N 01·lff1 '$'$'<es ieu•1l College "//,;;,,J'/ot11n, v7/;;~<:r111.ui1
MNEMA 1992 Volu1ne XXIII
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Contents Faculty
8 14 24
10rganizations Special Eve11ts 1
Snorts Classes
----- -
t ---
lolln Bra.., Atlln15;1011., & F.rlf!lish
Doniel DeullchlMld芦 Ci<rlft<JJI 1/1\lflf)
G._,Bode ((Jn1prtter .\}路3路1ems &S<:-1e1"'
Joel Fftldrk:ll I.aim, Heb~'""' &Gr~·c.·k
Edward unc1__.. Th•an '!f,'\ftrn & Rl'llJli,011
Jerald Prrtmweit Regr ...trar, Rdiftir»1 & Grt>~t
Deanis Cordne Adllt:tlC.'i & , ..JJ.v.f1cal h.h1ca1km
James KortNll . foudemi(· IJet111
Jerome Kw
Afh/nics. , J.1atltt'mauL
John Schntidt Religion &: GneJ
I Donald Sdl.Hi.<tory & Psyt:.ho/oSIJI
Cyril Spaude (Jr.:ek & Hebrrtf•
Richard Stroebel cf· .<;oeio/Oft\•
Roeer Spl1Mn1 • ~pmmh l • lmonl) 't1/111r"'
Ro'-t Von l'rt!.,id~m &
Tutor Jolla Qulm;I... I Tutor Paul ICoelpift.
lstude n t
W o r kers
Corty Hahnlle, John Toppe, Matt G..-ald, Brady Coleman, C. James Strand, David Wltenlradt, Bl'GCCOli, Nate Stnrtz, Gii)' Harstad, Matthew Doebler, Jeremy Glowicki, Jason Amis, Roger Riedel, Michie! Neumann, Chris Pratt, Ryan Undwehr
Dan Habben, Ste.e Wagenknec~ Dave Pagel.
Dawe Karow.
Peter Pr-'ge.
Dave Schilling.
Aurlio- l "iwal (;UJS
Erich Zellmer, James Binder, Steve Lange, Ma~ Kruse.
A. eon..- Frey, S.. Daley.
College RA. Donald Sdru~ Eric Miller.
mp us -
Worke -______rsll '
Kitchen Staff
Assistant Businea Mllllager. Mt. Bubolz
Faculty Sec~ Mn. Kuerttl
Chm Claltl Rm
Financial Aid SecreWy: Mrs.. Eickmann
M.ainleunce Staff, top: l. llaeffler. D. Baumann. Middle: L. Heller B. Bunllcll1 .. Schuta. I
Bottom: M. Vesper, T. Cutzdorf
Recnlibnem Secret.,.: Mrs. Gab
Sdtool Nurse: Mrs. Sellnow
Organizations Despite being an extremely broad路 sounding head g, 11organiulionsn ~describes those groups of flard路 woning. dedicated stu&!nts give their - their lllOllel. and yes, ewn
their lime lo the ultimate loud of Norttlwestem Coltege as 11whole. These are Hte1 guys who are frequendystuck db monotonous tasks like last ,ear1'5 rNf'.book. Hats ,off to alll lte lRISUl1E 11 borers for all their blood, sweat, and1tears! 1
= --
d ---
. ., ~.
Jon Bi&tz, Mike~. Roger Rledel, Daniel Simms, Marti Kain-, o- Pagel, Bob fridl, Todd £nrtl, Joda Sc:haumber(, Pele Lindemann, Paul Rutsci-, Donald Schultz, Peter Prange, John Hein, Aaron ctn istie.
l l
I l
j l I l
The l•si wcclcnd of1hi< pa<I Mnreh and the firs1 "cc~cnd of this pasi April saw a 1rcmcndous success for 1hc Nonh"cs1ern College FolVlll Socie1y. On two eonsecutive Friday· Saturday run11\ forvm paformed Rodgers and Hammerstein's 'lire Kmf( n1td / 10 nearly two 1hoosand 1hca1cr-11ocrs The crowd reaction \\ti fan11>11c Heading an e:nremdy 1alcn1ed cast .. ere Jason Bruc;l;tt and L<e Ann Sduocdtt Jason Ut\ICltt did a wonckrfu) job as fbe ·iron-11Stt<I but canng King of Siam. pll)1"8 the role 10 its full cntcn1inmcn1 potential Lik.,.1se, Ltt Ann Schroedtt brightened the Nonhwcs1em Stage -..i1h her beautiful soprano voice and a deligh1ful in1erpre1ation of1he charac1cr of Anna Loonowens, 1hc English
ochoohcacher who g0<$ 10 Siam • teach 1he royal children 01her members of1his men10< rablc cast included Na1e Stn11~. whose na1Ural Oair for the Slagc brough11he role of the Kralnhomc 10 life The role of lady Thiang. 1he King's head ..;re.. was skillfull\. performed by Mdissa Mueller, a recent gradua1e ofNonh-.eSttnl Prcparatoiy School Dave Pagd and \1andy \Y-ieder tugged ai 1ht hearUlnngs of many as the SlOl)'f star-crossc()'lo\ttS, \.Jan~• luptim Also. Joel Sauer and Joe Gawrisdi ponrayed well 1he $1rOng frieridship that developed bc1wccn Anna's son and 1he Kn'!' (respecuvely). The Forvm Society was also blessed with the sounds ofwha1 many have said \\'AS 1he nne:st ot·
;hestra the Society has cvt-t had
nlc fifteen-piece orchesi ra,
As direc101 of the prodlJClion, J v.ouJd al>o like to offer a few
ex:perdy di re.c• ~ b • Aaron
lhanks in hehfllf of the producdon
a!i a \\fiole. ro Tim Smith, T~"Cb nical Director· the incredible ~\·ork you did could only have ~en don~ by you Thanks I o Aaron Chris.rollc:j.re. 1ie. Mus•c Duector. '"uur jn-born Unfonunamely~ lo memion what a fine job e\·eryone did wouM 'alenl d10,...n brighcly~t l ough. Grem job To Mike <.:kigcr. Set aki: up for more space than this ~lana~er fncrudjble, Mike TruJy brtich: allo\\S 1·til" full cast nummcred1blt. To Srou \•1und. Carrie bcn.:d llfty-ninc members with '1 ·isdic:r. Ed f rey. arn;l kanne Kun h ~rew of al mo!i-t a"S man\' .And r.•Jlen vou include orchestl'a. lighl . {coSILnncs, props. and make-11p). ~ cc.:Jlcnl job all around And pmproduc11rin crew. mal.:c-llp. ficular Lhanks l o 1'1c urnrung h t:roc:~ c:horengraphers, costumer-.;. ~• onMructon;, pai rne.rs. prop m L:· behind lhc 5een~" whu did lots of " 'or ""'itn ljttle L:"r i:tlil. the most t!r!I.. 1ic:kc1 1a k~1 s. etc • rte. l"lr ~ notable of \Vhich was J 1111 I 11u l I rcl-t bt1c v.,•ierc \\'c:ll o\ er hundred pct iple 1n\'ol"''-•ll in 1h production who pul in counmlt: ·s hours to mak~ ()Ur p ro~ruction a !'UCCl"'~ in Su, ~!;i i ii; easy to sc • •hi ..... rnnjor um.icr'l 1kinlj. But hat off to so many ways \.loith her ar1i;,.11c cv..:~ nd hand r.vcry1.:inl' who hdpt..~ uul, ·oo did ·1hank ( n kit w c'-'Cl')'O m:I fl ~I t>llC JOb I ChrisW" barked Lhc p1..·Tfonnancc ~·i1h a qu.ality lirmusic that will I b • ~)IJ r1 e foTHOttcn ill the
l oorm
Councill ---
Joel s.uer, s- Helwig, Joel Gnrisch, Petor M.tin, Kevin Hundley, Jonathan Micheet, Jon llilitz, DNn EAi Lm.i-, Steve l.anp, T...W Engel, Dwen Adeoi, Mike Zatlinc. Dan Habben, Nm Stnitz, Jason BNckor.
Food Commi"u
• I
Man: Bonauc. Matt Sch-, ONn EAi u...ie..-, Jim Sllonewsld, Mwk " -•James Strand, Eric Ro«:ker, Bob Fricke, Athletic eo.d, Aar... steinbreo...,, a.is Goelztr, John BCJCP, C...,.Bode.
Chapel Organists
Jon Z.bell, Paul Meier, Rob Rombe<'g, St..e lange,
Jon Semro, Aaron Christie.
College /land
Marty Wegner, D3Ye Pagel, Paul Meier, Peter Martin, Rob Wiftiams, Paul Steinbefg, John Hein, Jon Micheel, Paul R)deckl, Bobby Oberg, Frank Italiano, Jr., St..e Lange, Todd Krilger, Matthew Brooks, Mark Grunna, Luke Woffgnmm, St..e Mueller, Andy Schwalenbefg', Brian Page, Mi.ke Gelger.
Ch o i r
Mike Htlwtc. JO<I Mlcheel, Milce Geipr, Aan111 a..isllt, A. Conrad fAf, Scott Mund, John Toppe, Jeren11 Glowiclfi, Paul Jbdedd, Jon Semi, GlfJ Harstad, Steoe l.Mlp, Matt Doebler, frank lblUno, Jr., Tod4 Kriipr, Andy Sehl-, Nate WapnbKht, Paul Meler.
Ma I e
• left Sdlmiclt, Stew Hehric, Corey H......e, Milce H•b1w.111, . . Helwlc. . . Cr"p , Cory Denellamp, Jolln Toppe, Jon Micheel, ~ Warskow, A. Conrad F,.,, M.it Duin, J... Sa...,., Matt Ctunewald, Cil'J H....tld, Scott Mund, Paul R)odedli, HremJ Clowlckl, Sam Hacker W, fraM ltallano, Jr., Chott c.wrisch, Phil Bol, Steoe I.Mp, Jon Semro, Ptler Martin, Rob Williams, Jason Bnicker, Jeff Scott, Matt Doebler, Ste.e Wagenknecht, Ben Cofisch, Dne Schilling, Marie Crun"'1, N.te Wapnknecht, Andy Schroer, Todd Kriiger, ~ Blttorf, PU Meler, Profeswr "Wiid" Bill Birtchlng
Basketball Cheerleaders
...., I
NWC Cheerleaders ~e lindemaM, Clari< Schultz
,Clnis Goelzer, Paul Gundenon, Joela Schaumbetg, Todd Gonline.
D. Scott Bertram, Dan "Wayne• Kramer, nm !Mn«, Mark "Cheez" Kaesmeyer, Eric Roeciler, Todd "Zeke" Engel.
On 1 warm fall day as 1he ln<Ued through 1hc ka•n \lodl 0 K 11 \li."AS n1ning). I\ •inc ind D SCOlt re1urncd
lr(lm one of the greatcsl ga1her"'~s Of ml ell eel on the planCI OK 11 »as a Dura-meeting). lhar e-.e~ fell upon a 1%9 Dodge 11»an and thcv lrtel' 11 "as · '"' llo"C\~. being the ..,toro<-1<>-a-fault young men 11hcy are. 1hey dcadcd to 111 their fellow Rags before ing 1hc at1uaJ purcha~ We (iM1111tly embraced the 1da and .. many tears or)0\ ckcided 10 chtic 1he ,..,n Our cunn1ng rcononuc
came 1n10
pl>) a. »e banercd the o»ncr ·om the staning pnce ofS2.800 al: the wav down 10 s~so \\hen "e purchased 1hc van. a fC\\ bup to be ,.,lfl.cd out. such u no sat< "lwlOC\.er sled·st)1e h•nd· bra~c<. the nccelerato1 had 10 be oper1tcd al 1he carburetor by hand 11 would only dn•c bacL· •IRI> and it "ould oolv 1um ldl. .....,. of the doors would opm. and Sll1CC ,.,. rouldn'l l!CI the
t"'• ,..,.
school to change i1s color. to "httc and baby blue.11 ntt«d a paint JOI> An"ous to grt our new purchase out of the nun. "e drO\.C 1110 the safe haven oflht
Dura shop which had ne>c1 be-
fore seen ~ch a fine au101nobile The nc" tlung we~. 1t ,.., 7 00 a m and the fint all-n1shtcr had pa<<ed \ftet draggon11 our bochcs 1hrough an arduou• da) of classe>. 11 was back to 1hc l>ura shop As 1he "eek wore on. 11 became e>iden1 lha1 our proJ<CI could no< be completed metd' m the aftcmoor» or at the Dura .Mp. but 11 would have 10 "'" on "di into 1hc nigh1 and be moved to ('lark's farm for the rest of the "<CL The "ee~ "as Ml "'1thou11ts txc:ning point' ~h •~ the ume I> Scott drilled throu!lh the 113' tanl. spilling ga> all O\cr the Ooor. rm10. and h1mS<lf (cspe<1•ll) '"the eyes) M1nutclater ~hifc crnptving 1he rc)l of the SI' from 1he 1anl "c found Wayne ho\ering O\et an open 5-(!lllk>n pail of gas "ith a ht ci113re1tc '" his mouth (We
strongly cncoofl!lcd him to remove the <11jAJ'C1tc ) An01her t\· cuing poen1 ¥.U "hen Tutor Qualmann came tn and told us that \\e needed his permission to pai111 1hc .chool "'al on Thur>days. and oince "c didn't ha'c this penn1>$iort. -.c re<:<i,·cd unexcused a~""1CCS for the llC\t day'< cla<scs and we "cre all fined
As 1hc founh all·nigh1er
ca1ne 10 an end, "·e put 1he last finishing tOU<hcs oo it Since D Scou and \\ l\llC ....~c the onl\. ooes "othout fiot hour. the ~ of u~ "cnt 10 clas• After clean· 1ng up the ga~ ~aled d1sasicr tha1 once \\I') \Ir Sch11h1'1\ gll·
rage, Wa\11< and D Scou prepared to drive 1he Ragsmobolc back to a 5CCfC1 location ncor campus bu1 she v.ouldn'
tum O\tt folkl\\1ng a \lrl\C tlf
sheer pon1c. 1hc) found 1hc loo<e \Vire tlnd \.\~C: on their wav All the tnals and tribulation;. the pain and suffering \\C endured throughout lfomccoming "eel. paid off'\\hcn we tnumphantly dro\'e our crntion onto campui at ch•p<I brcal 10 the ch~JS and
applnusc oflhc siudcnt body, the faculty. thCJAnuo... the prep>. 1he surrounding community and 1hc campus squirrd; ,.,,., llLtp 10 tkd•·
_,,,,,J "*"
t:att• 1/11' .fi1w: ptt'<"< of /11rr,1111rt.• fl) ('ft1rk '''"-'~fr ~'\t.·}111/1:. UtNI ,,,
.Joel S</111/:f1>r tlH!lf lt<'iJI.
Special Events
.ti}. ' .....
i t i a t i o "
II Homecoming
"The rno"i spirited in I e-ars10 w·a~ the phrase that Dean .. mdcmHnn used m dl.·s.c1ibe 1his ear'~ hom1:i:0ming. All Yi1ll ~~ree thal i1 \ri.a~ N\\fC wniness u its. bc"St Homccuming \\"t."ckc1l<1 saw 11.1r \\ink~~ ~oecer te.am bring
hnme lhc1r lt1 s1 victory a~in~ (lgewood A" If I nat wcrc-n'I mniJgh, thi: T oj:m football lelm 1\·i;m·helmingly defeaterl th ~ir 0\1LC oppancJlts 40-14. Both ·.i~to1 ic~ ;ncrca.scd 1he feeling ·Of "lu\'l'• (lhc R.~8's theme: for Lhi' '-ear~ among nil the I rojan <pctl(lhU!-
l frnnec.oming ''ceke.nd '"'
achie\ eme nt of the \\'t'Ck was the 'b9 Dodee Rausmob3Jc, whid1 l(:ft ..... ~
all morrung chapel gocni
brearhless. l'he junior clai:;s. &inallv got cheir acts together this vcar artd '"' on the spirit competition. Thcar 1t1eme \\as '"Greek Culture," \\ hich \~as far superior to thi: soph' aitempt at ;i wiuv pm1 • gri-C"ulture" Greek garden \l\'3 f~atured before 1' hur .liday morning ch.1pel. which featur~d Jim ..inc skCJ)lic'' Bnrg\\ardt as the _tiind-up jlhilosopher rni.: junior cla _ \\,14\ also helped oul wlil.!'n Mark K11c~ml!vcr .. 1m<l 1\.1 ~lb 1uell~r were ~lc1.:tcd k.in~
3Js,o .t w~ckcnd of romance... with ti nnt:tbl • l!.1'Cep1im1 of"I im
and '1uci.11 'l'h.1nk •ou Mclis~a. he th raa a~-. nrd wcn1 w the
!Jridc nd 1hi: roma11 c' a~it JU'I ul the COS. hul also I more 1~blic cvcnls like 1hc bumin • of the "'fit.:" f Vr,;,S, Y.t a.II sl w ... ou tnr Km:Jpin)
nior ,,. ith 1lidr pnpi.:r mai..:hi1.: rcproductiun or" liuflah>. Sea cand pt,1ce \~em 11.1 th1: junior ' rojLm ho1 . c()v. • •md lhird to rh sopn• "Urotc()h l rri~h· fi~ ur which lcntmi:d n 1ec~n J111g of 1he rc:11 broccnli fi us.h All in all, it \\'as L horn1.:corn-
''a. 11 i:ntioni:d c. rltcr. ihc 'lli I tl Chi~ )'~llr \a. \\ii hout i.:quaJ 1ost uf thhi " due co rh.., r1'i11.y. c.,ff.fht•c"\.. 11 mi or thl' R:-i ' !', Bl'lbre 111om1ng chapel 1hcy dill varil'lJ> \l.-O-fkou1 that l'\ 1.:n 1ht! foot boll plr.t c.rs should 001 rry t tmmc 11 cir cro''niM L
ing to write home to mom Ahout \\'~Cd\ onl
' hope thal ihc l-f)lf11
of I lort ccoining '\ ~ canit:s chrott •h 1he Ion!'!. .., winter head'
ij w i nter
.._.....,,,,,,,, .,,1111111\llIll \ll.U
I here arc only 1wo 1hing> th• t I wonder obout Winter Car· n1,·aJ t' ir-.1. "hy do we call it a cam1 .. aJ"' rhete are no rides Thcrc arc no b<11rded ladic~L It's JU){ not \OUf l\"Cf'ilgc cami\-al aura <;,condh. wh) do we call 11 ,.,.1ntcr1 ThcR;1 De'\'er any s.no" on 1hc grC'Und C<•,e la<t )CAI'• twt>t of fa1c1 In fact, 1hc onlv
sno"' ''c usually sec all "'in1er falls the \\tck after Winter Carnival Bu1 once again '"'e \Vere treau:d 10 a fun,filled week of no h-Ome .. ork and less sleep as each ctu' "'~M v.-ar in a classic \tl\l£1'1C for our one hfd1nc of.,. •"-~c.
fhc far.i c-cm was the 1ug·
o·war .. uh 1hc sophomores dcfendtn~ 1hctr 11de from last year. even 1houW! II w..s.i't a cakewalk since 1hey \\erc wtlhoul 1he services of219·pound Brenl Brull•!! I he "'"'ors and junior$ cap1urcd the "'""" "ln-..d vollcvball and "'flball championships «<peel" d\ TM onl) quesuon suit rtma1n1ng a~ \\hethtt ilD)'OOC tS
1101ng to ever take down 1he 'ol· IC)ball poles Because of the lack of snow . n-..ral~ once again became 1he genre for anlSlic expres5lOll TM juruon ap1ured the gold bv a mere one poom mer 1hc freshmen due 10 the talcn1s of Joel Schulv and 81111 inn l hrce potnl and free 1hro" comc>tS were held throughou1 1he \\CCk, with junior Tim Ono and >0phomore Eric Roecker ad· vancing IO a Saturday halftime three point sho\vdo~n. and scruor (hns Goclzer and freshman \Ian Drool.• doinl\ lhe same for 1hc free thro" con.tr~ God.tcr handily dcfca1ed Brooks "nh help from hi< Trojan cheerleader fncnd'I, "hile Otto "as h1mng three pointers at an aJanning rate of on< every t wcn1y seconds 10 spoil Roeckc(• bid fo r 1hreepo4nt \lardonl I he week culm1na1ed ""h 1hc L \IOC campaig11> for each cb» fhc freshmen Jud ~ 11 reall~ manet" The sophomores
hnd Jon M1chccl ponrayrng world-famous supermodel Jae· qucs f lambcau The juniors en· 1ered D Scott Benram as Mr Clean. "hole the senoors used 1hc bac~-10-1hc-basics approach as 1hC) campaigned Paul GundlCNJ.. •• 1hc actual ·ughest \ 1an on Compu• • Th< sophomores '"CPI up 1hc U\10<' honors wot a linle help from En<: Rocckc(• Ted Koppel 1mpersona11on a. 1hey made hiStory by having the tir<t UMOC ski1 ""'"" to actual~ have 1he VMOC candidate on ...g. When 1hc O'ual' scO<e> "ere 1alhed 1hc juNOrS and "'pl>omores "ere '" a I ~G-1 ~o
deadlock. so .,,eh sophomore a junior recei\'f'd half a p11.za Thi~ left no one more d1S1!tJStcd than Diener. who was beard saying. "A tic is like kissing my sister!"
0 a y- --
"Sa\'c Arbor Day!" c1'ied Dean Lindentann \\'as the Junior class up 10 taking on the immense responsibi!Jty of1naking sure 1\rbor Dav \lt'Ou1d conlinue for generations to come" ll was resting
on 1heir shoulders. lf1he campus go1 clean. Arbor Day slays Ir 1ra<h rules 1hc cam1>us, Arbor Day goes Under the heavy n1le <>f Sie\e Lange and the whole junior class.. 1he preps and ur1derclassn1en of1he college were held under 1he \\'hip until every last tree "'as dug around- e'ery diy leaf' was picked from 1he bush,'S. and e\'ery 1rash bag fi1 in the dumpster The S"'eal on cvcl)•one·s brow ponnt.)'ed the intense 'vorJ.: that "ent oo for three and• half hour~ on Apnl R l'he secrel police roamed the ca1l1pus looking ror a slacking slave 10 slap a U-banger
• on. but to no avail When the \Yhistlc blc\v at 11 30 1he canipus
were dug up after being buried l\\'Oyears.). SophonlOres. ma~· your lree live a long and prospt1· ous life •nd pro•ide shade for
sparkled as onh• done by a pan\ supervised by Mr Clean The caJC!1eria go1into lhc spirit of1hc crations to co11\e day by 1hro,ving a huge tailgate Aller working so hard. the pany ou1sidc before 1he uadiuonal niors and faculty headed do\1;111 Arbor Day iree planting. Riverside park to duke it out oo Prof Do>C stood up I<> read the soliball diamond The fac 1he soliloquy for 1he tree. ooly 10 barely ,,qucaked by 1he athletic be held ho<iage by a wanna-be iree prowess of 1he 1unior class \Vith of Eric Roecker Cool-headed 25-3 win (I think'>) Mi1ch got 1hings under control and the tr<.."C \Vl11S placed in a n1ons1rous hole \Vith plClll\' Of rertih/.Cf l \ttO
carp were given 1he job 10 k<ep the tree alive alo11s v.•i1h a pos1er and
· winger" CD (along wiih D Scott's shoes and socks which
- - -·-
- --
F +r
......... '"
Athletics Sl*ts ., "''"'"' at Noi tliw.-.. are
\'efY Mnefic:lll fot the sludelols. After I ban~~ Greek ..i H<llllew .... forms, they need ... outlet, and sPo<ts ICtMtiea pro.icle that outlet. f 1111 also 11.tw .., opj)Ottlrity to 10 wild II sporting eienta, and NWC studentâ&#x20AC;˘ like that too.
I ,
The •' n w ~ J ·d by Pete Kelm nd Rob ~ 'illiams and m naged loy, er- score~ a.gain~ 12 orahc ]41 lr:lnl that i:t meed up \fiiith on 1he link~. Kehn\. :a.son \1r ~lR'ciall) ftuit ul. s M picked up alJ-
confacnce honor in boch the I -r Michigan Conference and lhc Upper Mid\\esi 1hk1 ic Confercii c le.am, •he Trojaru; fini ~d I s in the lJ ' C and "'ere able to cap1urc founh in lheLMC.
talent that t~ we"' able to caprure '-'orth\\cstttn'~ flr5-t share or an I pper \11dwcst Athletic Coructer1Ce champtonslup sance 1986 ,.,.ha 4-1
coruer<nec honors for hos play, while senior receivers Jon 81 .. liu, Eric Miller, and Uen Golisch each rcceivc:d first team all-conference honors 1hcm· S<h'eS. Bilitz also finished the ......,...ith a 25 I yanl Licloff return a'·erage to rank ~~M teenth in the 'CAA
record Leading the"•> to that cham-
Other lirsr team all..,.,.Uereace
The 1991 ed111on of the frojnn football team wa& one with lors of 1alcn1 In ract, so n1uch
ptonsh1p .. as a group or out· standmg >CfUO<'- whose lcadcnlrip brought together a team that wu 2-4 aAer six games I ~ncbackcr Larry Searen led the dcfcn.c and earned fir<I team all-
members "'ere sophomore offemn-e tackle "\1oose" ()on. line, freshman linebader Brent Brutlag. who lead the coruermc:e wtth 149 tackles. and sophomore tailback I !cath Outler
The biggest wins of die season had be a 40-14 f 1ome.comin~ htl lacking of DMLC and a 14-0 conference-clinching \.ictory o ~ Manmatha on a bone-chilling Nm't'mber Saturday. 81J1Jer too · ct:nler -stage in bo h those ,,iclorles. as he tombined for 429 yards rusbin! and I hree 1ouchdowns in
tho::; • l \\'O game~ DutJet-s d ·es special mention since h · ru hed for i ,2 19 yards and broke Joel F>ict1ich's 1979 single n ru hing record of • IJ I )"arcb In nddilion. his 14 2 J l rds a game p!atc 'him eighth in lhe
· C \ Divi~iun 111 runnins back-
i mong nU
) .-)5
a..34 2~11•
16.-ll 40-t4• 12:.6• l~
~l...s...o. ..:.. .•. . .•• .:.. .J
It was a tough year for the soccer team, as they finished
with a 1-13-1 record. but under the tutelage of coach (Tutor) Paul Koelpin. they made enough strides to be able to look back on then season with a sense of pride and achievement Some of the top players included seniors Mike Zarling, Pat Arndt, Gary Bode, and Jon Zabcll, Juniors Joel Schult~, Tom Spcigelberg, Jon and James Borgwardt. and sopho-
more Jim "Ski" Skoruwski. . After playing Beloit College tough in a 2- 1 loss to open 1he ~BackPage
season. the team fell on hard tinlCS and took some rather
crushing losses. They went six games without a victory, but finally the streak was broken "hen they managed to tie Ed· gewood, 1-1 They went 11 games without a win until they met up with Edgewood again on Homcco1ning and scored a J -1 victory for rheir first and only win of the year. The soccer team place throe membc1'S on the Lake "hchigan Conference allconfcrenco honorab1c menLion list M.ike Zarling led the way for the Trojans and was joined by Joel Schultz and Tom Speigelberg.
Rttanl.* J-1 J-1
.MaiU:alha Ripon UWOshkoSh
Is 0!9
0-2 0-9
C<me0rdia Mlfanalha
1-3 2-:lOT
WLC Se;ninary
1-2 1-2
UW Wbilewatcr Ow.5 Co.11: ,..,.,.. Paid â&#x20AC;˘Oelpla
''our ba'ledmll tcam wal~ed bac~ problem\ cof\Slstcntly cut down on h1< playing time Even ofTthc Lakeland College aller playinM thcor tinal g;ime of the Junior copta1n Aaron Steinbrenner ~a\On, the~· ~hared sonte good d1sloc:aled hi~ finger and \V811 n1cn1one<11 Yet conlpared \Vith rorced to sn out for a couple of \\hat hope• the\ have fo r next >CH· 11•mc• near season's end In odd•· >OR. thcv probahly didn't reminisce 1ion. thctr 't1bsti1u1es seemed 10 for too Ions ltet st:nt to the training room al m<l'1 U <00n M the) stepped on h """'' pr<tl} Looking tta.:l. many or th< plll)etS on th< th.: coun 1992 I roian t.ul.ctball team must In light of this. one can s11ll \ltU"Ct Ythen theo, remember the 1-ncon~ider the team pretty fon\1nate iune. and the tough losses they The people who managed to g<t suffered 1h1< past "inter All three woundi.'<i alwa~s had young talent of1he1r ou1s1de men \Vho were set thot could fill the spots vacated in to ~tan from the opening game en- the bac~court The VCfy rew big ded up on tile bench due to injuries men on the roster stayed heahhy at one ome or another Sophol .cading scorer 6'7' junior Mike more Troy H<tman broke his wrist ~gcr and lone senior 6'5" Enc Miller kept themselves inju~ free '" th< fir<t ganic and sat out for h•d\c .. ee1.s Ench Zdlma's and bu1h up some CO<ISistency as a
b'?' '!Opbomore Man Guse JOtncd them as the only other forward playing for Nonhwestem Nobody who works hord and put• fo nh effort both in games"" pr3ctice:s for over three 1110nth1dr >Cf\t< a I· 19 reconl Yet. tlw ""' the Trojan>' record A 47~ lo,; to La" rence and a n<d ...t necL ganic "1th D \1 L (' 11 \\ W.S Clas..c m ' "" L1m "m ._,close as ~ "ould come to• pro"1ng that record And then there v.as \1 BBC The l'rojans stepped into Mantnatha'• gym ready for battle and II*' the Crusaders one, yet ended up losing by four points becau"' of early foul trouble and some miS>C< free throws toward the end oflht 8Jrn< problem-g<t them
time at home. With four seconds dl and the score 68-70, I roy Heiman grabbed nn i11bound pa.111s~ dribbled through traffic and fired a ao ~-<:OLlrt pas~ to Erich Zellmer \ ho vu1 in a 1~-fOQ[ jumper off the @lass as che buZc1er sou r1ded. and ... it \\1lS v.a.vt.-d otl f:,ctting,, but discoura~ing
ta.ck Row) Tom Neumann, Ryan Landwehr, Andy Schwolenberg, Coach Gorsline, Dave Paget, John Gierach, Max Neumann, Tait Waege, Kevin Walker, Robby Robbert, Rob Wendland, Reed Degener, Paul Schuler. slo\\ed by an ankle IOJUIV Rob Look for the superior cond11ioning 'l'hc 199()..91 seabOn i) reach'"' Wei>dlan<l (I $8) has been hamand coaching of the Nonh\vC'stern 1tig lls peak tbr the '\orth\vcstern \\ re-stlers 10 nlake for some excit· pered by a back injury suffered in grappler<. The tam just finished the 'Natha tourna1nenL Rob Rob- ing n1atches do\\-n 1he s1retch. co111pe1ilion in two n1ajor 1ourna· ben (I SO) picked up a "in early in n1en1s ·rhey placed eleventh ou1 of fifteen tough 1eams at the ~1ara lhe season and is scrapping for numbe< two T•il Waep.e (167) na1ha ln,itattonal. and tinh of eiglu in the State ·rouma1ncnt held has f)OS{ed \vins in his la$! tVi.O 1na1ches co raise hi$ record 10 2·3 at I 8\.rencc C'aptoin Reed 0.,. gcncr ( 167) captured first place in Veteran John Gicrach ( 177) ha. bc<.'11 aiding the Trojan. with his 1he State T0tJmt)' to raise his recountless yeats of' nia1 expt-ricnce, cord to &-3 Andy Schwalenberg ( 1SS) came out of no,vhcrc t<>\vin and has been wrestling hard Dave P.agel ( 177) picked up his first pin third place to even his record at a1 the State Tourney 'rhis team lS 3-3 Captain Paul Schuler ( 190) siill on the way up One rcfcn:c at took rounh place.. and Ryan LandState complimented Coach Gorswehr. "·ho rcccntl)' moved up 10 line on the P<'r<istenec and effort the h<.avyw01glu doss. also got <ho\'-ln b}' each on or our '"res1len tounh KC\in Walker ( 142) has sho\i.'n promise but has been
(... _:..:...s•'- b••- 1-1_J
lltck RlMJ 1im Bode, Matt Broobi. Marte Gib , Matt luln, A slstant Coacl1 Steve Schiller, lames Binder, · Buch, Ad1m Mudlft, Jonny Bilitz, Jolm Bogp, Joela Sch1~m~, Coach. Sdnnidt. Dan Ha hen. Tlln Scm.artz, John Harb1111m, Bart Bra11tt1 Aaron Stetnbrenneir, Chr11 Goelzer. .ui{1 ll~n llabben 'I hi.: strong clfi,rl s from thi: mound wer~ r1101 enough. hov.·l:Vl.!r, ,111d the. 1 roju11'.!I lo~t 3-2 t9 inning!>~ and 7-1 ~hriU Despite IMMgin~ only • 4., in. o-lo:!!>:i. rttord midY. )' MSOI~ ~"'.its 1hc nc-'>:I for ~ rough the sca;,on, 1hc 1eam h, s onh\,11.";:o;h:rn hC' Tr~j:m:s agai11 I the ball :i. \H:ll a_ any recent hi1 well t1 ndl"r the- tutelage of .i\sTm· rm dub. In nddi1ron. fan supis.tcml Coach '3te\'e chiller l lnport b al n aU-time high for the fonunately~ •tie hot bats were r>tt l) froj1m ~ames.. led b\• the Htilgood enou~h l'or a spli1, an '8-~ \\in gaitcn• who ,grill 001 a1 Mme in 1he ti r::-1 nnd n "-4 Joss in game l!IUTI...S l"O SpJitting double-he~ders hefler cheir onl~ noncamc the- pattern for the rrojan.,, mnfcmncc games \\ere rained ou1, "'ho did jus( thm in their ne~L thrL't' Nor1h\\~~tem dropped a d-0 rhlc:tiAinbills. In rron1 of rht:1r n1011y ~ader 10 Co:i.cordfa bu1 not '' i1h- fans North\vestern droppc:d \'Vis:_lU1 a fi,!:iliL Facin,g some onh1.~ con:iin lurheran f'nllege I D-0 be~est pitching in the conter~uce. 1he fore being outlas.ted in the T1ojans rcxchcd 50ffie top-nmch night-cap, 11-8. A l•~ P to Lakeni1ching of1heir O\\TI liom Chrh land folfm' ed andt re~ulti:xl lTI H.ei.:md- 11ing ro\\d h. \IC aucnded Nonhv.-estem Collcg~ ~. II •arncs 1hb ~rinn, nd the Tro"1m pla "Cf'S have prm ·detl 1he
u1101hc-r 11plit J 4-2 los.s and! 4~t \"in. In then final 1>rt.,.Ea 1er conl e~1 thL: roj;Jn~ I n'~ 6-5 in 1en rn11i11gs. before 1rom1dng Mnranmh 12-~ m 1hc econd game t:\t1rrhwcs1crn ,.,,a!'li h:d h •ih fol1 1 r..·niors. Chri~ Goelzer (p, !'t • Jolm I la1 lmann (cl. !\Jark Gahb ()b ·1. and Jon l:Jiliu (d) I !cl\\~\ -·1, many jumors ha\:e als.o cru1u"ibtncd in a bag ,.,·a~ · Aa rc111 , Leinh• eJ1n1.":1 ( I b, p ), Jonn Boggs, (1b), llan Habben t p, s.s) and Jorla .Schaumberg (If) In addition, sophomore Ad am Mueller ~· rf), and fr ;;shmcn Ban lirauer I c, l M. Ryan lfocJ1 (ol) and r im Sclw••llni' p. I b, oft
ha\•e f)l.ay~i ., ., ell
l18 Kk Howl Hite Strub, RYln Landwehr, Mike Gelger, M1rtl Kruse, DM Vt1Clf!Y, St Lan e, Todd Rausch, G.11)1 HM"llld, Huth Butler, Dan Heidridl~ Coach Gonlhw, P1ul Schuler, Craig Engel, Tom Clend 1 Rffd ~. Joel Gawrilch.
Matt Kush~ Tim Otto, Steve Wqenknecht, Kevin Walker, John Zabell, Pete Kelm, Jason Schultz, Joel Schultz, Tutor Koefpin, Mark ~ Nate Wagenknecht [Back Rowl
F r e
h me nj
~ "7
,. ~
MatltNW •1t1tt• DaNoyer, Joel 5-el' Craig (npl, .kff Scott, Tom Gleftde
...,, Sdlw....,b«s, •s111a...,.. Joe...,, Jeia-0 Glowiclli, Bob'7 •11oo1t• OMtc. Ffllllil N1 n lr., llftin
Jason Arns,
Brent " I'm a ICitdlie Now" Bndlag lason Balohrin, little Senn, 11m "Siu" Sdlwll'tl, Brady C.........
..~t::::"" Michael H••b•-. Marc Boc1aug, Tail WHge, Malt Duin, Mal1c Kruse.
Jason Sobulz.. Mar.k. JC.ruse
Sophomores! OF DARCEY RENT-A- cow INC. UME
.. •
\ ••
.. -
Jim "Ski" Skorzewsld and friend kif "All AlcM, AR Nighter"SteHicll
JoN!han Micheel
P«e Pt...-, RM "M4ha" ltee4 Dec•ier, r.. C11u.i., Gose, Pete llelm, lleoria HuMley, £ridl z..,.. ft, Mille GeN
Todd •111oose•
Mark "Gru• Gruma, Matt Gninewald, Jason •eoat11en1• .lobs
Marty "MOG" Jackson
Scott Mund
Kilc:e Kober, Jolm. Zietlow, Marcua S~z
J u n
Mlchffl "Wlgp" Hehrig, Roger Riede!
o.... Wanllow, John ~ MicMel "Sc"'-m" .._..,run Johnson
Dan Habben, Darin Aden, Joda Schaumberg, Daniel Sims, John Hein
. , , b '5' I
. Bill "Mt! Gibson" Finn
·~ l
Steve ~ . 'f.1Jll llode , Aaron Cbri1t.le , M....S ICMBH)'•r
D1niel lleideridl, limes Borgwantt, AlrOll Steini...e..-, lfff"I "Canida" H1n.io.-, John llo<zw•nlt. r.,, Otto, Joel Sdiulz, John 8oezs
-· .
Hatt VC>jft vith !'rienJe
Chrio Pnrt, Paul Steinoerg, IAl<e Vol!_, Boger Jliedel
~1arried <l11y>
Bob Green, Dan Schmidt, Paul Sullivan
Ryan larMlwelw, Jim Price, S - Mueller, Roll "Rude Doc" W"llUms, The "I can't tell becw ,.,.. face Is distomd by parity" ""'"• Nate Strvti, Matti- Doebler, A. Conrad freJ, Marti Wallen, J..,.,.. C. Strand, Cary Harstad, Kevin Kroll, o- Karow, John Serro, Phi Bol
; 't
Seniors For those of you who haven' seen him recently, yes, Pat Arndt still 13• .The \Vild Thing.• as his friends afTec1iona1ely refC1' 10 him, has found time 10 squeeze in studying among his many other pursuits. Although a standout his first two years, Pat left the basketball court in favor of intramural bowling. leading bis team lo a lits1 place trophy his fits1 year out Pai will take next yw off and hopclully enroll al the Seminary at a later date
soe.. to school here and i• planning to graduate on the
Jon "Jonny B" Bilitz has run the dorm, 17.r 8/ack cmd Red, the baseball team, the foo1ball team, the L(Ts. the camcen, the cafeteria. the maintenance staff, the faculty meetings, and the Watertown Transit System Jonny's big goal is 10 acquire 1he largest Queen collec1ion in the world and play them all at the same time There was a rumor this year that Jonny had a date. Too bad that going home to supe<Vise your sister's slumber party doesn' count Sorry, Jonny. As far as ocu year is concerned, Jonny is still up 10 the air whether to go 10 Sero right away or N U (Nintendo UntvC1'Sily) to eam his doctoriue in Tciris by gctung 300
Although a quiet man. Thad "Zod" Bitter considers himself the "ultimate symbol of totalitarian power " Bet\\"ten sets in the weight room. Thad has found the time to get himself engaged. So if you're looking for a ride 10 WLC. and it's a day ending in •y." then Thad's the one 10 contact Since his long awaited contract with the Dallas Cowboys has fallen through, Thad has decided to pursue his pastoral training. so watcn for him in Mequon next fall.
Wbc11 we portt:d 1he student body and asked them, '\\rho is Gary· Bode?,•• most responded, "Who? But we also found a fow people who had heard stories about <Jan.·. \\'e wilJ li!i.i these stories and you can choose vour favorite one to n.'DlCilibcr lhc mlll1 Gary Bode is: I. tl'lat guy who drives that brown dinos.aur, 2. that guy who plays the organ all day. J . the invi!iiblt man, 4. that ~uy who dribbl~ the basketball in '1is room all da ': 5. the bathroom attcndanl on 3rd iloor. 6 that MU}' who twu.i ms innards catt.-n by an aHen. 7. that guy who; makin 8 his brother tnO\ i: to Mequon ne l }ear !.O he can eep doing hie; wash
nn'y u td hi diligent ·tudy nabit ruid tdlur cla~s attend me~
gh rums.elf IRe ri.:puttttion S hardc t workin ~tudcnt on ca.mp'' I h irmm ity otl~n c rricd o\i to mtramurnl bowli~. when: hi tc m often led tlie league P ul I k hi work clhici- 10 Scrn next ti 11. FCCOt d to
Raised ~a child by Cm1ch Gor~1ine, Todd ''hkr" [nf:t!I has co ntinue~ his in1ellectua.J gro"11h here a1 \\'C. ne could ofkn b~ found at one ot 1he local establishment!l jn \Vatcrtov..11 debating v11rio1~s ~ial and p<>htic.al issues. Always interested in cleanliness, Zeke has. trave-lcd throughou& ahi: Midwest on Duta1uns. His clR"trfoadmg effort~ trus yea1 were one of the main reasons Coach Go~~ine was abre to win the champioruihip. Zeke has also hecome the voil.:e of V1lC,'' taking over as M.C wln:never a concert or program needed him Although he says he will mi~s Northwestern and really does:n't want to leave tile profs, Zeke is rc-.ady to c-0ntinuc to SfO\\ inte1Jec:tuaJ ly at tibe Sem
Alfred E Neuman· shoncr twin from Chicago took the campus by storm hi' freshrn.an year making a munc for himself both on Lhe golf cou1 ~ and lU the COS. Smu then Bob Frick has settled down, ipping l:O pani to launder intcnscly his multi-miJ1ion dollar \ ardrobe. only 10 h 'c lhc little kids be lakes care of hurl all over his dolhts Bob fac ii tough dec:ision a.t gradu.ation. should. l go IO Sem Or pend ll'tt: rest or my lik beiJJs the 8Histant fry manager al an inner
RurM~ ' ing'1
1 rue or Ii lsc Touclidu"n ark '"G1bb)"1 Gibb i~ 1he 111()1~ dwnptcm of nacho chip 1in foal •• Ac1m1ll . he shllr~ thi tiLlc wi1h D1k K hn \\' hat" up witti that'3 f dol'l't knot,\!, but I do kn()w 1het I sa)' Dowr town Julie Brown ir1 a -...iindvw. th• window of lcllWtbi1.rn, of cours.e. a b finall-· g 1 r~lni ion nd glnli~cs in hi'\ 111~1 year. Ht: ha ~m • hi Club M1 V fM, •nd thi" t\er people wer~ lle1nin~ t • n 10 him for 11 hr" ·eai~ . Gabb) wiU take his bag-o-<:hips und hi~ b -o-beads to cm nt'(I nd stun doing his own wa'h
John G:ierach vr s known for both his friendly smile and his dediearion to the spon Of WfC!>1Jin~ Wlule he ha.~ been tom between the choice of' turning pro in t~l pon or goi11g to the 5em, he 1hankfully seem..ll to be leanio • IO\\ard I.he latrtr.
It's a litde known fact that Chris Goelzer, the keymaster, invented the TV show A11ythi11gfor Money. He even took Spanish so that he could referee football in the \VFL (\\latertown football League). But these past riches have all been cast into his future n1arriagc. No\楼 the word is he is saving up to buy a logic book. But Goelz already has what is necessary for life: a finely tuned machine. a bride-to-be, a Buddha statue. and a Mike Ditka Football Nintendo game (good idea). It's just too bad
that he is only one 1naroon. windbreaker-type jacket av.路ay from a life. Goelz ";11 spend the next year of bis life at Semon the phone to his wo1nan in Alaska
This "son of my right hand" is an engaging, likable fellow路路 maybe too likable. Professors seem to like him a little too much, which makes one wonder Ben Golisch contributed mightily co the Trojan football offense all of his four years, and he also gained the reputation of being a hard-nosed player Good luck to Ben as he moves to Sem next year along \.\~th his ex.tensive mo,iie collection.
When you want to talk about tact, manners, and good hygiene, you'r e
going to have to nlention the name Paul Gundt.rson. Gundog's lighthearted and straightforward method has made him extremely popular, especially with his professors and his boss. This summer Paul will once again pack up the Gundog van, but this time he won't drive 10 Mexico or Texas. but make a short drive to the Sem.
\Yht:11 we think of Jon ''I.Ian Do ·~ H•rtmann. we think of one thing smokes lor a dime. Han has paid for hi college tuition by buying and reselling smokes for a limited profit But lhis practice will end as s.oon a.; he quits, whene\'er he \\'Ml JJ To 'accy's morn: This isJU.41l a joke. Jon doesn't really smoke HartlJog has b~ voh.-d lcest Guy on Campus" becavse of hrs no charge., no has.~le CD n:n1 I ~l Lei's just remember, folk· the due dah! is May lJ But if you no lonser ha•re the rentaJ, Hart ~·ill at:~ c.ash Hart l"lill takt hi~ sh'Cf hammer and liule woman And move to thi.! uburo of I inrtfmd. ju t ccond • from downtown Mequo11 for ncx1 ycdr.
Jor John on i n't 1hi.: 1i
st u in the world. but his knowledge of knives and 8""~ v.~1-uld rnake hh1 u~rul in tight ini.:c sopnnmore yc.ar Jo·' \ chicl h,a-.,· gonen pr~r h~y !<.m lier, ltum the Power 'W11gon to eh nd Crui r 10 II, pr ical car. 1CM.: h ~ nc"i.: been afnucl ro !IJ>i.:<tk M mind-."u :t th proi We 1111 wi)n J<.ie the bU'~t all. h~ return~ 10 his na~h·c 'Wa.shington
The ''Ladies Man" of1ru!°) ear's ior cla has kepr qtJite busy Coming imo NWC as 11 mere roo ·ie. Mark Kom has; , crHmblcd to the top of the he~p .in the tcmnis program ~I ha!) been quite a feat for Mark to find practice trme while balancing I.he a.ffect•ons of many brokenhearted ladie. blJf ~ SCClll5 to~ holdjng up qllite well. Mark will be packmg up his tenni equipmmt and liule bla~k book •n preparation for more ;n1e11sc stuck· at em Del~ fall.
Ho photo
Rith:ar,d rrojk Jones" Krahn hi one of many who has. fallett ,,,.i"1im to the charm!; of the opposite e:'t. !Jr< h11s been cJobbered o se"·ercl ' that he "ill be one of the first in the c1ass of '92 to ue the knol. Dik's colJege carter has been riddled with intramurals. and drugs (Come on. people. he \'Ork in 4~ pharmacy ' · Dik's Milwaukee apartment (the slteepsnead ba,·en) will be open for bus.mess when Ile :-;t1u l~ his first .seme~1er at Sem in the fall
Phillip Lepak hLJlds the honor of b ·inl<' the ~tuden1 t ooch F\rust will mi-. mo ·t \\.'hen he wnsn't fi~ing unc of ottch'~ COtllJ"utcri.. mmm ha it ht w ·tti n~ up next sea.~on's fi.,otb111l sch~-dulc for Kru . Ph.JI "''II on ·c g iin lc1n·e twi home of I l ou~hton, MJ n~ t fall for u em
Nintt:ndo's Game Genie WI:\~ fashioned aner ~he plAying st)'fo of our crnrn Sam 1ne SleepJes!l wo nder Master of A11:Ka A1t.m and ( 'm11mt11rd£ir of
'h1110hi. Lonn ~·s•m" l iindemann ha been quotL.-d as saying, "All I need is a case of Mountain Dew and a canon of Camels. and I will 11 conqu~r a new game m 48 hot.Jrs T his summer ~arn's love for tht: .sea \\-llJ prod him to leave his controller behind ~nd sai l around lhl" world. stopping only in 'l'urkey to find the ultimate Turkish bltnd \Vhilc slliling alone. he will be able to light his way with his riew Camel nc:on light, purcllased with the 600 Camel Cash bills whsch he oollcckd from his smokes last month Sam's last stop will be at Mequon where he ""'ill dock his boat and eake hls. light to hi~ room at Sem
\\'ben walking around our fine campus ) 'OU &an•t belµ but hear the pleasant sounds of birds. laughter~ and Pf'rr Lindemann scre.aming things like. ''Eee, " nrree. or • ltips• al the top of his lungs for seemingly no reason whatsoe\,.er. o one kno\\ s better than Pete the pressures. of being the DE'.an's son, bur Pete has managed to suy out of any kijnd of troubl~ rn his stay at :vc. Pece alw managed to bold the prestigious
role :ll RA for nearly a ' ear Ne'\\I ~ Nr Pae v.i !I pack up hi41 coll eel i011 of 70's post ers and move to the em
Qyr beloved Pr1rr "Budt.._ b-rit l 11rtin may' ~I') \>t•cll liave d '\Ome on of milt"agt: record durin hi ~ I \\' Hi ifllVd h I VL" b~comr.? legendary. from Iii. Labor t..~cursion ro Detroit to hi wee end on 1
the w~s.l COll"it m ii,jor eta w wm k at LJc,hesdR (bad mo,. ) over, bu1 I 1' be on the fe idc ~h~LL [hi! road from tenown co I
president qui( Dura.de n (ll.OOd move) Pete• rc.:kle. day of ~r vcl rruty be Wcul'd som4:('1ne be ~r lO tell him !equon dot! nOl run 1hrougn Maine?
change for .. ric "Goon" Miller ro sdap1 from tne rather peac~ful cornfield ou1h llakota ro ihe wi1d excitement of NonhweAfem Al fir.st Goon was confused (and cired) a.s, he attempted ro pla)' soccer. Upon rejoclio1L Goon fou11d t11s home on the football field. wil'lning rhe unfailing adornment and sappy affection of his professors Goon ha- also dvc..7Jed sports fans with Iii s Bil I Laimbeer·style of play in ba ·elhill_ Goon will cake aU this along with his ever-present thim for kno\o\:ledge to Stm ncxl yc.ar. It wac:;
tr\·r ••Ma~" 1'feumann kept busy this last year by getting a job a beer depot (a shock.. to say the least). Despite being a Dolphi fan for 1hu~ of you \\!·ho couldn't teU by hls "flipper jacket). l\,iax mo\ ·ed great promise quarterbacklng his intramural football tedm to victory last year. In the off-sea:;on Max enjoys pla.ying cards and doing odd jobs for Coach Kru e. Keeµ an c..-yc out for Ma."X next: full a..~ he makes his mo...·e to 1equon
Da r Pagd, another big player on the Uuramural scene. has had a full career at N\\'C. St.sides being a devout band member, Da-. e also bt.-en hea,·ily invol:vetJ with the For\fm Soctety and Prof. Deutsch!andt s German clec1ive~ . Whal has he Jeamed rrom the e c~riences? One can only guess as he hears Dave OC'Ca~ionaJfy bell OU! a choru or · neutschland. 04rntM:hland ilber alles " Dave will keep the mu ·c playing as he tearfully bids farewell to Northwestern and blo"~ bis horn on tbe trai I 10 Sem next faU.
If ' 'OU ever feel in the mood to sit down and ha\'e someone rnll \'OU sto"' upon story for hour~ on end -- Robbin "Robbie11 Robhr-rt i ~oor rnan .,
In addition to bcin8 a great storyteller, Robbie is also a topootch Te-stler. This year he managed to take second place in lhc conference? much co his urprbe Tins summer Robbie will pa_ck up hi collection of "ctic stufted b~rds and move from Carl's house over to the Sem.
Robert Romberg was possibly lhc on I;• man on campus the past four years who picked the Packt..-rs lo "go all they way.. every year This enthusiasm '1.'~S ca.med 0"•t:r into his great participation in intramura1s Rob and his emire green & )'ellow wardrobe v.ill go to tbe Sem next fa! I.
Good news! The rumor that Mlkt Koth h.as been skimming off the tep of the ~}'l1od s '1Lifl High the Cro!)S" offering has been pro\·en false "Digger {!iityled after the ex-Notre Dame ooac:h) has been makil'lg mon~· the old-fashioned way. he'~ earned it. For the pas1 three years, 1\-fik:~ has toi.l:ed slavishly at a day-care cc:ntt!!r Mike mo\ies on to Sem m:xt year. taking with him his passion for the Suuth. 1
Thuugtir to be a behavior problem at :first, Pou~ Kuucbow has become a true fuvorite of ihe profs. After establishing himself as. one of the top runners in the Lake .M:ich.igan Conference, Paul d.ecrded to concentrate mare of bis efforts on his RA job irt che prep dorm Paul. the en;.·~ of the college student body, has enjoyed many a. free haircut from wtlfiou prep girls. au r whom demonstrate the ability to make any normal head of hair look like a baulcground Paul hopes to find both berter hair s1ylists and a place in the hearts of the faculty members next }'ear at the • em
Thie fountain of sports knowledge from Minnesota has. found no one \!tho couldi list as many worthless stats or unknown rut:mcl!. 8' be Too bad none of this knowledge came in httndy during the NC.\A tournaments when ail thf s:ports illiterates picked better M.ls o e Duranm during the week made mm so tin:d thitt he was forced ro sleep all da and e"·ery day of Lhe "''eek. After trying hb. hand al romance during his earlier coJJege )·ears, Ste-·ve Schmidt hM found 1h1n in1endo prmi.de3 more cnjo)'lllcnt At Scm he wm nol need to find a job since he wiU probably receive about len grand in financial aid. During his free ti.me tcvc ,..,,.111 upcri a 1-CJOO fl1.1mber. answering any obscure qucsmions. one might have obout spora. 4
D'on•ld .,D-Bone" • huliz i~ a man of many fa~s He has I:> " ariou lime; • ~" NP Wl'C)tlcr, 1 dominating offi.m~~' llrt~mJm. first-cln:s!l intendc Rn I pl11yt"r, a lnrse brm11n • a gorillL but till n intense Mu.dtmm Thi& fotme succrt"s-,or to Pior P ul •i m nn a 1 pr p R lli:sjunior year 1md mh~n t:Pmcd rhc promntion 10 Wiucnbt:-rg for hi~ senior year. 1lo h s ruled third nQor tMs p st ·ear with n iron fos1. Don mk his v41st I lt:brew knowledsc 10th~ em nm
I~ "l' ~.. rut.
"B1g Lar, 11 stood astride the campus. Ii kIi:' a cofossu ~ \\fhelher il be crunching I.he opponent on the gridiron. putting on a superhuman lifting perfonnance in the weighrroom1 or !uroring Jon Bilitz in hi~ cl~ ses. lar gave ir lilis all . He'll do the same at the Sem e\i:I fall.
JoeJ Stl'inke. one of die l\\"O Des.en Storm heroes on campu~. completed his rt.tudies diis year. after laking time off for tne conflict Among his souvenirs w,ere a journal fuJl of pjctarcs of the desert, a dead hand grenade, and a Kuwaiti wife. OK. maybe not the wlie part. Joel wil1 still be on 1he prowl in ~cquon ne""'I fall
Jeff'•• Verb•• \tl'"rbfik~' fhcmc lhrough llJl c.oUcse has 111ways been ''early 10 bed, · r1y tori •• · ""ith lhis aui1ude heh t ckled hi s•ud1ei;;, N('l• wantin lo la c time a' y &om the book . Verb WI!! li1ri;4;d 10 &ive 1.1p 1101 onty wreMling ndl 1rac , but~· n l)ura4;lcmn VL'rb s1ill found time ror bo1h foo1 3!l nd lhi'! Go 1h11us, Mhough he rc:_,.Cn1 1ht IRCI lnll We have I en VJ ttom hi~ studi~--J Aller living in Wi con in for four ear \ ' ttb h b«ofTlt an avic.i Badger basketball umJ 'lb1.i1baH ran, lta\~n hi forml!f lnvorirc Mid1ignn Wolvcnne~ behind. When he w ~n'l draining 1hrec•poim 01 in inuamuraJ s. he followed 11 riaic:t c:r<trcisc program nd niCl diet, oftm kippins m at for weeks V..::rb ea •rut~ too,, fon\ rd to the rty mcming cla~ a1 em next year.
Stevr: ••wap'' ' 1 onn. 111 \Vagrnlmecfn had 1he most difficult scniOJ year of the whale cl11SS ~m . I'm not 'aH..:ing about being the ri nglcadcr of the Fonm or l?'!w('D bt.P3ting up e1.1eryone i the Lake ~fa:higan Conference with 111~nnis racket. l'tn lalking about Wag's c::onsdons choke to room with the procrastinari:on king in order to challen~e h1ms.elf \Vl"urt an: you drinking. \\'orm? '"This YI.ill nelp me cone en trate 11 on my studies when I room ith 1Jm~ guys who walCb TV aU day? or 1 I! I ·wanr 10 see i rthe old ~ Mit. gefangm. mil gehangep' is true. II But '1-lonny did squeak by and mn ~ taking nis new found srudy habits and beads to Sem next year.
uppo~ )'OU're
at baseball's openlilg day You are in a. crowd of 60.000 people and somewhere on the other side of the stadium some weird guy is scr~ "Stan the gnlll Start the Grill!" That guy could only be one person - St~ve "Bobo" W ~user Bobo is also famous for his academic excellence:. Steve will not be at Sem. but you will be able to !ind Ste,;e 0111 the golf cour!\ • in Prame du Cbetn.
Back and forth Back and forth. What would possess this 8UY David Wate.-s1r11dt to make that long haul every ye11t bdween Citrus Height!l, CA and \'/aten.o"'rn') He gives three reasons a desfre to sef'\.e the Lord. the more "'playful"' climate of Wisc-0nsin and a lucrative kitchy job Da,·e \\ill ha\le a few miles les ro ~o ne.'<t }'ear where he attends the Sem
A lonely com-fed boy frum Nebraska, Kevin "Jake" \Vattle found a
famil}· \1Jti1h Coach and Mrs Kruse After playing football for m.·o years. Jake dt.-cided to leave the sport and spend more 1.ime building his. rel.ationsrup \\1th the Kruses Knmvn for his Randy lralris looks and love for big cars, Jake has cbmbed all the way from a low1)'. rebenlous froih to the responsible presidency of COS. Throughour his college years he ha!; managed to keep a delic-att bala_nce between spending time: at the ll"brary and speflding time at the Ga:sthaus. Tlie Sem has alread)' prepared for Jake's arri\•al by bu1lding a separate parking structure which will hopefully be large enough to hold hjs car. nevi'
Th~ onlv sur-·i \ ing senior kitch1e, Pnu] 11 '\\' ir.·ill'" \\'hhr ma} not the younge~ senior~ bul he certatnl~ na~ the youn~~1 gi~friend \.Vbik patiently R"\\ aiting Iht" d~y "\ inrendo fool ball nil •he tnlr~muraJ sc:nc. Win• has endured th1.: n:gular IM season playing i,:·\:erythmg from football
ro basketbalL After attending Ins girlfriend's grnduation t h.igh school. that is), \\'irv "'iH be sr.."en r'oammg the em campus th~s fall.
\~Ould you
s.ay to a job 1haL n."QuJTcd you m ge1 up at 4·00 am. e\ety morning? A lot or 11COple would thmk rh.at i.s crazy, but not Jon Zabell. \\''hile everyone else is sleeping Jon 1s whistJing and 1;.ing1ng happy rnnes eager to start another day at UPS. Jan's. prov.·e!)S v.as also displa} ed on 1he ~CCCI" field and the ever popular quartel sin~ng group Fo11r <111 the l·,loor. Jon's plans 1ncludc taking a year off to "find h1mselr' and lhefl goir1g on to Sem the foHo ..v1ns year_ \\'hat
likr- 0 ~ .. I am a Senior11 Zarling has been nothing but a joy to na\·e on c.ampu... \like used hi.s catlike quickness to lead 1his yeM~ soccer team to another banner ~eason. ?\1ike's girl ~ituatton has provided a plerhora cntcnainment for alJ to enjoy. T his year Mike plans to pat:k up i11l of'tt1osc stuffed monkeys and Disney movies and travel to
(Back Rowl Paul Bnlg, Jeff Stellidl, Eric Miller, Todd Gorsline, Jasen Brucker, Ste... SY<!Om, Aaron Stelnbren-, Larry Seafert, Tom Glende, Tom Glende, Matt Guse, Kem Hahm, Brent Bnittag, Joela Sdiaum~, Frank Owens, Bart Brauer, Jeremy Glowicki, Dave Vraney, Tom Schwartz, Matt Schwartz, Marti Kruse, Adam Mueller, Steve Wll8eftknecht, Ben Golitch, Jon Mlcheel, Jeff Schmidt, Mark Gabb, Coach "Dean" Lindemann, Coach Sprain, Coach Gorsline, Coach Kruoe, Jon Schroeder, Craig Engel, Tom Neumann, Jon Zietlow, Marc Borlaoc. Paul Schuler, Ste... Nemanlt, Steve Gabb, Jeff Verbeke, Don Schultz, Pete Lindemann, Jonny Biliu, Charles Vannieuwenho-, Joel Gawrisch, Joel Sauer, Jason Arras, Mike Kober, Dan Heidrich, Heath Butler, John Boggs, Matt Vop, John Gensmer, Frank Italiano, Jr•
•~~occer (Back Rowl Darin Aden, Pat Arndt, C. Jim Strand, James Skorzewsld, Ttm Otto, John Zabell, Gaf)' Bode, w.,... Che¥y, Tim Zenda, Coach "Tutor" Koelpin, Coach "Tutor• Qualmann, John Hartmann, Matt Doebler, TOftW11Y Spiegelberg, Cl1rk Schultz, Matt Krenke, James Binder, Brian Page, John Toppe, Joel Shultz, John Borgwanlt, Rob Robbert, Jasen Schultz, Todd Rausch, James Borgw11dl, Dan Habben, Kem Hundley, Mike Zarling. Ha.tketbal/ (back rowl Charles Vannieuweflh-, Andy Schroer, Matt OeNo,er, Wayne Cheoy, Mike Geiger, Matt Guse, Dani<>n Glisper, Ryan Buch, Ste... Helwig, Jon Micheel, (front row) Matt Duin, Bart Br•-· Paul Waklschmidt, Aaron Stelnb<enner, Jerome Kruse, Assistant Coach, Eric Miller, Erich Zellmer, Troy Heiman, Sam Hacker Ill