Class of 2021 Highlights

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From the Principal It is with great joy that I present to you the highlights of the many achievements of the Class of 2021. Never has a group of senior students faced such a lengthy period of disruption to their schooling. Having navigated the first wave of COVID restrictions in 2020, they then endured an extended lockdown in 2021 and faced the disappointment of having their end of year key events and celebrations cancelled. Despite this, these amazing young women have exceeded our highest hopes for them and demonstrated just how determined, capable and resilient they are. Across the HSC and IB cohorts, the Class of 2021 has achieved some of the highest results in the School’s history and been nominated for excellence across a wide variety of subjects.

It is with great pride that I share with you highlights from the Class of 2021. I am sure that you will join with me in congratulating them on their achievements. I know that the members of this cohort will go on to live the School’s vision to be “agents of change in their own lives and the lives of others” in the world beyond school. They leave behind a remarkable legacy. Congratulations, Class of 2021. LISA MOLONEY PRINCIPAL

My congratulations and thanks go not only to the Class of 2021 but to those who taught and cared for them throughout the year, and all those who have taught and supported the girls throughout their time at MLC School. We are incredibly fortunate to have had an exceptionally dedicated and caring team working directly with these students and particular thanks are due to: •

Heads of Year 12, Dr Felicity Berry and Dave O’Donohue

Assistant Head Senior School (Academic), Chris Barnes

Assistant Head Senior School (Wellbeing), Sarah Tynan

Head of Senior School, Neil Scotney

Deputy Principal, Frances Booth

Head of Learning and Teaching, Linda Emms

Head of Careers and Academic Advising, Loretta Toole

Heads of Department

All Year 12 subject teachers and Luminaries


Overall Results TWELVE

girls with ATAR 99.95

Kylie Becvarovski

Christie Ch’ng

Annie Chen

Montana Cominos

Evelyn Doan

Tarindhi Fernando

Cynthia Hu

Fiona MacKenzie

Mikaela Nguyen

Vanessa Ryan

Anica Shen

Amelia Whitmont


HSC State Rankings

Elsa Tonkinwise 1st in Ancient History

Natalia Giannakos 2nd in Indonesian Extension

Nikki Juffermans 2nd in Dutch Continuers

Kittu Hoyne 3rd in Visual Arts

Tara Mulholland 3rd in Entertainment

Ellery Joyce 5th in Music Extension



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Top IB School

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94.30 Median ATAR


Exhibition Selections ARTEXPRESS – Kittu Hoyne for her Body of Work, A Portrait in Frequency Texstyle – Sarah Anne Carvolth for her Major Textiles Project Zoomers – Sofia Carey for her Body of Work, A Moment in Time

39 Girls

who achieved ATAR 98 and over* MLC School is reliant on the Year 12 2021cohort to provide their ATAR result or other information. Not all ATARS were available at time of publishing



8 nominations


HSC Exhibition Reserved List

for HSC Exhibitions


Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank* Girls who achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking of 98 or more in the Higher School Certificate or International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Claudia Bean

Cynthia Hu

Kylie Becvarovski

Janelle Jiao

Lone Bromley

Ellery Joyce

Sofia Carey

Johanna Lafoa’i

Christie Ch’ng

Annika Lee

Charissa Chatnantawej

Gloria Lim

Annie Chen

Fiona MacKenzie

Paris Chen

Sophia Murphy

Olivia Codevelle

Neethika Naidu

Montana Cominos

Mikaela Nguyen

Kirsten Dao

Audrey Nguyen

Gracelyn Dao

Tianka Parapuram

Evelyn Doan

Jessie Phelps

Nancy Faraj

Vanessa Ryan

Tarindhi Fernando

Alyssa Scott

Jamsine Ferraby

Anica Shen

Kayla Graham

Maya Simpson

Anika Grannall

Elsa Tonkinwise

Tahlia Hatzisarantinos

Amelia Whitmont

Kittu Hoyne

*The above list may not be a full representation of these achievements. MLC School is reliant on the Year 12 2021 cohort to provide their ATAR result or other information. Some students do not wish their results published. Details are not made public or provided to the School. In some instances, the UniScore has been used as the ATAR was not available.


From the Deputy Principal The girls of 2021 started their final year at MLC School thinking that life had finally returned to a semblance of normality, that we were finally post-Covid. And so we were for a few months. However, with the second half of the year, this group of resilient, strong, focused young women were tested in ways they could not have imagined. None of us thought that Term 3, such a pivotal term in the life of a Year 12 student, would be entirely online and that the girls would become trailblazers in the area of online assessment and trial examinations. I think it is only when we are really challenged that we see our true mettle, see who we are as human beings. There is no doubt that 2021 challenged all our students. It was an even greater challenge for our HSC and IB students as they worked towards their final exams, which would be their springboard to university and their future lives. For Year 12, there was no space in which to say I’ll do this later, no space in which to say it’s too hard I won’t do it, no space to say it doesn’t matter. They had to deal with the challenge there and then. They had to face up to their fears and worries and overcome them. They had to learn new skills. They had to deal with change on a daily basis. And they did. The other challenge they faced was uncertainty: rules seemed to change daily, health directives contradicted each other, answers to basic questions were hard to find. Uncertainty was the only certainty. Uncertainty is difficult enough to deal with at the best of times. Dealing with it while facing final exams during a pandemic is very challenging.

compassion and growth were evident in every single student over the past year. Their courage in facing the challenges presented to them was never ending. Their respect for each other, their families and their teachers was present in their every interaction. Their compassion and understanding for their peers, and for themselves, was heartfelt. Their growth as learners and human beings is apparent for all to see. MLC School students are used to being described as agents of change, of daring to be more, of being fearless thinkers. The Class of 2021 should not just be described thus. They are these ideas, they lived them. They are MLC School girls to their core. In amongst the challenges they faced, they continued to support the School and each other in many ways. Through leadership, participation in myriad events, support of each other, collaboration in their studies they showed their mettle. They were exemplary role models to the younger students. They rose to the challenge not only of their final year at school but also to the challenge that the world presented them, and they triumphed. I am extremely proud of the Class of 2021. The future is theirs. FRANCES BOOTH DEPUTY PRINCIPAL

Every girl in the 2021 Year 12 faced up to these challenges and overcame them. They displayed maturity, resilience and even good humour. Our school values of courage, respect, MLC SCHOOL | 7

From the Head of Senior School 2020 was a year like no other, with the onset of the pandemic and subsequent changes to schooling. We were left with amazement when the Class of 2020 defied the odds and outperformed all expectations with the final examination results. In true MLC School fashion, the Class of 2021 also rose to the challenge and delivered, what many say, are quite remarkable results. It’s always an honour and privilege to work with each graduating class and watch them grow as individuals. With so much dislocation to their final two years of education, you would be mistaken for thinking that some results might be sub-par. It’s quite the opposite, these results have far exceeded expectations and are a real credit to all. The true impact of the pandemic will not be truly understood for some time, but it was obvious to all that the isolation from friends and face-to-face contact with school would ultimately have a negative effect. We know that the daily contact between staff and students is a vital tool in keeping a regular ‘pulse’ on how students are tracking in their academic journey. To not have that was always going to be a significant challenge for staff and students. I talk often about the differences between surviving and thriving and encourage all girls to put steps in place to safeguard their wellbeing. Once we hit survival mode, it becomes a very difficult task to keep backing up, day after day, particularly when much of the learning is taking place at home. After establishing the Mentor Program in 2020, we knew it would be another way that we could maintain connection with girls on an individual level and ensure that they had the best possible support available to them. This too, allowed girls to maintain focus on their quest to thrive, not just survive. I am especially grateful to the staff of Year 12 who made every effort to keep the teaching and learning in place and do all they could to replicate what would normally take place in 8 | CLASS OF 2021 HIGHLIGHTS

the classroom. At times, this was really put to the test, but through patience, determination and resilience, the end goal was reached. With the incredible love and support from family and friends, we were confident that the cohort would be well placed to do well. I extend this gratitude to the team of luminaries and mentors, along with the oversight from Mr O’Donohue, Ms Tynan and Dr Berry. I know I speak on behalf of all staff when I say how proud I am of their achievements. To the Class of 2021, I salute you. You have been a pleasure to work with and I congratulate you on your enormous success. You have been superb role models for other students and clearly set the bar high for years to come. May this be the launchpad for continued success as you enter the next chapter of your lives. NEIL SCOTNEY HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL

From the Head of Learning and Teaching The journey through Years 11 and 12 is challenging in normal circumstances, which makes the performance of the class of 2021 nothing short of astounding. Completing their final years of schooling in the midst of a global pandemic, the Class of 2021 rose to the challenge and excelled in their achievements. As a year group these students first experienced the move to flexible learning in 2020, joining their teachers on a steep learning curve as pedagogy morphed to adapt to the online environment. This experience served them well when at the start of Term 3 2021 they once again found themselves learning online. More than just swapping face-to-face delivery for a Teams meeting, the teaching staff explored new tools and approaches that were suited to the online context in which we found ourselves. These new approaches were embraced by the girls as they worked with their teachers to continue to strive towards the final goal. They were the first year group to experience online examinations and I commend them on the way they conducted themselves throughout this period. Yes, we had some mishaps, as you would expect with any new way of working, but the girls dealt with these with grace and resilience. Keeping calm and working with staff became the hallmark of their approach throughout the term. The strong working relationship that develops between students and staff at MLC School in the senior years was particularly evident in 2021. Despite the uncertainty of changes to examinations, restricted access to facilities for practical and performance components and examination bubbles, the girls put their trust in that staff do what was in their best interests and stayed the course. Once again MLC School was well represented in the external showcases for the Higher School certificate with multiple nominations for Encore, OnStage, Shape, Callback, ArtExpress and Texstyle. These are acknowledgement of the

outstanding standard of work demonstrated by our girls in the creative and performing arts. Equally outstanding were the achievements of those students with state rankings in Ancient History, Indonesian Extension, Entertainment, Visual Arts and Music Extension. The results of the International Baccalaureate Programme were nothing short of exceptional. To have 12 students achieve a perfect score of 45 was more than we could have dreamed possible. Even without the challenges of 2021 this would have been a record that is not likely to be broken soon. To achieve this in the circumstances they did is testament to the work of the entire cohort. Regardless of the program they chose to pursue, the same things characterised the efforts of the class of 2021. Their resilience in the face of ongoing challenges, their willingness to step into the new ways of working and most importantly their teamwork. These achievements at not just those of individuals but reflect the strength that comes when individuals work together towards a common goal. At the end of 2021 the mark on the credential is almost a byline to what was truly achieved. Every girl grew on some level, every girl demonstrated their individual courage and their compassion for others, and as a cohort they have the absolute respect of their peers and the staff for way they comported themselves throughout Year 12. Congratulations for all you have achieved, and we look forward to hearing what you conquer next. LINDA EMMS HEAD OF LEARNING AND TEACHING MLC SCHOOL | 9


Learning Pathways The Higher School Certificate (HSC) MLC School offers a wide range of HSC subjects to suit students and their interests. To be eligible for the HSC, girls must: • Study at least 12 units in Year 11 • Six units must be NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses • Two units must be NESA developed English courses • Study at least four subjects NESA developed courses are the bulk of the courses developed for the HSC. They contribute to the ATAR and have an examination. Each year some MLC School students in Year 11 and Year 12 select the Pathways option of extending their HSC by more than two years to accommodate their demanding commitments in extra-curricular activities or to provide, in special circumstances, flexible program delivery over a longer period of time.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme

Students select one subject from each of five different discipline areas (Studies in Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics) and a sixth may be an Arts discipline or another subject from Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies or Sciences. This ensures a breadth of experience in Languages, Humanities, Experimental Sciences and Mathematics, a key feature of the Diploma that makes it different from the HSC.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) VET enables students to acquire workplace skills through nationally recognised training described within an industrydeveloped training package or an accredited course. MLC School offers VET Entertainment, which is studied at school plus other VET subjects studied through TAFE NSW. Some VET courses are NESA developed courses and have an optional HSC examination. If girls choose to sit for the examination, the course counts towards their ATAR. If girls do more than one NESA developed VET course, only one will count towards their ATAR.

The IB Diploma Programme is a comprehensive, two-year course of study chosen by a range of students as an alternative to studying the NSW HSC. Worldwide, the IB Diploma Programme is recognised for providing the academic challenge required for future university success.


Higher School Certificate Highlights Congratulations to the entire cohort. Below we highlight some of the outstanding achievements.

Outstanding ATARs ATARs

Elsa Tonkinwise 99.8

Kittu Hoyne 98

Ellery Joyce 99.2

Charlotte Jones 97.85

Tahlia Hatzisarantinos 98.65

Aarathe Ramraj 97.85

Lone Bromley 98.4

Lauren Millar 97.25

Sofia Carey 98.4

Kelly Zhang 97.1

Anika Grannall 98.2

* Not all ATARs were available at time of publishing.

State Rankings MLC School girls achieved 6 State rankings:


Elsa Tonkinwise - 1st in Ancient History Natalia Giannakos - 2nd in Indonesian Extension Nikki Juffermans - 2nd in Dutch Continuers Kittu Hoyne - 3rd in Visual Arts Tara Mulholland - 3rd in Entertainment Ellery Joyce - 5th in Music Extension

HSC All-Rounders



Six students were placed on the HSC All-Rounders list for those who achieve Band 6 in 10 units of studies. Congratulations to Lone Bromley

Charlotte Jones

Sofia Carey

Johanna Lafoa’i

Kittu Hoyne

Elsa Tonkinwise

Distinguished Achievers Congratulations to all the girls who were placed on the HSC Distinguished Achievers list for those who achieved a result in the highest possible Band for one or more courses.

Highest possible band

Dionne Alaveras

Inez Kritzler

Kayla Andreopoulos

Johanna Lafoa’i

Liana Angell

Isabella Lee

Annabelle Bailey

Kayley Macgonigal

Lone Bromley

Cassidy Maher

Sofia Carey

Piper McCowan

Arrielle Carisio

Lauren Millar

Sarah Anne Carvolth

Tara Mulholland

Emma Christie

Elise Nikolopoulos

Lilia Coman

Nicola Oddie

Amy-Grace Docherty

Aarathe Ramraj

Vienna Durie

Phillipa Signorelli

Jasmin Fitch

Jane So

Natalia Giannakos

Gemma Sorial

Anika Grannall

Olivia Tanevski

Tahlia Hatzisarantinos

Jocelyn Ting

Holly Herden

Eva Tkocz

Kittu Hoyne

Elsa Tonkinwise

Charlotte Jones

Ana Trigg

Ellery Joyce

Samantha Tsakalos-Stewart

Nikki Juffermans

Kelly Zhang

Hayley Kenzler

Zara Zuccolotto

131 Band 6 or E4

Jennipher Kong



There were 131 instances of students awarded a Band 6 or E4



54% of the cohort achieved a Band 6 in at least one subject.


Works nominated for Showcase A number of performances and major works from MLC School girls were nominated for recognition as part of the HSC showcase events. To be nominated for any of these showcases is a significant achievement as it acknowledges these projects as best in the State. To be selected into a Showcase event is an outstanding recognition.


Ana Trigg and Ellery Joyce on the set of “Hitler’s Daughter” Ellery Joyce on the set of “Hitler’s Daughter”


Callback Callback is the showcase of exemplary performances and compositions by HSC students of Dance. To be nominated students must receive full marks for their practical components. The following girls were nominated: •

Lilia Coman received two nominations for Core Composition and Major Performance

Vienna Durie received a nomination for Core Performance

SHAPE The SHAPE exhibition features a selection of exemplary Major Projects from HSC Design and Technology, Industrial Technology and Textiles and Design students.

Lilia Coman performing at NIDA Ana Trigg and Ellery Joyce on the set of “Hitler’s Daughter”

The following student was nominated for her Design and Technology Major Projects: •

Kittu Hoyne

ARTEXPRESS Kittu Hoyne’s HSC Visuals Arts project was selected for inclusion in the ArtExpress Exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Texstyle Texstyle is an exhibition of HSC Textiles and Design Major Projects. The following student was nominated for her Major Project: •

Sarah Anne Carvolth


Kittu Hoyne’s Body of Work project, A Portrait in Frequency

ENCORE ENCORE is a program of outstanding performances and compositions by students from the HSC Music examinations. The following students were nominated for their HSC Performances

Sofia Carey performing at the Groove concert

Sofia Carey

Ellery Joyce

OnSTAGE OnSTAGE is a presentation and exhibition of group and individual performances and projects by HSC Drama students who have been selected for their exemplary work. Students nominated: •

Ellery Joyce for Script Writing

Rachel Kardasis for Promotion and Publicity

Student reserved: •

Ana Trigg, for Individual Performance

Zoomers Zoomers is an exhibition of local and regional students’ artworks demonstrating excellence in HSC Visual Arts and celebrating the achievements of outstanding Bodies of Work. Selected student: •

Sofia Carey

Ishwary Ramjeevan

Student nominated: •

Cassidy Maher

Sarah Anne Carvolth’s Major Textiles Project


International Baccalaureate Highlights 23 students achieved an ATAR of 99 and over:

Score –

Kylie Becvarovski

Christie Ch’ng

Annie Chen

Montana Cominos

Evelyn Doan

Tarindhi Fernando

Cynthia Hu

Fiona MacKenzie

Mikaela Nguyen

Vanessa Ryan

Anica Shen

1 student received a score of 44 (99.75 ATAR). Congratulations to:

Amelia Whitmont



23 students (47%) of our IB candidates achieved an ATAR equivalent of 99 and over.




Audrey Nguyen



99 or over



















12 students (24%) received a perfect score of 45 (99.95 ATAR). Congratulations to:




Audrey Nguyen Nancy Faraj Janelle Jiao Annika Lee Neethika Naidu Alyssa Scott Paris Chen Kirsten Dao Gracelyn Dao Gloria Lim Maya Simpson

Kylie Becvarovski Christie Ch’ng Annie Chen Montana Cominos Evelyn Doan Tarindhi Fernando Cynthia Hu Fiona MacKenzie Mikaela Nguyen Vanessa Ryan Anica Shen Amelia Whitmont

100% pass rate

68 students

sat the IB Diploma Snapshot of 2021 MLC School International Baccalaureate (IB) results compared with Australasia and the world

Total number of students sitting the 2021 IB Diploma Grade average Pass rate



MLC School










Extended Essays and Theory of Knowledge •

53% MLC students received an A in their Extended essay (11% world wide)

28% received an A in Theory of Knowledge (6% world wide)


Speech Night 2021



Valedictory for the Class of 2021



From the Class of 2021 If you could offer a tip to someone about to do their final year, what would it be?

‘Trust your teachers. You don’t realise how wellprepared you are until right at the end.’ – Holly Herden ‘Try not to miss out on other parts of life in favour of school.’ – Anika Grannall

‘Enjoy and make the most of it while you can!’ – Charlotte Jones ‘Everything happens for a reason, if you get a bad exam mark it isn’t the end of the world. Remember to live your life and don’t cut out all social events just because you’re in year 12.’ – Natalia Grbic ‘Don’t compare your study timetables, everyone’s brain is different do what makes you feel best prepared.’ – Sarah Anne Carvolth ’Remain consistent with your work and study, as this will make the final months less stressful and will make exam prep much more manageable.’ – Mikaela Nguyen (School Captain)


‘Experience and learn from as much as you can: all the good, the bad, and the ugly, because although Year 12 in itself seems painful enough, they make for the most memorable memories once you reach the light at the end of the tunnel.’ – Gloria Lim (SRC Captain) ‘Focus on truly understanding what you are learning (don’t be afraid to ask for help from your teachers!) and build that confidence by practicing questions (and send those questions for your teacher to mark!’ – Christie Chn’g ‘The 2019 Art and Design Tour in Europe was an amazing experience where I got to embark on new and exciting experiences, as I visited many remarkable and memorable art galleries.’ – Aarathe Ramraj

‘To start studying and preparing early so you are not learning new content before the final exams.’ – Tianka Parapuram ‘Don’t give up after you get a disappointing mark - there is a huge learning curve to overcome. Persevere and you will improve.’ – Annika Lee ‘Stay positive, this year will bring its highs and lows one bad mark on an exam doesn’t mean you will fail, keep pushing! Also keep praticising your writing skills!’ – Elle Tamvakolos ‘Don’t procrastinate!’ – Paris Chen ’I think what was key for me in my final year was maintaining that balance of social vs work life. It is completely unnecessary to exclude yourself from social events in order to maintain and achieve results you are happy with, in fact, I think it helps to continue to be social. It puts things in perspective that there is more to your life than school and there always will be. Of course, it is important to try hard with your studies and stay passionate and driven, but you can’t do this without having moments of relaxation and enjoyment outside of academics. It doesn’t need to be the scary ‘marathon’ it’s stipulated as being again and again.’ – Sofia Carey (Music Captain) ’Take this final year at your own pace. It’s easy to feel like you’re falling behind when discussing assignments with friends, but always remind yourself that everyone has their own unique study methods and subject prioritisation.’ – Montana Cominos (DDE Captain)

What is your favourite memory of your time at MLC School?

‘Honestly too many to count. So many of just in-class jokes with the teacher, lunchtimes with my friends, MLC School just has SUCH a great vibe.’ – Katie Sutherland (Sport Captain) ‘Having the amazing opportunity of attending the Chiang Mai immersion program. A truly inspirational and momentous memory!’ – Aarathe Ramraj ’One of my absolute favourite memories from MLC School was during the Wakakirri Story Dance Competition in 2019 when the year 12s came back to our dressing room with the news that we had won first place in NSW! The energy and excitement in the room was incredible and I will forever cherish the friendships I made with the girls throughout the months of preparation and the blood, sweat and tears we poured into that performance.’ – Vanessa Ryan (Art and Design Captain)


What has been the highlight of your time at MLC School?

‘Making so many close friends from all over the year group, I have no idea what’d I’d do without them.’ – Lily Alexiou ‘The 2019 Art and Design Tour in Europe was an amazing experience where I got to embark on new and exciting experiences, as I visited many remarkable and memorable art galleries.’ – Aarathe Ramraj ’Whilst being at MLC School, my highlight would have to be participating in Cadets. Cadets provided me with an abundance of opportunities and attributes, in particular, leadership and resilience. The camps we went on were some of the most challenging, yet rewarding experiences I have been apart of.’ – Lilia Coman ‘Making lifelong friends.’ – Tarindhi Fernando ‘The inspiring and supportive environment, from your peers to your teachers - you are always encouraged to do your best.’ – Kittu Hoyne ‘Winning synchronised swimming.’ – Olivia Tanevski


‘The tours and immersions to other countries and getting an excuse to socialise with my friends everyday.’ – Hayley Kenzler Meeting amazing friends and being supported by even better teachers!!! – Elise Nikolopoulos ‘My highlight has been all the wonderful music concerts I’ve been a part of. We’ve played and sung so many fantastic tunes!’ – Ellery Joyce ‘Although Year 12 has been very busy, I think it is the highlight of my time at MLC School because I built a stronger friendship with my friends and gained a sense of community as we work together through the final year.’ – Paris Chen ‘Having the opportunity to travel to India and participate in the 2019 Round Square International Conference.’ – Kayla Graham (Round Square Captain, 2021) ‘The school has became a home and community to me I will never ever forget. Mr Scotney and so many other teachers really were the highlights of my time. They provided me comfort, support and laughs whenever I really needed it.’ – Elle Tamvakolos ’Getting to know the staff and students better over the six years I’ve been here is a highlight. The community of this school is unlike any other I’ve seen, and my whole family agrees. We are so thankful for the unfailing kindness each teacher and student has shown to me and each other.’ – Ana Trigg (School Vice-Captain, Year 10 to Year 12)

How do you believe being at MLC School has shaped the person you are today?

‘MLC School has made me a strong and independent woman, during my time here, I recognised the importance of time management and organisation and were able to develop these skills.’ – Paris Chen ‘It has taught me to be a critical and independent thinker.’ – Preeyangka Manogaran ‘I think it has made me more considerate, open-minded and inclusive. Definitely more acceptive of other peoples individualities.’ – Fiona MacKenzie ‘MLC School has encouraged me to reach my full potential academically as well as shape me into a confident and sensible person I believe I am today. The atmosphere, students and staff have encouraged me to stay true to myself in order to reach new heights and improve overall.’ – Maddisen Strauss ‘There has been a great support system of girls which I now value highly.’ – Anika Grannall

‘MLC School taught me to embrace my interests and to form connections with people with who I don’t interact on a daily basis.’ – Dionne Alaveras ‘I feel as though I’m confident in my opinions, have a better understanding of people from different backgrounds and am better equipped to handle complex situations.’ – Holly Herden ‘The school fostered a nurturing environment for me to flourish in, allowing for an improvement of my confidence and communication skills.’ – Georgia Beretov-Millar ‘I believe the people, both students and teachers, have helped me to develop a more open and inclusive mindset.’ – Annika Lee ‘MLC School has made me a lot more confident in expressing my opinions and ideas in class, as well as made me a more confident person overall, especially as a woman.’ – Natalia Grbic ‘It has made me a strong woman who is aware of my place in society as an equal to men.’ – Hayley Kenzler


Roll Call Stephanie Abdennour

Amy-Grace Docherty

Johanna Lafoa’i

Natasha Sheehy

Isabella Al-horani

Vienna Durie

Aleezah Lapitan

Kiara Shine

Dionne Alaveras

Lucy Edwards

Annika Lee

Phillipa Signorelli

Lily Alexiou

Toni Eliades

Ava Lee

Maya Simpson

Te’jhaan Altiok-Brown

Nancy Faraj

Isabella Lee

Jane So

Kayla Andreopoulos

Tarindhi Fernando

Olivia Leighton

Gemma Sorial

Liana Angell

Jasmine Ferraby

Gloria Lim

Maria Stamateris

Annabelle Bailey

Jasmin Fitch

Kayley Macgonigal

Maddisen Strauss

Sarvani Bala

Samridhi Garg

Fiona MacKenzie

Katie Sutherland

Claudia Bean

Natalia Giannakos

Cassidy Maher

Claudine Talbot

Kylie Becvarovski

Kayla Graham

Preeyangka Manogaran

Elle Tamvakolos

Georgia Beretov-Millar

Anika Grannall

Marissa Matthews

Olivia Tanevski

Tiffany Boungoto Weng

Natalia Grbic

Piper McCowan

Jocelyn Ting

Thanh Brard

Tahlia Hatzisarantinos

Georgia Melhem

Eva Tkocz

Lone Bromley

Emily Heng

Lauren Millar

Elsa Tonkinwise

Sofia Carey

Holly Herden

Tara Mulholland

Angela Trang

Arrielle Carisio

Kittu Hoyne

Phoebe Mullins

Ana Trigg

Sarah Carvolth

Cynthia Hu

Sophia Murphy

Claudia Catania

Claire Huddy

Neethika Naidu

Samantha TsakalosStewart

Christie Ch’ng

Charlotte Huynh

Audrey Nguyen

Selma Ulutas

Charissa Chatnantawej

Leilani Innes

Mikaela Nguyen

Vanessa Vlach

Paris Chen

Anjali Jayanthi

Elise Nikolopoulos

Diane Wang

Emma Christie

Janelle Jiao

Miranda Norton

Emma Webb

Harriet Clark

Charlotte Jones

Nicola Oddie

Amelia Whitmont

Olivia Codevelle

Ellery Joyce

Tianka Parapuram

Abbey Williams

Isabella Collins

Amara Kalcev

Jessie Phelps

Hannah Williams

Lilia Coman

Ria Kapoor

Eloise Proctor

Georgia Wyatt

Montana Cominos

Rachel Kardasis

Ishwary Ramjeevan

Mariam Yassine

Emma Corcoran

Hayley Kenzler

Aarathe Ramraj

Kelly Zhang

Freya D’Mello

Kimberly Keogh

Roisin Redmond

Zara Zuccolotto

Gracelyn Dao

Jennipher Kong

Vanessa Ryan

Kirsten Dao

Alice Kreis

Sabine Saad

Evelyn Doan

Inez Kritzler

Lily Scanlon

20 21 MLC SCHOOL | 3

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