Virtual Pet Game Concept ITGM 723, Project 1 MLewallen 1\19\2012
Table of Contents Topic
DĂŠcor / Home
Medicine and Vitamins
Player Overview
Pet Store
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Overview Virtual Pet Game Hardware: iPod Art Style: Bright, cute, colorful; 2D pixel art or cartoony 3D
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Player can: -
Feed o o Care o o Love o Play o
Keeps the pet full, healthy, and energetic Some food will not always be in stock, or will have a limited supply Medicine if sick Vitamins to improve skills Keeps the pet from getting sad and lonely. Mini games Mini games can earn points to spend at the shop for: Toys Special food / treats Other pets Décor for the pet’s play area / home
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Pet Store: Things in the pet store can be bought with both in-game money or game credits, as a micro-transaction feature. Some special items will be available exclusively through micro-transaction. -
Player can buy pets Buy food Toys Decorations for the pets home Medicine and vitamins Hovering over an icon will tell you what it is; tapping will bring up the ‘shelves’ for each section. The store-keep there will tell you how much an item costs and how many are available. The counter will display how much you have to spend. When bringing up a menu such as ‘pets’, tapping an item will bring up a mini-screen; it will tell the player a bit about the potential pet, how much it is, how many are available, and a button with the ‘buy’ options. Tapping the button will purchase the pet and deposit in your Home inventory.
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Pets: -
Pets will come first in an egg. The first egg is free with the game. After that, other pets can either be bought with coins earned from mini games or with game credits. Pets hatch at home. Egg color can hint at what the pet will look like, but each pet can potentially be unique. The creature of choice for this game is the dragon. Pets grow in stages, and the time can be affected by how they are cared for – time can either be shortened or lengthen. Each stage’s time to grow is increased each stage. o Ex: an egg will hatch within 5 – 30 minutes of being bought. A dragon may be a baby for a week, an adolescent for a month, a young adult for three months, adult for six, etc. Affection, games, and food can all effect the speed of their growth and looks in the next stages.
Stages of pet growth: -
Egg Baby Adolescent Young Adult Adult Elder Ancient
Different foods regenerate a certain amount of energy. Pets each have favorite foods, and feeding them favorite foods will give a bonus to energy regeneration and stat gain. Pets can only eat so much food at a time, based on their type, of what they have been doing. If they try to eat more food after they’re full, the pet will grow tired, or actually lose energy due to being overfed.
Toys: -
Toys can help build a pet’s endurance (health / stamina) and strength, as well as generate happiness. Pets can have favorite toys, like food, that will give them a bonus when played with.
Décor / Home: -
Décor is mostly used for fun, to add a bit of variety to the pet’s home.
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Medicine and Vitamins -
Pets can get sick or hurt; medicine is available at the pet store. Vitamins can help improve a pet’s performance or stats. Hovering over an icon will tell you its name; tapping on the icon will bring up a brief description of what the medicine or vitamin does. A double-tap or dragging the icon to your pet will feed it.
Mini Games -
Mini games can earn the player coins to buy things from the shop, as well as increase to a pet’s skill, and other various rewards. Rewards o Toys o DÊcor o Coin
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Achievements -
An achievement system will be put in place for the player to be able to earn unique pets, items, titles, and customizations to their pets.
Controls -
Being that the ipod is a touch-screen device, I believe that everything should be easily accessible as such – available through touch.
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