Where to Go From Here Building relationships with students is central to the art of teaching, whether in person or online. As Carl Jung (1981) notes: One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child. (p. 144)
Reflect on the tips in this chapter. To what degree do you currently achieve the goal in each tip? Are there some tips you are interested in using in your classes? How would you implement them? Figure 2.3 has space for notes on your reflections. Tips in This Chapter Take the time (don’t take shortcuts).
To What Degree Are You Already Following the Tip? Already nailing it! Following it some but should do more. Not following it at all but should try. Not following it at all and not interested.
Be interested, and be interesting.
Already nailing it! Following it some but should do more. Not following it at all but should try. Not following it at all and not interested.
Remember the three types of relationships in a class.
Already nailing it! Following it some but should do more. Not following it at all but should try. Not following it at all and not interested.
Your Plans for Implementing the Tip
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Or, as comedian Lily Tomlin puts it, “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework” (Wagner, 1995, p. 32).