NWC Yearbook 1984-1985

Page 1



Jorthwestern College





The class of '85



··, mCoo" Arndt WI


Adivitlci!r Cboru,i 4~ Band I ~ Fmlt of

Lhe Loom Guys I : Re11bcrt•!i 4~ Cift of P.au1 1.1,3,oil. Frilmd of 11 Eh.Iran I ,l,J,4, !\"TV 3,4; 1 lvoH l,l.J,4; mkt> J,4~ Qwim CultN 41.

Andttw "'Yap.ane!lf! Ycl)dy'' Bauet-


Rl\'t:t , ""-'~

Ai:IJ..,itiie.: ru · C.:otmby I; fr1ck. I ,2,4: J.111111~·

3,4 ; [lltrill'llUral

1.l,l.4 : WEL,"i


M:irlc .. Bu!Yc'' Bui.ke

Larmog, Ml \~·rh Jtbi:11: lln~eb I.? ,3 ,4.



etba.11 Cl1111•11-. 2.4; Ro-wting Ch mp:! (\tinocs.J 3; louri:nc Ch.omji I ; ExJle l ,4

Na rhaa ... dµ,ar .. Cardell ilk11d, OR

ActlvJLltl: &.11ti J ,1,J,4; C1111rui1 l.l.4 , fouriq Choru l,l,4 ; F rnJm 1 , : lnt'r11 mu nils l,.l,4; £k~wl i.ng 2.l .4i Scullion .\.4.S,ti.7.8 ; 8.K.R 4 ; U:uhcn.hop Qui" ttt 4; DFJ 4.

chucJ. ··uur· Uut tifd Oak Crr~k.



Black and Red 2,l.4• lnitu. murals (B:uketball, Volleyball, Softball) I .l.1.'1 : l11tr1munil UtJ~Liq 4.

Mnrk "l\J rid•)'·· ~ rundi. ~ iqitan, ~fT

Aclji,.iti(' : l11tmmuraf I; lteD





Tbink Caak 41 ; NCAA Pool 4 , Giik

John ''llnk.imolll 'Fromm Slpl,)OID, Jlp,jl)I\

AdinaJo: Socc:cr 1).1.4,5~ Ill 2.1.4; /tfut.akc l.l.3,4,S ; J:ag S<tulCI l.'2.l.,4,S ~ S;: v~ .ur 2.3,4.4!/.i. ~ ir t)'list :;. ' I unolh)' "'Cougocsie"


Monroe. WI Adiv11i~:

Wrc!l.tl Ing l ~ Ow1~1onn.1 \l.a1t111

2.l; LA 2•.~ i Go'linnint J,4; Coniroai· tiom 1 ;?,l ; 200 day 4; Firaf Huur l ~ .~,4.

Thn "Cbtld)10 C.mm11


Reitd, WI

Ac ll~ ltii!11: Tour 11.1 O•on1 I ~ lnllnnuual I ,.Z; Boy Rl!lctr I .l ,3 .4~ l>!Mld~ l ,4.

J'm "'Crvtc-.. Gro1du11Chen M.11y'Vlllt!, WI Acl t\•ttJC$: Cho.Ir J ; lntramurals 1,2,) ,4 ; W .i:k 4; COS ri.rd _ 1.:Z,J,.f.

D1n.1id ••J:Uug'" lbu~y NL1rt11 M'~fo. MN Acti\•ilic!o. l curing Cb 1>ru11 1~Mal~ Chorln1ra11mral D· ctbaU 1.2.4; In lJ"lmwuJ Foomb.dl 1.2; h11nun tnal Yolle-yball 2; lntnm11111I SQ(Chll 4.

IU l ,2,4~

Jeffrt)' "'C 11111b)'~' lld1~c1h Gmndvk\\<, MO

.\d1..-iUe : l· oi>tb:UJ J,l.3.4: Wm1dlnic 1: Ba11eDIH l.l; Intramur.il. l,2.3.4: IDYmclC'lln 2,2,3,4; lubibnty 1.2.


l>J niel ··veek"' Helw ii(

Woodruf£. Wm : t ..& J ; fiu, db WI l ..l.J,4: Choir 1.4, Mu.Uc tbH Sluc:ly Lo11111e- l,J L'tfvi~ I ~

4 ; llo~tl "5 Cfo b'101.h!i1C 3,4. Chc-ryt's We kl"ml RctJC!H 2~1.4.



l"<lw Ulm, MN

Acll1ititie1r M I~ C::honUi I.l,J.4 .S , Rind l ,l,.l,4, S, T11uri11a t.:liaru5l 1,l,3.4-,S; Funnn l,.1,J,4: NuLJ orum 5: bu En· ~ihft 1,2,S: florirln1 2 i J 't"11ni1 ol,S ; Tui!~ay Night M.11.rguc-rilB C1u'b S~ Rat·

bt-"hop S, DMLC TrlJl• l~l,4.S; Tknr John 1,1.,.3,4,~; CiJirl~ Counll)' l.1 .~.

! . ln1ri1mmit1 IJ1uketbilll 1.2,1,i:t i Ch:rnws ~.


Hf~s11·· Hi?tin~

Yukon, 01( ActMtit'a: Chapel Orpnbd t,2,l; l'ar Comm1mtl!i: J,4-; bur.1clr:an 2.J.4 ~ Am-

tmek 4; llniarb ll I,l,J.4 : ln1r11mul"lll, 1.2.4: OI lraso Art Trip 4. r.lialJ mhy ""bcn11y .. llill 0\\-~ t),


Aciivitie11: lrmanil!I ml ll;J ~ bi!D Champ Ii 2~ IJowlmg Chlimp!i (MlnorJ J, Gru~ m n11 l,J,4, Rom•n '1


Hinch Prultlt d11 Chli!-11, WJ ctMllr:-~:


L .l,l,4~ ~ 11•ni.munib

1 ,2,3,4~ Ba~~cball c.lt~rkadjng


Durtl.(lellJI l .l..3 .4~ FrblJtc 1.~.4

Jolm llah7 New Berlira, Acli\'ifi~:




Wre11Cling I;

ti r:-nn · I; Il'ltrunu1 rail! l ~l.J~4i.S i COS 5; Slout .l,4,.5 ; WEI.S Angels 4.



Oavid Kll 1

R~foru. MJ

ActMlJ 11:

oniru J,l.J.4 i lntrumu.rulJ.

1.1.l,4; Chr Club I .l~ Ne'W Ulm 1,2 •.l.4~ Pop~ 3 ~ Aug5barg 4.


Cary Kl 11ban Cedarburg, Vfl Adi:vity ; Cbornj I.

l::M11 "'Co ttll<1 .. K~ubnll C~urg. WI

Activtt II!). Pro b11lion 1.2.3; D~ LC I • Rcr.'.'ru t lnR 1,2,J.4,:S ~ 0.:Cagoo Hou!oiC Tour Guide i;l,l.4,5; V no M1111 ·111


1,2,3,4,5 ~




l ,2.3: Gary"!>



Robe?rt Krdp~I Mc-aornonll?, ~·1 ActriYJtie!i. L~t/Sound .l,4,5, Slga u11gt1ng 4: lntr1nuu1al .Ba!Jtc1h 11 5 ~ Forvm J.4.S; Ru Pl'lmna'°y 2,J.41.S: ··no, 81 , Bu OJ" I.




.:w Ulm. MN

Aecjvihr.11; ln tramuraJs I ,~ 1 l,4; Stti!~«'r 1.3,4. 1 C'11nli1 l ,2,.~ 1 4; Alhlr:-lic Uaarcl .l, 4, C11uru h.~~ Sid 1.4 ~ CJ Presidenl (DC) J . Wittc1tbr-r 4 ~ Ulack and Rtd -'• UMOC 3; Ro:s.s 1,1,J,4, ""'lioi:'" 3 14.

Mltctrrll t<.flln1:1o 1:reela.nd, MI

Acaivi£ic5; HascbalJ I .2.3. f ooth~I .~ : J11u.inuruJ lb!ikC'tball 1.2.l.4. 111 intnu·

r11I Foe tbaU 1.2: [TltrllmluJl1 VullC!)"b U; fomm Pia}' 3

F.nrf ..Bit!, F." Kr~wan M..dison, WI Actn·ick-s; Vidiot:s l.:Z.3.4.S.6; Hau AUitudc Club 1,2,J ,4, 5.6 : h~~i:r' Luffl!i! Carclt I .21 l ."1 1S.6.

Rl)bL'fl IKrtJE"~r

Tawn!dtip of W11shing1oa , NJ Acttvitln: Bla~k and Rt-d. 2.3,.t ; Tour-

ing (.'buru1 l.2.4~ &ml l.2.3,4~ ug;. burg Rt1ddtl\I A Elal'lt l.4 ; Ch Cub 2 ~ lntnmunlll 1,:Zi "l'QR l, 'l,4 i Fornm ~h~lfJI

1,J ; 1776 4.

Todd ·•s1a1mu11" L.anm

tilt~kfield, WI AdhiitM!!l: lnlra11mralS1 1,2,3,4; SJttp in



afternoon l.l ,3.4 .

.l..>luUd I.Ay ttr Mil"1111'ke<". WI

c•ii;itie11: IMnnn•1tt

l ,l •.~.4 ~ Tennl

1,2,.1,4; Black and Red 4 : • Mk'!C'1 3,4: 8111J I ,!; Ref 1.2,3 ,4. Puqio~lc. 1,2. 1

Jobn .. boc" Liebenow

RIM:mC', Wl A.:11., ltle1t. Quilti111 Roo1n1n1Hb1 Club I ,.l~ l rac:k 1,2 ~ Soccer 4,.'i ~ Sl•uttlee(ll..'k l ; J1v. lfoM!111bl~ J ; Forum Orclw::s.trJJ J., 4. Ulick ind Rt'J ol,S: YcJ1J!>Mk 4: lntr1mura1'4 1,2,l ,4 '"~ ; 11i\'orfd Tttveler 5, Audio-Visnal 3.4,5 ~ Jok.cbook blur:<s Ban~ 1,1.1,.. ,S ~ Swind~!ll 2; Grnuadround 4 ; ~wlin11 Slab 4.5 ~ 1..Alin 01 1: Lm:d«•s KoommatL" 3 i Pfii1"5 IUJa Sf)coer 4h KJ111c's and Ray" Shues llOd Beu Frn:"ldin 4.~ . 1

Joe1 tillo

\.nchoni • AK Ac•lvlt , : Forum Bit RoEe m ,2,J,4; C,rUic ~.3.4: IJo"llng Champs 4: Resolu re1 Bad~elof' 1.2,J ,.a.

P.u 1··Lindy'" Lindloff lbirnsvmt'. wE Actriviti£11: F 011 tb:nO l .:Z; Latramurah;


~.3,4 : lA>~r of ~atcrlowo i ,2).4.S.6. 7.R; 1.cnc:r of lnstltudt t1 I iJ,J.4.S.6.i.

R. llu.nid Undquh.c

Mc-nmttlnet:, MI Ac1tv~He111: Soe~r

E. lnrnirnuroJ foolb::aU l.3.4,S: lntmm11ral Ha!lllt.L"tbalJ I,?: Sl'A.'io! 2,3,4,5; Cltw.i 1.:.3,4,:5.

Michacl 11.Madd.03" 11,bdM>n St P~ll!f. M~

At 1irtll Ir. : lntnmuntl• J .• .~ : Sotct'r 4. S; Ba ban .l ; Golf 4,5~ Cheerl~t'lt'r (111e l<.u.g,a} 4.S ; Rivetdfi: 3 ,4-,S 0Robert '~ 4,5; IW•wlir1g 4,S: COS 4,S: .. I ht ~•vc'' s~ ' 'The Re1>b~mL"n .. S: '"De..t r-1 p· p~s.. 4~

Coffc-e J ,4 .S.

David M'11ertz M.arihall, MN AN h·ick~: S4J.cttr :I ,l,.l ,4; Ua bJllJ I .l ~ Coif J ,4 j ln•mmuraf\ I ,l,.l ,4~ Chorm1 1,4.

llfi IHp M•k'how

Ne"" Hi!rlln, ~I ArtMtict: Fuolllllll l.2,3,4 : Track 2.J; Wt;LS Anpl .l,4: Florid~ 4, fatlifr M1.1lt!'!!it1:t 2,J; C'OS 4; rt1tam11rals l,l, J,4

·oil \bnU! Mequon, ftlii' I

Ar::imtics; football 2...3 i In fqmurn1 So~ 01.1111~ 2.J: Wdgh tliJ c1111 Uub 2 ,J. ftiarlie RuliCh f i.11 frub '2,.1.


... ,..

Ktvfo "Mac'' McKermey

11.tarlncue. WI Arli¥:iticl'i- Wr.~I fnliJ: I ,l, Intr:Hm11i11h1 ] , 2.3 ~ Ctia t~n 1,2,3 4; b ,C. ltcp.•~, RB!f' 1

~ing 1.2,~\,4.

D.rcnc MN.ten W1n1k

111.. ~·1

AclwiUH: Choru!I I: Touring Cborus I: 1'rnck .Pr~11 Cli'd -Cm.m•ey CcMh 4 ; Prc-p Tra.d : Collclt 4,


Scou l\kws Flugsr11ff• .A'l.

ActMtie11: r.f 11 le- Cllaru1 1.l.l ,4; Tourln Cluuruis i ,2,l,4: Js.z;r; En11Cmbte I ,l) 4, 1

Director 4~ H:uhel'llllop 4; R~cruitmi::at Offi.i'rr 3,.t~ Ubrarl11n 1,3,4; Band l,l.J;

ew Ulm 2.,3,4; D1111jleo11s & Drugo a!I 1.2 ,l, orum 1.2,J,,4: Otegun J ,4; Bfl 3,4.

Jemm~Mcycr Ruf:~I'!i,


Act ivitici1r Ba ball l ,2; liurumurnl11 1,l, J.4; Durndun 1,2,.l.4

Nu'IYil:J'll Mahlke koi.~h~ter, MN Ai;cn·itic-s; Cros.1 Cnu ntry J ; Wrrstlin,; 1.2: F' uotbell l,3.4~ T·r,aek I ,l; lnlmtnur:il!'I ] .2.J,4~ Weight Cluh 4.J,l, l ; ShorMcrm Re~1.i1nuhlp111 m,2.J,4_

Ouv" ·~old Mnn•• Moort Rh.lJ'ldander. WI

ActivU if-11; SIJcr:cr l; FOtlTh 11 J ,4; In· fru1l'1111r.ob ~ ,2, J.4; DevD"fli I.akt> 1,2.; &i&lkrrba.U Cheerleuding 2 ,l 04.


IJm~ ML11f'Ut'r

Bloomington, MN

Acti>.iitir11. IR1u\d rte11id~n• 4.

rood e!Jon St. raul, MN i:r l'i' ltit!C Dia w.ny. Jqhn Adall\ 1·4.


Pe:p i i nd I

Raady ""Ed." OU

Hr:11llui:k, MJ AcLn.Hies: Football 1.2.:J,4; t'lorida 1,3 ; Gtfk 2•.\ ,4 ~ Bo~llng &L1rdW11k 4: SuCI.11 Awan:~







••o.J." Pei1nc>11

IJam>,·er, \tN ActiviH~; rc-ani.~

1,2.3 4 ~Cruss Counb)' 1

I: In rra1tu1 ral l,l,3.4.

Kc'Pin ••SJd'' R.add1..7. ew Ulm, MN A.:c:M1ic1': h•h'll11111rnli! I ,l,J ,4: Soclll Awwnm,c Think Tank 4: Glik l ,4 . R l.)(tnab Ral'd.fo DoHu~hrtl4Ml ,



Ba 11J 1.2 - Jau l!'.n5.1Cmble I, 2,] .4, l ourlng Cbonl!I 1.2•.1,4: Milk Chon1 1,2,:l ,.C; lhe l~orbidden Gorri~ t ,l.3 4; Barbe"'1or 4 ~ Sun:i,·ur or The Au111C:hwili. Onns 1,2.J.4 ~ Prep Track Coacb 3.

Mn mth<ew Raiuh Bcntnn t rb-or, Ml Ac:tMtb~




0111111 l ,:2.3,4. ; Chon111 J,1,J.~.s: lldnd l.l: ~i:r 3,4,5~ bu.bl-bu J.

On le Rccb1n N~pc-nn,

Ontario, c:a m1-da

AtlMtic : Kitchic 1.2,3,4 ~ Iatmmumb 1,:Z,J; SPQR 2,J,4~ D.C. Tourney 1.4; 'Ro )' Mu, ic l.~ 1 41 l.111io L"lt1;1lvc: J; IR1.1.11te·~

1•iSfl I 0111 ! .

Oavid ''l:.g.g,' Rockhoft

luwu Uly. Ml (:lift!ftiei1. Fotttb. II 1,2.,.l,4; foh••mlltal~ I.2.3 ,4, Clt«rieuJioe l,.l.4, Florid.. l ; UJ1ck ,t111d R~d 4: Wlto 11\"c'.Jlt ~ .4 ~ Dura. dean 1.2,l.4! UMOt: l , OM.LC J.J,4, 1

D.t'. J,

Duan~ .. Rodi

.. RodC'\\ Id

Nt'w Ulm, M \cH,•il iH · Footb11U 1,2,J,4; lb c:tb:lll 1,2 .3.4 ~ lnh'am111rttl 1.2,J,4; D.C. fuP"' pet 1.2.4: ··0wnifomm l\t•m•'"; WaJdCM:h\ I; ··Mice'• 3.4~ JJuradnn I ,2,3•.:t •


Ralph ''N'.o!<Ol.!bud 1' Ru n !>era I ccumscll • •'rll

AcaMale:.s: Football 1.2,3,4 ; ~seh:lll l, l,3; Male' Chorus l ,2,JA ; lntram1JJsJs l,l,3.4; Forum 4~ IJLack. & kcd 2.3~ aa....... Pire idt!nt J.2; Tour.In~ Clt uru& J.

l.Ji.•t Da\•ld Ro1l11.~ 'Brown Iker, Wl

ctMtic : Joliet l.l.J 14.5~6 ,7.8: Town 2,3,4, J:uropc 4, Wo'I fr.Ii 3,4.




Ro1nillc. CA cth·lllt.?$~ Sol!'Ccr S: Ba~cahalL l,3,J,5 ~ GoH 1,2 ,J ,4.S: Rowling l,2,J.4,S . ln~ra· rnurnh I , 2,J,4, 5~ Pund 1 .2.3,4,~ : h7.il' En~mblie 1.2 ,3,4,S.

Puul ••Sf111'f!t:," S.C:htewt:

Yale, M~ Activith?llil: Ra~a.H l ,2,3.4; lnt111marn]11 1.1.3,4: "'ootbaU c.1tarnp5 l.4; lb!il.ctbilll Uu:atnp.si 2.4; Clmn1 4; Gym Sup~·

"l'!Or 2,3 ,4~ omcu1J lb i!fbJJIL krrJ>Cr 2,J ,4~ Thf Winn.ehaga night al ll<ivcl"Wc 2 , COS 4.


ore All

Jo.-ph Si:h bi win Kirkwood, M 0 >.~tho ltleit. FoofhalL

I •.J .•: Wte!iding I ;

Track 1.2,J ,4; T O\\o ne 4 ; lulr.lrnur:tl J ,

:Z,J .4~ Flurido. 4.

Kcitb ScbrclnH ·urt Ackuoon. WI

A..:tn Jlic•. hilramumJ football Ch111npion~ 1,2,l.4 ; COS 4 ,S ; BowJi111 4.S: ln· kumural So~tr Ch11JJ1pioM 3,5; Calf f ~m l ,l.3.4.S:; UMOC S; t'oo~b..U Ou!~c.ader

4.5 :


l,l,'.J.,4, 5 ~


Miclu1d Schultz

Uunind, Ml cUviHew U11d '11 C11htd Softball Te.am I .2.J,4? i Foorb n 1.l,3,4; Trick 1,.2.) , 4; Durll 1,1,J,4; C.011nty K &. Q l,l.,1Ai Owatonn1 Mama 3.4 ; Snc the f\tiCce 3,4 : Hi."'' "Dut,t J A. Pttc.l!ic>n Timckttper I ,l,3 j Robcn'11 . coi; holila .~.4.

Thorrut Schult1

Merrill, WI Actii.·ilJ : F arum 1.2 ,.l ,o4; f u nun Pr dc11r 4; D rector of 1776 41rnm11murnlw I ~l,J,4 ~ Rowlina 3,4: Choir t : Barul l.J~ Black Red 3.4~ Sporn Aanuaru:inB E.

l ,4. HI

Mkh1wl ., hw11bbic"' Schwab Kn wkawHn Mm I


: lnlnunurnls


(Foolh!1n :rnd So~.ecr Chumps 4J ~ furwn 4 ; Wrc""


J.l~ C:uupu~


2.,3 ~

21 I

Grlll 3 ; 31 l Grill 4~ Sodolog_v • rlldy Groll I' • JW11l§OJ 4: Cookout Kin~ J .4 ~ Sid~·olk- Jl.."dd •R .l ~ Downme1 llklins 4 ; Jun~u l:xim Ion!'! 2,J,4; llunn Fin'

4. RoMr~ lrtr1 !Engle Rivet, ~' I

Accl-.hfo : Foo•baU 3.4: l11ccrll!3dlna .i: Flodd1 2 ,4 ~ Rand 1: ChoRH J , COS l."': Fr· cc 1.2,3,4.

S1111wdt·11 ··Gen(•• Sim LimD, O'H 'ut1rin9 Chon.i~ 2,3: lr1.1Ck l ,2.l.4',5 : fuat~U 2,],5 ~ Rind &. Rc:d At·tMHt'!li:

3,4.S: lnlmmumJ llu!k~ib.nll 1,2..~.4.5 ; o.c. R~r :!I• Ch - Pr-.-.ddc:nl l ,.2,l; ln1ra.muT11I •oolball I.4 • ll1u1u.-"'1op Qmutci• 3,4; cos ol,5.

&ic u,snakt"' rcinbttn11r""r i:'ond du Lac, Wl Acr1vllk1: Cro Country I ~ f'ooabwl I, l ..~.4 ; Su1.'f'r:r I ,:!,J.4 ~ Wrc:iitllng 1,2.3.4 ~ T~li; 1.2,3,4: Bil ball 1.2,3,4: Tcnnl 1.2•.1,4,

F.U11m SteinbttIHlt'r Foud du Lile. WI cHdtJ~: CroS.!I Country I.2; Tr.u\.'k. l, .. ~ l1um1111J mr 1,2.l,4.



S1t'fljt Im . MN

Attlv11 ll!11: Fru5'1 Oortn 1.2.l, Fovcb.tll

I ,2 ,1.4: Ha ~EbnJI Track 1.2.l. 4 : Alhlc1k Honrtl 1.:!,3,4 , R . 3.4: Oturn 4 ~ Ow.:daou M111ru1 3.4~ Alp!M V Ucy 3.4. R0Nlit1 1.2.4: ''Oln~oi!~~h.g for th Milt l!tt ry" 3; F.11rop11IK'll<'l J~ Ch~kbook .i

Sbawn Sw:ifford J'c-m11ooln, r-· L ActMllt!): Bowlin& .l,4~C.a ledoniu :!,3,4>

WLC l·yj, h 14.

Bill T1ckmif'r Lena, WI ActiYilic'!I: lhnpd Orgnnist 3,4; Touring Chorus l,3 ~ Mncma l ~l, 3,4; Rlotck & Roo 2,4; Fnrum 1,2.

"tlT.•• Taii!i'tll Ph e>rni.x , A'l


Activiti : fotr11111urul F11u1bl1ll ( ~lllft· pHm:'i I .l,J .4,5; Sa1kctbllll 1,2,3 . ~ : 8.'t!ielwtll l.l.3; l'robalioa 4.S; The Winl)CHlfO 3,5, DM LC 4,5; bet<ch Nut.

t:op", ' Horo!i l .,2 ,3,4,S. Pcltr l/111\Jl!Ol&!fl

Nodine, MN ActMl~11:

B.1rnd 1.2..~.~ ; M'91l'! <.:fumJ 1,2,3,4; I cmring C:fioru11 l ,l,l14; Forum 1,1,J; PIHk & Rrd 2,

.K2JJ Walaflu SturaCfi11

Hay, Wl

ANhiti~: Dont1 Cou11cll 4; Mille Churw1 J,2 .J,4 ~ Touring Clmru11 2,3.4; Sign

11..anguqe 3.4: lnlrnmur1l1 1 ,l,3.4 ~ MnC'ma 2.3~ Trip r,t,esc 2,3,4: Who"!'! acxtY.J,4.

llill Wtrlh St reh:r, MN civiti : ootb U 2,3: Ba ctbi1ll


l,J,4; R.iitrhall I ,l,3.4; A• hl~lk Baud 2,J,4; 'll.Ouh Prt'$Jdt.nt 4: 01.1"-rtc:"an 2, J .4: Intramural~ I ,l,3,4; DIM( iC 1.2 .J , 4~ Owatonna 3,4.



Wind1;1lc cf

lk1 nu, M1 A.1.!Livltk:. : luu:.muml. 1,2 ,.l,4,5 ~ F urum 5; f 11t uy l'i~C M!1.1£UH ti Club S: t• rirude Prohlr-rn l,2.J,4,5: De no 0110 r,:?.l; r;;J~t.d 0f".mol1 S; So-u•h Pakot1 2; Tt":<U 3.

TuJd ''OVai.k" Z~c-dow AncltorllgC, AK A.:-r i.~·•ric~: Foo ~bull l.l~ Sl)'d'M.1111 3: CoUi:gf l ,Z.J.4 ,.5 : De\. 11· Liak.e l .:Z.l ,4: Con tron d Sal I ~lnl'c:: l; B.a ball 1,2 ,.3, 4; lnt1'11murnls 1,2•.J,4 ; Sh~1~I 1,2.J,4.

Pr. OU ward wlnn~": D. Miterti, R. Ro1tenberg. J. ffoh . R. R.3rdfn, S. r.tcw~








•I'\R•[,..f.: t ,RJ \ itJ \LJ\ .li

'T( >,R




'll·R-A ' T

~-On .May 22 tht' Ja~t ~1tllnr !!lass in Northwe:\tetn' 11 h&ory Ii 3 mffi ~ gmdt.udt<tJ. As ii mtHlo the cl.a. s t:h~ U Timothy .! : 15 .... l>o )'OWi bc!'it to Ll~ ~n• )'oU~lf to Cod 11n.t• 1pprovrd, 1 W{(lrkm11n who do nnt 11et'1I ro bf 11hn.mcd oiud whu icom:i:tly


h311dJes lhe wunl truth,"' SocHI Mnl'!i, Denni~ R"rdin1 ;a11d Jahn Liebenow CQIJI• po~ u byma an thh: tre~ for the occalli.lnr•. Karl Waltha ddi\-ered tilt n:ligion ornCJOJ•, ''i;otl'l!I putt Word , OUf ,, • gitt, UJlifu "" Rr Sl~Ujao .und DiJl mackmkr l'f'c.· ~EJitcd humranilK-: ornfiQ "'""'hJt 0 11r ,11rnde tell us'"111ld ..NidflK'ftf ' ori('W uf l'Uwt t " re'SpCClf!.i-efy.

.., ..



Tu tor Norman






Pror. Gary & utnleir Englidt. Recruitment

lK int

Prof, Doniel Uc-ut~h tinder Gmn•n, Phi10110pfly I utor Uavld KobnderGrt'i:k


PrQf. Wllr m Hir1i1Chm1 Mu it·

Prof. Jolin

Pr~f. 11'111.d

PrQ[ Gl"rfrnn1





Rcli1,don, Hl:dory. Lu.tin

Prof. James Korthal~ History

Pruf. J t6rom~ Kru~ Matfien11f ks, A Lhletks

Pmr Fl'\\oi.n Schroedi.: Lll1in, l.Jnrn ry Prnf. Wu.ync feoaBnM!k La till, c r.:el

JkWi l:.dwatd M.cHic'°u


Prof. Jienil._, Plltltlwcit

rrur. Johll Schmid•

RcllJ1,io11. Grr:-tk


f'rof, Cyril Sruude

Pror. Richml Sttobd Gerrnan. s->dolagy

f'rQf, DoruiJd Sr'Unow Rd;iion, Hilitory. l'j)·choloK)'

G~rl. H~brtw

Cuad1 Uu)'d 'Ommpum Ph) .Jeni f.due1Hon. Athll"lks

P'raidC"at c.ntctan l'oppe Rdjgioo

iflro(. Wu )'I~ l11.lel'f!r Engll~b

CotM:l1 I loyd Thu1n11 m 11U1utmnttd ll i n!•.ittmcnl rm1n th~ po~ition ol lllltlie'k direelot thl'i Yt! I a(te1 ri.rtctn )'tnn uf ~1· "ice II t Nu rthwc11tern The Iii• or lllM tclttc\'tmenlit for uIll oth· ldit prof'ttm i!'I n:mlll'knble. iflt Rnncd North"" E~m·. bu.ck and mimmaml rropum llc'".QLlc11 rrn1,·k, he eo~chf'd 1ll ctb:alJ f I 970-l 91i!I ~ii nd football (f Q7l-l 91'i4 ). H~ llld 1ti11 Wifl', Ed l'rh ~ ~~11td the -~rer girls' :SJ>Dt'f"S: rraaum . Co;31ch 1lum1p.w11. 'IHt fi.11pt!

lnal (,ad hi~ your retfr~lr'len t

'lll'OtK .ll.mOl\ll Uli,


Jic hil!Sl bfe~


In honor of two faithful men

On No-.·un'beT l.~th Narthwr renl t:d~bralcd the htit'llly ·Rlth 1rt11nl'!flll')' of Pn1f. C11rlrlon Tappe 115 its prradenr ""ith a ~ pL-ciuJ ~n·ict' to rile Lord. 'fhe ~fiDOI c:urnrncmorated rfl~ m:lny d'111~i t.hal baivl! l:l en pJacc under hb guidanoo. A:>1 P1 dc11r. Prur Topp flu~ ·n con1truulo1• or bu•h the oollr-gr dorm1i1 ond ur the gym : the c;om plt'tt' !iCp 111tro1l nf the pre-p :sclmoJ from th~ cull<'~ ; th(" bcglnnin s of • ~111:tarial ~litff~ the •n L111i.luc;tion 0£ elecC I'~ •nd du: cut s)'111e'!m; u.ccrrdil1•tion : lllld tht.? in3bJllLllioo of corn J'U lea We thank G~\J , PrcsJdcm Tol'll"· for dl bl~ J11&-1 Uc hli gilr•i.:n .all or 1111 under yoor lrnnd.


Behind the scenes

Busine$S ma11i11~: Glen Pankow


.MJ'S•. Edward Undem~nn Prof. Will m Jlinel1[ngl Mrs. lloyd TbompWn

in Schrordtt. ~lrs.

" • lirmlK'C :s:saK~ Mike ~r. Soh .Burditk. Alan Raelhl?f', Bill C1H;r.dorf, tur Schult?., TW1 G11i1.uiyrf. •II.I)' IJ:1u~r.

Xitehen urr: Lomiim: Ku.Jk~. Luhdta Bt(Jnl:lr'I. Ruth Sdikk. witz. Barb3f:I Feder, Friedl Smith, Alma i\bnkc.

iir1q Bl:IJb



Mrtt. h nkUn

1.u~ll .


Rober• Btltnkc. Mn.



Mr . William Zell

Edwilm Kionku..

Mr E, J , ~Iman

Mrs. Dand t ritzr'

M'ffl. R lcllilrd St,abel

Ster r.arinl mff

Underclass men 1






Ku!ithet". Ed Uogcmacll. Erich Stueb. ~


Jon Werre, lorry St'hwank,. Chris Gehlk~.

F'ra11'k Crvnemeyl'r, Mate Von Di!ykn. Mike Gr:ini:!lt. Paul \'o



Front row: Jon Hadler, Kevin Stellick, Joel Spaude, Mike Quandt, janitor, Joel Gaertner, Wayne Uhlhom, Joel Albrecht. Back row: Keith Siverly, Mark Voss, Jim Danell, John Boeder, Rodney Rixe, John Qualmann.


John Hoh, Steve Nuss, James Schwark, Steve Handorf, Martin Wildauer, Mike Riley , Tim Blauert.


11U MJdem, N111thWJ Strobel. BiU L 1umer, Jun N1lt, AndrN· Schader. Rieb W:11ldl1Ch1oid1.

Willie ir.tayhew, J Im S.d.Lt:l • .D.111 Rckh. St~·~ Kahrs. Den1ll" P1'3h2, i1m CC'rbing.

J a~ ·

from lair)•".



tt: Ebl"rt· K~itb Wessel•• Wt: G:llltMr. Frm &bleg. eu.brenner, 0211 Ziet~ low , · ttaruon. Tim xbu kqd. John V~tbs.. Tim K~m­ ailz.. c Undcm.um, .Bcy4Il


winp.. Mike- Z11oobiu. Rkl'c. TuU~e. Steve Raddatz, Wa}'lle Schoch , llu:ane ScbmC"irbtl, Jon Bau·

nt2nn, John Vmz, Ua\IC' Wic~hk~.

Jim Gc:lk.a, Courtney Meyer, Joe Deer. Tom MieJk

ho t rov. : Brha KellCT. Seo•• Zerbe, \fartii1 W~ipnd, Jim Win'lien1ein. Jbl'k row; Tim Hon'ke. D:n e Schna:k. Tim lknaing. Paul lo


Front IR:ow: Ted Bodjaroc, ()arye Aei!l.tlrrnan11.

Ba.ck Row~ Neil Landvntct.'J, Paul Tcs.smer, AmC.~·ef, Jon K.otmda, Jl'.m Sdmb..

h-onf Rvw: Jo· llf'rft'. Jun Co~ . Jd•11 M·11(1", \jlddlr:o row; Kn•[n Klll,J. R1.JJ1 Kochlr;t, Jul11l KnddC", Mnrk Rov;n Huck r11w· ·£om lk-mmflDJ. ~ 'IL"'" l11chtnlw11d, Brud 'Wfl1t.IU, Rub W1 scr.


toi.'t' l\inlrrStt'.m, Ken Fi


row. : Br.Id


tr. Phil Hrrman. Dnc Knittd, Tim K11 e 1 Kirk Hennig., Paul Lnn~. Ctcn Rosmbaam.

Tom Stron ,


Todd. Bact '째"'': fuk F or~s. bc-rrick Bauer.

Kram. John


Midd.Jc row;


Dip. Uan 39



Dan U umlcr, Diwc RunkL\


Seti.aid, Sle'l'c: Arndt , LukC'


fo1111 ruw: \like N:1L1mu11n, l'lnn Wine, P:i11 Vuj11. r\ndmit S<-hulo:. Rael ruw : C.:raii; K.or1h 1 Ktle Dnhlkc, D:rve KOJfmam1, Mike Jen¥~ T011a Kol'l.

Pini Sara.mum, Jtft Falrb.11r11, Brinn IE~JJ. Tony H~n~11. Kc-n Bitmorf, F.r11le Schu£11..



T'r ojans


.. .



A satisfactory second

bq;in the 1984 ~k>ll wl.lh • rtle:fin.ite Jll>al in n'ltncfrqK"S.11 conl~ « mmnps. Spca..rhe:aded by fiftf'efi niors and :Ji host of Ut]. ttlled uppcttb,;smcn. the roj.aru IH-g:m d 1rir quttl:. Two early ""'w ~ rm·up·'dcCcats primed the (Urn for the coDf~1~ foH. The Trojan!il w.;ilked thToagb 1he eonrnrlK'C utuearhed <'l.tt-pt lor mi~111 :t~back to evenllual chmnp • {.)r th""'$"m Rote" Jr. :stt<1:nd. pluc~ rmish rupped off a h i~ly suc.-tt!td1.tl nd c:ne- Trojan rocub _L tic:



Thanks are (11 onkJI' ro tfn: f'tfcc-c-a 54?nlo~ who will h.u.ng up thciJ' :dtrr four )'ll."31'5i of lqdership. A ~inl tb.ank." b e~mcndcd tu CDICh ThDltiJl)llil ho will hlllld rn hi ' whis;tle and ptlybool. airer !ID illu~trio~ Arttrti rntntnT of me- Tlioj:m foo cball 1nm. lltanks Coul'I!

.helnH'ts and deal~

Dum!:' Rodeward

N'Wl: ]5 17 7 21 lS J3 4-S 28 JS 0 23 28 10 .! I 12 6

C'onrordh B<"roJt CoaC'orJd11

M1. Pllh.bury Ro9C'Ville

DMLC t;imruith2



,f 'llul)


Lonl ma : J _ ~lintef'5-(ein, M. Jenson. R. Else, D. Baun. J. Schlawin Second row: J . Buchholz~ D. Spttde-. H.

h e. T. Zietlo , G, Sim M. Schultz, M. Weigand, \f. G.artner. J. Holl, J. Ga.mru:r. 'fhird ro'M ; P. Makh0'1li"路 R. Seifert, J. \'ie ~ l Zubl"J'bicr, Cod J . KmfllC, Coach L Thomps.o11. Ce>.od1 R. Ebien. T. Xu e~J. Sp;1udc, R. Stdl,P.. Founh ro...-=R. OH. J. Alb1tth~. l>. Rockhorf. P. Hinch, A. Sehl))d, J, HeUsch. tC Wessel, S. Knia, B. Schr\\111Z. fiflh ro'A: R. Rote~ D. Mou~. J . ~bulz. W. Sc:bald, J, Boeder, T. Kemnfr.1.. D. W~te11krg. B. KeTJer. l\lh row: J. Ir:;ecnpf. T. H ~ D. Rodnvald. J . Steinbrenner. M. Raddatz, 0. Ewm~. T. SdlubkegeL


A together team In rh I my '«'t nd yi!:ar on thi socc~r te2m, 1plril1 wrTc high Jrnd th(' outJuok pusith-r 1mdtr • n w h d co ch. Arcu ~ lo t ou:r run 6 pm 1 bl!JPn lu wonder if .,,,. v.iouJd too up wllh • IH1thn 1111,r. win · Sil II , f 11 I h£ !OJM b If or the I

• !IU11. we I rttd 'n l!it!I, ~ru I... nl!J ru • 6·3 tr~ ord for lh(! lie!"\ C 9 gumll!:i. WI! h~::11m I I ~tun. 11111:~ mo111 log~[l1cr •ie:1tn I h.Hft! L"V~r lrnd the pltu.~1tt lu h(l nn. ~111d hu11e,b of ••icl'! JCllYM [o boot, 'J11~re w~~ I' f'Lc"\\' d · ppoli•H11g l!!nd-flf • on Iv . Ru I .111 llu:i 51 r n rl. 111 I~~ Ji.atl. R03L11 a.Jlowcd. 31U tb..-: mund.m<!, 1-0utu1e drUh \lioe Wt'h.l through lu~ther Wcl'C' wu.rthwbileo, "'hen Wti tru.shcd 1n undi:f tlll~d M11n1Jkl1 rh11 on lh Ir home

lht game of the ~ un. Th~ s.tudcut b~dy gom caug.fll up 1n il, lvo. :1.: 40 pcopl~ iJiowm u I~ fur 11 pitk-u p g;ame une Monday :tftct11C1on. The 19g..a .lile'd!ilCJH ~ une I'll 1101 lIDOn fn:rgcm.

flield fo


I 1)11 ru\IJ<: W. Gutzm~ll', 1:. Schlirg, K. !liJUorl, P. Kt.tel1'"1. P. N•t.f.. oaJ row : M. RJiub, P'. Sn)'da·. Coach N. Burger, M. C.rams., T. S:ll•oritH, J. Lil"bcnu . Jl~itd row ~ T. Bndjtihac, A. C:awc:I. T. od1~ I::. SchuUz. D. Mm~ • .JI. ro:i"m. D. Vo~t. Bottom row~ M. N1111mwm, M. Und~ina_nn , D. Witte, M. M11d\llm,


0 l

2 I



W "'"hltcwatcr MSO~

r. mnadw C.urthu~





TrinllY WLC



Concord ill

4 6

0 2 0

2 2



.. ..


li'ood>.1111 ~h~Jtdert~ J . O.om.nn, K. W~•t1. M. Vwa. t>. Leyrtt, K.. :SC:lu'fiurr, M. M11dJi011. .Buk.c:tbllll ~ R. StHcrt, 0 . Rockhorr, P. Hinch, Todd lkJlow, J. Albrrdd, D. Mou~.


I J 1 I 0


MSOf.'. W1u keJu1 1CTI M.trriurt 11dn UW ~'hit~~lt'r ~·n 11krrsho


l:11rfhnicc M11ri1n tha




lJW Whitt" tCT





Man111.ath11 Ca rt'h ag.e:

2 l









l 2





111inaiy UW Wfl itt路watr;:r



W11ukt::ihai CTI


Cartl1t1 e





FootbaU chttrkad~"; J. lbumjnn, K. Wn1111 , M. VO!ll, D. Ley~. K. Scbreine.r, M. Madw.n. Ballk~lbJIU : R Sdfm, IJ. Rockborf, P. Hinch, roJd ZietJuw. J. Albrecht, b. Moott.

:? 0 J


6 I


Vil c Co11cotdil La'kt"land MSOI!:


Basketball highs

; T. Ul'lli:!!!, R. Stdlju. D. R11nke. K. YI'~. S. AT11dt. W , Wmll, 1'. Kock. Sceond row=\'. Hmsoa. D. Ew Tutt J. Buwhob:. C.O.Sell J . Kru15C. Coach R. Ebert. Mar. J. C".amtiflr. K.. Til\CS. Thlld row! D. Rod 'ttd, R.'lcldab., J. Cbne.11, 1, [l'z. J. Sreinbmuxr. K. Klllg, T. S;!Cc;irius. N~fC

S9 LJV) 63 WLe

. l'ii1''C n 85 71


80 WL l.nthenn Sem . 67 MMa.-.th:i 6S D'ilC

78 S9 UV)

77 ~IA'JC 71 CollCOnlb


75 60 S9 68 (JV• 71 79

88 Coocordtl 7 Beloic 1i Moody Blbk MJr.1111tha

81 CJ9 (JV•







8.i l'.a«I in~ St fl((' h


86 Wi. luthuun Sem.


71 67 (JVJ 63 (JV)

19 70 71

S7 11 79

6J . br.1m



6-4 "IS :SJ 97

Trinit>· Oi · Conironla WLC M:i!Qn



LC 99 Wl:d.ind 7S Cuti· Su1rch si UWJHtt 56 Tririif)· Cb.ris:tb.n 9 Miran 88 CudiAtl Sln1da ~

Even stronger le I~ 4 the mci; tr.am Viti 1 slr011g compet itor. This. _ ea 1um ·as. f'''Clt stft)n•r wilh mi: sen• o , mitt c1t2rsi!' nd wJ1h 1he neec:IM hl!:lp of 1 i: young. but promising iu11dcrdusmen. 'The19 llKk Ir.am ~ ~cml :s:d:u d "'md:s-: •i1r: .!b: tOIJ1 IDC.'lt<r Iida) • J,000 me-tu 1sit'cplcch se. 800 r rm., 400 mthu :lu:11dlt!:S. I OOi mdu dnh. ro j ump, pale \"&Uh, llloi pl! I, alld d~

r.enc S1ms

·c SJ





"'lail~11tet ht\•. t4w

40.S 4l I l8

I OS1i

61 lJ


no Puk IID•. (Jnd pbi;:ic)

Stateo Small Col~ 'leci: (5 th place)


SL Norbcrit"s Im·_ lro platt) iritcm O::inoontil Rh'tt o.Mt \'iklng R~lays (3rd pfatt) 1Qrt



rn . ClOlh ~lace)

Fron:I Row; Mg. J. GamDC'r, T. K~. J. ...crft'. J. Wmte:rsu:in. R. SmelJp, J . Scflh.,..·m, M. otwn-'nn. SeraNI row::: G. Sims, lJ. Sthmeiehel, JI. Vmet:h Co:i.ch J. Krl.ISI!', T. Kim1nit2. B. Kir.11~. S. Km5e, S. Luc-hteth!)Jld_&ck. ro ; B. Sebald. A. Sc-bald, K. Biuorf. S. iR•ddalL. T. Sohubk~girm. A. lbutr, ·~1 . 1?<1nnic~.

Agressive ball

son thb

The b35Cball

)'e:ll' ~U.1ed ;a ~

e ...

tuch must ~ aftributtd lo I.he v.ondcrf11l " 'tathe-r 'Wihkti o'WCd tam ro g"t r.·r.ry garM in excep1 ni. o non-co r~ g.mlih al lhr sl:llt of the taSOtL Coach Thompton tepped do't•m with one of lhc most im. nm~ rerord. accoinp~ed b)· C b.asdall in rNm:t ynrs. Hr loo lh~ team co SOO nwk md rwith the hdp of Co:ach Schmidt a.ad a u!taaed. 3Uf.' • e b.:ill c[1•b, be pro"cd to ~-r a ~Im mgani.z.at.ion in lh~ e_ ~ of op • AH in all~ it was a ,.Ct). prodllcti'f~ ~·e;ur and ~ oo~tuf4tion :J!Guld be r~ ti!' ad~ ro 1 taPm.rtd group a·f men ltd by 1 ·o rmt: r;o:id1cs..


p~ turf.

Joha St:rinb:Rmxr

'"°''C ]





5 Mar-.rn:i Im



7 I 3










Coneonlu LakeW!d





U" 'litwu



4 4 J9 1

" 5

LD1hrnn Srm.





II ll l






6 5 I


'°"''; T. hhn. D. Birtdtilt_g. D. Voigt, J . Fricke, M. Rosenb~. Second row;

o. Rrida. J.

H~. t. Qullndc. Co11tb L. Thorn p&Ont Coa<:h J. Schmidt, B. p_ Scha£'9ir, M. Oartn.H,. 8Jlck l'GW; K. Klug, K. Westr.l, G. Ro nb3!1,.1111 . l. Sle" b r, M. VoS!!o, T. Zietlow, W. Werth.



One class operation


P. Kodpjn. T. Ht<nni Jr.


rlS(!on. 6. \ <CJNe'11, B. P~.rsoa, D. Ufrer, f. Sc-Jdcg. T. Hcnnin. • P.


I J 9 9

0 6 0 0


9 6



WhitC'li\l.lf1Cf l . \ ' . Conrordia.

uS..e:Jnd Btloil

J 'h'i~o'fliin w•her.i.11 ConfirmK-" MC"CE 9 0 Conc(lrdia 9 0 l.akC'1UJd



1l pts.. 8th Tif"nnil

pl~ 1l la'l!Tencc

rs Ollt of •hose ~1


l1 risung li.J10r1S at

em ·r11tllkh boasts lhc- .ananaJI :dumni • 1~ St:rn it.5 on1~1 home meeL. SrtltlH ~iODllkf. lhcn. lhal tlJjs )"CU'S senior CcOillITTgrat (Todd • • ••he: \f\'P. Dan Leyru, Brad PnrPaul Kodpin. •od Phil H~nnin1i) h been of II ~nf~ thlJll],l!ian lt'..'Lm for [our oirmc"a11i'ie )~ Y~. d!:at•s righc, N'\'il"C S'llt'"e(lt all :si\ "n .and aD duce doubles .at tbc 'IS L~t p;rQnfirfftl('C tou~nr •• •Lriangulu. Th~ dmJ mttt recoJd uood at 4-J., wilh the Nd~n­ Lq rn Xo. I doubles ronsmlal ian chanl·pL>on:ah. at tl.:r.R8" hjghlighting lhr: ~n·s Kc'D.la1J)• GenrnJ l'ibmlol'l'r D:n'! K obnde'! ('Ii\ bo kno"Pt~ as m11dl abc1u 'Etan.is. as: be- doe"S. tt:"SS.





mud1 of lhe on::dU. He

IJltm '!A--e: v. ere ilipP1ded [th lliov.~ls :and 11ttr. ~ lfarnd us in th!:' ··stitree Vin.. far oar lii:tenil\! p!ita ~' and eorr~led us ·rfter 1 0-9 dc-f~l at Bdoit. "8·5 · •~c Tennis: lnl.ly on!? C".lass. operatiO"il thui.M '" ...the G .~t •• ~e ~

Another successful season

Fr111U tuw k . Sc'brcln~r, T. Sat1>riu,.D. S...nm1tr, T. Kodi.,·1. l!JuuorL Back raw: Cuacli U. &IJnuw, M. Von IJreylen, U. "1nc:rl1.. J. Albtt~ht , T. Bcrrdb:d, M. tad· ~Iii.

trud •notl~er .succ ~fol ~n in 1985, 111~ rittc mhrr ~oopcr.rtcd Likr n '\Cr bcfor noi C\ L'll I pmcfi~ had h) be aft cllt.!li High• ligh ind rtdtd ~ ont.I pl 1~ finish Jn th 6 li!am ~11di!!on T~ch lm·itn.rionnl iu•d 11 llaird pl.a~ nu. h'h in confortnct in ~bich Tim S.foriID ~':!.

Tht' Golf r

ruimC'd 1H·tu11fcn:ncc. Tiie ~cum o.l"lo fhri>ilied lhilll out of eigt11 ill the Lnk~llrul hwimticm:11. CD31ch Sell now '• '"Li11k9fe171" jlli their riln.1 win wh~n l:ihey ddtu ted ihe Sem and .,, ATC, h 111 " vreek l:11lt'r v.~re edittd, n'.\ Utll1tl 1 by lih himni t C3m 92.0 Ql l Sc-ni00'8 '1 rk liuskr-, Mike Mud!liUn, Da\'C' \brrt1., Tim Saiornn, ind K:i:i th Sdm.~iner wiU be Ill i~. but the team Jook'io ~ff1JUl1 nl"!i.I }'e.tll when tbey beg.in competln in d1C' fall •

.flm S3tor iu

Intramural champions I oo•boll. 'fodu ZW:tlbw, 1111111 Selan w , Ktidl ~hf"intr, ~n Heitw~. M11rk VoiN, W•ync UbJham, Tlm Caugcr, .\i:ik.c Sdiw;~h. l"t'l:'T' Ou' · M trlI, P.1111 llirld1. M · Sclnllt7, Pa11l K.o<."lpln. Toild Zieeluw, Dave RCJ(!khorf, Mike



Schrtlni:r, O.\·c Muott, TJm Gn.ugcr,

Rntd ~nrson~ R•ncf)· Ott, '\tikc Sclrwub llas.kcd:tall, Red .L>hi1S11.1n: P.:ml Lindloff . Uu n Ley-

rer, D.11'1ic Rot.be.\ Vu~. t.'01~11e

h•rr Htic

h. Ke1rl1 SJn·fJy. Mn~

Uhlhorn.. ~ctball. Blu('.k nn: ~11ul Scb~cwe, H.undy


Oil, lbo;e Rockhoff, rhiJ M•l<·t1u....·, Miuk. 'Bll~c. Bill St-bald. l<ulpb lt1J1e1tb~11. lb rt.all, Wblt«- l>i\'tunn Loil Kut"thC'r, Now Knill. Rick Snu~bs., Panl Li<U k.e, Fra~ Cmnrm<')'·

c:r, Ku St ~11·c1 \ rn(le)•btlll; D.s ~ Rnc.:khnff, Duant? Rodrwald, Potul Hirsch. Russ Stellje , C>a1Jc :\btrtt, Mike Schuhz. S«dtb1l1: M e IJndcrnann, I· ml hi~ Leon EihJe-rt, Kcilh \\'c-ssd, J lie llollll•, Tim Schubk~el. Brlld Wrjgt1 I, Ron Kohl.tr, J11 n ~ot:llc, Jun Mdkc:, Tim Kemnitz.. Vi.Pl Hnnty11111, Tutor Bln·St'.C"·


Perf arming ,a rts




M.:deo du11nh, fror .. Row : C O'"hlkt', b . kanlin , C. Korth, S. hrbe, N. Cordt"'i., J. Scbnl:r.. P. Te1i\"1llef E, Schulf7, T. Kock, IJ. \'olllC, D. Wler'«:llke, M. Wil~utr. D, Wittt. St!cond kow ; !R. SuH~r. I". Heanm1 D. Scbm:cli, I". Stra tmaa, M, .,._,eig.und, 'f. Jlcnrung. L Kempt. J. Gedca , h , lfoflWu rdl , P. t\11tlpi11 , U A.rm.It, 1 Q1111lnwnn 1 P. Sehme'Wt', IJ . .Hatimler. 1111.riiJ Ruw : J, S\:J.w11rk. l. St'hwaak.c, l . J·bnr.en , K. W:dtber, ll. Muell~r. M. f nrh~ 1. Hlldebranl, R. Krui:ger, R. Stell. Jes, S. M~ws, J. Huchhotl, M. Niiuh, A. G-.wcl. JJ. lfaugly, L llliucr1!. [· 01.Uth Row : B. 1::.ggtn, J. ~' Int~n.t~in, M. Sn,)i"dcr, J. Vid!&, R. Rnsc11bcr1t, W Sella.th, Ii... h•lrrJrf. ~,, Um1.asch, M. Schwub, ! . Baumo.nn. U. Rudr:"•ttJd, I'. Sn:ydr:r, U. HelwJ~. 1



T. flt111kt."r, L. Wc.::m , J.


Bach, Beethoven,

e,rahms, and Birsching

Hand. Front Row: J. Lindtm1nn. K. GruneWllld, J. Hul'hholr., M. Mueller, IR. kruqcr. A. Gawt"I. &cond Row: .J . Hlldcbnmr 1 T. Uluutrr, f Unna h, P, lk11JJin • C-0nl~. D. Witte, R. Kic-tnmmn. S. \fl ht-I, J, Braun, IC Ferry, F. Groncmeyu. Third Row : 8 . Mutlltr. J ~ilh, J, R11um11un, P Borswardt. K. Hitlorr, M, Wiladue-r 1 S. T~rni:r, s . :Urbt:, ~·. Hl:"ri11in1.. T. Flunker, W. Schuch. Fuurth !Row: C. ,l\\'ln')", 'K. Ga'li\<l'Dch. '. 'NNnaainn. J. Schub:,~. Schultz.

D, Schm 'k, W. Dir hing, B. Eggen.

Tourin Choru ' trip En 1 c'h "'Jlrn•is tumf'd at Cu b<' IK~t fon for II or u Thf '"Tou a~• Cllnir"' 1 btry l'lljelyt:d it O(il]M>r· 11111i1 • 10 iJ!,hh« in W ~ington. P.C, nnd N~"A' Y11rk Cir)' mr tv.u ulujor sru11' fko'iidts, I clan'l lhink :snv or Ull will f0f£et eithl'V Prof. Ri ch •nii in '1 i-. tlut-e--11ir 111ii• :siUintt in Clit' AUnnlil' benc:-n•5 s:irtd or tht' '\'m1Ju!'i skid-marks w~ lei't In the on th1 t Ma' · • d•u ..~ct 111u1rnlamsidc! Mo I uf U, dL00~1. in &011,g:s ransing t'rc>m 3 Rach C..inblt.'1 Co 4l •• 1.,., t!ll1 • •h 1: ntucy·• pi~" • ""'C' procl:Jimcd God' Wmd Hlll!jk.: lly, W!!'rt: h IJIP)' utlll' tn..-!o.S3gC' ri:-ndn::d a'lo'cr 1600 peu1~le '' lh J1fti- 11




d11 rU~ IJUf dt'\'CJI di.Ii}' toi.Lr. Kntl WallhE?ll'


T. C. heads east

fo11rln,J1, hvrn'-. Fron it 1:-cuw ; C, Oehl.kc, • iii tt tl 1 U. WJtrM:ltk~. L. Wrrr • J. HIJd brmu, M. WUJ utr, ~ , It t1 l1. P. Hc.l)o nrn • J, '"' nb•h[(•ln '('~lad Row : D, Rnr~lh, K. Wnird1tr, n . ~1RWJ1Nt. P, SoydH, I • ' h11rktr, t .. Sd1~111 ~. L, Scltwtrnl..eo, P. Str1 hn!lf'J. L}. Sclm«l. 11'1 lrd Ro\\ ; ,\I ' \!it'' mid J. SCh-iN rk' p Tl[''l.~lln'. "' Mi.'Wl', J. lltti:bhoJ1 . J. ~hub, s. z~-rbto. M, Murlh;r, D. \JU<'. 1 ourtl1 Rth\r N. ,.rd~. J Ktmpr. J, Gede • R. Krnr r, i'. Unn. Jt, J f$.11Ul\11tll f . H ·11ninJ, H.. I


Ra ·rlkf'\C. b . K:Jum l<'~.


A year of progr,e ss

TIU! Nurthw.:tkm Forum 'ndemy e1~u)'td UIM!' or lb ilm~r

txcitlnp: :tnd progresYW' yc:ars of theater fo 1984-HJMS , We wue :1bJe to aecumpUsh a aumbtt of rinb .and continue old ~ition forum provided the Nc~rrhwr trm community ~lrh ''F.nkrlaimm:nt Tonlpc," 1m r'路~ing of lhrt!t on 11cu: tbt Fonu11 Clr tma11 Conl!~rt = Ri!>erulL路 m~nt Th~tc,; Fvruru Radliu Thc.1ft!t~ Chlhlrtn's Tbcalcr, wul the bJockbu1:1ter musical J 776. Toni Schulo. forum PrticLd~nt

Thoughts on 1776 11ut:~

str.1trgic mt:ttlngs !llld It ~ (ironli:-.t.11.)') unonimou1- 1 i"!rJ • • .lry ools ia bt.•u we4:ks .. J hope l get Rul ledge ••• aol lint SdmJ1 too.•. Li1'~ru1~ ~hrit:e dit)' tryuut.l!i. . •I ~I wllill pan'! John ,\da~~- , •re:.td tfi JOLlgh Wt:'Tit oka) •• .I don •r- know th C'!il:'

( ~5hmrn . . .isurpri~ UJ &« Mike Schwab. •. I'm not 1 William r>arui:- . .we hlVf lO Wig today. . .fr.:"tc Snydu ILu DI 1:ood voi1.-c• . . l't11n .Mii.!lJ..c kt."tp!I bumping intai i;.-vtr)'OIM! • • • will we l!!tl!r' get 11et?. • :.1ituli:Wl W~lll OJI !I M~11lpugr: lvday . . .To,,1 Schultz'~ \'Di£!:' jg

more pJcrrcin~, .Andrew i!I out. Dob IK.roc;gcr is in, . net baid. •• Zcrbe's ordu~~n j!I impr~c ...litill no set .Spring hrr:ak.

. two



4 is harl1in'- • •J:im

Schub hm 4 KOldr.:n lhl'oat, wUih I did. .Clll'Wn rwsco . . .50JT)' . _ .one wei?k...lule~r 1U1iy1, ·•1t 'i1 not •err.nkicl!J of U1ti d • .. • . ,t kk11:1 5o1Lli1!S up. • ,50re 1hro1b ~veryw hefe. , .,KrE.'ll sc:r Jay c.1u~, .it purpm1c, a flQg rif Lii• uwn, .• nlil:le co . .tume~ Ll.P • • , .ict' lf..~fillt 111rone?, . .dr~ :rrhmrsal., .i5 :eD)'budy da? .. . ptrfcm11:in~ No. 1.. . fU'e1, lilni.• .MiC'll::o chicken ~ip .• .No. l

.. .a

•.• Mom·~ httt•.•No. J . , ,lhic ht!i• onll'.I on film • . •d1ndin.v; o •

• I

l\'u terlOWJJ lnn aI "I ~3 0. . .n ..nlu for the memories. . • . •. Todd Ntlson

Clt1pd orz:rnbts. ...ronc row: P. Stratlmm. M. WUdall~r. P. Te :un~r 1Jll£k rmo\i : J, Bac1'1hnb . U. Tackmi~r. J. I u 11\lrnn..


Batberahop quintet. S. Mc,,.,,-s, P. HenninJ, IJ. Jludint N.. Cordes. Mlnin1=S. Zerbe.

Jazz. E1tlolenthlt". Front row: 1::. Schultz, L Fh1okcir~ (), Rardin, .... Gron<'mcycr, Back row: M. WiJchn.1.cr, f . Henning. S. Mew11. ~. liC'ckcr. S. lube, D. Sch1tee:k., U. Uurp路ardt, J. Sciltz, P tli?nnins.-

Times to cel,e brate

A week of highs and lows

111t:i.:ond113 f Nu rl h"'1'!!11ern Will! 1 Vn.'t:k uf Mjfi 1MI ,Jm\'ll tld )'t'nr, For lh~ frt: hmt'11 1 who w.cn!' u1tdl'rw,1in~ nuin•~•m. 1m1d1 of 1111 wt"ck llll)' hnll' 1ed lov,. il!I they \H'Tl." tern f'lnrn rily ctd fo rfdum Bl the haindsi of th.e 510phonio~ class, On the:" oth~ hand. for Mik" Llndc111:uar1.C~11~ Sir111j.Juh11 Ueb~1 ow,11i11J HIUS~hald rht!~ "''" 11rohllhly " ruu menaary hi&fi mldWI)' t1Jrougl1 the w k H thf)' c cl1 took fim pl '~ f1 1r rh eir w~iJhf 11,mup ill thr ..um °"" rtlillin~ com (1l"IUkm. Th~ Lul"ni :!ihow cm l'riday ajght, with the band.si, skil!I, :i break d:tnC'C! routine", and cra~nine of homecoming K..ng ::md Q1Lt!:ell Jolin Vleth11 111nd Roh i11 t: unkk, 11 <X'rtilin.I}' .an upben t ~co L. turd y mom~ bm11ght thf jutlp;ln of rlw nn r wlrl1 tl•e: 8\\'1&nl l'oln rn 01t ju1dnr c]a~ l..iikr that morning in the 50CCCJ matt'h rhe fro jam; t ook an early l~d :ind keitr Ir clo • hut 1l1o1; fi.n.nl ~ur~ w us d ppoOw ti11gly b• \t1ria11 '11 rfn•rin. Thr: wtd. Wlh bruugh1 to W"l C?nd by the footbn.JJ ~m~. Tht gamr: 'lo\'11111 do~ l!i bu rh Ro~¥ iJle .nnd •hr- E°JOjRnll buuJl'd b9tk and fori h for the:" l~d. but as;aia our Tmj:JJnR met with defeost, H1


Jolin Vit lh~ ttomC"Comin11 KillJI 19tl4


Belly I Button I


rime wu:.11..t b)' 111J.. _ "'~fl, 1101 1:Jutdb. but 1: rash I nitfa.don 1984 WAIJ 1 .wctt U3ml11!4. lu mnrcl1 11nd ""bL1UQlli" prtelseJ)', io C.'l1tl"r loud· ly and to folluw otd~ e)l.tJCtJy hcipcd ""And

ll lood

mnlJ lhe icla



or ~8 inro :l aiagl~ unit.

ffme• U

med thew k

wuufd aevCT end, die Sa Cll niu)' Homl:'c.uming game fin:tll)' WT5'·i::d. and with tt ft1e r1c I thut the ftrilunru1 'Wth! aow mmr ru r1 of the! l'itlld~ru liC'lld)'.

D.1m \'IJJUi!




Unusual Moments On Campus

M~· thouR,h r11 ~ •nU:~rni.ng U. M. 0 .

r. ~


tniud. Wh c11 I firbr heanl LhJI l I ~·:u; snppo. J llJ he U1e M>phonwrl.) U. M1 0 . l. c.al\dldtm~. l Wll! uuC whom yuu would 1:uH O\'erjuycd. th~ week W4!nl un v 11r C".llm• p.1ip y,('Jd w~I I. I ItllTlC'd ~ook Ing fol!W td •o wakin,g up C'ntfl mornin1 and becom ing 111 different d 1M:a.c-t r. Ru nning for U. M 0 . C fin11ll~ gnn• mr chc right tn bt ~• !'llnr1 icmcdi jerk, But wh11 f'eillh tnadr i l so rnjay1hlew:i ti.JI the clllS."'I spirit cr..';fetlded ft)wun1 the campai JI .and mi~~ :skit tr lt hadn't bcc:n ro.. •uy cl.:awnafc-.s' t'nthuwwn .and •Pt>1•'1 .iD tbe c~npaign, ".Bryan_Schwur· .1r n gg1.-r•· would llt:'1ot!r hll"" wbl'I. 1 rcall )' tbJu 1Wlflt f.1r rny dn:iSltl'tlte wt"!~ ttHlrt: t Ill clcicJ UUU1 J wu rwhtn .,..... found our ~•utdJi)' 11 lght th111t I bid ti\'On. I 111«!1.1"hac n111dr ~inning U. M. 0 , C rhl"" bc:111I • tht fee Un th.iiC thic who l€! cl~ worke-d rugdlu:w. giving If their 1111 t o w in,

Sch..-.·ar1 U M.0. l 19gs


Men of respons,ibili1ty

Dorm Council; T Sc:hu bkqrl. ~t Grmils, K. Sii.·irJ!t)·. J. Sttinb:r~m1~r, 0 . RodewuJd, W. tG1i1 mimer, M. Jm$tt!. l . " lliOn IPrf:We111j. J. Qualmana. J. Cox , J. Si?:rud ·•G. Sim , K. W I.

'Rl!mlilitnm11 rornmitttt;

Sdunidl. Dan Undetn

s. Mev.is., C. 1Badc:h2tu:s.. Pr-of. Br.n1mler, ftof.


Mnc:m1.1 i!ilaU.



llV"'' :

J. Vieths.. J. : ilz,. B.

MucUcr . .Back Tow : D. Pmh1. B. Tadmli!r.D. Sd1 Ab~nit. T. Flunk~r. T. ~!idle-. D. lffc.

..at. f ronm '"°"'; M. Rauh • .B. Keller, S. Zerbe. K, W~. J _Yiedl.5, B. MudJe.r. Back"°"' ; Kruc.yr. T. uakcr. T , Blnul!'rt. I& Tuck.m~r. G. Sim!il, P. Koelptn. M. &huH1 1 ( , Duford. D. Amdl, T. Nthun. D. iA')'ln', P. T~. C. Baeknaus.. f . lidmke, S. 1'\11~. J. LiUo. T. Schu lt2, T. Bemlh~l. Blade. nd Red

rommiJt~ : Tufur Kolander, W. UhJhom, K . Stcllicl, J. llt<rin,g,. B_ Sclfcn, Dean 'l!Pde1nto.n~


Arhl~cic b~Md : ThOMJl~n.

Sports Rekh.


S.. Kahl')., T.

eb.c.H1, 8. ggen, P.

M. SC'hulu, J, Strinbrmm:r. R. Sldljn. B. Kocfpm. J . Spmdc. K. \\'t5.!i!!I. Coub

Wertfi ' J. DJ 11tll. p.



Kitcllk ; R. Tuhlc, I'll. Zahn, U.

.lr'n::p k..A."s: '4. Uu"1:e, H. Sebald, .P. UmU111Ch. tit Ktuc Rl'id1 .





Krug. ~· 'it

. Conies, G.

vhr.w. R. El , • Schultr., J. c; crtner. T. ndrtt

Studt:"r.it Janltol'!I:

A. Bauer, l'oddi Zi~mfow, M. Qiiundc .

workrn: L. Wtm, M. I •nJcrq n, K. Wc!t I, IC Mc Inn ) -

CoU gt R. A.'A: J . D:1n~n, R.


R. Ro nl>crg.

Pdnlm.: C. 81t"Cld1attli. r.. Sims.. T . .b.cm thal

Auditorium wol'k~r111:

r. Hr-nniJl&., I>. Hclwliz.





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