NWC Yearbook 1985-1986

Page 1

1986 MNEMA

A f tcr lony-eij.ht yt.ani in the mini~ry I fort} ·two or which WCI' JJ>C'llt In faithful ~~ 1u Northwcittem, Prof. Erwin Schroeder retired 11 rbe end of the 1985-"86 ~hilOI ymr. Hi1 conlributionll to rn'C h.svc bren nom fQUll. llb1;U• iau 11 n:oJgBJ1izcd the libtwy ind began rhi: book ore. Tiat e11do"'m1:1d fund &om that hook atorc aow lui 165,000 dolbn in it-a I~ that wPJ htlp u· drnt11 far year(! tu n1mC'~ What dudent of Prr..f, Schruedrr dorsn'I rcme111bet llllt spct'ial relf)>e<c~ he commanded a11 he blu&ht lhrmi their "'ho, bi, bu' •· or the othtrlntrac;teie!I uf Latin syntax~ We tNink Pror. Schroeder for hill faitllfuf K'JYKc and

bid hi111 the Lord's rich£11f



h11 rC"tirt-mcnt. We dedicate rhL"' _yeair"a lliH @ivcn ,

Mnt"ma to Pror, Stftro.tdt1' for the ~n;ke hie





£11gllsfi , IRcemitmc..-..n

Professors J~hn




Ccrhanl f raazm1111 n Rl!\I ~n. His:tOm}'. l.ailin

Danie'! Dc11 ~blru:id.«

Paul EidntWUl


Hl?'b tt\11

lk11J1 GunJin.11: Phy • I I tluc: ~io!'I, Arhlciti

J \' Id






l{nnh I




-----.- ---

Jrromt:! n 1 ~adw:mafo.~. Athletl~ll


f'.d'lo\'DJ"dl Lindr:'ITiilltH Rdigion


J~ndd 11Htz.uv. cil

Rdigioa . Grttk

Jl?in\, Lu Schrrocdcr

Dollafd Self no....

L::! cin • Ulrr.ufan.

Relltion. ff.al-on·. PsydJolO!)·

(yriJ! Spaudc



Ric.hlttd. Strobel G~mum.. Soclcllo-Mo,.v

Wayne l r:.ll IJrurt.k Lllin, GrccJc:

Car.leton l'oppe


Wayne l•d:.:~t bnglJsh


Dorm Staff l'i:.:m



J utan: Nomian Bur£«, Danie] lblge, -










Campus Workers J

Bu:rci 11~


Mr. Paiakow

Kitcll~a staff; l . iBrrgmllln, I.. Xulkl", Manke, 6. Fi:iil!:!:r, S. Budcwltz.,

11rse: M6s. Zell

Oomi Ste:


Mn. Strobd

Ml . l'ankOYlo'




Athll!lic 5'-c : ~


. S'n!ith , R. Schick,,\.

}biJ:Hcnwtce St m M. \/npcr, U. .Hurdlick , II. Gu 1Lclu,f, R, halt7, A. l{aclh~r. T, Gu t1:dorf'. Sifl ill,i: r.. Bouer. Ubnriam1 1tanding. Mr. . B~IK'I. Mr ti11dC"mann, SC'.otrd ; SchroC"dC'J".


lli.ntchintc. Mn.



~r-yboard b• lmt!rof'!'I,

Bclnikr:. Mr . 7J1b1:ll

Adn11nl!tnttloo Mrs. Jtmrwuld

·~ .

Oulineu Ofri.cl! ~c: Mn. SctlDwl

Ald11 and R~ l.'luil1ner.t Sec: Mn. C1bb. f 1Dlll'lt1dl

r.tandlng: Mrl!l. Kionka: ~uln1: Mn.




Sirl Yes, Sirl rm m tl'l'° ~nrd ··hont('t:01nh1 •• rn ~ l:'\'~l'Y '""""" rrc:shm:in Jl lilll(' unca.~ when hr l1ean. ii :ilon1 with 1 11~ wunJ "miti:u lu 11.r• Alrhou,!lh inJtl•I ioa Wi "t alJ fou und m~s. H f\'r"S ro d~w lb!:' dll.n foSI!• h~r md ,yj'it'll ~\try LI nt• IL ~ or btlc.mgi11g. Ahtr •••!'i O'iifr Y·IHI l n Dry . "Hey. T r 11.r earned h ,.. I 'cry mueh er1l••)·t.d b~ing 11 ~-v11111 thi )' nr h '1m~· I en t CD IC111J ""' .I gr.cat RMU 1• of ~UV~ But A 3 -.erg ·rn• l 111.so found nu~ If1.1~ it"a not J11lll l l1e f rudt wfio ~ti:­ bdng 11111:r1 wlly w1LI ph)· knlly •~td. OclJ~''t.'! il or noa. I d•dn'r it'• up at 5 00 u.rn, to 1.bo.k~ du"" 11 111 rntk Whit~ Owl11 1111d h ar CH!';Cord nl "'Gnod ftfornfo Lndic ,'' W111Jy Gutlmcr




Homecoming High.l1 ights

lfornt"comlng 111ij5 " 'U " uniqut' '"- JH~rirnc('. Altllllugh rl1t· mrudiliom l ook sorne rn1ici:sm, the) il.11"\'i''OO rl • ll . In fact . lhr :r;piri t dis.pl3)'rd \J, t'Ck w:i~ at .a h IpJtl."r pt'.uk dun l ha\ .... :!l(:IC'fl in t he th~ prc--

durl"' o.~ ...iOLjS

cnlcflllhLcJ •he!' rt11 tir'C' canq,u~ nli • r h o 1b~r l"I 1.i f'l'olci.l mariy l\utLr lu iilrlinl!. nqd n1111 wre-4 11111! , WhC'n fll'ld ) ni~ I rrukd. )'rn1rJ

yc.:.r' I



Ju~rn. Tiu~ h1~1

f rn ii'l wirh old nd nc 'lt.

Co tT0;1 t rrid)' and f\l:i ry Hit:steirfl."ld donm::d Che- roy.J Bl'rb. S~uurd.ay suw our ~~l:'t!r 5tlll.Jd collccl a 5-'2 wia U1 dnm~t ic fo:"1 iua . while the fot1tbaU lt41R .wffl.!n:d u hilltr .23· 12 loili:, Co U.\S .LC_ Th~ ~nHrc- '1,1,icd,.cnd w~ rinh. nr('d b ~· Cht' clri r•Uow!J ip w ild1 nJI ~njo)•cd. Mike Qu.uidr Hom t.>Cn1n i11 • k 111, I9flS


I Senior Royalry


Music Makers

Frual ruw: U. SuJurl"8. l'. Goct ~h . M. Sd1evi.·e, C. Oeh lk~ . M. WUoouell', • lmlr1, . Gawel, T. b~uert. Serond row : r~. Prit. ·, T. Sutton, rtt ~ dgand 1 T Htnning1 P. Te ~mer, A, St'bn1d, D. Uorgwardt1 J. Scbullz, J, M1lthi . Tttinl ro't't J. Schwar~. J. Winl~tcJn, l . V~th , P. Snydtr, T. !\tu.It' Clloru


OUien, 1. Wcihing, S, Oll!h lhrafen, M. 1utlkr, 1. Vl'rt:L, . !Fdlrni, [)_ Witte. fourth row : T. H3nl1le11, D. Baum ler, U. EGUR. S. Booe, K. RiUQtf, J . Uu~hhob:, C . Ricdi~r. R.. Wm~nT11n, T. Flunker, L ~·ure , D. , "try. A. Glnc kc.

Clwp 1 01113n 111.• P. Tc M. Wildaucr.

~~tr .

D. ~rah l t P. St t1mm. J . Bodrbuh.,

B:nwt Fronl row: N. um1nn. R. SC'lwf, r. Krmpf~ S. Mantl1ey, • G:1 ....·1d. Stton.d hl\lii '. K. Gnmewald, R. Kkl1:nmnn, J. liucl1holz. M. Wqner. tt. W ~ plJDI. M. Ma.dh~r, J . ~hv, k , S. L.ll1g , 8 . Ili:rkman.n, K. f rny , F. Gronem~y· er, A. Gm e., J . Hild ·brlndl. 1 . Bfauert. Third row : S. MJ:ut:l, J. Seiltz. T. 0 • T. Gonllne~ M. Wilcburr. K. liitlClrf, J . Lang~. K. Sdu1t"tl;ke, T lh:nniri , S. el\Sml"I". •. Rlfdigr.'r', 1 . lunkcr, M. Schewe. P. Goel h. fullltb row S. Ne1ummn. W. Schm:md l. E. Sdmltt, C. very.

Behind the Lines

.B&R ta.ff: J_ Hoh, _ Arndt J. Vt'c1R<1 P. lflennsn. G. R~· m, .B.. dlc-r, P. Uddc,e ( ·car), .1. Wintustein, I . Ewi.n,p, T. •~. B. ontcll,, D. !Birsehinj. t . .fl unlcr. D. Witte- Mm. • : J. Alhtttlu, • 6ernthal, J. Buehholz., K. w~t . D. ¥t~e. J • .,.•. d.Juer. The Black and Red completed it:t i9ab y~ 1n J 985-86 by llfll1U ' l • V.'hik C"t-c:ryOM on the saaft did bis the over-ill suoccss of IM publbtiom. I.he hard work of n1 people oa. lhe p:rod1.1c1Jon mff flelped make the year go b •i

vtty Ii• de

p~ bJc:ms..


t:n to B.rud Wmdell l"' ho

tec~ioo IJC"W

mLwd a

Jay-out W!eke-nd), Tim tlunter ( spec more 1baa lhb mare (If lime :in lM duli:· room). arid Tom Bcrnlhal ( ho o > . fted u the mamp editor. but also doubled .a lhe rin ccr). A b~g tlnnb ._,

..em. Stnf; D.


fll.lllktt. D.

Kempf. J. ffilddnndl, A . Gla•e.



J. Vieths (!&tor), J'.

of awn uid 3'.11 lhc staff, who "'Y job an easy OM •


• • • faal Udlh, 1£.cfitor

A Whiirlwind Tour

Toull'lli'J Clion.i B.oack row : T. SulhHl, 3. Sc:ltulL, f . Munkl-r. J. Du('bholl, • H~1:u1jng. l . Schwart. D. Baumlr r. 2nd ro,. , M W, e~lllld. P. Snyder, S. Dod~. It Schultz, M. Mtu.:lbr, M. Sch~wc. Jrd :row~ A. Glac c-, J . Mnth • K. BJUorf, 'P, rt- smCT~ A. GWN J. U. en, D. Wltt.e. from row: c. Otlllke. T. Hl1lMCD. D. 80fi\\'ardt, L. 'Wen , T. 01 n. fl. tl(let h, PtJ. WUd~t 1er, J . ~'infnwtein.

Frid.ly. tbl'! ~ IUh o-f April, lh~ Tourfng Cbo:nt mild 1~ rhfl"t! ;pnd 1 h•H ~>' whirlwind wtsi• •o 1hr:ltamctlnd of Mmin Wildauer. Jlm ~'inter ·1ein. 1100 lh!:' Detroit Ti~t<n witli !tops in Calciionia., Wl~n. 11 11.1•d Toledo, Ohia. The rigorow: 11eli;tdulle af concerC:il . r op lb,.. Prore !'I. Uknc:.hlne nd D1nwtc!r kept the cl'toruw hllidlniJ. The Wmd or God "" pmfbim ed in ii~ churd1 in lcthan foar doy11. wi1h four imr the concerti! hmdlni on Sun· da.y. M~ or tru r fret: tirnie- was .5])Clll h'a"¥ding hem city to city. On ~he bu we (11;C1Jpied uundve.s with a m.arl!dlon aet!p. l'liea.d pit1e, rt'jtdl1 mt! rin .ond , o{ ctHLTSC", U Ing 0111 011


pm .

C'hri, Oehlki:-, llC prC'.Sideai

An Enjoyable Div ersio 1

lta"-ctb:1U h!:uu d~rt"alcd lanu tlw.. 71-t.6. k}' in • lo fi~11.re O•H 1liir pu:rpo nf 111,:f y1:3r'11 Wlah~r t.•r· ni¥aL Wtl.§. it lo pro'loJde the" nc~ry break fmn1 llnlics - since we land or1h• bt-cJ• b.IL.:k in ..b(J()I for mh ~ WC'Cb.'.! Or "''~ i t lhcre !!lll th l 11'1.: prof . could conwnicntly ~fl~fo l~ !ill mlLdr f ljl dwlu1 ~he" followln:M w~k" fh~ Jupfor ctn ~ UMOC, I fuMI n '40mirwl13l

I'm itill

dirfncnt 1~11~ti\·e of die whotc pla ett.i1rio. F got the im r n:suu pl'Oplc wauld lluugh •• :i11) th.111g the MOC candidat es did mpl)' )t: LI ii WU W~o l iCu.mh·nl w k - .and Ult.4! i M l ppw;c ta lau fl 1h1r jn Wint~r (' mi'l-111'"' k WhutC'\· ~r f]\tt lrtllllion, tbt l/.'t'n<"ml CO•l~fl~~ wns that Cht' 19.11:6 Wint i?f Cuni:inJ was .11n erijQ.)r· uhl dh·~f.otl. fl't:R' \ \'S!l e~eel lent clll\ p.'1rtklpa tion. worthy ow !iiCulpl11rc I for ltt:itJ 11111 lumen LI.MOC campaJgnfoll - 1J1U or w hid1 bin 1111.llf u little ...-ur11iMJ1I •o 1110 of u11 li!r<1n in fhl u lllU• ly cloudy utopia, Keilh ~·eSS(.'I UMOC 19 ti 0


lk-low. U.M.O.l' cit mp Rnulfnr I

Fnn mrlU fmm I llll'1

tby ed h1.1mour

rrnrn Korn Kiag

.r\11ot"cr fokt I dun 'I gel

., ,

Memorable Performances

' I




lhc Forum

So~icty bcpn

the )'1!'2r by

pt'(!tlentl1J.i fwt> Uo&o cl play11 ta1dcr the tJ~c "'Aii E\lt nln or Comedy." 11IOJ1 Che u., ·, "'Pruf?cnnl •· Wll• dirt't'led by Dive Kniuel, with Torn Mielke Jn chtUJe or ··wn~n Sfiake~'s GcndeJJK"n Get Togcdtcr." In Oe-t~nkil'. Fnru1111 \-Okt11 gut lo~lber fo.r lhe annutJ Ov.l!tnu caMtrt : ..Nu"-' Sir We,,. fe1turi111 the muli~ of Bach, HJtDdeol, Lmher, and othm r.11 I Stnitman dirtctC'd the C'hoir and the ~rtn11 en!temble. Th" }'onnn Soclety c:uJm lll!lt~d the l' ear li\'lrh lhc prudut'lWIJ ol '"Ihe MlW.( Man."' Scort Zerbe d~ct~ 1 f1odm rl production in wftkh many KOil• Wtre r~hed 11nd rreord.s broku1. A rND.rd east and Cf-t?W nf over 100 pie.vpli: putidpated. 60 of whom 'wcrt on t11bgc at one rinu.~.. A tllf~ night Iii· ~end ucc 1u11d of 1190 "''" I ~ " Fon1rn higb. \Jo11f nf 111, rn1111y fo11d ml'lr'lori "''m remain in the hC3flR or the entire ca11t and Qtew of how Clrey came to km>w and grow ia Chri!o.tfan loli't" (or 11 Rt! 111111 rh~r, I u 11U "'ho \\i('f(' j)U1t Of if , l hold U. !ip~d:iJ pl:u:~ roT }'U11 In''')' ht!ar1 . lhnnk for th ml.'mori- ! • • ttill SL·hu hi . preJ1ckn1


Student Workers

AutJjforiuhl Wurke~ ~ T. Dloueri. J. Schwwit: Prlutct1: T. lkrathsl. Udo\\i , trai11ers: t.'. . F'ish~t. i 1 • Mu~: Kilchieii· M. MudlCY, lJ. 1-tu:.tc. J . Wrii;!it. • . lutil' I!'.. , ndru:'I, W. ~by lu:·w, J . C,;a~rtnn. lt. l'utdt'. bu~e.




Gy ru Chtckc.hl: J . Std11brerui~, P. .SiC"\'~l. kL Kl IJ!l, G. Ro~11baum.

fannies: R. Qu~ndt, S . Lucbh:'rb:md M Qu 1"11 1

Altoft, Colltgc- RA ".s.: K. W~. B. Sebald. J. ~11ell: Prep RA• . B. E.,.,·i:Ji , M. W d. 11er. \I. beg. D. IR~lc-h. Bt'lov., L"brari:tn:!i. D. ~\dttn.(hl..,e-, C. ~hl.k~ . J, 5eilu. tE. Zi:-ckcr alrrody nc:atxdl: c.t.ntttn \'iorlten: T. Ziedo'"• M. Undnnmn, i. Schwan ( Juing•. I'. ~Noytr, J . IKQ('lpin.

Dr. Otl A"'-ard wlnMb: M. Wrig3JMI, M. \it riiu.r?r, C. Kadduu. ~ l . Hl:111tt1, J . Kuc:: ho1:L

~ets.. Aboirtt : P. Vo • J . Geo-lb.. T. ~tidkt':. f_ Ungmuu:b. .Bclow; P. Gorbith, T. Flu 'flf, I. &h~, M. W:ildautr.

a.nds. Above; D. BorgwanU:. S. Bode , M. Borplfdt, W. Sdmwldl, K_ Wr21rl (MiWng 0. Llndem nn M~ M. Vo ). Bel(ftt. '. S. Zerbe. J. Wene. A. Sc-bald. L. 'W~lil'C-


~blir. lbck. Kow ; S . l.ttb~. D. Schm:~k.. J. Seil fz. S«-0.nd Ro"'·: F'. Gron"miry,roir, J . .lkcr. D. lB'ofgi.t.f3rdt , K , BHtorl, T. B~u·


. H nninJ, • St;bu.l:IL. frnn'm Row; W. Schm:uulf , \i!tcihin&. S. ~hnz, M. Sche .... 'e, P. Goel ·h, T . Ols.:n. S. Bodir. "n :. • Runk.er.

en. K . W ~I.



s. !Kahn, D. ltdch, f - Lidtke. D. Harbad1 . IB. E"路ing5. K. Kt.1epUn,

R~rujtmtnc: J,

ouOl:!efi: D. Prin.

Vieths.. Pruf. S..un'l ler. C.

bldia1.1-s, Dclln Lim'lemtmn.

!Bow~ s1:1ruling, T. Kftl!lnin,, \t. QtQ th. K Xlu,g, J . St~mbttnnc:r. IC \ c~~- ii lilt 1. lbnd:J , J . stwmc. JJ. Albtti:ht . Dorm Co1U\(ii11= Smamling. K . Siftl't)' (~).

hove, Amhlciic

s. Luchme.&md. J. Ste>inbllt!'.ontt, P.


, JI. Sp;,:111dt. T. JiC.o<"k, L . 路we.rre, D. Vo" :t. Slui:nJ= T. lktlO!i'路,. JI. OmclJJ. J. Gau1n!'I', D. Solofra. .Bod,e,


ILcfr, C311' CorruntU~: X.. Sldlic:k. T. Kcmn1tz, W. UU1om. Tumor Buq-cr.




Arbor Day


11nd Ht-low; Worker,J; be


with cnthu

ll!'.!ln •••

Si •me took 11dvitro•ag~ of I .-eedrun, ~biJ~ <Utficn WC:CU1t1 b~ lo fresh a[r.

The end of -111 pJOdlldil d'&y.


Af!Canoon etl ·ftilti ~nduiJed r~11dina the Sophomore nee md J 1micir•f'. r;ully BO(lba.JJ.




Tutor BufE~ll'路 homr fnmkhlng and 11o(lrit1 f i.hfon





'fht ~11 ·11 ~ho pl y •d on tht I 9HS f 001 b. II tcnm .:"Jh."Ml"ni.."cd 1 c~ ill dyMsli

when Co ell Un)d T'.ho1np 11 rtlm, ind (o.u:fJ Ucnnll Gar Ihle rn•ik ovtr tl1e helm 11t North"'c tt·m, lkspiu: lhi ch3ogc: ud • :\Ill Ila "" 111btr of nior k Li n rh 11 r nl t rn fl d , •h~ rojlUll p tcd 4·2 confl!:r· ("n c rt.: ord. which earned them m ~ond place Li In lilt UMCC. TI1e Trojan men wanld Jikt 10 1h atk 11 Ktoor for tl1.tlr

A New Dynasty .

four ft rf! of Lkdl mfo11 11MI lt.ndenhlp. NWC 11.n lookit fofVllml tu

f ttl ruh Gorslicc !or

111 Al(

tur , and wt




hJJ tfforU Ill tly ly.


o1JKenoc Cllt!' buildln,y,




Ju ht1


Tr l.CllfH"in

"""'C: ll


Concordia, Wi.





r:o11cordla, Mn.

Mc. cnulo


24 ·20

7 11

6 ll

n11hwc:11cra. tn.. l>MJ..C



19 16


Hire. you Ulk.c II .


Tup row. I. tor.! S . .Sode, D. Ewh • . Klug, M. Rlldd.lb, J . le rtbrenntl. I'. Sitvm, T. Hen1wg. ilth row: K. W~ I, T. tmnit1, 8, Se~11J, J . Boedt-r, V Hfin!teu, T. Zimda , D. Kcllt r. Fourih ruw: M. WriganJ. J. Gnlluway. M. Z11~Jier,

R. Lrin, 1. Jc n, Y. Ku ~ t'. M. IJ.orgw.ordl, J . Vle'rh . nurd row: T. De. tJ!'<!r, J. C~cy. B. ~hwonkt.e, As.i~t. Cu:tr:h Lindemano, A 't. (01d.1 Kru , Cnwch C.vrlllilc, B. Scllw 1t11, J, J'en11A 1:>Jd. A. Sl!b.a.ld, uml row: Mg. forf •Uerlllct, R F.l!K':, M. Ciartn r, Trn , P. Moic. J. Frlc:kt. T. ZitUow. J. WJntt e!J1. p . Jo~I Gat.rlm!r. Frvnt ruw : S. Doro, . S111mde. M, Mdw. D. Rcjclm"", • GI e, I'. Burow, J . Spaude. 1

" 111, !\tom!

]'v.;o IU}'ll lf'PIY late biu whil~ the Dou hho)' wnrch .

Oop11! llow did thil get in hen. ZubcrbiCT ,.-.,h:he a I' as.

Burger's Battalion5 Under :iie«>ml ) eai-




Ba'J'!I', lhC' ~lam oompilnl • ~n:I of 6-1·1. Hnini ·~ slarttt11 lo graduation, t.bt oulJook •2S bl ~ lbu• "'i1h a ~ j[l'OUf of


frfthmm and wme dc-c~ined Nruming pb}'t:n 11.h• sason ..,..~ pqd.eo .apei;r 'bl.e. 'e-,1 )'etr loo~ brigbl


]0111 10


only oat

ms 111t

for Co.arh Bwgu,


~er is

che la$t



p ed hrO } record ofll-J6·3. A s;pcd:ll tmnks to Coach Bllrgcr for all lh• fn chw.iasm and knowJcdi~ ghi::u lo 'ortbv.-cstcm Sot-cu c also ttwik fir~L yar coaeb l.amet: Korthab. Thi$ l'lti btta a 'e11· memorabre }'car and ~-e ope foJ"I M.IJ?" n llh.C lo"e&r, .Mike Ll:ndrman11

198S IW


r,: E. Sdu:scr. f. Sdilq. P. Voss, J. Kuittpi:n. K. Bittorl. B. \\onl .I Snyder . .Middle tow: Coach Burger, J_ MiHebtadc, J. Rodde. D. Borgwud • P. Xltr.. Weill in • R. 'Kochl~J". A. Gaw!.!. Coach ortllah. Bo11om row! • Bocf , D. ~11u. row. I.





0 l


0 .... 4 1 I



l 1: 3 4

Concordh. Wt


U'Mt1 -'nnit~wa•~r


Trinity Chmti.a11

MlrttUt'tu MSOE Waukcma Tedt.


.s .,



l 2




braoatbai Wauketha Te~hLak~




\\'i. II.&lthcran ~m.

0 2 0



J 6

Concord' • Wi. UW-Oshkosll

Limlf'mann. D. Vo igt, T. Zabn. J. Pritsk:om, M. Grams, D. Solofrt1 1 R. Was.wrmann.

um:um. D. SchmticW

rm in the cle:u.

Ju•• I ke Co:teh Hu rger ho'!ittdl him. Mk II.kt

Q I,

Fake 'ern out!

Conference Champs

hom I. lo r.: D. lbumler, . T.rcptow, T. Koc • M. Se'll no¥r, 'r. llansirn, ,B. • "t:mtad •• I. \.'on'l!Jcylen. ll'. &:mibal, •OC'p .•


The Trojan golf ~n , r~ing W1 11:1.4-1 record ~nd v.inni.ng the co r~ ritl.e b) a cuuple \lrok~. u l'L"r V icerbo. pcrhaps tud [[s be t wJl r'l!L~ ab' u•u 11\e Troj;m" weR- It'd by Mark Sclloow. v.flo fo•ished ~nd iP ~onf~ wo11ld hi i,r~ Hnishcd Inst hod ii nom beett fot hi"I a\ CT"-40 po:I mi.Ill pafonn:llltt [n tht ~ ruuud. O thN aU-t-onfeRncc goHer. wtte M I(: Von Dcyllc'n. dtC' loM JC!fticw, :uul &in ··d on't prom>um·c Lbe K .. Kjen3bd. Brin lt;nn; hr "oo.Jd b:a -e round when he" dro\lc a b:i11 450 ymds on the first llok: e un"a mention downhill road :it the leh or Ute fllirway whkh helped otn liuJ(' Other pb,-cn 11D hdpcd .out m n:mettdcn1 y drui.:n,g lhe smwn wl?:l'e wpl1(1morts Tony ··1 C1Kd ro ~t 11 a 3-wood H111~1 11 nd .D:m ••Lc-t me tcJl you wh)• I didn"t do bc-ltn on CX'll ho1t• B3u mk.r, .a nd f~hrnen Kurt Kocplin a nd E:trle Treplo"'·· Wilh the loss of hono~ captain '\1att v.,n Peyle"a, Tom Be:rn• h~I will ILll"'(L lo f.:lkc O\l'I' tbt h~ oe. I ~ since he will ~ the lune sc-nior. (lt •. a tnusfl job. Tom! ) HopcfuUy om ··.mt)· :: yard rcn n c311'.c"' Koeck \!Ital rmpn,\'4: his pmc a notcrl so 1ha1 tfle-Troj;s au. ch rough nc.>.t )'C'AI' nndefuted~1~¢<.'Pl rar;Unst the ~m . of couq;e.

Wrestling Returns Ua&r the &ettd~r!di Ip af Coach Guhlme, " 'rutllua appc.u.red on 1lte campu~ for lbt< n t rim~ w•a: J9 J. Fh-c gr11pp~ni UJ.dcr• took this dc11u11M.Jina .ar1 od I mtd m~d• hom ii. AJCh >11g11 wee dld not cornt uf· irn, pride ln tht black 1111d ml cuuld be M>tll


m:atch. The team hClllt'll (n conlinui:pmgam ne l :yt-0r with Jeff Mitklstadl



R'tumint1. a a c-onfrrrneC' t'bampir 111.

Hill Schuld


Jla:k. ro" , I. to r .: J. Mit1d1.tadt, Coach Gorsline. B.111 Sebald , J . f\t, M. Nuunumn, U. \'f dgbt. BIJI whJapd'g



Ff41m r.Jw ~

nutl1inSJ for pnu:tlc~.


iL !

Trojan Hoopsters looted prombing for 1he :fiS· 'o Trojan b:115kct b:11H pro"-'ith d1Ift n:tumin~ nutet) :and a ho:n of ralc-ntcd fi'bbnum, •he rojlm were f-00king foliwmd lo :inc ccptfonal tr.at0.n. and ii f;Ouldn' t lune WU'ced ou1 bt~tN ' t he- Trojans c:apruRd th<" Concord 13 Cb~ e chrunpi'Onship. The t.a blt!'.i sq.on 1umcd. howt1ttt. and rhi: Trojans "'it'nl 0 7 I.he J:'(!-.t of m'hi:= 5emfitn". the- ~· ,-car C'mcrgcd. so did the rvj:tns, winning thrtt of ah ir fi E fow pmtS. Bue 1hin cooled down and a f.lWlnned 'froju1 tc..am lo!>.I four af ii In l five by a combined toaal o1 rrinc- poinl5. fin i$1tl.nJC mh~ ·!.Wn :at 8- 141 °"£rall. S 9 @nfrttnec pb)" . MVP and .JJJ-confcnnce forwrmJ John Stcinbttontt. ml 11-c:onfc~ncc honorable h'lenliu~ Virgil .thrut>n irnd 11ill Sic'\crt, and ano1her y~ of c.-x;pc:rkncc form II Pl.IQ: lllU(;IC'U.5 for the Trojan l)UQp!otirrs of "86 - '87. Thill

Jif11 D.anfU Capta[n

s m



Back ro , I. lo r. ; B. Kjr-nSlad . M. Hit}'~. J . •1r;r.. J . KMl'pin, J. DaneU. MiddJC' raw. M. Scllnu"", J . Sttinb.rrnncr. COKb Elxrt!, Coacb Kmf..e, K.. Klug. P. SM!\·cn. Front ro\11 . Mgt:". J. Gurtner, E. ~r. T . lk"'4oycr. \ ' fl..mon, J .

J etLj:'YI Id .





8.l 86 6] 61


65 70 64

72 63


\\'i. Lulha211 Snn.


Concordi:a f oit Conwnlia nn

S6 78 84 89 79 70 77 67



l;mna1Wi Colt(l)cd~


C.orll loa! Suitt~ ll>~t 11..C

BethJlny ~brim






S-7 (>.1

8:'! 76

Trinlr• Chd"tian Moody Conootd' \\'I.

69 ?I




S1 76 6l



69 70


Li.kfi"Jnd Maran.3tha t:ardirW Slri1ch Lak~bnd



61 SS

\1SO£ Marian 1irirllt y Cihrislilo





Although the 1986 track team was small in terms of numbers, it was not lacking in accomplishments. This year Trojan track men set school records in the 60m, lOOm, 200m, 400m, 400m hurdles, shot put, and sprint medley. But more important than the statistics was the fact that we all had fun. Some of the experiences and memories will last a lifetime, like the road-trips in the magic van; the end of butter burgers; showing up at Carthage uninvited, and participating too; coach Shosh in ..the relay"; the St. Norbert's girls, and our "co-ed brat-out" at Lawrence; Bill's manifestation; Raddatz's enthusiasm for practice and willingness to improve; and the inspiration exuded by Dan Haag. We may not have been a "national championship" caliber team, but we will always cling to the distinction of being the last team to be managed by the legendary Joel Gaertner. - - - Brian Keller


Track team, back row: M. Panning, B. Keller, B. Sebald, S. Raddatz, A. Sebald, J. Kempf, Mgr. J. Gaertner. Middle row: A. Glaeske, D. Haag, Coach D. Gorsline, P. Snyder, J. Winterstein. Kneeling: S. Dom, M. Naumann.


.Jth or 4 lnrJ of .~ 7rh of 7 1nd of 3 11th nf 8 4rh of 4 Slh of S 2nd of J 5th of S

74 49

Sc. Norhen Nonh Park Stitt: Small Coll~ l.o.Wl"<Cl\Ce


Cnrtha~ lnritatioml ~'hilt"Wlt~

lnvil.nti:onal Ripqn lmimtional Triton VikmllJ H.r:fay11

Wu. lvlhe-ran Sern.

Tht ceuJ re awn for Ito.ck.


A Good Showing NWC I J

I 9

5 8 8

0 6th of 9 9 0 9 0 6 J

\'!fin h;y forfeit

Carroll M TC tN,.~ hit~'Bl<'f'

Lilktland u~acc


Co11cardb lakel:ind


l..ulh!!r.1111 Sein.


I rally didn't kn-Ow what to <'Xp~d fmftl the 1936 Cm.nit team- the rop lour ptay~ from a :o.uc:c:~ul IC301 had padualed. \'r'bo Vt"OuJd fill lheif ~~'? Cuuld Wl' prO>-dtJce Golhcr winning o?

II looked like ii ¥1ou1d

b~ 1 long~

n aher wi: lost

our fJnl thrft dlLll m~elt. Ho~•tvtr, n ·erylhing camt!: to~thfi aftr.r dw. Bfoginnbq ""id1 oor rourth meet, we wu.11 tli~ ~of our du;al



mn:l:5. ln addUiorU() rhe:se fi,,·e rtmqbt put in a good silo win 111: lhr l..a«wnnoo Jnvi-


Ch'ttl.ll It "

1 .,, cry


>e2.0n.. The :1ddition of I f 1.1U

Lim~ C'Q:IC'l'! for ah' i!r&SIOn

n\ad-c· a bi,g dlfrc-.rence. J am loo ' roniraJ'dJ CO ne:rct ) 'CU 'PiDCD ju:d tbout C't'C':ryone • be b oorin,g for another fine !i!C3.50n. Tim Henni.na T<'nn_b le.am, back row~ M. Von Deylen,

• Schlq, Coach D. ~. T . Ku1nlna, B. Wo.rd<'D. FronC row : M. Sc:Un°"', E. Schun, B. Kom.


FnotmH cheer! del'i, back row: J. 11.'Jum n111 M. Vo . Wrstrn , J, CdrTtnu, T. akl!',


K. Std.W:lk.. roat row :

Basebal NW 5 Hi M'ATC lJ H ~1\TC 8 16 UW-WhitewatC"r 27 Wis. l..ud11.'n.Jl College H .2 Wb Lu mhenin <.:oUC!e J J,4 C011 CortllJI (I!> ll t.!Jl,i' 2 12 lonturd Ii C.:cill~g&,! 3 '4 UW·Mitwallkt'r.:


l 6

14 UW·Milwauke 0 Mar.:math


17 1 .J l 6 8 J I .i 8




f'Oflt'ordfa Colli:-~ L"oncordl:t Ct11k'-gl:' Motqudtc-

f mpu:ttc M ra1111rf1

l\t. ra~tt11' tukrllnd

0 lO L1kt.'!land (i l...ak cl :l II di J u Llkcla11J H




. Mo1muthr• l

J ~'l , Ludtcr.:rn St:m.

~IChlD tCUD,

b· ck row: M. Sc::hrw • G. R 11btum, K. Wes.tn, k . Klu , P. ~·m, M. Vn • M. PrtdlO. Middlfl raw; D. Bir lllng, T . :lahn, M. G:ut~r. R, Qii ndt, M. Quandl, 8 . Seh'W3nlce, R. Lein. B. ~bwar1, M. Rn1tflbetj. Kneel· in : Mgr. M. Wubcck. Coach l . Sc.,hmidt.

Tbe l 916 bUfbtD 10

WlllOn nlllktd

tbc flnlt


for l*ror, Juhn Sch mi.di

.ene 111 head couh. The- lC'~ Joo ed t~tenred 1nd was e&.F for 111 vrry


mlhe early Wl!eQ <Jf practice. But U

the JICEOD wori: un, the lea.in bepn to ttt1m1.hlc- a Jickyl and H~·dc., pllyin,g w-eU one pme andl poorly the iiut. The ttldlt wa11 medloae illltUOn. The! teAm c~ had fun, howa'd'. llftd apprcdltccl Ct1111!h ~hmldt"• tnthuaasm. hard work, and willinanaa to IJ.rrn, r.&lolt

lntranual FootbsU: l\t. v,...,. • ~·. Uf1l11om, S. l\tidcm, J. D:inell, C. Ru ·f1 u , J, H'1cllhol1, P. H itg, S. Kalrr~. W. M..11y· r1C'W IJ Benching, M. Von o..~yleu, T11tor .li lgt, M. I

Wobcd•. Socei:r: F. GrOnt!t1H!yer, • Afltlru!j. M. Von li>eylen, ~·. Mit~·hl"IA', R. l'lotuUl.!'11', J , Q-.i.nlmnn. ID. Hniaa. R. Stueb~. b . Bin.chlnit. \1 . Wob«k, I'. 'Voss, J. Spaudl!, J. lludk..-, ~' - Q11:andr. RJii.ln·lbaU. R"d l.A:a.brul": M. L.ii1denian11, K. ~·~t . l·, SchleR. P, Vo:ss, M , Yon lkylcn, W. Li1nmd'. JiadciZ"tbn II, Rlack Jl..tal!.11"; ·r. Kuske. M. Jtn n, ·, Amdc . C , Ro~nN•11n , \1 Knddat1., T. Koch , Aalo!ke1 b.11 II, Whitc- Le:igue: B. Wri,}:,ht , K. Ko~hlcr, J. l\tclke, J. Cn!'C . J. Buu1111nn 1 M. 7.ub ttner. Vnllcyhlll: Dorn, I. lkNo)'e!r. J. Ku •lpi11, r. S~·

~· -. ·rO•llill•. J. Jien1WoJd. D. r lndern ru1. urtbilll : M. l.lmlcmam1 , J, M!!.ll..~. It Wrlshm , R. uc:hl~r. J. Rucklt, Turor Uurgt"r. V llan~11 . F. Sehl' • • 1 , Zldlo""' . T. Kl'm 11im.1., L F:hJerl . Denn UnW!111:a1111, K.. Wl~L

'li'm. R.

,_ ) I







Rob \lti'iSR"rm:in, ~\re Pd~. Scott Oehlhar~n. Tom 11mm. 8rl3n Kom. Rid ; Li

I laod~t~11d . S[t:\ c- Dor11. ClÂŤk'wise" from lo,. tt kfl: Todd lkNoyer Jol111 KCK"lpin. Dan Solorr.11. 'Pti1 Sic:\'C1'1, n 1ron


Jianging! Mike Hayes. Jeff MlUel~dl, Brin Kjemt:ad s1~ndi11

' . Tcd Olsen. Clllj hi I i.cr, Stl''\'C Hocte

ro • Dennis H'.arbaeh, Tom Zirndan, P;tul Huebner. Slc,·e Helge£. Front \'cni. brk 1\1 ue..TJcr.


Dar1 A"4?ry, Todd


Thom路 Thoow, Jo~ .Radsd,



ron Se'bald. Wr::s Sc-JunandE. Pete Snyder. ~tiki!' W~ihin .

.' B:u::k ro'"" ; 'Suk Sc-lino"''路 .Earle Trrept4;1w. Frorif J~~路o!J,


row ~


Schn~'f. I< urt ~1Jtpli11.


Joi:o Wright, Scott Martt, C;ilcn

.. ,,.

Ri~dlg~r. To11y ~cK"ru:K:, Ur~U

Brauer, Rh:ky .'1ullt<r

ltckr .Stclkr, f.lli\ i: Sth:rucdl"f". J l!'rf G11.t'11ncr


t Mike N11urrua1111. D:i1• Witte, CmiS Korth, llrncl Wnrdtll

Kim Hiuorf, ll;we 1(11ith!•


St路h ult z. Spencer Rigo, im Honkr. Tum Strnnit

Ki!!ihl "de 111~ : Pnul Str41tm11n, Rflian 'EggH • Tom M ielkt1 UJ"ld~ do'Wtl ; Jor: Dt'~r, Jim Getkn


F iJ•~'T.

loin Kniffl , rtphcn Winttrstr:in, fohn

Hildt~rant .


Vo(gt. D:in 801 w11rdt.


Qui.ndt Tim Fhmkcr.



,.. ..


'•1111din1r MU:t:!

Lind~nurnn , Jnn

St C'\'C' 1Udcbt7, f

Bnum1uu1, 81}·1111

rt·tl Sdtltl\, Tom Zi •low.

S~hw11r1.. 11m

Kt!nm.it.t, l...ton hJtluc. Sittln1: bric G.11rl11L'f.

Kdth WdS!tl, ri.tumJn Wl!'ign!'ld. Jo.Im \' Ct:tu, Jlm s~bulL. P..H.lu~ lubt'rb1tr.

Oscnr Sl~llick, Paul Vo\1 D.i1fe Frir1.• 'WAync Sc:boch, Ro"


Jun Kalande-r, Nl."il Land,·atter, Daff. Paul Mo!M:, Jnhn SteinbrtJTllr"r



n~i5C'hmarm .


Ed Ungemac:h. Jtm Wintnstcin. Jay 'Kernpf, Tim Hennina., Dave Wiers:hkc. Brian Kelle-

rrd Budjanac. Sc:uu Zerbe. Rnh '짜1'.ll.W:'r, Stieliie l.u~fHMlmnd.

Vl~ Ha11.~u1




Graduation Cl~ic:

Hymn: 170, "'My Ho1,~

IMJllt un Nothln3 Le ••

eta. s MotfQ; lk 4ffrong IUld of good ~>UJ'U.Ye; du nul be iaFruJd. nor ba dlsm11y"1., foT the LonJ yonr God Ir. Ylil•h )'QD wnere . . tr you IJI, Jmhull I : ~. Rtli,giun oratfo n: "'l.clsoru fru1i\ the Ni:w Lutheran Church"

• • • Jon Bui:hllolJ

Hum:mitM!11 Otlllioa; '711t Unfor.

tu 1aare 'Wronlf of Hutory" • - - Nadum Scrobd


Joel A rbrtelu

Uroo.kfirld. WI Footbitlll I ·.~: Gol r I ·3; Cla Pre'l.i· dent 1.l~ Ath. board 1-4; lntramUTal~ 1-4; l:bou s~ IJu-y,•lirlg J .4: l~urliiB 2.4. Ut.111'" IM 4, nl.aclc & RC'd 4; f'>ura l·.f: Co" 4, HeDe> \!kh·

" 4. E11~ne AnLim

l..:iCr-0. , WI Male Clmru 24.

I : L 'tf. 1-4: Kitch le

Curt S. lla.ck..lums Glendale, Al TC 1 ~ 8 R l · .• IM l..C ; R ruit· mt"nt CommiUee: .l,4; Co11 4, Prim:shup Peun 2-4; Amos4. Dnld Ji. UiN:~ ti.cw ill& Ml

ltttr1mum:I J-4 : Dorm Coundl Bl bl.II 1-4; Bia~&. Red 4.

'timorh}· k .


tUwuukc-e. WI lkand l : ~\41k I rnru 1 4: hla1"'k & Red 2,J ~ MA Cllctkcr 4; lntTUm11n1I Bowfing 2-4.


J ubJI Doc:drr UJCNI 1ilaomin11on, 1N


4Reid ncy ~

I uol bull 14: R.u-.keOlllll I ·l; lrurn 11111111hl 1.4 ~ Km fJ111 Club 1-4; llid or ~·onn 4 , Tht' K.cy~ 4. Joa B11cltholz l ues«Jn, AZ Choir. l 'ourinR CJturus: 14; fnh11-

mural l-4~ rrsi11tor 2-3 ~ Ch1Lpd OrgwJ .l-4; lfuck hd .2-4: U I ~-

Jim D.ani:U Rt:d 'Win a., MN l\11 ·etli~n

1-4 . D.C. 4: R.A. 3

G}'rn 1[1<'1\'isor 2. bJU'lrnumf 14~ COS 4 ; SUB f 4 , C'ln'i ()ffi ~r 1-2 .

Jod Gaert1~r "SHOSH'"

IM.f.11. TX t·ootball Mn ll:Jf:t!r 1-4; aa,_k~f buJJ Mn ntlgt>r 1-4 ; I rack \t~ntigtT 1-4. In tffillJ uralt1 l-4; KUcloe 1-4 ~ Duru 4. Chu If J : Durm ouncil 4.

Ccl!'hin11. Ti.in fond da lac. WI

MktuieJ L.


··Mikl{:y ,.


.soy· ~



football I ~ Track 2: Sot.cu 2-4 (all lnb'tunutah l-4 ; l.)orm C1m11cil I ,J; Forum 2-J; Df.iu:k & R~ J..5; PhD' Piua Sntiltt I 'I.I, JYJ; Cycl1ng l lfi. l Yi, lYi; .MjJwaubr- Wu.ve 34; SAH 4. ooaftCttm:c)~

franklin 4.. C ridlnl!1Ueyet' Gmm•ntown. WI l:ru En!'!Cm hie I ·4 , 8t111dl 1-4: Ill trn. rin1rull 1-4 ; b•tmmurnJ Soc.c" Cbmp;s 41~ trummurnl BllikerhoJI Cllan'ftS J .

Din Haag Sti.Loo. AZ

Truck 1,4> lntr.uawwb 0 Cubic.I" .fibgu.

Jo11 ""I!: Bear.. HJdwr Byfali, AZ

mtramlJJ'B.11 l4~ M .Q. 1-4~ Dura I 1 .l,4i ftiilanghly Nine 4~ Cope I~; The ••F' ' Club l .

IJ'.sndar{ ltidg~bulll. WI


Choiir I, r:°;11nUy Cb'c11s E.2•.~,4.

Jvha L l:loli, Jr. II.fa.ck. Cr~, Wl B&.R .J.5 ~ l.M. bowl l11g 2-S; J~orurn I ·S; Ritt:IU umtnl 4; FoClC(Qll fl,1p. I. TCW 2,4 ; lnrrurm1ml\ 1.:i;.

K. Kalu:'!li "'Cnra'" Ccdondo Sprln , CO 'ttircn

forum f-4; AnnouncinM Nuu;hly Nine 4; Pit)'iil,i:i the

Krug. Noni.ii, Jr. Oa ficld, WI KudhrT, Lon Gmfloa, 'YIJI

Paul J. Lit! lb ManJ!it~.


lnl l"!lmural!I I-""'; fl:.ltKk & Red S1.t1 ff ), Edltur 4; Sporr11 Auuouuc 11g Cn:w Z-4; Pb)'·by·PllY •'\llnuunc:cr for Trojan Football &. Baslcet!)aJI gam~ on 4.





~" of

A f & T oper:t11)n 1-4; lnlra-



Bill ..Oukk .. Limmer

El Pnw, T AJa)ir;a l, /\ndrcw's hicnd Re Hu 11tcr 2: BG:lr Owm! r 6; t it)' J.i6: I11 tr,amu111I Claum J1 Prtp Co11 Ii 6 : R Iven;fdc WLUM I-ti.

24: J"un

J ,o; S·6 ;

Willu1111 L. r.ts.yh... w Y1l1entln~.


lntm.mural loulb;,all 1-4 (ch.ampl.oll 4 ~; lnlruttlll ml ROfthul.l .2-4, I Ill rllmUfill 'OL"Cc:r 1-4 (clmm p•u•• 4 l.



•• II l1111"UJJ .;'!

]: fonm I

l.l; Ki [L•hcn la4,

SwLl 't1lt=leo1i;

lby CHy, Ml Wre-stLing mL; F ootbs.U 2. ~ Lnr r.r mur11ls 1a4; lnlr:unur:d I· ooCbaJI & Voll~yball C.:h111np - 4; We5glu Ch1b

I , Humrecunmg Co1m l ~ 'Wldc~ wnt~r .J; COS 4 ; Kolli.i SC11~s ~-4~ Amy Gni 111 4; florid:t 4~ I.Joe Rich


John H. :Nitz ~1111 ( i1 )', AZ Bask~rball 1·4~

l uurln11; C:horu!il I ; \fo~m1 Photographer 1-J. ••u Wt:•• WLU\f 2-4: Whikwnl~ 4.

K. S•t'phen Nu Rtdd u1g, Cnllfornin Bl!ick &. Rtd J : Bowllntt J ,4.


C'1rinoph..r 0 hike "''ot1d1tille WI 1

Forum 1,2; Choir T·4; Tourln• 011m111 2-4. Cb~ Officer J ; Piano 2,3: latr~m•uraJ~ 2: Libr2ry 2·4•

Twin CitJ

Mnmllum " ·

Pannin1t 1 James M~oon, ~·1

Iltllll S. Pnahl

ppkU:m, WI 1:oru1n I '4 ~ MntJn:ii 3,4: t1ut9cl otlilru. 3-4; a .... oUiC'('r 4~ N1~ughty 9~4 . lloy IJ;luC< J,•; Cos 4: GQ 1·4.

John D. Quabnrum lrun RI~. WJ lr1rnmu.ml I ~ DMLC 1 -.~ : furum 2; Oorm C011ncll .l - tboru11 .~: Cl OfriC"n 3 , llb1ck & Rrd Stiff 4; ~' 4~ ~'e:ight Club 1-4 ~ Probation -~ . UC 4. COS 4 i .Naug)1Cy Nini!' -I; Florida 3.4: Colon1do 4 ~ Sabb~• · ioh. 4.

'rf lchacl J . Quu.ndt

.. ...,1'-r" "M)


T} ltll',



In rrnmu..1 1.4. •t1C'Ctr I ,2 ~ Buse· INJJI l...t ~ Cusrodi:rn ~ 4 ; '\01rc1 K: Roa fl.I -1: C.1f.: lb~ 4, 84':tr 1-4 :

MAR .~ .4; Chew 1-4; NuuglllY '.I 4.

J 74

r>;utii:I K. Rc:kh MN


fuu lbJIU 1·2: Suc~I' J : R:1!i1Cb.:1U 1-4: Ba1td 1-2~ Jl.E. 1~ E>.:lli! 4·5:

Craw Rivtr Comtct=rlon 1-4:


:3-S ~ Uot-kcy 14. Mlch:tcl R. Riley Otr-sun Cit)', OR Forum :2..'i; Welco11U!1 4-445. JC 3~~1\'ftl••Hed Hst 1 ·5 i Tht~ll1~ l-4~

"'ad itOlfude dub '2-S.

Rodnt!y Riixc

c.rncmll", .MN lntnmul"lll~




Mirnh.owuc. WJ Mafo Chom!i 1-3; ·ruuring Chun15 1-3 ; lUsck & ki:d 2; Jn1rumur.1h1 1-4.

Jame Schwudi: Mnnirowoc:. WI Cboln

1-4~ Fu.runt


\\'illW11 M. 'r:IMld \\'am1,•atom, W!

f'oolhall 1-4 ~ Wn!$llin!J, J.4: Tr.ack 1-4 I Oiuir 4: I· orum rr ~ t'Dt 4. R.eMcfi:nl Assistan• l ,4. Jam~

V. Seiltz "Jllubo'' iluck. C11Cek WI 1

Hu1ad J...S ; lnlrarn111ral 1 ·5 ~ Otoir l ·l , Fonnn ),4; Juz 4 ..~.

iKeitfl H. Si1tr"rriy Wu tak"!ih.s' WI


Kru1e fan C1uh 1-4; IWk.i!:!lbaJI l ,2; D.C. PreMdi:nt; C11re 2; Fkt"•l-


iq Scltolnfihip 4: Tile Keys 4 .

Jod R . Spaude ··.sp11d ro Watertown, Wl

f uolb.all. 14 ; f rack I: A chletlr: llQ:ud 1-4 ; (i~b l..:&j U11:n1d n 1-4; "N1111ghly N1'11:" 4 ; "'Diet t•f 1

'Wonm1" 4 ; D .C. J,4: Wel&fn toom MRnas~l .4.

Kevin r. Stellick Monror, Ml

l'hDH1n1 66


1-4; Moton·yclr I ... Oti!\'mle• I ·.l; F ottl J ,4 ; l'dlir1~ f::.n J,4, R4:frigcfltur -': Ua.ggcr 3.4 : Sttuc.:h 3,4, llnh111clldl. J.4, SUr.: · 4 ; Michjgan Labor Uay 1 ·.~ : lkrobatian 3, Nau pc)' Nl!Jc 4; Pllu c~b 3. Jo.111 Je~t l ; Madonna 3.4.


N than J . Strobd

Milw11ukff, WI

lrHmmumls 1..J ; Ptfnema Photo · mp1ttt 1,2 ~ Annuunc.·er I ·.l, Student CnunciL I ~ l>um1 t ; M~ 4-: fup krSdent .usistant l.4 ~ Commul<"r 4.

hich Sluehli I rt MarulowtM:, ~I l\tnema I ~ Mn1e C.horu1 I ; White. 'l\'ul~r 4i lntramunils l-4 • IJWikclbaJI Cl11t111ps l. Soc«r Cham pi1 4; Burg~r Kill,ll. 1-4.

Knrt. M. Uhlcnbmud. ~'uEtrtown,


lotrumunll! 1-4; .Bowling Sc:i:. l·J ; Touring Chorui 1; CIH1 r I ; Stan lrtdp~ Wc~l

3; Mnema




Way 11e Uhlhom 1\'cw Ulm, MN

lnmununih 1-4: C"ar Committ~ l,4; Oum 1-4; Ref. 24; 3rd Floor Augs. ~{ ~ ~bitlon ) ,4 ~ PardccvilJr I ·3; RowUng Hardware 4~ ~ Ke)'ll


Mll1\! A. Vo11 lJtyieri fort Wayne, IN lntrllm&1rt1h 1-4~ Golf 3 ,4; T e.ll.ll.Ui 4 .


MJirk Vo ~ ··v"~ .. Grttn Bay. WI !irblll 1·4 ~ R:t l"lbnJI ~ 1) 1; Tllt 1-4· l>ur.s l·l ,4 ; fJiet of WDm'!i 41 fl.owlmn llirdv.'are 4~ l bit! Kc}·114. B;


Rk lllu'Cl W1ldlM!hlllich rond du L ~, \'t'T

Foofhull Ji 'I "'(k I.

Jo11nlhan U. WcriF!!' RJdg.~wuy. f N Wr~n&

2: Tnck J : ilulnlmwah l ·4; Fonun 2; Cln.\., OffI( r J·4 : BIDck & Red 4: Mm·mn " ; Vidro T11riin1 ~· 2-4~ Cantee11 1·2: I win Cities far.uhun 4 .

Ptf2r•ln Wlldiaucr Dc:arbnm :n lghf . MI Anyd1ing Mu~k:il 1-4; l111n1111ut1h l·4; Blot k . Rt: 4~ l'r(!p Rl?iilil M ssi,•.anl 4,

Pi11crkk C. Wlnkler Wat~rruwrt,


'°"'r 1-.2 :



truk 2-4: Ciln)'on 2; Ru hen Ba1'1 J: Hnc- 4 ~ PonJeru:511. J-4; 0f I .l-4, UH.I' J ~ MUI aq 2 •


Metlhcw "'- Wobicck .,..,fJ-h!t° Ulllllasks , WI

•·erx rlillddy'"


Footh IJ 1*l;

~11Cb11.H 1 .2 1 4 ~

lnrralllUl"3ki 1-4 ~ l?i,aen.1 Creek l • Mill.stop 1..4 ~ COS 4~ Black Rin-r F:alh I; Florida • Sp~ break 4~ Turk; }'ootb:iU Ch:ur1 ps 2: <Quetlcu J: Gcrrnooy l;

ml of !} 11lt.JJ i J. ,un bt. Ji 1.r1u1y~J, !J.:5,


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SHOSH Awu.rdl: l'o Jod liatttncr'

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psrdeula.rty In the 1rea of ufJalctiu.


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DUMM.ANN Award: Tu th&!! 1.1utsnndlna IClllor 11hld~ wlw al• t' ltibU p«ifk ency In 111cwkmb Ind eKttu c1J11'lt!lllu:L

Rt:i:Jpitnt : WHlbm ScMkl


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