MGM Mirage FX Quant Insights Credit Research | United States FX Research and Strategy
Range rover
28 JUNE 2011
Much of our research on technicals has been on trend-following strategies. In this article, we examine trading strategies designed to fade extreme moves in price action. Specifically, we look at consecutive closes and also the daily range between highs and lows to generate trading signals. We find this approach is generally profitable for EM, but less so for G10. Importantly, we find that combining our fading basket with trend following strategies can improve risk adjusted returns. We create a trading basket that has historical returns of 2.08% and an information ratio of 1.34 since 2002, when combined with the Storm Trend model.
Contributing Research Analyst
Saeed Amen +44 20 7103 7719
This report can be accessed electronically via: or on Bloomberg (NSI)
Our research on technicals has largely focused on trend-following strategies. By and large FX markets tend to trend. Intuitively, we can view these trends as selffulfilling. As price action begins to move in a certain direction, it can attract market participants eager not to miss out on the move. However, markets do not trend indefinitely. This gives rise to periods of more range-bound price action, where the most profitable strategy is fading moves. In ranging markets, attempting to use trend-following strategies can be unprofitable. For example, as price action breaks out to the topside, a trend-following strategy would likely suggest buying spot. Yet, in a ranging market, this is likely to be the high, and spot will likely rebound lower. Part of the problem with strategies designed for ranging markets, is attempting to identify points where we can fade price action (see Figure 1). As markets tend to trend, we also need to be selective when we apply these strategies. If we keep attempting to fade price action during strong trends, we are likely to be repeatedly stopped out. Figure 1: Illustrating the impact of consecutive closes in same direction and large ranges in USD/JPY spot during the past few months 84
price action reverts after consecutive closes
83 82 81 80 79
large daily ranges can also be breakouts 78 77
sometimes large daily ranges are indicative of stretched price aciton
21 Apr
19 May
16 Jun
Source: Nomura
Nomura International Plc.
See Disclosure Appendix A1 for the Analyst Certification and Other Important Disclosures
Nomura | FX Quant Insights
28 June 2011
In this paper, our objective is to create trading rules to fade price action, with the above thoughts in mind. The trading rule we employ has two parts to it: Fade consecutive closes – The rationale is that as we get a series of consecutive closes in any particular direction, there is likely to be a pullback as investors seek to take profits. Fade large intraday jumps – We look at the difference between the high and low prices and whether spot has fallen over the day. We then standardise this metric on a rolling basis. If price action has jumped up considerably on the day and the daily range is large, a large numbers of stops are likely to have been cleared. 1 Hence, a lot of the impetus for the move upwards has likely been removed. As a result, we might consider fading price action. In addition, we can think of large ranges in price action as being like a volatility filter. Rather than purely looking at these rules in isolation, we combine them together, so we trade less often (and hopefully avoid periods of strong market trends) and have some confirmation on it. It will also reduce the likelihood of attempting to fade large breakouts at the beginning of large trends, or attempting to fade slow directional grinds in price action. Hence our fade trading rule becomes: Sell spot – if there are several consecutive closes higher and there has been a large intraday range. Buy spot – if there are several consecutive close lower and there has been a large intraday range. If these conditions are not satisfied go flat. Historical trading rule returns In order to assess how robust this trading rule is, we look at the historical returns. Our sample is from 2002 to present. Both carry and transaction costs are included in our analysis for major G10 FX and EM FX deliverable currencies. We also compare our results with a fade-based rule that includes a stop loss and take profit. We present the risk adjusted returns in Figure 2 for these trading rules. The results are mixed in G10, most notably in EUR/USD and USD/SEK. In general, including the stop loss/take profit improves risk adjusted results. Generally, our fade-based trading rule tends to be most profitable for EM.
This argument also holds when price action has fallen. Although in that case we would fade the move by buying
Nomura | FX Quant Insights
28 June 2011
Figure 2: Information ratios for fade trading signal with and without stops and take profits Fade Signal
Fade Signal SL
1.00 0.50 0.00
Source: Nomura
Basket-based returns We have seen that our fading-based trading rule is generally profitable for EM, but less so for G10. In this section, we use the trading rule as a basis for a trading basket. We create several baskets, G10, EM and a combined fade basket. In 2 addition, we compare the returns with our Storm Trend model (see Figures 3 and 4). The long-term correlation between our combined fade basket and Storm Trend is negative. This is intuitive; as the rationale behind both models is totally the opposite (one follows trends, while the other fades it). As a result, the combined Storm Trend and fade basket has higher risk-adjusted returns than either one of the separate baskets (1.34 vs. 1.07). Figure 3: Portfolio Historical Returns
170 160 150
Figure 4: Portfolio Year-on-Year Returns
G10 Ret=0.63% Vol=1.17% IR=0.54 Draw=-3.59% EM Ret=1.95% Vol=1.84% IR=1.06 Draw=-1.65% Comb Ret=0.98% Vol=1.08% IR=0.91 Draw=-1.61% Storm Trend Ret=3.19% Vol=2.98% IR=1.07 Draw=-3.19% Fade + Trend Ret=2.08% Vol=1.55% IR=1.34 Draw=-1.48%
8% Fade 6% 4%
Storm Trend Fade + Trend
140 2%
120 0%
-4% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: Nomura, Bloomberg
Source: Nomura, Bloomberg.
Storm Trend trades G10 currencies using trend following based momentum rules.
Nomura | FX Quant Insights
28 June 2011
Rolling historical correlation between our fade and trend strategy In Figure 5, we plot the 3M correlation between Storm Trend and our fade basket. We see that for the most part although the correlation is quite volatile, it is skewed towards the negative side. This adds to our argument that combining the two strategies together can add value compared to purely running a trend following strategy. Figure 5: Rolling correlations between Storm Trend and our fade basket 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% -60% 2002
Source: Nomura
Conclusion We have discussed rules to fade price action. Our focus has been to fade those instances where spot has gone up or down in succession over the past few days and where there is a large daily range. We find that this trading rule is generally profitable when trading EM FX spot, although less so with G10 FX. However, importantly it can complement trend-based strategies such as Storm Trend increasing their risk adjusted returns. Our final combined Storm Trend and fade portfolio has an information ratio of 1.34 and annualized returns of 2.08%. With thanks to Jordan Rochester for his help on this product.
Nomura | FX Quant Insights
28 June 2011
Disclosure Appendix A1 ANALYST CERTIFICATIONS We, Saeed Amen hereby certify (1) that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any or all of the subject securities or issuers referred to in this report, (2) no part of my compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report and (3) no part of my compensation is tied to any specific investment banking transactions performed by Nomura Securities International, Inc., Nomura International plc or any other Nomura Group company.
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28 June 2011
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