MLA Yearbook 1977-1978

Page 1

The 1978 RAMBLER

Martin Luther Academy New Ulm, Minnesota 56073




Profs prop up school

I. Oscar Siegler, President, History 11 2. Lloyd Hahnke. Vice-president, Religion 11. German 12 3. Jerome Braun, Religion 10, Latin 10-12 4. John Denninger, Physical Science 9, Physics 12 5. Raymond Duehlmeier, German 11, English 11 7. Myron Duin, Biology 10, Boy's Phy. Ed. 11.12 8. Eldon Hirsch, Music 11 ,12, Choir, Ba nd, Social Science 12 9. Herbert Jaster, History 9,10 JO. Al Just, Geometry JO, Advanced Algebra 12


Abo,•c. A typical prof??

13. Harold Kaiser, Director of Athletics, Algebra 9, Drivers Ed. 10 14. Donna Kruggel, Girl's Phy. Ed. 9-12 15. Fredrick Manthey, English JO, 12, Speech and Journalism 12 16. Kermit Moldenhauer, Chorus, Music 9, Piano 17. Daniel Myers, Religion 9 18. Alois Schmitzer, Latin 9, Special Latin 19. James Schne ider. Dean. Religion 11 20. Heine Schnitker, Geography 11, Chemistry 11 21. James Wade, Boy's Phy. Ed. 9, 10 22. Erwin Walz. English 9. Composition I0- 12. Remedial Reading 9

The Lord blc:sses Prof. Hirsch with 25 ycnrs of church service.

Board continues usual duties The General Synod of '77 decided in resolution to study the possibility of relocating MLA since the campus was be comi ng too c r owd ed fo r t wo schools. The Commission on Higher Education responded with its recommendation in January of '78. This called for special sessions of the MLA Board of Control in order to study this recommendation and respond with its own study and counte rproposa ls whic h would then become a matter of study for the District Conventions of the Synod. All in all. this has not been a typical school year for the Board of Control.



right: Mr. P Fritze. Mr. W. Vauhaucr. Rev. T. Henning, Mr. 1-1. llirkholt.. Rev I:

Ha,,.:. Or. ~1 Oumk.:. Pr.:>1d1!11t O J S1.:l!ll!r. R.:,•. 0


Clockwise: Left to right: Prof. Moldenhauer. Mrs. Olsen. Prof. Schenk, Mrs. Bauer. Mrs.

Just. Miss Rau, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Kramer.

These also keep

MLA rolling Many \\'\1rkc" help keep Ma rtin Luther At¡:u.lcm) rolling. Their hard \\ Ork 1s ncedcJ to keep the campus both clean a nti runnmg correctly. Some workc.:r.. :L,-.i-.1 in cooking meals while others wkc care of busin ess affairs. RAs and a housemother help keep order in the dorm itories. There are also nurse . secretaries. a printer. and many others. Thanks to the assistance of all these. M LA remains in one piece.





Kara Banholzcr Rachel Binorr Julie Blaalid Karla Blackwell Timothy Boc:mckc: Bruce Buldhaupt Jonathan Bunkowski

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Sc:olt Caswell Jill Cross Tammy Dunn Teresa Eckstein Rebcc:ca Enc,·old Stephen Fritze Franziska Fuhrman

Vernon Gcntele Tim Grundmeyer

Freshmen hop


Joel Grunke Vickie Gunderson

Linda Gustafson David Haugley

DaVJd Heckman Dawn Heino

John Hering Linda Hillman Paul Hirsch Rebccc:a Hohenstein John Hom Richard Kaiser Tina Keske Kari Kiecker Lori Kienetz Ellen Kitzrnann Dale Kninel Paul Koclpm Rene Krueger Joel Lillo


Standing: L to R, Pror. Schnnkcr. advisor. Richard Kaiser. pres.: Duane Rode­ wald. v. pres.: Prof. Duchlmeicr, advisor: Seated: L to R. Karla Blackwell, treas.: Beth Schneider. sec:.

Marie McFarland David Maertz Beth Markgraf Kari Meihack

Deborah Menk Jerome Meyer Lois Molstad John Nelson Romeo of the




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Amy Olsen Rand Ostrom Bradley Pearson James Perry Ruth Petermann Rachel Polzin Jeffrey Raabe


Kevin Raddatz

Mary Raddatz David Rmg Duane Rodewald Evelyn Rope Michael Salter Ronald Sather

Blair Schaper KeMcth Schempp Joseph Schlawin Eliz.ibeth Schneider David Schroeder Catherine Schubkegel Rachel Schultz

Kevin Spangenberg Tamara Speidel Sandra Sperling Grace Stabell

Ross Stelljcs Ann Strangmann Rhonda Swanson Bernell Trapp

Thomas Ulrich Titus Ulrich William Wenh Bryan Y1mz

Homecoming queens


Timothy Averbeck Miriam Backer Claire Baur Martin Bentz Ann Bode Brenda Bode Cymhia Brueske

Rhonda Budach Tamara Engwcll Rohn Farren Julia Freese Marc Frey Jack Gronholz Robin Haase

Debra Hadler Lana Hahn Debora Hanel Gloria Hene

Philip Henning Allen Hodges David Hohenstem Alan Hom

Tammie Jackson Gary Jeffers Jill Kiecker Marie KienelZ

Freeze. Tammy!

David Ladner Timothy Lehne Kirsten Levorson Scou Licht Patricia Loescher Rachel Meyer Julie Moeller

Standing: Left 10 Right: Prof. Wali. advisor; Scon Licht. pres.; Prof Mold• enhauer. advisor. Seated: Brenda Bode. vice-pres.; Lori Zeisscr, sec. Missing: Scon Peltz, treas.


-~-=~~=~~~------David Moore Licah Nemitz

Lorenzo Nozie Maurine Nyman

Scott Peltz John Plocher Dale Polzin Teresa Putnam Joel Rakos Steven Remmele Karen Roberts

Sophomores leap

Arthur Roemhild! Paul Schaefer

Conrad Schardin Daniel Scheellc Timothy Schoeneck Kay Schultz Robcn Seifcn Rachel Serwe Ronald Siemers

Karen S1ewen Amanda Smith Thomas Soukup Timothy Soukup Craig Tews Debra Ulrich Manin Ulrich

Bruce Vallenga Michael Wedde Mark Wcindorf Anne Wiebusch Michael Wieland Pattie Woller Cheryl Voller

Lori Zeisser

Todd Zietlow

Who's your friend. Gary?

L 13

Jonathan Aaberg Jeanette Anthony Ann Barnes Craig Biom Marcel Black Ricky Bode Jean Bocmeke

Carol Braun Bruce Burger Debora Coleman Bruce Freese Stunn Freese Janice Fuhrman Lori Fuhrman

Juniors soar Thomas Grebe Julie Grundmcycr Timothy Gustafson Kent Hadler Gretchen Hanwig Leslie Hasbargcn John Henning

Paul Henning Mark Henrich Brenda Hetzel Susan Honcman Anne Jones Marsha Kant Theo Kock

Beth Mcihack Thomas Meyer

Kelly Mitzner J Kent Morgan

Merry Naab Rachel Neumann


Standing: Left to right: Prof. Just, advisor; Freese. pres.: Bruce Freese. vice-pres.: Seated: Left to right: Lianne Yanz. sec.: Beth Meihack, treas.; Prof. Hirsch, advisor.

Typical Junior class meeting

Nancy Paulsen Gary Pluckhan Joel Polzin Eileen Prieve Joel Raasch Lee Rodewald Nicole Salter

Michael Schaefer Blake Schaper Joel Schenk Deborah Schroeder Joann Schultz Jeffrey Schwede Linda Serwe


Watch my muscle!

Hold on. Honey!

Recd Stelljcs Karen Stoltenburg Debra Strangman Nathan Tews Charles Toltzmann Lana Twcit Naomi Ulrich




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Richard Ulrich Amy Wagner Joel WiUitz Lianne Yanz Scon Ziegler Hans Zietlow





' Clocbisc from top: Rob contcmpl:11cs new haircut. What a mess! Do you think you have enough stufl"! Alois Schmitzer, Damel Myers. and James Wade were inducted as new tutors. Donna Kruggcl received a permanent call as a phys. ed. teacher. Actions speak louder than words. Don' t argue. j ust lake it!


Back to work!! Amidst noise a nd confusion, registration day once again took place and was survived by a ll. Waiting in line, ma ny renewed old acquaintances a nd made new friends. When your number was called after a long wait, you rushed in and joyfully paid your bill. What luck! You discovered tha t you had enough money to buy some food for this year. Alas, this illusion was broken a fter Professor Jaster handed you your books a nd gave you your bill. After receiving a lovely picture of yourself o n your l.D., a nother registration day was completed successfully. Good luck to all the new students. hope you have a good year.

Left: Wicb outllies Hawk. Below: Arc you sure 1hc Romans played foo1ball?

Rams choke on Hawkhash I

t\bove: Come o n folks. laugh! Right: Lambcnon beau1ies Below: Pastor Dobbcrs1eim cap1ures audience.

The 1977 Homecoming Week was a crazy time of preparations. Girls tried not to talk and guys ran around in dresses. Expectations ran wild with hopes of Hawkhash on Saturday. However, the Rams seemed to have bitten off more than they could chew, as Lambe.rton rolled to a commanding first half lead which could not be surmounted. Nevertheless, the banquet went down with success and most left in a mood of anticipation regarding the next game.

Below: Hey lherc, cutic!


Below: Let's go gel 'em! Right: Truck hauls them to the ground.

MLA exits as champs This year the Rams showed who was boss by taking the conference with a 8-1 overall record. After losing their Homecoming game, they fired up and won 3 big games in 8 days and soon clinched the conference. Representing the Red Rock, the Rams defeated Welcome Memorial to become Valley champs. Because MLA will be in the Tomahawk Conference next year, the team wanted to leave the old conference as champs. That they did! Right: Jump on it! S1anding, L to R: Coach A. Just, P. Moeller, R. Raasch. D. Moore. J. Schwede, L. Rodewald, S. Freese, P. Hirsch. T. Schooley. L. Wessel, T. Bentz. G. Huebner, C. Wiebusch, T. Kock;


Kneeling: L. Hasbargcn. M. Schaefer, J. Raasch, B. Burger. P. Henning, M. Black, J. Kock, J. Retzlaff, M. Wessel. J. Gronholz. G . Pluckhan, D. Rodewald, S. Licht, Manager R.

Russow; Seated: Tim Soukup, G. Jeffers. H. Zietlow, M. Henrich, To m Soukup, S. Soukup, A. Horn. M. Bentz, T. Zietlow.

Above right: Coaches have their anxious moments. Below: Tim turns on the stem.

Above left: Big Fraze hauls it m. Left center: MLA's awesome defense


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Below: The " Ultimate" Hard Guys

Pep Club fires up the teams This year's Pep Club fired up the crowds and helped cheer our teams on to victory. Led by Professor Walz as advisor and officers Corrine Schardin. Deb Schroeder, and Rhonda Paulson. its members took part in a wide variety of activities. They sold tickets and concessions at home games, made posters, and held pepfests. The Pep Club gave its members a discount on bus fares to away games. The Pep Band, directed by Professor Hirsch. also helped liven up the crowd.

Left Scott gags on the popcorn

Above: L to R: Deb Schroeder. vice-president: Rhonda Paulson. sccrelar)•treasurcr: Corrine Schardin. president; Professor Walz. advisor.

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Above: Karen spikes again! Above: Liz shows excitement!

Rough sailing hits the Rams At the starting of the season. the Rams were sailing with two wins. Soon they met up with rough competition a nd the wind was knocked out. This brought the girls to the M LA Invitational with a 5-1 record. The rest of the season was like a yo-yo. At the District 14 playoffs, the girls defeated Winthrop a nd then ra n into the second seated Nicollet team. Losing both games, they played Gibbon for third. The girls played the hard way by losing the first game and winning the next two. All in all the team had a 12-8 record and a 5-2 Red Rock Conference record. giving them second place. Back: L 10 R: K . Bender. Mgr.: L. Peterman. P Bass. D. Kruggel. Coach: G. Hartwig. E. Siemers. D. Schroeder, Mgr. Middle: L 10 R: M. Kant. L Bowers, D. Strangman. Front: L 10 R. R. Schulz. K. Meyer, L. Haase.

Right: Twcit twits the twall. Above: Who's behind?


Below: The grand entrance Right: Joel takes another break.


Recalling the memones Again this year the Rambler staff spent many a meeting, recording the importa nt events of the school yea r and organizing them into the yearbook. Both formal a nd casual occasions were captured in words and pictures. Led by their faithful editor. Steve Levorson. they dodged night athletic games. church, and other meetings in order to find the needed time to complete the yearbook. After finishing the book, the members were rewarded with a hearty banquet. Above: K.irstea bas lots of help. Below: Yes, I can type with bodl bands.


Back: L to R: Prof. Oenninger, R. Raasch. S. Lcvorson, S. Licht. S. Freese, Prof. Jaster, J.


Schenk, Front: L to R: K. Levorson, O. Schroeder, M. Naab.

Keeping track of the times Keeping the student body informed of the monthly events on campus is the job of the Ram-Page staff. Led by Professor Manthey and the editor, Sue Vallenga. the staff works to coordinate sports. contemporary, a nd humor articles. The speech and j ournalism class provides the bulk of the a rticles and a select group arranges them into the Ram-Page we know. The staff also arranges a senior bibliography booklet. The student body truly appreciates the Ram-Page and the people who put it together.

S-i-n-g! Absence of a Chorus page in last year's Ram ble r does not mean that Chorus is an unimportant pa rt of the MLA school curriculum. Chorus is an extra singing activity for the whole school except for freshmen. Many songs are sung, all directed by Kerm it Moldenhauer. The Academy Chorus prepares special music for the Christmas concert, June Night. and other miscellaneous occasions. Chorus is an opportunity for us to use our voices for something constructive.

Clockwise from bottom left: Oiorus in progress


Clockwise from 1o p¡ T he new jazz ensemb le m concert. I guess the band d eserves a little credit! Retardando. musicians!! We weren' t that bad, were we? Band lakes deserving bow.

Blow hard! The Martin Luther Academy band was good as usual this year. An additional jazz ensemble made their performance excellent. The band, as an extracurricular activity, works hard to make their music sound pleasing to one's ears. This year the band festival was held on our campus. The two bands, Satellite and AU-Star, were led by directors from the various schools. Some people feel that band might be dull. but with some jazzy music and some excited people it can be a thrilling and challenging experience. All in all, I feel the band has contributed to cheering our fans on, and entertaining us all with its delightful music.


"A" team: Front: L 10 R: R. Polzin. R Schulz: Middle: L to R: Mgr. J. Schultz. A. Wagner. G. Hartwig. M. K:mt. Mgr. L. Tweit; Back: L to R: Coach D. Krugel, S. Seebach, C. Budach. E. Petermann. K. Meyer. M. Schulz. Mgr. L. Krueger.

"'B" team: Front: L 10 R: Mgr L Twci1. K. Sicwerl, T Keske. A. 01¡ sen. L. Moldstad. Mgr. J. Schultz: Back: L to R: R. Meyer. L. Hillman, R. Senvc, K. Blackwell, R. Krueger, D. Menk. C. Yotter, Mgr. L. Krueger.




This year's girls' basketball team came out on top again. The Rams kept their conference record perfect (12-0) enroute to another championship. However, they were not so fortunate in non-<X>nferencc games. They lost all five of those. Next year's team will have five returning varsity members, two freshmen and three juniors, plus added depth from the ranks of the "8" squad.


Back row: L to R : Mgr. S. F reese. C. Wiebusch. T. Bentz, S. Licht, L. Rodewald, A. Roemhild!. M. Wcddc; Middle row: L to R: S.

Levorson, M. Henrich, D. Hohenstein. Paul Henning. A. Hom. M. Kienetz. Coach A. Just; Front row: L to R: S. Ziegler, T. Zietlow, H.

Zietlow, Phil HeMing. J. Schlawin. B. Schaper.

Wrestlers count lights Right: Where does it hun? Below: Hey! That's my wrist!

The 1978 Martin Luther Academy wrestling team had another rough season, winning only one dual meet. Only two Ram wrestlers ended the year with winning records. They were Craig Wiebusch and team captain, Tim Bentz. Both grapplers placed second in the conference and district meets but were unable to advance

beyond the second round of the regional tourney. Despite the pitiful look of this year's record, this season was a productive building period for the Rams. Most of the team was made up of Juniors and Sophomores who got valuable experience which will benefit the team's chances next year. 29

left to righl: Fronl row: Manager Steve Remmele. Paul Koclpin. Dave Maertz. S1(vc Fritze. Bill Wenh. Second row. Ross SteUjcs. Paul

Hirsch, Dave Ring. Jon Bunkowske, Richard Kaiser. Tim Boerncke. Tom Soukup Third row. Assistant coach J. Wade. Tim Soukup.

N's have good year This year's Junior Varsity basketball team had a good year which offset the poorer one of last year. They actua lly won most of their games! They got off to a slow start against two of the tougher opponents but roared through the remainder of the season, winning several tough away games and dropping only a few games along the way. The team was led by Freshman Duane Rodewald with 145 points and 93 rebounds. Second in points was Dave Ladner with 117 tallies, while Dale Polzin dragged down 86 rebounds to make him second in that department. Twins Tim and Tom Soukup had good years with 77 and 102 points. They and others from the team played with the Varsity team. The team was plagued by turnovers, but despite this they teamed many fundamentals necessary for playing on the Varsity. The future looks bright for basketball.





Mike Bcnti. Duane Rode" ald. Dave Ladner. Dale Polzin. Dave Moore. Coach M. Duin.


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Dale wins another tip.

You tell ·em. coach!

Tom scores two more.

Such suspense!

Farewell, Red Rock

Mark blows it in.

Left to nght: Front row: M. Black, Tom Soukup. T im Soukup, M. Wessel. D Ludner, J

Who. me?

G ronholz. Second row: Coach H. Kaiser. J. Schwede, J. Retzla!T, S. Freese, P. Hirsch, G .

This year's varsity basketball team, led by Gary Huebner in scoring and Phil Hirsch in rebounds, tied for second in Red Rock Conference and took third in Districts. Gary also participated in every qua rter played. The team was also helped greatly by Mark Wessel who led all starters in free-throw percentage, with a blazing .735, and pulled down many rebounds despite his size with 109. Steve Freese snatched 134 re bo u nd s a nd scored 154 points. Jeff Gronholz grabbed 73 rebounds. After starting out the season well, the team slipped into the mid-season blahs, but surged through the rest of the season, losing only one out of ten games. Our team loses the services of all its starters, but will be helped next year by the experience and talents of many who played on the reserves this year. Huebner. Manager T. Koch. Assistant coach M. Duin.

MLA hosts Lutheran bands The annual band festival. consisting of bands and directors from N.L.A., S.C.L.S., and L.H.S., was held this year at M.L.A. A concert, consisting of a medley of compositions presented by the separate bands, was held on Friday evening. The greater part of Saturday was spent in rehearsal for the mass concert on the following day. At 2:00 Sunday afternoon the Satellite and the AU-Star bands presented a fine concert which no doubt thrilled the audience. Everyone seemed to have had a good time, and M.L.A. enjoyed hosting the visitors.

Immanuel: We rejoice at His birth I\ I • •.'

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Above: Football chccrlcadm: L to R: Brenda Boda, Lianoc Yanz, Jean Bocrneke, Mary Schulz, Beth Meihack, Mary Kelsey.

Above: " B'" Baskclball cheerleaders: L 10 R: Keri Mcihnck. l3clh Schneider, l3clh Markgraf: Top: C:uhy Schu bkcgcl.

Cheerleaders ignite the fans

Below: Volleyball cheerleaders To p: Tin.1 Kcsl.e Bo11om: Grace Stabell.

Above: ..A" Basketball cheerleaders: L to R : Jean Bocmeke, Beth Mcihack. Mal')• Kelsey. Brenda Bode. Below: Wrestling cheerleaders: L 10 R. Kirsten Le,•orson, Tammy Engwell. Claire Baur. Top: Patti Woller.

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The choir this year was the largest in M.L.A. history. Originally, there were doubts whether a choir this size could retain the quality and discipline of a smaller choir. They soon proved, however. that it was quite possible. Besides singing regularly at morning chapel, they sang in the Christmas concert, June Night, and the commencement services. During the Christmas season they presented a sacred concert over KEYC-TV in Mankato. They also made a record of some of their sacred numbers. From the mass choir. a travelling choir of about thirty-five members was chosen. This choir travelled to area congregations to sing for both Lenten and Advent services. Both choirs were, of course. directed by Prof. Hirsch.

Raise a joyful sound

Belov.•: Break time. Center. ..Goodie. goodic. we're here at last!"


Below: Mary inhales another burger.

Left: There's one in every box! Below The Rammics perform in morning chapel.


good times From the rather large regular choir. Professor Mouldenhauer chose sixteen seniors to be the Rambassadors for this year. Along with these sixteen. he also added Sue Vallenga as this year's piano accompanist. It was this group that travelled to Onalaska, Wis., for the Lutheran Choral Festival. The Rammies also performed in a rea congregations, some as far away as St. Paul Park. By the end of the year. the Rammies were a closely-knit group and had as much fun practicing as they did performing. Left; We love you. Petey. Lower left: Our lrimphant director Below: The Homecoming debut

Mass participation strikes again




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Bnmskc:es handle hockey and lake buckelS.

Slash'em and

bash'em Starting out with rowdiness from several teams, the boys' intramural hockey program ended with the Brimskees taking the title. This team, consisting of all juniors, also won the basketball championship after defeating Raymond's Outlaws. At the end of the year volleyball was played, and the Bullrocks took it easily.


Training and talent bring results After many hard practices and the auditions, it is time for the class recitals. Even though the students play for each other, they are still very nervous. Those who can control the shaking hands and knees and remember their pieces are lucky enough to be in the public recitals. There is a recital in the spring and in the fall. There is also one for a select group of Seniors chosen to perform. After the recitals, the student sigh with relief and think it's one less recital to go through.

Above: Fall recital


Middle: Senior recital

Bouom: Spring rccttal

S.C. pulls MLA through year After being elected to Student Council. 1he members begin many a talk session on planning different activities for 1he students. They pick out 1he most delight­ ful meals for the banquets, plan breath­ taking movies. and try 10 fit a snow car­ nival mto the busy schedule.






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Back. L 10 R: P. Moeller. Pres.• H. Ziellow. Vace­ prcs.• DeJn Schneider. Advisor. Front: M. Schulz. Treas.. P. B:iss, Sec.

Lcf1: Who. me�

Back: L to R: J. Frccsc, M. Schaefer. P. Hirsch, T. Kock. L. Hasbargen, Dean Schneider, Advisor. Middle: P Hirsch, L. Hahn, P. Moeller, J. Boemekc, A. Wagner, M. Kelsey. Front: P. HcMing, R. Schulz, R. Polzin, M. Schulz, H. Zietlow, J. Schlawin. Missing: P. Bass, 0. Moore.


B:ick: Len 10 right: Assistant coach. M. Wiebusch. Man:iger R. Neumann. R. Serwc. C. Yoncr. 8. Mc,hack. G Hartwig, A. Wagner. J. Moeller. P. Woller. R. Budach. Coach D. Kruggcl: Third row: Left 10 right: R. Polzin, G Hene. R. Haase. J Free e. R. Schulz. D. Menk. K. Blackwell, A. Wieb115Ch: Second row: Left 10 right: T. Dunn. V. Gunderson, L. Gustafson. J. Cross. T. Keske. R. Ho henstein. 8 . Schneider: First row: Left 10 right: K. Meyer. M Kelsey. S. Macnz. P. Bass. M. Schulz.

Mow them over! The girls" had a good season this year. G. Hartwig made a record of 5' I in high jump. M. Schulz ran the two mile in 12:57. A. Wiebusch did well in shotput with 29'8, and R. Schulz ran the hundred yard dash in 12.2. We took second in Conference. Next year should be pro mising with the team we have.

Clockwise from above: Futile effort Keep up the left! Oh wow! Schulzic in :igony


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Run 'em down! This year our boy's track team under the coaching of E. Walz came in third in the Red Rock despite injurLes. Many records were broken, such as Mark Wessel jumped 6'2 in high jump. and also flew 20'9 in long jump. Les Hasbargen ran the 440 in 52.6. Our track team did well even though some of our best running men were injured.

Back: Left to right: Coach Walz, Assistant coach A. Schmitzer. Assistant coach D. Jasperson. L. Wessel J. Raasch. S. Freese, L. Rodewald. M. Wessel, J. RettlalT. T. Kock. J. Schenk; Third row: Left to rie:ht: Assistant coach M. Manthe. T. Schoeneck, J. Willitz, R. Farren. T. Gustafson. G. Pluckhan. R. Bode. R. Stclljcs. J. Bunkowskc. C Wiebusch: Second row: Leri to right: M. Wcmdorf. S. Pcltt. M. Wc,Jde. R. Scifcn. L Ha.~bargen, P. Henning. S. Licht. D. Ring. G. Jeffers; First row: Left to right: B. Buldhaupt. B. Schaper. J. Schlawin. T . Zietlow. H. Zietlow. A. Hom, L. Nozie, M. Frey. B. Yanz.


Netters net few wins The MLA tennis team did not do so well this year. They had o nly 3 wins in 12 dual meets. They didn't do well in tournaments either. However, there were some bright spots in this season. Mike Bentz got to the semi-fi na ls o f the MLS Invitational Tournament. Gary Huebner and he made it to the section-

al division of the state tournament in first doubles. They were unable to play in the sectionals because G ary was ill. The team looks as if it sho uld be very s tro ng next year. There were o nly two se niors wh o g ra du a ted a nd m a n y sophomores and freshmen who will be returning.

The look of conccntraiion

Pair of aces

Varsity tennis: L to R.: P Schaefer. Coach H. Kaiser. M. Bentz.. D. Moore. D. Ladner. J Aa-


How graceful!

berg. G . Huebner, D. Polzin, J. Enstad. J. Morgan, P. Henning.

Batters have mediocre year

Above: Good cut!

Finishing its regular season with a 9-7 record, the basebaJI team lost to Mankato Loyola in first round action of the District tournament. The Rams got reliable pitching from Steve Soukup, who received the annual Gronholz Award, and Mike Schaefer, while Tom Soukup led the team in hitting. Steve and Tom Soukup along with Tim Bentz were chosen for the allconference team.



Standing: Left 10 right: M. Schaefer. B. Burger. 0 . Rodewald, M. Brueske, P. Hirsch. T Bentz. J. Gronholz. P. Moeller, M. Black. R. Runke.

Asst. c-0ach Wade. Head coach M. Duin. Kneeling: Left to right: M. Henrich. B. Winh, T. Grundmeyer, 0 . Maertz. S. Ziegler, Tun Sou-

kup, S. Soukup. Tom Soukup. J. Rakos, 0 . Schellc. M:111ager J . Plucker.


It's a fine banquet, Charlie Brown

The Red Baron suikcs again!

May 13th was the dale this year for the annual Activities Banquet. Gary Huebner did an excellent job as M.C., and Pastor Gerald Free of Omaha. NE presented us with a fine message. As usual, awards were handed out and everyone feasted on a superb meal of ham and shrimp. There was no entertainment this year which shortened the banquet considerably. The seniors worked hard to construct the Red Baron's plane, juniors and sophomores did artwork on the walls. and the freshmen drew murals and constructed a lemonade stand tha t quenched many's thirst. After the banquet the freshmen cleaned up and the Dean extended the check-in time for all.

Look out for 1ha1 plane!

Tilting hero


Happiness is-

June Night '78


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r s 49

6th century comes to MLA This year. the senior class put on the play, "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court". Although handicapped by weeks of sickness, the cast did an exceptional job of transporting the audience to the time of the Round Table. The play itself centered around Hank Bennett, a electronics genius who was carried back to King Arthur's time by his home-made radio. After r.e brought many 20th century gadgets to the 6th century, he again touched the wrong wire and found himself back in his own living roomcomplete with his nagging sister and worrying mother. All in all, the play was enjoyed by both audience and cast alike.

Above: " \Ve¡n be able 10 go backward through the cenlunes!.. Below: Robb chokes down a Camel c1gareue.

Above: Merlin cooks up a bil of magic. Below: All's well lhal ends well.

Off to the zoo Left: Herc, catch! Below: Can't get enough peanuis. right?

This year the senior class toured the Minnesota Zoologica l G a rdens on their class trip. It was opening day at the zoo and besides being the first class to ever enter the zoo. many students found themselves in front of cameras or in daily newspapers which were covering the event. Later in the trip the students shopped and feasted at a Twin Cities steak house. The evening was spent cheering the victorious Twins at Met Stadium. lt was decided that the win was directly related to the large sign and explosive cheering of the MLA fans. All in all, the trip was a lot like the weather that day-great! Too long a day for Dun

A can of spray paint and they're ready for the game


Above: Pin the t:111 on the goddess

Teatime for Greek goddesses The junior girls showed their adoration for the seniors with a tea in the style of ancient Greece. Clad in togas made from bedsheets, the juniors entertained the seniors with songs and fun games. Mrs. Trapp crowned the senior goddesses, their advisors and their wives with laurel wreaths. The juniors served Greek cake, cookies, fruit cups, slush kabobs, and punch. Everyone agreed that it had been a heavenly experience.


Above: Raasch MC"s Below: Poet laureate 78

Below: Three cheers for the class of '78 BC!

Eat! Enjoy! One of the many spring activities attended by the seniors was the annual Senior-Faculty Banquet held at the Orchid Inn at Sleepy Eye. A delicious meal was served followed by great entertainment. Toastmasters for the evening were Rob Raasch and Steve Freese. The pastor's course students showed everyone what Latin class is really like, and music was provided by a barbershop octet and the Rambassadors. The usual Senior class will and prophecy were read. The P.rofs finally got their tum when ~t was time for Poetry Hour and a magic act, plus their usual attempt at singing. 53

David Anderson

Palricfa Bass

Daniel Backer


Kelly Bender

Maroon and While

Flower Yellow Sweelheart Rose

Timothy Beniz

Hymn l et Us Ever Walk Wnh J esus

Motto Be strong and of a good courage; be nol afraid, ncilher be thou d ismayed; for lhe lord lhy God is wilh lhcc whilhersoever thou goest. Joshua I :9. Elaine Brown

Michael Brueske

Carl Denninger

Cynthia Budach


Pamela Dcscns

Debra Dahlke

Jon Enstad

Candace Free

Lisa Friedrich

Steven Freese

I TOIi tl4 •f I

cemqe . • • tlreid.

JcfT Gronholz

Keith Hadler

Denise Hanel

Philip Hirsch

Sandra Jaehnke

Elizabeth Jensen

.... Jo nathan Hohenstein

Gaiy Huebner


Mary Kelsey

James Kock

Lisa Kolander

Timothy Kock

Lynn Krueger

Steven Levorson

Jean Lindemann

Shirleen Maertz

Elaine McCullough

Karen Meyer

Myron Manthe Lynn Marschel


Peter Moeller

Scott Monroe

Rhonda Paulsen

Elizabeth Petennann

Robert Raasch

John Retzlaff

Robert Runlce

Richard Russow

Debrah Schroeder

Corrine Schardin

Mary Schulz

Thomas Schooley


Laurie Schwich1cnbcrg

Stephanie Seebach

Ellen Siemers

S1cphen Soukup

Doreen Stark

Denise S1elhck

Hc:11her Strackbein Susan Vellcnga

Lyn Wessel Mark Wessel Craig Wieb115Ch 58

Paul Witt

Know for sure Allhough the weather forecast was less than assuring for the day of graduation and pla ns had been made for a rainy day, the Lord blessed the 1978 Commencement day of MLA with a cool and lovely day. Assembled for the last time on the !st day of June the class of '78 heard Prof. Martin Stuebs of Lakeside Lutheran High School speak to them about being sure of what they know in this age, as the speaker described it, of fright and being only tentative a bout everything. It is difficult even for the child of God surrounded as he is by temptations and doubts on every side to be sure. The disciples themselves were not sure after the death of Christ, and even some of them were still not sure after Christ's resurrection. However, with what is written for us in God's Holy Word and with those truths firmly planted in our hearts by the work of the Holy Spirit, the children of God can be sure and take God at His Word in all things, now and for eternity. 59

Senior index

11.12: Band 9,10.11 ,12: Band President 12: Rambassadors 12: Class President 12. Northwestern College

KELSEY. MARY JO. Belle Plaine, MN. Tr.1ck 10,11 ,12: lntramurals 9,l0.11.12: Basketball C heerleading B 9,IO: A 11.12: Football C heerleading 11.12; Choir 11.12: Traveling C hoir 12: Student Council 12. Bethany

ANDERSON. DAVID JAY. "Andy Rag". Co;il Valley. IL. Tennis 9; Wrestling B 9: lntramurals 11.12: Choir JO. Electronics

Plain, MN. lnt.ramurals 9. 10,11.12: C hoir 12; Traveling Choir 12: Band 12: Ram-Page 12: Student Union Board 12. DMLC

BACKER. DANIEL PAUL. New Ulm. MN. Football B 9: Track 9; lntramurals 9. 10.11.12: Student Council 9.10: Ram-Page 12. Minnesota

ENSTAD. JON LOWELL. "Lion", St. P.1ul Park, MN. Football B 10: Tennis 9.10,11.12; lntramurals 9: Choir 11.12; Traveling Choir 12: Band Band vice-president 12; Ra mbassadors 12. Student Union Board 12. Northwestern College

KOCK. JAMES LYNN, Tawas City. Ml, Baseball 9,10,11; Football B 9; A 11.12; lntramurals 10,11 .12. College

FREE. CANDACE JANET, "Candy". Omaha, NB, Track Manager 10: lntramurals 9; Choir 11,12: Traveling Choir 12. College

KOCK, TIMOTHY JOHN. "Knife", Rhinelander, WI, Basketball B 9, Manager 12: Football B 9,10: A 10,11,12; Captain 12: Track 9,10, 11 , 12; Wrestling A II ; lntrn murals 9, 10,11, 12: Student Council 12. Funeral Director

School of Business

BASS. PATRICIA ANN. "Paf'. Rio Piedras. PR. Basketball B 10; A II: Track 9.10,11. 12; Volleyball A Captain 12; lnt.ramurals 9.12; Choir 12: Student Council 11.12: Secre• tary 12; Oass Treasurer 10. College BENDER. KELLY ANN. Des Moines. IA. Volleyball Manager 12; Choir 12; Traveling Choir 12; Ram-Page 12; Feature Editor 12: Transfer 12. Nursing School

BENlZ. TIMOTiiY JOHN, "Truck". New Ulm. MN, Baseball 9, 10,11.12; Football B 9; A 10.11.12. Captam 12: Wrestling A 9,10.11.12. Captain 12; lnt.ramurals 9.10.11,12; Choir 12; Traveling Choir 12: Band 9. College

BLACK. DAVID MILTON, "Wave". Gibbon. MN. lnt.ramurals 12; Ram-Page 12. Work

BROWN. ELAINE LILLIAN. "Brownie". Stillwater, MN. lnt.ramurals 9. 10, 11.12: Choir 11.12; Traveling Choir 12: Band 9,10,11.12: Ram-Page 12. DMLC

BRUESKE. MICHAEL ROLAND, "Mick", New Ulm. MN. Baseball; Football B 9: lnt.ramurals 10.11. 12: Choir 12. Northwestern College

BUDACH. CYNTHIA KAY. "Cindy". Brooklyn Center. MN. Basketball B 11; A 12; Intramurals 9.10; Choir 12: Band 9. 10.11. 12. Undecided

DAHLKE. DEBRA JEAN, " Deb". Belle Plaine, MN, Track 10.11, Manager 10; lntramwals 9,10.11. 12; Choir 11,12; Traveling Choir 12: Ram-Page 12: Cla$S Secretary 10.11. Marriage

DENNIGER. CARL "Bullrock", New Ulm. MN. Military Service



FREESE, STEVEN ALLEN, "Fraze", Plymouth, NB. Baseball 9,IO; Basketball B 9, IO: A 11,12; Football B 10; A 11.12: lntramurals 9,10.11.12: Choir I0.11,12: Traveling Choir 12; Rambassadors 12: Class Vice-president 9. Vocational School

FRIEDRICH. LISA ANN, " Frito", New Ulm. MN. lnt.ramurals 9, IO: Choir 11.1 2: Ram-P.1ge 12. Work

GRONHOLZ, JEFF DELMER. New Ulm, MN, Baseball 9,l0, 11,12: Basketball B 9,10: A 11.12; Football B 9; A I0,11,12; lntramurals 9,10, 11.12; Ram-Page 12. M.1nkato St.1te College

HADLER, KEITH Wll.LIS, "SkiMy" , Byla.~. AZ. Football B ; T rack 9: lntramurals 11. 12. Northwestern College

HANEL. DENISE CAROL, Prior Lake. MN. lnt.ramurals 10.11,12; Choir 12: Band 10.11 ,12; Transfer 10. Bethany

HIRSCH, PHILIP CLARK, New Ulm. MN. Baseball 9,10,11,12; Basketball B 9: A 10, 11,12: Captain 12: Football B 9: A 10,11,12; Captain 12; lntramurals 9.10. 11, 12: Choir 10,11,12; Traveling Choir 11.12: Band 9,10.11.12; Student Council 12; Rambassadors 12. Northwestern College

HOHENSTEIN. JONATHAN LLOYD. G ibbon, MN, lnt.ramurals 11, 12: Choir 12. Nonhwcstem College

HUEBNER. GARY ALAN, "Hueb", New Ulm, MN, Basketball B 9.10; A 11,12: Football B 9: A 10,11, 12; Tennis 9,10,11,12; lnt.ramurals 9,10,11,12; Choir 10,11, 12; Traveling Choir

KOLANDER, LISA B~TH. " Koly". Montello, WI, Choir 12: Traveling Choir 12; lntramurals 9,12: Band 9,10,11, 12: Rambn sadors 12 College

KRUEGER. LYNN DAR LE E , " Lmdy", Blue Earth, MN. Basketball Manager 12, Trnck II; Volleyball A Manager 10: lntromurals 9, 10.12: Choir 11 , 12; Traveling Choir 12. Concordia

LEVERSON. STEVEN MARK. " I I. Levi", New Ulm. MN, Football B 9.10: Track 9, 10: Wrestling B 9, 10: A 11. 12; ln1rnmurals 9, 10,11 ,12: Choir 10: Band 9,I0,11: Rnmbler 9,10, 11. Editor 12. Northwestern College

LINDEMANN. JEAN MARGARET. " Jeana", New Ulm, MN, Tennis II: Trnck 12; Intramurals 9; Ram-Page 12. Navy

McCULLOUGH, ELAIN E MA U REEN, "Laina", Pon Orchard, WA, lntramurals II; Choir 11, 12: Band II ; Class Secretary 12: Transfer 11, DMLC

MAERTZ. SHIRLEEN ANN. "Sam", Marshall, MN, Track 11.12; lnt.ramurals 9, 10,11,12; Choir II , 12: Traveling Choir 12; Band 9,10,11.12; Rambassadors 12: C lass Treasurer 11,12. DMLC

MANTHE, MYRON DEXTER, Pemberton, MN, Football B 9; A 10.11; Track Manager 10,12: Choir 10,11,12; Traveling Choir I0,11,12: Wrestling Manager 9; lntramurals 9,10, 11,12; Band 9,10,11,12; Ram-Page 12. Mankato State


Buffalo. MN, Baseball Manager 9,10; Intramurals 11.12; Ram-Page 12. Dunwoody Technical Institute

MEYER. KAREN MAXINE. New Ulm, MN, Basketball B 10; A 11,12; Captain 12; Track 9,10.11 ,12; Volleyball A 11,12; lnlramurals 9; Choir 11,12; Secretary-Treasurer 12; Traveling Choir 11 ,12: Student Council 12; Rambassadors 12: Ram-Page Sports Edito r 12. East Tennessee State University

MOELLER, PETER DONOLD REINHART. " Pee Do", Fairmont, MN. Baseball 9,10,11,12: Basketball B 9; Football B 9: A 10.11. 12: Intramurals 9,10,11. 12: Choir I0.11, 12: Vice-president 12; Traveling Choir 12; Student Council 11 ,12: President 12; Rambassadors 12: Class President 10. Navy

MONROE. SCOTT DAVID, Phoenix, AZ, Baseball 12, Football A 11; lntramurals 11.12: Transfer 11. Nonhwcstern College

PAULSEN, RHONDA KAY. Danube. MN. Basketball O 10: Track Manager 10; Intramurals 10.1 I, 12: Pep Club Secretary-Treasurer 12: Choir 11. 12: Traveling Choir 12; Band 9.10. 11. 12; Rambassadors 12: Ram-Page 12. DMI.C'

PETERM,\ ' .. ELIZABETH LOUISE, "Liz", St. Paul. MN, Basketball 10, 11: A 12: Captain 12: Tr.1ck 10, 11.12; Volleyball B 11; A 12; In• tramurals 9; Choir 12; Ram-Page 12. DMLC

RAASCH, ROBERT FOY, Omaha, NE. Baseball 9,10; Football B 9,10; A 11, 12; lntramurals 9,10,11,12; Choir 11,12; Traveling Choir 11.12; Student Council 10, 11; Vice-president 11; Rambassadors 11 ,12; Rambler 10.11, 12; Class President 9. Nonhwcstem College

RETZLAFF. JON ERIC. "Retz", New Ulm, MN, Basketball B 9; A 12; Football B 9: A 10. 11 ,12: Track 9,I0,11,12; lntramurals 9,10. 11.12. College

RUNKE, ROBERT ALLEN, "Bobe", Nicollet. MN, Baseball 9.10,11, 12; Football A 11: Wrestling A 9,10,11 ; lntramurals 9.10,11 ,12: Choir 10,11,12. Work

RUSSOW. RICHARD STEVEN, "Pumkin", Sleepy Eye, MN, Baseball Manager 10: Foot• ball Manager 10,11.12: Wrestling B 9; Manager 10: lntramurals 10, II; Choir 10, 12: Class Vicepresident 11.12. Nonhwestem College

SCHARDIN, CORRJNE KAY. "Cory", Lake Bento n, MN, lntramurals 9,I0,11, 12; Pep Club

President 12; Choir 12; Ram-Page 12. DMLC

SCHOOLEY, THOMAS JAMES, "Bunny". Aurora. CO, Football A 11,12; Track 10: Intra• murals 9,10.11, 12; Ram-Page 12. Metropolitan Stale College

SCHROEDER, DEBRAH KAE, "Fuzzer", New Ulm, MN, Track Manager 12; Volleyball Manager 12; lntramurals 9,10.11,12; Pep Club Vice-president 12; Choir 11,12; Traveling Choir 12. South Dakota College

SCHULZ. MARY ANN, "Shulzy". New Ulm, MN, Basketball A 12; Track 9,10,11,12; Intramurals 9,10,11 ; Basketball Cheerleader B 9,10; A II: Football Cheerleader 10.11,12; Choir 11,12; Traveling Choir 12: Band 9,10,11.12; Treasurer 12; Student Council 10,11,12: Treasurer 12; Rambassadors 12; Class Secretary 9. College

SCHWJCHTENBERG, LAURIE MARIE, "Schwitz", Belle Plaine, MN, Track 11; Choir 12. Suburban HeMepin Vo-Tech

WESSEL. LYN ALAN. "The Animal", Truman. MN, Baseball 12; Football A 10,11,12; Jn. tramurals 12: Transrer 10. University of MiMcsota

WESSEL, MARK WARREN, New Ulm. MN, Basketball B 9,10; A 10,11. 12; Football B 9; A 11,12; Track 9,10,11,12; lntramurals 9,10,ll,12; Choir 10,11,l2; President 12; Traveling Choir 11,12; Band 9,10,11,12: Rambassadors 12; Class President 11. Nonhwestem College

WIEBUSCH. CRAJG CARLYLE...Wieb", Vancouver, WA, Basketball B Manager 9; A Manager JO: Football B 9; A 10,11,12: Captain 12: Track 9, 10,11,12; Wrestling A 11.12: Intra• murals 9,I0,11,12; Choir 11.12; Traveling Choir 12; Class Vice-president 10. Northwestern College

WITT, PAUL KARL. "Dizz", New Ulm, MN. Baseball 9,10; Basketball B Manager 9: Fool• ball B 9,10; lntramurals 9,10,11,12; Band 9,10,11; Student Council 9,10.11. College

SEEBACH, STEPHANIE SUE. "Steph", St. Peter, MN, Basketball B 10,11; Track Manager 12; lntramurals 9; Choir 11,12; Traveling Choir 11,12; Student Council 9; Rambassadors 12; Ram-Page 12. MSU

SIEMERS, ELLEN LOUISE, Des Moines, IA, Volleyball B 9,10; A 11,12; Choir 11.12; Travel• ing Choir 12; Student Council 9, 10. II : Secretary II: Rambassadors 12. Navy

SOUKUP, STEPHEN PAUL. "Steve", Over1:ind Park. KS, Baseball 9,10,11,12; Basketball B 9,10: Football B 9,10; A II; Wrestling B II: lntramurals 9, 10,11,12: Choir 10.11,12; Traveling Choir 11.12; Rambassadors 12. Nonhwcstem College

STARK, DOREEN GALE, Comfrey, MN, In• tramurals II; Choir 12: Transfer II. DMLC

STELLICK, DENISE LORRI, "Dennei". Rhinelander, WI. Tennis 10; Choir 11,12: RamPage 12: Transfer 10: DMLC STRACKBErN, HEATHER ELAINE. Wintrop, MN. Track 11; Choir 11.12; Rambassadors 12; Ram-Page 12. An

VELLENGA. SUSAN ELLEN. "Sue", New Ulm, MN, lntramurals 9; Volleyball Cheerleader 11; Choir 11,12: Traveling Choir 12; Band 9, 10, II, 12; Secretary 12; Rambassadors 12: Ram-Page Editor 12. St. Olaf College


l would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to Prof. Jaster, our tireless and ever too present advisor, and to Prof. Denninger for his photographical work. Also, l want to thank the members of the staff for getting their assignments done before they left for home. Finally, a special word of thanks to Rob Raasch for the many times he helped this year's book out of its crises. Steven Levorson Editor



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