A Provider of Bankruptcy Assistance is Revealing the Warning Signs of Bankruptcy

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A Provider of Bankruptcy Assistance is Revealing the Warning Signs of Bankruptcy

Many people may be struggling financially right now, but does that mean you are going bankrupt? Not necessarily. Check out these warning signs of bankruptcy, provided by an expert in debt consolidation in Fort Walton Beach. You are spending more than you make. Many people are spending more than they make, and they don’t even realize it. Using things like credit cards can prevent you from realizing you are overspending. Sit down and go over all of your weekly or monthly expenses and figure out how much you make per month. Then, you can decide if you need to start managing your money better or if you need to be making more money. If you need to make more money, start looking into options like overtime at work or selling your hobbies for cash. If you need to start managing your money better, try cutting down on unnecessary expenses or downgrading to something cheaper. You use credit cards for emergencies frequently. Another problem with credit cards is that they can allow you to spend lots of money in emergencies, and then you have a large balance to pay back with interest. If you have just cut down on your expenses, then you need to go ahead and pay off all credit cards with that extra money. Then, you need to start saving for emergencies as opposed to using your credit card. Most people can easily save $50-100 a month and have a lot of money saved up that can be used when an emergency happens. You have no extra fun money. If you find yourself spending all of your money on bills and savings, then you may not have money left over to spend for fun. If you are unable to spend money on things you want, like a

vacation or your hobbies, then that is a problem. How are you supposed to go on vacation with no money? Cutting expenses and earning more money can help save money and help you start having more fun. Hopefully, these tips will help you avoid bankruptcy. If you still need foreclosure assistance, call Lewis and Jurnovoy today! Lewis and Jurnovoy is a local law office serving the Florida Panhandle. We specialize in bankruptcy law, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We will work to achieve the best financial remedy for your outstanding debts. Lewis and Jurnovoy 151 South Mary Esther Cutoff Ste. 103 Fort Walton Beach, FL 32569 (850) 863-9110 https://www.lewisandJurnovoy.com

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