NWC Yearbook 1976-1977

Page 1


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CONTENTS Activities P. 3 Seniors P. 13 Undergrads P. 23 Faculty P. 35 Sports P. 45 Organizations P. 67

~1Nt-:M.o\ is lbe Greek \\'Ord for mec.10.rtes ant. iR ::1. fitting title tor a )?.!lr:.:x,ic. the c°"·~-r of this book is sn !ilhllrn&ct pi\.1.Ul'e of an eye repn:!«.·r.ting the eye of our o·cmory. 'l'h<.:' tir~ L"iilgs ll ttt."Cfl .. n: the ID.'1,.tOr event') al the p.&Mt Mebool ye."lc. '1 tten it ~ees ttc ~tudt.-::t.s "'!llO nt:ade up the school ~ru.l tbe profe""'or" who shared 1:hui.r .••.u~·ledge Y!i.th rhcr1. Atul !lu:il ly lt st.x:-~ all the: .spons Ce:'\n1s and ot'icT group:ii l h>1 l \'l;ere acri ..·c <iurin,i;: Lli.1l ylflsr.


'\'hllc looking l>J.t:k \\'Cl

rhc mi.:morieu

s hO~! l<I

tlu rnocc thJ.n jUSl l:iugll a.r rhc µI ctu:n.:s nud

ll >e~t

htlng hack. '\\'c )jfiould p:iuse anrt rhdnk our Lord .1J1d Sa\rior fc>r i.!ll lhc h.11..•fllHi ng:-c '1nLl oppo:i:t \l','liti<:M I le hotl gt..~e.Jl us di.1ring rhc ~·::or. 0 ulve t h:uti<:a unto thl?I 1.o.i:d; for He iA guo:l! Tltt1 Rrlicor





TOP RIGIIT: TllE GREAT WRESTLE OFF! 00'1..J"Of\i RIGHT: There arc no motor-

cycles . . . . except . . . TOP LEFT: Mr. Bllltz makes the Frosh teel ~t l10lne: MJOO Le LEFT: Wolimru> Dick. BOTTOM LEFT: The Dropouts of the week's Initiation Rites .

TOP RICIIT: \\'.des and Weber go at it ia ttml'•· BOTTOM RICIIT: A traditiooal slgjlr. TOP Ll:tll'f: Ali unsucces!iftll goal line 1ta.od. Dm"TO~I l.EFT: Ocan ''The Fonz?" Ltn1!1en1.inn gives Jai.:k the "ll1pe" advice on Honlei.:omtn.a.

Homecoming 1977

Winter Carnival Everybody Gets In On The Action

TOP LEFT: Senior Uti.tOC C\100 C . serenades a pretty

race. BOIT'O~·I LBFT: A \Vinncr for the Juniors . ·ror RIGI.fl': The Qu::irtet \Vlth their O\\'n special

harmony. llltlOOLB RIGI.fl': 'Ole Spazz at it's best. LOWER RlGllT: Amlghty eltort by the Sophs .

Despite the bOnc chilling sub-zci:o tcntperarures, a b::i.rdy bw1ch of )wLiOrs sh~·ed that their clai;:s v.•as fhe one co be reckoned \a. ith. a1lis ,~·as made <."Ven more apparent at the eud of the compL'tition, \vhm they had made a ne.ar clean g,~·ecp of all the e-.·c-nts. 1


Arbor Day

liil1~-~~~~\~-~ ~

'f .\·t~i

TOP IUGl{f: ·rhc ceremout;;il pl::intlng of (he

tree. f\tlDDLB RIGHf: Scbmeltz, working hard? BOTTO)if RIGfiT: T he Sig ChL«:sc, or is it cheeses. ·ror LBFT: Professor Strobel e-.•en had a few wotdR to say. AJJOVE: A motly crew • . . you call chat Vlorking?



TOP RIGHT: Bill Schaefer C-.1TOOLE lUGfif: T onl Sauer BOTTOM RICITT': )<ln llggert RBW\V: Carl Springer


BOTI0?-11 LEFT: Your Guess'!



g e a c. n I

t a I

s .,

An Enemy Of The People TOP LEFT :.. yCKi !!teem c:o be t he only sensible member ot thb hou!tchold • .

LEFT: •. I've lc..tt"n1..-d in a h..:Lrd school. BB.LOW:•• the ·••J.tcrplpoa arc ruU of little animals• • isn'c thac. lt1 !lO'r'l'OM RlGlfT:•. Could I ..,.,. be party to such a n:lodle? BOTTO~l


"lam a m..1dnt..1Jl! Iain a m::idma.u. " Thc:;;c word!i taken from che Forum floal, A.o Eucmy of the People, by IJen.rik lbseu , s.:.<t:m to aptly descrllie the ~rson trying to present such a play 'vlthout a Stage, "'ithout many experiencerl <lCtors. ::ind wk:h too rr1uch Synodical competition. Perhaps lhese sa1t1e problew.s \Vere what spurred t he prescotatlon into be• ing<lclightful and even brilliant. The lack ol a stage challenged the actorS adaptabilit)~ ru1d irulC>vation in the gym provid-c<l better acoustics than ever before. The a(...1:0rs grc''' \Vith the pl.3y; the older ones had to provide lcadcr'>hip for t he inexpetienced ;:ind the oovices obtained poise and found talents they tw.<l never rcalizc:d existed. Hopefully the audicucc also g1:cw "'ith a new 3ppreclotlon of au old master and of a ''' Ol'thwWle organlzatlou on campus.

TOP LEFT: , , But there's so much injustice in the \VOrld .. ~,ODDLB tEFT: •. Into the guncr )'Ou belong•• BOTTO?o.t LEFT: •. I sat thetc brooding <wcr an idea .. BELO\\': .. I ai:n seldom on t ht.: '"rong track ..



May 18, 1977 lbe Cla.q:s of 19n

Joel Fr('(lrlch: OrJ.rlon In the i:tc:ld of Hun10.nlties-"Sklnncrlan Pay..:hology: A Rc\'Olution in Progrcslf. "

Thomia11 Na!ls: Or.J.clon In the Flclcl of Rellglon ''t-.\J1"tln Luther and the Clarity of

ScrlPturl... "

CLASS \10TTO: J h.11Vl!' put tt1y tru..st in the Lord Cod, that I ma>• dccbrc all TI1y work.!l. P!'I. 73:28






1 1

1 I





Saginaw, Mich.

Football 1; !M's 1-4; no,~·ling J .. 4, P1·es. 4; Forwn 1-4. Pres. 4;

Football 1-4; Track t , 3; Hockey 1-4; Gym supervisor 4; li\•1'.s i .. 4i COS 3,4; Sbutdo,~n King 1-4; Oeard l; \Vl..\A 3, -t; "Rollcrball" 4; Florida 3,4 . SEM .

B&R 2- 4, Managing editor 4; Blood donor

1-4; Chorus l, 2; Schola Canto rum 1: COS 3,4; "King;'' Arbor 0<1.)' Area Super\•isor 3; t-.1er11• 3,4; Beard 4 . SBM .

TERRY BALOGH Flatrock, ~1icJ1.

!M's 2,4; COS 3,·I; Bartender 7 ,8; I made it! SE~t.


Bau Claire, J...fich. {}I.f's 1-4; Athletic Trai11er 1-4; ~tale Chorus J, 2. SEi\•1.


OO\\Tl.ers Grove, Ill.


Football 1-5; Hockey l •S; Track l,2,4,5; N Club 1-5; Athletic Board 3-5; Th1's 1,2 ,4, 5; Class Pres . 5; R .•'\. 4; BcthC?sda Big Brother 1-3; ?i.1alC? Chorus 2· 4; Spa:n Ensemble 4,5. SEM.

Football 2--1; Baseball 2; C}·mnastlcs 1, 2; Athletic Board 4; N Club 2-4; l~·l's 1-4; lfomecoming Court 4; Bethesdll Big Brother 1,2; Bachelors' Club 3,4 . SEM.


Anderson, Cal. Forum 1-3; .Q&R 2- 4; COS 3,4; Spazz Ensemble 3,4; Python

Productions 3; Arbor Day head honch o 2. SBM.


JAN EGGERT Manitowoc l~l's 1-3; Uo\vllng 1-3; Forom I, 2; Nlale Chorus l ,2; Schola Cantorum 1 , 2; Chapel Organist 1-5, Head Organist 5: COS Sec. 4,5; "J.C." Doug F.'s Dad 4,5; 12-2 Club; Florida 3-5 . SBM .


Aberdeen, S . O.



l 4; Equipment

mana,er 3 ,4;

U..t'1 I 4; B&R 4; Pi• 1no t--i: "Pits" 2. SE\I.


Cboru• 1 .. 4; Touring Chorut 2, .&; COS 3,4. SBM.


1\1'• 1·5; eo..·Un,, l·S; Poru:n I - 5; SchOla

Cantorum 1-5; ~1ale Chorus 1-5; ''ScudlC}' o r SKODOS , - Ot;, I10 ;' ' Luth. Colle


Bay Chy. \llch. Forum 4.

S8t>.1 .

glanJ11 I ·5; St. ~1ark '" tutor 1,2; 7 - UP 4.5. SB.\I. TlM01llY HO FF\IA.''N





Football 1, 2 , 4; \\1r c stling I , J;

Track 1, 2: N Club; I?iit's 1, 3; Blood donor 1 ·I: t-.1\ll e Ch-0ruN l ·4; ·r (')ur ill8 Chour11 1,2,4; Schota C'.'1ntorum 2,3; Band 1-4; Jazz En.ciemblci 2·-l; \\'ind lbbcrr.ble 2,4; Clas1tc•l t1r 3; ''j1)·a;'' L~10C 3; Bc•rd


!; An 4; L!f-rd 3; Skiing Trtp 2.4; Fir!'it hour classes J--4; K.ar•tc J . "I'm happy to he here, happier to be lca\•lng. •• F avorite Blhlo ve1·sc Phil. 4: 13. t:ndccided.


lf\1 '11 1-4; Fortun l -4; ~i.Uc Chorus 1-J; rocrillg n ...,,. 1- 3; S<bola Can· torum 1-3; Band I ·J;

cos 3 ,4.



JA.\IBS KlBFER. JR. Cazenovia

A,, ~ k.etball 1,2; Trojan ttin 3 ,4; Classes 31), 4; Junior 3A,B; Oshko1h

Oorln Council 3; COS

1.. 4; Ne\\' Orlcan~ 3: Callrornia 4. SE\1.

Football 2; lf\1'1 I ·4;

3 ,4; JJ's l; Ho ffmAn

House 3, 4; Orlnldng 1-4 . etc . Undecided.





Hocke}' 1,3; !}.it's 1-4;

Cross country 1-3:

Schola Cantorum 3; Pits dweller 2; Tui.ns'

Wrestling 1-3; Track 1,2; Colf 3,4; l~t's 1-

fan. SBM.

4; Bo\\•ling 4; R ...\. 4: Canteen 3,4. SE~1.


Cross count11• t, 2: Track 1,2; N Club l •

4; l~l's 1-4; Dorm Council sec. 3,4; ?-itale CJ1orus 3; Yellov..• Submarine 3,4; Bachelor's Club 3,4. SBl\1.


Wrestling 1.2: !M's 1-4; Bowling 4; Dorm Council 4; }¥1ale Chorus 1- 3; Foosball champ 3. SBM.


Dorm Council 2. officer 3; Class officer 4; Porum 1,2, officer

tvtenomonee Falls

3, 4; B&R 4 (intermittent); lvfale Chorus 1-

lM's 1-4; 1'.1ale Chorus 1-4: Sc11ola Cantorum 1: Band 13. SBM.

4; Touring Chorus 2, VP 4; Band 1-3; Pep band 1-3; Jou B•semble 2,3,4; COS 3,4i Spaz.z Ensemble 2-4; ''T.'' SBM. DOUGLAS LANGB

Lacrosse Football 1- 4; \Vrcs ... tling l; Bascball l-4; lf\1's 1-4: COS 3, 4; 1 11 ' Duger; Greasing O; Sleeping 1- 4; Bat"cending 4; Bethesda 2-4; Shecpshcad champ l and probably 4. SBM.


JAMBS LANGBBARTBLS Crete, 111. Ilvf's 1-4; Forum 4;

Bethesda Big Brother l; COS 3,4; Florida

4. SBM.





TeMis 1,2; l).t's 1·4; Dorm Council 2;

FOOCball I, 4; IM'• I· 4; Bowling l ·4; Forum 1· 4; Male Chorus I; Schola Cantorum L; COS3,4; UMOC l; 3M Con1pnll>' 3, 4: Art 4; Poets 4. SBM.

Class president l; B&R 3,4; COS 3,4; Bethesda V.1ard Parent 3; Clnrk 4; Sheepshead champ 2 and

probably 4. SEM.

MITCHELL MAl..O!>lEY Rhinelander

)A\IES MATTllK Kaukauna

Pootball l ,3,4; Bas· tel.ball 2,3; Tennis IM's 1-5; Bowling 2; 1, 2; (~f's 1-4; COS ~1ale Chorus 1,3,4,5; 3,4; ''?lofatts" Gree.le TourL"lg Chorus 1,3; 35; Dean's List 1-4; Schola Cantorum 1: 100 yard dash v.ith "i...tOSHEH;" DuraTim Otto; The Chosen clean 3, 4, boss S: 11; Clark 4; Thousand Arbor Oay Supcrvittor Y•rd Club 4; Doug's 3 ,4. SllM. brother. SB1'.1.

MICHAEL MERKLB Bly City. ~lich.

DA\'ID \IBIS rBR Broolclleld

Soccer 4; Th!'s 1-5: tt.We Chorus l; \ .. ideotape 4,S; Ouraclean 4, 5; Creasing 15. lJndccldcd .

Cross country l ..3; TeMis l; lf\1'!1 2-4; COS 3,4; Slj!11 Lan· guagc 4. SBM.

NASS Jefferson


Fooeball 2-4; Baste<· ball 3; Tennis 2·4; Waukesha l~l'a 2-4; Athlctlc Bo;ird 3,4; Dorm [}..1's 3,4; Forum 3,4; Council Pres. 4; B&R 4. SEM. Cl•!ls Pres. 3; B&R 4; Male Chorus 2-4;


Tourlltg Chours 2,4; Bond 2; Jazz Ensemble 2,3; COS treas. 3,4; Bethany I; Clark 2; Florida 2,3; Califor· nla 4. SSM.


ROGER NBUMAr-=N Merrill LEE NEUJAHR Bloontington , f\1in.n .

Volleyball 2.



Pootball 1-4; Baseball 1- 4; !M's 1-4; COS 3,4; " Rocky;" 100 yard dash \vitb Tim Otto: T11e Chosen 11; Consolidated 2 ,3; Clark 4; Thousand Yard Club 4; Art 4 . SEM.



Ii\•l 's 1-4; Bethesda \Va rd Paren t 3, 4; ~·tncma photographer 1-4; Tovm Doy's Super\'iso1· 3: B&R reader 4; COS 3,4; Buffalo hunter 1-3: Deutschland . . . . SEM .


Lawrence, ?-.fich. li\•l's 1-S; 80\vling 3 - 5; COS 4, 5; Librarian 5. 5g;1.


DONALD PIEPER La.Crescent , ~tirui .

Football l · 4; lt\•l 's I cos 3,4;

Soccer 3 ,4; !Jo.l's 2-4;

4i Oo\\'ling: 4;

Bo\\!ling 2,3; B&R 3,4; Band 2-4; jazz Ensemble 2-4. E~·t.

~·l id west




F o nd du Lac

Football 2,3; Soccer 4; Track 4; l~·f's 1- 4; Bov1l1ng 4; Class

sec. -treas. l: 1~1 Board 1-4; B&R 3,4;

cos 3, 4; ' ' Leory:'' ~+1nema



Services 2-4; West Hall l; Sheepshead ch.amp 1 and probabl)• 4; WIAA offici•l 4;


Services 2-4;

Arnio reject 3; Clark 4. SEM.

Florida 1- 3 ; Veteran tbumber -- 6000 mi.; Dean'$ ne\\•sletter 4; \Vhac's the h.aps now? SE;!.

Football l -4; Wrestling 1- 3 , capt. ·I; N Club 1-3, Pres. 4; Jt\1's 1-4; Forum Christmas program 2-4; Slood bank 2-4; ti.tale Chorus l •4; Touring Chorus l, 2; TC Polle• Band 1. 2; Band 1- 4; Pep Band l 4; jazz Ensemble 2-

4. SBM.


Brevard, N. C. GREGORY RIESE Brod.bead

B«R 4; Band l-3; Jazz Ensemble 2,3; Spazz Ensemble 2-4; Pits 2; Hospital janitor 2 ;

Cutco 3; Bethesda 3.4; Beard 1.4; tlead honcho grand ialloon of

:./~. ..·7, ir4,\~· - :.: .


3,4. SEM.

Football 2,3; !M's l 4; COS 3,4; "?ilforsel;'' Att 4; Bulletin board; Auscra• lia? Undecided.



WIL LL~M SCHAEFER r-.111,~·aukee 1~·1's

2-4; t.lale Cho-

rus 1-3; Organ 1-4; COS 3,4; Art 4. SBM.



Wacertov,,, Football 1-4; Thi's 14; Class officer l ,4; ll&R l-3, Campus & Classroom ed. 4; Homecoming Court 2,4; ~tale Cho1·us: April 9, 1976; Spazz Ensemble 2-4; COS

3,4; "Oscar or T\lter ;" N\\1C printer 1-4; P>•thon Productions 3; Java's buddy 1-4; Logic 50. SEM.






l}l.f's 1-4; ~1ale Chorus-: April 9, ! 976; Spazz Ensemble 3,4; COS 3 ,4: JJ's l , 2; Amh.!lt.· 3,4; Flol'id;:i

!M's l-4; B&R 3,4; Scbola Cantorum 3, 4; Pi.ts d\\·etler 2; Ari·


2-4. SBM.

:wna 4. SEM.


-- :d..

MARKSMn' H Oconomo\\·oc

Wrestling 3: Golf 3 , 4; COS 3,4; Art 4. SEM. 1~1l's 1 ~ 4;

RICHARD SMITI! Thomson, 111. !M's l -5; lllood bank 1- 5; Band 1,2; COS 4,S. SB?o.f.




Wabasso, 1'-tiM.


l:t<il's 1-4; B&R 2,3, cdltor 4; Male Chorus 1·4; Touring Chorus 1,2, \rp 3, Pres. 4; Spuz Ensemble 2- 4; Chapel Organist 1-4; COS 3,4; t:MOC 2; Sheepshcad co-cha.mp

Cro11" country 1,4; IM'1 1·4; Chess team

l-4: Cym 1,2; Plltz:u.v.·eit Greek 1-4: Ltncer fan 1-4; COS (audit) 4; Florida 1-3; Dean's DC\\-sletter 4; t:1e that thumb- 10,000 mllesl SEM.

3 and probably

4. SBM. DONALD TOLLBPSON Vait~ar, ~licb.

Wrestltna l ,2; U.f's 1-4; Dorm Council 1,2; cos 3,4; Pl1tzuwelt Oree.k 1- 4;

Gobbler l, 2; Ambar 3,4; Florida 3,4. SB~!.


MolJJle. m.

D.i'1 3,4; ~1ale Cho• ru1 1·4; Schola Cantorum 1-4; ''Chuck;" SIJl' Language

4. SBM.


Cross countr y 1·3;

ll.uketball 1,2; Tenro• 1·.f; 11\.t's 1·4; ~tale Chorus 1-3; Spazz l!nsemble 2-4; COS

IM's 1-4; Basketball champs 1; ''Unnlc;" Pit• dwcl.ler 2; Vlkin&s' cheerleader 1• 4. SBM .

3,.a; ''Poss or Preddy;'' Poets; Ban· jo: Ducks and musket. SBM.



SanbQrn , Minn . Wrestling 1•3; lr>..1's 1-4. SBM.

Poot.ball 2; tr-..•l 's l ,2,4i RA 4: Car Committee 3,4; Dorl 1-.f,


SE~<f .

STUART ZAK Siurgoon Bay

Pool.ball 1-3; Ba8kec

ball 1,2,4; Tr•ck 2; All Conference Boot· leg 3; All Lutheran Am. Honorable \1en· tlon 3; 1)1.1'• 3.S; Car

Committee 4, S; J'hoto Club I · 3; Ool>bler 4,5. SBM.

TOP LEFT: Squeaked by again!

BO'ITOM LBPT: PB LERABBND. TOP RIGHT: \Vhat'R the haps now, t-.tr. Refer-


BO'I1'0~1 RJGH'l':


\Y'hcn the going gets tough,

toll&Jl get going.


TOP LRPT: Noth.Log llke a little home cooldnal OCH IOM l..l!l'T: jomny Trash, the Tr3sb

of lbe Senior closs. TOP RICI rr: The •on ot a Hod.lg. MIDDL6 RIClfT: Bruce l..ee bev;are! BO'ITOM RJClfT: Srudying can be tm.



Frosh Join Ranks For Four Years

UPPER L li r:T: Well, Northv.estc:rn is okoy, but • . . • uPPHR RIG~rr. TOP TO BOTI'OM: Tim lllo· bert, Tom Bauer. AJ'Xly Nitz, t-\ulla Bind~r. [\flk<:: Enderle, Keo ~cJRon, Steve Lockman , Joel Suc1co,... , Dave Petc:rs, 1'..t ark Wilde.

&i.ilOOLB RJOIIT: Dan w...rcbes to &ee hO\\' lt'~

dooel LOWER RIGHT, BACI( ROW: Greg Dom, l\i.lrk Ecken, Gr eg ll\vald . 1 PRON!' RO\\': C hris Kruschcl , ~eve Oliron, ~ve Cooper, Ken Frey, Bob [)uchlmc..-yer, John fleck.






UPPER Lli 1~·r: Dave Furno, Dan Kuehl, Orea 1-fcrmanaoo, \Vinfrlorl ~chro<.xtcr , Reuben Schmit%, Fred Krieger, St<.."VC V.'inc. \UDOL& Llit-1, BACK RO\V: 'fom Hanwtg, Paul Schroeder, ~fie But•ch, ~Ukc Hatz:ung, )om ~b..111cfi. FR0!\7 R0\\1: Tom Sclsleidc:r, O.ve SUlzle, Uoyd Schlomcr, Dave 1-bgc:n, Steve Sch!Jct<. LOW BR Ll!Fr: just ill.e bis brorhcr. t:PPBR Rl(;trr: Awe, come on Oean, you don't think Cdid ft do

you1 LO\VBR RJCIIT: Frcc.i;e Frosh! Button!


ltlW UlM Mff !l!!073

L1'PER L ~l'f: Gee, I don't have a thing lO do Lonlgllt ! LOW ER LUFT: Boy, do l have a lot of greosing co <lo tonight: ! UPPER RIGHT, 8ACK ROW: Greg CKtcrst:ittct, Rick t>ifil-

ler, Gletw Scclcldt. Greg Kellie, Kevio I&astlngs, Mike Baewer, Scon Spaoldlng. FROt\T l\OW: Seen Rhule, Ray Kinlbr ough, \Yilliam Favorite. MIDDLE R!GUT, BACK ROW: Kort Luencburg, Dan Dolc.'tzky, Dan Balgc, Paul rv1arggraf, Dan Gibson, Tim Lindloff, f\.fark f\tueller. Jon \toss. FRONT ROW: Jeff J:in\es, Tom Pankow, Norm Burger. L0Vt' BR RIGHT: Hey bah~路, you \\.<lJUl.'.l gel lucky?


Another Year Of Fun And Games For Sophs

L'PPER LEFT: ~·Y. pr•yer for Eorl. ~·1mnLE LUI 1, BACK ROW: Don Seelhotr, Jeff ~4:10\\'. J..f.ltk. Voss, Ross Ulrich , t..ti t•k KJ·au,;c, Dean Bicbc1,"t, Kelch OJ.llll. FRONT RO'Y: Phil Sp.1udo, $<eve \\Ii lkcns , Keith TullbeTg, Doug Free. WW ER LEFT: 'J'o1n Gun1m. nave KoloanJL"l', Rick Johnson, lknnis Sl.ronc:, Bill Runtc, Ellery Grom, 0.ve 1'0ltllag. lWRR RIQI f: Jelf ("..artcr usc.."S Ultn -Bn' e cf\r'c.'reo ti mc!l .a ® y.


UPPER LEFT : The Su<geon GeuerJ..1 has decetmined chat

cigarette amoking is a fire hazard.

W\\'ER LEFT: Ross never was one for. making out.

UPPER .RJGHT, CLOCK\VISE PROlo.i 'IOP: jerry Ewings, Paul Ylvisaker, nave Clark, Rick \Varnecke, Dave IJuebrler, Pete Klecker, Dennis Hlmn1, To1n Fricke, Paul l\4ueller, L<l.rry Olson. 1,IIOOLE RIGIIT: Bllltz ls ;;tlwsys bal,'.'d at v;ork in class and in the




LOWER RIGHT: The n:ioment for which every Soph wales.



UPPER LEFT, BACK ROW: Dan Di:xon, nm Cu1nn1, Ron<ly ~1uel~ ler, Tim Kant. l'JtON'r JtOW: Steve Sou er, Tin1 ?<.1ut:llcr, Dave St..-elow, Chuck Huehncr, Greg Bor~. MIDDL6 Ull T, a~CK RO\\': Tom R.awen8, Jett C.arter, Roger SlOQD., Al Lor.oquist, ~lie Locschcr, Kevtn Silln.-edel, Paul Schleis, Dob Smith, Norval Kock. FRONT ROW: Steve Mer·

tc.'n, Brian Dose. JA>WP.R LEFT· Uggh •• , , UPPER RlGlrr. Kolondcr RhO\\'S off once ag-.ltn. ~1IDDLE RlOHT': Th.la l11 what happens "'hen you read too rnucb Shakespeare.


juniors - Over The Hump At Last



~' ~ :;


TOP LRPT: r..G.kc g<.ts ready lO face a another d.ay. TOP RIOITT: Ti m Henning, P1.'t<i &Jrv.c. Jett Scl'l..'lllc" , ~b.rk Rieke, Ton1 Smith, fl.Ike f1cucrst.i.hler. Greg Schulz. ADOVH: JcCC h..ts a soft place ln hia hc;,a.tt tor the old maSlers. ~1lOOLE RIGIIT: Grc1t Sctiul7. prepJres aOO(hc-r Greek oracloa~ 001'1'0~1 RIGHT: Another excited Northwcecem crowd.


LEFT: Jim l'l•cber, Clurles Heup, Joo Rossm;an. P.aul Thle'rfelder. Dale Klessig, Richotrd Fl"Ofl:t. BBLO\\' : Bruce H.1noem.Jn, Doo Schi.."UC"rlc.-in, .Adam ffornelx.-r. )l:_{f Oood, ~1.Jri'U!ll Nt-um.ann.


t\elsoo, llni:cc ~ckc.-r, Don Sch mel zer. Paul ~ln.ke. F RONI' RO\\· : jack lk.'Ct, Dave VOJll~, hul Zl'll, Tim Unke, )ell Guaa. ~Ike Wol!f. BCYr· lOti.t RIGHT: Don *Orb over ano· thcr innocent c.u.._omcr.



~l '' I I'

. ,J I




/I .

TOP LBFT: BACK ROW: Lorry Glerach, Oob Kujawski, john Dorn, Jim Proebcr, Steve J.i1onthie, Cont.:id Prell, Kelth Am .. bOrn. f.' RONr ROW: IJavc Kuehl, ~·\ark Bauer, Dale Hcllia.

TOP RIG~IT: :-Jorthwestern night llfe. ~UDDLll Llll'T: Conole Prell, thlrd lloor phone call .. . MIDD •~B R!Gfil: BACK ROV,': Lart)' Pont el, J...taxk Frler, Rlck Schelbe, Pete Pan .. itzkc, Don Pieper, Nate Radtke, FRONT RO\V : ~·hrk V,'aguci:, Steve V.'right John Ruege, Randy Schoemacw, 'l'om Behnke. RIGJff: V/11.'lt should 1 do wlch 3lJ these wires? BOT1'0~111 RICHT: All in a day's work.


TOP J..BFT: BACK ROW: ~tike Spilude, Keith Free, Russ Schmidt, Jim Gauger, FRONT ROW: Earl \V::iles. PhU lieyer, Rich Krause, l\1ark I-Ienke, Jlrucc \\ifarggraf, ~la rk Barcnz, Sccve Schiller. TOP RIGtIT:The 8;'.l.xon looks be"\vllderOO . AOOV拢 LBl::T: Gauger mak.<.'S good use of bis study time. ABOVB t-.-flDOLE: &.1路1 plays doctor. ABOVE RIGlff: 'l'hc Jla.ron gees some at tention from his nun\ber one fan.


TOP L BFT: Biii enjoy• lhC ll!e . TOP R IOHT: BACK ROW: Keich Free, f\1ark Schul.4, Al Sorum, PrOOrik GlWcu., SL1,.'Yc f\1lschlc;c. ~ 1{0 ~ RO\V:

Jlm B.rOOct1on, ' l'O ny Brinkman, Cur:t Flt.'tcmlcr, Bill fl:at8'1.llJ, Dave Payne. AJ:IOVB: Schull extends lln invitation tor ooc and ;1.IJ to come co the feast. \UDOLll RIOHT: Schlitz serv"" a rowad. 4. the CJ.ntct.-n. 8(Yn'O~t RJG~rr: The: c.antccn'• ahtap a good

place for a Unlc 1oclaUz:ing.



' Each issue ol


IR a class remcm-

berOO. a graduating c1£R111 that can beocefonh live on c.ampu.1 only in our memory. !\~E!l.tA hclp!I us to remember their scho Jars, chelr athlc:tc:s, th.ctr musicians, their anlsts, their movlna splrlts, their \\'ritcrs; to remcmc:i: thctn tor wlwt thc..y '"ere and \\'ft.lt they achlt."Vctl as students at North'''eStl!rn. It helps us to r'-!m<.:mbcr th.e kind of class

they were: its bent, Its temper, its spirit-· as each class l' dl!ttillcd In the alembic of four college )'Ca.rt. Above all, ll help. us to remeni>er .a brother- of Chrlotlon young meo, gro..· ing, rnaruring, coming to the conviction that God can use them a1 lil• sel<.-ct emissarie'I of truth and hope to• destitute and despair-

ing \\'Orld.

C. Toppe

CAR LITTON TOPPE President, Religion

BOARD OF CONTROL: Sl'Al'DI;>.;<;; Preo. C.rle<oo Toppc, Rt.'Y. Raymond Scbuhz, Arnold SctT.·cppe, Orm•l Kiessling, Rev. joOJthan \b.hn~e. Arnold SchumJM, Rev. Roben ). Vo11, Pre•. William Zell. SEATED: Pn.-derlck Panning, Rev WolLor Schum'1Jln, Rev. Regln>ld Slcglor, Rev. Karl Gurge!,

George Reul. RICJIARD KOGLffi

Tutor FOOCb.111, Hask(.'tball



Tutor, Cross Country, Track

GE I\ HARD FRA!\"Z MANN Religion, Hitno.ry, l ...ltln


Greek LLOYD 'IHOMPSON Athletic Olt'C<::tor




jf\RALD PL!TZUWIZIT, M.A. Greek, Secrelaty

ORVILL8 SCHl.ENNER Latin, R.cgisttar



ARN'.lLD LllHMA.'lN, Ph. D. ~RWIN


Latin. Library, Ubrarliltl


rvlusic, Art





Science, Logic f\.1Jthc1nutics


JOHN SULLIVAN, Ph. D. German, Soclo log)•, Philosoph )'


FRICKP., M.A. Jlng llll'h, <lcr man E R\VI N SCHAR ft I 118lOry



• F.DGAR PIEPER, ~1. S .• Football, Wn:stllog, Bocball



Dell\ ot ~ten Religion, Football



CYRIL SPAUD£ Greek, Hebrew OOSAU) SHLLNOW, Col!, Hl•tory, Psychology




PAUi. !llCK~IAN~, M.A. Hebrew GARY BAUMLER Greek


, If Bronco could see me now!

MRS. WILLIA~! SCHMIDT Faculty SecretOl)' ?-.iISS LENTZ Assist{lOt Librarian ti.1RS. LLOYD THOf\.1PSON 1\ssistant Librarian

JANITORIAL STAFF: BACK: W. l"re<lrick, R. Zank, V, ~toldenh;:auer , .I\ . &rtz FRON1路: \V. 1\ltrcucer, C. Jansa, K. Lee. R.. Sch\\'efel




:VIRS. tlOWARD HF.ROLD Bookkeeper



- K


__ ....

\ MllS. QUAM Typing


KITCHEN STAFF, FRONT: Chef Jiankc, L. lkrginan, l\9. 8attcls, i\ , 1'.tankc. G. llatlke, S. &un\aru\, 1'.i. ~·1el cher , BACK:

V. Genz. O. Reese, O. Raethe r, L, Hilker, G. ?\.bron.

KFI'ClllES: J. E\\'ings , P. Schoeder, B. Becker, P,

Ylvtsaket, O. Nottllng, R. Scheibe. :\,llssl.ng, ?-.f. Freier. f\f()RE KITCHIES : D. Baumann, L. fl.tiltclSlcadl.



.X·l.RS. S'"f ROU£L Sccrclary for Ocan Lindemann ~·1RS. KAESER.t.1At\'~ Duslncss Office Secretary

MRS. L£llt>.·IANN Administracion Secretary

GLEN PA!'.\1KO\V Business ~tanager



Now that's my l ine of \VOTk!





Football Alrhough 1hc "l'roj.1.ns played only eight g:iml-s. the.")' nn1~oc1 rhc !lea.son "ith a con-

hbtng 4 ~ 5 record. Tik"ir contereoce mark \\-as 3-2. rytng rhcm 11o1th four other teams in ihc Upper ~llmw9C 1-"ootb..ill Cooterence for 1hc number on1.· epoc. A forfel' by Loras College provt.'ll ~o ht- rhc: deciding r.-.ctor. The «c11m w.1111 led by several good running b.tcks. 111.. l1Jadcra were Jim "clsoo wttb 427 yards , and Randy Schocmann v.ith 315 yuds and 5 touchdown• for- JO points. Kelch Free .:and Jlm l\.f.arrck le.xi In receptions wllh 232 <tnd 124

yards rcflllCCt:lvcly. All Conference sclcccions \Vere 0..1vc Kolander (team i\•1VP), Ouve Voss, Kelch Free, Lllrry Pontol, Uill GtJSSO\\', Jim f\.fattck, und Ro.1a Llrlch.


• 'JOP JUGlil": Keith (lnrl"


hole I

MIDDLP, RICI-IT: Ugh! /u.t •little

more Denny. AOOVB: Jt.bttct ae1e a little help from "'°"'1C "friend•.••

RJG•rr: 11\:at Ref would OUt

of Fttc:'1 ""•Y·

be '11isc toga


Llil-1: 'Round the e nd Nato goes, \\'here he st.ops no one knows.

f\.UDDLE: You coukl parallel-park a se1nl ln cIt.it hole !



BBL(>V.1: That's quites catch -- nc1W just hang on to i t!






Li!F'r : R.i.n<l}• \\•Olr.zes hls \\'<lY dm\·n the field.



34 0 21 19 3 16

16 7

Concordia .\itil\v.


Concordia St. Paul


NW Roseville D.M.L.C. l'.1t. Senerio L.tlreland


35 3


36 6

27 •8

RICHT: Not to v.·orry Jim, Sho\\'boi'lt can keep them busy tor a \\•bile. OOTTO~·t: Keith takes of/ out of the blocks tor that extra }'ant.

8ACIC ROW FROM LBFT: S. Schllcr. D. Gibson, B. Duelmyer, C. K1·1.1schel, ·r. Lindloff, T. Pankow, D. Salge , D. COO!)Or, T. Schnelder. J. !leek. IC. Frey, M.

Mueller. THIRD ROW: Coach L. Thompson, Coach Pieper, t\•1. \'osi, 0, Seellwft, 0 . Pree, S. Wilkins, R. Ulrich, D. Bieben, 0. Kolander, P. Klecker, L. Pontel, J. Bw· lngs. SECOND ROW: IC. Free, .\I. Borom:,


Nelson , j. Ruegc, ). Gauger, R. Krause ,

0. \'0$s, T. Behnke, N. Radtke, R.


n1ann, D. J[imn1, Coach Kogler, Coach Lln... dcmann. FRONT ROW: : ] . Manet, ] . 1'1>pc, J. Connell, 8. 8ras11ow, R. Leifer , T. Hoffmann, M. Schroeder, D. 1..aJ>ge, D. Putz, J. J\clorncLt , T. Nass , L . Punke.




Cross Country La« year'• J\tNCf\tA commented th.ii.I: 1hia yoa.r'1 croe1 counuy le.am ahould be •·a •~11·9easoned group,•· and allhou&tl Ibo Trojans ended lhc ~-- .,·lth only tour ftr~s our of

r• mfffe. 1hc team improved sigp.itlcantly. The Troj.toe succesat\i.lly defended their \\in Crom Ltst year:'s &r.:aboo lnvltarlonal by placing all eix runner• into the top titteeo . The v.·orkhor1t tor Northwestern chis yeai: ,..·as Junlot l.o.rry Qerach \\'ho roo~ slx nrsts. tl1a cross country team crl<.'(t aomcchlng n<.-w this year and

cre.atod thelr ~111 Norchwesccrn ln vitatlorual. ·nu.: luvltaclooal ''';;is un .. oftlclol and ch<i Trojana took fourth out of tc:.n tcJ..ms. Out next year 1t ''tll be official; Jnd with most of the team returning, thct te:in1 will be? looking for a n.rst place ttntah.

BACK l\OW. LEFT TO RJCHr: CC>lcb Kues · tcr, L. Gier.sch, S. 9.dncr, S. Wltte. FRO'.\"T ROW: P. Mueller, I\, Fl'Ol!t, J. SUctow.

TOP LHPT: Clerach leoda tile pack. LBFT: Cros" cowir-ry; not a sport for everyone.


Soccer ,

Tldt teason, ~rthwestern•s Socc•r Club sur· prt-1 • few people by pootlng a 5·4·2 rc:cord. 'Thi• wat1 the Club's best performance In lt11 fivcyc.lr exlfrtcnce. Since only N'O cccnlorfl wtU not be ri.:turnlng next seasoo, the Trojan11 c.i.n look torwJrd to uneven better .RC.tRon In l977. Their 4 4·2 record ln the new Wiscontiln Collcgl.itc Soccer Conference earned them fourth pL.lcc. OutRtUndlng pc 1:fot"manccR \~·ere given l1f Keith 8illtt;, who runlccd second in contorcnc.c tu.:orl11g,

onll 1',• Don Plepe.r and Bruce )..farggrat, each of whom rccelvcrl all-conference honor8. RIOlrr: J..oob: Uke another Nonh"'·c11cm score. BP. I.OW: I le 'II l:nock the



1h.1t oncl

fl.UDOLB: Pleper instructs on che

proper 1nethod of ldcking.

STANDING: L. Tu R. : J. Procbcr D. A'.cpcr, B. Favorite, C. Sl.-cCeldt, }\i, l..oc5chcr, P. Heyer,

T. tt..-nnlng, D. Clark. L. Punle K:-:P.BU!<G: D. Furno, Coach B. M.arggr.d, S. Spoulding. G. Kel • lie. I;. llllltz, K. Tull.berg, P. ~f.lrggr.1f•


oa the ball With


Allhoogh l~e '76· ·n team hsd to settle for 2Ttd in the 'i\'CIC, the Junior domin.-ited te.am can look foriA•ord to being at the top of the co1lference ne'A year. Honot'6 wete given to f\icKcnney- 1'.ifVP in conference & 1st te::im ,

Zell-2nd team and Himm-

HonoroWe f\lention. ~1c­ Kenne)r leJd the te::in1 av· craging 20. 8 per g.lnte. I.Jlghligtits

ot the year

'\'el'e a vtccory over Nevi Ulm <l.ntl two conference

\\•ll1s aver


FAR LBFT: Jank lays it in. LBFT: An J::agle in pllrSuil ......-.. of the Hawker ),(cKenney.


STANDING : L. 1·0 R.: Lloyd Schlomcr, Tim L\lke. ~ul J:lnke, f\iark l\fucllcr, Dan Schmelz.er, Paul Zell, Bruce Becker, jack Beck, Bruce l\1c Kenney, Dave Voss, 1'im Lindloff, Denn ls Hinlm. KNJ!ElJNG: Dennis Belter-Lr.alner, Bi ll Natsis-mgr., Cooch lloyd Tbo11\pson.



RIGHT: nm executes Crusader.


flav.,less lay-up fot· an JSlOllished

BELOW: Behind you , Big Mac, quick! 'f"V ~\.\:. "" f' t" \

~-, t.'•





1\JlOVE: "Hook 'cm, Ho1T1.s"

RIGlrI': Either 43 is kneeling. or }..fueller's tough LO block.





100 65 68 74 68 43 90 52 59 72

86 62 82 56 61

76 90


79 65 49 68 89

•......~f; I<:


OeSale" Madison l!djicwood Wiscon!i!in Luth. Scm.

f\fartan Colleae O.M.L.C. f\iadlson &lge\\'OOd Cardinal Strltch ot

u. Chlc•ao

Catcwa>' 'rech, La.\o;rence L'. Blackhav.rk Tech. Beloi1 Collep ~taranalhl Latcla.~ \~ii ton

Gateway Tech. !\1aranatha

DeSales Blackhawk Tech. Concordia ~11 1 \\'lukcc

Madison Edgewood Cardinal Strltch

M•rlan Coll•&•


67 76 51 63 55

74 76 68

85 71

S9 75 69 91 71 73


67 88 79 66 70




10P: ArteT h1!1 shot.

2UJ,te wave1· ''Hi girls.•• MIOOLE: Pa.a punches one In. LBFT: McKeM<>y gets • litrl• help rrom Plcuss. ABOVB: Tiger does it againI



Wrestling The 1976-77 se;:iaon for the ,.rrojan matmen was one of building. \\litlt seujor Dave Putz leading the

\Vay, the iuexpertenced but scroppy squ::id showed marked imptovernent throughout rJ1e !:ieason. The next t\\'O or th.1路ee sea.sons are hound to bring che joy of victory along \Vith lhc joy of compelition for Lhc ru~rcd, disciplined team tit.at relnains from

the 76-77 season.

TOP: So close hul yeLso far. ,..ill)DLE: 1'hc ref checks to see wh;:it kind of dCOdOrat1t be uses I

LEFT: That's it Dave, a litt le deter .. 1n1natlon!

LEFT: You've got it, now just turn him over .

ABOVE: Tiiat's quite a takc.-dO\\n,

John Beck

Tlm Bicbcrt Greg Dorn jerry Ewings Greg Kellie Steve Olson Dave Peters Oave Putz Alnn Sorum

STANOING LEFT TO RIGHT: j . Ewings, A. Sorum, M. Krause, O. Putz, Coach Pieper. KNEBLlNC: 1路. Bicbcrc, G. Kelly, S. Olsen, G . Dorn, J. Beck. MISSING: O. Peters .

WIXS LOSSES TIES 13 13 0 0 s l9

8 13 3

14 10 19

9 I 14

II 14 10

0 0






0 2

, Bowling RIGHT: I' red ri,u .... out me angles. ~tlDOLH

LRP-r: ·1Ntr'8 hi• good side!

MIDDLB: l'IRST PLACE THAM: Pro! Spaude, D. Scbeucrleln. M. Schultz, -''· ~mann. OOTI'O~t U::l'T: Bruce looks SaliS(ied wlth that one. JlO'ITOM: SF.CDt\1' PL..\CE TEAM: R. Sch mitz, Pres. Zell, Deon Undemann, l. Krleuer.

Baseball For once the \\•eatl\er pto\•ed conducl\•e Cot a good baseball senson ;;and all 23 games \vere pl.1yed ai; scheduled.. The team Sho\\•cd some tmpi:ovement over the past season, buL



,) _. _ ~-

in.e xperience defensively and untimely inju ries kept the Trojan ''9" below • 500. Htghl~rhcs of the 7-16 season included a doublelieader sweep of ~1aranatha and splitting a double-header at La\\•rcncc UnivcrSily. The top three hillCtS of l1tc '77 season were Dennis I limm, f\1ark }...fueller, and Dave \'oss. Dove con ;;also boost the J:>est pit¢hing record: 4 - 7. Since the roster included only one senior and jusc l\vo jwtio1·s, next spring should see even better improvement in the Northwestern baseball fortunes.



TOP LBf'T: Remember Ross, this is baseball; the girls come later• •• BOrrQf..i LEP-T: \Vhy does he need shades-he's hrol his eyes closed!

AOOVE: "Lcfry" Voss fires it home.


...._-......~~........~~:~...~..-:.......__ ...




RIGHT: Voss w inds up for another

strike ouc.

,. •,





.,...----~--~.··::'·r:; ~



1\00VE: Quick, look O\•er Dave, I've got h im!



?i.fIDDLE LEFT: Home






LEF·r: 1-ic ·nas out before he left tt1·st•

LBF't : Oon'l you wonder ""hal he's \\'Jl1spcrlng ln Shifcy's ear?


- -·



.. ~





BACK RO\.\' LJ::1:·r 1t> HlGH·r: Coach Pieper, Ross Ulri ch, Dennis Hi mm, Roger i\"cumann, Dave \'oss, Pete Kiecker, Dole Klessig. FRONT RO\V: Doug Free, Steve Scb.iller, Kevin Salzwedel, l_.. r cd Krieger, Tom r-·neke, Steve Wilkins, ]Jave Sulztc.

Track Tite '77 season wtls a dis:.lppoll1dng one for the Norchwescern track team due co a 1:.lck of depch and a great number of inju1;es. This s till didn't stop certain indivivuals from doing '"ell. Caplain Larry Cicrach

knocked a couple seconds ort tlie mile ctme lowering lt to 4:25. Rich;:itd Frost also sec a ne''" record ln the 6

mi le running a 37:35. 1he ·rrojans \\•ill be looking for 'vard ro a bcclcr nC.'(f year, since a le1.rgc share of the tea1n wtll be reru1ning.


R lt~H· r:

just a nother flawless handoff.

MIDDLE RIGHT: Ah yes, the look of vlcrory 011 Coach's face.

?\.fll)J)LE LEF·r: Ken 300ut to turn in a

4S sec. quarlcr.

RIGHT: Johnie gets keyed for hi.s race.

1'0P: So th3r•s what he looks ll~o without his hsir.

MIDDLE LEP1: Look out! lilldog,1rd ls In J>Ul'Suitl ;\IK>Vil: lArhow, just m.1de le.

BACK ROW: LEFT TO RlCll'l': Coach 'Ibompson, K. Frey, P. ~1crtcn, P. ~11.wllcr, ~t. Enderle, K. S.l1on, J. Beck, Coach Koester. FRON"T RO\V:

J. Rouman, 0. !'111%, L Giernch, r. tle)~r. R.. Proot, ). Nelson.



·11K' 1m golf team start:N our like .lD)' other team and hJd

hop...•" ror a grcal season. The po· cerulol wus good with even ahili· tie• lhro~.Jiout the te3m~ 1\S ic rurncd out, good com.pcciclon and just ovorugc playing by the Tro· jorw led lo u below SO<J season al b·JO. 1bcre were no stand oucs on thl1 yea.r's leam with anyone capable <>f being team medalist. 11\crc \\'f:I'C two firsts this sca•on thou;11·-the first time i.n 12 y.:a.rl du.t all b members sb>t 89 or bttte r 1..n compctltlon. with Behnke me 79. The tum will mis$ the awl.raga or T. Kneser and ~1. Smith but 11tl 11 looks co the turu re tor th.1t SOU r-ecord. RlCHT: Privileges or o conch!

n•·'.L.0\Y: Don's gonna kill Lhut bJll.

LEFT TO RJGl.J'l': Coaclt Sellnow, 0 . Schcucrleln, T . l~inclloff, T. Uclu1!...c, M. Smith, f\i, Schult:t, I\ . \Vornccke, ·r. Knesel', M. \Y;,1gner.

Tennis After d.t'Oppiug ics first tnalch ro Lhc \\lhitc\Vater lJniversity J. \1 • teDm, the ~tth\.,.est.ern Collcj,,"C lcnniS ccam \\'On lhc remainder of its matches, cruising ta an 8-1 season record. The squ::id w::i.s strongly represented in all singles ond doubles competition Since there was a healthy turnout tor the ream. Our Trojan nettcts 'A•iJI hopefully smash their W3)' through their sche· dule next »ear. as allot rhc mcn\.bers, c."l:ccpl senior Tom Nass (lst singles), will retun1.

LEFT: Bruce proves he can walk a straight BELQ\I/ LEFT: \\fhatd()


you mean, "it's out" I

STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT: Tutor John Stern, T. Nass, B. ).·lcKinncy, o . Kuehl, B. Bitter.





Rieke, M. Freier,

K. Tullherg.


lntramurals FOOTilALL CIL~MPS: LEFT TO RIGHT: G. Riese, j . Dorn, L. Neuj ahr, i\'I. Albr:echt, M. Smith, B. Kujawski, )..1. ~1alonc y, T . Krlgbaum, 1'.1, ~11erke l, P. Se1,ve, j, Leyrer•


-~ -- ~



BASKE'IllALL CHAMPS: LEFT TO RJGli T : Klcssig, ~I. \Vllde, $. Schlicht, D. Peters, B. N;;itsls, ~·1. Neumann, Wf. Schultz, S. J...ti.schke, R. Schmidt.

TOP LBF1·: Huey sho\\'S off




AflOVB: Ray sruifs another one .



INDOOR SOCCBR CHAMPS: LEFT TO RIGHT: M. Hen· TOP RJGHT: He's so good, he uses ke, t\<1. Smith, J. Dorn, R. Neumrum, M. Spaude, B. only one baud! Kuj3wr;ki, L. Punke, ~i. 1-t~rkel, J. Proebcr, T. Krigbaum, R. Ulrich, J. Adomlte, D. Lange, P. f.fe>•er. AllOVB : It may look llko indoor soccer, but it s 11'1 buckt'ts.


VOLLYBALL CHAMPS: STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT: Tutor Tatge, 0. Schmelzer, ]. Beck, Tut.or Stem. SlTrlNG: D. Voss, P. Zell, P. Heyer.

ABOVE: woks like Lee's In for lt. TOP RIGHT: \Vatcl\ the net Kevin.


SOFTilALL CHAMPS: DACK ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: j . Pope, D. Kuehl, B. Drassow, M. Merkel, T. Kr!g· l>aum, G. Kraklow, P. Heyer. l'RONT ROW: J. Nelson, T . Unke, D. Lange, B. Kujawski •


(South) Westward Hof

TOP ROV.1: T. Behnke, J. SeelO\\', ~路t. v.ragner, c. Springer , T. Nass, R. Warnecke, G. Scholz. ROW 4: M. Guthmiller, J. Proeber, R. johJ1son, M. Bckert, D. Huebner, T. Laabs. RO\V 3: J. Rucge, }.if. freier, T. Gumm, T. Henning, T. Unkc, 0. $cheuerlein, 0. Kelm . ROW 2: j . Fischer,~!. Ricke, IV. Runke, K. Lucncberg, ~!. Ha12ung, j. Maasch . ROW l: T. Fricke, S. Sauer, R. Scheibe , O. Strong, F . Krieger, K. Bilitz. NORTI!IVBSTBRN COLLEGE MALE TOURING CHORUS The statistics compiled by the 1976-77 Touring Chorus were amazing by anyone's standards. During Februaty, ~la1路ch, and ..\pril, the chorus traveled a total of

roughly 8 ,000 1niles, sang 45 concerts , and appeared before nearly 15,<XlO people. The hlghllght of the year was a 15路 day tour of the Southwest over Baster \'a-

cation. 16 congregations as v;ell as 2

Apache missions were visited on this tiring but rewarding tour, as the chorus S\\'ung

through such places as Bl Po.so,

San Diego, Sacramento, Phoenix, and 01naha .


The Male Chorus Delivers

UPP BR RIOHT: 'l'hc face on the }vfuslc Auditorluln \\•all. ABOVE: BACK RO\V: t\1. Ricke, P. ThicrfcWer, 'f, Hoffmatlu, T. Behu.ke, ~I. Guthmiller, J. Scclow, R. Johnson, R. f\iueller. ROW 2: O. li.1gen, T. Gunl.m, t\1. Freier, R. Ouehlmeyer, J. Ruege, T. Henning, G. He1·manson. RO\V 1: B. t\1a.rg(aff, J. Fischer, K. Billtz, P. f\iargratf, s. Sauer, s. Spsulding, T. Bauer. BELO\\': BJ\CK ROW : 0 . Kelm, T. Nass, S. ,.,,nscltke, G. Schulz, R. \Vamcckc, J. Heard. ROW 3: tt. Wago.er, P. Panitzke, l\.f. Enderle, o. Baldgc, c. Springer, D. Nottling, J. Kruschel, T. lb.ke. RO\V 2: f\1. Eckcn, J. Sucko''', f\4. \Vilde, P. l<rieger, O. Scbeuerlein, R. Scheibe, J. Dorn, S. \Vright, J. Beck. ROW L: N'. &tdtke, D. Putz. T. Blebel't, \V. R.unkc, J. J..faasch, T . Rawerts, K. Amborn, A.. Brinkman,

T. Fricke.

.. The Band I Heard In Watertown FROl\TJ' ROV.': O. Hoenecke, T. Boos, B. i\1larggraf, 拢 . Fricke, s . Spuude, ii. Sell, Dr. ii. Lehmann, W. Peckham , J. Wes.Lertw.us. L. DiRlenzo, J. Sanz, T. WerLb, ). Krohn . ROW 2: J. Drews, I\. Schultz, c. Thomsen, l\1.


rvl. \Vhitby, ti.1. Kube, 1'.

l\1utterer, S. Spaulding, C. HueOOer, T. Bauer, J. LatzeJ, L. Quam, B. Laucrsdorf, R. Fritze , P. Schwatk. R.0\V 3: C. Dorn, J. Caner, L. Kell, K. 'fhomack, B. Bittdorf, K. Strobel, K. Kell, L.

Zuleger, J. }l..(aascb, D. Putz, R. Pamperin, P. Lieske, 0. Klesslg. ROW 4. P. Thicrfcldci:, D. Dixon, G. Seefeldt, J. Sucko\v, G. Schulz, 0. Pieper, 1'. Behnke, K. Eberl, 0 . J.fueb1er, 0. Kolo11der. :tvt. Young, P, Schleiss. TOP ROW: T. Hoffmann, T. \Vestra, ?>.il. Rieke, D. Kuckhahn, T . Henning, C. 60-rk, t.1. \Vilde, 0. Sarg(路nt, 0. Krueger, P. Heyer, K. An\born, R. Schn\itz, R. Holtz.


}azzman, Take My Blues Away! PBP BAND BBLO\\I RIGHT: RO\V l: ,...1. Rieke, J. SuckO\v, T. J.!offmann, rvl. V.1ilde. RO\V 2: O. Kolander. P . Heyer, 1". Henning, T. Bauer. RO\V 3 : P. Schleiss . SELOV.1 LEFT: Pep Banc! drummer 0. Huebner , explaining cbe percussion section t-0 one of his fans . LEFT: The Muse of ~orthwcstern College

JAZZ BNSEMSLB BELOW: M. Ricke. D. Pieper, G . Seefeldt, G. Dorn, C. Bork, R. Smid>. P. Heyer, J. Fischer, J. Carter , S. Spaulding, 0. Strong, G. Schulz , T. Henning, D. Cooper , T. Bauer, F. Kt路ieger, R . Schmitz, O.

Putz, J. Suckow, M. Wilde. RlCH路r: Jazz Ensemble director Greg Schulz

LBFT: Tile [';l,1\'C music met11od: Close


eyes and improvise!

l '

The Chapel Musicians

CHAPBL ORGANISTS RIGHT: BACK ROW: c. Springer, R. Smith, ~·1. \Vilde, K. Amborn, J. Eggert. FROITT ROW: 0. Strong, T . Bauer, 0. Hagen.

SCHOLA CANTORV~t BELOW: BACK ROW: R. Warnecke , J. Heard . o. Kolander , J. SeelO\\'. RO\Y 2: 0. Huebner, 0. Sch\va.nke, T. Ra\\•ercs, P. Tull.berg, 0. PusseW. RO\V 1: \V. Runke, L. Olson, N. Kock, 0 . Hagen, T . Kant, B. Groth. LBPT: Schola Caruorum Directors: R. Warnecke, J.

Seelov" .


Photography: A Developing Art


.. l PHO'l'O CWR- AHOVB: J. Carter, R. Schmidt, S. \Vrighl. NO'f PIC'NREO : 路r路. Gumm, t>. Schroeder,

C. Huebner, M. Wogner, R. Kogler. RIGl!T: Mad Developer at \\rork!

I ~

LEF'r: 路11icre arc negative aspects to photography. BBLO\V: Jbcre posilivc aspects ro it, roo. (1'akcn at the 1977 ~1iss Watertown Pageant)


Sine Qua Non Yearbook



Schal -

J. Nelson, t>. 'Thietleltler, T. Gumnl. FRONT RO\V: A. Btinkn\'1Jln, L. Punke, J. Fischer, C. Hcup, J. Procbcr. NOT PIC'ruRED: C. Huebner, ).

lert, S. 1A'righc,

Paust ian. ADOVll: Piling the finished product ? BBLOV.': He knew the j ob w as dangerous when he took it,

:\.BOVE: Editor Jitn Fischer. Editors tend r.o get a llttle surly when you're 52 doys behind schedule.

Stop The Presses! B And R Vol. 80 BLACK A.'1> RED STAPF BELOW: STAN!lm'.:: T. Kaat, J. Schallert, T. joh.,son, M. Waper, O. Pieper, R. Rhyne, j. Lcyt'er. P. Ja.nke. ·r. N.a••, ~t. Schroeder. G. Schwanke. C. Springer. M. Albrecht. SIT· TING: G . Schclz. T. La•h•, J. Fr<-drlch . KOT SHOWN: D. Kelm, C. Cortright, L. Punke, C . H\1ebncr. LBFT: Bditor Carl Springer: d~'Tlamlc, faC't1lghtcd , and a Oashy dresser heHklc1.

llllLO\V RIGHT: 1l :59 P. ~·I . on the de::idllne dt1t.e: • cooJy calculnccd r;ice against the c lock. SBLO\V LRPT: ·1i1c mag..izlnc 11lusc rator and the tools of his trade,


Stage Right

ONE ~!ALF OF TIIE FORUM SOCIETY-AllOVE: BACK RO\\r: J. Langbartels, A. Jlcrrnan, J. Carter, o.

Strong, R. Lei.fer, ]. Fii;clter, R. Kujawski. RO\\' TWO: D. Klessig. M. Albrecht, T. Loobs. FRONT

R0\\1 : K. lA.!eneberg, r-.1. Freier, O. Hagen,

J. Heard.

AOOVB Lf!F'r: Don't stare so, sir! Have you never seen

a uuul pray before? L拢1:'r: Ein Pro.sit! A tense, dranln路 tic mo111e11t from '"Il1e Feast."




AOOVH: I-Icy, '''atch me swing down juac like Tarziln l LEFT: It you ltave forgotten )'Our line, you v;'Qn't find it writ.ten on rhe floor.

Stage Left

AOOV8: THE 011-!BI\ HALF OF Tllll



0. Dose, F. Gildea, B. Becker, P. lblscb, R. Schmidt, P. ~1crrcn, ?-.it.. Schulz. NOT SHOWN: T. Gutnm, G, Hetm.-inson. ABOVE RJ(;H·r: \Ve're the bod guys7 I thought \\'e 'vere chc GOOD guys in thia play! RIGffT:

Do you see che1n, Ul}' boy? 'fhcy're your audience!

ABO\'E: Guys. vre should ha\•C done this c leaning before

the cott;:iin \vent up. RlGHT: What do you mean, "Roast beef AGAIN chii; l\1esday?"

The Lawgivers: DC and CC DORM COUNCIL BELO\V: Dean B. Lindemann, O. RaJge, P. Kiecker, T .

Beh.nke , N. Radtke, T . Nass , G. Kraklow . T. Krigbaunl,

S. ?-.flschke, O. Free . K . Fre}' · REL0\.\1 RIGHT : Dorm Council Presirlent 1·om Nass . the people's choice, strikes a busy pose .



CAR COM~llTillE ABOVE RIGHT:: S. Zak, J. Beck, Tutor R. Kogler , Prof. 0. Scllnow, Dean .B. Lindemann, R. Scheibe. A80\'E LBFT: The Car Committee s till has to get some of the bugs out of the S}•Stcm.

For The Athletically Inclined

"N" CLUB-Sl.ANDll\'C: J, Caugcr, J. C\1clson, R. Krause, f>. tleycr, >!. Radeke, S. Schiller, J. Pope, P. Kiecker, D. Putz, T . Unke, R. S<:l1oemai\Jl, T . Noss, L. Pontel, 0 . Voss, T . Hoffm~nn, S. Olsen, R.. Pro.st, P. ?-ituel let, G. Dorn, C. Huebner, T . Schnelder, D. Himm, R. Uhich. SBATBD: J. IJeck, T. IJehnke,

O. Schmelzer.

ATHLETIC OOARD-J. Conne ll , L. Glerach, \V, Btaaso,v, T. Nass, J. Nelson, o. Himm.

11\'TRAMURA L llOARD-L. Pl.tnke,

J. Nelson, N. Kock, F. Krieger.



A NE\4 CE -"o tu .. AN OLD P:_ t

, ';,...,': ; . J...


After many delays, cnrl)• 1977 ftnaJ ly saw che beginning of U1c recon-

struction ln cbe auditorium. TilC remodeled building will pIO\'C a new challenge co chose who \\'Ork in connection with pla)-S and concert.a u well as the performers. The new focllity will be welcome on •he l\"WC ~s.


UPPER RIGHT: !'he cellloe-everything mJ!St lead to aomelht.ng. RJGffl': Let's see whac I hJ.vc ln my

chest of goodies. LEFT: Tho lighcing·soun<I hooth looks

nice and cozy tor two. BBLOV\': 'fl!e SLage w11.s extended so

performers coo Id see tlte (g1 I'll ln the) audience bett:er.

LO\VHR LEFT: The organ Iott II tllCre, Wt where's the organ? (Check rha

• •

\.\'lnenberg storage room.)

- --

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