MLC Yearbook 2005-2006

Page 1

With His Blessing This year, the staff of the Shield chose the theme "With His Blessing." As we have 20120 hindsight, this theme has become very appropriate through the year. Perhaps the most obvious of these connections is to graduation. Our staff of eight seniors recently passed through this stage of their life. We know that it is only "With His Blessing" that we have made it this far, and that we now continue on in our ministries. Perhaps another visible connection is the Professors who are leaving Martin Luther College. Professor Terry Graf accepted a call to become Principal at Siloah, Milwaukee. Professor John Paulsen has retired from teaching at Martin Luther College. Both these men have served at Martin Luther College "With His Blessing ," and now continue their lives in the same way. The final connection to this theme is the culmination of a traditional yearbook at Martin Luther College. A decision by the college administration in connection with budgeting constraints, brings to a close a long era and tradition of college yearbooks. The DMLC Excelsior staff began producing a yearbook in 1950. That book was continued until Dr. Martin Luther College and Northwestern College amalgamated in 1995 and formed Martin Luther College. From that point, until the presesent, a yearbook has been produced under the name the Shield. This is the final year of the Shield, and I hope that in this book you may see all the blessings you have in your life and especially at Martin Luther College. May you always continue your life and ministry "With His Blessing."

The 2005-2006 Shield staff dedicates this yearbool< to:





Although Professor Graf has only been at MLC for four years, he has been a busy man.

His main job was supervi sion of

student te achers throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. Once in a while you could catch him on campus, but probably only in the first four weeks of the semester, when he was teaching some Education classes. He has surely made a positive impact on his students over the past four years.


Profes sor Paulsen has completed an accomplished 35 years of service to MLC and DMLC.

He has served most recently

in the area of science, teaching Astronomy, Geology, and Physics.

He has been on

many exciting adventu res, including digging for dinosaur bones. He has also served as the Director of Special Services, a program which has helped many students traditional and non-traditional , undergraduate and graduate, continue and finish their education.

1950 DMLC EXCELSIOR STAFF We would also like to dedicate this yearbook to all past yearbook staffs. Since 1950, a yearbook has been produced annually. Without the dedication of each year's staff, the yeabook would not have been around all these years. Thank you on behalf of all students past and present of MLC and DMLC. Pictured at right: Standing (L to R) Howard Woldt, sports; Mildred Pingel, features; Rhoda Lau, featu res; Doris Pankow, biographies; Lester Ring, art and photography; Delbert Mey, typist; Seated (L to R) Jonathan Guenther, publicity; Bruce Backer, editor; Jerome Birkholz, bus. mgr.; Inset Prof. C.J. Trapp, adviser

Dedication 3

MHTS 8 10

12 13

14 15

Homecoming W1nte r Carnival Student TeaChil'.IQ Fresh'man EFE S.0.A.A. Trips Arbor Day

lHEATER Ht 18 20



Musical Readers Theater Winter Play Children's Theater Outdoor Theater

DORMS 26 28 30 32


Summit Augustana Concord Centennial L.Uther Manor




52 Voneyball


68 70 72 74 76

54 56 58 60


Football Women's Soccer Men's Soccer Golf Cross Country


Women's Basketball Men's·Basketbell

Softball Baseball Women's Tennis Men's Tennis Track & Field



Wind Symphony College Cho11 40 College Chou Tour 42 Men's Choir 43 Women's Choir 44 Chorale




38 39

80 SerilOrS • 82 JunlOIS 89 Sophomores

95 Freshmen 101 Faculty & Stal

45 46 46

Handbells Meet Math Forum

Knight's Page

47 AVCO 47 Chapel Committee 48 Student Senate

104 May Graduates 125 December Graduates

Events and Campus Life

Go, my children, sins~~,,e,n, A~an~.

Here you learned how much ~/'l!A' you, What I can cure. Here you heard my dear Son's story; Here you touched him, saw hispA;j/.

Go, my children, sins~~,,e,n, A~an~.

Right: Joel Lauber dresses up as a chicken for the Homecoming Talent show. He is taking a break from the piano to pet the dog, Brian Schmidt.

Below: The freshman show their team spirit by shouting a cheer at the Homecoming football game.

HOMECOMING Knight line

Homecoming is a special time of year for the college. It is a way to introduce the freshmen class to the way of college life and to spend time with many friends. There are a lot of ways that the freshmen get to know one another. The freshmen welcoming is a part of homecoming that is like initiation into MLC. The talent show is always a success and the students are able to demonstrate their talents for others. The game is always a way for the new freshmen to cheer their team on and do crazy things out in the field as dictated by their lord

8 Homecoming

or lady. The other way to show school spirit is to bring everyone together at the pep rally to get excited about the big game. The buring of the "M" is a tradition that is carried along with the class competitions. Throughout the week, the classes compete between each other in many different activities.

Left: These two men play their song dressed up in crazy costumes to help entertain the audience.

Below: Becky Hahn is carried across the gym floor in hopes of winning the race.

Left: MCs Paul Kolander and Tony Bartels provided a "banging" performace at the Talent Show.

Above: Freshman demonstrate their skills by making a pyramid in the endzone of the football game.

Left: Laura Merklinger and Jonathan Weber line up for the wheelbarrow race.

Homecoming 9

Right: Mike Strusz auctions off the next d a te a t the d a te a uction . All p roceed s earned w ent towards the chapel offering.

Below: Pe te r Iles di ves on his knees to g u a rd the goal during the broomball game.

Winter Carnival Knights in Space

Take one part alien, two parts chivalrous horseman, and a dash of snow (because that is all we had again this year), and mix them together. The result is this year's WinterCarnival, "Knights in Space." Though we once again did not have enough snow to make sculptures, a number of activ ities kept us busy during the week. Perennial favorites such as Broomhall, Manhunt, Speedball, and the MLC v s . Seminary hockey game were joined by the

10 Winter Carnival

extremely popular date auction. As always, the talent show closed out the 2006 Winter Carnival. The current and future Student Body Presidents Justin Vilski and Mike Strusz provided a great amount of entertainment as MC's. As a bonus, the talent show featured a variety of content including rousing piano duets, rhythm speaking, harmonica jams, and rockin' out.

Left: Kent Reeder, Dan Johnston, and Matt Scharf take part in something MLC hasn't seen before in a talent show: rhythm speaking.

Below: A group of students sit patiently in the LSC to wait their turn on bidding on the one they choose in the date acution.

Left: John Raasch dives on the ice to protect the goal. He was part of the Senior broomball team and looks like he's having a good time, even though it's cold.

Above: Phil Eich rocks out on his harmonica during the talent show.

Left: Justin Vilski and Mike Strusz are providing entertainment for the crowd as they aution off singles in the date aution.

Winter Carnival 11

reshmen b..

his week is a very special week for the freshmen on campus. During these few days, they get a taste of what the ministry is like and get their feet wet in teaching their own classmates and stduents from town. Many speakers come in and give exciting speeches to the freshmen about their own experiences in the public ministry. The speakers share their own insight and ideas with the students and give them a taste for what teaching is really like out in the field.


12 Student Teaching

The freshmen also get a chance to prepare lessons and teach them to their peers in small groups. Then the critique each other and help their group members to improve. At the end of the few days, the freshmen teach their prepared lesson to a small group of students that come to visit. This is such a wonderful experience for the freshmen students to be a part of. One learns so much from this week and it gives the students something to look forward to.


C ockw1 ,e from top left 1 Andrea F1sche reads a story to the fnst grade class. 2 Joe Woldt tc~~hes a lesson to t " sevent and e1gt"' grade 3 Josh von Stein uses t e p oiector to •eac r lesson 4 Justin van Beckum hE>lsp o e of his stude.,ts

6tudent Teaching b.xperience It's the moment that's been anticipated for years. Much studying is done before this moment arrives and then it's over before you know it. The work that is put in feels like too much at times, but then it's worth it to see the student's faces when the information makes sense to them. An experience that will last a lifetime, student teaching is a way to get out into the field and practice the knowledge that has been studied. Many memories are created here and many concepts learned that cannot be leaned in the classroom.

Freshman EFE 13


itting in the faculty lounge, Pastor Soeder and Professor Lange searched for a way to share the ministry of MLC with others. TCW teams are well known and a common sight across the country. A TCW team was not what they had in mind, however. Then , Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, and an opportunity presented itself. Beginning in November and lasting through March, nearly 70 students had the chance to travel down to New Orleans and help families begin rebuilding their lives.


14 SOAR Trips

Using the acronym S.O.A.R. - Standing On A Rock - the students volunteered their time to gut a house from floor to ceiling. Everything that could be carried out was dumped on the curb. After that, the walls were stripped down to the studs. Overall, the experience was one the students will never forget. The love expressed by the students for people they did not know brought a renewed positive attitude to the communites they served.

Clockwise from top left 1. Peter Trapp gives his crew some help. 2. The sophomore guys admire their sucessfully planted tree. 3. Mr. Messer takes charge of the grilling for the picnic. 4. Jessica Gierach and Hannah Bode bag up their rakings.

ArborDay 15


Man of La Mancha When he and his manservant Sancho are thrown into prison by the Spanish Inquisition, Don Miguel de Cervantes must also plead his case before his fellow prisioners. In an effort to keep his beloved manuscript, Cervantes tells them the story written on its pages; the story of Don Quixote. This play within a play tells of a country squire pretending to be a knoble knight on a crusade against evil. On his adventures, Quixote touches the life of a young serving wench named Aldonza. Although Cervantes is handed over to the Inquisition in the end, as he leaves his prisonmates are inspired by his story and pledge their devotion to "The Quest."

Top: Don Quixote tries to get the barber's (Tun Wahl) golden helmet. Above: Aldonza spends a little extra time with one of the Muleteers CTeremiah Drews). Right: Aldonza (Alexandra Chworowsky) tries to ward off the Muleteers.

16 Musical

Left: As Cervanes (Dan Johnston) leaves the prison, his comrades are inspired by his story to "Dream the Impossible Dream."

Below: Don Quixote (Dan Johnston) begins his story, on his journey to become a knight.

Above: Cervantes receives his book "Don Quixote" back from the prison governor.

Left: Gypsy Ellen Lueneberg dances to distract Sancho and Quixote while their belongings were taken.

Above: Sancho (Kent Reeder) and Don Quixote look for the nearby inn.

Musical 17

Readers Theater

Screwtape In this adaptation of C.S. Lewis' "The

Screwtape Letters," beginning tempter Wormwood has just started his apprenticeship. His mission? To win the soul of one Michael Green for hell. Things start falling apart though when Wormwood is constantly pulled every direction by his two mentors, his old experienced uncle Screwtape, and Slumtrimpet, a sly demon seductress. Although th e three have a difficult time working together, they do manage to wreck havoc in Mike's life. Filled with glaring innuendos and harsh realities, "Screwtape" gives the audience a more vivid look at Satan's influence in the world. Fortunately we have no reason to fear him as director Angela Leinberger reminded audiences before r.erformances: "This world's prince may still scowl fierce as he will, he can harm us none, he's judged, the deed is done. One little word can fell him" (CW 200).

Top: Mike's mom (Hols Fischer) gets an earful from her son. Above: Screwtape (Steven Springborn) sh a res his "Tem p ter's H a ndbook". Righ t: Wormwood (Brad Snyd er) falls asleep under Mike's (Kevin Boushek) bed.

18 Readers Theater

Left: Wormwood (Bradley Snyder) stirs things up at the office.

Below: Mike (Kevin Boushek), possessed by Wormwood, takes his agressions out on his mother.

Above: Screwtape (Steven Springborn) trains Wormwood in the ins and outs of being a demon.

Left: The demons sneek a peak over Mortar's (Ben Kanter) shoulder.

Above: Millie (Fiona Matlock) receives some terrible instructions from Mike.

Readers Theater 19

Winter Play

100 Lunches 100 Lunches sounds like an expensive proposition, but that's exactly what Charity suggests as a way for Chuck to give her writing lessons. A famous playwright and a newspaper's play critic, this odd couple visits a variety of eating establishments from both ends of the price spectrum. These visits to such places like Wally's Weiner World give the two a common bond and soon Charity's alterior motives for the writing lessons are discovered. With the lOOth luch at Chuck's house following the premiere of his new play, Glinda and Terry both become witness to the true feelings between Charity and Chuck.

Top: Yolanda's (Chelsey Hintz) presence makes Terry (Kent Reeder) more than a little nervous. Above: Chuck (Sam Kleinke) isn't wuite sure lunch #8 is actually edible. Right: Glinda (Sarah Sauer) adjusts Chuck's bow tie before the big premiere.

20 Winter Play

Left: Yolanda drops in to break up the party at Pierre's Palais de Pompe, lunch#77.

Below: The waiter (Dan Johnston) comes from a very large family of waiters.

Above: In fear of Chuck's wrath, Charity

uses Terry as a personal shield.

Left: Glinda and Terry are both amused and amazed by Charity (Emliy Mayer) and Chuck's new found affection.

Above: Charity and Chuck start getting friendly at lunch # 9 at The Four Seasons.

Winter Play 21

Children's Theater

The Golden Goose Greed can lead to sticky situations. The cast of "The Golden Goose" experienced this first hand. When Simpleton is awarded a Golden Goose for his kindness to the Little Old Lady, he is sent to the castle of King Krank. Along the way, Simpleton and the Goose get "stuck" with numerous townsfolk. When they reach the castle Simpleton finds Princess Cry Baby. King Krank has promised the Princess' hand in marriage to anyone who can make her laugh. Upon seeing the ridiculous group of followers Simpleton is rolling along with, Princess Cry Baby bursts into laughter and she and Simpleton live happily ever after. Children's Theater reaches out to the community with six daytime performances for area schools. Over 5,000 students from as far away from Nebraska and South Dakota attended this year's performances.

Top: Simpleton'smother(Hannah Witte) tells her son he's not big enough to chop wood yet. Above: All stuck together, Simpleton (Seth Bode) tries to figure out which way the castle is. Right: "Such a good boy! " Simpleton shares his unusually good lunch with the Little Old Lady (Paula Klose).

22 Children's Theater

Left: Upon reaching "The Inn of the Stuffed Goose", Father (Charles Flunker) is flabbergasted that the Goose (Leah Pekrul) can talk.

Below: The Little Old Lady tries to lure Rupert (Colin Hartwig) out of his deep sleep.

Above: Georgie (Kevin Boushek) laments that there isn't more food in his brother's lunch.

Left: Dante Dastardly (Phil Kiecker) makes use of the surrounding foliage.

Above: Dante Dastardly's attempt to steal the goose is thwarted by the Page (Steven Springbom).

Children's Theater 23

Outdoor Theater

The Taming of the Shrew The Taming of the Shrew is a classical Shakespearean cornedy that spins a tale full of disguise, intrigue, humor, and romance. Baptista announces that only after Katherina, his oldest daughter, is wed, shall Bianca be allowed the same. Brave Petruchio accepts the challenge and tries to tame Katheina whose temper is feared by all. While back at the Ranchero, two suitors, love-struck Lucentio and ridiculously good-looking Hortensia, fiercely vie for the hand and heart of fair Bianca. While tension mount and secretidentities come to light, there isn't a man in Mantua or little girl peddling in Padua who isn't waiting for the answer to the question that remains - can the Shrew be tamed?

Top: Lucentio Gonathan Weber) makes his move on Bianca (Emily Schroeder), wooingwithLatin,hisgamet, winning her heart. Above: Baptista (Kaleb Pier) stands amazed. Before him is the legend, the one and only Hortensio. Right: The faithful servants rejoice at Grumio's (Paul Sullivan) return with a welcome home hug.

24 Outdoor Theater

Left: The Pedant (Colin Rieke) tries one las time to pass Tranio (Daniel Waldschmidt) off as his son.

Below: Petruchio Gustin Wagner) dons his finest for the big day... but will Katherina (Emily Mayer) still say "I do?"

Above: I can't take it anymore! Is it the sun or is it the moon?

Left: The shocked Seamstress (Caitlin Ulrich) defends her work of art by claiming error in the bill.

Above: Mario CToel Hoff) wonders whether the life of a servant is all it's cut out to be as he puts the final touches on his master's mansion in Mantua.

Outdoor Theater 25

Summit Hall is the home to 5th Year Seniors, Seniors, and Junior men. As you can see from these pictures, they are hard working guys, but they still like to have fun.

Floor Pictures

26 Summit

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Summit 27

Augustana is cal led home by the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior women. As you can see, these women are not the "all work and no pla/' type.

Floor Pictures

28 Au gustana

First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Augustana 29

Concord Hall is "Home Sweet Home'' to the Freshmen and Sophomore men. These guys are on their way to being pastors and teachers.

Floor Pictures

First Floor

Third Floor

30 Concord

Second Floor

Fourth Floor

Concord 31

Centennial Hall is where the Freshmen women stay for their -Arst year at MLC. Here they meet new friends and a new family.

Floor Pictures

First Floor

32 Centennial

Second Floor

Centennial 33

Manor is the dorm for students who like the off-campus feel, but still like to be close enough to enjoy the campus activities.

Floor Pictures

Women's Wing

34 Manor

Men's Wing

Manor 35


Go, my children, fed an~~


Grow in love and love by~~'

~~ndfree. Here my Spirit's power~ou; Here his tender comfort ~ou.

Go, my children, fed


~~and free.

Piccolo Rose Krueger Flute Rebekah Schmill Claire hagen Rose Kruger Kara Myers Elyshia Schafer Anne-Kathrin Thiele Oboe Anna Horneber Clarinet Michelle Leeker Rachel nass Sarah Setra Brian Schultz Keri Koch Holly Pearson Bass Clarinet Andrea Oppermann

Mr. Miles Wurster Conductor

38 Wind Symphony

Alto Saxophone Jennifer Foelske Deborah Voigt Tenor Saxophone Sarah Schaub Trumpet Erin Steindorf Jennifer Seeger Scott Brown Hannah Bushkopf Peter Walther Jonathan Weber Christine Swoboda PaulSpaude Horn Erin Kanter Laurel Utecht Sarah Koester Jon Lockman

Trombone Scott Gibson Christian Dahl Gregory Hein Michael Kopitzke Brian Gephart Euphonium Peter Hagen Titba Michael Koepke Nicholas Bush Percussion Jonathan Laabs Timothy Griepentrog Emily Gorzalski Jeremy Seeger Elizabeth Webb





Joelle Tjernagel Rebekah Laitinen Jaymie Bergmeier Hals Fischer Laura Mattek Amy Hein Destinee Jaeger Rebecca Nolte Elizabeth Webb Joy Marks Candace Hoefert Anna Bourman Jamie Spielbauer Erin Kanter Lisa Rick Sarah Schlicht Stacia Glodowski Angela Leinberger

Michelle Leeker Heidi Schone Jess Falk Becky Schrnill Jess Burmeister Sarah Sauer Jennifer Seeger Hannah Witte April Lorenz Erin Steindorf Claire Natsis Carrie Ewings Audrey Metzger Stephanie Plagenz Katie Sternberg Katie Wahl Erika Brunner Andrea Oppermann

Phil Eich Scott Brown Tim Wahl Jason Fry Karl Henselin Joel Lauber Seth Bode Noah Trimmer Paul Kanzenbach Dan Niemi Brian Schultz Tim Matthies Jon Rosenow Tim Petrie Sam Schlicht

Sam Kleinke Kyle Bitter Brian Schmidt Tim Nass Josh Wendt Michael Babler Jon Niemi Josh Krieger Mark Knickelbein Kevin Bode Jon Laabs Jacob Behnken Dan Naumann Mark Thiesfeldt

Dr. Kermit Moldenhauer Conductor

College Choir 39

Below: Michael Babler, Jess Falk, Andrea Oppermann, Kevin Bode, Stacia Glodowski, and Laura Mattek with a Seattle skyline backdrop while traveling across the Puget Sound by ferry.

Below: Josh WendtandStephPlagenzlook at the brighter side of things during one of many long bus rides.

llight: Anna Bourman takes a walk down the aisle of bus.

Left: With as many sack lunches as the choir eats on tour, they welcome opportunities like this to make their own. 40 College Choir Tour

Above: Brian Schmidt and Joel Lauber some time to relax along the

Left: Kevin Bode tries his hand at a newfound skill, the guitar.

Below: April Lorenz tries out her moose call at a moose feeding area outside of Yakima, WA.

Above: Kevin Bode makes a new friend in Old Sacramento.

e: Andrea Oppermann and Erika Brunner, eat their Yakima Valley cherries together.

College Choir Tour 41

Travis Baumgarten Kevin Boushek Matthew Evans Seth Georgson Ted Glodowski Nick Haasch Preston Heuer Jacob Hoff Stephen Kamps Benjamin Kanter Matthew Kimmel Andrew Lang

Dr. John Nolte Conductor

42 Men's Choir

Jon Loescher Bob Martens Peter Metzger Lee Neujahr Matthew Nowak Tom Rosenow Newlin Schafer Brad Snyder Brandon Stubalt Matthew Tomfohrde Justin Vilski

Alissa Alonte Katie Anderson Gail Bauch Sarah Carter Jessica Evansen Katie Ewald Beckie Gilbert Carrie Gosch Audrey Gunn Emma Hammerbacher Lynn Heschke Keri Koch Sarah Koester Rose Krueger Emily Lemke Cindy Lendt Joanna Lescher Kimberly Nicoline

Rachel Nottling Kaylen Orr Kerry Pamperin Danielle Raabe Rebecca Rixe Elyshia Schafer Miriam Schliewe Caralyn Schmeling Emily Schroeder Ruth Schwichtenberg Sarah Seelow Joanna Smith Kristin Strong Cassandra Thoma Deborah Voigt Laura Wessel Amanda Yets Elisabeth Zuehlke

Dr. Wayne Wagner Conductor

Women's Choir 43



Row 1: Claire Hagen, Emily Smith, Rahcel Welke, Rebecca Lang, Brian Semrow, Jeremiah Dre1 Paul Fritz, Kent Reeder, Lucas Bitter, Jonathan Kehl, Rachel Feld, Beth Strong, Jenny Foelske, Amy Georgson, Amanda Falk Row 2: Gretchen Westergoven, Amanda Dunn, Julie Jabs, Ellen Luneberg, Allie Weihing, Jordar Dannecker, Adam Igl, Mark Nolte, Jeff Sonntag, Colin Hartwig, Joel Davidson, Chelsey Hintz, Lori Siegler, Rachel Foelske, Anna Hornebush Row 3: Christy Dahl, Katie Spaude, Emily Mayer, Sarah Crabtree, Katrina Schneider, Derek Bartelt, Jonathan Weber, Jon Dannecker, Matt Reis, Caleb Troge, Adam Bohl, Jess Kronebush, Jamie Jureck, Emily Timmerman, Katrina Ide Row 4: Rachel Luehring, Katie Fuerstenau, Alex Chworowsky, Rachel Learman, Amanda Klindworth, Andy Mayer, Joel Putz, Steven Springborn, Dan Laitinen, Logan Block, Thomas Strackbein, Abby Hosbach, Bethany Nagel, Kayla Zahn, Marilyn Miller

Prof. Jodi Rowe Conductor

44 Chorale

Handbells Front Row: Sarah Schaub, Katie Wahl, Joy Marks, Heidi Edmundson, Elizabeth Vander Galien, Sarah Borek, Amanda Yets, Rachel Friend, Jaime Steinbrecher, Debbie Voigt, Sara Marggraf Back Row: Joel Davidson, Nick Raith, Prof. Potratz, Rebecca Meyer, Jordan Dannecker, aomi Seidl

Meet Math Front Row: Rebecca Meyer, Katie Wahl, Laura Backus, Sarah Janke, Kate Hieb, Janelle Zahn, Christina Lindloff, Jaime Steinbrecher Second Row: Jonathan Dannecker, Lucus Bitter, Linden Valus, Stacey Koch, Lauren Moll, Heather Krug, Nicole Lehman, Sarah Fritzler, Tanya Weichel, Seth Georgson Third Row: Beth Webb, Rachel Luehring, Naomi Seidl

Handbells/ Meet Math 45

Forum Michael Babler, Janine Techtmann, Chelsey Hintz, Joel Hoff

Knight's Page Front Row: Dan Waldschmidt, Naomi Seidl, Mandy Musinski, Emily Gorzalski Back Row: Zach Cuikel, Dave Liebhard, Kyle Bitter, Jon Loescher, Sarah Fritzler, Tim Nass

46 Forum/ Knight's Page

AVCO front R<'w' Lvm ff"""'ie. M;m..t 8.ll>l<'t. IW<ho.~ Fdd. l.arl Hcn>clm O.Ck Rttw:-Stri.·er T~; Prof. '\olre, NM;h..)!.l.,. R.Uth. K'-"'in ~

Chapel Co111111ittee j.c'C'I f 1vt1, ~r.a Bl~k. ~SNil.

'oel Daviill,on, ''k·h,i.1 l....lrr1.., l..anck:-n \aalu$, Rd>e«a \"1-t."C

AVCO/Ch.1p«I Commlll<'<> 47

Right: During th~ Jrd Annual Swine $izzkr, Coach Lang,; wa~ on(' tif the unlucky professors at the Uunk Tank.

13elow: Student Body Pn.-sidl.'nt, Ju•tin Vilski, gel• the Date Auction startl.'d.

Bl'gi1111i11g of tile Night Senatcv Emd).· Be,· dt'OJl...:I hl h'-·Jr tht- l.<.'IU!,t' by auctt<..-iing. httst.>tf to 1hcrirhe,.t ma.n ill 1he "'udil..'1\CC V\o'hJl«ruld N• Nth.·r 1h~n t-'J)(·nd1ng a nit;:ht v.·11h .1 \1LC Studrnt ~on.\tC'lr ilnd t'.ltln~ 1tt" ttcam?

Later tllat Evening \\'hen"• !di lbelO\'dy Emil),show.,par.odlngclowndw was bought l?y • haod'°""' man •n<l •"l"}cd,..... ""cmc II k~ tn..e tfle."'datC>'" \\.1:$-Cl !oUC<'eSS..-

Left: (Top to Bottom) .Mil<e Stniz, Jon Dannecker, t\ndr~w Babinoc, Eric. Sch·eu~rlein,

Keilh Schleis'$, Brad Gur~l. Ke,.;n BousMi\, Sreve Neuman, )~l Lauber, Br~d Synder,John Wendhmd, Jeremy 5!>¢gex, Matt-Sd\oelLMarl<: Thl~sfeldt,Jtmattwn L«kman,JeffGrundmcir, Janlne Tcchtmann,Jus\Vl Vltsk:i. Ja'ffles Enderl.,, l.:.9gan 610<'.k, Smily !Icy, Rachej Shim~k,L•w'll Merl<lingl!r, J<tymi~ Bergl'l)cier

Ozir President ., \',IS)J i>lwld ol wodc t<> m.akelik-00 the MLC ea.mpus beitor (->r rituikinl:$. Tbt.1 Sludmi Sen<tt<> {tpOO~l'$ mtu1y dilf~nt ~tivjt~.

lllli>.l lh< .".."· includiJ1g llw RW C~ 6Jo<>d Dov...

Having Fim at the Sizzler jaoa$ Enderle is $up.::niis,ing one of ti~ many acti\•.ltles J.uring the 3rd 1\nnuitJS,vinc Si~-:der. Here,,,.<> $Um.o \\'f\!\'f.aclng off.

Student Scnat~ 49


Go, my children, with my~~, Never alone.

Waking, sleeping, I arnAt/dyou; You are my own. ~

In my

~.Af_,f'Al baptismal river I have made you min~.Aetl,,e?.

Go, my children, with my~~You are my own.

teybal Store Ca1{I Vit~bo


UW·LC N. Central Crown NWC Bethany Nmthland

0 3 3 3

St. Sch.

2005 MLC Vollc:ybo)I Rc<o I (L lo R); Ki)lic Her,rrt.tn300> D.-uiiellc l(r.1mer, Amand,\ E'QIZ.i~

Koitlyn Sclio!lY>cher. Emil)' SU<k, B.e<~y H.>hn Ra<<' 2 II. to R): Sh•wnll !i.1ey~r~ COO<lh Dre'iv lJU('k, H"ilJ'V'Ulh lludq. J..,..rn Bu ro\¢stcr, Le<ah Morgnn

Mehlbetg,. Lauro fr1Ct,ler. 1,tttclwl

$l Volkyb.11




0 3

SI. Cates


Bethany Edgewood Alverno

0 3 3 3 1



3 0 3

l:IM-Morris Presentation 3 NWC 0 3 Crown

St. Sch.

0 3 1



3 0

0 3 0 0

1 3

!Vsbl: 'RachelMeyeiai\dl.aur.> Frit·t lcrgo up 1ogethc.rfor• bl<><:~ i.> •«pporL a sttong ~ittru)' .lt llome.


re<'.ci\ ('$ tJ~~ S..'i: from

Emily Duck,

IM11w: L~ah ~tvt~all and StiJ '" n.1 M~'ql aUompt i'<> bJ\l<l UW

Uicoming bpi};c.

Left Danii'He Kriuncr. Sh.\1-·wna Meh)IX>rg, •<id 1i10ily Jluck $lan,l .i.I the ready to K-tum the hit.

Abo\•e: Sen;or llocky Hohn Llkes tho ..,I<>


Score Card Luther 21 2 Waldorf Maranatha 21 Westminster 6 NWC 6 UM-Morris 16 Crown 35 66 Trinity Rockford 26


2005 MLC Football Row 1 (L to R): Jacob Witt, Sam Schlicht, Tom Voss, And rew Frey, John Schlaack, Adam Frey Row 2 (L to R): Jon Free, Jacob Holm, Matt Steingraber, Paul H uebner, Joshua Janke, Dan Gawrisch, Jake Schwartz, Tim Hochmuth, Tim Blanckaert Row 3 (L to R): Walter Gawel, Brett Bengel, Asst. Coach Keith Wessel, Head Coach Doug Lange, Asst. Coach Jim Pope, Asst. Coach Tom Hunter, Asst. Coach John Boeder, Student Coach Joel Russow, Greg Rebemick, Caleb Stellick Row 4 (L to R): Phil Scriver, Dan Westemdorf, Noah Herrmarm, Joel Free, Sam Hunter, Joel Voss, Dan Lange, Peter Trapp, Seth Herrmann, Phil Kiecker, Brandon Beitlich Row 5 (L to R): Jon Lindloff, Ben Schramm, Jeremy Birr, Aaron Krause, James Enderle, Seth Jaeger, Ted Glodowski, Dave Lindner, Tun ass, Chris Denney Row 6 (L to R): Keith Schleis, Matt Scharf, Seth Scheuerlein, Seth Bode, Michael Ross, Dan Herold, Andrew Haag, Adam Harvey, AJ Kruse, Nate Hochmuth, Tom Strackbein

54 Football

., 55 10 0 0

35 8

7 0 0 ...

Right: QB Dan Lange gets a few yards on his own.


I.tunning ~,. IMU ogaln, QB O~n,;e narmwly ..-c~pe5 tlto hand o! hiiivpPQROnt.

~low: 1lt~ ol-{ense

n:-;ids- the.if pl.iy f'rom their .((,al'l<"'6 fell<l•r.

Left< The O-lloe, stW as sttitu.4.'l:>J ~\faits fo~r u.-.:~ !itlap.


C,1pta.irt$ Dao l11nge, Nat~ l 1.xltmut).>, A•11>11 KtaUSI!. and AJ Krn.,i;e w'ek001e th@ opp,>Siliqn to the Ml.C fuot~all bowl.

F«>tbaU SS

Soccer Score Calli



St. Olaf 1 Augsburg Bethel 3 St. Cates 0 N . Central 4 Waldorf 5 1 Viterbc> UM· Mo.rris 0 Bethany 2 NWC 2 Crown 3 N . Central 3 1 Northland Presentation 2 UW Superior 1 1 St. Sch. 1 St. Sch. UM·Morns· 0

3 6 9 1

0 3 7 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 4

8 1 2


2005 M LC Womrn'• Sotttr


Row I <L to JI.I; K1mt-.,rl) Slwm<>n. Bon:~. R.>eh..·I \\,-h11•1l'<'tg. 0.-<h Mafl;,grai. Loticl\ t.:;i<"gl.._'T ~,u, Zrr t11 R>· Am.lndA Dunn, l~rtdJ Stlllmi'n, Asst. Coach Paul i-..uckh.,hn, Hc.ld Cf\illil Jon 13,\I~(', ~1udt-n1.1\s..,t 1'oiro~ Ra'tt.-5.trah l"'riC'\-L1J'. K.lh.' t h1.--t~ Rt•:r l fl to RJ. ~1ro11h JJnkfo, Julie B«'k<'r, Ali~ A ki,.nJ:c., l liTA'l'Cth ( ;."'('1\11,_"'t", A radre., Op}x"fl'ru1nn, 1\drirnn<" ().mu.... #Ww4(LloXJ: Ka1tl)'n Pt.1-'-"'· ft~ht.~ l..('.\n™n, kol'lht"ri~ V.,lk..,t...e,·, Am.., nda Koc:.b,. Jt..>n.nil~ Joccl..s, Jt.nnf ~l wller. ~1 \·h,....1 1-t.,rri~


Jun1cr Loci Siegler takes the lhrow-in.

Left &-nior )lOOI"' Radwl



~~,.sh~ j.:~ <oolrol Clf tb.'



F"'5hman 5"'.ab J..,M- ...tnm> Au~


ptaycr a.~ ~M:' to1k'-... lla· b.tll tvwo.rJs the gn.l!


K.1tt' I tJt'h ~tide trlles a&"'in...t .m Aupburg OJ'1"'1'CDl wh~ vying f~r the 1'411 .

,\bo\·e: lh:~ri.'>('11 ~bl'!nch.i-upJX'ti

team memlx'~ 01' tJlC bch.1 atcer Ol much d<.'"'-'t'\00 gNl

Soccer ,,..

Score Card

St. Olaf 1 Dordt 2 Bethel 1 Grinnell 2 2 No. Cen. Waldorf 5 Viterbo 1 Bethany 5 NWC 1 2 Augsburg Crown 5 No. Cen. 2 Northland 4 Presentation 3 UW-Superior 1 St. Sch. 0 1 NWC


2005 MLC Men's Soccer Row 1 (L to R): Brad Gurgel, Matt Kurtzahn, Justin Vilski, Ben Pagel, Peter Walther, Jacob Scott Row 2 (L to R): Head Coach Paul Koelpin, Chris

Treder, Daniel Douglas, Glenn Metzger, Phil Kurbis, Caleb Kurbis, Asst. Coach Peter Sternberg Row 3 (L to R): Tim Grundmeier, Zac Pudlo, Nick Schmoller, Dustin Uhlenbrauck, Jesse Johnston, Joel Fischer, Kyle Bitter, Marty Pagel Row 4 (L to R): Josh Hanson, Kevin Boushek, Ethan Cherney, Joe Greefkes, Dan Maki, Jake Wagner, Jeff Grundmeier

58 Men's Soccer

2 4 7 3 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 3 2 2 1 3

Right: Phil Kurbris fights for the ball against a particularly agressive Augsburg player.

Peter Walther gets Augsburg defense. of Joe Greefkes Is this unfortunate Kurbls is always whatever teams Keeper Ben Pagel, his signature sends the ball u Scott has no his way past the picture.

Left: Zach Pudlo sets up to clear the ball downfield.

Below: Nick Schmoller pokes the ball out from this Augsburg player in a well-timed tackle.

Left: Always a nervous moment for the team, the defense builds a wall to stop a free kick near the goal.

Above: Phil Kurbis hustles to intercept the pass but is just a little late.

Men's Soccer 59

2005 MLC Goll Rir.c 1 (IJqR): He•d Cooch )effSc<><>M, Dan Enter. llen Sa~t.!; DAn Zak Pet• A..<sL Coach)"-""" Hllek"r Rir;;2 <U•R~ Stcf\\o Sc;>"""nMd, Bnre Grieb!&, &th W<'bb. Oon Niemi, °"'id Frey,._.

60 C.oll


Dan Z:tk "'"'lkS tn ttw'flole aft('!l'ar\ e~sypoU.

Left: CM.n Enf<.'1" h)ktls a rnon'l<!n,t to f.."nfoy

U'K: \ri<'t....

B,elow: 0.1n Zak t•kci !(le P"'~ d<><lgin~ theoth•d><"llJ in ~i~jMth.

Loft; Dan N1,n\i" l~up hi.S~.hulill'lllng ~"' g<'ll ti.}g..

AJxwo: Oa_n N~i takes a look as his far flyin~ drh'c.

Coll bl


200S ~tLC:: Cross Counlry Rt>w l ILlo 10: C.oach M"-'k l'•ustllm, JJeth;lny Worne<:kl', C10dy ~mk~. K•lly Mcllg""1, ;\,'1110 Tlou.nnan, l<.llitt Netteshciro. C-h 8,ub t..oopold ROT(' 2 (L 1,; R->: Laur{!. 6ac~. Crete.hen KOd:;. r\J\nol P41nning, Ann.\ Hom~r.Stophon,ieSt'lloow, llocky Pinke Rmx•3( LI<> R): Holf,Mlke Koepke. Jon L:i•bs,Jen.'."'11h&hmlcge, l'•ul Ka>V,cmb.;lch, Mgr. Lollra Wll~o RIRv4 ILl<>R): rom M~f<\C'flhoucr. Sth Porins~, Colin Ri<l<I:, Nkk Jiaa...'>dl,, Ma:rsh.JU Milbrath, 1im Matthit!S, Joel Putz,Jl"ln &uer


Rli;ht: iom Moldenhauer l.:ikt-s bh'!-ak• veck op<:od$ arQund ~ '""'"""' U\ Fltn~d1'."alL


Joel l'UIZ Irie> ro ~fond 1n wilh !he sum.'Ul\dtng-ssc.>hhl~~"'''u

fofgcl "" "' '" ""' J...iJ.

---~l..cnU& firu~!.lrun>j 11' . ..,. Cindy Seruo< r""r <>I C""n~.


'""-"" pn..,,.,"" for l~ upeomm~ ra~.

1'ht• ~U\~ taJ..f'SOCtl('tiJn(> lOmi."OtaJtV


Lau.ra &""\*' u\ thr c1(".tr at thi~ puiDl in the mec1.

Basketball (Conference Games Only)

45 NWC Crown 58 Northlanq 71 St. Sch. 60 Presentation 55 UM-Morris 54

52 28 39 61 66


72 38


St. Sch. 54 Northland 54 Crown 55 NWC 44 UM-Morris 63 Presentation 39 Bethany 82 Presentation 68 NWC 67

20QS MLC Women's B•sketball I{°"' I IL to RJ: Emily l..omke, Head Coach Gene Pfeifer. AS6L Coach jJ,;on Hack.>r, JJmi~ lloJdt Rllll1 2 (L 1n RJ: M<!l).•n l(it<ck~r. Ll<S•l &binoc, C.rly Belz. N"ioole l(>hman, Abby Hosbatl1, H.mMh llodc,

Sarilh See.low, Kat~l yn Pc-Lt>r, &-1binec


44 47

35 58 47

80 63


Right SarabSee.lov.•pulls do\vna relx>und and looks for IM out!!!! as Nicblo l.elvnan heads up coort,

lcll: C>tl) Belz pulb up for • ""'~ iv." beWn: a :'\urthl.l.nd p1-1)er e11n

road\ "'"

Bd<>w· Ja~ Boldt~ p.6t U-.• \1~lfll:'>

defender. "'•thn>:

rur .i t.tiiltl,mitW

tu 8"' upon.

i..11, I mma 8.1b~"C'shool'"-. thrteo"w dw ou t..t retcrn;..d arm of thi- Morris dei\.>nd,....


11.e t,'lrl~ c:tilcl.'iratc ;,\•inning Llh.· U\!AC ""'"""""" rhompl<""'lup. This ~ t.tiil.' tir;.t ctwnp1u~hJp k.-.r the \VO.mcn's bll~l..ctb.111 «:am and Is \\·.en d'"~·rv&i.

Basketball (Conference Games Only)

NWC 53 Crown 75 Northland 66 St. Sch. 76 Presentation 61 ~M·Morris 69 Bethany 64

76 66 60 79 58 68 71

St Sch.



Northland 75 Crown 68 NWC 6B UM-Morris 65 Presentation69

59 55 76 88 55 68


2006 M"C M•n'> Bo<l<~tb"Jl ilow I rt I~ /(I: H~d Cooch Jun lfnl<e, Dustin Ul\WnbJ;;l\\Ok, J~oob Bd1"e, )ornb Som..-.riz, AS$1. c.,..c;11 )~mes o,ncll .Rtrw 2 (L lo fCl: Jaff Ool•.h, Nell Ulrkh<>lz,JamesSootkmnp. Brfan '"'f'b.ort,AoronSchultz. Kt>lU\ Sdttl!L..-, Om\-'' KoCk. CJaeb Kurbts, Not:hdn Nass



Cak>b J< \.lrb4s w311$ \Vith atr ih.t~t look to fight lo< th• i'Ol:>Qun\l.


Though s1ighlly <>•~rmol<hcti, Drew Kock pt1!l'ents thi~ pl~ye< ftom drivinj; tO lhe ba•ket.


t<eitb 5chle1s fi~hts for po•illon under the h.1.skct, nt.'·~r plt1ycr willing to give up.



J-.lf Dol~n gets low, re~dy far anything tl\is Nortliland player



""" introduced.



('hC~r ()J\


.1s the ga01e's starters

(Conference Games Ohfy)



16 Presentation 2


2 3 9 5 4 8 12

10 6


Bethany Northland

St. Sch. NWC Crown UM-Morr!S


7 Northland Sl.·Sch.

2006 M LC Softl».11 Rou1 J t1- "' R): l.a.ux11 Fritzlcr. Hattn:ah Bode, (.."hrt.~tine 'S,V"oboda, V~11e;J>l Kio~ tw.11 2 IL IO RJ: R•dlcl lG>..>;,•u,lke, Janelle z,um, &'tky Hering. An);i•Pri•w•.C~rlnJohnson R<>w31L to RJ: Mogan Kiecker,

Am•nd• :l<hafl.,,., He•d Cwch Baxb L..'O)'Otd, Jackle' Collelta, As.1t. CC>it<:h 1'<rti Schroed•r. K..i:te Vogt, Jami• Boldt

6IS Suftball


0 0 1



4 7 13

12 0


e 8 8 30

11 9


A$$i.Sf<tnt coach Terri Scht01..>der \\f(\$



mhto"r S<>r\tk\~· ta

team th&: yt«1r4

Uft C.ithcr Rachel Kai;sulko fights th~ sun in Ju..--r eyes for'lhepop up.


Jaulle-&Jd t luy~dow·n Abu I'll tohelp

adrnnce 11ie nmner 11~ ITffiL

Left Meg>n K1«.'k<r !ties ~> make the tag before thi:; Morris play<>r con reo<l> rhird l>\lW.




(?aJled on

old f'lt<hing •!dils and help«! 1111: te-.-im aftw B«:ky H~rinlr) 1njuted horsclf.

Soltb.111 69

ebal (Conference Games Only) UM-Morris


Bethany SL Sch.

1 2 2

0 1

Crown Bethany


3 4 2 4

Presentation .3


2006 MLC 8•S<b>IJ RMI· 1 IL JO Rt. Btt1t Kr.1u~. J('ri Dool.:11,, Tc>m \''""'·'00 l'\:1m\i RMr.? <L tolU: R1..,,!>rhlM:h1. l;ch rudk>. ScthSchl'Uerl'"'" 0.ll 1d r"'"· Tun Hochmulh R<>11Jrt 10Ri: "'" CCM<hJuhn5(hm1d1,Ja~•Srol•.Ju"1n Ilnn*1, rolul 6)\\•t•,Ju~'" "''·'U"'-··J,\..,•~h\\'i1r1:1 0u ..u.n Uhlenbra~l.. H~•d Co.xh Or-ew BU<~

6 6 2 .2

6 5 7 7 8 18 2 2

2 10 7 9 7 7 0 3 2

Right 8ret1 Kraos.i! talus a 5'•.tif'g d\Ut"tf the g•n"' agoin_<;t $!. S<holo<tica.

I.ell; JC'ffD.olan s.tartshis.S\'t' in~ ln-thisqit

bal ogalnslSI. Sehoh.,,,;.:,i.



Left Btutt

Frey waihf for h~ pitrh.

Above: Kr<iU-$e



cungriltuleifirn,S -ane:r i..'l\dlnf} w lruiin;:.

Tom Y();SS &.S ready ilod '~:aiting to bring his teammatt'5 bo1ne

Ba:;eba ll 71

Tennis Score cam


Macalester St. Mary's SL Sch SWMN St. Hamline UM-Moms u. of Mary NWC

s' 8 9 5 8 3 6 8




UM-Morris Bethany St.Sch. NWC

7 7 2 6

2 2


2006 MLC \'\'omen•$ Ttnnis Rc'11' 1 fl to RJ· Ll.ura \.1•1t('l. Juh.lnni.• ir\kml..A. fk'l'"L y l..1lt1n"·n. Ali"'"' Alonce RJx,,z,L to 1.r. fcsm1£._'1' Jcx,·l;;, krJ'ih !,Im 1l.., l,.lura \V.1gM.· R,,,,, l(Lt11 RJ: Hl•.ad Co:H;h("_,.;uy ().llhr'l.1nn, ...tlly Mt.•ll);ll-'f1, F11ul\i U·m~. Rachcl Kionk..1. As.fl C."'<~i' ft'M !\1.JUC't...

3 1 0 4 1 6 3 1


R1i;hr. L.\uta

~tattek- \ \11tches

from thi-

btt'3Chmt, waiting for her rum on the oourl.


ienrt·• ~ks' dr..tmdn•c

<o\"n-"" '"

trulf a fcH'Ce tt' bt• rec~"Ol.J \\-1th

11"1ow: Emily\' 11 hr<"!'!'<~ oent ju...t ao;; ~ ~ about t,~ ~r. e.



j ..--nny Joetb ru~ hKl aft\.'f her Oppolll1ll returns a deep lob.

Beckv l.Jiltntti "·ajl<\ to ~ "·Mt her 0pponentwl0 .,...,._....

Tennis Bethel Macalester St Mary's St. Sch.


DOrctt UM-Morris NWC Bethany Bethany

St. Sch. NWC

2.000MLC Men•s·Ten.ois Rawl iLl~R)! JoelTullberg, Lucas B!tk<, ErikPa.rsim•, Brinn l'"J'<'U"ss, Mark Noire R1111• 2 iLw RJ: MarkThi<'SM~t. Jon Kehl, Brad Nehls, Oan Loilineo RtJf11 3 (L tt> RJ: Dan \"il"St<!1ld-0rf. Jun Danru.x.-kcr, T-le,1d C.0.1dl Arlen K\'.)()C5tlcr:. 'Kevfn BoU$bek, Travls 8.,urogarte.n

t4 Men':> Te('lnis

0 0 0 0 0 2 5

6 7 7 1 5

9 9

9 9 9 7 4

3 2 2

8 4


w;d, hi> P"rtner wa;tfl>g u p ,,. th¢ net, Erik r.u'S<ms ~n'e& ag;silbi Norlhwe:Jfl"m. ·

U:tl: fti.k Pat~ ...Mil) [ct\lms ti~ ''Otley from hi!< opp.>oent

Below: Datt


wind\ up

\vtckN fo~NnJ \.one..• m his doubt~ mii\tc.h •Jt<tlS\'t




t.>ft ~i.lk111j.

sure Ills oppononts h.>w no ch•ncc to retum the sh<>!. Erik

r."""' sptk.,,.thoball as he cl.,... oo I ho J\Ot.

Abo>·c: Dan Llthnen (left) .ind Nehls take a f<""· ~'(U\d!oi. N•t'' '-1\"n points to duiCU.'o:J tile progn•,tt ol the match.

ra Field

2006 MLC Track & fitld


ltp;,.• J <LM RI;

JelfGnmdme.-rhosookwefortho <• Or "' ll th<' I""""" behind the camcr.t.,

Ruth SchwOd\t..,..l>c!rg.1'<-l<t M<'VJll'<. M3tt T<•mlc>hrd•, josh .H.m"0.11, Crq; I ll..'1n. ~vL.• 811h.·r. f:.n,m.1 I f,,mlTit"fbtleh(·r Rtrit• 2 tL ttt RJ:Amaf'CW DunJ'\, Lind...,.,. Fm...1, N•1><'lf•,Al1Pvl {o._hllch, AmMd.'I Rhode, K~b1.' P<!tcr fitJW .ltt It• Rt: 1-l<·ild Coarh oQu.,; Adam \'\,'inkelm.i.nn, J~(( Crundn\.\.•h.·.r. Cal"b ~tt•ll1t;l, 11nt f\.1.a1th1cs,

Jon Lindloff. )ocob H"lm, A-,1 (<\>ch f'<·kr "h-mN-111

76 Men's T<Mls



4pproom."S the h,igh fUn'l:p M she lookti- ~ m()\"tC ~n jn

Katie Patw

th<> ootnpelitl<>n.

&low: ~1n1t T~ohrde tou.nd$ lhecocner ahead of tl.\e Cadoon nlttlWr. He

Jbuks '!lnlooth ~nd corifiden1 in hl'JJ"Wl,

f..ell: C.•k>l> Stoll\<~st<>k;illy >1•nds with hi:i. ja\·e-Un in hand. f-lt! awaits th~ time when· his l'IMl~ l.s aiHOO im<l be b .g_~vcm I.he ch.1n~ to pn:>,~e hii; <kill.

J\ti<)''C! \VhtkcJm.1nn (m,nt}


1tff iroo1 Uw bl1'><k.~ at lhe,.lad of tht: 100m dash.

\1cn's ·r'91nL~ 77


AAd give youyzea:eR; l the Ll>rd will be your


&~, Comforter, and Brolher.

SENIORS Kimberly Aaberg Jeff Dolan Jon Gaulke Elizabeth Glodowski

Theresa Grootemont Sarah Howell Julianne Kionka Sara Knuth

Angela Leinberger Joanna Lescher Matthew Linton James Livingston

April Lorenz Matthew Matzke Jennifer Mehlberg Lori Meyer

Rebecca Meyer Paul Micheel Andrea Oppermann Erik Parsons 80 Mugshots

SENIORS Timothy Petrie Abby Prahl Kevin Proeber AaronPunke

Nicky Richmond Eric Scheuerlein Sarah Schlicht Naomi Seidl

Erika Smith Michael Soman Elizabeth Strong Tanya Weichel

Hannah Witte Joseph Woldt Stephanie Zastrow

Mugshots 81



Lincoln Albrecht Amy Annis Brandon Aswege Chris Becker

Julie Becker Brett Bengel Emily Bey Zachary Biebert

Neil Birkholz Kyle Bitter Scott Brown Emily Buck

Jessica Burmeister Hannah Buschkopf Jonathan Dannecker Sarah Detro

AmandaDunn Dawn Emmer Troy Enderle Carrie Ewings 82 Mugshots

JUNIORS Joel Fischer Rachel Foelske Joel Free David Frey

Sarah Fritzler Aaron Goetzinger Joe Greefkes Elizabeth Greenlee

Tim Grundmeier Peter Hagen Stephanie Hanneman Joshua Hanson

Jess Hegman Amy Hein Rossi Henchen Becky Hering

Noah Herrmann Preston Heuer Brandon Hinrichs Tim Hochmuth Mugshots 83

JUNIORS Benjamin Hoff Jacob Holm Naomi Hom Amanda Hosbach

Jessica Hupalo Jessica Janke Jennifer Joecks Jesse Johnston

Erin Kanter Paul Kanzenbach Brittany Kavalauskas Cheryl Kem

Phil Kiecker Anna Kieckhaefer Rachel Kionka Lauren Kitka

Mark Knickelbein Danielle Kramer Josh Krieger Bill Kruschel 84 Mugshots

JUNIORS Caleb Kurbis Matt Kurtzahn Erin Laetsch Rebekah Langebartels

Michelle Leeker Jon Loescher Rachel Luehring Sara Marggraf

Joy Marks Shawna Mehlberg Audrey Metzger Rachel Meyer

Marshall Milbrath Tom Moldenhauer Chris Mueller Mandy Musinski

Katie Myers Bethany Nagel Rachel Nass Claire Natsis Mugshots 85

JUNIORS Emily Nefstead Bradley Nehls Aaron Nitz Rachel Nottling

Matthew Nowak Adrienne Osmus Marty Pagel Tim Payne

Margaret Polzin Sarah Priestap Ben Raddatz Lisa Rick

Colin Rieke Rebecca Rixe Jonathan Rosenow Bethany Rossman

James Saatkamp Scott Salesky Newlin Schafer Keith Schleis 86 Mugshots

JUNIORS Stephen Schmiel Becky Sch.mill Faith Schmitzer Erika Schreiner

Brian Schultz Phillip Scriver Sarah Seelow Lori Siegler

David Sigrist Jamie Spielbauer Hannah Stahl Katie Sternberg

Heidi Stillman Emily Sting Thomas Strackbein Amber Stritt

Jason Strong Mike Strusz Donald Tilbury Noah Trimmer Mugshots 87

JUNIORS Joel Tullberg Ariel Uhlenbrauck Katherine Vogt Laura Wagie

Ian Watson Elizabeth Webb Rachel Welke Gretchen Westerhoven

BJ Witte Amanda Yets

88 Mugshots

SOPHOMORES Jason Enderle Lindsay Ems t Amanda Falk Jessie Fields

Rebecca Finke Charles Flunker Jennifer Foelske Rachel Friend

Laura Fritzler Jason Fry Zach Gebert Seth Georgson

Beckie Gilbert Theodore Glodowski Carrie Gosch Elizabeth Gumm

Hannah Gumm Andrew Haag George Hella Lynn Heschke 90 Mugshots

SOPHOMORES Candace Hoefert Anna Horneber Destinee Jaeger Jamie Jurek

Stephen Kamps Amber Kieselhorst Sam Kleinke Paul Kolander

Jessica Kronebusch Robyn Ladd Rachel Learman Ashley Leeker

Emily Lemke Cindy Lendt Fiona Matlock Laura Mattek

Emily Mayer Lisa McKenney Glenn Metzger Amanda Miller Mugshots 91

SOPHOMORES Meredith Moeller Nathan Nass Katie Nettesheim Andrew Olson

Kaylen Orr Rebecca Peitsmeyer Katie Peter Kaleb Pier

Shelia Pottorff Joel Putz Corinn Pyscher Jennifer Quint

Philip Randall Gregory Rebernick Nied Roper Elizabeth Ross

Mike Ross Sarah Sauer Karl Schauland Logan Scheele 92 Mugshots

SOPHOMORES Jessica Schlepp Ryan Schlicht Miriam Schliewe Tiffany Schlough

Michael Schneider Heidi Schone Stephanie Schuessler Kaitlyn Schumacher

Stephanie Sellnow Kristi Slovik Emily Smith Jeff Sonntag

Rachael Stein Kristin Strong Shanna Stubalt Jordan Stuebs

Rebecca Stuebs Christine Swoboda Mark Thiesfeldt Dustin Uhlenbrauck Mugshots 93

SOPHOMORES Laurel Utecht Linden Valus Deborah Voigt Katie Wahl

Bethany Warnecke Mark Weinkauf Benjy Wells Nathan Zastrow


94 Mugshots

FRESHMEN April Alonte Joel Baas Gail Bauch Jonathan Bauer

Sylvia Beahm Sam Biebert Jeremy Birr Lucas Bitter

Hannah Bode Sarah Carter Alexandra Chworowsky

Christian Dahl

Heidi Edmundson Jessica Evansen Brad Evers Chelsea Fraley

Jon Free Rachel Frey Kerin Gast Amy Georgson Mugshots 95

FRESHMEN Brian Gephart Jessica Gierach Allie Goodman Emily Gorzalski

Tim Griepentrog Jon Gross Ashley Groth Jeff Grundmeier

Audrey Gunn Phil Gustafson Claire Hagen Emma Hammerbacher

) Justin Hansen Colin Hartwig Greg Hein Kate Hieb

Sarah Hildeman Bob Horstmann Abby Hosbach Katrina Ide 96 Mugshots

FRESHMEN Adamlgl Julie Jabs Sarah Janke Dan Johnston

Jon Kehl Vanessa King Amanda Koch Keri Koch

Stacey Koch Sarah Koester Michael Kopitzke Stacey Kreckow

Rose Krueger Heather Krug Josh Lairson Nicole Lehman

Christina Lindloff Ellen Lueneberg Beth Marggraf Robert Martens Mugshots 97

FRESHMEN Laura Merklinger Peter Metzger AndeyMeyer Lauren Moll

Kristin Monthie Julia Mueller Kara Myers Erica Natsis

Kimmy Nicoline Amanda Nitz Kerry Pamperin Anna Panning

Kimberly Paul Holly Pearson Gary Pepin Amanda Polzin

Tim Prahl Angela Priewe Zac Pudlo Danielle Raabe 98 Mu gshots

FRESHMEN Kent Reeder Christian Ristow Emily Roberts


Matthew Saidler

_., _,.,,......

Joel Sankey Elyshia Schafer Matt Scharf Caralyn Schmeling

Sarah Schmugge Katrina Schneider Jacob Scott Jeremy Seeger

Brian Semrow Emily Schroeder Brad Snyder Katie Spaude

PaulSpaude Steven Springborn Jaime Steinbrecher Brandon Stubalt Mugshots 99

FRESHMEN Rebekah Taves Jonathon Tesch Anne-Katrin Thiele Cassy Thoma "'


Emily Thomas Caleb Troge Caitlin Ulrich Nathan Underwood

Peter Walther Jonathan Weber Crystalyn Wells Laura Wessel

Janelle Zahn Anna Zarling Elisabeth Zuehlke

100 Mugshots


STAFF Jonathan Balge Cathy Biedenbender Roger Blomquist John Boeder

Ron Brutlag Gary Dallmann John Dolan David Gosdeck

Terry Graf Susan Haar Jason Hacker

Jim Hahn

Lance Hartzell Earl Heidtke Thomas Hunter Robert Klindworth

Paul Koelpin Arlen Koestler Ric Koval Doug Lange Mugshots 101

FACULTY AND STAFF Lyle Lange Barb Leopold JohnMattek Ruth Mattek

Carla Melendy Dave Melquist John Micheel Jack Minch

Thomas Nass Kevin Neuman John Nolte Lawrence Olson

John Paulsen Lolli Paulsen Gene Pfeifer James Pope

Lee Rodewald Ronald Schilling Joyce Schubkegel Gene Slettedahl 102 Mugshots


AND STAFF Alan Spurgin Peter Sternberg Jeneane Thiesfeldt Steven Thiesfeldt

Kate Tohal Kurt Wittrnershaus

Mugshots 103



Janet J. Arndt B.S. in Education Elementary

Christopher C. Avila B.S. in Education Elementary

Emily R. Babinec B.S. in Education Elementary

Michael A . Babler B.S. in Education Elementary

John-Dixon L. Backhaus Bachelor of Arts

Caleb R. Bassett Bachelor of Arts

Gregory J. Baures B.S. in Staff Ministry Parish Music

Melissa A. Beach B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Sarah R. Beck B.S. in Education Elementary

104 05-06 Graduates



Kimberly K. Behnke B.S. in Education Elementary

Carly J. Belz B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebekah S. Berg B.S. in Education Elementary

Frederic E. Berger Bachelor of Arts

Sarah M. Bishop B.S. in Education Elementary

Angela K. Bliefnick B.S. in Education Elementary

Logan C. Block B.S. in Education Secondary Social Studies

Kevin M. Bode B.S in Education Secondary Choral Music

Seth D. Bode Bachelor of Arts 05-06 Graduates 105



Jam es R. Boggs B.S. in Staff Ministry

Samantha S. Bonow B.S. in Education Elementary

Erika A. Brunner B.S. in Education Elementary

Crystal R. Bush B.S. in Education Elementary

Jennifer A. Case B.S. in Education Elementary

Ryan C. Cortright Bachelor of Arts

Justin L. Dauck Bachelor of Arts

Christopher W. Denney B.S. in Education Elementary

Cynthia J. Deno B.S. in Education Early Childhood

106 05-06 Graduates



Daniel L. Douglas B.S. in Education Elementary

Brett A. Ehlke Bachelor of Arts

Sarah E. Ehlke B .S. in Education Elementary

Amanda B. Ehrenberg B.S. in Education Early Childhood

James R. Enderle Bachelor of Arts

Katherine P. Ewald B .S. in Education Elementary

Jessica R. Falk B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel M. Feld B.S. in Education Secondary Choral Music

Mariel A . Feliz Grimm B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 107



Timothy P. Fischer B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Science

Eric J. Fillner B.S. in Education Elementary

Andrea J. Fischer B.S. in Education Elementary

Daniel J. Foelske Bachelor of Arts

Abby R. Foster B.S. in Education Elementary

Andrew K. Frey Bachelor of Arts

Paul D . Fritz Bachelor of Arts

James D. Gieschen Bachelor of Arts

Heidie L. Gilbert B.S. in Education Elementary

108 05-06 Graduates


Stacia J. Glodowski B.S. in Education Elementary


Bethany M . Graumann B.S. in Education Elementary

Theresa M. Grootemont B.S. in Education Elementary

Heidi B. Groth B.S. in Education Elementary

Eric T. Gullickson Bachelor of Arts

Peter A. Gumm B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Philip J. Gurgel Bachelor of Arts

Keith J. Hackbarth B.S . in Education Elementary

Jacob R. Hanneman Bachelor of Arts 05-06 Graduates 109



Katie L. Harris B.S. in Education Elementary

Sarah L. Hennig B.S. in Education Elementary

Karl P. Henselin B .S. in Education Secondary Choral Music

Joseph M. Hering B.S. in Education Elementary

Jon M. Hermanson B.S. in Education Secondary Choral Music

Katie M. Hennanson B.S. in Education Elementary

Seth E. Herrmann B .S. in Education Elementary

Carrie J. Hieb B.S. in Education Elementary

David P. Hochmuth Staff Ministry Certification

110 05-06 Graduates



athan J. Hochmuth B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Joel A. Hoff Bachelor of Arts

Timothy M. Hoffmann B.S. in Education Elementary

Allison M. Hosbach B.S. in Education Elementary

Paul D. Huebner B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Samuel A. Hunter B.S. in Education Elementary

Veronica J. Ide B.S. in Education

Andrew E . Iles B.S. in Education Elementary

Amber L. Ireland B.S. in Education Early Childhood


05-06 Graduates 111



Michael S. Johnson Bachelor of Arts

Rachel E. Kassulke B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Heidi C. Kehl B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Benjamin P. Kempfert Bachelor of Arts

Angela A. Kleist B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Joel F. Kluender Seminary Certification

Amber M. Kluge B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Science

Drew P. Kock B.S. in Education Secondary Social Studies

Stephen P. Koelpin Bachelor of Arts

112 05-06 Graduates



Rebecca R. Kramer B.S. in Education Elementary

Aaron A. Krause B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Brett J. Krause Bachelor of Arts

Ruth E. Krause B.S. in Education Secondary Social Studies

Andrew J. Kruse B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebekah R. Laitinen B.S. in Education Elementary

Daniel F. Lange Bachelor of Arts

Heather M. Larson B.S. in Education Elementary

Martha V. Lau B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 113



Joel T. Lauber B.S. in Education Elementary

Paul R. Leifer B.S. in Education Elementary

Cindy M. Lemke B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Katie J. Lindeman B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Andrew M. Lindke Bachelor of Arts

Nathan C. Livingston B.S. in Education Secondary Social Studies

Jonathan R. Lockman B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Gregory C. Lyon Bachelor of Arts

Rebecca S. Maresh B.S. in Education Elementary

114 05-06 Graduates



Gregory A. Martin B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Jeffrey S. Matteson Bachelor of Arts

Joel A. McKenney Bachelor of Arts

Molly D. Merten B.S. in Education Elementary

Matthew P. Miskowski B.S. in Education Elementary

Katie M. Moll B.S. in Education Elementary

Leah S. Morgan B.S. in Education Elementary

Lisa N. Mueller B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Timothy P. Mueller, Jr. B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 115



Timothy E. Nass Bachelor of Arts

Joel M. Naumann Bachelor of Arts

Natalie A. Nelson B.S. in Education Elementary

Steven W. Neuman Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan D. Niemi B.S. in Education Elementary

Amy G. Nitz B.S. in Education Elementary

Mark R. Nolte B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Rebecca R. Nolte B.S. in Education Secondary Choral Music

Erin J. Nottling B.S. in Education Secondary Spanish

116 05-06 Graduates



Matthew D. Nottling B.S. in Education Elementary

Michelle I. Nowak B.S. in Education Secondary German

Amanda M. Ohland B.S. in Education Elementary

Sarah E. Olson B.S. in Education Elementary

Renee J. Pappalardo B.S. in Education Secondary Spanish

Randy D. Peck B.S. in Education Elementary

Sara M. Pedde B.S. in Education Elementary

Timothy F. Pingel B.S. in Education Elementary

Stephanie L. Plagenz B.S. in Education Early Childhood 05-06 Graduates 117



Melissa J. Poppy B.S. in Education Elementary

Maria A. Pralle B.S. in Education Elementary

Christa A. Priestap B.S. in Education Secondary Social Studies

Deanna R. Rahn B.S. in Education Elementary

Stefanie L. Rathje B.S. in Education Elementary

Matthew R. Redfield B.S. in Education Elementary

Matthew J. Reis Bachelor of Arts

Brandon J. Rogers Bachelor of Arts

Jessica J. Rohde B.S. in Education Secondary Life Science

118 05-06 Graduates



Joel A. Russow Bachelor of Arts

Benjamin Sadler Bachelor of Arts

Emily J. Sadler B.S. in Education Elementary

Brandon M. Schaffer Bachelor of Arts

Kate E. Schaffer B.S. in Education Secondary English

Sara R. Scheussler B.S. in Education Elementary

Rachel H. Schleusener B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Heather R. Schmidt B.S. in Education Elementary

Nicolas C. Schmoller Bachelor of Arts 05-06 Graduates 119



Matthew D. Schoell Bachelor of Arts

Matthew D. Schreiber B.S. in Education Elementary

Terri E. Schroeder B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Cassandrea C. Schwartz B.S. in Education Elementary

Melissa A. Seefeldt B.S. in Education Secondary Choral Music

Jennifer M. Seeger B.S. in Education Elementary

Jennifer R. Seiler B.S. in Education Elementary

Angela K . Sellnow B.S. in Education Elementary

Justin J. Siegler B.S. in Education Elementary

120 05-06 Graduates



Akinpelu A. Smith B.S. in Education Secondary English

Amanda L. Specht B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Melissa M. Sprunger B.S. in Education Elementary

Brandon D. Steenbock B.S. in Staff Ministry

Nicole D . Steenbock B.S. in Education Elementary

Benjamin P. Stein B.S. in Staff Ministry

Erin N. Steindorf B.S. in Education Secondary Instrumental Music

David R. Stuht B.S. in Staff Ministry

Kyle P. Swogger B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 121



Steven R. Tews Bachelor of Arts

Joelle R. Tjemagel B.S. in Education Elementary

Daniel J. Unke B.S. in Education Secondary Physical Education

Katherine E. Valleskey B.S. in Education Elementary

Justin W. Vilski Bachelor of Arts

Joshua J. von Stein B.S. in Education Elementary/Staff Ministry

j Paul D. Voss Bachelor of Arts 122 05--06 Gradua tes

Thomas M. Voss Bachelor of Arts

Jacob N. Wagner Bachelor of Arts



Justin M. Wagner Bachelor of Arts

Timothy J. Wahl Bachelor of Arts

Timothy J. Walker B.S. in Staff Ministry

Destin A. Wease-Casci B.S. in Education Elementary

Joshua J. Weber Bachelor of Arts

Amanda S. Webster B.S. in Education Elementary

James R. Weiland Bachelor of Arts

Karen M. Weiland B.S. in Education Elementary

Sarah E. Welfel B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 123



Joshua J. Wendt B.S. in Education Elementary

Kristina J. Wessel B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca C. Wilke B.S. in Education Elementary

Timothy S. Wilkens Bachelor of Arts

Trevor D. Wolter B.S. in Staff Ministry Parish Music

Courtney L. Zahn B.S. in Education Elementary

Daniel J. Zak Bachelor of Arts

Jonathan W. Zarling B.S. in Staff Ministry

Kevin S. Zimmerman B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics Physical Science

124 05-06 Graduates



Suzanne L. Zimmerman B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Bethany A. Baur B.S. in Education Elementary

Karla M. Berg B.S. in Education Elementary

Lacey L. Bitcon B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Jason L. Burgstiner Bachelor of Arts

Patrick C. Cortright B.S. in Education Elementary

LeeAndra F. Dodge B.S. in Education Elementary

Rakel Edvardsen B.S. in Staff Ministry

Mallory L. Ehinger B.S. in Education Elementary 05-06 Graduates 125



Megan L. Favorite B.S. in Education Elementary

Terry L. Friedrichs B.S. in Staff Ministry

Anne K. Hagglund B.S. in Education Elementary

Rebecca A. Hahn B.S. in Education Elementary

Leah J. Krohn B.S. in Education Elementary

Kristen M. Laete B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics/

Crystal M. Mielke B.S. in Education Elementary

Stephanie N. Miller B.S. in Education Elementary

Cindy M . Ewings B .S. in Education Elementary

~\ l

126 05-06 Graduates

Parish Music


Rachel L. Myers B,S. in Staff Ministry

Justin M. Ohm B.S. in Education Elementary

Cory D. Olson B.S. in Education Elementary

Mary R. Potratz B.S. in Education Early Childhood

Alanna M. Preuss B.S. in Education Elementary

Nicole A. Reed B.S. in Education Elementary

Jacob R. Schable B.S. in Education Secondary Mathematics

Zachary P. Seeger B.S. in Education Elementary

Rick L. Springstroh B.S. in Staff Ministry 05-06 Graduates 127

Picture Credits and Thanks: Andrea Oppermann Tutor Jason Hacker Mrs. Barb Gorsline Prof. Bill Pekrul Prof. Jack Minch

"Go My Children With My Blessing" Text by Jaroslav J. Vajda © 1983 by Concordia Publishing House Reproduced with permission under license number 06:01-24B. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this text may be reproduced or copied in any manner without written permission from Concordia Publishing House. 128 Acknowledgements

IUDUS/ 25 Hurricane Katrina strikes Florida.

28 Mandatory evacuation of both New Orleans and Mississippi is ordered as Katrina becomes aCategory 5 storm in the Gulf of Mexico. 29 Downgraded to a Category 4 storm, Katrina hits land. 1.3 million homes and businesses lose electricity in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. 30 levees are breeched, flooding New Orleans and leaving 100,000 people stranded. After slow government response, civil unrest and looting begins. 31 President Bush surveys the damage.

Sep/ember 30,000 National Guard troops are deployed. Gas prices spike to as high as $5 per gallon. 2 President Bush visits Louisiana and signs a$10.5 billion relief bill. Nearly 154,000 evacuees arrive in Texas. 4 The New Orleans Superdome is evacuated. 6 President Bush and Congress pledge to investigate the flawed disaster response.

9 Government-issued debit cards are distributed to evacuees. The program fails and is ended days later.

12 Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, resigns. Flooding is down to 50 percent in New Orleans. 14 New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin announces

a phased repopulation plan. 15 New Orleans begins to reopen. Katrina is named the most destructive hurricane in U.S. history. 20 Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco declares a state of emergency as Hurricane Rita strengthens off the coast.

22 Rita hits the Louisiana coast and heads for Texas.

23 Thousands evacuate eastern Texas and the 9th Ward of New Orleans floods once again after levees are overrun.

DC/Ober 24 Hurricane Wilma hits southwest Florida.

• On October 15, traqi voters ratify a US.·supported draft constitution that establishes a federal state A second election. m December. creates the new government's first parliament

• Gasollne pnces surge mSeptember before falling back to pre-hurricane levels. Major oil companies face federal questioning after reveafing profits of over $35 billion dunng this period.

• Several airlines declare • Dunng ruSh hour on July 7, bankruptcy due to huge fuel. London is hit by terrorist labor and security costs. attacks. Bombs strike one Passengers see fees for pillows. bus as well as the city's aisle seats and more as carriers underground trains, leaving 56 seek new revenue sources. people dead and 700 injured.

• A devastating 7.6-magnitude earthquake hits the Kashmir region of Pakistan In October killing 87,000 and leavmg 3.5 mllhon homeless.

• John G. Roberts Jr. becomes the 17th Chief Justtce of the United States Supreme Court following the death of William Rehnquist

... In January 2006. Ellen Johnson-Sirleal is sworn in as Liberia's president. making her Africa's first elected female leader

... Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby resigns alter being indicted in October on criminal charges relating to the leaking of a CIA officer's identity.

"" Despite hts years of anti-gang "" Methamphetamine use becomes a national advocacy while m prison, on crisis as meth-related crimes skyrocket on the December 13, former Grips West Coast and in the Midwest Pharmacies gang leader Stanley ·rookie" remove pseudophedrine products from shelves Wiiiiams is executed by lethal man effort to control meth production. injection tor four 1979 murders.

DAILY NEWS .. . -- ..._. --·· .. -


• Hoping to restart the peace • Civil unrest rocks France as more than process with the Palestinians, 300 towns and suburbs explode with Israel evacuates the Gaza Strip, riots and arson. High unemployment. an area nhas occupied since racial d1scriminat1on and rage are the 1967 Six-Day War blamed tor the outbreaks.

Science and nature .... A global pandemic is feared as the avian flu claims 73 lives in Asia by the end of December and threatens to spread across the world.

""' The American Dental Association ""' After seven years and 2.88 cites bottled water and its lack of billion miles. NASA's Stardust capsule returns to earth carrying fluoride as a major contributing dust particles from the tail of the factor in the rise of tooth decay comet Wild 2. Scientists believe in children. the samples hold clues to the formation of the Solar System.

""' According to recent research, chocolate can be a healthy treat thanks to its high content of flavonoids, which help maintain good circulation and reduce blood clotting.



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""' The Sichuan Wolong Panda Protection and Breed Center in China deals with a baby boom 16 pandas. including five sets of twins, are born between July and November 2005.

• In August. U.S. astronaut Stephen Robinson successfully completes an unprecedented emergency repair of the space shuttle Discovery while in orbit.


... Hikers scaling Mount Mendel Glacier in California discover the remains of Leo Mustonen, a World War II airman whose plane crashed in 1942.

• U.S. scientist Gregory Olsen pays $20 million for a trip to the International Space Station aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

... The ruins of what may be the oldest Christian church. built in the third or fourth century A.O., are discovered on the grounds of Megiddo Prison in northern Israel in November.


Interest ... Anticipating the G8 summit in July, Bob Geldof organizes musicians for a series of concerts around the world to highlight the problem of global poverty.

Bill Gates, Bono and Melinda Gates are named TIME's Persons of the Year for their efforts to battle poverty, AIDS and malaria in Africa. amtl PhOtOIAP/W1de WMd Photos


Natalee Holloway, an 18-year-old from Birmingham, Alabama, becomes the lead story for every major news outlet after her disappearance while vacationing in Aruba.





In August, American anti-Iraq War activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in action in 2003, holds an extended demonstration at a peace camp outside President George W. Bush's Texas ranch.

• Everywhere you look this year sparkle is in with teen girls.

• Blazers with a retro frt make a big splash on the fashion scene.

•• •• • ,. • •• • • ••


• ••



• From preppy to vintage looks vests make a bold statement in the fall of 2005.

• Cowboy boots see a rise in popularity. and not just for line dancers and country music fans.

.... Style gets a dose-0llun over formal with these unique fashion alternatives.

._ u1estv1e_ ""' Pets receive the royal treatment with gourmet pet foods. available in upscale pet food shops, pet food bakeries and even ice cream parlors.

• Due to high gas prices, consumers opt for smaller cars with better gas mileage • The popularity of poker on television results rather than gas-guzzling SUVs. in one of the biggest fads of the year - home Texas Hold 'Em tournaments.


""' Podcasts, free broadcast-format audio files published to the Internet and downloaded to iPods by subscription, are a hip way to keep up-to-date.

• The new food pyramid recommends that kids eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains than in the past, and exercise 30 to 60 minutes each day.

""' Biogs become the biggest Web craze since the inception of the Internet thanks to sites like and

nominee Keira Knightley shines in the hit movie Pnde and Pre1ud1ce. based on the 1813 Jane Austen novel.

• Praised by critics and audiences alike. Peter Jackson's remake of the 1933 classic Kmg Kong becomes a giant box-office success.

• Box-office profits are down in 2005. due in part to the trend of movie fans opting for the Quick release of hit movies on DVD.


The beloved C S Lewis series comes to life on the big screen in Walt Disney's The Chronicles of Narma: The Uon, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

• "The boy who lived" returns for more adventure in the fourth movie installment of • Moviegoers rush to see March of the Harry Potter series, Harry the Penguins. a surprise hit documentary that follows a year in the Potter and the Goblet of Fire. life of a flock of Emperor penguins

Music ... Green Day tops off a career year wtth seven MTV Video Music Awards. including Best Video of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams."

.... With Late Registration, Kanye West maintains his status as hip-hop·s top dog. landing on top of Rolling Stone's Top 50 Albums of 2005.

• University of Texas grad Cowboy Troy bursts onto the country scene with a new music genre. "hick-hop," which he proudly displays on his class ring.

• Strong releases by Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, Mariah Carey and Gwen Stefani rule the music scene Carey's The Emancipation of Mimi earns eight Grammy nom1nat1ons and 1s the top-selhng album of 2005.

• Reggaeton. which blends ..... Seattle mdie favontes Death influences of hip-hop, Jamaican Cab for Cutie break into the reggae and dancehall wtth Latin mainstream with the album American bomba and plena, Plans and "Directions." a reaches tis height m popularity series of 12 short hims. in 2005.

Enlerlainmenl .... Nintendo OS owners can now be virtual dog owners as well, thanks to the wildly popular Nintendogs series.

• The Star Wars franchise remains a juggernaut in the videogame industry with the winter release of Star Wars: Battlefront II.

... Gamers wait in line for hours to get their hands on the year's hottest holiday video game console, Microsoft's Xbox 360.

The classic game of 20 Questions gets a makeover for 2005 with the artificial intelligence powered 200, one of this year's hottest toys.


Music videos and TV shows are accessible on the go with the newest must-have item from Apple. the iPod with video.



• In June the San Antonio Spurs win the 2005 NBA Championship over the Detroit Pistons m a thriHmg seven-game Finals senes. Spurs forward Tim Duncan wins MVP honors.

• NHL hockey returns in fall 2005 after losing the entire ·04. 05 season to a labor dispute. Fans flock to see players in new uniforms and exciting innovatiOnS like tie-breaking shootouts.

• In February 2006 figure skater Sasha Cohen leads the U.S Olympic Team into the Olympic Winter Games in Tonno, Italy


• Hawaiian golf phenom Michelle Wie turns professional on her 16th birthday and Slgl1S endorsemenlS worth $1 omHlion, making her one of the highest paid female athletes in the world.

• Danica Patrick. 23-year-old race drive( wins Rookie of the Year honors mboth the Indy Racing League's lndyCar Series and at the Indianapolis 500 where she finishes fourth

• Citing conduct unbecoming to the team the Philadelphia Eagles suspend wide receiver Terrel Owens for lour games and deactivate htm tor the remainder of the NFL season

.. Ameflcan Lance Annstrono wins his unprecedented SMlllh Tour de France in July Armstrong then retires

.. BMX superstar Dave Mirra wins the gold medal n the BMX Park Anals of X Games XI

from competitive cycllllg

• Longhorns quarterback Vince Young leads Texas to a national championship with a dramatic 41 38 comeback YiClOry over USC mthe 2006 Rose Bowl

4 Two-time champion Tony Stewart wins NASCAR s Nextel Cup SerteS and a record $13.6 mU11on n winnings m 2005 Stewart's career Cup earmngs now total over S48 mlffion

.. Swlss tennis superstar Roger Federer wins two Grand Slam titles, at Wimbledon and the U.S Open along with all lour ATP Masters Senes events

• CMI rights pioneer Rosa Palb dleS at 92 111 Delroit Palb l1fusal 1n 1955 to orve up her seat on an Alabama bus eventuaRy led to laWs dlsagregating pubUc transpof1atlof1 nationdy

.. Beloved "Glligan's Island .. Kristin Cavallarl featured tunnyman Bob Denwr dies on lhe MTV reality show "Laguna Beach • becomes ol cancer at 70 Although Ol1ti one of Hollywood s honest 98 episodes of the IJOIJINr silcom well made Demler WIS young personalities typecast as the nutty Glligan

his entire ca.

• Peter JenninOS, anchor of ABC's "World News Tonlglll dleS ol IUng C111C1r In August. The popular TV joumlllst held the andKJr poslllon tor 22 years.

jostsns "

• Coretta Scon King legendaly cMI nghls adVocale and widow of the Rev Mal1ln l.ulher King Jr. dies In January 2006 She was 78 2006-



.. Chinese actnss Zlyl Zhlnll ShlneS In the lead roll af Sayuri In the film ldlplallon of the ICClalmed Arthur Goldlll novel Mtmolrs ot 1 6'islll.

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