NWC Yearbook 1972-1973

Page 1

Homecoming Brings Victory


Ri5't1: Wlr1nmJ flnu- MASII by Jlidd.11' Rifiit: Q~ IAllf. And Kini? ~ndy.

F.,, 8i9lil. JiU\lllf'$' 'fr1t1pem• ti<r,i'a R,,0"9 w.m ,c_,eund plal\'.



Ltft: )111lrin1t A ~ thing.,.

319 17

l Uidudl!~ ltol.$ o(


Winter Carnival Without Snow Hi1,•Jd OMOCJ c)hrl Rl'l.'nner d111pi.y('d h)3 t trenl:'lh 1n a1t All St&r

Wfflllling c-.xhibir.ion. f#ilr Hi~t; Indoor




( 1ur.µcli tito11 ~ hu.,ed 11nc,v.· 11Nlptt11\'!1.

thi,; IMIO bm1ntt!

At.:ol~ Pl.111. nu111. pull!

1-"ft• Sophnm0tt UMOC cardidJ.1-" Sl-"\'fl Onn.

Present Recitals, Discussions


Hi1/llt: ◊ry-.-.11 &tudt:nt.!1 pN'IW'nWd 11 l'll('it.111 Oft May 10.

&u,,.-1 k15J.t.· 8 ro;;I! Wietiikc vrep:uu, ti) perform hill ,,ilo at a pi1100 rco:il.:Ll BdtM-: Sludcnt-(ae,u.lly diMIWiiflnll On lill)(o).,,• WPkt, W\'I\' bekl al time,: dl.1:nng W yeflr. lli!di u Uli~ <orl\' kd by Prnf. S.-:11:nnw.




Clean Campus on Arbor Day ~tcm1; J~n't '111.\11'\,.,;'I' worlc,ni:• ~/.11>•· W<-'N> tlv· ng 1l -Oor 11ll


Forum Shines in Shakespeare's Tempest

.-16.it~: Pl'Oelper<l ~·N1kd hi& iOt'!flllt} N,Jl/i(; llir.i!ld11 ~ for~\' bet•·een Ff'rdin1wd u1d her r,lher.


...ta •


Class of 73 Departs R~lil .P'rot"'8ko11 of 111:11iot, and the QttllJ.ic,n ,

t.wi>t.y ~


l,uu,ir HiJ,lil: Oi-.alio11 by 1111lu1£t,J,tan D11vid

Xrich~ "Cl'l}11tlot'I-Or E•vluti<lo."


k'[Pt,t;. Th1: fl'Adu:1 ~ l'f!wl,,:i (()11J i-Jtuh1 tior1J from ~alive$ IUld fticridll.



Football: Gateway Conferenee Championship The footb.'lll ~am A'()t NWC !!ports off w t he right start ao t.hcy g.tinccl a tie for the conference 1itt.e. In a soai;oi• ()( t.ij(ht games, NorthWf!l'!tern tied Northland for ri~t place. Going intc:> t h{) final game of

the !leMiOn, the Trojans m..'4.'dcd a win O\'Cr Lakeland I..<> finiAA in first. So in l.;\keland'!I Homecoming game the Trojans roultd t.hu Mu$kit>ll 20-7.

Overall the team fini shed wit.ha re• spcctablc rooord (J( 4°2-2, which in-

cluded a 35-0 \•ict.ory O\'Cr liililcr school DMLC in the <mening game, a 48,.14 tr()uncing of CJ'068-town rival

Maranat.ba and a briUia11t Homecoming victory (JvPr Concordia or Mil waukee.

For chc ir jtr-eat play Bhlke. Degner. Hintz and Toc~I made tho All,Con-

WP. 3S 7

w 14

4ll Jt

ferenee Team on orfe nse, while 2l Bode, Varnum and 'foopel rnad~ it on defM$C, fn :uldition Jensen,

Rathje and Garbow made IlonorabJo Mention. Dcsidt".\i tl1i::;, ~fark Toepel wa::; eho,ien Gateway Conference P layer of the Year and 11.imcd t<i t he All-Lut he rM College Football Team,



'l'H t;)'

DI' NttUn Wthfr('dk-e:11 Cnnconlia c&. P•ul) ~il~ Ul111oi, Be111-d1.:tiM M•~naW Norlhlilnd Cor.o::nrdia (Mll•"ll.nk«-) )AL\fll11:d

Ca~· CuuJcn-no:c &a..udlll~ N(u1.b"''t'IIWnl l.:11llt1tt> I Nnrthland l),lktfl I Lukd:i.nd Cnlli:g,: I Miltoo Wtlci.'t' (.I

() It


tilJ 1◄



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. . .,.;:'11.t-.f ~i::,-.

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(~ ' ~ . . .1.'


. . .. .


RACK ROW: Mt.tk C i ~ , JaMN C(i11iw,ll, Paul. 6add'. Ua· Yid !',iQIU'.k, 1<!{11.cll, JWut BCl"f, Tim r<njath, Jtff R('!'E, Mtik }-ieill.d, J amni &~. mgr.• DiekStarr , mgr. THIRD ROW: Da. v;d Ru~uw. Siu Z11k, Al S.:hmil:wr. Stt.-.·e 5.:h'll'lltU. Kf:'fl Rwierdt. J<1h,- C-0v3<:h. Mlh Hinla, Bub J l'fflen, Cl:ar.it.- l)l,.1,.. l:ll!f, ('.tlllm Ch-.--'llky, Da\•id Kipfmilk!I', fflF Sr.CQND ROW: J11mffl Sklliek. Tim Jobn11ton. J .y G,iwiebalk, Bi!l llcia'('ll, Tom f.i:ndlotf, Ntil Vart,um, W-roe Hil~ ndw!. W11I. icr Darich1c11n, Grqra S,..Me'notk, John Ovlan. Mark Tut'i,el. C.:..:h 1'h0n:'!p..oll. t'ROh"T now: U!e Neujahr, 0..\'41 Krl(!hl'I, lb.d: U nc,1,., RQttOJ K\ler1h, &brk Btodc, Jk,,:.k Gddbed::, Dan Guhow, Randy Rathje. Stt•e ebiko:, (NQ lbom~un, J-nhn Gawri:!m.

Up~T 1-tft~· 0dtl'lllle dr.ip N n~r dow11.

IJPP'T Hif,AI: rower ~ P co tbe left. /,tft Stroot J',n)tfflion for the: All-Cante,.~ QB.


r.,,, ,;,,,...,. ··R~11oJ,r A}-"""

A \;()(:,T11t,1~ lid.tort.

Hit;kf: 1'h~·n for II bu.





n t■•••


Netters Repeat Championship Success Switching to (atl the 1..ennis team took up right, where Lhty ldt. off 1asl. i.pring. Winning .liix i.traighl ro\--Cts.. they also succe!>lifu11y defended t.heir conference title by taking four of the singtcs and ti.II three doubles. Schupmunn, Brunner, Jeske and St..ern t.o0k single hc>tlOrs. Again io spring they 00nti11m..-d their suoocss u they won two more dual meets and placed second in the Whitewater lnvitatio-n:ll and seventh in the tough l,;.iwrence lnvit::ttiona.1. Dan

Kelm, Dave Grundmeier and J<1n Schroeder filled in at times for the regular six. Hi!Jhl: C«d reluro.





~ ~






-=-- ~"


81,CK: Cooch l'tilltU"-'tit.. Jon Stern, Mark

Hruooer, Sc<ltt Ston,c. Kr-=EELJNG: Oan Schaller, l'tlU Schupmann. MJS.'llNC J.lllrk Seske, ((l'(lm ,ipring t.,.•1un.;) 0.n Krlm, fr.i.n•

Gnu:wlmeier and Jc.in Sebruc&r. ,l6ol,r

-~~; ~.

.-igJiL A IIOW"tt llel"l"-



• «r::Wt: #,..




Rigld~ T(JUgh nitur11. f'or r~fi.l: Ktt!Jis 011e oo UI(! run.




Cross Country: It's a Lonely Sport Ia ooly ii.$ ~t-ond t.eason of existence

the Cl'()Sg country warn ::.bowed improvement and gained mueh e,q>eri-

e nce, besides pro\•iding an excellent conditioner for tltc boyl.'i. Times in all dislan~ wcrt impron;(I O\•(!r list. yc.i.r. It is a demanding sport, where at times it seems that one is running endlessly.


,mt lforrmann Schurn:r

w,.= w,..,


,t n,i.

2.3 J.t


3.3r:ni. 3mi. 16:,5 IO:U l tl!t:. li':09 !!1;19 ll.!:O'i

Yol jt dn::w thirwcn runncra who com2,\1)6 :1.1:09 peted O\' Or the season. Led by j unior:; ~,~ 18:88 Rill Hen-mann and Paul Seharrer th<' Bollmicer Sthwab :,;~7 20;50 18:1.2 team had only one senior on it and thus Mou.Id ha\·e a Cine nucleus to build on RACK ROW: Rod DoUingtt, Phil Bitnct', Jim Schr ,1.b , Bub Noldan, Glen W11lei1. Bob for next ye;u-.

""" "'"' ""'

Sempert.. t'RON'I' HOW: COlicb 1\il<lr Prtd Utt«b. t'aul Scbarfl>r. Ciry Wtpr, Rm 1:lt'.rrm::i.11~. C<l&th Erie Hal'tllf-11.

Upper {efl: "'Only ll , ~ r'IION $l(>fl(I, (l:ill!" B®w rif;ld: j\ look of ,le.tcrminali,m or txhll\,ll l!µ()fl!


Soccer Club: New Sport on Campus Soccer, one Qf the fastest growing spo1'1A in the U.S.. al.so made iUs a.I)~ pearant.-c on t.hc NWC campus this

year. Sin~ it was not in the sporl.$ budget, 11\e boys formed a dub 011 I.heir own. This meant they had to fii1a11cc

e\'crything from equipment to im1ur• t11'1¢C, Prac,icing on their own when• f'Vf'r a.nd whCl"C\'Cr they oould, tht•y had a rewarding l'll'AijOn, m~ybc not

in wins, but at least in playing and cxvcricnoc. Wit-h no seniors lost through gradualiou and new reeruits ne,it )'CM, hopcfS arc thal. the 11pon will grow and beoomc mor<l i,opuJar.

- ~ ·--- ;.?"'' ... - ~ ,

Tqp.· Kat,: for lhe ball. ,t6',t.., 1.,eft.: Wil111 11(1J>r tM h11ll

A,.,,.,.., Rigllt. An undcttultinJr :didr.. RACK ROW: J1in !xh.ultx, J Mn Wit111, Marty R&W, ~lid Gart:dw, Dur.ln Pi~ r, ,Jon ~h.l'(W>d~r. Rl'iy Sclnunw:htt, Tom J,:uwilllt. PRONT ROW: $1.e\·c Ou-,, Bob Wilke-, Ji m i'n-y, J11,miaJ Un• dloU, &d t'udell, Da~ Wilbn.



Cagers Have Frustrating Season Inoons.istA:ncy and st.rong -0ppoi;.ition

pro\'ed to be tM much at time:i for witb 612 poin~ .i,m,I 131 a.~!li!lt.$, U1e b(uskoU,all Warn. At Wmcs they while Schumacher wai. !lecond with a plsyed well. but it ne\'er i.e-emed that tot.al of 346. Sd1utnt1chor led in I.hey could get it, all togt>Lhcr £or a reb<Mmd!I with 208 followed b)' Cold• full itame. The team mi!l~d rart of beck with 197. For t heir play Toepel their CbrisLmas vacation to play in W;l.S: cl10$en to 1,he All-Con ferenee twn holiday toornamen1Jt. In 0001 Team and Schumacher f\!Wivt-d au they loi;t, the first night, but came Honorable Mention. Both sl!IO rehack the l'le()()nd day to win and ta.let ceh·cd an Honor.1blt Mo11tion on 1.lw; ooru;olaLion honon;. All•l~utheran College 8ai;ket.ball Por I.ho season Toepel led ttll .$COl'CI"$ Team. '




(}pf.«r Uft H"igh in lM 11.ir.

A!oot't". 8re•k11way C,,r twu. IA'lft l4 Right: RMt Oc)ldbrt:k, R1irn K1,)(l'l'th, $w Zu, Jun &h~d«. l>ctcr &hurn.achtr. Dun Sul• tor'I, Joo (;\ll!f'llber. l.,__ Tbottlji(IOl'I, 1)1111 Kt-lm. Muk Toopcl; DAI'<: Kriehn, Jhn JIU($ner, AM.itt. Cokb Tulvr Ut.keb, J~m l:llt!t', 111,1,,T. FRO.\'T:

Couh 'l'hnmpllffll,


&f,)M l,>ft. " K<-tP J,'\IUr ~·too yout 111,ln;

friql,1: -what al\' you gni~

lt~ltl, ; Tip ill



Snninary Conoo.rdia, Mil.



53 Tl Tl



.." 95


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OMLC Norlh C.,-.l~ I Bibk>C<rl.lt•).'\' J~ wn,, ~ Uniw;l'$lty U. nl Ch.imp Wau.ke,Ju1 County T. I. UW Wt,Uk<?llhll C.lil.,>UII

la.lO.'l'CDetl Uni..-nr,ity C.noll

Mi.lwn Jtlpc,11 Coll~~ ot R;1d~ 'hinity(:nllert Weiand M11tana.lha Coll+?t~or R..elllt ('Al:J(:nrdi11., Mil. Millnn




Nf/l'Vlh1nd M°AtllNthll







'l'HHY (;i'

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do with it. Rotk?"


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Thp: Ln II m,,.'CI ftir


1-'ft. Good fo!k)y,'-Oll'l)UKh. Abrn't': T~<b t hot.


Tri(lli.1: Dm'ing !or thiJ 00,,:k~t.

H,Ju\l, rwM; Sr.rlll!'lbl~ !« lhc biill

B<'.b11•: F.11Jy jump ffiOt ror ,,..o,


Injuries Hurt Wrestlers lnjuric:s and inexperienC4"' hiti.

dcrcd the ·rrojan gr.ipplers throughout t he .ve,,r. J'a ul Scharrer and Man.: Bude were lhe onl,v N'lurning men from Ute pn:\'iQlll>

year, and when t.h"'y wen: hurt


the leademlii, ~nl1 -.·x.pcrience U1e 1,c;~,n were gone. De!lpitc in, juri._-s, Scharrer (S-u) had the bci;.t

records. The fi nal record for the team

Yt' a:-1

6-10 plus participatkrn

in tw(I i,witationaJs. WiLh Rode the only t!il'nior. next }e.l1r':1 W.im "''ill ha\·e much 1norc• oollcge wre~ t.ling experfon<X-.


Kl L6

RiPQQ Milw1111kN1 T1o;h

21 ti 38 3>

U. W k i;hhuld Center MuanaU!a C.aU>WtfTtcla Kcnll$hll U. W. Ricllland(',.r11«


(}111.('•ily T"-'.h Ktnu,ba


MamMlha keloil

)8 fl Ill'


.," ,. "u


.,.." 40


L uwn:nef'







MATC c.«iennll:\





OuH11<''-I! lll"·il&lionlll f'ruim ':'lb L a - Tnvit11.ti<:,YU1I Tl:lltn ~

n., fqt: The Wln•! IA/I: "Yicll 009' •• •'" f',u

6'1(/""111. i,.ft:


t.> h~

d t,,!~L

Rffllltr N0001'1 -0n l((l








31 917





Rain Hurts Ballplayers Rain. rain and more n·,i.n hindered lhe pL-i.y or I.he bruieball team. Gamc:s were cancelled and many practices had w he movod inside. 1·he warn c::ndcd up with only one• borne ~ ries. a douhlehe:uler ilJ{ainol.. Northls.nd. ~t•ito all th._. lack of r ract.ioo and a

pitching' pN)bl-em, the wam fin i:11hed t ho ~ n playing .f,00 ball wil.h a record of 7•7, and a third place finish in tJ1c Gateway Conforenc::c.

'l'be lt;ading hil.1.tl"l$ for ~ho year were freshmen UilJ Heiges (Al2), Otal'I Gawri!soth (.378). Mark Toopel led the team in stole n b:ues with l3.


•• ,.• • • '' ••

THEY Mlln.11k~T~h

Mil..,..uk.:1!1'...ch N0tll1hwt.1 Northland l.llWN"I~



r .llWl"ffll';<>




Milwn .>Gllwn ~ I ) " ' R11Mn♦ Ccdleg1: or Raci11..-




M.• r-,u111thc


M lll'flflAthA

Tup ((fl: $moo1,h Mr, Sltoxt4t,,p. Mi.ddl.t IAft: Gr.udul dclh"ff)',

Rilht 11\lt Ho1111'n,111 W~lcofflf,.




• •,:--. ........ _., __ -::• •'' • • •'' I






T(1> fl».Jdl~: Swingi.QK tor t11e (~11.

T<tp f'lJIM,.· Buo:t i11 ti-.

Mi4,"U#: ,.hi' Big Biw:11.. Al»oc T(M) late-out!

RACK KO W: Cc1M:b Pitpel', $ ~ S.:.hwatu, Pclfl Sch»mkhl'r, l>,1.1~ lkid:, mar, .t'OURTH ROW: The Rqjatb. Eel Mc:il!r, 1'' ortlt, 61111.• M&lln. Bob SS:nla. Tfl lRD ROW: Bill J)w,1, Jdf $11h.t, Rugt:r Kn,,.l'fh, SIWONO ROW: J<lhn G11wri3eh, Sl.t-l't' ~ lk<, Xvk •r~ . Bill 1:1.~ U.- FIRST ROW: Jobn Dull1n, Don $ui-

i(ln, Olen

wm , D111'1 (:-awri$cll,


Golfers Swing Away

.. SACK ROW: Coach $tllMT, ~ $.-huma.

chcr, Tom Bicd• «11X!iuk<r. Paul ~ FROST ROW: Dave

., .,,.

H11n.kc, Ed Zell. Ken K-0ll,(,rg, J ill) t-"N!y,

f Titp widdk Sc,n:

( N!t ~

.V~~: On )~" mark. F',u, .-,gill. ,\ mlgl11y br>iu .., lligl,1: ~tn.i11.i n• r,:i,- IN fi t1i~h.

... •



Trackmen Runaway with Title! The Trojan l'rac.kmen literally ran away wiLh the Gateway Con(('n•n()c; Track TitJe. Scoring 102 I /2 f)Qin~ W

l.:1kl'lat11i'~ 54 112 and Milton's z,t, they i;howcd great dept.h in alJ ev('nL"' :!~ the)' placed in e\·ery ont anti Wok nine fir,u. (n addil i(lrl in fourteen e,·ent11

they h.-d t1t lcai.t t wo placing and in lour c,·enO. three people. Plu!\ dw- rru:t that both relav team!! took tir.sl.. Eric Haruc)I aud · Jay Got.tscbalk each plaocd'i"n four events and both of Llw,n took t.hree (i~lil,. Ntw 11cJ100\ n.wrds were ~·t duri11g the year in lhe mile rd<l}' (3::.14.4) by Uaruell, Krobotb, Reid and Gottschalk; •MO lntern1ediate Hur• dies by Jen!IE!n (36" in 60:()J.4) and SehmiW>-l' (30"' in 6&4); the a mil..,

(18:28,S) and the mile (4:42.9) by Schsrrer. t he 440 by Gottsebalk (G2:2) and I.he

diac:u11 ( 12.1'7") by G<:>ldbc:ek.

BACK k0W (;,:IM'.h 'J'hum~ Tim J,,hMl.cm, Jay GQlb$chuk, David Parky, Jim C'.cmntll, l¼l.l

Jcn/;ffl., P11nl St-.htl'ffl', Cary Wti:nt'r, >,Ut>OLE ft()W Mt.rk .Btut111er, Jim 1.111,.bn,:r. Jol:.n llcrt, Ou.Yid Ru-, &h N,ildan, Jim $;:hwi.t,, Al S.:hml~. f'l1il Birner, Micl11tcl Ou.f'OW, kly Sdnimuhn, Mink ( l l ~ . ~r;t Hlll'1lldl. Jkd

(;oh.11"'d. Piel. Rt-id, O,,,u SdU:cl1l, Kurt KrnOOth, A:ui11L <'AMh Tt1::.-.r Ut1e('h,


Intramurals Add Excitement

_,.,,,.~ it""-. T 1.""\


POO'TBALL C HAMPS: BACK MOW Jlm wru, Rnb ~humnnn, l'cte K11.•$,ll[kc, Da'J\" Babin«. J un Sk-rn. t'iud $,;b~lll'IJ:, $ti)vl> $muh.

PRONT ROW: tn,-e l.1111bd, )fark Sch"1.'rtf~ r. Jim LindloU, D11vl" Sdn.ill&, Cu.rt $(.('Mdt. Ot"lltr


k1gAI: UulldU'tinr,t thn,ul(h,

;wUJ/.f lli9'1-1: C11e.eh him! F<1.- H.i.!P't Pile \Ill,


VOLL.t:YtlA.LL CHAMl'S: )(11.fk Brun.tK:r, JfXft Soihroodtr, Pf!II H(,.)'(•r, f'.d 7A, i'flul t'r1561>. Jira }'n,·. Jt1n Goenlher.


TIIPI Typkfll i 1Hnl11:u1r.d f.001.

AMtlil /,cft.• ltril'\1,- f11i: lb: bd: u p.

A~'H (:(11Ur: P..'o:w illl Hl'IIUna l


INOOOH socct:n CIIAMPS.. RACK P.OW: Ron 7.ill,lllff. Ji)rul l:ll'r,,;. Slan Wf:ir.ri~h, Jttl"_\' Zcitk:t, P.d 1.ril. Piwl Pr~. n m Kuj11 th,J11hn Wllll'. GrcK Gib0011,: F RONT: Jun l'n:y 8do11-•

l,ft, F11111.111(11',nj: blill

lkll»fl FUC/11' S:...-.,:.1'\' <or not! IJ.,,lt1,1ni

Lefl.: Thtto: tn g,'t.

&,ttr,w Ri~1.• Un11 or~.


Forum Uses Various Talents

BACK ROW: 011~ l,aali:i.. J}.,~ Su-m, Mir.\: t'rkk. Paul lb'i!leh, $((Kt S inn.!, Oa•·t! H(!in, Do111n PiKhcr, Tim J nh n$lOn. Tttrno KOW: Man.- l,1anthey. Lurtl'I Lti(:ht,

J im Bui' • .bob Ed·nrd~. SKC01'1D ROW: ).h.rk J OO"" ~,on. Mikt Turrirr. Dan

Hanb. Cl.-n Sehmiq;t<. Gn:g

Giblx,,u,., IN'lg Scherkhel, )h,re F rey, Tu tor Stuebl. J in, Rrnit. FRONT ROW: Rkt, Ka n:wnh11ch. 0.vl' Kipfmil. !ff, 011n Stll.xk-r,

R•9"'-' N.aw:nilly ao:lUli:: UI• ffll i, nccde.-d, » &h<;wn by the two t haTil\'.WI'$ !n)ffl f~ T<'n1pod.







AWN- Uft: lt Wes l!l(!('t:,ic11I

,kill, to r un the lightint, 1.efl: )hke~uJ) e re" '*

/MU I/$ I.Aft: )( u~k 11)11bl'3

.., I

tt;rp;,c,rt the pt,rf61'fl'UU'1¢e,



11i!<'deJ for all (lfOi.'.h;ec.ion11


A~ : $et C"llflirtructjui:1 h, p11rt-0f thl: 11rdimin11r y wQfk,





Black and Red Appears Monthly STAFF: Editor in Chief .. . £d Schuppe: ~isl.ant. EdiWr . . • &-ot.l SWnl': Alumni F,diWr • • • J i,n Ril.lh: Ca1111)us & Clasi.--

room . . . J im 7.ie$Cmer: Senior Siaff Writer . . . Oan Schaller; Sports ftAiit.or . .. Dave Kelm: Art editor . . . ftick Cu-

ria; News Editor •. . Paul Wendland; Ru~in~!! Ma.nagcr . . . Pa.111 R;llda1,f; Circulation Manager . . . J on Pete~n; Junior Staff \\i'riter . . . .Mark Jeske; Adver-

til>.ing Muuagcn; . . . Scott Klein, Ilob Meisclwit.z. Rir;Jit M ti~ t h,, statr f~ l h 11,'llli t,ehlr,d the ~ljth\ h11ll lh1tV:T RigAl: Ed SchUJ!IIC t11rn1, fllll &nother (djw,rju) . •• or i11 it a 11hott ,·1coty?

8'do11• Stott Klein and J oo rctcl"lltln d i:1Ct1$!1 ritl'Ul:t• tion prnblem.,i,

Rig/11: Ut1c up o f W. 111.111pc,-ts. Whn !'\'Ally wrll.(>~ lh\151t 11.rtkle,~

• •

Mnema Produces Volume 4 Since t.he winter of 196'J•'i'O, when st1tden ta decided to publi1,h ;1 yoarbook, M,u1ma bas beoome an e!ltahli!!.hed in• t.tituLion. Eaeh edition ajms to portray Lhe life and ac;tivities of 1,he year foist Mdcd. A st.at.ement in a reoent lutA.tn,w, 8<liir<i• Wr iodicatos that. its goals are being achieved. ''In the Northwestern C<>llege annual, A!m1ma, one senses the puh1e of liff' at that :sehool, $() dirricult w obtain in any other way."

AWt..,.,(j""Y W('.1,'11(-r J)(,n~ •l~lher •II lb(ow S,i\'l'.I'~ ..iu lx-l»mll a y~M(lk.


TOJ> L,efl: A<VVY ~ iJ t)·l)('d out b.>• cbe «l.iu,r. J im ttalh. IAjt

c,"ur: Come uver and bctJi ui QIJ't, Jon.

J.4(: Sporto editor Glenn Wtnad

J)r"el)O.f~ a



AMw NWC't Al Hirt.

Tur ~tning.tik,c, ho\1-0n, Ttlf' htftd itlway~ Walllcd • ntw di~wr.


Band Produces Fine Harmony RACK ROW: Rccl'r Cniwfont, (;~11 We11t.tl, Kill.> l:liirihl, ~111,en Sdui:ii~ U,,,:w: &«ntnr. Al Bitkr. Tom Wibmu1n, Pete: K111,1111!kc, Su-n-



$~(\'ll. f'lt'T H ROW· ltlilpb Schmidt. J·m lwni., Jtm Rath, Da-,c rarity, Randy lbckbanh, Tnm Kl113~)1'r, R(oJ11ey $:hwnb_ .>likt- Tboml)eOQ. M.:mf'rcy. POURTU ROW: Muy Uutq, Tim WW.. lfli:llln, !.,,(in l'l.lilke, Ktvi.11 Rucvcr, P•ul lbi,ch, Phil Stu,dibriti, So,u Menke, P11nl Th.wlr(elder, R«I $i..1),. Go,,d<,n I ' ~. 1'HJRI) ROW: 'JU11 MVl'lln, Phil Hukbarlh, Jim W111k, Du-c Kola.nck:r, Jc,cl llleicr. D,mni, RN)Hlm, •~ ttun•@.Ji,u, Huel.H:wr. tc«k, A). t-:hl, Bruce Bitttt, Dla!c Xk$11il(, SECOr.D ROW· R11ndy lltil.u, Tim Pb.th, f.11'¥11 Klptm\Ufr, l'i111I i'AII, l:l~,: Blumer, Onie S.:hlie,.~. Qu'01 r it-;,tt. Ru~r llohx, J<)f!. K~ht-1 Tffl'I Nu,. FRONT RO\'/": llon Wkh=n, Nuk ?..viii:;$(, Bru...e Mun,•t, Dllr• Spieu, lklh PAwANh, 0,,, l,lflom3fm , Ju,1 m,,.,,,ert,,

K\lrt Lut11ebur)1;, J«'ln Kc.t.1. Bett1 1.dtmer, (",alhy Wt,1tcrhll.ll$.

8®"'• The b11r. d ~t11.nd11 tnr lli' rlnil! n)h(<IO~ in th1: chAJl('l-1111$ b.iihJi.,.,i:, l,eC\l!i;! - illit t<i m-w q-u&ner,; in thr mU11it ;,udiu.riu.111 next tllll


Male Chorus Sings at Festival

Abow:T bo: ch«ull rcbeaOlffl a l Mi1,,,~11ktt·:1 J•crfonning

Ar~ C..nte-r.


Touring Chorus Visits Pacific Northwest DACK ROW: Miu\'. !:loot'• .Marlo: H~tno>r, ~Ill! S1'Jot'. J tilui 8ttn~r, )ll:uk .INk.-, R11n Sr.cy, Ji m

8()1.,r1113n, Mik°" Wnldt, Mitch M1111lnc,._ }'OURTH ROW: Tom Wil.s.mann, Bruce W1clike, t!<,dn1>:, S.:.hwab, Sht\'ti Kwl.h. J im Zle~er, W11Uy f>.ni-1,. lll)Q. J ('(r 81'rit, f'h,I l-t-r11tkhdn. TlllRD ROW: Phil Ho,-w, Paul lhi::st.h, Murk Biltcr. l.(,«.n l.uehL P,1,ul Wr.ndand, (.Union J>c-w n. P•ul t1a1J11ur, u ,-:k ~tr, Jim Oklfidd. St°.OONO K()W; l'>.l.\•r. Wilken, >-1.uk Z11rtl11t, Mf.N' X1tnthty, &h F.d•·ud:1, Ou.•'° }'\:i.rll'). Roh Siirila.. Jim Rath. l>.a•\" R•l60:rw- tr RONT !?OW Oav,e Kiptmilkr, Rich K•nMill~h, ,Jim ffU('fotcr,

l.laJ'I Htnkt. Ji m R.-M, Tony &hulU.


Ensembles Provide Music

SCOLA C.:At-TORt:X: BACK ROW. J <,11 l<UJr pn.¥)11., Soolt l:!Wnt". l"hil Strncl:hdn, J/\rt Helrd, Rodney Schwab. Tc:,m Wil,-Jnatin. SEC. ONO ROW: Ooo Wichmann, Mikt M1,dinill. Rn1,:,1 W•~kl'. 1.1-J.•~ Llilll, llf'l"h llnhn.-,'k(..-1, FRO~T ROW: 'J'im Zi<-tidl. 6oh Edwards, U11ve Kipf111illcr, Dick Smith. » 1:5$1 .S(;'. >lark 7.artina:, Ji m Ren&, t:rir lbrt«:11.

RRA.$.':I CHOIR: SACK ROW: &.e•·e Ri11t.ow. Tom Wi~nu.nn, Mib W11Mt, r,..l-. P•rl,;,y l:!tXX>?W ROW: fon Lludmcr, Rnn S11ep, (',or. (km f'(•l~l"I!. lh?n nP:l tlroetun. D11vc Kis,£inilkr.

P'RO}.'T ROW: P•t1I lhlu.-h, l'h!I $u-atfrl,,,in. J im Rath, Rob Siirila, Jim Rcnx.


T,ip: PEP BAND: BACK ROW: T<>m Wibimallll, T<1m Klumiqu-,SteTC Ri11.

1.-0W. Rod6ey Sdiw11b.. THIRO KOW:

0.\'t' Spk-U, Sleve Blu.mer, O;i"'° Kivfmillie;r, SF.co;,.m ROW: Bob F,<lwlll'<I-. Joo Rimirw11. Cordo11 ~ Ron &icy, O!:n~iJ 131'\lfflm. PROKTROW: nu-. Ffllll)y, C:leM Weni.-1,Jim R11,\fl. &b SUril•. Jim Rell.I:. SIDE: M.\ril. Zarling.

A6"t: Many <of~ Min$ plAf(P'S o.l°'-1bl00 A3 a J•u «15'N'l'I~ /_,efl; Dr,unmer Marl; ~rl.ing P""'id,:d the be&t.


Groups Develop Special Interests

CHAJ>HL 0ft(;ANl$f$: .Tim RAUi, J,m Ruppoiclil, JQQ J\o· tcl'!lon. J 1111 H~~rl. Kldl V(lll...._nk(lt. Mlkfl Mulinix. ,Jim Rent_ Se11ll K k-in , Ma.r-l Jct1ke.

Alim.,., Photo Ct11b member Ma.rk Kobentrin IOlldi! hill 1:$.mt~ k1g1J: Tbe rhl)tn Club lake, uid print.s pkluM (Ur J.'fWPII and itldi<fithab <m dl:MIXI&, H('l'(I f'tlll $elmpm:tnn hAA hN;ln

d.,w,Joptng $C>m<1 prinl.$.


These Rule The Roost CAR CiOM.MITTEl,o;; STA.'-.OINC: Prof. P111rnl.lljc. 0..n Ctiw<1row"k;y, M$rk 1,li.d,_, Sl11'rNG: .lllhn J <lh.nJOft, T11m Bkd--

f:fthcnder, John M.attA:k.

OORM COU~CII.,: lil,rk Ha(ll'n(,r, Rob Meif;elwit:z., P111il WeDdland, Jnhn BNnner, ~ t St.one-, Jim Huebi:.er, Cur t St'C'cMdl. Ti r:n ~ II. O.n Mrent. MISSING: ),1ar1.' M• n~}',

Rigkt: Durm C110111:n Prto1ident Sc11u



MA.8CU~ 0008 S1111::ioaw, Mkh. DAVIDADRRM:\N


&w:1.in,:1: n..nd 1,2,a rep Band 1..2 St. Marlt°t Tut.>r t 8Mhf:::1b. Rag Brnlhtt I "Adll.. . , ,

. ton/ir~ blid1clor






&!t?bllll 2;J.,4 lnlr.unurn?ll 1.2;1.4 BowlinK 1.Z.:U N Clnb 3.-1 YR':1 1.2 tMbetlda BiK Brolhcr l

"Ruhbt" • .. liti!I lookrnt Kc• ll .. • SEM.

THOXAS BIEOESBEr-DER Brillion (',df 2.3.4

lnlr.u11un1I, 1.2.3:1 R(w.,hnt 2)1,.c

&wli.ng LN.gue OHioer 3,4

Football 4 Wl'ftllli.rlit 3,.4 lnu-amtil'dl 1,2;\ 4 BuwliJ:18 2 N Club ·1

)fAJie (:'hl)n;11 1,2,il,4

.)(b:f!d Cl-.oru,; l.2 TQIJJ'i~ Choru:1 IU4 Cl('(> Club 1.:l.8 ~ 111 C'..ant<irum I d· B11rlot!Nhop Qi.arid 4 l<'v,1110 l;t

t.hdc f.:hi.,ru, 3 C., Commluoo 3:1 Ofrit'(or 3,t \'R',; l "81ed3" , • $Uil!ll'J • • gugfrl to boolu .. . $Rlf.

R& R2,a

'l'R'1, l.2 lh•U1e,da 1:11,i.- BnJlbtt 1.2 )l~IWI' ll; Jlwhkni. Awl~IJll\l 4

.JOU~ RRP.N"NP.R Bas City. Midi.

"Animal" • •• lll(l!JIClllito ,do • ••


ln tr11m11r.ls t,2,3,1 Bnwling :l-.4 Chl't'rlwdinx l;Z,3:1 Ma~ Chorus 1,:i!,8,t Mixed Ch<irw 2,3

Twrill$t Cbooru, 1.2.:1.4 vr 2.3:t Glee Ctub~ RMh.!l'llhop Q_w.rtct 1,2,:l;t Soob Ca.nl<1Nm l Oor1t1 Couoril l :I \' P ,I

cForum ,- 'f'rw. 1.:l

STEVD. EFll,KF. Wci:tlancl, Mith.


YRil 1.2.3 OHker I.2 ")Uekcy" • .. dub fo<1l ...



F llt/1 bAfl 1;lJl,4

B11.-1kctb:dl 1,2





l l'lln)ffiUi'IIIIJ

>,!~r()(>, Midi.


Rctht,ida Rit fl:l'(lth('I' I

"P11by" .

Tt'H . •• SEM.

lnl""111Urllltl 1.2.:U Rowtina: 3;1 Milk Cooru:1 1 ('ba,pcl 0,valtffl I

Cl1111s VP 3 "Cbip~ . . . ni.l,,>tllnl the OO!lpit.al •• • $'CM.

l:lat!!:liliU 1.2,M lntr11m11ralt l.2.3:1 B<iwlinr 2,.8,.. ti Club I.Z.3.4 Mhle tlt Board 2.3.4 Pmc. 4

)lnnitt1r a

"Ct<c,ck,. •• . alhk~ . . . Sl!M.


DA:S-lfl, (:,\RJM}W f..dmorc, Mifil.

r,:,,xt)$uz.:u .s

THOMA$ 1'1$CHl-'.k

o...11v,..r IM.111

Vft'tl t

&. lbrl:'s Tutt1r 2 tleth-'11 ml-' Bnit~ 2

"T«m,., , , halt M T111~1)on SEM.•

"<:uOO" , .• 11kt t,utr , ,

m:RBERT l'lltHNf:FtKO<.:H


Intro1mumb 2,3,4

Intn111.ur.il11 2,:\.4 lko•·lin,: S:I

R~-dwood P11ll11, Minn.

B<,.1inxZ M11lc Olorm1 3,.4

So.'tlla CMte>rn.111 , '"Hert." , , , NWC'11 111:ninomi11t •. . eldtt cith.m ... SRM.


,oir 9T'Ultling •• , SF.;>C,

&nd 1,2,.l,t )hde Cbtmi11 l2.3 Pop Rand l;l .>loniwr 3

rw1.b:l.11 1.a:u

ll'ltr,11m.1n1l11 U.3:1 e.w.,11n1 1,2,it,t Male CMnli I

truk a,, Jritr,JJnlU'al, 12.3.4..5 N Club <lb l)rt«!, 6 Cl111111 VP3

..Gt:rk" , , , T!Kl Hound Tt'H . • . SI-:)f,



Ruk~l l.U.• Tr;u.k 1,2,3;1 l11ln1tr111nds 12.3." Bawling I N Club 12,3,.t

"&&kcr" , , • 1h11 .}'hook , , •


1:-lmu! • • • TPR ••





f'ootbloU 1.2.S

lnttamul'lll& 1,2,:u ?-ClubZ:U

Oorm Cullflril 2

Cu COllll.mitt(l(I 3,t )fonilur S

"Gcntl,.. Om" , , , 1)11, l",:,vl~ . , . ~n)OO!'td t,> Laun. , , , SP.)(,




lnlrt,m11ral11 1,2;1;1 &,.•l i nr 2,4 M~Choru11 l Dc:lrm C',ounerl I


M~hor 3 "J)la,•~" • • • l'\I&

lbe ~ nt«n

... Si-:M.



$1,. JOtlt<pli. Mkh.

Coll I.2.3,t lntntm1;11'l:ll! l"-3,4

K Club 1,2,3,4 "Lilt.kt t'clla" ... MnW' P11lmr.r • .. lllill looking ... SEM.

lntr.tmur11l11 1,2;1,. n.,,.•ling 4 Mabe Ch1W1111 1,2:,!$.4 Mixed Choru11 1.2.3 Towi111e C'lton.b 1.2,8.4 Pre,, 3.4

Clet Ctub 12.3

])oc,m Countil 8 f'ret18. l 0-T~. 4


Fo11,1m 2.3.4 f'hnto Club l .2,1 C',antf)(:11 l~,a,.


. I'm p,uldent-0r the ioo-rine male eh()r1111, 1M:l ••• SEM.

PHIi.i r KIUHC.Elt &.ginaw. Mkh. lnll"',Ullt1r.ll$ 12..lJA tlowli~ 4 Yk'$ l

" Phippy-., ... s.!nh11 di\·cr ... SIOI.



P«itllll.TI 2,3_.

R11d:ctball lntrnm ul"'.i. 12.3.4 N Club 12.3.4 Athletic' Boord 4 Ch111$ Prw. 'i,1

St. M•ri:'l Tuwr 1 ~

'8ig 8ro1h.~r 1,2,3;1

Mon.It-Or 3 "'Wi('.111'~ . • . uD..-ea.d11mic kQ.1n . •• SR)(.



fot.nununl11 I.Z.3.4..S

}k,-Jing 1.. F«U111 1./l..3,4

YR'~ 1,2.3,4 •• Krueger aoo.. ... 11~~~ to Andnta ... SEM.


ROGl':ll KUrmTII }'oof.ball U.3,-t lk1!k~tbAII 1.2,3,.f ~MIi 1,2;1;1

lntr.ur.t1n.b 1.2.3,.f. Bowling 1.2 ~ Club


(:a.a$VP I

8(1lh,•r,da Big Rr"th~r 1.2 )foniuw a


Ft. A\kini,on

l11lnu1wrab 12.3,1


M&?oe CllOI'\$ 1.3:t

$(,ok Ci/11.0Nll\ 4 VR'll 1,2

Ftm1m I

SAeN.un 4

SL M.1u½'s. Tutnr 4 M11n.il11r 3 A~ichmt. ~ n t 4


~Dav,:..... beribb,)o(i,d dan(fy

. •• S.8M.

" Kl.lUNi" .. • p-rintinl? wiwJ ..• SHM.

W~t Allil


lntum11nh1 l2..3.4 Baocl 1.%.3 M,~ Choru(I 1,2Jl,4 TMiring Chon111 1.2;1.;I Gitt Club I l't-fl }I.and 3 Sc,,-C~11wum 1,2

F()fflm l,2,,1,4 Pr~. 4 Fk~a Big- Brutbt:r 2

MA'M'l1F.W ~AJ0\'$KI Tig-.ud..Ott.

llootbal I lntJlll'l'lUJ'fll(I I ~ ,4 8c:iwli-ng 2.;l f'urnm 1.2.:u YK'11 1.2

"'Ho,now1iki,. . . . (;fflli.t.


Monito! 3

~i~r•l Alltlitllafll -4

••r,()r"elf' •

• • $11«1py

• • • hcN o (

the cdor guard ..• SEM.

tillWA.HO )4.1:0t;R SL. Paul, )linn. F Ol'.ltball 1,2,:t Ba11kdball I l:la11eball 1.2.3-A lnt<\IH•1,1r$1:& 1,2,'!l,t

Rowli-ng- 4 N Cbb 2,3,4 Alhfo tie Board U:1 (:111£$ Pr\'!. I

Monlw-r3 Rlood ijMk Chairman 4

wrCJ.tling.• • enpgtd w Karin Ouo . . . $M.

"(',oober" ••• all lW



JA>SF.$ 01.ortBLU

N(""' Utm. Minn.

hllCHAl'~L MUI.INIX Mauml-c, Ohio Sooecr 4

l:lowtio.i; 1.2

OANIF.1. NIT"l :-in11.• Ulm, Mi nn

Mi'(('(! (:lu)nl5 2

t,'ootbAII 2..1 Wn-Jtling I

~,ble Chorus I

Clupd O,-g3nillt 1,2;1,4 H<$d 4

Soolll Car.I-Orum 4

ll'llr".t.1nura.b 1.2.4 l:l()wlin,:: 1

lntrarnul'3k 1.2,3,t

&luwJ.a 1:11,1,' 6rc:oth,..r Z ..Mu:ius.i,•" ••• min abwt Wwn

• Town. th...ali!.r ... SE>.!.


"Unnitt,., . , Prit,


TERR\' NUCKOl.1.$ l'hocnilf., AIU.


La!Ut.ril., llt

"K.nuddr.t!' •.. NatforJI SunAAinn Kid ... SEM.


Ma-;1 1~.0hiu

Pigl'tln. Midi. ln1.Tamnrali1 1.3

fbnd 1,2;1.,4

Mnlc Choru, J.2.3:1 :Wi:n-d Chorut I TOilrint; Ctlc)n..- 1,2,.'l,4

CiiM Club 1

Pep Rand 1.2,3,.f. Wind F.membk ;

Rand 1,2,3;1 Male Choruii 1,2:;l;I Mi.Xl'II ChuruJ a

1\iu.ri11g Choru, 1,2,4 ClH Club 1.2.3

Pl}p 8$.J'ld 1,2.:U F.:ntt-mhl~ Wind 2, J$.11:.\ •I Bn,a Chni, 4

l<'OOlball 8,.t 'l'rack 2

<:off a

lnttllmlll'dl 1,2,8 FkrN!i~ a N OubZ.,.1,4 ffa.nd 1..2.3 Msle Chorw U.3

81'11.U l!,n,..mbtit 4 J;ux Enl!ftllble 4 f'on1m 1

Chapel Orgu.ni,t !!,:1,4 Chiu Tl'\'a.'I. 3

"Sk.y Kit11(' , • • WA!l Strnet

YR't u.s,.1orr9'ff 2.3,4

Fonim 3

Mnema 1.2.3,-1 t:diWr 4 St. )f3rk'11 1\iwr 1.3

"Ranger~ ••• e:ng-.tgl'II to 1.,,h,

J1111rmd .

• SCM.

f'0rum l; 8&.K 4

Rrlh(,;d• 8v:' 8rothl!r IU-1 Monitor a

" 61111if' ... FOOJr P11int ... pl(l11.'

• .. St.:».


Toorlru:- Chorus 1,2 Cleoe Club 1,2 Pf'p Bar.cl 1,U

Haye$ • •• Si-;M.

li1tr".t.mur;,,I,, 1,2,3,4 1:1.,...,ling 2 Mall! Ottorw 1,3:t T-0oriiv: Clu,n,1~ 4 f')orm Cooi1C'1I .8 to«. 3 SL M11d:',1

Tuwr I

rn•:TER REID Cl,_.a.r lill.l', Wbh,


So..~: 01'1(fltli»e.r Track MP

1niramnralii 2 Mnrms 2,4

J'hnt(I Club 2.3,i

"Pkt" ... klldiie ••• SB)f

OA~lt,;t. $CHA(,1,P.R



Football 2 Wr~th111t 1


Watetwwn ~So:ld11:t1l'' • ,,.$P.M.

Tea.nil3 1,2,;l,4 Co.pt. 3,4 11111'>\fflll'tul'I 1.2,.3,. N Club I.Z.3,t

h"ff ~m

lt1tr-,1.murahl 1,2,;\.,4 & nd 1.2.3:t P-ep R1111d 1.2 Moni-wr 3 "0..lfl" , , , ll'lll)rt kilchie , , , ::il:M.

)hie Cbor1111 l Pqr11m4 RkR4 IMhe,J.a tit.fl R ~ I M~lwr it

PHILJ.P SCHUPMAN~ ~ohne, Ill, Tc,nnU l,2,3.4

Wl"fftllnK I lntnmul'Alt 1.2.tM

Bowlittg 2 N Club J.2,3,4

Pl)rum 1,2 YR'11U M~l\'lnllZ

t'hOW Club 1.2,.'l,4 MMitor :\

"Sdiup~. , . k\'y to \'Yerythin11: , . l'nt•lrfid


San , • , $CM

SCOTTSTONt,; Cowta Ml'iel\ Cal.

~OWAJt0 $CHUPP¥: Fond du Lac

t'OOtOO..TI 1.2;J lnll'llfflll:talll 1,2..'l,4

N Club 2.3:1 B&R 1!,3,1 ~ J I . Big flMther 1,2 )fnnitor 3 l,it,i,uiati 2,3.4 ")(nu1r M011th" •• , ft'IIX\' P.d

'i'ennli 1,2,8,t lntn1mnrak 12.3:1 1' Cluh U.:M Mall! Chorn, l,ll,t Ttv11ring Cbcxru, 3.4 s..ua t:111:11.(,nJ.m • Dom Coul)(ll 4 PrCJ. 4

JJ::t'llft};)' SUHR

Cla.~,. l're11. 3 t'«um 3:1 B&ft.~4 St. Marir'!II Tutor 2 llonilor 3

~Country 4

~~11.t A$UIIUIOt ◄

M$l$ CholU<' 1

8-b.dl 4 lntr.llffl'Jl'UI l,2,3,4


We11t St. Paul, Minn.

... "'&hMinn~"'r . .. st-:M.




O()K Al.D TH0)4PS()~ Walkrtowll

Intr11mu.r111:I I 8111:Kl 1.2.3:1

Footh11U 12.:1.4 lw1ctbl:a.U %,s,.t

Male Chon1111A4 Mixed Chon1a l.2.3 Twrinr C::h nN$ •


f'cy R11r.cl 1,2,3,4

t•Mrn~: Ja.u 4. Bna.c111 ,t

!))rm Cuuncil3 Photo a ub Z3

MOiul.-Or 3 ~11,\eni AM-t!IUlflt 4

Traek 1 lnu11m1mila 1,2,1.,4 BQ..,unJ! 2.4 NCh.11>2,3,t Mtlc Chon1, 1,2,1 To;iring O.ON!I 1.2 Glee (::tub l.2..3 PPNn:I ,I

" Zipper" • . . m11~ t.rumpd •• • cant~n • • • $.lU.IU('.rb,;ijl' $£M,

Mo.nit,<,r 3 ~ld-eni A-.IW'nt 4

"'Soony Don" ... dentist pninllni:nt:i ••• Stal.


MlCHAHL TRAUD'l' Clatoui;,,, Nci..


l nl l'l:l,ffl.Ul"/L\! 1,2,3,4

&-1inJ; 12 & 11d 1,2:.3.,1 Male ChQl'011 l,2A4 Touring Chon1a 1,2;1.4

St Mark', 'l'ou,r 2,1,4 Bcthr.sd:a Big Brotm'r 2

Pep Band 4 Br"-", Ch«r 4 Jua 1.-)ii_,bk! •1

Scola Cat11.-0n,un l.Z.4 Fon.1111 I YR'a 1.2.,1 &:thellda Big Bruthf:r l,2 "Wdly..... Manti 001 • •• wba

... SEM.

LARRY ZAHN FOlltball l

Ra.~krthull 2 C.d f4 Intramural, 12.,3.4 &- lint z,l:1,4 l)(inr,


Co\111(11 2 fl'(l:M,. I



J u~u

Male ChClC'u, 12 Tour\.-.ic Choruti 2

Glee Ctub 2 S(tila C1u:1Wrum 4 Dnrm Council 4 Si:c. 4

"Tim" .. • ~·itarniH t1Uj>j>l,e111enl8 • , • ul~I.-O<N;t , •• SR)I,

,TAMP.$1.1.-:SRMRR Milwaulioo llootball 3

lntru.111uru1112.3,.t 1$<iwh.11,i; ◄ hltle CbonJtl 1,2.:S;I Mix~ Cho111111,2.-, Toorin, Chn!Uj, 2,.'l,◄ Gte.eClub3 Scola C:autllnlin I:i 1:1,tf( 4 "Zew" .. • Rich&rd! •• , Olm·

PIIJ Md Cln!room ... AOL'll

11e11~pt , , SEM.


F11r Vfl In th'lll oc,rntr ..-. have . • . 1,,-ft; 1ANl'I'$ •·umillg up -.C,ffp,.'lial.

1,,-ft.• 'l'h(! Jullk,1'$ did.ll'l du that!


Three Down, One to Go BEIIIKD DP.SK: P•11I Sch11rrl'r, Milu-, '1\1.rriU, Muk JMni::t.t1n, Miull J~kf-.. Paul Rald•uf. Mk.k Frick, Jc,n11tMn R11ppn.'ffll, Detll•r (;"'~- J11n Rilll• mt.ti, Cha.rfo~ P.i.pen(u:ti, Joh.n Warmuth. D11rid l.11ahol, HW Hemmum, XIII'! W~.:,. Mark J>vrinJky. Ril".h Kalla(ln• hllch, ~ Crawford, J111rin1 (k,d«,,,

Gka11 Wcn:ut SJTTIN"G 0:-. OHSK.: rb.w) R$bl'f'l(<t, Pua! Naum1um, P1111I Wc,ndh1nd, Mare t,h nU,cy. Lyon Huk~. DIIV\' Bod:, OuaM \'~h)••·· lhJ,ftt.: t'wlunatcly, &111; tll 1111iqlltl.

llomcc11ming 1.,rh,J::3 thit1,1,'ll to do.



1 lippu 1.<ft: Regard!Ee8 of what Y\'IU think.. Mick~ bllce ¼ rood lram.pur ~l>Oll.

fA.ft.· Dol:an laktli it tM}',


BACK now: 1Ml11Seh11fti-r, Dtln ~ uon, Uick Sla.rr. Dale ltllc• thcr, )hrk Aitu:r, M*~k So:hwi'l"lft-;:,,r, John Oo111n, r.,11 ~h~ln,:, $€00NL> KOW: Du,n StNh., 11ihn ?,flluek, Crcj:' S•,:110!:nl'l'k. JoJn Stern. Wall_\· l)a. ,•id11fln, M•rlt 1.111':!ntr. W11sne Hilgc11d11rr. Ch1Ulci: O.-gnff, Curl ::k\-ft-.ldl. FRONT JtOW: Al l.indkc, 0oa Wkhm:11111. D11ve Wilkt-n. Mark T.-..epcl, To»n $(hul1,3, l\'('il Vllrm,un,



At..ll~. 1'oJty lhe fl,)d;; k>morn,w th!- ,\d11ntlt.


I STANDJr.G: ).111.rk F i$Cher, Mib Hintz., Jcihn Gawri.1,,:h, Dmnif Kld,t, Jim Will, J<lhn Co\·. $th, S«i, '1! $ntith, Ct.ry Wl'..l,~r. O.•·c Ha;11kt,,

SITTING: Grq; Suhl,?tk('I', J im Lmdlolf. Dave Schu!lx. MISSING: C:tt111d Rlllhiu;m, M11rk lkJ.un. Kid OJrb., llark Grul)bj, Erie lb.ru.ell, _Rot, Je ll!oNI. P.,~ K1111,ulke, J od Lu.-tkc, J<>n Pctci-1«1, Bnb ~hum11.nl\, ).1$1k Zlindt-.r.


l,ift: HI! who bl!$lt.lw i, 11.st--Stl Cl'llmmod tW(l }'('111'$ hHO «It.



Sophs Come of Age l3TA.NUl.r,.'G: St111l Kl!:ill. W11yflt' l.iiili· n1:n, Ph.ii ~khi-irt. Jim Dmnngw, Mike Thon:;p:!Ofl, Bro~ Wkb:ke. SIT• 1'1SC: Ormg- $rM.ffi'hl'I, 8'i)• Hllfu. f.m,;.-r !rigA!: All llu1t. tlu~·iiu: mal.tti (WM til'\"d.

Bdtm: lbe ll(liJln)n)Or(> )'\!llr ml'll.tlt j!'OO!I ftll'nd~lllfl.


Uft: ~limff tlliS

~ (1tn


yi:i11 up• . .11. BACK K()W: J1m Hu1,hrw,r, Tom Un,.

i!Wf, Jim Prey. Stx»ND ROW: Jt111 S:.htoed«, JOQ G!M'nther. MU..e BIIWr, SWI W(llnrkh, t.1$.rk Rrunn.-r, JMn WIU..,lohn lk:rg, Denni, Brochm, Gru.g Gibhlin,_ OS FLOOR: l'hil Hvyer, t'~uil


B.-.k.v•: Jm:l wiul a.n• do with lhlt.t?



I •



RigAJ: The ,npbomnm yAAr 1, a ti.me of p,rofnuM qul'tlionin,:,.

,t!i,n..: Caught in lhl' IICl!

(.lpJ'"' ,-,_gH-:::HTTING: G11r11ld

Zl'ill,:r, Eel 7..-!II. Rill T9mcwl, Tim

Kuj11th, Cary Gru:.t... ON Pl.OOH:

SkV\' Otta.

RACK ROW: Doug ~ hll)Qw, M11rk

Ndt2"I, C~ n Schmiege, Rt1b(>r1 Wilke. THfRTJ ROW: Jon &tmltx, Rob $ii.rit., Due- Kl'hl, Stevt&hwlU'U, SHOO?-D ROW: K('n };11-enlt, f'f:ul Sch1Jm11o;her. t"ROt,;T ROW: Bob )feiimlwiu, Rill Peui. M.11ril: 0-:Wnt,eid. l'hll Miiitla<'-


RACK ROW; Ja7 Cou«t-.alk, Tm_\· &-hull-.. s1.m-. Blwner, I¾.•~ KipfllliJ. l,:r, Mill@ Bu,.-,••• Kun 7.indlcr. OS J'WOR: BC)b t:(lwurd1i,$w,·c RA<lumo:I.

en,~ S~u. t,u&m.:c: Too Crvw•.

W1t'tT l-tft YrniD 1h13 lrpt:v,Tit-:r flow

nu.ny a nd mighty •wdt

&t.-.uv Cb# p~id('l'll Da.....- Klp[,ni!lcr ii. 3 c um .-ho &landi; OUl in a r.rC)wd.


Aller Anfang ist schwer

,t6rA'I': Tbe f'M)(ih

Al'fl ninl, SUY'-

Al,.,,:,e ki.g>.J: What 00 Yllll chink 11boot

\hat! RACK ROW: Jim RQl.lrm$n, M11,rk 1,if;rljftK, l:M\•r. Rn!it:now, Rod lk)llin,;vr. THIRD

ROW: flalph Kradit, Mitch M11!on.-y, M11N' 8,.,ll)Cllllke. Mik e Mer}:le, Fttd CIUlllWr. $.t;CO~O HOW: \tic Hnadric:l, Dave c-. .~ O-.!lk;,\'. ~'RO~T KOW: Da'\' t';:uit-,\'. B11b

?{oldan, Tim P('teuen. Ji m Connell,

Charles Pol"6n)'•k.


BACK ROW: Glc-n Walc11, &b Scmpcrt, Mi ke Cnaf. !~tli!.18, 1:0t»: J Cllwiak• .\like PfaJ:'tn1., ()(lflll! t'ii,dwr, Su:vo Rillt(lw, RQ(ll'l('y Sch,.,.b. i:Mvid Stern, Ray &bun:iacht,r, fROt-T UOW: ~~ kll&(l()ll,•, J 110 t:i;►-ttt,

Mark SAttlqr, Ji111 8ar.:-, J.:,H

lleard, Rick Gu~n. Jim Renz.

,1W: N'WC't

Jim Hcndrhr.

Afvn...-: This i:c



t.han my term p:1,fl'-'r.

/~ft: I due you lO W:In

lll$ l)Bjt~


BACK ROW: :,filer. Wokli_ $1u Zak. ~n

$1moM. )h.rl. Gid<l-.c:n. :-F.C0~.:0 ROW: Ptul R3dl'r, t'r'N &,e,ut, rt.ii Birner. Al &-hmiu..,;:r, Oan G~wri,ch, f'I RST ROW: Gto!gci 05'-ti.-r, Rod Pu• dcll, Ri-k (;h£iiltl, Jim SdJ,.-;,,b.

fldt)u.•: Tbr~-.i in tbt, mo)l11m~ 111"'-'r and I ha~ to do my Gwd .','l'I..

STANDING 0~ THC l"IIU~ fSCAPlil 0-,1•'" Ur.in, Davt:i C:rundmtltr, Glen lli~b, Steve (lrun•'$1d, SJTTJI-C:: M11rft H.lll:fM.l', To.-., Klw• mt:itf'.r. Nut. Kobcrnt.-in. ON GROO'.'m Al Gumm, r11nl


IU;l,i. You ,c~, gravity mllkei ~ liN.rn Ca:1ter.


IAjl: Thr.y dM't (••••·• ""'' tF.P'T TO KlGH • Scli111Mnt1,



w117. Bill H!ik~~.Hn<-1, • ...,, Bo:rgr.r. lA't' Nnu·.uir, Jim



(;'pf"'r Rig>.J: Fh·c hc:,d,1 lltt alWU;N bMtct lh11nonc.

BACK· Th,,.m MfJ11'r. B')-an C<-1li1th. Kurt Kn:,bod1. PFtO~T: l'>itk $mid\, Rlindy l,il>P(l't, Ro1.>J11ha-nne11, Dun Mielke,. lllm: t,."nud:, fi:m J<len~tnn.

UTI«.- Rqpl.l 1"11 ett t w M'.\l ydr.d._,n , y,~ thu,k: 1,1-:PT TO RIG ll'T: Dun Schl«ht, Dun Mycl'll, M11~11, H111.•tt1, W11rr1'11 Vdil, V1m1 &:kcrt, R11ndy lxboo:· mar.n. MIU'l.)' Sehroed<>r, MISSING: n:rn H11n i...-. Ralph Sl-h.midt, Dllint K11rch.





A yearbook is like a family album, which is filled wiLh 1)ictun:::1 9t tJ1t members ot t.be fam ily, aod of the things tht>y did and cnj()yed WgelJ1cr. MnemB is like such an album. ll is a vi• su.·11 record o! our campus fam ily activities and ()f th06" who (Xlrtieip.at,ed io t.bem: Lhe athletic conte!lts, the annual ISi.age produdion, da$Sroom poses. win• ter csrnival, homt'(l(lminrt;, ;:irl)or day, graduation; buL especially !!Cenes of relaiced. in(orcn;'II C-i"m1pus life. IL prc!lel'\'e!I the memorfo!'S of life on cam1Ms for t.ho.so who li\'ed here. For other~ iL i!I a. window on NorLhwestcm. ,\h wma help!! pro!lpecti\'e l'tlU• d<:ntl$ L(> $1..."e the collcgo in a way in which the !lchool cata.Jog an<I hroehun•!I ta11t10L port.ray iL. It. dcpiCW the school not only :'l.'l: a ptac,e to swdy l>ul. al$<> as .-a place t.o lh•e. And lhat make!I it an album ot memories tor thOS(! who 1h·ed heN', and (I( :).nli¢i1>a.liM for thooo wh(I

will join our campui. family. C. Toppe Cl,RLF.TOS 'f'Orn; }LA. Pr~idcr.t, Rcligicm

ROARD OP CONTROL: SUt11di119. rrc:1. Cu.rlr.t"n Topl)t', Wi.lliu11 Sdu11idt. Coori~ fl«il, !Wv, Karl Curgd.. ltll\•. JOfl11than M11hnk.-. Si1ti-,1,1: A. W. S.:bw.,.ppc, ~ ~il:lt1ald $~11'r.


Walter Schum11nn. NOT l'Rl!SK1'T: Rcr. Ralph C<o:~. !Wv, ~ r Nil ul!Nln.n, kM- Carl Mif,thk(', Pol'f\'(j:l



Pi\S'l'08 0 t'. Ml:,:O.t.:NW.\LD Mi:is.tant l.ihl"lll'ian

JOHN C::H'A·OROWSKY O...an nf )fen, ,\thlNil'ol


-· W>YO THOMr~N Alhl('llC1


JOHN" SUU,J\'AJ- f'h..O.

German. l'hilM,c,Jlhy, & ~ FRF.r> U1'Ht:H Tutor, AlhlNie9

t:WltH KIHSSLU-G l'h.O. P.ne:llth 1t,9~t Pl'(tf, Svllfr,.,.1 dllf,ln't mllU. !l111d1.


ISRWJN SCHRO~DF.R L4lill. Libt11l'y

ORVILLE !-(:IH.,£.NNl!R R.tci~tra.t, Latin

1l {

ff • •


AMI•: Dn th~• pfty Wtba.11 in Uong Kting!

8DCAK t'JKl'Elt M.S. )fathem.-tl~, Alltltlil-11


rAl:L ClCKM:\N~ M.A. Heb~ C\'RlL !-.PAUDJ:

Gwek, Ucbn,w

oo~ALD sr.u..~ow Hiltllr')', IWiRion, f'~}'(lloko,:y, AUlleli~ll JERALI) Pl,11tUW€:JT

~n>UU'f, Gn-ek, AtblM.lt-$


$VL\'CST8R QU,UJ P.ngll11h



t:111(.!i:iil, G,irman, Athfor.iea

oum.r.v ROHOA Cttrna.n

J..F.ONARD IJMNUS M.A. Atbk-lk Oittttnr




ERWIN SCIIAJtr H1$l0ty, f(('IJ~i•)I!



,. ARMIN PLAN~1~·c MA \ !e<'.-f'~•nt. (;~k. Rcligilin Al,.·~·J rf>M'ly u, hl'lp.


.t:UGENF. KIK:..-t X.S. lxi~ore, ?,h,ffllali~, IAQ'lc

CEKHARD PRMiZMAN~ Hi:&Wry, Rdigion, IAlin

kUOOLrJJ Sl&\'t,,;RT Typin1e

)IRS, $ut,e.t1l,;T,l;l

QUA)l fyplns:



People Behind the Scenes OfflCE $T.\.F.r:: G5e.n P.lnk,)W', Mt$, Herold. lCr.c. IA'hm11t111. )(r,.





--1--t-- ~--~---t __. +

t t. J{(TCtU.:N STAFF: M, Kettot-r, ~-. Muldcnh-.r, F" N11h,-

r.cl, A. M•nke. T. Bffg, D. Ri'!lill, :'ii, Mekher, G. Hunke, I" Klumh, t.. R<-f"ll'l'IIIII. MISSING:-\', Gr.ntx, & H11n\e. Chef Huike, G. Mil."'"-·

~~ n . .,,,-.,;.J"':~,

,.., .





JANITOR$: tl: JaMII. \'. )(o)d . enhauer, A. Tu~li:r, R, $:b-.~ft,l MISSLNG: W. A!tn-uU:r.



A,; we <:loi;c t.bis yearbook, we note: the ~nd of snot.her chapter in Northw(::;lcm's. history: Lhe retircrncnt. of Or. ~lmer C. KieAAI• ing. Hi:; absence will be keenly (('It in nn,nf areas. Student!! ha,,c btndilcJ from his. in• tellect and nlJilit>' tor forty-6ix year!I. Not. on)~, did he head lhe F.ngli,,;h Jcp.1rlmcnt_ but. he ablo l'Ulpf)(1rtc:d oo,•cral ext.racurrieular aetivit.i('l\. The )fNJ:.:)IA ii. one of theM.. Or. KictSSling hns served :is advi~r C:\'(:r 1,incc our beginnin~ four >·car:; ltJ.~. lt is with grl.lte(ul appreciation to him for hi11 hct1J w us and for h is faithful :;cr.,lcc W Nonhwestc;rn Lh.lt we conclude this current volumt•.




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