Women in Business

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the stories behind

women in business

the storefront Be inspired and informed by some local women and the businesses they’ve created! by MaryRose Lovgren


I once owned a small bookstore under a staircase.

do-- getting accounts set up with suppliers, establishing service with PG&E and the telephone company, advertising, and of course learning about her products. “I had help from many people and support groups like the Small Business Administration, SCORE, It was a sole proprietorship with no other employees, and the entire and the National Association of Diaper Services,” she noted. “If it inventory consisted of items “borrowed” from my brothers, dad, takes a village to raise a child, it takes that and more to get a busiand mom. I made a brisk business reselling coveted volumes back ness set up.” to indulgent family members. It was a short-lived venture that Tam Le, owner of LeClark Web Design, which specializes didn’t last past the third grade, but it left me with a desire to own in “creating visually appealing but highly functional websites” for my own business again someday. small business, started by designing free websites for friends. After Apparently, I’m not alone. Over 40% of small businesses the referrals starting to come in, she contacted the Small Business are owned by women, and from taking a look around Butte County, Administration Office and took their “Starting A Business” course. many of them must reside here. Just leafing through the pages of “I also set up one-on-one counseling with one of the business counthis magazine opens up a treasure trove of woman-powered busiselors there. She was great in answering all my questions, big or nesses: there’s an online e-store for Norwegian products, a shop small,” described Le. “I still use her today whenever I hit a roaddedicated to exquisite dolls, and even a licensed center that will block or just need someone to look at my marketing techniques.” watch your little cuties while you keep your doctor’s appointment. Then there are the businesses that you may encounter in Perhaps you have the next great idea simmering on the other cities, where you think to yourself, “we should have one of back burner. Or, maybe you have already faced the challenges of those in Chico!” Dionna Kawaoka was very impressed with the idea running a business. Either way, if you’re like me, you are fasciand organization of the franchise known as “KidsPark,” a licensed nated by the stories of how other women have been taking care of hourly childcare facility that provides care for children ages 2-12. business-- their own business. “We were very impressed with the other centers and the organization of the franchise, so we decided to open a KidsPark in Chico.” After meeting with a franchisor and deciding to take the leap, they had to start the licensing process. But starting up a franchise There are many ways to start a business-- from scratch, through business isn’t without its own challenges. “The application process a kind of apprenticeship, or by taking over a previously-existing takes several months, and it took us even longer because the conone. But no matter how you get your start, you’ve got to do a little cept of hourly childcare is still so new,” stated Kawaoka. planning. For Sarah Blakley, owner of HYPE Dance Studio, which For many women who are interested in working part-time offers dance instruction for ages 2 to adult, and is also home to the or around their family, being an independent consultant for an competitive dance company FUSION, you’ve got to start with a established company fits the bill. Discovery Toys consultant Jenni good business plan. “Researching the local market and competiMerrell was initially just a very happy customer. “I wanted to buy tion is key. You are able to see what is the consultant kit just because it currently offered, what is needed, and was such a great value-- about $300 “If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes how your business can stand out,” she worth of stuff for only $99. Then that and more to get a business set up.” explained. Being in the industry first my husband encouraged me to try Ruxy Walsh, Cotton Club Diaper Service was also key to Blakley. “As a student to have a few parties and see what I myself, I have learned the physical decould make of the business.” Parties, mands and techniques that I now teach my students... And having where friends of a consultant open up their home to a fun viewing worked for other dance companies has really helped me understand of products, are where such consultants sell their wares-- whether the business side of things.” they be toys, scrapbook supplies, or gourmet kitchen gear. Cotton Club Diaper Service, owned by Ruxy Walsh, has been providing soft, sanitized cotton diapers to the doorsteps of cloth diaper-wearing babies (including mine) since 1988. She took over the business after reading an article about it in the paper, and Amy Evans, owner of Baby’s Boutique, which offers genbrought the business up to date with new products, services, and tly-used quality clothing, furniture, and other things “baby,” finds even a website. While her business was already an established one, her business’s biggest challenge is in managing, in her words, “the she had to deal with many of the technical aspects that start-ups piles.” Like many consignment stores, new merchandise is


growing up chico magazine

Getting Started

Unique Challenges

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