Assessment Resources B o o k s • D V D s • To o l k i t • O n l i n e P D
Develop assessment literacy across your school or district to ensure every student, regardless of background, is college- and career-ready.
Make grading and reporting practices honest, accurate, meaningful, and fair “Simply put, if you want the most comprehensive and authoritative treatment of this topic, then you need this book!” “Get Set, Go is an essential read for educators taking on the challenge of transforming their grading and reporting systems.”
—Jay McTighe, educational author and consultant
—Katherine T. Smith, high school administrator, educational consultant, and author
“I found myself nodding along on nearly every page.” —Alexis Wiggins, author
“Get Set, Go is one of those rare books that artfully bridges the divide between research and practice.” —Lu S. Young, executive director of the UK Center for Next Generation Leadership
“Guskey’s latest magnum opus.” opus. —Michael L. Smith, director, American School of Valencia, Spain
“Get Set, Go is the ultimate grading resource and will have readers returning to it time and again.” —Laura Link, assistant professor, educational leadership & policy, College of Public Service
“Get Set, Go has leapt onto my personal list of essential reads for educators committed to making grading practices work for student learning.” —Andrew Maxey, director of special programs, Tuscaloosa City Schools
Pair your book study with the companion resource, On Your Mark
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Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS C O M PA N I O N R E S O U R C E S
Get Set, Go
By Thomas R. Guskey
A companion to the best-selling On Your Mark, this practical guide details how to successfully lead lasting grading reform. 06SBCA–BK929 $39.95 USD | $52.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-949539-45-5 288 pages
On Your Mark Challenging the Conventions of Grading and Reporting By Thomas R. Guskey
Bestseller Clarify the purpose of grades, craft a vision statement aligned with this purpose, and discover strategies to implement effective practices. 06SBCA–BKF606 $26.95 USD | $35.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-935542-77-3 144 pages
Proficiency-Based Grading in the Content Areas
Proficiency-Based Instruction
Insights and Key Questions for Secondary Schools
By Eric Twadell, Mark Onuscheck, Anthony R. Reibel, and Troy Gobble
Edited by Anthony R. Reibel and Eric Twadell
Gain a clear five-step process for fully and seamlessly transitioning from onesize-fits-all teaching to proficiencybased instruction.
By Anthony R. Reibel, Eric Twadell, Wendy Custable, Justin Fisk, Jonathan Grice, Darshan M. Jain, Doug Lillydahl, Eric Ramos, Bradley Smith, and Steven M. Wood
Discover a clear path for implementing an evidence-based grading system where student growth is at the heart of every classroom, in every content area.
Rethinking Lesson Design and Delivery
06SBCA–BKF838 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-17-9 168 pages
06SBCA–BKF837 $39.95 USD | $52.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-15-5 312 pages
Pathways to Proficiency
Proficiency-Based Assessment
Implementing Evidence-Based Grading
Process, Not Product
By Troy Gobble, Mark Onuscheck, Anthony R. Reibel, and Eric Twadell
By Troy Gobble, Mark Onuscheck, Anthony R. Reibel, and Eric Twadell
This book provides the pathway for implementing evidence-based grading practices in schools through a straightforward, five-phase creative model.
Discover how to close the gaps between assessment, curriculum, and instruction by replacing outmoded assessment methods with proficiency-based assessments.
06SBCA–BKF682 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-13-7 176 pages
Grading From the Inside Out Bringing Accuracy to Student Assessment Through a Standards-Based Mindset By Tom Schimmer
Bestseller The time for grading reform is now. Discover the steps your team can take to implement standards-based practices that transform grading and reporting schoolwide. 06SBCA–BKF646 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-85-6 216 pages
06SBCA–BKF631 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-54-2 192 pages
Standards-Based Learning in Action #1 New Release on Amazon Moving From Theory to Practice By Tom Schimmer, Garnet Hillman, and Mandy Stalets
Get a well-thought-out action plan for implementing standards-based learning in your classroom, school, or district. 06SBCA–BKF782 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-01-0 240 pages
The Solution Tree Assessment Center
Assessment C O M PA N I O N R E S O U R C E S
The Handbook for Collaborative Common Assessments
Collaborative Common Assessments
Tools for Design, Delivery, and Data Analysis
Teamwork. Instruction. Results.
By Cassandra Erkens
Foreword by Richard DuFour
This practical handbook presents measures that school and district teams can take to improve their collaborative common assessment process.
Explore the practical steps teacher teams must take to establish clear, comprehensive assessment systems that guide instruction and strengthen PLCs.
06SBCA–BKF716 $39.95 USD | $52.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-86-1 264 pages
Design in Five Essential Phases to Create Engaging Assessment Practice By Nicole Dimich Foreword by Douglas Reeves
Discover how to work with your school team to create innovative, effective, engaging assessments using a five-phase design protocol. 06SBCA–BKF604 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-936764-95-2 176 pages
By Cassandra Erkens
06SBCA–BKF605 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-00-9 192 pages
Growing Tomorrow’s Citizens in Today’s Classrooms Assessing Seven Critical Competencies By Cassandra Erkens, Tom Schimmer, and Nicole Dimich
Learn how to design meaningful assessment and instruction that promotes student mastery of essential 21st century skills, including collaboration, creative thinking, digital citizenship, and more. 06SBCA–BKF765 $39.95 USD | $52.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-72-9 304 pages
Softening the Edges
Essential Assessment
Assessment Practices That Honor K–12 Teachers and Learners
Six Tenets for Bringing Hope, Efficacy, and Achievement to the Classroom
By Katie White
By Cassandra Erkens, Tom Schimmer, and Nicole Dimich
Foreword by Cassandra Erkens
Build a daily classroom practice that allows you to design, deliver, and differentiate instruction and assessment to address students’ diverse intellectual, physical, emotional, and social needs. 06SBCA–BKF781 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-07-1 240 pages
06SBCA–BKF752 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-49-1 176 pages
Instructional Agility
Assessment as the Key to Everyday Creativity in the Classroom
Responding to Assessment With Real-Time Decisions
By Katie White
By Cassandra Erkens, Tom Schimmer, and Nicole Dimich
Discover how to design rich learning experiences and thoughtful assessments that encourage creativity, inquiry, and growth, rather than compliance and “right answers.” 06SBCA–BKF851 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-51-3 240 pages
Explore six essential tenets of assessment that will help deepen your understanding of assessment to meet standards and enhance your students’ academic success.
Understand how to become instructionally agile—moving seamlessly among instruction, formative assessment, and feedback—to enhance student engagement, proficiency, and ownership of learning. 06SBCA–BKF764 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-70-5 200 pages
Use code 06SBCA when ordering | 800.733.6786
Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS C O M PA N I O N R E S O U R C E S
Common Formative Assessment
Simplifying Common Assessment
A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work®
A Guide For Professional Learning Communities at Work®
By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic
By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic
Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour
Discover how to develop effective and efficient assessments. The authors simplify assessment development to give teacher teams the confidence to write and use team-designed common formative assessments that help ensure all students master essential skills and concepts.
Bestseller The catalyst for real student improvement begins with a decision to implement common formative assessments. In this conversational guide, the authors offer tools, templates, and protocols to incorporate common formative assessments into the practices of a PLC to monitor and enhance student learning.
Online PD available. See page 14.
06SBCA–BKF750 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-45-3 160 pages
06SBCA–BKF538 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936765-14-0 144 pages
Letting Data Lead
Bringing Homework Into Focus
How to Design, Analyze, and Respond to Classroom Assessment
Tools and Tips to Enhance Practices, Design, and Feedback
By Eileen Depka
By Eileen Depka
Rely on Letting Data Lead to help you build a culture of data analysis and student achievement in your school or classroom. This practical resource clearly outlines a systematic approach for conducting effective assessments, collecting meaningful data, and taking action based on the results.
In many classrooms, teachers assign homework out of habit. Learn to design quality homework instead. Prepare students and measure their comprehension by assigning purposeful work, setting clear expectations, and providing feedback as the unit of study unfolds.
06SBCA–BKF839 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-19-3 160 pages
Coaching Your Classroom
06SBCA–BKF616 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-23-8 136 pages
Ahead of the Curve
How to Deliver Actionable Feedback to Students
The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning
By Garnet Hillman and Mandy Stalets
Edited by Douglas Reeves
In Coaching Your Classroom, the authors share a fresh perspective on classroom feedback for all grade levels and content areas. Explore the parallels between classroom teaching and athletic coaching, and learn how to employ specific coaching techniques to create a student-centered culture in your classroom.
Contributors: Larry Ainsworth, Lisa Almeida, Anne Davies, Richard DuFour, Linda Gregg, Thomas R. Guskey, Robert J. Marzano, Ken O’Connor, Douglas Reeves, Rick Stiggins, Stephen White, and Dylan Wiliam
06SBCA–BKF845 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-33-9 144 pages
Bestseller Get the anthology that offers the ideas and recommendations of many of the world’s leaders in assessment. Many perspectives on effective assessment design and implementation culminate in a call for redirecting assessment to improve student achievement and inform instruction. 06SBCA–BKF232 $39.95 USD | $52.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-934009-06-2 280 pages; hardcover
Visit to find more books in this series.
The Solution Tree Assessment Center
Assessment C O M PA N I O N R E S O U R C E S
Embedded Formative Assessment By Dylan Wiliam
Second Edition The second edition of this best-selling resource presents new research, insights, examples, and formative assessment techniques teachers can immediately apply in their classrooms. 06SBCA–BKF790 $38.95 USD | $50.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-22-5 240 pages
The Handbook for Embedded Formative Assessment By Solution Tree
Developed as a companion to Embedded Formative Assessment, 2nd ed., this practical handbook is packed with how-tos and tried-and-tested techniques for designing effective formative assessments. 06SBCA–BKF803 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-50-8 128 pages
Online PD available. See page 15.
Mathematics Assessment and Intervention in a PLC at Work®
Mathematics Homework and Grading in a PLC at Work®
By Timothy D. Kanold, Sarah Schuhl, Matthew R. Larson, Bill Barnes, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, and Mona Toncheff
By Timothy D. Kanold, Bill Barnes, Matthew R. Larson, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, Sarah Schuhl, and Mona Toncheff
Rely on this resource to help you develop high-quality common assessments and then effectively use the assessments for formative learning and intervention.
Rely on this user-friendly resource to help you create common independent practice assignments and equitable grading practices that boost student achievement in mathematics.
06SBCA–BKF823 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-97-3 136 pages
Joint publication with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
06SBCA–BKF825 $26.95 USD | $35.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-17-0 112 pages
Joint publication with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Elements of Grading
FAST Grading
A Guide to Effective Practice
A Guide to Implementing Best Practices
By Douglas Reeves
By Douglas Reeves
Second Edition This book provides teachers and administrators with practical suggestions for making the grading process more fair, accurate, specific, and timely.
Discover how to ensure schoolwide grading practices center on four essential criteria: fairness, accuracy, specificity, and timeliness.
06SBCA–BKF648 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-89-4 232 pages
06SBCA–BKF647 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-87-0 168 pages
The School Leader’s Guide to Grading
Using Formative Assessment in the RTI Framework
By Ken O’Connor
By Kay Burke and Eileen Depka
Ensure your school’s grading procedures are supportive of learning, accurate, meaningful, and consistent. Improve effectiveness in supporting assessment and communicating student achievement.
Understand RTI and its connection to formative assessment, and adjust instruction to increase levels of student understanding and achievement with this practical guide.
06SBCA–BKF553 $26.95 USD | $35.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-935542-52-0 Grades K–8; 112 pages
06SBCA–BKF369 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-935249-74-0 144 pages
Joint publication with the National Association of Elementary School Principals
Use code 06SBCA when ordering | 800.733.6786
Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS
Assessing Unstoppable Learning By Tom Hierck and Angela Freese Edited by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
This title focuses on the element of assessing in the Unstoppable Learning model and offers step-by-step actions for reworking your assessment systems. 06SBCA–BKF735 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-23-1 160 pages
Redefining Fair How to Plan, Assess, and Grade for Excellence in Mixed-Ability Classrooms By Damian Cooper Foreword by Michael Fullan
Learn how to implement equitable instruction, assessment, grading, and reporting practices to help diverse 21st century learners reach proficiency. 06SBCA–BKF412 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-935542-14-8 200 pages
Making Homework Matter
The Teacher as Assessment Leader
Featuring Cassandra Erkens
Edited by Thomas R. Guskey
Understand the value of student mistakes, the importance of formative assessment, and the critical effect of student involvement in setting and achieving learning targets.
Contributors: Cassandra Erkens, William M. Ferriter, Michelle Goodwin, Tammy Heflebower, Tom Hierck, Chris Jakicic, Sharon V. Kramer, Jeffry Overlie, Ainsley B. Rose, Nicole Dimich, and Adam Young
06SBCA–DVF039 $195.00 USD | $253.50 CAD UPC 811796010360 64-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources
Content, Then Process Teacher Learning Communities in the Service of Formative Assessment
Bestseller Meaningful examples, expert research, and real-life experiences illustrate the capacity and responsibility every educator has to ignite positive change. Packed with practical strategies for designing, analyzing, and using assessments, this book shows how to turn best practices into usable solutions. 06SBCA–BKF345 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-934009-49-9 280 pages
Featuring Dylan Wiliam
Bestseller Dr. Wiliam offers practical techniques to embed formative assessment in regular classroom practice and illustrates the value of sustained teacher learning communities (TLCs). 06SBCA–DVF058 $195.00 USD | $253.50 CAD UPC 811796010544 86-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources
The Last Frontier Tackling the Grading Dilemma Featuring Ken O’Connor
Ken outlines eight fundamental grading guidelines to create a standards-based grading system that is meaningful, consistent, and supportive of learning.
The Principal as Assessment Leader Edited by Thomas R. Guskey Contributors: Cassandra Erkens, William M. Ferriter, Tammy Heflebower, Tom Hierck, Charles Hinman, Susan B. Huff, Chris Jakicic, Dennis King, Ainsley B. Rose, Nicole Dimich, and Mark Weichel
Filled with firsthand experiences from expert practitioners, this book delivers the motivation needed to ignite a shift toward formative assessment and overall school improvement. Topics include building teacher literacy, providing targeted professional development, acquiring appropriate technology, and more. 06SBCA–BKF344 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-934009-48-2 288 pages
06SBCA–DVF061 $195.00 USD | $253.50 CAD UPC 811796010582 99-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources
Visit to find more DVDs in this series.
The Solution Tree Assessment Center
The Solution Tree Assessment Center will give you the know-how to implement researchand evidence-based assessment practices that support the improvement of classroom instruction and student learning at all levels.
Nicole Dimich, Tom Schimmer, and Cassandra Erkens—creators of the Solution Tree Assessment Center
Bring our experts to your school with On-Site PD or Virtual PD
Angela Freese
Garnet Hillman
Jadi Miller
Susannah O’Bara
Jim Smith
Mandy Stalets
Katie White
Additional experts Kim Bailey Troy Gobble Peter Hayes
Tom Hierck Chris Jakicic Maria Nielsen
Mark Onuscheck Jeffry Overlie Anthony R. Reibel
Sarah Schuhl Jeanne Spiller Eric Twadell
For a complete list of experts, go to
All Things Assessment, All in One Place Visit to discover innovative ideas and new solutions for addressing your most pressing assessment challenges.
Use code 06SBCA when ordering | 800.733.6786
The Solution Tree Assessment Center Services
One day with an expert in your school or district. Your team will gain understanding, inspiration, and strategies to start a professional learning program. Keynote A Call to Action
2–4 DAYS
More intensive 2- to 4-day sessions with an expert on site to guide your entire staff or a smaller team to deepen understanding and further progress. Collaborative Common Assessments Developing Creative Processes in the Classroom through Formative Assessment Rethinking Grading to Develop Confident Learners Coaching Students in the Classroom through Effective Feedback
Work with one or several experts across multiple days to embed key processes, practices, and procedures designed to significantly improve staff performance and student achievement. Developing Assessment Literacy Implementing and Affirming with Evidence Embedded Practice, Systems Alignment, and Sustainability Customized Services Embedded Coaching Global PD Coaching Academy All training is delivered by a Solution Tree Assessment Center author or certified associate via on-site visits or online via Virtual PD.
Hope, Eicacy, & Achievement
Communication of Results
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The Solution Tree Assessment Center
Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS
Ambitious Instruction
Making Grades Matter
Teaching With Rigor in the Secondary Classroom
Standards-Based Grading in a Secondary PLC
By Brad Cawn
By Matt Townsley and Nathan L. Wear
Discover a blueprint for making rigor visible, accessible, and actionable in grade 6–12 classrooms. Ambitious Instruction guides readers toward using the twin tenets of problem-based learning and synthesis to significantly strengthen students’ ability to read, write, and think within and across disciplines.
Rely on this practical guide to help your PLC implement a standards-based grading system at the secondary level. The authors provide actionable ideas and tools needed to transition to this improved system and achieve the greatest possible success with it.
06SBCA–BKF842 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-25-4 200 pages
The Handbook for The New Art and Science of Teaching #1 New Release
on Amazon
By Robert J. Marzano
Rely on this comprehensive guide to help you implement the teaching methods of Robert J. Marzano’s The New Art and Science of Teaching framework, with over 330 instructional strategies. Each chapter outlines actionable steps, tips, and examples to help you succeed with this powerful model in your classroom. 06SBCA–BKF844 $41.95 USD | $54.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-947604-31-5 360 pages
06SBCA–BKF939 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-949539-65-3 184 pages
The New Art and Science of Classroom Assessment By Robert J. Marzano, Jennifer S. Norford, and Mike Ruyle
Shift to a new paradigm of classroom assessment that is more meaningful and accurate. Step by step, the authors outline a clear path for transitioning to a holistic mode of assessment that truly reflects course curriculum and student progress. 06SBCA–BKF788 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-15-7 152 pages
Joint publication with ASCD
Joint publication with ASCD
Making Classroom Assessments Reliable and Valid By Robert J. Marzano
Classroom assessments (CAs) have key advantages over large-scale interim, end-of-course, and state assessments. This resource details why CAs should become the primary method for formally measuring student learning and outlines how to revamp your CAs to ensure validity and reliability. 06SBCA–BKF789 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-17-1 144 pages
Mindful Assessment The 6 Essential Fluencies of Innovative Learning By Lee Watanabe-Crockett and Andrew Churches
It is time to rethink the relationship between teaching and learning and assess the crucial skills students need to succeed in the 21st century. Educators must focus assessment on mindfulness and feedback, framing assessment around six fluencies students need to cultivate. 06SBCA–BKF717 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-88-5 176 pages
Use code 06SBCA when ordering | 800.733.6786
Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS
& QA
LeAnn Nickelsen, author
What are the Instructional Cha-Chas? Quite simply, the Cha-Chas are four steps to effective instructional practices. These steps lead to a high-impact flow of daily planning and instruction. We gathered the results of research in the cognitive and behavioral sciences, as well as evidence-based best practices, and combined them into the four easy-to-remember steps: Chunk it, we teach a bit. Chew it, they think about it. Check it, to see if they know. Change it, to watch them grow!
Why is this book important to student success? Each step of the Instructional Cha-Chas is easily differentiated to address student needs. When the steps are used consistently, the process can double the speed of student learning. In addition, the strategies offered with each step are engaging, encourage high levels of thinking, and promote student self-regulation and collaboration. The Instructional Cha-Chas are really not a choice—every student deserves them daily.
Teaching With the Instructional Cha-Chas
Melissa Dickson, author
How will it help educators in their classrooms? The Instructional Cha-Chas support new teachers just learning to develop lessons, as well as veteran teachers in search of more tools for their teacher toolkit. Part one sets up the classroom dance floor by introducing the formative assessment process and showing how to design daily learning targets with a main formative assessment. Part two helps teachers choreograph their classroom instructional dance: instructing, learning, evaluating, and differentiating.
How is this book unique in the world of instruction and assessment? Many assessment books offer the theory and research, but our book gives classroom teachers the most important research and the most practical, high-impact strategies. With the Instructional Cha-Chas, teachers will see students who were once one year behind get caught up. It’s teacher tested and approved, and schools that embrace it are moving every single kid forward faster—the results are amazing!
#1 New Release
on Amazon
Four Steps to Make Learning Stick By LeAnn Nickelsen and Melissa Dickson Foreword by Rick Wormeli
Merging educational neuroscience research with formative assessment and differentiated instruction, the authors developed a four-step cycle of instruction—(1) chunk, (2) chew, (3) check, and (4) change—that has the power to double the speed of student learning. Compatible with any subject area, the book’s brain-friendly teaching strategies and plentiful tools are designed to help transform students into active learners and independent thinkers.
• Combine brain science with a formative assessment process and differentiated instruction to maximize student learning. • Examine effective teaching strategies and differentiation practices so you can bump it up or break it down according to student needs. • Consider the four-step instructional cycle and understand the components of chunk, chew, check, and change. 06SBCA–BKF822 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-945349-95-9 240 pages
Assessment C O M PA N I O N R E S O U R C E S
Designing Effective Assessments By James H. Stronge, Leslie W. Grant, and Xianxuan Xu
Discover ten key assessment design tools, understand why they work, and learn proven strategies for incorporating them into your practices. With quality assessment processes in place, you can accurately measure student mastery and shape instruction to increase achievement. 06SBCA–BKF638 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-70-2 160 pages
Counting What Counts
The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units By Kathy Tuchman Glass
Perfect for teachers, curriculum designers, and literary coaches, this title provides guidance for designing new writing units and revising existing ones across content areas for grades 5–12. Discover practical strategies for teaching skills in drafting, editing, revising, feedback, and more. 06SBCA–BKF711 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-76-2 128 pages
Reframing Education Outcomes
(Re)designing Narrative Writing Units for Grades 5–12
Edited by Yong Zhao
By Kathy Tuchman Glass
Contributors: Ross C. Anderson, Kendra Coates, Brian Gearin, Yue Shen, Sarah Soltz, Michael Thier, Daisy Zhang-Negrerie, and Yong Zhao
This user-friendly resource provides practical recommendations and strategies for designing units of study that center on students writing narrative fiction and nonfiction. Throughout the book, readers can complete exercises that equip them to create a comprehensive narrative unit of instruction that is ready to pilot.
Essential traits such as mindset, motivation, social skills, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit need to be acknowledged and cultivated in the classroom. Educators must shift the evaluation paradigm to focus on a multiplicity of skills necessary for success in the 21st century. 06SBCA–BKF632 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-936763-58-0 200 pages
06SBCA–BKF712 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-78-6 184 pages
(Re)designing Argumentation Writing Units for Grades 5–12 By Kathy Tuchman Glass
Focused Assessment Enriching the Instructional Cycle By Gwen Doty
Learn how to create relevant and appropriate assessments throughout the learning cycle so your students will have ample opportunity to show competence in ways that make sense to them and are in accordance with their readiness levels.
06SBCA–BKF361 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-935249-66-5 192 pages
Developed for teachers, curriculum designers, and literacy coaches, this user-friendly guide offers practical recommendations, strategies, and tips for establishing argumentation units of instruction that empower students to artfully and logically present and convince others of their position. 06SBCA–BKF708 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-942496-70-0 136 pages
The Assessment Toolkit Transform assessment into a powerful tool that inspires student learning. Curated by leading assessment experts, the toolkit includes 32 books for whole-school professional development.
15% off regular retail price of these resources when you buy them as a toolkit. You save $167
06SBCA–KTF348 $1,114.00 USD TOOLKIT PRICE $947.00 USD This product is only available to ship within the US.
Use code 06SBCA when ordering | 800.733.6786
Books & Videos& VIDEOS BOOKS
Beyond the Grade
Record Book Plus
Refining Practices That Boost Student Achievement
By Lee Canter
By Robert Lynn Canady, Carol E. Canady, and Anne Meek
To help all students succeed, vast changes in grading policies and scheduling are needed. In this research-based resource, the authors examine why current practices are ineffective and share how switching to a standards-based grading system can transform teaching and learning.
Bestseller Parents need to be involved in their children’s education every step of the way. Record Book Plus includes open-ended and traditional grading sheets, behavior-management documentation sheets, and parent communication resources with helpful tips and guidelines. 06SBCA–BKF190 $19.95 USD | $26.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-932127-59-1 Grades K–8; 168 pages; spiral bound
06SBCA–BKF726 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-04-0 144 pages
Breaking With Tradition
Creating a Culture of Feedback
The Shift to Competency-Based Learning in PLCs at Work®
By William M. Ferriter and Paul J. Cancellieri
By Brian M. Stack and Jonathan G. Vander Els
Foreword by William M. Ferriter
Foreword by Chris Sturgis
Shifting to competency-based learning allows educators to replace traditional, ineffective systems with a personalized, student-centered approach. Throughout the resource, the authors explore how the components of PLCs promote the principles of competency-based education and share real-world examples from practitioners who have made the transition.
Because of the importance placed on high-stakes evaluations, schools have built up cultures that greatly emphasize grading. Discover how to shift your classroom focus to prioritize effective feedback over grades, giving students all the information they need to succeed. 06SBCA–BKF731 $17.95 USD | $23.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-14-9 Grades 3–12; 80 pages
Visit LearningSpaces to find more books in this series.
06SBCA–BKF780 $36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-943874-89-7 232 pages
Balanced Assessment From Formative to Summative
Using Digital Games as Assessment and Instruction Tools
By Kay Burke
By Ryan L. Schaaf
Learn how to integrate formative and summative assessments seamlessly into instruction. Research, rationale, strategies, and examples help teachers develop their own repertoire of assessments to monitor, grade, and gauge a student’s ability to meet standards and curriculum goals.
Combine hard work and deep fun in classrooms with digital game–based learning. Discover how to incorporate digital tools and use them to craft engaging, academically applicable classroom activities that address content standards and revitalize learning for both teachers and students.
06SBCA–BKF272 $31.95 USD | $42.00 CAD ISBN 978-1-934009-52-9 176 pages
06SBCA–BKF666 $17.95 USD | $23.50 CAD ISBN 978-1-935542-53-7 80 pages
Collaborate with Your Team from Anywhere
Continue to learn and grow Global PD makes it possible to collaborate with your team, no matter how near or far individual team members may be.
“Global PD is the most powerful PD tool that I have seen in 20 years of public education. I can’t think of a better time to have this powerful PD tool to use at home.”
With a digital library of 700+ videos, books, study guides, and reproducibles, this award-winning learning platform will help your team: • BUILD collective efficacy • IDENTIFY essential student outcomes • IMPROVE assessment and instruction
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A companion to the best-selling On Your Mark
Lead Lasting Grading Reform Discover seven essential steps for implementing successful grading reform—from developing a coalition devoted to change to creating a systematic plan. “A must-read for any educator who knows the system isn't fair and wants solutions for how to change it.” –Alexis Wiggins, English department chair, John Cooper School, Texas