Kingswood Horizons

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New Horizons Kingswood School Development News February 2013

New Humanities Block for Kingswood The adoption of simple systems will allow the occupants to easily interact with the building leading to efficient and effective operation. The employment of large windows and shallow plan classrooms encourages the penetration of natural daylight and manual opening panels on the façade facilitate ventilation and cooling via natural means. Deep window reveals and light shelves married with the rooflights ensure that the daylight can be utilised without creating glare within the spaces. To reduce electrical consumption further, each of the classrooms will have daylight control, which will automatically switch off the lights when not required.

I am delighted that the latest capital building project is now under way and, from September 2013, will provide us with a new two-storey classroom block at the Fonthill Road end of the Ferens Lawn. It will accommodate the Religious Studies department on the ground floor and the Geography Department on the first floor, as well as providing office, resources and display areas. This in turn will release space in the Ferens building so we can expand our teaching areas for History/Politics, Modern Languages, Classics and Physical Education. The building has been imaginatively designed by our architects, Mitchell Taylor Workshop, with whom we have worked closely over a number of months to ensure the building will deliver something very modern which blends comfortably with the historical surrounds. In line with the School’s Sustainability Policy, the approach to achieving a sustainable design for the teaching block is, first and foremost, to maximise the opportunities for conserving resources and energy through good spatial design, passive environmental control, appropriate construction methods and high quality detailing. This approach minimises the demand of the building on natural resources rather than using renewable energy sources to camouflage a conventional design. Our architects have given a comprehensive report as follows: “Firstly, the demand for energy from the building has been reduced by considering the building’s orientation, ensuring high levels of insulation, use of efficient glazing and high levels of air-tightness. Secondly, the remaining load is met through the provision of the simple and efficient services solutions.

The high performance thermal insulation and glazing will keep the heating consumption to a minimum with the heat being provided by a high efficiency gas boiler. The use of a low temperature heating system via underfloor heating will ensure that the boiler operates at its most efficient and individual control of each room will ensure efficient use of energy”. I look forward to keeping you up to date with progress through news on the School website and to being able to show you this splendid new addition to the School buildings later in the Autumn Term.

Simon Morris Headmaster & Principal of the Kingswood Foundation

‘Strictly Kingswood’ A Fabulous Fundraising Ball!

Strictly Winners

After weeks of speculation and intrigue, on Saturday 9th February six members of the Kingswood Senior School staff surprised and wowed an audience of over 200 guests when they took to the dance floor for a spectacular fundraising event held at the Assembly Rooms in Bath.

scores were given to Kingswood’s own ‘Ant and Dec’, the comedic compères Darrell Harding and Richard Mainwaring. A tense moment followed whilst the guests’ voting slips were counted, during which James and Joanna performed a beautiful slow foxtrot. Eventually, Kate and David held high their sparkling trophies as they were declared the winners!

‘Strictly Kingswood’ was the theme for the Ball. The event was held to launch a project to refurbish the seating in Kingswood Theatre, a venue celebrating its twentieth anniversary in 2014, and which is widely used by theatre groups and companies in the Bath and Bristol areas.

Dale Templar, a Kingswood parent and producer of the BBC TV series, ‘The Human Planet’, gave her support as Chair of the Theatre Project and took magnificent control of the auction, raising over £5,000 during the evening. The grand total raised for the Theatre appeal was an amazing £8,300 – a great start for a great new project!

Parents, Governors, past parents and pupils were entertained throughout the evening. Not only was a Kingswood String Quartet on hand to entertain guests pre-dinner, but the School’s Jazz Orchestra added some extra razzmatazz to the occasion. The exuberant show opener from former Billy Elliot star Oli Gardner and his partner Libby Butt, who performed a jive routine, set the standard, after which a group of 12 senior pupils danced a set from the School’s recent production ‘The Kingswood Mysteries’ before the main event… the Strictly Dance-Off competition. Tracksuits and trainers, chemistry lab coats and computers all forgotten, teachers Angie Wright and James Matthews performed the tango, Richard Garforth and Clare Sergeant the waltz, and Kate Nash and David Hughes the cha cha. The judging panel comprised Bath’s professional dancers James and Joanna Whitehead of ‘Viva La Dance’ and Kingswood’s Headmaster Simon Morris and Caroline Morris. Comments and

There are some very special thanks due to a number of people without whose help we would not have achieved this figure so, as they say in any good competition, in no particular order – Maureen Lechmere of The San Francisco Fudge Factory for the delicious chocolate strawberries; Paul & Martha Baines of The Baines Foundation for the sponsorship of the welcome drinks and our professional dancers; Caroline Curran for the very professional programmes; Neil Watson for his photography; Max & Bettina Conze for the ‘lucky ticket number prize’ of Afternoon Tea at Highgate; Gavin Douglas of The Silver Shop, Bruce & Noreen Finnamore of Finnamore…, Nicki Portman, Fran Simpson, Danny Lau and Vartkess Knadjan for some fabulous prizes for the raffle and auction. My personal thanks to my volunteers on the night who helped with voting slips, raffle ticket sales and general organisation – Sally Johnston, Helen Ruddell, Senara Derrick, Sarah Smith, Jan & Niall Robertson, Rowan & Amanda Overeynder and Hannah and Lucy Morris! And last, but by no means least, our very special thanks to Aimée Bassett, Acting Head of Music and Neil Francis, Theatre Technician and Technical Director for the night and all the Kingswood pupils who performed for us with the Kingswood Jazz Orchestra – they were all strictly amazing!

Another Year and...

L-R: Michele Greene, Senara Derrick and Jane Millington

It never ceases to amaze me at how fast time flies and particularly when putting together this annual publication of all our Development news. Just as one major project is completed we are already on our way towards the next one… very much in keeping with the Kingswood motto ‘in via recta celeriter’. You will see from the headline article on the front page that work has begun on the next capital project to increase our classroom facilities. This will be a welcome addition as the school grows and continues to be a very popular choice for senior education. You will also read about another exciting project to refurbish the Kingswood Theatre in time for the celebration of its 20th anniversary in October 2014.

Your Views Count!

Are You Sitting Comfortably? Well the answer to that question could be “not really” – depending on which seat you may be sitting on in the theatre as it is today. Is it really almost 20 years since the Kingswood Theatre was built and the official opening by Sir Edward Heath, KG, MBE took place? The answer to that question is “Yes, it certainly is”! As we look ahead to October 2014 and the 20th anniversary of the theatre opening, our aim is to ensure that the quality of this superb facility remains at the highest level and complements the outstanding talents of those KINGSWOOD SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT who perform within. Sixth Form Bath

Supporting the Kingswood Theatre Project In October 2014 we shall be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Kingswood Theatre.

We need your help to refurbish this amazing theatre with a new electronic state-of-the-art seating system, so that we can all enjoy the magnificent performances of so many talented people in this much loved theatre for many more years to come.

A separate leaflet has been produced to give you the full details of the project and the ways in which you can become involved. The Chair of the Appeal, Dale Templar, would be delighted to hear from anyone who may wish to put on a special event or has ideas that the ‘action group’ can take forward. (Please contact Dale through the Development Office

 Your name on a seat?  Your name on a dressing room door?  Your name on a plaque in the

theatre foyer? Come and see Angela Dudley-Warde in the Development Office for more information

There are lots of exciting ideas afoot including a Sponsored sleep-over and film show; a ‘Play in a Day’; a ‘Y-Factor’ Staff Concert and Busking in Bath – to name but a few! We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing many of you at our forthcoming events. Do look out for updates on the website.

As I am sure you are aware, the Headmaster is extremely interested to know about the views of the constituents of the Kingswood Community. He holds regular parent ‘drop in sessions’ where any parents are free to join him informally for coffee and to put forward views and opinions; there are meetings of the School Council who represent current pupils of every year group and put forward their comments and suggestions; the Senior Prefects meet regularly with the Deputy Head and also the Headmaster and provide an excellent form of ‘feedback’ on a wide range of School matters and, through the Development Council, a number of representative parents and former parents hold open discussions with the Head so that he can be made fully aware of the key areas of interest. If you are not already a part of any of these forums, but would like to contribute your own views and feelings, we would be delighted to hear from you. These are the various ways of contacting us and keeping in touch: E. development@kingswood. T. 01225 734283 development

(search for Kingswood-School)


...Another New Project! Changes are also taking place in the Development Office as we wish Senara Derrick, Development Assistant, a very happy and exciting time with the arrival of her first baby in early April. I am very pleased to confirm the appointment of two new members of the team to cover Senara’s maternity leave; Michele Greene, a former Kingswood parent of over 21 years, will be assisting with the administrative support provided for the Kingswood Association, and Jane Millington will assist with our Development business. Jane’s brother is an Old Kingswoodian and her parents were very much involved with the ‘Friends of Kingswood’, so she already has a good connection with the School and I am sure will be another welcome addition to our team.

Angela Dudley-Warde

Director of Development & Marketing

Angela Dudley-Warde

Making a Difference In the summer of 2009 we launched the Kingswood Foundation and in particular the call to action in support of the John Wesley Bursary Fund. It is certainly very exciting to read about and to witness the development and enhancement of the school buildings, most recently with a new sports pavilion, new teaching facilities and in the near future a smart new look to the theatre. However, it is equally important that we do not lose sight of the very core of the ethos of Kingswood and the original aims and intentions of our Founder, John Wesley, in being able to offer an education to young people who would not normally be able to afford such a rich and varied educational experience. It is a very good and positive thing that the School has changed much since its foundation in embracing the very best of education in more modern times, but we also wish to ensure that this founding principle is not lost. We have been extremely grateful for the support so many of you have given to this fund over the last four years and as a result are delighted to confirm that we now have three fully funded pupils in the School community who are assisted through this fund. One Old Kingswoodian, who many years ago benefited from a Methodist Bursary said, “I am so grateful. I would not be the man I am today if I had not had the support and encouragement I received during my time at Kingswood”. We believe that the present day holders of these ‘Wesley Bursaries’ will help to create an even richer and more socially diverse community in a school which prides itself on its breadth and inclusivity. All donations to the Bursary Fund, both large and small, can therefore be used to make a very direct connection with Wesley’s vision for the School. If you would like to make a donation to this fund, please contact the Development Office or download a form from the School website. Your continued interest and support is greatly appreciated.

Chairman’s Update

1748 Society Probably one of the most generous and philanthropic ways anyone can ‘make a difference’ is in planning a future for those who will survive them. We greatly appreciate the bequests that have been made by members of our 1748 Society who think so mindfully about the future of Kingswood and the pupils of tomorrow. The Sports Pavilion, the J O Heap Library, the Ferens teaching block and the Dixon Sixth Form Centre are just some examples of the support of legacies. If you would like to know more about this group of very special supporters, please contact the Development Office who will be able to advise you.

Paul Baines

As Chairman of the Development Council, I never quite know what, where or when I shall be involved in something at Kingswood – but you can certainly guarantee that whatever it is, there will always be an element of excitement and fun, even if it does include me parting with some money! I hope you will agree that since the last edition of Horizons there have been some excellent events including one of my favourites, the Annual Golf Day. We very much enjoyed our time with the Lansdown Club last May and our grateful thanks to Terry Mercer and Bev New for putting on a great day of golf for us. This year we look forward to returning to Cumberwell Park, courtesy of John Jacobs, on Friday 18th May when we hope to encourage those who are not quite so familiar with the 18 hole game, but are ‘keen beginners’, to enjoy a ‘pitch & putt challenge’, whilst those of us who are of a more competitive nature will be setting off with a purpose! The Development Council will be meeting again on Monday 22nd April to brainstorm more ideas, largely gathered from conversations we have amongst our fellow parents and supporters of Kingswood and which we bring to the Headmaster for his consideration. As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, we really do value your comments so if you would like to forward any points of view to me before the meeting, I would be very pleased to hear from you. In the meantime, do look out for updates on the website and in the Headmaster’s weekly newsletter. There are exciting times and developments ahead and your involvement and support is vital to the success of each project. We are extremely grateful for all the help you give.

Paul Baines

Development Council Chairman

Mums’ golf

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