ellyn Wllkc:nfi 1.. Dim Witty shrugs at the wicked queen'§ dem1nd!i>. l. Snuw Whht gttttf her (Ahhful friend_, J. The dw-and try lo r1ot disturb Snow Whitt'..
SPRING ACTIVITIES BANQUET Spring Activities Banquet is a time of honoring the participants of various activities during the school year. This year on M•y 5th filct mignon,.,.., :-.crvcd to fit with the banquet theme 'A Night in New York." Karie Watch ke hosted the event as another page of memories was filled in many minds.
l Kn• Rfdl1n
her forr:b.md
2. G1-t-nn 0.aYl" - Se-nlor M.t1e Athlt"tt!' l TI- NM r1..11yc "'"
.; Colorptd
~how.. it~
MAY 12, 1984
Calls Received by Seniors at this Time: Epple, Leonard Hirschmann, Craig Kolander. Donald Kramer. Kurk
Immanuel (Kewaunee, WI) SL Paul (Appleton WI) Grace (Geneva, NE) Peridot Luth. Mission (Peridot,
Kutz, Kevin Lehman. Kenneth Loecsch. Kevin Martin, Joseph Muench, Jason Neujahr, James Pieper, Timothy Radue, Craig Rahn, James Rebers, Robert R""•uL.tum, Kuot
TCW Team Immanuel (Appleton, WI) Bethlehem (i-lortonville, WI) Grace (Glendale, AZ} Grace (Prairie du Chien. WI) St. Paul (Columbus. OH) TCWTeam TCWTEam Emanuel (fUnt, Ml) Immanuel (Sault Ste. Marie, Ml) Gvvu 511~vl1e1u (Burnsville, MN) St. John (Hemlock. Ml) Zion (Rhinelander, WI) Immanuel (Medford, WI) Lord and Savior (Crystal Ltke, IL) St. John's (Neilsville, WI) St Paul's (Cudahy. WI) St. Paul·s (Columbus, OH) Peridot Luth. Mission (Peridot,
Schroeder Keith Spangenberg, Jeffrey Tesch, Dean Timm. Rollin Schallert, T Abel, Lois Akright. Sherie Barenz, Beth
Biedenbender, Rebecc;i King of Kings (Garden Grove, CA)
Brendahl, Annette Brodhagen, Evelyn Buchholz. Lisa Eckert, Joyce Ehlert, Rachelle
Fenske. Glenda Gronholz, Dawn Habeck. Danie II all, T e.rri Kar.!, Janice Kell, Karen Koeller, Janet Kolbow, Coralee
Calvary (Thiensville. WI) Zion (Rhinelander WI) St. Matthew (Oconomowoc, WI) Our 5.lvior's (Zion, IL) Emanuel ISL Paul. MN) Zion (Valentine, N£) Our Savior (San Antonio, TX) MIS (Saginaw, Ml) TCWT.. m St. John (Baraboo. WI) Bay Pines (Seminole, Fl) SL Stephen (Fallbrook, CA) St. Lucas (Kewaskum, WI)
Krenke, Vicki Kuehn, Amy Lehner. Stacey Lemke, Patricia Mailr. Li5a Maliszko, Bonnie Matuszak, Jeanne Mehnert, Amy Nutz, Lori Pantaz.on, Susie Pechin, R<>Rma rie Price, Kathleen Quam, Lisa Rubin, Catherine Schilling, Dehm Schocnnaucr. Sandra Schulz, Eileen Schwandt, Renae Solofra, Joan Spaude. Rebecca Tabbert, Cheryl Thomas, Tara Volz, Denise Volz, Lauri Voss, Ca.r olyn
St. Paul (Cudahy WI) St. Paul (Wonewoc, WI) Our Savior (Freeport, IL) St. Matthew's (Winona, MN) Trinity {Waukc>ha, WI) TCW Team Immanuel (Gibbon, MN) St. John (Oak Creek, WI) Zion (Greenleaf, WI) St. John Uefferson, WI) Christ (Marshall, MN) Waucousta (Campbellsport, WI) St John (Fox Lake, WI) Faith (Fond du Lac, WI) St. Paul (Menomonie, WI) St. Luke'• (Kcno9ha WI) Mt. OHve (Delano, MN) SL John (laCrosse, WI) SL Mark (Watertown, WI\ Centennial (Milwaukee, WI) TCW Team St Mark (Watertown, WI) Bethany (Hustisford, WI) Immanuel (LtCrosse, WI) Nozomi Luth. School (Tsuchiura, Japan) first (Elkhorn, WI) St. Paul (Arlington, MN) Grace (St. JC>Rph, Ml) St. Paul's (Columbus, OH) Trinity (Neenah, WI) Christ (Oakley, Ml) Gethsemane (Omaha. NE) Salem (Loretto, MN)
W•tchke, Kc~ty Wetzel, Judy Whittier, Karen Wilkens, Ellyn Wilsmann. Kathy Winter. Janice Witte, Glorianne Zank, Ellen Zubcrbitr, Charlotte St. Lukr, {W•ttrtown. W1) Christensen. Jean MLl'5 {Prairie du Chien, WI) Tacke, Kim St. Mark (G~ Bay. WI) Mohr, TiM TC\Y Team John Blievemicht - gr.rnted permission to study for one year Lynn Kitzerow - granled permission to study for one year.
Suite of Old AmC"OCiln . w.tk• 0.lnCet (I Clle
PictufH •I J.ln ~hib'iuon (IX The Crc.a1 C.tt of Kit\', Original · I~n.u, Con~no All o_ Di"\'.le • IHrlXCO
ft>illvt> Overtu1~ CHAPEL Cl IOIR SMupt!.rc.allrragili~tic(')(pialid
oon. River I'm My 0 G
CHO~RSrondp• It'•• Good D V-1hi~tle M.t "i . M•y the co!S e, Whn.1lt
Lord 81e~'< And Kttp "rou
Prii;ms JAZZ ENSEMBLE Mood lnd1g<1 Hlddtn Dimple LULLLGL Ll-IUKALt
'You II Nt\'l'r 'A1•lk Alo 8.tsktt~U nt h" • Sm•ll Wo1ld
~hn ATmuh::an Tribute • urdt Dow
Blll 0.llcy W · COMBINED ffiQ:R~ou Pica~ ComC" Home
Th" n I d B.ll'lntr Alm S1;at-5p M i& g C' •
Sen.tlment.al Journey
MAY 19, 1984
C\au Vtr<t': Ile •trong and rouragt0us. Do not bo ttrri£lt<I. Jo not bo discour.igt<I. for tht Lord your God will ho with you whtr•- you go. Uoshu• 1-9) Oa" Hymn· Rtjoi..,, My Htart. Ile Glad •nd Sing rrnt· p.,1 Gtrhardt; Music: Kevll\ lotrsch) a.,,. Colors' Burgundy •nd Crum Cu"'t Spuktr Rtvtrtnd Donald Bitttr {Prttidtnt, Wt<ttrn Wl<e<>nsin District) Organi•t Judith Krt<nicka Student Organists' Dean Ttsch, Craig Hirschm•nn ; Oenl\t Volz
1. Ch.apn Cho11 "'"~• for ~1•) N1~h1 !. A f<'l:'nt lr('n\ ' Oto.11h1rap
J. T atrun•"' 't'•nggt-n Jt.mon ..tT•le1o R..N1;.wn«
d, ...
.C Thf. C.nvw Carn1\·•I Court pr~I'
tkir ,\ 11
ANDMOBE I Lylr Tlmm amll••7 1u1uln1-.:' 1 COMh Mcih•ck kttpt nn ~y~ •>n hltr~ tt•m J But tt dMSn·t h.\<t anv "'H•nk•r • J..fr Roloff f'~pt-1n"' th• p1°'-Nurt.
Tough Tacklers
Footh.111. f1f"f>I Row C™"h Rutg(I; John Meyt1 Jtff Zw1c\.. John ~b.1.d. Kc>vin Kuti; Stt'vt Fri11~ flhll Ptterm.anr\; John Mc-lt.0, j('H Dorn, Troy P;iP' ~"OJ'IJ Row c~,h Co1 ...hnt Guv G.1""1. Mil.." Ue-"4.h; r).11n ft<n ..l..c 8ni1n ~4 .aurkt'; J'l.aul J-l ~rl.an, f1;1ul Huntt<t ' G1egs Bulhol~; Brtonl Si.h~ht. ToJd Gor.!>lint. Third Ruw Rollin Timm Gltnn O.tvi.., John Bllevttnkh1. lh.·1t;ht 5.lndvQIJ_ John Lillo; (."().ach Z.nhog founh Rey...,•1 Stt'l'\.'t Brtmt't. O."'t" Oom.,on. PPtt' Ku~~C': D.lVi' Ru11t, Scou AntQntt11; Jim B1.and1; Cr1igZibroW1ki. Kt'llh Kopaynr.ki; Oick Good.ill FIFth Row· Tom PLtth: Ed Noon. 0.1n Luec~; h•rry Li.>ame1
Uenmann. Jell KoloH, U.-w- King: Jim TicU'
GOLF: Putting Around
l1 M .u-qu.. tu~
o Not1h'''t''°'"'" MN
\l Con,ttrd1• ~··••.nd
ru1 ..bury
Cuncb1JiA·&t l 1.1ul
l5 M-01r.in.:aJh.t O N~n1hwn1rrn V\'I
I! Mt.
l• t4
Fall Golf Te.im Member-= Karl Bauer; Jon Biedenbender; John Ka;par: David Koepsell. Don Kolander: Dave KolJnder; Dan M,rrl..gral; John Schlavensky: Phillip Wl'lth; P•ul S<"Tiver.
The Dmlc golf 1"'1m l'lldcd the •••son with • 4-J r«ord. Dan Markgraf received all-conforonce honors •s Dmlc touk 11..,..Upper Midwest Collegiate Conferl'flco golf title on Oc1obor 15.
Super Spikers
VollityNll. Fir~I Row Sut' C•ttrr, K..r.- RtJlin. Bc:uy C.ant•. Aditlt Ou:·U11t.h lynM Bittr1 &;htlly lindtnU.nn Juf1it 0.1re; 5Nr1 \\'f'tnf'r JuM b.1meo1 ~onJ RQ... fl.t.ry lllrn \1tthor1 ~r.1h 'tum11un1t= LL"'lt ~\t1nrlt". ~IL• Krdlu' L1,. Qum {•rol tk~"1£.. 6rt1y &•~"¢* ludy P\itl l.:autwn )M'p't r•uv Buttz. J•rw JAl"' T..._.,y •hll COrioW"h Bu.J \1 "111ng
°'""" COikh o,,,.... H•bn:l
\'0Ul\6All R~ut.1 ~ tonlirtmc" Rt'ilillat i.w.IWn l.Nri' Rf'l(uLlr ~"~~'" lnvi1.111onAli t.:l.lnlt"trn1.~
Tau1n.1m .. n1
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Jt1aking Tra cks
C.R<M COLl'.'TR\
ru ..1 R1u\ JuJv \\'rttt'I J.1n•lf'K.An1 '"'hrur AL.rig.ht. &llV r~1·llnrr Sr-.,1nJ R,•...,. Cl.11.t R1~·hmh1IJ1 Jt"01nn..,. ~u11h lmgt l. C hr11. \1.u.a'4"h S..r•h l'rtr1 , 6f1h ~IC'nl.- ~1.M>ini.;
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•'-1\\l C(Jl'ltf'tfn(irJ
OMLC OPP. M...JJro St_ l nl>.
•tConcorJi Ben..La ..
St. C.alh.tt1M
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~1n. ~ ~to1u~
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O.thrl Vttcrbo
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St S..:"'11.a.,ua 51. Them.. 51 S.nnl.d Aug..\turg
\ 1tlt'tho
\\'oml!n.! &skttN!l Front Row- Ann Kl.tu Kn~uc Ragoakt", Beth KuehL Sue Y:rttt, Ondy Lttrmln.. Beuy C•.ne )~ lk.aud111 tu» KNhn: Ann Mnt. .L. O...k Ruw- l'\.1.uy Elku M1rebun: ltuth Dolb<y Co..dt L<opold. sh.. Mundt. Jody Putt. Lo.uttn l"l!•·· 0..-· B<th Wtrullond. Su.oh
SI. "'=holutk•
72 75
... 7J
:rt 84
Trinity Blbk
lkth.11ny Pill.bury
1• 80
Nonh Cmr,.J It ~I• Nonhl.mJ Mt . Sf-n.uo Vitt:'rbo Notlh\o\-ntnn. MN
CC'rk.mJw.. ..,1.
Mt. Sm.ltio Vltt'tbo
Nonh~ ConcorJU.~ St
P•ul Nonh Cmu.t 811-l" Pill4u:z Con,~r .11, St r ...1 V1h·rbo N1.;r1ht.nJ
77 '30
01 S7
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.. .... 71
Mm·.ti &s:kttb.ll front Row• O..t~ ~~s.m. Sti:vc 81tdnlbcndcr. P•u.l XrtYC1. O.t\'t Snyder; John ~tc-li.o. Andy H0t~l.(. Clf'nn 0.t\"ij.: Todd Gorioltnt. Stt-ond Row: S1tve Brl'mC'r. Tom Pl1th, Jotl 8urm~!..Cff, O<ln Ll.n'ikf'n~: Chcl Cood.alL COi1Ch Miehe-el; Coach Cocsli.n~. Bad... RO'W'" PhJ \.Vrr.ih; Ed Noon: 't.t1k Koelpin. Km Ldurwn, D:in ~"'Ytt· P•ul Struu..
CHEEBLEADEBS: Lancer Power Source!
S.1iknb.tl C'Mitrl~..dt."r•. top 10 bouetrn: KA1hy P11,1tt,. Shrllr Moungey. D•wn Jullo1n C•1ol M.t.n.n. C.trl>I Ulru•. C•rolt link
foolh•ll Chtt1ludt'1•. Ith lo righ1 C.trol ~1•nn.. T•mmy Wtg.nt'r-C•tolt Z1nL. C.ual l.c-lnJ;
Jf'nny Br•u.n. M•r•h.. Abt-I
IN'l'BAMUBALS: Blood, Sweat, And No
-~. JO
dl •
I. Jim TiC'tt: in h, .. lucky i;hort~ l. D.tn Ottcnunn mode-I\ tht1 Ed Ctin un1f-orm J
Tht nc1-.. go u:p
Women's Spans' Tennis, Softb.11, Volleyball. Baskttball. Badminton Men's Sporn: Touch Footb•ll Ttnni•. Ba.sketball. Volleyball, Softb.111
\\'om~"' Trac:l. front Row- Otb Rocmh1Jd1 M.r1e-nr Wi.wg; &ny C.ueff. f(A1hy Pturss, Sue C.artn S«ond RowJ•n•"" Kl.n1 X..rtn Lindt-nun Beeka Rtnnf't J•nitl Ln.l. k.l:ren Kruqtt. C.rolt- Ln'-.;C.tol fttJ.._,11 Thud Ro- CCNdt John ~NJJ. S..r.ah. Xh.Jmm11\g. 8'1h \'Vfll41.£nd J~nnor M..t~. Ttny DTO!ltn, J~ f.kk. "1h Pr•n,p COiKh Buel. ~i.ry.tkn
Members Of The
Mrn ·~ Tt'nn1•. rirn Row Co.t,h C"ll(J1•l1n•; Inn Pb th, Phil Sttrn "-1•rk Ohr: ln~'t' RtuJ.1fl S«ond Row K•hh Kupi.tyn..kt, Dove Ki>l•ndt1 1 l>tll\ Kul1ndtr. Tom Pl.uh. Bob f•vo1ttt"; Prof J<.or-.tlt-r
WOMEN'S TENNIS: "Lob"-yists!
Women'• Ttnn1•h first Row: Don.. Ortc-hltr. k rlsbnt Smith. S.rit lrl.tnJss.on; Lora lMrt<h. J«•nM jeruf'n. CQOk'.h <;l111Hns ScconJ RO'IY': K.u-. Rl."dlin 1 Amy P.tpptnfu,.11 Ruth Sim0Mmt 1t1. P•l Lfmkt'. 8'-th Ttuttht!rg. M.tlt• Mtnk.
Young But Improving
Men''i lhstba.LI. fitJtl Row· Cuy C...st:Stt!'\1! Biedfft.hendt!'t: Troy P•pe; Jeff Zwfck. Tim Mll,.Kiain. Sc-cond Ro""'D•IC' Krut'$Cfi JC>hn Bi<"dt'nbcndc1; Jeff Dorn; Odle C>itchlcit. Srou 5C'hmudl11<h: Grt" 6ir-kh<>l.r.. Third Row Co.ch Mdhild; StC"W Cr•nbng; 8-UI Sl.ar:· O..n M~mcycr1 Andy 1-toenci:kt!', Tim Tahiney Fourth Row; Tim P~~,-, J~l Bu1mt'it:h't /~I R.iducr; 0111vt Ru,.t. Sttvt' Brf'mt'r
Swinging Singles!
~\'omen'' Softb.ll. Ru.1 Row: L.u.n• Fry~t . Yvon.J.. BaudJn; Suslt: Panruon; 1•mmlt Spl"idC'l. Altd.a Rote-: Shelly Lindtm.ann: Jo.i.n Sololr•: Julteo Ot1I""· Stcond Row, Co.1..-h Leopold, K.ar.a Pochop; S.1 M~; louiseOtli Ju.dy 8ckh~'t'ht Ulolyn Hi>ppc. Ann Kla1~ Ondy Ut:rman: T.immle HtlL
1. Dwight Sandvold put~ on hi.ti m~•n f•t.'t. l. K.ris Rt'dlin g0t:s dawn to !I.Ive the day J. Crtgg Birlc.ho1~ 1.li:.H ch•1ge of Lhf' pigskin.. 4. Tim i•hanty runt1 co chl:'C:l for tbt fbi.I down. S Tom Pl.. th prepatl't to C1Cttute o_ Adtlt Oitt~dt - modtl bumping form
• ~
t Btuy C.ttlt'f •fk: &-th lrri..uthl ....., to !>C't up ch.- Jr~tn~
2. rhll \.' f"rlh It~ 11 Owt tht lltn J rh1I Ptkrm11nn t• Jrtfrmint'J .t M.trl ~lp1n h,t.. to uvtrcomeo ' r.uJ I luntfl pl..n• hi~ llMJh'
BIG u~t.k.lb.
I J•ntC'l' ~,. p10~ ht'! 'W\.Oflh '1!. Senior f.f.nW• ,Athlttt' of tlw L. Ruth S1mcft ..mtitt rtttun.....Mt~~ 0onn-1 ""'.ant., J, PhJI John 1~~ In I~ n'LIJ' 4 '" II• 'INlt Of• b&IJ;" ~ ~1.a Rnfhn ,.~ o Swtnx. lw.a"'· '\wtng1 7 S.14lh Sc.hl:onming rn'JMf'n (or I.ht at'luw
1 LIN \lulm w~-o .. the- J,,,y
2. Mui \\'f'1th 111"• fl.)I 1wo
JuJy Pu11 • m•t'i foe •uc,fft - fou1
' Tom rt..1h • mlldtl tumr •hoc,
Preparing For Worship
Ob1ec1ive: to prepire the chapel as a place fit for ,.'O,.hop.
Officers' Deb Spmn \Coordin•tor), Deb Luhman (S..: -T ..... ) Main Event"· d1i1ly preparing of the chapel. making b.inntori,, putting up bu)-
AVCO M.oy l,.-.1~tM Phil Krurgrr, t>.. n Tr.a<y, Ron ~n1tk S.u.. t1111r SkafOfl G,tnyu l.Huit k..JicMJ Bn..n "'"'5l'•, t ...m '-hull ~..11h ~·.. mhl1 Tim R•"'"h"'
letin boards
C~ptl Com.m1tttt fto·t Ro1'1. l>irl- KOt"mh11JL IY1C"n J1ruJrn,...tJ &t1~y ~1.1uh. Lott Pin~rl C:.t1il f rtt r.ti.J. Rt1Mn\.On. 0..a.ru &-..1
lkhSp1.1•t1 Connil• &iiu<'t JrY1hy rrtouJ(':n~ailJ ".-ttt>n.J Row
Behind The Scenes Objective: to provide the 'tudent body J.11 the necessary •udlo·vi,ua •ervlce\ It need' Officers: Phil Krueger (Director), Keith Schmidt (Vic<>-Otre<tor), Liurtt Radrch<I (Sec.), Sharon Ganyo (Se.·.) Main E\'enl>: handling film•; providing 1-0unJ and lightrng for Jroma. ch•pel b.nquet-. enter· tainment anJ i..,~<tl>all ond footNll gaml'>.
CAMERA CLUB: Picture Perfect C..m~r"
Club Otti.t'1• ~n I n1i1 .., .1t11 1 r, "tt.1nJ1ntt l'.uil lrri.t:"f1" 1ro·-. I Jw.h Bl~chY."l'll 4~ r,..... I
Objective· m provide trotnlng and experience In photography and dar~ room Main Events.: 1al-.ing picturc!t •t even1 .. on campus,
APRIL 4 ,.,
1.s o
on ;,i;ir.h oil should s1?nd ona to lie 1\cte{ 1 c. cck.brote~ C:or 1(m.C. 1:ns;.::4Ao~ c. rco1o1n
ft"\ ~~y IS 1dar3errolo1<
wo.,.,cn sncu d t,e mare Tl\o" --~--..J hofpy r~ 5tvc C''"P""'' a 0
~ ?•OM"Y .@!• (there
Of c
ivTUl"C .n o ncl cl\ly
1"11TC ri
f t)
,0 tilt
~;~- SN?ii\ EDEL
LMU Patrol
SU Bo.nJ N.1ncy Ht:-lJt'rl~h. JuUt" Bt'c~~m•nn . C1uc.'llyn Kocllt'r~ Jt-f( SpiaM"I Jeff Sonnt'nburg.; Lyh: Timm: Cin.1 I tocrl'\h'g; 0.iytU A!>Wt'~l'; Jim Tict.r
Objective: To manage the student union Officers: Jim Tiet~ (Pres.): John Biedenbender (V.P.): Dayna Aswege (Sec.-Treas.) Activi1les: rebuilding walls!, opera1e gameroom, s ponsor sales at the Round Table
Objective To •upport women·s athletics OffiC'l!rs· Kri• Rodlin (Pres.); Karen Herman (V.P.); S.I Mo<c (Sec-Treas.) Artivlties· ho,.l women's volleyb.311 tourney, operdt4? concession stand at
gaml'S. organize women\ •tumni ba>ketball game
buy equipment for
womtn'-. athl,tic'
Activiho>c •ponsor the Min- Ob1oc11ve' To •upport men·s nesoi. WELS volleyball othlttics tourny. o~r1i-e- concession stond. don11c money to athletic progr•m
......••.. .... . . ••• •••••r ...... •••••r .. ..... ........
••• . ...... ..... ,. ,, ..... J:• .... •.
.. .... :r
.,.•·e··,•• . .
••••11111. ,,
I! , • •
Working Men!
footb.11 Po:m -pon ... F1~t R"w M.utl1 0.-nnin~r Amv b.hc-11. l.tw Lw.!1lt:, K.urn ~'lllf¥"' 8t1h ,f-,11t1Jtt: K.&thy RU"oC'h Sn,,nJ Row ~...~ lurd1i..~-. Se-Lly !'trn1th C.Ath,· ""°hubl~t:l (....-olyn Kot-U"r- 8tend.a
~ ~rrn
l\:J.,kt'tNll Pom·ron~. f•''' R"l\ La '\;rhrlnio;. ~rm R.amh-~ l1nJJ1 ~u~M '-'«-1.Jrui R'""' <.••olJl' ~llt't: ...._.'"" •;.,:hnriJn K.•1hy Ru..._-t. C•thy Schubl..f'gd.. Thi1J Ro" K.au·n J;..1~1 hldl KAmmholr ~1~h l.ut'dtl..f> ~h "-"-iuwlJt"1 Rrn"' t\rlong~ lc>ullh Row ,o\nn S..urt Li,.. I urd.1lc-: ..\rii,· Lal"fll. Ru1h Otnn1ngtr
Ba:oll'th.1!1 Cokugu•rcl K4.•lly 0 C\innl'tl Amy <.,ut·nthcr; C.u1• f Ulln\11'1 Annf'H4.' 1fn.,~hm4nn.. Connit K11>ll, M.a.rli ~·h.-1blt•. N.t>,.lnnt R1<M>n Rnhyn C.eorl'i1ng lt...,hd l:So1gw.11J1 M.ad,.ntVliulg
Stepping Out!
Football Colorgu.arJ . .._nethns1M-1th•nt \Viu.1g.: Beth M.ult St.mdin& R..it:h"l lkngw.ardt; K.ucn f1tu.Jen,v•ld; Kt·lly 0 Conn ..11 Connie K101J. Sh.nun Cnrl. Ka1h:v ft<t.1Jtnk,1IJ ;\n1y Gu~·n1he1 Miau1 5'-hall,I~
l.t1llc-y.1.11e C04m01 f1n.1 R~Wlo r.m ~111tt1 , DAlt" li..rU('gl'f.... Ult &urt. (...~nnito ...rail. rcte Sord..\hl Phil /Ahn »·,1nJ kow ..,;.Kn lJnJrmo1n K.rt'n .... 1utgt'1 , Kl!n lthnun, Brth f\1.u11 l•nunko \'•nptn, Shnh~ Sch~r1 • bt1a 'Th rJ Row· P•tn Uhn . ..:u1t R~um "'--n--n \\btWt1 J.an11t• \\1ntt1, Tam ~Jl\!<>U11..t: Jf'ff Spb1.tr; !<ff Timm; fril Raloil M1,11ng R.andy Badr. ~u< HJ!mtt. !..tr• r"'hop Phl1 H..-'-~•tth. Lymw llit1<t Btf'nJ.a U.un, Bob Rrbe-t'll.; Al ~h.tfm
Obj«uv.: To •<'pfn<'nl tht studtnts ind org•niution< oi DMLC.
Officer' i...uri
H.ckb..rth (\'.P.):
tPrf"); Phil
Wintrr lS..:.),
K..rt.n LinJt111an (free,.)
M•in Event• Lodi~' Auxiliary, Chri-t· mas pauy, moVJt nights, o~n dorm-. Ml.-ron rair. ~now Carnival. Spring S.nqutt. Arbor D1y, and much mord
·-·;···· •............ .•·• ....... .... Ig••......... • Pt1p Club Of Ikt•"'- Bou11n1
L..Ju1~ r•'t('t• (!:rt"
........... ••!•••••••
·111••111• ... 1·==·======:.. 11.111 .. ............. ,.,.
·l1t'""'-t P.an' M tllrr 1\' l'-l l o-p Kull
ENul'r tP1t'i-.).
....••• ., ••; .~··
...-............ =···· .... " . -· .. _ ....... -··-····. . .,.
. ..,
- ·~
.... •••• •••• . .....
•••• 1
~i, ••• ===~
PEP CLUB: Spirit On Campus! Objective: To promote spirit on the DMLC campus.
Main Events: Homecoming (special days, powder puff football, parade, skit night. pep fest, banquet, ent.e rtainment), "Shoot for Spirit" (half-1jme free 1hrow romp<tition for prites), Poster Competition, Door Priz•s at basketball games. Bonnlt' M<1Lb1J..o • nd Bren.Jn kifhmonil Jemon.. 1i.a11.• 50 t> !lplril
lMrl11h11 Still Juli• Vo~t. &th S14!tnlus•n, Beth Schmick; C.i,hy Stflrkt, C-1Ji Nommcn~n. An~h· Tropf, Uiurte Zichow, P-1tti Ebel; faith Wurs.t. Kwt U:tutr~ Su<' C.•utt'r Mh.sing. Judy Bll"ic.h~hl: K..ryn 8111.0; Paul k~lm S,u"h Kr•nlch: Lori Ko£fArnu~. K•llY o·Conndl. Collten k.tdtlt.
EXCELSIOR: Memory Filers Ob1ttti~:
To •cq~t stoff membus
with tho youbook production prOCK$ while producing a memw•ble Ex«lsior
Aclivilies: Four Hated Deadlines!
EMtl•Io1 [Jlt.:1.,. Tl"n1 Elk.nau:nn (Uyoud. O...vr Sehroedc1 tPhc>Cog••phy); Ann.t-tt~ bitlrr o:dJUM-in·ChiriJ. R.ch...I fkvp·AtdJ (As,,.i ..W\t Ed110f). Bl•lr Sch•pt• (0•1l1oom)
Sir.I Cluh Offh.rr.,· Shc-ritt Sc.hu1~rg (S«.). Paul K•lm
Tim T.1h.-ney (VP .., Tom \\l'rkh
We Love Minnesota!
Objertiv•: To organize opportunities to go skiing Activities: taking advantage of Minnesota's white, white winter
SCIENCE CLUB: Search For Solutions Objective: To explore areas of science Officers: Barb Ekksteadt (Pres.): Jonn Ko.anko (V.P.);
N ina Bemer (Sec.-Treas.) Activities: hostin g a gradesdlool science Fair. showing movies
Sc:if'ni.C' Club. Bfi.in Satog'"'"· John Ko,..nl.ie. Ondy H,uJt1
Our Heritage!
Objective: to approciate and learn more about the German culture and language. Officers: Lenny Epple (Pres.), Judy O.likat (V.P.), Mary Held (Sec.- Troas.) Main Events: singing in chapel (auf Deutsch), caroling. films on and about Germany, slide presentation by Prof. Koelpin, presentations by exchange student from Ulm, Germany and Hans Zickler. German dinners, folk dancing, devotion and old -vice in German, compiling a German songbook..
Ce-rm•n Oub. Righi Ro"· K.1 1<tm Lod'fl«'t Cl.tr• ~hultt. 5'.ocond Row: l.inJ.t K~kt'. R4Chrl 8otgwr..ttdt RHMI Kr.i£ft MM)' .Wld Third R~ K.ithy Ruppel, Chi" Smith Kn:1o A1t,tgott Sh.tta:n Cllnyo· Judy OW.k..tt Fou11.h R~ ; C.uhy St.11l'" Tany.1 J•new"k.. Dim' f'tcMu l•ntt Kindt, R~nt' Ptchin.
A Current Even t
O\ljftti,T: to rrov&de op· portunity for discuss.ion of CU I ltf'll
M~•l Otl•
M1tn Ewnts: bi.,,.'«'kly dit· cuslilon of cur-1tnt t'Vtn1•, trip to Minnesot".t ll"81'l•·
l'h1f ~1~r1 Junncr Jcr..!crri. Jnn 1-1..1ul• i....1n lk-th 6u.hbre~tr loul'lt! Ou. M.11y L,,_,~1111\
r111v llu\U
Objecti,•e: co acqu..h\t 1i!uden1s \vith slsn language 1nJ 1he ne-rd fos i t in our 11<hool•.
Ofli<C"r•. Ann L••h• (rre-s.). Chri.s Frankl'nttt1n (VP.), Jant"t Kindl (Stt.·Tre•s.)
M•ln Event .. w•tlhlng • tignrd church Sot"rvict, .e•11ons with J;an«' Dorn. tr<lcht'r of tht
du!. p1r-rn1•11on by Mr. I !ugh" of 1he W[LS Sp«i•l Mlnl<1ries 8ouJ. puticip>lion in Enttct.ttnmt'nt Bon•nz•
Roving Reporters
• ~1r•~ngff i-14tl tt.au1n~ •l lo\o\TI
lrh ...... 1h\• HtnJf'tt1 l-utC'n ~lt11\,..jl
~~ J•nC' L1mrnnm.tru r.ui Z..hn. t-..ltf'n t...rutg!"t ~vi R.au'l(h lo)1.&1
i.('· 1'..lrrn Lin.hm.tn t...uut' LA..hc:'iw.
J 11'\tt K1r\Jt ~... ""-huhz \11(1tf'llr (r11lo rth J Jv Oo:-h II. Bum '-:'!(ff, Ruth ~IUVt,f'J U1hv
n ••
Ob1ective: Me.-ensrr ntW>p•ptr -t•fl m . . ts to proviJe ic ... rr•dtr ... with the c•m pu5 nt"''\ •nd it<. mem~·r.. "ith t\P"rirnc.:r 4
in journ.-Ji.,m. M ai n Event .. : 8 isc;ue'!' per ..chool yeo.r, .arl ronlC'il~. baking conte• l'>
WIND ENSEMBLE: Magical Musicians
l Br•.. f"\i:~I·• lJt"if Timm Uur• l W"t-lr T ·"" Cortz ...... , " ... tllJ 2-
~t1t h
\\otdc-1J .kft\Oft"U•!f'I> pnft<t.tlon
\\llnJ Ln~mhlt', rulil RU\V l t;.ug\"r T '"'"tU~tn .,,. \\fhhke, L \\"~lrn I 1\1\·y~·I v 'hmarnh ~,.,,J N.\1\\ ~~hull . H \'\'(" '-4'1, J. l1mmt'1mdn R "-\If.kt; S. Trutt1'ci1jt. ~ Rubin L Ne1.1jo1h1 , A ~P111\M"' 1 µhn. I\_ R~t,t:tl..r ThuJ R"w R HuJt· I) ~·1111r1 S \\'olO , U l)l'h't11,.n l NA.tl1; 8
U.ueo1 ~ Luu.~. r lir1u"-c .... '•muh. C. r~" l.r-1 J s,.. "" r 1 lt-.... p. 0. ltu......11 " ~+hlf'ntwn.Lrr R ru.rr .. 1;·n.tu lou1th Rov. T Rl'"h"\I ,: \ lfu .. htn~nn 0 Kot-pwll. C H.uJ.. , () Rtt1..W£ C. ~ntkl ..ufl c;.,1J.ahl J_ NudJnrr '-\'"Ill "- Ln.d('lTl.al\ tii. "'-rtl lffnwn J l1nJc-m•n l ...... ullr J ~"''J.l R Bod«- J Nt>uj.th1 .._ \''oc~I 6 \'on "'•rln J M\M'n.Lh ~ RownNum 0 .._rvt)ttt l'•ill I ltnru.nwn JI... \\ .11t.hlf"
Symphon1' 8."lnJ_ fi1~1 Rn"' T l.i1hn . ..,_, Ruh1n t. Nl"lli••ht A '°'1'11AA" T *\'t'inb-,.it•n J fl.1ty1•t; l \\11tkC'JI \ ~hm•nJi <.~ c;p1cy,dbc1>j. t__ Aht""ri;,111 J Pa.. t StronJ Row· I f'"'6t'I. ~ ~10t1.1n;;tv, (;. ~tA1k1·, i., \\'c61'1•·1 T h.d1·w.ill. I .!lmm1·tm."n ~ I \\1·1·~ h. B.:-nd("J, S C"oOlnyo M t..-lc-nl. C ("~, 11 Kcibcl. C \-\fenha~c-n . J r.ln\.C"h c; J hlln1t1: R Zcnl..-1 J f 1.anl. Th1hl Ro~ fl &xlr D. Bernt<'f; S_ \\ll11fl J. 81.tun_ P. 1...mlt'- C. K1\)ll: L N•.111 J SonntnbUIM,. ~ 81.nu:rt: s Lultt'! J Spi•~·r; p ~h•t'"''-' .....,n,n1h,1l1 R ...U..~f J l1nJr:m.ui G. Ftn..'-1.·; r Ht'Up, ... 'im11h T Ntll r l.lhn ruuflh Row. K. Sc:hmiJc. T R1.,cow: K lt't1l.i£f.J i....1sp.l1 C f-l1rdcr: D t\Ot'p<;t<ll. 0 Rtt1lait R.~ntu~('l.1 t•un1. I 11tnr11 I. lu"bt...... 1 Gut-11. K Ktll T N1ti>uH.t; .... L1ndt:n111n. r Sord.lhl. K 8o1ur1 8 Van ';tt•in I Mu1·nd1 (). .._di 6_ Abrl L ~h.uko"' "- \\i'.tt\hlt f1£1h R11" C..1 t-...1mmut'll<'r J Sonnt<lg 8 Fuor!!>lt'n'1u. 5. Sthtril'ttrg_. 5 H~nb.1um. I "'c-u101l11, Pin( llt'Jm.Lno.on..
SYMPHONIC BAND Making Melodies
L Jenny MC)•t'r Uuue- \Vh lt'lt .11\J R1>.nn1t ~ hn14lndt Cln tht' Outl'')
!. Jon
~nnt.1,.: t.~lr'
.ur uf th,. ha....
Live From
S.nd rrol H«:rm.J'-t-Of\. Joh" K..l .. fMr. Randy Bode D•w R•t1l•ff Tlm R.io;to-w, O.an Tesch. Lori N..•i.. JOf\ Wnnt•ft. Jodi K•""""hob-: ~r. Lut?:" 0.1• K1u<~• P•ul Hurl.w R.d..l Ku.k~. Br...i. Von St.in. Julit linJ.,..11; Tim IC..<lilk. Ally.611 Spri;w I•- Mut11<ll; Slfvt 8i«lt11bfnAfl,
VtrOnK• SchlNn.dl. Btl.an ruitHJm•u
Play It!
• 1 O.al• k.~ fu!w I 1nJmwn ,,n;;j Tun ...,,,.,....,flr
k.J thr J,lrt h.and .n
.! Tim ~tal ..c- duuMn I~
J 1'..&rC'n 5math 4
J.o...,,. h,·r
rrr b.aAJ" fi-inp.1
'it"'"' 8lcJirnhrn.kl H•fhC"ntf.-1.... on thC' t1o.•r11 '"
The White Glove Test!
beginner~. Fir<:t Rowe Chtrlt Wt!h•uSot"n; J1nc WHlltz; K..urln.a Hu(e; &th Stc1rnh•gc.n; Ktl'itcn l.ot"fflcr *ond Ro~ Cindy Ut1nr1.1n, Sut' H1llmct. Lon P1n34!l, T•ny.1 J.i.nosek. Thhd Ruw+ Ondy Spit>gtlbtrg. Dian. Be-st. Lor~ Kof'f•rnus.
Btll Ch..mbt1. Flti-1 Row-Co1la fret; Carol Br~cmt'lnn; Kliten Klus. Second Row Sue \•V.tntQ(h; Shoron C:anvo; Ruth SpAnnagcl. RoSt>marre PMhin. Third Row: St!!ph•ni~ Schea:MrBJ Ten Zahn. Amy ~1ehncrl
lntf'TmtJ1.att tt...nJ~ll•. Fron1 Row: KlM fo1f'(ll No:rt"f'rt z.~tro"'' EU1ne- Hli1't- S«onJ Ro"' 01.nic.1 ~..... Btt"-y loft l . ~1u..un Wt~t«'nJotf ,
Pf'l&l N.u.h.. Thi.rd Row Anti
Chrit Btnntt .
·•· bl
Singing Praises To God
This year College Choir took a fifteen d•y tour to the western states to proda1m Cod's praise> In sons
T \.tntt~'·n J "'4•1l11 ~ Ru~h . It B'''lo;'\•,uJt. ~ lhnJrrc1 l \ol1 I k. Ut«'IU\\I; J M('Vf'f J Lin1.l~n1.1n l Bf·hln1r1 (" l 8u1.hhult. l A~I. J \'\'lll1u• t'. lt:1n,. J l\u1lli ~unJ Ru" l taJ)•. J li1nmt·1m11n.{, \Vtllt', J. \.\'Jntc-1, J' Rn~ln-.;.1n A /,1\lt-ll; A Z('11lt1 P <~1c,nlh,l1 I fuh1n111n H Tt'uh·bf.ot c; ~.in1murllcr 0 \'\'lt1r ~ G.invCl. R. p,,-hin K Krll ThlrJ l(ow R 8oJt": J Bu1nJ1 r llitllo.l,,tth. K Ho..1:n1'Aun1 l) "4.lut>e:Jt1, J NeujJhf J Zt.1mt1 I . LpJJlr. J. I k1ult~ ..un. J Mut"n1.l1, l) Tti•lh, M K"'°lpln. f 'Yt.t1l.!1 fou1th Rl>w 8 Abel K Lrhm.in h. Lurt..,:h. 1'. ~~·hmLJI (._ I hr... hm.inn I I UIHU k. \'\'i:trdfll p J (~rli.tl'l c; ltu-..i:nl-.1um. r ~nf.-.hl T K......ulke. r 2.d:hn D
~ho~L.•·g.el. ~ L1lii11J~11.un
ln·.,11· ( hnu I 1t ..1 H'''" () Hl...tu I<. I l.1tH 1, N /.4 ... ltO\\'. L lu<·Jt1 1 K ~hn•·1J .., C
/in~- ~
H.ov. J. ~hme11, h"I, l 11.tll. t Kllbt-1. 1'. ~n111h R Ot·nning~r M. ll'r.ilu J 1:!1h.•,;. J Ro,.l"f'llh.il I 8111<'1 C K1~l11t·1 ·n,11.I R<i'~ P H11111 I> l'hlhl''"· c.; N"I"''" k l 1tu.lrnw4JJ K °'h'h 8 K11:nll', ~ . \\lulrf. Jr\ (1t·uJtnw1,IJ; J. ~1.an1md . 1 /..ahn. l l1utth fto"' ti.. J.1n1~ N 6'1nt1 A lkqurn. K BttonMi•. M ~h.~hl". C l.0(!'"4'.h~ B R.l~ ..t·h. Ci \\f•nt°' h. I l.rhnr D. /11nmt1m11n I l(1h Row A 811·nJtlhl, B M.ulJ
t Lubt!1l1lrt, l I lt1nrh1ll . ..._ .,ltwl'tt, f( J•t:tt11n .. nn. l . l.ot1,,h, ~ Nt'uv.i11h. l \\!tlltn·· I> lrhm.1n . P. BuJi. Si'lllh Row. 0. Spr111n JI 1«'Khf"I L. \'\-'1ckf'ft, J. KinJc l l'rll:\'r. A W<'11f'll •C f1.lnl<'nM<'in C I l111Jtr. l ~IJl
S«i'Tnth Row I !\.11110 I' t l ub~.t1d 6 I lcln111 A Mrhnr11 A i.,_,uur. !' t:.ul,
Koc-pk1:-; T
tknJt1, A l.....1l1.. ,
Fre.lihm.a.n Women·$ Choir. Firs• Row: H Ktibtl; K. Rupptl, L Ku~kei T. YAnr_; S. Otcv. I. Ft.ank; N. Ht< id rich~ A_Cueonthtt; K. Lod'n'"r. Second Row: J. ~'illht; J, P~t. A Lin son. D Thompson,. J b.amtto A. Tropf; P Millet: T . Kilber: J. Andtfl>.Un.
Third Row· S. Blaut-rt. 8. Snyder; C. St•Jk~ S Llndcman! D. Ristow: S. Wt111t'.tj 8 Schmick; ~1 Menk. Fourth Row: R, Rl5oe111. K. Rf:'dlJn; L CNpman: V. Schm•ndt. J. Zlnk: D. IMueroF \\'uAt: 8. Rrnntr: P Ebtl F1fth Row: 5. Vaukiaueor: C. Wt:h;auS(!n: P ~rbing; K. Buft: A Hlr'ie'hmann: L- Pingt:l. C. Schultz; 5. Hillmer: R. Zenker. Sheth Row: R. Mundstock; S, Moungty, T. Kn•wall: T C..u: C. H<lwlg; T. Z..h.l, C. Smith; K. Word.U. S.Wnth Ro-., 8. Ru<h; LI.utbl<t: V. Dr:gner: L Ntujahr; K. Tetzlaff; T. Nl'll: L R11dlo(f: 6 . \ 'on Sctin
Collqst' Chc,nu.lt>, Fii'll !{,,,...,A 0.:11 S llcnh1t [. f..:,u1tr, 0. "•w;tn'll,i'\. l Spc-idel R Spannagel. S. ~nt. t. Rttdi<"he.1; D. OrC'\'V~ S.. Kc•ni.ch. SttonJ Row (~. l~(l(!r-ning. S. rt' t~t. J. Ko!.l u~kt. M. N.s1h, M \'V"l"'s, C.. l!1f'dtm.ann; J n~; C Sam~ K Krutg.cr: S. lucJtko: L Aff"fldt. ThiTJ Row S Kau~h; 8 Tllamsen; M Uh1ch K. Linde-nun. S Zlmmtt1n.11nn: K Klug; R S..:.hw,1nJ1; l. Z.chow: 8 Doflgt't; J. Vahlt'. Foutth Row J. EcSltn; C. Kotllt'1. A. \.-VIC"busch, C. M.ann. A. TOfgti"Or\, \' Cun.den.on. L M.lllt'. R Sicgll'1; G l'rOC'bc1; C. St-h"t"-i>w Ftf1b Row. K J.ferm•n1 S. lehn~t: Kri\ Rlxlhn; L. P'llcn..,Ly~ A M\'hntH l;.. c;1.,Jl,1 L ~hub C. Fttlt; D. A-.~gt' ~xth Row M \\'r~ 1endo1(, 0 Ru5.!te11, T.Schuh.t;S. \.\'egner. S. Be)"!n.dotf, T RockoH. B Saege1 8 Pt"tt>rffn. St-\•cn1h R..,w J _Odlk.it J 1\t)('llt1, T Ei,,cnm.nn; P bhn; 0. Dom son: T k..i111ow P. Juhn. Eighth Row. S. lu11.e; C. H..;J1k.t-: t Zt'btow..li John l\11!')'t't: K.. Bauer K \\'hltt C Lutbhto, L Si:httM!dtr Ninth kU\.\': J. St«hmann K, Price; B. Hd~;:g;J. F,ali:l, D. M•lk&z•f; StC\I~ f 1it:r.1". M \"llnkler
Q.,pcl Choi1. fitJ>l Ro"· t. f J.,ytt; 0. C.uldm.an: J K11mmhok t-... AltrrgotL R Dolbtry1 C. Kroll, f Ncoldnt'r K. 5tc:IJ1N·1,1e Karle \.\'.iuhkt'. Srrond Ruw~ T l•nlY.>tk; C.. Spi•·~el l Ott~ K.. NummtonM"n: S Brkkh.imi A Schult7. J 81rJch\'o<dil, S. Schet7bcrsc C Bauder. K. R\lgottkr. Third Rll\'I': K Schr04~"' 0 Rrt1l;aiH: D R11J:lan; P "ch.ou.:~" J Spangc.nbtrg; D . T1..cy; J Sonn~nburg; R. ~mhh: O. Knu••tt'r. A. Uh.ti. K 8;a1lard. 8. f uf!"•tcn~u O. Citorg~ \\'. Ste1nbrrg,; J Rad.tt1111: R ~nttlc; T lellnv:r
DRAMA CLUB Stars Of The Stage Ob10<tivc to provide tht student with th• opp.>rtunity tu u"' hi< God-given talent .. Offirtr> Kevin l04?r>eh (Pres.), Loi> Abd (\',P.), Jenny Meyer (Sec.), C.ula Free (Tru'.) Main Events; CINDERELLA, trip to MSU for I ll)IJLll( UN THE ROOF, >pnng play DlATllTRAP
Or•m• Club, Jenny Ml')'t'l . Kc-"1o'1n lU111·t~\h l.t•ol'I "-'"""\h {,,rf,, ffl"r. loJtt Allf'l I rhf'tt· A1<E m,irr 1h;1n fn·1• n1tn\lo('1<ill
Ob1..:tht to Jevclop •n •ppredotion for tht rnusiul htrit•gt of McJi•va!, Rtn•i~~ncf', and ~•rly Baroque •11~ by performing the music
with .luthtntic inl,trume:nt5. Officer'· Ten Z...hn (Pres.). Ally•on Sp11gg> \V.P.). Kris Ahergott (Sec. -T re••.) M1tln Event• DMLC Ren.11~~.mle
performances at churches, NWC Lyceum. Boars Head fta•t , Turner Hall ; hom\.·c.um1ng lUOll'Tt r10 ~t lHk.1 fir ..1 RilW tori ~.wu K11' Altngoct U1hy $c.11l"' Sr.:unJ Kow J,Jy o.l1lat .\nntttt Hlrwhm.tnn All)'101' S,uu" fC'rl Lahn_
Th~~tef ·c Oc-b R1)1:'"1nhl1J1. T.1mmlr 'i .ln$ttrn; Tt"rl 2.ahn Ekth Trott'btrtr: K..11h\• T<t1l.,ff, 8\•tli Soi. hmkl.. Lortie Sdiult. Llurtie LhPw; Ulen Mt:Culluush· ~Llry lcwlo;ton T"1n Li!i<"Tinlann. Olyn \.\'llkt'n..; Lori PinJO;d. 1· K.uen \.\'o,JelJ18r;ld Ahtl: Phil l.lhni K~ith ~h1ot'drt; Nllr~n Z..i.uow. Al Uht1 Lurrv Schum<>cht'1. Otb Uhlhom. K.iJJC':n Kt:ll. Scott Wl'grt•J Ruth Dolbtv; T1unl'n)' "1br1
Childct"n •
Tom \\'c:IC'h .anJ l.o1or; Abel 'dran\.-IU<' .u 1hc Hcni11 ..wn1.c f,1frt• .
CHILDREN'S THEATER: Not For Young Eyes Only ! Objective: to gilin experience in drama >uited for children. Officer<: Deb Uhlhorn (Pres.). Teri Zahn (V.P.), Terri Ei.enm.inn (Treos.), Beth Teut•b<irg (S«.) Main Events: Christmas caroli ng, Ch1istmas ski1, SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS
018an Oub, fntit RtH\ , 01.lnt fl(l..1u. lmny Epple; Sara [rl.\nd ..~n; (k.(-J...y Sic:)lln: Trfi L..thn. St-.;ond Rov." J~hn K.o--.-n~t', Cr.ilg Hlr<Khm.1nn. Annellt' tlilkhm411nn. c,...rn !Ummuel1flr; R<l'M!'marie rt-chin.; J•nr Klndl.
Objective: To stu.d y various aspects of the organ
Officers: Craig Hir:.ehmann (Pres.): Troy Yerks (V.P.); Sara Erlandsson (Sec.-Treas.) AC'tivities: attend recitals. visit organ com-
panies; sponsor performances by famous organists
ABT CLUB: Student Designs! Objective: To explore various actistic media Officers: Becky Uieck (Pres.)
Activities: exploring techniques with water· color. >•lllng Christma< cards. working with own desired media
Juhn l•h CJUl.lliOf1
S.W.lft lwr
Arihur Schulz
S.tb.> ... L.oepold
Rollind. Menl
Rub.tit StollT.
o ......id \\'cmdlcr
Ge-raid J.teob-.on
Richard Bu~s lngH..,h
Arlen Koef.tlcr
LeRoy l.c'vorson
rrolr-ssor ltru, l dan t tlunk th•l is coru.idettl.l propet dassroom •ttirt.
M.1.rlln SchrCK'der
MPrton &:hrOc'dt"I
)vltt'r Wath~trnlf:!
w.. 111,i ~1c-yt'I
lnJ a.u.1
Mi.1,k Ct 11
MUSIC JuJ1th Kitt tut k•
()tto Xhcnlo.
Run•1J Sht111ng
C.umllh•tl J1~ 1'l•yot hi .. ,m.,.filng l'H·w ~1utli1
llll!'Odo1\" li:.lrtwlg
Rt! 5c>.. Stu.lit• Ch•itm.itn
Orlm.l1 flrlt It.
Ct'Orgt" I'"' lm"n
M+lrvrn Mfih.ad
John Rur,;•
Loi~ J\bc-1
Lynn"" 6"1un
F,nt A1li.1mon,
)UMilU \ \
ChU,.llnt' bii.~I'
\! fwAiil.tt \\ (
\\.1tr11own. \\I
~11 ...HI
lv..lyn 81udh.Jtt.-n llondurl. \\I
fond Ju l.K WI
Br•nd• BodcN•'" Ulm. MN
5h.-11 AJ..u,r.ht t:knt•1n J1... ~, Ml
Juli.- lk11"m.ann \\•u,...tt.:tu \\I
11<1!. g,...,., tlu.Und. \\I
"1 I
RtN-c'"• 81N"n\lcond,1 l:lt·n1on tl.ul...11 f\11
fl.1lcl•r-'(' C"r.alo ~1'(""41J\.pt \\1
8.uba.111 Lul11-r,.11d1 \\ Olt"""1> ~\I
A;l;l<toe• \\l
liw fi~h.tor 0.hko-h WI
Omn ().a¥f." Ann Arhm ~ti
L..,...,J trrlt MN
[l.anl• II.If« l O.hl"'h, \\'I
le"fh t. L.c-1 t
llrwnJy F1atJ1n!.
Crttnf\"IJ \\":
l'lu:ip 11... u ....i. ....... l'ho MN
R.«-hC"llr E}1IC"tt ~L1odho0n \\'l
COrllltW frl'dnicl..WJn tt.....s..... 'IN
o.i... .....lJ,., Bvl•<t AZ
J•ni<e- i<i...an1 MN
w,_ t I '"hnunn
l unlCP Kt1.11N.nn &ngar \\J
J..i.ilw•ultc' \\l
Ttut 11.oll
K.'"1 1-<ll
AmMy \\I
\\•ttft°""n \\"I
.\nn lln1 ..un.tn \\'I
Rt'l"l'tC' ._,llJl ~rm "'-*sin•~ Ml
,..1i11n1u~dl .
OtN11.1h l lo1nrl Prlur l .-lrl,,, MN
J11nt-t Ksru.11 ltetn Mount.un
lull• 1.-.:ob flr.-wr l'l•m \\ 1
lltt.tbf.th f-k1n•tl
Jo1n,.1 lo.:CW'Ui:r
\hlwaultt \\1
lvnn ~u.c-ra \\'ooJl.nJ. \\.I
lticonl' \\I
Cwt>n K.ammurllrr \\"•uL.~N \\'I
Don•IJ .._o&.ndr1 Aprlr1on \\I
\ 1cl
r1t'mon1 \\.I
R«"P«l• l.Dti: ~. Arrlrton \\ 1
.R ............,~, h-llh-•ultt \\ t
J t.:»W11•1J11 Crow \\'I
Ca...ttt Kolbow \\ •ln1'1wn. \\ l
rn..ho1 M
~" l.oi-tt<h
St P.auL t-..1N
Amy K.urhn
l<l>Q. MN
R•lwl t\t•rl1 Crtt1~.
f..,tucw v.ni..(' f•ll•, \\I
..._u,._ Kr•mrr N~
l.t11t\.\ hr1
C1ttnlf'"I \'\I
LIM M.t11< C'hllton WI
Bmd, l~I
~.alJ lln~Si.m..--
Applrh.wi ',. r
Jut., Moolln
Rvbrr1 ).WJrwn
N•w Lim.
Brooklyn Cm1n !\.l:"lt
Jowph ~lnnn Nrw Llm MS
• .
&. .".f
Lori Nut1 \\1
Sut.11n M.ltun
Nt"w Llm
Lomita \\'J
RI, h.lil Nd>!• tlu•ttWord \\
Amy ~!cbnnt !by City Ml
J.am1.,. Nnij&ht ~rrl<•on. l\I
f1.onl.lln. \\I
tin.I. P.Jon<l< ._..,._City MN
Orl Cnol \\1
Schlc f'.lnt.uan ~•ulrt- \\'I
\\•tnlO\o\n, \.\I
Rohnt Rt"bnto \\ ood l..oL:, 'IN
\\•tt'fh•wn \\1
~11._1....1"1 .k11h'"" \\.euw.u..,.,. \.'\if
N-w..tUllf'f', \\'I
O.b1• !..ii II ng
Ulm RuhUnd
Al•tl.. 50
""'' ,m.. 1,1
R.""""' ,..,..u Jilit10.
!'Niu.I Sd..t.an,
.._vii ROHnNum ~ln.IW Ml
f~l\t<Uro ~htt1rhhrl
l t y.. 1o1I Rut~ll \\.1ul..1'••1n IL
I·•""' Rt>;.fllth11I \\'ci,t Br.ind, \\'I
lrN'm.111. '!-0
Al,,n Xh•itn Nrw Ulm. MN
• O..wrt Ru<t.wfl ~.to:Jo<u• MN
rhOC'nl'. AZ
SanJro1 S.:b.lrnn.a..1 ti.t.. nllto
kr1th -...:htorMt 1'..iAllMfU \\J
"'·u"n ~e~ll
~t.rund..lt T1rr"~"
1'..,,,",, <.h,rn.,rn:l"' 1{1;'111 ~11lvr.:.. uk.ft'
l i..n "'huh
Iron RAJ~ \\ t
Juli. '-"1•'1!1 Gr.1nJ rorlt NO
,. I
IUnar S...hv..10J1
lvJ1• ~pt'lltl
\'\'.at<"th•wn SO
A~hipp11n ~\'I
J11,•n ~,f,~fr• hurlinji1h1n,
810..:r ~hw,ul ~t.nlt1.1 ... 'X \\II
king t1u1 ~/('II) Ko~ll.ll'ln H11ng ..:untit
Zum~"""' MN
Clwryl T .i.~11
tlrn1v C:.hoor Phorn1\, \l
,._irtibt-11(" Scr1n~fa;
Nrv. Ulm. \.1N
L.auri \.'olr CN.u"UtM \\'I
k11n r.1kt NrYo1 l..llm, ~1S
Amy \\'mnl MmA>lw \\1
Oun Tnch .;\;>rfci.in, \\"I
k,1U1n Jlmn\
Judy \\o'M-trrh.tut
\.\'t'k.J Lil" f\.1N
W.ltf'rh•--.n \.\'I
K1 jqy l'\'a•~hkt' Bliint f\.1N
l>tPcH11h Ttwt Ntw Ulm ~1N
O.n ,., .. ('y
JuJv \\turl
J.,Hir1ti0n. \VI
!.1.1 ....,,ui..rr \\'l
T.uu:r... ~' cgn#'I' "•• ()yM. \\ 1
Dmi<I Thi•I !ti.:"' Ulm. MN
r>irni,ci \'ult
Phu.-n1 ... AZ
lr....&1ct1 '" h11t•«'f
lN1k.:tr Zukr1'ir1
J.tnkt' \\ lntrr Ot"$". Ml
~11tt111·.1ultt, \\I
°". ,.
lllvn 1\1ll<n>
,,...~, l5nW \\'I
\ \ JUp.K'.11
C .lo11.1nn1. \Vut• ~\o'•1.1~.11ue.1.
]Phil Uht'""'"kht Nl'w Ulm, MN
J.-.1n Ou i ..tm..m Ortuno1rL. \\'I
S<>nr• o..11
lDrn Z..nl Juncoau \\'I
81&.n \\: 1llumt ~"" L"m. "'1N
hllbroal CA
JOC" ~1..<.h_ghy
1.-l"' City, I ll'><:ONTINUll>. SPny,;i Ou(( t:.tr<v~·n Rf'mmd~
K..rrn \\',,lff r.rJ.ttvdlt" \\'I
Bru~--. ~hv..ul: K.lmPrrlc ~!i'1nh.-'B \\'c,I~ Strinbrrg
Tnw Mt1h1
M1.Mt·nH Ml
Mno>h> WI
Timothy r....., \\..,St. Poul \1'1 Rtuu11.rft. Lho, M'1
T .Xhl.lk-11 ~111~.tulu·t". Julit- \\'1ll1t1 '-r11111L \',11l~y . WI
\'\'Miry 5tt'll\f1ttf8
N\•w Ulm.
1WO Rivrlti \\'I
3 • :. o
Rt-nilr S-.hw.11nJ1 J..~n 11.iul'nch, 4nd other luppy gr~J.. Pr.:o.. idtnt f lut'bnrt rl'.nlt1 off thr \'...JI., ~.anJy 5'-llornn.11ut'T pl..l.)''i the rolt of 1-IOQt tn Sn('lw Whuc Rollin Ttmm gotthcr• his l)t!lonKing,. Pt()f Jt.:idd.Ht 1."tlngr.itulatc;;. Tam Pit'pef Jt.tnt\t' M.sttl"'141k 1.ikt"!> theo ld!.~I of( hrt cJp.
' • I
' ... __ !'
.,..·• . ~·
.. .
-· j
Stntor Cl•~') Officer-., Clt'rif\ l).iivt~ (Pr"".~ T:tmmy Wegne1 fTre.a.-. J. Mitch S...11"...J('I (VP J ~11tJ.ins Cuky kubin (Stt_l
1. Kf.'vln Kutt - lt>val bbkietball (J.n !. Mvin LOC'r"Ch on h1~ vi.•.ay to lund1
JUNIORS The Year Of The Lesson Plan Lt>ft'f\W AJ.lV
Conn1t' Bc'luc:r .._.r.m Be.du
Ll.,..,1 Ekhlmct Rtn"' llrlonfll;i
Kirn Bi:nd•·r Chn ..unc- fk.nrit•ti
•\Jett' Bcrgrtn N1n,, Btfnvr 6c•n\lrr
''ilU Ut~n.Jorf
t'ittr fhnll RJ.. l1tl &.w~w;,.1Jt Kn•ltn
J«mH 8ranJt Sr\•t11v
e, ...,.ow
C.n-uJ 8r6Jl'm;11nn
~.uvn 8r ~5"" 6uc.hbc-t~f!(
h'n.athan s,ant..ow..kr. Dime 8u1o~ Corifll CaJy Su ....an
Sh.nQn Uri Soindt.a D.avid.,..1n Juduh t)pllli;1t
o.n.rl °'1hn•nn Adeott'
Stth.11\V Oodgf'"r T"mn1y Dunn J11n~
R..,~11 F.iv~Hc
P.ltri'"·ia fill:w·1 M<lrv Frltu
5lq)hen fnm f 1.intil>-k.l. fuhrm1n
Shas..,n C"Nnyu T.tmA.J.1 Cl.t.,.'(brC"nnt•r
J...,t1 Ct~""
'<1t...1t G\11\d.rr.!o(lft
I vc Schrocdt't colptut('S tht' 1l~n4lo;S.lru:e mood 2. Pille.up of rompons. J, j('ff Sp1a"3t'1 ... bo!Td .n 1he footl~U gamt'
L>i.inr l••hm.an
c .. ,...t Lt•in•
Julll" l.1nJ..m11n Ch•~
l1~ lu"'dtJ..t' ~1.th l.urdt~ t
0.-\it• Luluiwn jQtl M.111'-'L 8'-""rly M,-<;:l1n1~':' i
ElJt"n l\.1,'('ullnugh ?\.11·~~1
MatvE.lli:n J•~nni.h·t
~nJ1.1 N~11wl11h Rcbt~c• Ndmmt•n"rn M1rh~l~.ah
Soni'1 (}Jd1r
Am)' rappenl U!ofo
r . . 1...-r~n
Jo~l1 PilPn.tlo..
Ka•• Poc:h!Jft PtDl.'hc1
1. Tum Wrkh l~!ld" 1ht> dit.'«!1 l Juniot Art"'·otk J. KC"Uh \Vntdtll In ,·onlctl
lllrll R.l1.h~o
K...!,ttn R.u"n1cl Kri~tin
Ch1·ryl Rtne> D•vi,.! Rint ~athl.-t'n
8!..tif §(h'""' 5trph•nlr ~hci1rbt-rg
5.ar.th Xh1mming D.tv~d
Scott SchrttUl..11-.:h
a1 ..~beth ~hnt~Jr1
DniJ ~hrord"t
Amy S;hultr )tlir"Y S. hnlt•
L1J1"l St.hull
John Stb.ilJ
u1,. s.1d1 l.lor;a 5\tbert Rr~..:a ~qgJcr
).;.·""" S.m.ith 0.Jvid S"ydcc
• • •• •
•• • •• •
Amy l.1b<ll
llirtl"l'.a l.Ahn Non....·n Z,11.110'" Gtt.. IJ Z..-.-mc-t Arinirtte Zt1l1,.,
Su1o.. n 7immC"rm•nn NUT PKl liRED,
Oa\·i.J Al1hoff Kl"••n 8,lllirJ &:1th.1 Bit~
Shton}' LlnJ1ol1•n.d
Dl'i<:ONl'INULO !)httry tind•u.lnJ t:oi)n.,unlt Mill,t Stt<\'Cn 8.un" AJd.t" Srtgl'C'n ltr~•C(il Nnmm,.\"'('J\ Bt'itil.t 8Jt:bt-J £11<n !o.1JI Ot.1nt1 Bu"" l\f'lly Thlc....i:n Tam•r.1. Gl.at.c,.btf'nnt-r
Murubr..oc.L; NJ,1ml K.tpp
Nl)J PICTL RlD Tunothy Schuh
I I O•vt: t\hhoff mode:! .. hh U!:JA 1ohh1 M1._ &rnt>, tri ~ n o1 10 Ji...tf'n ol" the Snow t..:..u ni\·,11 Coutl m1•n ~ ttn;•Ji:. ~.
... ~
J u ni~t Cli. .. ., O(ficcr" t-.111thl'"' \'\'in Lier •V Pl K.im UtnJ'°r !Sc(· • Koui:n Klug IT•t•" ).,Jim Bt.inJt 1ru.·~J.
The Year Of The Credit Load! l ynn Af!.td1 Scoll Aniont1ti
Mu:hdl• Arndt 06'(n• -~~--e
C.ndy 8-< l'lwm.t• e..n......i..
S.nJr• S.nd KAr"' 0..rtKh
c rnu1i. s...i..,. ~'' Bo1ucr
\vond.i Buudin
JonAth.an Bted(lnbn\dt'r Coru'I Sip Svc Bl•• 1.i ~nJy Bo.lo
l " t'Vin 81.k h <'RICl'Yl' 1h(l'l.f funh1 ! Phil Stnn - guilty 1-.f ·Hnt-hey·ih+-
Robin BoJ.,. ratrid• Bodi
Cknd• Bolcktn J11y B1•JtJ..~ Jtnn1m Br•un Su1:11n Brll:t..h..m
G.yl• Brown K~v1n Buch Pa.triel• Bur•u rQ('t 8utmt'l,.ta C:.ryl C.dy
s1..o.th c.rn.
s~Jn CU;ul~
Androo 0,.lf
Julit' De-tjl'n
~UMn ~bbcl.li.lcin
ltHrcy Dern
O.inlt'• Orc-w1o
Terf'S"• Or01111:r Tnri
&.rbAtO fi"ht:r Ch11)1iur F1..an'u.:u.11t,·1n
C.rl• Free
lYr«"n fceoJenw•ld
K..i.1h1yn Fnwdi:nw•W Scott Ftiut
811.-n F\arnt.rn•u Guv l~•!i' Vf'rn.on Gmtelc:
s.,, Canu Rielu1rd Good•U Strphtn Cr"nbctg Oi11l.a Hanttl Cyn1hlo Ha:rJ.et R.entt t-Mth.1r
[lalnt l-layet.
M.uy Held 0.th H<lwig
Ann HtnHch J4Jl'l'"' H"rmc~on Pa~J
K.thl'Vll Hindnrr G1n4 Hoernlng C.uo!Ytt Hoppt
P•ul Huntct Uivn•e-n Ja-gec tc•nnc Jrru1en
1. o.,n,ca 0 1c:M and Mlt1.im W"1cndorf •w.1it
h:tUt lit lh" R.rruiisun1;(' r.tlf'I!.
2. Phd Pettnn•n n 11how-. qi( thol >mllel
tM 11nginK of 1ht'
o.- Juli...
Daniirl ~m•yrr
Ll<nld ~II Mvln Kelltt
r.ut 11\tln,
M>rl ..,.,"'" O.vid """-ndn ""'""" 0.vld Jo Anrw K0tlow.~w &fth.. ny Kr"nk• K-,1rm Krucg1n
Philip Kruq:tt
Cl.ta._.h kU1ShJ Pcm Ku•l,, ThtTl°W lt'hnl' M.try l f'Wl'tCOn Jtl..an•n l1nJl'mfh
loci l.om<h Clutln Lu.bl:.. 0..Ud LOW<l S.11.t I utn Timl\fhy M~K.i1n Carol M.tnn
l. 5'.I:' Ntlt-Of\ com1"mpl.atH the ~ort of 1h .. N•lr.rtNU I'm«' 1. J«I R..Jueo •1\J Phil ...._turgt>t optt.t1~ lhl' ;outtd ""l'"'lrrn .tt tht fU(1t~.ill
0.AniC'J !\i.t1i..s1af ll<lh M"'I David ~tr.n, Lcti 'lr.n<lt
John ~1C'bo Brl1n ~hOcT
tl.1.+1rg.11tt Nath L;,uunor N~.-..ori
Notldnt-r l.dw•rd Nl)l)'O ~C•tL Olu loulsrOu
lrtd~11~..\.; P11hmt-1t11 S1ttn11~h rrl~r
r•h111r P"t"11n.ann l.Aur• P,.1.rr• 11\om•s Pl•th
Lotl ...... ti.th RMtch Uuri" R.dKhcl Collcm R..J1~< Jo.l R..d..,.
O•ni('l lt•g.n
Guhuln.t R4uKh 5hrryl R.111,1Kh
David 1U1rl•ff Timothy Ri~IO\v
P11ul• Ro.,.1n"°n
O.bo,.h Ro<mh1ld1
Brt:nd1 Rolf
Scevtn Ro~b•um OWiKhl SandV<lld Ann S•U<'f
Brrnl Sch.1rh1
Chtii;Ona ~..;nlow Sbtll~ 5.;-henbtrg. Sc:.hla,.,,,nc:~y
11,eith Sd1midt K.ano-n !k:hncldf't Edward Schnwdtt
Amy Schult1
,,,..,kl• S.huiu l.orit": S.-huh
PRul SctlVtt Cath.ct•n" S«hrl,.t
1 Doan Kc-II - du: pool pio! ? Sttty C.rtrr blocks thr spike
J.. P•ul Httrlan tries not to look lnttits.u:d
l1.1inf" 5~Jltt Phl1~p St~rn
Brwnd.1 Thom )4mn n~u
M.,y Ulrich J1i1l1.. Un\.~
Troy Ycrl• Llurlt> l.kho"" r .. 111 Z.hn Th1,01hy 7A·lhnf1 Ot-.., .. Zl:tnmcrm1n J.int Lm1M1 run
C•1ol~ lJn\,; Ronnlt' i'..orllner
N\)7 rJ(ll,~ LU lohn Qu1n1 m>ro~m~11.
O.ru.l l!tn4r MlrUru
8odJ ••• llf.odtl• h 11rufn lir•un (,.,.yko Br""""
(il:M Offk'e111· C.1&. f'rtt~l Srth \\'rnJJ..nd(irut..I; RAndy Uod~lPcn.t """ S.wt '" r_i.
"'"""' it.attn
kt1-.1 tfchrn\eon
P i1Uk.V
Da...-n Ja!Un
~U\<11n (
8rrnJ.1 R~t All.an ~h~cimf!h Wrl->."('t.A $muh
Dank! L""k
I N0: I don I lnot\ v.h"'" "' J,lrn Pl•th • mou1hl ""''
!.. l~uy <:0.•t •nd John Ci.sltr pul ur v..1\Jt"yNll .'.' ~'~""' Gr.mbr.rg.·1 mo.lcl 1tud')• po!>it111rt
. -..,.
'-1 1
FRESHMEN: The Year Of Free Time! Br..!ltv Ab.I Lind. Al~houw Krlt Ahtrgou fuJ11h Andrt..an
l'rl'r K-11.a;ani f(4(hel O.t1\ft
lltwlicth 11.oU<r K.rl IN..-r
Jill U.bow S.ndu ll<rg
s...... Bl<d.nbmd.r C..IGI Birl ho!a
Gt"15 Bulr..hob: Svunn~ u&.ut1'l
Ju.lot!• Bl<i<h•hl IJttty 8u1tt0W Str\'•"n
t).-viJ Uruttt"•
K.atrJru Sufr Su-..n U<iil
0.1•0,.1ine COOJ•t,>t Von~ Dl'gn•t
Rlllh Dolh<i·
r,w £b.1
01nl'l rmt.l...fl' J11.nlcr f 1.ink
l..llUll'I t'l~t
Uurw G.ugt>1 Ron.1tJ ~ntrl«' Robyn C,.,\.ln$ Tri"h• ~tz
O.:ho,.h Goldm•n
i•m•rA Cr.iy
Q,rn.J. Cmhn Amy Gutnther N•flcy 1d~ri,;h C.:.uot Ht"lw\M
•t ..
f'.11ul11 Hrur
.,. J
"-. t The offici.-l t'nding of thto lnitJalion. i D11b KrAlli!t gr-ts tho ··ntw look" from Dawn Rt..row. 3 . Charlrne Huennl!t t'njoys tht' privacy of hn room
T.-mau Hill Suqn H1llm('t Annr"ttr Hin<hmann AHit1tift HDt'wl9oth
Ch•tlrnt 1-lwattna T .any.t JAnc»dt
Pltlllp John
Jodi K.unmholt John K..i."P-"t HridJ l«:ibtl Ann KL.it
Mith K~ntll
K•rl.t Kr..a.uu Tr.a.-y K.rirl\·"ll ContUl\f~
l<.ro11 Dal• !\,rutgtr
1..t.nd.i. Ku!Skt R..:hcl 1'WLL..• Joy t..lth Angr.l.1. Uirton Cynthla. Wmn.n
Jahn uHo
J-.fJcbrllt Li.ndf!Nnn Kra1cn lotftlft lau1• LUtblc 811.tn )1.1.auutt Anne M1·1h•1.:"lrl.1111• M'"'\r;
John M....,
~1 lllrr
P•hk I.& \.t111, Michtll1• Mnung.t'Y Robin MunJ1-io.J.. Sh.tton Mundt
lJt1.1l'li!th N"htlng Chth11n.- Ntll ear. ltN N~jihr
Don. Oe<hln
Pt1rr Ol1.,..1 TroY P.1pt IAll l'tft#I Juli> p.., Beth Pran~ K.. 1lt.1•rn PrUK4
Carol Bu"-hult lrfl 5'1nntnbutg, anJ f>ttcr S.g.an1 t'ftl''Y tht f~ltb.UI K-o1mr. i. Julit floo.1 ttAlhn Rohln !;olomun • nt·v.· v.-.1y tu pl ..y pool J Ch•·lm«- Hur11nr1 iLnJ fllC"nd Jo'"°"'' "tudying
f•m.n R&JJ.iti Lynn Klidlof1 K.a1J1 kdlu\ 8eclM fl.nrwt
Thocnn Sduw S...huruchtot
Wdli.tm Slat< )i..rholH\t Si11trh
Btth O.:,nydf'r fo'n~ln
Jeffrey ~tu'trnh1,.n3 Pl·lttr Sord.ihl c""'nni" ~r•estt
Cyruhl• Sp••s•li...g Cathlf"tn litar'-.t St-th Stc1 l'\lu111;en
~th"""' T~ttl.ifr Ouren.11 Thomrtori frlrvtn Tuwnr Angel• T topf A.Ian Uhc-t o;"-..,.t\ Vauhautr
Sn·nd11 Vun
~Ott W,tM.nrr ~tc-\o1'TI \ \1ehe1 Chtt~e \\fehAuo;m
Sb.Tan \.\.'emn fant
li\Attn \.\1,1tdtt'1 Faith \\1utrot The-rer.a 'Yanl' T:imo11r112A~l
l'hlllp Zahn Juli~
l. St~,·~ 8icd~nbc:ndet
plAy" th•1
tune. 1. Joy w,h modrl~ htt nC!Y. •\\'t.&ltl
J . Dave Ru<1I t.tk~ tlm~ 01.11 in the Jl.,llT)C'IOOJf\.
Crai~ Zlhro~ll
l>lntt Zin~
r,.ul.t I Lruk OJn Jtl.tth Ahd.i Rutt• KJttl'\
Heb«,... \ .1Ut1t>k•_·y
Al.in B1th•r
A11Jti;v. 1-t\....;n"kt"
Tammy K1lbt:t ~.u l l'•rltt
Ur.-Jh·y ~1d't•
r.1ul St• uii Jt'IJ11•y Zwi(k
DISCONTIN l lill fkbow 0.1 ..id Btu('!l.kt
lohn "->·p.u O.nl.a Kr•H>-> f'.;H;ici• ,..1lll4 Ste<v1•1\ \\'t"l-tr
11 1
1 M.an gf the I-lour - Skip Su:mt'r!
:- Juhn K!!Oppen
IAI..('~ "
bu:!11li.. fJ'1!m chr dri:â&#x20AC;˘dt:d
1 Frc,hmtn fn their ft« dmel !Robyn Qi1hing; St1t' Hillmcri Nancy 1lcidrrich; Ch.ar1et'l~ Hut!ttner; Ro1'.•n.nt' Risen.; K&rcn V\1ordtU) l. Rmt'f Bdnngla: &tt:itl' a look J . Rollin Timm tt'l:.XH with wmt' rnunch11:1s
Abrl 81•dley 111 &. 5', •2. b7, 10.
111><1, 1.oi• uv1 .,, "'" '•
Abrl. M.ar11olu (I\') 2'9. 7o A.da.y. Lorenzo (Ill}'-"'.> Aff.JJ1, Lynn (Ill o< 07 Akrigln, Shrnl' {IV) ~* Jl, 7o Al-.hou'lot', Lln;I• tit I~ Aht'cg.oH. Krl t. fl) $2, Yl, o5, Ob, lQo
Alihoff. D•vld 111119•
Andcrt,on. Judith (J> oJ, lOo An1~nt1ul. $.rou tll) 1o, tn ArnJ1. Mi<h•lle lllJ 07 A-.w~~t'. D11yna. HU
.... ""· rr,
B 8Jg.iir,1, Pt'ttt (I) 10a
8.ill>l1d, Kt'\•ln (111) o5
Bamt'. C1ndy tll) o... ffl B•n.isn~. Thom.a-. Cfl) '17 &.reru, Beth (J\.') 'JO
8ullft, !Uch.J Iii IOo Barn~.
StC'Vl'n (l!ll 90
CvnahlA Oil c.S, '¥1
S..rtC"I, s.,,nJ,.. ill) C>4, q; tMrt-.<h, K.l1("ft ell) (fJ B..1uer, Br@nd.1 UV) SO. io S..uer, ConniC' (Ill) .U. qo 8,u,., Ell...1><1h (I) OJ. 10<> B.a~r K.ttl ti) 57, tM, 106
BrNif!nJlck. O.-nir,l UV) 1t> Bremer. Stewn (II 'Zb, U • .l3, tOo Brrnd11hl. Annrltl.' (IV) 63, ?o Btlt"kh•m. Su~n 01) oS. ot' B1h~. K.ryn (Ill) 91 Br4;Xfh.18""· E~l1n tf\~ 1o Brown. C.yl• (1119'!
B.-ut>t, Kun (U) 8, •8. 49, 59. Q'/
BcauJin. Y\'t\nd.t. 01) 2-<>, JJ. "1 llel>ow, ) Ill (It lOo Bec.ki!r K•u:n (Ill) 90 R,.htm ..1 1 (lllJ o2.
Brue;.l(', o.vid HI IOo
flt1<h. Kr\'in Oil 9t' 8uchbt1ge1. Stth (Ill) 5J. CJJ Buchhol•. Lisa (l'I) 02,, 10 6ufC!, k.alrlna (I} 00. ol. 107
Belons,t.i. Rcntc Ori) 4o. o3, ~ Bl'nder, OJ1niC'l tll} '17 Bender Kim (UH ti'.!\?. oJ, oO, Oo Stnn.ett, Chrlstin.r (IJJ) ol. oO 8t1u..el. su~n (I\') 7b Stirg. M•11ina (ti) 91 S.1g S.ndr• ti) M. 100 Sr~ttm•nn. Jullt" (JV}«. 76 S.1gren, Adel< till) o3. oO lktnC'r, N1rui (Ill) 63, 90 8t'1n(t'r, Diane OUJ 5o, S'J, Q(I ~1. Di•n11 (10 <12. 00, "1 Sey.1.Jo1r, 5<011 (1111 11, ... 90 Bn~~f. Bertha 1111)
Blrdcnbc-ndtt. Juno11h.;an (II~"· BiNrnbcndl't. Reh«r:• (IV) i6
Bunk<Jw>kt', Jonath•n Ull) 9J But"IJ, P!ltrle'i~ (11 45
H1.1tme-i1<tt-r, J0t-I Bu~1..
28. lJ, Q8
C.tll.1way, Su ...an 11111 q1 Carl. Sh•ton fllll 11?. o.3 01
sa. 10e
Btnl.t. P1iuy (UIJ 11, 3J., 63. <JO Birkholz.. Utrol Cl) 10o Bilkholt. Git!gM (IJ 20, JJ. lOo, I l l 811tc1, Al.-n H} BitH!I, tynnt' UV> 'l?, oJ. 7o
C•Hrt EUs.tbcth (JI) 17, 10. 3?, o.a o" Co)r!rr, Su,..an ti) l.7, 29, J2. 50, lO'l 10. Mkh.le c.V) 54. Ch11p1ru1n. Li" (11 63. 10? Clul'>tenwn. Jt.11n Cl\') Jl Cl~ler. John (II) "8 Cohoon, \V1J4! (l\.') 71 Cooptr. ChrUtin( (I) Si, 101 Cu1th·, SotJ..tn (II)~
81... lid. Sue (lh
8J"ue11, Sus•nlle (I) 57, 03, too B!c1C'h""-ehl, Judith (I) 33, 43. ti.s. too Blit"vt"mltht. John (IV) lo Bobhol• Chrlsilne (IV) 7• 8aJC'. Btrnd"' (IV) 4t'l, 7o Boch:•, R11ndy 111) 8, 17, ~. 5&, oz. <n. 104 !lode, Robin (II) !lo, 57, 98 Bodi. Patficia (II~ 03, 98
&iickc:n Glend" tlll 98 Bo1gw•1dt. R;1('htl llll) 41', SO, 52, 02,
Boti""'fll. Krist:t<n tllll 90 B:•dl~e.
)•v 1111 •&
Bt•ndt. Jomts (Ill) !a. 29. o2.. ~. 9b, 114 Br•s.M.'lw, Ue:Hy tH 11, too 81.1JllOW, 8e11erl}0 (llJ) 90 81.1un_Jennircr (11) 2Q 56. Si', qs 81edem•nn. Ca1nl Hit) ot, o.-. «> 116
Dunn. 1'ummy (Ill) qi Oytsr;c:n, Da.le (IJ U 10'1
E Eb.1. P•tll (!) 30, oJ. 107 Et'l..ert, Joy~ (I\') o.t, TJ El-1lcr1. Rach!'Uc (IV) T1
Ek1':1ow..d1. t5a1b.11-• llV) 77 Eilit'nm01nn, Tl!'ni flJt SO, o4 o7, 9fl
Else, R•nff (IVJ 11 Epple. tcoruu<I (IV) <>1, o"·" Ulands-!tOn, 5.lr• lO 32, 02, OS. 10'1
C•dy, C.ryl tlll Oii CaJy, Ccr•l Ulf) 14 ol. 01
B1g.1., Corin (ll) 97
Duff. Sony• l(V)
O••nt (Ill) >t
Bitdt:n~nd•s. 51.t"Vfn Cl) 28. JJ, So.
Otot.tl't, Tt'"rtta tlfl Jl 115
D O.av1dbon. Sandr• till} q} D•vi., C!cnn (IV ?o, l&. 71. 88 Oe~not. Vnnd.1 U) o3. 107 O.lr. Andrt• Clll .... Otl 0.hk.i Judilh (111) Sl, 5' ... 6o, 01 Otnning~r. R111h 11111 14, 46. OJ. 91 0t'tj4!n, Juli~ (Ill !7, J,J, os Ot'umann, Danlrl 011) 2t-.. 01 Dl<trich, Adel• 1111) 17. 27, 91
Oobbi:rtitt'in. Su•.u'l UIJ oJ. oS 00t'litt Bethany (Ill) M, 01 Dolb<y Rulh (I) to. o.S. 01, 101 Oomi.on, Dovid (0 U 6.,., 10'1 Dorn. Jcfffcy (10 lo, .JJ. 45, \18 On:w... Dank• 1111 ol 64, ~
f•l<k, jJ:ne (UI) ?1. l?. 64, 9J fA\'OnUt. Rob<ltt OU) l2 OJ fen11S..e. D.init"l (I) .!O, 107 Ftn'>li.('_CltnJ• (I\') :.0, 57. Tl fickau, Oi•n«' (I\/} ~-2. 6J OS. Tl fllbC'r, P1111ltl.1 (111) 01 fi1.chtf, Li~ (1\1) n Fi•hrr &rb.u• ti() 96 Frilling, Btverly Cl\') 7'l S:t.anl, Janlt~ {I) 57. o3. 101 frAnl~n'it-etn, Ctu1~1lne (II} SJ. oJ, 9& rrrJericl~n. Con.nit' (I\') 77 C.11• 110 11• .. :. 6t. o.a. oo. ~s 101 f1euJt-nw..Jd, K.lr"n tll) 42, 47, 63. qq udenw•IJ. K•1hryn llh <l. 4'- OJ, .., frlttt", M11ry (llh 91
r'"'· r..
r ritz~. Sc-ou (II} 90
Fritze. Stt>phcn UIJ) 26, od 91
fryr1 Uura. U) JJ, 107 fufr~lm.tu, Bii•n (II) .so, 57, 58. o5. OCJ FuhrmAn, frani..i~l..o1 1110 ol.. 91
c Canyo, 5h1uon (Ill) 42, 52.. 57, ol, bl.. 01 C.>1. Cuy (II) lb. JJ. 09 C..u-gts Loutit 01 B. !-<>. 10'7 Ce-nt~e. Ron•ld (I) 4?. 107 Gcnttlt. \'ernon ~llJ qo C.01g•. D•vid (IV) ..s. 77 C.rblng. Robyn Cl! 47, oJ, IOI' Gl.4.<i~hs<'nner . T.1n,.,r4 CllO OJ. en
J•f!Rt11, Ltiu1t"fn UH 11, z.e., " J.:.n\l'l<'k, T•ny• lh Sl 00. OS, 108 J.1n1L., lr\1mhtc1y 1111) ot. oJ, CJ.? Jrn\fn, Jt•nnt· (II) l~ .5) OQ John l'lollr tU 0·1 IOIJ
C-an ... Sut· llO 64 QO Wtt. Tn•h• U) 57, oJ. 10'1 Go!Jn1i1n , CA-botilh th ~.l. oS, 10'1 C.1uJ1tll RkhahJ Cl IJ !tt U. 4N c;.,.J,11, Rt•h•,.11111 lo. L1•n,~1·1$. "itt·plirn tll) .\.t W
r.,.y, T•m•IA (I) 10'1
kul!'hn Amv II\') -:q Kuith. Jt.Jnnt• lllh ?'I. 4!. ol.. 4! Ku ~'-" l1nd.ca (I) •o. ~2. tt3 108 l<.u1>k1!-. Pt1t1 110 u,_ 100 K... •kf', R.uhC'I Ht~- !>7, :Mt 108 h.u11 ..._r~tn ~l\'J lo. 70
Juli•n O•wn 111119. 100
C~tahn , Btl'nJ..a (I) 10'7 G1onhol1 P.twn (I\') o2, 71 c.;,..,,.. ..t•. J.in.- lllH •t
L LA.-h11. Ann tftll !'l, ol
Gurn1ht1, Amy tU 47. OJ 10? <.;unJ•11oon \ ldr,14" (I I 0 o..I (It <.;u~t11f-...1n I ind• UIH 01
Mmmhol1, JoJI Ill ••. ~1 !<I. l(ltl Kamm\M'llC'1 GW<n CIVJ ~7, 02. 08, 1~ Mnt. Jtnln. (I\') rJ J.l 7& Ktp1t11 Lynd., (Ill) c:oJ_ 02
tlJ 51. ~.
ka.. ~ul)r;.t, T1mo1hy 11111 •& . .SO. 51.
ll•i....l. O•n•• ll\177 11 ..,•~•"h rh1l1r t!VI •l. 11 11.oJI,. l)o·~.. tl\'I 7~
Ktll. O.uoltl Cll) 57, 100
I lall. ir1111JV) O) . .,.tl I l11inrl Oa.1!11 (It) w I l•n•I. O.b.>r•h llV) 78
Kell. "4.1tn (I\') ti>,!'<>. ,7, 02. o'l 7& 1<.tllrr. Krvin fll) 100 Ktolm. f•ul (llJ ~3. Sl 100
I fi1hlrt . Cyn1hi• tll) $1 $o, H1nt,f, Ht·nt• lll) oJ. w li•Yt•· Et.int Oil ol. o.'.
Kr11'<1. ltriJ1 ii) I. 17
Itri Jr, P•ul• 111 l7, I U H.-idrtlt'h, N.-nc.-y
tH 44.
oJ. tOi'
Ht1nH1. Eht•~th {IV) .. l.. oJ, ?t. 11.·ld M11iry (10 $! 'N
ltrlwt•· S.th 1111 •1, Htl~·1f'.
<.:eo.11 II) rJ. Jl, o.l, 10'7
litmphill. 1-dtl Hiil 6J, o.i Htnuch. Ann fll) 99 f frnttcL...on Cindy fllll !iO. 92 t ltn11,&r..nn, J•f'l\t~ CllJ ti. S.J ol, qq
"'-''"(JIU l-l, o...
tft1m11n. Ht1111n P.tul
02 1111 !IO. Nt. ol, 90 Hf'ur, P.ul.. IU !\41, $1, IO':" lhll.1'•m11111 (I) ?7, lJ. l08 lhttmC't. c;.u..,.n ti) C. SJ eio. 03, IOA I llnJrrtt, ...,lhryn HO 6, 54 62, 09 1111-.1oh"'11nn . Annfllt tH 47, .~. o~ ~, 10" I ll1.,l·hn,11nn. (1•11ft\.')02. ()fl '6 ll1.1>tnC'\l.c. AnJJrw (I) U\ JJ 1-l~rrung G.1nA (II)&. 44 qo Ht)(w1i<h. Alll•on (I) 108
LA it.. h J,1y tH IOfl. l..angt, Ot-n1lf' (lllJ
"•t•mt)'t1 lJ•nlrl (llJ U.. jJ, 100
tfoppt". C111olyt1 llH JJ, QC> t~d1111m,an Ann llVJ !'IJ, '"
•luujth, .,ut•nnl" 011> ~l ltuhb.uJ. PAUh,11 tlllJ oJ. '12 l-futltnt:t. t har!tne (I) Jot llunl, Thn..thy tlllJ t.a. Le, 57, 91 Hun1tr P.au1 111) :0 oo llu .. ,mo1n J.amt• (Ill) 1•, Ql
ol. qi
~;.CJ. IOI\
Kt,Lt. Ttnll tllll 01
K.ill"l'I I o-u lllh c>J. ~! Kllb.1 l •mmy tll oJ K.inJI, Janel HV) 52. 5-1 &.), ' " Kiu:m•nn. Eunice' (I\) 18 Klllrruw. Lynn ll\') tt?. 1~
o~ ~~
l•ngt. J•nr (IJIJ 02 LlJ'lgt. K.11hrunt' (I II} Q2 Lu~on . Angtl• (I) oJ, I~ J tf\man. Cyn1hla 0111 ~l 1rh1n .. n. I>'""' flll) oJ, Q1
1 rhm•n. ..._tnntth (IVJ Lthnc, Thtftoi• UH OJ. Lthnr1 5t<lcty O\'J 04 Lein ... C.arol (110 ~- 11
al. :oo
100 ":'O
N. ol. OJ
l""m"«'- P1111kto1 (1'1 ll ~. !i7 'N lirWl'-IC'ln, M•rY '"' .&l. ,5.J, 07- 100 lktm.to l")·n1fil11 (IJ 1\1 JJ vet. IOtt Lil111, J~hn 01 :6. toe lindt'm.1n. Jullt (Ill) $o S1. ~. ol. 'OlJ lindem•n. Kartn 011 ):!.. .is. s.&. So. 57 O-l 100
Kl.111 Ann (f) l<> JJ. IOfl ....h,.,~11,m. Krl"'"·~" OV) '"
lri.lu8 . ...... lt'R lllH ol tt•I 92, Yo Kuellt11. C1uolyn UIH t.a, l1, .... 46. t.W , CJ? K~llt1 J.in~I II\') tt-4, 18 Ko«"lpin. M•rl UH 8. 17 U, c2 100 l'..otpL«'. Su11•n Ulll O.\. O! Kotpprn, J11hn (1) IC>e l\ocp11t"l1 D<lvlJ 111) !-cl. ~1. ol ~"'rr.unu. Lori 11> <iO. IOC\
Kohrs, Silndr11 llll) 42 Kul.1ndr1 D•vid tlfJ ll 100 Kol111nJe1, Don•IJ (I\') l2 ' ' )l..ulhow. Cur•ltt ti\:)
l1n,lfln\<1nn. f..1uhf'llt1 tll %7. 3J oJ, 100 LlnJ ..11.tnd. ~h\"Hl' tlllt Lin""''"' l)pnalJ U\.1 1& 7'-' Lo'"'-)..· Rf'ht'\'.(• fl\') ol ~. ~o LC\t(Otoc, Krn.tt'n fl) !il. oO, oJ. 100 l.o«'f~h. ~('Vin\)\') fll 00, 19
l.o"'""·h. Luo flh Jl oJ JOO Lt~h,1, tll\.11 (IJIJ OJ "·' l0l-"'4f,tr tteJJI llV) oJ, 10 LVC"bhc- Ch .. rlir-. tll) 17, o-t, 100 tucbkt". l.it.ut<l tH ~'·bl. 100 Luf\.k, Danl"I (10 20, 100 LuN1kt>, L111.a Ulh 14 -10, oJ, 03
luNtl.c, '-1•h lllU ·lo. 04, Ol
t\t'ilh (IJ lo. lt lot' Ko..•nlt Juhn llV~ ~1. titi, 1"1 Kos.low-.L.r. Jo Ann.\ {Ill ()of., 100
Luhn111n. l>rb1• (Ill) q1 Lutu, lj,ar• (II) 42 ~. !>1 ~8. o.a 100
Kruff1. R.tc.hel (IVJ l2 52 ~rlln1t•1 k.u1 L H\'J 10
tr-.r•nl• h i;•1•h {lllJ M Ol klo\U1'1'.
IJ,ut .. (I) let\
h.1c:nL.t1, Bt-th•ny UI) rJ ~rrnL.tt. V1d11.1 (I\') 70
Kd~w.all .
Tra.cey HIS.,, o3. U» K10U Con,uncf' 11) ''· 47, &.tS. :n O!i lot' ..._1utgC"1 D•I" CIJ J), $0. $1'1. o,. lOfl k.11.14·1Ct• "-•u·n UO Jl 46. ill\,~•. o.a 100 K1 IH~tf ' f'htlip (Ill .. 1. 5';\_ 100 K11J(l{lf'L Rtbh.1.o1 (IV) 7Q
Kut'hl Elb·..ibeoth (llj
M.h Kain T1mu1hy Cll) Jl 100 M•1lr. l.ti;it 11VJ tt-1 ":Y M•llnf'n Rl.lbt-t1 (IV') 1! ttO MJ.llu&..o. Oonn1t •I\'• M•mmttl Julltt llV~ 6J. IO Mann C•ral (10 ?11 o.f 100 J...1.n•~h . Chr1~1inf' OVJ l.7, t.o M.u&r.g1AI . 011nltl ~II) CM 101 A11u11. fftrth Ill} 43, OJ IOI MAtlln, Jy..rph 11\1 ZIO M1u1n Su\.•n tlVl 80
·... K\SS ME • • l'M A -
~~ """""--"-~
- -
~~~~~~.... ---~ ....~---=--~'----'-----=-- ~-
.. --
R.dd.ou, ,.,,... (I)~ 110 !Udiclwl.
r..uri. CllJ '2. ..
RM!alf, l ynn Cl) oJ 110
!Ud•l• coli.... Oil . . 101
!Udtl•• cu... 11111 'N R..Nt. Ci.Jg 11\l 11 ru.1.... Jori 1111 " 101
~ 0.nl<I llll ~ IOI ltahl\., J.1"'" (I\ I II
R....ick. K.,... CIJI) .... 'N
Rapp, Naomi (tlf) 4ID 11.... h Cnhttlrw dll 101 R.uvh, $h•1Yl 111) M o4, 102 R•loo!• Rol><tl il\1 II Rttl.zJn. D•"'n Cl\) II RNlln , K•1• (I) ?7. oJ, 110
Rtd.lin. K1i,t1n flll) ::;, ?9, J2, o..& 9'4 Rl'matrlt'. Stt'W"'l'I\
Rm.nt>1, Bt..\.i 4h rJ . J.l. oJ. 110 1U-no Chnyl 1111) 'N R.mo. lu•nn 1n 110 Rtul.fl, O.viJ CllJ Jl. 56. 11?. 5e o5, ~
RJchmonJ lltttld. (!\HI
Rlth1n. eon... 0\) oJ •1 IL"t!- O.vWI UllJ ~ 'N
IU:wn Ro,.INW lb C , 63 110 110 IU'llOw, Tuaotlt, CU> U. s.. S7. ~ 10: Roiiin.wn. raw.. Ub c o.! 102 Ro.lrw•ld. t... cl\) 01 ltod.locll, Tnnothy tll o4 110 llcar.h1IJ1 O.boroh (llJ ::;, l l, •l. o7, WR.ogolrl<', Ku~tw (I) :N 2-o. oS, 110 RohJ•. Su••• ti\) fl
ru- o.... m6) M•l1«"'t. JOf'I (lt(J 1'4. OJ \1•tUtlJ1\. J~•l'UW (I\.') J? 60 ~1•Uli<C' . 8rlln (1l ::0. 109
o c......n. Mlly m " · 100
Mi<l1nt0i ii. , ltwtly (Ill) ~J M.Cullwgh, Elim 11111 01, •J
O..CI.. Moct...I Cllll lb, OJ
o..tJn Uol• 11\)" O...hln.
fl.1ttbc."''. \.1...aryOJ,.n. tlll) !1. !Cl, l l OJ Mt'hnr11 Amy cl\'} ot, oJ, 64 80 Mr1l'r~. l>•\'IJ Oh 101 ~tC'lh..cL. Ann. Cl) :0 109 ~1r1nf'l..f", Lau tlU 'Z1 tOl ~1<1..,, fohn 1(1) ~ ~ IOI C!C.
M.11<1 , lltWa lllJ 101
Ohwt, P•m Ill ~. 100 Otr
i.-,,. Ill) J), 5J
40 oJ 100
P•tricM Cl) 1oit M...11.r. J..i,. 0\) la Mo>hr T.ru 0\ \ 1:! M,.,..,., Xuct 0\) ~. S.!ly ClllJ " 0) \.1oungt'y, Michr~ ti> lO. $7, oJ 100 \iu('hliu-., lyaftC' (I\") N> \.1Uf'llrr, 'twrOft 11\') ~ Murl'Uh '•Kin 11\) t. So, S1, 5&. ol.. CIO, 80 Mu11J•10.~ . M.h...I Cllll"" Mund\ldli"... RoNn tH ol. 100 \.1unJ1, 'tNton llJ 24. "3, tOI>
Roluk~. Mi.lwri 11\112. 8! Rolf. B1tnd• Clll 10!
-5. IOI
Rololl. l•fh•y CllJ u . 102 RCN:nbium. Kull U\1 U. c>l. 32 RAM'nNum. t;.t~ Ill) & ~. Y,-, ol. 10: R.o..t-"dul , J.anitt (I\') ol, 12 Rw~ . Alio... llJ )) 112
p P.l'uMl~r. rrcJtucl tlh 101 P.lrn<l•. UnJ• Cl\l I!. 41 p.,,><I.. )uU.1111 J:', °' 101 P•l\UMft. c;.,.,1.,.11\1" 81
P•po Troy Ill 2". n
M.u.,. c....w..-. 11111 •J M.n.r, P•-i. (!)
Ohr • 110 J2. ).). 101 Oldtt, 5on1• (I Ill OJ
M.<:.hghv J.. U\1
~1rnL M.a.r..1 (lj Jl. S?, ol. 109 ~1tY'ff . J.-r"l.llAht C1ITJ & 5o, S1, o1... \1c-YTr. loha (1) 26, 04 , 109 ll?
'!. h<hln. R.,......ri• (1\) '?. 61, P - ,,.,,.i. IOI
p._..s..... Atfty 11111 I' r ••1.n. rr..rt 111
OJ ~~
68. et
(llJ %7, ..
.,....,.. ........ pa.n,r •"• ..... ,., u·11 Prwrmann. Ru1h tllh 6J •l
P.wn. i..ur.1111•• 101 r ......... S..h 11111 ~... P"f<', T1m.,.hy Cl\l »
Kttrtn th 17. 11!
Rut-in. (,.1htnrw (I\.) .50. 5' a? Ruch. Bonno• (IJ oJ, 110 Ruh4nd Ellof\ (1\l f! R_.-1. MlhJ Ill S:. 6), 110 R-i.. K.1hJ.m Oil> U o! .,.
R....U, C1,..1•l II\) f!
Rmwtt D•""' '1\i Jo o4 12 R"' 1 , o.- th,... .N 110
5 OJ
Pongd. Lori 11141. ~J S>, oO. oJ. 100 r......~ . Ju~rh ClllJ OJ Pl•oh. 0.n Iii J2, 112 Pl.uh. llw>ma~ (II) 2b. 28 J2 101
8ri•n 111 c.:,. .s.a e.c 110
S.1'-.ld, M".twl Cl\) 61.. 81 s.nd...,iJ, 0 ...1,.i.1 Ill! :... o. 101 Ann (Ill 40, oJ. 102 101 s. .... Ell•• Cl\) &2 s. .... R"mon• (I\) 11 S..:h•iht 81en1 Uh le, 102 ~h•rwo. Ptttt Cll M 51, o5. 110 Sd>•lfn. Al•n ti\) &2
Pud>0p K.1• (1111 U tl Pultn~ly. Lynn (l\f) o..a 91 Pott Jul.. ill ~?. oJ. 100
N.. tt Lori 0\) .'O. ~'· 56, oO, 8V N,,th. ~''''P'~' 411) el e-1 101 N•hl•. RMlwrd ti\) &O i-:.hrons- CliuMh Cll 40. 100 S.ll. ChrlmM Cl) '1. oJ. 100
Pr•ngo. 8.th Iii J2. 100 Pr""· K...thlttn ti\') M t'l PT~ . I.or• 111) oJ. IOI Prorbrr C""""'n Ulh M OJ Pr.n,, k..thlrrn (I) !4 1! 100 Puu Judy 11\l %7, N fl
~··-· Cll) :17, oJ. oJ, 101100 N•ui.!>1s.uUw (IJ 116,
"°· 51, S1 !)iaa4r• NorlJnn, JffR Ill) » . o5, IOI Ne>mmt'l\Mf\. C..rolllM" lH '°· lOQ Nommf'fbft\. Rirbtc:ca tlll)
1':oon , lJwarJ (Jl} !o. !t' 101
Sdoiaal•"J· S.••h GllJ ::;, 29. •::. .,. Sdol.•....,•ky, John Ull IOl Sdm.nd1. v••...ic. m ,.. II?. S& oJ Sdunach•l. I..,.... Cl\) 6l, 62 ~m"~ S.1h Ill JO oJ o>, 110
R..><h. S.th Ill) 6J IOI
SclunJ<I , Drnd (1111 'N
N~uj,,hr .,
J.-n 0\')
&::? (lltJ c-J. 9J
Qu.a. Uw 0\1 ::r, ~. at Qu..t J•Nd 11\) II QWf\L John 011
, ..... ~I<', M•rtN llll> n , &J 4".C
St:l..i.Lnr, T tl\1 1: 5dYpor. Bl•lt Cllll 11 llO ~ Sl:harf. \.\llh,.m. (J\) Sdwl.ow. Chrl•wY 1111 !11. Sd..rrbo1a. Slwtlr (llJ 51, 11?. 1~2 5'.'brr-tbrtg. Stcpho, .. tlll) .u. 61 c.5, 04 S..iU!Jlft.. DtlK• Cl\)•!
Sdunuh, Kt1th 1111 U 571 ol.. 10?
Schmudlach. Scou (lllJ JJ, 04 Schnridf!r. EHSii~lh (lit) 46. 94 Schn11id~1. Klilrti'n (Ill "6, 63, 10.l Schotnnauer. S..ndr.. (lV) 17, SJ;, al:
5cholt, Kimi•• (I) :<>, 110 SrhtOt'der. 0.aivid (Ill) 50, 62. 44 Sch....!•r. Edw.,d (II) 8, M. 102 Schrood•r. Koith (IV) OS, Ill, 82 S<-huhlegtl. C.ih•rln• (Ill) 14, 40, ~l, 0-1
Schuc-rm•n. Allan fll) lOZ St-hulu, Amy (II) oS, 102 Schul" Amy (1111 bl, Cl-I Sc-hulu, Clar.a (IJ 2', 52, 54, 63, 110 Schul". )•llr•y (IUI •t S<hula, Th.&la Oil lOl Schul•. Eileen iJV) 83 Schull. L<ln• (11) 64. 01. 102 Schul" l\>ehtl lllll •• ~huli. Thomas (I) 42, 6.1, 110 Schumach.-r. Uury (II o'l, 110 Sc-hwJ1ndt, ~nae CIV) M, $J !X-hwarl. Srucr (IV) 83 Scrh·('t, P•ui (II) 28, 102 S.b..ld. fohn (Ill) l4. lo. Jl. 45, .. Sc<.hr1..,,, C41hcr-lnt (lf) 102
s.;dl. lll<n Hiil oJ, 9; Sdht. Jull• (111 •2. 103 Shoop. H•nry (IV) ~3 Siebon. LI,. (Ill) 94 Siegler. R•btwo (Ill) o4, C>ll. 0.1 Si~rl, KanHt (IV) 5-1, 6..l, tu Slmons.-mcf«r, Ru1h (II) 32., lOJ Sbru, Wolllam (I> JJ. l!O Smith, K.ar('n (Ill) SCI. 'Sl. o3, 0-1 Smhh, Krl<JohR¢ (I) 52. oJ, 110 Smirh, Reb<ec. (II) "6, L02 Smith. Roa., (IV) b5 63 Snyd" S.th (II bl, 110 Snyder, 0dvid (Ill) U, 9<4
J.. n \I\~ 3J. 83
Solomon. Robin {l) 110 Sonnenburg Jtffrcy (I) 44, S7 65, Ill Sonn1.tg, Jon (II) So. 57. SIS. ID) Sc.lfd•hL PtlC'f (0 8, 17, 48, So, 57, 02.. 111 5p.1ng~nbtrg, Jtfftey (JV) 6.S, &J Sp•nn•g•I, Ruih (II) S4. 51, ol, o4. IOJ Spaud•. Eil..n (Ill) 95 Spaud., R•be<ca (IV! 83 Spt"idd Tarrun;a ((II) JJ, ~. 95 SP<lld, Lydia (IV) 8l Spitff'r, feff1ey HIU t&, 44, .tlS, 5'1, 95 Spl•g<l, Connlr (I) os. Ill Sptcgtl~1g. Cyn1hla (I} !i7, oO, 11 L Sp"tn. 0.bouh (Ill) 42. 63. 95 Sptigg-s. Allyson (II} 50, 57, stl, oo. 103 Stadlfr. El.11nr (11) 64, 103 S1a1ke, C.th1tC'n (1) .so. Sl. s.a, 57, ol. tio. 111 S1.chm1nn, Jodi (IVI 04, 83 Steinberg. K1mbe1 lit (I\') 6S eJ S1einbetg. WesJ~y HV) b5 Stt:inb1t'Cke?1 K..1t'n (IV) &J St•ll)"· Heidi (IJ) o• Stt1n, Philip (Ill J~. 103 Stt'.tnhagt"n. 8'-th (I) SO, oO. 111 511.,., J ull< (IV) ol, 83
S1nb, Kmn (Ill) bl, 95 Str,.f'kt, Tlfhny (1111 9S S1rutz, P•u1 (I) 28
Sw...n'!lon . Oebr.1 (110 ot. 68, 9S Suto. Klng Pu! (Alb<") (IV) 12. 83 T
Tabb.rt. Ch•ryl tlV) 8l Tock•. Kim (IV) L2. 83 T•h"nty, Timothy (Ill) JJ, St. 9.S T...-h, Oun (IV) Sll. 62, ..
Tettl"!f. KathJ:1 Int tll 57. 6.3, tl7. 111 Ttwcberg, Btoth (Ill) 8, 17. 32, Sb, 62, 67_95 T•'"'· O.bor•h (IV) 6t
Wu1 'ii, F.t.ith ll) 50. bJ, 111
Ttw<, R0g•r (IV) Thkl, O•nltl (JV) M ,,,,,.,.., K<lly (Ill) •s Thomn. Tara CIV) 8'I Thom~on, Dun:n• OJ 03. UI Thom!.1en 81enda CIO •I IQJ Titn. J•mH ftr) lo. 44, 103 Timm, J<lfr.y (Ill) -18, 51, 02. 95 T1rnm. Lylf" (10 .C-4 104 Timm, Rollin (I\') Zo, 84 Torgt>rion, Amy tlll) o,, I)~
.Z.bol, T.m.,. (1163. •7. 111 Z.,boll, Amy (Ill) •o, 62 9o Z.chaw, t..ur1e (11) 50, S4 o-&, 67, 104
Towne, Sttven (I) 111 Tracy, Oan1rl (IV) 4l. 65. Si Trop£. Angtl. (I) so. o3, 111
Z.-.hn. Philip lh a, '8$ o7, t 11 Z..hn. Th(ltcw (111) So. SI. ()1. o3, o6. o7, o6
,7, U, o7, •;
Yonggon, T1mmlr (Ill) 4G, lie>, Y4nt Thert'ti• (I) 8, 6J, 111 Y~.tk•. Troy (ti) bl, 10.i YorkSOfl, Ottbra {IV) !15
ZAhn, P•ttl (II) ti!,~"· 57, b.2,
u Uht'r, Atan (1) 8, 65. o?, 111. t l?
Uhlhom, O.b,. fill) oJ.
•7. 95
Z.. nk, Ell•n (IV) as Z.strow, Norf'en 1111) 8, e>J b3. b7, 96 Zt-illmt'r, Gtr•ld Ull) 14, 2o, o2, 90 Zc.-mc1, Julie- (I) ?'J. oJ. 111
Ulrlch, M.1ry tll) 6.t, 101
Uni.•, Juli• (II) 103
Ztllmror, Timothy (11) oS, 104 ~nkttt, Ruth (I) 57, Ol~ ti?
Z.ibra""'llkl, Cr11lg (I) 26, 6-4, 11? Zimml'rman. Dtbt• (II) M, lO·l Zlmmnm11n, J~nt (II) 54 . .SO, S"J, 02., Ul4.
VAhle, Jantt (I IJ o4, 103 Vall.,key. R•b«u (I) ll2 V.iiuhllutr, Su11•n (I) o3, 111 Vol~t.
Su..n (Ill) !<>, 95
Volr 0.01..,, (f\1 U Volt, l.Jlun (IV) 02, 54 Von 51rln, Brcn.dit ti) 56, 57, 56, 63, 111 Vo~11. C.ii1olyn (I\') &.c
1111) 50, 62. oO
Zimm,tm.1nn, S1,1_,,;11n (Ill) 64. Zink, C41ole (II) zo, ll. oJ Zink, J11net (U 3Z.. oJ, lll
~UncT. Bonnie (10 10.i Zubrrbier, Ch11rJOUt' (IV) oJ, 65 Zwk•. Jeffrey !I) 26, JJ
w ~'.antoch. Supn (II) 61, oJ 10-J
Warner, Ju11m~ ~II) tOl W1tchkc, Karir t(lf) so. S?. oS, 95 W11<hk<. Krl"Y (!\?so. 84 Webf:r, S1cvm {I) Ill Wegner Scou (I) 16, S7, 04, o7, 111 Wt"BJtCI T•m.01t11 ~IV) 19, $~. 6& W•h•u,.n. Ch•d• (IJ 51. oO b3. 111 Weiss. Monk• (II) 57, o4. tro Wd,h, Thomas UlU Sl. 95 Welke, N-11n<y (I II) Q!i Wtndund, fkth till 29. 32, 103, 10• W~nzel, Amy (1V) g;I Wernf't, Sh.uon (I} 21. o.3. U l Wrnh. Phillip (Ill 28, 103
Wttscl, Chri!ttin~ (II)&, 103 Wmtl, Htidi (Ill) SO, 9S Wtt1e!ndorr, Mlri.un (II) 61, b.&, 103
lnJlv1Ju11l Portr;1ht1 T11l..~n by SuJlow D.tn· viii•. lllln<i<
Wt!'Sterh•us. Judy (I\') 84 W~tr:el.
Anne (II) o.l, 103
Wotzrl. Judy (IV) ::J. &< Whitt, Ktnneth (II) oil. 100 Whiltler, K.lren HV) 41J, 1!1.4 Wic~ert, tautit' (Ill) So. j?,63. 9! W•ebusch, Anne OU) Cl-&, 'iS Wllktn•. Ellyn (1\117. 63. 01. SS Willlami-, U11i11n ((V) ~ Wllllti. Jin< (I) 60, ~. Ill Willia, Julie (TV) o?, SS Wll0;n'l.u\n, K.athy (IV) JI,~ Winkltr. M.11tthew (Ill) Oil 15. 96 \o\i'in1er, Janice {IV) <18, 62 85 Wltte, Orbr.t (IJ) o2. lOJ W•He, Clori1.tH\r (lV) 6. 61, 62. 8.5 Whtlg. M<1tlent (ll) 47, 103 Wolf!, K•«n (IV) 85 Wolff. Sh•lley (Ill) !l, so. !IJ, oJ. 95 Worddl, K• r-cn (() 03, 6?, 111 Wordcll. Ktith (Ill) So. •2. •s l19